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News Samsung Offers Upgrades for Last Year’s Smart TVs Samsung has used CES as the platform to launch a hardware module for its 2012 Smart TVs that will provide the same capabilities as 2013 models, allowing Smart TV adapters to access the latest technological benefits without having to buy a whole new TV set. The Evolution Kit provides additional processing and memory to enable faster Internet browsing speeds, enhanced voice and motion controls, and app multitasking while watching TV. This upgrade will allow last year’s models to run Samsung’s new 2013 Smart Hub interface.
Amazon’s Mobile Sales revealed Analysts have now estimated that Amazon is making $3 billion to $5 billion in annual sales from mobile devices. In accordance with Amazon’s 2012 revenue forecast, which puts the company’s net sales at $60 billion in 2012, mobile sales will equate to 5 percent to 8 percent of the money spent with Amazon. In contrast, eBay is said to be anticipating mobile sales to hit $10 billion in 2012, which is at least twice as much as Doshi’s conservative estimate for Amazon. That could equate to nearly 16 percent of eBay’s 2012 revenue. This represents a growth of this category of more than 100%.
JESSopS AdmINISTrATIoN All StOrES ClOSEd Edward Williams, rob Hunt and matthew Hammond of pwC were appointed joint administrators of the Jessop Group limited on 9th January 2013 It’s been discussed almost constantly on Pixel’s forums since the brand first came into difficulties some years ago, but until recently, the demise of Jessops seemed to be on a distant horizon. In fact, this very issue of Pixel was due to carry a report that Jessops were to close 15 stores but that it was hoped no redundancies were to be made. However, as we went to press it was confirmed that the chain had called in the administrators, and shortly after it was announced that all of the company’s stores would be closed. Turnover in the year to 31st December 2012 was £236m and Jessops operated from 192 stores with around 2000 employees throughout the UK. PWC’s statement explained that “Despite additional funding being made available to the company by the funders, Jessops has not generated the profits it had planned with a consequent impact on its funding needs. This was exacerbated by a credit squeeze in the supplier base.” Rob Hunt, joint administrator and partner, PwC said: “The directors, funders and key
suppliers have been in discussions as regards to additional consensual financial support for the business. However these discussions have not been successful. In light of these irreconcilable differences the directors decided to appoint administrators and we were appointed earlier today. “Our most pressing task is to review the Company’s financial position and hold discussions with its principal stakeholders to see if the business can be preserved.” Just days after the administration, reports began flooding in that Jessops stores were closing and PwC confirmed that all stores were to close and that the staff would be made redundant.
The Connected Home Comes to CES It’s a concept that’s been in the works for a few years, but this year the Connected Home really made its presence felt at CES
Amongst more than 33,000 consumer electronics exhibitors, this year almost 1000 are dedicated to connected home technologies, from the accepted home entertainment applications to a new influx of energy efficient lightbulbs with built-in technology that allows consumers to control them with mobile apps. Philips, one brand introducing new connected devices, said that making devices “future-proof” is the key to inspiring consumer confidence and achieving new sales. Energy-efficient, hardwearing
technologies are set to be increasingly popular. Wi-Fi-connected, easy-to-install thermostats, locks and alarm systems also began to make their presence felt at this year’s CES. From sharing-enabled cameras to the tweeting fridges which have become notorious amongst tech experts, connectivity is being introduced (or at least considered) in every corner of the electronics market. Some of these markets, such as Smart TVs and tablets, have already achieved huge success with more promised, whilst others are just beginning to show their potential.
reacts quickly, misses nothing
Capture all the action with 12 framesper-second shooting, 1080 Full HD movie capture and continuous autofocus for movies and stills.
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BEST IMAGING INNOVATION Sony SLT, Translucent Mirror Technology
16/01/2013 13:58
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11/01/2013 11:50
The InsIder Saying what you’re thinking and asking the difficult questions. each week the Insider reports from the front line of our industry. I had a couple of topics that I wanted to talk about in this column, and was deciding between them when the news about Jessops popped up on my radar (and RSS feeds, and Twitter, and LinkedIn, and Facebook, etc). I expect there are going to be a lot of “I told you so’s” floating around in the industry, and I’m wondering whether I should add my voice to them or not. On one hand, I can look back at previous issues of Pixel and another magazine I sometimes work with, and see that I have clearly stated several times that high street “camera” retailers need to diversify, or else. And clearly we see that Jessops has fallen prey to the “or else” part. But did I actually think it would happen to them? I’m not sure. So many retailers on Pixel’s forums insisted that they must be hanging by a thread, but others argued that with HSBC’s 47% stake, this last big name in the traditional school of camera retail would not be going anywhere. Yet, here we are. Jessops were changing, in what I feel was
Jessops Store
the right direction, but it’s clear now that it wasn’t far enough or fast enough. They are still very much a “camera shop”, and I’ve spoken at length about what’s happening to those. Trevor Moore was largely responsible for picking the business up off the floor before... of course then he left to take up a similar position at HMV. It would appear he was too late to rescue the music retailer as I hear that they too are now in administration! Trying times indeed...
The Perfect Touch Sony Uses Artrage To Demonstrate Sony Vaio Touch PCs Ambient Design’s ArtRage programme has been chosen by Sony to highlight the creative touch screen capabilities of the new Sony VAIO PCs for Windows 8 at the Sony VAIO fall product line launch, held in New York City. ArtRage Studio and Studio Pro v. 3.5 are being demonstrated on touch-enabled VAIO PCs by a variety of artists, showing the benefits to professional and even beginning artists. ArtRage’s powerful software has been optimisesd for multi-touch screens, ArtRage not only lets the user rotate, scale and move the canvas with two fingers - it allows them to become an amazing digital artist, providing the experience of actually painting digitally on a computer touch screen canvas with oil paints that smear and blend, and watercolors that flow together to create soft, wet gradations,
just as they would in a traditional art studio. ArtRage is also to be included with select Sony VAIO Touch PCs in the USA: the Sony VAIO Tap 20, Sony VAIO Duo 11, Sony VAIO L24, Sony VAIO E14P, and Sony VAIO T13.
Scan the code to view the video on
News Ilford Invests in Analogue Ilford Photo has not made cassettes for 35mm photographic film in the UK since the early 1960s, but since the rise of digital imaging, demand for film cassettes has Peter Elton, Harman Managing Director dwindled from many brands, so manufacturers have generally stopped supplying them. To overcome this Harman has invested over £350K in setting up its own cassette manufacturing facility. The installation project has been completed ahead of schedule and is now in production making cassettes for the world famous Ilford range of black and white photographic films, at the factory in Mobberley, Cheshire, England. Harman Managing Director, Peter Elton says, “This is just another example of our ongoing commitment to traditional monochrome photography. We are now able to manufacture our own cassettes and this gives us, and our customers, improved security for the future of film production”.
