Life By Design Magazine January 2018

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3 Ways to Avoid Destruction page 19

5 Morning Routines for Intro-preneurs

Photography by @TostiStudios

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Elite Mastermind & Coaching Program


WELCOME Letter From The Editors The Stegela Success Mastery Team “If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.” This saying by Benjamin Franklin is so true. As we embark on a new year, a new beginning, we at Life By Design Entrepreneur Lifestyle Magazine are looking into our future and how we can accomplish our mission of helping you achieve success in all areas of your life. I discovered at the age of 51 that I am an entrepreneur. Was that too late? Heck no. It’s never too late to discover your calling. However, once I discovered my calling, I realized it is my responsibility to fulfill that calling. How, you might ask? That’s when I reached out to mentors and coaches, people who are where I want to be, and asked them for help. We made a game plan to make it happen. Simply put, I planned my future. Now is the time to put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard or phone) and write your plan. What do you want to accomplish in 2018? What are your hopes and dreams? What is the first step, the second step, etc. that you need to take to have your best year ever? Now, get out there and do it. Remember: If it is to be, it’s up to you. - Lynda M. West Copy Editor of Life By Design Magazine

OUR STAFF Stephen Dela Cruz CEO/Founder

Casey Nicole Fox COO/Co-Founder

Angela Dela Cruz CEO/Publisher

Lynda M. West Copy Editor

Jennifer Meim

Kristen Crooks

Jeff Rollon

Jennifer Nguyen

Production Editor


Editorial Assistant


Thinking Bigger


You’re One Decision Away


Do You Really Think Your Day Job Is “Safe”?


Two Key Factors That Will Determine Your Success


Growing With Gratitude


Would You Fire Yourself?


5 Secrets To Excellence


The 4 Ways I Breathed New Life Into My Business


Why We Don’t Finish What We Start


3 Keys To Perseverance


Build Your Tribe Organically - Become Invaluable


How To Become A Successful Amazon Seller


Business Tips From The Movie “Glengarry Glen Ross”


Three Ways To Avoid Destruction By Distraction


Entrepreneur Of The Month : Nicholas Bayerle


Are You Working Hard OR Hardly Working?


The Real Reason You’ll Get Tired This Year


The Skinny About Nutrition


Hey, Check Your Ego At The Door


Channeling Your Inner Boss Bitch


What Does The Fox Say


Wine & Dine


Why Contracts Aren’t Important, Until They Are


From Corporate To Entrepreneur


To Condition Or De-Condition


The Truth About Toxic-Free Living


New Year Debt Detox Resolution


Book Review : Awaken The Giant Within


Y.E.S. To Success


Are The Holidays Holding You Back Or Pushing You Forward


God VS. Money


5 Morning Routines For Intro-Preneurs


Behind The Scenes Of Stegela





3 Principles To Create

Bigger Results in 2018 A new year inspires us to think big! As entrepreneurs, especially, we set audacious goals and declare new visions for business, life, and beyond!

It’s been my life’s work to think bigger. From composer to educator, coach, and founder, I’ve observed that thinking bigger creates more connection, community, and collaboration, and, quite simply, more results! People who deliver vision (big ideas worth spreading) have shown over and over, throughout history, that they can lead movements and move people into inspired action! Here are 3 practical Think Bigger Principles to apply to your New Year resolution: 1. Inclusion. Having an outward focus. When I was four, I had an idea. It seemed to me that my female classmates in kindergarten all wanted me to play house with them. Quite the dilemma since I was outnumbered! One day, I stood up on a chair and declared, ‘Girls, I’ve decided that you will all get to play house with me. Andrea, you get Monday. Ezra, you’re Tuesday. Sonia, Wednesday and Thursday…’ My outward focus (as enterprising as I was) facilitated solving the problem. This situation also illustrates the second principle: 2. Enrolling others in their own vision for what they want. I created a solution that served the girls. I also managed to create an opportunity for them to see that my solution was exactly what they wanted. Coming from a place of contribution (what you want to give) becomes exponentially more powerful when it aligns with what others want to receive. As a senior in high school, I was given the opportunity to spend a summer living in Jamaica to set up kids’ camps. Nothing could stop me from getting there...except my dad when he said, “You’ll have to fund that trip on your own.” While the obvious solution may have appeared to be a bake sale, my studies had shown that only small gains could be made. Who had more money? Who had little time to


make holiday treats? TEACHERS! I would sell entire cakes and dozens of cookies! My plan was to offer samples to teachers, who would then place an order for a full cake (or three). The flavors were Chippy, Coffee, Lemon Almond, 4 kinds of Biscotti, and much more, all while I also sold single slices to students. It was the BakeSale-O-Bake-Sales! In order to implement this successfully, I had to implement a Thinking Bigger principle: 3. Telling EVERYONE! And it worked! I successfully generated $1,500 in revenue with a single day of samples and I did get to spend that summer in Jamaica! Consider the big Thought Leaders of the day, Musk, Branson, or even Disney, who thought so big, told, enrolled, and included so many others in his vision, that it was after his death his big vision for Disney World came to life (and it still lives and grows today). Declare 2018 as the year of thinking bigger! Use all 3 principles, 1) having an outward focus, 2) enrolling others into their own vision for what they want, and 3) telling everyone, to guarantee bigger results for your business and to design the life you truly want this year! by Davide Di Giorgio


You’re One Decision Away! Just about every successful entrepreneur I’ve studied all have this one super human habit in common. They understand how the mind operates, they master it and create success habits before it launches them into autopilot. The greats, such as Elon Musk, Richard Branson, Jeff Bezos, Timothy Ferris, Tony Robbins and Brendan Burchard, all formed performance and physiological habits to condition their mind, body and spirit for optimal performance. This simple yet elusive habit is what separates the average from the extraordinary and it could be the one habit that’s keeping you from maximizing your full potential. So how can you reach your next level of success? #1 Wake Up & Get Motivated! Begin your day meditating, in prayer or listening to something that excites and motivates you to tackle the day! Do not immediately check email, text messages or get caught in the FB scrolling vortex. This only leads to procrastination and distractions. How you start your day sets the tone, the energy and will determine your productivity for the day! Top performers are highly intentional and don’t allow distractions to deter them from their goals and top priorities. You’re one decision away from changing everything in your life. Don’t let problems, media, news, friends or family stop you from activating your morning success habit. How we do one thing is how we do everything and it all starts the moment our eyes open! #2 Conquer Your Goliath! Tackle your hardest task first! Practicing this habit will catapult your confidence and productivity 10X. Since most people never do this, you’ll be further ahead of the competition and accomplishing your goals quicker than most! BEWARE: Since most people allow their feelings to dictate what they do and don’t do, it may turn into a battle of the will; but rest assured this is completely normal. As long as you keep going the habit will stick. Always Remember: Habits take time to develop. Go easy on yourself if you fail to follow through or keep a habit consistent. You can always Hit the RESET button and start fresh at any moment! Get started today ... We’re rooting for your SUCCESS! by Angel L. Rivera


Do You Really Think Your Day Job Is “SAFE?” E I had several “side hustles” going on at the time

ven if you consider yourself an entrepreneur, you probably didn’t dive right into the whole “work for yourself” thing head first. That’s a good move, right? I mean, it’s risky. It’s scary. And, worst of all, there are no guarantees! I did take the leap a few years back, so I know exactly how true all that is.

Even if you continue building your boss’ dream company, you’re not holding yourself back. Not at all. Every wishful entrepreneur who holds a 9-5 steady day job isn’t faking it as an entrepreneur. I personally know that you can work a job and still be a real entrepreneur. I did it for over a decade. But you need to do more than just work your 9-5 job. A lot of people want to do more… launch an app, start consulting, build a tech startup or something equally cool. They just don’t want to do these things on the side because they don’t feel the need right now. Most people want to do these things out of sheer boredom or passion, not out of necessity. That is why most of these side projects remain hobbies for years upon years. The #1 objection that I hear when people tell me their reasons for not


starting a business is, “I don’t have enough time to dedicate to it right now.” Not even 1-2 hours per week?

They’d rather be all or nothing with it. Let me point out the obvious: a day contains 24 hours. For everyone. Successful people, millionaires, and app CEOs don’t get any extra time in their day to make their dreams come true. They just prioritize what they do with their time better than others. But tell someone that and you’ll probably get an eye roll. That is because they don’t have any driving need to start their company yet. All because they have a “safe 9-5 corporate job.” Here’s the truth… Your Safe Job Isn’t Safe At All It’s probably barely riskier than starting your own thing. Don’t believe me? What about this scary thought: YOU CAN GET FIRED! At any time. Seriously. Need some convincing? Think it through. Do you know anyone who has been laid off? Or fired? Anyone who had their company cut back hours because of “hard times”? How about a whole department, division or even whole company shut down? It hap-

pens. And it happens more than you think. Hell, it happened to me. That is what forced me to take the leap into full-time entrepreneurship!

Thankfully, I had several “side hustles” going on at the time, so when I was fired out of the blue one day - with a wife, infant son, car payments, mortgage, etc., all waiting for me at home - I wasn’t screwed, like I should have been. Because when that happens to most people, believe me, they are screwed. What will you do to prepare yourself in case it happens to you? by Steve Eakin

Two Key Factors That

Will Determine Your Success

As entrepreneurs, we must constantly grow ourselves mentally, physically, and spiritually. Every day presents at least one new challenge and it is up to us to overcome it. Entrepreneurs are very special people because we are movers and shakers. We do not allow outside factors to dictate our lives. The difference between you and most others is how locus of control is perceived. 1. Locus of Control Defined

2. The Importance of Failure

A person with an external locus of control believes that everything happens to them and that they have no control over what circumstances befall them, thus rendering them helpless and hopeless from their point of view. Whereas, a person an internal locus of control lives every day knowing that they have control over most, if not all, aspects of their life. A person living their life from this perspective will most certainly rise above any challenge that they are faced with because their rate of growth is not only continuous, but practically endless.

