Best of Class Special Edition 2018 - 2019

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Special Edition 2018 -2019



Pimalai Resort & Spa Koh Lanta, Krabi



it’s just… Luxury Unparalleled Hotels & Resorts Privileges in Thailand


Prestige...and the Rewards of Privilege 泰国益利尊荣卡 极致奢华,尊贵特享

By Thailand Privilege Card Co., Ltd. 2 泰国益利尊荣卡有限公司 Best Of Class

Tel: +66 (0) 23 52 3000


Expedited Connections Should our Members wish to do business in Thailand, we are happy to facilitate, network and connect. Whether a simple real estate connection, a business opportunity, or a business investment through the Thailand Board of Investment (or any other government agencies), we are by your side to assist and guide you. From the moment you arrive in our Land of Smiles, leave the airport and make your way to your hotel or residence, we are with you every step of the way. You are recognized as an elite card member and, thus, a friend of Thailand. You will be met by a hostess as you disembark and granted special visa privileges as you are sped through immigration. Your baggage will be collected and you will be escorted to your limousine.

Privileges Since the Thailand Elite card is a government-supported program, members are afforded generous benefits on a large scale. Significant are the enhanced immigration and visa privileges where members are given the right to stay in Thailand with a Privilege Entry Visa, and one-year extensions without the need to leave the country. Subject to the prior approval given by the Thai Immigration Bureau at the time of application filing, the Privilege Entry Visa will be granted when applying at any Royal Thai Embassy, Consulate General or Immigration Bureau in Bangkok. Alternatively, the visa can also be issued at Suvarnabhumi, Chiang Mai and Phuket International Airports when arriving on international flights.

加快执行速度 如果我们的会员希望在泰国经商,我们很乐意为您提供便利、网络和接洽。 无论是通过 泰国投资委员会(或任何其他政府机构)的简单房地产接洽,还是商业机会或商业投资,我们 都会协助和指导您。从您到达我们微笑之邦的那一刻起一直到您离开机场前往您的酒店,我们 将与您并肩同行,因为您是泰国益利尊荣卡的会员,也是泰国的友人。当你下飞机的时候,就 有贵宾私人助理等候您,您将享受到特别的签证特权并有专人帮您提取行李出境,享受特别礼 遇通道,将会有豪华轿车护送您到酒店。

特权 泰国益利尊荣卡是泰国政府支持的一个泰国项目,会员可享受众多福利,重要的是增加了 移民和签证特权,泰国益利尊荣卡成员有权在泰国享有特权入境签证,签证可以延续一年且不 需要离开泰国便可办理,只需要经过泰国移民局在申请备案时的事先批准。当在泰国的任何大 使馆申请签证时,都会获得特权入境签证。另外,也可以在素万那普、清迈和普吉岛国际机场 到达国际航班办理签证。 Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Arrival & Departure


Membership privileges begin the second you arrive in Thailand. An Elite Personal Assistant will greet you at Suvarnabhumi or Phuket International Airports and whisk you through passport control and baggage claim avoiding long queue lines.

当您到达素万那普国际机场或者普吉国际机场,我们 泰国益利的工作人员将会在机场大厅迎接您的到来,带 您到专用贵宾厅,办理入境手续,提取行李,让您免受 移民通道排队的苦恼,轻松开启您的泰国之旅

When leaving Thailand, again our Elite Personal Assistants will assist you with flight check-in and passport control to expedite the process. As you wait for your flight to depart, relax in the Departure Lounge with several services available just for you.

此外,会员享有从酒店前往各国际航班航站的免费 接送服务。在离境时,可以通过我们的快速专用通道, 办完手续后便可在机场尽情的享受自己的私人时间。

Golfing Paradise


Golfers are aware that Thailand has many of the best golf courses in the world, from the rolling beachside fairways in Phuket and Hua Hin; world-class options in Pattaya; scenic mountainside courses around Chiang Mai; and convenient courses spread throughout metropolitan Bangkok. Thailand Elite members receive 24 complimentary green fees per calendar year as well as many other privileges at these superb golf courses.

泰国被誉为高尔夫天堂,其境内拥有诸多世界一流 的风景优美的高尔夫球场,加之优质的高尔夫球,热情 周到的服务,始终微笑服务的球童以及绝佳的天气,使 得泰国成为高尔夫天堂。在泰国的普吉岛,华欣,芭提 雅,普吉岛和清迈的魅力山水风景,便利的课程遍布在 泰国各个地方,在泰国您都能体验精彩绝伦的高尔夫, 泰国益利会员每学年将获得24个免费的课程以及这些高 尔夫球场的其他特权。

Spa Treatments


Unique Thai massage has evolved over hundreds of years and continues to gain increasing popularity worldwide. Thai-style spas abound in a country where care and indulgence has become a way of life. One of the many attractions of Thailand Elite membership is the opportunity to experience regular spa treatments, including the renowned Thai massage, at the many spa centers. Members will enjoy 24 complimentary spa treatments per year at leading spas nationwide.

独特的泰式按摩已经发展了数百年,并继续在全球 范围内赢得越来越多的的关注。 泰国式的理疗遍布在各 个国家和角落, 泰国益利尊荣会员拥有的特权之一也包 括了我们的泰式理疗,泰式理疗中也包括了我们的泰式 按摩,会员将在全国领先水疗中心每年享受24次免费水 疗服务。

Hospitals – A Healthy Advantage Thailand also boasts some of the best hospitals and health facilities in the world, and their quality and care are second to none. Thailand Elite members will be able to take advantage of these medical facilities with a free annual medical check-up at selected international-standard hospitals. In addition, the medical staff at each hospital is highly-trained and efficient (and speak excellent English), facilities are modern world-class, and the hospital food and accommodations are luxurious. 4

Best Of Class

医疗健康优势 泰国也拥有世界上最好的医院和医疗设施,医疗设 施的质量和医院的服务关怀是首屈一指的,泰国益利尊 荣会员将可享受这些医疗设施,泰国益利尊荣会员能在 选定的国际标准医院免费进行年度体检。此外,每个医 院的医务人员都训练有素,谈吐得体,医院的设备和设 施一流,医院的饮食和住宿都是极致奢华的。

Membership Categories

Elite Easy Access Membership


To ensure that you have a most pleasant time in Thailand as a Thailand Elite Card Member and friend of our nation, it is advisable to select the most suitable of the membership of three categories available:

Thailand Easy Access Membership entitles you to the exclusive benefits and assistance of our professional and dedicated Elite Personal Assistants. This Membership entitles you to receive full support with all formalities of the immigration procedure.

为了确保泰国的朋友们以及泰国益利尊荣卡的会员能够在泰国拥 有一段愉快时光,推荐您选择一下三种最合适的会员,即:

1. Elite Ultimate Privilege Membership 2. Elite Family Premium Membership 3. Elite Easy Access Membership

Elite Ultimate Privilege Membership Designed for individuals who appreciate the benefits of taking their relationship with Thailand a step further; for the benefit of the Privilege Visa and the Government Concierge service and for high-fliers who desire to delight in the many privileges that Membership offers, for business as well as pleasure. • Membership Validity: 20 years • Membership Fee: THB 2,000,000 / Membership (excluding VAT) • Annual Fee: THB 20,000 (excluding VAT)

Elite Family Premium Membership Designed for immediate family of Individual Members who will be extended the delightful privileges that you currently enjoy, they are now gifts of privilege that you can extend to your loved ones for their pleasure. Such is the entitlement of Thailand Elite Membership. • •

Validity: Subject to validity of the core member Membership Fee: THB 1,000,000 / Membership (including VAT) • Annual Fee: THB 10,000 (including VAT)

To add to that, the choice privileges will enable you to make use of private airport transfer service to make certain that you reach your destination with the best possible comfort and pleasure. This membership is an entry level membership which may at any time be upgraded to a regular individual membership.

1. 益利尊荣终极特权会员 2. 益利尊荣家庭会员 3. 益利尊荣易访问会员

益利尊荣终极特权会员 泰国益利尊荣终极特权会员卡旨在让各行业的人士能够进一步了 解泰国,为想要享受会员特权的有志之士提供特权签证服务、泰国政府 的礼宾服务以及众多服务,涵盖商务和娱乐方面。

• Validity: 5 years • Membership Fee: THB 500,000 / Membership (including VAT) • Upgrade Fee: THB 1,500,000 / Membership (including VAT)

会员有效期:20年 会员费:THB 2,000,000 /会员(不含增值税) 年费:THB 20,000(不含增值税)

The special benefits and privileges also include stays at selected hotels, luxurious resorts, championship golf courses, sumptuous spas, superlative hospitals and world-class dining establishments in Thailand.

益利尊荣家庭会员旨在为您的直系亲属提供舒适服务,可以将会员卡作 为礼物赠与您的亲人,让他们也能体会到益利尊荣卡带来的特权和快 乐,这就是泰国益利尊荣成员的权利。 •有效性: 以核心成员的有效性为准 •会员费: 1,000,000 泰铢/会员 (含增值税) •年费: 10,000 泰铢 (含增值税)


益利尊荣易访问会员 泰国精英易访问会员, 让您享有独家的福利和协助, 我们专业又敬 业的精英个人助理将使你能够在所有移民手续的办理上享受到充分支 持。另外,这些特权将使您能享受机场私人接送服务, 让您更舒适愉快 地达到您的目的地,。这是一个入门级成员, 可随时升级为常规的个人成员。 ·有效期: 5 年 ·会员费: 500,000 泰铢/会员 (含增值税) ·升级费: 1,500,000 万泰铢/会员 (含增值税) 泰国益利尊荣卡的特别优惠还包括入住泰国的精选酒店、豪华度假 村、锦标赛高尔夫球场、豪华水疗中心、最高级医院和世界一流餐饮场所。 Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Sky is the limit with exclusive 20 years visa and privileges.

