Interact 3-19

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ISSUE 3, 2019


Waiting to Live Bringing transformation in Kenyan prisons Where Wildflowers Bloom Exploited women find hope

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CONTENTS 04 08 10 12 14 Where Wildflowers Bloom

Exploited women find hope with Consider the Wildflowers


The latest news from the Lifewords global family

The Unchanging Word A hundred years of the Active Service Gospel

Waiting to Live

Bringing transformation in Kenyan prisons

Lifewords and you Sharing the Bible all over the world

Issue 73 / 3–2019 Editorial team: Jess Bee Steve Bassett Kris Calver Photographs: Lifewords unless otherwise stated Design: S2 design & advertising Ltd Print: Yeomans Creative

Lifewords is the operating name of Scripture Gift Mission (Inc), registered charity in England and Wales, 219055 Registered office: 1A The Chandlery, 50 Westminster Bridge Road, London SE1 7QY Interact is free, available three times a year from your nearest member of the Lifewords global family of organisations (see page 15)


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WELCOMe “Still other seed fell on good soil, where it produced a crop – a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown. Whoever has ears, let them hear.” Matthew 13:8–9, NIV

Welcome to this edition of Interact. In this issue we’re

Jess Bee Editor

celebrating the unchanging, steadfast power of God’s Word – good news that does not waver, fade or let us down. A message of redemption, hope and love that changes lives. On pages 4–7 we feature this good news at work as we explore how Consider the Wildflowers is helping exploited women in diverse countries and contexts around the world. The Bible tells us who God is and who we are in Christ – this message never changes, and we are grateful for your ongoing support as we continue to share this truth all over the world. Thank you! In Christ

Jess Bee Editor


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Where Wildflowers Bloom In 2016, Lifewords created a specially designed resource for women trapped in sexual exploitation. Now, Consider the Wildflowers is spreading God’s hope and love to more and more women all around the world. Jess Bee reports.

“I wish I could have had something like this when I was going through the trauma and in a very dark place”

When Jessica Earle was 17 years old she found herself at the beginning of an abusive relationship with a man. For almost four years she was physically, sexually, and emotionally abused. She suffered beatings, several attempts on her life, and was trafficked by her abuser. Just before her 21st birthday, and wheelchair-bound from extensive physical abuse, she returned home to her family and started to rebuild her life. Now 11 years on, Jessica has received emotional and physical healing to the extent that she is no longer using a wheelchair. And she has come back to faith in Jesus. She has forgiven herself, and her

abuser. “This process has been an overwhelming journey for me,” she says. “I often felt hugely guilty for leaving the family home to move in with this man. I felt I deserved the bad things that were happening to me.” Jessica’s story is just one of countless others – where women are abused, oppressed and left traumatised by their experiences. She recently discovered the Lifewords resource Consider the Wildflowers. “The content is very real, and it speaks volumes to me,” she says. “I wish I could have had something like this when I was going through the trauma and in a very dark place.”


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A SPECIAL RESOURCE Consider the Wildflowers was developed in 2016 in partnership with a group of women at Azalea, a charity in the UK that supports women caught in sexual exploitation. Lifewords collaborated with the women to create a resource that spoke to their situation and needs, and which reflected their experiences and their voice. Through creative workshops and one-to-one conversations, stories and themes from the Bible were drawn out into an unorthodox booklet of Bible readings with a verse for each day of the month, accompanied by a commentary from the women. It is a booklet where hope, acceptance and forgiveness sit alongside questions, lament, and honesty. A GLOBAL ISSUE In 2012, it was estimated that there were between 40 and 42 million people working in prostitution worldwide, with three quarters of them being between the ages of 13 and 25, and 80% being female (, January 17 2012). For many, many women around the world sexual exploitation is a daily reality and constant darkness. Human trafficking is a huge part of prostitution worldwide. According to the United Nations,

“adult women account for 51 per cent of all human trafficking victims detected globally. Women and girls together account for 71 per cent, with girls representing nearly three out of every four child trafficking victims. Nearly three out of every four trafficked women and girls are trafficked for the purpose of sexual exploitation” (www.unwomen. org). It is in response to this need that Consider the Wildflowers was developed. RESTORING SELF-WORTH For the women supported by Azalea to become free from sexual exploitation, Consider the Wildflowers has helped them understand God’s love for them and the hope they have. And for those who helped create the booklet, it is a source of pride, and a sign of a different life that is available to them. Emily*, one of the women involved, says, “I always thought I was rubbish at everything. But being asked to contribute to Consider the Wildflowers with my words, thoughts, and writing made me feel valued.” Other women have had similar experiences: “When I read Consider the Wildflowers I feel warm inside,” says one. “I am planning to frame page 26 because it is all about me and how far I have come.”

