The Bible is sometimes talked about as a handbook for life – in its pages are guidance and illumination to help us on our journey. But it’s also a book about love and relationship with God, where the promise and power of Jesus’ death and resurrection are woven into its pages.
For young people in Brazil who are living with poverty and violence, the Bible’s words shine a light on themselves and their world, and help them to see things differently: it shows them that they are valued, worthy, and loved. As people come together to learn English in conversation classes, the Bible’s words are helping them develop their English and make connections with others. In both these situations, Lifewords resources are designed to make the Bible accessible for everyone – no matter who they are – bringing clarity and understanding.
Thank you to all of you who are so committed in sharing our resources with others, reaching out with love, compassion, and discernment; fostering relationships and connections with others, to create a space for questions, discussion, and engagement with the Bible. We hope you enjoy reading about how others are also doing this in this issue of Interact.
“At each meeting, we observe the change in thinking of the young people we work with,” says Luciana Falcão, a pastor in Palameiras, Brazil. “The uncle of Marcos*, one of our teenagers, told me something extraordinary. He said that the people where his nephew lives have noticed that he is no longer on the streets making trouble. They ask the uncle: ‘Where’s your nephew, what’s going on with him? We don’t see him fighting in the streets anymore.’ ”
In 2017, Interact reported on a pilot programme to bring Choose Life –Lifewords interactive, Bible-based curriculum – to Brazil. Now, six years on, more and more partners are using the resources with vulnerable children in poor and violent communities. Originally developed as a response to the HIV / AIDS crisis in Africa, Choose Life is changing perspectives in this new context, helping young people change how they see themselves and the world, and in turn, how the world sees them.
Many of the Lifewords partners in Brazil are dealing with difficult situations in their communities: violence, drug trafficking, family problems, teenage pregnancy, conflict with the authorities. “How can they help children make good choices, despite them growing up in such hostile environments?” asks Cleisse Andrade, Lifewords Brazil Director. “It seems impossible if they are not helped to reflect on the best choices they can make and what the consequences of bad choices are.”
Luciana uses Choose Life at First Baptist Church with children from 10–15 years of age. “We use Choose Life with children who have usually had no experience of church,” says Luciana. “It has become an essential programme to help these children who are living daily with violence in their community, helping them reflect not only on their choices and their consequences, but also on the choices of other children in their community.”
The Choose Life methodology enables children to express their thoughts and creativity. “Everyone feels valued when their opinions are being considered,” says Luciana. “They feel welcomed, respected, and it is a space for them to grow.” For Marcos, Choose Life has changed how he responds to the world around him, and even how others respond to him. He regularly attends the church Choose Life sessions, and he is trying harder at school. “I believe he needed Choose Life so that he could be seen in another way, as someone who can produce good things and contribute to society,” says Luciana. “This change took place the first time we used ‘Choose Others’. With each meeting, he’s happier, smiling, something he didn’t do before.”
“Choose Life is changing perspectives in this new context”
Rebusca is a social service centre in Viçosa, north of Rio de Janeiro, serving around 300 young people and their families. Choose Life is part of its social education programme, helping those who are socioeconomically vulnerable. But it’s not just a tool for personal and social development, it has also helped these young people discover more about the Bible’s values. Cintia Basilio, who volunteers at Rebusca with children aged 10–11 years, reflects: “This programme contributes a lot to my ministry, and also my personal and spiritual development. It helps me see these children as people who need to hear good news – Choose Life gives us the tools to do this. One day, when I was teaching the Choose Others module, I had an incredible experience. The class was very agitated and showing no desire to interact. The lesson was about prioritising other people over themselves, but they simply did not want to participate. I was frustrated, gave up, and sat at my desk visibly upset. One of the children caught the attention of their classmates, telling everyone to join in because I was sad. They really enjoyed the activity. The most incredible thing was that they chose to do it because of me, thus learning to choose others.”
In another project, workers are experiencing similar transformations. Elaine Nolding, a social worker at Centro de Assistência e Desenvolvimento Integral (CADI) in Rio de Janeiro, runs workshops on citizenship and life, encouraging and teaching children how to break out of the violence, vulnerability, and poverty that they experience daily in their communities and families. “In one session we discussed about how being a good citizen is about respecting others in order to be respected ourselves,” says Elaine.