Failure is scary and can be demoralizing, BUT failure is needed. Failure has received a horrible connotation over the history of man for reasons unknown. We miss out on life events because we are too afraid to fail. We’ve become too afraid of rejection! If you are serious about furthering your success, you must get knocked down a million times just to experience one win. How we perceive failure is another thing that sets entrepreneurs apart from others.

Why are people with an internal locus of control person more susceptible to this amount of growth? Because they have an uncanny ability to recognize and resolve problems. Of course there are things in life that we cannot control but it is up to us to find the things that we, without a doubt, can control.

If you think about it, when you fail it means you are one step closer. You are nearing your future success. Entrepreneurs have an internal locus of control, which means that when we fail, we analyze the situation and come up with a more effective game plan for the next attempt. Then we keep going. If people try to make you feel ashamed of your failures, politely inform them that we are a civilization built and run on countless failures and yours are just a drop in the bucket. If you’re not failing, you’re not trying. Be good to yourself and those around you! Keep hustling. by Najja Gandy


Growing With Gratitude I love words, do you? I remember many years ago I met a fellow entrepreneur who also writes for this magazine… We were at a Mastermind and the assignment was to work with a partner to hone our message. After she told me her heart and her story, I said, “Oh, you’re a philanthropist!” and she brightened up because she now had a label that encompassed all the aspects of her energy! Well, today I learned a new word. And I LOVE it! I found it at Philanthropreneur: an entrepreneur who charitably donates some or all of the rewards from his [or her] successful business revenues towards assisting causes and founding philanthropic ventures. Wow! I love how this word describes ALMOST every entrepreneur I know and it exudes the vibe that caused me to begin writing this column. The trend of the 21st Century is that creative, successful business owners delight in the opportunity to give back to others! Do you resonate with this idea? Are you wondering where to start? Here are my top 5 suggestions for moving from “entrepreneur” to “philanthropreneur”:

1) A very simple beginning step is to donate your product or services to an auction for an upcoming charity event. To find an upcoming event in your local area, just google “Charity Events in (your town) ” and Eventbrite will hook you up! 2) Host your OWN charity event! WikiHow has a great “how to” page to help you get started. They break the process into four parts: • Doing the legwork: find a charity, set a budget, determine your audience • Making arrangements: secure a venue, set the date/time, purchase supplies • Spreading the word: flyers, posters, Facebook event, pre-sell tickets if necessary • Setting it up: allow plenty of prep time, recruit volunteers!, keep it fun, be clear • DONATE: present the funds you have raised to the charity and CELEBRATE! 3) Commit to donating a percent of your profits and set up an auto-pay account to follow through. Do you have a favorite charity that you support? Ask your online friends for suggestions and get started! 4) If you sell a quality product, commit to a “Buy One, Give One” program like the founder of TOMS shoes. Basically, your customers will know that when they purchase your product you will donate a second product to someone in need. 5) And, finally, the most intensive way to “give back” is to start your own NonProfit! Your local Chamber of Commerce can help you find the resources you need. Whatever became of my kind-hearted Mastermind group partner? Well, she started with #5 and created “The Giving Angels of San Diego.” She’s my amazing friend, Lynda West. You can find her charity supporting organization on Facebook. by Kathy Kendrick!455


Would You Fire Yourself? Accountability is a HUGE part of being an entrepreneur and you have to be willing to ask yourself the tough questions. A few questions to think about are: 1) How do I rank as an employee? 2) Would I blow the whistle on myself? and 3) would I really just sit back and watch an employee, that I paid a lot of money to, cut some of the same corners that I do? It’s true that we all want a BIG pay off as an entrepreneur, but are we actually treating ourselves like a “Boss/Employee” relationship would? Below are five tips and examples on how to strengthen your “Boss and Employee Relationship” 1) Accountability - Give yourself a clock-in time. For example, the “boss” side of you wakes up the “employee” side of you at 5:30 AM and has you clock-in to work at 6:00 AM, even though you work for yourself and don’t actually have a clock-in time. 2) Leverage money - Use money to set a standard for your business. For example, if your boss offered you an extra $10,000 a month and all you had to do was talk to five new people everyday for 30 days, it would be a no-brainer. 3) Training instead of competing - Your competition is your co-worker. For example, instead of trying to wipe out your competition, try giving them a helping hand. You never know when it’ll come back around. 4) You are your own podcast - You will become the advice that you give. For example, as an entrepreneur, you have to understand your business’ vital health is dependent upon your allowance of having the best ethics. 5) The long road - Short-cuts might end up leaving you short at the end of the month. For example, you own an auto shop company and you choose to use cheap parts from an unknown supplier to make some extra bucks for the month. Later on, those same parts end up breaking on those clients, who decide to never do business with you again. The more real you are, the more business you will do. Trust the process and do people right!! At the end of the day, the return will always be more than your investment. by Marc Beatty


5 Secrets to EXCELLENCE It will be really challenging for me to keep this article short and sweet. I tend to get extremely passionate when I talk about excellence. Excellence is something that none of us have mastered, but all of us should be striving for. I’m amazed at how many people have just simply accepted status quo and no longer strive for excellence. Thankfully, there are people out there who are willing to go through the pain of achieving excellence, as it’s not something that we can just achieve by sheer desire alone. In order to live with an attitude of excellence, we must do more than simply hope and envy those who have walked down the pathway of excellence. Watch a person of excellence or someone who seems to have mastered the spirit of excellence. While it may appear on the surface that they have it all together and they are almost perfect, there is a story behind that successful person or company and usually there are some difficult

and challenging choices that were made. Those who have succeeded or achieved excellence have had to make some tough calls. Excellent people have to work harder and pay closer attention to detail. Excellent people do not accept second best and will do whatever it takes to have excellence stamped upon their work or life. Those who have chosen to have an attitude of excellence will not just allow things to be good enough. In fact, I never want good enough. Good enough is never good enough. The main reason some never achieve excellence is that of the curse of “good.” We are usually surrounded by people who just get by so that even good can be appealing to the average person. I’m not interested in being a good daddy, good friend, good employee, or a good man. We will never achieve excellence until we start believing that good is a dirty,

nasty and evil word. Good is unacceptable. Good is a plague and enemy of the successful, abundant life. Those who will settle and accept average are sure to miss the blessings and rewards to excellent living. Sadly, those who only go one mile and do what is expected are going to come up short, every time, and continue to envy the life of abundant and successful people. I am amazed at the small and simple-minded people who get jealous of my success when they could enjoy the very same benefits and blessings if they were willing to pay the price. Excellence has a price tag and, usually, people don’t live with an attitude of excellence because they are unwilling to pay the price for excellence. If you are reading this and you want to have an attitude of excellence, then I would urge you to do the following:

1. Make a Commitment to Excellence Nobody will have an attitude of excellence until they make up their mind and make a strong commitment to excellence. It’s very important that you are committed because every day you will be given the opportunity to do things or make choices that reveal excellence; you must choose everyday and never settle for less. When you become committed to excellence, you will work extra, pay attention to detail, and do whatever it takes to achieve your goal.

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2. Spend Time With Excellent People

4. Start With the Small Areas

I realize that in my teaching and writings I may be sounding like a broken record here. I can’t stress the importance of you being extremely cautious about who you spend your time with. What you will be five years from now, will be determined by the books you read and the people you associate with. If you desire excellence, then find a way for your path to cross with excellent people, and by associating with them it will rub off on your life.

Usually, you’ll not become this overwhelmingly excellent person overnight; you must begin now and start with the small areas of your life. It could be the way you iron your clothes, do your hair, clean your car, decorate your house, fold your towels, write a letter, or wrap a Christmas gift. Ok, I recognize this may seem a little weird to some. What does ironing my clothes have to do with excellence? It has everything to do with it because it reveals whether you’ve made the commitment and set the standard.

One of the main reasons that I choose to spend a few hours a day working and reading at Starbucks is because of the atmosphere of excellence. I’m inspired by companies such as Southwest Airlines, Apple, Nordstrom, Starbucks, and The Ritz Carlton, to apply their principles of excellence and passion in my life. By reading about these types of companies, my mind is exposed to their attitudes and ways of doing business, with excellence. I’ve taught my staff to determine what they want to be in life and find others who are already there and then read about them, pick their brain, and do their best to get around them as much as possible.

3. Set the Standard of Excellence You must set the standard of excellence and then do it. We can’t go through life aimlessly and think we’ll just end up being successful. No, we have to set the standard and the goal. We must realize that there are some attitudes and actions that are unacceptable. Don’t be afraid to set the standard high; you will surely rise to the level of expectation. You must determine what excellence looks like and refuse to accept anything less than the standard of excellence. I’m convinced that the majority of us haven’t even scratched the surface of our potential. We must stretch ourselves and realize that we can always improve. I’m currently reading a book on how to be a gentleman, just because I want to improve in every area of my life. By reading this book, I’ve had to raise the standard in my behavior and realize there are things that gentlemen don’t do or say. You must teach your kids and show them what the standard of excellence looks like. I’m already training my son, Caleb, for a life of excellence by making him learn how to properly fold his clothes and blanket, use proper manners, work hard, and by helping him to never accept shortcuts or average actions. By setting the standard and training him early, he’ll have an easier time achieving excellence in his life. By setting the standard of what is unacceptable behavior or attitude, you’ll be able to know what to focus on. For example, people of excellence never litter, talk bad about others, treat people rudely, leave bad tips, throw their clothes on the floor, dress sloppy, or work poorly.

It’s unacceptable for people of excellence to look homely and sloppy. It’s actually extremely healthy and beneficial for you to take care of yourself. Exercising on a daily basis will help you be so much more excellent because you will feel better about yourself and have more energy to practice excellent behavior. Excellent people have clean cars, organized closets, and take care of themselves. You’ll never achieve excellence in your life until you learn the value of starting with the small and simple areas of your life that you may normally overlook. I’ve made it a personal goal of mine to be excellent in every area of my life; it’s a painful process and requires diligence.