Cooke Optics to be Honoured at 85th Academy Awards® Cooke Optics will receive an Academy Award of Merit — an Oscar statuette — for its continuing innovation in the design, development and manufacture of motion picture camera lenses. The Academy commented that Cooke receives an Award of Merit because it “helped define the look of motion pictures over the last century.” Cooke lenses are renowned in the industry for the ‘Cooke Look’, which gives a warm, natural feel to images on the screen. The British company’s innovations over the years have included zoom lenses for movie cameras, the ‘fast’ prime lenses that eliminated the need for bright lights, and more recently its ground-breaking /i Technology protocol, a system adopted by many leading camera and lens manufacturers, that collects crucial lens metadata to provide more accurate information to camera operators and postproduction teams. 3
Pixel 14th January 2013.indd 3
16/01/2013 13:57
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Pixel 14th January 2013.indd 4
16/01/2013 12:02
Pixel asks Robert Clark, leading retail market consultant and partner of RPS Global what the real impact of online sales is on the high street, and finds out the crucial role televisions and other electronics products are playing in this change.
Robert, what’s the real impact of online retail on high street sales? Retail sales on the internet and their growth have been the subject of widely varying, often alarming estimates. Figures up to 30% of total retail sales have been bandied about by prophets of high street doom, while more conservative figures around the 13% level have lately become common. Of course, it all depends on what is included in the figures, but the fact is that on the usual definition of retail sales, essentially goods commonly sold in shops (i.e. excluding train and theatre tickets, petrol etc), the actual proportion is still around 10%. However, it is likely to exceed that level in 2013 - and the share has more than doubled over the last four years. Hitherto, retail sales nerds (like me!) have added up estimated individual figures for the known, big on-line retailers - both the multiple high street retailers with significant website sale and the traditional home shopping majors who are rapidly switching to the internet, together with the fast growing, important on-line specialists - then added a factor for the rapidly expanding band of smaller online specialists. Now, our unofficial calculations indicating that the internet’s share of total retail sales remained below 10% have been given some vindication by new sets of figures introduced by the Office for National Statistics. These might not have been widely circulated yet, as they are hidden away towards the bottom of the ONS’s monthly 100+ page report on retail sales. How is the proportion of internet sales changing, year-on-year? The figures show that by 2008 annual internet retail sales were already close to £14bn, which was fractionally under 5% of total retail sales in that year.
Photography Petr Kratochvil ©
Robert Clark, leading retail market consultant and partner of RPS Global
“ In 2012, however, sales growth was higher in the second quarter than the first, driven in particular by sharp increases above recent levels for household goods shops and department stores”
Since then, annual internet sales growth has taken the total to an estimated £29bn in 2012 and, thereby, closer to 10% of the retail total. With internet sales likely to have risen by about 16% in 2012 (against fractionally over 3% growth for retail sales as a whole), the expectation must be for yet another double digit rise in 2013, albeit probably below the 2012 rate. This would take the internet total to some £33bn in 2013, just over 10% of RPS’s forecast retail total for the year. So the growth of internet retail is not speeding up exponentially? No. If anything, rates of internet sales growth have slowly fallen back in recent years as the segment begins to mature. In 2011 5
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11/01/2013 11:52
they declined as the year progressed. In 2012, however, sales growth was higher in the second quarter than the first, driven in particular by sharp increases above recent levels for household goods shops and department stores, which may well have been down to consumers upgrading their TVs, recording equipment etc and laying in stocks for the Jubilee celebrations, football’s European Championships and, of course, the Olympic Games. Certainly, the overall rate of sales growth reverted to the previously established trend by falling back from August. In the longer term context, whereas hitherto the internet home shopping specialists have been increasing their online sales faster than the high street multi-channel retailers’ online presence, RPS is now detecting what it expects will be a narrowing of the gap in sales growth between internet specialists and omnichannel retailers. This will be within an ongoing trend of slowing growth rates for internet retail sales overall, as online retailing matures. Thus, over the longer term, internet specialists, boosted by the success of Amazon, ASOS, even Ebay, plus a plethora of independent newcomers taking advantage of lower entry costs than for shop retailing, can expect enhanced competition over time from major retailers and larger mixed goods specialists. These latter will be increasingly exploiting the potential and particular benefits
“ 2012 has seen a recovery, boosted by high sales of TVs and video equipment for the Olympics etc, including higher price 3D models. The result is an expected 16% increase in internet sales for the year” of omni-channel retailing, as they are currently for example - and arguably belatedly - with click and collect facilities. Which kinds of high street retailers stand to benefit the most from online sales? Some of the major multiples in the department store sector already have significant internet sales through their important websites: John Lewis, Marks & Spencer and Debenhams come to mind. Collectively, though, their internet sales have so far been among the lowest of the sectors, though they have been growing slightly faster than average in recent periods. Their combined sales are expected to have topped £2bn in 2012, fractionally over 7% of the sector’s total sales, though share growth slipped in the third quarter. Sales growth in 2012, though, tended to run below the year before given greater maturity,
Kenro specialise in top quality photo frames and albums. Our new 2013 range features a number of elegant gift frames and top quality albums, specially designed for the independent retailer. And with fast deliveries throughout the UK and Ireland you can be sure that we’ll keep you in the picture. Visit to view the full range and find out more.
with notably slower first and third quarter growth, although the second quarter saw a stronger advance than the year before, the department stores perhaps benefiting from consumers upgrading their TVs etc ahead of the busy summer to benefit from latest technology like 3D becoming more affordable. Are televisions one of the major products driving growth, then? Well, it’s not all good news. The sharp price deflation of recent years for flat screen TVs and audio-visual equipment helped to reduce the whole sector’s internet sales recently in recessionary market conditions, at a time when consumers were also cutting spending in the sector’s other big ticket product areas like furniture and other home improvement spending. Consequently the sector’s internet sales in 2011 actually fell, by as much as 11%, to £1.5bn. However, 2012 has seen a recovery, boosted by high sales of TVs and video equipment for the Olympics etc, including higher price 3D models. The result is an expected 16% increase in internet sales for the year, although shop sales probably again fell, albeit marginally, and this would take the sector’s internet sales to a new high of nearly £1.8bn.