“How can they help children make good choices?”
“I encouraged them to think of someone who needed help. One boy said that his classmate needed school supplies, so I asked each young person if they were able to donate one thing, so that we could make a kit with pencils, an eraser, a sharpener, and crayons. Each student who was able, brought some school supplies and we put together a kit to give to the boy’s friend.”
“I am thrilled to see Choose Life support our partners in their work with children,” says Cleisse. “The reports from the facilitators of the small changes that are already being noticed day-to-day with the children are encouraging. Choose Life is helping to create solid foundations in the formation of each child’s character.” The plan is that many other churches and organisations will use Choose Life as an integral part of the curriculum in Bible schools, in afterschool projects, and in regular activities with children. “We want to make Choose Life reach where the children are!” says Cleisse.
*Name has been changed
Give thanks for how Choose Life has been adapted for this new context in Brazil.
Praise God for the partner projects and for how they are able to use Choose Life with their young people. Pray for the future of Choose Life in Brazil –that God would find more places for it to thrive.
“It has also helped these young people discover more about the Bible’s values”Children from CADI
Last summer, we ran a competition asking young people to present the Bible digitally in a way that was relevant to them. After some exciting and inspired entries, Rosie Brighton’s animation on the book of Job was chosen as the winner.
Rosie, a 4th year student at Trinity Conservatoire, London, explains her inspiration for the animation: “The story of Job has always been fascinating to me and I seem to learn new things from it every time I read, hence my decision to cover it for this challenge. The reason why this is one of my favourite passages in the Bible is because it addresses one of those age-old questions of why does God allow suffering, while not fully answering it. Sometimes we don’t know why we suffer but that doesn’t mean that God doesn’t have a plan for us, or that the difficult times in our lives are out of his control. We can trust that … God’s here still protecting and sustaining us just like he did with Job.” Rosie’s wit and insight make for an entertaining and thought-provoking animation that ponders the idea of suffering in the midst of a chaotic world.
Check out our “As featured in Interact” playlist on YouTube to view Rosie’s animation – www.youtube.com/lifewords
Lifewords partner Viva is collaborating with All Nations Christian College, the Global Children’s Forum, the Lausanne Movement, and Langham Publishing to facilitate a series of webinars based on the recently published book God’s Heart for Children: Practical Theology from Global Perspectives to which Lifewords has contributed. Starting this January and running throughout 2023, the webinars will unpack themes from the book, aiming to equip Christians in their calling and ministry with children. The teaching will draw on the unique intersection of childhood development, theology and mission studies, and practice; broadening the conversation and ensuring
the experiences of children in difficult and complex situations are central. God’s Heart for Children: Practical Theology from Global Perspectives is a ground-breaking book. It is among the first predominantly African, Asian, and Latin American authored titles of its kind concerning God’s heart for ministry with and for children in some of the world’s most complex situations.
“It has been a great experience to contribute to more leaders being empowered,” says Clenir dos Santos, Lifewords Pavement Project Director. “The stories in this book touched me, especially the ‘children on the move’ topic, which we contributed to. Being able to collaborate with so many other organisations to equip leaders with a theology that flows from the Bible is in keeping with everything Lifewords believes and does, and this project only expands the possibility of bringing the heart of God to children.”
Celebrated actor Sir David Suchet highlighted Lifewords popular WW1 Active Service Saint John’s Gospel during a filmed “conversation” with the Very Reverend Dr David Hoyle, Dean of Westminster. David Suchet pulls a WW1 Gospel from his pocket describing how it was issued to soldiers in the First World War. The Very Reverend goes on to tell his own story of how his grandfather was saved from a gunshot wound by a Bible that he was carrying in his breast pocket, right where the bullet hit him.
First produced in 1914 by Scripture Gift Mission, 43 million copies of the Gospels were shared among soldiers, prisoners, and refugees in WW1. This replica version marked the 100th anniversary of the First World War and continues to resource the armed forces.