5. Be Patient in the Process Life is a journey and we must enjoy the process. It’s easy to look at our lives and be frustrated because we should be so much further. However, the moment you make the commitment, begin spending time with people of excellence, set the standard, and work on the small areas, you will begin to notice small changes in your life and family. However, it will not happen tomorrow and you will realize that you have a long way to go. It’s important that you recognize the little changes and progress in your life. It’s important that you are patient because it will take some time to break average thinking patterns and habits. It will take time to train your children or encourage your spouse to be excellent. You didn’t get in debt overnight, gain all your weight overnight, and you sure won’t snap your fingers and all of a sudden become excellent. Be patient and always appreciate the small strides you’ve already made towards excellence. By now, you should have a passion for excellence and a desire to change. Always remember that if nothing changes, then nothing changes. You must make the changes necessary to ensure excellence in your life. Do whatever it takes! Always think of ways you can do whatever it is you do with more excellence. Thank you for joining us on the road to excellence and as Zig Ziglar used to say, “I’ll see you at the top!” by Matt Maddix



4 Ways

I Breathed New


Into My Business And You Can, Too!

With the new year upon us, it’s the perfect time to refresh and reboot your business. This four-step process certainly breathed new life into mine. 1. Get rid of your limiting beliefs.

3. Revamp your business relationships.

How many times have you played out the same old story in your thoughts or in your life? Success in business and in life, for that matter, starts with mastering your mental chatter.

This ties directly to charging your worth. My brand provides a concierge level of service. To me, that means I go above and beyond to ensure each customer has a great experience.

I have spent most of my life living in a “lack” mindset. I fully and constantly believed I didn’t have enough money and that I never would or could. Over the past several months, after launching my business, then losing both of my grandparents, I began rigorously studying the Law of Attraction and my mindset. Since I’ve made a positive mental shift in my mind, things have aligned suddenly, as if by magic. I am now able to move forward knowing that I already have all of the abundances I need and am open to receiving it!

Little gestures add up to big customer loyalty and appreciation. For example, I send each client a thank you card right when they sign the contract. I host regular customer appreciation events where I invite them and celebrate our community. These actions delight and surprise my clients, which helps me stay top of mind. And, as an added bonus, they frequently tell their friends about the 5-star service they receive.

2. Charge what you are worth.

Whether you are just starting out or have been in business for several years, whatever phase of the game you are in, you will grow faster with the help of someone who can hold you accountable and see it from an outside perspective. Mentors and business coaches have “been there” themselves. They have the hard-won wisdom to share. If you listen closely and are coachable, open, and accountable, it will change your life and your business. It certainly has changed mine.

With my mindset on the mend, I’ve changed the way I structure payment for services. Not charging my worth ties directly into the “lack” belief I no longer have. I know my services are valuable – often critical. My prices have been changed to reflect it! There will always be people who object at any price point. Some people choose Walmart because it’s cheaper and some people shop at Neiman Marcus because they can. When you undervalue yourself, you aren’t doing your customer any favors. When you charge your worth, you empower yourself to provide the very best service. People who pay more, pay more attention.


4. Invest in a mentor or business coach.

Now go out there and breathe new life into your business. by Tina Buchanan

Everyone has at least one special talent. A unique ability or experience that qualifies them as an expert. What is my offering to the world? I am a habitual quitter. I have practiced the art of quitting for most of my life. My mastery of this topic allows me to help others find their way to the finish line and avoid traveling down the same path I once took. In order to leave this horrible habit behind in 2018, we first need to understand the three main reasons why people don’t finish what they start. Until you are aware of the obstacles you may meet along the way, you will never have the ability to face them, and overcome the stranglehold they have on your life. Reason #1 - Perfectionism Many wonderful ideas never see the light of day due to perfectionism. By wanting to share unbelievable value with others, sometimes we end up giving them nothing. We continually polish and tweak our work, all the while confusing movement with productivity. To overcome this obstacle, you must understand that perfection is a myth. Even the most successful entrepreneurs failed their way to where they are now, and you will, too. What looks easy to them today came from years of learning what NOT to do. Sheryl Sandberg’s quote said it best, “Done is Better than Perfect.” The key is to just get started, and work hard at getting better along the way. Reason #2 - Worrying About the Opinions of Others Being vulnerable is difficult, especially at a time when haters are able to hide behind their computer screens. But people who are purpose driven and have big dreams are going to face friction from those who don’t have the same mindset. It

WHY We Don’t

Finish What We Start is our responsibility to look past the negativity and focus on what truly matters…sharing our gift with the people who need it most. The best defense against this obstacle is having faith in your mission. Do you truly believe in what you are doing? Are you doing it for the right reasons? Are you trying to help people, and possibly make money, OR are you trying to make money, and possibly help people? Stand strong in your mission and the noise from the naysayers become much less distracting. Reason #3 - False Expectations We live in a world of instant gratification. We expect to start something and become successful immediately. When we find out that creating a new business takes a lot of work, time, and patience, we end up mentally drained and crawl back into our comfort zone. Having an exceptional life is not going to be easy, but you have to decide if it’s going to be worth it. To avoid having false expectations, you have to decide how you want your life to be, and determine why you want it to be that way. If your why is strong enough, it will always pull you towards your goals. by Jason Adams


3 Keys for Perseverance PERSEVERANCE owns these three synonyms: determination, commitment, and endurance. They are an entrepreneur’s best friend. When starting a business you must have a measurable end result and work backward towards that goal. Obstacles WILL definitely pop up. Your success depends on how you handle the obstacles and push forward, even when you want to quit. I love this quote, “Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.”

Key #1: Determination My husband and I were introduced to entrepreneurship with the idea of starting a home daycare. In our previous lives, I was a secretary for 10 years working for high-level executives and my husband was an airplane mechanic for 20 years. These two careers were totally non-related to daycare. But we fell in love with the concept of supporting working parents by providing a safe and loving environment for their little ones. Once we did our research and created a plan, we decided to go for it. The first goal was to find a location. We searched high and low for a home we could rent, but found it challenging to find a landlord that would allow the business on their property. We were determined, so our solution was to purchase a home for the business.

Key #2: Commitment Just as the home purchase closed, we were hit with a major obstacle. Although my husband and I are parents and grandparents, we were not experienced in running a home daycare. We decided to partner up with a licensed child care provider to run the daycare while we provided the real estate. That plan fell through, but because of our commitment, we were determined to open the daycare anyway. We went through the application process together and became licensed providers as a team. That turned out to be the best decision ever. By becoming licensed providers, that opened the door for us


to provide daycare jobs and partner with community organizations. “Unless Commitment is made, there are only promises and hopes … but no plans.” – Peter Drucker

Key #3: Endurance Endurance is staying focused on the goal and pushing through the obstacles to the end, no matter what. We saw those obstacles and turned them into opportunities to grow. Staying on task has increased our confidence and opened our minds to creative possibilities. We now explore ideas with a ‘what-if’ mindset. With this growth, we’ve expanded our business plan and over the next five years, we will open five new home daycare franchises. As you can see, these three tips were pivotal in the growth process. I hope this encourages you to pursue your passion, even if you don’t have experience. Open your mind to learn new things. Approach it with determination, commitment, and endurance and you will be successful. The secret to success is DON’T QUIT! by Denise Davis

Build Your Tribe Organically BECOME “Tribes make our lives better, and

leading a tribe is the best life of all.” Seth Godin

Have you discovered the power of a tribe? Building your own tribe is a game-changer for those who want to make an impact in this world. It’s how you become recognized. It’s how you develop loyal followers and supporters. It’s how you go from good to great. A Tribe is defined as “a social division in a traditional society consisting of communities linked by social, economic, or religious ties, with a common culture and dialect, typically having a recognized leader.” By building a tribe of people who have the same common interest as you, you become the person they look up to. They trust you because they have resonated with your view of the world. As such, you become the recognized leader and build a tribe of people who want to hear from you. Remember, “Selling to people who actually want to hear from you is more effective than interrupting those that don’t.” Seth Godin


BUILD YOUR TRIBE INTENTIONALLY Don’t leave the image of yourself and your vision to be carried off by the wind. Create it with purpose and passion – with specific intention. You need to decide who you are, what you want to be, and what you want to be known for. Then develop a larger, greater, more passionate vision of it – a vision that others can get behind and rally. Know where you want to lead this tribe so they know whether they want to follow.

BUILD YOUR TRIBE CONSISTENTLY The cornerstone of every tribe is consistency – consistency in your intentions, consistency in your authenticity, consistency in your honorableness, and, most importantly, consistency in your message. Life throws us enough curve balls; don’t be another one. People like knowing what they are going to get. Deliver your message with the same consistency every single time.

BUILD YOUR TRIBE AUTHENTICALLY Show your whole self to the world. Be open, vulnerable, transparent, and caring. Get to know others and let others get to know you. Go deep, very deep. People are drawn to those they can relate to, so share the depth of who you are and embrace your tribe as your own.

Building your tribe organically is how you make yourself invaluable to others. By getting to know you and resonating with you, they trust you and make you their recognized leader.

BUILD YOUR TRIBE HONORABLY Nobody will stick with someone who proves to be dishonest. Both in your message and the messages you share, ensure authenticity and honesty is what you portray.

by Janine L. Holman

Now get out there and build your tribe.












How to Become a Successful Amazon Seller Navigating the Big Wide World of Amazon is a well-oiled machine, “Prime-d” for your entertain-

ment, education, and gifting pleasures. But how can you turn it into a successful business venture?

costs, and packaging materials. You MUST follow Amazon’s specific rules for prepping your items for delivery to customers, whether fulfilled by merchant/seller or FBA. Find the rules at gp/help.

