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power J- m 7..• politics
RitaA. Morgan
'It is heartening to know that the singlelargestwomen's group inthis nation is a group whose goalsareatone with thetraditions ofthis country.../'
George Bush
"Beverly LaHaye will be recorded asone oftheoutstanding Christianleadersof this century, and [the organization] willgo down in historyas a key organizationfor calling Americabackto moral sanity.../'
Rev. JerryFalwell
What organization could be heldinsuchacclaimby both world and churchleaders? None other thanConcerned Women for America (CWA). Startedin 1979whenshe watched an interview with thefounder of the NationalOrganization for Women (NOW) who claimed tospeakforthewomen of America, LaHaye was stirredto action Sheand nine other women joined together and founded CWA. Theirpurpose was to halt theerosionofJudeo-Christian valuesin ournation Over adecade later, CW Ais thenation'slargestnonpartisanpoliticallyactive women's organization— representing hundreds ofthousands ofwomen and men.
InFebruary 1993, AngieMiller, thenafreshman, gotarideto the Lynchburg CW Achaptermeeting. Sure thattherewould be plentyofLU studentsthere, shefigured itwould be simpletocatcharidebackwithsomeone
As shelooked around at the meeting, shewas amazed tofindno one sheknew.
Afterthemeeting shemanaged to talkto theleadersaboutstartingaclub on campus. They gave herthe direction and guidancesheneeded; and, after securingMrs Beverly Lowry, assistant professorofpsychology, as faculty advisor, Millerwas wellon herway to leading one ofthemost politically active clubson campus.
"We go toaChristian university. It's greatthat we'reall together. We sharecommon beliefs and values That's great Nowlet's synchronizeour efforts," Angiesays.
The main activitythat CW A members commit themselvesto is prayer Knowing that"theking's heart is inthehand oftheLord, astherivers of water: he turnethitwhithersoever he will"(Proverbs21:1 KJV), thewomen of CWA know thattheirprayerscan do more thanpetitions, talkradio, oreven impeachments pvl The Chamber Singers practicethree timesa week tortheirperformances.The choir specializesin the Madrigal and other music writtenforsmallerchoralgroups.
Not only do CW Amembers pray, butasfrequentlyaspossible, theyput feet totheirprayers. OnJanuary 21, CWA along with othermembers of the StudentAlliance(CWA,Eagle Forum, StudentsAngry About Abortion, College Republicans, and thePre-Law Honor Society) joined togetherto attendthe March-For-LifeinWashington, D.C. On January 22,11 LUstudentsand members oftheStudentAlliancewere arrestedfor takingpartinOperationRescue.
MillerbelievesthatCW Aisimportant and haschanged herlife by "makingmemore aware ofthe policies affectingme. It's givenmearealburden tolobby and let Congressknow what America really thinks."
CW A members arealsosupporters oftheLibertyGodparent Home,a home where unwed,pregnantyoung women canlive and receivemedicalcareand support.
To offer black studentsan opportunity tomeet and encourage one anotherin Christ;toshare testimonieswith church youth groups;totutor and ministerinprisons.
To fostercritical thinking among Liberty students, facultymembers andstaff through up-to-date news stories,thought-provoking editorials,interesting features,creativeglimpses of life and coverageof athletic events.
To providefemaleLiberty studentswiththe opportunity tominister and beministered to; to prepareand encourage women who arecalledto full-timeministrywhile givingthosewith other vocationalplans the chance togetinvolved.
To promote leadership and fellowshipwith an emphasison service;to serveasa collegiate divisionfor theKiwanis Club; tohost Red Cross blood drives on campus.
To provide studentswithexperience inperforming advanced choral repertoire ofall musical periods; tocommit tothehighestperformance standardin academics and ministry.