January 2018
Precious children of God Throughout 2017 our teams introduced young people to Jesus through the work of Pavement Project. We met street children without birth certificates – invisible in a world of papers and records – that chose to embrace the pocket card they received during the green bag counselling as if it were their ID. A symbol of their true identity as children of God, precious and loved. Unlike many children they have faced extreme situations, trauma and neglect of all kinds. Some of them carry unbelievable sadness. Without help and intervention their lives will be shaped by the terribly negative things they have seen and experienced. The green bag has a 90% success rate in measurably improving children’s self-worth, putting them in a much better position to overcome trauma, and take advantage of education and other opportunities.
Onwards As we start 2018 the first training sessions will begin with Pavement Project workers who will be implementing the new app in Guatemala, Paraguay, Chile, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Peru and Jordan. All areas in desperate need of the good news of the gospel. Individuals, organisations and churches donate their time and resources so that workers can be trained and equipped to meet the needs of children-at-risk. Together we are helping children to be welcomed with love, to be truly listened to, and to be encouraged to realise how valuable they are in the eyes of God. These children now have hope and purpose, they can reclaim their futures and start dreaming again. Thank you to everyone who prays, volunteers and donates towards this life changing work. We could not do any of this without you. Blessings, Clenir dos Santos, Pavement Project Global Director
Pavement Project Pavement Project is a unique Bible-based counselling process that equips children-at-risk workers all over the world to raise children’s self-worth and restore a sense of hope for the future.
Sharing the gospel and ending child exploitation
Lifewords has been partnering with One Lamb in Nairobi, Kenya since 2013. For four years it has been using the green bag resources to share God’s love with children and young people from the Majengo slum.
Children from the One Lamb care centre
One Lamb: combating abuse Deep within slums many children are forced to take part in prostitution, mostly as a result of abject poverty. Surrounded by a world of overcrowding, crime and apathy, young girls in particular are at risk. These girls are usually daughters of single mothers who are desperately struggling to make ends meet. Many of the girls have been sexually abused by the time they turn eight which puts them at higher risk of entering commercial sex work as they get older. One Lamb works through schools, churches, residents, and government bodies to come up with community-led initiatives to address and combat prostitution of children. Care centres are available for victims to find healing – physically, emotionally, spiritually, mentally and socially. In these care centres Pavement Project is helping children know that God loves them and cares about their future.
Meet Mary “Most of the girls in Majengo are affected by prostitution and other forms of sexual abuse,” says Esther, the Pavement Project worker at One Lamb. “Our mission is to speak up for those who
cannot speak for themselves. I used the green bag with one young girl, Mary*, who is 14 years old. She had been raped several times by different men and abused by her stepfather on many occasions. By the time we first met, Mary had attempted suicide several times. Her self-esteem couldn’t have been lower. At first she wasn’t ready to talk about herself, but after hearing about the love of Jesus she slowly started opening up and asking lots of questions. Now she even prays when we have sessions together.” With the help of Pavement Project One Lamb reports that children have opened up and shared their experiences through the green bag counselling sessions. Children who were unable to attend school are now excited to go, and are actively involved in learning. The Director of One Lamb, Ciru Mutura, says, “The green bag is helping us in the fight to end prostitution in children. Sharing God’s love with the children we meet is having such an impact on their self-worth, they become more cheerful and open and we are able to make real change in their lives.” *Names have been changed.
Sri Lanka receives its first green bags The green bag has recently reached new shores as training began in Sri Lanka in September of last year. Headed up by Serah Thomas, director of Pavement Project in India, this is the first time the green bag has been brought to the region. The training was completed in partnership with Baldeus Theological College with 19 students taking part. Several of these students were involved with the Sri Lankan civil war which ended in May 2009, having caused significant hardships for the population, environment and economy of the country for 25 years.
Sweet Dreams “It was beautiful to see how the trainees were emotionally restored during the training,” Serah explains. “There was one participant who lost his leg when a bomb exploded just one week before the war ended. He was the most traumatised of everyone – waking up throughout the night with nightmares of the horrific scenes from the war, unable to sleep for more than one hour at a time. During the practice session he shared his story and cried uncontrollably for more than 15 minutes. The next day he told us that he’d slept peacefully for the first time in nine years that night!”