Simply Extraordinary Privileges Entry Visa granted by Royal Thai Government, visit L i f e i s E l i t e , M ak e it 6

Best Of Class

Thailand 2018 -2019

David Lihn Publisher/Author Mutita (Mew) Chumee Director of Operations Li Yuan Huang Chinese Copy Editor Jing Lin Chinese Copy Editor and Artwork Coordinator

Suthima (Rung) Saenlama Graphic Designer Sairung Rattanasith Sales Executive Tharaporn Yokchawee Sales Executive

Sibsan Resort & Spa Maetaeng, Chiangmai weibo: 泰国旅游度假

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand




Best Of Class

普吉岛艾琳塔温泉度假酒店 华欣艾琳塔温泉度假酒店


清迈阿凯拉庄园酒店 普吉岛阿凯拉海滩俱乐部度假村 曼谷通洛阿凯拉酒店 曼谷素坤逸阿凯拉酒店


欢迎登船 2个小时的昭帕耶河豪华美食航行 体验夜色中的奢华和浪漫感受


Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand



Best of Class



Best Of Class

Pimalai Resort & Spa

Southeast Asia Best Pool villas Hotel


14-17 Pathumwan Princess 帕色哇公主酒店


东南亚最好的泳池别墅酒店 24 26 28 30 32 34

Banyan Tree Ungasan,Bali 巴厘岛乌干沙悦榕庄 Mandapa, a Ritz-Carlton Reserve 巴厘岛曼达帕丽思卡尔顿隐世酒店 Four Seasons ResortThe Nam Hai, Hoi An, Vietnam 越南会安南海四季度假酒店 Paradee 帕拉迪度假村 Celes Beachfront Resort 塞勒斯海滨度假酒店 A-Star Phulare Valley, Chiang Rai 清莱普拉尔谷A星酒店

Southeast Asia Best Design Hotel

Southeast Asia Best Beach Hotel

Southeast Asia Best City Hotel







40 42 44

An Lam Retreats Saigon River 胡志明市西贡河安澜酒店 The Reverie Saigon 胡志明市西贡万韵酒店 The Beige Cambodia 柬埔寨贝格酒店 akyra TAS Sukhumvit Bangkok

58 60 62


46 48 50 52

akyra Manor Chiang Mai 清迈艾卡拉庄园酒店 Wora Bura Hua Hin Resort & Spa 华欣沃拉布拉SPA度假酒店 The Slate Phuket 普吉斯莱特酒店 The Scent Hotel 苏梅岛森特酒店

64 66 68 70 72

InterContinental Bali Resort 巴厘岛洲际酒店 Samabe Bali Suites & Villas 巴厘岛萨玛贝别墅&套房酒店 Mia Resort Nha Trang 芽庄米亚度假村 Aleenta Phuket Phang Nga Resort & Spa 普吉岛艾琳塔酒店 Aleenta Hua Hin Pranburi Resort & Spa 华欣奥莱塔-普拉布里spa度假村 akyra Beach Club Phuket 普吉岛阿凯拉海滩俱乐部度假村 Royal Muang Samui Villas 苏梅岛皇家芒别墅酒店 Layana Resort & Spa 甲米利亚纳休闲水疗度假村 Dusit Thani Krabi Beach Resort 甲米都喜天阙海滩度假酒店

78 80 82


The Fullerton Bay Hotel 富丽敦海湾酒店 Mandarin Orchard 文华大酒店 Shangri-La Hotel 香格里拉酒店 Grand Millennium 千禧大酒店 The St. Regis Bangkok 曼谷瑞吉酒店

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Best of Class

Recommended Hotel in Thailand


Best Of Class

Thailand Hotels and Resorts


86-155 Thailand Amazing Views Hotels & Resorts 泰国神奇美景酒店&度假村

90 92 94 96 98 100

Dusit Buncha Resort, Koh Tao 涛岛杜斯特邦查度假村 Kept Bangsaray Pattaya 芭堤雅邦萨拉酒店 Panviman Chiang Mai Spa Resort 清迈帕威曼Spa度假酒店 Panviman Resort Koh Phangan 帕威曼攀牙岛度假酒店 Riva Surya Bangkok 曼谷里瓦苏里亚酒店 Riva Arun Bangkok 曼谷里瓦阿伦酒店

泰国酒店和度假村 104 106 108 110 112 114 116 118 120 122 124 126

Mövenpick Hotel Sukhumvit 15 Bangkok 曼谷素坤逸15巷瑞享酒店 Guti Resort by AKA Hua Hin 阿卡古提度假村 AKA Resort & Spa 阿卡水疗度假村 Centara Grand Mirage Beach Resort Pattaya 芭提雅盛泰澜幻影海滩度假村 Dusit Thani Pattaya 提雅都喜天丽酒店 Pattaya Modus Beachfront Resort 芭堤雅默杜斯海滨度假村 The Symphony Suites Pattaya 芭堤雅交响乐套房酒店 Pullman Pattaya Hotel G 伯尔曼芭提雅G酒店 Le Vimarn Cottages and Spa 拉维曼别墅度假酒店 The Chill Resort & Spa Koh Chang 象岛清凉Spa度假酒店 The Emerald Cove Koh Chang 象岛阿玛瑞翡翠湾度假酒店 Ammatara Pura Pool Villa 安玛塔拉普拉泳池别墅酒店

128 130 132 134 136 138 140 142 144 146 148 150 152 154

The Pelican Residence and Suites Krabi 甲米鹈鹕套房酒店 Nakamanda Resort & Spa 纳卡曼达SPA度假酒店 Sofitel Krabi Phokeethra Golf & Spa Resort 甲米索菲特佛基拉度假村 Villa 360 Resort & Spa 360别墅度假村 Sri Pakpra Andacura Boutique Resort Phatthalung 博他仑帕塔普拉阿库拉精品度假村 SUNSURI PHUKET, Nai Harn Beach 普吉岛桑苏丽酒店,奈汉海滩 Cachet Resort Dewa Phuket 普吉岛德瓦凯世度假酒店 Dream Phuket Hotel & Spa 普吉岛瑞郡酒店水疗中心 Nook Dee Boutique Resort By Andacura 安达库拉卡塔海滩诺迪精品度假酒店 MAI HOUSE Patong Hill 巴东山麦居酒店 Sukantara Cascade Resort & Spa 苏坎塔拉瀑布度假村及水疗中心 Andacura Bamboori Boutique Resort Chiang Mai 清迈安达库拉班布里精品度假酒店 Sibsan Resort & Spa Maetaeng, Chiangmai 清迈玛特昂赛珊温泉度假酒店 Sibsan Luxury Hotel Rimping, Chiangmai 清迈瑞平赛珊奢华酒店

Pimalai Resort & Spa 碧玛莱水疗度假村

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand




Best Of Class

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Krabi 甲米

Pimalai Resort & Spa 碧玛莱水疗度假村 “Experience traditional Thai elegance in a contemporary living space ...with only nature at your doorstep” “在现代生活中体验泰国传统的的优雅...家门口唯一的天然度假村”

Pimalai is a rare resort whose architecture has been designed entirely around the natural contours and lush vegetation of over 100 acres and a 900-meter private beach. The elegantly-designed pool villas, set high in the verdant hillside, allow you to indulge in nature. From here, you will see the enchanting reality of thousands of years: virgin forest enveloping steep, flowered hills climbing up to a blue sky. The tranquility, the abundance of flora, the exquisite views, the fiery sunsets, all combine to maximize the sensation of being in Nirvana. Indeed, the name “Pimalai” translates as “heavenly”. Enjoy an intimate, romantic dinner on your terrace, sip champagne while dipping in your pool, or perhaps enjoy a soothing massage in your sala… Live, laugh, love and indulge in moments that will be remembered long after the holiday.


Best Of Class

碧玛莱是一个难得的度假胜地,其建筑 已完全围绕自然轮廓设计,拥有超过100英 亩的茂密植被和一个900米长的私人海滩。 设计优雅的游泳池别墅,高高耸立在青 翠的山坡上,让您尽情享受大自然。从这 里,您可以欣赏数千年的迷人风景:陡峭的 原始森林,花朵紧簇的小山与蓝天相接。 将宁静丰富的植物群、壮丽的风景和火 热的日落结合起来,最大限度地呈现涅槃的 感觉。事实上, “碧玛莱”意为“天堂”。 在露台享用浪漫的晚餐,一边沐浴一边 品尝香槟,或者在凉亭享受舒缓的按摩... 生活、微笑和爱将在长假后被铭记。

A Secret Sanctuary


by David Lihn Pimalai has long been a favorite. I was delighted to feature this exemplary resort over the past four years. Little has changed. It is still mesmerizing, the beach and waters a marvel, the food superb, activities splendid, the yacht a special treat. What a majestic pedigree. Built in 2001, this refined and stylish resort (a member of the Small Luxury Hotels of the World) has been meticulously managed. Getting there is a thrill: We splashed along on the sleek Pimalai craft – salty, tropical breezes on our cheeks, cold drinks in our hands – gliding over a translucent sea.

碧玛莱一直是我最喜欢的度假胜地,我 很高兴在四年后能评价它。 几乎没有变化,它依然优雅,神奇的海滩 和水域,精湛的食品,精彩的活动,游艇简 直是一种特殊的享受。 这里的建筑物始建于2001年,外观十分 雄伟壮丽。人们精心地经营与管理着这个带 着时尚范儿的度假胜地(世界小型豪华酒店 一员)。 到达那里后,宾客将会十分尽兴:他们 可以花大量时间去欣赏碧玛莱的手工艺品, 用脸庞感受咸湿的热带海风,手捧着冷饮, 视线随着透明杯子划过大半个清澈的海洋。 Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Then – out of that blue – towering, enchanting, bewildering, singular rock formations (stalagmites, vertical islands, prehistoric outcroppings?) began to sprout for the 45-minute journey.

然后 - 走出那一片蓝- 欣赏高耸、迷人、 令人眼花缭乱的奇异怪石(石笋,垂直岛 屿,在史前曾经露出水面?),我们开始了 45分钟的旅行。

We rounded the tip of lush Lanta Island as the sun descended. Then, rising 80 meters above a crescent beach, the Pimalai Resort & Spa appeared, perched on an arboreal hillside facing the Andaman Sea.

绕过郁郁葱葱的兰达岛一端 ( 太阳的 后裔),然后沿着新月形海滩向上走80 米,碧玛莱度假村便出现在眼前了,栖息在 面朝安达曼海的山坡上。

Wow, are you kidding me? Who scripted this? Franck de Lestapis, the ubiquitous GM, happily pampers the resort. At breakfast (don’t miss the views): “I have been here since the opening and the owners have spared no expense in creating a luxury experience. We constantly hear: ‘Paradise, serenity, heaven! Our guests return.”

总经理Franck de Lestapis很宠爱这个 度假胜地,他在早餐时(不要错过风景) 说:“自开业起我一直呆在这里,业主们不 惜工本创造一个奢华的体验。我们经常听到 客人这样反馈:“伊甸园,宁静,天堂!”。

Indeed, during a snorkeling excursion, a sun-tanned Norwegian couple with two kids in tow, said it was their fifth visit.

