Life By Design Magazine May 2018

Page 1


Voted San Diego’s

Most Influential Woman

Makena Hayes-Gargonnu

Your 5 Affirmations to Be More Influential page 10

Down to My Last $7 & How I Survived page 11

The Chanel You Didn’t Know

page 13


Elite Mastermind & Coaching Program





3 Business Lessons Learned From Mom


Coffee Is For The Birds


Entrepreneur’s to reach the world


“Check yo’ self before you wreck yo, self”


Ladies Weekend


Your 5 Affirmations to Be More Influential


Down to my Last $7 & How I Survived


The ABC’s to Raising Kids to Become Entrepreneurs


The Chanel You Didn’t Know


Life is About Decisions We Make


Doing Business As A Heartrepreneur®


Go LIVE & Increase Your Organic Reach on Social Media!


Insights to Why Men Must Value Women


You Are Not Alone


Relationship With Mom


Awaken Your Limitlessness

Women in our society are not always seen as leaders or as the first ones you go to to hold a conference or as a speaker or a coach. But things are changing fast. Women are making their presence known and showing the world their infinite strengths within our communities.


Most Influential Woman - Makena Hayes-Gargonnu


Voted San Diegoís Most Influential Woman - Top 4


Voted San Diegoís Influential Women - Nominees

This is the reason we wanted to dedicate this whole edition to women. From our search to find San Diego’s Most Influential Woman to reaching out to our writers to come up with women focused pieces, we want to create a space for women to flourish in the San Diego entrepreneurship community.


Wonder Woman


You Go Girl!


Brain Fitness for Intro-preneurs


She Influences


Don’t Be a Douchebag


5 Reasons More Women Are Not Financially Fit


Five Tips to Eating Clean & Fitting Into Your Favorite Jeans


All About Her


Three Reasons Your Business Needs a Strong Woman


Book Review - Go for NO! by Richard Fenton


What’s Going On San Diego?


Behind the scenes of Stegela

Letter From The Editors The Stegela Success Mastery Team

Here at Life By Design Magazine we pride ourselves in the fact that we are entirely run and operated by women. I, Casey Nicole Fox, am the founder and Editor-In-Chief. I handle a good amount of making sure we are running smoothly and get the magazine out on time for our events. Jennifer Meim is the Creative Director for the magazine. She does all of the design work and is in charge of the creative side of the magazine. Lynda West is the Chief Copy Editor. She does all of the copy editing for the magazine. She has a team of editors (who are also women) and she makes sure that the content that goes into the magazine is up to our standard.

May this edition both inspire women and men around the world.

- Casey Nicole Fox Founder & Editor-In-Chief of Life By Design Magazine

OUR STAFF Stephen Dela Cruz

Angela Dela Cruz

Casey Nicole Fox

Lynda M. West


Founder & President


Chief Copy Editor




The Love Dare


page 09

Making Money Matter

Is Embracing Imperfection the Secret to Loving Your Business? page 14

Jennifer Meim Production Editor

Janine Holman Copy Editor

The Healing Power of Hugs page 38


Talk with

Thriving in the Many Faces of Business


Jeff Rollon

Sales Director

Arielle Zieja Copy Editor

Mary Hang

John Bryan Tadlip

Dave Evans

Dominic Cruz

Marketing Director Technical Director

Copy Editor

Surgeon | Investor | Influencer

Business & Love

Do You Feel Lucky?

Kids Are No Longer An Excuse

Sharing Is The Key To Success

Fool Or Foe Owning Failure to Create Success

page 04 page 07

Go Forth - Foster a Tribe Greater Than You page 28



page 15

page 22

10 Financial Mistakes NEW Entrepreneurs SHOULD Avoid page 36


Get access to all of our previous editions digitally, go to!

Social Media


Success Mastery Member Being a woman who grew up in an abusive environment and having been previously married to an abusive man, I know the feeling to not have a voice. As I began my journey to find my voice, I realized I always had one. Through the discovery of my voice, I noticed how much of an impact I made. Utilizing all of my personal development experiences, I want to help people become influencers and leaders in their field to make an even greater impact on those they serve. Living Live helps you find YOUR voice. Our course of empowerment can enhance your skills to help reach your fullest potential in a short period of time. Living Live offers oneon-one engagement and provides exercises to help you achieve your mission in life. You will receive additional support through our Facebook Group community and together we will make an even greater impact on the world.

Lynda M. West

3 Business Lessons Learned From Mom Even though parents raise us to be good humans, their job doesn’t stop there. The lessons we learn as kids carry into our adulthood and our businesses.

You see, what this taught me is that even though you feel defeated by hearing no, you need to keep pushing forward in hopes of hearing yes. No means yes.

Mom taught me a lot about business (without even knowing it).

Thank you mom for teaching me to not listen to “no.”

1.Be Persistent

3.Build Long-Lasting Relationships

I started playing flute in second grade. I loved it and carried my flute everywhere. As I got older, junior high school, I joined the marching and concert bands.

When I was 16 years old my dad was arrested (for his third time) on drunk driving charges. His driver’s license was suspended and he was remanded to Alcoholics Anonymous for a year.

Band was fun. I had a lot of friends and we goofed off a lot (remember what it was like to be a teenager?). Between all the band practices and fundraising, it was fun, but also a lot of hard work.

Why do I share this? Because of the relationships my parents made while in AA programs. You see, long-lasting relationships start with that first meeting.

One band trip to San Francisco we were going to be away from our parents for 5 days. (I don’t know about you, but when I was in junior high I wanted to be as far away from my parents as possible.)

Dad liked to tell the story about his first AA meeting. He was angry that he had to go to AA. He said, “I do not belong here. AA is for ‘those types of people.’ I’m not one of them.”

Each kid had to raise their own money, so I hit the pavement. I was selling candy bars door-to-door. For every “yes” I heard at least 15 “nos,” but I wasn’t about to let the “nos” get me down. I was determined. My mom asked me daily, “Did you sell any candy today?” She reminded me that in order for me to be successful that I had to go out and sell every day. Thank you mom for teaching me persistence.

2.No Means Yes Mom and dad often didn’t agree with each other, so when it came time to ask for something, I had to decide which parent to ask (you know, trying to manipulate the “system”). One day Patty and I wanted to go to a movie, so I asked mom because I KNEW she’d say yes. Well, mom’s answer was actually, “Go ask your dad.” Yikes! I hated when she said that. So, with my head hung low and feeling defeated, I asked dad, “Can I go to the movie with Patty?” Dad said, “Go ask your mom. If she says “yes,” then you can go.” So, feeling like a ping-pong ball, I made my way back to mom and said, “Dad told me to ask you and if it’s okay with you then I can go.” So mom, with a look of uncertainty, said “Yes, you can go.”


Then he attended that first meeting, the meeting that would forever change his life. He pulled his car into the parking lot. He sat in his car for a few minutes because he didn’t want to be there. He considered leaving, but he didn’t want to face the legal consequences. He begrudgingly got out of his car and walked into the room where he was greeted by several people who welcomed him with open arms. He had an immediate sense of belonging, a feeling he had never felt before. Even though he had a wife and five kids, he never experienced the love that he felt in that room, with those strangers. Throughout dad’s 40 years of being sober, he and mom consistently attended weekly meetings. The friendships they gained during those 40 years lasted their lifetimes. When dad died at the age of 75 mom received more than 350 sympathy cards and there were more than 150 people at his memorial service. Their friends would do anything for them. They were true gifts for my parents. Building those long-lasting relationships gave both of my parents peace of mind and friendships to last a lifetime. That’s something you can never take away.


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Downtown San Diego Space is Limited - RSVP TODAY! Text "BREAKTHROUGH" to 76626 ENTREPRENEUR LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE 5

Success Mastery Mastery Member Member Success Jeff Rollon is a serial entrepreneur, author, business coach, and philanthropist. He enjoys helping others while living with a positive attitude and a strong entrepreneurial spirit. His passion is helping budding entrepreneurs get started and profitable within their first year in business.

Jeff Rollon

Coffee Is For The Birds

Coffee Shops and Offices are “for the Birds;” Why I Host Meetings at the Beach Have you ever hustled so hard that you forgot to live life? Have you ever gotten caught up in so much business that you forgot to enjoy yourself?

not go to the beach or park during a meeting, you are truly missing out on leaving a lasting impression on the person you are meeting.

For the past five years I was all about the hustle and chasing my version of the entrepreneurial dream. Regardless of how many successes I reached and milestones I achieved, I realized I spent a lot of my time in meetings. And all of those meetings were in coffee shops and offices.

I encourage you to be different than others. Be that person who doesn’t want to meet at the office or coffee shop. Be someone who can bring new experiences to others and leave a lasting impression.

Why the hell do I live in San Diego if I’m not going to enjoy the beautiful weather? I “pay” for it, that’s for sure. Of course, from time to time there will be meetings that must be handled in the office or coffee shops due to weather conditions or a need for easier access to office supplies. But if the stars are aligned and the San Diego weather is in my favor, you better believe that from now on I will be hosting meetings ONLY at the beach or park. In this article, you will learn five new reasons why scheduling meetings at the beach or park is much more beneficial to you and your business and why coffee meetings are for the birds. This article is guaranteed to give you a new perspective on living life and doing business all at the same time. LET’S ENJOY SAN DIEGO WEATHER TOGETHER You must admit that San Diego has beautiful weather. Regardless of the surrounding cities, San Diego is guaranteed to support you in all your outdoor meetings. Every now and then the weather sucks, but all in all, let’s embrace San Diego in all its glory. I have hosted tons of meetings at the beach where the other person truly appreciated that they had an opportunity to enjoy the great weather in the middle of their workday. It’s no surprise to me when they don’t want to leave after our meeting. LET’S ENJOY A NEW EXPERIENCE TOGETHER I’m not sure how many of you take advantage of being an entrepreneur with your own schedule, but if you do


LET’S DO LIFE TOGETHER Have you ever stepped outside of your home or office and noticed how beautiful the weather is? While you’re heading out to your meeting, the beach comes to mind. Maybe you imagine a nice day out with the family. Whatever your vision, don’t you just wish you were enjoying the beautiful day? If you are like the other millions of entrepreneurs out there, you enjoy time freedom and options to live your life the way you want to live it. Now you can do both. Nobody is stopping you but you. Let’s challenge ourselves to live a lifestyle that others we do business with would also appreciate. Forget the business attire and come in casual clothing. No reason for us to walk around in formal clothing in the beach and park environment, right? Let’s just live life outside of the office and coffee shop and still bring business into the conversation and experience. Meeting with a common purpose of doing business is all that should matter, regardless of location or dress. So my final message is this, my friends: while millions of business meetings take place in coffee shops and offices, I invite you to meet at the beach or park and enjoy the San Diego weather and enjoy a new experience. After all, that is “doing life together.”