What are the opportunities for smaller retailers looking for a slice of online business? This specialist sector is collectively dominated by the online multi-channel specialists like Amazon, but that’s followed by the growing number of small, independent start ups, plus the established home shopping catalogue interests. They accounted for 46% of all internet retail sales in 2012, valued at close to £13.5bn. This is up from less than £9bn and 41% of the total in just two years, as a result of annual increases that have been above the high street retailers’ average. However, the latest signs are that their rate of sales advance has begun to slip back as well and this may be the first manifestation of what we expect to become a longer term trend. The maturity of this market will be seen not only in lower growth rates, but also in a narrowing of the respective rates of sales growth between the home shopping specialists and their high street retailing rivals, as the latter increasingly understand and exploit the benefits and potential of omnichannel retailing.
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pixel fullpage DKS4-PBB 232.8x320.1mm.pdf
K 7
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11/01/2013 11:56
The Perceptual Megapixel Innovators at DxOMark create a simple way to quantify the impact of lens sharpness on camera resolution DxOMark, the website of reference for measuring the quality of digital imaging gear, has introduced the “Perceptual Megapixel”, as a measure of lens sharpness. Expressed in units already known to the public, the Perceptual Megapixel provides photographers with a means of understanding the performance of a lens by quantifying its impact on the perceived resolution of the camera with which it is coupled. Perceptual Megapixel quantifies the sharpness “perceived” by the photographer while taking into account all the characteristics and defects of the lens and the camera. “This new unit of measure replaces the MTF scores that we have been publishing up until now. Perceptual Mpix weights MTF measurements with the sensitivity to detail of the human eye, thus providing a score for the sharpness perceived by our eyes. We think this
will be more understandable and practical for photographers who use our website,” explained Frédéric Guichard, Chief Scientific Officer for DxO Labs. The Perceptual Megapixel measurement allows for making comparisons among cameras and quantifies the impact of lens sharpness on camera resolution. Thus, the perceived resolution can be significantly different from the native resolution depending on the lens a camera is coupled with. For example, used with a Canon EOS 5D Mark II camera a Sigma 35mm F1.4 DG HSM lens has a Perceptual Mpix score of 17.2, whereas a lens such as the Carl Zeiss Distagon T* 35mm f/1.4 ZE has a Perceptual Mpix score of 15.2, based on data from DxOMark’s database. These tests reveal that, on average, about 45% of the resolution is lost due to lens defects.
Ready To Retail
News UPDATE YOUR CONTACTS: Personnel Shuffle at Sony You may have noticed some familiar names moving about at Sony UK, but your contacts are still with the company. Rachel Cowle (previously Rachel Banin) is now the Head of Brand and Retail Activation for Sony UK, having worked as the Head of Personal Imaging and Sound for over a year, and as brand manager before that. David Edwards, previously the PR Manager for Sony UK, is now the PR Manager for Sony Digital Imaging Europe. Pixel would like to congratulate them both and wish them all the best in their new roles. Want to keep an eye on imaging professionals on the move? Join the Pixel Magazine group on LinkedIn to be kept in touch.
“Out of the Box Ready” Android smartphones now available for the UK market
Low Price iPhone on Horizon?
Prestigio is bringing its Android smartphone models to the UK, providing a fantastic opportunity for retailers looking to stock imaging-capable smartphones without contract associations. Well known for providing high-quality products at an affordable price, Prestigio is a fast-growing, well-established brand sold in 63 countries. Selling over ½ million tablets in 2012, Prestigio has gained in popularity in UK with avid fans of its MultiPad tablet PC range, and has now launched its MultiPhone range of smartphones that are ready to use straight out of the box, a number of which boast dual SIM technology. “We have received many requests from both resellers and end-users to adopt our product concept to Android Smartphones,” states Martin MacNamara, UK Sales Manager,
Apple may be working on an entry level, low priced iPhone in an attempt to regain market share. The new model, which is heavily rumoured but not confirmed, could launch this year. It’s thought that cheaper housing material could be one of the methods employed to lower the cost of the device, which would probably have similar functionality to the latest iPhones. Other parts could be recycled from older iPhone models in another bid to lower cost and retain margin. In the third quarter of 2012, Apple held 14.6% of the global smartphone market, down from 23% at the beginning of the same year. Low-cost smartphones from other brands were thought to contribute to this shift.
Prestigio MultiPhone 4040 DUO
Prestigio. “The MultiPhone Family is the result. Very good price performance ratio, great usability right out of the box, attractive design and very good build quality.” The Prestigio MultiPhone models all come ready to use out of the box with minimal set-up time and a range of chosen apps pre-loaded, including Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube. The smartphones also come with a two-year warranty, a micro-USB port and a MicroSD slot so users can extend the smartphone’s storage capacity to 32GB. They will sell for between £89 and £129 RRP, product details in the next Pixel. 9
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11/01/2013 11:57
Meet the New Polaroid
The original instant imaging brand begins a new life in the digital age.
Kick Start for Epson! Manchester United Legends Denis Irwin and Dion Dublin teamed up with Epson, to kick start the promotion of their new branded home printers by visiting local schools in December. The Club-branded red Epson printer features United Manager, Sir Alex Ferguson’s signature and offers high-quality printing, scanning and copying functions, with Wi-Fi connectivity and mobile printing included. Each printer comes with a Manchester United Print Studio PC CDRom, which allows the user to create a MUFC branded calendars, posters, flyers, invitations, greeting cards, door hangers and much more. In addition to the donations made to the schools Epson has also pledged to donate a percentage of the sales from the Manchester United Epson Printer to the Manchester United Foundations. A donation of £26,500 has already been presented by Epson to the charity earlier in the season. This special-edition printer retails for around £99.99.
The new digital incarnation of Polaroid has used CES as a platform to launch its new range of Android-based, interchangeable lens cameras. The iM1836 features a 18.1-megapixel, 1080p videocapable mirrorless body with Android 4.1 to instantly share imagery with social networks over WiFi. Lenses available to the new Polaroid cameras will include Micro Four Thirds lenses, via an adaptor, and it included a pop up flash. Other new cameras from Polaroid are Non-Android equivalents of the iM1836, either with WiFi (iM1232W) or without (iM1030), and a 24x zoom, 16-megapixelbridge camera, plus a camcorder, although release dates for these haven’t been announced at time of going to press. Confirming Polaroid’s step into today’s imaging world is their tablet offering - a low priced, entry level model specifically aimed at children. Those who wish to get their hands on one of these new models to try out prior to purchase are, perhaps surprisingly, in luck Polaroid is set to open ten “Fotobar” stores across the USA. The all-new Polaroid calls the new venture “experiential retail stores where consumers can
quickly and easily liberate their favourite images from the confines of their digital devices and turn them into museum-quality art.” Fotobars will offer a wide range of services, from framed and mounted art to canvas, metal prints, and all sorts of other formats within 72 hours. Polaroid also says each Fotobar store will be “a gallery of its own, with creative, museumquality pieces on display all around,” as “the ability to see, touch and feel examples of artworks produced using all of these unique materials is a critical aspect of the customer experience.” The PMA has reported that the company plans to open at least ten Polaroid Fotobar locations in 2013, the first of which will be in Delray Beach, Florida, and is slated to open in February. Future locations include New York, Las Vegas and Boston. The company claims its new “patentpending proprietary technology” will let customers select pictures on their phones and transmit them to a bar-top workstation “for quick and hassle-free ordering within seconds.” Photos can of course be enhanced for contrast, red-eye correction, brightness, and added filters.