Amazon is the type of machine you must “learn as you go.” Thankfully, Amazon provides multiple avenues to learn through Seller University, Seller Forums, and the extensive Help section, with generous information to get sellers up and running with confidence. There are great payoffs for sellers with self-discipline, a loyalty to consistency, and passion to learn details of the Amazon system to fast forward one’s financial benefit. It’s essentially a mailing & online job.

TIME - You can expect a large time investment upfront (I suggest 4 hours per day, watching tutorials and implementing lessons, and up to 6 hours if speaking with customer service reps to answer your detailed questions). You must obtain “category approval” to sell and that takes time.

Amazon’s available inventory is made possible by many individual sellers who join online to provide their inventory of choice to Amazon’s 250 million customers. You can sell one thing or many; new or used. You can sell as an “Individual” (for free), or as a “Pro” with extra features ($39.99/month), or else can sell as a “Registered Business” on Amazon with even more perks, plus be part of their “Brand Registry.” Some sellers choose to use the helpful FBA (Fulfilled By Amazon) program, which sends items to customers for you, benefitting with a FREE 2-day shipping perk, adding to the customer’s incentive to buy. NOTE: Inventory MUST be packaged and labeled to meet Amazon’s standards. It’s a worldwide enterprise with online storefronts in just about every country. Amazon is constantly generating new fulfillment centers around the world to accommodate their growing customer base. Quick Start Menu: BUDGET - As with any business, in order to be successful you need to create a budget. Create a budget for inventory to sell, shipping

WHOLESALE - Now it’s time to sell! • Buy wholesale bulk inventory. Price it. List it. • Decide whether you want to fulfill customer orders yourself or have Amazon do it for you through FBA (varied fees apply). • Go live with your sellable items! Check up on your seller’s account at for data related to the review of sales for each day, an inventory management section, and peek into your account health, which is judged by Amazon watchdogs. Be careful! Seller accounts can be terminated when you don’t follow their rules. Amazon holds sellers to high standards to weed out non-legit sellers, which requires you to seek “category approval” to sell in certain categories. Each product type has its own unique application process. As a new seller, more rules apply! Seller beware! See you next time for more on how to succeed with Amazon!

by Tara Nichole


Business Tips From the Movie

“Glengarry Glen Ross” Glengarry Glen Ross, 1992, an American drama, is one of the most talked about business movies of all times. Here are a few tips any entrepreneur can learn from this movie: 1) ABC. Always Be Closing: In order to be a successful businessperson, you need to be an excellent closer. Before entering any meeting, think about how you can help your prospective client to go from A to Z. Keep your eyes focused on the goal and come out of the meeting with a contract in hand.

4) Before offering your salespeople extrinsic incentives such as monetary compensation, or threatening them with punishment, think of ways to tap into their intrinsic motivators which are autonomy, self-esteem, and mastery. When you sell with passion, competence, and a contribution mindset, your odds of success are highly elevated.

2) AIDA. Attention, Interest, Decision, and Action. Grab your audience’s attention in the first 30 seconds or you’ll lose them. Captivate their interest by marketing your products or services in an attractive package. Motivate your prospects to make a decision today rather than tomorrow. Take an action towards commitment without obligation.

5) WIIFM. Selling features of your products or services may be interesting to you; however, what grabs your customers’ attention is what’s in it for them. Focus on the benefits of each specific client’s needs rather than the general technicalities of your services. Clients buy you first, and then the products you’re offering. A funny expression is, “A good salesperson can sell ice to Eskimos.” Think of why you’re the best person to sell it to them, how your opportunity is unique, and why they must act NOW.

3) Coffee’s for Closers. Give incentives to your salesmen by providing a larger commission structure and a smaller base pay. SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely) goal setting is the key to success and must be adopted by all your staff members.


by Ava Khamooshi

R | 1h 40min | Crime, Drama, Mystery Director: James Foley Writers: David Mamet (play), David Mamet (screenplay) Stars: Al Pacino, Jack Lemmon, Alec Baldwin

THREE WAYS to AVOID Destruction by Distraction as an Entrepreneur

The life of an entrepreneur comes with many freedoms. Time freedom is one of the biggest freedoms. No one tells us how we schedule our time. How we use it or abuse it has a significant impact on our success. In order to maximize your results, you must recognize the destructive distractions in your business and life. Here are three tips you can implement to work smarter and more efficiently while increasing your productivity and reduce the number of work hours so you can enjoy the time freedom you’ve created by being your own boss. Staying on track is a key to your success. 1. Boundaries. Time boundaries, physical boundaries, and energy boundaries. Set them! Time boundaries apply to your personal habits for success. Establish your working hours and stick to them. Stick to your working activities and away from personal activities during the time you plan. Dedicate your business development or work hours to work. Physical boundaries. If you choose to work where there are people and noises that distract you, you will fall out of focus. Be careful where you choose to work. Find places free from distraction so you can get stuff done. Whatever location gives you energy and the ability to focus, go there and work. And lastly, but very important, energy boundaries, which can tie the first two boundaries together. Energy vampires are rampant. Protect your mind and soul from people who are negative, complaining, shooting down your dreams. It’s challenging enough to do this thing called “entrepreneurship,” surround yourself and your mind with uplifting, positive and inspiring people doing great things.

2. The Next Best Thing. Avoid being distracted by the next best thing or opportunity that pulls you away from the THING that you are working on until it’s complete. We may think we are excellent multi-taskers, but science has proven no one is actually effective at anything while doing more than one thing at a time. Choose your business, build it, stay on task, focus and follow through before you begin chasing the next bright shiny object. Build an empire on a solid foundation, not on sinking sand. When you are offered the opportunity to “take a look” or “give someone your opinion,” graciously thank them and file it until after you have developed a level of success and income generation from the project you are currently building and working in. 3. Comparisons. Don’t waste time comparing your success, your journey, your website, your materials, your anything to a fellow entrepreneur. There is nothing more attractive than authenticity, so just be you. Allow your business and success to unfold the way it is meant to and manifest how you want your life and business to evolve. We are faced daily with hundreds, if not thousands, of potential distractions which will derail our lives and businesses if we allow them. Your focus is your best friend. Stay the course and do not get distracted. by Chris Kelly



NICHOLAS BAYERLE With the New Year upon us, we often set our goals in an attempt to realize our dreams. For a lot of us those goals include some kind of fitness aspect, whether it’s losing weight, gaining it, or just getting overall more fit! This month’s feature specializes in fitness for the entrepreneur! Nicholas Bayerle is the founder of the Billion Dollar Body program, a fitness and weight loss program for the successful busy entrepreneur.

ority. In six months he lost the 60 pounds he had gained, he rekindled his relationship with his dad, and found the girl who would soon become his wife. As he focused on himself and his health, each area of his life improved dramatically.

Starting his first business at the age of 12, Nicholas attributes part of his entrepreneurial spirit to his family! Growing up with a father and uncle who were entrepreneurs paved the way for Nicholas. But most of us know that true success does not appear without struggle. At the age of 13 Nicholas and his father had a falling out, so he went to live with his mother. Without the push of his father, his grades suffered, he couldn’t find a girlfriend, and he gained 60 pounds.

What inspired the Billion Dollar Body program, however, came shortly after he got married. Nicholas and his new wife decided to start a business. Between paying so much attention to his business and his new wife, Nicholas realized he hadn’t been to the gym in months. That’s when it hit him. There are so many men who run businesses who don’t have the experience, knowledge, and drive for health that he does. If the quality of his life had improved so drastically from his improved health, how many others could he impact by helping them improve their health. That’s how the Billion Dollar Body was born. It is designed for men who want to become leaders in their business, home, and overall life!

Nicholas later met a boxer who introduced him to meal planning and eating right. From that moment on, Nicholas made his health his number one pri-

When Nicholas started his business, he was also helping run his father’s business. Although he had an amazing plan to scale his father’s business, his


mentor told him he seemed stagnant. “But I have this amazing plan,” Nicholas thought. Why did his mentor think he was stagnant? It was because he was splitting his effort into two businesses and, therefore, wasn’t able to put full effort into either. Nicholas needed to decide whether he was going to grow his father’s business or if he was going to grow his own dream. He chose his dream and phased out of running his father’s business. When asked his thoughts about failure, Nicholas replied, that “what causes failure isn’t making bad decisions; it’s having the inability to make a decision. When you are indecisive, you can’t define your priorities and won’t be focused on your goals.” He believes that you learn more with each failure than you do with each success. Failure is a natural part of being an entrepreneur, but what separates the successful from the unsuccessful is that ability to learn and push past your failures. Nicholas stresses that the most important investment you can make this year is in yourself. He realized how he could serve others based out of his own needs and that is why he serves male business owners. He knows firsthand the struggles that come with owning a business and how not investing in yourself can impact not only your health, but also your family and success in every area of your life.

Here is Nicholas’ best advice to get your life on track to becoming the best version of you?

1. Surround yourself with what you want to become. There is a saying that you are the average of the five people you are around the most. So if you surround yourself with people who are unhealthy, out of shape, and stuck in life, you will fall into the same patterns of these people. This is one of the reasons that if his client wants to include his wife in the program, she is welcome.

business, invest in a mentor. Nicholas believes that if you have something to lose it becomes much more important to you, so be willing to put your money where your mouth is. Let’s bring in the New Year with the New You! Don’t be afraid to go after your goals this year. Invest in yourself just like Nicholas Bayerle did! If you are ready to change your life and invest in yourself, check out the Billion Dollar Body program at

2. Don’t be afraid of failure; be afraid of missed opportunities. Most people are afraid of failing, so they let opportunity pass them by without a second glance. But failure is something that you learn from; it isn’t something to be feared. So what if you fail? What you need to worry about is not reaching your full potential because you make your decisions based off of fear. Instead, focus on your goals and knowing what you can accomplish. Don’t let fear run your life, because if you do you will be stuck in the same place this time next year. 3. Put your money where your mouth is. How important are your goals? If they were actually that important you wouldn’t be worried about investing time or money in them. If you want to lose weight, invest in a coach and nutritionist, invest in a community, invest in yourself! If your goal is to grow your

Written by: Kristen Crooks Interviewed by: Jennifer Meim


Are YOU Working Hard or Hardly Working? I’m sure you’ve heard this phrase from time to time (usually taken lightly), “Are you working hard or hardly working?” As an entrepreneur, you probably stand out because you are always working hard and have your hands in many different projects at once. But the big question is, “Are they IPAs?” When I say IPA I’m not talking about your favorite beer, I’m talking about Income Producing Activities. If we are “busy” working around the clock until we become overwhelmed and overworked with nothing to show for it, then we are not working on IPAs. I have always worked hard, but sometimes could easily be distracted with several different opportunities, a lot of which did not bring fulfillment or positive cash flow. Then I found a mentor and an accountability partner. That changed everything. I now know the value of asking myself on a daily basis if I am working on IPAs. Although many entrepreneurs expect IPAs to be instant, it’s important to understand the process and fall in love with it. Within that process, however, you must have a desired end result.