I read everything I can find on health: nutrition, fitness, and mind. As a personal trainer, that is what I enjoy doing. I feel well-informed now, but not in enough time to help my parents or my best friends. Viewing health, as the three areas listed above, we need to excel in all three to live better, more productive lives. There isn’t one that is more important than the other. • Nutrition is the food you place in your body • Fitness is balance, strength, and cardio fitness • The mind is the way we think and process the world around us I lost my Father and two of my closest friends have diseases that should have been cured, but this new information wasn’t available at that time. We need to get the word out now! Cancer is no longer a death sentence; MS has been completely reversed. The problem is that a majority of people only follow the advice of their family physicians, physicians who are limited by the knowledge they learned in school. Some doctors go on to enhance their education, but too few advance in the areas of nutrition, fitness, and the mind. These are the areas where disease will manifest. Here are quotes from a few who are advocating dietary change: • The quality of the food we put into our bodies matters because it drives our gene function, metabolism, and health. Dr. Mark Hyman, Book “Eat Fat, Get thin” • Two forms of fat that are vitally important for brain health are cholesterol and saturated fat. Dr. David Perlmutter, Book “Grain Brain” • The power of healing is within you. All you need to do is give

your body what it needs and remove what is poisoning it. You can restore your own health by what you do, not by the pills you take, but by how you choose to live. Dr. Terry Wahls “The Wahls Protocol, How I Beat Progressive MS Using Paleo Principles and Functional Medicine” • Dried oregano has thirty times the brain-healing antioxidant power of raw blueberries, 46 times more than apples, and 56 times as much as strawberries; making it one of the most powerful brain cell protectors on the planet. Dr. Daniel G. Amen, “The Brain Doctor”

Helping WOMEN Break Through Their Fears SCHEDULE A





More and more doctors are forging a trail to health and wellness; it becomes confusing. With confusion comes apathy, and the movement forward begins to reverse. But wait, we can’t afford to reverse for ourselves or more importantly our children! Looking for entrepreneurs who are ethical and willing to respond to a worldwide need, a website that is a medical table of contents, secure from hackers and free of charge to anyone in the world, a place you can search and be directed to the latest functional health information for the cure you are seeking. It can be done, and it will be done; will you be the one to do it?

Lynda West

Speaker, Author, Magazine Editor, Fearlessness Coach, Facebook Live Queen, Chick Bass Guitar Player

Let’s talk about nutrition, fitness, and the schools our children attend next month. by Betsy Dyson


to reach the world


Success Mastery Member Yoichi Kato is an author, speaker, serial entrepreneur, Navy veteran. He is the co-founder of San Diego’s most popular cleaning service called Everything But Sex Cleaning Services. He is a master business networker who is always connecting people. He is also an amazing Chef who provides private chef services all over San Diego. Yoichi loves to help others and see them thrive.

Yoichi J. Kato

“Check yo’ self before you wreck yo, self” 10 Tips on networking with women for “MEN”

I am a networking pro and I have noticed that there are many women who have had bad experiences when networking with men. Never fear, men, because I have the solution on how to gain positive business relationships without coming off like a creep.

text, it will NOT be interpreted as a compliment. The same way you would not necessarily comment about a man’s appearance. How you treat women will show how you want to be treated by women. I can’t believe I had to type that.

These ten tips from women I have interviewed will help you and your business accelerate.

5) Be genuine! Look them in the eye and be confi-

1) Many women have natural intuition, and they can

read your poker face. What is your intention when you go to a networking event? To make a new connection? To spew your business idea? To hit on every woman you meet? Whatever it may be, most women will know before you even introduce yourself. Ask yourself: what is my goal? How do I put myself out there? When you approach women who are professional, go with the right intention, or it will be game over before you know it.

2) Hygiene! It is important to look and smell good. No

woman or man is going to talk to an individual who has bad breath, foul body odor, and who is dressed inappropriately for the occasion. Tip: keep breath mints with you.

dent. Don’t be a creep. If you have interests other than business networking, then the event is not a place to practice those.

6) Know your audience at any networking event. This helps you engage with the right people and keep good conversations going. Be yourself and try to figure out if there’s something valuable you can offer each other.

7) Be professional, friendly, and willing to help and connect. Listen more than you speak. They say it’s good to start with a compliment, but be careful what you compliment. Ask how you could help them.

8) Be clear about your objectives. By doing so, con-

necting with people becomes a lot easier because now they have something to focus on.

9) Be respectful of her space, make eye contact (longer than 2 seconds), and engage in a friendly conversation.

3) Don’t braindump advice in a “this is what you need 10) When you schedule a coffee meeting, be sure to to do” way. Instead, offer connections and suggestions in a “this is what I experienced” way.

4) Keep it all about BUSINESS. Do not comment on

women’s hair, clothes, or their figure. In a business con-



select a safe location that’s near her or midway between her and you. Consider a location with good parking in case she wears heels. Now check yourself before you get out there.

Success Mastery Member

Ladies Weekend

If Jonathan Anderson-Ingebrigtsen could have any dream it would be that people spend more time making fun and quirky memories while seeing the world around them. Life is too short to wait till tomorrow or live life on a some-day mentality. He comes from the structured world of corporate HR and company cultural redisgn and made the transition to a life that allowed him to become a Travel Blogger and Real Estate professional serving our Veteran Community while Living Full Time! When he is not traveling around the world or helping his clients find their dream home, he loves parading around the house dancing to music, networking and developing others to help them reach their full potential, all-while munching on sour-gummies of all kinds.



Getting out of town with your friends doesn’t have to be an impossible task Getting out of town or spending time with friends can be challenging when you’re stuck in the daily grind. Isn’t a girls’ weekend always something that is yearned for, but never seems to happen often enough? Having that weekend is the one time a year to get all the gang together for some fun, sun, adventure, and, of course, great memories. No need to contemplate on where to go or what fun ideas one could create while not breaking the bank. Here are a couple great local San Diego ideas to make for the perfect retreat or adventure - either a quick evening of fun or a full-on girls’ getaway. TEMECULA WINE TASTING If you like wine, Temecula is the perfect choice for a nice retreat without a ton of travel time. Temecula isn’t in San Diego County, but it takes less than an hour of travel time to reach some of the best local wineries and vineyards. Once there, you and your friends can pick from an array of wineries. Why not treat yourselves and get a limo for the ride up and down, enabling you to enjoy libations on the way up and savor the wine you liked on the way home. Some wineries to check out are:

Lumiere Winery, bringing over 30 years of experience and fine cuisine to match their hand-crafted wines. CAMPING Have you ever wanted to pitch your own tent or build a fire? You can do it on your own during a girls’ camping getaway in or out of San Diego County! Enjoy some beautiful ocean views at one of the many beachside campgrounds along the coast. Some popular locations are as close as Carlsbad or a short drive to San Clemente. These tend to book up fairly early in the summer, so get a head start on choosing your dates and plan ahead. For those looking for a more outdoorsy and wooded environment, aka as close to the Colorado mountains and trees as it gets, try out some of the many spots near the Stonewall Mountains or near Laguna Peak. Getting out of town and planning a quick ladies’ retreat can be easier than you think, and the memories you’ll create while making s’mores around the campfire and exchanging some good conversation will be well worth it.

Wilson Creek Vineyard, which is known for its famous Almond Champagne;

It’s proven - and I can assure you from personal experience - that taking a vacation is rejuvenating, healing, and decreases your stress levels. You’ll come back to work even more productive than when you left.

The Europa Village, which offers over 5 acres of vineyards with panoramic views;

So is it really a vacation or is it actually a wellness retreat?

Callaway Winery, offering a unique pallet for the those into big reds; and


Success Mastery Member Dave Evans is a speaker, author, entrepreneur and a thinker. He is a master at systems who is always looking for new ways to solve problems and streamline processes. Dave lives by the belief that there is positive in everything and that “Everything Is Awesome”. Dave has a vision to create an entrepreneurial driven eduction system that is free for everyone.

Dave Evans

Your 5 Affirmations to Be More Influential Imagine having the ability to change the behavior, belief, or opinion of someone else. If you think about it, you probably already influence people every day. Maybe it’s your friend who decided to watch a movie because you recommended it. Or how about that client who, after your meeting together, chose your product instead of someone else’s?


We all are influencers to some degree.

YOU ARE CONFIDENT When it comes to influencing, many times it’s less about what you say and more about how you say it. Being confident in what you say to people influences them to want to believe what you say, even it conflicts with their own beliefs.

So what makes past and present influencers like Mother Teresa, Mahatma Gandhi, Elon Musk, or Oprah Winfrey different than you or I? It was and is their ability to influence not just a handful of people, but millions of people, to do something different. This was and is a result of their ability to speak publicly with confidence and passion, to see the positive in everything around them, and to ultimately inspire people to take action. Here are five affirmations that you can practice each day to help you develop the ability to be more influential. When saying these affirmations, follow these four easy steps to get the most out of each day: PREPARE • Stand in front of a mirror, close your eyes, and take a deep cleansing breath • Open your eyes and look deeply into your own eyes through the mirror • While seeing yourself, let any negative self beliefs fall away, leaving behind only the feeling of unconditional love and appreciation • Speak out loud each affirmation five times, using your own name each time, building in confidence each time you say it. (For example “Dave, you love public speaking”)


YOU LOVE PUBLIC SPEAKING Influencing starts with not just communicating your ideas, but loving to do it in a public way. The more you speak publicly, the more people you will be able to influence with your ideas.

YOU ARE PASSIONATE Passion is driven by emotion, and when you are passionate, others can feel it. People are emotional beings. When your passion connects with them at an emotional level, you create a powerful bond that sways hearts and minds. YOU FIND THE POSITIVE IN EVERYTHING Positive energy makes people feel better, and looking for the positive things around you will remind others of the positivity in the world. When you are positive, people will be naturally attracted to you and want to hear what you have to say. YOU INSPIRE THOSE AROUND YOU The ability to inspire is the ability to influence people to take action. When people take action based on what you say, you truly are an influencer. Practice these affirmations daily, and soon you will be influencing more and more people around you!

