Life By Design Magazine June 2018

Page 1


5 Lessons from Lunch with Caleb page 11

Awaken Your Limitlessness Plant Seeds of Service page 16

Did You Know That You Already Know?

page 26

Allison Maslan Always Evolving. Always Scaling.


Elite Mastermind & Coaching Program


WELCOME Letter From The Editors The Stegela Success Mastery Team

Whether you use the word gang, tribe, family, ethnic group, or any other word relating to a social division in a traditional society consisting of families or communities linked by social, economic, religious, or blood ties, with a common culture, they all are basically the same thing. Here at Stegela Success Mastery, we pride ourselves on being a family. We are more than a mastermind, a coaching program, a magazine, a nonprofit organization. We are a group of people who want to belong to a group of like-minded individuals who encourage positive growth. Many of us have had troubled upbringings and when we met the Stegela crew we immediately felt like we belonged. It happened for me. As I look back through my life, I realize the majority of it has been to “run away from that which does not make me happy.” I first ran away when I was 5 years old and was gone an entire week. Having grown up in a raging alcoholic household full of abuse resulted in me being on guard most of my life. However, in 2014 I started a journey of discovering who I am and realized it was time to face my past and grow. Two years into my journey I was introduced to Stephen and Angela Dela Cruz. I had no idea when I met them that I would soon feel like I was part of the family I never had. Yes, I do have a family, but the support I receive from the Stegela crew is a different kind of family.


3 Tips for Getting Into Flow When You Are Feeling Out of Flow


“I LEAD:”5 Leadership Skills


Marketing Maxims (not just for musicians)


To College or Not to College: That is the Question


What is Strength?


ACE: How Young Entrepreneur Society Creates Leaders


5 Lessons from Lunch with Caleb


From Corporate to Travelpreneur


5 Life Tips to Reach Your Full Potential


Are You Getting the Most Out of Your Educational Investment?


5 Keys to Your Freedom from a 9 to 5 Job


Why Education Is Key


The Mandatory College Myth


Awaken Your Limitlessness – Plant Seeds of Service


Entrepreneur Of The Month - Allison Maslan


Live Life On Your Terms


Don’t Let Failure Stop You!


Teaching To Learn Education Isn’t Just for the Classroom


Protecting YOUR Greatest Business Asset!


Side Hustles for Beginning Intro-preneurs


The Education System is all BS

What is different about Stegela? Well, they have us think on a deeper level, they provide environments for us to get to know each other better, they provide a family atmosphere (which is what many of us are missing in our lives). The bonds that are formed through this program are, if you allow them, like no other. Stegela Success Mastery is a family, a tribe, a gang.


Did You Know That You Already Know?


Is Purpose Enough?


5 Tricks to Turn Your Business Up a Notch


Learning to Lend


Why You Are Not Rich

Stegela provides the perfect atmosphere for those who want to grow and become better people, to become fulfilled, successful, and flourishing.


BOOK REVIEW: The 4-Hour Workweek


What’s Going On San Diego?


Behind the scenes of STEGELA

I don’t want to paint this as a rosy picture that everything is always perfect, because it’s not. We have our ups and downs and sideways, but, as long as we are willing to see the reality in the situation, we can usually come back to center and figure it out. Just like any relationship, this group has issues that need to be worked on. However, being open to addressing the issues is one thing that is welcome in the group. I, myself, have gone through a lot with the Stegela crew. My favorite thing about this group is that I am able to work through my issues openly and honestly and can grow from them and apply what I learn here to other areas of my life. I have been involved in a lot of mastermind and coaching programs throughout the years and have paid a lot of money to become a better person because I really believe in self-development, but Stegela is different. They have put me in a position where I feel very much appreciated. They asked me what I want out of the program and they are doing what they can to make it happen. They don’t just take your money and wish you luck. They get involved with your business to help you as much as you ask. All humans have a feeling of wanting to belong, so I believe it’s important to search until you find the place where you feel like you belong. Is there a group of people you hang out with that when you leave them you feel uplifted? Then that may be your tribe/gang/family. If it’s Stegela, we’re here for you.

- Lynda M. West Chief Copy Editor of Life By Design Magazine

OUR TEAM Stephen Dela Cruz

Angela Dela Cruz

Casey Nicole Fox

Lynda M. West

Jennifer Meim

Janine Holman

Jeff Rollon

Leandro Brandão


CEO & Editor-In-Chief Creative Director Sales Director

Mary Hang


Chief Copy Editor Copy Editor Copy Editor

Kristen Crooks

Marketing Director

Event Coordinator

Dave Evans

Dominic Cruz

Strategic Consultant

Social Media


Success Mastery Member

3 Tips for Getting Into Flow

When You Are Feeling Out of Flow

It’s 6:00 a.m. Your alarm just went off and you hit the snooze button (for the 3rd time - your personal daily allowable limit). You have a business meeting at 7:30 that can literally change your life, but you really don’t feel like getting up. Your brain knows what you “need” to do, but your body doesn’t feel like doing it. You are out of flow and you know you need to get back into it to land that client. When we are “in flow,” we are in a state of mind that allows us to: 1. set clear and concise goals; 2. remain focused for longer periods of time (which is vital to us squirrel brained entrepreneurs); 3. have a feeling of serenity and peace; 4. experience timelessness (time seems to stand still and we lose track of time); and 5. embrace feelings of personal control over our situation.

Being a woman who grew up in an abusive environment and having been previously married to an abusive man, I know the feeling to not have a voice. As I began my journey to find my voice, I realized I always had one. Through the discovery of my voice, I noticed how much of an impact I made. Utilizing all of my personal development experiences, I want to help people become influencers and leaders in their field to make an even greater impact on those they serve. Living Live helps you find YOUR voice. Our course of empowerment can enhance your skills to help reach your fullest potential in a short period of time. Living Live offers oneon-one engagement and provides exercises to help you achieve your mission in life. You will receive additional support through our Facebook Group community and together we will make an even greater impact on the world.

Lynda M. West

So, when we are out of flow, how can we get back into flow to experience all the enjoyment of being in flow? Check it out. Here I list 3 tips that will help you get back into the flow game and achieve the success you so badly crave.

STEP 1 Recognize You Are Out of Flow

This may seem obvious, but this step is crucial. When you have tasks that must be completed by a certain time of day or by a certain week and you are out of flow, you are less likely to achieve success. Like the example above, you know you have a meeting at 7:30, but you aren’t taking the necessary steps to get yourself to that meeting on time. Recognize the fact that you aren’t doing what needs to be done, then take the next step, Step 2.

STEP 2 Remember Your Why and Get Your Head Back In the Game

What is your why? Why are you attending this meeting? Is it to put your child through college, to buy a new house, to live a life of abundance, to have food to eat? What is your why? Remind yourself of your why, then pick yourself up and do what you need to do to fulfill it. If you aren’t sure what your why is, find someone who can help. Reach out to me if you don’t have anyone in your life who can help you figure it out. Since I figured out my why, I have been more focused than ever before.

STEP 3 Get Moving and Create Your Flow State of Mind

It’s now 6:01. Remind yourself what it is you need to do and get your ass out of bed. This meeting could literally change your life and you are wasting time in bed. You must be “in action” (not inaction) to get the results you want. Once you get out of bed, keep reminding yourself of your why and let that be the driving force that gets you what it is you are looking for. You have experienced being in flow and know how amazing it is, so make every effort to spend as much time in flow as you possibly can. You are in charge of your mind; don’t let it be in charge of you. Now that you’re back in your flow state of mind, go get ‘em. You got this.


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8 1 siona 0 s e 2 f . o r e p vel ractic 06.18

h-le to p g i e h c n h t e rk wi xperi o e w t g e n i n and speak , e c i c n m en urs. influe e d n l i An op e r u ntrep ing, b e k a e p s

Downtown San Diego Space is Limited - RSVP TODAY! Text "BREAKTHROUGH" to 76626 ENTREPRENEUR LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE 5

Success Mastery Member Success Mastery Member

Jeff Rollon is a serial entrepreneur, author, business coach, and philanthropist. He enjoys helping others while living with a positive attitude and a strong entrepreneurial spirit. His passion is helping budding entrepreneurs get started and profitable within their first year in business.

Jeff Rollon

Have you ever felt frustrated because your power team pounded into my head day after day in boot camp was isn’t reaching its ‘highest potential’? the importance of paying attention to detail and doing everything in excellence. My friends, hopefully you will always remember that everything rises and falls upon leadership. If sales are Lack of detailed oversight can lead to mishaps and posnot being made, or your executive power team is los- sibly can get people hurt. Training leaders to encourage ing momentum and not reaching its’ fullest potential, it the team to have pride in their work and only bring their is time to level up on your leadership and get training best results to the table is mandatory. If you have leadfrom a military veteran. During my 10 years of military ers with that mindset of only doing things in excellence, service, I had maintained a leadership position more you and your team are bound to succeed and bring the than 8 of those years. best results. Today you will learn 5 reasons why building leadership skills from a military veteran has benefits like no other. After reading this, you will want to hire a military veteran to build leaders within your team. So friends, enjoy this article and learn military leadership through an acronym I have labeled “I LEAD.”