确实,因为潜水游览时,我们看到一对 被晒黑的挪威夫妇带着两个孩子,这是他们 第五次来这里了。

Elegantly tiled, panorama-blessed, private infinity pools; a marathon beach (nearly one kilometer long); a divine, botanical-wonderland spa: a bosky oasis with landscaping grace and a three-tiered waterfall.

优雅的瓷砖、得天独厚的全景、私人无 边泳池、马拉松海滩(将近一公里长)、一 个神圣的植物仙境温泉:郁郁葱葱的绿洲, 包括优雅的园林和三层瀑布。

Water is the leitmotif of this luxurious vacation and defines the experience. It’s everywhere: you are transported on it; luxuriate and float on it; swim in its waves and tiled shelters; dive and snorkel beneath it; sail, kayak and water-board over it – and even listen to it cascading as you enjoy the garden-themed Spa.

水是这家豪华度假的核心,它被赋予体 验意义。它无处不在:您乘坐水上交通工 具,在水上享受奢侈的生活,在它环抱里游 泳,住在瓷砖度假村,潜水和潜泳,水上帆 船和独木舟- 在享受花园主题spa时聆听流 水声。

Pimalai offers 121 units (46 beautifullyappointed, hillside pool villas), with an elaborate range of accommodations in both its Beach Side (single deluxe rooms, to beach-front-sumptuous villas) and Hill Side Estates (with full-pool, duplex – 1-3 BRs).

碧玛莱提供121间客房(46间精美的山 坡泳池别墅),海滩两边是住宿(单间豪华 客房、海滨豪华别墅)和山边庄园(配有全 套水池,复式客房- 1-3 人间)。

Life is a composite of balance and proportion. This stunning resort provides it.


Best Of Class


生活是平衡和均衡的复合物。 这个惊人的度假村提供一切。

Rooms: Pools/Beach: Spa: Restaurants & Bars: Fitness: Fun Facts: A WHAT?!: 客房: 游泳池 / 海滩: Spa: 餐厅和酒吧 : 健身中心: 趣闻: 惊喜?!:

121 units (46 one to three-BR villas) two; 46 private villa pools / massive (a kilometer long), unspoiled and tranquil award-winning, stunning garden-oasis – a must four (first-class breakfast buffet with world-class views); two bars has it all; plus tennis, dive center, a zillion water sports an aquatic dream; sunsets a gorgeous fleet of boats and yachts to take you island-hopping 121间客房(46间一至三人间别墅) 两个; 46个私人别墅泳池/块状(1公里长),未受污染且宁静 屡获殊荣,美丽的花园绿洲-绝对A级 四个(拥有世界一流风景的一流自助早餐);两个酒吧 拥有一切,如网球、潜水中心、数不胜数的水上运动 水上梦境;日落 华丽的船和游艇带您前往跳岛

Tel: + 66 (0) 23 205 500 99 Moo 5, Ba Kan Tiang Beach, Ko Lanta District, Krabi 81150, Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand




Pathumwan Princess 曼谷帕色哇公主酒店 “Casual and comfortable luxury in the center of the city!” “城市中心的休闲舒适奢华体验。” So effuses Stefan Heintze, the newly-anointed GM of the 22 year-old Pathumwan Princess, situated in the vibrant, pulsating heart of Bangkok’s shopping and entertainment district.

Stefan Heintze是曼谷帕色哇公主酒店新 任命的年仅22岁的酒店主管,他为酒店带来 了青春活力的气息,酒店地理位置绝佳,位 于曼谷的购物和娱乐中心。

“The Pathumwan location is ideal for accessibility, transportation, and enjoyment. You are surrounded by – and have access to – an abundance of vacation options. Shopping malls galore! And dining (cafes, bakeries, street food), cinema, entertainment, sports, exercise, temples, canals, concerts...”

曼谷帕色哇公主酒店地理位置绝佳,生活 便利,交通便捷,娱乐享受丰富。在这里您 将会被热情周到的服务所包围,我们将为您 提供丰富多彩的旅行度假选择服务。购物中 心近在咫尺,让您尽享购物乐趣!着这里您 还可以体验到美味的食物(咖啡,甜品,各 式街头小吃),电影院,娱乐中心,运动锻 炼中心,寺庙,运河以及音乐会。

“Coupled with our exemplary hands-on service – voila! It’s a sensational guest experience.” “We are the leading, luxury business and leisure property in this shopping-rich Siam area,” he adds. “This 455-room hotel is special. It boasts the confluence of convenience and connectivity.”

“我们热情周到,无微不至的服务,将带给 您绝佳的旅客体验。” “我们是购物体验极为丰富的Siam区奢华商 务及休闲娱乐酒店的领导者,这里的455间 客房都别具一格,在这里您将体验到无与伦 比的便捷和周到。”

“This 455-room hotel boasts...the confluence of convenience and connectivity.” “酒店的455间客房给您带来无比便利的体验,连接彼此,舒适自在。”


Best Of Class

The five-star luxury to which Stefan alludes, is underscored by the 85 butler-serviced suites, four of which adorn the 29th floor and offer outsized outdoor terraces with elevated Jacuzzis (or gardens) – bedizened with sweeping cityscape views. “I happily inherited 500 employees. A quarter have been here more than 10 years. They are imbued with our rituals of hospitality and dedicated to attending to our guests.” A remarkable 55 employees have served for 20 years. Our signature is hands-on, heartfelt, attentive service – many guests repeat. They return because we pamper them. The guest experience is exceptional.” He smiles. “The Pathumwan is a five-star casual alternative for the affluent, modern guest. We are not clubby or stuffy. It is an imposing, luxury hotel in a dynamic location – yet we are cozy, convenient and comfortable. Stefan Heintze 提到的五星级豪华客房,有85间管家服务套房,其中4间位于着29楼,提供超大的室外 露台,配有高架的按摩浴缸(或花园)-城市景观尽收眼底。 “我很高兴我有500名员工。四分之一的人已经在这里呆了十多年了。他们热情好客,礼貌而不失周到, 并致力于全心全意为我们的客人提供最优质的服务。” 最令人振奋的是有55名员工已经为酒店工作了20年了。

Stefan Heintze (General Manager)

我们以亲力亲为,热情周到,衷心诚意的服务而著称,许多客人都是我们的回头客。他们回来,因为我 们就好像老朋友,包容彼此。良好的顾客体验是我们的期待。 他微笑着说:“帕色哇公主酒店是五星级的休闲奢华酒店,为客人带来现代休闲体验。我们既不吵闹, 也不古板,我们是体面的现代奢华酒店,绝佳的地理位置,给您带来舒适,便捷,舒服的入住体验。”

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


“The Pathumwan is a five-star casual alternative for the affluent, modern guest.....We are an imposing, luxury hotel in a dynamic location – yet we are cozy, convenient and comfortable.” “帕色哇公主酒店是五星级的休闲奢华酒店,为客人带来现代休闲体 验。我们既不吵闹,也不古板,我们是体面的现代奢华酒店,绝佳的地 理位置,给您带来舒适,便捷,舒服的入住体验。” “And we continue to commit to our luxury product. Early next year we begin a two-year restoration of our hotel rooms.” The Pathumwan Princess has already benefited from a multi-million dollar investment in a new Skywalk that connects to the major Siam entertainment and shopping complex. It is linked to the Skytrain and strategically conjoined to the popular, diverse (and immense) MBK shopping complex. It is within easy walking distance on the Skywalk to elegant shopping hubs: Siam Square, Siam Discovery, Siam Paragon and Central World Plaza, as well as the booming wholesale markets housed in Platinum and Pratunam. The 8th floor showcases the 9,000 square meter Olympic Club, the most complete hospitality athletic facility in Bangkok. The impressive renovations include: the expansive 27-meter swimming pool, the installation of a Skyline 500-meter jogging track, revamped tennis court, and the construction of four new badminton courts, as well as basketball, squash, table tennis, a gym, aerobics studio and spa. Outside dining options abound, but why? The hotel features eight notable restaurant options. This is an exceptional vacation experience in the heart of Bangkok. David Lihn 22

Best Of Class

我们不断推出新的奢华产品,明年初我们 将开始为期两年的酒店客房再装修装饰。 帕色哇公主酒店早已拥有数百万美元的投 资,新天桥可以连接暹罗区几大主要娱乐购 物中心和天铁站,交通便捷,还连接了备受 欢迎的MBK购物中心。 酒店距离世界级高端优雅购物中心仅有几 分钟的步行路程:暹罗广场,暹罗发现购物 中心,暹罗帕丽宫购物中心,中心世界购 物广场,也可到达非常受欢迎的批发市场 Platinum和Pratunam. 8楼展示了9,000平方米的奥林匹克俱乐 部,这是曼谷最完整的热情好客的体育设 施。令人印象深刻的革新包括:宽敞的27米 游泳池,安装Skyline 500米慢跑跑道,改造 网球场,新建4个羽毛球场,以及篮球、壁 球、乒乓球、健身房、有氧运动工作室和水 疗中心。 外出就餐的选择很多,但为什么一定要出 去呢?酒店有8个著名的餐厅可供选择。 入住本酒店一定是你在曼谷市中心不可多 得的精彩旅行体验。


Rooms: Pool: Spa: Restaurants & Bar: Fitness:


455 (four categories from 39-64 sqm; with 85 suites from 65 to 150 sqm) 27-meter, salt-chlorinated DISHELI Health Spa Citi Bistro, Kongju Korean Restaurant, Terrazza, T@Lobby, Studio Bar, Vista Bar Terrace, Tatsumi, Ping’s Hotpot, Ping’s Thai Teochew Seafood Outstanding!! The Olympic Club – impressive (9,000 sqm); tennis, squash, badminton basketball, 500-m jogging track connected to expansive and popular MBK shopping mall; largest hotel sports complex in Thailand A paradise if you are: a shopaholic, tri-athlete, or enjoy butler pampering

客房: 游泳池 / 海滩: Spa: 餐厅和酒吧 : 健身中心: 趣闻: 惊喜?!:

455间客房(4个房型,从39-64平米不等,85间套房,面积从65-150平米不等) 27米,盐水清新泳池 DISHELL健康Spa Citi Bistro餐厅,Kongju韩国餐厅,Terrazza餐厅,T@大厅餐吧,Studio工作室餐 吧,Vista露台餐吧,Tatsumi餐厅,Ping’s烧烤吧,Ping’s泰国海鲜餐吧 顶级设备,无与伦比的9000平米的奥林匹克俱乐部,内含网球场,壁球馆和羽 毛球场 紧挨着广受喜爱的MBK购物中心,拥有泰国最大的酒店健身服务中心 如果您热衷于购物,是个健身达人,亦或是想要享受管家的周到服务,那么选择我 们,您将会宛若置身于天堂。

