Best of Class 2016-2017

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Thailand 2016 -2017


US $50


PIMALAI Resort & Spa Koh Lanta, Krabi

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Best Of Class

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand



Best Of Class

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand




David Lihn

This is the fourth edition of our book on luxury hotels 本版本为泰国豪华酒店与度假村的第四版, and resorts in Thailand, and we have made innovative 我们已得了创新性的进步,正继续茁长成长。 progress as we have grown and expanded. 书中增加了更多的豪华海岛度假胜地,并扩大

We have added more prestigious island resorts and 书本规模,增加内容,文辞更加文雅优美。 have increased the size, content and elegance of the 更甚者,这将是我们的第一本双语言书,将以 book. 中英双语形式发布,热烈欢迎大家来到泰国这

More importantly, this will be our first dual-language 个令人兴奋的市场。 book as we will publish in English and Chinese as we 在世界五星级高尔夫度假村工作期间,我一直 welcome that exciting market to the Kingdom. I have been writing about five-star hotels and resorts for over a decade as a function of my work with five-star golf resorts around the world. “Wow,” the golfer would write: “Would love to play. Where do I stay?” And the writing about Places to Stay began.

不停撰写有关豪华酒店与度假村的书籍,至今 已有年之久。“哇哦!”高尔夫球手应该会问 到:“会喜欢上它吗?我应该住在哪儿?” 关 于住宿地点的编撰就这样开始了。

Bew是我勤劳的合作伙伴,她建议我们开展泰 国豪华酒店和度假村指南的项目,这将是一个 When my industrious partner, Kineeya (Bew) Somsuan, 巨大的机会。若想游览泰国的城市、海滩、海 suggested we produce this guide for the very best hotels 岸线、山川、岛屿与丛林,从南至北2000多公 and resorts the Kingdom has to offer, I thought it would 里,我能够为旅客可供更深层次的选择。

be a great opportunity. I was able to delve deeper into the superb options the traveler has when visiting the cit- 不规则地四处延伸的私人海滩;平静而温暖的 ies, beaches, coastlines, mountains, islands and jungles 海水;孤岛上的精品海湾洞穴;凉爽宜人的高 山,山脚下的休养生息之地,我们拥有如此之 of Thailand – 2,000 kilometers from north to south. 多精彩和多样化的选择。

So many splendid, diverse choices: sprawling, private beaches; placid, warm waters; boutique coves on isolat- 另 外 , 当 然 , 我 十 分 感 谢 我 勤 奋 的 搭 档 , Kineeya(BEW)Somsuan,她的远见卓识造就 ed islands; cool mountains; hillside retreats. 了这本综合性书籍,她的热情与奉献让它开花

And, of course, my thanks to my indefatigable partner, 结果。 Bew, whose vision gave birth to this comprehensive book and whose enthusiasm and drive brought it to fruition. Dedication.


Best Of Class

Soneva Kiri, Koh Kood


Thailand 2016 -2017 David Lihn Publisher/Author Kineeya (Bew) Somsuan Director of Operations Corin Gilmore Copy Editor YaoYuling (Linda) Chinese Copy Editor Lina Huang Chinese Copy Editor Uruphong (Noom) Saiyarat Chinese Copy Editor and Artwork Coordinator Suphitcha (Pairy) Atthapornrangsri Chinese Copy Editor and Artwork Coordinator Suthima (Rung) Saenlama Graphic Designer Sairung Rattanasith Sales Executive Prapassorn (Kwan) Seang-Arun Sales Executive weibo: 泰国旅游度假

Lihn’s Best of Class 2016-2017 Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand is published annually by Lihn’s Golf Guide (Thailand) Co., Ltd. 199/12 Chicha Castle, Sukhumvit Soi 31, Wattana, Bangkok 10110 +66 (0) 2 040 9576 and (0) 87 351 7722


All contents Copyright © 2016 by Lihn’s Golf Guide (Thailand) Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. The production or use, in whole or in part, of any contents of this book without prior written permission of the publisher is strictly prohibited. Lihn’s Golf Guide (Thailand) Co., Ltd. is not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts, photography or artwork.

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand




8 - 11 12 - 13 14 - 15 16 - 17 18 - 27 28 - 35 8

Best Of Class

Thailand Information and Culture 泰国信息和文化 Tips for Thailand 泰国贴士

"Dos" and "Don'ts" in the Kingdom 泰国须知 Helpful Words 有用词汇 Thailand's Shopping and Dining 泰国购物和餐饮 Medical Tourism in Thailand 医疗旅游

36 - 41 Thailand's Attractions



42 43

Pimalai Resort & Spa 碧玛莱水疗度假村

44 49

50 103 104 187

Bangkok Hua Hin Pattaya Koh Samet Koh Chang Koh Kood

Koh Samui Koh Pha-ngan Koh Tao Trang Krabi Phuket Phang-Nga

188 203

Khao Yai Chiang Mai Chiang Rai 考艾 清迈 清莱

曼谷 华欣 芭提雅 苏梅岛

象岛 沽岛

苏梅岛 帕岸岛 涛岛 董里 甲米 普吉岛 攀牙



泰国豪华酒店和度假村 weibo: 泰国旅游度假

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Thailand, the only Southeast Asian nation never to have been colonized by European powers, is a constitutional monarchy whose current benevolent king is HM Bhumibol Adulyadej, at 88 years old, the longest reigning monarch in the world. A unified kingdom has existed since the mid-4th century. Thailand was known as Siam until 1939, when it officially became the Kingdom of Thailand.

Thailand Information and Culture 泰国信息和文化

For the past two years the military has controlled the government, pending the democratic passage of a new constitution in 2017. 泰国,东南亚国家中唯一一个没有沦为欧洲强国殖民地的君主立宪 制国家,现任国王是普密蓬•阿杜德,现年88岁,是世界上在位时 间最长的国王。 14世纪中叶一个统一的王国已经形成,称为暹罗,1939年正式改 名为泰王国。 在过去的两年,政府由军方控制。2017年,新宪法通过民主选举悬 而未决。





Thailand is the 50th largest country in the world (similar in size to France or Texas). Located just north of the equator, it has a tropical climate. Its largest peak, Doi Inthanon in the mountainous north, is 2,565 meters (8,415 feet) high. It covers more than 500,000 sq km (200,000 sq miles) with 2,230 sq km of water. The coastline is 3,219 kilometer long. Its longest shared border is with Myanmar (Burma) on the west stretching 1,800 km.

The weather is usually hot and humid, typical of its equatorial location, and temperatures range from 19 to 38 degrees C (66-100 F). Generally, Thailand can be divided into three seasons: “hot” (April), “rainy” (September) and “cool” (December), although the geography allows visitors to find suitable weather somewhere in the country throughout the year.

Thailand is comprised of nearly 70 million citizens, the majority of whom are ethnically Thai, though Chinese, Indian, Malay, Mon, Khmer, Burmese and Lao are also represented. Approximately 8 million people live in the capital, Bangkok, though this number has been difficult to accurately assess. The vast majority (roughly 80%) of the citizens are Thai. In Bangkok, a greater diversity exists, including a large number of expatriate residents. Other geographic distinctions of the population include a Muslim majority near the Malaysian border and hill tribe ethnic groups, such as the Hmong and Karen, who live in the northern mountains.

About 90% of the population speak Thai or one of its regional dialects. While this is the official language, due to the established tourism infrastructure, English is commonly understood throughout Thailand.

10 Best Of Class

Religion Approximately 94% of Thais are Buddhist, 5% Muslim, 1% Christian and other.

Transportation Many inexpensive options (see page 12).

地理 泰国是世界上土地面积最大的50个国家之一 (大小相当于法国或得克萨斯州),位于赤道以北, 属热带气候。泰国最高峰期是北部的茵他侬,高2,565 米(8415英尺)。泰国陆地面积500,000平方公里 (200,000平方英里),水域面积2,230平方公里,海岸 线长3,219公里。泰国最长的边境延伸至缅甸(Burma), 绵延1800公里。

气候 泰国气候通常炎热和潮湿,是典型的热带地区,温度 一般为19到38摄氏度(66-100 F)之间。一般来说, 泰国可分为三个季节:“热”季(4月)、雨季(9 月)和“凉”季(12月)。泰国的地理位置能让游客 在一年四季都能在任何地方找到合适的天气。

人口 泰国大约有700万人口,绝大多数为泰族,同时也 不同程度地分布着中国、印度、马来西亚、蒙族、 高棉、缅甸和老挝人。大约有800万居民住在首都 曼谷,但这些数据存在季节性变化,很难准确计 算。 泰国人口中绝大部分(约80%)是泰族,在曼谷, 有大量来自世界各地的外籍居民。其他地理区域的 人口有穆斯林,他们大多居住靠近马来西亚边境的 南部。另外还有山区部落族群,如苗族和克伦族, 居住在北部山区。

语言 92%以上的人口讲泰语或方言,泰语是泰国的官方语 言。由于首都的国际化和旅游基础设施的建立,英语被 广泛使用。

宗教 泰国人口中94%是佛教徒,5%是穆斯林,1%是基督徒 和其他。

交通 许多交通选择,而且价格便宜(见以下贴士)

Thai Greeting The Thai greeting referred to as the wai consists of a slight bow, with the palms pressed together in a prayer-like fashion (and often replaces the Western-style handshake). The higher the hands are held in relation to the face and the lower the bow, the more respect or reverence the giver of the wai is displaying. The wai is traditionally observed upon formally entering a house. After the visit is over, the visitor asks for permission to leave and repeats the salutation made upon entering. It is also common as a way to express gratitude or to apologize. The word often spoken with the wai as a greeting or farewell is sawatdi, sometimes romanized as sawasdee. This verbal greeting is usually followed by kha (when spoken by a female) and khrap (male). Waiing remains to this day an extremely important part of social behavior among Thais, who are very sensitive to their self-perceived standing in society. Foreign tourists and other visitors unaccustomed to the intricacies of Thai language and culture should not wai someone younger than them except in return for their wai. However, one should always return a wai that is offered as a sign of respect. Corporate wais, such as those performed by convenience store cashiers, generally are reciprocal with a smile or a nod.

泰式打招呼 泰式打招呼的方式是为合十礼,微微低头,用祈祷 般的方式将手掌合在一起(往往取代了西式的握 手)。相对于脸部和低头的程度,手举得越高,代 表了行合十礼者越多的尊重和崇敬。合十礼是正式 进屋后的传统礼仪,拜访结束后,来访者要求离 开,重复进屋时所做的动作,同时合十礼也用 于表达感激或道歉。 行合十礼时或告别时的问候语是 sawatdi,罗马拼音是sawasdee.。口头问候语后通常 跟KHA(女性口语)和 khrap(男性口语)。 直到现在,合十礼仍然是 泰国社会生活中一个极其 重要的组成部分,泰国人 很重视自己在社会中的自 我感觉。外国游客和其他 游客不习惯泰国语言和文 化的复杂性,比如泰国人 觉得不应该拜比自己年轻的 人,除非回拜。但是,每个 人都应该回拜以示尊重。另外 还有团体合十礼,如便利店收银 员一般都会重复微笑或点头。 如果在拿东西时得到别人的合十礼,或因各 种原因很难回拜,仍然应该根据情况尽可能地通过 身体动作表示尊重。

If one receives a wai while carrying goods, or for any reason that makes returning it difficult, one should still show their respect by making a physical effort to return it as best as possible under the circumstances.

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Land of Smiles 微笑的国度

Thailand is often called the “land of smiles,” not only because visitors glow over its natural beauty and historical riches, but also because of the country’s friendly people and fascinating culture.

泰国被称为“微笑的国度”,不仅是 因为游客焕发了它的自然风光和历史 财富,还因为泰国友好的人民和迷人 的文化。

Since a serene disposition is valued, beware that conflict and sudden displays of anger are eschewed in Thai culture. For these reasons, visitors should take care not to assign blame or draw attention to another person’s error, particularly if they are local.

由于重视宁静的性格,冲突和突兀的 表现在泰国文化中是不允许的。由于 这些原因,游客应注意不要制造冲突 或唐突。在遇到分歧和争端时应面带 微笑处理,并且不怪罪别人。

Often Thais will deal with disagreements, minor mistakes, or misfortunes by using the phrase mai pen rai, translated as “it doesn’t matter”. The ubiquitous use of this phrase in Thailand reflects a disposition towards minimizing conflict, disagreements or complaints. A smile and mai pen rai indicate that the incident is not important and therefore there is no conflict or shame involved.

在泰国的日常生活中,特别强调一个 概念:生活应该很有趣。正因为如 此,工作和每天的日常活动会变得更 加有趣,在社会交往中显示积极的情 绪在泰国文化中也是很重要的。

泰国人通常会说mai pen rai(意思 是“没关系”)来处理分歧、小错误 或不幸遭遇。在泰国,这个短语无处 不在,反映了泰国人尽量减少冲突、 分歧或投诉的性格。一个微笑,一 In everyday life in Thailand, there is a strong 句“mai pen rai”表示这起事件并不 emphasis on the concept of sanuk: the idea that 重要,因此没有发生冲突或耻辱的必 life should be fun. Because of this, Thais can be 要。 quite playful at work and during day-to-day activities. Displaying positive emotions in social interactions is also important in Thai culture.

Temples 寺庙

Since Thailand is a Buddhist country, temples play an important role in everyday life. Thais go for merit making, pray to the Buddha for things such as good health, good fortune, and to seek advice from monks. It is customary for young boys to ordain as a monk and live in the temple for a short time. There are a number of Thai customs relating to the special status of monks in Thai society. Thai monks are forbidden physical contact with women. 12 Best Of Class

Women are therefore expected to make way for passing monks to ensure that accidental contact (or indeed appearance together) does not occur. Women making offerings to monks place their donation at the feet of the monk, or on a cloth laid on the ground or a table. Powders or unguents intended to carry a blessing are applied to Thai women by monks using the end of a candle or stick.

有许多关于泰国社会中僧侣特殊地位的风 俗,泰国僧侣被禁止与女人有身体接触。 因此,妇女需要给僧侣让路,以确保不发 生意外接触。确保妇女和僧人不发生偶然 接触(或外部接触)的方法有很多,如妇 女在供养僧人时把她们的贡品放在僧人脚 上,或放在铺设在地面上的布上或桌上。 僧人通过使用蜡烛或棒末端,赠与女性祝 福的粉末或油膏。

Laypersons are expected to sit or stand with their heads at a lower level than that of a monk. Within a temple, monks may sit on a raised platform during ceremonies to make this easier to achieve.

外人在站或坐的时候,他们的头需要低于 僧人的头。在寺庙,和尚可以坐在凸起的 平台上,更容易显示僧侣的地位。

When sitting in a temple, one is expected to point one’s feet away from images of the Buddha. Shrines inside Thai residences are arranged so as to ensure that the feet are not pointed towards the religious icons, such as placing the shrine on the same wall as the head of a bed.

当坐在寺庙内时,需要提醒别人不要将脚 指向佛像。泰国住宅内布置的佛龛是用来 保证脚没有指向宗教圣像,如将神龛放置 在与床头同一面的墙上。

It is also customary to remove one’s footwear before entering a home or the sacred areas within a temple, and not to step on the threshold.

在进入寺庙房间内或在神圣的区域前,需 要脱鞋,且不能踩门槛。

Thai New Year 泰国新年

Thai New Year, or Songkran, is officially observed from 13–15 April each year. Falling at the end of the dry season and during the hot season in Thailand, the celebrations notoriously feature boisterous water throwing, which stemmed from washing Buddha images and lightly sprinkling scented water on the hands of elderly people. Small amounts of scented talcum powder were also used in the annual cleansing rite. In recent decades, water fights have been increasingly industrialized with use of hoses, barrels, squirt guns, water-filled surgical tubing, and copious amounts of powder. Be prepared! 泰国新年或泼水节,通常为每年的4月 13–15日,即泰国旱季结束和夏季时 期。庆祝活动包括热闹的泼水,清洗佛 像,并轻轻洒水于老人手中,少量的香 粉也被用在年度清洗仪式。近几十年 来,打水仗越来越多地使用软管、桶、 水枪、充水外科手术导管和大量的粉。 请准备好!

Thai Cuisine


Thai cooking places emphasis on lightly-prepared dishes with strong aromatic components and a spicy edge. It is known for its complex interplay of between three and five fundamental taste senses in each dish or the overall meal: sour, sweet, salty, bitter, and spicy.

泰国美食是泰国的传统美食,泰式烹饪非常注重在菜肴边 缘放重口味和辛辣的装饰物。泰国美食以其复杂性闻名, 一个菜或整桌菜有三种(最多四种或五种)基本味觉: 酸,甜,咸,苦,辣。

While Thai food has a reputation for being particularly spicy, it is actually balancing these core olefactory senses. This goes beyond simply combining the flavors within an individual dish to incorporate the contrast in flavors between two or three different dishes, which is one reason Thai’s share meals and eat family style.

虽然泰国美食以特辣著称,但它实际上是基于辣、酸、 甜、咸和苦之间的平衡。这超出了简单地将各种味道合成 到一道菜中,而是将不同味道融合到2-3道不同的 菜中。这是泰国人喜欢分享美食和家庭聚餐 的原因。

One distinctive aspect of Thai food is the use of fresh herbs and spices as well as the inclusion of fermented fish sauce in nearly every dish – a potential problem for vegetarians, though saying “jay” to indicate you are vegetarian goes a long way. However, there are certainly regional variations in what is typically considered Thai food; these are due to the influences of neighboring countries, such as China, Laos, Burma, and Malaysia. While some Thai restaurants specialize in specific dishes, most have a huge menu of Thai and western fare and prepare Thai food from throughout the Kingdom. Thai food (Ar-Han-Thai) is one of the most popular cuisines in the world. In 2011, seven of Thailand’s popular dishes made it to the list of the “World’s 50 Most Delicious Foods (Readers’ Pick)” – a worldwide online poll of 35,000 people by CNN Travel. Thailand had more dishes on the list than any other country: tom yam goong (4th), pad Thai (5th), som tam (6th), massaman curry (10th), green curry (19th), Thai fried rice (24th) and moo nam tok (36th).

泰国菜一个显着的特点是使用新鲜 香草和香料,几乎每道菜都放发 酵鱼露 - 对于素食者来说,潜在 的问题他们说“jay”来表明 是素食主义者,但是得不到 好的效果。不过,泰国菜也 有一定的地区差异,这是因 为受到周边国家,如中国、 老挝、缅甸和马来西亚的影 响。一些泰国餐馆专注于特 定的菜肴,大多数餐馆拥有 一个大菜单,涵盖了泰国菜 和西餐,准备来自整个王国各 地的泰国菜。 泰国美食(Ar-Han-Thai)是世界 上最流行的菜系之一。 2011年,泰 国最流行的七大菜肴使泰国菜名列“世 界50大最美味的食物(读者挑选)”-来自 CNN旅游35000人的全球网投票。泰国比其他任 何国家有更多名单以外的美味佳肴,如冬阴功(第4名) 、泰式米饭(第5名)、酸辣青木瓜丝(第6名)、马沙文 咖喱(第10名)、绿咖喱(第19名)、泰国炒饭 (第24名)、猪肉沙律(第36名)。

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand



Transportation Cheap with varying degrees of efficiency: BTS (Skytrain): limited to downtown, but glorious – and great exercise up the stairs. Expanding. MRT (Underground): excellent, clean efficient. Taxis: Bring directions. Some of the most disoriented drivers on the planet. KNOW THE WAY. But cheap. Have correct change. Be patient. There is no grid system and the Sois wander and dead-end. Directions: It’s hilarious to listen to a three-minute “na ka” session of direction-giving and then you take 2 turns and go straight. I limit my driver to 30 seconds to get it right. Sidewalks: Not great and crowed with stalls. Take your strolls early in the morning. Canals: Fetid. Chao Praya River is as dirty as any waterway I have seen. When you take a ferry across, you will avoid three strains of meningitis by keeping dry. Tuk-Tuks: If you are a farang, be careful to avoid overpaying. Noisy and uncomfortable, but an icon. For short journeys never pay more than 100 Baht (US $3.50).

Street Food

It proliferates and is cheap. Portable kitchens pop up at lunch and dinner time like forest mushrooms and people dine al fresco at tables on the sidewalk. Fruit vendors are a good deal.


The Thailand Tango…too often in Thailand transactions are delayed or stalled because of a face-saving custom that believes that “saying no” is bad. So the Westerner thinks he has evoked some interest, only to discover none exists. Or the Thai businessman changes his mind. Or she signs an agreement and then changes her mind. I have dubbed this: “the Thailand Tango” – three steps forward, two steps back (and many to the side). Don’t be frustrated. Endure. Patience.

14 Best Of Class

Motorbikes: These “Bangkok helicopters” are often the only way to negotiate the mean, over-trafficked, stop-and-never-go bedlam of the Bangkok streets. But you must be brave, as they are not for the timid. They weave, negotiate one-way streets (both ways – “Isn’t this a one-way street?” I once queried to a semi-bilingual driver. “I am going one way!”) Bicycles: How? Where? Try Lumpini Park. Car Service: If you must travel around Bangkok for business or a major shopping junket, use one.

Shopping And Sightseeing

Splendid and so affordable. Tailored suits, shirts, blouses, dresses, slacks. Jewelry. Fabric. Leather goods. Street food. DVDs. Places to go and things to eat on the way.


品类众多且便宜,便携式厨房如雨后春笋般在午餐和晚餐时间涌现,人们会在户外人行道用餐,果商生意 繁荣。


泰国探戈......由于面子习俗问题,泰国人觉得说“不”是不好的,因此泰国的交易常常落后或停滞不前。 西方人认为他激发了一些兴趣,后来发现根本不存在;泰国商人改变了主意,同意签字,然后改变主意。 我曾经将这现象称为:“泰国探戈” – 走三步,退两步(许多步向旁边)。所以,请不要沮丧,要忍 受、 忍耐。


Malls • • • • • • • • •

Central World Gaysorn Plaza World Central Embassy Siam Paragon Emporium EmQuartier MBK Central Chitlom Terminal 21

Chatuchak Weekend Market, Night Markets

Bustling, inexpensive markets are scattered all over Thailand. In Bangkok, this is the main attraction – acres of it – steps away from the BTS and MRT. Patpong, on Silom and up and down Sukhumvit and Khao San Road (also budget hotels and pubs here).


Fantastic. Everywhere in the Kingdom. Thai massage to stretch and oil to relax. Very inexpensive at spas and parlors dotting – it seems – every Soi. Spas operate in every hotel and resort in the country. Healthy and delightful. Indulge.

Muay Thai

Exciting, kinetic and noisy. Lumpini Boxing Stadium on Rama 4 Road.

便宜,不同效率层次: BTS(轻轨):仅限于市区,性能良好的自动扶梯,正在不断扩大中。 捷运(地铁):卓越、廉价、高效。 出租车:方向感差,一些司机是这星球上最晕头转向的司机。您需要认识路,沟通便宜的价格,检查找回 的钱,要耐心一点。 没有栅格,需步行入巷,常碰到死胡同。 方向:需要听三分钟滑稽的“na ka”,司机才能找到方向,转2圈后直行。我会限制我的司机在30秒内找 到正确的方向。 走人行道:不是很好,挤满了摊位,但是适合清晨漫步。 运河:恶臭,湄南河和我见过的水道一样肮脏。乘渡轮时请保持干燥,避免脑膜炎。 三轮摩托车:如果您是一个西方人,请避免花冤枉钱。喧闹吵杂与不舒适已经成为它的标志。不要支付超 过100泰铢(US $ 3.50)的车费。 摩托车:这些“曼谷直升机”往往是穿过肮脏、过度堵车、停止不前的曼谷街头唯一的方法,但是您一定 要勇敢,这不适合胆怯者。他们只走单向街道(这不是单向吗?“我曾经询问一个说半双语的司机, “我只开一个方向!”)自行车:怎么了?哪里?请隆比尼公园尝试。 汽车服务:如果您必须维脑曼谷,或者出差在外,那就可以使用汽车。


华丽而实惠,包括定制的西服、衬衫、女式衬衫、连衣裙、休闲裤、首饰、 布、皮具、 街头食品、 DVD、景点和食物。

商场 • • • • •

Central World Central Embassy Emporium EmQuartier Central Chitlom

• Gaysorn Plaza World • Siam Paragon • MBK • Terminal 21


泰国热闹的廉价市场,是曼谷主要的旅游胜地 –规模大 – 离BTS和MRT仅几步之遥。帕蓬、是隆、素坤逸路上下和考山路(也有经济型酒店和酒吧) 值得推荐。


太棒了!无处不在的泰式按摩舒展和精油放松,非常便宜的水疗中心和商店- 似乎 – 每条巷子都有。 全国每家酒店和度假村内都有水疗中心,健康、愉快而放松。


Exciting, kinetic and noisy. Lumpini Boxing Stadium on Rama 4 Rd. 隆比尼拳击馆位于拉玛4路。它令人兴奋、充满活力、同时也喧嚣。

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


” s o


• Do learn something about Thai culture before you arrive. • Do respect all Buddha images, which are held sacred; sacrilegious acts are punishable by imprisonment. • Do dress properly when visiting a temple. • Do remove your shoes before entering a temple, somebody’s house, and even some shops. • Make a copy of your passport and keep it with you. • Do smile – Thailand is known as the Land of Smiles – and smiles mean many things. So try to smile as much as possible at Thai people and they will return in kind and be more friendly. • Do wai – this is a Thai greeting made by putting your hands together at chest height and pointing your fingers to the sky, with a small bow of the head. If you are not physically able to do the Wai then just do it as best you can, as Thai people will understand. • Do bring gifts – try to bring some small present if you are invited to a home, as the Thai people love to make presents to each other. • Do travel and have directions – the taxi system is unregulated and is a crapshoot with most drivers (females are warned about late-night taxi rides), but so inexpensive; tuk-tuks are uncomfortable, noisy and a tourist draw (negotiate your fare); scooter taxis are everywhere, effective and fast, but hold on! • Do ride the clean and efficient BTS (Skytrain) and MRT (Underground). • Do try to speak a little Thai! (See some helpful phrases on pages 16-17).

“Dos” and “Don’ts” • 在到达泰国之前,请了解一些泰国文化。 • 尊重所有的佛像,这是神物,亵渎行为可处以监禁。 • 参观寺庙时请穿着得体。 • 进入寺庙或某人的房子,甚至在一些商店前,请脱鞋。 • 护照复印件随身携带。 • 微笑 - 泰国被称为微笑的土地 -微笑意味着很多,所以在泰国人民面前尽可能多微笑,他们会给与汇报和变得更加友好 • 合十礼 –将您的双手合十在胸前,手指指向天空。如果您的身体不能做合十礼,请尽量做,泰国人会明白的。 • 带礼物 -如果您被邀请到一个家庭,尽量带一些小礼物,因为泰国人喜欢对方送礼物。 • 旅行有方向感 - 出租车系统是不受管制的,大多数司机是危险的(警告女性不要在深夜乘坐出租车),尽管很便宜。 三轮摩托车不舒服、嘈杂,但是吸引游客(车费谈判 )。摩托车随处可见,有效且快速,但要挺住! • 请乘坐廉洁高效的BTS(轻轨)和MRT(地铁 )。 • 试图讲一点泰语! (见第__页一些有用的短语 )。

16 Best Of Class


• Don’t ever show disrespect towards the Thai Royal Family. Thai people have a deep, traditional reverence for the Royal Family. (…and you can be imprisoned under a Draconian lese majeste law.) • Don’t touch a Thai woman without consent. Despite the image portrayed in some bars and clubs, the majority of Thai women are conservative. • Don’t touch a Thai person’s head or ruffle their hair. For Thai people it’s the most important part of their body. • Don’t place your feet on the table while sitting, don’t point to anything with your feet, and don’t touch anyone with your feet. Don’t step over someone’s legs or feet. In Thailand it is considered very impolite to step over someone’s outstretched legs or feet. • Don’t display affection in public – Thai people in general do not kiss or make physical contact in public beyond holding hands. • Don’t lose your temper or make fun of another in public. Thai people like to save face. • Don’t go topless, if you are a woman on the beach; people will pretend not to notice, but some may be deeply offended. • Don’t gamble, as it is illegal in Thailand. • Don’t accept any offers from strangers to assist you in finding the right places to do your shopping. I f you need a taxi, just ignore all the tours and go straight to the public taxi counter. • Avoid prostitution in Thailand, which not only puts your health at risk, but also gives a high chance of getting fleeced. • Don’t use a hotel safe deposit box. Entrust your valuables only in respectable hotels. • Don’t accept luggage or baggage or any package from someone you don’t know well, as it may contain drugs.

in The Kingdom


• 永远不要对泰国王室表示不敬,泰国人对王室有深厚传统的崇敬之情。 (...您会在严厉的冒犯君主法下被监禁。) • 在未经同意下,请勿触摸泰国女子。尽管一些酒吧和俱乐部所展示的妇女形象不是很好,但是大多数泰国妇女是保守的。 • 不要裸体晒日光浴。尽管没有人会责备您,但是这会冒犯大多数泰国人。 • 请勿触摸泰国人的头或头发,这会激怒他们。对于泰国人来说,头是他们身体最重要的部分。 • 坐时请不要把您的脚放在桌子上,不用脚指东西,不碰任何人的脚。别跨过人的腿或脚,在泰国,这被认为是非常粗鲁无礼的。 • 不在公共场合亲昵。 一般的泰国人不在公共场所接吻或或手牵手。 • 不要发脾气或使在公众面前戏弄别人。泰国人爱面子。 • 不要穿露肩服。如果您是在沙滩上的女人,人们会假装没有注意到,但有些人可能会来冒犯您。 • 不要赌博,赌博在泰国是违法的。

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand



Words 有用词汇

Chinese 你好 你好吗 谢谢 不用谢 对不起 很高兴认识你 我不会讲泰语 不明白 您明白了吗? 我可以拍照片吗? 洗手间在哪儿? 请开慢点 向右拐 向左拐 一直向前开 停下 这个东西多少钱? 这是什么? 太贵了

18 Best Of Class


สวัสดีครับ , สวัสดีคะ่ สวัสดี sa-wa sa-was-dee-krap male, sa-was-dee-ka female สบายดีไหม (sa-bai-dee-mai) ขอบคุณครับ (khob-khun-krap) male ขอบคุณค่ะ (khob-khun-ka) female ไม่เป็นไร (mai-pen-rai) ขอโทษ (kho-thod) ยินดีที่ได้รู้จัก (yin-dee-tee-dai-ru-jak) ฉันพูดภาษาไทยไม่ได้ (chan-pud-pa-sa-thai-mai-dai) ไม่เข้าใจ (mai-khao-jai) คุณเข้าใจไหม? (khun-khao-jai-mai) ฉันขอถ่ายรูปได้ไหม (chan-kho-thai-rub-dai-mai) ห้องนํ้าอยู่ที่ไหน? (hong-nam-yu-tee-nai) ช่วยขับรถช้าๆหน่อย (khub-rod-cha-cha-noi) เลี้ยวขวา (leow-kwa) เลี้ยวซ้าย (leow-sai) ตรงไป (tong-pai) หยุด (yhud) ราคาเท่าไหร่? ( ra-ka-tao-rai) นี่คืออะไร? (nee-khue-arai) แพงเกินไป (paeng-kuen-pai)

English Hello How are you? Thank you Never mind Sorry Nice to meet you I cannot speak Thai I do not understand Could you understand? May I take a photo? Where is the bathroom? Please drive slowly Turn right Turn left Go straight ahead Stop How much does it cost? What is this? It is too expensive

Chinese 结账 祝您好运 你去哪里 迷路了 我想去 --飞机场 酒店 医院 不是 是 兑换钱 电话 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 好吃 有趣 喜欢 不喜欢 有 没有 你能帮我吗? 现在几点? 行李 泰铢 舒服 可爱

Thai เก็บเงิน (keb-ngeon) โชคดีค่ะ / ครับ (choke-dee ka / krab) คุณจะไปไหน (khun-ja-pai-nai) ฉันหลงทาง (chan-long-thang) ฉันจะไป --- (chan-cha-pai) สนามบิน (sa-nam-bin) โรงแรม (rong-ram) โรงพยาบาล (rong-pa-ya-ban) ไม่ใช่ (mai-chai) ใช่ (chai) แลกเงิน (leak-ngoen) โทรศัพท์ (tho-ra-sap) หนึง่ (nueng), สอง (song), สาม (sam), สี่ (sie), ห้า (ha), หก (hok), เจ็ด (jed), แปด (paed), เก้า (kao), สิบ (sib) อร่อย (a-roi) สนุก (sa-nook) ชอบ (chob) ไม่ชอบ (mai-chob) มี (mee) ไม่มี (mai-mee) คุณช่วยฉันหน่อยได้ไหม? (choey-chan-noi-dai-mai) กี่โมงแล้ว (kee-mong-laew) กระเป๋าเดินทาง (kra-pao-doen-thang) บาท สะดวกสบาย (sa-dwak-sbay) น่ารัก (na-rak)

English May I have the bill, please Good luck Where are you going? I’m lost I want to go to --Airport Hotel Hospital No Yes Money Exchange Telephone one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten Delicious Enjoy Like Dislike Have Don’t have Can you help me? What time is it? Baggage Baht Comfortable Lovely

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Ohhh…so many options! 噢噢噢...这么多的选择!

20 Best Of Class

Sh Di op ne 商 用 店 餐 。 。

Elegant temple spires, floating markets, coursing canals, lumbering elephants, exotic jungles and seaside haunts. Unwavering exuberance and reflective calm. And smiles. Thailand is a country of abundant blissful opportunities. Dynamic and frenetic, but fun-loving and easy-going, Thailand will thrill you with its culinary possibilities, mesmerize you with its golden-(in) spired temples, enchant you with its topographical diversity (quiet beaches, island resorts, sleepy jungles, panoramic national parks and cozy luxury), and titillate you with its bustling congeries of shopping possibilities. Bangkok offers a potpourri of street food, dozens (hundreds?) of food courts, rooftop dining, gourmet delectations on hidden Sois. And beachside dining proliferates on the islands. Food in this country is a passion and an art form. So many choices from around the globe. Shopping? Major malls dominate the cities and street vendors line the streets with sensational shopping options: clothes, souvenirs, jewelry, electronics, leather goods… 庄严的寺庙、水上市场、运河、笨拙的大象和海边胜地,持续的繁 荣、宁静和微笑,泰国是能生产幸福的国家。 动态狂热,同时又有趣随和,泰国将用美食、催眠、金色启发式寺 庙迷住你,用多样化的地形蛊惑你(宁静的海滩,海岛度假村,安 静的丛林,全国全景公园和舒适的豪华),并用繁华的购物场挑逗 你。 曼谷有美食街,提供几十(几百?)美食馆、屋顶用餐和巷子美食 享受。

• Jewelry Trade Center 20-21 珠宝交易中心

• Bangkok Fashion Outlet


• Baan Silom


• Nikki Beach Resort Koh Samui


曼谷时装直营店 班西隆酒店


• Chao Phraya Princess Cruise



海滨餐厅遍布岛上。 食品在这个国家是一种激情和艺术形式,有来自世界各地这么多的 选择。 购物?城市主要商场和街头小贩:衣服,纪念品,珠宝,电器,皮 具... Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Jewelry Trade Center 珠宝交易中心 The Jewelry Trade Center (JTC) is Thailand’s leading trade premises for diamonds, gems and assorted jewelry. It comprises over 180,000 square meters of retail, office and residential space, constructed upon 4.5 acres of land in Bangkok’s thriving Central Business District (in Silom). JTC is regarded as one of the most important trading hubs for the supply of gems and other jewelry to the international market, playing host to more than 300 leading retailers and 1,500 wholesalers. 珠宝交易中心(JTC)是泰国顶级的钻石、 宝石和珠宝贸易场所,其零售、办公和住 宅空间占地面积超过180,000平方米,位 于曼谷占地4.5亩的繁荣中央商务街上。 JTC被视为最重要的贸易枢纽,它将宝石 等饰品带向国际市场,接待300多家领先 的零售商和1500家批发商。

22 Best Of Class

Shopping with Confidence RESPECTABILITY Over 300 reputable sellers, all of which are included within the JTC Trust Shop customer feedback and rating system. VALUE Jewelry Trade Center retailers offer quality and affordability unmatched anywhere in Bangkok. CONFIDENCE Two gem laboratories – AIGS and GIL – are located within the building, to provide fast and accurate identification and grading services for all gemstones. So you can be confident of every purchase you make.

信心满满地购物 尊重 超过300家高信誉卖家,所有这些都包含在JTC信誉 店客户反馈和评级系统内。 价值 珠宝交易中心的零售商提供优质的产品和无与伦比 的承受能力,覆盖整个曼谷。 信任 两个宝石实验室 - AIGS和GIL ,- 位于交通方便的珠 宝交易中心大楼内,为珠宝或珠宝摆件提供快速、 准确、实惠的鉴别和分级服务。所以,您可以肯定 您的每一次购买。



JTC Welcome Gifts Special gifts for any tourist to Jewelry Trade Center – just contact the reception staff at JTC and receive a gorgeous shopping bag or your birthstone.

JTC欢迎礼品 我们为光临珠宝交易中心的游客准备了 特殊礼品 – 联系JTC接待人员,您将 得到一个华丽的购物袋或您的诞生石。

Personal Shoppers Personal shoppers are ready to give advice or make suggestions about gems and jewelry and stores where you can find your perfect gift. Simply ask reception for assistance.

个人购物 我们的个人导购者随时向您介绍宝石和 珠宝商店或者提出相关建议,保证您可 以在此找到最好的礼物。很简单,直接 咨询我们的服务接待。 Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Bangkok Fashion Outlet 曼谷时装直营店 Bangkok Fashion Outlet is the first name-brand discount outlet in downtown Bangkok. Part of the Central Group, one of the biggest retailers in Thailand, it offers attractive deals from big brands with discounts up to 90%. Over 500 top Thai and International brands are offered at reduced prices. 曼谷时装直营店是曼谷市中心的第一家品牌折 扣店。 作为Central集团的一部分,泰国最大的零售商 之一,它专门为客户提供具有吸引力的大品牌 折扣,折扣高达90%,价格低于500家泰国和 国际品牌价格:

24 Best Of Class

Central Outlet

Central has been synonymous with retail excellence in Thailand, offering not only a staggering assortment of merchandise but also a vast variety of lifestyle services. Central在泰国一直是卓越零售业的代名词,不仅提供琳琅满目、令人咋舌的商品,而且提供各种生活服务。

Marks & Spencer Outlet

Clothing and accessories for up to 80% off.

玛莎直营店, 高达80%的服装和配件折扣。 Minor Outlet

One of Thailand’s largest distributors of international lifestyle brands with spectacular offerings on adult footwear and clothes, designer shoes and clothing for children. 泰国最大的国际时尚品牌经销商之一,拥有成人鞋类及服装、名牌鞋和儿童服装。

The Outlet 24

The Outlet 24 is a one-stop shop for fashion products featuring premium brands in Thailand offering the best deals with discounts up to 90% on a wide selection of brand names. The Outlet24是时尚产品一站式商店,以泰国的优质品牌为特色,商品折扣高达90%,价格最优惠,有多种品牌供客户选择。

Supersports Outlet

One of the world’s leading sports brands. With discounts up to 80%, Supersports Outlet ensures you will have access to the best sporting brands at a fraction of usual cost. 世界上领先的运动品牌,折扣高达80%,出口超级跑车,您将有机会以平常花销的小部分换取最好的体育品牌产品。 His & Her Outlet The SAHA Group is widely recognized within the Thailand business community, offering Le Coq Sportif, Lacoste, Wacoal, BSC, Arrow, Mizuno and many more, all with discounts of up to 70%. 萨哈集团在泰国企业界得到广泛认可,提供乐卡克、法国鳄鱼、华歌尔、BSC、箭牌、美津浓等品牌,所有折扣高达70%。

Footwork Void

With its cosmopolitan range of imported fashion footwear and accessories, Footwork Void is your source for the latest in footwear that is the perfect accessory to your funky urban lifestyle – at outlet prices! 凭借其国际化和时尚的进口鞋类及配件,Footwork Void是您最新鞋类仓库,完美附和您时髦的城市生活方式 – 只需以 outlet的价格! See more brands such as PLAYBOY, FRENCH KITTY, CROCS, GIORDANO, and TAYWIN OUTLET 查看更多品牌,如花花公子、法国基蒂、鳄鱼、佐丹奴,以及TAYWIN OUTLET

Contact information Bangkok Fashion Outlet 919/1 Silom, Bangrak, Bangkok,10500 Thailand

Contact information 联系方式 泰国曼谷市邦拉区西隆路919/1号曼谷时尚直营店 Tel: +66 (0) 2 630 1000 Tel: +66 (0) 2 630 1000

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Our Story

With its vibrant and eclectic array of coffee shops, international cuisine, and luxury boutiques, Baan Silom is the perfect place to while away the hours and explore this charming multi-story shopping mall. Located on Silom Road just before Soi 19, minutes from Surasak BTS, this provides a delightful shopping and dining respite.


咖啡馆、国际美食与豪华精品充满活力,同 时又独具匠心。借此,这里成了成为消磨时 间理想场所,也平添几分迷人,让人情不自 禁探寻这个多样化格局的购物中心。班西隆 酒店位于是隆路19巷前方,离苏拉萨轻轨站 仅几分钟,是可以为您提供愉快的购物、餐 饮、休息的美好所在。

International Restaurants

• Nadimos:泰国最名声斐然的 黎巴嫩餐厅,热情好客、无以 伦比。 •Taling Pling:泰国连 锁餐厅准 备当地的美味佳肴,众多民间秘 方所制。 • Ottoman: 所有经典的土耳其美 食以及自制特色菜 • Tum’s Kitchen:所有土耳经典美食,特色自制菜肴 • Haji Ali:素食者的天堂- 西方和印度风味的完美融合 • Saravanaa Bhavan:世界排名第一的印度素食餐厅 • Seii涮锅&寿司自助:高品质的原料自助餐,价格合理

Trendy Coffee Shops

班西隆咖啡馆已经成为咖啡爱好者崇拜和向往的地方,您 在室内或者户外的树荫下感受时光。


Here is a cult-favorite among caffeine lovers. Sit indoor •星巴克咖啡:为您提供了轻松闲适的氛围,您可以进入 or outdoors in the shade under the canopy of trees. 工作状态,或享受来之不易的休息时间。 • Starbucks: a relaxed and comfortable ambience • Nobs Café: soak up the eccentric and artistic atmosphere •NOBS咖啡馆:与朋友闲聊,厅中弥漫着独特艺术氛围。

Lifestyle Shopping

Enjoy the experience of shopping for a casual collection of accessories, including: chic fabrics, adorable jewelry, bespoke shoes… and much more. • Areethan: customized shoes – without sacrificing style and sophistication • Naraya: an unparalleled range of exquisite, quality fabrics at reasonable prices • My Best Salon & Spa: a one-stop beauty and relaxation destination • Loveyou Jewel: specialists in wedding jewelry • D-quality: offers both optimal value and distinctive quality • Sofi Arts Emporium: offers exotic hand-crafted products with authentic Persian designs

Tel: +66 (0) 2-630-1000 26 Best Of Class Baan Silom Arcade, Soi Silom 19, Silom Road, Silom, Bangrak, Bangkok 10500 Thailand


• Nadimos: Thailand’s famous Lebanese restaurant with unsurpassed hospitality • Taling Pling: Thai chain restaurant serving scrumptious regional dishes, with many secret recipes • Ottoman: All the classics of Turkish cuisine as well as home-made specialties • Tum’s Kitchen: Thai delicacies with a spicy twist from all regions of the Kingdom • Haji Ali: a heaven for vegetarians – a delectable fusion of Western and Indian flavors • Saravanaa Bhavan: World's #1 chain of Indian vegetarian restaurants • Seii Shabu & Sushi Buffet: premium buffet with high quality ingredients and reasonable prices

生活方式和购物 享受购物体验:可爱的布艺饰品、优雅可爱的珠宝、量身 订做的潮鞋、生动的艺术丝巾,以及更多。 • Areethan:定制鞋子—精致,且不失风格。 • Naraya:价格合理、独一无二、精美细致、面料优质 • My Best Salon & Spa:一站式美容休闲 • Loveyou Jewel:专业婚纱首饰 • D-quality:提供最高的价值和独特性 • Sofi Arts Emporium:提供异国情调的手工品,配有正 宗的波斯图案

“Nikki Beach Koh Samui is luxury bottled, chilled and poured out into the perfect holiday cocktail.” – Ella Buchan, Daily Star “苏梅岛尼基海滩豪华瓶装的冷冻鸡尾酒倒出了完美的度假村。” - 艾拉巴肯,每日星报


nly at Nikki Beach will you find people from all parts of the globe sharing unforgettable afternoons and top-rated cuisine around the poolside.

只有在尼基海滩,您会与来自世界各地的人分享难 忘的下午和池畔顶级美食。

Revered for its surreal beauty and unmatched ambience, it is one of the few places in existence where guests sip champagne and cocktails at noon, accompanied by contemporary international fare, live music, and world-class entertainment.