During the height of my career, I was making a great deal of money, traveling all over the world, and experiencing a high level of notoriety within the organization that I worked for. I was enjoying what I thought was success. The only problem was, I was away from home so much that my relationship with my son began to suffer. He would be at home with babysitters while I was on the road changing lives. For years, I justified my actions because I thought I was doing so much good, which I was. However, the cost I was paying became too much.

ergy and power. You have too much living to do to be a complainer.

I decided to make one of the hardest yet best decisions of my life. I walked away from a lucrative career and job security to spend more time with my son. I wiped my calendar clean and maintained one focus, which was to be the best dad in the world. While I have never for one moment regretted this decision, my life did drastically change. I went from making a six-figure income to being completely broke. Believe me when I tell you that I left the high life to move into a 700 square foot apartment where I had to sleep on the couch. We struggled so badly at one point that Caleb and I slept on the floor in a Sunday school classroom at a local church.

After two near death experiences, I was so grateful just to be alive. I can assure you that there will be times when you are going to struggle in your own life. If you practice daily gratitude, and positive thinking during difficult times, you will heal and stay strong.

That time was not easy, and it came with some unique difficulties. I had little to no money in the bank, was practically homeless, and I was struggling to get my business off the ground. People ask me all that time, “Matt, how did you survive mentally and emotionally during that time of your life?” Well, there are ten strategic things I did during that time, and I will share a few of them with you today.

1. I refused to complain and feel sorry for myself: Look, during that season of my life, I was so thankful to be home with Caleb. It didn’t matter if I had 7 dollars in the bank, and I was living on the floor in a Sunday school classroom. I got to wake up every day and be the dad to the greatest kid on the planet. During that time, I felt so much peace, happiness, and freedom. It felt so good to be with my son on a Saturday morning. I had forgotten what that was like. My focus remained on what I had gained, not what I had lost. Friends, stop complaining about your situation and feeling sorry for yourself. You are alive! It’s time for you to fall back in love with life again. If you stop complaining, you will experience a significant increase in your en-

2. I practiced the deepest level of gratitude and mastered positive thinking: Because I knew how blessed I was, I spent so much time being thankful for what I had. In fact, I became so intense with gratitude that people started thinking I was one of those self-help, positive gurus. People became annoyed by my positivity. But you know what, I didn’t care.

3. I continued to give and serve the poor even when money was tight: I remember times when we were down to our last $20, and we would still buy a homeless person lunch. I would take Caleb with me, and we would go to the park to pick up a homeless person and take them to Five Guys across the street. As we continued to give, wealth and abundance began to come back to us. If you are depressed, frustrated, broke, or need a breakthrough in your life, start giving. Friends, giving is the most powerful thing that you can do and will give you more joy and personal fulfillment than anything else in the world. Looking back at this period, I can say that it was one of the best time periods of my life because of what it restored and taught me at the same time. It restored my joy and passion for life. And to be honest, it prepared me for the success that I’m enjoying right now in my life. If we allow it, difficult times come to help us grow and reinvent so that we are prepared for the next big thing. by Matt Maddix

Down to my Last $7


Success Mastery Member The ABC’s to Raising Kids to Become Entrepreneurs Mary Hang is a serial entrepreneur and philanthropist. Although she wears multiple hats as an entrepreneur, her biggest and most rewarding passion is impacting the youth through Young Entrepreneur Society.

“Auntie” Mary Hang

If you’re like millions of other entrepreneurs in the world, you would probably love for your kids to become entrepreneurs and live life on their own terms. Time and time again, we hear entrepreneur parents say, “I wish I would’ve started when I was younger.” So now that the lesson has been learned and you are actually an entrepreneur, why not break the cycle and get your own kids started now? In this article you will learn the ABCs for getting your kids started in entrepreneurship today. A. ACCELERATE the growth of their mindset. As we all know, your business only grows only as much as you grow. So start them off early. As entrepreneurs, we have all experienced disappointment and frustration. However, over time we have learned the importance of failing forward and learning from those experiences, further expanding our mindset. Imagine if your kids didn’t see challenges as challenges. What if they saw challenges as opportunities? Strengthening your kids’ mindset will do exactly that. I challenge you to be transparent with your kids about business. Keep them in the loop and feel free to share mistakes you have made in business, even sharing mistakes as you go through them. Sharing entrepreneurial challenges and setbacks with your kids will give you an opportunity to show them that we must have a strong mindset and push forward no matter what. B. BUILD a strong foundation in the home. I’m sure we can all agree that being an entrepreneur can be very time consuming. We’re truly motivated to reach our goals, and we get caught up in business. Regardless of how busy you are, though, your foundation at home must be strong. Your kids must know that they are your priority. If kids sense that your business comes first, they will come to resent it. Simply put, “If your foundation is weak, then your business built on it shall eventually crumble.” C. CHALLENGE them to think outside the box. These days, they have board games like “Cash Flow” which is meant to teach innovative ways to manage life’s financial decisions. For younger kids, encourage play and exploration. Ask them open-ended questions. Praise them for their artwork and encourage creativity. Imagine if you were to encourage your kids more than you were encouraged as a kid. What would that look like to you? Isn’t it a pretty powerful vision? The best part about keeping your kids involved in your entrepreneurial life is that they are learning from you someone who has already been through ups and downs and has learned multiple lessons. You are not only their parent, but also their mentor in life. By helping them to have a strong mindset, keeping a strong foundation at home, and challenging them to think outside of the box, you will set your kids on their way to a successful journey into entrepreneurship.


The Chanel You Didn’t Know Anyone today can instantly recognize the iconic interlocked “CC,” but do you know the full story behind the woman responsible for revolutionizing the little black dress? In 1883, Coco Chanel was born in France. At the age of 12, her mother died. This split up her family, sending her and two sisters to live and work at a home for orphans and abandoned girls. In this home she learned how to sew. After turning 18, she left the orphanage and struggled to find work as a seamstress. She spent time as a singer and performer at a small venue, which served as a nightclub and restaurant. In 1908, with the help of her partner, she opened her first shop and originally designed hats. She recruited her aunt and sister to model her designs. On a daily basis, they could be seen parading through the town advertising Chanel’s creations. The earnings from her popular fragrance Chanel No. 5 allowed her to purchase an entire building in one of the most fashionable districts in Paris.

For a million dollars he would bring her to Hollywood twice a year to design costumes for MGM stars. Although she didn’t gain the reception she hoped for, it put her name on the map even more. Soon after, she was receiving orders from all over the globe. In early January of 1971, after a tumultuous career, at the age of 87, she went out in real Chanel style. Her coffin was covered with white flowers, orchids, azaleas, and few red roses. Her last words were to her maid Celine, “You see, this is how you die.” She was far beyond her time as a businesswoman and fashion designer. She conducted tests with models making sure that they could perform daily activities comfortably without revealing too much. Her aesthetic redefined what makes a woman truly fashionable. Chanel’s trademark look was a look of youthful ease and liberated physicality. by Steven Ramirez

Wasim Hajjiri is an MBA-Engineer, 3x Gold medalist, author and entrepreneur who coaches and speaks on how to accomplish your dreams and how to land your dream job Website Email Number 619 756 0852 Facebook, Instagram, Twitter @WasimTheDreamm Linkedin Wasim Hajjiri Youtube Wasim The Dream

In 1931, she was introduced to Nicolas Goldwyn. He offered Chanel a promising proposition.


Success Mastery Member

Life is About Decisions We Make As entrepreneurs, we constantly have to make decisions in our businesses, and some of those decisions can make us feel uneasy. We oftentimes feel like we are jumping off a cliff while having to build an airplane on the way down. It might seem dramatic, but many times it’s so true!

counter. With four roads to choose from and with limited knowledge on where they go, which road will you take? What is the guarantee that you would choose the right one along the way? Would you take any road, or just stay where you are - in front of a crossroad? There are no guarantees.

I believe that life is like a road. There are long and short roads, smooth and rocky roads; crooked and straight paths. In life, many roads might come our way. There are roads that lead to a life of single blessedness, marriage, or religious vocation. There are also roads that lead to fame and fortune on one hand, or isolation and poverty on the other. There are roads to happiness as there are roads to sadness, roads toward victory and jubilation, and roads leading to defeat and disappointment. And just like a road, there are corners, detours, and crossroads in life. Crossroads are perhaps the most perplexing road that you could en-

Ranee Siri is a wellness coach for corporate and busy professionals. She is also an author, speaker, yoga and meditation instructor, as well as a Reiki master. She loves helping people maintain a healthy mind and body so they can create success in any area of their life.

Ranee Siri


You do not really know where a road will lead you until you take it. This is one of the most important things you need to realize about life. Nobody said that choosing to do the right thing all the time would always lead to happiness. Loving someone with all your heart does not guarantee that love will be returned. Gaining fame and fortune does not guarantee happiness. There are too many possible outcomes that you really cannot control. The only thing you have power over are the decisions you make and how you act and react to different

situations. Trust yourself and make a decision. Remember that there are no guarantees, so believe that you are choosing the best option at this point in time and be ready to face its consequences: good and bad. It may take you to a place of promise or to a land of problems. But the important thing is that you have chosen to live your life instead of remaining a bystander, a passive audience member. Whether it is the right decision or not, only time can tell. But do not regret it, whatever the outcome. Instead, learn from it and remember that you always have the chance to make better decisions in the future. Even if you decide to build an airplane while jumping off the cliff, just trust yourself and go for it. I believe in you!