“Hope, acceptance and forgiveness sit alongside questions, lament, and honesty”

Overcoming fear Moving on

God began doing a good work in you, and I am sure he will continue it

until it is finished.

Jesus said: “I give you peace, the kind of peace that only I can give. It isn’t like the peace that this world can give. So don’t be worried or afraid.” JOHN 14:27 CEV


“God teaches us to move on. We can’t forget the past, but as I move into that new life I don’t think about it. I would never have thought I could be where I am today. I was down. If they said I could have one more year to live, or 20 years with my old life, I’d take the year.”

“I worry a lot. I fear death. It is something that is ‘made up’, but it can seem very real. Fear affects you emotionally, physically, and mentally. Fear can stop you from actually getting better as it stops you from trying – it can almost paralyse you. I have learnt recently through prayer, meditation and faith in God that fear can be banished. I have struggled and been through some awful ordeals but with faith, love, and an open heart I am overcoming my fear.” 27.



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Real love

was having s and moved away. She “----- had left the street took a week’s ers works full time, but a baby. One of the volunte the birth due so that she could be holiday when the baby was ----- has moved when the baby was born. partner. She was there with her.” on, but we’re still in touch

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we would be his holy world was made so that God chose us before the se of his love, God blame before him. Becau people—people without through Jesus Christ. en childr own make us his had already decided to and it brings praise d and what pleased him, wante he what was That grace to us freely, erful grace. God gave that to God because of his wond set free by the blood of loves. In Christ we are in Christ, the One he rich is God’s grace, How sins. of eness forgiv his death, and so we have so fully and freely. which he has given to us

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“It was a beautiful moment to see her take pride in her achievements and reflections”

Ruth Robb

Another woman, who helped write page 16, says: “Since being involved in writing Consider the Wildflowers, I have come to realise that God has a purpose in everything and he is altogether powerful. I have been praying for years and now live in safe accommodation and don’t [engage in] sex work anymore.” “One woman, Sylvie*, recently had her social services case review at Azalea,” says Ruth Robb, Azalea Co-founder and CEO. “She proudly showed off the booklet as an article of transformation. It was a beautiful moment to see her take pride in her achievements and reflections. Ruth explains more about what Consider the Wildflowers means to Azalea and its work: “It is one of the best insights into the plight of women trapped in commercial sexual exploitation,” she says. “It allows easy access into a world of evil with a lens of Jesus’ restorative grace. I have seen women display hope and pride in telling their story through its pages, and have seen others read it and be inspired at the Azalea drop-in. I have also seen donors realise how their financial and prayer contribution has changed lives.”

SOWING SEEDS Now from a seed of an idea, Consider the Wildflowers has grown and is bringing hope and beauty to different contexts. Because of those first women who helped write the booklet – those who shared their struggles and hopes – now other women are able to discover God’s love and forgiveness. In Italy, 72 Hours for Christ works in nine different contexts with women who are caught in sexual exploitation. They offer a programme to help them start a new life in a safe environment. “It’s a demanding job,” says Anna Siviero from 72 Hours for Christ. “Building trust with these women is difficult because they have been disappointed, deceived and exploited many times.” Anna shares a story of one such woman: “Vivian*, a Nigerian woman, arrived here five years ago, after her husband died in a car accident,” she says. “She left her daughters aged six and seven behind and came to Italy with a plan to work, but she has been betrayed and exploited from the moment she landed. She is a Christian – from the instant she met us she has shown a strong faith in God – but these women live with the constant


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thought of their family and their exploiters’ threats, so it’s not easy to accept our programme because they are concerned for their loved ones.” 72 Hours for Christ uses Consider the Wildflowers in English, Romanian and Spanish to help the women they meet understand that God values them and will not let them down. In Bristol, UK, Beloved supports women working in massage parlours. They give out personal attack alarms, safety information, and help women find specialist support such as sexual health clinics, homeless shelters, and support groups. When Beloved visitors are invited in to a massage parlour they offer the women a goodie bag containing cupcakes, toiletries, and small gifts. They also have teams of volunteers from local churches who meet with women in coffee shops offering a friendly face, a listening ear, and they also offer to pray with the women they meet. “One of the women who received Consider the Wildflowers told us how beautiful it was, and that she was going to share some of the verses with other women at a church group she attends,” says Rita* from Beloved. “The booklet clearly made a big impression on her.” Lifewords partners have been using Consider the Wildflowers with mothers and their children in