Retail Photo Gift Solutions Mitsubishi Electric’s latest photo retail solution Gift Kiosk has been designed to offer ID photos, instant print and personalised gifts quickly and easily. Gift Kiosk enables customers to create and print personalised calendars, albums, gift & greetings cards, mosaic & collage prints and instant prints, using their own images stored on memory card, USB memory stick, CD / DVD or via their online Facebook and Picassa accounts. All of our systems include passport photo printing services and Mitsubishi’s integrated biometric ID software makes the process of making a passport or ID photograph, very simple and quick; instant prints are available in 6"x4", 5"x7" & 6"x8" formats in either a gloss or matt finish. Mitsubishi are currently offering Gift Kiosk bundle packages starting at £3899 which includes hardware, starter media, point of sale material as well as installation, training and warranty.* For more detail contact Mitsubishi 01707 278684 email or visit our website! * Check availability
01707 278684 | Fax: 01707 278541
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01/11/2012 11:02
14/01/2013 09:07
Your Essential Guide to the Latest Launches Name: Bluetune-Pop Portable Bluetooth Speaker RRP: $39.90 Release Date: Immediate
Name: Samsung’s NX300 RRP: TBC Release Date: TBC
Divoom have announced the BluetunePop portable Bluetooth speaker. Bluetune-Pop features a patent-pending smart Pop-in/Pop-out compact design to make it extra portable. When popped-out, it delivers an expandable bass system for more powerful lows, wellbalanced highs and mids for an excellent sound performance in a small portable package at an affordable RRP and in a variety of colours. The tiny Bluetune-Pop features an integrated Class-D amplifier with 4 watts of power and built-in rechargeable lithium long life battery for up to 8 hours of music. With wireless Bluetooth, you can play your favorite music directly from your smartphone, laptop, or tablet without the hassle of cables. Non-Bluetooth enabled devices can also be easily connected via the included USB 2-in-1 audio cable, making the BluetunePop the ideal travel companion to enjoy your music anywhere for travel, parties, or outdoor activities.
Samsung’s new NX300 features a 20.3 Megapixel APS-CMOS sensor, capable of capturing high quality detailed images with sharp, life-like colours that are crisp and clear in all light conditions. The wide ISO range (ISO100-25600) improves performance, and a brand new Hybrid Auto Focus (AF) system also delivers fast, accurate phase and contrast detection paired with the 1/6000 sec shutter speed and 8.6fps continuous shooting mode. Samsung’s unique in-house developed DRIMe IV imaging engine provides outstanding developments in speed, and image quality enabling better colour reproduction and greater noise reduction, as well as support for full 1080p HD video capture in both 2D and 3D (when combined with Samsung’s new 45mm 2D/3D lens). Using the camera’s Smart Mode, users can choose from 14 different settings, such as Creative Shot, Landscape, Light Trace or Action Freeze which will automatically adjust parameters such as aperture and shutter speed in order to obtain the best shot possible for the desired situation. The NX300 also includes i-Depth, an easy and simple way to adjust the depth of an image using the NX Series’ unique i-Function system. The NX300’s Wi-Fi connectivity of Smart Camera allows users to share their photos instantly and securely between their camera and smartphone (or tablet). To connect a smartphone to the camera, users simply need to download the Samsung Smart Camera App. The NX300 will be able to detect and auto-connect to the smartphone wirelessly whenever any of the Smart Camera features are activated. The Smart Camera App. also features a Remote Viewfinder function for the NX300, allowing for even more inventive and exciting photography. The NX300’s enhanced Wi-Fi connectivity also lets users share images with friends and family directly from the camera via social networking sites using the cameras one-touch DIRECT LINK hot key. Alternatively, images can be automatically backed up or stored in the cloud through AllShare Play ensuring they are always safe and easily accessible.
Name: Snappgrip RRP: £69 Release Date: February 2013
Name: Canon LEGRIA HF G25 RRP: £899.99 Release Date: February
Cooltopia is launching a new accessory which is perfect for those using their smartphone as a camera. Snappgrip, a snap-on camera controller for smartphones with shutter, zoom and shooting mode controls. Smartphone picture fanatics can now hold their phone in one hand and snap off those spontaneous pictures with ease. The Snappgrip features a tripod mount and a dedicated photography app for comfortable handling and phone use. The Snappgrip controller communicates with the Snappgrip camera app over a Bluetooth connection and works with iOS and Android. The app includes features such as photo sharing and selftimer operation. A range of cases and apps for additional smartphones will be released following the funding of the Kickstarter campaign. Developers interested in supporting the Snappgrip controller can register their interest at
Canon has added to its Legria consumer camcorder range with a new flagship model for creative video enthusiasts – the Legria HF G25. It offers a precision wideangle lens, extensive manual controls and exceptional audio performance in a compact, user-friendly body. At its heart is an enhanced Canon HD CMOS PRO image sensor, which now offers a 20% improvement in light sensitivity over its predecessor. To complement exceptional visual performance, the Legria HF G25 features an internal microphone, audio equaliser and Canon’s advanced Audio Scene Select technology. The high quality internal microphone reduces mid and low-frequency background noise, picking out even softer sounds with crystal-clear audio. An audio equaliser also optimises the sound according to the type of soundtrack, especially useful when shooting a scene with live music or individual voices. Zoom Mic mode also adjusts microphone directionality for subjects in front of the camcorder, ensuring improved sound quality when zooming into more distant subjects. In addition to the internal mic, compatibility with the WM-V1 wireless microphone provides additional flexibility. With both Double Slot and Relay Recording support, users are able to record movies to two memory cards at the same time, or switch recording from 32GB of internal storage to one card, and then to the next. In-camcorder down-conversion is supported, preparing the movies for upload to online video sharing sites, either via a PC or direct from the camera using supported Eye-Fi wireless cards. 11
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11/01/2013 11:58
Your Essential Guide to the Latest Launches Name: Panasonic HX-WA30, HX-WA3 and HX-DC3 RRP: TBC Release Date: TBC HX-WA30 The waterproof, shockproof, freezeproof and dustproof WA30 features built-in Wi-Fi, so recorded footage can be easily played on a smartphone or tablet. The WA30 can record slow motion video in HD. Installation of the “Panasonic Image App” allows the users to operate zoom, shutter and other functions from a distance while watching the results in live view on a smartphone or tablet. Playback of high-resolution photos or videos is also easy on a DLNA-compatible TV without having to insert an SD Memory Card or connect any cables. By using the Eye-Fi card, users can save files recorded on the card on a PC, or upload them to SNS via a wireless network. Users can also directly transport the data to their device without connecting another access point. HX-WA3 Sitting alongside the WA30, the WA3 is waterproof to 5 meters, freezeproof to -10°C and dustproof, ensuring it can confidently capture action footage. In addition to its tough design, the WA3 boasts an Intelligent 18x Zoom allowing users to shoot faraway subjects with ease, and images will be blur free thanks to the Active E.I.S. As with the WA30, the WA3 can confidently capture 16 megapixel still images offering users the flexibility of still or moving images depending on the situation. Users can also capture 2-megapixel still images while recording a video by simply pressing the Photoshot button. HX-DC3 Incredibly slim and compact, the DC3 weighs a mere 162g - not dissimilar to the weight of a smartphone. Belying its sleek size, the DC3 can record Full HD video (1920x1080), 16-Megapixel still picture recording, as well as offering Creative Control and being Eye-Fi Compatible. With its pocketable dimensions and ergonomic design the DC3 is the perfect lifestyle camcorder for capturing those spontaneous moments with ease.