以其超现实的美感和无与伦比的氛围闻名,是现存 的少有的可让客人在中午品尝香槟与鸡尾酒的地 方,配有当代国际美食,现场音乐和世界一流的娱 乐。

Nikki Beach Resort Koh Samui gives guests truly unique experiences and personal touches signature to the Nikki Beach lifestyle. Our poolside parties have become synonymous with the “Sexiest Place on Earth.” (London Observer)

苏梅岛尼基海滩度假村能给与客人真正独特的体 验,为尼基海滩生活方式打上您个人的签名。我们 的泳池派对已经成为“地球上最性感的地方。”(伦 敦观察员)

The award-winning Amazing Sunday Brunch is simply a must-do during your stay. Over 50 items include: a pasta, omelette and waffle station; seafood and sushi assortment; carving table; copious desserts; Thai selections; and an “around-the-world” table featuring a new weekly ethnic cuisine. A complimentary mimosa or bellini is included.

屡获殊荣的美妙周日早午餐是您出行必须体验的。 超过50种选择:意大利面、煎蛋、华夫饼、海鲜和 寿司拼盘、雕刻盘、丰富的甜点、泰国选择和“世 界”每周民族美食,并提供免费含羞草或贝里尼。

Under the swaying palms and caress of sea breezes, dining is enjoyed with world-class entertainment that continues into the evening when the amazing sunset transforms itself into a canopy of stars.

在摇曳的棕榈树和海风的爱抚下,享受配有世界级 的娱乐的晚宴,一直持续到傍晚——迷人的日落变 换成恒星的树冠。 Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand



Welcome aboard a two-hour dining voyage on the

extravagant Chao Phraya Princess Cruise. Experience the sensations of luxury and romance on your journey. 欢迎乘坐湄南河公主号,享受两小时豪华和浪漫的邮轮 晚餐!

Each deck has unique qualities and design. The buffet dinner includes an excellent selection of dishes ranging from Thai to international foods. Chao Phraya Princess Cruise will bring you to historical sites in Krung Si Ayutthaya. You will have the opportunity to visit the Summer Palace at Bang Pa-In, the sacred Buddha image of Phra Nakhon at the Mahathat Temple and the scene of the battlefield between Thailand and Myanmar at Yai Chaimongkol Temple. On board, you will be able to fully observe the Thai culture on both sides of the River’s banks and take snapshots of famous historical structures and religious monasteries such as the Royal Grand Palace Wat Pra Kaew, Wat Arun (The Temple of the Dawn), Bangkhunprom Palace, Kalayanamitr Temple and the Rama 8. While enjoying your dinner during the first hour of your journey, our saxophonists and singers will soothe you with soft pop and jazz. 28 Best Of Class

每个甲板都是品质绝佳的设计。多元化自助晚餐,从泰国餐到国际美食,任君选择。 湄南河公主号将带您游览大城府历史古迹,您也有机会参观挽巴茵的夏宫、玛哈泰寺的 帕那空神圣佛像,以及亚柴蒙考寺的泰国和缅甸之间战争场面。 在邮轮上,您将能充分地察看湄南河岸两侧的泰国文化,并拍摄著名历史建筑和宗教寺 庙,如大皇宫、芴普拉佛寺、黎明寺、帮坤抛牧宫、甘拉耶纳密佛寺和拉玛八世桥。 在您享用晚餐的首个小时内,萨克斯风演奏家和歌手将为您呈现流行音乐和爵士乐。

Bang Pa-In, the Royal Summer Palace According to royal annals, King Prasat Thong constructed this royal palace because he was born in Bang Pa-In Island. The king ordered a temple to be built at the site in 1632 where his mother lived. King Rama 5, King Chulalongkorn, built several residences on the island to welcome royal visitors. Wat Yai Chai Mongkol Historical records presume that King U-Thong built the temple in 1357. In 1592, King Somdej Phra Naresuan Maharaj defeated Phra Maha Upparaj of Myanmar in a battle while riding on an elephant’s back. The King then built the pagoda “Phra Chedi Chai Mongkol”. It became a residential site for monks to stay during rainy seasons. Wat Mahathat King Ramesuan installed the cremated bones of the Buddha in the base of the stupa. In 1956 the Fine Arts Department discovered many essential antiquities (e.g., the Pha-Op Sila, stony casket). There are seven layers of conical shrines overlapping inside the stony casket which are divided into tin, silver, copper alloy, black wood, exquisite red chan wood, garnet crystal and gold. The innermost layer holds the Buddha’s cremated bones and valuable decorations.

挽巴茵,皇家夏宫 根据皇家史册记载,巴塞通国王在挽巴茵岛出生,因而建造了 此王宫。国王在1632年下令在他母亲居住的地方修建寺庙。 拉玛五世国王 -- 朱拉隆功国王殿下在岛上建了多个住所,以用 于接待皇室访客。 亚柴蒙考寺 根据史料记载推测,友通国王在1357年建立这座寺庙。在 1592年,帕纳瑞宣马哈拉杰国王在一次象背战役中击败缅甸 帕玛哈苏拉萨国王,于是建了“亚柴蒙考寺”宝塔,成为僧人 在雨季的住宅。 玛哈泰庙 纳瑞宣国王在佛塔内放置佛珠火化后的骨头。泰国艺术部在 1956年发现了许多重要文物(例如骨灰瓮、石棺)。有7层圆 锥形神社重叠在石棺内,分别为锡、银、铜合金、黑檀、精致 红木、石榴石晶体和黄金,最内层有佛祖火化后的骨头和宝贵 装饰品。 邦赛艺术和工艺品中心 此中心占地约100莱,销售泰国手工艺品。诗丽吉王后建立此 中心,给农民掌握手工技能的机会。中心内有30个部门,包 括泰国最大的淡水鱼博物馆和“萨拉帕明宽”工艺美术培训部 门。

Bangsai Arts and Crafts Center This Center, approximately 1,000 rai, sells Thai handicrafts. Her Royal Majesty Queen Sirikit established this center to give farmers an opportunity to acquire skills in handicraft. There are 30 divisions, including the largest freshwater fish museum in Thailand, and the “Sala Phra Mingkwan” arts and crafts training department.

Koh Kret reflects much of the art in the Krung Si Ayutthaya era. 19.00 19.30 20.00 20.30 21.30

Check in at River City Pier 1 (Charoen Krung 30 Rd.). Depart. A welcome fruit punch is served with snacks. Dinner: Select your desired dishes from our interna- tional buffet bar. Our musicians begin singing easylistening jazz songs to complement your meal. Time to dance! Return to River City Pier.

For more information contact: 02 860-3700

陶瓷岛 陶瓷岛反映许多大城时代的艺术。 19:00 在河城1号码头登船(查龙恭路30号)。 19:30 出发。供应迎宾杂果和小吃。 20:00 晚餐。在国际自助餐台选择您想要的食物,同时演奏家 和歌手开始呈现悠扬爵士歌曲。 20:30 舞蹈时间! 21:30 返回河城码头。 欲了解更多信息,请联系:02 860-3700

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand



30 Best Of Class

Medical Tourism 医疗旅游

Astonishing value, incomparable service, state-of-the-art facilities, proficiency and panache. Experience a medical vacation.

医疗旅游价值惊人,服务无可比拟,它拥有国家现代化先进设备,专业且派 头十足,让您拥有非凡体验。

Health is the functioning by-product of the spirit, diet and lifestyle of the 65-plus million people populating Thailand.


And interestingly – and quite unexpectedly – health is a major attraction. Homeopathic and holistic, yet modern and state-of-the-art, Eastern and Western medicine morph into a healthcare industry that is unmatched in Asia and perhaps the world. Whether you need a checkup, eye examination, dental work, cosmetic surgery, or liposuction, here is an enormous opportunity to take advantage of exceptional expertise, renowned Thai service and remarkable value. Many travelers underwrite their vacation to Thailand by the savings on medical care. Imagine saving enough on medical bills to pay for your plane ticket from New York! Dental care? Take the family to get their teeth cleaned at $30 a pop - and no waiting. Plastic surgery is a fraction of the cost in Los Angeles, London or Frankfurt. Medical care is a global business and Thailand’s model provides extraordinary value.

有趣但却出乎意料的是,健康是吸引世界各地游客来到这个国家的原因。** 顺势与整体疗法十分现代化,且达到东西方先进国家水平,甚至可以跻身亚 洲乃至世界医疗保健行业之最。 无论您是否每年定期检查身体,如眼科、牙科、整容手术、抽脂或吸脂,这 里有专业知识储备、服务与价值将给您带来最先进的体验。 许多旅客来泰旅游是为了做一些简单医疗保健,节省费用。节省下来的金钱 足以购买一张到纽约的机票。为什么不进行眼部检查,并买一副新的眼镜 呢?在这里所需的费用足以让您在曼谷待好几个晚上了。看牙科?花费30美 金,就能让您和您的家人享受高级别的牙齿清洁服务,您还在等什么! 外科整形的花费是洛杉矶、伦敦或米兰的一小部分。 医疗是一个全球性的行业,但是泰国模式为人们提供了额外的价值。

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand



PIYAVATE 医院 24-hour Emergency Care for Heart, Obstetrics and Pediatric Disease Dental Care Expertise Convenient Access – 20 km from Suwarnabhumi International Airport Centrally located on Rama 9 心脏、妇产科、儿科疾病24小时紧急 护理 牙齿护理专业 距离曼谷国际机场20公里 中央 - 位于拉玛9

32 Best Of Class

“All DAY, All CARE, All CURE” We believe the key to health is to maintain the balance between cell, body and mind. TRIA’s philosophy is to preserve and restore overall well-being following three aspects of healthcare with our services at our Health, Beauty and Medical Centre. 1. Healthcare Centre provides alternative medicine: • Anti-Aging • Detoxification • Bio-identical Hormone Balancing Treatment • Customized Supplements However, we have an alternative medicine Chiropractor to balance your body’s structure, bone and muscle. Homeopathy is the magic healing from nature. Art-of-Acupuncture to balance your overall organ function with Chinese Traditional Medicine and Japanese Wisdom Medicine. 2. Skin & Cosmetics Centre provides overall service for you to recover your beauty in face and body: Facial Design by Botox and Filler, a variety of laser treatments to help you look young and firm skin such as Ulthera. 3. Medical Spa provides unique and specialized treatment. Our signature treatment, TRIA Signature Massage, combines the art of massage from Swedish, Abhyanga, Shiatsu, lymphatic drainage, acupressure with traditional Thai massage. Specialized treatment for mom (prenatal treatment Mother-ToBe-Massage), postnatal treatment, Authentic Postnatal Therapy, Hydrotherapy to relax and re-balance your body and mind, Japanese Onsen, Herbal Steam and Infrared Therapy.

“全天,全面呵护,全方位治愈” 我们相信健康的关键是保持细胞、身体和精神的平衡,TRIA的健康理念将 通过以下三个方面贯穿整个服务过程:健康、美容与护理中心。 1. 医疗保健中心提供替代药物: •抗衰老 •排毒 •生物相同的荷尔蒙平衡治疗 •定制补品 但是,我们有一种替代药物来平衡身体结构、骨骼和肌肉。顺势疗法 是神奇的自然疗法,艺术针灸结合中国传统医学和日本的医学智 慧来平衡您的器官功能。 2. 皮肤和化妆品中心为您提供全面的服务,恢复您美丽的脸庞和身体: 通过注射肉毒杆菌、面部填充、各种激光治疗,让您看起来更年轻, 肌肤更加紧致。 3. 医疗温泉提供了独特和专业的治疗。包括我们的特色治疗和TRIA特色 按摩,并糅合了瑞典按摩、泥浆净颜、指压按摩、淋巴引流、穴位按 摩、传统泰式按摩艺术等。另外还有母亲专业治疗(产前按摩治疗) 和产后正宗治疗,水疗能让您的身体和心灵得到放松和平衡,其中包 括草本蒸汽和红外线桑拿浴室,以及在我们私人双人护理室内的情侣治疗。

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


TRIA Fitness Club provides a wide range of exercise classes to fulfill all your exercise and physical activity needs. Our sports science trainers, having extensive first-hand physical activity experiences in sports exercise and rehabilitation, will guide you along the correct pathway to body alignment in order to reduce the risk of sports injuries as well as help you achieve your workout and exercise goals. Experience:

• Dance Therapy is our newest group class which combines exercise and mind therapy together • Private Yoga special class for privacy exercise • New Hi-Class Cardio Machine on which you can enjoy the inter net and the digital world while your exercise

Banqueting provides for all functions on your special day. Wedding Ceremony at Celebration Hall decorated by Morocco style for you unique special day supports 200-350 guests. Jubilee Hall supports all of event function: wedding, meeting, seminar support 200-250 guests. Conference Room for small and private meetings -- supports 15-30 guests.

TRIA 健身俱乐部提供多种健身课程,以满足您所有锻炼和体力活动的 需要。 我们的体育科学教练,在体育锻炼和康复训练方面有着丰富的第一手体力活动经 验,将引导正确进行身体调整,以减少运动损伤的风险,并帮助您实现锻炼和运动 目标。 经验:

•舞蹈疗法:是我们将运动和精神疗法结合在一起的新疗法。 •私人瑜伽:私人锻炼课程。 •新HI-CLASS CARDIO机:您可以享受互联网和拥有属于您的运动社交。

宴会厅在您特殊的一天为您提供所有功能。在庆典厅举办的婚宴采用摩洛哥风格装 饰,能容纳200-350位客人。银禧厅支持所有活动功能:婚礼、会议、研讨会,能 容纳200-250位客人,小型和私人会议室能容纳15-30位客人。

34 Best Of Class

TRIA Wellness…Destination for Life TRIA 健康......生活的目标

Our Medical Spa Has Won Many Prestigious Awards Over The Years: Thailand Spa and Wellness Award 2015 (Thailand) - Amazing Day Spa Thailand Spa and Wellness Award 2015 (Thailand) - Amazing Medical Spa Asia Spa Award 2015 (Asia) – Day Spa of the Year Praew Iconic Beauty 2015 (Thailand) – Iconic Spa & Wellness Private Healthcare Center 2013 (Thailand) – Health Tourism Asia Spa Award 2011 (Asia) – Medi Spa of the Year Asia Spa Award 2008 (Asia) – Medi Spa of the Year

历年我们的医疗 SPA 赢得了众多奖项: 2015年泰国水疗和健康奖- 惊人的日间水疗中心 2015年泰国水疗和健康奖- 惊人的医疗温泉 2015年亚洲温泉奖- 年度日间水疗中心 2013年私人卫生保健中心- 健康旅游 2011年亚洲温泉奖- 年度Medi温泉 2008年亚洲温泉奖- 年度Medi温泉 2008年最佳日间水疗中心

Piyavate Hospital


Tel : +66 (0) 2625 6555

Tel : +66 (0) 2660 2602 Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


沃拉布拉 Experience our Unique Therapies for 体验我们为整体健康设计的独特疗法. Total Wellness The inspiration of western remedies combined with traditional Thai herbs has become our benchmark for therapeutic treatments for guests who seek the path to wellness. The Wora Spa offers an “East-meets-West” fusion of salubrious treatments in five treatment rooms. Our aim is to restore the natural balance of the body. You will be pampered and taken care of by our welltrained professional therapists. We guarantee that you will find the experience at The Wora Spa a memorable one.

将西方疗法与泰国传统草药相结合, 此灵感已经成为我们为那些寻求健康的客人进 行食疗的标杆。 沃拉布拉spa共有五个理疗室,为您提供 “中西结合”的融合健康疗法。我们的目标是 恢复身体的自然平衡。在此,您将得到我们专 业理疗师良好的照顾。 我们保证您会在沃拉布拉SPA中心拥有一个难忘 的体验。

Our State-of-the-Art Facilities include:


• Five Private Treatment Rooms • Beauty Salon • Separate Relaxing Area for Ladies and Men (with heated whirlpools)

• 五个私人理疗室 • 美容沙龙 • 女士先生们的独立休闲区 (每间都有温水漩涡)

Operation Hours: 9:30 - 20:00 For more information, please contact our spa reception on: 032-536-999 Ext. 8200 or 8204. 营业时间:9:30 - 20:00 欲了解更多信息,请联系我们的水疗中 心接待处: 032-536-999分机:8200或8204.

Wora Bura Hua Hin Resort & Spa 沃拉布拉华欣 Spa 度假酒 Tel: +66 (0) 3253 6999 Fax: +66 (0) 3253 6752 36 Best Of Class

83/199 Soi Moo Baan Nonggare, T.Nonggare, Hua Hin, Hua Hin, Prachuap Khiri Khan 77110 Thailand

Non-Surgical Facial lifting

1,590 B

面部拉皮,无需整容 Sukhumvit Soi 22

Tel: 02-663-6724

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


38 Best Of Class

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Thailand's Attractions 泰国旅游景点

Thailand is a kingdom of wonder, stretching 2,000 kilometers from the northern mountains of Chiang Rai to the southern islands of Samui, Phuket, Krabi, and down to Hat Yai on the Malaysia border. The Kingdom is replete with spectacular natural, cultural, and historical attractions: the mountains, hill country, rice fields, and dazzling beaches and translucent seas.

泰国是一个神奇的国度,从清莱北部山区到 苏梅岛、普吉、甲米南部岛屿延绵2000公 里,一直南下至合艾,与马来西亚接壤。 王国充满了壮观自然景观以及人文历史景 观,如山川、丘陵、稻田,以及耀眼的海滩 和透亮的海洋。

最为吸引人有在波光粼粼的水面下潜浮,迷 人的沙滩,数百座热带岛屿环绕,丰富的夜 生活无限悸动,餐厅各色风味美妙无比,琳 琅满目的商品满足您疯狂购物的需求(它拥 有最为著名的商场与街市)。此外还有众多 考古遗址、博物馆、宫殿、山地部落,以及 Attractions include: sparkling diving, stunning 植物、禽类,佛教寺庙与世界遗产。 beaches, hundreds of tropical islands, exhilarating nightlife, fantastic dining, abundant shopping (prestigious malls and street markets), archaeological sites, museums, palaces, hill tribes, flora and bird life, Buddhist temples and several World Heritage sites.

40 Best Of Class

NORTHERN Mountains


Doi Inthanon Part of the Himalayan mountain range, Doi Inthanon in Chiang Mai province is Thailand’s tallest peak at 2,565 meters. The Park covers an area of 482 sqm. Visit during cooler December to February, affording a chance to see the blossoming of Siamese sakura flowers. Doi Chiang Dao Chiang Dao Hill is in Chiang Dao Wildlife Reserve in Chiang Mai and towers 2,175 meters. It is part of a 250 million year-old limestone massif located less than 40 km south of the border with Myanmar (Burma) at the end of the Thai highlands. At the top of the hill, tourists can enjoy a picturesque landscape, ranging from Talay Mok, Doi Sam Pee Nong, Doi Chiang Dao mountain range, to the far-away Doi Inthanon.

茵他侬山 清迈茵他侬山是喜马拉雅山脉的一部分,高 达2,565米,是泰国最高峰。茵他侬国家公园 占地482.4平方公里,爱好凉爽气候的旅游者 应挑选十二月至次年二月的凉季前来参观, 这个季节还有机会欣赏朵朵樱花。 清道山 清道(清道山)位于清迈清道野生动物保护 区,高达2175米(第三名)。 这座山脉是石灰岩山体的一部分,距今已经 有2.5亿年历史。山脉位于高地尾部,距离缅 甸南部边境不到40公里。在山顶平原上,游 客可以欣赏如诗如画的风景,包括塔莱莫( 雾海)、叁批弄山、清道山,以及遥远的茵 他侬山。

天山国家森林公园 清莱是北部最有名的旅游胜地地之一。尤其 是冬天,游客可以在悬崖边上欣赏日出雾海 与山谷壮观景色。天山国家森林公园拥有得 天独厚的景色和多姿多彩的鲜花,一年中气 Phu Chi Fa 候凉爽居多。我们热烈欢迎来自世界的各地 A famous destination in northern Chiang Rai, espe- 游 客 在 班 弄 发 通 与 班 弄 发 泰 度 过 愉 快 的 夜 cially during winter, visitors try to reach its cliff. It offers 晚。 spectacular views of the valley and sea of mist at sun- 安康山 rise, abundant flowers, and cool weather. Stay over- 安康山位于清迈,那里道路崎岖陡峭,宛如 虬须,因此需要经验丰富的司机才能到达,night at Ban Rom Fa Thong and Ban Rom Fa Thai. Mae KHA市场的本地货车(双条车)提供 前往安康山的服务。这个地方一年如春,凉 Doi Ang Khang 爽宜人,最好的旅游时间是十二月至次年一 Doi Ang Khang is in Chiang Mai-Fang (accessed by a 月,大部分地区出现霜冻。 steep, zigzagging, asphalt road, use an experienced driver). The local truck (Song Thaeo) from Mae Kha Market offers service to the splendid mountain. It is cool all year. Best from December to January, when much of the area is frosty.

Doi Tung Located in the far north’s “Golden Triangle,” you’ll enjoy driving through beautiful surroundings as well as interesting attractions like the Mae Fa Luang Garden, Muser tribal villages, Phra That Doi Tung (where Buddha’s relics are enshrined), and Doi Tung Villa (Pra Tamnak Doi Tung), the former residence of the Princess Mother who spent years working in many social development projects to help the underprivileged hill tribes, including her Doi Tung Development Project (since 1987).

黎敦山 黎敦山位于最北部的“金三角”,您将会在美丽 环境中享受骑行的美妙,沿途欣赏引人注目的景 点,如湄发銮花园、Muser部落村庄、Phra That Doi Tung(供奉佛舍利)、黎敦别墅(黎敦帕塔 纳克)。皇太后故居花了几年时间开展了许多社 会发展项目,帮助贫困山区部落,其中就包括黎 敦山开发项目(1987年至今)。 站在山顶可以欣赏缅甸和泰国的壮观景色, 山脚下阿卡族和拉祜族部落村的炊烟袅袅升起。 Phra That Doi Tung位于山顶,编年史记录到, 这个佛教礼拜场所的历史可以追溯到公元911年, 是一个重要的虔诚朝圣地点。

There are spectacular views of both Burma and Thailand from the top. Shan, Akha and Lahu tribal 别墅后来成为禁止鸦片种植的象征。而附近苏珊 villages are located on the mountain sides. 帕赫銮因地势而建造,风景异常迷人。

The Wat Phra That Doi Tung temple is on top. Chron素帖山 icles say this Buddhist place of worship dates back 国家公园占地262平方米,郁郁葱葱的森林遍布 to 911. It is an important pilgrimage for the devout. 整个清迈。著名的景点除了淮开奥瀑布外,还有 专门为悼念和尚1935年成功修建通往素贴山的道 The villa later became a symbol for the effort to stop 路而建造的克鲁巴斯里维柴纪念碑。这里比较有 名的山丘有 Buak山、Pui山和素帖山(最闻名的 the opium cultivation in the area. The nearby Suan 要数那迪素贴山峰了,山顶的宝塔在仰光下熠熠 Mar Pah Luang is also an attraction featuring beauti- 生辉) fully-landscaped gardens. 普岁道山 普岁道国家公园占地58750英亩,一年四季气候 Doi Suthep 凉爽(2102米)。公园东部毗邻老挝,并且是一 Covering a 262 square km verdant forest and moun- 些野花品种的发源地。这里的迷人之处有五层的 tain ranges in Chiang Mai, attractions include: Huai 普岁道山瀑布,位于茂密松树林内的瀑布,临近 Kaew Waterfall and Kru Ba Sri Wichai monument. 公园的办公室。 Among the major hills: Doi Buak Ha, Doi Pui, and 四小时登山旅程带您到达Larn Paa Son,您可以在 Doi Suthep (its peak is the location of a sacred Wat Sai Tip瀑布停下来欣赏遍布苔藓与地衣的绝壁悬 Phra That Di Suthep with its golden pagoda that 崖,那里安排了晚间住宿,解决您的后顾之忧。 有六两大巴从彭世洛到达普岁道(154公里)。 shines in the sun). Phu Soi Dao The National Park is 58,750 acres and is cool all year (2,102 meters). The park borders Laos to the far east, and is home to several species of wild flowers, with several attractions that include: a savanna field situated within the dense pine trees, and the five-tier Phu Soi Dao waterfall near the park office. A four-hour hike up the trail brings you to Larn Paa Son. Visitors should stop at Sai Tip waterfall to admire the moss and lichen covered cliff. Visitors can reach Phu Soi dao from Phitsanulok (154 km). Six public buses depart from Phitsanulok.



Phra Nang Cave Beach, Krabi Accessible only by boat, this stunning beach is ideal for sunbathing and swimming, attracting thousands of visitors year round. The Inner and Outer Phra Nang Caves, and Phra Nang Lagoon, which are located nearby, offer remarkable views. Its towering cliffs offer numerous hiking trails. Diving, snorkeling, hiking and rock-climbing are favorites.

甲米帕南洞穴海滩 这里的海滩朴质且纯洁,有精细的白沙, 与一望无际清澈的海水相连接,是一个理 想的游泳与日光浴场所,在短短的一年内 吸引了成千上万的游客们。乘船是到达甲 米帕南洞穴海滩的唯一途径。帕南洞穴海 滩内外与相近的帕南泻湖拥有风景美不 胜收,令人叹为观,高耸的悬崖峭壁为喜 欢冒险的游客提供各种活动,如潜水、浮 潜、登山和攀岩。注:卡斯特地貌的显著 特点是拥有众多的天然溶洞与洞穴,此处 介绍不包含在内。岩溶是地质构造特征的 Visit during November-April and try kayaking. 落水洞和洞穴,在这里是没有必要的。 Start on the beach close to the Ranger Station 洪岛 - 甲米 (rental spot), then continue past the majestic 最佳的旅游时间是11月至次年4月,您可 limestone cliffs and head to the lagoon at the 以尝试皮划艇。旅游路线通常始于靠近国 opposite end of the island. The total trip can 家公园护林员站(租赁点)的海滩,然后 通过雄伟的石灰石悬崖,到达岛另一端的 take 30 minutes to one hour. 泻湖,总行程可能需要30分钟到1小时。 Railay Beach Railay is actually a large peninsula jutting out into the Andaman, but what makes this place truly special is that it’s cut off from the rest of the mainland by a row of steep hills, and accessible only by boat. It has risen from peaceful fishing village to a world-class tourist destination, thanks to its imposing limestone cliffs that shoot out of the blue waters to tower over the white beaches.

莱雷海滩 莱雷实际上是安达曼海上一个凸起的大半 岛,其真正特别之处在于半岛被陡峭的山 坡切断与大陆部分横生切断,而且地势险 要,只能乘船抵达。现在,它已经从一个 宁静的小渔村发展成为到世界顶级的旅游 胜地,一切归功于大自然的鬼斧神工,笔 直的悬崖峭壁陡然矗立在湛蓝海水与洁白 沙滩之上,令人心生敬畏与征服欲。

莱雷其实包括了三个沙滩,每一个都有自 己的特色。西部海滩最长并且最受欢迎, 那里有度假村、餐馆和海滩酒吧,并设有 Railay actually covers three beaches, each with 白色沙滩区和浅水区(被称为最南端是美 丽的岩石)。 its own distinctive character. West is the longest and most popular where you'll find resorts, restaurants and beach bars, and features white sand and shallow water (the southern-end is rocky).

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Koh Rok – Krabi Rok Islands’ sea is glistening turquoise, so clear that one can see colorful coral reefs below. It is perfect for snorkeling. Bordering Krabi and Trang seas, the island was previously difficult to travel to and, as a result it is well-preserved and unspoiled. Note: travel between November-April (closed May 16 - October 31).

Koh Tao An isolated island in the Gulf of Thailand, located 45 km northwest of Phang Nga and has been inhabited since 1947. It features lush nature, abundant marine life, beautiful coral reefs in both shallow and deep sea, a variety of colorful fishes, and many white-sand beaches. Travel from February to April.

Maya, Phi Phi Home to the world’s famous Maya Bay, a heavenly beach featured in The Beach movie, Phi Phi Le Island is embraced by limestone mountain cliffs, which help conserve its natural beauty. The other peaceful beaches that are close enough to walk to are Lo Sama Bay, a small shallow-water-corals-gilded bay; and a giant, mountain-encircled Pile Bay. The latter provides a terrific snorkeling site along the limestone cliff called “Pi Le Wall”, discovering giant sea fans and coastal creatures.

Mu Koh Surin National Park – Phang Nga The Park is an archipelago in the Andaman Sea located 70 km off the western shore near Myanmar. Proclaimed a national park in 1981, it comprises five major islands and includes beautiful coral reefs in the shallows and abundant schools of fish. It offers ideal spots for snorkeling to admire coral, especially at Koh Torinla and Koh Pachumba. Perfect for scuba diving is the Richeliu Rock, 10 km to the southwest. This site is A middle and upper-class Thai clientele is drawn by the island’s a fertile undersea nature habitat for fish, colorful corals, and beauty and tranquility. Both four-hour ferries and one-hour speed boats provide service, although nicer resorts have their whale sharks. Visit between November-April. own boats.

Koh Lipe – Satun The prominent features of Koh Lipe are the natural coral reefs. Ao Phatte, a vast, curve-shaped bay, and a powdered-sand beach, is within a 15-minute walk, and you can connect to Hat Chao Le or Chao Le Beach. During the festive time, the villagers build a boat from Rakam wood and perform a ceremony to float the boat, to predict fishing. This celebration occurs in May and November. Koh Nang Yuan, Surat Thani Located in Ko Phang Nga in Surat Thani province, Ko Nang Yuan consists of three islets linked together by beaches and is a great diving site for coral reefs.

Koh Kradan – Trang This is probably the best-known and the most beautiful island in Trang. It is blessed with large, powdery white beaches, emerald-colored water and shallow-water corals. Very few lodging options means this is ideal for a peaceful, off-beat break.

Koh Chang “Elephant Island” is Thailand’s second largest and the primary destination for those visiting Koh Chang Marine National Park, with dozens of unspoiled islands. Located in Trat Province (300 km east of Bangkok), Ko Chang is 70% covered by The island consists of fine white sand and clear water. Both shallow unspoiled rainforest. Development has increased in the past and deep-water coral reefs, which are beautiful and still intact, are pop- decade. Now serviced by an airport just 15 minutes from the ular with divers. Moreover, a scenic viewpoint allows visitors to over- ferry terminal in Trat, Ko Chang is accessible. look a splendid line of three beaches where the islands are connected and beautiful sunrise and sunset. Drawn to the gorgeous beaches and clear waters, international travelers have discovered the numerous new luxury spas and resorts. Nonetheless, the island is still a dream destination for budget travelers and families.

42 Best Of Class

It is home to a wide range of wildlife, including native birds, deer, and elephants. The nearby islands and the national park are ideal for snorkeling, diving, camping, and jungle hiking. Koh Kood South of Koh Chang, this island is far less developed and consequently more idyllic. It is covered almost entirely with native forest, coconut and rubber trees. The flat island has a number of excellent beaches with aqua-clear water. Close to Cambodia, it has an ethnically mixed population of roughly 2,000 that is slowly transitioning from an exclusive plantation and fishing economy to an incipient tourism-oriented one.


兰塔岛海犹如一块闪闪发光的绿松石,水下五颜六色的珊 瑚礁便显现出来,无声地邀请人们体验完美的深海潜浮, 探索海洋奥妙。毗邻甲米和芽庄海,由于之前岛上交通很 不方便,因此保存完好,自然未受污染。 温馨提示:兰塔岛最佳时间的旅游时间为11月至次年4 月,旅游淡季为5月16日 - 10月31日。旅游套餐和一日游 可以让兰塔岛当地代理商组织。


世界闻名的玛雅湾犹如天堂一般美丽,电影中海滩场景的 拍摄也是其特点之一。皮皮岛被石灰岩峭壁环绕其中, 有力地保护了它的自然景色。它拥有两个宁静的海滩, 与罗萨玛湾十分接近,步行便可到达。 另外还有小浅水 珊瑚镀金海湾,以及被巨大山脉环绕的海湾,它沿着“Pi Le Wall”石灰岩延伸着,可以为游客提供潜水点,让您 沉醉于非凡的水下体验,探索发现巨型的海扇和其他海洋 生物。

利普岛 - 沙敦

利普岛的突出特点是天然珊瑚礁,岛上的Ao Phatte为开 放式,蜿蜒曲折,沙滩上白沙细滑。仅步行15分钟,便可 以到达Hat Chao Le海滩或Chao Le海滩。每年5月和11月 村庄会举办庆典活动,在节庆日,村民们会建造从木船和 举行保护鱼类的浮船仪式。

穆苏林岛国家公园 - 攀牙

穆苏林岛国家公园位于安达曼海的群岛上,距离缅甸西部 70公里,1981年被评为国家公园。它拥有五个主岛屿, 浅滩珊瑚礁景色十分美丽,并创办了多所鱼类学校。穆苏 林岛国家公园是浮潜和欣赏珊瑚的理想场所,尤其是苏梅 Torinla岛和Pachumba岛。潜水的理想地点是黎塞留岩, 位于苏林岛西南部10公里处。穆苏林岛国家公园还是一个 富饶的海底生物自然栖息地,有各种各样的鱼、五颜六色 的珊瑚,鲸鲨、海底巨型动物也可以经常遇到的。 最佳旅 游时间是11月至次年4(5月至10月是雨季)。


在所有岛屿中,柯拉丹岛可能是董里府最有名、最美丽的 岛屿。它拥有得天独厚的洁白大沙滩、翠绿色的水和浅水 珊瑚。住宿选择极少,意味着这里是宁静、不受人群打扰 的理想之地。


象岛(Elephant Island)是泰国的第二大岛,游客的主要 目的地是象岛海洋国家公园,包括几十个完整的岛屿。 象岛位于曼谷以东300公里的桐艾府,毗邻柬埔寨,75% 的土地覆盖着原生态热带雨林。过去十年的发展使越来越 多的居民逐渐参与旅游业。如今象岛的交通非常方便,从 机场到达勒轮渡码头仅15分钟的路程。

象岛,美丽的沙滩和清澈的海水强烈地吸引着人们,越来 越多的外国游客已经发现象岛。众多的豪华水疗中心和度 南园岛,素叻他尼 假村如雨后春笋般出现,以满足旅客的需求。尽管如此, 南园岛位于素叻他尼府攀牙岛,它由三个小岛组成,沙滩 象岛仍然是精打细算的旅客和家庭的理想旅游胜地,它能 将它们连接起来。这里是一个欣赏珊瑚礁潜水的理想场 够提供各种经济实惠的住宿。 所。南园岛属于财政部所有,目前由南园岛潜水度假村租 岛上还住着各种各样的野生动物:本地鸟、蛇、鹿、大 用和经营。 象。至于活动,象岛和附近岛屿组成的国家公园非常适合 浮潜、潜水、露营和丛林徒步旅行。 南园岛拥有洁白的沙滩和清澈的海水,非常适合主追求宁 静平和的游客。无论是浅水区还是深水区,珊瑚礁的美丽 库德岛 仍然完好无损,吸引潜水员定期游览。此外,绝佳的瞭望 位于象岛南边,是一个比象岛更受欢迎的邻近岛屿。库德 点让游客可以完整地看到连接三座小岛的精美海岸线,还 岛比较不发达,但是拥有更广阔的田园风光。岛屿地势平 坦,原生森林和椰子、橡胶种植园几乎覆盖了整座小岛。 能欣赏日出与日落的美景,此情此景唯南园岛独有。 岛屿的海水十分清澈,沙滩景色也十分优美。由于靠近柬 埔寨边境,库德岛有大约2000种族混居居民。现在,岛 涛岛 上独特的种植园经济与渔业经济正逐渐过度成为以旅游业 涛岛是泰国湾的孤岛,位于攀牙湾西北45公里处,自 为主导的经济体系。 1947年就有居民在此居住。小岛拥有翠绿的自然风光, 海洋生物种类丰富,浅海和深海区遍布美丽的珊瑚礁,色 库德岛的住宿一直致力于吸引泰国中上层阶级的泰国游 客,岛上的风景迷人,分外宁静,无时无刻不深深打动它 彩斑斓的鱼类在海底畅游,沙滩洁白且闲适,另外还拥 有许多适合新手学习的潜水学校。最佳旅游季节为2月至 的客人。人们可以选择乘坐4个小时轮渡或者1个小时的快 艇到达岛屿,当然,岛上也可为您提供更好的交通服务。 4月。


Amphawa Floating Market Amphawa is the second most popular floating market 50 km from Bangkok, not as large as Damnoen Saduak but more authentic, with visitors almost exclusively Thai. This once small village was apparently already present in the mid-17th century. It has become such a magnet for Thai weekenders that food stalls have grown from the riverbanks and stretched far into the surrounding streets. The main draw is of course eating seafood grilled precariously on wooden boats moored around the famous central bridge, serving an appetizing array of huge prawns, shellfish and squid. From noon until late in the evening, the smell is simply irresistible and customers flock to each side of the river all day long. In 2008, the community was granted an Honorable Mention Award from the UNESCO Asia–Pacific Heritage Awards for Culture Heritage Conservation. Pattaya Floating Market Pattaya Floating Market is a new tourist destination for Thai cultural conservation located in the heart of Pattaya city. It was established as a center of tourism focusing on cultural conservation that simulates the simple way of life of Thai people. It is also a learning center for Thai self-sufficient living connected with water, and a fascinating view of the local wisdom of four regions of Thailand: the North, the Central, the North East and the South.

安帕瓦水上市场 安帕瓦是曼谷附近第二个受人欢迎的水上市场,规模不如大丹能沙多,但 却更加正宗,参观者几乎都是泰国人。它位于距离曼谷50公里处,17世纪 这里还是一个小村庄,现在已发展成为泰国周末度假聚集地,各种美食从 河岸远远铺设至周围的街道。 最吸引人的当然要数在桥中央停泊的木船上吃海鲜,它可以为您提供开胃 的大虾、贝类和鱿鱼。从中午到深夜,美食的味道简直不可阻挡,使得游 客络绎不绝地涌向河的两侧。 2008年,社区被联合国教科文组织授予亚太地区文化遗产荣誉奖二等奖。 芭堤雅水上市场 芭堤雅水上市场是泰国文化保护旅游胜地,位于芭堤雅市中心地带。它侧 重于文化交流,竭力模拟泰国人简单的生活方式,充分展现了泰国人民靠 水吃水、自给自足的生活方式,与此同时,这里还展现了泰国北部、中 部、东北部和南部本地人民的优秀智慧。 大城水上市场,围绕一个大池塘简称,中央有一个小岛。它保存了大城时 代沿袭下来的泰国传统生活方式 - 服装、建筑、艺术、文化和食品,供游 人欣赏。

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Plearnwan Plearnwan is an eco-vintage village near Hua Hin that features a 1950s faux-Thai high street that evokes the good old days of traditional Thai culture. Plearn is a combination of “play” and “learn” while Wan is from “wunwan”, meaning good old days. Two-story wooden shop-houses in the center are decorated in old-fashioned style with advertisements, film posters, fashion magazines, appliances, and collections connote a nostalgic time. Plearnwan includes a radio station that entertains all day long with oldies. Also, visitors can take vintage photos with a picture of Hua Hin Station as a backdrop. On the weekend, visit a funfair, an outdoor cinema, a Ferris wheel, and a variety of amusing side-stalls and games. Indulge in dishes at Khao-oon Kaengron, a renowned local restaurant, such as skewered sweet grilled fish, Thai style noodle rolls, Thai coconut pancakes and ice pops. 往日情怀 往日情怀是一个靠近华欣地区的生态复古集市,以仿造的50年代 古老的泰式街道为特色,这让那里的老人回忆起过去的美好时光, 让年轻人了解传统文化。而往日情怀的取名就是结合了“学”与 “玩”,寓意着美好的过去。 位于市集中心的一座两层高的商店木屋,上面贴满了旧时代广告, 电影画报,时尚杂志,室内还有古老的电器和各类收藏。这种装饰 勾起了人们对过往的回忆。 往日情怀市集内还有一座广播站,用来娱乐当地的老人。当然游客 们也可以照一些复古的照片留作纪念。周末的时候还会有游乐场开 放,场内设有露天剧院,摩天轮和一系列小游戏设施。玩可以在那 里著名的餐厅khao-oon Kaengron大吃一顿,有烤串烤鱼,泰式拉 面,椰果松饼和脆脆冰。

44 Best Of Class

OTHER 水上市场 Huay Mae Kamin Waterfall Huay Mae Kamin, for tourists who love waterfalls, is a heavenly destination located two hours west of Bangkok near Kanchanaburi. The flawless beauty and refreshingly cool stream is one of the most famous and beautiful cascading waterfalls of Thailand. The stream flows down step-by-step and is surrounded by sparse forest, mountain range and various kinds of herbs. It originates from Kala mountain range. The waterfall is situated on the east of Sri Nakarin Dam National Park. Erawan Waterfall Situated some 65 kilometers from Kanchanaburi along Route 3199, this 550-square-kilometer national park is best known for its seven-level Erawan Waterfall, which is one of Thailand’s most famous, and most beautiful. Among all levels, the second level of the fall features vast, picturesque pond ideal for swimming while trekking trails to the upper levels are also favored by adventurous lovers. Bungalows and camping facilities are available.

Huay Mae Kamin瀑布 北碧府有一个天国般的瀑布,位于诗娜卡琳坝国家公园的东 边,距曼谷西面两小时车程。这座备受瞩目的瀑布以其无瑕 的姿态邀约着络绎不绝的旅人,成为泰国最著名的瀑布之 一。瀑布源于卡拉山脉,经过瀑布时水流层层往下坠落,溅 起无数水花,瀑布周围环绕着郁郁葱葱的 森林,翠绿中一片银白色水帘煞是好 看。

Thi Lo Su Waterfall Namtok Thi Lo Su is located in the Umphang Wildlife Sanctuary in the northwest, a UNESCO World Heritage site, which links with the Thung Yai Naresuan and Huai Kha Kaeng Reserves, as well as Khlong Lan and Mae Wong National Parks. Together, they form Thailand’s largest wildlife haven and Southeast Asia’s top virgin forest. is the monsoon season. Travel in the area during June -November is very difficult. and it also allows the forest to recover and for wildlife to search for food and breed.

Thi Lo Su瀑布 Namtok thi lo su瀑布坐落在泰国北 部达府Umphang野生动物保护区内,被联 合国教科文组织列为世界自然遗产。瀑布与Thung Yai Naresuan, Huai Kha Kaeng自然保护区相连,与Khlong Lan和Mae Wong国家公园一道,形成泰国最大的野生动物保护区和东 南亚顶级的原始森林。每年的六月至十一月是当地的季风季 节,对于在这个区域内旅行会是一件比较困难的事情。在这 个时期森林会进行自我修复,野生动物也会在这个时候出来 觅食,繁衍后代。

伊拉湾瀑布 从北碧府沿3199道路 行驶65公里处是一 座550平方公里的国 家公园,这座国家 公园以泰国最终名 的瀑布之一的爱侣 湾瀑布而闻名,瀑 布共有七层,其中 第二层有一个专供 游客游泳的独特的池 塘。那里还有可供游 客住宿的别墅及露营设 施。

Ayutthaya Historical Park Three significant rivers (Chao Phraya, Lopburi and Pasak), historic temples, palaces and architecture of the ancient kingdom of Ayutthaya are among Thailand’s most precious historical sites. The 715-acre area is a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1991 as it portrays the heyday of one of the largest IndoChina kingdoms.

Phanom Rung Historical Park Over 1,000 years old, this park is one of Thailand’s most amazing architectural sites. Built on an extinct volcano, it was originally a Hindu religious site. Additions were made during the 15th-18th Buddhist century.

A grand stairway rises from the foot of the hill. Most of the sanctuary You will need the entire day to discover the legendary architecture, buildings are made of laterite and sandstone, all with elaborate delearn the history of Ayutthaya, and see the many historic temples. signs. The buildings are lined all the way to the main pagoda whose In the south of Wat Phra Si San Phet discover Viharn Phra Mongkol layout is according to Hindu belief of God Shiva’s heaven. Bophit where Thailand’s largest bronze Buddha image is enshrined. The large main pagoda has a square-base facing East. Exquisite designs on the pagoda, columns, doorway, and lintels tell a story of Khamphaeng Phet Historical Park The Ping River courses through the Kamphaeng Phet Park near Hindu gods. Each building features descriptive motifs reciting a purSukhothai, a UNESCO-recognized World Heritage Site which is pose of its construction. The pagoda, stairway and the Naga Bridge comprised of a diverse array of ancient monuments. A common aes- were all built during the 17th Buddhist century. thetic runs through the various ruins, which include temples, pagodas and fallen towns, resulting in a beautiful blend of contemporary Phra Pathom Chedi This is the largest pagoda in Thailand and the official provincial symSukhothai and Ayutthaya styles. bol of Nakhon Pathom. It was built during the reign of King Rama IV The ruins of city walls and ancient fortifications reveal the town’s in 1853, the former Chedi seems to be dated back to 539 AD. The rectangular shape, some 300-700 x 2,200 meters. The principal construction of the new huge Chedi was completed in the reign of Chedi, or stupa, (sacred Buddhist monuments) of Wat Phra Kaeo King Rama V in 1870 AD, and took 17 years to build. The height stands proud in its center, adorned with lions. Other sights are lo- from top ot bottom is about 120 meters. cated at the Aranyik, two km northwest of Kamphaeng Phet town, an important place for forest-dwelling monks to meditate and reflect.