Doing Business As A Heartrepreneur® Over 30 years I’ve been in business and have mentored over 5,000 business owners worldwide. And one thing is clear: most business owners do not know the business perspective - service first, business second. Let’s face it! In the business world, people are fighting for customers. With the use of Facebook ads, Google ads, networking, and leads groups, businesses are hoping to land more customers, but not coming from the heart! What I Learned From Zig Ziglar In 1982 I learned how to do heart-to-heart business after my training from the motivational and sales guru Zig Ziglar. “You can have everything in life you want if you will help other people get what they want.” His famous quote changed my business and my life. After hearing those words from Zig, I have focused all my businesses around serving and helping others. I give free courses, free seminars, free teleseminars, free webinars, and free training to serve and help other startups. In that way, I have created more success in business and in life and you can, too. What I believe is that when I give back to the world of business that has been so good to me, I can help others transform and pass forward success. I have seen all of my businesses flourish and grow over the years because I focus on being heart-centered and truly caring. “I care, you matter,” that’s my motto in life. I live that motto, and it is my philosophy. What Is a Heartrepreneur®? A Heartrepreneur® means you help, give, and share without expectation. Let me give you an example of how this transformed a business. One of my clients is a chiropractor. He is a startup and has no business experience. When I met him, he was about to invest in Facebook ads. I embraced him as a client family member and told him, “I am a Master Certified Guerrilla Marketing Trainer and Coach and don’t believe in spending money. I believe in making money.” I told him to save that money. Instead, I told him to be of service in his local community and I asked him to give free sessions to runners of local marathons, to give a free demo at local health fairs and health clinics, and to offer the same thing to members of his networking and referral groups. Within two weeks, he had 19 new patients. Why? Because he demonstrated his heart and passion, along with his expertise. More and more people are becoming patients after experiencing and appreciating his chiropractic service. He doesn’t have to sell them, himself, or the benefits of his services. As a heart-based business owner, it’s necessary today to make a difference in your products and services. People have many choices about where and how to spend their money, and they are attracted to businesses that are transparent, authentic, and have integrity. This is the Heartrepreneur® philosophy. by Terri Levine

Go LIVE & Increase Your Organic Reach on Social Media! Are you outraged at Zuckerberg’s most recent algorithm change? Now it costs you more to get even fewer impressions on Facebook. So, learn how to take control of your organic reach right on your cell phone in a matter of 20 minutes! Get comments to get seen on Facebook!

Be ready to Go LIVE!

Facebook’s algorithm now promotes what your closest Facebook friends have liked or commented on recently. Therefore, you have to create compelling content that gets comments in order to get similar results for the money you were paying before January 11, 2018.

That’s why it’s easy to increase your organic reach on Facebook and Instagram. Just simply Go LIVE twice a month to talk about your clients’ top FAQs!

Studies show LIVE video is the absolute fastest way to increase the number of comments you receive on your channel. That’s why video usage is growing!

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“Marketers who use video grow revenue 49% faster than non-video users” WordStream, April 2018. LIVE video is becoming the new way to interact with your ideal customer and to share visual information in real time. LIVE video outperforms all other forms of media. Also, studies show consumers prefer to consume video content over written content. Even short movie files, using images like RIPL, gets 300%+ engagement. And studies show that LIVE video gets SIX TIMES the engagement. This is good news for business owners who are willing to be on the camera! Are you ready to grow your revenue? So, start the camera rolling! Now, more than ever, you need to go LIVE on a regular basis if you want to increase your organic followers or have paid marketing on Facebook or Instagram.

At 333 Social Media it won’t be confusing to sift through the LIVE video marketing tools available and you will never waste time finding lots of precious resources that work for you and your business.

Here are some tips to effectively generate comments:

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How To ‘Go LIVE’ On Top Business FAQs #1 Client Obstacle (FAQ) You Hear Every Day A Client Success Story for That Obstacle A Myth Associated With That Obstacle Title the Myth Buster Broadcast Go LIVE on FAQ & Bust the Myth In the Intro! Use a Prop/Create Movement In the Intro Say “YOU” 1-2 Times In the First 5 Seconds to Increase Viewership Generate Creative Ways to Interact With Your Audience & Get Comments Add Subtitles Before Boosting to Existing Sphere PRO TIP: Get Other Brands/Influencers to Tag/Mention Your Business

And now you can just sit back and watch the comments and organic reach roll in. by Crystal Lindsey


Young Entrepreneurs Society Member

Darian Chem is an author, speaker, podcaster, and vice president of Y.E.S at Crawford High School. He is a very outgoing leader who leads by example by always taking action on his goals while helping others achieve theirs.

Darian Chem

As a young man, I have noticed that woman alone can never make a man happy; however, a woman can surely increase a man’s happiness level if only he is already in joy. A man shall not find a woman who expresses positive feelings if he himself is emotionally unstable. The Law of Attraction states that you attract who you are as a person. So in order to have a beautiful, emotionally healthy and self-confident woman, you yourself must carry those traits. Once you figure out the fundamentals, the woman you are looking for will soon enter your life. A man isn’t a man without a woman. A man needs a woman in order for him to be an actual “man.” If you try influencing yourself into believing that you don’t need a woman in your life, you’re completely lying to yourself and your subconscious mind will never believe you. Accepting your emotions and being confident enough to be vulnerable around your woman will truly make you a stronger and more powerful man because that’s the power that a woman has. The power of a woman is the key that unlocks the door to a man’s fullest potential and will make both of their lives enriched.

Insights to

Why Men Must Value Women


As a guy myself, I notice that most men aren’t willing to share their feelings or worries. And some men may think they need to suck it up and be tough. But it doesn’t work that way because emotional pain builds up, which causes stress. However, by opening up to your woman, you will receive benefits such as advice, motivation, answers and confidence. Your woman is your partner in crime, your best friend and someone you can truly look up to. When times are rough, you go to your woman for advice because she is your kindest gatekeeper and the person to whom you can express whatever it is in life that bothers you. Lastly, I encourage you men without a woman to have positive traits because you attract who you are. The woman of your dreams will soon come. And men with women should open up because it will make you a better and stronger man and it allows your relationship to become more powerful, which will turn you into a power couple. In the end, having that partner in your life will change your world.

You Are Not Alone Have you ever missed an important event in your life? There once was an intelligent, successful woman who woke up one morning and couldn’t get out from bed. She had missed appointments and things that were important to her. She hid.

TALK THERAPY (COUNSELING). Medication and therapy go hand in hand. So, you must see a professional therapist that can develop a plan to treat your anxiety and depression. Some types of therapy that can help are: Cognitive behavioral (teaches you to adjust your thoughts and actions), She had a great life, but, unfortunately, Interpersonal (shows you how to comshe was challenged with chronic de- municate better), and Problem-solving pression and anxiety. She didn’t know (gives you skills to manage your sympwhy she felt sad and anxious. toms). What is DEPRESSION?

EMDR Eye Movement Desensitization and Depression involves two weeks or Reprocessing (EMDR) is a set of stanmore of sadness, negative self-worth, dardized protocols that incorporates change in sleeping patterns, and a host elements from many different treatment of other symptoms that keep you from approaches. EMDR therapy is a psyliving normally. chotherapy approach that has been proven to be effective for the treatment Entrepreneur’s depression is a black- of trauma. hole for the company. Depression among entrepreneurs is higher than TAKE CARE OF YOUR BODY. depression among Americans, which Your body is where you live. What you is about 7%. It suggests that entrepre- do to it will impact your state of mind. neurs are more likely to suffer depres- These are the things that we need to do sion. in order to be healthy: EXERCISE. Exercise for at least 20 Even if you’re not an entrepreneur, minutes a day. Go for a long walk, lift you’re someone who probably has weights, or take a yoga class. When dreams for the future. You’re still human you exercise, your body releases enand at some point this will apply to you dorphins that flood your brain. Endoror someone you love. phins trigger positive feelings EAT WELL. There are a million opinions SUGGESTIONS: on how to eat. Cutting down on sugar You must be kind to yourself. Don’t and processed foods and eating more “should” all over yourself. Should is fresh food will help you feel better the worst word. It causes guilt, it implies RIGHT SLEEP. Insomnia can cause that you can’t change things, and it depression. People with insomnia are says that you wish things were different. more likely to develop depression. SimNothing good comes from “should.” ple things like not checking your phone Sometimes acceptance is the key. for a half hour before you go to sleep Through is the only way out. can help TREAT DEPRESSION AND MENTAL ILLNESS LIKE AN ILLNESS. See a psychiatrist. If you are financially challenged, some clinics offer sliding scales. Your doctor may prescribe an antidepressant that treats depression and anxiety.

GET SUPPORT. Reach out to family and friends and let them know what you’re going through. There is a tendency to isolate depression. Ask for help from the people who love you. JOIN A SUPPORT GROUP. You have gifts to share with the world. You are not alone. You are not flawed. You are human.

“The natural state of motherhood is unselfishness.” - Jessica Lange The most foundational and complex of all relationships start in the womb. We hear her heartbeats, go where she goes. For about 40 weeks, 24/7, we are one with our mother. I had a mother, I had a mother-in-law, and I am a mother. Last year I lost my mother. Recently, some of my friends have lost their children. These scenarios come together to form a web of thoughts, feelings, actions, and reactions that form the basis of our society. Having “mother issues” can be a crippling reality for some. Having a rock-solid bond with a mother is the hope of all. Everyone needs to love and be loved; it’s part of the human experience. That’s how we define the mother and child relationship. How is your relationship with your mom? Maybe you have a mentor who has taken you under his or her wing to provide that motherly advice. Perhaps you have an estrangement that eats away at your soul. The fortunate few have an unbreakable, deeply satisfying bond. Whatever your circumstance, I invite you to share your feelings of appreciation and gratitude with that special person. Celebrate the mother you have and the mother you are. Here are some ideas to get you started: 1) Call, text or, best of all, visit your mom. Even a simple “I just wanted to say I appreciate all you’ve ever done for me” goes a long, long way in building good karma! 2) If your mom isn’t available, assist someone else in appreciating his or her mom. If you know a mom who has lost a child, reach out to comfort her or reminisce with her. 3) Do something tangible, an act of kindness or donate to honor your mother. “Pay it forward” in her name. For example, offer free babysitting to a mom who needs a break! Or offer to drive a mom and her kids to the beach or a favorite park. 4) My favorite? Send a card. You can send something with a meaningful photo on the front and a heartfelt message on the inside. Don’t wait until it’s too late. There is no time like the present.

Relationship With Mom by Kathy Kendrick

by Jamie Henkin


Success Mastery Member

Janine Holman is a freelance writer, photographer, and travel blogger - founder of Life Beyond Awesome – a site of travel journeys for adventurers, foodies, and lovers of luxurious things. Her stories cover both local and international travel and focus on diving into cultures and communities and the people who make them thrive. Most of all Janine enjoys sharing her life’s adventures and showing others how they too can design a Life Beyond Awesome.

Janine Holman

Awaken Your Limitlessness Plant Seeds of Good Cheer “Let us be of good cheer, remembering that the misfortunes hardest to bear are those which never happen.” - James Russell Lowell

portantly, spend time with yourself. Nourishing your soul and being in good health levels you up to a life of limitlessness.

