1 minute read
Putting theworMin hands
Rita A. Morgan
"Go ye therefore, and teachall nations..." Matthew 28:19a,KJV.
LU offersmany exciting opportunities for those who are missionsminded. Not only are theremissions classes,but clubsand tripsaswell. One ofthoseclubsis the newly revamped World Impact Club (WIC). Led by facultyadvisorDr. Larry Haag, associateprofessorof missions, and studentrepresentativeMark Wyrich,the clubwas formerlyknown as Light.WIC encompasses formerLightmembers as well as otherswho are interested in
To reaffirmourquestofreaching youth throughtraining competent,dedicated and qualified youth leaders;toreach adolescents on school campuses withthegospel missions.
Although theclub does not maintain a "member" list, activities are promoted through amailing list of approximately 300students who have expressed aninterestin international missions. Attendance variesfrom 5to40foreach activity. WIC's activities have included movies, hikesontheBlue Ridge,bonfires, andprayermeetings. Becausetheclubis associated with Light and the mission tripsthat Light isfamous for,WIC plans fellowships with students as they returnfrom theirtrips. This provides a forum totradestorieswith others on thetripand toprovide exposure tothose who did not travel.
WIC isnotsolelyformissionsor religionmajors— 40percentofthose who areactivelyinvolved major in nonreligiouscoursework Business majors findWIC helpfulinpreparing for work ininternationalaffairs orwork withthe globaleconomy.
The clubsimply providesaway for Christianstomeet and understand the greatneed this vastworld hasfor Christ.
T o help sports administration majors mak e contacts with professional organizations for the purpose of solidifying jobs and internships.
T o enhance club members ' knowledge and enjoyment of the world of aviation; to give student pilots and aviation enthusiasts a chance to meet together, to fly and talk to aviation professionals.
T o assist in fulfilling the mission of the church by leading students and others in the academic community to faith in Christ; to guide the m in Christian growth and discipleship and reach out with service and mission trips.
T o enjoy God' s creation from a biological perspective; to dra w biology out of the classroom and actually see wha t is going on in the outside world; to link the students to the staff.