Life By Design Magazine February 2018

Page 1


The Love Dare page 09

Is Embracing Imperfection the Secret to Loving Your Business? page 14

The Healing Power of Hugs page 38

Talk with



Love &


Elite Mastermind & Coaching Program





LOVE WHERE YOU WORK The Entrepreneur Workspace

Letter From The Editors The Stegela Success Mastery Team


Are You Financially Compatible?


Business Tips From the Movie “Nightcrawler”


BUSINESS and Dating Are More Similar than you think!


Facebook Live for Business


Massive Success With Influencer Marketing




The Love Dare Leveraging LOVE For Success In Business And Life


The Key To Unstoppable Confidence


Are You in Love With The Idea of Being in Love?

“There are three responses to a piece of design – yes, no, and WOW! Wow is the one to aim for.” – Milton Glaser Graphic design for me is giving words and ideas a voice – per se. Designing is love for me. It is creating something you can fall in love with visually that tells a story; that is what I love so much about designing Life By Design Magazine.


GRATITUDE Paves the WAY to Greatness

By designing this magazine, I am able to create the canvas for the words of the amazing writers who submit to us. The designs give a visual picture to their words and at a moment’s glance the reader will decide whether or not the article is worthy of their time. A picture is worth a thousand words, so the aesthetics of the magazine will draw people in, but the words of the writers will keep them coming back.


Forget The One You Love


Is Embracing Imperfection the Secret to Loving Your Business?


Growing With Gratitude Certified


It Starts With You!


5 Affirmations For Self Love


3 Steps to Keep the Marriage Strong


Stand Out From the Rest in Business & Love

This magazine is meant for people just like you who want to be inspired by the things they see, people who want to feel something when they are reading a piece. My vision for the magazine is to help you to feel something when you are reading the articles.


Who Packed Your Parachute?


20 Successful Network Marketing Tips


5 Tips For Intropreneurs To Speak More Confidently


3 Keys To A Thriving Entrepreneurial Marriage


Business A Game For 2

- Jennifer Meim Production Editor of Life By Design Magazine


Restaurant of The Month




San Diego’s Most Eligible Entrepreneur Bachelorette & Bachelor


Pro’s & Con’s of Online Dating as an Unattached Entrepreneur


Delayed Gratification


Keeping Your New Year’s Resolution

OUR STAFF Stephen Dela Cruz

Angela Dela Cruz Publisher


Minimalism in Emotions, Less Panic, More Power


Dressing For LOVE; An Entrepreneur’s Edition

Casey Nicole Fox

Lynda M. West


your wife is NOT your secretary


Book Review




Heart to Heart The Healing Power of Hugs


Prove Your Naysayers Wrong


Scriptural Principle: Love in Business


Could This Postcard From The Future Help Shortcut


The Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) View of RAW DIETS




Founder & President

Jennifer Meim Production Editor

Jeff Rollon

Sales Director

Copy Editor

Kristen Crooks Editorial Assistant

Mary Hang

Marketing Director

Dave Evans

Technical Director


Are You Financially Compatible?


The Entrepreneur


We have all heard the term, “Love where you work,” but what often gets lost in the meaning is it's not just about loving what you do, it’s loving where you do it. Years ago companies cut back on travel after technology allowed them to reduce travel costs by having employees do meetings remotely. That same theory has now expanded into another cost they could reduce, office space. Companies are shifting gears and incorporating freelancers to reduce costs as well as Workers Comp injuries and Sexual Harassment claims. Currently, over 35 percent of the U.S. workforce are freelancers and that number is projected to reach 50 percent by 2020. The irony of this is for years entrepreneurs weren't seen as equals in the workforce if they worked from home when, in fact, we were all just ahead of the curve. I have always attributed moving to a home office as one of the secrets to my own success. Not only did I have complete control of my creative surroundings, I could stay late or come in early without traffic times affecting those decisions. And, most importantly, I added over $15,000 a year to my bottom line. In California, if you designate 30 percent of your home as office space you can write off $525 a month. So not only did I eliminate a $750 a month office rent, I gained another $525 in tax exemptions. Now, this is not all sunshine and tax breaks. Working from home is not easy. Boundaries and self-discipline are crucial to your success. In the beginning, people will call you with "Hey, I was wondering, since you are home can you...". Even you will be tempted to throw in a load of laundry because you're there. It is vital that you set a start time just like if you were showing up


somewhere and dress for success. You can be comfortable, but always assume you are going to have to jump on a Skype in 5 minutes. The best part is designing your workspace. Set up your office in a vibe that makes you feel inspired. When I first started to work from home I took over a room in our new house that used to be a powder blue nursery. That did not motivate me to close deals; it motivated me to want to close my eyes and take a nap. Vibe and functionality matter. If you are staring at something you hate or if you have to run to FedEx OfficeⓇ twice a day, neither are going to help your workflow. If you use a landline phone, make sure it is solely dedicated to your business and that no one in your house answers it. There is nothing worse than finally getting that callback from a prospective new client and your 6-year-old niece answers the phone and asks if he saw Frozen. True story. The bottom line is working remotely can make you fall in love with being at work again. Keep it professional, creative, and comfortable and I firmly believe you will see a shift in your passion for what you do and your success will blossom. by Jody Taylor

“Money can’t buy love, but it improves your bargaining position” ~Christopher Marlowe

You are in love. You cannot believe how many things you have in common. You have found your soulmate! However, did you find your financial soulmate? In the U.S., one of the top three reasons couples split is due to financial incompatibility. A recent survey made by CNBC also said that a lot of couples are not on the same page when it comes to money and they also hide things from each other. I know that money cannot buy happiness, but it can influence happiness. Positive cash flow helps couples stay together longer and the opposite causes divorce. Not dealing with the root of the financial problems just creates financial restraint and sorrow within your relationship, which is the number one reason for fights within the household. It is especially true when you discover that you have different points of view on how to spend the money.

STEP TWO: Hold Each Other Accountable You are your best ally and supporter. Once a quarter have a talk in front of a Financial Advisor or a Money Coach. This will give you no other option but to stay open about finances and future goals. Make it fun. Besides having a date night, why not have a financial check up night, too? Do not rely on only one person to handle the finances. This is a job for both individuals in the relationship. STEP THREE: Agree On An Amount Sit down together to agree on an amount you will spend each week and on what it will be spent. This will help balance the spender in the household. Couples who agree on spending limits and having a budget will have a longerlasting relationship than couples who cannot agree. Just make sure to talk about it and be on the same page. STEP FOUR: Ours, Yours and Mine

What can we do in order to become financially compatible, avoid conflict and have a long-lasting relationship? Here are four steps that will transform your life: STEP ONE: Open Communication You both have to be open about your outlook about money and how it should be spent, without judgment or blame. After all, love conquers all; right? But it takes more than love to talk about money. Talk about who is more financially responsible between the couple. Next, talk about your points of view about money. If you don’t talk openly, the problem is going to exacerbate. It doesn’t mean that you will never disagree again, but by being open you will get closer to each other.

It is very important to understand this concept. It is not my money anymore; it is our money. As couples, you should consult with each other about big purchases. It doesn’t mean that you have to consult every time you want to buy a little thing. Agree with each other on the dollar amount that you need to consult so there is no misunderstanding. In the end, you are both in the same boat. If you want to avoid a sinking ship, make sure that you understand that money can polarize the relationship. It can build it or destroy it; you choose. by Sara Chevere

BUSINESS and Dating

Are More Similar than you think! Have you ever struggled with business and the dating scene?

If so, this is your lucky Life by Design issue! In this article you will learn how you can have both.


Prior to meeting my girlfriend, I was single for 1 1/2 years. I invested time to work on myself and improve. When I got into business, I started engulfing myself into more personal development to gain knowledge.

R | 1h 58min | Crime, Drama, Thriller Director: Dan Gilroy Writers: Dan Gilroy Stars: Jake Gyllenhaal, Rene Russo, Bill Paxton

I encourage you to never stop learning and never stop growing yourself as a person of character and integrity. You begin to achieve a stronger mindset and confidence for both business and dating. Don’t you love confidence?!


Business Tips From the Movie

“Nightcrawler” Nightcrawler, 2014, an American thriller, is an engaging movie about an unemployed man desperate to survive who became a crime journalist after witnessing a crime in Los Angeles. As an entrepreneur, here are a few tips you can learn from the movie: 1. BURNING DESIRE


Success is the result of desperation. Burning desire and laser focus give you tools to fight your inner battle over self-doubt and fear. Tap into your survival energy to follow your dreams despite adversity. Burn other bridges and take huge calculated risks.

Think like an influential expert in your field. Become your clients’ best advocate and educator, which give you an authority status. Focus on microspecialization and use trust triggers. Commit to a lifetime education in your field and use technology in learning.

2. VISION Visualize the future by reinventing yourself. Act like a character you wish to become. Adopt success habits and unleash the power of your mind. Fake it until you make it. Charisma and selfbelief are magnetic to the public. 3. DREAM Choose a prize so huge that it moves you. Engineer your world in your cognition prior to manifestation. Schedule your dream by smaller to do tasks to turn the invisible into the visible. Master time management and be committed to find a way.

business you must be able to be known, liked, and trusted. If you are missing any of the three, don’t expect the business relationship to move forward. Ladies and gentleman, that doesn’t change in the dating world; right? Always remember that relationships are not built in a day and trust isn’t necessarily earned right away. For both dating and business, building that relationship is crucial to moving forward in a positive direction.

VALUE DRIVEN. My biggest focus

5. CONTROL Entrepreneurs who adopt an internal locus of control assume innovative strategies and attain competitive advantage. Believe that your future is determined by your choices and you have more control over the outcome than external circumstances.

in business and in my relationship is value. For both I ask myself, “What can I do to bring more value?” If you have nothing to bring to the table, the structure of your business won’t last. If you don’t add value to the person you want to date, don’t expect that to last, either.

I challenge you to be self-aware of your strengths. Of course value is perceived in different ways to different people. So figure out what value you bring in business and in the dating scene. Remember, providing value has

to be a mutual benefit, and you should also be seeking value in business and relationships where it is a win-win.

SALES. Everything in your everyday

life can be related to sales. Many times people say they hate sales. Sales are all about listening, recognizing needs, and being able to meet those needs. I encourage you to remember you are your own product. We sell ourselves daily to new business partners, investors, clients, and, of course, potential significant others. In order to be successful in both worlds, don’t you find it best to bring your best self?

FAILURES. Let’s just keep this one

simple. In business and dating we always have to accept the fact that there will be risk and there may be failures. Sometimes we know early on after testing the waters that we may not want to pursue certain business ideas, partnerships, or future dates. The important thing is to ask ourselves the right questions and recognize what went wrong, where we can improve, or to know when to not pursue. Then push forward and try again. In conclusion, I highly encourage you to understand that risk in dating and business is always a possible factor. Many times business can be rough, just the same as dating. There may be factors that were unforeseen or some new facts pop up. However, the one thing you can control is bringing your best self. My fellow entrepreneurs, my challenge to you is this: strive to be the version of you that you would want as part of your life. I promise when you shoot for excellence and take personal pride in yourself, dating and business gets easier, less complicated, and, therefore, you become happier. by Jeff Rollon

by Ava Khamooshi


Facebook Live for Business

Facebook live. Why should you be doing it? There are more than 2 billion people on Facebook (and it’s FREE). This can equate to dollars in your pocket if you know how to use it properly. “Social” media is interesting. Media is the dissemination of information. Add “social” to that and you get a recipe for two-way dissemination. Add LIVE VIDEO to that and you get a recipe for IMMEDIATE two-way dissemination. As a Live Video Queen, I realized the value of Facebook Live early on. In August of 2014 a friend of mine who has cerebral palsy asked me to do a video for him. Hesitatingly (and terrified), I did it. The next day he asked me to do a video every day. Terrified still, I said “Yes” because he asked me and I hate to say no to him. By April 2016 I had done more than 1,200 videos and Facebook made an announcement that would forever change my life. LIVE VIDEO. Yay! I was so excited. Why? Because prior to live videos, anyone doing videos had to first record a video, download it to their computer, then upload it onto Facebook while watching it take (what seemed like) forever to upload. I was going to save time. I had no idea that it would mean so much more than just

“more than 2 billion people on Facebook” saving time. What I discovered about live video is that the “social” aspect of social media became even more social. Live video became a way of communicating with people instantaneously. On Facebook Live, people can ask questions and you can an-


swer them immediately. This creates a two-way conversation unheard of anywhere else. You can share stories, provide educational content and entertain your audience. The two biggest discoveries I made by doing so many Facebook Lives is that being authentic and eliminating the need for perfection are an integral part of live videos.


When people see who you are on a daily basis, they can decide if they want to spend more time with you or not. By being authentic, you attract to you people who want to be with you because they get to know, like, and trust you. You become a micro-celebrity and build rapport with your audience. Your following wants what you have to offer, so offer it to them. Facebook Live is a great way to build your following because you are sharing with them who you are by being authentic.


When you get stuck in analysis paralysis, it’s hard to move forward because you are paralyzed with fear. Doing Facebook Live helps to eliminate perfectionism. You WILL make mistakes. And you WILL learn how to laugh them off. We all are human and everyone makes mistakes. The beauty of Facebook Live is that most people understand that you are human and are very forgiving of your blunders while you’re live. Having done more than 1,900 Facebook Live videos, I believe this is the best way to share your authentic self. I created a video content planner to help you get started doing Facebook Live videos. Download a free copy today: www. Now get out there and do a video. by Lynda M West

massive success with INFLUENCER marketing

If you are like most people, the last time you tried a new restaurant or went to a movie you hadn’t previously heard about, it was because someone recommended it. When it’s time to stay in a hotel, go to a new dentist, or even buy something online, you probably read several reviews before making a purchase decision, even though you do not know the people who wrote those reviews.

the best influencers, especially if they have established a know-like-trust relationship with their followers.