Most people go through life worrying about things that never come to fruition and worrying about situations that never happen. They live a life in “what if” mode and worst-case scenarios. What if I screw up? What if I can’t do it? What if I make the wrong decision? Well, I say “What if it turns out fabulous? What if you have success? What if you have the time of your life trying?”


Awake your limitlessness; be of good cheer. Set your mind straight. Change your outlook on life and yourself. Think positively rather than negatively. Worry no more! Don’t let yourself be confined by the limitations that your mind believes. Once you choose to design a life beyond awesome, a life that is limitless soon unfolds. It’s all about the choices you make. Choose to be positive. Choose to be in good health. Choose to be fearless. Choose to be ambitious. Choose to be bold. Plant these seeds in your life, and you, too, will soon feel limitless. PLANT SEEDS OF POSITIVITY We design our own life. Start designing a life of limitlessness and unleash the power of positive thinking. Focus on the good in every situation. Turn negatives into lessons and find humor in life. Be present in the present. Surround yourself with uplifting people. By changing your thoughts and your talk, you will be more joyful, more at peace, and more confident; you will reduce stress levels. PLANT SEEDS OF GOOD HEALTH How do you define good health? So, everybody has their own definition of good health. For me, good health is more than getting some exercise and more than eating more veggies. I’m talking about good health that nourishes your soul. When you nourish your soul with the right things, your body becomes in alignment, and you become limitless. Add to your sense of purpose by setting goals and managing your time. Always prioritize sleep. Make relaxing activities part of your daily routine. Focus on those things that move you forward and, most im-


Feed your mind with knowledge. Get inquisitive and dive into education that exposes yourself to things that are beneficial to you, to things that help you change and grow, and expand your faith in yourself. Read books that make you think. Know yourself deeply by meditating. Study things that make you grow. Once you start planting new knowledge in your mind, you’ll soon believe in things you never thought possible. Choose life today! But don’t just choose life. Choose a life of limitlessness, choose to be of good cheer, choose to live life boldly, and choose a life beyond awesome.




Voted San Diego’s Most Influential Woman MAKENA HAYES-GARGONNU Makena has been a celebrity event producer for 12 years. In addition, she consults with high profile entrepreneurs, is an event marketing strategist, and a social media influencer. In 1998, Makena first got started in event production where she worked closely with the executive producer, as her registration manager, who produced conferences to empower women on everything from culture to how to deal with conflict management to finances – essentially everything that a woman has to deal with. Before that, she put on community workshops for young girls to help them with self-esteem issues. Believing that comedy is a healthy part of life and that it’s time for audiences to see more positively influenced comedy shows that are clean, classy, and uplifting, Makena created her own production called “Conscious Comedy Explosion!” This is a production that shares the positive and conscience side of comedy. Being able to teach other women how to become entrepreneurs themselves and have a viable business is Makena’s greatest passion. She feels fortunate to be able to inspire women through her own business and immensely enjoys encouraging others to find their entrepreneurial passion as well. Live Love Laugh – that’s Makena’s drive in life, what she lives by. She feels that people need to fill their lives with love and laughter; that’s why she loves comedy. She also gets great satisfaction from making people feel good. It’s truly ironic how much joy Makena receives from making others happy – her name actually means “happy one.”

it because it meant she would be her own boss and would be able to live out her dreams. Super Woman Spa Party is an event series that Makena created with her best friend in order to make an impact in the community. Her friend is a massage therapist and a natural hair stylist. The two together use their skills to educate women about how to de-stress their lives and how to have more self-care. Makena realized that stresses of life affect our health, so this event is all about loving on women and pampering and entertaining them. One thing that Makena wants to ensure she accomplishes is to create a business that is wealthy enough to hire people and help them live their dreams. She and her husband also want to instill in their children that they, too, can create any kind of life they desire. The one great piece of advice Makena has is to stay close to God and have excellent mentors. She feels it’s important to have a secure faith base and a strong inner circle because there will be times when things are difficult and in those times you will want to jump ship. It’s your faith that keeps you hanging on and your inner circle that will rally behind you and push you through. Makena thanks her mom and dad for being such a vital part of her life. Growing up, her parents enrolled her in a performing arts school that had moved into their neighborhood and because of that school she is doing what she does today and is able to be the influencer she is.

Currently, Makena is working on a workshop project with Kim Coles from the hit TV show Living Single. This workshop is about training entrepreneurs, authors, and professional speakers on how to create their own signature message and how to build their brand. Although Makena has produced four events with Ms. Coles, this is the first one outside of San Diego and she is excited to be expanding her work with Ms. Coles. Through her own comedy show, Conscious Comedy Explosion!, Makena is producing a celebration show on the theme Dreams Are a Reality. This show is celebrating 12 years of business. Makena is most proud to be realizing her dream. She always wanted to work for herself and felt creatively stifled and held back in traditional jobs. She always wanted to be able to express her creativity and when she was blessed with the opportunity to have her own business, she knew in her soul she had to go after


Voted San Diego’s Most Temi’s passion is to move people – to honestly influence them. As a multiple award winning and renowned cellist and musical theater performer, she is obviously doing a tremendous job at just that. Temi kind of fell into the musical arena. As a young girl, she was immersed into athletics. One year her athletic teacher required the team to try out for drama club. Despite opposition, the teacher insisted. As it turned out, Temi had quite the musical talent and eventually ended up being 1 of 10,000 to compete for 10 spots at the conservatory. Since graduating from the conservatory, she has made her mark in the music and performing arts industry. Regardless of being new to San Diego, just 3 months here, Temi is leaving an impression on people’s lives. She worked quick to create her own community and instantly learned how appreciative people are of her music and theatrical endeavors. She has now created A Musical Home where she teaches music in people’s homes. Temi enjoys experiencing how music is entering people’s lives. She teaches moms, kids, mommy and me classes, Jewish cultural experiences, and

After having an unfortunate occurrence in her own home buying experience, Melissa decided to become an advocate for buyers and sellers to help them navigate through the real estate pathways. She’s been licensed since 1995 and is a multiple award-winning agent with Keller Williams. She is also a certified Military Residential and Relocation Specialist in San Diego and Riverside Counties. Melissa’s passion is helping people overcome adversity and challenges – letting people know that despite darkness there will always be light. Her heart for serving others comes from facing her own adversities and she always finds herself in the role of trying to help others be better. Melissa enjoys participating in the leadership committee for Keller Williams. Being on the committee gives her an opportunity to give back to the community by donating a portion of all commission to charity. One of the biggest projects Melissa enjoys is Red Day. This is a worldwide project through Keller Williams where one day in May all agents pull together and


Jewish baby music. Temi’s motto is do what you love, love what you do. Her success is a living example of her doing just that. She is most proud of finding her passion at a young age and having something that excites her and that she loves doing. Temi also feels blessed to have an incredible support system in her family. Be sure to catch Temi at her upcoming multiple Tony award winning show in June called “Once” at the Lamb’s Players Theatre in Coronado. This special show has no orchestra and each actor plays an instrument, acts, and sings. Temi also does Shabbat every Friday in Balboa Park. Temi Hason Written by Janine Holman

give back to their communities by helping the elderly, raising funds for a specific project, or something similar. Melissa’s father and grandfather were very giving men; they always helped people in need. As such, her own motto in life is do unto to others what you want for you. As she saw her father and grandfather do, she encourages others to go out into the world and be happy - serve others. Melissa’s message to other women entrepreneurs is to not let somebody else dim your light. Shine your light bright and be you. If being you bothers someone, give them some shades. Melissa feels her greatest accomplishment in life is producing wonderful kids. She’s proud her kids are successful adults making their own contributions to society. Melissa Huk Written by Janine Holman

Influential Woman - Top 4 Lani feels most people get stuck in this society of “I need to fit in” and “I need to feel this way to be part of that group” and she’s not having it anymore. She’s breaking that mold; and, through her two companies, Black Moon Images and Luxe Endless Beauty, she is empowering others to do the same. Lani simply wants you to do you. San Diego saw the launch of Black Moon Images five years ago; however, Lani originally started this company 13 years ago. She is a creative, colorful photographer specializing in events, corporations, and families. Lani most recently launched her boudoir company, Luxe Endless Beauty – a company that instills endless beauty, endless confidence, and endless self-love. Through these two endeavors, she works to empower others to break the societal mold of fitting in and emerge out the other side as the stronger, better, more confident you that you can be.

to leave people with an experience – not just photos, but with a renewed feeling and sense of empowerment. Through her photography, she gives back to the community by helping others grow in themselves and leave feeling more empowered than when they came. Lani also enjoys giving back to the community through fundraisers with art shows. St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital® and the Make-A-Wish® Foundation are two organizations for whom she has raised funds. Lani’s advice to other women entrepreneurs is to find a mentor – someone who will teach you some blueprints that will enable you to create whatever you want to create. Lani’s message to you is, “You are who you are and you are that person for a reason. Embrace it and run with it.” Lani Nicole Written by Janine Holman

Lani’s creative side is what compelled her to start her own businesses and she strives

Being an entrepreneur has not always been easy for Jillian, but it has been a way for her to be the kind of mom she always wanted to be and it allows her to do great things for other people. Jillian started her entrepreneurial journey nearly 10 years ago with an indoor playground in East County San Diego. That’s how she became known in local mom circles. After selling that business in 2013, she created the MomCo app, which brought her national recognition. Jillian created the MomCo app because she was the first of her friends to have a kid and she found herself unable to consult with other mom friends. After working hard to build her circle, she learned how important it was for moms to have other mom friends, so she created the MomCo app to fill that need.

Jillian feels it’s highly important in business to be able to understand, follow, and check other people’s work, so she recommends having an educational match to the business idea you have so that you can stay in control of your business. Leading by example and being engaged with her community makes Jillian a game changer. She’s proud to be a fantastic mom and making a difference for other moms. Her life mottos are “you can’t control what people do to you, but you can control what you do for others” and “she needed a hero, so she became one.” She encourages women to be the best you can be. Jillian Rose Darlington Written by Janine Holman

Realizing the largest expense of the MomCo brand was the app, in 2015 Jillian ditched the app and created MomCo Moms where she works with hundreds of moms who admin mom groups and organize play dates and mom’s nights out.