The beginnings of hope The civil war has left a heavy mark on Sri Lanka, 22 children were counselled during the training, 10 of whom had lost both their parents and were living in orphanages. The rest of the children were displaced and living with either relatives or friends in communities near Baldeus College. The girls shared how they were facing all forms of abuse in their present situations and emotions were high while sharing their worst experiences. “The counselling introduced many of the children to Jesus for the first time,” says Serah. “The most amazing thing was to see the change in them as they learnt more about Jesus. As we continue to meet them with the green bag we pray that the children will realise how loved and precious they are, and that they will discover their identity in Jesus.”
Pavement Project in Uganda Uganda has suffered war, political instability and has an estimated 1.4 million people living with HIV. Many children are orphaned. Those with parents are often living in extreme poverty and can be exposed to family conflict and violent experiences – because of this many choose to leave for a life on the streets. In some parts of the country children are even recruited as child soldiers and are exposed to experiences that leave them traumatised.
The green bag is bringing healing and restoration to children and young people across the country, as well as their families. Here’s what three newly trained Pavement Project workers had to say about their experience:
Theresa says: “I met with Dilan* from Kampala who had been abandoned by his stepmother and was forced to live on the streets. During our counselling session he compared himself to a snake left in the wilderness. After hearing the story of Jesus calming the storm Dilan told me, “I know I have hope because Jesus can do amazing things.” We then prayed together and he said, “Jesus, take away my fear and help me to go back to school.” He chose the pocket card with an image of protective hands because he wanted Jesus to lift him up and protect him.”
Olive says: “Nevaeh* had been physically abused by her father for years. At the height of his rage he even threw her into a fire. The suffering this little girl had endured was almost unthinkable. During counselling she compared herself to a stray dog that was beaten and broken, and I knew just the right story to tell her from the green bag. After hearing the Lost Sheep we prayed together. Navaeh said, “Knowing Jesus welcomes me and cares about me gives me comfort. I feel happy knowing that I can speak to him and that he is always listening.” At the end of the session she compared herself to bright sunlight.”
Joseph says: “Pavement Project is not just ordinary work, it is God’s ministry to the children. It is amazing applying God’s Word to a child’s situation and seeing its transforming power at work in their lives.”
* Names have been changed.
Lifewords exists because the Bible is for everyone, everywhere. Since 1888, we’ve been helping people to find ways in to this good news. All our programmes, resources, literature and digital tools invite people to explore the Bible’s life words for themselves.
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Pavement Project is a Lifewords initiative, bringing hope and healing to children and young people at-risk. Lifewords is a registered charity (no 219055). Registered in England and Wales.
Will you help make the green bag resource accessible for even more young people? Pavement Project is a proven resource to help children understand their pain and their potential. This Bible counselling tool has already been used with tens of thousands of young people around the world, many of whom have suffered terrible violence or abuse. And the experience has brought about lasting transformation. Young people have been able to share their sadness, receive life-changing help and healing, and go on to face the future with hope. Now we are ready to bring Pavement Project to children from Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Egypt and Iraq. Through partner organisations, we have counsellors willing and ready to work with children across the Middle East. With your support we can train and equip them with a bag or tablet computer containing the Pavement Project tools. In 2018 we will also be working with new partners in Dominican Republic, Haiti, and some of the poorest communities in Latin America. As well as DR Congo, Sri Lanka, and Zimbabwe; all communities where children’s lives are spent in the shadow of violence, poverty, and uncertainty, and where young people face dangers such as trafficking, abuse, neglect, forced marriage and forced labour on a daily basis. Will you help us make the green bag accessible to even more people in even more places?
The journey so far ‌ Thank you to everyone who has sponsored a tablet or green bag, and supported the work of Pavement Project financially and through prayer. So far we have been able to provide 42 tablets and hundreds of bags to Guatemala, Paraguay, Chile, India, Iraq and the Middle East. This life-changing work is only made possible through the generosity of supporters and volunteers who are committed to seeing children come to know Jesus.
Our goal is to provide 110 tablets for global use in 2018
Lifewords 1A The Chandlery, 50 Westminster Bridge Road, London SE1 7QY
T: 020 7730 2155 Registered Charity No. 219055
E: uk@lifewords.global