Fun Facts:

Tel: + 66 (0) 2216 3700

Fax: + 66 (0) 2216 3730 Pathumwan Princess Hotel, 444 MBK Center, Phayathai Road, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Southeast Asia’s Best Pool villas Hotels 东南亚最好的泳池别墅酒店


Best Of Class

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand Bali 25 Banyan Tree Ungasan,

Indonesia, Bali 印度尼西亚,巴厘岛

Banyan Tree Ungasan, Bali 巴厘岛乌干沙悦榕庄 Acquaint yourself with the fascinating culture, rich heritage and traditions of spiritual Bali. Poised majestically on a cliff top near the sacred Uluwatu temple stands Banyan Tree Ungasan, Bali. This exclusive 71 all-pool villa resort is an exemplary illustration of the distinctive Banyan Tree experience and famed Balinese hospitality. Contemporary Balinese architecture and style pervades through the resort. Interiors equipped with vibrant Balinese fabric, marble floors and intricate stone and wood carvings, lead to refined courtyards, Balinese bales and relaxation decks. From its lofty perch on Bali’s southernmost cliff, Ju-Ma-Na presents fine dining with a dramatic view. Delicious seafood artfully prepared by talented chefs will take your taste buds on a culinary journey. Indulge in signature dishes steeped in Indonesia’s rich culinary traditions and international favorites at Bambu. Set in tranquil surroundings, enjoy a variety of Nouvelle Balinese cuisine at Tamarind Restaurant.


Best Of Class

让自己沉浸在绚烂多姿的文化、丰富的遗址 以及巴厘岛的精神传统里。巴厘岛乌干沙悦榕庄 位于著名的乌鲁瓦图寺近旁的雄伟山崖上。酒店 的所有71间客房均为带私人泳池的别墅,巴厘岛 乌干沙悦榕庄绝对是您体验著名巴厘岛热情的完 美典范之选。 现代巴厘岛建筑风格贯穿整个酒店设计。内 饰配以巴厘岛特色的色彩鲜活靓丽的织物软装, 大理石地板,纹理精美的石头和木质雕塑,带您 到清新美丽的庭院。在露台上,靠在巴厘岛特色 的舒适精美靠包上休息放松。位于巴厘岛最南端 的山崖最高处,Ju-Ma-Na餐厅视野开阔,坐拥无 与伦比景色,给您提供绝佳的用餐环境。大厨们 为您精心准备美味的海鲜,艺术品般地呈现在您 的面前,带您的味蕾开启一场烹调美食之旅。在 Bambu餐厅,沉浸在美味中,细细品味印度尼西 亚丰盛的传统美食以及各式国际菜式。在一派热 带景色环境中,在Tamarind餐厅享受丰富多样的 巴厘岛特色的新式料理。

Villas: Pools / Beach: Spa: Restaurant & Bar: Fitness: Fun Facts: A WHAT?!:

71 all Pool Villas infinity pool and private pool in each villas / pure white beaches yes Banbu Restaurant, Ju-Ma-Na Restaurant & Bar In-Villa BBQ & Pool Bar full equipment and aerobic room Village Walk, Visit The Uluwatu Temple Indulge in an intimate, romantic dinner by the cliff-edge, sip champagne beneath the Bali’s skies, or immerse in authentic Balinese cultures during Balinese costume activity.

别墅: 泳池/沙滩: Spa: 餐厅/酒吧: 健身中心: 特色: 惊喜?!!:

71套带泳池别墅 无边泳池,每套别墅的私人泳池,纯净白沙滩 有 Banbu餐厅,Ju-Ma-Na餐厅,别墅BBQ餐吧,泳池畔酒吧 全设备有氧健身房 村庄漫步,拜访 Uluwatu寺 在悬崖边,享受亲密,浪漫的晚餐,在巴厘天空吧享用一杯香槟,亦或是沉浸在巴厘 岛服饰活动期间,沉浸在经典巴厘岛文化中。

Tel: +62 (0) 361 300 7000

Fax: +62 (0) 361 300 7777

Jl. Melasti, Banjar Kelod Ungasan, Bali 80364 Indonesia Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Indonesia, Bali 印度尼西亚,巴厘岛

Mandapa, a RitzCarlton Reserve

巴厘岛曼达帕丽思卡尔顿隐世酒店 Embark on a mindful journey to the extraordinary – to a place that is fully immersed into the surroundings, as though it has been there for centuries. An intimate Ubud, Bali luxury hotel of only 35 luxurious and spacious suites, and 25 private pool villas, guests can select from an exquisite collection of accommodations that have been meticulously designed to magnify and embrace the surrounding tropical landscape. Mandapa, a Ritz-Carlton Reserve features two swimming pools, a serene spa and dedicated butlers providing renowned service at every touchpoint to awaken the spirit and provide rich, meaningful memories to last a lifetime.


Best Of Class

从这里开启一场极致心理旅行——到一个与周围环境 完美融合的地方,就好似穿越几个世纪的时光一般。 一家巴厘岛乌布地区的隐世酒店,仅有35间宽敞奢华 套房和25间带泳池私人别墅,客人可以选择自己喜欢 适合自己的精致优美,各式各样的房间,所有房间均 设计精美别致,很好地融合了周边迷人的热带景色。 曼达帕丽思卡尔顿隐世酒店拥有两个主泳池, 一间环境优雅的spa,以良好到位的服务著称,精准的 穴位按摩,帮助您放松身心,给您留下毕生难忘的丰 富,有意义的美好回忆。

Villas: Pools: Spa: Restaurant & Bar: Fitness: Fun Facts: A WHAT?!: 别墅: 泳池: Spa: 餐厅和酒吧: 健身房: 特色: 惊喜?!!:

35 suites and 25 private pool villas One swimming pool with majestic view of rice paddies Mandapa Spa & Wellness Kubu (Mediterranean-European), Sawah Terrace (Balinese and Asian dishes), The Pool Bar full equipment Green Camp at Mandapa, nature based and educational activities for Mini Exploers Discover the tastes of Bali beyond traditional restaurant settings at Mandapa, a Ritz-Carlton Reserve. 35套别墅和25套带私人泳池别墅 一个拥有美丽稻田景色的大泳池 曼达帕Spa理疗中心 Kubu中东欧洲餐厅,Sawah露台(巴厘岛特色亚洲餐厅),泳池畔酒吧 全设备健身房 曼达帕绿色露营地,为迷你探索者准备的亲近自然而富有教育意义的活动 在曼达帕力斯卡隐世精品酒店的餐厅享受巴厘岛传统美食。

Tel: +62 (0) 361 4792 777

Fax: +62 (0) 361 4792 666 Jalan Kedewatan, Banjar Kedewatan, Ubud – 80571 Gianyar, Bali, Indonesia Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Vietnam, Hoi An


Four Seasons Resort

The Nam Hai, Hoi An, Vietnam 越南会安南海四季度假酒店 Shining a light on Vietnam’s cultural heartland, Four Seasons Resort The Nam Hai, Hoi An, Vietnam, offers an illuminating connection to three extraordinary UNESCO sites from a private kilometre-long stretch of one of Forbes’ “best beaches in the world.” Showcasing the celebrated design of Paisbased Reda Amalou, our all-villa resort interprets the Vietnamese tradition of architecture as an art form. All 100 sumptuously appointed villas are thoughtfully positioned to optimize ocean views, beach breezes and phong thuy (feng shui) principles.


Best Of Class

位于越南文化的中心地带,拥有星光熠熠的文化 气息,越南会安南海四季酒店给您带来一种绚丽 的感受,把联合国教科文组织世界遗产的三大奇 迹连在一起,超长私人沙滩,被誉为世界最佳沙 滩之一。 世界级著名设计师瑞达·艾玛罗经典设计,全别 墅度假酒店完美诠释越南传统建筑精髓,以艺术 的形式呈现。所有100套精品别墅巧妙地坐落在 依山面水的景色里,风水考究,海风拂过,何等 惬意。

Villas: Pools / Beach: Spa: Restaurant & Bar: Fitness: Fun Facts: A WHAT?!:

别墅: 泳池/沙滩: Spa: 餐厅和酒吧: 健身房: 特色: 惊喜?!!:

100 sumptuously appointed villas yes/ Three tiers of infinity pools (one Olympic-sized pool) Spa & Wellness Café Nam Hai: Breakfast and Dinner, La Sen: Lunch and Dinner, The Bar: Daily at 11 am – 1 am, Beach Bar: Daily 11.00 - Onward full equipment cooking academy, on-site boutique, 4 temmis courts, young adults club, badmin ton and basketball courts, kids club Specialty beach barbecue dinner: taking a seat at your candlelit table in the sand, surrounded by tiki torches. Recline on your canopied daybed, lulled by the sound of the waves. 100套豪华别墅 备有/一个奥林匹克标准尺寸的三级无边泳池 Spa理疗中心 Nam Hai 咖啡馆:早餐和晚餐,La Sen餐厅:午餐和晚餐,The Bar酒吧:每日早上午 11点到凌晨1点营业,沙滩畔酒吧:每晚11 点开始营业 全设备健身房 厨师学校,体验学厨,沙滩畔精品公寓,4个网球场,青少年俱乐部,羽毛球场和篮球 场,儿童俱乐部 别致的沙滩BBQ烧烤晚餐:在沙滩上的桌边坐下,伴着烛光和tiki火炬。倚靠在舒适的 沙滩椅上,听着海浪声,享受美好时光。

Tel: +84 (0) 235 394 0000

Fax: +84 (0) 235 394 0999 Dien Ban Town Quang Nam Province Viet Nam

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Thailand, Koh Samet

泰國, 苏梅岛

Paradee 帕拉迪度假村 Paradee Resort is nestled on Koh Samet, an unspoiled tropical island in the north of the Gulf of Thailand, a two-hour drive down from Bangkok. From a Rayong pier you embark on a 15-minute speed boat ride across the Gulf to secluded Ao Kiew Beach. Surrounded by lush jungle, experience the essence of a romantic hideaway with luxurious five- star facilities, private villa accommodations, and impeccable service. As part of the Koh Samet National Park the resort is encased in outstanding natural beauty. The 40 luxurious, immaculately-appointed villas, all with magnificent views of either luxuriant tropical Gardens, or serene beaches washed by the Gulf, each extend over 100 sqm. Drawing influence from Moroccan and Balinese design, the villa interiors blend deeply-soothing, soft natural hues with rich décor featuring traditional Thai teak wood, rattan and silk – to perfectly complement the natural beauty of the verdant jungle settings. Paradee offers a beachside haven of sumptuous tranquility.


