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Creating advertising plan

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Laughing, sobbing, screaming, grunting, groaning, hurrying, rejoicing— no, not the seven dwarfs, justone ofthemostserious, insane, dedicated, creative, and intense groups ofstudentson campus.

They arethe30members oftheL UAd Club and Team,abody of journalism, business and art majorswith diversifiedtalents unifiedto achieveonegoal.

With adesk-sizedcalendarmounted, the groupvisualizes its springsemester. No sleep, quickmeals(if any), everyday a "burnday" — redeyes— dailymaildeliveryto thecomputerlab life? Whatlife?

Why voluntarilyendurethis wonderful experience? On April 15,1994, the groupcompetedin MyrtleBeach,S.C, for the regionaltitle of the American AdvertisingFederation'sCollegeWorldSeries of Advertisingcompetition.Divisionwinners traveledto

Texas to compete forthe national title.

In January the Ad Club joined forces with the Ad Team (which took over journalism's PRAD Agency).

The LU AD Club is responsible for raising funds for both the club and the Ad Team as well as serving all previous PRAD Agency clients such as the Drama department. The club was first formed strictly for students who were advertising majors or those who were taking an advertising class and interested in joining other like-minded students.

To promote thehighest level possible in musicianship and artistic performance of choral music; toencourage an intelligent understanding of choralmusic asan important meansof artistic expression.

To give thoseinterestedin advertising an opportunity tobeexposed tothe field bybeing involved in theAmerican Advertising Federation' s College World Series of Advertisingcompetition.

To promote academic excellenceand service to thecommunity; to recognize freshmenthat have achieved a GPA of 3.5 or higher.

October's "Kareoke Night Out" established theclub personality as both unpredictable and creativewhile raisingmoney desperately needed for theAd Team's competition.

The competition allowsthe studentstoglimpse therealworld of advertising and how national campaigns areput together The research, writing, editing, small-group production, and computer experiencegained throughthis club/team willprove tobe valuable when members interview forjobs after graduation.

A nationalprofessionalclub, the American Advertising Federation (AAF) hoststhis annual showdown so thatthe collegestudentchapterscan competefor prizemoney and notoriety whilestimulatingcreative, analyticand communicativetalentsneeded tosucceed intoday's competitiveadvertising world.

Association Of Accountants

To recognizeoutstanding academic achievements in thefield of accounting;to associatewith members and practicing accountants; and to promote a senseof ethical, socialand public responsibility.

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