Kenya. “One Lamb works in the Majengo slum,” says Clara Ngobolia, from Lifewords Kenya. “Most of the women One Lamb work with have been rescued from prostitution and sexual abuse. Many of the young girls are the children of women working in prostitution, who have been raped by their mothers’ customers.” The booklet is still being introduced in Kenya, but despite the difference in cultural context the words from the Bible and the commentary are helping these women and girls find healing and hope for the future. FUTURE PLANS It’s still early days for Consider the Wildflowers but individuals and groups around the world, including Brazil, China, Colombia, France, Germany, Indonesia, Netherlands, Nigeria, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Switzerland, Uganda, United States and Zimbabwe have shown an interest in the booklet. From small beginnings where a group of women were asked to share their experiences, Consider the Wildflowers is showing other women all over the world that they are not alone and that God offers them love, hope, rescue and new life. * Name has been changed.

GIVE If you would like to give to help us translate and print more copies of Consider the Wildflowers, please visit www.lifewords. global/give

“The booklet clearly made a big impression on her”


Give thanks for Consider the Wildflowers – for how it has grown and is helping women all over the world. Praise God for the different groups working with women caught in sexual exploitation. Pray that these women would find hope, peace and rescue as they meet God. 7

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world NEWS Reaching girls in Mozambique

Pavement Project, now in its 19th year, continues to reach more vulnerable children in new countries. It has recently been introduced in Mozambique, where it is being used to protect girls as they grow into young women. Last April, Guida Campos, from Mission Global Partners, was trained with her husband Pastor Benicio Campos in São José dos Campos, Brazil. They then travelled to Mocuba, Mozambique, where they have been using a green bag in an extremely poor village. Part of their work has been with girls. “Among the many traditions here is the rite of initiation,” explains Guida. “The purpose of this rite is to initiate girls into adulthood, and for this, they must know how to please men. In some places, they are pressured to sleep with a ‘cleanser’ who is a ‘healer’ and supposedly cleanses anything considered to be wrong from the girl’s body. This is an extremely destructive tradition. If a girl does not go through the rite, she is despised by everyone.” Guida created a space for the girls that would counter this rite of initiation: a ceremony where they could learn about God’s love for them. “Girls spend a day and night with women in the church and receive biblical advice for their futures,” says Guida. “We’ve now held this event twice and it is being received well by families in the villages.”

New design for Living with Loss Lifewords Bible resource, Living with Loss, is back in stock following a redesign. The new-look booklet includes font changes for accessibility, clean page layouts for clarity, and updated images for a modern appeal. Developed with bereavement counsellors, Living with Loss deals honestly with heartache, fear, anger, and loss. Head of Chaplaincy at Trinity School in Sevenoaks, UK, Anna Graham, says: “I support students aged 11–18. Many of them experience issues surrounding fear, anxiety, loss, and depression at school or at home. Some have self-harmed and some experience suicidal thoughts.” Anna has shared over 2,500 Lifewords resources including Living with Loss. “Lifewords has been a big answer to my prayers since I started this role,” says Anna. “I’m so grateful for your provision while I counsel and support students. Some experience the loss of a loved one through death, and others experience it through family breakdown or parental divorce. All loss causes a major impact into the heart and lives of our young people. Added to this is peer pressure, exam stress, and social media anxieties. They are dealing with a lot. So being able to include your resources in my one-to-ones with them makes all the difference.” 8

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First Bible resources for Manado-Malayu A new Lifewords resource has been completed in Indonesia where 5,000 copies of each of the three Power to Save booklets, Jesus Christ: Saviour of the World, Jesus Christ has Power to Save, and The Teachings of Jesus Christ will be printed in the Manado-Malayu language. Power to Save is a longstanding Lifewords initiative where, in partnership with local organisations, booklets are translated and printed in minority languages for low-literacy communities. Dan Hardie, Lifewords Australia Director, shares more about this new set of booklets: “As Scripture is translated into ‘new’ languages, people are able to read the Bible for the first time. In the Sulawesi region in Indonesia the 2 million Manado-Malayu speakers only have access to the Bible if they use the national Bahasa Indonesian language. The Power to Save range of booklets will be the first Bible materials to be translated, printed, and distributed in this language. The booklets will be shared by churches and mission workers in Sulawesi and nearby villages.” Please pray for those who will read the Bible for the first time in these new booklets. If you would like to give so more people can understand the Bible in their own language visit

