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Testingthe Rapids

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Jeff Raymond

T"brward on the left, back right! Hard — NOW! This hydraulic is as big as a bus JL— if we go in, we're gonna take a seriousswim! Paddle! Dig, dig, dig! O.K., take abreak — good job. Now thenext rapid is called Devil'sDrop.. . ."

Hardly theordinary professor'swords,but Prof Robin Carrollis hardly theordinary professor. His High Adventure and Outdoor Living Skillsclasses offerhands-on experience forthrill-seekingstudents.

Capitalizing on theincredible natural recreation facilities inthisarea and hisyears ofexperience operating camps,Carrollhas developed a unique series ofcourses thatcombine outdoor activitieswith thedevelopment ofleadership skills

Because ofthepractical applications, the courseshave become an integralpartof theeducationofrecreation majors. Safety, tripplanning, equipment preparation and teamwork arekey areas ofemphasis.

"We have alot offun, butyou have torealize how much work and planning go intoa trip. Safety and proper gearhandling is alife and deathsituation,"recreationmajor Christy Wicks pointsout. With theliabilitiesinvolved inrunning commercial outdoor activities, Carrollis quick tostressproper safety procedures

Unanimously, Carroll'sstudents lovehim,his classesand histeaching methods. It's aclassthat everyone looks forward to. Students appreciatehis commitment tothem and willingness totake them on long tripswhen he could be with hisfamily

With outdoor recreationbeing new to her, Wicks was inspired by theHigh Adventure class to change toaRECR major "Robin is so cool He's likea dad you can go toabout anything," shesays

Through proper training and requiredparticipation, theclassesteach students toovercome fears, controlsituations, reduce risk, and become more self-confident inrecreationalactivities.

"It was good how Robin had everyonetie theirown (rock climbing harness). I'd do exactly thesame thing if Itaught someone new," recreation major Jarrod Kear says The nicething about theoutdoor classesis thattheactivitiesarediverse. While climbing is second nature toKear, who gained extensive experience inhis home stateofNew Mexico,"the rescue ofaraftstuck on a rock was totally new."

The professor is still talking tohiswhite water crew: " we geta lot of swimmers inthisone, because the rapid is such abig drop,then it throws you back out theother side. We have toaim fortheeddy on the left bank and digin with all you've got. Are you ready?"

To learnit, you have todo it. Jeff Chauncey,junior speech major, utilizesan acting classtohelp improve the finerpartsofhis speech presentation

Reference books towerover Misty Wise assheutilizes thecurriculum library — which quickly becomes a second home to elementary education majors.

Helping preparehis studentsfortheir imminent future,Prof. Cecil Kramer, associate professorof speech,demonstrates the principlesofeffective speaking.Dr. Kramer has been atLU since1981

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