大城府历史公园 大城府历史公园被昭披耶,华富里,帕萨三条著名的河流 环绕着。这里的宫殿,庙宇和古代王国遗留下来的建筑是 泰国最珍贵的历史遗迹。这片715英亩的区域刻画出印度 支那历史上最大王朝的全盛模样,因此在1991年被联合 国教科文组织列为世界文化遗产。 要浏览这片广阔的区域需要花上你一天的时间,当然你也 可以骑着租来的自行车欣赏这里的美景,这里有很多值得 参观的庙宇,便于您了解大城府的历史。帕斯山碧寺南面 的普拉孟克波正佛殿供奉着泰国最大的铜制佛像。 Khamphaeng Phet甘烹碧历史公园 甘烹碧历史公园位于素可泰府附近,平河缓缓流淌穿过这个 联合国教科文组织认定的文化遗产之一。历史公园内有许多 古老的山脉和由古城墙包围的寺院遗址分布区,寺院遗址内 融汇了各类美学因素:庙宇,宝塔和失落的村庄,这些共同 绘制了一幅体现素可泰和大城文化的美丽画卷。 小镇是矩形的,包含了城市围墙和古代防御工事等一系列遗 迹,大约300-700公尺宽,2200公尺长。切蒂和玉佛寺中 配有狮子装饰的佛塔傲然屹立在中心,不远的地方还有庄严 的切蒂站岗。在距离甘烹碧西北面两公里的地方,有着一出 更具历史特色的景点-Aranyik。许多居住在山里面的和尚会 在这里做冥想和自省。 帕侬隆历史公园是泰国最惊艳的高棉建筑之一,共有1000 多年的历史。这座公园建在一座死火山之上,过去是印度教 的宗教场所。公园的很多附加设施是在15-18世纪的佛教时 期建造的。 一条宏伟的阶梯缓缓地从山脚延伸开来。大多数的神殿是由 红土和砂岩垒成的,设计精致。所有的建筑连成一排直至中 心佛塔,中心佛塔的外形是仿照印度教湿婆神的庙宇设计而 成的。 最大的中心佛塔有一个朝东的方形底座。佛塔的柱子,门廊 和门楣,每一处精心的设计都在讲述着印度教佛祖的故事。 每一座建筑的风格和功能都处处体现着古老的信仰。这些佛 塔,阶梯和娜迦桥都是在17世纪的佛教时期建造的。 佛统佛塔 佛统佛塔是一座高级皇家修道院,是泰国最大的宝塔,也是 佛统府的官方象征,建于公元前1853年拉玛四世时期。据 推测,其前身可以追溯到公元前539年阿育王朝的倒鈡形佛 塔,跟印度的桑吉佛塔有外形相似。新佛塔在公元前1870 年拉玛五世建造完成,它可以覆盖环绕旧时的倒鈡形佛塔, 从底部到顶端大约120.45米,配有直径为233.5米的底座。

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Conrad Koh Samui



LUXURY HOTELS AND RESORTS 泰国豪华酒店和度假村 46 Best Of Class


Thailand is blessed with a proliferation of first-class, five-star hotels and resorts: downtown, towering skyscrapers; boutique villas and bungalows on the beach; idyllic mountain retreats; around world-class golf courses; and surrounding world-renowned spas. From Chiang Rai and Chiang Mai in the north, to sprawling Bangkok in the center, down to Hua Hin, and south to Phuket and within the abundance of islands (Krabi, Samui, Koh Chang), elegant, luxurious, exquisite resorts– boutique and bodacious – grace the mountains, cities and seaside.


Pimalai Resort & Spa 碧玛莱水疗度假村

泰国拥有得天独厚的一流五星级 酒店和度假村、市区高耸的摩天 大楼、精品别墅、海滩洋房、田 园诗般的山区别墅、世界级的高 尔夫球场和知名spa。 从清莱和清迈北部向曼谷市中心 蔓延,下到华欣和普吉岛南部。 有丰富的岛屿(甲米,苏梅岛, 象岛),典雅,华贵,精致的度 假村 - 精品店和内风靡全球- 巍峨 的山,城市和海边。

Banyan Tree Samui 苏梅岛悦榕庄 Conrad Bangkok 苏梅岛艾美水疗度假酒店

• decorating a hillside and overlooking the sea (Banyan Tree Samui, Pimalai, Conrad Samui, Cape Sienna); • featuring golf courses and spas (Banyan Tree Phuket – or Alpine in Chiang Mai); • with spacious, two-story, beachfront villas (Maikhao Dream); • with hide-away charm (The Scent, Puripunn Baby Grand), • sitting in splendor on the sea (Zeavola in Phi Phi, Phuket’s The Naka Island) • with dazzling brunch and culinary options (Twinpalms, Sheraton Grande Sukhumvit)

•位于山坡上,可以俯瞰大海 (苏梅岛悦榕庄,碧玛莱,康拉德岛,海角 西耶娜); •拥有高尔夫球场和水疗中心 (悦榕普吉岛 - 或者快速飞到河川度假村和 越南赌场); •有庞大的,两层楼高的海滨别墅 (迈豪愿景); •神秘的魅力(之味,普瑞普精品酒店) •位于辉煌的海面上 (齐娥沃拉芭堤雅海沙滩阳光) •令人眼花缭乱的早午餐和美食选择 (双棕榈树,蓝珍珠)

It’s a vacation Mecca. 这是一个度假圣地。 Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Krabi, Koh Lanta 甲米,兰达岛

Pimalai Resort & Spa 碧玛莱水疗度假村 “Experience traditional Thai elegance in a contemporary living space ...with only nature at your doorstep” “在现代生活中体验泰国传统的的优雅...家门口唯一的天然度假村” Pimalai is a rare resort whose architecture has been designed entirely around the natural contours and lush vegetation of over 100 acres and a 900-meter private beach. The elegantly-designed pool villas, set high in the verdant hillside, allow you to indulge in nature. From here, you will see the enchanting reality of thousands of years: virgin forest enveloping steep, flowered hills climbing up to a blue sky. The tranquility, the abundance of flora, the exquisite views, the fiery sunsets, all combine to maximize the sensation of being in Nirvana. Indeed, the name “Pimalai” translates as “heavenly”. Enjoy an intimate, romantic dinner on your terrace, sip champagne while dipping in your pool, or perhaps enjoy a soothing massage in your sala… Live, laugh, love and indulge in moments that will be remembered long after the holiday.

48 Best Of Class

碧玛莱是一个难得的度假胜地,其建筑已完 全围绕自然轮廓设计,拥有超过100英亩的 茂密植被和一个900米长的私人海滩。 设计优雅的游泳池别墅,高高耸立在青翠的 山坡上,让您尽情享受大自然。从这里,您 可以欣赏数千年的迷人风景:陡峭的原始森 林,花朵紧簇的小山与蓝天相接。 将宁静丰富的植物群、壮丽的风景和火热的 日落结合起来,最大限度地呈现涅槃的感 觉。事实上, “碧玛莱”意为“天堂”。 在露台享用浪漫的晚餐,一边沐浴一边品尝 香槟,或者在凉亭享受舒缓的按摩... 生活、微笑和爱将在长假后被铭记。

A Secret Sanctuary


by David Lihn Pimalai has long been a favorite. I was delighted to feature this exemplary resort over the past four years. Little has changed. It is still mesmerizing, the beach and waters a marvel, the food superb, activities splendid, the yacht a special treat. What a majestic pedigree. Built in 2001, this refined and stylish resort (a member of the Small Luxury Hotels of the World) has been meticulously managed. Getting there is a thrill: We splashed along on the sleek Pimalai craft – salty, tropical breezes on our cheeks, cold drinks in our hands – gliding over a translucent sea.

碧玛莱一直是我最喜欢的度假胜地,我很高 兴在四年后能评价它。 几乎没有变化,它依然优雅,神奇的海滩和水 域,精湛的食品,精彩的活动,游艇简直是 一种特殊的享受。 这里的建筑物始建于2001年,外观十分雄 伟壮丽。人们精心地经营与管理着这个带着 时尚范儿的度假胜地(世界小型豪华酒店一 员)。 到达那里后,宾客将会十分尽兴:他们可以 花大量时间去欣赏碧玛莱的手工艺品,用脸 庞感受咸湿的热带海风,手捧着冷饮,视线 随着透明杯子划过大半个清澈的海洋。

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Krabi, Koh Lanta 甲米,兰达岛

Then – out of that blue – towering, enchanting, bewildering, singular rock formations (stalagmites, vertical islands, prehistoric outcroppings?) began to sprout for the 45-minute journey.

然后 - 走出那一片蓝- 欣赏高耸、迷人、令 人眼花缭乱的奇异怪石(石笋,垂直岛屿, 在史前曾经露出水面?),我们开始了45 分钟的旅行。

We rounded the tip of lush Lanta Island as the sun descended. Then, rising 80 meters above a crescent beach, the Pimalai Resort & Spa appeared, perched on an arboreal hillside facing the Andaman Sea.

绕过郁郁葱葱的兰达岛一端 ( 太阳的后 裔),然后沿着新月形海滩向上走80米, 碧玛莱度假村便出现在眼前了,栖息在面朝 安达曼海的山坡上。

Wow, are you kidding me? Who scripted this?


Franck de Lestapis, the ubiquitous GM, happily pampers the resort. At breakfast (don’t miss the views): “I have been here since the opening and the owners have spared no expense in creating a luxury experience. We constantly hear: ‘Paradise, serenity, heaven! Our guests return.”

总经理Franck de Lestapis很宠爱这个度假 胜地,他在早餐时(不要错过风景)说:“ 自开业起我一直呆在这里,业主们不惜工本 创造一个奢华的体验。我们经常听到客人这 样反馈:“伊甸园,宁静,天堂!”。

Indeed, during a snorkeling excursion, a suntanned Norwegian couple with two kids in tow, said it was their fifth visit.

确实,因为潜水游览时,我们看到一对被晒 黑的挪威夫妇带着两个孩子,这是他们第五 次来这里了。

Elegantly tiled, panorama-blessed, private infinity pools; a marathon beach (nearly one kilometer long); a divine, botanical-wonderland spa: a bosky oasis with landscaping grace and a threetiered waterfall. Water is the leitmotif of this luxurious vacation and defines the experience. It’s everywhere: you are transported on it; luxuriate and float on it; swim in its waves and tiled shelters; dive and snorkel beneath it; sail, kayak and water-board over it – and even listen to it cascading as you enjoy the garden-themed Spa. Pimalai offers 121 units (46 beautifully-appointed, hillside pool villas), with an elaborate range of accommodations in both its Beach Side (single deluxe rooms, to beach-front-sumptuous villas) and Hill Side Estates (with full-pool, duplex – 1-3 BRs). Life is a composite of balance and proportion. This stunning resort provides it.

50 Best Of Class

优雅的瓷砖、得天独厚的全景、私人无边泳 池、马拉松海滩(将近一公里长)、一个神 圣的植物仙境温泉:郁郁葱葱的绿洲,包括 优雅的园林和三层瀑布。 水是这家豪华度假的核心,它被赋予体验意 义。它无处不在:您乘坐水上交通工具,在 水上享受奢侈的生活,在它环抱里游泳,住 在瓷砖度假村,潜水和潜泳,水上帆船和独 木舟- 在享受花园主题spa时聆听流水声。 碧玛莱提供121间客房(46间精美的山坡 泳池别墅),海滩两边是住宿(单间豪华客 房、海滨豪华别墅)和山边庄园(配有全套 水池,复式客房- 1-3 人间)。 生活是平衡和均衡的复合物。 这个惊人的度假村提供一切。

Rooms: Pools/Beach: Spa: Restaurants & Bars: Fitness: Fun Facts: A WHAT?!: 客房: 游泳池 / 海滩: Spa: 餐厅和酒吧 : 健身中心: 趣闻: 惊喜?!:

121 units (46 one to three-BR villas) two; 46 private villa pools / massive (a kilometer long), unspoiled and tranquil award-winning, stunning garden-oasis – a must four (first-class breakfast buffet with world-class views); two bars has it all; plus tennis, dive center, a zillion water sports an aquatic dream; sunsets a gorgeous fleet of boats and yachts to take you island-hopping 121间客房(46间一至三人间别墅) 两个; 46个私人别墅泳池/块状(1公里长),未受污染且宁静 屡获殊荣,美丽的花园绿洲-绝对A级 四个(拥有世界一流风景的一流自助早餐);两个酒吧 拥有一切,如网球、潜水中心、数不胜数的水上运动 水上梦境;日落 华丽的船和游艇带您前往跳岛

Tel: + 66 (0) 23 205 500 99 Moo 5, Ba Kan Tiang Beach, Ko Lanta District, Krabi 81150, Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


12th Clown Fish Conservation Project at Pimalai Resort & Spa Koh Lanta, Krabi Province, Thailand 泰国甲米兰达岛碧玛莱度假村小丑鱼保护项目


ogether with the Thai Fishery Department, Pimalai Resort held the 12th annual clownfish release this March 19th at Koh Haa, a stunning archipelago a few kilometers west of the resort. Tens of well-loved ‘Nemos’ were released into underwater cages, which allows the fish to adapt to their new environment and helps them to survive predation from other fish. As in previous years, a growing number of passionate volunteers participated. A main objective of the release is to make people realize how human activities can interfere with the very survival of at-risk species.

52 Best Of Class

苏梅碧玛莱度假村与泰国渔业部合 作,于3月19日在Koh Haa(度假村以 西几公里一个惊人的群岛)举办第12 届小丑鱼放生活动。 几十种深受喜爱的“Nemo”被放生到 水下,让它们去适应新的环境,并帮 助他们逃离其他鱼类的捕食。 与往年一样,志愿参与其中的人数越 来越多。放生的主要目标是让人类意 识到到人类活动对危险物种的生存造 成了多大的干扰。

This year, in addition to clownfish, there was a release of harlequin shrimp (also known as ‘clown shrimp’) with the intention of reintroducing this rare species within the archipelago. Harlequin shrimp feed only on starfish, a commonly found species here. Pairs of male and female harlequin shrimp were directly released onto starfish. Their beautiful bodies have stunning coloration: pinkish white or white with large purple-edged pink spots indicating that it may be toxic for a predator. However, the real predators are humans whose activities have resulted in coral reef damage and decimation of the population of these shrimp, sometimes trading them for aquarium collections.

今年除了小丑鱼以外,也放生丑角虾(也被 称为“小丑虾’),目的是介绍群岛内这一 珍稀物种。小丑虾只以海星为食,在这里是 很常见的物种,公丑角虾和母丑脚将直接被 放生到海星周围。他们美丽的身体有着令人 惊叹的色彩:身体呈粉红色或白色,并带有 粉红色斑点(边缘呈紫色)的,可能是有毒 的捕猎者。然而,真正的大捕猎者是人类, 人类活动已导致珊瑚礁遭受损害,虾类数量 也在逐年减少,不仅如此,它们有时还被捕 捞拿去与水族馆交易。

The annual project aims to trigger awareness with the local people in a hope that they will stop catching these fish for sale as “aquarium pets” and start to appreciate and respect our valuable, yet fragile, environment. It is hoped that eventualy Koh Haa will be recognized as a fish sanctuary.

年度项目希望当地人民能够停止对以上 生物的捕捞与销售,停止将这些鱼贩卖 为“水族宠物”的行为,欣赏并尊重我 们宝贵但脆弱的环境,希望Koh Haa将 成为鱼类避难所。

The project has been run jointly by Pimalai Resort and Spa since 2005 together with the 5***** PADI Scubafish@Pimalai dive center. This year again we were pleased to receive a generous sponsorship from the well-known Thai Company B.GRIMM Group.

2005年,碧玛莱温泉度假村已与5***** PADI Scubafish@碧玛莱潜水中心合作进 行此项目。今年如愿再次合作,我们很 荣幸能得到泰国著名B.GRIMM集团的大 力赞助。

PIMALAI RESORT & SPA 99 , Moo 5, Ba Kan Tiang Beach, Koh Lanta Krabi, 81150 Thailand Tel: +66 (0) 2 320 5500 Fax: +66 (0) 2 320 5503 Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand 53

54 Best Of Class

Central Thailand (Bangkok and Hua Hin) 泰国中央(曼谷,华欣) Aleenta Hua Hin 华欣奥莱塔-普拉布里spa度假村 Anantara Hua Hin 安纳塔拉华欣度假村 Dusit Thani Hua Hin 华欣杜斯特塔尼酒店


Putahracsa Hua Hin 华欣普塔拉萨酒店 SO Sofitel Hua Hin 华欣 SO 索菲特酒店 Villa Maroc Resort Pranburi 摩洛哥别墅度假村


Wora Bura Hua Hin Resort & Spa 华欣沃拉布拉度假村


72-73 74-75

78-79 80-81


Hua Hin

Anantara Riverside Bangkok Resort 曼谷安纳塔拉河畔度假酒店


Banyan Tree BKK 曼谷悦榕庄


Conrad Bangkok 曼谷康莱德酒店 Hilton Sukhumvit Bangkok 希尔顿曼谷素坤逸酒店


Maduzi 玛杜瓷酒店 Millennium Hilton Riverside 曼谷希尔顿千禧河岸酒店


Sheraton Grand Sukhumvit 素坤逸路喜来登酒店 SO Sofitel Bangkok 索菲特曼谷曼谷特色酒店 The Peninsula Bangkok 曼谷半岛酒店




66-67 68-69 Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand 55



Anantara Riverside Bangkok Resort

曼谷安纳塔拉河畔度假酒店 Astride the throbbing Chao Phraya River in the heart of Bangkok, the Anantara Riverside Bangkok Resort harmonizes a unique combination of city life and resort luxury. Illuminated by torch-lit jungle paths and the sparkle of city lights, it is an urban oasis, defined by tropical beauty and legendary service. Only 15 minutes by luxury shuttle boat to the busy Sky Train (and directly opposite Asiatique, Bangkok’s largest night market and entertainment area), guests are poised to discover the cultural sites of the city, exploring hidden alleys and breathtaking temples. Three main buildings house the guest rooms and suites, which embody a simple yet elegant Asian style. Thai-inspired design creates an environment of urban serenity throughout the resort’s impeccably landscaped grounds. Rich, illuminating Thai silks, fine wood furniture echoing the colors and feel of a traditional Thai home, and warm, brown hardwood floors spill out to private balconies, which offer city, garden or river views.

56 Best Of Class

曼谷安纳塔拉河畔度假酒店横跨悸动的湄南 河,位于曼谷心脏地带。它是和谐城市生活 和奢华度假的特殊组合。点亮丛林中的悠悠 小径,城市华灯无声纷扰,良辰美景与优雅 服务在这里被赋予了新的含义。 乘坐豪华游船仅需15分钟即可到达繁荣的 轻轨站(对面是Asiatique 码头夜市—这是 曼谷最大的夜市与娱乐中心)。宾客可随时 随地探索这座城市的文化遗址,发掘隐藏的 深深小巷与匠心独运的寺庙。 客房、套房等作为三大主体建筑的一部分, 展现了其简单而优雅的亚洲风格。泰国风情 通过精致无瑕的宽阔花园,创造宁静的城市 范围。华贵明亮的泰国丝绸、质量上乘的木 质家具折射出泰国传统家居的色调与感觉。 房间内铺设着温暖的硬木地板,而在阳台 上,您可以欣赏城市、花园或河流美景。

Rooms / Suites: Pool: Spa: Restaurants & Bars: Fitness: Fun Facts: A WHAT?!: 客房/套房: 游泳池: spa: 餐厅和酒吧: 健身中心: 趣闻: 惊喜?! :

408 yes 9 treatment rooms 10 (including: Italian, Seafood and BBQ Buffet Dinner, Polynesian and Tropical Pacific Rim, Japanese Teppanyaki, International, Thai, and Café) 24 hours daily classes including Yoga, power step, aerobics and Muay Thai Anantara Cruises: from the hotel pier embark on a 3-day, 2-night cruise for a one-of-a-kind journey aboard the Anantara Dream, traveling north to historic Ayutthaya, the heart of ancient Thailand. Unique Streetwise and Klong (Canal) Guru tours exclusive to the resort ensure a delightful insight into the rich diverse history and river life of this fascinating city 408间 有 9间理疗室 10个(包括:意大利美食、海鲜和烧烤自助晚餐,波利尼西亚美食、热带太平洋地区 美食、日本铁板烧、国际美食、泰国美食和咖啡厅) 24小时开放 每日活动:瑜伽、力量步伐、健美操和泰拳 安纳塔拉游轮:从酒店码头踏上安纳塔拉梦想号,开始3天2夜巡航旅程, 向北驶向古代泰国的心脏—具有历史意义的大城府,独特的街头和Klong(运河) 旅程确保您能愉快地欣赏丰富多样的历史,以及这个迷人的城市的河流生命

Tel: +66 (0) 2 476 0022 Fax: +66 (0) 2 476 1120 257/1-3 Charoennakorn Road, Thonburi, Bangkok 10600 Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand




Apsara Dinner Cruise

Banyan Tree Bangkok 曼谷悦榕庄酒店 Banyan Tree towers over cosmopolitan Sathorn Road. Eminently functional and tasteful, it is located in the heart of Bangkok’s classy business district.

悦榕庄酒店耸立在市中心沙吞路,是曼谷的 高级商务区的心脏地带,酒店功能齐全且卓 越,品位非凡。

The 327 rooms and high-ceiling suites offer understated repose and quiet. Try one of three embracing spa suites. Talk about romantic – all of the accoutrements of luxury.

酒店拥有327间客房和高天花板套房,为宾 客提供平静的休息环境。您可以尝试3个水 疗套房中的一个。提到浪漫,这里所有的装 修都透着奢华与浪漫。

The world-famous Spa is a must; and the pool and Fitness Center on the 21st floor provide both views and cardiovascular activities. It is well-appointed and punctuated by service and convenience: near to shopping and night-life options (with shopping companions provided to help guide guests); a copious Lounge on the 19th floor. Its 11 restaurants offer a cornucopia of dining options, highlighted by its famous rooftop restaurant and bar (make sure you spend an evening at the famous Vertigo for dinner, or just drinks, and soak in the panoramic views of Bangkok by night). Try the Apsara Dinner Cruise on the Chao Phraya River. This is a happy confluence of class, convenience and comfort. David Lihn

58 Best Of Class

享誉世界的SPA是必备服务,而游泳池与健 身中心位于酒店的21层,您可以一边欣赏 美妙的风景,一边进行心血管运动。 这里设备齐全,优质的服务与便利的交通更 为酒店锦上添花。酒店靠近购物与夜生活中 心(提供导购)。此外,19层还专门配置 了宽敞的休息室。 11间餐厅提供多样化的就餐选择,其中著 名的屋顶餐厅和酒吧尤为特别(您可以在著 名的Vertigo享用晚餐,度过美好的夜晚, 或者只是小饮,沉浸在曼谷夜景中)。此 外,您还可以尝试湄南河仙女巡游的船上晚 餐。 这是一个品味非凡、方便快捷与舒适的度假 胜地。


Rooms / Suites: Pool: Spa: Restaurants & Bars: Fitness: Fun Facts: A WHAT?!: 客房/套房: 游泳池: spa: 餐厅和酒吧: 健身中心: 趣闻: 惊喜?! :

327 – Deluxe, Premier, Banyan Tree Club / One-BR, Two-BR, Spa, Presidential Suite outdoor (21st floor) the best – world renowned Apsara, Bai Yun, in-suite dining, Juice Bar, Lobby Lounge, Pier 59, Romsai, Taihei, Vertigo and Moon Bar, Latitude Lounge & Bar, Saffron Health Club – large in the heart of Bangkok; fabulous dining options spa suites; Vertigo (breathless dining); urban tranquility 327 个悦榕俱乐部,豪华而尊贵/单人套房、豪华房/ 总统套房、温泉套房、双卧室套房 室外(21楼) 最好 - 世界著名 仙女、白云、在套房内用餐、果汁吧、大堂酒廊、Pier59、Romsai、太平、眩晕和月 亮酒吧、纬度酒廊及酒吧、藏红花 健身俱乐部 - 大 在曼谷的心脏地带,神话般的餐饮场所 spa套房;眩晕(喘不过气来的就餐),城市的安宁

Tel: +66 (0) 2679 1200 Fax: +66 (0) 2679 1199 21/100 South Sathon Road, Sathon, Bangkok 10120 Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand




Conrad Bangkok 曼谷康莱德酒店 Located in the heart of Bangkok (steps from the US Embassy), the Conrad remains a venerable fixture (TripAdvisor Hall of Fame) and an exceptional experience. This was one of the first Bangkok hotels I encountered – and joined new friends many evenings at Club 87, the “in” place way back when. Quintessential service and style were the hallmarks. The amenities are simply outstanding at this estimable and sophisticated urban redoubt: diverse dining, elegant lobby lounge (live music), Seasons Spa, an expansive (and well-mannered) Club Lounge on the 29th floor, two tennis courts, rooftop running track, 24-hour gym, outdoor pool. The 391 well-accoutered rooms (20 suites) reflect handsome Thai décor with luxurious silks, art, elegance, and views. “The entry rooms range from 41 - 53 sqm,” smiled Herman Ehrlich, the engaging and gracious GM (we first met when I was awaiting guests in his lobby– and he asked me if I needed a glass of water!). Convenient, classy, courtly.

60 Best Of Class

David Lihn

康拉德酒店位于曼谷心脏地带(距离美国大 使馆仅几步之遥),仍然保持着庄严的设施 (TripAdvisor名人堂)和非凡的体验。 这是最初入驻过的曼谷酒店之一 – 傍晚, 我在酒店内的78号俱乐部结交了很多朋 友。 典型的服务与设计风格,是他们的标志。 酒店的设施简单,却在这纷繁与庄重的都市 中显得极为突出,其中包括:多元化的餐 饮、优雅的大堂酒廊(现场音乐)、四季 温泉、29楼昂贵(彬彬有礼)的俱乐部酒 廊、两个网球场、屋顶跑道、24小时开放 的健身房和室外游泳池。 391间设施齐全的客房(20套)用华美的丝 绸和艺术品装饰出风采卓然的泰式风格,氛 围优雅,视觉感官极佳。 “客房面积从41平方米至53平方米不等”亲 切而迷人的总经理赫尔曼•埃利希微笑着如 是说到,(我们的首次见面是在我在大厅等待 客人的时候,他问我是否需要一杯水!)。 此外,酒店还十分便捷,有品位,散发谦和 的气质。

Rooms / Suites: 391 (20 suites – Luxury Suite 114 sqm) Pool: outdoor (winter heated) Spa: Seasons Spa (11 treatment rooms) Restaurants Liu (gourmet Chinese), KiSara (Japanese), City Terrace - Pool Restaurant, Conrad & Bars: Deli, Café@2, Diplomat Bar (lobby, live music), Club 87 Plus Fitness: 7th floor, fully-equipped; swimming pool, two tennis courts, rooftop running track Fun Facts: location and easy access to shopping, nightlife, dining, sightseeing…Lumpini Park A WHAT?!: a Club Lounge Mecca on the 29th floor; Luxury Residences; service 客房/套房: 游泳池: spa: 餐厅: 酒吧: 健身中心: 趣闻: 惊喜?!:

391间(20间套房 - 豪华套房114平方米) 室外(冬季加热) 四季spa(11间理疗室) (中国美食)、KiSara(日本美食)、城市阳台、康拉德德利、咖啡厅@2 外交官酒吧(大堂,现场音乐) 7楼,设备齐全,包括游泳池、两个网球场和屋顶跑道 方便客人购物、夜生活、餐饮、观光... 前往隆比尼公园 29楼俱乐部酒廊麦加、豪华住宅和服务中心

Tel: +66 (0)2 690 9999 87 Wireless Road, Phatumwan,Bangkok, 10330 Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand




Hilton Sukhumvit Bangkok

希尔顿曼谷素坤逸酒店 The Hilton is conveniently located on fashionable Sukhumvit Soi 24, in the midst of a vibrant business, shopping, nightlife and entertainment hub. The prestigious area is one of Bangkok’s busiest commercial centers. Located 500 meters from the BTS Skytrain, the hotel allows easy access to all of the city’s attractions including the Emporium and EmQuartier luxury shopping malls and Benjasiri Park lush green oasis. Unwind in a modern guest room with carefully appointed amenities. Upgrade to an executive room or suite for access to the exclusive executive lounge. Take a dip in the rooftop infinity pool boasting panoramic views; and exercise in the modern 24-hour fitness center, featuring the finest cardiovascular and strength-training equipment. Watch the chefs in the open kitchen and admire the extensive food and wine displays in our award-winning Scalini restaurant. At Mondo restaurant you can enjoy a classic scotch-based cocktail from the Whisky Bar, a classic High Tea set or a tempting selection of small dishes.

62 Best Of Class

希尔顿座落在时尚的素坤逸24巷,一个充 满活力的商业、购物、夜生活和娱乐中心。 是著名的区域,曼谷最繁华的商业中心之一。 酒店距离BTS仅500米,可轻松到达所有 城市景点,包括Emporium、EmQuartier 豪华购物中心和郁郁葱葱的城市绿岛—— Benjasiri公园。 现代的客房为客户提供精致的设施,可以直 接将商务间升级为专属的行政套件。您可以 在屋顶无边泳池畅游,现代化的24小时健 身中心拥有最好的心血管和力量训练设备。 观看厨师在开放式厨房工作,我们名声在外 的Scalini餐厅将向您展示丰富多彩的美味佳 肴和典雅的葡萄酒。在Mondo餐厅,您可 以在威士忌酒吧享受典型的苏格兰鸡尾酒, 经典高茶或诱人小菜。

Rooms / Suites: Pools: Restaurants & Bars: Fitness: Fun Facts: A WHAT?!:

280 spacious guest rooms and suites with optional Executive floor privileges infinity pool with Bangkok’s skyline Scalini: multi-award winning modern Italian restaurant; Mondo: Café Lounge & Bar, Lapse: Poolside Bar 24 hours relax at our rooftop infinity pool and sip our signature cocktails while watching the magnificent sunset over the Bangkok skyline location, location, location … providing easy access to Bangkok’s significant entertainment, business, and shopping centers.

客房/套房: 游泳池: 餐厅与酒吧: 健身中心: 趣闻:

280间宽敞的客房和套房,可选择行政楼层 无边际泳池与曼谷轻轨 Scalini: 屡获殊荣的现代意大利餐厅; Mondo:咖啡厅酒廊及酒吧, Lapse:池畔酒吧 24小时开放 在屋顶的大游泳池中尽情畅游,一边轻抿几口我们富有特色的鸡尾酒,一边看瑰丽 的夕阳消失在曼谷暮色的天空中。 惊喜?!:绝妙的地理位置!位置!位置!可方便快捷地到达曼谷知名的娱乐场所、 商业中心与购物中心!


Tel: +66 (0) 2 620 6666 Fax: +66 (0) 2 620 6699 Sukhumvit Soi 24 , Sukhumvit Road , Khlong Ton , Khlong Toei Bangkok ,10110 Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand




Maduzi Hotel 玛杜瓷酒店 “Maduzi” translates into “Come and See!” but, contrary to its welcoming name and cosseting atmosphere, Maduzi is a reservation-only, 40room, luxury boutique hotel. It closes its gate for 24 hours, reserving the space only for the privacy of its guests. Located in the center of Bangkok and minutes from the linking BTS (Asoke) and MRT (Sukhumvit) stations, Maduzi is a perfect private sanctuary in bustling, frenetic Bangkok. Flexible check-in and check-out time, free wifi, free mini-bar, complimentary made-to-order coffee and tea all day, a welcome drink, and buy one get one free drinks make Maduzi a sensational offer. The modern rooms are equipped with Jacuzzis, espresso machines, walk-in closets, and king or super king size beds, which guarantee you a comfortable and peaceful night’s sleep. Coupled with its personalized services, Maduzi has everything you would expect from a small luxury hotel. Truly Bangkok’s best kept secret.

64 Best Of Class

“玛杜瓷”中文意思为“快来看!”但是, 与它热情的名称和纵容的气氛相反,玛杜瓷 是一家只能预约,拥有40间客房的豪华精 品酒店。酒店24小时关门,专为客人提供 私密空间。 这家位于曼谷市中心,距离轻轨列 (Asoke)和地铁站(Sukhumvit)仅有几分 钟,玛杜瓷是在曼谷中的一家完美的豪华私 人避难所和人气地区之一。 灵活的入住和退房时间、免费的无线网络、 免费迷你吧、整天免费提供的咖啡和茶、迎 宾饮品、买一赠一的饮品,使玛杜瓷成为一 个非常好的提供。 现代化的客房,配有Spa浴缸、咖啡机、步 入式衣橱以及大床或超大床,其保证您有一 个舒适、宁静的睡眠。 加上其个性化的服务,玛杜瓷是一家小型豪 华酒店,有您想要的一切,是曼谷最好的秘 密。

Rooms: Spa: Restaurant & Bar: Fitness: Fun Facts: A WHAT?!:

40 in-room Jacuzzi (foot and Thai massage available) French restaurant by Japanese chef, plus Maduzi Bar 24-hour free fitness room use Need privacy? Maduzi is a reservation-only private hotel in the most convenient location. our French restaurant – it will astound you

客房: 游泳池: Spa:: 餐厅和酒吧: 健身中心: 趣闻:

40间 无 室内按摩浴缸(室内足部按摩和泰国按摩) 日本厨师的法式餐厅,还有玛杜瓷酒吧 24小时免费利用健身房 需要隐私?玛杜瓷是一家在最方便的位置只能预约的私人酒店。


试试我们的法国餐厅 - 它会让您大吃一惊。

Tel: +66 (0) 26 156 400 9/1 Ratchadaphisek Road (corner of Sukhumvit soi 16), Klongtoey, Klongtoey, Bangkok 10110 Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand




Millennium Hilton Hotel - Riverside

曼谷希尔顿千禧河岸酒店 Millennium Hilton Bangkok is situated on one of Asia’s great urban rivers, the Chao Phraya, in one of the most vibrant cities of the world. The hotel offers an exceptional setting for business delegates and corporate travelers visiting this regional business and commercial hub. The elegant surroundings are complemented by efficient service, convenient facilities – plus age-old Thai hospitality. This property presents a distinctive blend of cutting-edge design and exquisite Thai artwork and décor. Millennium Hilton Bangkok offers breathtaking views of the city from every one of its 533 guest and executive rooms (34 sqm) and suites (67 sqm). Located within a cluster of eminent hotels on the River, the Millennium operates its own shuttle boats and provides guests with complimentary transport to and from the hotel. It is also close to Bangkok’s cultural attractions (the Temple of Dawn, Grand Palace, the Flower Park); and convenient for the major upscale shopping malls and nightlife across the river.

66 Best Of Class

曼谷希尔顿千禧酒店位于亚洲最伟大的城市 河流湄南河边上,同时也位于曼谷,这个世 界上最有活力的城市之一。酒店可以为参观 曼谷本土商业与商业中心的商务代表或合作 商提供了特有的环境。 酒店的环境优雅,服务效率高,设施便利, 与此同时,还配有古老的传统泰式招待。前 沿新锐设计与精致的泰国艺术设计相结合, 充分体现了酒店独特的属性。 曼谷希尔顿千禧酒店提供533间客房(34平 方米)和行政套房(67平方米),每间客 房都能欣赏城市壮丽的景色。 酒店建在湄南河著名的酒店集群内,有自身 经营的小船,免费护送宾客往返。 酒店靠近曼谷的文化景点(黎明寺、大皇 宫、花卉园),与各大高档商场和丰富的夜 生活隔河相望。

Rooms / Suites: Pools: Spa: Restaurants & Bar: Fitness: Fun Facts: A WHAT?!: 客房/套房: 游泳池: spa: 餐厅与 酒吧: 健身中心: 趣闻: 惊喜?!!:

533 outdoor infinity-edge pool Eforea Spa at Hilton – 12 rooms and suites, two with private sauna, a Vichy shower room FLOW: all-day dining; Yuan: Cantonese cuisine; PRIME: awarding-winning steakhouse; ThreeSixty Lounge 24 hours cultural attractions like Grand Palace, The Temple of Dawn, the River of Kings with tours of mysterious klongs or canals, and the city’s first ever Cheese Room ThreeSixty Lounge, rising 130 meters, boasts 360-degree panoramic vistas high above the glittering lights of Chao Phraya River, with nightly international jazz singers 533间客房和套房 室外无边泳池 EFOREA:希尔顿spa – 12间温泉客房和套房,两间带私人桑拿的维希淋浴房 Flow:全天用餐; Yuan:粤菜; PRIME:获奖的牛排馆; ThreeSixty: 360度欣赏到顶级的爵士乐现场演出 24小时 靠近大皇宫、黎明寺等文化景点,客人可以通过运河之旅探索国王河 酒店拥有全市首家奶酪客房@流动餐厅,位于一楼,设有75种国际奶酪自助

Tel: +66 (0) 2 442 2000 123 Charoennakorn Road, Klongsan, Bangkok 10600 Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand




Sheraton Grande Sukhumvit A Luxury Collection Hotel 素坤逸路喜来登酒店 豪华精选酒店 This polished, stylish and sophisticated hotel is a gem. Convenience, class and aplomb.

优雅、时尚、高雅的酒店就像一颗绚丽宝 石,方便快捷、品位超卓、沉稳静谧。

But it’s actually the attentive, heartfelt service that distinguishes this preeminent, five-star hotel. The ubiquitous GM, Richard Chapman, has pampered his guests for more than 15 years. He is a fixture, ensuring impeccable hospitality.

细致周到、诚挚用心的服务是这家卓越的五 星级酒店真正区别于其他酒店的特色。总经 理理查德•查普曼,已精心呵护他的客人超 过15年了,确保酒店无可挑剔且有热情好 客的服务品质。

Soigné. The 33-story hotel is located at the prestigious Sukhumvit/Asoke junction (where the BTS and MRT converge at Terminal 21 mall). This Sheraton is a perpetual “Best Of” on countless lists. Six restaurants offer delicious options; and the tranquil Library Lounge is an excellent spot for a quiet meeting, sipping a cocktail, or simply reading a book. Most evenings, live jazz resonates in the background. You must try Sunday brunch. A poolside bar, sauna, fitness facility, elegant spa and a business center offer splendid services. The event space and ballroom are handsome. This is one of my favorites – and one of the best business hotels in the city. David Lihn

68 Best Of Class

整洁 这家33层(420间客房)酒店坐落在著名的 素坤逸/阿索克路口(高效的BTS和地铁围 绕Terminal 21购物中心)。喜来登酒店在 无数名单中始终占据 “最佳”称号。 有六间餐厅提供精致的美食选择,宁静的图 书馆休息室是举行会议、放松或简单只想读 一本书的理想选择场所。大多数夜晚,您可 以欣赏爵士音乐(现场)。 池畔酒吧、桑拿浴室、健身设施和优雅spa -商务中心 – 为您提供优越无比的服务,活 动空间和舞厅非常大方美观。 这是我的最爱之一,城市最佳商务酒店之 一。

Rooms / Suites: Pool: Spa: Restaurants & Bar: Fitness: Fun Facts: A WHAT?!:

420 (with 43 suites – six palatial) within 33 stories lovely, private and gardened The Grande Spa – a renowned day spa offering indigenous treatments Rossini’s, Basil, The Sala, Orchid Café – fantastic Sunday brunch The Living Room, BarSu well-equipped and staffed gym for guests and members easy access to shopping malls, complimentary guest parking location; pampering, butler service; and soft jazz floating throughout the lobby

客房/套房: 游泳池: spa: 餐厅: 酒吧: 健身中心: 趣闻?!:

33层的大楼拥有420间(43间套房 - 六间宫殿似的客房!)客房 可爱、私人、花园式的 格兰德spa - 著名的日间水疗中心,提供本土疗法 罗西尼、罗勒、撒拉族、兰花咖啡厅 - 梦幻般的周日早午餐 客厅,巴苏 设备、人员配备齐全的健身中心,为客人和会员提供服务 位置方便、放松身心、管家式服务;柔和的爵士乐弥漫整个大厅

Tel: +66 (0) 2649 8888 Fax: +66 (0) 2649 8000 250 Sukhumvit Road Bangkok, 10110 Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Bangkok 曼谷

SO Sofitel Bangkok 索菲特曼谷特色酒店 SO Sofitel Bangkok is introducing a new chapter of design hotels, where creativity and innovation have no boundaries; the product of a masterful collaboration between Thailand’s best known architect and designers. Created around The Five Elements (Metal, Wood, Earth, Water and Fire), this stylish and luxurious design-hotel is located on Sathorn Road, the prime diplomatic and business district of Bangkok overlooking resplendent Lumpini Park, with easy access to the major neighborhood attractions and shopping malls via the nearby BTS Skytrain and MRT subway stations. Designed by a renowned architect, five leading design firms and signature designer Monsieur Christian Lacroix, the hotel features 238 themed rooms and suites, an executive lounge, a rooftop restaurant and bar, a market-style restaurant, two conceptualized bars, four meeting rooms, ballroom and the latest wellness experience. Offering technology for lifestyle, each guest room features Apple® Mac mini-solutions connected to large LED TV screens with wireless keyboard and trackpad.

70 Best Of Class

索菲特曼谷特色酒店推出酒店设计新篇章, 它充分体现了创意和创新无国界,是泰国最 著名的建筑师和设计师高超合作的杰作。 酒店根据五行(金、木、土、水、火)创 建,这座设计时尚豪华的酒店位于曼谷主要 外交和商务区—沙吞路,可以俯瞰绿意盎然 的仑披尼公园,可搭乘附近轻轨和地铁站方 便前往各大社区景点和商场。 由著名建筑师、领先设计公司和签名设计师 Christian Lacroix先生设计,酒店配有238 间主题客房和套房、行政酒廊、屋顶餐厅、 酒吧、市场风格餐厅、两个概念化酒吧、会 议室、宴会厅和最新的健身体验。 提供科技型的生活方式,每间客房均设有 Apple®Mac mini解决方案,通过无线键盘 和触控板连接到LED大电视屏幕。

Rooms / Suites: Pool: Spa: Restaurants & Bars: Fitness: Fun Facts: A WHAT?!:

238 infinity pool, 10th floor SO Spa, 11th floor Chocolab, Red Oven, Park Society, MIXO Bar, The Water Club, HI-SO Bar So FIT, 10th floor Pool Party last Saturday of the month, Chocolate Cooking Class, Picnic Basket & Bicycle Rental for a picnic in Lumpini Park four distinctive guestroom designs – Water (calm); Earth (enrichment); Wood (elegance); Metal (modernity); Complimentary Mini Bar, iPad for suite guests, Press Reader application for access to over 2,300 full-content newspapers and magazines, Tuk Tuk Me To So – a ride into the local scenes with tuk-tuk shuttle service

客房/套房: 游泳池: Spa: 餐厅与酒吧: 健身中心: 趣闻: 惊喜?!:

238间客房和套房 10楼 11楼So SPA水疗 Chocolab、红炉餐厅、公园协会餐厅、MIXO酒吧、水上俱乐部、HI-SO酒吧 10楼 So FIT 游泳池派举办于每月的最后一个星期六,仑披尼公园放松的巧克力烹饪班、野餐 篮&自行车租赁。 四个鲜明的客房设计 - 水(平静)、地球(丰富)、木(优雅)、金属(现代); 室内私人迷你吧、为套房客人准备的iPad,新闻阅读器应用程序,拥有超过2300 份内容全面的报纸和杂志, 以及免费乘嘟嘟车到达当地旅游景点。

Tel: +66 (0) 2624 0000 2 North Sathorn Road, Bangrak, Bangkok 10500 Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Bangkok 曼谷

The Peninsula Bangkok

曼谷半岛酒店 If this hotel were a woman, I would propose.


Elegant, sleek, worldly, sophisticated and suffused with Old-World charm, the Peninsula is one of the best in Bangkok. It holds your hand, caresses you and whispers in your ear. It’s love at first visit.