Best Of Class

帕拉迪度假村坐落在沙美岛,这是泰 国湾北部一个洁净的热带岛屿,从罗勇码头 您可以乘坐15分钟的私人快艇骑跨海湾, 直达幽奥基辅海滩。 酒店缀在繁茂的热带森林中,您可以在 此体验浪漫的世外桃源生活。五星级的豪华 设施、私人别墅、服务也无可挑剔。作为沙 美岛国家公园的一部分,度假村也被优美的 自然环境环绕着。 40间豪华别墅客房,不染纤尘,设备齐 全,拥有茂密的热带花园,或可以尽收壮丽 的海滩景色,每间宽达100多平方米。 酒店建筑借鉴摩洛哥和巴厘岛设计,别 墅的内饰丰富,包括传统的泰国柚木、藤 条、舒缓的丝绸,柔和的自然色调 - 完美地 与青翠的丛林之美相融合。 帕拉迪是豪华宁静的海滨天堂。

Villas: 40 Pools / Beach: Infinity / private Spa: Paradee Spa Restaurant & Bar: All-day dining, pool bar, Sunset Bar Fitness: yes Fun Facts: Free snorkeling and kayak equipment A WHAT?!: Located on a narrow southern isthmus of beautiful Ao Kiew beach, see both The morning sunrise and the spectacular sunset 别墅: 游泳池/海滩: Spa: 餐厅和酒吧: 健身: 趣闻: 惊喜?!:

40间 无边泳池/私人 帕拉迪spa 全天用餐,池畔酒吧,日落酒吧 有 免费潜水和皮艇设备 坐落于美丽的裘岙海滩狭窄的地峡南部,能欣赏早上日出和壮观的日落

Tel: +66 (0) 2 438 9771 - 2 Ext. 100-105 76 Moo 4, Tumbol Phe, Amphur Mueng, Rayong, 21160 Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Thailand, Koh Samui

泰國, 苏梅岛

Celes Beachfront Resort

塞勒斯海滨度假酒店 CELES Beachfront Resort is located on the unspoiled Bophut Beach, a mere 8 km. from the airport on the northern shore of Samui. With stunning views of Koh Phangan Island, this exquisite beach (270 meters), is the longest beach-front of any resort on the island. The accommodations at Celes are purposefully designed to capture the pure essence of nature and provide serenity. The resort consists of 50 rooms in Deluxe Botanical and 18 Private Pool villas. The interiors of the accommodations are furnished with light wood decor against white walls allowing sunlight to brighten up the rooms and provide a relaxed ambience. Along with the designs, the rooms and villas are also modernized with an array of gadgets and amenities that guarantee a comfortable stay. Trips to neighboring islands and to the nearby National Marine Park provide marvelous day-trips. Our chefs have carefully crafted food and drinks menu with inspirations from around the world. The all-day dining restaurant serves Thai and international dishes daily.


Best Of Class

塞勒斯海滨酒店位于苏梅岛机场以北8 公里的波普沙滩,坐拥帕岸岛绝佳景色。 拥有苏梅岛最长的私人沙滩,270米美丽 的沙滩安静纯洁。 塞勒斯海滨酒店建筑把自然景色和大自 然完美融合,使得酒店建筑本身宛如艺术 品般赏心悦目。酒店共有50间客房,包括 18栋带私人泳池的别墅。房间内饰以浅色 原木配白色墙面,清新自然,光线充足, 明亮舒适。此外,酒店所有的房间,别墅 都用令人愉悦的小饰品精心装饰,让您在 这里的每一天都轻松,舒适,自如。 酒店为客人提供到附近岛屿以及国家 海洋公园的精彩一日游。 我们的厨师为您精心设计制作来自世 界各地的菜品和饮品,让您尽享美食之 美。全天营业的餐厅为您提供地道泰国菜 和选择丰富的国际菜肴。

Rooms / Pool / Villas: Pools / Beach: Spa: Restaurants & Bars: Fitness: Fun Facts: A WHAT?!:

68 in 2 zones. Botanical Zone has 50 rooms with own terrace or balcony. 18 villas with outdoor garden and pool Beachfront swimming pool ( areas for children) / longest resort beach-front (270 meters) on the island Celes Spa Sea Grille Restaurant all day dining and Celes Pool Bar yes Morning Market & Thai Cooking class, Day & Night fishing trip, jogging trip, Rock & Coconut painting, Thai Boxing, Asana Yoga, Kayak Our multi-purpose venue has modern and stylish furnishings and is just a few seconds walk from the beach.

房间/泳池别墅: 泳池/沙滩: Spa: 餐厅/酒吧: 健身中心: 特色: 亮点:

2个区共68间客房。博卡妮卡区共50间客房,均配有露台和私人阳台。有18 栋泳池花园别墅 沙滩畔泳池(有儿童泳池分区),岛上最长私人沙滩(270米) 舒适室内SPA 全天营业的餐厅和泳池畔酒吧 有健身中心 早市,泰国菜烹饪课,白天和夜间的出海海钓,慢跑俱乐部,石头画,椰子 壳画,泰拳,瑜伽,皮划艇 沙滩上现代风格的多功能会所距离酒店仅数步之遥

Tel: +66 (0) 77 900 999

Fax: +66 (0) 77 900 555 175/3 Thaveerat-Pakdee Road Surat Thani Koh Samui District, 84320 Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Thailand, Chiang Rai

泰國, 清莱

A-Star Phulare Valley, Chiang Rai 清莱普拉尔谷A星酒店 A-Star Phulare Valley, Chiang Rai, bounces with happiness. Situated amidst the mountains, the resort offers guests all villa accommodations: Chalet, Premier Chalet, Pool Villa, and Four Bed Room Pool Villa, all well decorated and affording exhilarating views.

清莱普拉尔谷A星酒店是一家充满幸福 的酒店。清莱普拉尔谷A星酒店坐落在群 山之中,度假村为客人提供别墅住宿、小 木屋、尊贵木屋、泳池别墅和四床房泳池 别墅这些房间均装饰精美,享有令人振奋 的美景

Villas were designed to provide a private setting for intimate getaways as well as spacious layouts. Furthermore, the resort’s elegant and well-equipped banquet rooms are available for parties, meetings, banquets and other social events.

别墅的设计意图在于为私密度假提供私密 的环境以及宽敞的布局,除此之外,度假 村优雅且设备齐全的宴会厅可为客人举办 派对、会议、宴会或者其他社交活动。

At the resort, you can enjoy stunning scenery and memorable views. This is an ideal retreat for families, friends, couples, and groups of travelers. A-Star Phulare Valley’s fine climate allows for year-round enjoyment. It facilitates outdoor activities including ATV course, archery, paramotor, cycling, shooting, rice planting, sheep feeding, and fishing. Get close to nature while enjoying a memorable atmosphere. Here is happiness you can reach just 15 minutes’ drive from Mae Fahluang International Airport.


Best Of Class

在度假村,您可以欣赏迷人的风景和难忘 的景色。 这是家庭、朋友、情侣和旅行团的理想度 假场所。清莱普拉尔谷A星酒店位于泰国 清莱,气候宜人,全年适合度假。 酒店 设施齐全适合户外活动,包括ATV球场、 射箭、动力伞、骑自行车、射击、水稻种 植、喂羊和钓鱼。 使住客在旅游的同时能够亲近大自然,同 时享受令人难忘的氛围。 清莱普拉尔谷A 星酒店距离Mae Fahluang国际机场仅有15 分钟车程。


91 Units : Chalet, Premier Chalet, Pool Villa, 4 Bedroom Pool Villa, 4 Bedroom Mountain Ville Pools: swimming pool with stunning mountain views Spa: No Restaurant & Bar: Ping Doi Restaurant, Ping Dao Bar Fitness: No Fun Facts: Activities: Archery, ATV, Bicycling, Sheep Farm, Table tennis A WHAT?!: A perfect hideaway surrounding with monthain and the nature, the best pool villas in Chiang Rai 房间: 泳池: Spa: 餐厅& 酒吧: 健身中心: 特色: 亮点?!:

91间房包括 木屋,高级木屋,泳池别墅,4 人间泳池别墅,4人间山景别墅房 游泳池能够观赏到令人振奋的景色 不 Ping Doi餐厅,Ping Dao酒吧 不 活动:射箭,沙滩车,自行车,牧场,乒乓球 清莱普拉尔谷A星酒店这是一个完美的度假胜地,周围环绕着山脉和大自然,是清莱最 好的泳池别墅

Tel: +66 (0) 52 029 922- 4 60/14 Moo.2, Thasud Sub-District, Muang Chiang Rai, Chiang Rai, 57100 Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Southeast Asia Best Designed Hotel



Best Of Class

Hotels & Resorts in Thailand An Luxury Lam Retreats Sai Gon River


Vietnam, Saigon


An Lam Retreats Saigon River 胡志明市西贡河安澜酒店 Nestled on the fringe of Ho Chi Minh City, An Lam Retreats Saigon River is a 15-minute boat ride from Ho Chi Minh City’s busy centre. Ashore the peaceful Saigon River, our retreat offers an enchanting blend of privacy, serenity and exclusivity, with 19 expansive villas and suites that are set in lush gardens beside the scenic river. Like a lake of blooming water lilies, each villa is uniquely imagined with exquisite touches of Vietnamese culture. Our delicious Western and Vietnamese restaurant, luxurious spa and meditative plunge pool make for an idyllic escape. With an artful blend of local charm and modern elegance, An Lam Retreats Saigon River is a sanctuary of bliss.