There are typically three kinds of influencers: celebrities, experts, and family/friends.

Imagine if you created a food product like a nutrition shake. There are tons of nutrition shakes on the market, so how do you get heard? You can certainly go post on social media, but only a few of your friends are likely to see your post. You can advertise the product, which can of course get very expensive and is actually not very likely to get that many sales. You could try getting a large retail chain to sell your product for you, but they probably won’t pick up your product until you have some proven sales records. The best way is word-of-mouth marketing. Specifically, word-of-mouth marketing that you can generate yourself by using an expert influencer.

The influencers with the highest degree of getting people to take action are family and friends. Think about it – if someone you know recommends a product or service you are more likely to make a purchasing decision based on their recommendation than you are from some celebrity endorsement.

Let’s say you go to an event and meet a power-blogger in the nutrition industry, like Beyond Diet. You give them some of your product, and they really like it. As a result, they agree to write a blog about your nutrition shake, but only if you agree to pay them a percentage of the sales that they generate as a result of promoting your product. Do it!

Celebrities reach a large number of people, but only a few take action because of that celebrity. That means that several micro-influencers can actually have a bigger impact on your business than a celebrity can (and you don’t have to pay them as much).

Create an affiliate or joint venture program, where you pay the power-blogger for every person they send to you. Do not underestimate what they are bringing to the table. Most likely, they have spent years building a reputation, and you are tapping into that reputation. A single endorsement by an expert that has a loyal following can create a best-seller overnight. If you were to hire a salesperson for your company, it would cost you much more than this type of endorsement can provide, so set up your agreement where your expert influencer has a big incentive to make you successful.

This is the result of influencer marketing. Influencer marketing has been around long before celebrities got paid enormous sums of money for tweeting about products they may not even use.

That’s where experts as influencers come in. Experts make

“micro-influencers can actually have a bigger impact”

by Greg Jameson


GIVER OR BLOOD SUCKER? Scenario #1: You walk into a meeting and all you see is prey, potential clients, people that will give you business and MONEY. You look at them wondering: What’s in there for me? Who can I take from them? What can they GIVE ME? What can I do or say to get their money? And suddenly you start feeling those fangs slowly growing, your heart beating faster and faster and think, “All my learned strategies will pay off today!”

Scenario #2: You walk into that same meeting with your biggest smile ever, you connect with every person you speak with, and you actually LIKE THEM. You ask them about their life, their dreams, you make a soul and heart connection with other HUMAN BEINGS. You start feeling your heart beating a little bit slowly because, OMG, each one of them is amazing, creative and so courageous. They have dreams, just like you. You feel it, their hopes and fears and how much they have to offer the world. You hear their words louder than you hear your thoughts. You have nothing to prove. You are fully present! You are building connections that will last a lifetime. You want to give them value, maybe a word of encouragement, collaboration. You feel it, and it feels GOOD. Which one of those two scenarios do you feel best describes you? And, hey, I’m not here to judge. This isn’t about judgment. Many of us grew fangs in our past until we learned. We just


didn’t know, but…

Let me tell you, my dear friend, those days are over. Now the whole world is craving for true connections. We all want to be “loved and humanized” versus “used as an object.” By giving, collaborating and sharing that “sacred space,” you will create relationships based on abundance. You will move from “scare-city” to “abundan-city.” Listen, pay attention to each word, to the feelings. You are in this world to serve! The more service you give, the more abundance is returned to you. It sounds crazy, right? It sounds amazingly crazy!! I love it! Remember: This whole world is all about connections, from your heart, your soul, your mind, in service to others. BE FULLY PRESENT and you will see that your business will grow as much as your heart opens. Now, it is up to you to decide how big you want your business to grow. Dream Big because you, my friend, were made for greatness. by Sylvia Chavez


THE LOVE DARE Leveraging LOVE For Success In Business And Life What’s LOVE got to do with it? Entrepreneurship, that is... While I’ve been an entrepreneur and thought leader my entire life, my immigration to America in 2015 forced me to start over. I had to become a student in every way to start a new life and a new iteration of my business. As I listened to the endless webinars from gurus, alleged millionaires, and millennial moguls (I say that with love), there were two themes that kept coming up over and over again: hustle and value. Let’s play the age-old game of ‘Truth or Dare’ to illustrate the discovery that has radically transformed my approach to (and success in) entrepreneurship and life, and the two questions that changed everything! As a kid, I’d always pick truth first…

The Truth By definition, ‘hustle’ is forceful action, persuasion, coercion, pressure, or busy movement (and those are the most positive of the definitions). Value is defined as perceived worth, merit and importance. Are we being fooled into loving the hustle of entrepreneurship? Should we love measuring ourselves against the perception of others? It occurs to me, when you operate from hustle and ‘adding value,’ you are always in scarcity mode - and I can’t take a stand for you being in LOVE with either. In fact, I invite you to refuse both!

It was during my tenure as head of a high school music department for nearly ten years (the most challenging entrepreneurial journey of my life to date) that I made a huge discovery (one I only began to implement for myself after I realized neither hustle nor value were values that created positive, sustainable success in my life). Working with high school music students meant that I had to find some constructive way of ‘providing value’ and feedback on (we’re playing truth, remember) mostly hideous performances on beaten up instruments from students who were often taking music because it was a ‘bird course’ (so, hustle was not a high priority). The discovery was these two simple questions I would ask myself to structure feedback: What do I love? What would I love more of? Feedback based on these questions allowed me to encourage improvement, build confidence, celebrate success, and to inspire students to be intrinsically inspired. Who wouldn’t want more of that!? The bigger discovery came when I applied these questions to my own development as an entrepreneur in this country. EVERYTHING changed; abundance, success, and even fun have become the new normal.

The Dare Start and end every day, task, project, call and interaction by asking yourself what you love and what you’d love more of. Ask the same of others, too - your clients, friends, and loved ones. You’ll not only start to see that love is closely tied to success, but that it is an infallible force that will carry you to your greatest heights as an entrepreneur, thought leader, and beyond! Go on, I love dare you! by Davide Di Giorgio


The Key To Unstoppable

CONFIDENCE I don’t know of anything, and I mean absolutely anything, more important in your life than developing true self-confidence. Listen, friends, we have been put on this earth for such a short time, and we have been given a purpose, passion, and mission to do great things. Every one of us was born with genius, talent, and creativity locked up inside of us. Unfortunately, most people will die without fulfilling their purpose and following their passion. The number one reason this happens is because of a lack of self-confidence. The number 1 quality that I strove to instill within my son was self-confidence. The results have proven to be absolutely powerful. Caleb used to be a very insecure and shy kid, but I knew the power of confidence. Without self-confidence, I knew that Caleb was never going to fulfill his purpose and be what he was destined to be. As a dad, I pushed my son to develop self-confidence so that he could accomplish great things. Let me share some of the information I shared with my son so that he could work on his confidence. I’m going to give you 3 tips on how you can become more self-confident.

1. You have to love and believe in yourself-more than anyone else in the world.

Are You in Love WITH THE IDEA OF Being in Love? What Does The Fox Say? Look back on the last time you were ‘in love’ and ask yourself, “Was I truly in love or was I in love with the idea of being in love?” For the longest time I was more in love with the idea of being in love than I was with who I was with at the time. What do I mean? Being ‘in love’ is commonly seen as a rush of feelings: love, passion, desire, longing, and so much more, both emotionally and physically. Being ‘in love’ is also commonly known to be a big step in relationships. Being ‘in love’ is often something that happens after getting to know the person you are emotionally intimate with. When I was a little girl I loved Disney movies (still do). Disney movies portray this specific kind of romantic tale where there is a beautiful damsel in distress and a charming - often wealthy man. The charming man is immediately enthralled by the damsel, saves her, and they live happily ever after. The issue is that these aren’t real life relationships; they are fairy tales. As young children, we are exposed to two different kinds of relationships: 1) the ones we see in our real lives: our parents, friends’ parents, and strangers in the grocery store; and 2) the ones we see in the movies, tv shows, and books we are exposed to: princesses, princes, and fairy tales. These two exposures on relationships are generally nothing alike. Real life

There are way too many insecure people in this world that have succumbed to average living. They are walking around with too many insecurities and self-doubt because they’ve grown up in a world of negative self-talk. They don’t love themselves like they should. If you want to become a self-confident person, you have to believe in yourself. You must know your strengths and weaknesses, and instead of letting your weaknesses defeat you, accept them as part of who you are. Celebrate and grow in your strengths, and your weaknesses will become less magnified. You have the ability to conquer any negative trait or weak habit that you have. Believing in yourself is the essential foundation for building self-confidence. This is where it all begins.


Act self-confident. You don’t feel your way into acting; you act your way into feeling. Body language is important, so stop walking with your head down and your shoulders slumped. Don’t walk around timidly; instead, walk around acting like you are the most confident person in the world. What if you become one of the most confident people your friends and family know? I know how you can get there, my friends. Start acting like it!

ed, weak-minded, soft, and negative people. These people are the type who spend their time gossiping about others. Confident people don’t have time to talk about people because they are spending their time doing big things with their lives. There is a proverb that says, “He who walks with wise men will be wise.” That is probably one of the most important principles that you can learn. You become who you associate with on a regular basis. Friends, this is what I want you to do today. I want you to go to the mirror, stand up straight, and empty yourself right now of all the insecurities, negative self-limiting beliefs, doubt, hesitation, and fears. I want you to love yourself more than you ever have before. Take care of your body, spoil yourself, buy yourself the shirt you really want, and stop the victim thinking. Take these three things that I’ve given you and live them. As you become more confident, you will make more money than you’ve ever made, and you will have better relationships than you have ever had. The key to enjoying life, peace, and daily contentment is found in self-confidence. by Matt Maddix


Surround yourself with people who have confidence. Most of you may not realize it, but your inner circle is destroying you. You are hanging around defeat-

relationships take work. How do you love the person and not the idea?

1. Love Yourself

The first step to letting go of your idealized version of being in love and experiencing the real thing is to love yourself. It sounds simple, but for a lot of us it is a long and hard process which starts with forgiveness. Love yourself for everything that you are and are not. Self-doubt is a sign of lack of self-love. Be your number one cheerleader and love yourself.

2. Let Go of Expectations

The second step to letting go of your idealized version is to accept that everyone has flaws. We all have expectations. Our expectations of what a relationship looks like, of what people are supposed to say and do, and what is going to happen are what cause all of our issues in relationships.

3. Let Your Walls Down

How can you ever expect anyone to love you if you won’t let them get to know you? If you don’t let anyone in, how will anyone ever let you in? We wall ourselves off due to past hurts. Forgiveness is the key to love in life, forgiveness for yourself and for everyone else, for your past and your future. Remember, “Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass...It’s about learning to dance in the rain.” - Vivian Greene by Casey Nicole Fox


GRATITUDE Paves the Gratitude

With owning more than $120 million in real estate assets, they never forget who got them to where they are today. Steve Lloyd, Founder and Managing Partner, and Kerry Faix, Partner and CFO, of Stone Bay Holdings, are grateful for every investor who has ever believed in them and they show it with gratitude in many forms. “Our investors are the most important people in the world. There’s nobody more important because we would have nothing if not for them,” said Steve. After every investment they send their investor a gift. Sometimes it’s a small gift but, most notably, it’s an annual year-end party where they invite all of their investors, past and present, to enjoy food, drinks and relationship building. After all, every get-together is a chance to improve your relationship with others. Steve said, “We don’t think of us as getting wealthy; we think of all of us getting wealthy together.”

How Do You Build a Multi-Million Dollar Company?

One dollar at a time (rather, one investment at a time). Steve’s drive and determination was evidenced when he was a mere lad at 8 years old. He started with a paper route, then graduated to working in a local pizza shop at 16 and owning it at age 20. He built it into a very successful business. But he knew there was something else. He discovered his “something else” when he attended a real estate meeting with a group of 13 other people. Mark Twain said, “The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.” He ended up getting into the mortgage side of real estate and what made his business unique



Greatness &

was that he only worked with people who were investors, which meant multiple loans from one person per year instead of one loan at a time.

He then got the itch to build his own real estate portfolio making his first investment a $60,000 row home in his neighborhood. Then someone gave him the idea of student housing. He took a row home, turned the living room into a bedroom and turned the basement into a social area. He charged $500 per bedroom, realizing phenomenal returns. He went on to build a Student Housing portfolio of $13 million through the economic downturn by utilizing private lenders and securing them to the property.

Believe In Yourself

Steve believes wholeheartedly in what he and Kerry are doing. Although doubts enter the mind, it’s very important to surround yourself with the right people. Kerry says, “I think the success as an entrepreneur is you have to have that inner get-back-up-again. When you get knocked down, it’s how fast you get back up. When you believe in yourself, others believe in you and your passion is contagious.” The hard times are definitely coming. You know the entrepreneur route is not an easy one. Believing in yourself really does move you further along and will get you up there faster.

Where to Start

It may sound cliche, but Steve’s #1 recommendation is to scroll through your phone. When you’re starting out it’s easier to start with friends and family than it is to go through the banks. It’s an easier system and they know you. They believe in YOU more than the actual property. Steve’s #2 recommendation is to associate yourself with great people. Go to investor meetings, find out who the good, credible, caring, ethical people are. When asked how he

determines who is ethical, Steve responded with this golden nugget:

“I’ve made the mistake of going too fast in the past, so now we interview people. Nothing’s built in a day. A couple years ago a gentleman wanted to do business with us right away, but it took about nine months before we did business with him. We asked friends about him. We watched him on Facebook. We wanted to see what he was doing on the weekends. Was he spending time with his family, his wife? What was he doing on the holidays? Was he out at the bar or were his kids more important? It now takes 6 to 9 months to become vetted with us.”