Resources in action This summer a team from Lifewords travelled to Kraków to see the effectiveness and impact of Lifewords resources in action. The Street Church ministers across the city and has been using Lifewords resources for many years, so the Lifewords team joined it for two of its weekly events where church members hand out Bible booklets and offer food to the homeless. The first was a service held in a car park on a Friday evening and the other an event in a busy train station shopping mall. The church has been using Lifewords resources from the very beginning of its ministry. “We thank God for them,” says Jerzy, a pastor at the church. “Words for the Journey is very popular, we give that out at the train station. An Invitation is great because people take it and wonder what they are being invited to. Although we don’t always know how people respond to the booklets, we believe we have a calling from God because we see the ministry grow. Please pray for the people who come here, that their hearts are open to the gospel, and that God continues to show his power through us.” 9

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The Unchanging Word Separated by a century and thousands of miles, two chaplains share similar stories of the Bible’s enduring message. Dan Hardie reports on how the Active Service Saint John’s Gospel has been impacting people since 1914.

“We’ve seen the enduring power of God’s Word to bring hope, peace and comfort”

God’s Word spans centuries and transcends borders – it is truly good news for everyone, no matter who we are or where we’re from. In 2014, Lifewords published the replica Active Service Saint John’s Gospel to mark 100 years since the beginning of World War 1. Over the past 5 years, as nearly 1 million Gospels have been shared all over the world, and as a different generation – 100 years on – have read its pages, we’ve seen the enduring power of God’s Word to bring hope, peace and comfort.

A GENEROUS GIFT The replica Gospel’s introduction includes the Lord Roberts quote that was used in the original 1914 version: “You will find in this little book guidance when you are in health, comfort when you are in sickness, and strength when you are in adversity.” A message that has proved true for the countless number of people who have accepted and read a copy of the Gospel. During the First World War, Lifewords (then known as Scripture


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Gift Mission) distributed 43 million John’s Gospels, in addition to other portions of Scripture. One person using these Scriptures was Ernest Luce, a church minister who joined the war as a YMCA chaplain, stationed at an airfield in Lemnos, Greece. In his letters home he talks about his joy at receiving 5,300 portions of Scripture, “the generous gift of the Scripture Gift Mission”. He writes: “[the portions] arrived at a most opportune moment, for the Nelson Battalion were then formed up waiting the order to embark. I went along the lines and offered the Scriptures to any men who were without a single portion of the Word of God, and large numbers – several hundred – put out their hand and eagerly asked for a copy which I supplied with a silent prayer for God’s blessing, and I have no doubt that someone will reap the answer.” GUIDANCE, COMFORT, STRENGTH A hundred years on, Chaplain Walker is seeing Lord Roberts’ promise being worked out in the lives of recruits on HMS Kuttabul, a navy base at Garden Island in Sydney Harbour, Australia: “Spending six to nine months at sea is a tough gig,” he says. “The training is intense … not only are [personnel] physically tested, but they are emotionally tested. Perhaps the hardest part is being disconnected from loved ones and homes. Integrating back into family life is difficult, and many suffer PTSD and other mental health issues as they try to find their place.” He shares a story of one recruit who has returned

home: “I was with Dave just a week after he had arrived home from a nine-month posting. He and his wife had had a huge fight and tensions were still high. He was seeking guidance and to reconnect with his faith. As we spent time together, he took out the WW1 Gospel that he had been given during his post, and he turned to John 14:18 and read, ‘I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.’ He explained, ‘This verse got me through the hard and lonely times out at sea, it got me through the sleepless nights. Now I need it more than ever.’ I noticed the Gospel was well used – dogeared, underlined. It was an active service to this young man, and brought God’s Word into dark and difficult places.” These are just two stories, among countless, of lives impacted by God’s Word. Over the 130 years Lifewords has been in existence it has published and distributed millions of resources, all sharing good news with people all over the world. Over many years, and across different contexts, cultures and situations, people have been reading and responding to the Bible’s unchanging message – one of hope and transformation in Christ.

“This verse got me through the hard and lonely times out at sea ... It got me through the sleepless nights. Now I need it more than ever”

PRAY Praise God for over 130 years of Lifewords. Give thanks for how the Bible brings new life no matter who we are or where we live. Pray for people all over the world who have read God’s Word and responded to its message


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Waiting to Live Last year we reported on Lifewords work in Kenyan prisons, and many of you got involved through prayer and giving. Clara Ngobolia shares one man’s story of hope and transformation.

“The joy of salvation that the chaplain had talked about become real to me”

In 2006, Daniel Mwaniki was sentenced to hang for bank robbery. He was waiting in prison to die. His situation was desperate, and fear of death was real, but this was not the end of the story for Daniel. One day he found himself at a prayer meeting conducted by the prison chaplain. “I saw fellow inmates singing joyfully and I wondered what they were so happy about,” says Daniel. “In fact, I thought they were out of their minds or something was very wrong with them.” But God was about to change Daniel’s perspective. The chaplain opened his Bible and he read John 1:5: “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has never put it out.”