What is your DMO? Your daily method of operations (DMO) is when you put into practice daily tasks that will actually produce income so that you will get a nice return on your time investment. I know it’s easy to get caught off track when a new TV series or movie is released, your social media is going crazy with new notifications every few minutes, or friends and family are messaging you to catch up or hang out. Just last week one of my good friends whom I haven’t seen in a very long time randomly popped up on my doorstep letting me know he was “in the neighborhood” so he decided to stop by. It was great seeing him again and catching up, but what should have been just a couple minutes turned into 4 hours of laughing and catching up. After he left, I knew I should have remained focused on my daily goal and accomplished my midnight deadline. Instead, I scurried around stressed out and handed in mediocre work that would just get by. I encourage writing a DMO with a daily list of tips that need to be completed before the end of the day or do not go to sleep. I love my sleep, so I make sure

to get mine done! The DMO is a game changer. Here are some examples you can use to hold yourself accountable. Remember, make a daily list of what you want to accomplish. 1. Build connections by networking. 2.Place ads to generate leads for more sales or sales funnels. 3.Take advantage of Facebook live, Instagram live, YouTube, all social media, hangout groups, and host webinars or podcasts to interact with your ideal client or future business partners. 4.Follow up, follow up, follow up! Whether it’s through email, messenger, text, phone call, personal letter, following up after the initial introduction is key to success. In conclusion, we all get sidetracked, but by sticking to your DMO of IPAs every single day you are sure to become successful. by Brandon Elliott

The Control Box


The Real Reason You’ll Get Tired This Year

At the end of this week, will you say that you’ve been “busy” or “effective”? When you think of your role in your business, are you a worker or a leader? As the “Get Ahead by Giving Back” guy, I have two obligations to every hopeful entrepreneur I meet. The first is to instill an incredible amount of inspiration/encouragement into every single entrepreneur since I believe that we entrepreneurs are the answer to most everything that ails our world. There are so few of us, it’s imperative that each of us feels and knows that we’re doing great things and the world is better for it. The second is to make sure you actually go about the business of becoming a successful entrepreneur by getting stuff done. My specific bent on this is to use generosity as the lever and fuel to reach new heights of success for with generosity, you’re capable of great things and the world is counting on us. It doesn’t matter if you want to be a more generous leader if you never grow past wishful thinking and mere good intentions. If you don’t match your passion with a ruthless practicality and efficacy, you won’t find the success needed to make a pronounced difference. So here’s a tool to help you along your path to success…it’s called the Control Box™.




1 - The Blue zone represents what you CAN Control and Predict 2 - The Gray zone is what you CANNOT control, but still Can Predict 3 - The Red zone is what you CANNOT control and CANNOT Predict When you make plans for your business or review even just your past week of activities, take time to note which color zone each thing is/was. The reason you’ll get tired, burnt out, overwhelmed or even straight-up depressed while leading your business is that you’re focusing time, energy and precious resources on things in the Red zone. Since you cannot control or predict anything in this zone, you’re spinning your wheels aimlessly just hoping for something to work out and, in the meantime, getting very tired in the process. Stop doing this. Your best furious efforts can’t affect anything in the Red zone, so don’t spend any time/resources on anything that lands there. You can’t make them Gray, much less Blue, and you’ll find that you have plenty of work just keeping up with stuff in the Blue zone. Everything in the Blue zone will actually yield you positive results and tangible growth and things in there are awesome because things that you can control and predict - you can actually master and even automate for repeatable excellence! The Control Box™ is a trademark of Joon S. Han/Better San Diego. Parts of this article are excerpted from ”Get Ahead by Giving Back” (Yellowline Publishing 2018). by Joon S. Han


The Skinny About Nutrition Concerned about weight gain or loss? Feeling overwhelmed by many nutritional suggestions? With all the different information and conflicting views provided on food and diets, who do you believe? And is an all raw diet really the best? In Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) there are no “good” or “bad” foods; only appropriate/inappropriate energetic foods for every constitutional need. Remember that foods have different energetic qualities. For example, certain foods can be warming or cooling. Not implementing this understanding will cause a loss of balance in one’s health. I thought raw salad and raw juice smoothies were good for me all the time! During the ‘80s and ‘90s, well-intentioned health food proponents touted the benefits of raw foods and the importance of enzymes from raw food for digestion. According to Eastern Nutrition in TCM, there are three fallacies in this logic: Every individual has been born into the world with a unique constitution. Therefore, no one dietary guideline is going to be perfectly applicable for all other individual constitutions. Some bodies may be more yang and other bodies more yin in nature. Raw foods tend to be “cold” and an overconsumption of them will damage the spleen energetic organ system. In Chinese medicine, the Spleen is paired with the Stomach and is central to the proper digestion and absorption of food and prefers warm energetics. The signal that the digestive system is purging more efficiently due to enzymes is typically noted through more abundant loose bowel movements; this is actually a symptom of Spleen damage in TCM. “My friend just ate nothing but a raw diet and lost so much weight. I am doing the same exact thing, but why is it that I am not losing weight?” The other individual’s constitution may have been more heat and required cooler. Your constitution may be the opposite, having a weakness or pre-existing internal cold to the digestive system. “I thought drinking cold water with lots of ice will help me lose weight!” According to Chinese medicine, this will damage the Spleen AND compromise the Kidney energetic system. by Dr. Catherine Sy Luib


Hey, Check Your Ego at the Door It was very early in the morning. As I walked through the door, I could see a beautiful lady standing at the counter. “Good morning,” I said with a big smile. “How are you today?” She looked at me very irritated and said: “Busy, Busy” and walked away, looking very upset for my interruption…. My ego was about to scream but, instead, I stopped myself and thought: “What if she didn’t get enough sleep last night?” “What if she is unhappy at work?” “What if she hates what she does?” “Maybe she hasn’t had sex in months, or feels lonely, or is sick, maybe….” Suddenly it hit me and I started counting my blessings…. “I have all of the above. I feel healthy. I do what I’m passionate about. I have the best husband ever, the best kids. I feel happy and LOVED.” It took me mere seconds to remember how grateful I am. And I decided to send her my best energy and wish her well. How many times have you been in a similar situation? And maybe you allowed their bad energy to take away your beautiful smile or, even worse, ruin part of your day. Maybe you let it cause an unrepeatable moment with somebody you love. How many times have you allowed somebody else’s mood or actions affect you and your performance, letting them impact how you feel? Or letting them impact what you create or don’t create, or what you think about yourself? No matter what happens on the outside, or how awful somebody else treats you, or how bad somebody tries to make you feel, it is in your power to believe in yourself and not let them have power over you. YOU HAVE A CHOICE! I am not saying it’s easy. Mostly, we are defined by what others think or expect from us. We allow their judgment about us determine what we think about ourselves. However, WHAT OTHERS THINK ABOUT YOU DOES NOT DEFINE WHO YOU ARE. You are much more than that. Instead of giving away your power, 1) check your ego at the door, 2) take over your thoughts and improve your life, and 3) count your blessings and put all your love and energy into your dreams and YOUR life. You will see everything around you shift when you have the courage to do so. Take a leap of faith in yourself. Because….after all: You are the Creator of your Life. WHAT WILL YOU CREATE? by Sylvia Chavez






Channeling Your Inner Boss Bitch

The Power of Vulnerability and Self-Awareness

What you’re about bleeds through not only in your lifestyle, but in your business as well. The whole idea of how can you cater to your customers when you can’t even be there for your own family – or how can you help someone when you can’t even help yourself is very much true. More importantly, this saying is also true: you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with. If you’re surrounded by complainers and boring people – even if you have big dreams – their energy will cause you to be just like them just by being around them. I know. Scary. Here’s my process and what I learned so far:

Acknowledge the Problem

In seeking change and growth, the first step is acknowledging that you, yourself, are a work in progress. If you can’t even acknowledge that there is always room for growth – which begins with you – then how can you know if the problem is (always) external to begin with?


Take Responsibility and Find the Solution

The simplest part – though probably equally as painful – is the acknowledgement part because that means you actually have to find the solution. Finding the solution then becomes a process that should be automatic or it could take days, weeks, months, or even years of searching…as long as you find it.

Seek Someone Smarter Than You

Finding the solution can even be found through the right connections. People who see your potential will bring out the vision within you that has withered due to spending time with the wrong people. Your mentor should be accessible (not in a 24/7 way because, after all, they’re only humans) in an “I care about you” way. If you can’t even get that from your mentor, then what role exactly does she play in your life?

Apply Their Knowledge

I speak a lot about waking up in comparison with snoozing your alarm clock

in the morning multiple times (bless the heart of those past roommates). Waking up, truly waking up in life, was the internal need for me to stop selling myself short. I had to apply the information I’d received. If I hadn’t, it would have been a waste of their time and mine.