Voted San Diego’s Influential Women - Nominees VERONICA MENDEZ. I’m an Intuitive Energy Healer with many gifts. I’ve had a couple near death experiences at the young age if 2 & 3 years old nearly drowning in a pool both times. I miraculously survived being under water for 2-3 minutes, without damage to my lungs or brain. I believe I was given some of her gifts during these traumatic events. I have the gift of being able to feel people’s emotions and feeling pain in their body. What others might say is a curse, I’m using these gifts to help people release all the emotional energy they’ve been holding onto for years.

JJ VIRGIN, CNS, BCHN, EP-C Founder & CEO, Mindshare Summit and JJ Virgin & Associates Celebrity nutrition expert and Fitness Hall of Famer. She teaches how to eliminate food and carb intolerances so they can transform their health and their lives. Her latest book, Miracle Mindset, shows warrior moms how to be strong, positive leaders for their families, while exploring the inspirational lessons JJ learned as she fought for her own son’s life. In addition, JJ is also a business coach and founded the premier health entrepreneur event and community, The Mindshare Summit.

JESSICA FABRICIUS is an award-winning entrepreneur, YPO & EO speaker and active Real Estate Investor. Jessica is a sought-after Lender, providing funding of residential and commercial real estate from $75,000 to $75,000,000.00. She is also the catalytic partner for David Fabricius International, LLC, a global platform to financially transform the lives of millions. FEATURED IN GLOBAL MEDIA Jessica Bickford has been featured in the global publication, Woman Entrepreneur.

AMY TURNER, The No BS Sweetheart, will be your biggest cheerleader but watch out because she will not buy into any BS limiting beliefs from you. She is on a mission to make sure everyone knows they deserve to be seen and heard for who they truly are and in doing so, help people stop their “not good enough” beliefs and instead create new empowering beliefs. For the last 8 years, she’s been providing healing to her clients under her Marriage and Family Therapist title but felt limited with how she could really help people.

ADELIA CARRILLO is the Founder & CEO of Direct Cannabis Network. DCN is the leading digital B2B news network highlighting the latest tech, entrepreneurs and innovative companies in the cannabis industry. With her roots in the corporate and consumer electronic industry, her passion for technology, startups and innovation has been a key strength in her transition into the cannabis space. Becoming a voice for the upcoming startups, uniting the cannabis business community, Adelia is building an inspiring yet prominent voice in the world on the topic of cannabis entrepreneurship.

HEIDI SUTTON is a top performing Talent Management and Talent Acquisition Professional with over 10+ years of comprehensive HR experience in identifying, attracting, fostering and retaining top talent. Expertise in supporting multiple and diverse client groups along with high growth / (Pre-IPO) environments. Heidi is a Certified LinkedIn Recruiter with agency, corporate, and contract staffing experience supporting the advertising, creative, and digital/ tech industries along with a strong national clientele.

LA’TESHA NI’COLE ETURNUL Good evening, here is a few facts about my self. I had the business but really didn’t know where to begin. Some life trials, experiences and some educational coaching got me to the point that its time to go forward. We create designs that use the 3 E’s #Educate #Encourage #Empower, so through our designs, we live to #InspireSomeone We have received many awards and Acknowledgements throughout the years, however recently we were Honored with the Young Black &’N Business 2018 “Power” Award. Jan 27th, 2018

AMANDA BAYERLE is named the Pepper Pots OR the First Lady of Billion Dollar Body. She is the COO while with her husband Nicholas Bayerle is the CEO. She is passionate about all things business, health, and relationships. She spoke on stages for thousands of people before the age of 18, has traveled to 14 countries, has been an entrepreneur since birth and helped run multiple businesses. You can find Amanda working at her office in Temecula, enjoying wine country with friends and family, working out or online shopping.

DEVONA STIMPSON is a show-stopper entrepreneur on a mission to raise up the world around her. She excels as an artist, best-selling author, international speaker, and branding expert. Additionally, she co-authored the best-selling book, Passionistas: Tips Tales & Tweetables From Women Pursuing Their Dreams, and is the Creator of gangSTAR* CREATIVE which helps creatives succeed in business and life. You can find her being featured in press such as the Huffington Post, rocking stages with top influencers, and creating jaw-dropping, exclusive paintings.









Thought Leaders Zone

Wonder Woman Superwomen: Secrets For Success “Wow! How does she fly that glass airplane?!” That’s what I would always ask my mom as we’d sit to watch Wonder Woman, the late ‘70s TV series. Wonder Woman, or Diana Prince as she was known when she wasn’t being a superhero, almost never resorted to deadly force. Instead, she’d find creative ways to get her opponents to knock themselves out as she’d push or throw them, rarely ever seriously hurting them, unlike most of the other male superheroes on television. Even as Diana Prince, an agent with the Inter-Agency Defense Command, she created success with strategy and instinct. Just like Wonder Woman, my mother also displayed similar instincts and mastery of intuition, tact, and an acute understanding of timing (she always knew the right timing!). I remember sitting at the kitchen table every Sunday morning as she cooked for hours. I was her trusted assistant and she managed four or five different dishes in-progress at the same time, all at different levels of completion, and she never missed a beat. During the week, she worked in a men’s suit factory. Day in and out, she’d spend 8 hours sewing the lining onto the back panel of suit jackets. Her work environment and colleagues may as well have had their own TV series. She would share stories of the other women (each had an animal code name that identified some aspect of their personality - the wolf, the elephant, and the vulture) and explained her strategy for success and happiness, “I have a bigger vision - my coworkers are part of the entertainment of life. I know why I’m’s you!” Selflessness. Over and over, I learned that selflessness provided an element of drive and freedom that allowed her (and now me) to be up to something bigger and have an UNstoppable spirit. I’ve been blessed to have more than one mother figure in my life. My American Mom spent most of her adult life traveling the globe as she led medical experts on education and SCUBA experiences. From stories of floating lost at sea overnight after a dive boat forgot her and her companions behind - to delaying a small plane from taking off without her clients by wrapping herself around the landing gear - she is a force to be reckoned with who often puts the needs of others before her own. UNselfish. Consider some of the prominent Wonder Women who inspire the world daily simply by who they are being. Dolly Parton, UNapologetic in who she is. Ellen Degeneres, UNashamed and UNstoppable in her mission to inspire others to be kind. Oprah Winfrey, UNmessable in her beliefs and convictions. Whether we follow their lead or we look to the women closest to us, observe the Wonder Women in your life to glean lessons of patience, perseverance, commitment, compassion, and even business strategy. Women are the originals - superheroes and teachers. Look to them for success principles to radically shift your own success trajectory in business and life! by Davide Di Giorgio


You Go Girl! Kids can change everything. Anyone who has kids has heard this before, likely before the kids were even born. I never knew the extent of how true this could be until I had two of my own. I was happily married, had just graduated with my Master’s in Business Administration, and was working my way up the corporate ladder with a 15-year marketing career; already under my belt when baby number one was born. I had to commute two hours each way and it was a bit like a scene out of the movie Planes, Trains, and Automobiles. Each morning and afternoon I drive, take a bus, take a ferry, take a walk, and take a shuttle between my office and home, which left a lot of time pondering how I could do my life different and better. Oftentimes it takes something lifechanging to alter a comfortable, safe, and stable course of wake, work, and sleep. It’s Friday! It’s another repeat. For me, having kids was life-changing. I wanted to be present for my family and I wanted something more than an eight-hour workday plus a four-hour commute. My catalyst into life as an entrepreneur may not be the same as yours, but don’t wait for something to happen to pursue what you love. When I left the security of my career at a Fortune 500 company, I started consulting. Consulting allows me to set my hours and work when and where I want. When thinking of making a change, keep in mind that you are the expert in something that someone isn’t, and people without your skill will pay for your expertise. Creating the passion and flexibility you want in your life can begin with these simple steps: 1. Start consulting. A consultant provides the expertise and manpower needed without the expense of bringing on a full-time employee. Companies are always looking to work with consultants for projects or to achieve their long-term objectives.

2. Get uncomfortable. Life as an entrepreneur needs hard work to be successful; you must be bold, ask for what you want, and step outside of your comfort zone. I vividly remember my very first sales meeting with my first client. I sat up the meeting (without any prior connection to this client) to present my ideas on how to improve their business. Driving to this first meeting, I was so nervous and kept thinking of all the reasons I should turn the car around. 3. Don’t let self-doubt paralyze you from acting. I sat in my car before going into that first meeting and gave myself a pep talk. This meeting could change the course of my life. I had to make it happen, and no one else would do it, but me. 4. No one is going to push you but yourself. When you’re an entrepreneur, it’s up to you to pick up the phone, send that email, or create that business plan. That meeting landed me my first client in the wine industry and opened many, many doors that I never thought would be possible if I would have succumbed to my fears and stayed in the car that day.

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5. Do something every day that will keep the momentum going. That could be something like identifying a list of key clients, finding a web developer, or ordering business cards. Do something. 6. Find your passion and go after it. Wine is my passion and marketing is my area of expertise. I merged those two to start my marketing consulting business focusing on helping wineries grow sales through social media and traditional marketing. 7. Life is what you make it and no one determines your success except you. If you’re thinking of doing something different with your life and career, I encourage you today to take that first step to make it happen. by Brooke Huffman COMING MAY 25th STAY TUNED


Success Mastery Member Hi my name is Alan, I’m an experienced iPhone technician. I have been selling and repairing iPhones, laptops and all forms of electronics for five years. I started Mobilezilla with the intention of helping as many people and animals as I can, so ten percent of all proceeds going toward red cross and different animal shelters.

Alan Leung

Brain Fitness for Intro-preneurs Do you ever feel like your brain isn’t working optimally? That there just might be more untapped power waiting within? Well, you’re not the only one. Our brains are incredibly powerful and efficient if we utilize them properly. This may seem like an odd topic to tie specifically to introverts. After all, what does this have to do with us? Everything, I would argue, as introverts like myself are usually caught up in their own minds. I believe we want to know why we think and process the way we do and then improve on it. So if you’re an introvert that wants these things, too, here are 3 brain hacks just for you, designed to increase productive brain activity.

Meditation Ever been to the gym and lifted heavy weights? You know that feeling when your muscle is flexed as it’s going through your workout? Well that’s basically how your brain is all the time. It’s on (flexed) 24/7. Even when we are sleeping, the brain is still active in the background. It’s hard to get full use out of it if you don’t allow it to rest. That is where meditation comes in. It allows us to relax the brain and quiet it down. There are many different ways to meditate: guided and silent. I prefer silent meditation and focusing on my breathing. Thoughts come and go, and that’s okay, but the main thing I do is listen to my breathing. It allows my mind to “un-flex” and relax.