“This was the first time in my life that someone had read a Bible to me,” says Daniel. “I was not a Christian, but I decided to listen to the chaplain as he explained the verse. He asked me if I would like the light of God to shine in my dark life and I quickly answered with a loud ‘yes!’ That day I acknowledged Jesus as my Lord and Saviour, and the joy of salvation that the chaplain had talked about become real to me.” WORDS OF COMFORT Following this encounter and transformation, Daniel started exploring the Bible through a RISE Bible reading club (a group where people gather together in a school


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or prison to read the Bible together). He read You Matter, Picking up the Pieces, Who Cares About Me, Walking in the Desert, Why Me, and How’s Life. “I was surely walking in a very dry desert of hopelessness and I wanted to die,” says Daniel. “One day, I attended a session where the Picking up the Pieces booklet was shared. I realised that my help comes from the Lord and I can depend on the God of the Bible to bring me hope and peace, and he has done that. I always felt that no one cared about me, as I was languishing in prison, until I read Who Cares About Me. My strength was renewed after I realised that God defends those who suffer. I have found hope in God and there is joy in my heart.” A TRANSFORMED LIFE In 2009, Daniel appealed his case and his sentence was changed to 12 years in prison with hard labour.

“That day I left the court room feeling that I have been given back my life,” recalls Daniel. “By the grace of God, I completed my 12 years jail term and I was released on 30th November 2018. Lifewords supported me on this journey with prayers and transport home. I am now ‘picking up the pieces’ and I am confident of better things as I continue integrating and familiarising myself with this new life.” THANK YOU! Thank you to those who wrote prayer cards to send to men and women in prisons in Kenya, and to those who gave in response to our appeal. Nearly 400 prayer cards were sent to Kenya and are being given out to inmates, and we raised over £21,000!

PRAY Give thanks for Daniel, that God spoke to him and rescued him. Give thanks for the power of the Bible to change lives. Pray for RISE Bible clubs, that more and more people would understand God’s love for them as they read the Bible.


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1,000 women In May, Lifewords and VerseFirst exhibited at Big Church Day Out. The annual two-day festival took place in West Sussex, UK, and welcomed over 20,000 visitors. At the Lifewords and VerseFirst stand, guests were invited to write down the names of women in their lives that they value and wanted to champion as part of the wider Day Three: Believe the Women campaign. Over 1,000 names were written down, publicly displayed, and celebrated. “Lifewords is breaking the status quo,” said 16-year-old Lillie from London. “And that’s what we as Christian teenagers need. Somebody to tell us it doesn’t matter what everyone else thinks.” Alongside the interactive station, hundreds of Day Three: Believe the Women booklets, badges, and postcards were taken by visitors for themselves and to share with friends and family. “What you’re doing is incredible,” said 44-year-old mother of three, Tina, as she wiped tears from her face. “Seeing all these women’s names hanging up has made me so emotional, because it’s come at the right time in my life. You have no idea what this means to me. And being able to take away copies of the booklets and badges for free is so special. Thank you.”


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Looking to Christmas Last Christmas, hundreds of Lifewords supporters ordered Christmas booklets to give to people at church services, local events, community projects, and in schools. This year, what will you do to share good news at Christmas? Matt Savage, a pastoral worker, runs regular events at a retirement complex in London, UK, and used Lifewords resources at a carol service last year. “The services are well attended by 50–60 people and we use the Lifewords resources as a personal follow-up for every resident in the days following those services, along with an invitation to chat with us about it. We are delighted to say that we have seen people coming to faith for the first time, alongside those re-connecting with the Lord, and those deepening their love for Jesus.” In Seaton, UK, Patrick and Carol Plunkett shared copies of OUTSIDE/IN and Journey Out of Darkness with people who visited the local foodbank last December. “We put the booklets in the Christmas food hampers which we gave to everyone who came to the foodbank,” says Carol. There are so many opportunities to share good news at Christmas time. Whether it’s through a school assembly or childfriendly Christmas service, a nativity trail or community initiative, there are lots of ways to get creative with our Christmas resources. Visit to browse our Christmas range and get in touch to let us know how you’re planning to share good news this Christmas.

Get in touch with the Lifewords global family. Find us online at, or contact your local office. AUSTRALIA

+61 437 705 947 BRAZIL CANADA

+1 905 683 6482 KENYA

+254 20 2730100 INDONESIA

+62 81294210986 INDIA


+44 (0) 20 7730 2155 15

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