Name: 256GB Lexar® Professional 600x SDXC UHS-I memory card RRP: £743.99 Release Date: January The new 256GB Lexar® Professional 600x SDXC UHS-I memory card provides the world’s largest capacity SDXC card for capturing, storing, and transferring highquality images, and extended lengths of 1080p HD and 3D video content. The Class 10 card offers a 90MB per second minimum guaranteed read transfer speed to give photographers and videographers the ability to capture extended lengths of 1080p HD and 3D video and high-quality images. When paired with a compatible card reader, such as the Lexar® Professional USB 3.0 Dual-Slot Reader, the Professional 600x SDXC card helps photographers zip through post-production with high-speed card-to-computer file transfer, improving workflow and enabling them to shoot longer.
Name: Olympus Traveller (SH-50, SZ-15) Tough (TG-2, TG-830, TG-630) RRP: TBC Release Date: TBC 5 new compacts join the Olympus range at CES with 3 Toughs and 2 slim-line zoom models. The new models in the Traveller (SH-50, SZ-15) and Tough (TG-2, TG-830, TG-630) series are aimed at the growing high-zoom category as well as outdoor/action cameras with brilliant optics in ultra-compact bodies. As with the TG-1 before, the new flagship of the Olympus Stylus Tough TG-2 supplies light to the sensor through an extra-bright maximum aperture 1:2.0 high-speed lens. For fans of background blur, the manual aperture priority option is a category rarity while close-up and macro lovers benefit from 200mm telephoto power as close as 1cm from the subject. With GPS tracking, 240fps high-speed movie recording for super slow-motion playback and it’s waterproof to a depth of 15 metres, shockproof to a height of 2.1m, freeze proof to -10°C and crushproof to a force of 100kg and is FlashAir compatible for transferring password protected images to selected smart phones and social networks. SH-50 - New Olympus Stylus Traveller flagship features world-beating IS system to all but eliminate blur. The new Traveller flagship SH-50 comes with manual settings and multiple-axis image stabilisation, a technology that can claim two world firsts for compact digital cameras. Hybrid 5-axis Movie IS compensates for movement around the axis of the lens in addition to the usual yaw and pitch, as well as horizontal and vertical shift. With 5-axis Movie IS, you can record a blur-free full HD movie literally on the run, while 3-axis Photo IS can counteract movement around the rotary axis, the imaginary line that runs straight through the lens from the front of the camera to the back. This is vital with hand-held shots at high zoom ratios where even the slightest tremble can be magnified disproportionately to cause blurred images. SZ-15 - The SZ-15 demonstrates in one press on the zoom control why a compact camera still offers so much more than a phone. The Sz-15 is capable of 25mm wide angle all the way to 600mm in a pocket friendly body with dual image stabilisation. In fact, the 16MP resolution means that high quality results are even possible using digital SR zoomall the way up to 1200mm. TG- 830 and TG-630 - The TG-830 hosts a 16MP BSI CMOS sensor, 5x zoom from 28mm plus GPS & e-Compass, High Speed Movie, Full HD with one button Operation and Sequential shooting with 60fps. The high level of toughness carries on from previous models: Shockproof 2m, Waterproof 10m, Freezeproof -10C, Crushproof 100kg. Middle sibling TG-630 is Shockproof 1.5m and Waterproof to 5m, offering 12MP BSI CMOS sensor and including the top end iHS process plus Olympus auto underwater white balance to improve colour rendition.