Live it Out

Be about it. Just do it. Share your problem to your friends, your family, your social network. Talk about it. Write about it. By acknowledging the problem, taking responsibility and seeking out the solution, asking for guidance and applying their knowledge the final step is really just to live it out. Who do you surround yourself with and now that you know what needs to be done, what will you do? And when will you do it? by Anna Ruth Ramos

By Casey Nicole Fox

What is a pattern? Webster’s dictionary defines it as: “a repeated decorative design.” A pattern is something that repeats over and over again. Our lives are like a quilt made up of many different patterns. We take the same commute to work every day, stop at the same coffee shop, and drop our kids off at the same daycare. Our patterns aren’t just physical, they are mental. The thoughts we have and the actions we take create our emotional patterns. We all know that 1+1=2 and after A and B in the English alphabet is C. We are taught the same things as every other child in public school in the United States. We also learn from experiences; we learn that if you touch a hot stove, you get burned; 1+1=2, hot + touch = a burn. We learn that if we misjudge the jump from the swing to the sand that we will be eating sand; misjudge + air bound = eating sand. Most parents hope to instill in their children the knowledge of 1+1, that their actions have consequences. Consequences can be good and they can be bad. Most parents try to teach their children that doing good = good

rewards and doing bad = bad consequences. What some parents don’t seem to realize is that beyond teaching their children wrong from right, they teach their children their own patterns. Patterns are passed down from generation to generation. How your parents treat one another is how you perceive love is supposed to be. How your parents cope with stress teaches you how to cope. We learn so much more from our surroundings than most people want to admit. What patterns did your parents teach you? What patterns are you repeating in your life? Destructive relationships? Poor money management? Drinking problems? Anger issues? Poor interpersonal skills? If you’re one of the lucky few who learned NOTHING dysfunctional from your parents, PTL (praise the Lord)! But most of us learned at least one thing. The interesting thing about patterns is that you can learn a new one but the old patterns can come back like muscle memory if you’re not careful. You have the power to break those patterns and be free of the cycles that hold you back. It’s a simple 3-step process: S.S.E.




Wine & Dine

This month we had the pleasure of visiting Rei do Gado an elegant Brazilian Steakhouse in the heart of the Gas-lamp district in San Diego. This beautiful restaurant has the WOW-factor! With a beautiful bar, fir pits on the patio, and endless meat you can’t go wrong. This restaurant is perfect to impress investors, potential clients, or even staff members. This is a great place for people who want to sample a lot of different types of meat, salads, and authentic southern Brazilian foods, but don’t want to order a bunch of dishes. If you have a sweet tooth, but are trying to be healthy, try the grilled pineapple (Easily our favorite dessert). *Pro-tip make sure to grab two plates, one for the appetizers and one for your meats* But here at Life By Design good food isn’t all we look for in a restaurant, luckily Rei do Gado’s wait staff and ambiance are a home run! The waiters always made sure our drinks were filled, and every time we ran out of meat, there was a new cut being offered to us. When you first walk in you see a beautiful salad bar complete with cheeses, crackers, breads, and various salads. As you continue in to your seats you start to notice the wine bottles lining the walls giving a touch of class to the décor. If you want to sit outside, you don’t have to worry about being cold because the fire is in the middle of the table! The gorgeous tables have a marble pattern and beautiful glass in the fire pit instead of volcanic rock. *Pro-tip sit on the patio to experience all of the interesting people in down town San Diego* With subtle music, amazing service, and delicious food, Rei do Gado is perfect for those lunches, or dinners where you want to show San Diego’s wow factor! We know you have plenty of choices of food in San Diego, but if you want an experience instead of just we, we at Life By Design highly recommend checking out this spectacular Brazilian steakhouse! Staff picks! Stephen- Ribs Angela- Honey cinnamon Pineapple Casey- Filet Mignon Kristen- Top Sirloin Jennifer- Cheesy chicken Lynda- Garlic steak Jeff- Short rib by Kristen Crooks


WHY CONTRACTS AREN’T ALL THAT IMPORTANT UNTIL THEY ARE As a small business owner or entrepreneur, you may not believe in long, detailed

contracts. You may figure that since you are honest and have great relationships with your stakeholders you don’t need to memorialize every detail of the agreements you make. But this is not the case. Creating a contract seems like it should be pretty easy: Fred Smith will create the phone application for Sally Jones, Sally Jones agrees to pay Fred Smith $xxx; John Willis will drop off the widgets, Sally Williams will pay John Willis $xxx. This seems to cover all the relevant information and is sufficient as long as nothing goes awry. However, think of a big merger taking place on just a handshake and with no lawyers. You may not be quite as big, but all the same issues are still relevant. The reason why contracts are so long, even for relatively simple sets of circumstances, is because they cover a significant number of issues that have proven to arise from contractual relationships in the past. For example, a motivational speaker based in San Diego was hired by a company in New York to give a speech to their consulting department, and at the last minute the motivational speaker received the opportunity to speak at a Fortune 500 company for more money in Silicon Valley the same day. The speaker decided to take the new opportunity and was not able to make the original booking. The original organization would likely want to sue the motivational speaker, and if no contract was in place, would be able to do so in New York. However, if there was language in the contract stating all legal actions had to be brought in San Diego, the speaker would be able to avoid the cost of having to fight the case in New York. She would save the time and expense of having to find lodging and an attorney in New York. She would also likely be able to continue to run her business during the trial since she is still in San Diego and even use an attorney she already has a relationship with. As a second example: you own a small pizza restaurant and you agreed to sell pizza at a traveling fair that is coming to town. The day before the opening day of the fair there is an earthquake. None of the fair’s equipment is damaged because nothing had been set up yet, but your store is demolished. The fair plans to go ahead as scheduled and still wants you to serve pizza. However, you are unable to do so due to the state of your shop. If no contract is in place, and the fair tries to sue you, they would likely win because you did break your promise to serve pizzas. However, if part of the agreement includes language stating that if an earthquake strikes, a fire breaks out, or terrorists attack, etc. causing you to be unable to perform, you are not breaking your promise and you will be able to successfully defend against the fair’s lawsuit. It is important to include these types of clauses (and many others) within your agreements. There are a number of different sections that can be included, sometimes specific to your set of circumstances and some more general. These types of disputes do have a real possibility of arising, and when they do you will have wished you had a detailed and specific contract. by William Mond


from CORPORATE to ENTREPRENEUR When most people hear or see the word “corporate,” they think of an organization or large company. Contrary to that, when they hear the word “entrepreneur,” they think “risk-taker.” Why is it that more and more corporate workers are making the jump to entrepreneurship? I interviewed several entrepreneurs and found a common theme: Time and Freedom.

TIME Working a 9 to 5 corporate job absorbs most of your day giving little to no time for activities or time with family. While working in a corporate job, you are building someone else’s dream instead of your own, so it leaves less time for you.

Entrepreneurs have a passion for sharing, giving and making the world better than they found it and don’t feel the same freedom to make a difference when working a corporate job. While living a life of freedom is something most people dream about, most entrepreneurs are as close to freedom as you can get. Entrepreneurs make their own decisions; hence, FREEDOM.

Time is a commodity that is limited and we don’t know when ours will end. I firmly believe that life is too short to spend time doing what you don’t like. One of the most common phrases I heard when I worked at corporate was “I hate Monday.” Was it because they had to go back to work and leave their freedom (the weekend)? I say so.

When I worked as a legal secretary for a judge in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, I was shackled to my desk and called it “my own personal prison.” Once I broke free of the chains that held me captive, I was able to live my life of freedom. Was it scary? Yes. Did I do it anyway? Yes. Do I regret it? Not for one minute. Would I do it again? ABSOLUTELY!

As an entrepreneur, though, you have the ability to do whatever you wish with no curfew. Monday is just another glorious opportunity to solve someone else’s problem. You are in control of your schedule.

Those who go from corporate to entrepreneur want more out of life. Maybe you are meant to be an entrepreneur.

When you control your time; you control your life.

FREEDOM Men and women who take that leap of faith into the entrepreneurial world share similar reasons for making the jump out. In most cases it’s the desire to live a life of freedom while bringing value to others. Additionally, they want to make a positive impact in the world and create social change.

Going from corporate to entrepreneur is an amazing experience. The life of an entrepreneur is a long journey that brings a lot of happiness and I highly recommend it to anyone who is unhappy with their current situation. Thomas Edison said, “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” Are you ready to make that leap of faith into entrepreneurship? Are you ready to risk failing? Welcome to my world. You’ll love it here.

by Lynda M. West


To Condition or De-Condition

The Choice Is Yours

Imagine lying in a hospital bed day after day, all your hopes and dreams look so far away. You were the picture of health. In fact, there was a beautiful picture of you taped on the white-board and when the nurse came in she asked, “Who is the beautiful woman on the wall?” You replied, “That’s me.” Suddenly, at that moment, you feel completely different; you realize that you have become unrecognizable. This was my experience when I had stage lV cancer. After an experimental surgery, I spent four days in a drug-induced coma and 30 days lying in the hospital bed. In those 30 days, I lost over 20 pounds. I did not look or feel the same, but one thing remained the same, and that was the desire to reclaim my health, rebuild my body and live my dreams. These dreams were as vibrant, beautiful and as strong as ever in my heart, mind, and soul and although my body may have become unrecognizable, my vision of life was crystal clear. I was ready to put Newton’s Third Law of Motion to the test (for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction). But how would I go from degeneration to regeneration? It was simply to start with Newton’s First Law: an object at rest, stays at rest; an object in motion, stays in motion. I instinctively knew that I had to get moving in order to reclaim my health, since lying in bed was pulling me further away from my dreams. I had to start pushing forward towards them. I started with walking the hospital hallways. When I left the hospital with a walker and a catheter strapped to my paralyzed left leg, the first thing I did was walk from one end of my living room to the other. Once I accomplished that goal, I decided to take it a step further and walk to the end of the street. I went from being completely hunched, barely able to push my walker around the block, to turning my dreams into a reality and winning Belly Dancer of the Universe not one, but two years in a row.