ACCOUNTABILITY – During my time in the military holding myself accountable for accomplishing goals was just as important as holding the team accountable for their actions and tasks that were all necessary to reach common goals. Accountability has to be a daily practice in the workplace and in life.

INTEGRITY – Integrity is the number one quality of any leader. While most of us learn integrity as an adolescent, the military builds leaders by educating them on the importance of integrity. Lack of integrity can literally cost a life. In business, while it may not necessarily cost lives, when learning leadership from a military veteran, you, your team, and employees are guaranteed to understand the importance of being a person of integrity because the person teaching it has lived by it in all situations 24/7 during their military service.

If your leaders can understand and grasp new strategies that can help others hold each other accountable, you will be able to put systems in place where leaders are building future leaders as well as motivation throughout the workplace to reach common goals. Even more, once you have everyone holding each other accountable, new team spirit and culture will start to take form. We all know how important team culture is for any organization.

LEVERAGE – Leveraging the strengths of the team is something that a military leader can do. During my time in the military, the best leaders I knew were great leaders because of the way they were able to build teams. Using the strengths of those around us was what helped in our success in completing any mission. Being able to understand others’ strengths and learning how to leverage those strengths can be the difference between a successful and timely mission being complete or a group of people still trying to figure things out.

DETERMINATION – If you’re like me, you are very determined and confident. And you know what? Not everyone has that determination. During my time in the military and through my entrepreneurial career, I always recognized one single thing that the successful stand out from the unsuccessful. It was their hunger and determination to succeed against the challenges.

So my friends, let’s all challenge us. When hiring a leader, consider the leadership of a military veteran. They likely have proven results, an extensive leadership record, and they know how to deliver beyond what is EXCELLENCE – If you’re like me, you are an ambitious promised. Working with a military veteran and adoptover-achiever. You want the best work done, and you ing military leadership qualities will guarantee the want it done with excellence. Frankly speaking, you growth of your team’s mindset, confidence, enthusiasm, don’t do anything half-assed. The one thing that was and performance.

“I LEAD:”5 Leadership Skills From a Military Veteran to YOU and Your Team


Happy Ron’s Music

Marketing Maxims (not just for musicians)

Marketing for musicians is the same as marketing a business. In this article I share a few marketing tips that can be used in your own business. MOST OF ALL, BE GREAT AT WHAT YOU DO Word of mouth about a great artist is the best marketing of all, and better than everything else combined. So be great. HAVE SOMETHING TO GIVE, AS OPPOSED TO ASKING FOR SOMETHING So often I see musicians saying “come SUPPORT me” as if the audience’s job was to support the act. It is much better to say “come have a great time, laugh, and dance” or anything showing what you have to offer. MARKETING IS THE ART OF BEING YOURSELF IN FRONT OF AS MUCH OF THE WORLD AS POSSIBLE People tell me that I am very good at “marketing” and “selling” my music, but most of what is called “marketing” is simply being yourself. This allows others to see who you are and what you have to offer. FINISH IT, THEN MARKET IT People ask “Can I get my music on the radio or TV shows or movies?” I always ask “Do you have a studio quality CD?” and they say, “uh, no, I have demos.” People say “I want to play bigger shows,” I always ask “Do you have a polished ‘act’?” “Uh, no, I can barely play.” What many people need to do is find coaches, producers, musicians, or whomever to help them create something that is marketable, but instead they try to market themselves

first when in effect they have nothing to market yet. That can be counterproductive because if people see what you offer before it is ready, they will rightly think that you are not ready! FINDING YOUR NICHE DOESN’T NARROW YOUR AUDIENCE, BUT EXPANDS IT. I always balked at first when people told me I had found my “niche” because I didn’t want to be pigeonholed or narrow my audience. But I’ve found niche doesn’t narrow your audience, but it expands it! Having a song put into the niche of being a “kids song” may seem like narrowing the audience, but lots of adults love kids songs! REJECTION USUALLY ISN’T AN INSULT OR MEANINGFUL If you know that you have quality music, then the most common form of rejection will be “it’s not what we are looking for.” It’s common to hear that as, “your music is not very good,” but it’s probably just someone saying that what you do doesn’t fit what they want. And if they are intentionally disrespectful, then they are probably not someone you want to do business with anyway.

Helping WOMEN Break Through Their Fears SCHEDULE A





Lynda West

Speaker, Author, Magazine Editor, Fearlessness Coach, Facebook Live Queen, Chick Bass Guitar Player

IT’S “WHO YOU KNOW” IN THIS BUSINESS, SO MAKE SOME FRIENDS! Bitter people often say “it’s who you know” in the business and, to a certain extent, they are right! Part of marketing is simply making friends with people in the business; even if you never do anything with them, they may know someone who knows someone who needs your music. by Happy Ron Hill


Success Mastery Member

Yoichi Kato is an author, speaker, serial entrepreneur, Navy veteran. He is the co-founder of San Diego’s most popular cleaning service called Everything But Sex Cleaning Services. He is a master business networker who is always connecting people. He is also an amazing Chef who provides private chef services all over San Diego. Yoichi loves to help others and see them thrive.

Yoichi J. Kato

To College or Not to College: That is the Question Many of us were told to go to college, get good grades, secure a steady job, and retire after 40 years. Well, this doesn’t exactly work the way it used to. In today’s world, obtaining a Bachelor’s degree is nothing but a starting point to an entry-level position. It does not secure a high-paying job like many people once believed. No matter your aspirations as a college graduate, whether to become an entrepreneur or to land a corporate job, college is expensive. It seems ironic to take on heavy student loans to go to college in the hopes of finding a high-paying job … only to spend that income repaying your student loans. Student loan repayment is not your everyday loan situation. When people file for bankruptcy, all of their debt is typically forgiven. However, student loans are not forgiven by bankruptcy. They are the only financial obligation you cannot escape from, even by death. College educations also don’t ensure a job in the field of study. Only 27% of college grads land jobs that relate to their major. There are seemingly unlimited examples of successful people who either did not go to college at all or became college dropouts.

Pennsylvania, but now he’s an R&B singer. Kanye West, Mark Zuckerberg, Steve Jobs, Oprah, Lil’ Wayne, and Lady Gaga were all high school or college dropouts, but all achieved great success financially. The Return On Investment (ROI) of a college education is slim to none. People invest hundreds of thousands of dollars into formal education, but only a small margin of people get a job in their chosen field. So, is a college degree necessary for success? I would say no, a college degree is not necessary for success, but education is. Knowledge is power. Exceptional individuals are those who choose not to be lazy in life. Talent, work ethic, determination, and intelligence are all irrespective of educational experience. Jim Rohn said, “Self-education will make you a fortune, and formal education will make you a living. Profits are better than wages. Wages will make you a living, and profits will make your fortune.” Follow your heart. Find your identity. College isn’t for everyone, but knowledge is!

Will Ferrell went to USC and studied Sports Information but became an actor/comedian instead. John Legend studied English with an emphasis on African American literature at the University of

Only 27% of college grads land jobs that relate to their major


What is Strength?

Now Serving Downtown & San Diego Community

I am the son of a Vietnam Veteran, a career Marine for 22 years. When I was a teenager, we, of course, had our disagreements, but I wanted to be like him: compassionate, inspirational, an influencer and strong. I don’t know if I have managed all of them, but I know I have been strong on several occasions. I have a very high pain threshold, but, on May 11, 2016, I was tested to my limit. I woke up that morning and felt a pain different from any other. Fortunately, I managed to make my way to the emergency room. I went to the ER to get something to relieve the excruciating pain, but when I arrived at the emergency room, the nurse met me at the door with a wheelchair. That was 11:30 in the morning and I was immediately admitted to the hospital. After 2 MRIs and a CAT scan, the on-call neurosurgeon came in at 9:00 pm and told me he could not allow me to go home and that I needed emergency surgery immediately. He cleared his schedule and performed the surgery the next morning. After a 10 1/2 hour procedure, I woke up with three metal bars and screws in my back from T-2 to T-10. Thankful for having my dad’s strength, I’m fortunate that it kicked in. I needed it to endure the journey ahead of me. When I woke up, there was my Neurosurgeon and an Infectious Disease Specialist. My Neurosurgeon told me I had no disk between my 5th & 6th vertebrae and my spine was compressing and the Infectious Disease Specialist told me I had Coccidioidomycosis (Valley Fever). Talk about a one-two punch; I was overwhelmed. The strength and determination I had to draw on was huge, much like the same as when I became an entrepreneur. My mindset and determination were strong. It was hard, but I had to set daily goals and stay focused. I got up against doctors’ advice and stood up while saying to myself, “Here we go. If I can stand, I can walk. If I can walk, I can do anything I want. I thrive and strive every day to be and do more than the day before.”