In as little as 12 years, Steve’s assets have grown from zero to more than $120 million. Steve calls it “Insanity.” It’s hard to believe that his first investment was a mere $60,000 and his most recent investment is valued at $36 million. What’s extra cool is that they have 1,400 tenants who are paying down the mortgage loans for them. Again, insanity. The word he uses to describe this insanity is Drive and it keeps him and Kerry going. Everyday they wake up with the same mindset, that they’re going for the next deal. As weird as it may sound, they didn’t continually track the overall value of their portfolio until recently. To their surprise and way beyond their imagination, it was over $120 million worth of assets. Kerry shared that, “There is never a lull because the next funding opportunity comes up. And that’s why we never stopped and looked at what we had. It was keep going, keep building, keep growing.”

Vacation? Hobbies?

Vacation and hobbies? What’s that? As is customary for many entrepreneurs, Kerry and Steve rarely take vacation and have decreased their hobbies. They’re in the office early and leave late.


Somebody asked Steve recently what his hobby is. He got a little bummed when he realized he doesn’t ski anymore or do some of the things he used to do. But, after some reflection, he came to the realization that he LOVES what he does so much and that it is embedded in him. He chuckled when he realized his hobby is buying multi million dollar real estate investments and spending time with his investors. Kerry is the same way. In conclusion, here are three hacks that will put you on the road to success. Hack #1 Hold assets for a long period of time. You have to have revenue coming in, so Steve teaches that 75% of your holdings should be rentals and 25% should be fixing and flipping. Hack #2 Keep making phone calls. Don’t sit around waiting for people to call you. You have to get over that fear of calling people to ask them to get involved with you. Hack #3 I’m sure you’ve heard the saying, “Don’t put all of your eggs into one basket.” The three pillars represent multiple streams of income, a very important component to creating wealth. Stone Bay’s Pillars are 1) Notes - buying charged-off mortgages; 2) Private Lending - lending money on real estate; and 3) Apartment Buildings buying apartment buildings over $8 million. This creates three streams of passive income. What three pillars will you create for your business?

“Make today the best day ever because you will never get it back.” ~Steve Lloyd


STEVE LLOYD Founder and Managing Partner Kerry Faix, Partner and CFO Stone Bay Holdings Written by Lynda M West


is embracing Imperfection the Secret to Loving Your Business? Have you ever hampered the growth of your business by trying too hard to be perfect? On page four of a book that came out April Fools’ Day of this year it says, “Doing our imperfect best means accepting that there will often be mistakes, flaws and rough edges. These mistakes, flaws and rough edges add beauty to who we are and provide us with the power to connect with others.”

Sounds Simple Enough

Forget the One You Love This month is full of wide-eyed optimism for a highly profitable year for every entrepreneur. And why not? It’s so early and yet amidst all of this unbridled enthusiasm from the thousands of entrepreneurs I meet every year, it’s common to hear a lot of the same hopes and dreams for a record-breaking year of growth and prosperity. The only sad part is that in all of these proclamations of success, I rarely hear reliable plans that will transform hopes and dreams into actual goals. And since I specialize in working with bright entrepreneurs who want to grow even more successful through generosity, it’s always my focus to help business leaders, like you, grow past mere good intentions and wishful thinking into bona fide tangible success. When it comes real growth, sadly there’s no magic silver bullet that’s going to miraculously do it for you. But, thankfully, there are really only two ways to reliably double your profits in any given year as a small business owner; increase your total volume of sales and/or increase your margins everywhere. Most folks will take the challenge to get a whole bunch of new customers this year since that’s the most obvious way to grow. But to double your profits, the smartest and fastest way possible (and in the spirit that comes with February) is one of my favorite sayings from the pantheon of love-related wisdom out there, You see, most businesses wildly chase “the one you love” - or the brand-new customer. Again, this is not a bad idea


by any means. However, if you want to grow your business quicker, focus on loving “the one you’re with” - which is your preexisting customers and strategic partners (i.e.m your sales, marketing and referral partners). It’s easy to forget, but it takes a lot less time and resources to maintain a strong relationship with your current customers than it is to win completely new ones (most experts say that it costs about six times more to get a new customer compared to the one you already have). If you’ve been doing a great job of “loving the ones you’re with,” then you can easily parlay your customers’ loyalty into repeat and referral business. Same goes for your strategic partners. Doing this increases your profit margins and your sales volume! So instead of focusing solely on efforts to get new customers, spend an equal, if not more, amount of time and energy reaching out to those who already appreciate your business. Remind them of what they love about you and give them relevant and easy ways to buy from you again and send you more referral business right now. This can be in the form of contests, surveys, bundles, memberships, warranties or rewards. Just make sure that they know that you love them for being the “ones you’re with.” by Joon S. Han

This sounds simple enough and like a good principle to apply to my business. I definitely know from eight years of humbling experience that there are many mistakes, flaws and rough edges to be experienced as one builds a business. However, at the same time, I notice that I often have little interest in experiencing those mistakes, flaws and rough edges, especially in my own business. I want my business to be perfect because I imagine that’s what my customers demand and need. Additionally, my business must be perfect because the bottom line is at stake. So who does the author of the above quote think he or she is? The above author thinks he’s me. (Please don’t share that sentence with my English teachers.)

Imperfect Best Came From a Lifetime of Experience

I came up with the above idea of “doing our imperfect best” from a lifetime of experience. When I was born, my umbilical cord became kinked like a garden hose restricting oxygen. As a result, I have a pronounced speech impediment and some coordination issues to deal with. The techni-

cal name of my condition is cerebral palsy. Over the years, I have learned the necessity of moving forward in business and in life even when I know things most likely won’t be perfect. For example, if I waited for my voice to be perfect before starting public speaking, there would be no public speaking component to my business.

The Challenge of Embracing Our Imperfect Best

Even though I’ve spent my life learning to do my imperfect best and coach clients to do the same, I notice I still, at times, find it hard to adhere to the principle. After all, we naturally want to get the things that matter most to us done to perfection. The main difficulty is that our efforts can always be a little more perfect. We could pick a very small thing like writing an article and work for the rest of our lives trying to get it to be perfect. Even then, the article could still be more perfect. There is simply too much life to live to spend it trying to get everything completely right.

Here Are Three Tips to Help You Grow and Love Your Business: 1.

2. 3.

wNotice when you are asking for perfection of yourself Love that because it’s a natural part of you Then choose, instead, to do your Imperfect Best

Here’s to loving the Imperfect Best in yourself and your business! by Jason Freeman

Growing With Gratitu


What I love about entrepreneurship is the common thread of altruism, the belief and practice of devotion to the welfare of others. The entrepreneurial community is full of forward thinking individuals looking to make a difference in their communities. One way to make that intention official is to earn a “B Corp Certification.” A “B Corp Certification” is a designation given to companies that meet certain standards of transparency as defined by a non-profit company called B Lab, a global organization that measures a company’s positive impact on workers, the community and the environment. According to, “think of it as the Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval for businesses voluntarily trying to do well by doing good.” You may be thinking, “Okay, but why do I want that designation?” Well, it can make good BUSINESS sense for your profitability! On their website, B discusses 11 ways this branding can enhance your bottom line, ranging from leading a global movement and protecting a mission to attracting high-end investors and qualifying for special discounts on products and services. A quick Google search reveals there are currently 2,181 Certified B Corps in 50 countries, including Ben & Jerry’s, Seventh Generation cleaning products, and Etsy, the online retail giant. offers a free Impact Assessment tool to help guide companies toward measuring and managing the business equivalent of a carbon footprint. Some of the corporations involved are large entities. Most of them, however, are small businesses operated by entrepreneurs with huge hearts and social consciousness. offers a free Impact Assessment tool to help guide companies toward measuring and managing the business equivalent of a carbon footprint. lists 3 easy steps to becoming a B Corp:

Step 1) To meet the performance requirements, start by taking the

Impact Assessment at and earn a score of 80/200 or higher.

Step 2) To meet the legal requirements, check with your state’s laws for the corporate structure.

Step 3) To make your commitment official, sign the “Declaration of Interdependence” and “Term Sheet” found online. There is a sliding scale fee schedule dependent on gross receipts.

Need more help? There is a “Certification Webinar” available online. In addition, you can get more information here: Call: 610-293-0299 Email: Does the idea of changing the world by growing your business appeal to you? If you are like most of the entrepreneurs I know, I’m pretty sure it does. Let’s do this! by Kathy Kendrick!455



Whether you are just starting your entrepreneurial journey, or you have years of experience, one aspect will not escape you… Leadership! Leadership is at the root of every great thing the world has ever created. It is ingrained in every culture and every industry. Nations rise and fall on the effects of leadership. But how do you become a great leader? First off, you may be thinking, “Why do I need to read about leadership, I am the only person running my business?” It doesn’t matter if you are a solopreneur, a teacher, or a parent, leadership skills can improve your life. With the last of the baby boomers nearing retirement and the Gen Xers and Millennials taking the reins, we can no longer ignore the changes taking place in our society and our businesses. Albert Einstein said, “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” Times have changed. Employees are no longer loyal to the company. They move around; they try things out. They are opportunity seekers. This causes issues such as an inexperienced workforce who never becomes expert at their craft.

HERE ARE 5 STEPS TO BECOMING A GREAT LEADER FROM THE INSIDE OUT: 1. VISION – Leaders must know where they are heading in order to stay on course when they become sidetracked. How can you lead your team effectively, if you don’t know where you are going? 2. RESPONSIBLE – A leader cannot be successful while blaming others for their shortcomings. They must take full responsibility for their actions and hold themselves accountable. I was always taught to take the blame, and give away the credit to those who deserve it. 3. ACTION – The best plans in the world are worthless without action. Today’s leaders must make quick decisions and act accordingly. If it doesn’t work, they simply try again. 4. FAILURE – A great leader must make failure their friend. You cannot further your range of possibility until you discover the limits you wish to expand. 5. MEDITATION – This is a busy, loud world. The amount of information and noise coming at us every day is overwhelming. We need to silence our mind to discover who we are, what makes us happy, and how we wish to help others. I make the best decisions during or after this process.

Stephen Covey said, “Leaders are not born or made – they are selfBut what does this mean to you? made.” The success of your busiAs an Entrepreneur, you have the ness is a direct reflection of your ability to separate yourself from leadership. Your leadership starts what has become “the norm” in with you. The mindset and bethe business world. Mediocrity haviors you create on the inside has become an aspiration and ex- will become the standard of excellence a folk tale. cellence you expect in your own In order to stand out as a great life, and within the actions of the leader, you have to go inside people you lead. yourself first. This is the fertile ground upon which leaders are grown. You will never be able to by Jason C Adams influence others without first fluencing yourself. ENTREPRENEUR LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE 15

5 Affirmations

For Self

It’s February, the month of love and romance. You’ve gone out and invested your time and money to show your love and appreciation for those you care about. But what have you done to show your love and appreciation for yourself? Oftentimes we invest in loving others in hopes that they will return it because we feel the need to be loved back. Self-love is arguably the most important love of all, and when you truly love and accept yourself, you won’t need love from others. This in turn will allow you appreciate any love that is given to you that much more. Here are five self-love affirmations that you can practice daily during the month of February to help you develop more love and acceptance of yourself. When saying these affirmations, follow these four easy steps to get the most out of each day:

1. Stand in front of a mirror, close

your eyes, and take a deep cleansing breath. 2. Open your eyes and look deeply into your own eyes through the mirror. 3. While seeing yourself, let any negative self-beliefs fall away, leaving behind only the feeling of unconditional love and appreciation. 4. Speak out loud each affirmation five times, using your own name each time, building in confidence each time you say it. (For example “Dave, I Love You”)


I Love You - All Love starts with loving yourself. Love yourself for all that you have been, for all that you are, and for all that you will be.

You Are Healthy and Strong -

A healthy and strong body starts with the mind. Believe that you are healthy and strong and that all the cells in your body are always working towards increasing your health and strength.

You Are Beautiful - Beauty is in

the eye of the beholder. See and accept your own beauty and see your confidence grow with each day.

I Forgive You - All forgiveness

starts with forgiving yourself. Forgive yourself for any mistakes you think you have made, for any wrongs you think you have committed, for any negative thoughts you have ever had.

You Are Worthy - Your worth starts with your belief. When you believe you are worthy, you will start acting like you are worthy and others will notice and believe you are worthy.

Practice these affirmations daily and soon you will believe in and love yourself. by Dave Evans


e h t p e e K Steps to

g n o r t S rriage


Did you know

you could have a successful marriage and amazing business with your partner at the same time? Word on the street says that’s a recipe for disaster, especially if you already have a few challenges. But, we are living proof that with the right attitude, commitment, and coaching, you can actually strengthen your marriage and have a great business. I’m not going to lie, there were some pretty challenging times in the growth process, but we are determined to become a power couple in business and in love. Here are three tips you can use that help us. I hope they help you, too.

First: Divide the Responsibilities

When we decided to open a home daycare, we realized it was going to entail a lot of work. At first we each tried to have our hands in everything and we stepped on each other’s toes, A LOT. When we purchased the house, we decided it would be best for each of us to focus on our individual core strengths. Mine is admin, so I tackled the paperwork and tasks necessary for the licensing and my hubby is extremely handy so he tackled the needed repairs and maintenance to the home and upkeep of the garden. With clear responsibilities, communication is much better and we get a lot more accomplished.

Second: Communicate Regularly

To keep things flowing, it is important to keep the lines of communication open and to listen to each other. This was not easy at first because we both are strong-minded and think our idea or way of doing things is better. We used to talk over each other and did not listen effectively. Very frustrating. One day we realized, “Hey, this isn’t working” and asked ourselves, “What can we do to make it better?” We agreed to stop talking so much and instead to listen to one another, pay attention and don’t interrupt when someone is talking. Hmmm, reminds me of childhood. Funny thing is, most of the things we were saying were exactly the same. Imagine how much smoother the conversations flow now that we actually listen to hear and understand.