Pixel 14th January 2013.indd 12
11/01/2013 11:59
THE LAUNCHPAD LAUNCH PAD Name: New Nikon 1 Cameras RRP: Nikon 1 J3 10-30mm kit: £579.99 Nikon 1 J3 10-30 & 30-110mm kit: £719.99 (Black & White only) Nikon 1 S1 11-27.5mm kit: £479.99 Nikon 1 S1 11-27.5 & 30-110mm kit: £619.99 (Black & White only) Release Date: 7th February 2013 Achieving the world’s smallest body, the J3 offers the world’s shortest release time lag, and the world’s fastest continuous shooting, it’s always ready to capture decisive moments of active lifestyles with high-resolution images and Full HD movies. The Nikon 1 S1 launches the new S-series of fast, stylish, straightforward camera bodies that deliver great results with even less effort. Designed for speed and simplicity, the Nikon 1 S1 is as convenient and easy to use as a compact camera, but much faster and significantly more powerful, with better image quality. Both the Nikon 1 J3 and Nikon 1 S1 use the same second-generation Nikon 1 technology as the recently introduced Nikon 1 V2, aimed at photography enthusiasts. They enjoy new levels of speed and more accurate performance, as well as clever next-generation features like Live Image Control and Best Moment Capture, and wireless image transfer with the optional WiFi dongle. The Nikon 1 S1 boasts a resolution of 10.1-megapixels with 100 to 6400 ISO light sensitivity. The Nikon 1 J3 raises the resolution to 14.2 megapixels, and 160 to 6400 ISO light sensitivity. Nikon’s CX-format CMOS sensor offers the ideal balance between system size, speed, and image quality, enabling superior still image and movie recording without sacrificing portability. The option to shoot with high ISO settings means you’ll capture enough light even when shooting at speeds of up to 60 fps. Both the Nikon 1 J3 and the Nikon 1 S1 can record Full HD movies at 60 and 30 fps and 60i, 60p, and 30p frame rates, and even capture full-resolution photos while filming.7 Shoot in Advanced Movie Mode and use PSAM controls for full control over shutter speed and aperture, with smooth autofocus transitions and crystal clear sound. You can even achieve dramatic effects in extreme slow motion, with recording speeds of up to 1200fps. Both models have a built-in compact flash unit that automatically pops up to ensure that there’s always extra light on hand when you need it. Both cameras offer quick, direct access to P,S,A,M exposure controls. Just turn the mode dial to Creative Mode and select P,S,A,M for full control over Exposure, Shutter Priority, Aperture Priority, and Manual Exposure. Nikon’s small Wireless Mobile Adapter WU-1b makes it quick and simple to send high-quality images from the camera straight to a smartphone or tablet. Name: Samsung WB250F/WB200F, the WB800F, WB30F, DV151F and ST150F RRP: TBC Release Date: TBC
Name: Easy-Doks CR19 RRP: $84.99 Release Date: February 2013
Samsung has announced the launch of upgraded Smart Camera and the first devices to run on the new technology: the WB250F/WB200F, the WB800F, WB30F, DV151F and ST150F. Samsung has evolved its Wi-Fi technology by creating Smart Camera 2.0. The ‘One Click, Simplify’ concept enables connected devices to seamlessly connect so images can be shared in one motion through the striking interface. The WB250F (and WB200F) boast 18x optical zoom, a 14.2 Megapixel BSI CMOS (WB250F) or CCD (WB200F) sensor and 24mm lens. The WB800F is a classic long-zoom camera, with 21x optical zoom and a 16.3 Megapixel BSI CMOS sensor for excellent low-light photography. This powerfully performing camera has been built around a hybrid user interface, which allows photographers the choice of controlling the camera via the touchscreen or a five way manual key. The WB30F is the range’s new ‘mini model’, with the capabilities of a WB model, including 10x optical zoom and 24mm, wide angle lens, in an ultra-slim body that is only 17mm thick. Extra features include Magic Frame and Live Panorama. The WB30F will be available in black, white, red, purple and pink. The DV151F combines Wi-Fi connectivity with a 1.48” Front LCD, making it easier than ever to take easy and creative self-portraits. The imaging technology of the DV151F, a 16.2 Megapixel CCD sensor, F2.5 25mm bright lens and 5x optical zoom, deliver outstanding quality pictures that can then be shared instantly via Wi-Fi. The DV151F is housed in a stylish aluminum body and is available in five different colours including plum, lime green and light pink. The ST150F completes the range of new Smart Camera models with an F2.5 Bright Lens, 5x optical zoom and 25mm lens, a 16.2 Megapixel CCD sensor. The Wi-Fi connectivity enables photos to be shared and uploaded to social media sites.
Easy-Doks introduced at the Consumer Electronics Show the Easy-Doks CR19 essential smart quick charger, which charges and docks up to 3 devices simultaneously and lets you continue using your devices while charging with the included docking/charging stand, Bluetooth keyboard and speaker system. Easy-Doks CR19 charges all phones (including iPhones, Androids & Blackberrys), tablets (iPads, Galaxys, Kindles, etc.), MP3 players (iPods, etc.), headsets, Bluetooth speakers, and more at the same time, for a professional looking charging/ docking solution. The CR19 features Smart Current Detection (SCD) Technology to charge each device individually, adjusting the flow to ensure proper charging to each device to avoid harmful over-charging, which reduces battery longevity. 13
Pixel 14th January 2013.indd 13
11/01/2013 12:00
THE LAUNCHPAD LAUNCH PAD Name: Personalised Printed Covers RRP: From £18.99 Release Date: Immediate
Name: Lastolite 10m off Camera Cord RRP: £63 Release Date: Immediate
Name: Nissin MG8000 Extreme Flash Gun RRP: £545.40 Release Date: Immediate
Those looking for a link to cement the retail synergy between imaging and mobile devices perhaps need look no further than personalised printed covers. Pickle Pie Creations creates these uniquely individual covers for the iPhone4, iPhone4s, iPhone5, Galaxy S3, Blackberry, iTouch and iPad, with more being added all the time. Simply select up to 14 ‘loves’ (20 for the iPad cover) personalised to the recipient and Pickle Pie will then carefully design an individual and cherished keepsake that will be seen countless time each day. Once an order is processed a proof is sent by email and at this stage you can tinker with the design until it is perfect before the cover is prepared and dispatched.
Manfrotto Lighting Limited has announced the release of the new Lastolite 10m Off Camera Cord. The 10m Off Camera Cord is the latest addition to the range of Off Camera Cords. Available in Canon or Nikon versions, the 10m Off Camera Cord has a single shoe mount and retains all TTL metering. It allows the photographer to extend to distance between camera position and his light source.
Kenro has announced the UK launch of the widely-anticipated Nissin MG8000 Extreme Flash Gun in both Canon and Nikon fit. This new addition to the Nissin range features the world’s highest “Machine Gun” strobe and a unique quartz-based flash tube which ensures the unit remains cool, even in extreme-use conditions. When tested, the Nissin MG8000 can produce over 1000 full flashes without any fear of overheating. As the MG 8000 keeps its cool under pressure it can maintain its guide number meaning no more underexposed images caused by over-heating. The new unit boasts an impressive recycle time of just three seconds for the first 200 shots, and then five to seven seconds for subsequent frames.
INSIDE TRACK True Panoramic Video Good 360-degree panoramic photos require the camera to be a top a tripod and turned by hand, or set on a turntable-like motor. But what about that motor already in a phone: the vibration motor that replaces or amplifies a ring tone? Believe it or not, that vibration can move a phone — not just across a table, but, when well controlled, in incremental degrees for a full rotation. The Cycloramic app works only on the iPhone 5 — that device is balanced just right with the placement of the vibrator, says developer Egos Ventures. “Cycloramic rotates your iPhone 5 automatically so that it can shoot videos handsfree!” the company says. The phone can’t have cover on it, and must be placed upright on a smooth, level surface. “It may not work perfectly everywhere,” they warn, so “practice a few times before you try to impress you friends.” Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak said it’s “Unexpected, fanciful, and useful all at the same time.”
Preparing for 2014
Jim Esp says the PMA are already hard at work on PMA@CES 2014!