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The next two years I needed all the strength I had to, first of all, learn to walk again and endure all the challenges I had to face. We all face challenges, but it’s our shear determination that helps us become successful. Even with all the challenges I face now, I have been blessed to have the right doctors, nutrition, facilities, and determination available to assist in my recovery. by Darryl K. Horton


MAY 2019

MASTERMIND with On-Purpose Experts & Influencers • Develop New Affiliate and Joint Venture Relationships • Book More Speaking Engagements • Exponentially Expand Your Business Vision • Work on Your Business while Exploring the World • Be Inspired and Build your Influence ENTREPRENEUR LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE 9

Success Mastery Member


How Young Entrepreneur Society Creates Leaders in High Schools That Will Change the World Many of us have heard the phrase, “What is your WHY?” Many times we hear people say their “Why” is because they want to change the world. But what does that actually mean? Changing the world is a huge goal and I applaud that. Then comes the question of, “How do we do that?” and “Where do we start?” While there are many ways to change the world, ladies and gentlemen let me introduce you to Young Entrepreneur Society (YES). Regardless if a student has goals for a corporate job or wants to become an entrepreneur, the spirit of entrepreneurship is one that can positively benefit anyone’s life. While YES is a leading authority that brings the spirit of entrepreneurship to high schools on many levels, this article will focus on how we are building future leaders and world changers with a simple acronym, “ACE.”

Accelerate Growth. When referring to our YES students, the growth that we

always want to encourage is personal growth. One main area we always focus on first is growing. Many of the students are new to personal development and some have never even heard of it. With that said, YES is dedicated to bringing books, videos, and speakers who encourage and accelerate growth of the mind, professionalism, and mindset.

Create Confidence. I am sure we can all agree that having a strong amount Mary Hang is a serial entrepreneur and philanthropist. Although she wears multiple hats as an entrepreneur, her biggest and most rewarding passion is impacting the youth through Young Entrepreneur Society.

“Auntie” Mary Hang

of confidence is crucial to success in life. I believe that it is our responsibility as adults and leaders to create new confidence in our youth; give them reasons to be proud. YES encourages self-affirmations, as well as encouragement and uplifting exercises amongst the students. When confidence is high, I am sure we can all agree that we perform at our highest peak, and if we stumble, we are not discouraged.

Empower Leaders. If you’re like me, then you are well aware of the fact that

“Leaders create leaders.” YES is no exception to this. YES is in high schools to encourage and empower students to become the next leaders of this world. We do that through exercises that build up skills such as teamwork, problemsolving, leveraging individual skills, and through the power of public speaking, and magazine article contributions. Right now is the perfect time for them to build up those leadership skills that will last them a lifetime; whether in the corporate conference room, as an influencer on stage speaking to their audience, or even when leading their team to a victory. So, my friends, keep in mind that the best way to bring long-term change in the world is by starting with the youth. While there may be many awesome ideas out there on how we can make an impact, always remember that the best gift and contribution you can give another person, and on a larger scale the world, is knowledge, compassion, and experiences.


5 Lessons from Lunch with Caleb Last week my son Caleb and I were eating at a restaurant getting ready to order lunch. When I asked him what he wanted to eat, he boldly looked at me and told me he wanted steak. He never hesitated until a mutual friend said, “Steak?” Caleb looked at me and said, “Is it ok, dad?” There are a few lessons that we can learn from this situation, and I will share them with you in this article: 1.Order what you want! Life is only going to give you what you want and are willing to ask for boldly. Too many people continue to go in circles with their life because they don’t slow down long enough to get clear about what they want. If you want something, put it out there and do it with boldness. Life is too short to spend one day missing out on the things you want. I encourage you to cut yourself loose and start getting what you want out of life. 2.Don’t apologize for what you want! The tone of voice in our friend saying “STEAK” rattled Caleb’s confidence a little, and that is why he looked at me with hesitation and asked if it was ok to get steak. It was a major teaching moment for me to share a principle with my son. As a dad, I’m always quick to grab teachable moments when they appear. The lesson will be shared in point number three. 3.You are WORTH what you want! When Caleb asked me if it was ok, I looked at him with clear confidence and abundantly said, “ABSOLUTELY!” Then said, “Caleb, you are always welcome to order what you want and are WORTH eating steak if you want Steak. Don’t worry about the price when you are with your daddy!” This is one of the reasons that people never get what they want. They want it, but don’t believe that they are worthy to have what they truly want. 4.Pay for what you want! Of course it was the most expensive thing on the menu, but that didn’t matter for many reasons. One of the reasons is that I have an “abundance” mentality and believe that God wants us to enjoy life and blesses more when we are willing to go get it. However, there is always a price to pay when you want more. Don’t ever hesitate when it comes to the price you must pay when pursuing the life of your dreams. If you want a quality marriage, family, business, and life, you are going to have to pay a higher price to get it. You will have to invest more time, energy and money. Pay for it, friends! You got this! 5.Enjoy what you want! For whatever reason, Caleb kept commenting that it was the best steak that he ever had in his life. I’m of the opinion that if we are going to get what we want and pay for what we want, then we should enjoy it without guilt or second thoughts. God wants you happy! It’s to enjoy the blessings of God! Enjoy your family, friends and all the blessings that God has given you. Go on a vacation and ENJOY it. Build your dream house and ENJOY it! Life is too short to feel guilty about happiness and God’s blessings! Thank you for reading, my friends. Get a nice steak and don’t think twice about getting what you want out of life! by Matt Maddix Website:

Wasim Hajjiri is an MBA-Engineer, 3x Gold medalist, author and entrepreneur who coaches and speaks on how to accomplish your dreams and how to land your dream job Website Email Number 619 756 0852 Facebook, Instagram, Twitter @WasimTheDreamm Linkedin Wasim Hajjiri Youtube Wasim The Dream

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Success Mastery Member If Jonathan Ingebrigtsen could have any dream it would be that people spend more time making fun and quirky memories while seeing the world around them. Life is too short to wait till tomorrow or live life on a some-day mentality. He comes from the structured world of corporate HR and company cultural redisgn and made the transition to a life that allowed him to become a Travel Blogger and Real Estate professional serving our Veteran Community while Living Full Time! When he is not traveling around the world or helping his clients find their dream home, he loves parading around the house dancing to music, networking and developing others to help them reach their full potential, all-while munching on sour-gummies of all kinds.

Jonathan Ingebrigtsen

Rewind the clock four years, and you would have an entirely different person than I am today standing before you. I was broken, depressed, overworked, and in and out of the doctors with bleeding ulcers caused by stress. I was working four jobs and over 90 hours a week with a Masters Degree in Organizational Leadership and Human Resources. I followed the ‘plan.’ I went to school, got good grades, worked several years in the professional world excelling at my previous positions, but I was ‘stuck.’ Not sure if you can relate, but I was under the impression that the only way to land a high paying job was to get multiple degrees and excel in my roles until I was up for promotion. Were you informed of a similar school and career progression path? I spent several years of my life and a lot of time and money educating myself in what I believed to be the foundational education system and the only one that would lead to progressive success in my career. What was left out of the education I received was the true knowledge and skills that could be attained through personal development and individual critical thinking that was challenged and expanded by true mentorship. Fast forward to the present and life has taken a completely different turn because of the advice that was given to me by some influential mentors that I was introduced to by someone I will forever be grateful for, as he saved my life, Lance Jenson. I’m blessed to have been able to leave the corporate rat race and have three businesses, am an entrepreneurial coach, and teach, mentor, and enable others to become the best version of themselves. I have been able to travel the world with a lot of friends and take over 36 vacations over the last 3.5 years. I’ll say it again: it’s crazy how life can change when you change your mindset of what’s possible. Over the years I can summarize three key things I learned that would be easy things to change in your routine if you were looking for a way to grow and develop your mindset. It’s amazing how the world around you can change and attract what you want when you start to think differently.

From Corporate to Travelpreneur 1. Start reading more. Just learn about the world around you. Even if you are not going to become an entrepreneur, some financial advice on how you can plan your future financial success could be helpful. 2. Change your friends or change your friends. This was one of the biggest takeaways for me. I was hanging out with the wrong kind of people. They weren’t bad people. They just had varying priorities and life goals. Stop spending valuable time with people who only talk about other people. 3. Find a Mentor!! Even the best of the best, Tony Robbins, Oprah Winfrey, Les Brown, all have a mentor that they work with to discuss and open their way of thinking.


Reading, Writing and ROI Are You Getting the Most Out of Your Educational Investment?

I have never understood someone signing up for college and selecting a major later. Would you get in your car and drive around aimlessly for hours until you decide where you want to go? No. So why would you waste your time, money, and energy on what you want to do for a living?

5 Life Tips to Reach Your Full Potential

Kids, I’ll let you in on a little secret. When Mom and Dad push you towards college, it’s because they want you out of their house and to become responsible. But how responsible is it to put yourself into debt for something you may never use?

Have you ever wondered why some people are successful and others are not? Perhaps the answer is whether or not you are willing to continue investing in yourself for a lifetime. Here are 5 life tips to help you succeed and reach your full potential:

44 million Americans have student loans. Americans owe over $1.48 trillion in student loan debt. The average monthly student loan payment is $351 per month, a $4,212 annual “investment.”