Best Of Class

位于胡志明市市郊,距离胡志明市繁忙热闹的 市中心有15分钟的船程。 位于宁静的西贡河畔,我们的酒店私密性强且 宁静,在这里您好似拥有这一切,酒店共有19间 宽敞明亮的别墅和套房,被郁郁葱葱的热带花园 所环绕,近旁便是美丽的西贡河。 就好似一池盛放的水百合,每一栋别墅都有自 己独特的造型,又都体现越南文化特点。我们美 味的西餐厅和越南菜餐厅,奢华的Spa和安静的 跌水池泳池让您远离尘世,享受轻松惬意。 融合当地特色和现代优雅,来胡志明市西贡河 安澜酒店享受宁静的世界。

Rooms / Villas: Pools: Spa: Restaurant & Bar: Fitness: Fun Facts: A WHAT?!:

19 spacious suites and villas Swimming pool near the river yes restaurant with good view of river & poolside bar open from 8.00 to 18.00 yes fishing, city tour Evening Sunset Cruise: The tour allows you to explore the traditional local neighborhood and some of the city’s most rapidly developing areas then arrive at District 1 in time for a witness to the sunset sinking below the picturesque skyline of Saigon.

客房/别墅: 泳池: Spa: 餐厅和酒吧: 健身房: 特色:

19间各具特色的套房和别墅 河畔泳池 配有 河景餐厅,泳池畔酒吧,每天8点到18点营业 配有 钓鱼,城市短途游




Tel: +84 (0) 274 378 5555

Fax: +84 (0) 274 378 500 21/4 Trung Street, Vinh Phu Ward, Thuan An Dist., Saigon River, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Vietnam, Saigon


The Reverie Saigon 胡志明市西贡万韵酒店 Inspired by a desire to ignite and excite the imagination of travellers with spaces never seen or experienced before, the vision was to design a palatial, sky-high retreat that would rise far above all else – in quality and hospitality. The hotel would also be a symbol of Vietnam’s rapid development and its ability to embrace the unknown wholeheartly as it speeds towards modernity with all of its hopes and ambitions, brimming with endless potential. Paired with luxurious facilities and amenities, the experience of seasoned hoteliers and the warmth of distinctly Vietnamese hospitality. THIS is The Reverie Saigon.


Best Of Class

受旅行者对于前所未有的激情和幸福的愿 望的想象的启发,我们独特的视角,宫殿式宏 伟的建筑,直冲云霄的气势,让您俯瞰一切, 高品质和热情周到的服务,让您享受完美假期。 酒店也是越南高速发展的一个象征,用尽 所有力量来拥抱未知的中心世界,怀着希望与 壮志雄心,带着无穷无尽的潜能,朝着现代化 不断前进。 酒店配有现代奢华设施,带给您不一样的 体验,体贴的酒店服务员,周到的越南式热 情。 这就是胡志明市西贡万韵酒店。

Rooms: Pools: Spa: Restaurant & Bar: Fitness: Fun Facts: A WHAT?!: 客房: 泳池: 餐厅和酒吧: 健身房: 特色: 惊喜?!!:

286 guestrooms size from 43 to 313 square meter a 24-meter long, free-form pool designed with exquisite mosaic tile artistry by Sicis of Italy yes with 10 private treatment rooms (guests under 16 years of age are not permitted) Café Cardinal (divine all day-dining), R&J (traditional italian), The Royal Pavil ion (exquisite chinese), The Long@ Times Square (casual eats), The Deli (homemade To-Go) Ho Chi Minh City’s most impressive fitness facility enjoy the design, The Reverie Saigon is a stunning salute to the best in Italian design and craftsmanship. A private, two-hour sunset cruise on the Saigon River before switching gears at sundown 286间客房,面积从43到313平方米不等 意大利西西斯设计的一个24米长的自由形状的游泳池,带有精美的马赛克瓷砖艺术 红衣天主教咖啡馆(全天用餐-晚餐),R&J(传统意大利餐厅),皇家馆(精致中 国菜餐厅),Long@时代广场(休闲小吃),The Deli(家庭自制) 拥有胡志明市最棒的健身设备 享受来自意大利最精美的设计和手工艺品,向传统西贡文化致敬 西贡河上2小时的私人巡航,来欣赏绝美的夕阳日落景色

Tel: +84 (0) 28 3823 6688 22 - 36 Nguyen Hue Boulevard& 57 - 69F Dong Khoi Street Ho Chi Minh City | District 1 Vietnam

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Cambodia, Siem Reap 柬埔寨,暹粒

The Beige Cambodia 柬埔寨贝格酒店 The Beige is a luxury tent resort located in the lush environs of Angkor Wat.

贝格酒店是一家位于吴哥古迹群的帐篷式奢华酒 店。

Ensconced in a region replete with UNESCO World Heritage Sites like Angkor Wat, this resort evokes a feel for the finest of Khmer history.

位于联合国教科文组织世界古迹遗址的吴哥 窟,酒店为客人打造高棉历史的最佳感受。

The Tents are made with organic materials, with no traces of vinyl or plastic, the tent fabric resembles the sailcloth of a yacht – unyielding in wind, though lightweight and durable. Breezes pass softly through the open interior, as relaxing reminders of nature all around. Each room is equipped with air conditioning, Control the space for your comfort and convenience. Strong Wi-Fi is at your disposal.


Best Of Class

帐篷采用有机材料,不含乙烯基或塑料,我们的 帐篷采用游艇的航海布,肌理清晰呈现,抗风性能 好,质轻耐磨。清风拂过开放的露台,在美丽的自 然环境里放松心情。 每间房间均配有空调,使得空间舒适便捷。超强 wifi信号,满足您的需求。

Tent: Pools: Spa: Restaurant: Fitness: Fun Facts: A WHAT?!: 帐篷: 泳池: Spa: 餐厅: 健身房: 特色: 惊喜?!!:

6 guest rooms (Luxury Tent) floating forest pool The BEIGE’s spa, surrounded by the soft tents, leads you to relax mentally and physically. yes, combine traditional Khmer regional cuisine with original dishes of the hotel no Enjoy the fireplace with the view of Siem Reap River. The landscape is that the forest is brightly colored in the sunset. Personalized adventure is arranged by a planner and driver. Typical sightseeing and picnic at the place only locals would know about. 6间客房(豪华帐篷) 飘浮森林泳池 The Beige米色Spa,被柔软的帐篷所包围,带领您来到精神心灵的放松状态 有,结合传统高棉地域特色和酒店精品菜式 没有 享受壁炉,欣赏暹粒河的美景,欣赏森林陆地色彩绚烂的绝美日落 有我们的策划师和司机为您的精彩的私人探险之旅保驾护航,更可以体验到只有当地人才 知道的经典观光点和美味餐食。

Tel: +855 (0) 81 297 298 Svay Chek Road, Svay Chek Commune, Angkor Thom, Siem Reap, Cambodia

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Thailand, Bangkok

泰國, 曼谷

akyra TAS Sukhumvit Bangkok 曼谷素坤逸阿凯拉塔斯酒店 akyra TAS Sukhumvit Bangkok is a stylish, innovative luxury boutique hotel located in the epicenter of Bangkok’s most dynamic tourism area on Sukhumvit Soi 20, a lively neighborhood known for its fine restaurants and nightlife, as well as lifestyle malls, quality spas and green recreation spaces. The 46-room akyra Sukhumvit Bangkok offers guests 30-60 square metre accommodation with rooms and suites styled to benefit from the surrounding cityscape views and floor-to-ceiling glass doors that slide open onto generous balconies.

曼谷素坤逸阿凯拉塔斯酒店是一家极奢华 和时尚的酒店, 酒店坐落于曼谷最具旅游活 力且最方便的素坤逸20巷,酒店所处的热 闹街区以高档餐厅和精彩夜生活而闻名,汇 聚了高端商场、卓越的水疗中心和绿色的休 闲空间。 曼谷素坤逸阿凯拉塔斯酒店有46间30平 米—60平米不等的房间和套间,拥览周边 的都市景观,落地玻璃门窗可直通宽敞的阳 台。 暹罗灵魂Café提供一系列的全球美味,Café店全天开放,店里提供国际化的菜品 和泰国菜。

Savour a range of inspired global flavours at 住客可以到屋顶酒吧享受精心挑选的饮 Siam Soul Café All-Day-Dining Restaurant that 料,在具有泰国灵感的酒吧里享受美味、烧 offers international and Thai cuisine. 烤和烟熏菜,还有更多的乐趣等你来! Escape to Rise Rooftop Bar and sip on a curated selection of beverages, Thai-inspired savoury bar bites, BBQ grilled and smoked dishes, and more substantial fare.


Best Of Class

Rooms / Suites: Pool : Spa: Restaurant & Bars: Fitness: Fun Facts: A WHAT?!:

房间/ 套间: 泳池 : Spa: 餐厅 & 酒吧: 健身房: 特色: 亮点?!:


CMYK 100 100 25 51

46 rooms Swimming pool with city view No Siam Soul Café All-day dining, Rise - Rooftop Bar & Dining Fitness center akyra TAS Sukhumvit Bangkok is the first single-use plastic-free hotel in Asia Hotel guests will receive stainless water bottle upon arrival and self-service fruit-infused drinking water refill station is available on every floor of the hotel. Bathroom amenities will be presented in locally manufactured celadon pottery containers filled with essential oil-based products. Drinks at hotel’s restaurant and bar are served without single-use plastic straws 46个房间 泳池可欣赏到曼谷城市美景 不 暹罗灵魂Café全天开放,屋顶酒吧和餐厅 设备齐全的健身中心 阿凯拉塔斯酒店是亚洲第一家无一次性塑料的酒店。 入住酒店的客人将在抵达时收到不锈钢水壶,酒店的每个楼层均提供自助式水 果和 饮用水补充站,浴室设施使用了当地制造的青瓷陶器,该容器里装满了精油 酒店的餐厅和酒吧提供的饮品不含一次性塑料吸管。

Tel: +66 (0) 2 260 0555 7 Sukhumvit 20, Sukhumvit Road, Klongteoy, Bangkok, 10110 Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand PANTONE 276 C


Thailand, Chiang Mai

泰國, 清迈

akyra Manor Chiang Mai



Best Of Class

This is a chic, urban resort concept providing an invigorating shot of passion, design flair and contemporary style for the ‘Rose of the North’: a five-star, intimate and exclusive all-suite luxury hotel.

清迈艾卡拉庄园酒店是一间奢华的五星 级城市概念度假村。融合了现代而热忱的设 计风格,在被誉为“北方玫瑰”的清迈别有 特色 。

The hotel is a five-star, 30-key, all-suite luxury hotel, with 23 Deluxe Suites (60 sqm) and seven Manor Suites (100 sqm) created around a courtyard within-a-room concept.