Third: Give the Benefit of the Doubt

When you work so closely with your spouse in business, the lines can become blurred between business partner and life partner. Sometimes things we say as a business partner are inappropriate to say to a spouse and vice versa. We’ve had many times where I or my husband were on the receiving end of that “what did you just say” sideways look. We’ve learned to step back and not react immediately, but to ask for clarification. Most of the time it is a simple misunderstanding. But if it isn’t just a simple misunderstanding, we are much better at separating for a little while until we cool off, then then we come back together and forgive each other. That right there has been our saving grace. Hopefully these tips will help you keep your marriage strong and your business prosperous. by Denise Davis


Stand Out From the Rest in Business & Love If you look at business relationships like love relationships and apply some of the same principles of winning to both, you stand a much greater chance of winning the client and the business you are setting out to attract.

Be a stand out. What separates you from the pack of hungry wolves vying for the business you long for? Reality is there are many people and businesses offering identical services and products. Yes, we are asked to identify that which makes us uniquely different and sometimes that’s possible. But not always; at least not on the surface. Winning the client begins long before you are given the chance to close the deal. So how do you stand out? What would you do if you wanted to catch the attention of a guy or girl who has caught yours? Remember, vibe attracts tribe first off; so what’s your vibe? Are you positive? Optimistic? A problem solver? A server? A helper? Or are you more “what’s in it for me?” instead of what’s in it for “she or he”? Be real with your answers here. All too many times I have attended networking events where business cards are thrown in my face for services I would never need. There are few if any inquiries by the person tossing cards. There is no time spent finding out what I do need so they can then realize that while I may not need what they are offering, I may know people who do. That’s the magic of networking. Find out about people. Become a person they believe cares so they can fall in love enough to want to help you build your business. The lost art of courting also applies to business and love. In a world where there are apps like Tinder and Bumble and sites like POF and Match, people move through life swiping right and left and virtually communicating based upon pictures and “their best self-pitch.” I get it. Lives are busy and online dating is the new norm. But it’s not really dating until you meet. And when you meet, if there is a connection, there is a follow up. Same goes for business! Don’t expect that you exchange cards and suddenly you are in a relationship. No, you are not. You are courting. You are not even dating at that point. Put the work in to express your interest and desire to know more about their business, their character, their needs so you can best serve them. Know, like and trust. You have heard it before. Your business is like love. Build these key factors and then ask for the date. If you get that far and you like what you learn, be sure you follow up with gratitude. Be authentic. Be real. And give more than you expect to receive. You want to be remembered for over delivering, not for hit and runs. by Chris Kelly

Who Packed Your


This morning I heard one of the most inspiring stories to date… It grabbed my heart, mind and caused me to go into action. You may have heard it before… But try to do your best to take 5 minutes of your time to read it, think about it, and take action immediately after… I guarantee you’ll never be the same! Charles Plumb was a U.S. Navy jet pilot in Vietnam. After 75 combat missions off the USS Kitty Hawk, his plane was destroyed by a surface-to-air missile on his 76th mission. Although his plane was destroyed, Plumb was able to eject in time and parachute into enemy hands. He was captured and spent 6 years in a communist Vietnamese prison. He survived the ordeal and now lectures on lessons learned from that experience. One day, when Plumb and his wife were sitting in a restaurant, a man at another table came up and said, “You’re Plumb! You flew jet fighters in Vietnam from the aircraft carrier Kitty Hawk. You were shot down!” “How in the world did you know that?” asked Plumb. “I packed your parachute,” the man replied. Plumb gasped in surprise and gratitude. The man pumped his hand and said, “I guess it worked!” Plumb assured him, “It sure did. If your chute hadn’t worked, I wouldn’t be here today.” Plumb couldn’t sleep that night, thinking about that man. Plumb says, “I kept wondering what he might have looked like in a Navy uniform: a white hat, a bib in the back, and bell-bottom trousers. I wonder how many times I might have seen him and not even said, ‘Good morning, how are you?’ or anything because, you see, I was a fighter pilot and he was just a sailor.” Plumb thought of the man and the hours the sailor had spent on a long wooden table in the bowels of the ship, carefully weaving the shrouds and folding the silks of each chute, holding in his hands each time the fate of someone he didn’t know. Now, Plumb asks his audience, “Who’s packing your parachute?” This story touched me so much I couldn’t help but pick up the phone and immediately give thanks and gratitude to people in my life that have packed my parachute. With the craziness of life, our jobs, kids, family, financial woes, or whatever… Always keep in perspective the positive things in your life. Oftentimes we miss what’s really important. We don’t say hello to the person next to us in the elevator, or thank the server with gratitude at our favorite restaurant. Maybe just do something nice for someone for no apparent reason or go out of your way to give a compliment to your co-worker or employee. Whatever it may be… Always be aware of your surroundings, the blessings in your life and always remember – You didn’t get to where you are alone… People have helped you along the way! As you go through this day, this week, this month, this year, please don’t forget to recognize people who pack your parachute. by Angel L. Rivera



20 Successful Network Marketing TIPS Building a team in any business starts with connections. As a full-time teacher who is happily married with two kids, I have built a successful networking marketing business over the past 3 1/2 years. Here are 20 techniques I use consistently. Implement these techniques immediately to build your connections and find success.

When you meet someone at an event: 1. Introduce yourself and ask how you can serve them.

2. Connect on social media. 3. Be consistent. You want your network to think of you when they think of your brand.

4. Stay positive. People want to be in-

spired, entertained, and educated. Post relatable and authentic content that creates value for your target audience.

5. Always ask permission before adding people to groups or tagging them in sales posts.

6. Send individual messages instead of

group messages. If you send a group message, the members will usually leave the group conversation or ignore, delete, or block you. You will not gain customers this way.

12. Start right away. Waiting for people


to hop on tells your audience that their time is not valuable.

13. At the beginning, explain what you

will be talking about. Create value by offering solutions to problems or sharing how-to’s. Use hashtags in your descriptions.


Avoid dead time, the word “um,” and don’t repeat yourself when new people hop on. Most people will watch the replay.


15. Interact with your audience. Ask them

to share your video, ask where they are watching from, and if they are watching on the replay, ask them to comment #replay. Thank them for watching.

Follow up! After a sale: 16. Send a handwritten thank you card. 17. Ask permission to tag them in a thank


you post.


Follow up to make sure they received their order and are satisfied with it. Follow up again a couple months later asking if they need to reorder. In between, interact with them on Facebook.

19. Ask them to write you a review on social media.


7. Add new friends daily, but never add 20. Ask for referrals. someone as a friend and then send them your link to order.

8. On social media, avoid words like “Join my team” or “Buy this now.”

9. Never post only a link on your Facebook wall or a picture of a product with a price. This is spammy and people do not want to be sold to.

When doing Facebook lives: 10. Prepare and advertise

ahead of


11. Make sure you have good lighting. Stand in front of an open window or invest in a ring light.


Network marketing is all about building relationships and expanding your network. People buy from those they like, know, and trust, so it’s essential to always make new friends and nurture those friendships. Be knowledgeable about how your product or service can help others. Be a consistent presence on and off social media and strive to provide value for your target audience. by Lauren B. Aven, M.A.



Thriving Entrepreneurial Marriage

Being an entrepreneur is not easy; being married to an entrepreneur is not easy; and both people being entrepreneurs is definitely not easy. Here are three keys that will ensure you have a thriving entrepreneurial marriage


Being married to my wonderful husband, who is very passionate about what he does, we don’t see each other that much. Married for 8 years and having been with each other for a total of 12 years, we have gone through a LOT. What I have learned throughout our journey of marriage is to trust each other. Constantly overseeing our businesses, maintaining our staff, and having meetings separate from each other, we rarely see each other. Although there is limited time, having the trust with one another is very important. Without trust, marriage leads to failure. I have learned that our marriage is long lasting and happier than ever due to our trust of each other. I allow Stephen to do what he needs to do, and he does

the same for me. Because we trust each other, we are able to manage our businesses without the other person looking over the other one’s shoulder asking about everything we did that day.


Another thing I have learned is, due to our limited time, we have to plan. We plan dates, vacations, and even sex!!!! Having time set aside really helps us reunite, get caught up, and have that quality time that most women love!!!!


Lastly, having the same mission statement in the marriage is important. Mission statements work as well for marriages as they do for businesses. The mission statement is what keeps our marriage glued together. As long as two people have the same mission, their purpose in their marriage moves forward, stays exciting with the new ideas ahead, and keeps the marriage strong. Stephen’s and my mission statement is to help as many people become fulfilled, successful and flourishing in all aspects of their life. The married life of an entrepreneur is not easy, but it is exciting. Remember to always have trust in one another, set aside time for each other, and have a mission statement. Unlocking these three keys will keep your marriage exciting and strong. by Angela Dela Cruz


Restaurant of The Month Have you ever had a drink that completely altered the course of your life? For BeShock’s successful 29-year-old co-founder Ayaka Ito, this is exactly what happened to her. One sip and she was filled with overwhelming feelings of joy and pride of her home country.

Ayaka Ito

Ayaka was born in Japan, but it wasn’t until she returned on a trip to aid the villages that were demolished after the 2011 tsunami that she found her life’s calling. She was relaxing with the other volunteers and the villagers after a long day of helping rebuild their neighborhood when she was offered a glass of sake (to be specific, she was offered a glass of Ichinokura Sake). After taking her first sip, she knew this would change her life. Ayaka’s new passion in life was to show the world the beauty of sake and the Japanese culture. Ayaka went on to get her ‘Sake Master’ certification in Japan, which is equivalent to a sommelier for sake. In 2013, she came up with the idea to start her own ramen restaurant to bring her passion to life. She spent the next year eating 10 bowls of ramen A DAY! She did this in order to taste every kind of ramen available, from the seasonings to the kinds of noodles and broth. She noticed that some ramen was too heavy, others not satisfying, while still others were in no way healthy for you. Ayaka had the vision to create a ramen that portrayed the traditional Japanese culture, while also creating a ‘soul food’ for San Diegans. She wanted to create comfort food for her customers so they would keep coming back again and again, but didn’t want to hurt their health in the process. Ayaka’s research for her perfect ramen restaurant did not stop at 10 bowls a day. She asked around to find out everyone’s favorite place. She was surprised when she heard time and time again, “I can’t remember the name, but it’s in Clairemont.” Ayaka knew that whatever she named her restaurant it had to stick out in people’s minds. Ayaka’s dedication to her vision certainly didn’t stop there. In 2015, BeShock Ramen & Sake Bar opened to the public in Downtown San Diego’s East Village. The word ‘beshock’ in Japanese means ‘gastronomy,’ which is the ‘beauty of food.’ Since its opening in 2015, BeShock has been “shocking” its customers by showing them the beauty of the food and beverage of the Japanese culture.


When our staff interviewed Ayaka, we were sincerely blown away by the detail that went into BeShock. The amount of time and en-

ergy that she dedicated to make this restaurant flourish truly shows in the satisfaction of its customers. When we asked her what her biggest struggle is in running a restaurant, she share two things: “It was a different process and managing employees.” She went on to tell us how opening a restaurant has a series of licenses and other things that all need approval before opening and that employees are hard to keep around. She found that the process of finding employees became easier once she began sharing her vision of the company with them.

The word ‘beshock’ in Japanese means ‘gastronomy’ Keeping up the energy and staying positive is the key to having a good team. No matter what else is going on in your life, come into work with a smile and be positive. Your attitude transcends to your staff. Ayaka’s passion for sake and people has helped her create an extremely successful restaurant and she plans on opening more locations in the future. We asked what her favorite BeShock dishes are and she said “Everything!” (as she should). She then told us that if she HAD to pick, it would be: Sake: Ichinokura Sake Ramen: Miso Ramen Dessert: Sake Ice Cream If you haven’t had a chance to check out BeShock Ramen & Sake Bar in East Village, make sure you check it out! You can see the details and the love for people that co-founder Ayaka put into developing this restaurant. Interviewed by Casey Nicole Fox Written by Casey Nicole Fox




JAMES MALINCHAK When we think of people who live a Life By Design, one name comes to mind right away! James Malinchak®! Choosing him for our February feature was a no-brainer for us! James began his journey in Corporate America, starting as a stockbroker, even working on the floor of the New York Commodity Exchange in the “trading pits” where all the trading happens! From a young age, he found a mentor who was one of the world’s best commodity traders, so the financial advisor way was ingrained in James. Although James started in the commodity “trading pits,” he realized that wasn’t for him anymore, and took an office job in Los Angeles with a major Wall Street Investment Firm where he won multiple awards. Being so young and very successful, he began getting asked to speak for his company training other brokers and financial advisors on how to rapidly grow their businesses. Soon after, a company in Southern California asked him to speak to their sales representatives. James responded, “Why? I’m not a speaker; I am a broker.” They told him because he has real business knowledge and offered him a hefty speaking fee. When James heard the fee they offered, James quickly accepted. After his first highly paid speaking gig, he fell in love with speaking and loved the fact he could serve, make a difference, and help others while getting highly paid. What truly sets James apart as a speaker is he not only speaks to impact lives, he also runs his speaking as a real business, making real money and now teaches others how to do the same. But don’t let the fact that he is an amazing speaker fool you into thinking that’s his only venture. He also has over 20 books, 21 online training programs, a large consulting firm, and is a rock star at marketing!

can always get more clients and make more money, but the one thing you can never get back is time. Every minute you waste is one that is lost forever! Always remember that you are blessed because you woke up this morning, are breathing and have more time! When you realize how beautiful this is, you instantly become more grateful and thankful for simply being alive!” What began to pull James out of this dark time in his life was hearing a quote by Pastor Robert Schuller who said, “Tough times don’t last. Tough people do!” James always remembers that quote to inspire others with his own advice: “When faced with a challenge, remember that tough times don’t last. They’re just like storms. Eventually they pass, so you must stay strong and ride out the storm!”