Nutrition We’ve all heard the adage “You are what you eat”. For many of us in San Diego, we would be french fries, burgers, pizza, or burritos. The problem is our brains need vital nutrition in order to function at peak capacity. You can’t pour 83 Arco-rated gasoline into a Lamborghini and expect it to run like a race car; in the same way you can’t put in junk food and expect your mind to perform like an all-star. Some great food items to nourish the brain for higher functionality include: green leafy vegetables, walnuts, avocados, eggs, blueberries, healthy omega 3s like wild salmon, fish oil, coconut products, and turmeric. If you practice incorporating healthier choices into your diet, the difference in your mind power will be noticeable within 2 weeks!

Reading Don’t just feed your mind with the right nutrition. Provide it with the right information to grow and expand. You feed your mind with books on personal growth, development, and success. Our mind is like a garden; it can either be full of weeds or a haven of beautiful plants and flowers. By training your brain in the right way, it will build upon itself each day, creating new synapses. Not only that, but it will also help increase willpower and creativity. There you have it guys: 3 simple hacks to increase your brain power. Give it a try for 30 days, and you’ll notice a world of change. If you’re looking for an even more drastic level-up, here are two bonus tips. Exercise and get your heart rate up 5X a week for at least 30 minutes. Finally, take quick power naps to refresh your mind when you’re feeling sluggish. Have at it, my friends!

Success Mastery Member My name is Dominic Cruz and I am a Social Media Marketer, exprofessional hip-hop dancer, & a college graduate from SDSU. I was born in New Orleans, but raised in Boston, MA. I have a strong passion for serving others and their business. I was introduced to social media marketing back in 2013 and what was amazing about the experience in the beginning was I made 20 sales in one week with 1 Facebook advertisement. That experience is what led me to serving tons of business owners.

Dominic Cruz

Let’s be honest. Without her, the influence and guidance she had for me wouldn’t be there. She encouraged me to be brave when situations went sideways. Thankfully, she was there every step of the way even when she was 3,000 miles away when I was younger. The way she hugged me was breathtaking. The way she comforted me when I was hurt was incredible. The way she is…..amazing. You probably have a good idea about who I’m talking, but if you don’t, she’s my Mom! She is the only woman I know that is not only strong as hell physically, mentally, and spiritually, but she is a great example of what I call a leader. I’m going to share a couple examples of why my mom is a strong, influential woman.

Her Love What can I say, she is a bundle of joy and welcomes people with open arms. Any time you meet her, she will let you know that you are welcome to talk to her, hang out with her, or even come to the family outings. She’s always smiling and if she sees you down, her presence is all you will need because she’s a bundle of joy. The best part about her is that she is selfless and she cares a lot about others because she knows that other people are just as important.

She Influences Her Guidance Now I will say this, there have been times where I was hard headed and I didn’t want to listen to her guidance. But, those times I didn’t listen…..well, let’s just say that I should have listened. When I wanted to drop out of college and just follow my own thing, she reminded me why I was in school. She reminded me that building the foundation was going to be important in my future. Well, she wasn’t lying and she helped me every step of the way to get to where I wanted to be. These examples are why I consider my mother a very strong, influential woman in my life. She was there to guide me through college, dance, and life. I wouldn’t be the man I am without her because the way she influenced me helped me become a leader and helped me impact other people’s lives.


DON’T BE A DOUCHEBAG True story (only names are changed to respect privacy). Rose had opened her WhatsApp one morning and was surprised to find a message from an unknown person, “Hi, this is George from LinkedIn.” Most people know LinkedIn is a Business Platform. So, Rose politely answered the message, “Hi George, how are you?” At all hours of the day and night, Rose started getting weird messages. It left her with no other choice but to block the number and delete her number from LinkedIn. This story is about douchebags; I’m guessing you can imagine how the rest of the conversation went. As a gentleman, you need to know: We are equals and must be treated respectfully. This kind of action will never be cool. We are women and not objects. We are businesswomen; entrepreneurs who deserve to be appreciated and valued. It does not matter if you are the boss or the employee. Sexual advancement and demeaning comments towards our gender show the lack of actual connection that some men have with their masculinity and their feelings. It does not make you MORE of a MAN…quite the contrary. We do not want to be treated like a sack of meat, NO MORE. It could be your sister, your daughter, your wife, or even your Mom going through that experience. A TRUE MAN would never allow this. We are not the weaker sex. We are professional, smart, and unstoppable women who want to do business with other like-minded and heart centered individuals (men and women).


Equality and respect are starting to win many battles.Times are changing fast, and it’s all for good. We are waking up. And we have great men walking with us. Even if you were raised with different beliefs and values, you can decide what to believe today and what will be the foundation you want to build in your life and your business. Please choose wisely! Your present and future depend on it! Dare to be bold by challenging every belief you have! How do you want to be remembered? Like a bully, a jerk, a douchebag, or a kind and powerful man who stood up for what is right, regardless of others’ opinion. “Integrity is what you must do even when nobody is watching,” author unknown. Nowadays mistakes are even more impossible to hide because what happens on social media will remain forever. Behave the way you want to be remembered; there is nothing sadder than being labeled as a “douchebag” forever. You have the power to build, or destroy, your reputation. How would you like to be remembered? “Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” ~Mahatma Gandhi

by Sylvia Chavez

5 Reasons More Women Are Not Financially Fit

Financial literacy is not just about knowing, but more about doing No one takes from another person if they get rich or wealthy. Therefore, why are some smart, amazing, hard-working, and go-getter women not financially wealthy? Money is a resource and there is plenty for everyone. Here are five reasons why some women are not financially wealthy and how we can change this. 1.Her Priorities Are Off I know that motherhood has big responsibilities and it requires time. This can affect our careers. But at the same time, there are plenty of women who are super successful who have kids and business responsibilities who have attracted wealth into their lives (Sheryl Sandberg, COO of Facebook; Shonda Rhimes, TV Producer and Writer). You should know where to put your time, energy, and thoughts. Stop for a moment and ask yourself, what do you need to do to become financially wealthy and free? What sacrifices are you willing to make to reach your dreams and goals? Most importantly, you need to know your responsibility as a woman. 2.She Is Afraid of Finances A lot of women would rather delegate the finances to their significant other. This is a huge mistake. What would you do if something happened to that person? Are you prepared to take over? As women, we need to be transparent and be ready for unexpected events or circumstances. If you are in a relationship, remember that it is both of your duties to know what is going on financially and be prepared for the future. If you are single, it is your responsibility to know where you stand when it comes to your finances. 3.She Doesn’t Have a Budget and a Plan The budget and plan are very important. If you don’t know where you are going, you are going to end up somewhere else. Monitor your expenses. It is

important to know where your money is going on a monthly basis. Each month your budget is going to be different due to seasonal charges that you don’t pay monthly. By knowing where your money goes monthly, it allows you to allocate money first to what is most important, which is saving for the future. 4.She Is Her Worst Enemy You are the best teacher of yourself. One thing that tends to hold women back is they tell themselves they cannot do this or that. She has adopted that story and, therefore, it has stopped her from growing and achieving what she is capable of. Drop the money story you’ve been telling yourself and other people. Only you believe it. Start taking responsibility for where are you spending your money and why you are not where you should be. It is not about what happened to you in the past, but what you can do for yourself from now on. 5.She Lacks Financial Literacy It’s not your fault. We were not taught in school how to manage our finances. Also, Financial Advisors don’t want you to learn either, as they want you to pay them to manage your money.

Five Tips to Eating Clean &

Fitting Into Your Favorite Jeans To be beautiful on the outside, you must start with taking care of yourself on the inside. I had my second baby almost two years ago. I gained 50 pounds with her and wasn’t sure if I would be able to lose it all. I don’t believe in diets, but I do believe in eating healthy. Diets are just temporary, but eating clean is a lifestyle. Recently I got on the scale and saw that I lost the 50 pounds, but I had gained with my baby an extra 4 pounds! I wanted to share five tips that helped me lose the weight: 1. Avoid eating fast food. Instead, try grabbing a rotisserie chicken from Costco or the deli section of the grocery store (Sprouts is my favorite) for a sandwich. Create a menu and grab groceries on the weekend so that you can make quick (30 minutes or less) healthy meals and aren’t forced to grab something at the last minute.

But you don’t have to stay financially illiterate. There are plenty of resources available. Also, that is what I am here for, to teach you Money 101 and Money 102.

2. Stay away from anything packaged, processed, or full of ingredients you can’t pronounce. Shop the perimeter of the grocery store and stick to your premade list. Think of your groceries as fuel for your body. If it swims in the sea, walks on the ground, or grows in the soil or on trees, it is ok!

Remember, “Financial education is the path to freedom.”

3. Find healthy substitutes. Clean out your pantry and toss all foods that contain refined sugar; just make sure to do it when your kids are not home! (LOL)

by Sara Chevere

It’s best to get your sugar from fruits and veggies. Try sticking to foods that have less than 6 grams of sugar per serving. Want a French baguette? Get quinoa or brown rice. Want yogurt but want to avoid dairy? Try coconut yogurt. Want some chips? Try some berries. They are your best weight loss option. 4. Avoid soda, energy drinks, alcohol, and juice. Drink water and milk (unsweetened almond or coconut are great alternatives to dairy) instead. Coffee is ok, too. Try stevia as a sugar alternative in your coffee. The occasional glass of white wine won’t hurt (red wine can make you bloated), but a beer is full of empty calories. 5. Exercise. Take baby steps when you first begin. You don’t need to spend hours in the gym. You can go for a 20-minute walk every day and it will make a huge difference. Whether it is to fit into your favorite pair of jeans, to be healthy for your children, or to feel beautiful in your skin, find your motivation. When you find your motivation, think of that when you write your grocery list and go to the store. Remember, if you don’t buy it and it’s not in your house, you won’t eat it! Once you start bringing healthy food into your home, you will be more likely to build a habit of living a healthy lifestyle. You will begin to feel beautiful on the inside and the outside, too. by Lauren B. Aven, M.A. ENTREPRENEUR LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE 31

All About Her Minimalism In May Women are powerful consumers, sometimes making up 70-80% of the market. In today’s consumer driven society, it’s easy to fall victim to overconsumption and find yourself buying things you don’t need. To be clutter free and break away from the gendered targeting that occurs in the market, I compiled a short list of tips to help you break free from the linear consumption model. Share these tips with someone you know who has to dump out their purse in order to find their keys. Living with less is a great way to declutter and make it easy to find the things that matter in your life. Use what you have When it comes to wardrobe, abandon the thought of luxury wear. Think of it like indulge wear. Why hold onto a super cute pair of shoes you wear once a year. Why hold onto rocking a jacket you know you look great in? The point is to LOVE the clothes you have so that you actually wear them and get good use out of them. It does no justice to you or itself to keep that one great outfit you have for special occasions. Believe that every day is special. Borrow, don’t buy Given that the market is banking on you being a consumer and making a purchase of need, the ultimate punch in the gut is to not be a consumer. Lend, borrow, or loan what you need. If you have siblings, this isn’t a foreign concept; if you don’t, make friends. How much makeup do you really need? Be honest with yourself and look at your collection. Is it expired, is it a tone you use often, is it a blender sponge that should definitely get thrown out? This is a good time to look at other environmentally friendly makeup products as well as looking at the ones you use and don’t use so much. by Juan David Ortiz-Romero


Go anywhere, rent anything.