这间五星级的酒店拥有30间套房,均主 以“阁中之庭院”的概念修建。其中23间为 60平方米的艾卡拉豪华套房,7间为100平方 米的艾卡拉庄园套房 。

It’s the hip downtown hotel Chiang Mai never had. It is ‘the place to be seen’ in the new downtown Chiang Mai, with flourishes like a state-of-the-art show kitchen and pizza ovens as part of flagship contemporary Italian experience named Italics, and a show-stopping rooftop pool bar where the sunsets are a ‘religious experience’.

艾卡拉庄园酒店坐落在清迈市中心,被 称为在清迈城区漫步的“必游之所”。酒店 的Italics餐厅 拥有最先进的开放式厨房和比 萨饼手工作坊,精心烹饪意大利料理,是食 客们在宁曼路上最爱流连的地方。屋顶Rise 泳池畔酒吧更是欣赏日落美景和品位特色调 酒的好去处。

Check in to pure urban style and big city sophistication in buzz-worthy Nimmanhaemin Soi 9, known locally as ‘coffee street’. Take in the chic boutiques, galleries, bars and coffee shops, then return to your sanctuary.

入住艾卡拉庄园酒店,漫步在宁曼街区, 走进“咖啡街”上一间精致的咖啡馆、画廊、 时尚精品店、酒吧,带着这份清迈的韵味, 沉淀在旅途中。

Suites: 23 akyra Deluxe Suites , 7 akyra Manor Suites Pools: infinity pool at Rise Rooftop Bar Spa: in-room massages available Restaurant & Bar: Italics Restaurant, Rise Rooftop Bar Fitness: 24 hours Fun Facts: dining on chef’s table, city bicycles available, sunset cocktails A WHAT?!: luxurious afternoon-tea at chic Italics Restaurant, even serving Durian (ugh) flavor! 房间: 游泳池: Spa: 餐厅和酒吧: 健身中心: 趣闻: 惊喜?! :

23 间阿凯拉豪华套房, 7 间阿凯拉庄园套房 位于屋顶的无边游泳池和泳池畔酒吧 提供客房内泰式按摩服务 Italics意大利餐厅,Rise屋顶酒吧 24小时 在主厨的餐桌上用餐,单车骑行,日落时分调一杯鸡尾酒 在别致的Italics餐厅享受豪华下午茶,还有榴莲口味的甜品选择!

Tel: +66 (0) 25 148 112 22/2 Nimman Haeminda Rd Lane 9, Mueang Chiang Mai District, Chiang Mai, 50200 Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Thailand, Hua Hin, Prachuap Khirikhan

泰國, 华欣,巴蜀府

Wora Bura Hua Hin Resort & Spa

华欣沃拉布拉SPA度假酒店 A pervasive Thailand motif embraces this cultured, rich, colonial-styled resort that stretches luxuriously – through gracious, interior gardens festooned with plants – to The Gulf Beachfront.

华欣沃拉布拉SPA度假酒店以深厚的文 化底蕴为基调,浓郁的殖民时期的建筑风 格,花园环绕,浪漫奢华,整个度假村在泰 国湾沙滩畔缓缓展开。

Wora Bura Hua Hin Resort & Spa creates the ambiance of cultured elegance and dreamy nostalgia. It combines the truly unique concept of both luxurious colonial styles and tropical seaside resort, designed to represent a beautiful city reflecting the atmosphere of 19th century Thailand when his Majesty King Rama V made his formal visit to Europe.

在华欣沃拉布拉SPA度假酒店,文化优 雅与浪漫复古风完美结合,奢华殖民风格与 现代海滨度假村完美融合,建筑风格别具一 格,设计展现了19世纪泰国拉玛五世皇时 期访问欧洲时期所见的美丽城市风光。

Located along The Gulf of Thailand and on the serene beachfront of Hua Hin in Prachuab Khiri Khan Province, the resort offers 77 luxurious rooms (44-130 sqm), including three beachfront villas (with outdoor Jacuzzis) – all featuring spectacular views of the outdoor landscape from private balconies. The resort provides comprehensive facilities to make your holiday pleasurable, including: a large outdoor swimming pool embroidered within the garden (with a pool bar), spa, fitness centre, library, kids club, and a beachfront restaurant serving sophisticated international cuisine.


Best Of Class

度假村位于泰国湾畔巴蜀府的海滨小城 华欣,共有77间豪华客房,面积从44至 130平米不等,包括3栋沙滩畔带按摩浴缸 的别墅房,所有的房间都有绝美的景致。客 人可以在我们的私人沙滩玩耍,放松。 度假村设施齐备,包括一个花园环绕的 室外游泳池,一个泳池畔酒吧,SPA,健身 中心,阅览室,儿童俱乐部,还有沙滩畔餐 厅为您提供地道经典美食。在这里,您一定 可以享受一个完美假期。

Rooms / Villas: Pool / Beach: Spa: Restaurants & Bar: Fitness: Fun Facts: A WHAT?!: 房间/别墅: 泳池/沙滩: Spa: 餐厅/酒吧: 健身中心: 特色: 亮点:

77 rooms; 3 villas beachfront, double figure-eight centerpiece extending to the sea / yes The Wora Spa, with 5 private treatment rooms Chulamongkut (international breakfast), Rak Talay (beachfront international cuisine), Chonlamark Pool Bar Fully-equipped Free rental for Thai traditional costume and daily Thai activities (mini workshop) for in-house guests The unique designed resort reflecting Thai cultures, is a new built to represent Royal Thai summer palace, located on Hua Hin beachfront 77间房间,3栋别墅 沙滩畔泳池(双8建筑长廊有陆上延伸至海滨),有沙滩 沃拉SPA和5间SPA按摩水疗室 朱拉蒙特餐厅(国际化早餐),拉克泰勒餐厅(沙滩畔国际菜肴),朱拉马克泳池 畔酒吧 全设备健身中心 为酒店客人提供传统泰式服装的免费租赁以及在迷你商店免费体验传统泰式习俗活动 别具一格的建筑风格展现泰国文化,地理位置优越,到达考汪行宫交通便利,位于 美丽的华欣沙滩畔

Tel: +66 (0) 32 655 333

Fax: +66 (0) 32 655 336 Facebook: 83/199 Nong Kae, Hua Hin, Prachuap Khiri Khan, 77110 Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Thailand, Phuket

泰國, 普吉岛

The Slate Phuket 普吉斯莱特酒店 A luxuriously crafted design resort within Nai Yang Beach’s sheltered sands, set amidst lush tropical gardens where pools and lagoons juxtapose post-modern art. Known for his visionary architecture, this Bill Bensley design masterpiece, and a member of Design Hotels™, The Slate, is the islands only avant-garde expression of a true Phuket heritage. A strikingly original manifestation of the island’s core; the architecture is inspired by the island’s tin mining past which is complemented by bold contemporary design details. The ‘all villa, all suite’ property offers 177 accommodation choices with an additional seven private pool villas - decadently furnished with gorgeous marble and rich wood, The Slate’s pool villas offer a blissful escape that exudes majestic elegance and modern artistry. Eight restaurants and bars have a range of offerings from unique Thai delicacies with flavours from the region presenting plenty of fresh seafood, tender grilled cuts, exotic cocktails and New World wines. The Slate offers scrumptious but healthy wholesome cuisine – all in a unique setting of visionary excellence and enchanting surroundings. Facilities include three swimming pools – one family pool and 
two adult-only infinity pools, a beach club, art quarter, fitness studio, tennis courts, a ‘TIN BOX’ kids club, on-site dive centre, award-winning Coqoon Spa, inspiring conference facilities and a on-site cooking school.


Best Of Class

普吉斯莱特酒店是一个位于奈扬沙滩 的奢侈且豪华的设计酒店,坐落在郁郁葱 葱的热带花园中,水池和泻湖构成的后现 代艺术感和风格独特、错落有致的建筑特 色,均由世界著名景观大师Bill Bensley 操 刀而成。普吉斯莱特是普吉岛上唯一的以 后现代且前卫的方式来表达岛上传统传承 遗产的酒店,也体现了这座岛屿最核心的 理念。酒店的设计灵感来自岛上过去的采 锡矿,是一间很大胆的设计,所有别墅和 套房一共有177个房间,另外还有七个私 人泳池别墅-以华丽的大理石配以独特的木 材作为装饰,弥漫着艺术的优雅和现代风 格,为您提供了一个温馨且私密的避风港 湾。 普吉斯莱特酒店内含有8家餐厅和酒吧 提供了一系列独特的泰国美食,其中包含 新鲜的海鲜、嫩滑的烤肉、以及精心制作 的鸡尾酒和新世界葡萄酒等,以板岩为主 要烹饪方式的独特理念,为客人提供了美 味且有益健康的独特享受——普吉斯莱特 酒店餐厅以健康卫生且独特的烹饪方式完 美融合进酒店这令人着迷的环境中 普吉斯莱特酒店设施包括3个游泳池, 1个家庭游泳池和1个成人游泳池,还有无 边游泳池,海滩俱乐部,艺术区,健身演 播室,网球场,1个‘TIN BOX’儿童俱 乐部,场区潜水中心,一流的 Spa,令人 振奋的会议设施和1个现场烹饪学校。

Rooms / Villas: Pool / Beach: Spa: Restaurants & Bar:


177 Suites and 7 Private Pool Villas 3 swimming pools – 1 family pool and 2 adult-only infinity pools 6 private rooms including 1 signature suite “The Nest” 8 restaurants and bars to enjoy gourmet dining in spectacular settings and culinary masterpieces that nourish and inspire. The Slate specialises in crafting authentic dishes with deliciously nutri tious ingredients that draw on the Earth’s organic goodness 35 acres of whimsical dreamscape abundance of activities for family, sophisticated design, themed restaurant authenticity. A Bill Bensley design masterpiece and a member of Design Hotels

客房/套房: 泳池: Spa: 餐厅和酒吧: 健身中心: 趣闻: 惊喜?:

177间套房以及7间私人游泳池别墅。 3间游泳池,1间家庭游泳池和2个大人游泳池,还有无边游泳池。 6间私人房间,包括1间鲜明的鸟巢间。 8间餐厅和酒吧,让住客可以在优雅的环境中享受美食烹饪杰作,使住客感到幸福滋养。 酒店使用天然有机食材制作正宗美味有营养的食物。 35英尺的充满梦境的丰富的家庭活动,精致的设计,主题餐厅。 是Bill Bensley的设计作品。

Fitness: Fun Facts:

Tel: +66 (0) 76 327 006 Nai Yang Beach 116 Moo 1, Sakhu, Thalang Phuket, 83110 Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Thailand, Koh Samui

泰國, 苏梅岛

The Scent Hotel 苏梅岛森特酒店 Gracious, romantic and serene. It is a resplendent setting for the celebration of a personal event: anniversary, special birthday, that magical proposal – or simply a relaxing weekend holding hands or private holiday. The Scent Hotel rests in a cocoon of its own tranquility on the edge of a quiet beach, awash in understated luxury. Elegantly done.