“Tough times don’t last. Tough people do!” For entrepreneurs starting a business, James Malinchak® always shares his three keys for achieving greater success in anything. These three are at the core of what he’s been teaching his private consulting clients for 20+ years, which he calls his Millionaire Top Achiever Formula®, which are: (1) Mindset; (2) Skillset; (3) Get Off Your Assets!

But with every success story, there are a million different failures, struggles and challenges. James’ biggest challenge was when his sister, Vicki, was diagnosed with a brain tumor and was told she had three months to live. This one event changed James’ entire life and at that point nothing mattered in his business and everything was put on hold.

For mindset, he is not talking about simply putting positive thoughts into the world. Rather, that you must train your mind to think differently (like a Millionaire Top Achiever®) on a daily, weekly, monthly and yearly basis. However, the right mindset alone isn’t enough. You also need to develop the right skillset, meaning real tangible skills for whatever you are trying to accomplish. But the right mindset and right skillset alone aren’t enough. The last piece of James’ formula is you must then “Get Off Your Assets,” meaning you must put the right mindset and right skillset into the right action. A key to remember with “Getting Off Your Assets” (taking action) is not worrying about being perfect because the more you take the right action on the right mindset and right skillset, the better you will become!

James learned an important life lesson after Vicki passed away and often tells entrepreneurs: “You

Now that we know a little more about James Malinchak’s story, and we received some amazing

advice on how to become successful, let’s get into some fun stuff! If you don’t know, James is happily engaged to the beautiful Melissa Marcantel! These two are the epitome of a power couple, both total powerhouses in their respective fields. So how do they manage healthy businesses and a wonderful relationship? Being entrepreneurs and knowing how important scheduling is, Melissa and James make sure to schedule their date nights and personal trips before scheduling certain business endeavors. They also are big believers in regularly attending Church and always praying for each other. In addition, they always try focusing on speaking each other’s love languages, which if you don’t know comes from the bestselling relationship book, The Five Love Languages, by Dr. Gary Chapman! Make sure to know what your significant other wants and don’t expect them to want the same things that you want because everyone is different. Melissa and James believe that another important aspect of a successful relationship is evaluating how much you are investing in it to improve it. If you want a successful relationship, make sure to invest in your life together! Finding the one we want to spend the rest of our time with is difficult as an entrepreneur, so we asked James for advice for those of us who aren’t in a relationship. Here is James’ suggestion. “First, make a list of everything you want in a significant other. Then, narrow them down to the 12 most important. Then, narrow those 12 down to the three-five most important and focus on looking for those in a significant other because you will never get everything you listed. It’s just not realistic! And here’s the big key! Once you determine these three-five important characteristics, begin working on YOURSELF to develop YOURSELF into the type of person who is worthy of attracting this incredible person because remember: Like Attracts Like!” James Malinchak® is such an inspiration to all of us here at Life By Design, whether it’s in business or personal endeavors. The way he plans everything from his businesses, to his relationships, to his days, shows that he truly lives his Life By Design!

Written by Kristen Crooks Interviewed by Jennifer Meim



BACHELORETTE Ava Khamooshi Favorite quote: “Build a firm foundation with the things that are thrown at you” Ultimate Goal: Impact lives through psychology Ava has been a life and business coach for ten years. She also coaches real estate agents and is currently focusing on her doctorate in psychology. Ava’s passion is psychology and understanding breakthroughs, how they happen, and how they impact people’s psyche. Currently, Ava is coaching over 750 people in real estate, life and business. She hopes to promote the American dream and aims to help people reach their true potential. Although she doesn’t have her doctorate in psychology yet, Ava stills helps people understand and work through minor conditions. Being very creative and driven, Ava hopes to find someone who can understand her busy schedule and her priorities. Being a full-time business owner, a doctoral candidate, and a single mother, this leaves very little of Ava’s time or energy to be put into dating. Although Ava has never had a problem with dating, she does enjoy her studies, running her businesses and raising her child because those are her true passions! Ava’s best advice for single mothers looking to get into entrepreneurship is to find your passion and follow it and to not pick something because of financial reward. Do what you would love to do. Following this advice is what led Ava to psychology. It is her true passion. For those looking to get into coaching, her best advice is to walk the talk. People can spot reality versus just an idea you had. Ava looks at all of her struggles in life as experiences to move her coaching along, because it gives her the experience to coach on what she has gone through. The hardest part about being an entrepreneur and a single mother is time management. She has to be mindful of having her daughter full time, being a full-time student, and running a business full time. Ava keeps three different journals to categorize her business, personal and school life. She has 20 different tasks each day in her journals. Every task she doesn’t complete moves to the next day keeping her very focused on what she needs to accomplish. The biggest success in Ava’s life is the relationship she has with her daughter! Ten years down the road Ava hopes to be a smaller version of Tony Robbins, speaking at conferences and impacting as many lives as she can through speaking and writing books. Even though Ava does have a job and a business, she has given herself the freedom to walk away from something if it is emotionally draining, or she doesn’t feel like it is good for her. This bachelorette is a great catch if you’re looking for someone who is self-motivated and who wants to make a big impact on the world.



BACHELOR Greg Reid Profile headline: “Adventure enthusiast seeks life partner to enjoy the finer things in life.” Life’s purpose: “To live by example, and not just by words!” San Diego’s number one most eligible entrepreneur bachelor goes to Greg Reid! Greg has owned many companies, but found his true passion of speaking when he spoke at UCSD. He has turned his passion into a thriving business that includes authoring more than 40 books, speaking around the world and has added filmmaker to his repertoire. Currently, he is in production of a film called Wish Man. Coming out this year, Wish Man tells the story of the creator and a co-founder of The Make-A-Wish Foundation, Frank Shankwitz. Greg asked Frank what wish he had and Frank said, “No one ever asked me, but I want my story to be told.” So Greg became Frank’s Genie and granted his wish, telling his story in the form of a movie for the whole world to see. Greg’s best advice to anyone getting into business is to seek council, not opinion! In addition to seeking council, it is very important to surround yourself with those who have the same goals and vision you do. They will push you forward and not hold you back. Greg has a wish, too. This year he wishes to find someone who will go with him on an adventure of a lifetime! This bachelor believes that life is about experiences and memories that you can make with another person. Even though Greg has always been an entrepreneur, finding the switch that turns off business and turns on romance has made it difficult to find, or even make time for, emotional intimacy. Being an entrepreneur and having an entrepreneurial mindset really only allows room for another entrepreneur. Greg believes that having that mindset and freedom is the only thing that could allow a successful long-term relationship. With great success comes great struggle! Dating as an entrepreneur has many challenges, especially when you have to portray yourself as a different person on stage. Having those two “different Gregs” can cause some confusion when this bachelor is dating, but he finds being upfront about it is the best way to go! Although it can be tough, Greg did give us some great advice on dating! Be picky! So many people out there know what they don’t want, but not what they do want. Greg is focusing on what he does want by knowing his boundaries and not being afraid to say no! The number one thing Greg recommends for dating is to be yourself because starting a relationship with open and honest communication is the key to a healthy relationship! This bachelor loves bringing chivalry to dating! He loves picking a woman up at her home, holding doors, pulling out chairs, and being a true gentleman. So if you are looking for a relationship filled with travel, honesty, and the finer things in life, our number one most eligible bachelor may just be the guy for you! bachelor may just be the guy for you! ENTREPRENEUR LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE 25

Juan David Ortiz-Romero

Christine McDannell

Ultimate goal: Financial freedom to support his brother

Ultimate goal: To create companies and creating jobs!

“Grind Together”

Juan is from Colombia and is a veteran of the United States Marine Corps. After leaving the Corps, Juan worked as a valet while he went to college, and there he found his true passion: event planning and marketing! He ran his first event at his community college and raised $9,000 to help support U.S. Veterans. Juan’s primary focus at the moment is LendIt, his start up company. In addition to LendIt, he works with the Veterans Chamber of Commerce and has his own event planning business! Juan’s best advice for those looking to get into marketing or event planning is to get out and network and to not forget that networking happens anywhere, anytime! Juan is not only looking for love from another person, but he continues to love himself and everything he does! Juan wants to avoid the humdrum of a 9-5 where the problems that come home just get repetitive and, instead, is looking for an entrepreneur to share an exciting life with. This bachelor is looking for a special person he can grind with, grinding out those tough roadblocks that entrepreneurs face everyday. Juan is looking for an adventurous entrepreneur who isn’t afraid to step outside of their comfort zone, and is happy dating while also moving their business forward. If you are looking for a bachelor who is fun, driven and confident, this is the guy for you! You can catch Juan preparing for the San Diego Mac N’ Cheese Fest, networking to improve his business, or working with local veterans who aim to scale or transition into entrepreneurship!


“Make every moment count”

This bachelorette could be called one of the bad girls of entrepreneurship! She has created and sold seven companies from scratch and is currently working on company numbers eight and nine! Her first venture of 2018 is Kindred Quarters, which is a space for like-minded entrepreneurs to live and elevate their businesses together. If you are looking for a new place to live in San Diego or L.A., you need to check out the amazing houses before all the spots fill up. Her ninth business is a luxury car rental business. This appeals to her because she loves cars and motorcycles! Christine’s best advice is to stay focused and not get distracted! Get tunnel vision for your own venture and work at it every single day, even if it’s just something small. It will be much harder to go all in on your business if you are easily distracted! Although she is amazingly driven in her businesses, she knows that when love happens it will just happen for her! Although he doesn’t need to be an entrepreneur, her significant other should be ambitious and love what he does! Becoming an entrepreneur has totally changed Christine’s view on dating. Her biggest issue about dating as an entrepreneur is knowing that if the date goes bad she could have been working to further her business. Business always comes first, so Christine finds it very difficult to date! Finding the right person who can fit into her busy schedule as a successful entrepreneur is difficult, but the right man will be able to step into that role and accept that her business is number one.

Ken Conklin

“My Name is Ken, But You Can Call Me Mr. Right Because I Am the Guy You Are Looking For!” Ultimate goal: To help people realize their dreams and potential Ken got his start in entrepreneurship marketing for a multimillion-dollar company at the age of 19! He started out as an assistant and through hard work it only took a couple of months for the company to fire their head of marketing and replace him with Ken. Now he runs a premium brand company helping other entrepreneurs build their brand to attract higher paying clients. Ken’s purpose is to help people realize their purpose so they can live up to their true potential.

Kristin Naomi

“Passionate, Driven, loves cheesy jokes!” Ultimate Goal: To bring emotion into as many lives as she can! Kristin’s brand may be of her as an actor, but she is so much more! Able to do anything behind the camera from directing to gripping, she can do it all whether she is on or off camera. But that’s not all! Kristin also owned two businesses before she turned 30, making her one killer triple threat. If you are looking to get started in the industry, Kristin’s best advice is start now! Don’t wait for the perfect job or role. Set that goal and go for it!

Although branding takes up most of Ken’s time, he has taken stage and speaks to increase his impact and boost his personal brand! Ken’s best advice for starting entrepreneurs is the more you do, the less you wait! Being Ken’s life motto, he lives by this quote so he can make a greater impact in as short of a timeframe as possible!

Kristin’s biggest goal for 2018 is to find someone who wants to have fun, travel, and can communicate. This bachelorette wants that connection you get with someone that allows for adventure, experience, and travel. Although she hadn’t thought about it too much, she is looking for an entrepreneur! She really wants someone to run the race next to!

Ken is looking for someone who knows who they are and what they want, someone looking to flourish in their passion and ambition, but who will also compliment his personality and can have fun. Although dating an entrepreneur would be fun (it’s not a deal breaker), the most important thing to this bachelor is ambition!

Since becoming an entrepreneur, Kristin’s view on dating has changed. Before, she was much more playful, and didn’t know exactly what she wanted. Now she wants someone who is driven, passionate, and even though she knows they won’t be perfect, she wants her significant other to be the best version of themselves. Now that she knows what she wants, it hasn’t made dating any easier for her! Since this bachelorette has so much going on, whoever is looking to date her needs to have that passion, and drive, that allows them to not be intimidated. If you are ready for a girl who can conquer her field, this is the bachelorette for you!

Becoming an entrepreneur may not have shifted Ken’s view on dating, but it has changed his focus! This bachelor’s next relationship won’t be someone he relies on to define who he is, which he believes will make the relationship more fun! Instead of a relationship where you look to another person to define who you are, Ken is excited for a relationship where they can complement each other instead. So if you are ready for a relationship where you can have fun, but also focus on your business and making an impact in this world, this bachelor is the guy for you!