半岛酒店是曼谷最好的酒店之一,优雅、时 尚、不谙世事、精巧,弥漫着旧世的魅力。 如一见钟情的爱人般,它会握住您的手,轻 轻抚摸,在耳畔轻声暖语。

Towering over the frenetic Chao Phraya River –a rapid ferry ride to shopping and business enclaves (and the BTS) – this gracious hotel personifies class and luxury. It is grand. Plush. Oozing style. It’s a favorite. It’s 370 spacious guest rooms (each a sumptuous 46 square meters) and classical suites, rising 37 floors, all provide sweeping, river views. The three-tiered pool flows toward the river. Tennis courts and a Fitness Center keep you buff, and the restaurants insist that you indulge (try the idyllic Thiptara, for Thai food by the river; Mei Jiang is award-winning). Romantic? You bet. Business? Voted third best business hotel in Asia-Pacific. This is one of only two hotels in Thailand to have earned the prestigious Forbes Travel Guide Five-Star rating. David Lihn

72 Best Of Class

酒店矗立在热情的湄南河旁-乘坐渡轮链接 BTS迅速到达购物和商务中心(BTS)。酒 店奢华却不失亲切、人性化。 半岛独具的宏伟,舒适,豪华风情万种,让 人喜爱不舍! 曼谷半岛酒店,高37层,拥有370间宽敞明 亮的客房(每间至少46平方米)和 各色古典套房,酒店客房提供优雅洁净的入 住环境,更可包揽湄南河与整城夜景。 户外泳池分为三段,在享受游水,阳光的同 时,客人更可欣赏湄南河景。酒店更拥有独 立网球场与健身中心,让客人在度假休闲同 时保持强健的体魄。此外,美妙的各色餐厅 也会让您沉醉其中。您可以尝试蕴含泰北田 园风味十足的Thiptara,整个餐厅被凤凰树 簇拥莲花包围,夕阳之下,湄南美景,暹罗 美食,一切近在您的眼前。 除了浪漫的度假心情,如果您在曼谷半岛酒 店洽谈业务,这里更曾票选获得亚太地区最 佳商务酒店第三名。

Rooms: Pools: Spa: Restaurants & Bars: Fitness: Fun Facts: A WHAT?!:

370 (11 categories with River views) flowing toward the River elite splendid: Mei Jiang, Thipara, River Café & Terrace The River Bar excellent and elaborate, personal trainers, tennis courts arrive by helicopter, Rolls Royce or tuk-tuk Peninsula Academy Programme: Thai Martial Art, Herbal Discovery

客房: 游泳池: Spa: 餐厅与酒吧: 健身中心: 趣闻: 惊喜?!:

370间(11个类别,均能包揽河景) 市内最长泳池,河畔美景 卓越的舒压体验 多样菜色选择,中式湄江、泰式Thiptara、河畔餐厅及露台以及各色酒吧 独立的健身房,网球场,并配有专业的私人教练 通过直升机、劳斯莱斯或三轮摩托车到达 半岛学堂项目:泰拳艺术,草本探索

Tel: +66 (0) 2 020 2888 Fax:+66 (0) 2 861 1112 333 Charoennakorn Road, Klongsan, Bangkok 10600 Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Hua Hin 华欣

Aleenta Hua Hin

Pranburi Resort & Spa 华欣奥莱塔-普拉布里spa度假村 Aleenta Hua Hin – Pranburi Resort & Spa is a pioneering and award-winning boutique luxury resort and spa with a concept that perfectly embodies an “Outside Living In” philosophy. Located outside of picturesque Hua Hin (a 2.5 hour drive south of Bangkok) and steps from the tranquil Pak Nam Pran Beach, Aleenta offers commanding and tranquil views of the stunning sunset of the Gulf of Thailand. It features serenity and privacy. The resort features 24 unique residences (up to five bedrooms), most with a private pool. It is a wonderful choice for a romantic beach wedding, or an idyllic (and unforgettable) honeymoon. Also bring your family for a weekend getaway, reunion -- or a corportate retreat. The resort stands on the concept of “Ecological Living” with overall principles of sustainable development integrated into every detail, including its own eco-farm to produce ingredients for its kitchen.

74 Best Of Class

艾琳塔华欣班布里度假酒店名声斐然,它是 一家开拓性意义的度假村,完美地诠释了“ 户外生活”的哲学理念。 度假村位于风景如画的华欣(距离曼谷南部 仅2.5小时的车程),距离宁静的帕南邦海 滩仅几步之遥。艾琳塔安逸且宁静,泰国湾 的落日景象更是让人惊叹不已。 酒店拥有24栋独立住宅(最多的包含5间卧室) ,大多数住宅带有私人游泳池。 这里不仅适合举行浪漫的海滩婚礼,还能够 体验难以忘怀的蜜月时光。此外,这里还是 家庭度假与团队旅行的理想目的地。 酒店以“生态生活”与“可持续发展”为总 体原则,厨房中的原材料均以自有经济农场 产物为原材料。

Rooms / Suites / Villas: Pools / Beach: Spa: Restaurants: Fun Facts: A WHAT?!: 客房: 游泳池/海滩: Spa: 餐厅: 趣闻: 惊喜?!:

24 residences a beachfront pool / tranquil Pak Nam Pran Beach AYURAH Spa (Sanskrit for longevity and healthy life) The Aleenta Restaurant (international and modern Thai) cooking and dining at resort’s own eco-farm an amazing escape from busy city life: experience the harvest, embrace nature, savour the sunset!

24间客房、套房、别墅 无边游泳池/安静的帕南邦海滩 艾语拉水疗中心(梵语意为“健康长寿”) 艾琳塔餐厅(国际与现代泰式美食) 在度假村独有的生态休闲农场烹饪与用餐 逃离纷繁的城市生活,体验收获的乐趣,享受大自然的味道,拥抱夕阳美景!

Tel: +66 (0) 2 514 8112 183 Moo 4 Paknampran, Pranburi, Prachuabkhirikhan 77220 Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Hua Hin 华欣

Anantara Hua Hin Resort 安纳塔拉华欣度假村

The 187-room Anantara Hua Hin Resort is a distinctive Thai village-style property. The resort boasts a 14-acre oasis of glorious indigenous gardens and lotus filled lagoons, providing a laid-back luxury experience for all guests.

拥有187间客房和套房的华欣安纳塔拉度假 村座落于一线海滨暹罗海湾. 度假村被环抱 在郁郁葱葱的热带花园之中, 而设计着采用 了古代泰国乡村风格, 处处充满了慵懒奢华 之感。

All the garden and sea-view rooms and suites are tastefully furnished with contemporary hardwood flooring and decorative Thai silks and artworks, complete with private balconies and terraces. The spacious lagoon suites also feature Anatara’s signature deep terrazzo bathtubs meant for two.

所有豪华单间采用泰国丝绸装饰,从客房可 欣赏充满异域风情的海滩美景。泰式风格的 内饰设计兼顾时尚与舒适,浴室内配备安纳 塔拉标志性的水磨石浴池,更有宽敞的户外 私人露台

Swim up to the pool bar at the main free-form swimming pool, or savor classic Italian fares at the resort’s signature restaurant Baan Thalia. The resort offers a glorious range of dining options. Engage in local experiences such as the Spice Spoons cooking class and Thai Boxing, or tee off at one of the golf courses. For the ultimate rejuvenation, book a massage at the stunningly sensual Anantara Spa. It is easy to feel a sense of calm descending on you at this unique property as the cool breezes and melodic Thai tunes linger.

76 Best Of Class

您可以在不规则形状海滨泳池的Loy Nam 泳 池吧台享用鸡尾酒, 或在 Baan Thalia 品尝经 典正宗的意大利美食。度假村拥有丰富多彩 的美食选择, 顶级的美食传统都会让您大快 朵颐。此外您可以参与烹饪班, 泰拳班、或 在附近众多的高尔夫球场之一开个好球。漫 长的一天后, 前来体验安纳塔拉水疗享誉全 球的绝妙水疗护理,进入身、心、灵的极致 放松境界。 无论您在寻找浪漫、探险还是纯粹休闲,安 纳塔拉度假村能让您度过一个充满田园风情 的浪漫假期。

Rooms / Suites: Pools / Beach: Spa: Restaurants & Bar: Fitness: Fun Facts: A WHAT?!: 客房/套房: 游泳池/沙滩: SPA: 餐厅和酒吧: 健身: 趣闻: 惊喜?! :

187 luxurious rooms and suites main swimming pool and private lagoon pool / private Anantara Spa Sala Siam, Issara Cafe, Baan Thalia, Loy Nam, Rim Nam, Sai Thong and Private Lagoon Bar 24/7 fitness centre, floodlit tennis court complimentary access to more than 5,000 local and international publications with Press Reader; daily morning yoga sessions and afternoon canapés for lagoon and suites guests. design a special dinner on the beach or in the garden the way you want it with our Dining by Design service. 187间豪华客房与套房 大游泳池&私人湖畔游泳池/ 私人沙滩 安纳塔拉水疗 现代小吃, 自助早餐咖啡厅, 意大利料理, 泳池吧台, 传统泰式料理, 海滨餐厅, 泻湖泳池吧台 24小时健身房,灯光网球场和其他健身项目 为所有客人提供免费5000本国际和本地出版物。泻湖俱乐部单间和套房客人可享受每天清晨 修炼瑜伽与免费下午茶/饮料 无论池畔用餐还是浪漫晚餐,餐厅可为您将一切安排妥帖。

Tel: +66 (0) 32 520 250 Fax: +66 (0) 32 520 259

43/1 Phetkasem Beach Road, Hua Hin 77110 Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Hua Hin 华欣

Dusit Thani Hua Hin 华欣杜斯特塔尼酒店

This is a class act: aristocratic, stately, luxurious – and a wonderful blend of cozy and grand.

这是一个顶级酒店:具有贵族气息、庄重、 豪华-极其惬意和宏伟。

Entering the majestic, lofty, high-ceiling lobby makes you wish you wore your tuxedo. Yet a pervasive sense of relaxation hovers.

踏入壮丽、宽敞、高高的大堂,让您感觉已 经身着燕尾服,享受无处不在的惬意。

This is a complete resort experience with marvelous options: the long beachfront and capacious swimming pool gleam from the terraces of the 296 rooms and suites (spread across seven floors). Athletes will enjoy the expansive fitness center complex (with squash and outdoor tennis courts) and a potpourri of water sports. Golfers have a half-dozen nearby world-class options. And the Spa, in an elegant stand-alone building, is pure class. Within the 52-acre expanse, privacy and quiet prevail. Four restaurants are superb. And the luxurious and essential details: plush bathrobes; thick pillows; bathtub and shower; personal scales; and shoeshine. Spoil yourself and jump into a suite: well-appointed joy with a living room. An elegant and encompassing experience. David Lihn

78 Best Of Class

这是一个拥有多项选择的完整度假体验:长 海滨、宽敞的游泳池,跨越296间客房和套 房(七个楼层)阳台。 运动员能享受广阔的健身中心(有壁球场和 室外网球场)和水上运动,高尔夫球手拥有 半打世界级的选择。 位于优雅的独立建筑内的纯类spa,占地52 英亩,广阔、隐私而安静。 四家一流的餐厅。在细节上也能让您感受到 无上的豪华:毛绒浴衣、厚枕头、浴缸和淋 浴、量身定做的配备和擦鞋。 将自己扔进豪华的套房中,尽情犒劳自己: 84平方米设备齐全的卧室。全方位优雅体 验。

Rooms / Suites: Pools / Beach: Spa: Restaurants & Bars: Fitness: Fun Facts: A WHAT?!:

296 - Superior, Lanai, Dusit Club Rooms / Family, Club, Dusit, Lanai, Presidential Suites huge and luxurious / ditto expansive and classy – not to be missed seven casual, formal and excellent excellent fitness complex complete with indoor squash, outdoor-floodlit tennis courts landscaped grounds with room to enjoy countless activities; easy access to town and golf water views from every restaurant and bar

客房/套房: 游泳池/海滩: Spa: 餐厅和酒吧: 健身中心: 趣闻: 惊喜?!!:

296间–高级客房、拉奈客房、75平方米家庭套房、杜斯特俱乐部、行政套房、杜斯特 套房、拉奈套房、总统套房 庞大豪华/同上 广阔优雅 - 不容错过 7家,休闲、正式、优秀 完整的一流健身设备,包括室内壁球和室外灯光网球场 拥有享受无数活动的空间,方便到达市镇和高尔夫场 从每家餐厅和酒吧望出去的水景

Tel: +66 (0) 32 520 009 Fax: +66 (0) 32 520 296 1349 Petchkasem Road Cha-am, Petchburi, 76120 Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Hua Hin 华欣

Putahracsa Hua Hin 华欣普塔拉萨酒店 Putahracsa is a trendy, boutique resort and spa in the heart of Hua Hin set amidst beautiful, lush green foliage. Designed for guests to relax and escape on the sensual and quiet shores of the charming beach town, it does not compromise modern luxuries and comforts. The resort has 67 rooms and villas flanking the road, with three pools spread around the two sites. The capacious ocean-side villas range from 80 to 140 sqm. The resort side is set amidst relaxing gardens. Oceanside offers luxurious private villas with pool or sea views (and butler service). Located in a residential section, and walking distance from the Night Market, the hotel offers the beach, pools, restaurants and access to shopping – and all of the eight local golf courses. The five-star facilities include a state-of-the-art Fitness Centre, Spa, Library, Gift Shop and four restaurants, which include a French bakery where original, artisan pastries are served. It is a popular and cozy retreat.

80 Best Of Class

华欣普塔拉萨酒店是一家精致、时尚的spa度 假村,坐落在华欣的中心地区,周围环绕着茂 盛秀丽的绿树。它专为放松身心而设计,豪华 与舒适不会打折,宾客随性放逐自己,在宁静 的海岸上与迷人海滨小镇中感受生命。 度假村拥有67间客房和别墅,并配有3个游 泳池,分布于道路的两侧。广阔的滨海别墅 占地80至140平方米不等,旁边还有一个 休闲花园。此外滨海豪华别墅还自带游泳池 (与管家服务),可以一览无遗地观看海景。 酒店位于住宅区,距离夜市仅几步之遥,拥 有海滩、游泳池、餐厅,方便购物 – 还包 括八个当地高尔夫球场。 五星级设施包括:国家级先进的健身中心、 水疗中心、图书馆、礼品店和四家餐厅, 还拥有供应传统糕点的法国面包店。 这是一个备受欢迎的休闲度假村。

Rooms / Villas: Pools / Beach: Spa: Restaurants & Bars: Fitness: Fun Facts: A WHAT?!: 客房/别墅: 游泳池/海滩: spa: 餐厅: 酒吧: 趣闻: 惊喜?!:

67 (15 villas) three swimming pools / yes day spa Sala Monsoon: buffet breakfast and indulge in simple Thai dishes, fresh salads, creative pasta dishes and innovative sandwiches for lunch; Oceanside Restaurant and Beach Club: Thai and Pacific Rim-inspired dishes and authentic Oceanside Beach Bar, Ob-Oon Boulangerie et Patisserie yes Thai cooking classes, Pranayama & Meditation At The Beach (Gentle Hatha Yoga), Meditation & Chanting, Tai Chi, aqua-aerobics a breathtaking sea and sunrise breakfast at Oceanside 67间(15间别墅) 三个游泳池/有 一天spa 萨拉季风:简单泰国自助早餐、新鲜沙拉,创意面食和创新菜肴 午餐三明治、海滨餐厅和海滩俱乐部: 泰国和太平洋沿岸地区风味菜肴和正宗 海滩酒吧,OB-奥安面包屋等糕点健身:有 泰式烹饪班、海滩调息和冥想(温和哈达瑜伽)、冥想及唱诵、太极、水上有氧运动 令人惊叹的海景和海边日出早餐

Tel: +66 (0) 32 531 470 Fax: +66 (0) 32 531 488 22/65 Nahb Kaehat Rd. Hua Hin,Prachaub, Kirikhan 77110 Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Hua Hin 华欣

SO Sofitel Hua Hin 华欣 SO 索菲特酒店 SO Sofitel Hua Hin is an artistic adventure through the Evolution of Life, designed by award-winning architects and designers – enhanced by signature fashion designer, Polpat Asavaprapha. The journey unfolds at the geometrically-landscaped courtyard, and progresses with every step through the open-air lobby and the interwoven maze of open courtyards and private pathways (filled with hidden art and animal figures waiting to be discovered). Situated beachside (a two-hour drive from Bangkok), the 77 rooms and pool villas are split into two distinct styles: SO Arty and SO Nature. Wine and dining experiences surprise at: the contemporary Thai restaurant, White Oven; the playful beach club Beach Society; and the rooftop bar HI-SO. Well-being experiences are offered at SoSPA and SoFIT. SO Sofitel brings a throbbing pulse to one of Thailand’s most popular beach destinations, a playful and luxurious resort to have fun and contemplate over design and art. An Imaginative Escape waiting to be explored.

82 Best Of Class

华欣 SO 索菲特酒店是一个追逐生命进化 的冒险艺术,它由获奖建筑师和设计师设 计,并由时装设计师Polpat Asavapraphgg 改造。 在您到达几何式样的庭院后,流连忘返的旅 程便开始了。您的每一个脚步将印在开放的 大厅、庭院与小径编织而成的迷宫(米中中 隐藏了艺术品和各种动物形象,期待您发现 它们的身影)。 坐落于海滨(距曼谷两小时车程),77间 客房和泳池别墅风格截然不同:SO附庸风 雅和SO天然。 惊喜葡萄酒和用餐体验:现代泰式餐厅、 白色烤箱、俏皮的海滩俱乐部、海滩社 会、HI-SO屋顶酒吧,幸福的体验位于 SoSPA和SoFIT。 SO索菲特这个生动豪华的度假村充满了乐 趣,注重设计与艺术,为泰国最受瞩目的沙 滩带来了跳动的脉搏。 一个富有想象力的度假胜地等待您去发掘。

Rooms / Villas: Pools / Beach: Spa: Restaurants & Bar: Fitness: Fun Facts: A WHAT?!:

77 units SO Pool – beachfront for family and kids; Solarium Pool – adults only SoSPA – high-luxury beauty treatments (5 treatment rooms) White Oven: international breakfast buffet and Thai cuisine, Beach Society: beachside serving à la carte bites and seafood BBQ HI-SO, the panoramic rooftop bar 24-hour Thai cooking class and local market visit; monthly SO Beach Party (first Saturday), Cha-AM Scenic Route bicycle tour the hotel rock-wall consists of more than 380,000 rocks from a nearby mountain; grand staircase has the largest marble steps in Southeast Asia; more than 200 animal statues are hidden inside the resort

客房/别墅: 游泳池/海滩: spa: 餐厅: 酒吧: 健身中心: 趣闻: 惊喜?!:

77间套房 SO游泳池 -家庭和儿童海滨游泳池,日光浴游泳池- 仅限成人的上相游泳池 SoSPA - 高级豪华美容护理和最新的护肤品(5间理疗室) 白烤箱、国际自助早餐和泰国菜肴、海滩社交、海滨卡尔特供应点和海鲜烧烤 HI-SO全景屋顶酒吧 24小时 泰式烹饪课程、游览当地市场、每月SO海滩派对(第一个星期六),七岩风景区公路自行车 之旅 酒店岩墙由附近高山上的38万多块岩石构成,是大楼梯在东南亚最大的大理石台阶,度假村 内蕴藏着200多个动物雕像

Tel: +66 (0) 3 270 9555 115 Moo 7 T. Bangkao, A. Cha-Am, Phetchaburi 76120 Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Prachuap Khirikhan 巴蜀

Villa Maroc Resort 摩洛哥别墅度假村 Inspired by Morocco’s North African distinctive architecture, Villa Maroc, 30 kilometers south of Hua Hin in Pranburi, redefines luxury on the Gulf of Thailand. Promising an unforgettable stay on one of Thailand’s most sought-after coastlines, the resort combines Thai beachside living and service with some of the most luxurious furnishings from the North African kingdom, making it a unique addition to Southeast Asia’s resort scene. Villa Maroc sits on a 153-meter stretch of coastline on Pranburi Beach, providing each rooms with a stunning sea view and direct access to the enticing beaches of the Gulf. The resort consists of 15 villas: six Pool Courts, four Pool, a One-Bedroom, two Two-Bedroom, and two Royal Villas – all of which have been crafted in dramatic Moroccan style with dazzling colors and attention to detail. Each room is creatively named after spices which are such an integral part of Moroccan cuisine and culture.

84 Best Of Class

位于班布里华欣以南30公里处的摩洛哥别 墅度假村,受到摩洛哥独特建筑所启发,并 重新定义了泰国湾的华丽。 保证您能在泰国最受追捧的海岸线享受一个 难忘的住宿体验,度假村提供泰国海滨生活 和服务,并配备一些来自北非王国最豪华的 家具,造就了东南亚独一无二的度假村美 景。 摩洛哥别墅坐落在海岸线长达153米的班布 里海滩,每间客房都有引人入胜的海景,并 能直接通往诱人的海滩。 度假村拥有6个泳池、4套泳池别墅、一套 单人房别墅、两套双人房别墅,以及两间皇 家别墅 -- 这一切都被精雕细琢成为有声有 色的摩洛哥风格,色彩炫目且非常注重细 节。每间客房以摩洛哥香料命名,因为香料 是摩洛哥美食和文化不可或缺的一环。

Villas: Pools / Beach: Spa: Restaurant & Bar: Fitness: Fun Facts: A WHAT?!:

15 (50 - 269 sqm) two infinity-edge pools / yes, glorious Sherazade Hammam & Spa Casablanca; Shisha Bar: this ultimate seaside chill-out lounge bar serves up the coolest cocktails and savory Lebanese mezzehs yes diving and snorkeling, fishing, elephant trekking, ATV bike tours, Banana boat rides, jet ski, kite surfing (seasonal) unique and distinct Moroccan architecture

别墅: 游泳池/海滩: Spa: 餐厅和酒吧: 健身中心: 趣闻: 惊喜?!:

15套别墅(50-269平方米) 两个无边际泳池/有 谢赫拉扎德土耳其浴室和水疗中心 卡萨布兰卡、水烟吧:这个终极海滨放松身心灵的酒吧休息室提供了最可口的鸡尾酒和 黎巴嫩美食。 有 潜水和浮潜、垂钓、骑大象、自行车之旅、香蕉船、水上摩托、风筝冲浪 (季节性和提前预订) 摩洛哥独特建筑架构

Tel: +66 (0) 32 630 771 Fax: +66 (0) 32 630 791 165/3 Moo 3 Paknampran, Pranburi Prachuap Khirikhan 77220 Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Hua Hin 华欣

Wora Bura Hua Hin Resort & Spa

华欣沃拉布拉度假村 A pervasive, proud Thailand motif embraces this cultured, rich, colonial-styled resort that luxuriously stretches – through gracious, interior gardens festooned with plants – to the Gulf beachfront. The resort is redolent of Thai history. The 20-year old King Rama V (Chulalongkorn) in 1873 became one of Thailand’s great kings. His 37-year reign was characterized by the modernization of Siam (as he preempted Western expansionism, earning the epithet: Great Beloved King). His studies in and visits to Europe inspired a harmonious fusion of Thai and European architecture. It is on display here. At Wora Bura, each of the 77 well-appointed rooms (44-130 sqm), suites and the impressive villas (three) are named after a Thailand province. Beneath and around the tasteful dark paneling, wainscoting and lattice-work, are wall-hangings and sculptures depicting antique photomurals of life in a previous century. The three handsome, free-standing villas are all adorned with tasteful accoutrements, with outdoor Jacuzzis. The pool is embroidered within the garden. Lovely. David Lihn

86 Best Of Class

一种无处不在、自豪的泰国主题,拥抱着这 个讲究、丰富、殖民风格的度假村,豪华地 延伸 –穿过植物妆点的优雅的内部花园 – 直至海湾海滨。 度假村散发着浓烈的泰国历史气息,1873 年,20岁的拉玛五世国王(朱拉隆功)成 为泰国了不起的国王之一。在位的37年 中,其统治特点是创造了现代化的暹罗(因 为他借鉴了西方的扩张主义,赢得了称号: 伟大的深受爱戴的国王)。 他研究和访问欧洲,将泰式和欧式建筑和谐 融合,在这里展出。 沃拉布拉拥有77间设备齐全的客房(44130平方米)、套房和令人印象深刻的别墅 客房(3间),每一个房间以一个泰国府的 名字命名。度假村下面和周围是雅致的黑镶 板、护墙板、格子,墙帷和雕塑,展示和描 述了上世纪生活的古风壁画式照片。 三间帅气、独立的别墅客房,所有客房由有 品位的装备装饰,配有户外按摩浴缸。 游泳池位于花园内部,很可爱。

Rooms / Suites / Villas: Pool / Beach: Spa: Restaurants & Bar: Fitness: Fun Facts: A WHAT?!:

77 – three detached villas and two suites gardened, double figure-eight centerpiece extending to the sea yes one for breakfast and one overlooking the Gulf complete arrive by helicopter, Rolls Royce or tuk-tuk each room is decorated in a style of a Thai province (Ayutthaya, Phuket, Chiang Mai...)

客房/套房/别墅: 游泳池/海滩: Spa: 餐馆: &酒吧: 健身: 趣闻: 惊喜?!:

77间 - 三套独立别墅客房和两间套房 花园式,双人花式—8个中心装饰品延伸至大海 有 一间用于吃早晨,另一间用于俯瞰海湾 有 完成 通过乘坐直升机、劳斯莱斯或三轮摩托车到达 每间客房根据泰国各个府的风格装饰,如大城府、普吉岛,清迈

Tel: +66 (0) 32 536 999 Fax: +66 (0) 32 536 752 83/199 Soi Moo Baan Nonggare, T.Nonggare, Hua Hin, Hua Hin, Prachuap Khiri Khan, 77110 Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


The Dewa Koh Chang


88 Best Of Class

Eastern Thailand (Pattaya, Koh Samet, Koh Chang, Koh Kood) 泰国东部(芭堤雅,沙美岛,象岛,苏梅沽) Centara Grand Mirage Beach Resort Pattaya 芭提雅盛泰澜幻影海滩度假村


Mövenpick Siam Hotel Pattaya 芭堤雅瑞享暹罗酒店


Royal Cliff Hotels Group 皇家克里夫酒店 U Pattaya 芭提雅U酒店

90-91 92-93


Koh Samet

Paradee Resort 帕拉迪度假村

Koh Chang Awa Resort Koh Chang 象岛阿瓦度假村


The Dewa Koh Chang 象岛德华酒店


Koh Kood


High Season Pool Villa & Spa 沽岛(Koh Kood)旺季酒店 Soneva Kiri 苏尼瓦奇瑞度假村

100-101 102-103

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand




Centara Grand Mirage Beach Resort Pattaya

芭提雅盛泰澜幻影海滩度假村 This five-star North Pattaya resort has two 19-story towers connected by sky bridges, and features 555 rooms and suites all facing the ocean. Guests have direct access to the spacious 230-meter beach, with an extensive range of water activities.

这家芭堤雅北部的五星级度假村坐落在沙 滩上,酒店拥有两个19层的塔楼,中间用 天桥连接着。并设有面朝大海555间客房和 套房。客人可以直接前往230米长的宽敞海 滩,有各种各样的水上活动。

Sporting a contemporary Thai-style decor, the six room options range from Deluxe (42 sqm) to Deluxe Family, Club Mirage and Suites – all with their own private balcony overlooking the gardens and ocean.

当代泰式风格装饰,六类房间可供选择: 豪华房(42平米)、豪华家庭、俱乐部幻 影和套房–都有可以俯瞰花园和海洋的私人 阳台/露台。

Club Mirage offers exclusive facilities and services including two private club lounges (one for families and one for adult guests only) and Centara signature service of five complimentary daily meal presentations.

俱乐部幻影提供独特的设施和服务,其中包 括两个私人俱乐部休息室(一个家庭,另一 个只限成人),并为您提供每日5顿免费餐 饮。

A kids’ club (with an indoor camp safari and games rooms) and teenager games and meeting area keep the family content. The Lost World has its own jungle and water park with swimming pools, water slides and a lazy river with waterfalls.

90 Best Of Class

儿童俱乐部(配有室内旅行大本营和游戏 室)、儿童游戏和会议区,帮助您维系家庭 成员关系。 遗失的世界拥有自己的丛林、水上公园、游 泳池、水滑梯和瀑布漂流河。

Rooms / Suites: Pools / Beach: Spa: Restaurants & Bars: Fitness: Fun Facts: A WHAT?!:

555 within 19 stories outdoor swimming pool / extensive Spa Cenvaree in its own oceanfront village Flames (BBQ & Grill), Oasis (international breakfast & all day dining), Ginger & Lime (Asian cuisine : Thai, Japanese, Chinese and Vietnamese), Acqua (Italian cuisine), Coast Beach Club & Bistro (Coastal cuisine: tapas, grilled meats and seafood seared over charcoal) yes outdoor swimming pool with shade pavilion, lazy river, rock climbing tower, Dive Centre, daily beach activities, Water sports centre, kids’ and teens’ club, billiards and table tennis The Lost World jungle water park with swimming pools, water slides, lazy river with waterfalls

客房/套房: 游泳池/海滩: spa: 餐厅: 酒吧: 健身中心: 趣闻: 惊喜?!:

555间19层客房和套房 室外游泳池/广阔 海滨村Cenvaree温泉中心 火焰(海滨烧烤和碳烤)、姜和石灰(日本、泰国、中国和越南美食)、阿夸(意大利美食)、 海岸海滩俱乐部和小酒馆(沿海美食:小吃、烤肉和烤海鲜) 祖鲁:一个DJ酒吧和私人卡拉OK室 有 配有遮阳亭的室外游泳池、水上游览项目、攀岩塔、潜水中心、每日沙滩活动、水上运 动中心,儿童和青少年俱乐部、台球和乒乓球 失落世界拥有自己的丛林、水上公园、游泳池、水滑梯和瀑布漂流河

Tel: +66 (0) 38 301 234

Fax: +66 (0) 38 714 999 277 Moo 5, Naklua, Banglamung, Pattaya, Chonburi 20150 Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Pattaya 芭提雅


Siam Hotel Pattaya 芭堤雅瑞享暹罗酒店 Mövenpick Siam Hotel Pattaya opened in 2016 on the pristine Na Jomtien Beach, pioneering a new upscale hospitality experience.

芭堤雅瑞享暹罗酒店于2016年正式开业, 它坐落于娜乔木提恩海滩,开创了一个新的 高档住宿体验。

The hotel’s 260 stylish and spacious rooms and suites are highlighted by uninterrupted sunset views of the Gulf of Thailand.

酒店拥有260间时尚宽敞的客房和套房, 以泰国湾的日落美景而闻名。

Enjoy the breakfast at the restaurant Twist, featuring healthy juice shots, a focus that underpins the restaurants adherence to using the freshest, healthiest ingredients.

55烧烤房,设计灵感源自于美国纽约肉库 区—工业设计鲜明耀眼,又不失清新质朴。

55 Grillroom is inspired by New York’s famed Meatpacking District – a signature offering resplendent in an industrial chic design and refreshingly unpretentious.

家庭成员们享受宽敞泻湖游泳池,它就像动 态的儿童俱乐部,直接通向海滩,父母可以 同时享受温泉波浪。另外,每日4-5pm的巧 克力时光可以让客人免费品尝巧克力。

Families enjoy a spacious lagoon pool with direct beach access as well as a dynamic Kids’ Club while Mom and Dad can enjoy Wave Spa. A daily Chocolate Hour allows guests to enjoy complimentary chocolate from 4 - 5pm.

由于酒店靠近玛丽娜海,您可以体验离岛或 海湾的双体船游览,还有暹罗乡村俱乐部三 家锦标赛高尔夫球场。

Destination experiences are highlighted by catamaran rides to outlying islands or in the bay due to the hotel’s proximity to Ocean Marina; or golf at Siam Country Club’s three championship courses.

92 Best Of Class

在特威斯特餐厅享用早餐(配有健康果汁), 餐厅一直坚持使用最新鲜健康的材料。

Rooms / Suites: Pools / Beach: Spa: Restaurants & Bars: Fitness: Fun Facts: A WHAT?!: 客房/套房: 游泳池/海滩: spa: 餐厅和酒吧: 池酒吧; 健身中心: 趣闻: 惊喜?!:

260 with spacious balconies – uninterrupted views of the Gulf of Thailand iconic lagoon pool and unobstructed beach access Wave Spa Twist, all-day and family-style dining T55 New York Grill, our signature restaurant for meat lovers La Costa Restaurant & Pool Bar, outdoor venue on the beach with sunset ambience Red Coral Lounge, with an enticing selection of drinks and refreshments fully equipped, open 24 hours daily complimentary Unique Mövenpick hospitality experience with Chocolate Hour during 4 - 5pm Sea Star Kid’s Club, beach activities (kayak, Sunset Walk, stretching class on the beach …) 260间,配有宽敞的阳台 - 泰国湾景色一览无余 标志性的泳池,通向海滩 spa波浪 Twist,全天和家庭式餐饮,T55,纽约烧烤:肉食爱好者的招牌餐厅;拉卡斯塔餐厅和泳 日落氛围的海滩户外活动场地;红珊瑚休息室,提供饮料和诱人的点心。 配备齐全的健身中心,24小时开放。 每天4-5pm免费巧克力时光。 海星儿童俱乐部和沙滩活动(皮艇、夕阳漫步、沙滩伸展运动 …)

Tel: +66 (0) 33 078 888 55 Moo 2, Sukhumvit Road, KM 156.5, Na Jomtien, Sattahip, Chonburi, 20250 Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Pattaya 芭提雅

Royal Cliff Hotels Group 皇家克里夫酒店 Royal Cliff has charmed and delighted guests with its captivating south Pattaya location for more than four decades. Overlooking the breathtaking Gulf of Thailand and situated in a 64-acre tropical parkland estate, the resort provides endless dramatic views of the sea. Guests enter a world of exclusivity and fascination with four five-star hotels offering a sensory experience defined profoundly by its individual styles, characters and elegance: Royal Cliff Beach Hotel (casual luxury), Royal Cliff Beach Terrace (exotic luxury), Royal Cliff Grand Hotel (formal luxury) and Royal Wing Suites and Spa (ultimate luxury). Designed and continually transformed by worldclass architects, the hotel is a landmark combining a perfect blend of timeless traditional elements and stylish modern design. Offering comfortable and elegant suites and two spectacular infinity pools, it continually innovates. Royal Cliff has won over 200 awards, accreditation and accolades including the TripAdvisor Travelers’ Choice Award and the TTG Travel Hall of Fame.

94 Best Of Class

皇家克里夫酒店集团位于芭提雅南部,40 年以来一直保持无穷的魅力,吸引着无数的 客人慕名而来。在此,您的目光可以纵情驰 骋于令人赞叹的泰国湾,64英亩的经典园 林景致尽收眼底,陶醉于无边无际的大海景 象,颇有戏剧风采。 客人入住后,这个隐秘而魅力四射的五星级 酒店将为您提供极致的感官享受。而个人风 格、特立独行与高贵典雅正是它为之骄傲的 资本。酒店有以下部分组成:皇家克里夫海 滩酒店(普通奢华),皇家克里夫海滩露台 (异国情调豪华),皇家克里夫盛大大酒店( 标准豪华)和皇家翼套房及水疗中心(至尊 豪华)。 酒店由世界级建筑师不断设计与改造而成, 将永恒的传统元素与时尚的现代风格完美糅 合在一起。除了舒适高雅的套房之外,酒店 还可以为您提供两个壮观的无边游泳池。至 今它不断寻求创新,致力为您提供最优秀的 服务。 皇家克里夫酒店已经赢得了200奖项、认证 和荣誉,其中包括TripAdvisor名人堂、旅 行者选择奖、名人堂TTG旅游馆等。

Rooms / Suites: Pools / Beach: Spa: Restaurants & Bars: Fitness: Fun Facts: A WHAT?!:

1,020 – including suites, sea views and mountain views 2 infinity-edge pools, 5 free-form swimming pools, 2 private beaches Cliff Spa - indoor and outdoor with 360 degrees Thai Gulf view 11 award-winning restaurants, 6 Bars Fitz Club - Racquets, Health & Fitness Thai Boxing at Fitz Club; Funtasea – Kids World; The Verge – Games, Pool and Lounge extraordinary location, variety of facilities, exceptional service, unforgettable sunsets, captivating views

客房/套房: 游泳池/海滩: Spa: 餐厅与酒吧: 健身中心: 趣闻: 惊喜?!!:

1,020间 –包括套房,海景和山景 2个无边游泳池,5个自由形式游泳池,2个私人海滩 克里夫水疗 - 室内和室外360度泰国海湾景色 11声名远播的餐厅,6个酒吧 菲茨俱乐部 - 球拍,健康与健身 泰拳在菲茨俱乐部; Funtasea - 儿童世界; The Verge - 游戏,游泳池和休息室 非凡的位置,各种设施,卓越的服务,令人难忘的日落,迷人的景色

Tel: +66 (0) 38 250 421 Fax: +66 (0) 38 250 141 353 Phra Tamnuk Road, Pattaya, Chonburi, 20150 Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Pattaya 芭提雅

U Pattaya 芭提雅U酒店

U Pattaya is located between Jomtien and Bang Saray beaches with beachfront access suitable for discerning leisure travellers who seek serenity, privacy and calm.

芭堤雅U酒店位于提恩和邦萨拉伊海滩,适 合那些寻求宁静与宁静, 有强烈洞察力的度 假旅客。度假村的整体设计体现渔民村概 念,内部装饰采用质朴的木材和竹材。

The overall design of the resort is of a fisherman-village concept using rustic wood and bamboo in the interior design.

度假村包括19套别墅 (私人游泳池和1/2— 双人房),25间32平方米到90平方米不等的 客房。所有客房都设有免费无线网络和室内 豪华设施等独特风格。

The resort consists of 19 villas (private pools with 1 or 2-bedroom options) and 25 rooms ranging from 32 to 90 sqm. All accommodations feature free Wi-Fi, in-room luxury amenities and other unique touches. Other facilities include our beachfront restaurant, rooftop bar, spa, infinity swimming pool, gym and library. U’s unique approach to service features a 24hour room concept, which allows guests to utilize their room for 24 hours from arrival – as well as breakfast whenever/wherever during their stay. Also enjoy international and local calls at cost; pre-select amenities such as pillow, tea, music and soap (select from our online U Choose program).

96 Best Of Class

其他设施包括我们的海滨餐厅、屋顶酒吧、 水疗中心、无边际泳池、健身房和图书馆。 芭堤雅U酒店独特的24小时客房服务理念能 让客人享受私有空间,从到达开始24小时 无间断享受服务 –在入住期间不管在何时/ 何地都能享用早餐,国际和本地电话,预选 设施:枕头、茶、音乐和肥皂(在芭堤雅U 酒店网站选择 )。

Rooms / Villas: 44 -- 25 rooms / 19 pool villas Pools / Beach: beachfront swimming pool / Yes Spa: U Spa with private treatment rooms Restaurant Papillon: dine out by the sea & Bar: La Vela: A rustic rooftop bar with water feature setting that offers variety of snacks, beverages and cocktails from 5 pm – midnight. Fitness: yes Fun Facts: free bikes for all guests A WHAT?!: ample amenities that are restored daily, including choice of pillows, mini-bar items, tea selection, soaps, personalized music selection in every room 客房/别墅: 游泳池/海滩: spa: 餐厅: 酒吧: 健身中心: 趣闻: 惊喜?!!:

44间(19间泳池别墅) 海滨游泳池/有 U温泉与私人理疗室 巴比伦餐厅:海边外出就餐 拉维拉:乡村屋顶酒吧,提供多种小吃、饮料和鸡尾酒,营业时间为下午5点到午夜 有 免费为所有客人服务的自行车 我们为客人提供设施,他们可以重新恢复联系,包括各种选择:枕头、迷你酒吧项目、 茶叶、肥皂和房内个性化的音乐

Tel: +66 (0) 33 046 100 Fax: +66 (0) 33 046 100 70/14 Moo 8, Soi Na-Chomtien 56, Sattahip, Chonburi 20250 Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Koh Samet 苏梅岛

Paradee 帕拉迪度假村 Paradee Resort is nestled on Koh Samet, an unspoiled tropical island in the north of the Gulf of Thailand, a two-hour drive down from Bangkok. From a Rayong pier you embark on a 15-minute speed boat ride across the Gulf to secluded Ao Kiew Beach. Surrounded by lush jungle, experience the essence of a romantic hideaway with luxurious five- star facilities, private villa accommodations, and impeccable service. As part of the Koh Samet National Park the resort is encased in outstanding natural beauty. The 40 luxurious, immaculately-appointed villas, all with magnificent views of either luxuriant tropical Gardens, or serene beaches washed by the Gulf, each extend over 100 sqm. Drawing influence from Moroccan and Balinese design, the villa interiors blend deeply-soothing, soft natural hues with rich décor featuring traditional Thai teak wood, rattan and silk – to perfectly complement the natural beauty of the verdant jungle settings. Paradee offers a beachside haven of sumptuous tranquility.

98 Best Of Class

帕拉迪度假村坐落在沙美岛,这是泰国湾北 部一个洁净的热带岛屿,从罗勇码头您可以 乘坐15分钟的私人快艇骑跨海湾,直达幽 奥基辅海滩。 酒店缀在繁茂的热带森林中,您可以在此体 验浪漫的世外桃源生活。五星级的豪华设 施、私人别墅、服务也无可挑剔。作为沙美 岛国家公园的一部分,度假村也被优美的自 然环境环绕着。 40间豪华别墅客房,不染纤尘,设备齐 全,拥有茂密的热带花园,或可以尽收壮丽 的海滩景色,每间宽达100多平方米。 酒店建筑借鉴摩洛哥和巴厘岛设计,别墅的 内饰丰富,包括传统的泰国柚木、藤条、舒 缓的丝绸,柔和的自然色调 - 完美地与青翠 的丛林之美相融合。 帕拉迪是豪华宁静的海滨天堂。

Villas: Pools / Beach: Spa: Restaurant & Bar: Fitness: Fun Facts: A WHAT?!:

40 infinity / private Paradee Spa all-day dining, pool bar, Sunset Bar yes private sailing and sunset cruises, diving, snorkeling and free kayak rentals located on a narrow southern isthmus of beautiful Ao Kiew beach, see both the morning sunrise and the spectacular sunset

别墅: 游泳池/海滩: spa: 餐厅和酒吧: 健身: 趣闻: 惊喜?!:

40间 无边泳池/私人 帕拉迪spa 全天用餐,池畔酒吧,日落酒吧 有 私人帆船和日落巡航、潜水、浮潜和自由皮艇出租 坐落于美丽的裘岙海滩狭窄的地峡南部,能欣赏早上日出和壮观的日落

Tel: +66 (0) 2 438 9771 - 2 Ext. 100-105 Mobile: +66 (0) 61 413 846-5,+66 (0) 61 413 846-6 76 Moo 4, Tumbol Phe, Amphur Mueng, Rayong 21160 Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Koh Chang 象岛

AWA Resort Koh Chang 象岛阿瓦度假村 Awa Resort Koh Chang, situated along a lovely strand of Kai Bae Beach on Koh Chang Island, is proudly accented with oriental elegance and simplicity. The hotel’s stunning and distinctive architectural aesthetic is one of Koh Chang’s most dramatic settings. Relax on a balcony in a beachfront deluxe suite admiring the island’s peaceful sunset. Awa offers 119 rooms: Superior Hillside (45 sqm); three distinctive Deluxe options (54 sqm); and Beachfront Suites (108 sqm). Awa’s Philosophy – “The Difference a Stay Could Make” – is exemplified by the variety of healthy and relaxing treatments available at The Spa, nurturing you through the healing process to balance mind, body and spirit. Dining options include The Spoon (which offers Western and Asian breakfasts and a la carte service) and The Sala, offering seaside dining with serenading acoustic musicians. Awa sports a 1,200 sqm pool, as well as a Kid’s Club, to insure a fun family stay.

100 Best Of Class

象岛阿瓦度假村,位于象岛可爱的卡贝海 滩,以优雅和简洁而著称。 酒店迷人以及独特的建筑美学是象岛最富有 戏剧性的设置之一。 在海滨豪华套房里尽情放松,在阳台上欣赏 岛上宁静的日落。 阿瓦度假村拥有119间客房:高级临山住宅 (45平方米);三个特级豪华住宅供君选择 (54平方米); 海滨套房(108平方米)。 阿瓦的理念 - “别出心裁的居住方式”– 各种各样的水疗中心,在那里您可以通过保 健达到身体、心灵、精神的三重平衡。 餐饮场所提供勺具(其提供西方和亚洲早餐 与点菜服务)和沙拉,有小夜曲演奏的海边 用餐环境。 阿瓦运动设施提供一个1200平方米的游泳 池,以及一个儿童俱乐部,为客人营造美妙 的家庭时光氛围。

Rooms / Suites: Pools / Beach: Spa: Restaurants & Bar: Fun Facts: A WHAT?!:

119 rooms - Superior Hillside, Deluxe, Deluxe Premium, Deluxe Beachfront / Beachfront Suite (108 sqm) 1,200 sqm / private The Spa - rejuvenating treatment and using homemade natural ingredients The Spoon (Western and Asian), The Sala (Seafood), The Teas (afternoon tea and pastries), The River (pool bar), The Sand (beach bar) explore the many neighboring islands of Koh Chang, Koh Wai, Koh Rang, Koh Yak, Koh Yuak, Koh Mannok, Koh Mannai etc the most peaceful sunsets from the comfort of your balcony in a Deluxe Beachfront room

客房/套房: 游泳池/海滩: Spa: 餐厅和酒吧: 健身中心: 趣闻: 惊喜?!:

119间客房,包括高级临山住宅、豪华客房、豪华尊贵客房、豪华海滨客房和海滨 套房 1,200平方米的游泳池/私人 水疗中心 - 康复治疗,并使用家庭自制的天然成分 勺具(西方和亚洲)、沙拉(海鲜)、茶(下午茶和糕点) 河(池吧)、沙子(海滩酒吧) 无 探索象岛的许多邻近岛屿; 围岛、瓜隆岛、丫岛、圆岛、芒农岛、曼奈岛等 在您舒服的豪华海滨房享受最美的平静日落

Tel: +66 (0) 2 261 6364 6 Fax: +66 (0) 2 261 6367 6/5/1 Moo 4, Kai Bae Beach | Koh Chang, Trat, 23170 Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Koh Chang 象岛

The Dewa Koh Chang 象岛德华酒店 Distinctively different and stunningly unique.