“We are happy to say it will again be held at 2014 International CES. Offering PMA@CES at the International CES makes it much easier for attendees and exhibitors to discover everything that’s happening in the world of photography and digital imaging in one place, at one time – without the expense and time commitment of two different shows. We are also happy to announce the DIMA, PSPA/SPAA and AIE Conferences will again immediately precede 2014 PMA@CES, on Jan 5-6, 2014.” PMA President Allen Showalter said, “It’s great to be partnering with CES again in 2014. The joining together of these two events allows attendees to experience not only all the digital imaging and photography exhibits at both CES and PMA@CES, but also a huge array of other consumer electronics and technologies that are relevant to our industry. In addition to being able to interact with all the top companies and industry members at PMA@CES, there are
Managing Director/Publisher: Lee Mansfield 01323 411601
Production Design: Laura Knight/Harriet Weston 01323 411601
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Subscriptions Alex Weeks 01323 411601
Accounts: Clare Fermor Amelia Wellings 01323 411601
plenty of opportunities at CES for our trade and supplier members to network with people in related industries, and find additional ways to increase their revenue streams.” As is the case for 2013 PMA@CES, the 2014 PMA@CES event will be held at the LVH, an official venue of the International CES, adjacent to the Las Vegas Convention Center.
Published by LMG SE LTD (Life Media Group) Park View House 19 The Avenue, Eastbourne, East Sussex BN21 3YD 01323 411 601 Printed by Ambassador Litho Ltd 25 Hockeys Lane, Fishponds, Bristol, BS16 3HH 0117 965 5252
All material in this publication is strictly copyright and all rights reserved. Reproduction without permission is prohibited. The views expressed in Pixel Magazine do not necessarily represent the view of Life Media Group LTD. Every care is taken in compiling the contents but the publishers of Pixel Magazine assume no reponsibilty for any damage, loss or injury arising from the participation in any offers, competitions or advertisment contained within Pixel Magazine. All prices featured in Pixel Magazine are correct at the time of going to press.
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Pixel 14th January 2013.indd 14
11/01/2013 12:02Pixel 18th D
Your brand new trade portal is now LIVE!
News John Lewis to Open New Stores, Tech Sales Strong
Damian Dinning, head of Nokia’s imaging drive, has announced his departure from the company.
Christmas sales at the nation’s favourite department store are off to a strong start, with particularly strong figures from EHT (Electronics and Home Technology) of 29 per cent up on last year would indicate that the gifting trend of technology products - for both adults and children - continues apace, with the iPad4, mini iPads and the new ‘app toys’ flying off the shelves. This trading news came two days after the country’s best-loved department store launched its latest Christmas television advertising campaign, with 8 million X Factor viewers seeing it in a prime slot last week. Brand Director Peter Ruis has revealed that John Lewis plan to open up to 21 more stores in the next six years. Destinations for potential new stores include Exeter, York and Chelmsford.
Coming from a background in the photographic trade, including major roles at Kodak and Minolta, Dinning joined Nokia in 2004 and has since spearheaded the integration of advanced imaging technology into Nokia phones in his role of Program Manager for Imaging Experience, during which time he was instrumental in Nokia’s relationship with Microsoft for Windows Phone imaging. Following the launch of several significant Lumia smartphones, the imaging prowess of which are expected to accelerate smartphones’ impact on the compact camera market, Nokia announced the decision to relocate key operations to Finland, where the company is based. Dinning was said
Nokia Lumia 820
to have made a personal decision to leave the company as he felt unable to move his family. In a statement, Nokia said they had not yet chosen anybody to take over the role, and recognised Damian Dinning’s valuable contributions to the smartphone business with gratitude. It is believed that Dinning will be undertaking a new role at Jaguar Land Rover soon.
We’re Back Online!
New Pixel website - - is now ready to bring you the news you need from the imaging world.
After a series of setbacks to the old model, we are pleased to announce that the new Pixel website is now up and running. The improved interface allows us to bring you up-to-the-minute news and product releases in an attractive, easy-to-navigate new format. Now included is Pixel TV, where you’ll find informative and interesting video content, easy access to back issues and access to the biggest Pixel Imaging Guide ever, coming soon. The site will also feature exclusive content that doesn’t appear in the magazine so that we are able to bring you more depth and variety than could possibly appear in our printed pages. Pixel’s renewed and cleaned-up forum interface makes it easier for you to chat with the trade about current events and relevant issues. Don’t forget, you can also follow Pixel on twitter
VAT May Rise to 25% The Institute of Fiscal Studies has revealed that the Government may be forced to raise VAT by another 5% in order to meet financial targets in the coming years. Despite commitments to reduce spending and improve the UK’s financial outlook, Government spending in certain areas has increased due to rising unemployment levels.
@pixelmagazine and join the Pixel Magazine group on LinkedIn, so you’ll never miss the latest news and discussions.
reacts quickly, misses nothing Capture all the action with 12 framesper-second shooting, 1080 Full HD movie capture and continuous autofocus for
BEST IMAGING INNOVATION Sony SLT, Translucent Mirror Technology
movies and stills. 16
Pixel 4th December 2012.indd 1
04/12/2012 14:53
Your brand new trade portal is now LIVE!
The magazine ThaT undersTands The world of imaging, pasT, presenT and fuTure
Deloitte have been appointed Administrators to Comet; stores are remaining open but redundancies are being made.
Canon Launches Forum Canon has launched its own online forum, offering Canon photographers a place to discuss their kit and photography. The new forum builds on the success of the company’s 200,000+ likes on Facebook and over 5,000 subscribers on YouTube. Canon USA VP Yuichi Ishizuka said “We are excited to offer our customers a place to ask questions, interact and learn more from their fellow Canon users. With the rise of social media, Canon recognizes the importance of connecting users to each other.” The five main sections of the forums are: Camera, Printer, Cinema EOS, Camcorder and General Discussion, and there is a ‘Kudos’ system, similar to Facebook’s ‘like’s, which allows forum users to see the popularity of posts.