Anthony Maze

“Guaranteed to be the most magical date you have ever been on!” Ultimate goal: To reach and impact as many kids as possible Meet Anthony Maze of Anthony Maze’s Amazing Magic School, a life skills magic class for preteens from 8 to 12 years old. Anthony’s magic school started from The Discover, a magic curriculum that was created by a well-known magician. Anthony is the only person in San Diego certified to teach this course, and is one out of only 50 people chosen in the first round to teach it! The main goal is to teach the eight skills of a true magician, which translates to some of the strongest life skills each and every person needs. Anthony’s best advice to get into entrepreneurship is to find someone who is doing what you want to do and surround yourself with them. Anthony’s main goal in life is to truly impact as many kids as possible, and help those kids to realize their skills and values! This year Anthony hopes to meet new people and experience as much as he can. Anthony wants another entrepreneur who understands that sometimes you don’t have time to invest in a relationship, someone who understands the hustle and bustle that goes into owning a business. As an entrepreneur, it’s important to know quickly if someone is right for you because you don’t want to waste t

Nicole Assef “Unusual me”

Ultimate Goal: To break down as many walls and problems as she can Nicole started her journey in the family business where she quickly learned sales, demographics, and skills it takes to make a business successful. She decided to move into entrepreneurship after her stint working for companies where the bosses eventually asked her how to get things done. This led to the start of her life as an entrepreneur. Working from home, she coaches others on how to create and run a successful business! Currently, this bachelorette is focusing on female entrepreneurs and showing them how to be confident in male dominated careers. Nicole’s best advice for growing entrepreneurs is to listen to the inside voice more than the outside voices. Realize you don’t have to make all the mistakes to learn, but to listen to what others have done. In 2018 Nicole hopes to find complete respect and trust in someone she can be herself around, and someone who supports her goals, dreams, and passions! This bachelorette is looking for her significant other to be an entrepreneur. She really loves the mindset, passion, and freedom that comes with being an entrepreneur and wants her partner to experience the same! Even though she is looking for an entrepreneur, she finds it hard to date as one. Her reason? Finding men who aren’t afraid of a strong woman is a difficult task! Her vision is to find someone who is a like-minded individual so they can grow and conquer together. So if you are looking for a confident woman who knows what she wants, this bachelorette is the one for you!

Sky Blossoms

Nikolas Elliot

“Let’s break the record of amazing...”

“Passionate, purposeful, positive person always dreaming, taking action and searching for the finer things!” Ultimate goal: To help others heal the wounds of their past and to help them realize they can fight back Currently Nikolas is working with Lady Boss, where their mission is to help women lose weight and love themselves again! Not only do they transform a woman’s mindset, but they also help women gain confidence and keep themselves accountable! Helping others isn’t his only passion right now. Nikolas is training for his first MMA fight and is starting his hard-core accountability program. If you want to do what this bachelor does, read every sales book under the sun because everyone does something differently. Learn from others by focusing on what they do right and what you can do better! Nikolas’ goal isn’t to find the perfect girl; it’s to become the man who can attract his ideal partner. The main thing this bachelor is looking for in his partner is passion for what they do! Being an entrepreneur is a huge plus because that comes with understanding of the hours, commitments, and schedules associated with being an entrepreneur. Being an entrepreneur may be a tough job, but that doesn’t impact this bachelor’s dating life! When you work on dreams, you have clarity on what you want, and when your why is your driving force, you have clarity on what you want! Nikolas’ goals are everything, so he wants to surround himself with someone with the same passion! Since becoming an entrepreneur, his views on dating have totally changed. Initially he thought the relationship would be put on a pedestal. Now that he has an entrepreneur mindset, he knows he doesn’t need someone else to make him feel happy, making that relationship more of a want than a need. If you are looking for a bachelor who is ready to fight for his business and honor, this is the guy for you!

Ultimate Goal: To help others reach their full potential and help them live their dreams Sky works with successful people, helping them to pinpoint their limitations, and resolve them. She also gives them the tools to resolve these problems in the future, so they don’t have to end up hitting their rock bottom. Sky’s newest projects are her book to help others resolve their problems and a few speaking engagements! Sky’s best advice for those looking to become an entrepreneur is to be the best version of yourself, constantly challenging yourself and stretching who you are and going after your goals every second of every day! This bachelorette hopes to reconnect with the man she sees in her dreams and meditations! Sky would love to find another entrepreneur, but it isn’t a deal breaker. The qualities she is looking for is taking responsibility for their lives, the love of freedom, and someone who is creative and a problem solver. So long as they have these qualities, it doesn’t matter what they do! This bachelorette doesn’t find that dating as an entrepreneur is more difficult, but she is a lot more selective now that she knows who she is and what she wants. Now that Sky is an entrepreneur, her views on dating have completely changed. She now surrounds herself with go-getters who don’t take no for an answer, whereas before she had completely different views on who she was and who she had in mind for dating.


SAN DIEGO’S CHARLES CLAY Charles Clay is a highly sought after Speaker, Author, Neurokinetic Therapist, Fitness & Health Coach. Charles began his entrepreneurial journey by turning his pain into purpose. After healing himself from a devastating back injury while snowboarding Charles has helped countless clients treat aches, pains and injuries and avoid surgeries.

AUSTIN G. NETZLEY Austin Netzley is a bestselling author, investor and entrepreneur. He is the Founder and CEO of 2X, a company specializing in helping busy entrepreneurs implement the systems and strategies necessary to become successful CEO’s.

ROMMEL CABAL He believes that anyone can achieve mastery using the principles of Learning, Implementing, and Teaching. While obtaining his degree in Electrical Engineering at SDSU, he found his passion in entrepreneurship, starting his first company making apps. He went on to start his own podcast, called Startup Life Hacks, where he interviews startup founders and entrepreneurs around San Diego.

NATHAN RESNICK Nathan Resnick is the CEO of Sourcify, a platform that makes manufacturing easy. In the past, Nathan has brought dozens of products to market, ran three ecommerce companies (sold one), and been a part of projects on Kickstarter raising over seven figures. He writes for media outlets like Entrepreneur, The Next Web,, and more.

BRIAN DRURY When I graduated, I had more questions than answers. I didn’t have a clear sense of who I was, what my next steps would be, or what I really wanted to do with my life. Then I slowly started finding out about the potential that life holds, reading about people who didn’t follow a normal path and are living extraordinary lives as a result.


Eligible Entrepreneur

REBECCA BOATMAN Rebecca Boatman is founder of The Brave Lady. Rebecca is a love coach for spiritual ladies! She specializes in helping ladies inspire a wildly fulfilling romance by giving them the RIGHT tools to create the relationship they are wildly in love with. She is a Graduate of Ascension Leadership Academy. She has coached over 50 amazing people. Rebeccas has helped raise over $25,000 to bring awareness to Human Trafficking.

ANGELIQUE KENNEY I am a real estate agent, an avid entrepreneur running a few other business on top of being an Actor, Model and accomplished Athlete with several titles and being an all natural athlete, I am also a fitness NCP competitor Nationally Qualified which is hard to do.

MARLA BINGHAM Marla Bingham, former principal dancer with the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater. After a noted international career as a performer, choreographer and dance master teacher, Marla Bingham has focused for the past fifteen years on expanding her understanding of the mind-body connection & of movement-based therapeutic exercises through Pilates & through the GYROTONIC® method.

JANINE HOLMAN Janine Holman is a freelance writer, photographer, and travel blogger - founder of Life Beyond Awesome – a site of travel journeys for adventurers, foodies, and lovers of luxurious things. Her stories cover both local and international travel and focus on diving into cultures and communities and the people who make them thrive.

CHELSEA LEE ROCK Chelsea Lee Rock is a coach and voice actor who created an academy “The actor in you, acting secrets that help you land any business venture.” She is eligible for Screen Actors Guild and has voiced over 30 books for kindle and audible. She is also a life coach that created a program helping women find their confidence, get healthy and gain their life back in her “Confidence is SEXY course.”

Bachelors & Bachelorettes CHRIS SORIANO Chris Soriano is the cofounder if Clever Talks, a Military nonprofit that empowers our Special Forces service members and veterans nationwide. Chris spent his early career as a journalist on CNN, and NBC News. Today he focuses his efforts on traveling to different military bases to empower our troops through conferences.

COLTON REISWITZ Colton signed on with Shamon Freitas, a local agency, and Zinc model management. Since then he’s been on local commercials, an episode of Modern Family, a center feature in Cool Korea magazine and on the cover of Ace, a romance novel. Since his start, Colton is now pursuing modeling as his main focus, but won’t turn down the opportunity to do what got him here in the first place. Acting.

SHIV SHUKLA Co-Founder of Theraflux. Theraflux innovates, develops, and manufactures advanced medical technology. The company was founded in 2013 to revolutionize medical technology, with the ultimate goal of restoring quality of life in patients suffering from chronic pain.

KENNETH JENKINS Kenneth Jenkins is an entrepreneur/entertainer based in San Diego, California. A San Diego native, Kenneth discovered his artistic talents in his elementary years. At the tender age of six, Kenneth knew he would become an actor, and he was right.

CAMERON GALLAGHER Cameron is one of the pre-eminent leaders in the field of high performance. He is the creator of the Bold Protocol, a revolutionary system of accelerating entrepreneurs success through re-wiring the brain.

ANA ROSA BENAVIDES Working with kids is fun! Children have reminded me of how amazing and exciting the world can be. I am a outgoing and positive my hobbies are exercised, hiking, cooking, traveling. Love spending time with family, friends, and church I’m a christian. Love to see all natural beauty, ocean, mountain. Joy in looking and comprehending is nature’s most beautiful gift.

SHERI HENDRICKSON Sheri Hendrickson is a Entrepreneur Business Woman, mother/grandmother. As a young child she became a sales girl selling kool aid! Now in 2018 she is a Global Expansion Leader with Xtreme Healthy Lifestyles! A Health & Wellness company dedicated to creating a health revival, giving people some hope and change, with the World’s only Certified Low Glycemic Functional Product Line.

ATHENA MATHEWS One of my greatest passions is the world of makeup, be it natural or avant garde and special effects. I received my certification from MUD makeup. I have also received my license for esthetics (skin care) which to me goes hand in hand with makeup. My vision is to enhance the beauty already owned with proper skin care and flawless makeup application.

RHIANNA BASORE An internationally recognized actress and writer, her work has appeared OffBroadway, around the United States, and abroad as well as in film, TV, web series, and voiceovers. She has over 10 years of experience as a branding and image consultant and loves when she is brought in as an interpersonal communication expert by esteemed local educational institutions, like UCSD, & USD.

NORMA MEDINA My name is Norma Medina I’m the owner of a small video production company Blue Trinity Films. I’m a film major and I been a cinematographer for almost 20 years, I knew I wanted to be a filmmaker since I saw the movie The Goonies at each 7. I’m a mother of the sweetest 10 year old boy and I’m also have a job filming videos for social media for Jerome’s furniture store during the week.


NICOLAI WINKLER Graduated Cordon Bleu Culinary thrn he worked for some world class resort hotels and resorts.Including a vegan vegetarian yoga retreat center on the big Island as well as The world famous Mauna Kea Beach Hotel built by Lawrence Rockefeller & was also a chef at The Fairmont Orchid in Kona helping to celebrate there centennial 100 years.

DANIELLE NONOG I am single, and I am HAPPILY single. 2019 is my year to mingle! If you’re a fit, that means you are also approved by my assistants!

MARIAN GEISER Marian Geiser is a Photo booth / Pro Photographer. She started out as freelance photographer. Her education stared off with Interior design. Marian went to Design Institute of San Diego. There she learned about business 101 and design software. Using some skills she learn then to now designing digital templates for her customers. Photography was the best path and fit for her.

RACHEL GALLENBERGER I strive to make the world see my clients as the truly stunning women that they actually are. As a major in Art History, my work incorporates the techniques I’ve learned from great artists such as Caravaggio, ToulouseLautrec, De La Tour, and Kirchner. I specialize in working on fashion shows, glamour photo shoots, bridal events and short films.

Kyle Good

Regita Purmalyte




A huge thank you to everyone in the San Diego community who voted on who they believed should be San Diego’s Most Eligible Entrepreneur Bachelor & Bachelorette! Greg Reid and Ava Khamooshi are 2018’s Most Eligible Entrepreneur Bachelor & Bachelorette! Pages 26-27 have our top 10 Most Eligible Entrepreneur Bachelors & Bachelorettes. These amazing people you will find on these pages are San Diego’s Most Eligible Entrepreneur Bachelors & Bachelorettes!! Everyone did such an amazing job to help us make this happen and our whole team is so thankful!


Jeff Fallon

Dishaun Jones


PROS and CONS of Online Dating as an Unattached Entrepreneur Dating in 2018 takes work. Dating alone – takes work. Period. For entrepreneurs these days, it’s hard to find someone who can keep up. For single entrepreneurs, the challenge is even harder because of our living on the edge – in the “fast lane.” However, fear not because all is not lost. Yet. Back in the day, online dating used to have this negative connotation. Nowadays, it’s almost inevitable that the only way to meet people you can “click with” is through online dating apps. If you’re anything like me, meeting people “organically” is still the way to go, but the norm seems to have switched in the digital age and I say there’s no shame in the game.

This past year I learned that entrepreneurship and dating – online dating – seem to have a lot in common: it’s a negotiation, a transaction and a deal in its simplest form. Here’s three pros and three cons of what online dating taught me in my approach to business and online dating and vice versa, which are more often than not interchangeable.


Online Dating taught me: 1. Not everyone is who they say they are. Safety first. Don’t get catfished. Look people up. It’s 2018. Are they that gorgeous IRL (in real life)? Are they a real human being? Does their dating profile coincide with their LinkedIn? 2. Appearances are not everything. Yes, they’re smart, they’re a prospect,


GRATIFICATION Woohoo! You started the New Year off with a bang. You’ve set some goals for the rest of the year and can’t wait to conquer them. The trouble is, you’ve seen this happen time and time again. The excitement boils deep within your skin, hairs spike up, heart beats fast, only to have it fade within the next few months (maybe even weeks or days). Most of your hard work has resulted in little to no results. “Why haven’t I reached success yet? When is it my turn?” Great news! It’s coming… In a study done by Walter Mischel, a psychologist at Stanford University, he led a group of children ages four to six into a room. Each child was offered a treat, such as a marshmallow or an Oreo cookie,


but what do they have to offer you besides their looks?

out of the equation and find a mutually beneficial deal.