Thanks to the prime location on the beautiful Klong 有赖于美丽的孔抛海滩的黄金地理位置,象 Prao Beach, The Dewa Koh Chang boasts unri- 岛德华酒店因卓越的海洋全景和灿烂浪漫的 valled ocean panoramas and splendid, idyllic sun- 日落而享誉盛名。 sets. 度假村有和谐质朴的建筑与舒适的设施,热 The resort harmonizes rustic architecture and cozy 带环境环绕四周。 accoutrements with the surrounding tropical envi只提供59间客房和别墅,量少质高,保证 ronment. 为所有客户提供私密的、无与伦比的服务。 Offering only 59 rooms and villas, privacy and un豪华客房能俯瞰黑色、波光粼粼的游泳池、 compromised service to all guests are insured. 步行一分钟便可到达海滩。巧妙的圆形别墅 Deluxe rooms overlook the black, shiny swimming 提供茅草屋顶下宽敞、时尚的生活。 pool, a minute walk to the beach. The ingenious round-shape villas offer spacious and stylish living 在独特的阁楼式海滨大别墅,享受一整天的 清新海风。 under thatched roofs. Blissful sea breezes delight all day long at the ex- 您可以在休闲精致的阁楼餐厅或沙滩上尽情 享受美食诱惑和美味海鲜。 clusive, loft-style grand villa. Indulge yourself with the allure of superb cuisine 浪漫的烛光晚餐等着你,与您心爱的人一起 and fresh seafood presented in an atmosphere of 放松和探索感受。 casual refinement at the loft restaurant or at the beach. Romantic candlelit dining is waiting for you. Relax and explore your feelings with your beloved.

102 Best Of Class

Rooms Villas: 59 rooms, including deluxe, villa and grand villa rooms Pools / Beach: black, shiny swimming pool / private Spa: The Spa - Rejuvenating treatment using homemade natural ingredients Restaurants The Restaurant (Western and Asian), The Beach (Seafood), & Bar: The Café (afternoon tea and pastries). The Pool Bar, The Beach Bar Fun Facts: explore the many neighboring islands of Koh Chang, Koh Wai, Koh Rong, Koh Yak, Koh Yuak, Koh Mannok, Koh Mannai A WHAT?!: enjoy the evening sea scene at The Beach, and refresh yourself with a cocktail 客房/ิ别墅: 游泳池/海滩: Spa: 餐厅和酒吧: 健身中心: 趣闻: 惊喜?!:

59间客房,包括豪华客房、别墅和大客房别墅 黑色闪亮游泳池/私人 使用自制的天然成分养生护理 餐厅(西式和亚洲)、沙滩(海鲜)、咖啡厅(下午茶和糕点) 泳池酒吧,海滩酒吧 无 探索象岛的许多邻近岛屿; 围岛、瓜隆岛、丫岛、圆岛、芒农岛,曼奈岛 享受海滩傍晚的海景,用鸡尾酒放松自己

Tel: +66 (0) 2 261 6364 6 Fax: +66 (0) 2 261 6367 24/1/1 Moo 4, Klong Prao Beach, Koh Chang, Trat 23170 Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Koh Kood


High Season Pool

Villa & Spa Koh Kood 沽岛(Koh Kood)旺季酒店

Located on the serene sands of Khlong Chao Beach, with stunning views of the Gulf of Thailand, this luxury resort offers the ideal getaway for comfort and tranquility. The 42 well-appointed private pool villas revel in a tropical paradise within an environmentally-friendly setting and provide infinite hours of relaxation. Indulge in a variety of beach and marine activities; and trek amid the lush surroundings of Koh Kood. High Season is dedicated to preserving nature and adhering to green global standards, apparent in the natural building materials, innovative use of plants and the home-grown vegetables. The resort has a non-smoking policy, believing a clean environment creates a better vacation experience. The resort preserves local culture through education and innovation and uses natural surroundings in an efficient and eco-friendly way. “We believe that if we look after nature, nature will look after us.”

104 Best Of Class

这家豪华度假村坐落在沽岛的原始沙滩旁 。 从这里可以欣赏到泰海湾的壮丽景色。这里 的环境既舒适又宁静,是理想的度假场所。 酒店拥有42间带私人泳池的别墅,内部设 备齐全,让您的身心完全放松。在此,您将 陶醉在散发着友好气息的热带天堂中,沉迷 于非机动海滩娱乐活动,享受海底活动,并 跋涉于沽岛郁郁葱葱的环境中。 旺季致力于维护自然环境,坚守绿色环保的 全球标准。我们使用天然建筑材料,开发性 利用酒店种植的植物与蔬菜,举办各种非机 动活动。 度假村在大多数公共场所设有禁烟政策,我 们相信清洁的环境能创造一个更好的度假体 验,并坚信通过教育与创新,利用高效环保 的方式,保护当地的文化和环境,“我们相 信,如果我们照顾自然,自然也会照顾我 们。”

Villas: Pools / Beach: Spa: Restaurants & Bars: Fitness: Fun Facts: A WHAT?!:

42 (Deluxe Pool, Grand Pool, and Beachfront Suite Pool) Galaxy Pool (15 x 30 m -- 60,000 liters), largest pool in Koh Kood / Khlong Chao Beach - 800m long 4 natural treatment rooms with private shower, bathroom, sauna, and stream room 6 restaurants and bars (Beach Front, Italian, Beach Bar, The Coffee Terrace, Coffee Corner); Thai Restaurant is coming soon! large variety of equipment, 7:00 am – 7:00 pm. the innovative use of plants and vegetables grown on the resort; non-motorized guests activities romantic dinner experience on elevated Bird’s Nest, views of the magnificent beaches; an unforgetable nature resort: beautiful botanical gardens, Japanese-style bungalows, translucent waters, and a million stars

客房/别墅: 游泳池/海滩: spa: 餐厅和酒吧: 健身中心: 趣闻: 惊喜?!:

42间别墅(豪华泳池别墅,大泳池别墅和海滨套房泳池别墅) 银河游泳池15x30米(60,000升)是沽岛上最大的游泳池/喀潮海滩长800米 4间自然理疗室,配有私人卫生间、浴室、桑拿房和蒸汽室 6家餐厅和酒吧(海滨餐厅、意大利餐厅、海滩酒吧、咖啡的露台、咖啡阁), 泰国餐厅即将上市 多种设备,自然采光,每日7:00 am– 7:00 pm. 创新地在度假村种植植物和蔬菜,非机动车活动 鸟巢浪漫晚餐,其设计和海滩美景给您带来难忘的用餐体验

Tel: +66 (0) 39 510 888 Fax: +66 (0) 39 510 877 Hot line: +66 (0) 62 575 027 5 117 Moo2 T.Koh Kood, A.Koh Kood, Trat 23000 Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Koh Kood


Soneva Kiri 苏尼瓦奇瑞度假村 Award-winning luxury resort Soneva Kiri is located on Koh Kood, Thailand’s fourth largest (but least populated) island – just a one-hour flight southeast of Bangkok. It offers an unrivalled combination of comfort and elegance, an integrated environmental approach, and mouth-watering organic food. The resort comprises 35 vast pool villas on the beach, hillside or cliff-top, all overlooking the Gulf, with chic furnishings, personal electric buggies and impeccable service courtesy of Mr./Ms. Friday private butlers. Soneva Kiri offers twice-weekly flights by private plane to Siem Reap (Cambodia), home to the world heritage wonders of Angkor Wat. Soneva Kiri has two sister resorts in the Maldives, Soneva Fushi (1995) and Soneva Jani (opening late this year), which form part of the Soneva Group -- steadfast in leading the hospitality industry in environmentally-responsible tourism. Soneva Kiri is committed to its Slow Life philosophy: Sustainable-Local-Organic-Wellness Learning-Inspiring-Fun-Experiences

106 Best Of Class

苏尼瓦奇瑞度假村享誉胜名,位于泰国的第 四大岛—沽岛(但人口最少)-从曼谷东南 部出发只需1小时的飞行时间。酒店将为您 提供将至尊豪华与经济环保相结合的泰式体 验,并为您提供令人垂涎的有机食品。 度假村拥有35套位于沙滩上、山坡上或悬 崖顶的广阔泳池别墅,均可俯瞰泰国湾,配 备时尚家具、个人电动越野车、周五私人管 家,为远道而来的先生女士们提供无可挑剔 的服务。 我们也开始提供每周两次的私人飞机航班前 往暹粒(柬埔寨),欣赏吴哥窟迷人的世界 遗产奇迹。 苏尼瓦奇瑞度假村有两个姐妹度假村,即索 尼娃富士(1995)和索尼娃姬莉贾尼(于 2016年开放),这是旅游行业龙头集团苏 尼瓦奇瑞集团的一部分。 苏尼瓦奇瑞致力于慢节奏生活理念: 适宜-本土-有机-健康-学习-鼓舞-乐趣-体验。

Villas: 35 – ranging from 1 to 6 bedrooms (beach, hillside or cliff-top), overlooking the Gulf of Thailand Pools / Beach: 5 private pools / secluded and beautiful North Beach adjacent to the resort Spa: within the jungle foliage Restaurants & Bars: 5 restaurants and 5 bars (and countless destination dining options at the resort and on the island). Subterranean wine cellar has over 500 labels – and a sommelier to advise Fitness: fully-equipped gym (personal trainer and yoga teacher); tennis court, mountain biking, water sports, diving course Fun Facts: open-air Cinema Paradiso surrounded by the jungle with free movies (and private screenings); chocolate and ice cream parlor offering 60 home-made flavors and 30 bespoke chocolates A WHAT?!: Treetop Dining Pod, a can’t-miss experience in which diners are hoisted high into the jungle canopy to enjoy a splendid view and spectacular food 广阔的别墅: 游泳池/海滩: spa: 餐厅与酒吧: 健身中心: 趣闻: 惊喜?!!:

35套 - 单人到6人间卧室(海滨,山坡或悬崖顶),俯瞰泰国湾 5间私人游泳池/幽静和美丽的北滩毗邻度假胜地 从林树叶内 5家餐厅和5个酒吧(酒店小岛内无数目的地餐饮场),侍酒师相近推荐-500个 品牌地下酒窖 设备齐全的健身房(私人教练和瑜伽老师):网球场、山地自行车、水上运动 、潜水课程 露天天堂电影院与免费丛林电影(可以包间私人放映);巧克力冰淇淋店提供60种 味道和30种定制巧克力(全自制!) 一个不容错过的树顶吊舱用餐体验,食物被高高吊起,食客坐在树冠上,在品尝美 食的同时欣赏高处的风景

Tel: +66 (0) 88 227 2616 +66 (0) 82 208 8888 Fax: +66 (0) 2631 9699

110 Moo 4 Koh Kood Sub-District, Koh Kood District, Trat 23000 Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Banyan Tree Samui

苏梅岛悦榕庄 108 Best Of Class

Southern Thailand (Koh Samui, Koh Phangan, Koh Tao, Krabi, Phuket, Phang Nga) 泰国南部(苏梅岛,帕岸岛,涛岛,甲米,普吉岛,攀牙湾) Banyan Tree Samui 苏梅岛悦榕庄 Aleenta Phuket Resort & Spa 普吉岛艾琳塔假酒店


Paresa Resort 帕瑞莎度假村

Anantara Layan Phuket Resort 普吉岛安纳塔拉扬度假村


Pullman Phuket Arcadia 164-165 普吉岛阿卡狄亚奈通海滩铂尔曼度假酒店

Anantara Mai Khao Phuket Villas 普吉岛安娜塔拉迈考别墅酒店


Renaissance Phuket Resort & Spa 166-167 普吉万丽度假酒店

Bandara Villas Phuket 普吉岛班达拉别墅


The Nai Harn Phuket 普吉岛迪奈涵酒店


Banyan Tree Phuket 普吉岛悦榕庄


The Naka Island 普吉岛纳卡岛豪华精选度假酒店


Cape Sienna Phuket Hotel & Villas 卡马拉海滩西恩纳角别墅酒店


The Naka Phuket 普吉岛纳卡酒店


Dream Phuket Hotel & Spa 普吉岛梦幻Spa酒店


The Pavilions Phuket 普吉岛亭阁酒店


GLOW Elixir Koh Yao Yai Resort 瑶亚岛艾力克赛尔度假酒店


The Vijitt Resort Phuket 普吉岛维特度假酒店


Grand Mercure Phuket Patong 普吉岛芭东美爵酒店


Villa Zolitude Resort and Spa 佐利图德别墅度假酒店


Hilton Phuket Arcadia Resort & Spa 150-151 普吉岛希尔顿阿卡迪亚温泉度假酒店 JW Marriott Phuket Resort & Spa 普吉岛JW万豪度假酒店& Spa中心

Maikhao Dream (2) - Phuket/Natai 迈豪愿景度假村及水疗中心



Phang Nga


Koh Phangan


Conrad Koh Samui 108-109 苏梅岛康莱德度假酒店 Le Méridien Koh Samui Resort & Spa 110-111 苏梅岛艾美水疗度假酒店 Miskawaan Luxury Beachfront Villas Samu 112-113 苏梅密斯卡湾奢华海滩别墅度假村 Nikki Beach Resort Koh Samui 114-115 苏梅岛尼基海滩度假村 Royal Muang Samui Villas 苏梅岛皇家芒别墅酒店


The Library 图书馆酒店 The Scent Samui 苏梅岛森特酒店

118-119 120-121

Dusit Buncha Resort Koh Tao 涛岛杜斯特邦查度假


Le Coral Hideaway Beyond Phuket 180-181 普吉珊瑚世外桃源酒店

Panviman Resort Koh Phangan 帕岸岛帕威曼度假村



Haven Khao Lak 考拉克天堂酒店


Metadee Resort & Villas 美乐地别墅度假酒店


JW Mariott Khao Lak JW万豪考拉温泉度假村


Mövenpick Resort & Spa Karon 普吉岛慕温匹克度假村


Pullman Khao Lak Katiliya 考拉克卡提利亚铂尔曼别墅度假


Koh Samui


Anantara Si Kao Resort 126-127 安纳塔拉丝蔻度假村 Dusit Thani Krabi Beach Resort 128-129 甲米都喜天阙海滩度假酒店 Layana Resort & Spa 130-131 利亚纳温泉度假酒店 Pimalai Resort & Spa

see 44-49

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Koh Samui 苏梅岛

Banyan Tree Samui 苏梅岛悦榕庄

“…the quintessential, elegant, Asia-centric resort and spa.” “......典型的,优雅的,以亚洲为中心的度假村和水疗中心。” The luxurious Banyan Tree brand – with its marvelous patrimony – is the quintessential, elegant, Asia-centric resort and spa. It is the paragon of sumptuous, boutique vacation travel.

豪华的悦榕庄是以亚洲为中心的经典、高雅 的度假村与水疗中心,它非凡的特性成就了 其品牌形象。堪称华丽的天堂,是一家精品 旅游度假村。

Here on the southeastern shore of Samui, this resort exudes a holistic, restorative aura.

度假村位于苏梅岛的东南部海岸,可以为宾 客提供全方位的修养恬憩场所。

They use the sobriquet: “A Sanctuary for the Senses” – and it lives up to the billing. This resort does, indeed, focus on the senses (it provides romance, intimacy, privacy, and hovering, lush surroundings). And the sensible: ecologically aware, it embraces a “green conscience”.

度假村有个绰号叫做“感官避难所”——这 真是名副其实!这里注重真正的感官体验与 享受(为宾客提供浪漫的、无间的、隐秘 的、整齐的、绿树环绕的意境氛围)。它的 独到之处在于其生态意识,蕴含着“绿色道 德”的理念。

Nestled on a tropical, terraced hillside within a small peninsula (19 kilometers from the airport), the 88 spacious, all-pool villas tumble down lush, gardened terrain to a cove overlooking Lamai Bay. The arcing, private beach invites exquisite solitude – as well as ample water adventure (kayaking, snorkeling and diving).

度假村位于一个小半岛的热带梯田区内(距 离机场19千米),拥有88间宽敞的全泳池 别墅,花园顺势而建,可以俯瞰拉迈湾海 湾。精致的弧形海滩,拥有众多的水上冒险 活动,邀请您体验前所未有的快乐(独木 舟、浮潜和潜水)。

The Spa and Rainforest service is close to legendary. Considered the crème de la crème of tropical beach resorts, it delivers luxury and class.

110 Best Of Class

David Lihn

Spa 与和热带雨林的服务近乎传奇。 因为考虑到热带海滩度假村的名流风范,它 淋漓尽致地展现了其豪华与品位。


88 – Deluxe (130 sqm), Ocean, 2-BR Sanctuary (169 sqm), Hillcrest, Ocean-View, Royal Banyan, Presidential (316 sqm) Pools / Beach: everywhere! / intimate private cove Spa: Banyan Tree Spa (10 treatment Pavilions) Restaurants & Bar: Saffron (Thai), The Edge (breakfast and lunch), Sands (beachfront, seafood); Lobby Lounge; in-villa dining; Samui Episode (softly-illuminated private beach pavilion); Pool Bar Fitness: yes…and, Yoga Room Fun Facts: coral reefs, Kids’ Club… A WHAT?!: exquisite intimacy, luxurious environment 别墅: 游泳池/海滩: Spa: 餐厅和酒吧: 健身中心: 趣闻: 惊喜?!!:

88间 - 豪华房(130平方米)、大洋房、双人客房(169平方米)、山顶房、海景 房、皇家悦榕庄总统套房(316平方米) 无处不在! /亲密的私人海湾 悦榕Spa(10间理疗室) - 包括30分钟的静心时间 藏红花(泰国),The Edge(早餐和午餐),金沙(海滨,海鲜);大堂酒廊; 在别墅 内用餐;苏梅岛集群(柔和的私人海滩凉亭);泳池酒吧 有,瑜伽室 珊瑚礁,儿童俱乐部... 精致的舒适感,豪华的环境

Tel: +66 (0) 77 915 333 Fax: +66 (0) 77 915 388 99/9 Moo 4, Maret, Lamai Beach, Koh Samui, Surat Thani 84310 Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Koh Samui 苏梅岛

Conrad Koh Samui 苏梅岛康莱德度假酒店

Talk about a lofty vacation. Polished, refined, luxurious, and perched atop the world – this is, literally, an “overseas” experience. Carved from a stately cliff in the southwest corner of Samui, and rising 350 feet above the quivering-blue Pantone palettes of the Gulf, this may be your best holiday-escape for intimacy, sophistication and style. Vertiginous. Breathtaking. It is a Mecca for starry-eyed honeymooners.

从苏梅岛西南角一个庄严峭壁雕刻,位于海 湾碧波闪亮的托板上350度处,这可能是您 最贴心、复杂和风格独特的度假胜地。 炫色夺目!叹为观止!这是一个充满梦幻色 彩色的蜜月圣地。

The animated and proactive GM, Stefano Ruzza, has caressed this property and has added his tasteful touch. “It’s a paradise. What a place to work!” he smiled. And, what a place to vacation.

总经理斯特凡诺•鲁萨是一个生命力盎然同 时又十分具有前瞻性的人,他对酒店了如指 掌,而酒店也大大提升了他的品味。他微笑 地说到:“这是天堂!一个多么适合工作的 地方”,然而,这又是一个度假的绝妙地 点。

All 81 free-standing, private pool villas edge the cliff. The 65 one-BR (130 sqm); 14 Oceanview (two-BR); the Conrad Royal Oceanview (a 434 sqm über-deluxe pool villa at the water’s edge); and the Oceanview (three-BR and 766 sqm) – all provide superb, personalized service.

81间独立私人悬崖边泳池别墅客房, 65间 单人床客房(130平方米); 14间海景客房 (双人床);康拉德皇家海景客房(水边434 平方米的尤伯杯豪华泳池别墅);海景客房 (三人床766平方米),这些都可为您提供 一流个性化的服务。

The Spa is inspirational, restaurants first-rate (terrific breakfast), and the privacy is notably significant. All the accoutrements of class, grace and luxury.

112 Best Of Class

说到高端假期,苏梅岛康莱德度假酒店是世 界上集优美、精致、豪华于一身的酒店-按 照其字面意思可以理解为“海外体验”。

David Lihn

水疗中心沁入心灵,餐馆一流(极妙的早 餐),充分注重私密性所有设备优雅而豪 华。

Villas: Pools / Beach: Spa: Restaurants & Bars: Fitness: Fun Facts: A WHAT?!:

81 free-standing pool villas ubiquitous (10 - 22.5 m); infinity pool / small duplex, airy, luminous views; why close your eyes? three; two lounges and wine cellar complete (with views of the sea) complimentary boat excursions to island beaches (3 x daily) views, views, views…a visual sanctuary








3个; 两个休息室和酒吧







Tel: +66 (0) 77 915 800 Fax: +66 (0) 77 915 899 49/8-9 Moo 4, Hillcrest Road, Taling-Ngam, Koh Samui, 84140 Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Koh Samui 苏梅岛

Le Méridien Koh Samui Resort & Spa

苏梅岛艾美水疗度假酒店 Located on the southeastern edge of the island (20 minutes south of the airport), Le Meridian provides an enchanting island paradise with splendid views over the Gulf of Thailand and stunning landscaping. It is a luxurious hideaway. Privacy and comfort surround the 14 villas, offering outdoor courtyards, sun lounges and a private pool. The 63 suites draw on exquisite Thai and Chinese craftsmanship to create a serene welcoming environment. Choose from suite features such as: enclosed verandah, open-air terrace, private plunge pool or direct access to a shared pool. The resort offers a new and inspiring perspective. Situated on idyllic Lamai Beach, this island paradise brings together breathtaking scenery, a unique ocean pool at the end of a floating pier, carefully selected Feng Shui elements in the public spaces, a world-class luxury spa and – most importantly – privacy, intimacy and a sense of romance that is the ideal backdrop to the perfect tropical getaway.

114 Best Of Class

位于岛东南边缘(机场以南20分钟路程, 艾美是迷人的岛屿天堂,拥有泰国湾美景和 令人惊叹的景观,是一个豪华的度假胜地。 14套别墅具有极佳的私密性,四处弥漫着 舒适的气息,此外还配有户外庭院、阳光休 息室和一个私人游泳池。63间套房装饰以 精美的泰国和中国工艺,为您精心打造出一 个宁静温馨的环境。还有如下设施供您选择 使用:封闭式阳台、露天阳台、私人跳水池 或直接通往公用泳池。 度假村细心地为客人提供新的、鼓舞人心的 视角。这个天堂岛屿坐落在田园诗般的拉迈 海滩,汇集了令人惊叹的风景,浮动码头尽 头拥有独特的海景池,公共场所设置了精心 挑选的风水元素,建有一个世界级的豪华水 疗中心和一个独特的海景游泳池 — 最重要 的是–它隐秘、贴心和浪漫的感觉,造就了 完美热带度假理想境地。

Suites / Villas: 77 – 63 suites / 14 villas Pools / Beach: main infinity swimming pool, six shared swimming pools for Pool Access Suites / direct access to peaceful Lamai Beach Spa: world-class luxury Le Spa Restaurants Latest Recipe (all-day-dining with variety of Thai, Asian and Western food); Ocean & Bars: Pier (panoramic views of the Gulf); poolside and lobby bars Fitness: 24-hour fitness center Fun Facts: free kayaking, Thai boxing class and yoga class A WHAT?!: dining under the stars at our Ocean Pier, the one and only overwater dining venue in Koh Samui 套房/别墅: 游泳池/海滩: spa: 餐厅: 酒吧: 健身中心: 趣闻: 惊喜?!!:

77 - 14泳池别墅,63间套房 无边泳池,六个通往套房的共用游泳池,直达平静的拉迈海滩 世界级豪华Le Spa 拥有最新菜肴,能俯瞰海洋的全日制餐厅,各种泰国、亚洲和西方美食/海洋码头, 一个能欣赏泰国湾的全景的水上餐厅 池畔酒吧与大堂酒吧 24小时健身中心 免费划船、泰拳类和瑜伽班 在海洋码头的星空下就餐,是苏梅岛独一无二 的 水上餐饮场所

Tel: +66 (0) 77 960 888 146/24 Moo 4, Lamai Beach, Maret, Surat Thani, Koh Samui, 84310 Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Koh Samui 苏梅岛

Miskawaan Luxury Beachfront Villas Samui

苏梅密斯卡湾奢华海滩别墅度假村 Sprawling blissfully along the northern shore of Koh Samui, these 11 splendid, diverse, capacious, beachfront villas (4-7 BRs) are quintessential elegance, style and class. This is a luxurious chunk of undiluted, private paradise on Samui’s magical Mae Nam Beach. The villas are ideal for families and close-knit groups looking to enjoy an exclusive holiday – or celebrate a wedding or anniversary. First, a confession: I know the owners. Happily, the buoyancy and soigné of Filipe Santos manifests itself in this regal, yet understated, resort. Acacia’s (535 sqm) four bedrooms spill out to 22 meters of beach and are carefully designed around a central garden. Alongside a wellequipped private gym, at the garden’s rear is a pavilion with two twin bedrooms, each with its own bathroom. The six-BR Lotus has 39 meters of beachfront and nearly 600 sqm of living space (GPS provided!). The chef indulges you. Elegant, enchanting, superbly appointed – and all with private pools and beachfront – this is tempered hedonism. Dreamy. 116 Best Of Class

David Lihn

酒店沿着苏梅岛的北岸幸福地蔓延,拥有 11套海滨别墅(4-7 人间),不仅豪华典 雅、精致独到,而且品位非凡。 这一片位于苏梅岛魅力湄南海滩的豪华区域 的是一个私人天堂,非常适合家庭和团体享 受他们的专属节日 - 庆祝活动、婚礼或周年 纪念日。 首先需要说明的是:我认识业主。令人高兴 的是,我的朋友菲利普.圣托斯在这个低调 而奢华的度假胜地能够忘却烦恼,精心体验 高雅的生活。 Acacia的四间客房(535平方米)位于22米 的海滩上,中心围绕一个经过精心设计的花 园。除了一间设备齐全的私人健身房外, 在花园的后方还有两间现代化风格的双人卧 室,每一间都有专属浴室凉亭。 六人床莲花客房位于39米长的海滩上,生 活空间近600平方米(提供GPS!),还有 厨师专门为您烹饪。 优雅、迷人、华丽—所有客房位于海滩上, 带私人泳池—这是温和的享乐主义,梦幻十 足。

Villas: Pools / Beach: Spa: Restaurant: Fitness: Fun Facts: A WHAT?!:

11 at three sites ranging from 4-7 BR (420 - 578 sqm) private pool / beachfront beach massage or in-villa massage available in-villa dining only gym on site personal villa staff including manager, maid and chef great location on Samui’s north shore, minutes form the airport and Fisherman’s Village -- and ultimate privacy on Mae Nam Beach

别墅: 游泳池/海滩: spa: 餐厅和酒吧: 健身中心: 趣闻: 惊喜?!!:

三个区域的11间客房,4-7 人间(420-578平方米) 私人游泳池/海滩 海滩按摩或别墅按摩 餐厅仅在别墅内 健身房 别墅工作人员,包括别墅经理,工人和厨师 苏梅岛北岸优越的地理位置,离机场和渔人村仅几分钟路程 –位于湄南海滩上,十分隐秘

Tel: +66 (0) 77 332 271 Fax: +66 (0) 77 332 272 67/28 Moo 1 Maenam Koh Samui, Suratthani 84330 Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Koh Samui 苏梅岛

Nikki Beach Resort Koh Samui

苏梅岛尼基海滩度假村 In 1998, entrepreneur Jack Penrod introduced the world to Nikki Beach, the original luxury beach club concept that combined elements of music, dining, entertainment, fashion, film and art into one exhilarating experience. Today, the Nikki Beach concept has transcended its international venues and grown into a global, multifaceted, luxury lifestyle brand comprised of a Beach Club Division; Hotels & Resorts; Lifestyle Division; Special Events; and the Nikki Cares charity. Immerse yourself in the beauty of the stunning property on Lipa Noi Beach – with luxury bungalows, deluxe penthouses and private pool villas. Enjoy two swimming pools, an on-site bakery, Restaurant and Beach Club, Lifestyle Boutique, and complimentary water sports. Nikki Beach can now be experienced world-wide: Miami Beach (USA); Saint Tropez and Courchevel, France; Saint Barth, French West Indies; Ibiza, Mallorca and Marbella, Spain; Marrakech, Morocco; Porto Heli, Greece; Bali, Indonesia; Monte Carlo, Monaco; and Dubai, UAE. Nikki Beach received the Chinese Ctrip preferred award for 2016.

118 Best Of Class

1998年,企业家杰克•彭洛德向世界介绍 尼基海滩。这是一家原始豪华的海滩俱乐 部,融入了音乐、餐饮、娱乐、时尚、电影 和艺术多种元素。 如今,尼基海滩的定义已经超越了国际场 所,并成长为一个全球性、多样化、奢华生 活方式的代名词。它由一个海滩俱乐部分 部,度假村与酒店,生活部,特别活动,与 尼基慈善会组成。 这里有豪华的花园别墅,豪华的顶层公寓, 私人泳池别墅,您可以心无旁骛地沉浸在苏 梅岛的美丽景色中,陶醉于小棕榈沙滩的迷 人风情里。您可以享用两个游泳池、尼基咖 啡厅现场面包店、餐厅和海滩俱乐部、精致 生活方式和免费水上运动器材。 如今,尼基海滩体验可与世界其他海滩相媲 美,如迈阿密海滩(美国);法国圣特罗佩 和高雪维尔;法属西印度群岛圣巴特; 西班 牙伊比沙岛、马略卡岛和玛贝拉;摩洛哥马 拉喀什;希腊波尔图合力;印度尼西亚巴厘岛; 摩纳哥蒙特卡洛;阿联酋迪拜。 尼基海滩荣获2016年中国携程首选奖。

Rooms / Villas / Suites: 48 -- including 16 Garden Villas, 2 Pool-Front Suites (1-5-BR), 2 Penthouses, 2 Beach front Private Pool Villas Pools / Beach: two beachfront swimming pools (two private villa pools) Spa: coming soon! Restaurants & Bar: world-famous Nikki Beach Restaurant and Beach Club and Nikki Cafe Fitness: yes; also paddle boards, kayaks and bicycles Fun Facts: enjoy some of the most beautiful sunsets in Samui; Nikki Beach weekly events such as Sushi Blues and Cinema on the Sand A WHAT?!: weekly Amazing Sunday Brunch with the best DJs from across the globe and a celebrity hot spot 客房/别墅/套房: 游泳池/海滩: Spa : 餐厅和酒吧: 健身中心: 趣闻: 惊喜?!!:

48间客房、16间花园别墅、游泳池前套房(1-5 人床)、两间阁楼和两个海滨私人泳池别墅。 两个海滨游泳池(两个私人别墅泳池)。 即将推出! 世界著名的尼基海滩俱乐部和尼基咖啡馆。 有,桨板、皮划艇和自行车。 享受苏梅岛最美丽的日落,每周尼基海滩活动,如寿司蓝调和沙滩影院。 每周惊人的周日早午餐,来自世界各地最好的DJ和名流热点。

Tel: +66 (0) 77 914 500 96/3 Moo 2, Lipa Noi, Koh Samui, Surat Thani Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Koh Samui 苏梅岛

Royal Muang Samui Villas

苏梅岛皇家芒别墅酒店 Location, location, location…and lots of elegance. This spacious resort and charming Samui town are a scant four kilometers from the airport. The beach sprawls out from the pool, excellent restaurants line the quaint Soi – and tropical weather adds the exclamation point. This family-owned and operated five-star resort is redolent of the architecture of Ayutthaya and Southern Thailand: breezes circulate through airy gardens and the open-air lobby, soft woods adorn the capacious suites, and gardens decorate the grounds. It’s luxurious, classy and offers handsome amenities, particularly a comforting, clever cavethemed spa. If you want extravagance, indulge in a one-BR, Ocean View pool villa. Talk about a sweet suite: a long pool overlooks the beach and Gulf; a kitchen lets you prepare a snack; a living room allows you to entertain quietly; and the view! It is gracious and welcoming. David Lihn

120 Best Of Class

位置,位置,位置...以及无边的优雅。 这间宽敞的度假胜地和苏梅岛旖旎小镇距离 机场4公里。海滩从水池中绵延出来,古巷 中排列着一流的餐厅 – 为热带气候增加了 惊喜。 这家家庭所有与五星级运营标准版的酒店散 发着浓郁的古大城和泰国南部气息。徐徐微 风拂过花园与开放式厅堂,空间充沛的套房 用软木进行装修,并修建花园让酒店更加美 丽。 这是一家经典豪华的酒店,拥有便利的设 施,更值得一提的是它以洞穴为主题的水疗 中心。 如果您渴望奢华,可以在一个三层楼的海景 泳池别墅单人房中纵情沉醉。接下来我们将 要说到一个甜蜜的套房,它拥有可以俯瞰海 滩与泰国湾的游泳池,一个自己小吃的厨 房,一间待客的客厅,可以让您享受宁静, 以及迷人的风景! 难怪婚礼在这里这么流行,它是多么浪漫, 田园风情多么沁人心扉,让人流连忘返。 这里多么雅致,所以格外受欢迎。

Suites / Villas: 77 – 62 Suites / 15 Pool Villas Pools / Beach: many / gorgeous white-powder sand Spa: Cave Rai Ra Spa – eclectic and holistic Restaurants 3 – Spice Zone Beach Restaurant, Ciccio Ristorante & Pizzeria, Samui Sailor Grill & Restaurant & Bars: Wine & Coffee Corner, Light House: Wine & Cocktail Bar Fitness: yes Fun Facts: space, privacy A WHAT?!: wonderful location, dining and beach 套房/别墅: 游泳池/海滩: spa: 餐厅: 酒吧: 健身中心: 趣闻: 惊喜?!!:

77间:62间套房/15间泳池别墅 多/华丽的白沙 洞穴 RAI RA SPA – 折中与整体兼得 3个:香料区海滩餐厅,意大利餐厅Ciccio&比萨店,苏梅岛水手烧烤和餐厅 葡萄酒和咖啡角,灯楼:葡萄酒和鸡尾酒吧 有 空间,隐私 泰国最佳的豪华海滨度假胜地

Tel: +66 (0) 7742 8700 Fax: +66 (0) 7741 7470 89 Moo 5, Choengmon Beach Koh Samui, Suratthani 84320 Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Koh Samui 苏梅岛

The Library 图书馆酒店 The Library – nestled right in the heart of Chaweng Beach – is a smart conceptual resort (and one of only six Design Hotels in Thailand).

图书馆酒店 – 位于查汶海滩心脏地带 - 是 一个智能概念度假村(泰国的六个设计酒店 之一)。

The inspiration comes from the notion that a great holiday needs only: a beautiful location; comfortable surroundings; a good book.

它的设计灵感来自“所有人都需要一个愉快 的假期”的概念,有以下的组成部分:位置 精巧、环境舒适、是一本好书。拥有26间 被称为“页”的客房,客人可以书写每个章 节的故事。

With 26 rooms called “Pages”, the guests themselves become the writers who create the story in each chapter. Interiors bathed in an ultra-minimalist palette are completed with modern facilities such as large plasma screen televisions with DVD players, iPod touch, and iMAC computers with highspeed Internet connection. True to the designers’ belief that a good holiday equals an opportunity to enjoy a good read, guests are invited to lounge and enjoy the vast collection of books available, which gives The Library its distinctive name. The resulting book finally concludes in happiness and exemplifies how simple things in life can create true relaxation. Real happiness is indeed not complicated at all.

122 Best Of Class

浴室的调色板为超简约风格,设施十分现代 化,如等离子屏幕电视、带DVD播放器、 iPod touch 和带高速互联网连接的iMac电 脑。 它真实体现了设计师的理念,即拥有一个愉 快的假日,等于得到了阅读一本好书的机 会。客人可以在休息室畅游书海,这便是图 书馆酒店名字的来源。 一本好书最终在幸福中结束,它诠释了生活 中简单的事物如何真正地放松自己。真正的 幸福其实并不复杂。

Rooms / Suites: 26 – 13 Smart Studios / 11 Exotic, 1 Bookmark, 1 Two-BR (20 Secret Pool Villas available in December 2016) Pools / Beach: 1 Red Pool (another in December 2016) / yes Restaurant The Page Restaurant & Bars: The Beach Bar and Drink Gallery Bistro Bar Fitness: yes; gym, kayaking and windsurfing Fun Facts: 6 original experiences: 1) Breakfast Culture; 2) Tea by The Sea; 3) 101 Cocktails; 4) Wagyu Beef 9+; 5) Starlit Dinnerscapes; 6) Cooking with Class A WHAT?!: ultimate breakfast-in-bed experience; lay on one of the crisp white mattresses on the beach, just a step away from the sea 客房/套房: 游泳池/海滩: 餐厅: &酒吧: 健身中心: 趣闻: 惊喜?!!:

26间:13间智能工作室; 11间异国套房; 1间书签房/1间双人床套房 (20个秘密泳池别墅在2016年9月有空房) 2个红色游泳池(2016年12月有一间空房)/有 页餐厅 海滩酒吧和饮料画廊小酒吧 有,体操、皮划艇和帆板 六种传统体验:1.早餐文化; 2.海边饮茶; 3.101种鸡尾酒; 4.Wagyu牛肉9+; 5. 星光晚餐; 6.烹饪 在床上体验终极早餐,躺在海滩洁白的床垫上,距离大海仅几步之遥

Tel: +66 (0) 77 422 767 - 8 14/1 Moo 2 Chaweng Beach, KohSamui, Suratthani 84320 Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Koh Samui


The Scent Hotel 苏梅岛森特酒店 Gracious, romantic and serene. It is a resplendent setting for the celebration of a personal event: anniversary, special birthday, that magical proposal – or simply a relaxing weekend holding hands or private holiday.

集雅致、浪漫和宁静于一身,这是一个适合 举办重大活动的场所,若举办周年纪念、生 日宴会特典,森特酒店将会是一个神奇的提 议- 而同时,这里也适合简单、放松、浪漫 的周末小憩或者私密假期。

The Scent Hotel rests in a cocoon of its own tranquility on the edge of a quiet beach, awash in understated luxury. Elegantly done.

森特酒店宁静地躺在安静的海滩边,低调奢 华又不失优雅。

This quaint and cozy hotel sits on Bangrak Beach – minutes from both the airport and dining or walking at Fisherman’s Village. Built seven years ago, it should be no secret. It is a boutique paradise. The 15 rooms, for adults only, including three stunning Beachfront Suites (mine stepped down to the beach and is beautifully designed – with an antique brass telescope peering at Koh Phangan) are enhanced by a world-class restaurant, Le Jaroen, that nests above the beach. And a little spa that helps spread the Scent… Outstanding.

124 Best Of Class

David Lihn

这座古朴和舒适的酒店坐落于班拉克海滩– 离机场只需几分钟,还可以在渔人村漫步或 就餐。 森特酒店修建于七年前,是一个精品天堂, 它不应该独享秘密。 15间客房,其中包括三间令人惊叹的海滨 套房(向下延伸至海滩,有设计精美的古铜 色望远镜,可窥探攀牙岛) , 这里有着世 界顶级的Le Jaroen餐厅,它是点缀在沙滩 上的秘密花园,专为成人设计。 再来一个SPA,使浪漫气息无限延伸…… 美轮美奂

Rooms / Suites: Pools / Beach: Spa: Restaurant: Fun Facts: A WHAT?!:

12 diverse-themed Sea Breeze (50 sqm) / 3 Beachfront Suites (70 sqm) large, facing beach / you and the waves intimate and affordable Le Jaroen near Fisherman’s Village; and so serene intimate and romantic; peaceful and tranquil








Le Jaroen






Tel: +66 (0) 77 962 198 , +66 (0) 77 960 123 58/1 Mo 4, Bangrak Beach, Bophut, Koh Samui, Suratthani 84320

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Koh Tao


Dusit Buncha Resort, Koh Tao

涛岛杜斯特邦查度假 Koh Tao sits on the western edge of the Gulf of Thailand, north of Koh Samui. The small island (eight square miles) is a casual snorkeling and diver’s paradise and is host to over 130 species of hard corals, and more than 223 types of reef fish.

涛岛位于泰国西部湾边缘苏梅岛北部。小 岛(8平方英里)是休闲浮潜和潜水者的天 堂,拥有130多种硬珊瑚和223多种珊瑚 鱼,有各种渡轮前往大陆或邻近岛屿(1-4 小时)。

A variety of ferries travel (1-4 hours) from the mainland or neighboring islands.

杜斯特邦查度假村建造在小岛宁静的的西北 边缘,酒店的环保措施极好,您可以在度假 村里攀岩,或俯瞰海湾与南园岛,建筑豪华 时尚,与自然美景相辅相成。该度假村还是 涛岛上第一个采用太阳能的度假村。

On the quiet northwestern edge of the island, the eco-conscious Dusit Buncha Resort Koh Tao climbs the rock cliff and overlooks the Gulf and Koh Nang Yuan. The luxurious architecture is blended in the natural beauty of the environment. The resort is the first on Koh Tao to use a solar cell system. The Pool Bar is built in between giant granite boulders, one of which has access to the sea for snorkeling. A stylish range of accommodations, beautiful seas, fantastic food, and panoramic Gulf views– with sunsets to match – add to the tranquility.

126 Best Of Class

游泳池/酒吧建立在巨大的花岗岩之间, 可以直接前往大海浮潜。 时尚的住宿、美丽的大海、美味的食物、 全景海湾,再加上日落美景,更添安宁。

Rooms: Pools / Beach: Restaurant & Bar: Fun Facts: A WHAT?!:

51 (9 categories) yes / a boulder into the sea Sunset Restaurant / Pool Bar snorkeling in front of resort, Thai Cooking Class views of of Koh Tao called “ Nang Yuan Terrace”

客房: 游泳池/海滩: 餐厅和酒吧: 趣闻: 惊喜?!:

51间客房与9大房型 有/巨石入海 日落餐厅/游泳池酒吧 度假村门前浮潜,泰式烹饪课程 涛岛美景被称为“Nang Yuan露台”

(Bangkok office)

Tel: +66 (0) 2 697 9133-6 Fax: +66 (0) 2 697 9137 (Koh Tao)

Tel: +66 (0) 77 457 099 - 100 , +66 (0) 82 418 2215 Fax: +66 (0) 77 456 730 31 /3 Moo 1 T. Koh Tao , A, Koh Phangan, Surathani, 84360 Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Koh Phangan 帕岸岛

Panviman Resort Koh Phangan

帕岸岛帕威曼度假村 Located in the middle of the Gulf of Thailand on a private peninsula overlooking a water horizon in Phangan (the famed venue for the Full Moon Parties), the resort shines in restful excellence. About 70 km from the mainland and 15 km from Samui, Koh Phangan is an unspoiled island far from the hustle and nightlife frenzy of the city. Phangan is the largest of Samui’s neighboring islands. Over 70% of the island consists of tropical forests, coconut fields and secluded beaches. The resort is a favorite of sophisticated travelers who desire tranquility and crave natural beauty. It a vacation life-force. Panviman, or Paradise Alike, is designed to be in harmony with its natural surroundings. It is situated upon a steep cliff staring at the crescent Thong Nai Pan Beach – and one of the most beautiful beaches on the island. Panviman Resort is charmingly unique (and a terrific value) on this fascinating island.