Check out our “As featured in Interact” playlist on YouTube to view Sir David Suchet’s conversation with the Very Reverend Dr David Hoyle – www.youtube.com/lifewords
All over the UK, churches are welcoming people from diverse ethnic and cultural communities – offering a space to connect with God and build relationships with others. For some, English is their second language, so churches are working with 2:19 Teach to Reach to offer ways to help them improve their English by using Lifewords resources.
2:19 Teach to Reach equips and resources churches, helping them to welcome and integrate speakers of other languages into their communities. One of the ways they do this is through establishing conversation classes that help improve English language skills, as well as building connections and sharing the gospel. The classes use Lifewords resources as tools to spark conversations and explore new vocabulary. Marina, part of the 2:19 Teach to Reach team, tells us more: “I used Silent Night at our international café around Armistice Day. I summarised the story in my own words, then used the booklet to read the actual story and show
the pages as I read.” She also talks about how The Easter Journey is used to help people develop their reading further: “This booklet was used with the intermediate and higher classes. In pairs, learners looked at the pictures of the days of Holy Week and tried to guess what they were about. The teacher then helped them go through the text and any new vocabulary.”
Maura, another member of the 2:19 Teach to Reach team, talks about how You Matter is perfect for helping new readers and those who don’t speak a lot of English: “Many parts of
“The resources provide space to reflect on the issues that affect people across the world”David and Maura lead the work of 2:19 Teach to Reach
the world are still functionally illiterate,” she says. “There remains a deep connection through oral communication, and storytelling is at the heart of many cultures. Using stories like the prodigal son is a natural connection point with many of our learners. One can use You Matter in so many different ways: telling the story using tone, pace, and voice quality, then moving onto reading it together in a small group. There are many themes to explore: families, farming, money, relationships, as well as the key theme of the father heart of God. One evening, only one person turned up to our iCaf (international café). It was a Polish lady with very little English. Amazingly, I had an English You Matter as well as a Polish translation in my bag. We spent the evening drinking coffee, storytelling, and reading the story in English. While we were able to enjoy the process of sharing English together, this lady was also able to read this story in her heart language.”
The resources also provide space to reflect on the issues that affect people across the world. “I use One Friday with higher level learners because of the beautiful use of language, straight from the Bible,” says Maura, “but also because each page carries a theme that lends
itself to further exploration – torture, powerlessness, forgiveness.” She goes on to talk about Day Three: Believe the Women: “We work with a lot of women who have never known what it is like to be valued or to have a voice. In this wonderful resource we see God’s heart for women. We are drawn in to look closely at the women surrounding Jesus’ last days and we cannot avoid seeing the value he placed on them and his love for them.”
Lifewords were invited to attend the 2:19 Teach to Reach English Teaching and Outreach Forum. “We met churches who are using our resources and who support our wider mission and work,” says Elizabeth King from Lifewords. “We were also able to share our resources with churches and organisations who were encountering us for the first time. It was great to hear more about how our resources are helping integrate people into different churches and communities, and also helping them learn English.”
To find out more about their work visit www.twonineteen.org.uk
Give thanks for 2:19 and the churches who are reaching out to their communities.
Praise God for how Lifewords resources are being used to meet both practical and spiritual needs. Pray for conversation classes and cafés, that many people would find welcome and connection.
We hear many stories of connections and relationships that lead to opportunities to share one of our booklets. Through church events, friendships, prison visiting, hospital ministry, partner organisations –to name but a few – people are reading and engaging with the Bible through Lifewords resources.
Peter in Zimbabwe struck up a friendship with Tendai who runs the local shop and has shared Finding Hope with him; Daphne in the UK uses Daily Strength at her church coffee morning; in Poland, Arkadiusz offers An Invitation to Ukrainian refugees he meets through events at his church. Timothy, a prison chaplain in the UK, uses Lifewords booklets to introduce prisoners to Jesus: “Our local prison fellowship group generously sends uplifting Christian material to the chaplaincy here, including your Lifewords publications,” says Timothy. “We find that they are very accessible for the men we have in our prison. The attractive presentation and an easily digestible amount of text, with its punchy relevance, provides the right level of spiritual guidance and momentum that men within our care greatly value. Lifewords publications really contribute to changing lives.”