3. Actions speak louder than words. What they message you is not always true unless they follow through. Sometimes people talk to you just because they’re bored. They’re not really serious. You’re an option to them. Move on to someone who knows your worth. Sometimes it’s not you; it’s them.

3. Don’t chase. No’s shouldn’t be taken personally (it’s a learning process, we all still have egos after all). Bottom line: A no deal is a no deal. But also: don’t rush. This just weeds out who belongs in your circle and who doesn’t. If a deal is supposed to happen, it will. Let it happen organically.


Business transactions taught me how to: 1. Talk to people. Start with the basics right off the bat. Don’t get sidelined from the left field later on. Do I think your price offer for my product is worth the same as its actual worth? Before you can ask this, however, first and foremost: know your product’s worth. 2. Sometimes no answer just means they’ve moved on. It doesn’t have to be explicit. Sometimes a better price for you isn’t a better deal for them. Do yourself a favor and do the same. Nix yourself

which was placed on a table. The children were then told that they could eat the treat if that was what they wished to do. There was one catch. Walter explained to the children that if they waited for 15 minutes without giving in to the temptation of eating the treat, then they would be rewarded with another one. Walter observed the children in another room during the 15-minute wait. Out of over 600 children, one-third of them delayed their gratification while the rest of them immediately ate the marshmallow. During follow-up studies, Mischel followed the test subjects and noticed a correlation between the children who immediately ate the treat versus the ones who deferred gratification. The children who delayed gratification exhibited better life outcomes, which were measured by SAT scores, educational attainment, and other life measures.

But really, all sarcastic jokes aside – external factors are very much involved when it comes to transactions, negotiations and deals in life, business and love. Life is too short for games. Know your worth. Know who and what you’re worthy of. In the end, remember that you deserve the best. #dontsettle2k18 by Anna Ruth Ramos

How does this apply to you? When going for your goals, know that you are in it for the long term. Each step of your journey is meant to improve your current situation.

Love the process. Put your head down, grind hard and know that it will pay off. Work these next few years like no one won’t, so that you can live the rest of your life like no one can’t. by Rommel Cabal

Keeping Your New Year’s Resolution So you started New Years with a bang – new gym membership, strict diet plan, and without doubt, new business goals. Great! Is your February as impressive as your January? Struggling to maintain effort and ambition? Whatever your goals for 2018, here are a few tips to help keep you on track with your resolution(s) throughout the year: Mindset – Find time to meditate. Before you start your day, spend at least one hour listening to motivational speakers and reading positive affirmations. Stay focused on what motivated you to make a change in the first place. Remember your why and what about it brought you to the conclusion that a change needed to be made, and let that be your daily motivation. Discipline – Put into action what you’ve set your mind to do. Resist seemingly innocent distractions that can quickly get you off track. It’s easy to lose focus when you allow anti-productive activity and people to interfere with your schedule. Adhering to a strict schedule will enable you to overcome procrastination and keep you on top of your A-game!

Track your progress – Keeping track of your progress will give you a visual of where you were, to where you are now. This is such a big confidence builder because seeing results today increases your motivation for tomorrow. Just remember, it takes consistency, especially in the beginning, for results to begin to manifest. Depending on your goal(s), this could take up to 90 days. Be realistic with your expectations when reviewing your current status. Then, go back to Mindset in tip #1 and remember your why to keep you going. Reward yourself – Yes, some things should be done anyway, but why not give yourself some extra incentive and periodically celebrate your accomplishments quarterly, once or twice a month, or every weekend if it so pleases you! If an employer can provide its employees with perks for performing a job well-done, why not you, the entrepreneur, provide incentives for yourself? You pay yourself, so treat yourself, because you can, because you’re the boss!

in your lungs, and the energy to read this article, you have so much to be thankful for! Whether you start with having little, or more than most, you are capable of changing your life, and that’s something to be thankful for. Being thankful helps us to be humble to our cause and encourages us to keep things in perspective. When you can appreciate that you’re capable of making change, you won’t want to have any excuse to not finish what you’ve started. Give yourself the best opportunity to make 2018 your very best year yet. Be brave enough to believe you can, courageous enough to face every fear, and strong enough to overcome every obstacle. Take on 2018 like the champion you know you are! by Kimika Ward

Be THANKFUL - Always, always, be thankful for being capable of accomplishing your goals. If you’re alive, have breath


Minimalism in Emotions, Less Panic, More Power. #EmoInControl

I remember laughing hard when I first heard “Don’t get your honey where you make your money.” With good reason, romance in the workplace, along with other emotions like anger outbursts, uncontrolled energy, and grudges held against others, simply have no place in the audience of your company. I’m not saying emotions are bad; I’m saying they have their purpose and must be taken in consideration, but not allowed to take control. Emotions come from within. We react how we choose to and direct our emotions and actions in ways that are self-soothing. It’s always easier to blame someone else, but that doesn’t get to the core of the problem. It simply allows emotions to take their course because we feed into those behaviors. Consider the following next time you feel your heart flutter or anger arise. If an office romance is beginning to cloud your judgment and blur your focus, proceed with caution! A working environment is not the place to meddle in affairs of attraction. A work environment has a goal to meet by the end of the day and a tempo of productivity that are hindered by flirtatious behaviors. However, if cupid’s arrow can’t be deflected, consider coming forward and disclosing the relationship to HR to avoid conflict. Leading the lust or love from a new relationship outside of the office and into open spaces on your free time is best altogether. If you have a hot head temper and emotional outbursts, take a moment to step back and think of what this reflects of your leadership and capacity to handle responsibility and pressure. Again, emotions aren’t bad; it’s just bad when we let them take over and take the wheel that guide our decisions. Next time an issue arises, view the situation from a 3rd person point of view to better help you see it from all angles. This simple exercise will help you be more mindful to what others involved are experiencing. This habit assists you in looking at your own emotions in an analytical light, rather than reacting to them at face value. With practice you will be wiser in your decision making, and be calm and collected under pressure with greater ease. As always with minimalism, you get something in return for everything you rid yourself of. For distancing yourself from knee jerk reactions to gossip or bad news, you now gain the ability to value more and show genuine joy for the events that merit a display of positive emotions. Now you can better manage expectations and losses by not letting the emotional toll that comes with those situations get the best of you. For this month’s tag #EmoInControl consider taking a picture of something pure and simple that brings you joy and post it on social media. Tell us why it makes you happy and how it serves as a grounding point for your emotions. Don’t forget to tag #LBDMagazine. by Juan Ortiz-Romero




Spend your wealth on experiences, not items

Veteran Owned Business As we kick off the new year and roll into the Valentine’s day holiday filled with paper mache hearts, long stem roses and chocolates, we are not always accompanied by a better half. Whether you have a fancy romantic dinner planned or a fun night out with girlfriends or buddies, you can dress according to the holiday season without looking too overdone.

Do your best to stand out in 2018.

Dressing For


An Entrepreneur’s Edition

As a busy entrepreneur, this isn’t always the easiest thing to do, especially for those of us who aren’t quite sure how to approach the day of love and all the festivities that it comes with. Instead of wearing the cliche red dress or red blouse, try for a statement piece instead. Talent director and fashion stylist, Jennifer Lewis, says that having one staple item in your closest is sometimes all you need to change an outfit from day to night.

As you go from a busy day of hustling in the AM, you can easily transition into the PM using this simple, yet brilliant, tip! Miss Lewis recommends a dark wash skinny jean (or pant for a more professional wear) paired with a classy blouse and topped with a blazer for your casual yet professional AM look. To switch to a PM look, simply remove the blazer and top your blouse with a statement necklace or pair of earrings to draw the whole look together. As the 14th approaches, how will you be dressed? To tie in your festive wear, pair an accent piece into your outfit. This could just as easily be a simple pop of color to your ensemble. Ladies, try for a gold or silver necklace with a touch of warm color such as a pink or red. When paired with a neutral palette of black, navy, cream or white, you’ll create a classy and not overly festive look. Your look will be just enough to show you’ve recognized the holiday without going overboard. by Carmel McAndrews


your wife is NOT your


Do you run a business or does your business run you? Do you have a partnership with your spouse in business or are they an underpaid employee? It’s often necessary to delegate the tasks we aren’t the best at in our business to someone who can compliment our skills with theirs. The trouble arises when the person you delegate to is your spouse and they end up being your secretary instead of your equal. When I was 18 I started my first business as a photographer with my wife. I am a very outgoing person while my wife is very analytical. In the beginning of our business we split the roles, I handled the sales meetings and shooting the weddings while she did the editing and the administrative work for the business. Soon I was asking her to set my appointments and I was no longer taking her input on the business seriously. Our problem was that we lacked communication. We talked all the time - and fought even more - but we never properly communicated. She felt like I walked all over her and I thought I was running the business single handedly. We didn’t communicate our wants, needs, and feelings and we allowed the business to be what defined our relationship. The definition of a partner is a person who takes part in an undertaking with another or others, especially in a business or company with shared risks and profits. A partner in business is very similar to a partner in life, in the fundamentals. You solve problems together, you brainstorm together, you struggle together, as equals in the shared risk of the situation. 1. COMMUNICATION - Make sure that you create a safe space where you can be open with your spouse. You share what you want to achieve and allow them to share also. Encourage your spouse to dream big and to even surpass you with their success! Make sure that you don’t run over your spouse's dreams with your own. 2. LOVE LANGUAGE - Read the book, “The 5 Love Languages” by Gary Chapman. Read it twice if you have to. It’s important to understand how you feel most loved and how your spouse feels most loved. When you understand this, you can show one another how much you truly appreciate the hard work they do in a way they will feel it the most. 3. DELEGATION - Understand that delegation is important but your significant other’s time is also valuable. Would their time be better spent with you in a sales meeting or out selling their own business versus writing a blog for you or creating a social media post? Can the tasks you have delegated to them be better delegated to someone whose time can be traded for a nominal fee? Remember, everyone has dreams of doing great things. Will you be the person to cheer on your significant other, or will you be the one who drowns out their potential? by Stephen Dela Cruz


Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill


I’ve heard that this book has been referred to as the “bible for success.” This actually triggered my curiosity because it means that all the founding principles of success will be in it. Also, it has become top of my mind especially when influential and successful people in my life say, “It’s a must read if you are going to be in business.” Now, imagine spending 20 plus years on a project, traveling all over the world, and documenting interviews from hundreds of successful people. That sound a bit overwhelming, right? Great news! Mr. Napoleon Hill did it for all of us. The lifelong work put into this, the power of preserving words, and gifting this knowledge to whomever has the desire to learn is priceless. Think and Grow Rich is readily available to anyone who wants to breathe success into their life. It is “the representation” of learning from the successful people who have paved the way. After reading this book, I’ve become aware of other publications where the ideas taught had already been discussed in Mr. Hill’s writing. That confirms to me the power and importance of this book. What I love most is Mr. Hill will hold your hand and walk you through the process, and all you have to do is follow and embrace the journey to your success. Here’s a quick peek of the 13 “steps” to Think and Grow Rich: 1. Desire 2. Faith 3. Autosuggestion 4. Specialized Knowledge 5. Imagination 6. Organized Planning 7. Decision 8. Persistence 9. Power of the Master Mind 10. The Mystery of Sex Transmutation 11. The Subconscious Mind 12. The Brain 13. The Sixth Sense I am currently closely following the steps in this book. I am in awe of how it’s already changing my mindset and I’m having successes along the way. If you happen to actually read and implement it, I would love to hear your journey. by Jennifer Meim


I find it intriguing to look back over time and analyze how people and marketing were in the past in comparison to how people and marketing are today. In my fascination of this topic, I hear a lot of talk about tribes and communities and building one of your own. I simply love this idea and don’t really comprehend why it has taken so long to come about. Building a tribe – a community of people that stand behind you and rally for your success – is simply phenomenal. Remember, a tribe is a group of people of no particular size, with a common interest or goal and a recognized leader. As entrepreneurs, having a tribe matters because we all go farther when we have a group rallying behind us. So, the question is, “How do I build a community of responsive people – a community who actually wants to hear from me and is engaged as well?” It’s quite simple - it all starts with you. Who are you? What’s your story? What kind of community do you want? What kind of leader do you want to be? Answer these questions, live those answers in life, and your tribe will build itself. WHO ARE YOU? WHERE DO YOU WANT TO GO?

People today are beyond following others blindly. If you want people to follow you, you have to let them know who they are following. They want to know who you are, what you stand for, and where you want to go. Deciding the answers to these questions will help you confidently show up to lead.

to build. It helps you define where to find people and how to create those common interests and goals. Decide what your most important interests are so you can be most beneficial in helping others and you will find those who can be most beneficial in helping you. WHO DO YOU WANT TO HANG OUT WITH?

The only way to build a tribe that will enhance you and help you be a success is to clearly understand who is a great fit for your tribe. Think about people’s traits like their values, beliefs, strengths, weaknesses, experiences, and backgrounds. Also, ensure the community you build will be conversing in the same conversation. What are their goals? Do their goals complement your goals? In other words, consider what someone will be bringing to your table. When everyone’s traits and goals complement each other, synergy develops and you suddenly find yourself leading a fantastic tribe. Your tribe is your ally in this journey called life. Choose these tribe members carefully as they will have tremendous affect in your life. When creating and growing your tribe, choose people who are uplifting, of good cheer, seek to inspire and motivate, and help you grow and recharge as these are the types of people who will consistently stand behind you and rally for your success. by Janine L. Holman


Narrowing down your interests enables you to limit your focus on what you want ENTREPRENEUR LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE 37


The Healing Power of Hugs Virginia Satir said, “We need four hugs a day for survival. We need eight hugs a day for maintenance. We need twelve hugs a day for growth.” How many hugs a day do you want? As entrepreneurs, most of us strive for growth in our personal development, relationships and our businesses. Right now you may be thinking, “How can I get in 12 hugs a day and from whom?” You may be lucky enough to be interacting with 12 people a day at home, in your business or while you are out and about. The difference between the average hug and a healing hug is 17 seconds. That 17 seconds may seem like an eternity at first, but I strongly encourage you to be up for the challenge because we entrepreneurs know that change lies just beyond our comfort zone. The average length of a hug between two people is 3 seconds, but researchers have discovered something amazing. When a hug is at least 20 seconds long, there is a therapeutic effect on the body/mind. The reason is that a sincere hug produces a hormone called “oxytocin,” also known as the love hormone. Heart to heart hugs benefit our physical, mental and emotional health in various ways such as strengthening our immune system, building our self-esteem, balancing our nervous system as well as a strong display of love and support. I am excited to share with you two powerful healing hug exercises.