1. Formal Education. Some people believe that once they get their high school diploma or college degree, their education ends right there. I remember getting my diploma thinking, “This is it? This piece of paper is what I worked so hard for?” I was so happy to finally be a teacher, but I wanted more. As Jim Rohn said, “Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune.”

There are three letters frequently heard in business, ROI. These statistics would be different if Americans made their educational decisions based on getting a return on their investment.

2. Self Taught Education. Formal education ends when we leave school; whereas, self-education lasts a lifetime. A few months after I completed my master’s degree in 2008, my first husband passed away. Soon after, I developed a passion for photography. I realized that after someone passes, the photographs and videos are all we have left. I had a deep desire to capture all of the precious moments with my daughter and became a self-taught photographer.

Almost one-third of Americans who take out a student loan drop out before receiving their degree. Only 27% of college graduates are in a job even closely related to what they went to college for, and only 62% of college graduates are working a job that requires a degree.

A few years later, I invested time learning all I could to become a successful self-taught makeup artist. I fell in love with the satisfaction that came from building women’s self-esteem through beauty and financial freedom. I love that I can strive to meet new goals and help other women do the same. 3. Personal Development. There are so many ways to utilize personal development opportunities to learn from others to practice what we want to perfect such as reading, attending conferences and classes, and watching videos. A huge part of being successful is remaining coachable and realizing we aren’t ever done learning. It is important to continue to invest in ourselves and in our passions for a lifetime. In doing so, we will reach our fullest potential. 4. Mind and Body. When we take care of our health, we function better; whether that means eating healthy, getting a massage, building a relationship with a higher power, etc. When we take care of our mind and body, it is easier to focus on what matters.

So why the big push to go to school? Tradition. This is your future and will likely be the biggest investment you will ever make. Now, I am not saying you don’t have to go to college, but there is absolutely nothing wrong with taking a year to do some research and interning before deciding if college is what you need. I recently interviewed a local author, Darryl Peterson, who has gone from a tough upbringing to having a bestselling book. During the inter-

view he said he lives by the theory that knowledge is the new currency, and I totally agree. It is very important to understand that there is a big difference between knowledge and education. Education is a formal process, whereas knowledge is informal experience. I have always felt that interning is priceless. Not only will it give you experience, it’s a test drive for your future. With that in mind, look at things from a potential employer’s point of view. If someone hasn’t done what is necessary to invest in their future, what are the chances they will do the same for your company? Also, would you rather hire someone who learned about the job from a book or someone who has actually done the work? I advise my clients when hiring to not look for the smartest, but to look for the hungriest. Someone who doesn’t quit when times get tough keeps grinding and looking for solutions, not excuses. There isn’t a college course that is going to teach that; otherwise, we wouldn’t have educated people sitting at home unemployed. Also, look for the prospect with the best character. If you could teach character in college, we wouldn’t see Ivy league graduates on the news for committing crimes. The bottom line is, don’t go to school just to go to school. Remember, entrepreneurs are so happy because sink or swim we are all doing something we love. Our first decision was to invest in ourselves and if you want the best return on your investment, it should be yours, too. by Jody Taylor

5. Risk Taking. It is easy to stay in our comfort zone and not take risks. You have heard of bucket lists, right? That list of things you have always wanted to do but are too scared to do? As Mark Zuckerberg said, “The biggest risk is not taking any risk... In a world that’s changing quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks.” As an entrepreneur, always strive to be the best possible version of you. Step outside your comfort zone and take risks because that’s where the magic happens. by Lauren Aven ENTREPRENEURLBDMAGAZINE.COM LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE 13 13

Success Mastery Member Ranee Siri is a wellness coach for corporate and busy professionals. She is also an author, speaker, yoga and meditation instructor, as well as a Reiki master. She loves helping people maintain a healthy mind and body so they can create success in any area of their life.

Ranee Siri

5 Keys to Your Freedom from a 9 to 5 Job

Did you know that the majority of fatal heart attacks happen at 9am on Monday morning? It’s true. It seems a lot of people would rather die than get back to the old grind after a weekend of freedom. Well, for your information, home-based businesses are one of the fastest growing enterprises in America today. As this is being written, some 40 million Americans are doing at least some form of work from home, and the numbers are rising rapidly. A master marketer and author, Dr. Jeffrey Lant, became a work-at-home millionaire and is a perfect example of what truly can be achieved if you are serious about chucking your day job, staying home, and not settling for peanuts in exchange for your freedom. You can have it all. You can stay home and make as much - and more - money than your current job provides you. Here are the 5 keys on how to work from home and make big bucks, no matter where you live:


You want to emphasize the fact that to be successful in a work-at-home situation you have to be nothing less than a fanatic, who is utterly committed to making work-at-home not only a successful venture, but a profound commitment for life.


It’s a mistake to quit your job and go home with a “home-office” mentality. By this, I mean thinking small and believing that you will automatically sacrifice a decent income in exchange for your freedom. Please do not think small!


Well, today you don’t need the great mind of a philosopher to make the entire world come into your living room. What you need is a phone jack, a telephone, a fax machine, a computer and a modem. We live in a unique time in history. Satellites, fiber optics, the integrated circuit and other communications miracles mean that you can be just about anywhere in the developed world and establish communication with anyone in the world.


Running your own business is all about being inspired 24 hours a day. When you stop selling your body and soul to some company or corporation and start giving your energy to yourself, work has a way of turning into inspiration and play.


You may have heard the saying “Your network is your net worth.” It’s very true. Joining a mastermind or networking group will help you to be more productive in your business. I highly recommend reading the book “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill. This book talks about how powerful it is to be in a mastermind.


From Ski Slopes to Sales Expert:

Why Education Is Key I often say “everything is sales.” Getting a job is sales. Applying for an apartment is sales. Heck, even dating is sales. So I believe it’s a good idea to be trained in sales. “But Chris,” I can hear you say, “you’re a sales expert. Of course you think I should be trained for sales.” Fair point, but regardless of what we’d like to do, it’s my belief that we need skills and education to be successful. So this installment isn’t just about sales, but why business education is a good idea. LESSONS FROM THE SKI SLOPE: MOTIVATION IS KEY As a 20-year old, I knew everything and had all the answers. I wanted to be a ski instructor. I didn’t need school. I would go to a ‘dry’ ski slope five times a week to qualify to teach. Next season I went to work as a ski instructor in the French Alps. Returning from my first season, I was 21. I had matured and grown and had experienced life and death. But most of all, this experience taught me I knew nothing. At this stage in my life, experience was better than any university education. It wasn’t until ten years later, when I was on the management track at Intel, that I realized all the senior executives had MBAs. I didn’t even have a Bachelor’s degree - I had gone skiing. But this motivated me, and this is the key. If I wanted to be a senior exec, I needed an MBA. The MBA didn’t lead me to becoming a senior VP, but it did open doors and allowed me to start my own sales training and consulting business in 2004.

MAXIMIZE YOUR POTENTIAL Even if you don’t want to become a senior exec, there are plenty of reasons to be educated. Just like we wouldn’t expect a racing car to perform its best with low-grade fuel, we need to fill our brain with high-octane knowledge and skills to perform our best. The beauty of learning in a classroom or workshop setting is that the downsides are mitigated. Instead of blowing a big deal to learn a lesson, make your mistakes in the classroom where they can be addressed in a friendly and collegiate environment. LARGE IMPLICATIONS; LASTING EFFECTS Good education isn’t narrowly helpful. Anything worth learning will have wide-ranging effects. I began training NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) as the topic for my MBA thesis and gained powerful sales skills. I quickly found out that NLP skills are applicable to much more than sales. Now I use NLP every day in my personal and business relationships, with my coaching clients, and to help myself when I need a psychological boost. Not only has NLP made me more successful, it’s made me a better partner, a better friend, a better boss, and, ultimately, it’s made me, and those around me, a lot happier. ‘Moving the Needle’ is a monthly column where sales expert Chris Stock shares tips, tools, and strategies focused on increasing profitability for business professionals.