Success Mastery Mentor

Three Reasons Your Business Needs a Strong Woman Stephen Dela Cruz is a best selling author, speaker and serial entrepreneur who specializes in helping budding entrepreneurs double their income in their first year. He’s built several 7 figure businesses and in his online school, The Mastermind Experience, he shares strategies around time and money management to help beginning entrepreneurs soar. You can see more about Stephen on his website.

Stephen Dela Cruz

Religious views have always played a part in dictating how society acts. Different cultures all over the world are defined by the religion that is predominant in that region. When the Christian church was first established, the predominate religion was Jewish, and back in those days women were not viewed as contributing members of society, they weren’t able to testify in court or to trade commerce. They were confined to their homes and most of them were likely illiterate. Women had no value and men were in charge of leading. Some church sects still have the same views and beliefs today and some cultures around the world treat their women even worse than their livestock. One thing that people from that time period and people who still don’t value women don’t recognize is that when Jesus died, everyone was in a slump. It wasn’t until Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James, and Salome went to Jesus’ tomb and found it empty. Not to make this a religious article, but it was these women who went into town and told everyone that Jesus had risen. The men in the town didn’t even believe them. They had to bring them for proof of what they were saying. Women were the first ever evangelists. I may have come up with the idea of this magazine, but I put it in the hands of three women to create and grow it. Now that I think of it, all of my companies are actually run by women.


As a business coach, I get asked all the time how to grow and scale a business. One big piece of advice I give is this: hire a strong woman. Here are three reasons your business needs a strong woman in order to flourish. 1. Women are compassionate and welcoming. They have natural customer service skills that men have to learn. They care for others naturally and wanting to help people is in their nature. For that reason they make exceptional leaders and managers. 2. Women have a natural creativity. Men are 1+1=2 while women will decorate the #2. Business is all about client experiences and women go above and beyond to make the client feel the best during the entire process of a business transaction. 3. Women take more ownership. I’m not trying to put down my fellow man, but men take pride in what they have while women take pride in what they have done. They take responsibility and treat a company like it is their own even just as employees. In closing, whether you are a man or a woman business owner and no matter what you were raised to believe about women, understand that having a team of strong women in your business and surrounding you is vital to your success.

Richard Fenton & Andrea Waltz

Go for NO! by


When setting goals, most entrepreneurs aim for results. We want as many customers as possible to say YES to us or our products. In their book, “Go For NO!,” authors Richard Fenton & Andrea Waltz share a different take on this: what if the goal is to get as many NO’s possible? What would the point of this be? Well, let’s say the goal is to close 3 deals in a day. You’ve reached it. Great job! Most likely you would then stop, since you’ve reached your goal, and move on to other important things like spending time with family or working out. Sounds about right, right? Now let’s say your goal is to get 20 NO’s for the day. You’ve closed 3 deals within your 11 calls, but you didn’t stop because you didn’t hit 20 NO’s yet. Now, at the end of the day, you ended up with 5 closes. According to the authors, going for NO’s will help maintain your momentum and help gain more results in the process. Getting a YES is easy. But a NO is powerful. Rejection creates opportunities for learning - knowing how to face challenges, gain experience, and how to practice healthy responses to negativity - lessons that we wouldn’t have received if we simply got a yes. As Fenton and Waltz say, “Every no brings me closer to a yes.” Isn’t this true!? In addition to the power of NO’s, the authors explain the “5 Levels of Failures.” I’ve definitely heard of other “5 Levels…,” but not in failures. My brain was definitely tickled by this concept. Of course I did a self-check to see what level of failure I fall into. It was simple to do, as each level was explained simply and thoroughly. According to my calculations, I fall into the 5th level. I’m relieved, as one of 5th level failure is self-awareness and to be able to change your mind about things - two important traits to being able to apply the concepts taught in this book. Clare Mitchell says “Going back to the basics strengthens your foundation.” I believe this speaks to the message of “Go for NO.”


At plain site, the ones who have the most skillful techniques, or who are the most up-to-date with digital tools, seem to win the most sales. But after reading this book, I’d argue that it’s really the ones who get the most NO’s, the ones who never quit. As an entrepreneur myself, there are times I get distracted by new tech trends, productivity apps, and courses. I get off track to the main goal - connecting with the customers who will buy my service. “Go for NO!” helped me redirect my mindset and taught me helpful ways to react to NO’s & rejections. If you still have a sense of attachments to the outcome of your closing process, especially when rejected or getting a NO, I highly recommend this book! by Jennifer Meim


What’s Going On San Diego? Having over a decade of experience as a photographer, Lani Nicole noticed she was consistently asked the same questions just before a photoshoot: How should I style my hair? What should I wear? What about my makeup? I’m not very good with makeup. Can you pose me for the photo? Lani also noticed that many of her friends attended networking events or led extremely social lives. She wants ladies to boldly attend events feeling spectacular about themselves – full of self-confidence and self-love. Wanting to truly empower women, Lani decided to create an event that would do just that. Enter Empower – A Women’s Movement If you have ever felt self-conscious about having your picture taken, you will want to attend this event because it is all about empowering women. You will receive hands-on tutorials from professionals for hair and makeup styles you can do yourself. You will also receive wardrobe styling assistance, a mini photo session, and a 30-minute posing and composition session with Lani where she will teach you tricks of the trade to help you look great in every photo. You will leave this event feeling confident, beautiful, and inspired and be part of a community where you can truly be yourself and not feel like you have to “fit in.” The two photos you choose to take home with you can be used as headshots for social media profile pictures or marketing materials or whatever your little heart desires. If you want to feel empowered and gorgeous in your pictures, hurry as this event is strictly a small group affair. Go to for more information. by Janine Holman



d n i m r e t s Ma Com e h ik e and mast ermi nd wi th li ke m i nde d indivi dual s! F i nd u s on F acebook to RSV P!

26 th M ay

Sa turda y M ay 2 6 th @ 8am M aria n Bea r M emori al Na t ural Park Trai l , San Di ego, C A 9 211 7

C heck upcomi ng event s a t LB D m a ga zi / ca l enda r





April was an amazing month for the Life By Design team, and that’s no joke! The first Monday of every month, more than 100 business professionals, entrepreneurs, and influencers participate in our monthly Magazine Launch Mixer. April was a huge hit. It was amazing to see all the new business relationships being formed and hearing a powerful message from Cole and Sanja Hatter about making money matter, our Entrepreneurs of the Month. Mark your calendar for the next mixer the first Monday of every month. The results came in for San Diego’s Most Influential Woman contest for the May edition of Life By Design and we are extremely happy with the results. We had the privilege of getting to know our top five winners during the photoshoot at the Balboa Park Rose Garden, and we know you will love the pictures. It was a very powerful experience gathering San Diego’s most influential women in such a beautiful place on a gorgeous day. Keep an eye out for our next contest. It’s going to be awesome! At Life By Design, working hard doesn’t mean we don’t take time to relax and have fun, so it is no surprise that we joined the rest of the Stegela family for a vocal night of Karaoke at Min Sok Chon on Convoy. It’s pretty much impossible not to have fun while eating great food and singing familiar tunes with like-minded friends and family. Add to that, a night of dancing on the water with Success Circle on a Hornblower Dinner Cruise to welcome new members. But now we are ready to get back to work; batteries fully charged! We are looking forward to our next Life By Design Hike & Mastermind at Pyles Peak. We had an awesome turnout for our first hike up Cowles Mountain in March and it was an amazing success with lots of ideas generated and inspiration shared. If you’d like to explore the outdoors with other entrepreneurs, don’t miss the next one. Mark your calendar for the second Saturday of every month. Speaking is an important part of influencing, so we are really excited to participate again in the Stegela sponsored Speaker’s Open Mic, hosted by Lynda West and Living Live the third Monday of the month. Getting to practice our speaking and gaining valuable feedback while meeting new people is always an amazing time. by Dave Evans

Technical Director


WHAT IS YES? YES stands for Young Entrepreneur Society. We are a California Nonprofit 501(c)(3) that serves high schools on a weekly basis. Every week our team of volunteers hosts school clubs during their lunch breaks to bring them FREE lunch & activities, speakers, and videos around the spirit of entrepreneurship.

WHY YES? Suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death in teens between 13 and 18. Depression and anxiety are the number 1 and 2 mental illnesses suffered among students in high school. 1 out of 6 teens have seriously considered suicide. 1 out of 12 have attempted suicide. 78% of students have started drinking alcohol. 42.5% of students have used drugs. Of that, 25% have used hard drugs such as cocaine, LSD, and Ecstasy. 50% of students have been bullied online. Every 26 seconds a student drops out of high school. We believe this is due to lack of purpose and lack of vision. Our team comes in every week to bring the spirit of entrepreneurship to give hope and vision for their future! We focus on goal setting, personal development, budgeting, serving, team building, etc.

GET INVOLVED! We are looking entrepreneurs, business professionals and companies who will become financial parters with YES on a monthly basis to impact the students of San Diego! By being a financial partner, we invite you to speak to our students, have your logo placed in our monthly magazine articles (10,000 print distribution monthly) and invite you to our yearly gala & networking mixer.

Text the word MENTOR to 766-26 to donate and get involved!




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