The Heart to Heart Hug

This exercise consists of six simple steps. 1. Making eye contact, approach the person tilted slightly to your right with arms wide open. 2. Place your left arm over their right shoulder and your right arm around their left side. 3. Bring the person close to you, aligning your heart with theirs. 4. Hold the person for 20 seconds, avoiding a pat or rub on their back. 5. Connect your breath. 6. Release embrace, make eye contact and smile.

The Self-Love Hug

Inspired by my mentor, Fahtiem, this four-step process is best when sitting comfortably and can also be done standing or lying down. 1. Breathe in deep, open your arms wide and take in all the positive energy around you. 2. Exhale as you slowly and lovingly wrap your arms around you. 3. Close your eyes and nestle you chin in the crook of your neck. 4. Keep your eyes closed and breathe in and out slowly for at least 20 seconds, melt into your embrace and feel the connection, comfort and love. Stay there until you naturally feel that it is time to open your eyes and release your embrace. You may feel like taking a big cleansing breath, sigh or smile. It only takes 20 seconds to infuse your life with more love and only another two minutes and 20 seconds to create a sustainable growth in your personal development, relationships and business. by Nadirah R. Bray HHP


PROVE Your Naysayers WRONG



Schedule a free 30-minute freedom seeker session at “That’s impossible!” “You could never do that.” “That doesn’t seem like a good idea.” If you’ve ever heard these words you were more than likely set back by them especially if it was your first time hearing them. If you’ve ever heard those words, the chances that that person was in a place where they could say they were successful are little to none. Even if you’re one of those people that say “words don’t hurt,” this still has been at the back of your mind. As entrepreneurs, we know mindset is EVERYTHING. Most of us have routines for when we wake up to motivate us to hustle, books we read, things we say to ourselves to build our confidence; but just like many things in life, there are road blocks. Most of them are in the form of people. Many people don’t have a winning mindset. Why? Because they were told by someone that they wouldn’t find success. We tell our young that they can be anything they want to be when they grow up! Astronauts, Rockstars, Paleontologists or even the President. As our young get older, the same people that told you that you could be anything are now telling you to “be more realistic.” They’re telling you to stop dreaming so big because YOU CAN’T DO

THAT. If you ask any of these people why they’re saying these words, they will give you a blank stare and tell you, “Well, I don’t know. It just doesn’t seem possible.”

YOU CAN DO EXACTLY THAT!! The fact of the matter is

Don’t let someone who never achieved their dream step on your fire. You are more than capable of achieving whatever it is you have set your mind to. Are all dreams easy to achieve? No. Some will take more time than others! And as much as we’d love to prove our naysayers wrong, we must stay focused on the prize ahead. It is important to realize that we shouldn’t think badly about these people. It has now become your job to show them a better way. Show them that you CAN do what you set out for as well as the fact that THEY CAN, TOO! Become the light they were denied. You are a mover and a shaker and there’s not been one mover and shaker who didn’t hear those things. YOU CAN DO IT. Be good to yourself and the people around you! Keep hustling. by Najja Gandy


Scriptural Principle:

Love in Business

Have you met an entrepreneur who’s patient, kind, and humble? How about noticing how they conduct their business where you can visually see their vibrant character and their optimism? In the scripTures, LOVE is defined and can be found in First Corinthians chapter 13 verses 4 to 7 (1 Cor 13:4-7 NASB). “Love is patient, love is kind and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant, does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered, does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.” Aren’t these the qualities we look for in people we want to work with? LOVE is such an essential part of any relationship. Plenty characterics are listed above, but we’ll just pick a few to see how we can cultivate and apply them in our daily lives.


preneurs, we are exposed to many very successful individuals who have something to show for. These exposures come in many shapes and forms like luxury items, beautiful life partners, super smarts, lots of social reach, and more! How do we avoid jealousy? Love rejoices with the truth! We can simply see and accept “what is.” We can view it as the reality of actions that these people took in order to get what they have and decisions they made to be where they


are. It really boils down to this quote, “If they can, I can, too!”


feel or get attacked by our colleagues, competitors, and customers, a likely possible response is to react in the same manner. Love is kind! We can first seek to understand the person or situation and find the problem to search out its solution. Most issues stem from miscommunication, so the best way is to cultivate relationships where openly transparent dialogue is the norm.


entrepreneurship journey is such a rollercoaster of emotions and results. It is really our passion, our desire, and our love of what we do that keeps us grounded and holds us together. It is the power of love that we openly and willingly accept and bear everything; positive or negative. A perfect quote comes to mind that clearly shows our attitude toward this lifestyle, “Life is 10% of what happens to us and 90% of how we react to it.” Love is a beautiful thing and something we don’t mind getting more of. May we exercise LOVE in all things. by Jennifer Meim

The Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)

Could This Postcard From The

Future Help Shortcut

If I could write a postcard and send it to my younger self back in time 30 years, it would say:

teresting things. These days I call it: “kissing frogs.” Pucker up: you gotta kiss a lot of frogs to find a princess!

“You are going to be more successful than you can currently imagine The world is going to offer you opportunities simply because you are looking for them. Keep on your journey to find the perfect business model - you will find it. Don’t be part of the problem, but do be part of other people’s solutions”

“Keep on your journey to find the perfect business model - you will find it”

Can you imagine getting that through the mail? How inspired would you be? Wouldn’t it be worn ragged by a daily read? Wouldn’t you just keep on....keeping on? So now, go ahead and pick up a pen. Copy those four lines onto a postcard or letter, or hotel stationery, and mail it to yourself. I’ll be right here when you get done... Now that that’s on the way, before it lands let’s take a look line by line:

“You are going to be more successful than you can currently imagine”

Well, I always had an active imagination. And my dreams were never small. But they were anchored or limited in the reality at the time. Dreaming to start your own business is a big dream when you’re a ‘graveyard restoration operative.’ Dreaming of an en-suite is a big dream when your reality is a downstairs bath. I simply couldn’t have dreamed of living in a six bed, six bath, seven acre farm house while I was living in a terraced house. But maybe if I had I would’ve gotten there sooner...

“The world is going to offer you opportunities simply because you are looking for them”

I eventually realized that doing the same thing got me the same results. You don’t ‘find time’ and you don’t ‘make time’ - you can only make better use of the time you have. All my breaks came after talking to interesting people who were doing in-

When I left school, I was barely fit for employment. In fact, the career counselor advised I should join the Army! I declined and found my own way and I would go on to consult with over a thousand businesses, from motorcycles, carpets, construction, graveyards, shops, warehouses, factories, door-to-door and direct sales, direct marketing, distance selling, consultancy, web building, internet marketing, membership sites to software-as-a-service.

The business I now run wasn’t possible when I left school. First they had to invent the internet! For me, it’s the perfect business.


Concerned about weight gain or loss? Feeling overwhelmed from many nutritional suggestions? With all the different information and conflicting views provided on food and diets, who do you believe? And is an all raw diet really the best? In Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), there are no “good” or “bad” foods; only appropriate/inappropriate energetic foods for every constitutional need. Remember that foods have different energetic qualities. For example, certain foods can be warming or cooling. Not implementing this understanding will cause a loss of balance in one’s health. I thought raw salad and raw juice smoothies were good for me all the time and anytime! During the ‘80s and ‘90s, well-intentioned health food proponents touted the benefits of raw foods and the importance of enzymes from raw food for digestion. According to Eastern Nutrition in TCM, there are three fallacies in this logic: 1.

So, let me tell you my shortcut - it could save you 30 years:

Get a subscription website

Whether it’s goods or services, newsletter, online coaching or software-as-a-service like eZs3, running an online subscription business is the perfect model for entrepreneurs.

“Don’t be part of the problem, but do be part of other people’s solutions”

Perhaps there isn’t a shortcut to building character and it’s only when you have two guys from the bank call your home and ask for their checkbooks back, that you’re part of the problem! You gotta take care of your own bills...



Every individual has been born into the world with unique constitutions. Therefore, no one dietary guideline is going to be perfectly applicable for all other individual constitutions. Some bodies may be more yang and other bodies more yin in nature. Raw foods tend to be “cold” and an overconsumption of them will damage the Spleen energetic organ system. In Chinese medicine, the Spleen is paired with the Stomach and is central in the proper digestion and absorption of food and prefers warm energetics. The signal that the digestive system is purging more efficiently due to enzymes is typically noted through

more abundant loose bowel movements; this is actually a symptom of Spleen damage in TCM. My friend just ate nothing but a raw diet and lost so much weight. I am doing the same exact thing, but why is it that I am not?? The other individual’s constitution may have been more heat and required more cool. Your constitution may be the opposite, having a weakness or preexisting internal cold to the digestive system. I thought drinking cold water with lots of ice will help me lose weight! According to Chinese medicine, this will damage the Spleen AND compromise the Kidney energetic system. A completely raw diet IS NOT the best for health. This is most especially true if it is all cold energetics alone. So, if you are going to consume a raw salad or raw juice smoothie, make sure you also add BOTH warm and cold energetics to it. For example, eating or drinking these at room temperature and adding ginger with other yang warming tonic foods is the better approach. Balance is the key in order to acquire health and maintain health. This also serves true for WHEN to eat, HOW MUCH to eat, WHAT to eat and the WHY of eating certain energetic foods. (To find out more about your own individual constitution and what energetic foods to consume accordingly for health, schedule an appointment with a TCM practitioner.) by Dr. Catherine Sy Luib D.C., L.Ac., M.A.O.M., B.Sc. (Kin), CCH, CNLP

...But never let that stop you from reaching out and helping others. by Tom Cone




Life By Design Magazine is just one piece of the umbrella company that is Stegela Success Mastery. The month of January has been quite eventful for the team. From ringing in the New Year networking with entrepreneurs and influencers at the Entourage house to ending the month just a week away from our Massive Success Breakthrough conference, it’s definitely been a whirlwind of a month! December closed out with the launch of our San Diego’s Most Eligible Entrepreneurial Bachelor & Bachelorette contest for Life By Design Magazine. With the contest running the first couple of weeks of January is was super exciting to see the flood of support from San Diego locals as the votes poured in for their favorite eligible entrepreneurs. At the end of the competition we got to interview the winners and have a fun filled photoshoot. It was so awesome to learn more about each of them and we know you will enjoy getting to know each of them as well as the amazing photos that were inspired by the specific businesses of each of the winners. While all this was going on Stegela Success Mastery moved to a stunning new location at the brand new IDEA1 Live/Work lofts in San Diego’s new I.D.E.A. District. With amazing views and twice as much work space the team is loving the new digs...and hot tub! The new location also has a fantastic new event space which we got to christen with it’s first event by sponsoring a Speaker’s Open Mic event hosted by Lynda West. It’s was so cool to see and hear from some amazing speakers, a few of whom this was there very first time speaking! Speaking of speakers and speaking events, Stephen Dela Cruz had the privilege of guest speaking and coaching at Davide Di Giorgio’s Becoming a Paid Speaker Workshop event. As usual Stephen showed up with his entourage in tow so the team got to listen to some amazing speakers while also getting the opportunity practice their own speeches and get amazing coaching from both Davide and Stephen alongside over 50 other attendees. Hosting a conference can be pretty stressful at the best of times let alone the month right before it happens, just ask Greg Reid or Lynda West. The whole month the office was a whirlwind of discussions, phone calls, printing, designing, more discussions, planning, whiteboard mapping, and even more discussions. With that being said the team did an amazing job of pulling everything together and getting all the logistics taken care of by the end of the month and landing some amazing sponsors, including the online publication giant Influencive. It is going to be an amazing life changing conference that you definitely don’t want to miss. Make sure to get your tickets at www.attendMSB. com and if you missed out then make sure you don’t miss it next year. 42 LIFE BY DESIGN FEBRUARY 2018

WHAT IS YES? YES stands for Young Entrepreneur Society. We are a California Nonprofit 501(c)(3) that serves high schools on a weekly basis. Every week our team of volunteers hosts school clubs during their lunch breaks to bring them FREE lunch & activities, speakers, and videos around the spirit of entrepreneurship.

WHY YES? Suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death in teens between 13 and 18. Depression and anxiety are the number 1 and 2 mental illnesses suffered among students in high school. 1 out of 6 teens have seriously considered suicide. 1 out of 12 have attempted suicide. 78% of students have started drinking alcohol. 42.5% of students have used drugs. Of that, 25% have used hard drugs such as cocaine, LSD, and Ecstasy. 50% of students have been bullied online. Every 26 seconds a student drops out of high school. We believe this is due to lack of purpose and lack of vision. Our team comes in every week to bring the spirit of entrepreneurship to give hope and vision for their future! We focus on goal setting, personal development, budgeting, serving, team building, etc.

GET INVOLVED! We are looking entrepreneurs, business professionals and companies who will become financial parters with YES on a monthly basis to impact the students of San Diego! By being a financial partner, we invite you to speak to our students, have your logo placed in our monthly magazine articles (10,000 print distribution monthly) and invite you to our yearly gala & networking mixer.

Text the word MENTOR to 766-26 to donate and get involved!





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