I know that with clear intentions, daily motion and faith we can reclaim our health and becoming ageless is possible for us through movement. The National Institute on Aging reports that with one week of immobility we lose 20% of muscle strength and if we are immobile for 3 to 5 weeks we can lose up to 50%. You may be thinking, “Well, I’m not lying in bed all day. I’m a busy entrepreneur.” But ask yourself, “How much time am I sitting at the computer?” It is our lack of movement and choosing not to make daily motion a part of our life that we age before our time. We live in a world of duality, so if you are not conditioning your body, then you are deconditioning your body. Not only will you suffer, but your business will suffer, too. Your 30-Day Daily Motion Challenge, if you choose to accept it, is to put on music that moves you. Every day for 5 minutes before you sit down at the computer remember to stretch, walk and dance for a more healthy and successful new year. by Nadirah Bray


The Truth About Toxic-Free Living


Is it really possible to live a toxic-free lifestyle? Well, not really. We’re constantly being bombarded with toxins from every angle day in and day out. So how can we protect ourselves?


Since health begins within, we’ll start with finding peace. No matter how much wholesome food you eat, clean water you drink, or how much you exercise, you cannot reach optimal health if you have no peace within. It is key to obtaining optimum health. Next, we’ll address the soulish capacity – your emotion, will, and intellect. Ever hear “what goes in comes out”? This not only stands true for your body, but also your mind! What type of information are you allowing in? What are you doing with negative information once your brain processes it? Negative thoughts and emotions are so toxic that they can override any good nutrition and exercise program we commit to. It is imperative that we eliminate toxins from our thought process to maintain a healthy mindset. This takes practice, so be patient with yourself and allow yourself time for mental transformation to take place. While not frequently considered, relationships can also be toxic, wreaking havoc on our emotions. Carefully evaluate the quality of your relationships. Are they healthy? Surrounding yourself with positive people will encourage positivity within you. Now let’s talk about the foods we eat, the water we drink, what we put on our skin, exercise, and proper sleep. A diet high in organic raw fruits and vegetables, as well as quality water, is essential to eliminating toxins. Exercising helps to release toxins from the body, while adequate sleep encourages healing and repairs the brain by clearing out harmful toxic waste proteins. There are companies dedicated to formulating safe, yet effective, everyday products we use, including skin-care, hair care, make-up, and even feminine hygiene products! Even your household cleaning products can be totally toxic-free. Basically, for every type of product you use, there is a healthier alternative. Many believe once they’ve reached this point, they’re all set – but it doesn’t stop here! This final step is often neglected simply because for so long we’ve been conditioned to think about our health just on a physical level, yet our bodies are directly connected to our environment. We are constantly exposed to toxins in our environment through water, air, dirty electricity, pollution, etc. When you think about all the ways we’re exposed to toxins and how they affect our overall health, it’s mind-blowing! Solar is great for promoting clean, renewable energy, and powerline conditioners work to reduce toxic EMFs, aka “dirty electricity,” that flood our homes, schools, and office buildings. What does this mean for your health? Improved cell function, clearer thinking, and better energy.

Studies show that people who look at cat images felt more energetic and more positive afterward, with less anxiety and fewer negative emotions!

A similar study has found that the pleasure centers of our brains are actually lighting up when we see something cute, like cat images, because there is a rush of dopamine to the brain!


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All these things encourage our body’s ability to effectively eliminate toxins. For some, this may be a lot to take in and make lifestyle adjustments to. Take one step at a time, beginning within, and work your way to a truly toxic-free lifestyle. by Kimika Ward

m e o w t i vENTREPRENEUR a t i o n LIFESTYLE s . c oMAGAZINE m 35

New Year

Debt Detox

Resolution The holidays are gone, now what? Are you feeling the effects of high spending and splurging? No worries, I am going to share with you seven steps to start your New Year on the right foot and kiss goodbye your debt with this New Year Debt Detox Resolution. Let’s get started! Step 1: Start With Your Mindset There is no time for regrets; it is done. If you overspent or have a lot of debt and are feeling hungover, decide to take charge and become a new YOU. Remember, that your debt doesn’t define who you are. Therefore, stay confident and open to make the necessary changes to better your situation. Step 2: Set Your Goals and Plans How do you want your finances to look? It is time to set some goals around your finances and plan how you are going to achieve them and by when. Make sure to write them down with a deadline. “A Goal Without a Deadline is Only a Dream.” Step 3: Track All Your Spending It is vital that you start tracking where your money is going. This tracking will help you to become aware of your money habits and it will allow you not to overspend more than what you are earning. And do not forget to include also the smaller items like your morning coffee, or those little pleasures you buy. Step 4: Ditch Your Debt Plan on getting out of debt this year. Make it one of your top 3 money goals. The best way to get rid of your bad debt is by focusing on one card at a time and by making extra payments on it until it is paid off and make the minimum payments on the rest. Once that credit card is gone, do the same on the next one. Step 5: Put Money Aside Yes, I know, how can you cover your bills, pay off your debt and also put money aside? The best way to do this is by paying Yourself first! One way you can do this is by setting up auto-withdrawal directly from your paycheck. That way you don’t even see the money and avoid the temptation to spend it. Step 6: Eliminate Bad Habits We all have some habits that we can improve that are costing us money. Do you tend to buy on impulse? Do you smoke? Do you eat out every day? Do you drink coffee every day? Do you buy bottled water? Lottery tickets? Hey, no judging here, but if that is what is holding you back from your debt detox, maybe it is time to consider making some changes. Step 7: Hire a Coach This is the last step, but it might be the most important. Become financially educated. Hire a coach or consult a Financial Expert. The more you learn and the more informed you are, the best you will do on your New Year Debt Detox Resolution. by Sara Chevere





Do you have a “go-to” for everything? For instance, when it comes to ice cream mine is Creamistry and for thai food it’s Siam Nara. When it comes to books I also have a “go-to”! This book is my go-to for tapping into my innerself. It fascinates me how a book really can change lives. Most great authors want to make sure that we can relate to them so that we too can believe that if it’s possible for them it’s also possible for us.

Schedule a free 30-minute freedom seeker session at

Tony shares his life stories and experiences that impacted his life and uses those stories to create the concepts he shares. In this book he explains the deeper meanings and the behind the scenes of our FEARS. How knowing, understanding, and knowing what to do with FEARS can truly unlock the power we have within us; the power that already exists. Have you questioned WHY your fears stop you? I have had breakthroughs that helped me understand myself better and how to address my fears in another way. Tony’s understanding of people has shaped the effectiveness and impact of this book. His open questions will get your brain going. You’ll process information that you’ve never heard or thought of before. The book is a simple read and yet intense at the same time. Tony will teach, help, and guide you through this book to awaken the giant within you. Happy reading! by Jennifer Meim


Say Y.E.S. to success! Y.E.S. stands for Young Entrepreneur Society and it is an nonprofit entrepreneurship club that offers high school students a chance to learn about the business world and entrepreneurial lifestyle. As the president of Y.E.S. at Crawford High School in San Diego, California, I have learned so much from the speakers we’ve had an opportunity to listen to and I, myself, plan on becoming an entrepreneur. Here’s what I’ve learned by being part of Y.E.S.: Being a boss isn’t about commanding others and having them do your work; it’s about being a leader and knowing how to treat others. It is about time and money management and how to deal with your personal and business life. As a 17-year-old, Y.E.S. has opened my mind to the endless possibilities that are out there for me. They are for the taking for anyone who is willing to put in the work and effort to make it happen. I have been stuck in the school system for 14 years. Having the opportunity to gain knowledge and insight into the entrepreneurial world has been eye opening. Y.E.S. has given students the opportunity that many schools don’t usually offer. We are taught that going to college and getting an education is the only way to become successful, but they don’t tell us about the entrepreneur path.


An interesting thought comes to mind. Why don’t they teach us about the entrepreneurial journey? I’m not saying that school is the wrong path to take; I am stating that there are different paths in life than just what others have told us. My school cancelled our business program and there wasn’t a teacher on campus to tell us about it, so I didn’t know anything about business. But then Y.E.S. came to our school and it gave me the opportunity to gain knowledge. When we gain knowledge, we can make informed decisions. Even if I were to choose not to become an entrepreneur, at least I had an opportunity to learn about it and to make a decision based on facts. Now into my last year of high school, I hope the underclassmen at my school will be encouraged to find hope in their future goals instead of just believing that the only way to success is through a college education. by Tran Huynh

Are the Holidays Holding You Back or Pushing You Forward? The holiday season is upon us and right now is the time every entrepreneur should be on his or her toes. I remember there was a time in my life when the holiday season was a time for me to relax and just hang out. I wasn’t worried about the money I would spend. It was just a season of hibernation. Hell, I could even say that the holiday season was just like one long-ass weekend that happened to last about two months. However, once I became serious about my business and went full time as a businessman, the holiday season was like a countdown clock into a new year of business and life opportunities. Below are three quotes I will live by this holiday season in preparation for the New Year and make me a better person!

Ti s’ t he S ea so n to Im p lemen t T h es e 3 S u c ce s s Q uotes fo r th e N e w Y ea r “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail” - Benjamin Franklin

“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” – Winston Churchill

“Of all the things a leader should fear, complacency heads the list.” – John C. Maxwell

Because the holiday season can cause many distractions when time and money can get out of control, you must plan ahead on everything. Have a plan for managing your time and money. Have your calendar completely mapped out for every party, dinner, business meeting, business hours, and family time, etc. Before you go out, know what your budget is. Those skills must carry you through business, so what a better time to start than right now as we enter into the New Year.

The holiday season is a time of giving, right? So don't just give back, but give back generously. Now is the season to donate to those in need. Now is the time to send holiday cards out to your current and past customers or clients. Remember, in business it’s not about you. It’s about being of service to others and giving to others. Be a giver, not a taker and guaranteed you will enter into 2018 happy and satisfied.