128 Best Of Class

位于泰国湾中部一个可以远眺水平线的私人 半岛上 (举办满月派对的著名场所),是一所 闪耀卓越光环的假日酒店。 帕岸岛距离大陆约70公里,距离苏梅岛15 公里,是一个未受污染的岛屿,远离城市的 喧嚣和狂热的夜生活。帕岸岛是苏梅岛周 边最大的岛屿,超过70%的地区被热带雨 林、椰子林和幽静的海滩覆盖。 该度假村为那些渴望宁静和自然美景旅客提 供了场地。 一个假期的生命力。 帕威曼或类似天堂酒店,其设计与自然环境 相和谐。位于可以俯瞰通奈盘海滩的陡峭悬 崖上,呈月牙状,是岛上最美丽的海滩。 而岛屿上的帕威曼度假村不仅令人着迷, 而且神秘独特 (创造了超乎寻常的价值)。

Rooms / Villas: Pools / Beach: Spa: Restaurants & Bar: Fitness: Fun Facts: A WHAT?!:

93 – Superior Hotel, Deluxe Hotel, Deluxe Cottage, Deluxe Jacuzzi Grande, Family Cottage / Pool Villa, Spa Villa, President Suite with Jacuzzi / private Panviman Spa Pan Sea, Sky Terrace, Stone Beach, Pool Deck Bar yes organic farm, cooking class, giant chess, mountain biking, kayaking, snorkeling, trekking and Kid’s Corner unique, charming; and the best value on the island

客房/别墅: 游泳池/海滩: spa: 餐厅与酒吧: 健身中心: 趣闻: 惊喜?!!:

93间(高级酒店、豪华酒店、豪华小屋、豪华大按摩浴缸,家庭乡村小别墅、 泳池别墅、温泉别墅、会长套房) 带有按摩浴缸的游泳池/私人海滩 帕威曼spa...碰触优雅 4个餐厅(全海景、天空露台、岩石海滩、游泳池甲板酒吧) 室内外健身中心,儿童角 有机农场、烹饪班、巨型象棋、山地自行车、皮划艇、潜水、徒步旅行, 还有很多! 岛上最好,最迷人的,独特的和性价比高的酒店

Tel: +66 (0) 77 445 101-9 Fax: +66 (0) 77 445 100

22/1 Moo 5, Thong Nai Pan Noi Beach, Ban-tai, Koh Phangan, Suratthani 84280 Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand




Anantara Si Kao Resort

安纳塔拉丝蔻度假村 Just an hour south of Krabi International Airport, and a 30-minute drive from Trang, the Anantara Si Kao sits in (according to one repeat visitor) “one of the most beautiful parts of Thailand I have ever been too, the snorkeling, the emerald cave, the clear blue waters…” Set in solitary stillness (there are only three resorts of consequence on the island – and no town nearby) the secluded beach is the epitome of starry-eyed relaxation. The 140-room resort is the lone occupant of a 15 kilometer beach adjacent to the Had Chao Mai National Park. This is tranquil repose. This idyllic waterfront resort is an inviting choice for families and honeymooners. Speedboats launch to the powdery sands of Koh Kradan, home to Anantara’s Beach Club and reefs teeming with tropical fish. Refresh in the infinity pool, or laze in a hammock under pine trees. And the Spa. With family-friendly accommodations, two restaurants, pools and the Dugong (related to the manatee) Kids’ Club, children are entertained. David Lihn

130 Best Of Class

“这是我去过的泰国最美丽的地方之一,有 浮潜、翡翠溶洞和清澈湛蓝的海水......”, 一个回头客这样描述道。安纳塔拉丝蔻度假 村距离甲米国际机场南部仅一个小时,距董 里府也仅有30分钟路程,交通方便。 它偏居一隅(岛上仅有三个度假酒店,附近 没有集镇),幽静的海滩充满梦幻色彩,是 休闲放松的缩影。 该度假村有15公里的沙滩,毗邻朝迈国家 公园,安静且和谐。 这个田园诗般的海滨度假胜地是家庭旅游和 度蜜月的温馨选择,快艇直达克雷登岛上的 粉色沙滩和安纳塔拉海滩俱乐部,游客可以 欣赏暗礁与无边游泳池里的热带鱼群,或者 在松树下的吊床上消磨时光,享受温泉。 拥有温馨家庭住宿条件:两间餐厅,游泳池 , 儒艮(与海牛相关)和儿童俱乐部,是孩子 们娱乐的天堂。

Rooms / Suites: Pools / Beach: Spa: Restaurants & Bar: Fitness: Fun Facts: A WHAT?!: 客房/别墅: 游泳池/海滩: spa: 餐厅和酒吧: 健身中心: 趣闻: 惊喜?!!:

140 -- with pool suites and family rooms family pool, kids pool and adult-only infinity pool / 15 km along Had Chao Mai National Park Anantara Spa Leelawadee, Acqua and Dining by Design, The Beach House yes; tennis court, basketball court, Muay Thai, water sports, biking a home of cute dugongs which can be seen in the waters of the special dugong spotting activity; Spice Spoons cooking school private beach club in Kradan Island with special privileges for guests on the unspoiled beachfront, a beautiful hidden gem of the Andaman 140间客房、游泳池套房和家庭客房 家庭泳池、儿童泳池和成人专用的无边泳池/ 15公里,位于朝迈国家公园 安纳塔拉spa 丽拉瓦迪,海滩房,Acqua和设计餐厅 有;网球场、篮球场、泰拳、水上运动、骑自行车 在儒艮水上活动的水域里可以看到可爱的儒艮,辣妹勺烹饪学校 克雷登岛私人海滩俱乐部,享受15公里未受污染的海滩, 是泰国最美丽的一部分

Tel: +66 (0) 75 205 888 Fax: +66 (0) 75 520 5898 198-199 Moo5, Had Pak Meng - Changlang Road, Changlang Beach, Maifad, Sikao, Trang 92150 Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand




Dusit Thani Krabi Beach Resort

甲米都喜天阙海滩度假酒店 Set in the exotic landscape of Krabi province (a one-hour flight south of Thailand), the Dusit Thani Krabi Beach Resort tiptoes to beautiful cliff formations, lush forests, waterfalls and caves.

酒店位于甲米府(泰国南部一个小时航程) , 甲米都喜天阙海滩度假酒店像小荷才楼尖 尖角般,踮起脚尖立在在悬崖岩层、茂密丛 林、洞穴瀑布星罗棋布的美丽地带。

The resort’s 240 guest rooms (four categories) and suites (three) are set amongst 40 verdant, manicured acres with direct access to 1.8 km of exquisite white sand at Klong Muong Beach.

酒店提供240间客房(四种类型)和套房 (三种类型)。占地40亩,四周环境郁郁 葱葱、修剪整齐。酒店直达科龙芒海滩细腻 白沙,距离1.8公里。

Contemporary interiors provide a perfect balance of beach-inspired elegance and luxury. The on-site Water Sports Centre offers snorkeling, kayaking, windsurfing and sailing. Also, enjoy beach volleyball, water polo, tennis, biking, yoga, Tai Chi and Batik painting. The multiple purpose equipment at the 24-hour Health Club, a world-class Spa and Dusit Krabi Family Club complete the list of exquisite facilities. Explore the area’s endless array of natural wonders. Experience the charms and stunning views of the Andaman Sea. Lovely.

132 Best Of Class

当代设完美地平衡了海滩风情的优雅与奢 华。 在此可以享受到两个海滨泳池,三家独特的 餐厅和酒吧,以及一个世界级的水疗中心。 酒店内的水上运动中心提供浮潜、皮划艇、 帆板、帆船,沙滩排球与水球运动。另外还 有网球、骑行、瑜伽、太极和蜡染画。24 小时健身俱乐部和儿童俱乐部为您配备了多 功能的器材和精致的设施。 探索这里无穷无尽的自然奇观。 在喜来登甲米沙滩度假村体验安达曼海令人 惊叹的风景。

Rooms / Suites: Pools / Beach: Spa: Restaurants: & Bars: Fitness: Fun Facts: A WHAT?!:

240 / three categories two / private, overlooking the Andaman Sea the International Mandara Spa Mangosteen’s (International); Gecko’s (Italian); Malati (Thai and Indian) Martinis, The Sandbar, The Deck; Malati Pool, Juice Box DFiT Fitness, 24-hour gorgeous landscape with direct access to 1.8 km of Klong Moung Beach the ultimate beach escape in Krabi

客房: 游泳池/海滩: spa: 餐厅: 酒吧: 健身中心: 趣闻: 惊喜?!:

240间客房;包括三类套房 二个/私有游泳池,能俯瞰安达曼海 国际蔓达梦 Spa中心 罗汉果(泛亚洲,国际);壁虎(意大利); Malati(泰国和印度) 马提尼、沙洲、甲板/ Malati游泳池、果汁盒 DFiT健身中心,设施齐全,24小时健身 华丽的景观,可直接通往科隆芒海滩精致的白色沙滩,距离1.8公里 甲米最终的海滩度假胜地

Tel: +66(0) 75628 000 Fax: +66(0) 75628 048 155 Moo 2 Nong Thale, Muang Krabi, Krabi 81180 Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand




Layana Resort & Spa 利亚纳温泉度假酒店

Koh Lanta, in southernmost Krabi Province, is a vacation haven with 40 kilometers of coastline; cascading, forested hills; multiple monkeys; and over 50 bird species.

兰达岛,位于甲米的最南端,是一个宛如天 堂的度假圣地,海岸线长达40公里; 度假村 设计如瀑布落下般之态,有树木丛生的小 山,种类繁多的猴子,以及50多种形态各 异的鸟类。

The Layana Resort & Spa, tucked away on the west coast of Koh Lanta on the white sand PhraAe Beach, showcases that exquisite shoreline and mountain backdrop, and offers sophisticated repose and luxurious privacy – as well as a manicured, garden courtyard; two saltwater infinity pools; and spectacular sunsets.

利亚纳水疗度假酒店藏身于兰达岛西海岸的 普拉艾白海滩上,展示了优美的海岸线更有 葱郁山貌作为背景,休息室先进现代且充分 的彰显了“私密性”这一显著特点。一个 修剪整齐的花园庭院,两个无边海水泳池, 更有壮观瑰丽的日落景色。

Elegant. Stefan Heintze has been the hands-on GM of this cosseting retreat for five years: “Ours is an adults-only resort with an incredible, private beach. We provide pampered indulgence,” he smiled. “Intimacy. It’s an ideal choice for romance!” Layana features 57 plush, contemporary Thaistyle guest rooms, suites and villas boasting well-appointed, indigenous accoutrements: goose down duvets, graceful terracotta tiles, sumptuous silk and hardwood furnishings, and balconies – and La Maison, a 265-sqm private pool villa with the largest private pool in Koh Lanta (with 24-hour butler service). David Lihn

134 Best Of Class

优雅 斯特凡·汉森已经担任酒店GM5年了, “我们是成年人专属的私人海滩度假酒店, 虽然这令人难以置信,但这里绝对是纵情肆 意感受休闲的胜地”他微笑着说:“它幽静 私密,是诠释浪漫的最佳选择!” 利亚纳拥有57间现代泰式设计风格的豪华 客房,套房及别墅。设备齐全,所有设施十 分具备地方特色:鹅绒被、优雅的陶土砖、 奢华的泰式丝绸、柚木家具以及敞亮的柚木 阳台 。La Maison是一个占地265平方米的 私人泳池别墅,是兰达岛最大的私人游泳池 (该房型含24小时管家服务)。

Rooms / Suites / Villas: Pools / Beach: Spa: Restaurant & Bar: Fitness: Fun Facts: A WHAT?!:

57 – 44 Garden Pavilion (49 sqm); 4 Grand Garden Pavilion (55 sqm); 2 Terrace Suites (60 sqm); 3 Beach Villas (59 sqm); 3 Ocean Deluxe Villas (88 sqm); La Maison (265 sqm) infinity saltwater pools, and poolside Jacuzzi / sweeping and private The Linger Longer Spa beachfront Tides Restaurant and Sundowners Bar new, compact, fully-equipped surrounded by gardened landscaping, mountain backdrops exquisite, exclusive, intimate; idyllic beach

客房/套房/别墅: 游泳池/海滩: Spa: 餐厅和酒吧: 健身中心: 趣闻: 惊喜?!:

57间,含44间花园亭客房(49平方米)、4套花园别墅(55平方米)、 2间特瑞 斯套房(60平方米)、 3套海景别墅(59平方米); 3套豪华海景别墅(88平方米) ; La Maison私人泳池别墅(265平方米) 无边观景海水游泳池,配有按摩浴缸/打扫和私人 Linger longer 水疗 海滨Tides餐厅和夕阳观景酒吧 新颖、紧凑、设备齐全 园林景观,群山环绕 精致、独特、贴心、田园诗般的海滩

Tel: +66 (0) 75 607 100 Fax: +66 (0) 75 607 199 272 Moo 3 Saladan, Koh Lanta (Krabi), 81150 Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Phuket 普吉岛

Aleenta Phuket

Phang Nga Resort & Spa 普吉岛艾琳塔酒店 Just 20 minutes north of Phuket International Airport, Aleenta Phuket Phang Nga Resort & Spa is a favorite. Located on the sunset side of the Andaman Sea and the private, mesmerizing Natai Beach, known as ‘The Hamptons of Phuket’, the resort is exceptional. With the concept of ‘outside living-in’, the resort delivers five-star experience in luxurious suites and villas with generous space (ranging in sizes from 80m to 600m for 2-3 bedroom beachfront villas), always favored by honeymooners, family travelers and those looking for a secluded escape to the sandy white beach along the coast of crystal-clear Andaman Sea. Dream away the day by the pool or try some of the many activities available at Aleenta from yoga, Tai Chi and Thai Boxing to cooking classes, Spa treatments and meditation. Or travel to nearby Blue Canyon Country Club or the picturesque Phang Nga Bay. Visit the nearby turtle sanctuary, or charter a boat and island hop, or go deep-sea fishing.

136 Best Of Class

普吉艾琳塔度假酒店距离普吉国际机场北部 仅20分钟车程,坐落于安达曼海岸的日落 方向,拥有迷人的纳泰海滩,被称为“普吉 岛的汉普顿”。酒店因而也十分独特,广受 欢迎。 “户外生活”是度假村的理念,它可以为您 提供宽敞的五星级套房(2-3个卧室的滨海 别墅,房间面积80米到600米不等),特别 受到欢度蜜月的甜蜜爱人与家庭旅游者的青 睐。此外,这里还适合渴望被放逐的旅客, 他们可以在安达曼洁白纯净的海滩闲适地徒 走漫步。 您可以在梦幻般的艾琳塔度过有意义的一 天,如游泳、尝试瑜伽、泰籍、泰拳、烹 饪、SPA护理与冥想等各种活动。 此外,在蓝峡谷高尔夫球场或风景如画的攀 牙湾旅行也是不错的选择。 参观附近的海龟保护区,租船从一个岛屿到 另外一个岛屿游玩,或者去深海捕鱼。

Suites / Villas: 69 Pools / Beach: beachfront pool / secluded Natai Beach Spa: world-class Ayurah Spa & Wellness Center Restaurants: The Edge (International), Natai Restaurant (Thai); romantic beach dining, private villa dining Fitness: well-equipped with professional trainer and recreational activities Fun Facts: Ayurah 3, 5 or 7-day program of detoxing / weight balancing; Pure Blue Foundation to help the turtles back to their home A WHAT?!: kids eat, play, stay for free! 客房: 游泳池/海滩: Spa : 餐厅: 健身中心: 趣闻: 惊喜?!:

69间客房、套房和别墅 无边游泳池/僻静洁白的纳泰海滩 世界艾语拉水疗中心(Ayurah Wellness Center) The Edge(国际美食)、纳泰餐厅(泰国美食)、浪漫的沙滩烛光晚餐、私人别墅内用餐 设备齐全的健身中心,配有体重娱乐活动和专业教练 3、5和7天的艾语拉排毒/体重平衡计划;纯蓝基金会帮助海龟回归家园 孩子们可以免费吃、玩、住!

Tel: +66 (0)2 514 8112 33 Moo 5, Takua Thung, Khok Kloi, Phang Nga, Phuket 82140 Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Phuket 普吉岛

Anantara Layan Phuket Resort

普吉岛安纳塔拉扬度假村 Opening onto stunning Layan Beach along Phuket’s serene and classy west coast, Anantara Layan Phuket Resort is a hidden gem – exclusive beauty – away from the island’s busier beaches, just 20 minutes south of Phuket International Airport. Ten categories of accommodations are available in 77 beach and cliff-side rooms and suites; and nine pool villas designed for couples, families and friends.

酒店拥有77个位于海滩上的10种住宿方式 可供选择,以及悬崖边客房、套房和九池别 墅,专为情侣、家庭和友人旅游设计。 您可以在海岸线泳池或在宁静的沙滩中放松 身心,享受非机动水上运动、健身中心、瑜 伽和烹饪班、儿童大象俱乐部,享用名声在 外的安纳塔拉水疗馆服务。

Relax by the shoreline pool or on the quiet beach. Enjoy non-motorized water sports, a fitness center, yoga and cooking classes, the Chang Club for children and the award-winning Anantara Spa.

在吐司壮观的日落下享用美食,酒店拥有3 个餐厅和酒吧提供神圣的泰国和国际美食, 品酒之旅,在池畔酒吧和四面环水的躺椅 上品尝异国情调的饮料,让您自由选择。此 外,您还可以在私人厨师和管家设计的梦想 位置中品尝丰盛的别墅内烧烤。

Toast spectacular sunsets and choose between three restaurants and bars serving divine Thai and international dishes, wine tasting journeys, exotic beverages at the swim-up bar and on daybeds surrounded by water. Dine by Design with a private chef and butler and savor sumptuous in-villa BBQs.


Take relaxation to a whole new level with pampering Slumber Guru rituals.

138 Best Of Class

普吉岛安纳塔拉扬度假村是一颗被自然深藏 的宝石—它远离海滩的喧嚣—使得这种美丽 独一无二。它直接通达普吉岛迷人的拉扬海 滩和宁静优雅的西海岸,距普吉岛国际机场 南端仅20分钟路程。

Rooms / Suites / Villas: Pools / Beach: Spa: Restaurants & Bar: Fitness: Fun Facts: A WHAT?!:

77 (10 categories, 56 - 485 sqm, including outdoor space) – 30 rooms and suites / 47 pool villas main swimming pool, spa pool / secluded Layan Beach Anantara Spa Sala Layan Restaurant, Dee Plee Restaurant, Breeze Pool Lounge Anantara Layan Fitness Centre paddle board, kayaking, impressive Muay Thai school at Layan Stadium, Spice Spoons (Thai cooking school) daily pool closing ceremony at Anantara Layan (6:30 - 6:45pm)

客房/套房/别墅: 游池/海滩: spa: 餐厅和酒吧: 健身: 趣闻: 惊喜?!!:

77 - 30间客房和套房,47间泳池别墅(10大类,56 - 485平方米 ,包括户外空间) 主游泳池,水疗池/隐蔽的拉扬海滩 安纳塔拉水疗 SALA 拉扬餐厅,dee plee餐厅/微风游泳池休闲区 安娜塔拉扬健身中心 桨板、皮划艇、拉扬体育场令人印象深刻的泰拳学校,以及香勺(泰式烹饪学校) 安纳塔拉拉扬每天游泳池闭幕式 (6:30-6:45pm)

Tel: +66 (0) 76 317 200 168 Moo. 6 Layan Beach Soi. 4 Cherngtalay Thalang Phuket 83110 Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Phuket 普吉岛

Anantara Mai Khao Phuket Villas

普吉岛安娜塔拉迈考别墅酒店 Anantara Mai Khao Phuket Villas invites you on a journey that may be as aquatic, leisurely, culinary or adventurous as you like, while savoring the best of local textures and flavors. Engage in the surrounding ambiance of Phuket’s magnificent northwest coast and its breathtaking sunsets. Just a 15-minute drive from Phuket International Airport, the luxurious resort offers charm, hospitality and tropical elegance. This boutique resort is situated in Mai Khao, Phuket’s longest beach, and fringed by the undisturbed jungle of Sirinath National Park. Resembling a traditional southern Thai village, the 91 private Pool Villas range from a spacious 186 sqm to an impressive 460 sqm of sumptuous living area, set amidst glorious indigenous Bill Bensley-designed gardens and around a beautiful lagoon. Style. Whether you want to immerse yourself in clear turquoise waters or take soothing evening walks along endless white shores, this is a wonderful venue.

140 Best Of Class

普吉岛安娜塔拉迈考别墅酒店诚邀您一起旅 行,水上运动、休闲、烹饪与冒险任君选 择,同时您还能够品尝到当地无上的美味佳 肴。酒店地处瑰丽的普吉岛西北部海岸线, 您可以在此欣赏美不胜收的日落景象。 距离普吉岛国际机场仅15分钟车程,酒店 无时无刻不散发着魅力、热情与典雅的气 息。这家精品酒店坐落于迈考—普吉岛西北 海岸最长的海滩,外部环绕着流苏状的斯里 南国际公园。 酒店外形酷似泰国南部的传统村庄,拥有 91间私人泳池别墅,占地面积从186平方米 (宽敞)到460平方米不等,华丽至极,令人 印象深刻。比尔•本斯利设计了壮观的土著 花园和美丽的泻湖。 风格 无论您想沉浸在清澈碧绿的海水中,还是在 清风徐徐的傍晚漫步在无际的白色沙滩上, 这里都是理想的场所。

Villas: Pools / Beach: Spa: Restaurants & Bars: Fitness: Fun Facts:

91 private Pool Villas (186 - 460 sqm) infinity-edge swimming pool with swim-up bar / yes – glorious six luxurious treatment suites La Sala (Thai); Sea.Fire.Salt (succulent seafood, BBQ and steaks); The Tree House (tapas and cocktails); Infinity Bar; The Tasting Room (for private parties and wine tasting) yes; two tennis courts water sports, including windsurfing, sailing, kayaking, Thai cooking classes, yoga and aerobics A WHAT?!: private luxury boat trip in Phang Nga Bay with lunch on a deserted island 别墅: 游泳池/海滩: spa: 餐厅: 酒吧: 健身中心: 趣闻: 惊喜?!!:

91间私人泳池别墅(186 - 460平方米) 无边泳池和池畔酒吧/有 – 壮丽 六间豪华套房spa 拉萨拉:泰国菜、Sea.Fire.Salt、多汁的海鲜、火热的烧烤和牛排; 树屋:小吃和鸡尾酒、无限吧、品酒室、为私人聚会和品酒独立设计的菜单 有;两个网球场 水上运动,包括帆板、帆船、皮划艇、泰国烹饪班、瑜伽和有氧运动 攀牙湾的私人豪华游船之旅,荒岛午餐

Tel: +66 (0) 76 336 100 Fax: +66 (0) 76 336 177 888 Moo 3, Mai Khao, Thalang, Phuket 83110 Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Phuket 普吉岛

Bandara Villas, Phuket 普吉岛班达拉别墅 Bandara Villas, Phuket is located on the tranquil and scenic Ao-Yon Bay on Cape Panwa, a 45-minute drive southeast across the island from the Phuket International Airport.

普吉岛班达拉别墅,位于安静而优美的攀 瓦角敖勇湾,从普吉国际机场东南方向出 发,开车穿过整个岛屿,仅需45分钟即可 到达。

Bandara is situated on a private beach beside the calm of the peaceful bay. The area is remote yet pleasant, perfect for travelers who value tranquility and true relaxation. Ao-Yon Bay is considered to be the rare, priceless pearl of Phuket.

班达拉坐落于私人的白色沙滩上,旁边是宁 静的海湾,以及水晶般的清澈海水。这里虽 然偏远但是很宜人,非常适合那些需要宁静 和得到真正放松的旅行者。与众不同的是, 敖勇湾被认为是普吉岛罕见的无价珍珠。

The boutique property consists of 33 five-star villas, carefully stepping down from the hilltop to the beachfront.

这家精品酒店共有33间五星级度假客房, 细密地从山顶向海滨向下排列。 四个门类可供选择,为客人提供豪华空间 与细节:20间全景泳池别墅客房、10间全 景复式泳池别墅客房,10间双全景双人船 泳池别墅客房(适合家庭),一间敖勇泳 池别墅客房。每间客房都包含一个私人的 有3.5×5.5米无边泳池,让您得到放松与愉 悦,欣赏平静的大海全景。

Four categories provide sumptuous space and detail: 20 Panoramic Pool Villas, 10 Panoramic Duplex Pool Villas, two Panoramic Two Bedroom Pool Villas (for larger families), and one Ao-Yon Pool Villa. Every room contains a private 3.5 x 5.5 meter infinity pool, for blissful relaxation with pleasant, secluded, cinemascopic sea views.

142 Best Of Class

Villas: 33 Pool Villas (panoramic sea views) Pools / Beach: main pool / private Spa: Shine Spa, the ultimate sensory escape Restaurant & Bar: Sumpao Restaurant (breakfast, Thai and international cuisine), Rooftop Bar Fitness: complete, daily outdoor activities Fun Facts: private, romantic dinner by the beach with twilight A WHAT?!: perfect ocean view from the hilltop to the beachfront 客房: 游泳池/海滩: Spa: 餐厅和酒吧: 健身中心: 趣闻: 惊喜?!!:

33栋泳池别墅客房(全部有大海全景) 主要游泳池/私人 炫逸Spa,极致的感官享受 Sumpao餐厅(早餐,泰国美食和国际美食),屋顶酒吧 完成/日常户外活动 在暮色海滩品尝浪漫的私人晚餐 从山顶到海滨完美的海景

Tel: +66 (0) 76 316 298 96 Moo 8 Wichit Subdistrict, Muang Phuket, Phuket, 83000 Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Phuket 普吉岛

Banyan Tree Phuket 普吉岛悦榕庄 The 89-acre Phuket resort is blessed with an ambiance of pure romance and comfort.

这所普吉岛度假胜地占地89英亩,它纯净 浪漫,闲适舒心而为人所称道。

This is one of my resort favorites.


The vacationing options are handsome: the nonpareil spa services; terrific restaurants; a polished, rejuvenated 6,700-yard resort golf course; a quiet beach; tennis; bicycles; birds; and musical frogs serenading the evening.

度假村的设施非常优越,它拥有极致的水疗 服务和美味的餐厅, 6700码宽的度假村高 尔夫球场活力四射,您还可以打网球网球、 骑自行车等,享受宁静的海滩,观赏鸟类、 倾听青蛙小夜曲等。

According to the gregarious GM, Sriram Kailasam, who has spent 13 years with Banyan Tree (four at this flagship property), the 172-villa property is divided into sections. “We have three small resorts here: the main resort with 135 villas circling the lagoon and home to most of the amenities; the Spa Sanctuary with 12 spacious, elegant, pool villas; and a cluster of 25 lakeside Double Pool villas.” Six months of renovations resulted this Spring in 45 refurbished pool villas within the main resort (with outstanding outdoor bathrooms); and the refurbishment of Saffron and Watercourt (both with indoor / outdoor dining). A distinct sense of harmony resonates here: a holistic, pervasive calm -- sometimes rapture. Your frenetic and burdened life is transposed within minutes by the aura, the cosseting service and the special, encompassing details. It is idyllic.

144 Best Of Class

David Lihn

总经理Sriram Kailasam在悦榕庄(4家旗舰 酒店的其中一家)工作了13年,172家别 墅酒店分为几个部分“主要分为三个小度 假村,首先是135间别墅构成了度假村的主 体,这里被泻湖环绕,设施便利;12套泳 池别墅,宽敞、典雅、幽静;另外还有25 套双泳池别墅。” 在这里,您将对这所度假村的热情、平静与 精致感到了深深的共鸣。典雅的环境、优质 的服务与贴心的细节,将在瞬间卸下您生活 中的压力与包袱。 这里如诗如画!活泼动人!

Villas: Pools / Beach: Spa: Restaurants & Bars: Fitness: Fun Facts: A WHAT?!:

172 – 135 circling the saltwater lagoon (with 45 renovated pool villas with spectacular outdoor showers); the Spa Sanctuary with 12 secluded pool villas; and a cluster of 25 lakeside Double Pool villas everywhere / yes world-class and unforgettable Saffron, Watercourt (both beautifully renovated), Tamarind, Banyan Cafe, in-villa dining, Sanya Rak Dinner Cruise, Dinner Of The Senses Lobby Bar & Wine Rack, Pool Bar yes; biking, tennis; world-class golf on premises elegance with abundant happy options a sanctuary: spa, food, beach, golf – repose

别墅: 游泳池/海滩: spa: 餐厅和酒吧: 健身中心: 趣闻: 惊喜?!:

172--135套环绕泻湖的别墅,温泉保护区有14套僻静的泳池别墅客房,以及24套湖畔双泳 池别墅 无处不在/有 世界级的,令人难忘 悦榕轩、别墅内用餐、大堂酒吧和酒架、池畔酒吧、藏红花、罗望子、Watercourt 有,高尔夫、骑自行车、打网球 优雅与快乐的选择,方便前往机场和巴东 圣域:温泉、美食、高尔夫 - 养神

Tel: +66 (0) 76 372 400 Fax: +66 (0) 76 324 375 33, 33/27 Moo 4, Srisoonthorn Road, Cherngtalay, Amphur Talang Phuket 83110 Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Phuket 普吉岛

Cape Sienna Hotel & Villas 卡马拉海滩西恩纳角别墅酒店 This tropical-urbane resort tiptoes up the serene Kamala Beach hillside. Perched in three ascending tiers on Phuket’s western edge, Cape Sienna boasts space, grace, a wonderfully casual attitude and sweeping views into the Andaman Sea sunset.

这个热带度假胜地轻轻踮起脚尖、安静地矗 立在卡马拉海滩的山坡上。它耸立在普吉岛 西部边缘攀升的岩石层上,因地适宜,卡马 拉海滩西恩纳角别墅酒店拥有广阔的空间, 可以将优雅、慵懒、绝美的落日西洋景色一 览无遗。

It is peaceful, popular, buoyant and relaxing – with a subdued, chic swagger belying its poised demeanor and cosmopolitan decor.

它气质平和、活泼,让人感到放松—它用别 致与高雅演绎了翩翩风度与脉脉柔情。

The staff sports a delightful combination of serious service and happy bonhomie. They keep it cheerful for the couples who come to luxuriate (children must be over 12). “All 146 rooms are blessed with sea views,” said Frank Dreist, the nurturing GM. “And we have nine spacious, three-to-four bedroom villas, which sit on the oceanfront cliffs, each with a private pool.” The epicenter of the relaxation is the 30-meter marble pool, infinity Jacuzzi and nests of chaise lounges. A state-of-the-art health club keeps you buff, while the Balance Spa is a perfect antidote to the all-day stress of deciding which part of your body to tan. David Lihn

146 Best Of Class

职工运动会将认真的服务态度与快乐的姿态 结合起来,欢脱愉悦。这为寻求奢华而来的 夫妇们增添了更加愉快的心境(儿童必须年 满12周岁)。 “146间客房均能欣赏海景”培训经理弗兰 克∙杜蕾斯说,“我们拥有九间三到四人房 的宽敞别墅,坐落于海滨悬崖上,每间客房 都配有私人游泳池。” 中央休闲区设有30米长的大理石游泳池、 宽敞的按摩椅和躺椅。 国家最先进的健身俱乐部能满足您的爱好, 平衡水疗中心能缓解您全天的压力,美白晒 后肌肤。

Rooms / Villas: 146 / nine luxurious villas on the sea Pool / Beach: the centerpiece / a short journey Spa: yes Restaurants & Bars: Plum Restaurant; Vanilla Sky Bar; Poolside Restaurant & Bar with sea views Fitness: complete Fun Facts: rotating Happy Hours throughout the resort (30% Discount on all drinks, except wine & champagne); Sienna Rocks by the Beach Club with a Jacuzzi on the cliff overhanging the beach; wine list with over 20 wine labels for under 1,400 B; A WHAT?!: every room with a gorgeous sea view 客房: 游泳池/海滩: spa: 餐厅和酒吧: 健身中心: 趣闻: 惊喜?!!:

146间,包括9间豪华水上别墅 核心/一小段路程 有 PLUM餐厅,香草天空酒吧,池畔餐厅及酒吧享有海景 完成 度假村旋转欢乐时光(所有饮料享有30%折扣,除了葡萄酒和香槟);海 滩俱乐部西耶娜岩,悬崖上悬垂的海滩按摩;20多种商标葡萄酒,价格低于1,400 泰铢: PLUM iPad功能菜单;办理入住手续时选择浴室设施香氛 每个房间都能欣赏美丽的海景

Tel: +66 (0) 76 337 300 Fax: +66 (0) 76 337 399 18/40 Moo 6, Nakalay Road, Kamala, Kathu, Phuket, 83150 Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Phuket 普吉岛

Dream Phuket Hotel & Spa

普吉岛梦幻Spa酒店 Idyllically located 25 minutes south of the Phuket airport in Layan, Dream Phuket Hotel & Spa (and Dream Beach) are part of the upscale lifestyle brand of internationally-acclaimed Dream Hotels. Offering 174 well-appointed, luxurious rooms, suites and villas (all with spectacular views), the hotel design is eco-friendly, sleek, yet superbly comfortable, with ultra-modern amenities and on-property entertainment for guests to enjoy. Positioned just five minutes from the hotel, Dream Beach is a multi-level beach club situated on the stunning Layan Beach. Featuring two lovely pools, a restaurant with indoor and alfresco dining, four separate bars and direct beach access, guests can lounge on spacious sunbeds while indulging in Dream Beach signature cocktails and viewing breathtaking sunsets over the sparkling Andaman Sea. In the evening, the top floor of the club transforms into an upbeat entertainment venue with a world-class line up of exclusive parties, events and DJs.

148 Best Of Class

酒店位于Layan沙滩,距离普吉岛机场南部 25分钟的路程。普吉岛梦幻Spa酒店 和梦幻海滩是国际知名梦幻酒店高档、时尚 生活品牌的一部分。 提供174间设备齐全的豪华客房、套房和别 墅(所有客房均可观赏壮观景致),酒店设 计环保、时尚且极其舒适,配备超现代的设 施和娱乐供客人享用。 距离酒店仅五分钟路程,坐落在壮丽的 Layan海滩上,是一个多层次的海滩俱乐 部。拥有两个游泳池,一个室内外餐厅,四 个独立的酒吧,可以直接通达海滩。客人 可以一边在宽敞的日光浴床上休息,同时品 味梦幻海滩纯正的鸡尾酒,陶醉在铺满落日 霞辉、波光粼粼的安达曼海景之中,一切都 让人叹为观止。 晚上,俱乐部顶楼变成一个热闹欢快的娱 乐场所,拥有世界级的专属派对、活动和 DJ。

Rooms / Suites / Villas: Pools / Beach: Spa: Restaurant & Bars: Fitness: Fun Facts: A WHAT?!: 客房: 游泳池/海滩: Spa: 餐厅和酒吧: 健身中心: 趣闻: 惊喜?!:

174 2 pools – main and rooftop / beach club more than 20 extensive treatments and special packages in five private rooms Trilogy, Dream Beach Club Pool Bar, VU Rooftop, Indulge state-of-the-art cardiovascular and weight-training equipment Dream Beach – Phuket’s most buzzed-about beach club located on beautiful Layan Beach Indulge luxurious cigar bar lounge featuring a star–studded cast of fine wines, single malts and Asian and Mediterranean tapas

174间客房、套房和别墅 2个游泳池-主营和屋顶 5间包间,拥有20多项广泛护理和专用套餐。 全天用餐; 3间酒吧(泳池酒吧、VU屋顶泳池酒吧,纵情酒吧) 国家最先进的心血管和负重训练器材中心 梦幻海滩 - 普吉岛最令人心动的海滩俱乐部,坐落于美丽的Layan海滩。 放纵豪华的雪茄吧,休息室设有星光熠熠的美酒、纯麦芽威士忌、亚洲和地中海小吃

Tel: +66 (0) 76 429 900 11/7 Moo 6, T. Cherngtalay, A. Thalang, Phuket 83110 Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Phang Nga


GLOW Elixir Koh Yao Yai 瑶亚岛艾力克赛尔度假酒店 The Koh Yao island group consists of 44 islands of 142 sqm (1/3 the size of Phuket). Yao Noi (Little Long Island) and Yao Yai (Big Long Island) are the two largest. These sleepy islands, located in Phang Nga Bay, only a one-hour boat ride away from Phuket, still enjoy a slow pace of life.

瑶亚岛群由44个岛屿组成,占地面积为142 平方公里(1/3普吉岛大小)。瑶亚酒店 (小长岛) 和瑶艾酒店(大长岛)是其中两个 最大的酒店。这些沉睡的岛屿位于攀牙湾, 乘船从普吉岛出发只需一小时,您还能享受 慢节奏的生活。

GLOW Elixir Koh Yao Yai is an ideal island resort wonderfully situated on a peaceful and private beach on Koh Yao Yai in Phang Nga.

瑶亚岛GLOW Elixir酒店的度假酒店,与攀 牙岛上宁静、私密的海滩相得益彰。

The mid-scale, all-villa property sits on a 300-meter stretch of glorious sand just steps away from the glistening Andaman Sea. The GLOW is the first resort location and the third property in Thailand under the popular GLOW brand from hotel management experts InVision Hospitality. All 35 private villas have a contemporary tropical design with a rustic island style set amongst lush, verdant gardens, providing breathtaking views and direct access to the beach.

150 Best Of Class

在岛中央,全部别墅酒店坐落在一个300米 长的沙滩上,离安达曼海仅几步之遥。瑶 亚岛GLOW Elixir酒店是著名酒店管理品牌 InVision旗下子公司在泰国开设的第一家酒 店,同时也是该品牌的第三财产。 35套私人别墅均配有郁郁葱葱的热带花 园,弥漫着质朴的海岛风情。现代热带风格 设计,与壮丽的景色相互衬托,此外酒店还 可直接前往海滩。

Villas: 35 (11 pool villas) Pools / Beach: views of the Andaman Sea / splendid Spa: a variety of therapeutic massages are available at poolside sala or private villas Restaurants Lalin Restaurant, Sunset Dining Deck & Bars: Elixir Bar, Pool Bar Fitness: yes Fun Facts: diving and snorkeling, kayaking, ATV tours, sightseeing tours, cookiing class, yoga, bike tours (seasonal) A WHAT?!: Sunset Dining Deck: the centerpiece of the dining experience is the romantic sea-front dining deck set above a private beach 别墅: 游泳池/海滩: spa: 餐厅与酒吧: 健身中心: 趣闻: 惊喜?!!:

35间(11间泳池别墅) 安达曼海景游泳池/灿烂 没有,但是有各种带有池畔独奏或私人别墅内的医疗按摩 花好月圆酒吧、泳池酒吧 有 潜水、浮潜、皮划艇、沙滩车之旅、观光旅游、潮汐表、烹饪班、瑜伽、自行车之旅 (季节性提前预定) 日落甲板餐饮:我们用餐体验的核心,我们的私人海滩配有浪漫的海滨甲板餐厅

Tel: +66 (0) 87 808 3838 Fax: +66 (0) 76 582 496 GLOW Elixir Koh Yao Yai 99 Moo 3 Prunai Koh Yao Yai Phang Nga, 83000 Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Phuket 普吉岛

Grand Mercure

Phuket Patong Resort & Villas 普吉岛芭东美爵酒店 Just steps away from Patong’s inexhaustible nightlife, Grand Mercure is a serene hideaway tucked behind Phuket Andaman seafront.

离芭东不倦的夜生活只需几步路,普吉岛美 爵是安达曼岛海滨背后一个宁静的世外桃 源。

The resort and spa is ideally suited to intrepid young travelers, families and friends keen to explore and experience Phuket from a comfortable base in the heart and soul of Patong.

度假村与水疗中心是年轻无谓的旅行者、家 庭和朋友们最理想的选择,他们可以在芭东 海滩心脏与灵魂深处探寻和体验普吉风情。

The 314 rooms, comprising 252 Superior; 38 Deluxe Pool Access, 10 Suites and 14 Pool Villas, feature private sundecks. Each room features a comprehensive set of amenities and extra touches, such as guests’ choice of a walk-in rain shower or traditional bathtub. In-room sofas and stunning pool views are standard. On-site restaurants feature international fare from far-flung places alongside iconic local dishes found only in Phuket. The resort recreational activities, featuring Ryn Spa, Kids Corner, Fitness Centre, Thai Cooking Class, and Thai Boxing are available to fulfill the extraordinary experience.

152 Best Of Class

拥有314间客房,包括252间高级客房,38 豪华泳池客房,10间套房和14间泳池别 墅。豪华游泳池客房,套房和拥有私人日光 浴的泳池别墅。 每间客房均配有一组全套和触手可及的设 施,比如客人可选择一个步入式淋浴或传统 的浴缸,内设沙发和迷人的泳池美景都是标 准配置的。 内设餐厅有遥远国度才有的国际菜色,同时 也会搭配当地特色菜肴,这些菜肴只有在普 吉岛才能找得到。 酒店的休闲活动包括RYN特色的温泉、儿童 天地、健身中心、泰式烹饪课程和泰拳等, 游客可以进行非凡体验。

Rooms / Suites / Villas: Pools: Spa: Restaurants & Bars: Fitness: Fun Facts: A WHAT?!: 客房/别墅: 游泳池: Spa: 餐厅和酒吧: 健身中心: 趣闻: 惊喜?!:

314 – 290 / 10 / 14 three lagoon pools Ryn Spa – winner of World Luxury Spa Award 2016 Bubbles (all-day-dining), Chou Chou (deli shop), Craft Beer Lounge (lobby bar) and Bounce (pool bar) best-in-class equipment and overlooking the lagoon pool Thai cooking class, Thai boxing, Kids Corner, Excursion and Tour desk, golfing nearby minutes’ walk to Patong Beach, Junceylon Shopping Center and Bang La nightlife street 300 / 14泳池别墅 三个泻湖游泳池 RYN温泉 – 2016年世界豪华温泉奖得主 泡沫(全日餐厅)、瞅瞅(熟食店)、手工艺、啤酒厅(大堂吧)和弹 跳(泳池酒吧) 最佳一流设备,可以俯瞰泻湖游泳池 泰国烹饪班、泰国拳击、儿童天地、游览及旅游咨询台、附近高尔夫运 动场 步行几分钟就可以到达巴东海滩的Junceylon购物中心和邦香格里拉 - 夜 生活街

Tel: +66 (0) 76 231 999 1 Soi Rat-U-Thit 200 Pi 2, Patong, Kathu, Phuket 83150 Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Phuket 普吉岛

Hilton Phuket Arcadia Resort & Spa

普吉岛希尔顿阿卡迪亚温泉度假酒店 Hilton Phuket Arcadia Resort & Spa is an idyllic 75-acre resort in southwestern Phuket on Karon Beach, 45 minutes south of Phuket International Airport.

普吉岛希尔顿阿卡迪亚度假村是普吉岛西南 部卡伦海滩上一个田园诗般的度假村, 占地75英亩,距离普吉国际机场南部仅45 分钟。

Set in lush, tropical gardens surrounded by mountains, waterfalls and golden beaches, the hotel features 665 guestrooms and suites (as well as serene private Spa villas nestled by splendid lotus lagoons) with elegant contemporary Thai-western décor – all offering balconies with either panoramic sea views or gardens.

酒店坐落于经典豪华的花园之中,被群山、 瀑布和黄金沙滩环绕着。它共有665间客房 和套房(宁静的私人SPA别墅掩映在碧色连 天的荷花池中),房间为现代泰西装潢风 格,有的能够俯瞰全海景,有的能够纵观经 典花园。

Unwind with a traditional Thai massage in The Spa; cool off in one of five pools; or relax to the sound of the waterfalls. Younger guests may enjoy Kidz Paradise just a one-minute walk from the garden pool. A wide selection of dining choices regal you: fresh seafood at Sails or go local at the romantic Thai Thai Restaurant. Recline on a chaise, play on our beach among palm trees, or watch the sunset during a romantic dinner at Ocean Beach Club. Shopping and Phuket attractions, including Fantasea theme park, are a short drive away.

154 Best Of Class

您可以在水疗中心放松身心享受泰式传统按 摩,在五彩池清凉一番,或静静地聆听瀑布 的声音。年轻的客人可以享受儿童乐园,离 花园游泳池仅一分钟的步行路程。 多种餐饮选择:船上新鲜海鲜和泰国当地浪 漫餐厅。在棕榈树包围的沙滩躺椅上小憩, 或观看日落和享受海洋沙滩俱乐部的浪漫晚 餐。 购物和欣赏普吉岛的景点,包括幻多奇主题 公园,一小段车程即可到达。

Rooms / Suites: 665 Pools / Beach: five outdoor pools / beach club Spa: 15 private Spa Villas, a salon, and whirlpool Restaurants & Bars: Caffé Cino, Sails (all-day Thai and international dining), Ocean Beach Club Restaurant and Bar (Thai, International and Mediter-asian), Thai Thai (dinner only), Buan Appetito (Italian), Andaman Lounge with live music Fitness: fitness center; 3 tennis and 2 squash courts Fun Facts: jogging track, Kidz Paradise, professional portrait artist, putting green, Thai cooking class A WHAT?!: beautiful wild peacocks can be seen living among the properties’ 75 acres of tropical foliage 客房/套房: 游泳池/海滩: spa: 餐厅和酒吧: 健身中心: 趣闻: 惊喜?!!:

665 间 五个室外游泳池/海滩俱乐部 15间spa别墅,一个沙龙spa和漩涡spa CaffèCino咖啡厅、船上餐饮(泰国和国际全天餐饮)、海洋沙滩俱乐 部餐厅及酒廊(泰国、国际和Mediter亚洲)、泰国 (仅限晚餐)、Buan Appetito(意大利),安达曼休息室提供现场音乐表演 3个网球场和两个壁球场 慢跑跑道、儿童乐园、专业画师、果岭和泰式烹饪课程 观赏美丽的野生孔雀在75英亩的热带植物中生活

Tel: +66 (0) 76-396433 333 Patak Road, Karon Beach, Muang, Phuket, 83100 Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Phuket 普吉岛

JW Marriott Phuket Resort & Spa

普吉岛JW万豪度假酒店& Spa中心 An award-winning luxury resort, JW Marriott Phuket Resort & Spa, just 15 kilometers north of the Phuket International Airport, offers a bounty of picturesque scenery on northeast Phuket’s private and beautiful Mai Khao Beach.

普吉岛JW万豪度假酒店Spa中心,距离普吉 国际机场北部仅15公里。这是一个名声斐 然的度假村,在这里,您可以尽情欣赏普吉 岛东北部富饶迷人的自然风光,以及私人隐 秘、风情万种的迈考海滩。

The resort provides 265 elegantly-appointed deluxe rooms, suites and pool suites overlooking both the stunning Andaman Sea and tropical gardens. The 11 restaurants and bars present a wide range of cuisine including: Thai, Italian, international and Japanese. Ginja Cook, the premier culinary school, teaches the intricacies of fine Thai cooking.

酒店提供265间布置优雅的豪华客房、套房 和游泳池套房,可以俯瞰迷人的安达曼海与 热带花园。11个餐厅和酒吧提供种类繁多 的美食,其中包括:泰国菜、意大利菜、国 际菜和日本菜。银座烹饪学校是一座烹饪学 校,教授复杂的泰式烹饪。

The resort offers world-class facilities and diverse recreational activities, including: three magnificent swimming pools, the award-winning Mandara Spa, a health and fitness club, sauna, water sport center, Kids Pavilion, tennis courts, The Mai Khao Marine Turtle shelter and education center. Nearby is the Mai Khao Village boutique shopping center and Blue Canyon Country Club, a 36-hole championship golf course.