For Peter, Daphne, Arkadiusz, Timothy, and many more people all over the world, a Lifewords booklet helps them introduce someone to the Bible, and to Jesus. As coffee is drunk, conversations are started, and friendships are developed, these people are able to offer others a way to engage with the life words of the Bible. There are many more stories like those of Peter, Daphne, Arkadiusz, and Timothy. What’s your story of sharing the Bible?
Our booklets are created around Bible themes and stories, and in response to different cultural and social needs and contexts. Here are SEVEN SUPER STEPS to share Lifewords booklets!
church services, events, and presentations for sharing of the Bible (e.g. Christmas, Easter, community events)
part of “care / gift packages” to various sections of the community (prisons, hospitals, etc.), endorsed by local leader(s) and / or professionals / specialists (vicars, chaplains, youth leaders, etc.)
part of an ongoing conversation with friend(s), or those with whom you have established a good one-to-one relationship
specialists and professionals who are working in specific contexts with particular needs (e.g. with the homeless, with trafficked people, with troubled youths, etc.)
Please remember that these booklets are designed to be shared with Christian love and kindness, in an appropriate manner that respects all people, in appropriate places and situations, and with sensitivity, care, and compassion.
For more information about how to use Lifewords resources visit www.lifewords.global/about/using-resources
Give thanks for people all over the world who are sharing Lifewords Bible booklets with others. Praise God for the impact the Bible has on the lives of others. Pray that we would be sensitive and compassionate as we share God’s Word.
This “experiential journey through the ancient wisdom of the beatitudes” (found in Matthew 5) was developed by author and speaker Mark Scandrette, with former Lifewords CEO Danielle Welch, and a global collective of practitioners. It was piloted in churches in the UK, USA, Australia, Bangladesh, and Kenya.
“The way of Jesus seems more practical to me now because I have learned some easy-to-use tools. I wish I’d known earlier how awesome this really is.” Rhanee Tsetsakos
“It’s not a Bible study, it’s applied theology, it’s practice, it’s useful, it’s a way of life!” Jamie Sweet
The “notebook” is designed for individual or group use. Each beatitude (or “beat”) offers a short invitation for reflection, with three practical “experiments” to put the words of Jesus into action in our daily lives. Created for our NINE BEATS project, we are excited to invite churches to find out how the beats can revolutionise our lives, our communities, and even our world.
“Together with the rest of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, these beats remain so compelling, welcoming, and transformative today. Let’s encourage many to walk the Ninefold Path with us.”
Steve Bassett (Founder, Creative Director, NINE BEATS project)
These beats speak about empire and power; about changing the world; about our inner selves and daily habits. They invite us to a way of trust, lament, humility, justice, compassion, right motive, peacemaking, surrender, and radical love.
“The Ninefold Path connects to the most important parts of our lives – daring us to join in God’s activity in the world and to experience the flourishing that can happen in our relationships, in our lives, and for others.” Jesse Size
Order the Ninefold Path Notebook in packs of 5 for £15 at ninefoldpath.org. A group leader’s guide (Ninefold Path Learning Lab), and other online video / content is also available.
Easter is a great opportunity to share the power of Jesus’ death and resurrection. Every year we hear stories from people who are using our resources to reach out to others. Last year, Andrew Willis from Ilford High Road Baptist Church ordered Witness: Easter Voices, Day Three: Believe the Women, and The Easter Journey to give to people who attend the church’s English classes, those attending the children’s holiday club, and to share at a pop-up party on the forecourt of church on Good Friday afternoon and at Easter services.
Visit www.lifewords.global/shop to browse our Easter range, and let us know how you plan to share the Bible this Easter.
Get in touch with the Lifewords global family. Find us online at www.lifewords.global, or contact your local office.
AUSTRALIA australia@lifewords.global BRAZIL projectoc@lifewords.global CANADA +1 905 683 6482 info@sgmcanada.ca KENYA +254 20 2730100 kenya@lifewords.global
INDONESIA +62 81294210986 indonesia@lifewords.global
INDIA +91-9538811181 india@lifewords.global
POLAND europe@lifewords.global
UK & INTERNATIONAL OFFICE +44 (0) 20 7730 2155 uk@lifewords.global
John 10:10 NCV
“I came to give life –life in all its fullness.”