The Mandatory College Myth Back when I was enrolled at a community college in San Diego, my English professor showed our class a video of a woman who recently graduated with a Master’s Degree, but she couldn’t even get a job cleaning bathrooms at a hotel. She was a smart student and presumably more mentally agile than every other employee, but her work experience was insufficient. The video was truly shocking; I was in disbelief for most of it. I asked myself, “Why is she showing this to us?” It was incredibly discouraging, cruel and harshly realistic. After it was over, the professor made us write a paper stating whether we sincerely thought going to college was worth it. I remembered my uncle’s advice who had already attained a Master’s Degree. Before I ever stepped inside a classroom, he told me to “Always agree with the professor” because it would raise my chances of achieving a higher grade. A miniscule part of my conscious thoroughly believed that college could be extremely important and useful, but strictly for any determined and self-motivated individual with an emphasis on learning toward a specified career path. Even though this was how I thought, the entire time I was writing the paper I felt sick. Mainly because I was holding back my real feelings and silencing my inner voice just to get a better grade.

and guaranteed to keep you off the streets. In some areas, college can be important, but not enough to force every abled person to desire a diploma. Students who go forth and take the blind leap at a university are being consumed by debt and outdated ideologies. This has been true for a while now, but it’s especially prevalent in today’s world. A majority of the people I’ve met that earned a degree or multiple have everything they want. A cool car, big house, and loving family. Everything except happiness. This is because they are not doing what they wish to do. They live on somebody else’s schedule and dread a significant amount of their lives. Most are only capable of experiencing temporary bliss and escape during the weekend. If every school’s criteria and curriculum enabled each student to advance past their expectations for themselves, there would be too many success stories and we’d never hear anything about the tales of crippling debt. Colleges and Universities do not teach you what you need to know; they teach you what they want you to know.

by Steven Ramirez

College can be “good” for you, but that’s no reason to feed our nation’s youth a bunch of lies, claiming a degree is mandatory to succeed

by Chris Stock


Success Mastery Member Janine Holman is a freelance writer, photographer, and travel blogger - founder of Life Beyond Awesome – a site of travel journeys for adventurers, foodies, and lovers of luxurious things. Her stories cover both local and international travel and focus on diving into cultures and communities and the people who make them thrive. Most of all Janine enjoys sharing her life’s adventures and showing others how they too can design a Life Beyond Awesome.

Janine Holman

Awaken Your Limitlessness –

Plant Seeds of Service “Heart is the difference between those who attempt and those who achieve.” Unknown Many times our thoughts and goals are strictly focused on how our lives can be improved – on what we can do to obtain the tangible things we want. Our dreams are based on big houses in neighborhoods of affluence, fancy cars with high price tags, designer clothes, and trips most only dream of. We work hard to do well in our businesses. We engage on social media. We often post on our blogs. We network constantly. We strive to grow our reach. Despite all of our efforts, we still seem to be left behind. We feel unnoticed. We feel a disconnect. This happens because our focus is in the wrong place. You see, our success is rarely found in our selfish pursuit of ambition. It’s found in what we do for others. Our souls are most satisfied when our achievements are earned by helping others fulfill theirs. When we help others reach their goals, they, in turn, want to help us. Pablo Picasso said, “The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away.” In other words, you have to have a heart. You have to want to help others fulfill their lives as well as fulfill your own. So, discover your gift and then give it away in service of others.

SERVE BY LEADING The most influential entrepreneurs are those who learned to lead well – to lead by example. Show respect to everyone; be courteous to all. Honor commitments and have integrity in your word. Deeply care. Be who you want others to be.

SERVE BY TEACHING Teach others what you know. You have worked to develop who you have become. You have cultivated values, morals and instinct. Share those with others and teach them to be of good moral character. Give your knowledge and experience as a resource. Others love to know what you know.

SERVE BY MENTORING Take others under your wing. Show them that they too can have what you have. Be of good counsel to them. Be an Encourager! Inspire them to do great things. As you start serving others, you’ll feel more energized, more inspired, and more motivated to make a bigger impact. Service is a natural connection to success – regardless of what success means to you. Once you expand your heart and turn your focus to others, your limitlessness will be awoken and your cup will overflow with success.








When asked how she began her entrepreneurial path, Allison Maslan typically tells people that she came out of the womb as a business owner. She is definitely no stranger to being an entrepreneur. Not only did she start her first business when she was 19, but her father and grandfather were entrepreneurs – so it’s what she grew up knowing. Now, she has been in business for over 35 years. As a young girl, Allison saw her father lead their family by example. She grew up seeing her father’s ideas and seeing how he would go out and create his visions – bring them to life. For her, business was a way of life. She was always inspired by her father’s passion and success.

“what got you here, won’t get you there.”

At the moment, Allison is going to continue growing her program to impact millions of business owners around the world, giving them the tools and support they need to build phenomenal businesses. Allison’s advice to entrepreneurs is, first, believe you can do it. If you are not 100 percent in, you will not achieve what you want. You have to be in alignment and you have to be in whole-heartedly. Second, be flexible and open to changes – as your business grows, it’s going to evolve and change. You have to be open to that evolution. You have to know that “what got you here, won’t get you there.” Lastly, Allison advises to always keep your eye on sales, 24-7. Consistent cashflow is what makes a business. If you stop working on revenue and sales, your business will get stagnant and will fail. If Allison could give advice to her younger self, she would say, “You’re on the right path. Just have faith.”

Allison knew that after being an administrative employee for two weeks, employee status was not for her. She found herself bored beyond belief and counting the minutes until 5:00. She knew that was no way to spend her days. She quickly jumped on to the entrepreneurial path, starting her first business in college where she wrote personalized poetry and designed greeting cards. After watching her father and grandfather all those years, she figured “if you have gifts, why wouldn’t you go put your gifts out into the world?”

You have to believe and trust. When you step out, you may not see the supporting net, but it’s there. It may not be the path that you visualized, but it’s going to get you there in a more creative and beautiful fashion than you could have ever dreamed.

After designing cards for a company and then evolving into brochures, radio and television, and public relations, Allison ended up with a full-service PR firm by the time she was 25. Today Allison feels that through all of her experiences and business ownerships, she has been led to her greatest work - mentoring business owners to reach their dreams.

Interviewed by: Jennifer Meim Written by: Janine Holman

Allison’s final words of wisdom is to keep having fun doing what you love and sharing your heart and wisdom with the world.

“Be persistent and stick with it until it’s achieved” is Allison’s life motto. One of her proudest moments is from the beginning when she was persistent in going after a prospective client. She called the owner at least 10 times before she received a return call from him stating, “I’m calling you back so you will stop calling me.” She got that client. This showed her that even when you receive that so-called rejection, you just keep moving forward and don’t give up. Scale and Fail is Allison’s latest project. It’s her new book that launches in October. This book is all about helping business owners take their businesses to the next level and giving them a formula and process to scale their company. Allison is breaking glass ceilings again with this one . . . this is the first woman authored book on this topic. If you want your business to explode, you need this book. Currently you can pre-order Scale and Fail on Amazon. For eight years now, Allison has been mentoring and masterminding with CEOs from all over the world. As a way to pay-it-forward, through this program, she takes all of her years in business and builds companies and helps these business owners grow.


Young Entrepreneurs Society Member

Darian Chem is an author, speaker, podcaster, and vice president of Y.E.S at Crawford High School. He is a very outgoing leader who leads by example by always taking action on his goals while helping others achieve theirs.

Darian Chem

Live Life On Your Terms Many of us entrepreneurs put relentless hours into our business. It is said that the average workweek for an entrepreneur is 72 hours plus! That’s three days without any sleep! It shows how much dedication we have towards our success. It may seem very impressive, but is it really impressive for the human body? Well, you see, on a weekly basis, there’s a total of 168 hours. We spend about 56 hours sleeping, approximately 72 hours working, and that leaves us 40 hours (which is just over a day and a half). As you can see, that’s not very healthy for the human body. As entrepreneurs, we know time is very valuable. Why do we spend so much time working hard and not maximizing our freedom with the limited time we have? A person working a 9-to-5 has more freedom than an entrepreneur. Even so, the person working a 9-to-5 has stress working less hours than an entrepreneur. Many may say it’s the fact that the average 9-to-5 worker hates their job, which is mostly true, and that adds to their stress. But, really, it’s your lifestyle. Entrepreneurs tend to lock themselves in the room grinding out with no rest. Why put your life around your business when you can put your business around your life! With easy access to the internet, entrepreneurs can work anywhere in the world, but they don’t take advantage of it. Think about your relationships. How are they? Think about your kids. Are you spending enough time with them? How are you physically? You see, although our business is prospering, our relationships aren’t. Is it really the lifestyle you want? All in all, freedom is wanted by entrepreneurs. As said before, with easy access to the internet you can work wherever you want -- the park, the gym, the beach, you decide. The ability to have your own business on your terms is an easy goal to accomplish. It’s all up to you. At the end of the day, it all depends on your lifestyle.

Why be locked into your business when you can live life on your terms?


Success Mastery Member

Marian Geiser specializes in Photo Booth Photography. She created XOXO Photo Booth SD to combine her passion of design and photography. Running a photo booth business affords her the ability to put her two passions together while fulfilling her clients’ needs. She loves creating an environment of entertainment with a theme her clients love.

Marian Geiser


Failure Stop You! Where does curiosity lead you? Well, mine lead me to photography. I got my very first DSLR camera back around 2006. I had no idea what I was getting myself into! I started to tell my friends about how I bought a new DSLR and that it’s complicated to work because it’s not like a point and shoot camera. My first photos were awful. It’s like that for most beginning photographers. The photos I took were either very bright or very dark and I was surprised at how many buttons there were that could affect how good or bad the picture looked. But I didn’t let my failures stop me. I researched more and more about photography. There were many times I failed, but what got me through it all was not giving up. I would say learning from my mistakes is what made me a better photographer. After shooting, I would go back home and ask myself, “How could I have made that photography session better?” and “What did I do wrong?” I have many friends in the industry and I noticed them giving hints to this shy photographer, “Why don’t you lead your clients and tell them what to do?” I was, like, “Wow, that is pretty cool.” As a beginning photographer, I had no idea that customers wanted direction from me. I noticed my shyness dissipating as I started speaking up. I finally found my voice and discovered I could be a leader while accessing my creative side. I suddenly found myself craving learning more and more about the photography industry, so I started my own photo booth business. I learned that I love both the techy and creative side of the business, so a photo booth business is perfect for me. The industry always has new trends, so there is room to continue learning and growing. The possibilities are endless, so don’t give up so fast. Stick to what you’re good at and it will lead you to success.