156 Best Of Class

度假村拥有世界一流的设施和多样化的休闲 活动,其中包括:三个宽阔的游泳池、享 誉内外的蔓达梦Spa中心、健身俱乐部、桑 拿、水上运动中心、儿童馆、网球场、迈考 海龟保护区和教育中心。 度假村附近有迈考村精品购物中心和一个 36洞的锦标赛高尔夫球场。

Rooms / Suites / Villa: Pools / Beach: Spa: Restaurants & Bars: Fitness: Fun Facts: A WHAT?!: 客房: 游泳池 / 海滩: Spa: 餐厅和酒吧 : 健身中心: 趣闻: 惊喜?!:

265 – Deluxe Rooms, Jacuzzi Suite, Pool Suites and Villa (340 sqm) 3 pools / 7 km long on Mai Khao beach award-winning Mandara Spa 11 (Thai, Italian, Japanese, International, Seafood...) Health Club, gym, tennis courts, watersports, biking, sport activity programs Mai Khao Marine Turtle Foundation (the Turtle Shelter) is located on-site a fire lighting ceremony show at the lobby area every Wednesday and Saturday from 6 – 6.15 pm

265间(豪华客房、按摩浴缸套房、泳池套房和别墅) 3个游泳池,7公里长的迈考海滩 一个屡获殊荣的Mandara Spa水疗 11家餐厅和酒吧(泰国菜、意大利菜、日本菜、国际菜、海鲜及烧烤) 是的,有健康俱乐部、健身房、网球场、水上运动、自行车和体育活动项目 参观迈考海龟基金会,也被称为位于酒店度假村内的海龟保护区 每周三和周六下午从六点到六点十五分在大堂区举办的亮灯仪式

Tel: +66 (0) 76 338 000 231 Moo 3, Mai Khao, Talang, Phuket 83110 Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Phuket 普吉岛

Maikhao Dream Villa

Maikhao Dream Hotels & Resorts 迈豪愿景度假村及水疗中心 Maikhao Dream Villa Resort & Spa, Phuket Natai Beach Resort & Spa, Phang-Nga

Natai Beach Resort

Minutes from the airport, the Villa exemplifies excellence without opulence. It suffuses elegance. Polished and regal, it offers a stately venue for the elite vacationer who seeks solitude and luxury – and, certainly, space.

距离机场仅分钟的路程,迈豪愿景别墅体现 了富裕之外的卓越。它弥漫着优雅、优美和 庄严,为那些寻求孤独和豪华的精英度假者 提供一个独立、豪华、庄严的场所 —当然 还有空间。

This romantic resort showcases 22 capacious pool villas. The 11 three-bedroom quasi-mansions are each a gargantuan 650 sqm (a two-story villa with a second-story pool that waterfalls below to the main pool; a pantry the size of most hotel rooms; two outdoor decks; four bathrooms; five TVs; and a living room that can serve as a conference center).

这个浪漫的度假酒店拥有22栋宽阔的泳池 别墅,11栋三居室的豪宅,每栋相隔650平 方米(一栋两层别墅,二楼是游泳池,瀑布 直流下主池;大部分酒店标准规格的储藏室; 两个户外甲板;一个池边凉亭,四个浴室;五 台电视;一个可以作为会议中心的客厅)。

The fully-accoutered resort sister, a half-hour north of the airport in quaint Natai (and an hour from Patong’s thumping cacophony), is vigorous and family-friendly. This 106-room resort features 56 rooms arcing around a sprawling pool; and 50 contiguous two-story fishermen beach houses. It highlights an elegant spa, fitness center, supervised playroom, pool table, business center – and a potpourri of spacious rooms, including Duplex Suites and a Pool Terrace (78 - 107 sqm). David Lihn 158 Best Of Class

普吉迈豪愿景别墅度假村 攀牙纳泰海滩度假村

这个设备齐全的度假村,距离古朴纳泰机场 南部仅半小时的路程,距离芭东繁华区仅1 小时的路程,整个度假村不仅朝气蓬勃,而 且拥有家庭般的亲切感。 一个56室马蹄建筑物框架游泳池(连续50 栋二层渔民房屋),特点:一个优雅的spa 中心、健身中心、监督游戏室、台球桌、商 务中心 - 宽敞的客房,包括复式套房和一个 带私人泳池的泳池露台(78-107平方米)。

Dedicated to



The integration of mind, body and spirit is the core tenet of our dedicated wellness philosophy. Ubiquitous luxuries and sedentary lifestyle have spoiled our habits of consuming fresh air and organic produce that develop a healthier lifestyle.

健康和卫生 思想、身体和心灵的融合是我们健身理念的核心宗旨。 无处不在的奢侈品和久坐的生活方式已经破坏了我们呼吸新鲜空气和食用有机农 产品的习惯,因此我们需要培养健康的生活方式。 水疗中心形成一个独特概念:将泰国草药和当代医疗完美结合,侧重于:

The Spa has formulated a unique concept that blends Ayurvedic, Thai and Contemporary healing in flawless harmony, focusing on:

营养和体重管理 我们教您如何良好饮食和管理您的饮食,建议用更健康的营养摄入来替

NUTRITION and WEIGHT MANAGEMENT We teach you to eat well and manage your diet, recommending a healthier alternative for nutritional intake. An active metabolic routine will aid weight loss.

代补品,刺激新陈代谢使之更加活跃,将帮助您纤体。 健身 一个功能性和愉快的健身养生,是您身心健康的关键。普拉提、泰拳和

FITNESS A functional, enjoyable fitness regimen is key to your health and spirit. Pilates, Thai kickboxing and Yogilates consist of techniques that train the body’s core strength. DETOX With a concoction of healing therapies and treatments, food intake and ingredients that will jolt the toxins from your body, the detox program brings with it a long-term remedy. ANTI-STRESS We customize your anti-stress program to achieve ultimate peace of mind, enhanced by spa treatments (steam baths infused with anti-stress ingredients such as Centella Asiatica; well-known for toning and firming).

普拉提瑜伽包括了训练身体力量的核心技术。 排毒 根据治疗和护理,食物和成分的摄入,身体毒素会慢慢排出,排毒是一个长 期的治疗程序。 抗压力 我们帮助您制订抗压力方案,通过水疗护理(将有抗压力成分——积雪草注入蒸汽浴室, 帮助调理肤色和紧肤)来增强心智。

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Villas: 22 (11 two-BR; 11 three-BR) pool villas Pools / Beach: many / private and gorgeous Spa: elegant and holistic Restaurants & Bars: beachside to haute cuisine Fitness: private training, Pilates, yoga, biking Fun Facts: the only beachfront villa resort in Phuket with signature three-BR, triple-pool with cascading waterfall pools A WHAT?!: your own butler; Maikhao Dream Sunseeker Manhattan 60 private yacht 客房: 游泳池 / 海滩: spa: 餐厅和酒吧: 健身中心: 趣闻: 惊喜?!!

22间(11间三人床客房;11间双人床客房) 我数不清了(这是一个大问题,大多数别墅有两个游泳池)/隐秘而华丽 优雅 四个(海滨高级料理) 私人训练、普拉提、瑜伽 每间双人床别墅拥有宁静的私人海滩 24/7私有管家; 60艘迈豪愿景圣斯克曼哈顿私人游艇

Tel: +66 (0)76 371 371 Fax: +66 (0)76 371 372 138/21 Moo 4, Maikhao Beach, Thalang, Phuket 83110

160 Best Of Class

Rooms / Suites: Beach Houses: Pools / Beach: Spa: Restaurants & Bar: Fitness: Fun Facts: A WHAT?!: 客房/套房 游泳池 / 海滩: spa: 餐厅和酒吧: 健身中心: 趣闻: 惊喜?!!

56 50 – Garden, Rootop Terrace; Oceanfront sprawling / serene and all yours three-story, seven treatment rooms five (rooftop, beachside, fine dining); poolside seafood-buffet lunch yes; biking organic garden for hand-picked veggies and fruit; Kid’s Club; dining in the sunset overlooking a secluded beach

56 / 50间贴心客房 庞大/宁静 三层楼高,七间(见下页) 五家(屋顶、海滨、美食),池畔海鲜自助午餐 有,骑自行车 手摘蔬菜水果的有机花园,儿童房 在夕阳下用餐

Tel: +66 (0)76 401 301 Fax: +66 (0)76 401 305 55 Moo 6, Kok Kloi Takuathung, Phang Nga, 82140

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Phuket 普吉岛

Metadee Resort and Villas 美乐地别墅度假酒店 This stylish, boutique resort, just a few minutes’ walk from the fetching shores of sparkling Kata Beach, presents a relaxing ambiance for families and romantic couples.

这是一家风格独特的精品度假酒店,距离闪 耀的卡塔海沙滩仅几步之遥。在这里,家庭 能够尽情享受温馨,爱侣可以随心品尝浪 漫。

Metadee Resort and Villas opened its doors in 2009, and continues to welcome repeat guests from around the world.

美乐地别墅度假酒店于2009年开业,它一 如既往地欢迎来自世界各地的旅客再次光 临。

The rooms and villas are scattered among lush, tropical gardens, all with beautiful views. The huge swimming pool sprawls around the resort with direct pool access to all ground floor rooms. Five distinct room types offer romantic four-poster beds, free-standing bathtubs and outdoor living spaces.

酒店的客房和别墅散落于郁郁葱葱的热带花 园之中,所有客房均能欣赏美丽的风景。巨 大的游泳池绵延直入所有地面楼层,直通度 假村客房。五种不同的客房类型供您选择 (见下文),可为您提供浪漫的四柱床、独 立浴缸和户外生活空间。

Indulge in Thai and international cuisine at the poolside restaurant, sunbathe and splash in the beautiful swimming pool, and stroll into Kata center for shopping, entertainment and, of course, the gorgeous white-sand beach. Metadee Resort is environmentally-focused with energy-saving practices encouraged in all areas. Business and energy-conservation technology is used to recycle the heat from the air-compressors to produce hot water.

162 Best Of Class

您可以在池畔餐厅尽情享受传统泰国与国际 美食,在美丽的游泳池纵情畅游并享受美妙 的日光浴,在卡塔娱乐购物中心采购。当 然,华丽的洁白沙滩也不容错过! 美乐地别墅度假酒店鼓励节能环保,它使用 节能技术将空气压缩机的热量用来烧热水。

Rooms / Villas: Pools: Spa: Restaurant & Bar: Fitness: Fun Facts: A WHAT?!: 别墅: 游泳池: spa: 餐厅和酒吧: 健身中心: 趣闻: 惊喜?!!:

77 – 24 Pool View and 24 Pool Access (50 sqm) / 9 Access Pool (90 sqm), 19 Private Pool (120 sqm), 1 Grand Pool Villa Suite (415 sqm) 20…and a giant pool Metadee Spa The Himmaphan (“cashew nut”) Restaurant overlooking the pool and gardens Pool Bar well-equipped gym overlooking the tropical gardens free-form swimming pool with Jacuzzi boutique luxury, glorious sprawling pools, Thai cooking class 77间,其中有24间泳池景观房和24间泳池通道房(50平方米)/9间直通游泳池的客房 (90平方米),19间私人游泳池客房(120平方米),1间豪华泳池别墅套房(415平方米) 20个......一个巨大的,蜿蜒的自由形式游泳池 美达迪水疗中心侧重重塑平衡生活,为您带来完美热情的医疗服务。 Himmaphan(“腰果”)餐厅俯瞰游泳池和花园, 池畔酒吧 设备齐全的健身房,能俯瞰热带花园 配有按摩浴缸的自由形式游泳池 泰式烹饪让您一生受用。

Tel: +66 (0) 76 337 888 Fax: +66 (0) 76 337 889 66 Kata Road, T.Karon, A. Muang, Phuket 83100

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Phuket 普吉岛

Mövenpick Resort & Spa Karon Beach

普吉岛慕温匹克度假村 Holiday dreams come alive at Mövenpick, a splendid resort and spa 45-minutes due south of the airport on the popular southwestern shore of Phuket. Amid the lush, tropical gardens, and just steps away from sparkling Karon Beach, a range of luxurious rooms provide an inclusive holiday. The resort offers 250 rooms and suites, with spectacular ocean-view rooms, spacious balconies and artfully-crafted traditional interiors. Additionally, 113 villas (perfect for romance and families seeking spacious privacy) present an ambiance of sumptuous comfort surrounded by beautiful gardens (and the Coconut Grove Pool). Enjoy four swimming pools; or indulge at The Spa after spending some time working out in the fitness center. Kids will be entertained all day in The Play Zone. In the evenings, treat your family to fabulous dining in one of the diverse restaurants and bars. And, yes, they do serve Mövenpick coffee, and Mövenpick ice cream – and freshly-baked pastries!

164 Best Of Class

普吉岛慕温匹克度假村是一个梦想假日度假 村,从普吉岛机场南部出发仅需45分钟即 可到达。度假村位于西南岸,拥有郁郁葱葱 的热带花园,离波光粼粼的卡伦海滩只有几 步之遥,一系列的豪华客房可以为您提供各 种节日服务。 度假村共有250间客房和套房,其中包括壮 观的海景客房,阳台宽敞明亮,室内设计具 有传统特色。此外,113间别墅(适合寻求 舒适和隐秘的夫妇)被美丽的花园(椰林泳 池)包围,具有亲切感,满足了最高要求旅 客的需求。 您有四个游泳池可以享受,或在健身中心挥 汗如雨尽情享受温泉,孩子们可以在游戏区 尽情玩耍,有专业人员对该游戏区进行全方 位的监管。 晚上,在众多形形色色的餐厅或者酒吧中任 意挑选,与家人共进晚餐。 对了!度假村还提供慕温匹克咖啡、慕温匹 克冰淇淋与其他新鲜出炉的糕点!

Rooms & Suites / Villas: 250 / 113 Pools / Beach: four / Karon Beach a short stroll Spa: The Spa Restaurants Pacifica (all-day dining); El Gaucho (Brazilian); OrientAsia; Mint & Bars: (beachfront casual); Cafe Studio; Kinnaree Bar… Fitness: yes Fun Facts: Play Zone caters to children with indoor and outdoor sports activities, arts and crafts A WHAT?!: world-class Spa with elegant Sala lounge areas and in-villa treatment rooms, second largest Kids Club in Phuket 客房/别墅: 游泳池/海滩: spa: 餐厅和酒吧: 健身中心: 趣闻: 惊喜?!!:

363 - 250间客房/113间别墅 四个/对面是卡伦海滩 温泉 帕斯菲卡(全天餐)、萨尔瓦多高卓(巴西); OrientAsia; 薄荷(海滨休闲)、咖啡工作室、Kinnaree酒店酒吧... 是 每天组织大量活动... 普吉岛第二大儿童俱乐部...

Tel: +66 (0) 76 396 139 509 Patak Road, Phuket 83100

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Phuket 普吉岛

Paresa Resort 帕瑞莎度假村 Extending dramatically from the stunninglysculptured cliff tops of Kamala and overlooking the Andaman Sea, Paresa is surrounded by verdant forests and gardens. The resort embraces the exclusivity of its natural surroundings to create an oasis of tranquility and marvelous luxury. A 30-minute drive from Phuket International Airport and situated at Phuket’s most sought after address, “Millionaires’ Mile” on Kamala Hills, Paresa is a privately-owned boutique resort which effortlessly evolves out of and blends into the fecund, natural tropical surroundings. Drawing from Southern Thai cultural traditions, Paresa is a modern-day reinterpretation of Southern Thai architecture and design – understated yet elegant. Guaranteed to arouse all senses, the Paresa experience is made complete with exemplary service provided by discreet, yet friendly, warm and welcoming Thai staff, each named an Angel, and each trained to provide the highest quality standards of service. PARESA.

166 Best Of Class

从令人震惊的雕塑悬崖顶上大幅度延伸出 来,能俯瞰安达曼海的壮观湛蓝的海水,并 被茂密的热带森林和花园环绕。帕瑞莎拥抱 着它独特的自然环境,创造宁静、无与伦比 和奢华的绿洲。 距离普吉国际机场仅30分钟的路程,位于 普吉岛最受欢迎的地方——卡马拉山“富豪 集中地”。帕瑞莎是一家毫不费力地演变出 来的私人精品度假胜地,并融入郁郁葱葱的 热带植被的自然风光。 根据泰国南部的传统文化设计,帕瑞莎是泰 国南部的建筑和设计的现代重新诠释 - 低调 而不失优雅。 保证调动您所有的感官,帕瑞莎体验由友好 谨慎和热情好客的泰国工作人员提供优质的 服务。每个员工都是天使,提供最高质量标 准的服务。

Suites / Villas: 48, each offering uninterrupted 270° views across the Andaman Sea Pools / Beach: lit infinity pool and Energy Pool 15 minutes away at private beach club Spa: The Spa by Paresa – award-winning (Best Luxury Resort Spa in Thailand 2014 – World Luxury Hotel) Restaurants & Bar: two (Thai and Mediterranean cuisine); Cooking School; Pool Bar Fitness: yes Fun Facts: try cooking Thai dishes at Paresa’s Thai Cooking School, led by a resort Chef who will also accompany you to the local market and the resort garden A WHAT?!: Romantic Beach Seafood BBQ – the best dining experience in Phuket, daily (6.30pm – midnight) 客房: 游泳池/海滩: Spa: 餐厅和酒吧: 健身中心: 趣闻: 惊喜?!!:

包括48间豪华典雅的套房、别墅和公寓,每间客房提供整个安达曼海不间断的270 度全景 光纤照明无边泳池和能量泳池,距离卡马拉海滩15分钟的路程 帕瑞莎Spa – 获得2014年最佳豪华spa度假酒店的殊荣(世界豪华酒店) 两个(泰国美食和地中海美食)餐厅、烹饪学校和泳池酒吧 有 在帕瑞莎泰式烹饪学校尝试烹饪,度假胜地厨师也将陪您到当地市场,并且引导您 从度假村花园采草药 浪漫的海滩和海鲜烧烤-普吉岛的最佳用餐体验,开放时间为每天晚上六点半到午夜

Tel: +66 (0) 76 302 000 49 Moo 6, Layi-Nakalay road, Kamala, Kathu, Phuket 83150 Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Phuket 普吉岛

Pullman Phuket Arcadia Naithon Beach

普吉岛阿卡狄亚奈通海滩铂尔曼度假酒店 Pullman Phuket, nesting cliffside and towering above one of Phuket’s fabulous beaches, is conveniently located just 15 minutes south of the airport.

普吉岛阿卡狄亚奈通海滩酒店,像巢穴般筑 在峭壁上,耸立在普吉岛最美丽的海滩之 上,地理位置优越,距南部机场仅15分钟 路程。

This is truly an elevating and uplifting experience, as the 270 rooms and seven luxury pool villas offer dramatic and panoramic views of the beach, Andaman Sea and the sunset.

这是一个令人振奋的真实体验,酒店拥有 270间客房和7个豪华泳池别墅,能欣赏充 满戏剧色彩的海滩、安达曼海和日落全景。

度假村设有两间餐厅,3个酒吧和面包店, 其中有混合传统泰式和西式美食的创意餐 The resort offers two restaurants, three bars and 厅。Vero意大利餐厅与酒吧可为您提供丰 Bakery & Deli – all with creative menus mixing 富美妙的意大利菜肴。这里被公认为是普吉 traditional Thai and Western cuisine. Vero, the 岛最好的意大利餐厅。 Italian Trattoria and wine bar, offers an array of wonderful Italian dishes, and is recognized as Dhatri Spa酒店融合了亚洲传统疗法与现代 美容疗法,让宾客全身心得到放松,恢复身 one of the best Italian restaurants in Phuket. 体平衡,净化心灵。 Dhatri Spa combines traditional Asian treatments with the modern beauty therapies, giving guests a wide range of relaxing, balancing, revitalizing and purifying treatments. With the premier beachfront location, stunning views of the Andaman Sea, five-star hotel services and facilities, Pullman Phuket offers the perfect balance of a back-to-nature holiday and luxurious resort comfort.

168 Best Of Class

身为五星级的度假酒店,普吉岛铂尔曼位于 海边绝佳的地理位置,可观赏安达曼壮丽的 海景,为您创造回归自然的假期,是一个舒 适、豪华的度假胜地。

Rooms / Villas: Pools / Beach: Spa: Restaurants & Bars: Fitness: Fun Facts: A What?!:

270 rooms (Grand Deluxe, Ocean, Ocean Grand, Family Deluxe) / 7 Luxury Ocean Pool Villas 2 swimming pools + 1 kids pool / private stair access to Naithon Beach Dhatri Spa with an ocean view spa lounge Elements (all-day dining), Vero Trattoria & Wine Bar (Italian) and bakery / Deli and Azur bar fully-equipped with Kinesis stations at Fit Lounge, Aqua Aerobics, biking, snorkeling, sport activity programs on the cliff face of Naithon Beach, 180-degree views of the Andaman Sea tropical sunsets; Tai-Chi or yoga sessions, relaxing massage therapies, gourmet treats by the sea

客房/别墅: 游泳池/海滩: Spa: 餐厅和酒吧: 健身中心: 趣闻: 惊喜?!:

270间客房(超豪华、海洋、海洋大酒店、豪华家庭)/7间豪华海景泳池别墅 2个游泳池+ 1个儿童游泳池,私人楼梯进入奈通海滩酒店 Dhatrispa与海景休息水疗中心 元素餐厅(全天餐),Vero 餐厅、酒吧(意大利)和面包店/ 熟食店 Azur池畔酒吧, C吧和漂流泳池酒吧 设备齐全,配有健身休息室的室壁运动站、水中有氧运动、自行车、潜水和体育活动计划 在悬崖边欣赏奈通海滩和安达曼海的180度全景 热带日落、太极或瑜伽课程、海边休闲按摩疗法

Tel: +66 (0) 76 303 299 Fax: +66 (0) 76 303 270 22/2 moo 4, Naithon Beach, Saku, Thalang, Phuket 83110

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Phuket 普吉岛

Renaissance Phuket Resort & Spa

普吉万丽度假酒店 Set amidst the unspoiled splendor of Mai Khao Beach, 15 minutes north of Phuket International Airport, Renaissance Phuket Resort & Spa is the ultimate retreat for guests looking for relaxed luxury. Whether for a vacation, a dream wedding, or a business retreat, the award-winning resort welcomes you to experience the beauty of Thailand; you’ll feel at home, thanks to the famous hospitality and excellent amenities. Deluxe guest rooms and private villas boast sophisticated decor, plush bedding, and modern technology; many of our accommodations feature breathtaking beach views, and some include plunge pools. Adjacent to Sirinath Marine National Park and a protected sea turtle habitat, the resort is set amidst 10 miles of naturally gorgeous beach. Visit the resort spa, fit in a workout at the fully-equipped gym, or satisfy your appetite with cuisine from one of the on-site restaurants. Weddings are truly special occasions here. Honor your love with a beach ceremony, and spend your honeymoon here in Phuket.

170 Best Of Class

坐落在麦拷海滩,距离普吉国际机场北边仅 15分钟路程。普吉岛万丽度假酒店未受污 染,是客人休闲放松的最终选择。 无论是度假、梦想婚礼或商务休闲,名声斐 然的度假村欢迎您来体验美丽的泰国,这里 的热情好客和优良的设施会让您感受到家一 般的温馨。 豪华客房和私人别墅装修精致美丽,床上用 品豪华且现代化。我们的许多客房均能欣赏 壮丽的海滩美景,此外还配有一些小型游泳 池供您使用。 度假村位于绵延10公里长的美丽自然海 滩,毗邻斯里纳斯海洋国家公园和海龟保护 区。 您可以在度假村中体验闲适的SPA,在设备 齐全的健身房挥汗如雨,或在先做的餐厅中 享受美食,满足舌尖的渴求。 这里非常适合举办婚礼,您可以用海滩仪式 见证您的爱情,还可以在普吉岛度过浪漫的 蜜月!

Rooms / Villas: Pools / Beach: Spa: Restaurants & Bars: Fitness: Fun Facts: A WHAT?!:

客房/别墅: 游泳池/海滩: spa: 餐厅与酒吧: 健身中心: 趣闻: 惊喜?!!:

180 – including a 3-BR Duplex Oceanfront Villa two / spacious and quiet Quan Spa (with outdoor massage sala) Takieng (Thai), Loca Vore (international), The Lounge (pub), Doppio (coffee shop), Sand Box Restaurant & Bar 24-hour; bike tours, body-weight workouts, aqua aerobics, Thai boxing, yoga Basics, Pilates petanque, darts, beach volleyball, Kids World, children’s pavilion with indoor recreation area and outdoor pool discover the Lounge experience ‘R Punch Making Ritual’ everyday (6 - 6:30 pm) 180间-含泳池别墅 两个/宽敞而安静 在Quan Spa享受水的爱抚(理疗室、蒸汽室和户外按摩凉亭) Takieng(泰国)、Loca Vore(国际)、休息室(酒吧)、Doppio(咖啡店)、 Sand Box餐厅及酒吧 24小时 行车之旅、体重锻炼、水中有氧运动、普拉提瑜伽、泰拳、瑜伽基础、普拉提、 地掷球、飞镖、沙滩排球、桨板、儿童世界、儿童室内游乐区和室外游泳池凉亭 每日下午6时-6.30时在“R拳击造就信仰”中探索特有的闲暇体验

Tel: +66 (0) 76 363 999 555 Moo 3 Mai Khao Beach, Talang, Phuket 83110 Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Phuket 普吉岛

The Nai Harn Phuket 普吉岛迪奈涵酒店 With striking, contemporary design, innovative seaside dining and dedicated service, the Nai Harn has taken luxury in Phuket to new heights.

凭借惊人的现代设计、创新的海边餐饮和坚 定不移的热诚服务,奈涵已经将普吉岛的豪 华上升到一个新高度。

Formerly known as Royal Phuket Yacht Club, The Nai Harn has undergone extensive remodeling, restoring the legendary resort.

奈涵酒店前身为皇家普吉游艇俱乐部,经过 广泛的重塑,恢复到热情好客的豪华度假胜 地。

Located on reclusive, beautiful Nai Harn beach near the southern tip of the island, the resort overlooks the crescent-shaped beach and emerald waters – and offers 130 large, luxurious, guest rooms and suites tiered up the hillside, all with panoramic views of the Andaman Sea. A bespoke spa and a stunning new pool enhance the experience. Every indulgent detail is carefully orchestrated: designer bathroom amenities; a spa featuring therapies from around the world; private terrace barbecues, and butler service. Guests can revel in this private and romantic sanctuary by the sea. It is a higher level of luxury in Phuket.

172 Best Of Class

该度假村位于深居简出、美丽的奈涵海滩, 靠近南端的岛屿,俯瞰着新月形的海滩和碧 绿的海水 -提供130间大型豪华酒店客房和 分层山坡上的套房,所有客房都能欣赏到安 达曼海全景。 一个定制的豪华水疗中心和一个令人惊叹的 新游泳池,配以食品和饮料以增强体验。 每一个细节都经过精心打造:设计师浴室设 施、来自世界各地疗法的水疗中心,露台私 人烧烤和海滨管家服务。 客人可以陶醉在这个私密和浪漫的海边度假 胜地。 普吉岛更高水平的豪华。

Rooms / Suites: Pools / Beach: Spa: Restaurants & Bars: Fitness: Fun Facts: A WHAT?!:

130 both with stunning views over the bay The Spa at The Nai Harn with spa suites two of each (Thai, international, Eastern Mediterranean, Japanese, seafood) gym, biking, water sports, sport activities an icon of Phuket, overlooking a pristine beach and bay complimentary Yoga Class every Tuesday and Thursday from 8:30 – 9:15 am and 5:00 – 5:45 pm

客房/套房: 游泳池/海滩: Spa: 餐厅和酒吧: 健身中心: 趣闻: 惊喜?!:

130间豪华客房和套房 游泳池与海湾美景 奈涵水疗中心与水疗套房 2家餐厅和2间酒吧(泰国、国际、地中海、海鲜烧烤) 健身房、自行车、水上运动、体育活动和瑜伽 普吉岛地标,俯瞰质朴的海滩和海湾 每周二和周四免费瑜伽课程,08:30am - 09:15 am和17:00am - 17:45pm

Tel: +66 (0) 7638 0200 Fax: +66 (0) 7638 8211 23/3 Moo 1, Vises Road, Rawai, Muang District, Phuket, 83130

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Phuket 普吉岛


The Naka Island

A Luxury Collection Resort & Spa, Phuket 普吉岛纳卡岛豪华精选度假酒店 With views of the emerald-green Phang Nga Bay and Phuket coastline, this is an exclusive, boutique resort on Naka Yai Island, accessible only by a 10-minute speedboat journey. It is a uniquely private retreat.


All 67 villas are designed in classic tropical island style, featuring open-air bathrooms, private plunge pools, spacious outdoor areas and Sala pavilions. The resort offers two restaurants and a bar. Tonsai is the all-day restaurant in a casual seaside setting. My Grill, an open beachside grill house, offers the freshest seafood and juiciest steaks with a southern Thai influence. Or, sip on a signature cocktail at Z Bar while enjoying a spectacular sunset over the ocean. Spa Naka offers an array of indigenous botanical treatments. Guests can also enjoy the 24-hour fitness center, the inviting swimming pool overlooking the beach, as well as kayaking, biking or longtail boat to explore the nature of Naka Island.

174 Best Of Class

可以欣赏到翠绿的攀牙湾和普吉的海岸线, 纳卡岛专属的精品度假酒店,乘快艇仅需 10分钟即可到达。 它是一个独特的私人度假村。 67间别墅均设计成经典的热带岛屿风情, 设有露天浴室、私人跳水池,拥有宽敞的室 外区域和萨拉展馆。 度假村设有两间餐厅和一个酒吧,一个全天 营业的海边餐厅—通赛。开放的海滨烧烤 屋,为您提供最新鲜的海鲜和最丰厚、有浓 厚泰南风味的牛排。或者,抿一口z酒吧招 牌鸡尾酒,享受壮观的海景日落。 纳卡spa中心提供纳卡土著植物理疗。 客人还可以享受24小时健身中心,俯瞰海 滩的温馨游泳池,此外还提供乘坐皮划艇、 骑自行车或乘坐长尾船游览纳卡岛等服务。

Royal Horizon Pool Villa

Villas: Pools / Beach: Spa: Restaurants & Bar: Fitness: Fun Facts: A WHAT?!:

67 in-villa private plunge pools and an infinity pool / tranquil beach 8 treatment rooms, including sauna room, steam room, ice room, and unique Watsu pool Tonsai, My Grill, Z Bar 24-hour, fully-equipped gym (with great views), non-motorized water activities kayaking around the Naka Island to explore mangrove area and secret beaches complimentary ice-cream by the pool from 2 - 5 pm

别墅: 游泳池/海滩: spa: 餐厅与酒吧: 健身中心: 趣闻: 惊喜?!:

67间别墅 别墅内的私人跳水池和无边泳池(主池)/2公里长的宁静海滩 8间理疗室、桑拿房、蒸汽房冰室, 独特的watsu游泳池和医疗中心 通赛,我的烧烤和Z酒吧 24小时设备齐全的健身房和非机动水上活动 独木舟围绕纳卡岛,游览红树林和神秘海滩 游泳池免费冰淇淋,开放时间为下午 2:00-5:00

Seavie Pool Villa

Villa’s Bedroom

Tel: +66 (0) 76 371 400 Fax: +66 (0) 76 371 401 32 Moo 5, Paklok, Thalang Phuket 83110 Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Phuket 普吉岛

The Naka Phuket 普吉岛纳卡酒店 Situated on the central-west Coast of Phuket Island, a 40-minute drive south of the airport, this architecturally elegant pool villa resort, designed by Thann Ajarn Duangrit Bunnag (known for many design masterpieces) sits on 44 distinct and beautifully landscaped rai (17 acres). Wonderfully integrated into the Kamala hillside, hidden away in an extended tropical garden and edged by a breathtaking private beach, the resort offers solitude and tranquility – and sunsets. This exclusive and seductive property (you enter ascending a private road that exposes you to a dramatic panorama – and then your dazzling villa) extols the elements of nature, and every corner of the resort allows guests to relax amidst the wonder of the mountain and the ocean. “Naka” in Thai is defined as a symbol of good fortune and greatness. The 94 unusually spacious villas and suites at The Naka Phuket endeavor to achieve that. The famous entertainment options of Patong are only 10 kilometers away. The perfect hideaway.

176 Best Of Class

这个优雅的泳池别墅度假村坐落于普吉岛中 西部海岸,离机场南部40分钟车程。度假 村酒店由Thann Ajarn Duangrit Bunnag建 造,是一个杰作诸多的设计者。度假村遍布 在清莱44处风景独特的旅游胜地中(17英 亩)。 它奇妙融入卡马拉山上,藏身于一个宽阔的 热带花园与迷人的私人海滩之中。度假村孤 单,但却宁静,日落美景更为它添了几许妩 媚。 这家独特的,散发着妩媚风情的度假胜地提 倡大自然的元素(曲径幽通,沿着僻静小路 走,美丽的私人别墅便会出现在眼前)。度 假村的每一个角落,让客人在一片山脉或海 洋中放松身心。 “纳卡”在泰国被定义为吉祥和伟大。普吉 纳卡拥有94套异常宽敞的别墅和套房,并 尝试着让宾客体会吉祥与伟大的蕴意所在。 离芭东著名的娱乐场所仅10公里之遥。 这是一个完美的度假胜地。

Villas / Suites: Pools / Beach: Spa: Restaurants & Bar: Fitness: Fun Facts: A WHAT?!:

94 – cutting-edge 1-BR (205-232 sqm), 2-BR (437 sqm) and 3-BR (526 sqm) infinity pool fronting the 200-meter beach The Napa Spa two, and a beach bar gym, water sports, yoga and sports activity programs snorkeling, Thai cooking class floating in mid-air – the simplistic steel-framed matchbox-form villas, with floor-to-ceiling wrap-around glass walls, cantilevering out from the mountainside, with bedrooms hanging 6 to 20 ft above ground

客房/套房: 游泳池/海滩: spa: 餐厅和酒吧: 健身中心: 趣闻: 惊喜?!!:

94间-切断的 -单人房(205-232平方米),双人床房(437)和3人床房(526平方米) 200米长的海滩无边际泳池 纳帕spa 2家餐厅和1家海滩酒吧 - (泰国、国际、海鲜烧烤) 健身房、水上运动、瑜伽及体育活动计划 浮潜和泰式烹饪课程 浮在半空中 -简单的钢架火柴盒型别墅,落地环绕式玻璃幕墙,从山腰中凸出来, 还有离地面6至20英尺以上的卧室。

Tel: +66 (0) 76 337 999 1/18, 1/20 Moo 6 Kamala, Kathu, Phuket 83150 Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Phuket 普吉岛

The Pavilions Phuket 普吉岛亭阁酒店 Arboreal and charming – enchanting, even.


A sense of intimacy envelops you as you drive past the guarded gate and glide uphill to the secluded villas. You pass under arching bamboo trees.

当您开车经过守卫门,上坡滑行到僻静的别 墅,经过拱形树竹,一股亲密感笼罩着你。

Gardened and lofty, secretive and blissful, this romantic, sensuous and sumptuous (adults-only) resort has garnered countless awards – and has earned more stars than a planetarium. Contemporary and stylistic, sleek yet cozy, bedizened in luxurious red and black, the capacious rooms draw you in and tempt you to nestle and hug all weekend. The frisson of expectant passion crackles. Hey, fall in love! “We are geared for couples,” said Jean-Christophe (JC) Nager, the GM who has cosseted this property for eight years. “Since opening in 2006, we have provided an intimate, quiet retreat. We call it a ‘sexy sanctuary’”, he smiled. Luxuriate in one of five types of 49 sequestered, private pool villas (or one of four, duplex, threeBR pool villas) – all with vistas. David Lihn

178 Best Of Class

这个花园式、崇高、隐秘、幸福、浪漫、感 性和华丽(仅供成人使用的)的度假村已经 获得了无数奖项-数量甚至超过天文馆的星 星。 现代风格,造型优美而舒适,豪华的红黑色 装饰。宽敞的房间将容纳您的一切,让您在 此安居,拥抱整个假日,期待激情爆发。 嘿,你爱上它了! “我们面向情侣,”克里斯托夫(JC)纳加 说到,他与这家酒店亲密接触7年了,“自 2006年开业,我们为大家提供一个温馨安 静的度假村,我们称之为‘性感度假村’,” 他微笑着说。 可以尽情享受幽静的49间私人泳池别墅 (单人床、双人床、三人床泳池别墅,共有 五种房型 - 前景广阔。

Rooms / Villas: 49 – 18 Spa & Pool Pavilions (275 sqm), 6 Spa & Pool Penthouses (400 sqm) / 18 Ocean View Pool, 3 Tropical Pool (310 sqm), 4 Three-BR Pool Villas (595 sqm) Pools / Beach: large – in every villa / private beach club, 5-minute shuttle ride Spa: Spa Pleasures Restaurant & Bar: The Plantation Club, in-room dining / 360º Bar Fitness: yes Fun Facts: seclusion, romance, absolute privacy A WHAT?!: unique atmosphere of adults-only intimacy; a peaceful sanctuary that indulges your senses 客房/别墅: Spa: 餐厅和酒店: 健身中心: 趣闻: 惊喜?!!:

48 - 18spa游泳池亭子(275平方米); 18间海景泳池别墅; 3间热带泳池别墅 (310平方米) ; 6间spa泳池顶层公寓(400平方米); 4间三人床泳池别墅 (595平方米)游泳池/海滩:大 -每一间别墅/私人海滩俱乐部,5分钟的班车车程 spa乐趣 360º Bar&Grill 伊斯特兰餐厅,种植园俱乐部&酒吧:(酒吧和露) ,以及室内用餐 有 幽静亲密,绝对隐私 仅供成人使用的贴心独特氛围;一个和平的度假村,尽情放松您的感官!

Tel: + 66 (0) 76 317 600 Fax: + 66 (0) 76 317 601 31/1 Moo 6 Cherngtalay, Thalang Phuket, 83110 Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand




The Vijitt Resort Phuket 普吉岛维特度假酒店 This is a romantic retreat blessed with natural scenery. Located on Friendship Beach in southern Phuket, tropical gardens surround luxurious, contemporary private pool villas.

这是一个拥有壮丽自然风光的浪漫休闲度假 胜地,位于普吉岛南部的友谊海滩,是一座 豪华现代化的私人泳池别墅,被热带花园所 环绕。

The scenery is breathtaking. Situated on a tranquil beach away from the tourist crowds, this luxury, all-villa Phuket resort exudes charm.

景色令人叹为观止,坐落在一个安静的海 滩,远离拥挤的旅游人群,这家普吉岛豪华 别墅式度假村散发着泰国魅力。

The exquisite location of the Rawai hotel was handpicked for its outstanding natural beauty, offering wide open spaces with tall swaying palms and lush green lawns that front the Andaman Sea.

RAWAI酒店地理位置精巧,各种美丽的自 然景观信手拈来。安达曼海前空间开阔, 拥有高大摇曳的棕榈树和郁郁葱葱的绿色草 坪。

The view across the tidal beach at Chalong Bay showcases a myriad of offshore islands. This is a stunning complement to the five-star services in this laid-back ambiance. The elegant architecture blends with the tropical surroundings and is eco-friendly using native materials in its distinct local style. The individual Phuket luxury pool villas offer amazing sweeping views over the resort grounds and the calm sea, with top-class recreation facilities and dining. Relaxation, peace and tranquility.

180 Best Of Class

查隆湾潮汐海滩俯瞰着无数近海岛屿,其壮 观的背景让您在悠闲的氛围中尽情享受五星 级服务。优雅的建筑为热带环境添色,设计 环保,采用其独特的地方风格天然材料。 私人普吉岛豪华泳池别墅,度假区惊人美景 尽收眼底,海面平静,拥有一流的娱乐设施 和餐饮场所。 放松,和平与安宁。

Villas: Pools / Beach: Spa: Restarurants & Bar: Fitness: Fun Facts: A WHAT?!: 客房: 游泳池/海滩: Spa: 餐厅和酒吧: 健身中心: 趣闻: 惊喜?!:

92 stand-alone villas (Deluxe, Deluxe Seaview, Deluxe Beachfront, Deluxe Pool, Prime Pool, Two-Bedroom Pool, Vijitt Pool) infinity-edge; kids pool / yes The V Spa with steam, Jacuzzi bath, and beauty salon Savoury (international), Baan Vijitt (Thai), The Beach Bar wide range of equipment; plus kayaking, biking, petanque, beach volleyball, Thai boxing, Thai yoga, aqua aerobics Beach Marine Walk to explore the sea garden during low tide the view across the bay, 40 meter infinity-edge swimming pool by the beach

92间独立别墅客房(豪华、豪华海景、豪华海滨、豪华泳池、特级泳池、双卧室泳 池、Vijitt泳池) 无边游泳池和儿童游泳池 蒸汽V Spa、按摩浴缸和美容院 咸味(国际食品)和Baan Vijitt餐厅(泰国菜),海滩酒吧 应用范围广泛的设备,皮划艇、自行车、地掷球、沙滩排球、泰拳、泰国瑜伽、 有氧 AQUA 和日常自由活动 海滩步行活动,退潮时探索海上花园 海滩旁40米长的无边游泳池

Tel: +66 (0) 76 363 600 16 Moo2, Viset Road, Rawai, Muang, Phuket 83130 Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Phuket 普吉岛

Villa Zolitude Resort and Spa 佐利图德别墅度假酒店 Villa Zolitude is Phuket’s best kept secret. A luxury rainforest retreat nestled high atop a lush mountainside, it has spectacular panoramic views of the lowlands and the picturesque Bay of Chalong on Phuket’s southeast coast. This romantic hideaway – hidden among the treetops – is just 20 minutes from: Nai Harn, Kata, Karon and Patong Beaches; several championship golf courses; the historic Old Town; and shopping and dining in Phuket town. The airport is a 45-minute drive. This luxury pool villa resort and spa encompasses more than 10 acres of elevated forestland. Each villa enjoys maximum privacy. The 30 stylish, private villas range from cozy treetop hideaways to spacious retreats with terrace gardens – all featuring delightful private pools and exclusive vistas. Fine dining is available all day at the 180° View & Grill Restaurant. The comforting Zense Spa features quintessential pampering and service (and fitness equipment). It is vacationing escapism at its finest: a sanctuary and a retreat.

182 Best Of Class

佐利图德别墅度假酒店是普吉岛最好的度假 胜地,坐落山顶的一个茂盛的热带雨林之 中,景致壮观,能俯瞰普吉查龙东南海岸风 景如画的海湾。 这浪漫的世外桃源,酒店似乎被隐藏在树梢 间,离奈汉海滩、卡塔海滩、卡隆海滩和巴 东海滩仅20分钟距离。拥有数个锦标赛高 尔夫球场、历史悠久的老城区,您还可以在 普吉镇商购物和就餐。距离机场有45分钟 的车程。 这所豪华泳池别墅度假村和水疗中心被超过 10亩的林地环绕着,任何一栋别墅都可以 为宾客提供最大限度的隐秘生活。 拥有45间时尚的私人别墅,台阶掩映在繁 密的树梢中,带有宽敞的阳台花园,私人泳 池设施齐全,能够欣赏美丽的风景。 180°美食&烧烤餐馆全天候为您提供饮食 服务,令人倍感舒适的昇逸水疗集古典与纵 情于一身,为您提供极致的服务(含健身设 施)。此外,您还可以在游戏馆中打桌球, 放松身心。 它是逃离现实的最佳度假胜地,是庇护所 在,也是据守之地。

Villas: 30 – Treetop Duplex (200 sqm), Treetop Panorama, 2-BR (270 sqm) Pools/Beach: infinity-edge pool with spectacular views / several within 20-minutes Spa: yes Restaurant & Bar: 180° View & Grill Fitness: yes Fun Facts: cozy library with games, coffee corner and snacks; cooking classes, pool table, games pavilion A WHAT?!: intimate privacy and views; dining on your poolside terrace 别墅: 游泳池/海滩: spa: 餐厅与酒吧: 健身中心: 趣闻: 惊喜?!:

30间 – 双树梢(200平方米),树梢全景,2人间(270平方米) 无边泳池,壮观的景色/一些20分钟内即可到达 是 180°美食&烧烤餐馆 有 与游戏,咖啡角和小吃舒适的图书馆;烹饪班,台球桌,游戏馆 亲密的隐私和风景,池畔露台用餐,别墅烧烤

Tel: +66 (0) 76 521 333 Fax: +66 (0) 76 521 330 53/25 Moo 5 Soi Bann Nai Trok, Chaofa West Rd, Chalong, Muang, Phuket 83130 Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Natai, Phang Nga


Le Coral Hideaway Beyond Phuket

普吉珊瑚世外桃源酒店 Le Coral Hideaway overlooks the cerulean Andaman Sea and the unspoiled Natai Beach, an exclusive two kilometer stretch of golden sand only 30 minutes from Phuket International Airport. The resort provides a Fast Track immigration service, which whisks you out of the airport to the property, which is surrounded by deserted beaches and thriving national marine parks. Its an opportunity to commune with nature. This luxury Natai Beach hotel, with nature-inspired designer rooms and suites and splendid sea views. The personal service leaves you wanting for nothing. Lounge by the spectacular ocean-view infinity pool; indulge in fine dining; and soothe your soul at the spa. When it’s time for an adventure, set sail on an island tour, trek through virgin jungles and raft along the scenic lakes and rivers at this amazing nature’s wonderland.

