1 minute read
Rita A. Morgan
Imagine trying togo toa Flames game ifno onesold tickets. Think what would have happened tooneofthehottest NB A teams hadtheCharlotteHornetsnot advertised andpromoted so well. Withoutexperienced andknowledgeable sports-minded executives, bowl games, theOlympics,even NASCAR would stillbeobscureexceptto the dedicated couch-potatoed sportsjunky. The multi-billiondollarsportsbusiness has takenLU bystorm. Sportsmanagement (SM) classes are packed to capacityeverysemester.Studentscome to LUspecificallyfor themajor.Athletics meetsbigbusinessin this industrythatboasts biggerstarsthanthe Oscars.Advisingaminorin businessor education, SMprofessors Drs. Dale Gibson,RoyYarbroughand P.G. Comfortprovide coursesin sportfinance, sportlawand facilitydesign. Operationmanagement,publicrelations, advertising andmarketingare alsostudiedandhelpprovidea solid background. Directly associated with the S M degree program, the Association of SportsAdministrators (ASA) is the "hands-on experience"arm ofone ofthe fastest growing programs at LU.
ASA isopen only tothose who have aseriousinterestin the area ofsportsadministration, which includesfrontoffice positions, sportsmarketing, promotionsandadvertising, aswell as unique opportunitiesoffered through eventssuch asbowl games and the Olympics.
"I thinkit's importantthatASA exists. It allowspeopleof similar interests tofellowshipandlearn together," commented Comfort, assistantprofessorof physical education
ASA may beone ofthebusiest clubs oncampus. Its workusually goes unnoticed; although, ifleft
TheASA isveryinfluential injob and internship 'placementfor sports managementmajors Senior Sherry Cooperspent her summerat the NaismithMemorial BasketballHall of Fame in Springfield, Mass., putting together ayearbookfor its 25th anniversary. undone, people would instantly notice. ASA members assistwith merchandise and ticketsales forFlames games as well as field preparation duties.
A major project of the associationis internships. Past internships for club members have been through the Washington Bullets,the Baltimore Orioles,the Florida State Seminoles, theYMC A and NASCAR Motor Sports,recalled ASA's president, Joe Breinig.
Securing internships is extremely important,for many jobs are filled or created byinterns who successfully fulfilltheir internship responsibilities
It's not allwork and noplay with these people though. The annual Christmas banquet isachance to "style and profile" while honoring individual accomplishments within the department
Future plans include the Adopt-aStreet program which would allow members to reach out to the community by keeping theirassigned streetclean.
To provideathletesand sports-minded peoplewith theopportunity tobe accountable toone another and grow in theLord.
Human Ecologyassociation
To sharethetruth revealed in God' sWord with adolescentsin America; to usefeats ofstrength when preaching the Gospel. F.I.R.M. stands for Faith Inthe Resurrected Messiah.
To promote the French language and francophone cultures;tomake club members aware ofthe spiritual needsofFrance; toprovidefellowshipand interaction forFrench studentsand native speakers.
To providehuman ecology majorswith vital information on career opportunities.
Ifyou haven'theard already, anew club hashitLU. The Non-Denominational StudentUnion (NSU)was formed so students canworship asthey do intheirhome church.
The clubwas founded by sophomore government major CharlieWhitlow. NSUgotunderway shortlyafter fallbreak. Fifteenstudents joinedWhitlow, MattSchvaneveldt, andKristi TullyinearlyNovember for thekick-offmeeting. Schvaneveldtstated, "It truly was asweettime of worship andprayer."
ThemainpurposeofNSU is toprovideanatmosphereofuninhibitedworship. "It's hardmostof the timetohavesincere worshipina 5,000seatauditorium. Studentsneedamorepersonable setting," Whitlowsays.
TheNovember9meetingwasfollowedbyanother meetingtwoweekslater. Thenthe groupcaroledtothe Lynchburg communityonDecember 6for the last meeting ofthe fall semester.