1 minute read
Beyond the Pom p 81 Circumst
•Rita A.Morgan
rou'vemoved yourtassel andshakenDr. Falwell'shand. They'vehanded youyourdiploma andgivenyouaswiftkick outthedoorandintothe"real world." Thisis theplaceyou'veheard aboutall yourlife Oldwords ofwisdom comeback:
Y1 1
"One dayyou'llhave to beat work evenif you're sick."
"One dayyou'll wish youwould'velistenedinalgebraorhistoryorbiology or American lit., etc."
"One dayyou'll wishyouwere still in college."
"One dayyou'll wish you'd eatenyourvegetables." Okay, maybethat day will nevercome.
You'vefinallygraduated — crammed it all intoonly4,5, 8, 9years. If you'reaguy,thisis probably (andhopefully, should be) only the second timeyou'veeverworn adress THEY call it arobe— like callingit your "graduationrobe"makesyoufeel likea real man. Faceit, you'restill wearing adress. If you'reagirl, you're wondering whose brightideait wasto putcardboard onyourhead.
On theway down UniversityBlvd., youworry aboutwhatlies ahead of you Who will youmarry? No, wait, you'realreadyengaged, remember? Thatwason yourgraduationchecklist. Willyoulive far away from yourfolks orjust down thehall? What aboutajob? Is yourresume enough togetevenyourbigtoeinthedoor? How long will the line be at Golden Corral? mom and dad foot the bill? Oh my word, forget the lunch bill — your government student loans only hav^g " of deferment!
Is therelife after LU? Thehauntingstatementringsoverandoveragainin yourhead _fu'vej degree, and quiteagreatdegreeit is, butnow what?
Somany graduateshavecome andgonebeforeyou. Theirstorie^f-*uccesauaiJaihJreftV^frit you. youbeabletofindajobevenremotelyrelatedto yourmajor?_Tu£titr5wmany sportsmanagemmfttiajor doesthis world need anyway? Not that you're a sports managementmajor, but you can't help but flunk about'. guy who sat beside you at graduation. _ ,-jff", ' fj
Luckily, youjust happen to haveanewspaper tuckedupyoursleeve. Youopen it up, passtheediting pagesquickly, withoutevenlooking(it's theNews & Advance). Thereit is — abird'stieyeview ofthe jop market. Well, there's anopening at MarriottFood Service. /
"No, Idon'tthinkso," youmutterunderyourbreath Asyoulookcloser,youreyesbulgewith fesO
"Experiencerequired." "Experiencenecessary." "Exper--- ! lvl • •'- ' '* ! yougo?
You could alwaysgoto aminimum wage job, where theonlyrequirementis that ydSyknow hovugfo, pronounce:"Would youlike fries withthat?" Youcould applyat some storeinthemallwhereyouafir forced tofight witha16-year-old forFridaynightoff Youcould even gotograd school That wouldMetHhe GSL peopleoff yourback, anyway. I / \, holeptof It's justbeing/ deter-
ThereareLU gradsout therewho reallydidgetgreatjobs. You'resureof it, youthink/Some ofthose •, <i peopleeven gotjobsthatmatch their degree. Imaginethat. Withalittle faith, abit of luck, awhole|lbtof prayerand thenumber ofsomebody reallyimportant, youknow youtoocould getagr^eat job. intherightplaceattherighttimewiththeright resume
Human Ecology foods classes, KarriVan Ha'rtsma, afoods and mtritionminor,triesher hand atadessert. Dr. DianeMillerheads up thefoodsdivision where culinaryartsare taughL.and tasted
Inourown dorm 2, Fashion Merchandising studentsturntheold room intoexciting displaywindows. Here, Beth Buerklecreatesan eleganteveningset
Performing acolor analysison Shannon Ballard,Sabrina Warner, LaurelGroves and Shelley Hooper use colorswatchesto determine skintones. Students inMatalie Howard's clothing construction and selectionclasslearn how todetermine whethersomeone is a spring,summer, autumn orwinterand which colorsarerightforher towear.