The holiday season is xa time where many are complacent, even me. However, once I got very clear on my goals to continuously grow as a leader, I understood that I had to not just talk like a leader, but also act like a leader. It means leading by example regardless of the season, month, day, or even hour. As we enter into 2018, I have made the goal to become a better leader to my mastermind group and to my peers. What that means is leveling up in my actions and increasing my results and leading by example.

Bottom line, by all means, enjoy the holiday season with your loved ones, but remember that business must go on if you want to start the New Year on the right foot. While others are complacent during the holidays, an entrepreneur remains focused on the goals and vision. While the masses are not planning out their time and money wisely, you have sold yourself on a bigger ROI of your time and money. Lastly, as a well-rounded entrepreneur, you know it is a time for giving back. by Jeff Rollon



3 Things the Bible Teaches Us About Money Do you like money? I do. As a business owner I hear it all the time, “How can you be a pastor and a businessman?” People ask, “Isn’t money ungodly?” They have even said to me, “Having money is a sin.” My wife, Angela, and I went to Bible College. Angela graduated with a degree in Music and Theology and I graduated with a degree in Leadership and Theology. I went through my own questions about money and God when I was young. Once Angela and I started making real money, we worshipped it. Money became my identity. When we lost it I was depressed and when we had it I was ecstatic. In college I found out fast that if you make money only for yourself and keep it for yourself then you will lose money fast. I had to go through a trial, though. I had to learn that money couldn’t be where I found my identity. I had to lose my money. I had to have nowhere to turn for control but to God before I began to understand fully. There are many people who struggle with both sides of this. They think being poor is “godly” or they think they aren’t ruled by money, but when push comes to shove, it’s money they cry out to at night. It has become a passion of mine to help people become aware of the abundance and prosperity they have ahead of them. Proverbs 11:24–26 (MSG) 24 The world of the generous gets larger and larger; the world of the stingy gets smaller and smaller. 25 The one who blesses others is abundantly blessed; those who help others are helped. 26 Curses on those who drive a hard bargain! Blessings on all who play fair and square! There are three major things the Bible teaches us about prosperity. These three things can unlock abundance in your life, if applied. You have the potential to live a life only created for you, so step into it.


In Luke 7, John the Baptist sent his messengers to see if he had indeed pointed way to the Messiah. 7:22 reads, “So He replied to the messengers, ‘Go back and report to John what you have seen and heard: The blind receive sight, the lame walk, those who have leprosy are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the good news is proclaimed to the poor.’” What the Bible teaches us about poverty is that at its most fundamental level it is a mindset. When Jesus healed people, he gave them the physical equivalent of what they lacked. For the poor, he did not give them money. For the poor, he proclaimed the good news. Poorness is a choice, it is something that you choose to get into and choose to get out of.

1. Permission

The Bible teaches us that you have the permission to prosper. In Genesis 12:2, God tells Abraham, “I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing.” You are blessed to be a blessing. Some people believe it is ‘godly’ to be poor. Time after time, story after story, in the Bible God shows us that His signature is not ‘just enough’; it is OVERFLOW. In Luke 5, Jesus tells the disciples to cast back out their nets. When they do, the nets get so full they break and the boats get so full they start to sink. When Jesus fed the people there were leftovers. God first taught us that we have power in Genesis 5 when he says to Adam, “I give you every seed bearing fruit…” God knew the power of the ‘seed’ and he gave that power to man. He taught Adam that you reap what you sow. If you put little work into things, you will get little reward. If you do not work hard, you will never prosper. In Genesis 15:5, God tells Abraham to count the stars “if indeed you can count them.” God never stopped at ‘just enough.’




NEY 2. Power

The Bible teaches us that you have the power to prosper. You were created with the ability to do great things and great things cost money. In Deuteronomy 8:18, “But remember the Lord your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms his covenant, which he swore to your ancestors, as it is today.” God gives you the authority to prosper. A common argument in the topic of ‘God & Money’ is in 1 Timothy 6:10, where the Bible says, “The love of money is the root of all evil.” The key word in this verse is ‘love.’ God gave us the power to choose life over death. He gave us the authority to heal. He gave us the power to choose God over money. God knows that if He can get it to you, He can get it through you.

3. Purpose

The Bible teaches us that you have the purpose to prosper. You were created with purpose and with that purpose you can do more than you dreamed possible. In Luke 15:17, the prodigal son is shoveling pig shit and he thinks to himself: “When he came to his senses, he said, ‘How many of my father’s hired servants have food to spare, and here I am starving to death!’” The story of the prodigal son shows us the love that God has for us and that no matter how far away we run, or how bad we mess up, God loves us and wants us near to him. When the prodigal son “came to his senses,” he realized that even the servants have food to spare. Our Father in heaven wants us to have MORE than enough. The Bible teaches us that we have the permission, the power, and the purpose to prosper! Be a person who has overflow in your life. Be a person who changes and impacts the world! You have the PERMISSION! You have the POWER! You have the PURPOSE! Now go out and PROSPER! by Stephen Dela Cruz

Good morning! As entrepreneurs, it always seems there’s never enough time in a day. Let me ask you have you ever felt that you could not get out of bed? Want to snooze a little longer? Here are five tips to help you gain more time by waking up earlier and feeling better at the same time.


By practicing meditation daily, it has helped increase my selfawareness, confidence and decrease stress. There are many ways to meditate, I prefer non guided meditation in silence. There is also guided meditation where music plays or words will be spoken as you sit in silence. Regardless of which you choose, practice it for 30 days, 15 minute each to see the benefits.


Listen to a song that gets you going and gets you motivated. Listen to it and visualize a victorr you had in the past. Remember what it felt like and how amazing it was. Break it down in your mind as you listen to the song. Replay that victory, relive it. Do it consistently, do it daily. When you hear this song, it automatically triggers your mind and body back to when you achieved that goal. It will get you in the right state of mind to tackle anything throughout your day.


Read books that motivate and push you to excel. There are tons of amazing authors out there who have accomplished so much and shares their success formulas. Take 15 minutes a day to learn and see how it might help you. Some of my favorite authors include Grant Cardone, Tony Robbins, and my mentor Stephen Dela Cruz.


Exercise is a must! Not only will it clear the morning fog, but it will change your state of fatigue to one of energy and power. Exercises can happen at your local gym, jog around the block, or just simple body weight movements done from home. You want to get the heart rate up, and the blood pumping. Within a few minutes, you’ll experience a huge shift in your being and wonder why you didn’t do this before.


Spend 5-10 Minutes in the morning visualizing your day. Involve as many of your senses as you can. For example, when you are closing the deal what do you hear in the background, what smells do are in the office, what do you see in the room, how does the contract feel as you’re signing it, how does the mint in your mouth taste. If you can visualize it, you can achieve it. This technique is used by many high performance athletes and numerous studies have shown you can get close to the same benefit with visualization as you can from the actual experience.

30 Days

Try these 5 Routines for 30 days to see results increase in your life. These routines has helped my business revenues grow by 20%. I credit the growth to the increased energy, mental clarity and confidence the routines have provided me.




December at Stegela! Work hard, play hard. That's what we do. And, of course, eat a lot! December was another full month for the Life By Design team! We closed out November with the launch of our December edition magazine. We had the most incredible launch party ever! Red carpet, champagne toasts, and so many amazing people cheering on this magazine. The launch party was followed by Thanksgiving where team members spent time with loved ones. The week after Thanksgiving 16 of us went to Los Angeles to attend James Malinchak’s 'Big Money Speaker' event. It was four 13-hour days fully immersed in James’ teachings as well as the amazing people that were attracted to the event. On December 11th our very own editor, Lynda West, held an event to help people set a vision for 2018 and beyond! Next, our CEO and Co-Founder, Stephen Dela Cruz, had the honor of speaking at Manny Lopez’s ServeX event. Stephen spoke about changing lives through serving others! The January edition of Life By Design was launched on December 18th to a full house! We’ve had so many amazing people supporting us! Stegela Success Mastery held its open house on December 19th downtown San Diego to introduce entrepreneurs to our mastermind program! Our Massive Success Breakthrough event is being held February 9-11, 2018, but we held the PreMassive Success Breakthrough event on December 28th! Massive Success Breakthrough is an event to help people do just that, have massive success! As you can see, December was a super packed month for us. We believe in the power of giving and receiving and are blessed to be able to give back on a regular basis. We are truly grateful for the incredible people who are on this journey with us. Do you want to join in on the fun? Come check out one of networking mixers or join us for Success Circle! Find out when our next event is by visiting


WHAT IS YES? YES stands for Young Entrepreneur Society. We are a California Nonprofit 501(c)(3) that serves high schools on a weekly basis. Every week our team of volunteers hosts school clubs during their lunch breaks to bring them FREE lunch & activities, speakers, and videos around the spirit of entrepreneurship.

WHY YES? Suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death in teens between 13 and 18. Depression and anxiety are the number 1 and 2 mental illnesses suffered among students in high school. 1 out of 6 teens have seriously considered suicide. 1 out of 12 have attempted suicide. 78% of students have started drinking alcohol. 42.5% of students have used drugs. Of that, 25% have used hard drugs such as cocaine, LSD, and Ecstasy. 50% of students have been bullied online. Every 26 seconds a student drops out of high school. We believe this is due to lack of purpose and lack of vision. Our team comes in every week to bring the spirit of entrepreneurship to give hope and vision for their future! We focus on goal setting, personal development, budgeting, serving, team building, etc.

GET INVOLVED! We are looking entrepreneurs, business professionals and companies who will become financial parters with YES on a monthly basis to impact the students of San Diego! By being a financial partner, we invite you to speak to our students, have your logo placed in our monthly magazine articles (10,000 print distribution monthly) and invite you to our yearly gala & networking mixer.

Text the word MENTOR to 766-26 to donate and get involved!



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