184 Best Of Class

在珊瑚世外桃源酒店进行豪华探险,俯瞰蔚 蓝的安达曼海和未受污染的纳泰海滩,绵延 2公里长的金色沙滩距离普吉岛国际机场仅 30分钟路程。 从踏上普吉岛开始,我们的快速通道入境事 务处会帮助您享受愉快的假期。 坐落在纳泰海滨,我们的世外桃源度假胜地 拥抱着不受污染的自然环境,期待着从人迹 罕至的海滩变成蓬勃发展的国家海洋公园。 珊瑚世外桃源酒店是纳泰海滩上的豪华酒 店,拥有自然灵感的设计师客房、海景和个 人服务,让您完全放空。无边泳池休息室可 以欣赏壮观的海景,尽情享受美食,并在温 泉中得到心灵的抚慰。 当到了岛之旅启程时间,开始穿过处女丛林 和竹筏,沿着风景秀丽的湖泊和河流,跋涉 于令人惊叹的大自然仙境。

Rooms / Suites: 58 luxurious seafront suites, each providing ultimate comfort and relaxation Pools / Beach: 60-meter / exclusive Natai Beach Spa: Spa Corallia with sea and sky views Restaurants La Perla Restaurant (Thai and Western favorites), & Bars: Luna Bar & Restaurant (Thai), Coral Moon Bar (the perfect place to watch the sunset over the horizon) Fitness: 6:00 am - 8:00 pm Fun Facts: Thai cooking class, kayaking and cycling beside the beach A WHAT?!: the most stunning sunset point of Natai Beach, all room categories guarantee a sea view 套房: 游泳池/海滩: spa: 餐厅: 酒吧: 健身中心: 趣闻: 惊喜?!:

58间豪华的海滨套房,提供极致的舒适和放松 60米的室外游泳池/未受污染的纳泰海滩, 2公里长的专属金色沙滩 Corallia温泉,欣赏海景和天空 La Perla餐厅,泰国和西方美食 LUNA酒吧及餐厅:最好的正宗泰国美食 珊瑚月光酒店: 一个观看夕阳西下的完美地方夕阳在地平线上 6.00 am – 8.00 pm 泰国烹饪班、皮划艇和海边自行车 纳泰海滩是观看日落最好的场所, 所有类型的客房都能欣赏海景

Tel: +66 (0) 76 679 888 Fax: +66 (0) 76 679 899 9/9 Moo 8 Na Toey, Thai Muang, Phang Nga 82120 Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Khao Lak, Phang Nga


The Haven Khao Lak 考拉克天堂酒店

Just under an hour’s drive north of Phuket International Airport, this family-run resort is decorated by lavish gardens and blessed by clear, sapphire-blue waters and a sparkling white beach. It is charmed with stately coconut trees and a tropical lagoon.

距普吉国际机场北部仅一个小时的车程,这 家家庭式度假村有着豪华的花园装饰,有带 着祝福的犹如蓝宝石般湛蓝清澈的海水和闪 耀的白色沙滩,有庄严的椰子树和热带泻湖 会让您为之着迷。

The Haven Khao Lak also features Thailand’s largest saltwater swimming pool.

考拉克天堂酒店还拥有泰国最大的咸水游泳 池,不管您朝哪里看,都有水环绕着您:家 门口的海洋、热带泻湖以及令人印象深刻的 5,000平方米的海水泳池,延伸了度假村的 长度。绵延380米的海滩不仅是玩水之旅的 理想地方,您还可以尽情享受浪漫和日落散 步。您可以走进森林探索自然的考拉克,并 进入泻湖进行一个轻松的游船之旅。

Water surrounds you wherever you look: the ocean on the doorstep; and an impressive 5,000 sqm saltwater swimming pool that extends the length of the resort. The beach stretches for 380 meters and is ideal for both a dip or a romantic, sunset walk. The forest setting is superb for exploring natural Khao Lak, and the lagoon entices you into a relaxing boat trip. The Haven offers intimacy and seclusion in its 110 spacious, luxury rooms and villas. A perfect getaway destination, it is an oasis that indulges every guest’s expectations. It caters to adults only (guests above 12 years old).

186 Best Of Class

天堂酒店提供亲切感和隐秘性的110间宽 敞、豪华客房和别墅。一个完美的度假目的 地,即每一位客人所期望和沉溺其中的绿 洲。 这里只适合成年人(12岁以上的顾客)。

Rooms / Villas: Pool / Beach: Spa: Restaurants & Bars: Fitness: Fun Facts: A WHAT?!:

110 -- 47 Deluxe, 47 Deluxe Pool Access / 16 Oceanfront Jacuzzi yes, saltwater / Khuk Khak Beach Aqua Spa Sundial (buffet breakfast), Vongole (Italian and Thai), Scallop (swim-up pool bar), Angel’s Wing (lobby bar) gym, biking, sports activity programs, water polo 300-meter pool on the beach; Thailand’s largest saltwater pool quintessential romance (honeymooners and beach weddings…)

客房/别墅: 游泳池/海滩: Spa: 餐厅和酒吧: 健身中心: 趣闻: 惊喜?!!:

47间豪华客房,47间豪华游泳池客房和16栋海滨按摩池别墅 泰国最大的咸水游泳池/漂亮的昆卡海滩 Aqua Spa 日晷(自助早餐)、蛤蜊(意大利和泰式)、扇贝(池畔酒吧)、天使之翼(大堂酒吧) 健身房、骑自行车、体育活动项目、水球 300米长室外游泳池; 泰国最大的咸水游泳池 典型的浪漫(适合蜜月和办海滩婚礼...)

Tel: +66 (0) 76 429 900 Fax: +66 (0) 76 429 903 61/4 Moo 3, Khuk Khak, Takua Pa, Phang Nga 82220 Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Khao Lak, Phang Nga


JW Marriott Khao Lak Resort & Spa

JW万豪考拉温泉度假村 Close your eyes. Dream of the most scintillating beaches, gentle waters and lush tropical flora. Now open them and find yourself at the hidden paradise of JW Marriott Khao Lak Resort & Spa.

闭上您的眼睛,想象最原始的沙滩,湛蓝的 海水和茂密的热带植物。现在睁开双眼,已 经深处隐秘的天堂——在JW万豪考拉度假 酒店及水疗中心发现自我。

Khao Lak is in Phang Nga province 90 minutes north of the Phuket International Airport and features a verdant backdrop of vibrant greenery, granite mountains and stunning waterfalls.

普吉附近的攀牙府考拉县是一个隐藏的天 堂,拥有阳光、海水、沙滩、茂密的热带植 物、花岗岩山和壮观的瀑布。

The vast landscaped grounds, along with Southeast Asia’s longest swimming pool, make the resort an ideal venue for vacations, events, team building, or weddings. This luxury resort lets you experience elegantly appointed guest rooms, a meandering lagoon pool, tranquil garden gazebos, exquisite gourmet restaurants and rejuvenating spa treatments. Discover the treasures of Khao Lak at one of Marriott Thailand’s flagship properties (recipient of the 2010 Conde Nast World’s Top New Hotels award). The holistic beach extends for miles.

188 Best Of Class

从普吉机场出发仅一个小时的车程,酒店内 部场地开阔宽敞,建有东南亚最长的游泳 池,使这里成了休假、活动、团队建设、奖 励或举办婚礼的理想场所。 豪华度假酒店让您体验典雅的客房、蜿蜒的 礁湖泳池、宁静的花园凉亭、精致美食餐厅 和修复水疗护理。 在泰国万豪酒店的旗舰物业发现考拉宝藏 (2010年康泰纳仕全球顶级新酒店奖获得 者),白色的沙滩绵延数英里。

Rooms: 293 Pools / Beach: Lagoon Pool over 3 km meandering around the resort / private beach Spa: award-winning Quan Spa Restaurants 8 restaurants and bars (Thai, Japanese, Mediterranean, international, & Bars: Pool Bars and Café) Fitness: 24-hour Fitness Centre, Tennis Courts, Squash Courts, Watersport, Bike, Kids’ Activities Fun Facts: Laze on sundecks submerged in water and sip your favorite drink, or enjoy a soak in the outdoor Jacuzzi A WHAT?!: ground-level rooms give guests direct effortless access to the lagoon-inspired swimming pool, one of the longest in Southeast Asia 客房: 游泳池/海滩: Spa: 餐厅和酒吧: 健身中心: 趣闻: 惊喜?!:

293间客房 礁湖泳池超过3公里蜿蜒在度假胜地/私人海滩 闻名于世的Quan水疗中心 8间餐厅和酒吧(泰国、日本、地中海、国际美食、池畔酒吧和咖啡厅) 24小时健身中心,网球场、壁球场、水上运动、自行车和儿童活动 慵懒地沉浸在水中日光浴,饮用您最喜爱的饮料,或享受户外按摩浴缸泡澡 地面楼层的客房直接通往泻湖风格的游泳池,是东南亚最长的游泳池之一

Tel: +66 (0) 76 584 888 www. 41/12 Moo 3, Khuk Khak, Takuapa, Phang Nga, 82190 Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Khao Lak


Pullman Khao Lak Katiliya Resort and Villas

考拉克卡提利亚铂尔曼别墅度假 This Pullman resort, located in popular and embracing Khao Lak, a 70-minute drive north of the Phuket International Airport, is a lovely sanctuary – and delightful vacation option – for the discerning traveler. The luxury and contemporary resort combines nature, modernity and elements of local Thai culture. This is a hidden paradise in an unspoiled rainforest, fringed by 13 kilometers of pristine beach edging the Andaman Sea. The resort is ideal for couples, honeymooners and families. It features 320 rooms and villas, which are aesthetically blended within carefully preserved tropical surroundings with views of verdant green mountains and breathtaking panoramas of the Andaman Sea. Five swimming pools and one family pool with water slides keep the kids entertained. An extensive range of food and beverage facilities (five restaurants) provide culinary options. With abundant indoor and outdoor space, it accommodates and pleases.

190 Best Of Class

铂尔曼度假酒店位于被考拉环绕着的最受欢 迎的地带,离普吉国际机场北部仅90分钟的 车程。这是一个可爱的度假胜地,也是愉快 的度假选择,它专门迎合挑剔的旅客而建。 铂尔曼度假村优雅,且具有现代化气息, 结合了自然、现代与泰国当地文化元素。 这是一个隐秘的度假村,拥有未受污染的热 带雨林。安达曼海波光粼粼,洁白耀眼的沙 滩蔓延13公里。这是夫妻旅游,度蜜月和 家庭度假的理想场所。 酒店拥有320间客房和别墅,与繁茂葱郁的 热带环境相融,群山翠绿欲滴,安达曼海 洋全景壮观到令人赞叹。 酒店拥有5个游泳池,与1个令人振奋的家 庭带滑梯泳池。另外,酒店还为孩子们增加 一些游戏乐趣,提供丰富的食品和饮料 (5间餐厅), 客人可以尽情放松自己。 具有广阔的室内和室外空间,让您随心所欲 地畅游。

Rooms / Villas: Pools / Beach: Spa: Restarurants & Bars: Fitness: Fun Facts: A WHAT?!: 客房/套房/别墅: 游泳池/海滩: spa: 餐厅和酒吧: 健身中心: 趣闻: 惊喜?!:

320 – 223 Room and Suites / 74 Pool and Lagoon Villas / 23 Ocean Pool Villas 5 swimming pools and 1 family pool with water slides / yes Le Spa - featuring 8 treatment villas Café Lilawadee, Baan Thai, Mosaic, Kuk Kak, The Terrace, Bamboo Bar, Plunge Bar, Vista Lobby Bar 2 Fitness Lounges, Tennis Courts Water Sports Centre, Kid’s Club, Walking & Jogging Trails, Archery Range, Golf Driving Range, Mini Golf Course, Thai Boxing and Catamaran 13 km pristine beachfront location and one of the most beautiful beaches in Thailand 223 / 74间( 客房和套房 ) , 23 个( 游泳池和泻湖别 ),23间海洋泳池别墅 , 5个游泳池和带水滑梯的家庭游泳池 乐 spa- 设有8间护理别墅 Lilawadee咖啡厅、Baan Thai、 Mosaic、 Kuk Kak、露台酒吧、 Bamboo酒吧、跳水吧、Vista大堂酒吧 2个健身休闲会所,网球场 水上活动中心、儿童俱乐部、散步、慢跑道、射箭、高尔夫练习场、迷你高尔夫球场, 泰拳和双体船 13公里质朴的海滨,是泰国最美丽的海滩之一

Tel: +66 (0) 76 427 500

Fax: +66 (0) 76 427 501 9/9 Moo 1 Kuk Kak - Takua Pa, Phang Nga, 82220 Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


192 Best Of Class

Northeastern / Northtern Of Thailand 泰国东北/北部 Katiliya Mountain Resort & Spa 清莱凯蒂丽亚山度假酒店

202 - 203

Chiang Rai Chiang Mai

akyra Manor Chiang Mai 清迈艾卡拉庄园酒店 The Dhara Dhevi Hotel Chiang Mai 清迈黛兰塔维度假酒店

192 -193 194 -195

Howie’s HomeStay 196 - 197 豪伊民宿 Puripunn Baby Grand Boutique Hotel 198 - 199 普瑞普精品酒店 Sukantara Cascade Resort & Spa 200 - 201 湄林苏坎塔拉瀑布度假村

Khao Yai

Nhapha Khao Yai Resort 考艾纳帕酒店

190 -191

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand 193

Khao Yai


Nhapha Khao Yai Resort 考艾纳帕酒店 Nhapha Khaoyai Resort is sculpted into a former marble mine with eight units carved into, and on, the quarry walls. The architecture is exceptional.

考艾纳帕度假村是雕刻在旧大理石矿区的度 假村,八间客房仿佛被镶嵌在采石场的墙壁 上。这种类型的建筑遗世独立,独一无二。

Designed to blend with the craggy surroundings, this grand – but boutique – resort offers two room types: the cliff-top 90-sqm deluxe Chom Hin Pha; and the hill-side 50-sqm Ping Hin Pha, which combines floor-to-ceiling windows with natural marble walls.

度假村周围环境如虬须般崎岖,宏大而又不 失精致,可为您提供两种类型的房间(均 含三餐):在陡壁上方的宽达90平方米的 观涯轩,以及靠在山脚宽50平方米的倚崖 间,有落地窗,墙壁为大理石。每间客房都 配有独特的大理石景观,自然而又和谐。而 往来不息的国内外艺术家,更为酒店带来了 无限的艺术气息。

Each room resides harmoniously within a unique geometry of the marble landscape. The hotel is replete with pieces of art from leading local and international artists. Three meals are included. Each is freshly cooked by our experienced chef with a choice of either Oriental or Western style. On the cliff, a red swimming pool overlooks the entire site. Visitors can enjoy the stunning views. Pursuing their commitment to art and design, a print-making workshop for the creative and inquisitive guests is provided.

194 Best Of Class

每一餐都是由我们经验丰富的厨师新鲜烹 饪,有东方或西方两种风格供选择。 在悬崖上,有一个红色的游泳池可以俯瞰整 个场地,游客可在此欣赏壮丽的景色。 追求自己的艺术和设计,为有创意和好奇心 的客人提供制作工场。

Rooms: Pool: Spa: Restaurant: Fun Facts: A WHAT?!:

8 – Chom Pha Hin (Deluxe) 12,000 Baht / night; Phing Hin Pha (Superior) 8,000 Baht / night red swimming pool Thai massage Nhapha Cafe serves both traditional and international cuisine a free print-making workshop built within the marble quarry – eclectic

客房: 游泳池: spa: 餐厅: 健身: 趣闻: 惊喜?!!:

8间。春景帕轩(豪华),每晚 12,000 泰铢平轩帕(高级),每晚 8,000 泰铢 红色游泳池 泰式按摩 芽帕咖啡厅“提供传统和国际美食” 无 一个免费版画工作室 内置大理石采石场- 不拘一格

Tel: +66 (0) 44 938 806, +66 (0) 93 636 999 187-189 Moo 14, Moo Si, Pak Chong, Nakornratchasrima 30130 Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Chiang mai


akyra Manor Chiang Mai

清迈艾卡拉庄园酒店 This is a chic, urban resort concept providing an invigorating shot of passion, design flair and contemporary style for the ‘Rose of the North’: a fivestar, intimate and exclusive all-suite luxury hotel. The hotel is a five-star, 30-key, all-suite luxury hotel, with 23 Deluxe Suites (60 sqm) and seven Manor Suites (100 sqm) created around a courtyard within-a-room concept. It’s the hip downtown hotel Chiang Mai never had. It is ‘the place to be seen’ in the new downtown Chiang Mai, which flourishes: a state-of-the-art show kitchen and pizza ovens as part of flagship contemporary Italian experience named Italics, and a show-stopping rooftop pool bar where the sunsets are a ‘religious experience’. Check in to pure urban style and big city sophistication in buzz-worthy Nimmanhaemin Soi 9, known locally as ‘coffee street’. Take in the chic boutiques, galleries, bars and coffee shops, then return to your sanctuary.

196 Best Of Class

清迈艾卡拉庄园酒店是一间奢华的五星级城市 概念度假村。 融合了现代而热忱的设计风格, 在被誉为“北方玫瑰”的清迈别有特色 。 这间五星级的酒店拥有30间套房,均主以 “阁中之庭院”的概念修建。其中23间为60 平方米的艾卡拉豪华套房,7间为100平方米 的艾卡拉庄园套房 。 艾卡拉庄园酒店坐落在清迈市中心,被称为在 清迈城区漫步的“必游之所”。酒店的Italics 餐厅 拥有最先进的开放式厨房和比萨饼手工 作坊,精心烹饪意大利料理,是食客们在宁曼 路上最爱流连的地方。屋顶Rise泳池畔酒吧更 是欣赏日落美景和品位特色调酒的好去处。 入住艾卡拉庄园酒店,漫步在宁曼街区, 走进“咖啡街”上一间精致的咖啡馆、画廊、 时尚精品店、酒吧,带着这份清迈的韵味, 沉淀在旅途中。

Suites: 23 akyra Deluxe, 7 akyra Manor Pools: infinity pool at Rise Rooftop Bar Spa: in-room massages available Restaurant & Bar: Italics Restaurant, Rise Rooftop Bar Fitness: 24 hours Fun Facts: dining on chef’s table, city bicycles available, sunset cocktails A WHAT?!: luxurious afternoon-tea at chic Italics Restaurant, even serving Durian (ugh) flavor! 房间: 游泳池: spa: 餐厅和酒吧: 健身中心: 趣闻: 惊喜?! :

23间艾卡拉豪华套房, 7间艾卡拉庄园套房 位于屋顶的无边游泳池和泳池畔酒吧 提供客房内泰式按摩服务 Italics意大利餐厅,Rise屋顶酒吧 24小时/ 7天开放 在主厨的餐桌上用餐,单车骑行,日落时分调一杯鸡尾酒 在别致的Italics餐厅享受豪华下午茶,还有榴莲口味的甜品选择!

Tel: +66 (0) 2 514 8112 22/2 Nimman Haeminda Rd Lane 9, Mueang Chiang Mai District, Chiang Mai 50200 Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Chiang Mai


The Dhara Dhevi Chiang Mai

清迈黛兰塔维度假酒店 The Dhara Dhevi spreads over 60 acres of peaceful, natural landscaping, incorporating both serene paddy fields and exotic plantations. The resort is a replica of a living museum, gathering the unique and outstanding characteristics of an ancient city of the Lanna Kingdom. Offering some of the world’s most spacious, luxurious and exclusive accommodations, the 123 sumptuous villas, colonial suites and signature residences have been artistically crafted in keeping with traditional Lanna architectural styles. All feature extensive museum-quality artifacts, elegant Thai silks and local hill-tribe textiles, spacious terraces, some of which incorporate private plunge or swimming pools. Facilities include the Dheva Spa and Wellness Centre; an amphitheatre for cultural events; two large swimming pools; nine restaurants and bars; cooking school; health club; world-class library; grand ballroom and private meeting areas; traditional shopping village with 19th century-style shop-houses and a bakery / delicatessen with home-made cakes and pastries. The personification of elegance and luxury.

198 Best Of Class

清迈黛兰塔维度假酒店占地60英亩,宁静 自然的景观美化,并将宁静的稻田和异国情 调的种植园和谐结合。该度假村是生活博物 馆的翻版,聚集了兰纳王国古城的特质与优 点。 它提供世界上最宽敞、豪华和独特的住宿条 件,拥有123间豪华别墅、殖民套房和署名 民居,都经过精心打造,保持了传统兰纳建 筑风格。所有客房均摆有丰富优质博物馆文 物、华丽的泰国丝绸和当地部落纺织品,另 外还有宽敞的露台,其中一些还包含私人跳 水池和游泳池。 设施包括:迪瓦水疗和健身中心、举行文化 活动的露天剧场、两个大型游泳池、9家餐 厅和酒吧、烹饪学校、健身俱乐部、一个世 界级的图书馆、大宴会厅和私人会议区、一 个传统的购物村,购物村内包括19世纪风 格的店屋、一家拥有自制蛋糕和糕点的面包 店。

Villas / Suites: Pools: Spa: Restaurants & Bar: Fitness: Fun Facts: A WHAT?!:

123 2 The Dheva Spa and Wellness Centre 9 restaurants and bar (international, Thai, Chinese, Japanese, French, bakery) health and fitness centre, yoga, tennis courts, cycling, Thai boxing, jogging alpacas and ponies for petting, playing with and feeding at Craft Village ‘Walking Through the Past’ – a guided tour through the property gives intriguing insights into the ancient Kingdom and all things Lanna

别墅/套房: 游泳池: Spa: 餐厅和酒吧: 健身中心: 趣闻: 惊喜?!:

123间 两个游泳池 迪瓦水疗和健身中心 9家餐厅和酒吧(国际、泰国、中国、日本、法国美食和面包) 健康和健身中心、健身房、瑜伽、网球场、自行车、泰拳、慢跑、健身活动 工艺村提供每日手工艺示范,抚摸羊驼和小马,玩耍和喂养 在传统有趣的古王国散步观光,时常1小时。由度假村的文化专家带领, 他们有着丰富的兰纳知识

Tel: +66 (0) 53 888 888 51/4 Moo 1, Chiang Mai-Sankampaeng Road, T. Tasala, A. Muang, Chiang Mai 50000 Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Chiang Mai


Howie’s HomeStay 豪伊民宿

You talk about an exquisite B&B!


This Thai dream-house on the northern fringe of Chiang Mai in the Himalayan foothills has been featured in (among others): Architectural Digest, WSJ and the New York Times.

许多报刊杂志曾经描述位于喜马拉雅山麓北 缘—泰国清迈一个梦想之房,精选(其中包 括):建筑文摘、华尔街日报和纽约时报。

This is a five-star homestay and boutique beauty. Howard and renowned architect Bill Bensley created this manse over a 10-year period. Lovingly designed and magnificently constructed, this is an architectural tour de force.

霍华德•费尔德曼和著名建筑师比尔•本 斯利比尔花了10年时间创造了这个牧师住 宅。经过了精心的设计和辉煌的建造,是一 个建筑杰作。

Howie can cook, entertain, fix your luggage, build you a bookcase, and arrange your flight to Bhutan. He may be Chiang Mai’s only Renaissance Man!

他可以做饭、招待、修理您的行李、为您建 立书柜,并为您安排下一趟航班—不丹。他 是清迈唯一一个多才多艺的人!

Guests are tucked into the one-bedroom Teak Pavilion with an eight-meter teak ceiling and floor-to-ceiling windows that open onto tropical gardens; or the three-bedroom family suite. Intimacy, home-cooked Thai dinners (by Thai wife, Jerri) served by the pool, daily massages, a car and driver…ahhh. The neighboring Four Seasons uses his estate for functions. It is an elegant sanctuary. Quiet, luxurious, private, stunning and – most of all – tasteful. And expensive. David Lihn

200 Best Of Class


客人可以进入一间柚木单人间卧室,配有八 米高柚木天花板和一扇落地窗,通向热带花 园。贴心的游泳池边泰国家常晚餐、每日按 摩、配有司机的汽车......哇哇。 附近的四季酒店经常借鉴豪伊民宿的功能设 施。 这是一个优雅的度假胜地。安静、豪华、令 人惊叹 - 最重要的是 - 有品位且昂贵。

Suites: Pools: Spa: Howie’s Kitchen: Fitness: Fun Facts: A WHAT?!: 客房: 游泳池/海滩: Spa: 餐厅: 酒吧: 健身中心: 趣闻: 惊喜?!!:

4 exquisite choices spread over the estate infinity on-call masseuse he and his wife do the cooking…and provide the wine list on-site a US$15 million extravaganza of consummate good taste an elegant, tasteful, luxurious estate and quasi-museum 一至四间 无边 女按摩师待命 他亲自烹饪 提供酒单 私有 一个精致的庄园和类博物馆 一个1500万美元的完美大汇演

Tel: +66 (0) 81 882 8345 Howie’s HomeStay 75/1 Moo 1, Ban Mai,Mae Ram, Mae Rim Chiang Mai 50180 Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Chiang Mai


Puripunn Baby Grand Boutique Resort 普瑞普精品酒店 This restful, thoughtful and elegantly-decorated hotel is a definite feel-good experience. This 30-room, boutique oasis is tucked magically into a narrow, hidden soi (like an intriguing alleyway; or winding, inner-city London mew) in the historic Wat Gade community just across the Ping River from downtown Chiang Mai. The resort is the inspiration of Khun Att and his wife, who both chose to leave the corporate bustle of Bangkok and begin – from scratch – building this stylish, intimate, colonial resort. Featuring three exquisite suites (the Grand is 280 sqm of quiet, expansive grace) – no decorative template was used here – each room touched by a different palette. The pool (with Jacuzzi), pool lounge and bar, spa, library, and the courtyard that surrounds the verandah of that delicious restaurant (sensational breakfast) all blend comfortably. And the back-story on the interesting name: “We consider our hotel grand and elegant, but we are smaller – thus: ‘baby grand’”. It is a lovely sanctuary. David Lihn

202 Best Of Class

“......一个风格独特、隐秘、殖民建筑的精 品酒店” 这个酒店宁静、周到、典雅装饰的酒店重新 定义了良好体验。 酒店位于历史悠久的盖德寺社区中,穿过平 河便可达到清迈市中心。30间精品绿洲酒 店像隐士般奇迹地藏匿在一条狭窄的巷子里 (如幽静小径、又或仄仄深巷,又或伦敦市 内的MEW)。 普瑞普精致型酒店来自ATT先生和其妻子的 灵感,他们在10年前离开喧嚣的曼谷,开 始灵感 - 构建这个时尚、个性化、殖民架构 的度假胜地。 酒店拥有三间精致套房(占地280平方米, 安静而宽敞),这里没有装饰模板- 每个房 间由不同的调色板触动。 拥有游泳池(带按摩浴缸)、池畔酒廊和酒 吧、水疗中心、健身中心、图书馆,以及围 绕该餐厅阳台(带美妙早餐)的舒适庭院。 酒店的趣名还有一个背后的故事:“我们 认为酒店隆重而典雅,但是很小–所以叫 作:“普瑞普”。 这是一个可爱的度假村 。

Rooms / Suites: Pools: Spa: Restaurant & Bar: Fitness: Fun Facts: A WHAT?!:

30 / 3, elegant and up to 280 sqm with Jacuzzi yes Khan Toke, pool bar and lounge yes serene, cozy, great breakfast; easy access to downtown Chiang Mai delightful repose in a city oasis – a classic boutique hotel

客房/套房: 游泳池: spa: 餐厅和酒吧: 健身中心: 趣闻: 惊喜?!! :

30/3,优雅,最大面积280平方米 配有按摩浴缸 有 带阳台的酒吧和休息室 有 宁静、舒适、丰盛的早餐,方便前往清迈市中心 在一个城市绿洲愉快地休息 - 一个经典的精品酒店

Tel: +66 (0) 53 302 898 Fax: +66 (0) 53 243 805 104/1 Charoen Muang Soi 2, Charoen Muang Rd., T. Wat Gate, A. Muang, Chiang Mai 50000 Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Chiang Mai


Sukantara Cascade Resort & Spa

湄林苏坎塔拉瀑布度假村 Welcome to the bliss and ambience of Sukantara Cascade Resort and Spa. Set on the sloping bank of a mountain stream in Mae Rim, Chiang Mai, this charming boutique resort is a euphoric retreat that inspires romance, ignites passions, and rekindles love. In the total embrace of nature, the surrounding lush hills are made more romantic by the cascading waterfalls and bubbling brooks throughout the resort. Sukantara fulfills yearnings for unforgettable, once-in-a-lifetime, magical experiences which have earned the resort acclaim as one of the “Five Best Hotels by Waterfalls”. Dinner can be enjoyed at the restaurant next to the waterfall. The menu features authentic Lanna recipes handed down by grandmothers and sumptuously prepared. Its a true culinary adventure. All 16 rooms and suites are positioned along the path of the holistic waterfall. And all feature a private Jacuzzi in the en-suite bathrooms.

204 Best Of Class

欢迎您前来体验湄林苏坎塔拉豪华生态度假 村的幸福和浪漫。 度假村坐落在清迈湄林倾斜山涧,它迷人、 无处不散发着幸福的味道。这里,酝酿着浓 浓的浪漫情怀,您的激情将被点燃,爱将像 火焰般炽热地环绕您的周身。 它静静躺在在大自然的怀抱中,周围环抱着 翠绿屏障似的山峰,瀑布和汩汩溪流更加增 添了度假村的浪漫。湄林苏坎塔拉将给您带 来一生一次的难忘体验。除外,它还是“五 个最佳瀑布酒店”之一。 您可以在旁边的瀑布餐厅享用晚餐,菜单包 括由祖母传下来的正宗兰纳食谱,开启真正 的豪华美食之旅。 湄林苏坎塔拉所有16间客房和套房都沿瀑 布的整体路径定位,所有客房都配备了连接 浴室的私人按摩浴缸。

Rooms / Suites: Pools: Spa: Restarurant: Fun Facts: A WHAT?!:

16 (Deluxe, Suite and Luxury Tent) infinity-edge Gold Award-Winning Chiida Spa Thai and international trekking to Tad-Mok National Waterfall, zipline, elephant camp, ATV, monkey center, botanical garden, insect zoo and long-neck Karen romantic, candlelit dining by the waterfalls with Northern-Thai Lanna Kantoke

客房: 游泳池: spa: 餐厅: 健身中心: 趣闻: 惊喜?!!:

16间客房(豪华套房和豪华帐篷) 无边际泳池 获金奖殊荣的Chiida温泉 泰国和国际美食 N/A 徒步到to Tad-国家瀑布、溜索、大象营地、沙滩车、猴子中心、植物园、动物园昆虫和 长颈族村 泰北国家瀑布兰纳帝王烛光晚餐

Tel: +66 (0) 81-4837850 12/2 M.8, T.Maeram, A.Maerim, Chiang Mai 50180 Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Chiang Rai 清莱

Katiliya Mountain Resort & Spa

清莱凯蒂丽亚山度假酒店 Shrouded in mist at the gates of the fabled Golden Triangle of Myanmar, Laos and Thailand, Katiliya Mountain Resort & Spa brings contemporary refinement and style to a land steeped in lore. This all-suite luxury resort is situated in Thailand’s northern-most province, Chiang Rai, and equidistant between Chiang Rai, Mae Sai, Doi Tung and Doi Mae Salong, just 30 minutes from the Chiang Rai airport. Perched on the top of the mountain, the Katiliya retreat is the only all-suite resort in Chiang Rai, and boasts 56 spacious accommodations ranging from 90 to 375 sqm. Inhale the fresh, clean, cool, up-country air and marvel at the panoramic views across the valleys. Guests can relax around the resort in the saltwater swimming pool, rejuvenate in the spa, or adventure out into the local province, which offers extensive local cultural and splendid sightseeing. A delightful selection of Thai and international cuisines are served at the open-air restaurant, The Terrace.

206 Best Of Class

清莱凯蒂丽亚山度假酒店位于传说中缅甸、 老挝、泰国的金三角,建筑物为现代高雅风 格,但也犹如蓬莱仙境一般美妙。 这座全方位豪华度假酒店位于泰国最北端的 清莱府,到清莱市、美塞、黎敦山与美乐斯 山的距离相等,从清莱机场出发,仅仅30 分钟路程。 酒店建造于山顶,清莱唯一的全套房度假酒 店,拥有宽敞的住宿,范围从90到375平方 米不等。空气新鲜、干净、凉爽,当穿过河 谷的时候,沿途风景会让您惊叹不已。 客人可以在周围的咸水游泳池放松身心, 享用水疗恢复活力。当地可以为您提供传统 文化旅游与别样风景,您可以选择外出探 险。 此外,您还可以选择在露天餐馆里或者阳台 上享用泰国美食或国际美食。

Suites: Pools: Spa: Restaurants & Bars: Fitness: Fun Facts: A WHAT?!:

56 (90 - 375 sqm) 3 pools; separated main pool with bubble massage; jacuzzi-heated pool and kid pool spa on the lake The Terrace splendid mountain view karaoke room the biggest all-suites with sensational mountain views

套房: 游泳池: spa: 餐厅和酒吧: 健身中心: 趣闻: 惊喜?!!:

56间(90至375平方米) 气泡按摩,私人独立的加热和冷却池? 湖上spa 露台 是景色 卡拉OK室 最大的全套房,欣赏令人惊叹的山景

Tel: +66 (0) 53 603 000 Fax: +66 (0) 53 603 001 388/1 Moo 4, Tambol Pha Sang, Amphur Mae Chan, 57110 Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


The Best Place to Change Money? 货币兑换最佳场所

Changing money is a straight-forward process, but there are a few things you need to be aware of for the best rate.

最佳汇率非泰国莫属。兑换货币过程简 单,但是为了得到更划算的汇率,您必 须事先了解一些事项。

Changing money at the airport Easy and convenient. Numerous exchange booths mainly operated by TMB and SCB do not offer great rates. If you do change money at Suvarnabhumi, go to the basement level to Kasikorn Bank located by the entrance to the airport train link (open 7:00 am - 11:00 pm). When downtown you can compare rates at different branches.

在机场兑换货币 简单方便。主要由TMB和SCB银行运营, 通常不提供优惠的汇率。如果您在素万 那普兑换,乘坐机场快线到达地下一 楼的开泰银行,(经营时间:07:00至 23.00)。当您到达市区时可以比较下不 同分行的汇率。

Which banks in Thailand provides the best exchange rate? Generally, Kasikorn and Bangkok Bank tend to offer competitive rates. Independent money-changers such as Super Rich (no traveler’s checks) provide better rates, but there are few outlets so factor in convenience. If large transactions, then Super Rich is a good option.

208 Best Of Class

泰国哪些银行提供最划算的汇率? 一般情况下,开泰银行和曼谷银行倾向 于提供具有竞争力的汇率。拥有独立的 货币兑换点,如Super Rich(不提供旅行 支票)提供更好的汇率,也有少数便利 的网点。如果进行大宗交易,Super Rich 是一个不错的选择。

ATMs ATMs are common (none on some islands, like Koh Lipe). Most accept foreign cards. Thai banks charge a 150 - 200 Baht ATM withdrawal fee for foreign cards. One exception is AEON Bank (the fee is separate to any fees your own card issuer charges). Maximum withdrawals are usually 20,000 Baht. NOTE: You can make withdrawals against a debit card at most banks or exchange bureaus. Bring your passport. Citibank offers free withdrawals in amounts over 20,000 Baht. Traveler’s checks You will need your passport and the address of your hotel. Obtaining higher denomination checks will save you fees. Credit and Debit Cards Advise your bank or card issuer in advance that you are travelling to Thailand to avoid being flagged for security reasons. Changing cash Unlike traveler’s checks, there are no commission fees for changing cash. However, the rate is slightly lower. Larger denominations have a better rate. Make sure the notes are in good condition. If ripped or dog-eared they can be refused. Exchanging money at your hotel Rates are poor.

自动取款机 自动取款机很常见(在一些岛屿没有,如丽贝 岛)。大多数接受外国卡,泰国银行收取150 泰铢的取款手续费,AEON银行的自动取款机 例外。请注意,本费用与卡片办理费用分开计 算,最大取款额通常是20000铢。 注意:您可以在多数银行或外汇局进行借记卡 取款,需带上你的护照。花旗银行自动取款机 在某些情况下可以自由取款。 旅行支票 需要您的护照和酒店地址,较高面额支票帮助 您节省费用。 信用卡和借记卡 建议通知银行或发卡机构知道您将前往泰国, 以避免因为安全原因而被标记。 兑换现金 与旅行支票不同,泰国兑换现金无需手续费, 但是汇率略低。保持良好形象,若您酩酊大醉 或衣衫褴褛,会被拒绝兑换。 在酒店兑换 汇率低

泰国旅游签证 受理人群:前往泰国个人旅游、自助旅游的人士 签证受理时间: 9:30 --- 11:30周一至周五 所有类型的签证办理需三个工作日(如:周五送签,下周三出签)。 1. 单次入境旅游签证 办理地点:全国泰国领事馆 (1)签证费用:单次入境签证230元人民币 (2)签证有效期:90天 (3)可在泰国停留不超过60天 所需资料: 1. 有效期 6 个月以上的护照及复印件; 2. 一张填写完整的旅游签证申请表; 3. 一张六个月内拍的两寸彩色免冠照片; 4. 往返机票复印件和确认过的机票包含票号; 5. 申请者本人国内工作单位、所在学校或街道办事处的英文或泰文担保信原件(内容包括:申请者 赴泰目的、在泰停留期;该信必须担保申请者按期返回中国,并附有单位地址及电话, 负责人的姓名、职务及签字); 6. 对于 16 岁以下儿童,可由父母代为办理,但需携带签证申请表及子女出生证明(英文或泰文)。 2. 多次往返泰国旅游签证 办理地点:户籍所在地所受管辖的领事馆 (1)签证费用:1,200元人民币 (2)上述METV旅游签证有效期 为6个月,且每次停留时间不超过60天1. 有效期 6 个月以上的护照或旅 行证件及复印件; 2. 两张填写完整的旅游签证申请表; 3. 两张六个月内拍的两寸彩色免冠照片; 4.在中国永久居住/居住许可证明; 5.反映个人目前资金状况的银行存款证明 (bank statement), 帐户存款不少于 50, 000 元人民币, 且至少在过去 6 个月中该帐户保持此状况; 6.申请者本人国内工作单位、所在学校或街道办事处的英文或泰文担保信原件(内容包括:申请者 姓名、赴泰目的、在泰停留期;该信必须担保申请者按期返回中国,并附有单位地址及电话,此信 还须加盖单位公章,并含负责人的姓名、职务及签字); 7. 至少提供第一次出入泰国的往返机票或机票预订单; 8. 至少提供第一次入境泰国居住证明/在泰国详细居住地址; 代签: 可选择旅行社或上淘宝找卖家代签,费用大约比个人签证多出50元费用,可节省人力资源。 上交护照,身份证复印件及2张彩照即可。 时间:正常5-6个工作日,加急3-4个工作日 Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


INDEX Bangkok, Hua Hin, Pattaya, Koh Samet, Koh Chang, Koh Kood Bangkok


Jewelry Trade Center Tel: +66 (0) 2 630 1000


Millennium Hilton Hotel – Riverside Tel: +66 (0) 2 442 2000


Bangkok Fashion Outlet Tel: +66 (0) 2 630 1000


Sheraton Grande Sukhumvit A Luxury Collection Hotel Tel: +66 (0) 2 649 8888


SO Sofitel Bangkok Tel: +66 (0) 2 624 0000

Baan Silom Tel: +66 (0) 2 630 1000 Chao Phraya Princess Cruise Tel: +66 (0) 8 603 700



Piyavate Hospital/ Tria 30-33 Tel :+66 (0) 2 625 6555 / Belle Essential Tel: +66 (0) 2 663 6724


Anantara Riverside Bangkok Resort 52-53 Tel: +66 (0) 2 476 0022 Banyan Tree Bangkok 54-55 Tel: +66 (0) 2 679 1200 Conrad Bangkok 56-57 Tel: +66 (0) 2 690 9999 Hilton Sukhumvit Bangkok Tel: +66 (0) 2 620 6666


Maduzi Hotel 60-61 Tel: +66 (0) 2 615 6400

210 Best Of Class

Koh Samui, Koh Tao, Koh Phangan,

The PENINSULA Bangkok Tel: +66 (0) 2 020 2888

Koh Samui

Centara Grand Mirage Beach Resort Pattaya Tel: +66 (0) 38 301 234


MövenpickSiam Hotel Pattaya Tel: +66 (0) 33 078 888



Royal Cliff Hotels Group Tel: +66 (0) 38 250 421



U Pattaya Tel: +66 (0) 33 046 100 Paradee Tel: +66 (0) 2 438 9771 - 2

Hua Hia Aleenta Hua Hin Pranburi Resort & Spa 70-71 Tel: +66 (0) 2 514 8112 Anantara Hua Hin Resort Tel: +66 (0) 32 520 250


Dusit Thani Hua Hin Tel: +66 (0) 32 520 009


Putahracsa Hua Hin Tel: +66 (0) 32 531 470


SO Sofitel Hua Hin Tel: +66 (0) 32 709 555


Villa Maroc Resort Tel: +66 (0) 32 630 771


Wora Bura Hua Hin Resort & Spa Tel: +66 (0) 32 536 999


Koh Chang

Banyan Tree Samui Tel: +66 (0) 77 915 333


Conrad Koh Samui Tel: +66 (0) 77 915 800


Le M éridien Koh Samui Resort & Spa Tel: +66 (0) 77 960 888


Miskawaan Luxury Beach front Villas Tel: +66 (0) 77 332 271





Nikki Beach Resort Tel: +66 (0) 77 914 500 Royal Muang Samui Villas Tel: +66 (0) 77 428 700


The Library Tel: +66 (0) 77 422 767 - 8


The Scent Hotel Tel: +66 (0) 77 962 198 ,


AWA Resort Koh Chang Tel: +66 (0) 2 261 6364 6


The Dewa Koh Chang Tel: +66 (0) 2 261 6364 6


Koh Kood

High Season Pool villa Tel: +66 (0) 39 510 888


Soneva Kiri Tel: +66 (0) 88 227 2616


Koh Tao Dusit Buncha Resort Tel: +66 (0) 77 457 099 - 100 +66 (0) 82 418 2215


Koh Phangan Panviman Resort Koh Phangan Tel: +66 (0) 77 445 101-9


BEST OF CLASS Trang, Krabi, Phuket, Phang-Nga

Khao Yai, Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai

Trang Anantara Si Kao Resort Tel: +66 (0) 75 205 888

Khao Yai 126-127


Dream Phuket Hotel & Spa Tel: +66 (0) 76 429 900


The Nai Harn Phuket Tel: +66 (0) 76 380 200


GLOW Elixir Koh Yao Yai Tel: +66 (0) 87 808 3838


The Naka Island Resort & Spa Tel: +66 (0) 76 371 400



The Naka Phuket Tel: +66 (0) 76 337 999


Nhapha Khao Yai Resort Tel: +66 (0) 44 938 806,


Chiang Mai

Dusit Thani Krabi Beach Resort Tel: +66(0) 75 628 000


Layana Resort & Spa Tel: +66 (0) 75 607 100


Grand Mercure Phuket Patong Tel: +66 (0) 76 231 999


44 - 49

The Pavilions Phuket Tel: + 66 (0) 76 317 600


Pimalai Resort & Spa Tel: + 66 (0) 2 320 5500

Hilton Phuket Arcadia Resort & Spa Tel: +66 (0) 76 396 433 JW Marriott Phuket Resort & Spa Tel: +66 (0) 76 338 000


The Vijitt Resort Phuket Tel: +66 (0) 76 363 600


Howie’s HomeStay 196-197 Tel: +66 (0) 81 882 8345

Aleenta Phuket Phang Nga Resort & Spa 132-133 Tel: +66 (0) 2 514 8112


Villa Zolitude Resort and Spa Tel: +66 (0) 76 521 333


Puripunn Baby Grand Tel: +66 (0) 53 302 898


Maikhao Dream Group Tel: +66 (0) 76 371 371

Anantara Layan Phuket Resort Tel: +66 (0) 76 317 200


Metadee Resort and Villas Tel: +66 (0) 76 337 888


Sukantara Cascade Resort & Spa Tel: +66 (0) 81 483 7850


Anantara Mai Khao Phuket Villas Tel: +66 (0) 76 336 100


Bandara Villas, Phuket Tel: +66 (0) 76 316 298



Banyan Tree Phuket 140-141 Tel: +66 (0) 76 372 400 Cape Sienna Hotel & Villas Tel: +66 (0) 76 337 300



MĂśvenpick Resort & Spa Karong Beach 160-161 Tel: +66 (0) 76 396 139

Le Coral Hideaway Beyond Phuket Tel: +66 (0) 76 679 888


Paresa Resort 162-163 Tel: +66 (0) 76 302 000

The Haven Khao Lak Tel: +66 (0) 76 429 900


Pullman Phuket Arcadia Tel: +66 (0) 76 303 299


JW Marriott Khao Lak Resort & Spa Tel: +66 (0) 76 584 888


Renaissance Phuket Resort & Spa Tel: +66 (0) 76 363 999


Pullman Khao Lak Katiliya Tel: +66 (0) 76 427 500


akyra Manor Chiang Mai Tel: +66 (0) 2 514 8112


The Dhara Dhevi Chiang Mai Tel: +66 (0) 53 888 888


Chiang Rai Katiliya Mountain Resort & Spa Tel: +66 (0) 53 603 000


Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


212 Best Of Class

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


214 Best Of Class

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