Instilling Wellness
Here are just a few examples of those in our area living intentionally, with wellness on their minds.
In Our Community
COS Student Health Center cos.edu/en-us/student-life/ health-services College of the Sequoias’ Student Health Center provides resources for students in need, ranging from mental health services to housing and homelessness difficulties. They opened the COS Food Pantry in 2014 after a survey revealed that over half of their student population was experiencing food insecurity. The pantry provides non-perishable and fresh produce groceries as well as food gift cards when available.
Total Healthy Lifestyle
Watson’s Health Foods
Jennifer Brandolino is a registered
Watson’s has been a part of
nurse with a desire to provide
Downtown Visalia’s food scene
preventative health and
for 60 years. They have grown
alternative healing therapies to
into a local hub for all things
her clients. She offers solutions
health-related, including a
that are safe, effective and
tranquil garden setting where
complementary to conventional
you can sit and eat their
treatments and medications. She
delicious, freshly-made food.
invests in growing her knowledge
As a health food grocery
through ongoing education that
including vitamins and dietary/
focuses on homeopathy, flower
nutritional products, they aim to
essence therapy and infrared
inspire healthy lifestyles. They
light therapy to promote
are constantly growing their
self-healing. She also customizes
product lines as more options
the therapies based on the
become available, and they offer
client’s needs and any concerns
food to go for those in a hurry.
they may have.