Thought Leaders Zone

Teaching To Learn

Education Isn’t Just for the Classroom Whether you’re book smart, street smart, or both, the experiences which have impacted the way you think, act, and feel are part of your education. By that definition, you are already a highly educated individual who has something valuable to share with others. Personally, I’ve participated in over eight years of formal post-secondary education and spent ten years teaching in the public system. And, yet, I attribute much of what I’ve learned to my life experiences outside the classroom. Here’s what I’ve learned about ‘everyday’ education and how it empowers you to become a visionary leader. When you teach, you learn. It’s inherent in the definition. Education is the giving or receiving of instruction. I’ve learned far more by sharing, leading and mentoring others than when I’ve been the student. When you are in the position of being the educator, you receive an education unlike any other. Be generous with what you know. Shift your thinking from, ‘I’m giving up my secrets’ to, ‘I’m about to deepen my mastery and reveal even more secrets!’ A great teacher (or coach) believes that the students have (or will discover) all the answers themselves. A great teacher doesn’t have all the answers. Rather, they know where to find them, and, more importantly, they know how to lead others in finding the answers. During my tenure as head of a music department, one of my colleagues had a very strong belief in allowing students to fail. I came to understand that failure, especially in controlled conditions and under the leadership and care of a teacher or mentor, provides the best education.


I am known for saying “fear = opportunity.” Failure also equals opportunity. Think about it. Especially in performance-based situations, wouldn’t you rather play out all the ‘failure’ scenarios before the final presentation or task execution? Flight Attendant training (yes, one of my careers) is largely based on disaster scenarios. We are trained through multiple simulations designed to have us learn by figuring out how to succeed in situations where failure is the most probable outcome. Sometimes failure provides the best education and allows for people to have their own experience. Create opportunities for others to fail, and, in turn, grow. A great teacher is one who knows how to learn. A great leader is one who knows how to inspire others to lead. It’s not about you and what you know. Education is the opportunity to empower and develop independent thinkers, and the beauty is that it doesn’t have to take place in a formal setting. A great teacher is also a great leader, and while you may have knowledge, experience, and the title, the point is actually the process of learning and the experience you create for others in order to lift them up. Take a stand for the education of others. Lead and inspire with outward focus and create opportunities for experiential education. When you teach others to learn, you become the go-to leader in your space! by Davide Di Giorgio

Protecting YOUR Greatest Business Asset! Your greatest business asset is YOU! Your vision, your drive, your passion, your overseeing of your business. These are all key elements in your business success. Your business needs YOU to grow and you need your business to grow. However, sometimes the unexpected happens and it happened to me and my husband three years ago when he was diagnosed with cancer. The cancer was asymptomatic. It was only detected through routine blood work. It caused an 8-month whirlwind of surgery and recovery. Thankfully, all of our medical bills and treatments were paid by medical insurance. Disability benefits kicked in after 30 days, but weren’t enough. We exhausted all our liquid financial resources to pay the daily living bills. Did you know that eight out of nine people who suffer heart attack, cancer and stroke live through their critical illness? That’s wonderful news! Medical advances are saving and prolonging more and more lives every day. The downside of this news is that there is usually a long recovery time involved as we heal and get our health back. Medical crises cause 62% of bankruptcies every year in America. Most of these Americans had medical insurance. Medical insurance pays your medical bills, but doesn’t pay the mortgage and other daily expenses. So you may need someone to step in and run your business while you heal. What’s the answer? Living benefits. It is the “smartphone” of life insurance. It doesn’t just pay you when you die, like old life insurance. What is living benefits and how does it work? The living benefits income stream becomes available during certain medical triggers. The list is extensive. The income from the living benefits can be used for any purpose. You

can choose to pay bills, to seek alternative medical treatments if necessary, or to hire someone to run your business in your absence. There are no restrictions on how it can be used.

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Here are a few of the triggers that make living benefits available from your policy: •Heart Attack (including sudden cardiac arrest) •Stroke •Cancer •Major Organ Transplant •Blindness •Lou Gehrig’s Disease (ALS) Critical illness and critical injury both can trigger availability of living benefits What can you do to protect yourself? •Look at any existing life insurance policies you already have in place and familiarize yourself with the benefits •If you have any existing policies, consult your agent with questions •If you find gaps in your coverage, reach out to agents with companies that offer living benefits As entrepreneurs, we work harder, longer and with more energy and enthusiasm than many employed workers. We enjoy the “rollercoaster” of our businesses. We enjoy putting the building blocks in place where we want them. We enjoy watching our businesses grow as we work. The satisfaction from building our own businesses is unparalleled. Don’t let a surprise catastrophic medical crisis wipe away all that you have built.


San Diego’s most unique and entertaining entrepreneurship event!

FRIDAY JUNE 22nd 6:30pm – 9:00pm IDEA1 Building 899 Park Blvd. San Diego, CA 92101

by Michele Kelley

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Success Mastery Member Hi my name is Alan, I’m an experienced iPhone technician. I have been selling and repairing iPhones, laptops and all forms of electronics for five years. I started Mobilezilla with the intention of helping as many people and animals as I can, so ten percent of all proceeds going toward red cross and different animal shelters.

Alan Leung

Side Hustles for Beginning


Ever feel like starting a side business only to find that you’re holding yourself back because you can’t figure out a business for an introvert like you? Or maybe you’re just not sure where to start and need a little guidance? Well, I got great news for you, you’re not alone. To help you get started on your journey, here are three solid hustles to consider: dropshipping, online arbitrage, affiliate marketing.


This is an amazing business concept that entrepreneurs are utilizing to create income. The general idea is you don’t own any inventory or w. When people go online and shop through your store, whether it be Shopify, Etsy, eBay or Amazon, they make a purchase through you or your store. Once you receive their money, you take it and purchase the item they just bought from your store from a supplier for significantly less. The supplier ships the item directly from their warehouse. The customer gets the product they want, you make the difference between what you paid plus applicable fees minus the cost of the item, and the supplier sells a unit of product for the price they want. It’s a win-win-win situation!


Gary Vaynerchuk talks a lot about thrifting and going to garage sells. The idea is that you buy significantly discounted items that you know will sell, and, in turn, resell them on eBay, Amazon, or some other similar platform. Now, the business is easy and can be fairly lucrative if you know what you’re doing. You can even shop at a dollar store, Ross, Salvation Army, or any other specialty store. The most important part of the business is finding items at a discount that you know will sell quickly. Again business is very easy, you just have to be a little creative and put in the hustle.


The simple idea of affiliate marketing is you’re marketing products and/or services for someone else. When someone buys said product or service from your recommendation, you make an affiliate commission. There’s many ways to do this business, but one of the most common ways is creating blog content or creating ads that drive traffic to your offer. You don’t need to put your face out there, nor do you need to create your own product. The business is simple, but takes time and patience to master. There you have it, guys, three simple businesses any new intropreneur can start. The best thing about these businesses for intropreneurs is you never have to have face-toface interaction with customers or suppliers if you don’t want to. You can do everything from your computer and people don’t have to know who you are!


Success Mastery Member

The Education System My name is Dominic Cruz and I am a Social Media Marketer, exprofessional hip-hop dancer, & a college graduate from SDSU. I was born in New Orleans, but raised in Boston, MA. I have a strong passion for serving others and their business. I was introduced to social media marketing back in 2013 and what was amazing about the experience in the beginning was I made 20 sales in one week with 1 Facebook advertisement. That experience is what led me to serving tons of business owners.

Dominic Cruz

is all BS

As I did, you probably went to college, or you at least finished high school. One of the things that I have learned about the education system is that it is all BS. I can’t tell you how many times I hated waking up so early in the morning to go to a class that wasn’t going to serve my purpose. However, I’m glad I went through that process because it helped get me to where I am today. But don’t be fooled. You can actually find the right education to help you push forward in whatever you desire. You may be wondering, “Dominic, why are you saying that the education system is BS?” Don’t worry, I’m not trying to be a negative Nancy. The only reason I say the education system is BS is that there is no desire to learn. The desire to learn in the education system is very minimal, and it’s getting more confusing for students. I am currently a Director of the Young Entrepreneur Society. We are a nonprofit organization whose mission is to educate high school students about entrepreneurship. Many of the kids we come into contact with feel that they learn so much more from us that they do from their school system. Now, we may not be official teachers, but we are teachers through our own business experience. And what we have found is that our experiences have taught the kids more than what they learn in the education system. Looking back, I wish entrepreneurship was taught in high school because what I learned after college is what has made me successful. If it had been taught in high school, I could have gotten a jump on my business career. Unfortunately, having a college degree wasn’t enough to fulfill my life, and I know many business owners who feel the same about their college education. So, if someone tells you that the education system is the best, then you tell them it’s all BS.

