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Grabbing the Goods

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DorothyM. Nunes

J't is now my pleasure to introduce to yor^B^ 1/1 ai • oiunieiu < meni .pcakei Well, Ifinallymade it. Inever thought thisyearwould end. There was somuch todo just forthis one ceremony — foramect ol papei thaisignifie theend ofmy collegecareer. ***<»fc Graduation. — H

I'vewondered how it would feel tostand on thethreshold ol thereal world eversince— well— -eversincethefirst timeit hi11ne Iwas realh a senior ^ ,

Iwas sittingat home admiring my new class ring, thinking overthepast threeyears, and it came tome — ^^^

I'm a senior. Ionly have sixmore mx uthsofschoolleft.S

It was ahappy thought butasad one also I'dbe glad classes were finallyover, buttherewere many peopleI'd have tosay good-byt '•

The all-knowing "They" saythefriendsyou make incollegewill b< ifetimefriends. Ihope and pray that's true.

AfterChristmas break my extratimewas spentfine-tuning my resume and completing my graduation checklist. Ihad toordermy cap and gown and figureoutwhich colorof collarIneeded. When Iwent topickup my collar, theyordered thewrong one. Thiswasn'tasurprise— it happens everyyear. It's thegraduate'sresponsibility tofindaperson with thecollarhe needs and make aswitch Hfl

Then therewas thatwonderful day when Ifirst saw my name on the graduation list outsidetheRegistrar'soffice. You can pointat your name on thatlist whileeveryone passing watches. Thathasacertainpower to it.

Butall ofthatwas leadingup tothismoment

There aresomany peopleheretowatch. Most ofthem came tohearthe speaker, I'm sure.

My family is here What atrialthatwas gettingaroom forthem to stay inwhilethey're here.

Itold them to getreservationsassoon aswe knew thedate, but mom waited until afterspringbreak. They were luckytogeta room inDanville — even with thehour's drive!

What a pain. l_t^*

ButhereIam daydreaming and ifs almosttime forme tomarch! "... the School of Communications. .."

The moment of truth Only alittlewhile longer now..

Just10more people...

Ihope theysaymy name right. .*

# * #

JenniferR.Hale §

' You're leaving class in a rush and something in the back of your mind picks up the teacher telling you not to forget the pagepaperdue nextclassperiod

Around 11p.m thenextnight,you'reamad person You runtothelibrary, checkoutanybooksthatevenlookliketheymight haveanything to do withyoursubjectand heftthem allbacktoyourroom. You borrow acoffeemaker from someone onyourhall you'veneverseenbeforeand startbrewing ...

Butwaitaminute,wherehavewe read this scenariobefore? Are we readingyetanother "all-nighter"story? You know, those storiesineveryyearbook thattalkaboutpeoplewho alwayswaituntilthelastminutetodo some majorprojectand stayup allnight doingitwhilepumping themselvesfullofany kind ofcaffeinetheycangettheirhands on?

Lefstrysomething different What canwe talkabout? How aboutlines?

Iwonder ifthere'ssomeone who would liketofigureoutexactlyhow much timeofourfouryearsherewe spend standingin line Thatwould beaninterestingfigure

Don'tyou hateitwhen you getinlineattheBusinessoffice— well,you'reactuallysomewhere backby thegirls' bathroom around thecornerormaybe thegirls' bathroom by theLibrary— and someone you justbarelyknow gets inlinebehind you?

Now,maybe you'vehad aclasswiththisperson, oryou methim oncethroughyour ex-boyfriend, oryou tripped over him when you were atlate-skate.Whatever thecircumstance,he'ssuretobesomeone you know wellenough to feellikeyou shouldtalk to,butnotquitewellenough to have anythingtotalkabout (IthinkImay beborrowing aconceptfrom JohnScotthere,butIdon't thinkIhaveto document,becausethisis generalinformationand I'm notusinghis exactwords)

You usuallyspend anawkward 10minutestryingtobepoliteto thisperson, and thenyou simplypulloutabook and pretend you absolutelymust read itrightnow.

Iguesslinesaren'treallyacademic,butwhatkindsofacademic thingsaregoing tobe thingsthatyou, theaverage yearbook owner, readerorflipper-througher,aregoingto want toread?

Iknow you probably want toread aboutsports,butthere's somuch writtenaboutsportsalready. You'd probably stopto read a storyaboutan axemurderer invading thecampus,butthisis theacademic section,and thathasn'thappened Besides, ifit did,it would've alreadybeen covered inthe"Champion."

Maybe we cando astoryon thedifferentways peoplestudy. Thatcouldbeinteresting.We could talkaboutyour roommate who spreadsallhisbooksand pencilsand candy and junkfood allovertheroom and thenproceedstofall asleepon topofitallbut still getsa4.0everysemester.

We could tali:abouttheguy who spendsevery nightinthelibraryand thensleepsthroughhistestbecausehe's sobored with lifeheforgotto sethisalarmclock

Or we could decidethatthisisaveryweird storyand thatifstimetostopwriting now.

Students in anatomy and physiology spend a lot of all-nighters memorizing all the bones, muscles, and systems in the human body. This grinning skull helps provide a more visual way of learning.

Dr. DavidAllison,chairmanof theDepartmentofDrama, instructsduringaTheatre Appreciationclass AllLU studentsaregivenachoice betweenTheater,ArtorMusic Appreciation classestofulfill theirgeneraleducation requirements.

RastyMcGibbon reactsa brominecompound witha volatileliquidastherestof theclasswatches. Chemistry and biologylabsgive studentstheopportunityto bedirectlyinvolvedintheir learningand obtainmorethan justhead knowledge.

Outdoor recreation develops close relationshipsoutof necessity. Trust, unity and teamwork are essentialinproblem solving Students work togethertoclearatree thattoppled ontoatent inthenight.

Around therocksand through thewater, Prof Robin Carrollguides hisraftthrough some ofthebestWhitewater inthecountry The New Riverfeatures numerous Class V rapidsand isa popular spotforkayakers,as wellasrafters.

Learning thatcamp food can bemorethanhot dogs and marshmallows, Steve Prettyman, Dave Gelinas,Ed Hooke and Sherwin Simon cook up some beefstew The potsand pans were partoftheirgearasthey raftedtotheirWest Virginia campsite.

Showing no fear, MichelleCraigrappels down a140-footsheer rockfaceinthe New RiverGorge. The experience was partofthehigh-adventure rockclimbing and rappellingtrip

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