Comet, which is headquartered in Rickmansworth, operates out of 236 stores across the UK, and employed 6,611 people until the administrators announced that they were making 330 Comet Stores are remaining open employees redundant, the majority of whom work in head office and central functions, such as finance and marketing, or the call centre in Clevedon. Like many other retailers, Comet has been hit hard by the uncertain economic environment, slow consumer spending and lack of consumer confidence. The electrical retail sector has been particularly challenging, with fewer people buying big ticket items, and fewer first time property buyers who have historically been an important market for the Company. Comet has also struggled to compete with online retailers. Against a backdrop of continuing weak sales, and speculation that Comet was being approached by prospective buyers, suppliers
Cooke Rebrands Panchro Range Cooke Optics is to rebrand its Panchro by Cooke range as the Mini S4/i range. “When we launched the Panchro by Cooke range in 2009, we were paying tribute to the original Cooke Speed Panchro lenses built in the 1920s. It made sense to us to invoke a legendary Cooke brand name,” explains Les Zellan, Chairman and Owner, Cooke Optics. “However, in response to our customers’ feedback we have decided to rename them. Many people are calling them Mini S4’s anyway, because they provide the same high quality and benefits of the S4/i lenses.”
have been reluctant to provide credit terms, which has had a negative effect on cash flow. The inability to obtain supplier credit for the peak Christmas trading period, means that the Company had no realistic prospect of raising further capital to build up sufficient stock to allow it to continue trading. As a consequence of all these factors, the Directors of Comet had no choice but to seek Administration. Neville Kahn, Joint Administrator and restructuring services partner at Deloitte, commented: “Our immediate priorities are to stabilise the business, fully assess its financial position, and begin an urgent process to seek a suitable buyer which would also preserve jobs. In the meantime, all stores will continue to trade and all employees will continue to be paid. We appreciate the cooperation and support from the management, staff, customers, landlords and suppliers at what is clearly a very difficult time.”
Olympus Profits Despite Imaging Loss Olympus have recorded profits of nearly £100m for the quarter to September, in spite of an operating loss in the camera category due to declining compact sales.
The firm’s report said that the 2.9 percent year-on-year rise in operating profits could mostly be attributed to growth in the medical systems division. The sudden profit spike was also due to the profits made from selling off ITX Corporation’s Information & Communication Business. Over the past quarter, the corporation’s overall operating income increased by an impressive 29.5 percent. The imaging part of the business made an operating loss of 2,904m yen (£23m) and net
sales fell by 21 percent in six months. This was largely due to the decline in compact camera sales, even though CSC sales exceeded expectations. The OM-d in particular has performed better than expected so far, and the CSC market worldwide is continuing to grow. Olympus has confirmed that it will be shifting focus away from lower end compact cameras and onto high end compacts and CSCs in the future.
reacts quickly, misses nothing Capture all the action with 12 framesper-second shooting, 1080 Full HD movie capture and continuous autofocus for
BEST IMAGING INNOVATION Sony SLT, Translucent Mirror Technology
movies and stills. 16
pixel 20th november 2012.indd 1
22/11/2012 12:17 100
ISSUE NO. 885 95
95 75
The magazine ThaT undersTands The world of imaging, pasT, presenT and fuTure Left_creative_Joseph_Diaz_print
Donnerstag, 10. Mai 2012 14:09:04
right_boxshot_joseph_dias_print Freitag, 11. Mai 2012 18:05:58
Sony has announced steps it is taking to “accelerate structural reforms” of its electronics business, including consolidating (and closing) manufacturing operations and reducing headcounts.
Jessops on the Move
Amidst a highly competitive business environment, Sony has been undertaking a series of measures to revitalise and grow its electronics business. As part of its mid-term strategic initiatives announced in April 2012, Sony identified resource optimisation as one of the key ways to transform its electronics business and measures are being taken to streamline, accelerate decisionmaking processes and establish firm foundations for sustainable future growth. In its prior corporate strategy announcement, Sony stated that it expected to reduce headcount across the entire Sony Group, primarily in the electronics business, by approximately 10,000 in the fiscal year ending March 31, 2013.
Jessops is relocating its Leicester store to a bigger location to accommodate the high footfall demand. The new centre of excellence store on Gallowtree Gate will showcase photo products and services including instant photo printing available within 25 minutes. The store will also feature an in-store large format printer enabling customers to take away posters, personalised wrapping paper and canvas prints within an hour. Jessops Academy photography training courses will be available in-store customers to learn how to get the very best from their photographic equipment - prices start at £119 - and the Gallowtree Gate store will also be offering Studio Express, an in-store portrait studio.
Sony Head Office
As the proportion of Sony’s finished products being produced at its overseas manufacturing sites and by external ODM/ OEM vendors continues to increase, Sony has also been taking measures, such as site consolidation, to better reflect the current scale of production, as well as steps to further enhance operational efficiency. The new restructuring measures announced today, relating to Sony’s headquarters and electronics business operations in Japan are as follows.
Consolidation of Manufacturing Sites In order to enhance the efficiency of Sony’s manufacturing operations relating to its digital Contiuned on page 03
Phones Affect Camera Forecast Camera brands including Canon are altering their forecasts for the coming year because of the effect of smartphones on the camera market.
Strength in Diversification In stark contrast to the digital brands reducing their forecasts for profit, Harman Technology Limited, manufacturer of the Ilford brand of black and white photographic products, has reported a significant growth in revenue and profits. Sales increased to £23.6m from £22.6m in the year to 31 December 2011, with operating profits up to £2.2m from £1.9m the previous year. The company says new products and improved operational efficiencies have driven profits up, and that this trend is set to continue into 2013 when further products and fresh income streams will be unveiled.
Demand for compact cameras is now definitely in decline due to the ease and popularity of smartphone photography. Canon has cut its full-year profit and sales forecasts in line with this trend and because of the fluctuation of the dollar against the yen. Canon’s predictions are a good example of exactly the area of the market expected to be affected by smartphones: the world’s largest camera manufacturer has lowered its sales forecasts for the compact part of the business (Powershot, Ixus and other compact models) by 9.5 percent to 19 million units, but only altered forecasts for higher-end EOS models by around 4 percent. Canon’s overall forecast profit was cut by 6.4 percent to 234 billion yen due to slow markets and the fact that Canon based its full-year
forecasts on exchange rates of 78 yen to the dollar and 100 yen to the euro, and the yen gained 2.4 percent against the U.S. dollar in the third quarter. Each 1-yen gain dented Canon’s second-half operating profit by about 5.3 billion yen, they predicted in July. Worldwide camera sales are expected to fall 4.3 percent this year to around 115 million units, whilst sales of smartphones rose 32 percent to the second quarter of this year.
reacts quickly, misses nothing Capture all the action with 12 framesper-second shooting, 1080 Full HD movie capture and continuous autofocus for
BEST IMAGING INNOVATION Sony SLT, Translucent Mirror Technology
movies and stills. 16
pixel 6th november 2012.indd 1
31/10/2012 14:56 23 15 Call NOW on 01323 411601 or email
14th January 2013.indd Pixel Pixel 18th December 2012.indd 23 15
11/01/2013 17/12/2012 16:4812:03
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Pixel 14th January 2013.indd 16
14/01/2013 08:59