We are a nonprofit organization whose mission is to educate high school students about entrepreneurship


Did You Know That

You Already Know? I get it, you always seek the truth; you read books, attend seminars, webinars, events. You ask for more answers and, still, you feel there is something missing. Have you ever had that feeling of “I don’t know enough?” I feel you, my friend. For those days of doubting yourself and your knowledge, I want to share a secret that literally changed my life. The word EDUCATION has its origins in two Latin words: “Educere” and “Educare.” They look almost the same, but their meanings are quite different. Education is a 2-way street. While “Educare” means to nourish, to rise, from the outside in, “Educere” means to draw out, lean out, from the inside out. To Educate yourself, you need both parts of the equation. But, which one comes first? Great question. The egg or the chicken? Hard to find a single answer. As a Love Coach, I believe that you hold inside every truth and every answer you need to know to accomplish all your dreams. But, how do you know if you are getting the information that will serve you and draw out your true self? And, why is it important? Because many times we tend to confuse who we are with who we “have to be.” This is an unconscious process. We might not know that we know. Therefore, we seek answers outside of us. Does this sound familiar? Within that process, we unconsciously disempower ourselves. We lose the meaning of life and the faith in our ability to succeed. We end up surviv-


ing instead of FULLY LIVING. How can you recognize the difference: Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Pay attention to your breathing and ask yourself, “What am I looking for in my life?” and “What do I want?” Try to find one word that defines your want (Freedom, Happiness, Joy, Abundance, etc.) Take the time you need to find the word, your magic word; no rush, no judgment. Ask yourself, “What do I want?” as many times as you need to until you hear the answer coming from your inside. BELIEVE in your own wisdom. Trust me, it will come to you. Now that you have “your magic word,” you can check if the information you are getting from the outside. That information will nourish you to get what you truly want by being who you truly are. With this answer, you will feel in harmony with the world, you will feel lighter, walking through a clear path. Dare to challenge every belief, every truth you might believe in right now asking yourself, “Is this leading me to (your magic word)?” Believe in yourself. Believe you know what is best for you. Believe in your wisdom. After all, my friend... “The cosmos is within us. We are made of star-stuff. We are a way for the universe to know itself.” (Carl Sagan) by Love Coach Sylvia

Is PURPOSE Enough? “What is my purpose in life?” Such a profound question most people ask themselves, usually right after the realization that nothing in their life has had any impact. You wake up in the morning, stressed about what has to be done for the day to go by. You look at yourself in the mirror and start critiquing every imperfection. You jump into the shower and think to yourself, “What the hell am I doing with my life?” You brush your teeth and talk to yourself, your spouse, or whoever is listening, about random events that happened the previous day. You pep-talk yourself and say, “This is going to be a better day.” You grab your breakfast and head off to work. “What is my purpose in life again?” you think to yourself while you’re commuting to work. You’re not alone. It’s hard to find purpose in life when life itself keeps you busy. “Is purpose enough?” There are hundreds of books and posts on the subject, including this one. But the question remains, “Will purpose bring you closer to those you love or a steady paycheck or even enjoyment?” Imagine realizing that your purpose is to spread the word of alien abductions or something else that may go against social norms. It may give you a sense of purpose, but it may also alienate you in the process. Once you do have that sense of purpose, what do you do with it? Well, you make it your passion and figure out a way to turn it into a vehicle. A vehicle you enjoy talking about, participating in, practicing, advocating and telling all the naysayers “To Hell with you!” You research and connect with like-minded people and establish a support group that shares your sense of purpose. You block out the doubters and steamroll through the obstacles. Though purpose can be a driving force behind your life ambitions, you’ll still need courage, social skills, and intelligence to turn it into something you can pursue. Next time you look in the mirror and wonder what your purpose in life is, tell yourself you have the courage to pursue it! by Cesar Castro

5 Tricks to Turn Your Business Up a Notch

Giving massages should be such an easy business. Everyone LOVES getting one, but studies have shown that only 19% of Americans have received a massage in the last year. When was the last time you received one? Being successful in the massage industry ain’t easy, but it’s possible. Here are 5 tricks I use that have helped me grow my massage business. Listen to Your Customers Obvious advice, right? Not for me. I have a sarcastic voice in my head that labels advice from clients as ‘too much work’ or ‘not relevant.’ Knowing this voice exists and overriding it has improved my business in little ways that make a big difference. A client recommended I use music in my treatment room, so I downloaded an app and now I use it in my studio and at clients’ homes. This one small change gives my customers a more upscale experience. Had I not listened to my customer, I might never have added this touch. What tiny additions to your service can improve your clients’ experience? What People ‘Think’ We Do and What We ‘Really’ Do What you actually do and what people THINK you do are oftentimes different. This is a common challenge for many professions, including massage therapy, real estate, coaching, and financial services. When giving your ‘elevator pitch,’ make sure it’s to the point and shares your specific expertise to dispel any preconceived ideas people might have about what you do. For example, as a massage therapist, most people think that I give a ‘relaxing rub down,’ when, in reality, I provide lymphatic massage for clients to reduce swelling after plastic surgery and with a diagnosis of lymphedema or lipedema. I work

with a specific group of people, so it’s important that I state that when giving my pitch so people know exactly who I help. Ask yourself this question when creating your ‘elevator pitch’ so people will recommend you with confidence: “Who do I serve and how do they benefit from my product or service?” Put Yourself Out There Presentations Have you ever felt nervous giving a presentation? When it happens to me I tell the little voice in my head that I’m doing it anyway. Sure enough, I’m always happy I attended. I give presentations on women’s health issues and I have found that using plenty of visuals makes the talk seem more ‘fun.’ I also tell stories and bring recommended books and tools. How can you use ‘show and tell’ to get your message across? Put Yourself Out There Networking Not only do I feel nervous giving presentations, but I feel intimidated attending networking meetings. However, I think everyone who is attending is just as intimidated as me, so when I’m attending events like Life By Design’s monthly networking mixers, I walk right up to people and join the conversation. How many opportunities are lost because we are too scared to say hi? Try it. It works. Pay it Forward! I hope these tips give you as much success as they have given me. If so, pass them on to your circle of business friends. Be sure to find me at the next networking mixer and let me know what has worked for you! by Kathleen Lisson, CMT, CLT


Learning to Lend The next few years of your scholarly life will shape many of the habits you will carry with you after school in your professional adult life. To set yourself up for success during this time, I will share some thoughts on minimalism that can help you make it through college. Unfortunately, minimalism can’t help you with the difficulties of studying, but it can make it easier for you to live within a student’s budget. Less to pack, fast to move Knowing ahead of time that you will be in and out of rooms and dorms, you should always think of what you are bringing into your home. Accumulating souvenirs, toys, and junk from all your adventures will soon pile up and take over your dorm room. Being in college should be an opportunity to collect experiences and memories, not traffic cones and beer box towers. When it comes time to move out from one dorm to another, you will be glad you don’t have so much to haul around. Sharing is caring College is the ultimate community experience, so take advantage of its offerings. Student clubs, fraternities, sororities, classes, and friend groups are all great places to ask for a specific book or to look for furniture and other items you need. Sourcing your needs from the community around you, instead of buying, can help you meet new neighbors and save money on college expenses. Clean desk = Clear mind It’s already bad enough that social media can send you down a rabbit hole of funny videos and memes; so, when you sit at your desk to study, the less clutter around you the better. Keeping your desk clear and clean allows for an inviting workspace, versus a messy desk that causes anxiety and displeasure. Take some time to clear off your area before a study session and you will see how your concentration can increase from the benefit of reduced distractions. In a few short years when you move on to your own residence and have a different pace of life, you will be glad you took on minimalism as a way to budget and maximize your life experiences. As always, we want to remind you that with minimalism you do away with something in order to gain elsewhere. Here, we rid you of your college room clutter in order to make more space for you to learn. by Juan D Ortiz-Romero


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Success Mastery Mentor

Why You Are Not Rich How You Spend $1 Is How You Spend $1,000,000

Stephen Dela Cruz is a best selling author, speaker and serial entrepreneur who specializes in helping budding entrepreneurs double their income in their first year. He’s built several 7 figure businesses and in his online school, The Mastermind Experience, he shares strategies around time and money management to help beginning entrepreneurs soar. You can see more about Stephen on his website.

“I want to be rich.” “I want to be famous.” “I want to have the nice cars.” “I want the mansion.” “I want the expensive clothing and accessories.” If this is you, you need to change how you look at being “rich.” You have it all wrong.

Stephen Dela Cruz

Three people walk into a Starbucks to order coffee. The first of the three had a poverty mindset. He asks himself, “Do I want a $5 coffee?” Then he asks himself, “How can I buy this coffee? Do I borrow the $5, or do I steal it?”

In my new book, Entrepreneursh*t, I talk about this very thing. What is the difference between the people who want to be rich and the people who actually are? Let me give you a story I heard at an event I attended...

The second of the three had a middle-class mindset. He asks himself, “Do I want a $5 coffee?” Then he asks himself, “Do I have $5?” and he checks his bank account. The third man has a millionaire mindset. He, too, asks himself, “Do I want a $5 coffee?” He then asks himself, “Is this $5 coffee worth $50 for me?” The man with the millionaire mindset understood that his $5 could get him his luxurious coffee, or he could invest it and make $50 from it. Rich people stay rich by living like they are broke. Broke people stay broke by living like they are rich. Money management is very similar to time management; what is tracked and measured can be improved. You can only see success if you know how to use money. Money is a tool. If anyone has ever told you, “money can’t buy you happiness,” they lied to you. They didn’t know what they didn’t know. Used as a tool, money can help you build empires and change people’s lives. “The median annual income of a luxury car owner in the United States, for example, is $99,364, while a Mercedes C-Class sedan, the carmaker’s entry-level vehicle and its most popular model, starts at around $40,000.” It is not a smart move to buy a car that is worth half as much as you make in one year. People spend too much time trying to LOOK rich rather than BUILDING wealth. What is interesting is you may actually know a few millionaires. They go to your coffee spot, maybe were in the check out line with you at Wal-Mart, or live next door in your apartment building. “Think about a brick for a second. In the hands of the right person, a brick can be used to skillfully build a home for a family. But in the wrong hands, a brick can be used to break your car window and steal your wallet. It’s all about whose hands it’s in.” If you want to really be rich, stop worrying so much about what other people think. Make money to use it as a tool to impact nations. Do not use it to impress people. Statistically only 100 people will show up at your funeral, and of that only 10% will cry. Stop spending your time focusing on the 90% who will not cry and the people who won’t even show up, and focus on the 10% whose lives you can change.

If you want to really be rich, stop worrying so much about what other people think. 30 BY DESIGN JUNE 2018 30 LIFE LBDMAGAZINE.COM JUNE 2018

Timothy Ferriss

The 4-Hour Workweek


Here is one thing I realized from reading this book. A lot of entrepreneurs focus on their services and products to free themselves of their 9-to-5 job, but what Timothy Ferriss suggests is to find a way to have passive income first before creating your own products or services. Before reading this book, I didn’t think passive income was important. It may seem simple, but I get it now. The key is cash flow. It’s hard for me to say this, but it doesn’t really matter if you love the product or not because the goal is cash flow so you can live a better quality life. Some examples of what you can do to bring in cash flow are affiliate programs, referral programs, dropshipping, each having no inventory. Some people may see it as being lazy, but it actually makes sense because you want an income of cash flow to replace your job. The beauty of it is that once you find passive income, it’s income automation. You can now focus truly on what you’re passionate about because you have gas in your car and the stress of having capital is not going to be a challenge. Tim also talks about living the laptop lifestyle in different countries. For example, I grew up in the Philippines and I can relate to a lifestyle in different countries. If you’re living in the Philippines, $500 a month is a great income. With that said, you can live comfortably in another country on a lot less than in the United States. The bottom line is to build passive income to start so you can then focus on the bigger dream of your passion (whatever that product or service may be). In this book, Tim gives us a guide to being able to do that. He calls it The 4-Hour Workweek because he’s teaching us to build a system where our company does not need us, but where the system itself is building and generating our income. I like the idea of “I have a business, but I’m not in it.” Waking up every morning to money in my bank account while traveling the world sounds like a great idea to me. What about you?


by Jennifer Meim


What’s Going On San Diego? Are you looking for a better way to PROMOTE and build your business? Would you like to tell your story in a way that ELECTRIFIES your audience? Are you interested in INCREASING your income potential? Do you want to become an UNSTOPPABLE leader? Public speaking is a phenomenal way to bring recognition to your business. It’s a great way to have your voice heard and to build your brand. By adding public speaking to your marketing plan, you will be able to attract, convert, and empower an even bigger audience. The UNapologetic Speaker and TEDx Coach, Davide Di Giorgio, created this monthly event to “give the best of his 25 years of experience in business, education, musical theatre production, creation and direction, innovation and transformation, on-purpose creatives, leaders and experience creators who want to go from being unheard and uncertain to UNforgettable and UNstoppable Speakers and Visionary Leaders.” Join, Davide, and his special guest, Josée Brisebois, for this masterclass and networking experience. Here you will have the opportunity to present a 5-minute talk from the stage and get feedback and coaching from Davide & Josée. The speaking opportunity is limited and is a first-come-first-serve opportunity, so arrive early to secure your speaking spot. By attending this event, you will: • Learn how to speak to CONVERT audiences into raving fans, repeat bookings, and revenue • Learn how to become a PAID speaker • Get feedback and coaching to ACCELERATE your speaking business • Learn how to tap into your full potential and SMASH through FEARS as a speaker and entrepreneur • Learn how to dress for the stage, the camera, and to create UNstoppable success in your life! ...and much more. You also will have the opportunity to obtain photos of you speaking for use in your speaker trailer or on your website. Reserving your ticket is FREE for this ‘Pay What You Can’ event and space is limited to 40 attendees. Bring lots of business cards for networking and arrive early to secure a speaking spot. All attendees will get a chance to introduce themselves and their business. For more information, please visit by Janine Holman



d n i m r e t s Ma Com e h ik e and mast ermi nd wit h li k e mi nde d i ndi vi du a ls! Fin d u s on F acebook t o RSVP!

16th J un e

Sa turda y Ju ne 16 t h @8 am M aria n Bea r Mem oria l N at ural Park Tra il , San D i ego, CA 92 11 7

C heck upcomi ng event s a t LB D m a ga zi / ca l enda r




When you think of influence, what do you think of? At Life By Design magazine, we think of the amazing women who are making a powerful impact in the world. And that couldn’t have been more apparent at our monthly Magazine Launch Mixer on May 7th where we celebrated the winner and nominees of our San Diego’s Most Influential Woman contest. With over 300 guests in attendance, it’s obvious San Diego agrees! Don’t miss out on your next opportunity to meet and build relationships with hundreds of business professionals, entrepreneurs and influencers at our mixer the first Monday of every month. With the amazing success of May’s magazine launch, we were inspired to launch a brand new monthly speaking event. Combining the power of Lynda West’s Speaker’s Open Mic event with the impact of Life By Design’s influence, we have created an entirely new speaking event called Breakthrough: Speak to Influence. With a panel of judges that consist of our very own Casey Fox, Lynda West, and Jennifer Meim, it has been so exciting to create this event for San Diego. With a packed house of over 35 speakers and influencers on opening night, we are excited to have this event the third Monday of every month, so don’t miss out on the next one! The month of May brought about some new and amazing things including the beginning of Stegela Success Mastery’s expansion into Los Angeles. The LBD and SSM staff, lead by Stephen Dela Cruz, had an amazing time in LA planning for the future and solidifying our relationship with our LA partners while enjoying great food. We can’t wait to announce what we have planned for LA in the near future. Speaking of food, Stegela’s monthly Millionaire Mastermind Dinners have been an amazing success. It has been so insightful, and yummy, to mastermind with Stegela Success Mastery coaching clients and millionaires while personal chef Yoichi Kato crafts a gourmet dinner and dessert for all to enjoy. Keep your taste buds on the lookout for your opportunity to join in on this amazing experience. We also had a great time exercising our bodies and minds during our Life By Design hike at the beautiful Marian Bear Memorial Park in Clairemont. Something amazing happens when you walk it out with other entrepreneurs as new thoughts and ideas flow. It’s always a joy to see familiar and new faces. We can’t wait to see you next time! Looking to the future, Lynda and Jennifer had blast working with Barrera Photography on the photoshoot for Life By Design Magazine’s July cover with an amazing International Business Senstation. We know you are going to love it and can’t wait to show you! by Dave Evans

Strategic Consultant


WHAT IS YES? YES stands for Young Entrepreneur Society. We are a California Nonprofit 501(c)(3) that serves high schools on a weekly basis. Every week our team of volunteers hosts school clubs during their lunch breaks to bring them FREE lunch & activities, speakers, and videos around the spirit of entrepreneurship.

WHY YES? Suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death in teens between 13 and 18. Depression and anxiety are the number 1 and 2 mental illnesses suffered among students in high school. 1 out of 6 teens have seriously considered suicide. 1 out of 12 have attempted suicide. 78% of students have started drinking alcohol. 42.5% of students have used drugs. Of that, 25% have used hard drugs such as cocaine, LSD, and Ecstasy. 50% of students have been bullied online. Every 26 seconds a student drops out of high school. We believe this is due to lack of purpose and lack of vision. Our team comes in every week to bring the spirit of entrepreneurship to give hope and vision for their future! We focus on goal setting, personal development, budgeting, serving, team building, etc.

GET INVOLVED! We are looking entrepreneurs, business professionals and companies who will become financial parters with YES on a monthly basis to impact the students of San Diego! By being a financial partner, we invite you to speak to our students, have your logo placed in our monthly magazine articles (10,000 print distribution monthly) and invite you to our yearly gala & networking mixer.

Text the word MENTOR to 766-26 to donate and get involved!




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