这座古朴和舒适的酒店坐落于班拉克 海滩–离机场只需几分钟,还可以在渔人 村漫步或就餐。

Built seven years ago, it should be no secret. It is a boutique paradise.

森特酒店修建于七年前,是一个精品 天堂,它不应该独享秘密。

The 15 rooms, for adults only, including three stunning Beachfront Suites (mine stepped down to the beach and is beautifully designed – with an antique brass telescope peering at Koh Phangan) are enhanced by a world-class restaurant, Le Jaroen, that nests above the beach.

15间客房,其中包括三间令人惊叹的 海滨套房(向下延伸至海滩,有设计精美 的古铜色望远镜,可窥探攀牙岛)这里有 着世界顶级的Le Jaroen餐厅,它是点缀在 沙滩上的秘密花园,专为成人设计。 再来一个SPA,使浪漫气息无限延伸……


Best Of Class

森特酒店宁静地躺在安静的海滩边, 低调奢华又不失优雅。

This quaint and cozy hotel sits on Bangrak Beach – minutes from both the airport and dining or walking at Fisherman’s Village.

And a little spa that helps spread the Scent…


集雅致、浪漫和宁静于一身,这是一 个适合举办重大活动的场所,若举办周 年纪念、生日宴会特典,森特酒店将会 是一个神奇的提议- 而同时,这里也适合 简单、放松、浪漫的周末小憩或者私密假 期。

David Lihn

美轮美奂 大卫.林

Rooms / Suites: Pools / Beach: Spa: Restaurant: Fitness: Fun Facts: A WHAT?!:

12 diverse-themed Sea Breeze (50 sqm) / 3 Beachfront Suites (70 sqm) large, facing beach / you and the waves intimate and affordable Le Jaroen No near Fisherman’s Village; and so serene intimate and romantic; peaceful and tranquil

客房/套房: 游泳池/海滩: Spa: 餐厅和酒吧: 健身中心: 趣闻: 惊喜?!!:

12间多样化海洋主题的套房(50平方米)/3间海滨套房(70平方米) 宽阔,面对海滩/您和海浪 贴心又实惠 Le Jaroen 不 靠近渔人村;安静 贴心、浪漫、和平、安宁

Tel: +66 (0) 77 962 198 , +66 (0) 77 960 123 58/1 Mo 4, Bangrak Beach, Bophut, Koh Samui, Suratthani, 84320 Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Southeast Asia Best Beach Hotels 东南亚最好的海滨酒店


Best Of Class

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand Aleenta Hua Hin57

Indonesia, Bali 印度尼西亚,巴厘岛

InterContinental Bali Resort 巴厘岛洲际酒店 This is a luxury beachfront resort. Nestled in lush tropical gardens, alongside a stretch of prime white sand beach, InterContinental Bali Resort invites you to immerse yourself in the ambiance of a tranquil Balinese village. One of Bali’s most renowned and enduring properties, this five-star resort was the first luxury property of its kind to be built on the shores of the beautiful Jimbaran Bay overlooking stunning sunsets. The recipient of multiple international awards, InterContinental Bali Resort seamlessly accommodates the needs of travelers to Bali, whether it is couples, families, or corporate types. Showcasing traditional Balinese architecture seamlessly interwoven with modern conveniences.


Best Of Class

沙滩畔奢华度假酒店 被郁郁葱葱的热带花园所围绕,私人白沙滩绵 延开来,巴厘岛洲际酒店邀您在原始的巴厘岛村庄 里和自己来一场亲密对话。这家五星级酒店是巴厘 岛最负盛名,最经久不衰的财富,给您带来一流的 极致奢华体验,酒店建在美丽的Jimbaran海湾的沙 滩上,在此可以欣赏夕阳美景。 多次荣获国际大奖,无论是夫妻同游,家庭出 游,还是集体团队出游,巴厘岛洲际酒店满足旅客 对巴厘岛的所有需求。 酒店将巴厘岛传统特色与现代便捷完美融合。

Rooms: Pools / Beach: Spa: Restaurant & Bar: Fitness: Fun Facts: A WHAT?!:

客房: 泳池/沙滩: Spa: 餐厅和酒吧: 健身房: 特色: 惊喜?!!:

417 beautifully-appointed rooms oceanfront swimming pool with a stunning view of Jimbaran Bay / Yes yes; with exclusive treatment Taman Gita, Sunset Beach Bar & Grill, Jimbaran Gardens, Bella Cucina, Ko Japanese Restaurant and private romantic dining yes, full equipment Yoga, Balinese Bayu Suci, Traditional Balinese Music, Fruit and Flower arranging, Village and Sunset Cycling tours SEA OF LOVE: For the perfect romantic experience, take a deep breath and start to relax with a soothing foot bath and scrub, followed by stress reducing foot reflexiology. 417间美丽的风景房 坐拥Jimbaran湾美丽景致的海滨游泳池,有沙滩 配有热情周到服务的Spa Taman Gita餐厅,日落酒吧&烧烤吧,jimbaran花园餐吧,Bella Cucina餐吧,Ko日 本餐厅,浪漫私房菜餐厅 配有全设备健身房 瑜伽,巴厘岛特色Bayu Suci, 传统巴厘岛音乐,鲜果鲜花环绕,乡村精致日落自行车游 海洋的爱:完美浪漫体验,淋浴放松,开始做一次足浴和磨砂按摩,轻松舒适。 然后来一次巴厘岛传统按摩,放松身心,舒缓压力。

Tel: +62 (0) 361 701 888

Fax: +62 (0) 361 701 777

icbali.reservation@ihg .com Jl. Raya Uluwatu No.45, Jimbaran, Kuta Sel., Kabupaten Badung, Bali 80361, Indonesia

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Indonesia, Bali 印度尼西亚,巴厘岛

Samabe Bali Suites & Villas 巴厘岛萨玛贝别墅&套房酒店 Samabe Bali Suites & Villas is situated on the cliff of Nusa Dua Beach, only 30 minutes from Bali International Airport.

巴厘岛萨玛贝别墅套房酒店位于Nusa Dua沙滩 的崖壁上,距离巴厘岛国际机场仅有30分钟的车 程。

Stretched in 8-hectare area with 81 suites & villas, 3 restaurants and 2 bars, Samabe Bali Suites & Villas resonates beauty and sophistication in a harmonious combination of contemporary and Balinese styles.

酒店占地面积8公顷,共有81间别墅&套房,3间 餐厅,2间酒吧,萨玛贝别墅&套房酒店景色美丽, 环境秀丽,把现代风格和巴厘岛特色做了和谐完美 的融合。

Sophisticated details that accentuate objects such as wall decorations, chandeliers, or tabletops reflect the service attitude that assures you that your needs and preferences will be well taken care of and with such meticulous attention to details These values echo steadily and harmoniously as you step into your room and in every corner of the resort.


Best Of Class

精致的细节处理,精美的物品陈设,例如,墙壁 装饰,枝形吊灯,桌面装饰物无不反映我们周到的 服务态度,对待细节一丝不苟的态度,精准满足您 的一切需求,照顾到您的喜好。 当您步入酒店房间的那一刻,在酒店的每一个角 落您都可以感受到这些价值所体现出的稳固与和谐。

Villas & Suites: Pools / Beach: Spa: Restaurant & Bar: Fitness: Fun Facts: A WHAT?!: 别墅/套房: 泳池/沙滩: Spa: 餐厅和酒吧: 健身房: 特色: 惊喜?!!:

42 luxury villas, 39 suites infinity pool / private beach yes Samabe Cave and Beach Dinner, Rempah-Rempah Main Dinning Room, Te.JA.CO. Lounge & Bar, Crystal Blue Ocean Grill, Ring Of Fire Pool Bar and In-Villa & Suite Dining yes ocean kayak, Catamaran sailing (Hobie Cat), wind surfing, snorkeling, standup paddle Presents selection of venues for a fairytale Bali wedding with a breathtaking view of the Indian Ocean, it will radiate joy and invite everyone around to send their blessings. 42套奢华别墅,39间套房 无边泳池,私人沙滩 有 萨玛比岩洞沙滩畔餐厅,Rempah Rempah 主餐厅,TeJA 大厅餐吧,湛蓝海洋烧烤 餐吧,火环泳池畔餐吧,别墅套房内送餐服务 有 海洋皮划艇,双体船帆船海航,风帆冲浪,浮潜,立桨 在如童话境遇般的巴厘岛选择一处理想之地举办婚礼,面对印度洋绝美的景色,邀 请身边的人送上他们的祝福,分享您的喜悦。

Tel: +62 (0) 361 846 8633 Jalan Pura Barong-Barong Sawangan, Nusa Dua 80363, Indonesia

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Vietnam, Nha Trang


Mia Resort Nha Trang 芽庄米亚度假村 Powdery white beaches and crystal clear water lap the private beach that the resort is set on. Currently, no other development is planned nearby, making the resort unique, boutique and exclusive. Indigenous gardens filled with the scent of frangipani mixed with fresh sea air make for a rejuvenating experience. Based on eco-friendly principles, Mia boasts rooftops studded with manicured grass and shrubs instead of tiles or differing roof coverings, enhancing the environmental appeal. The private beach allows guests an array of beach activities, or, as the sun sets in the West: a twilight candlelit dinner, whilst the soft chugging of fishing boats in the distance tell of the night’s activities on the East Sea.


Best Of Class

这里有如面粉般的白沙滩,清澈的海水拍打 着度假村的私人沙滩。目前,度假村周围没有 任何发展计划,使得度假村别致,精致,脱颖而 出。郁郁葱葱的热带花园里盛开的鸡蛋花,伴随 清新的海风,让您的旅行难忘而美好。 秉承着环保的理念,米亚度假村的屋顶采用 修剪过的稻草和灌木来代替传统的屋顶,清新别 致,和周围的环境很好地融合。 客人可以在度假村的私人沙滩上进行一系列 的活动,或者看美丽的夕阳,在沙滩上享用浪漫 的烛光晚餐,踩在软软的沙滩上,夜晚,看东海 上的渔船在海上进行夜间作业。

Rooms / Villas: Pools / Beach: Spa: Restaurant & Bar: Fitness: Fun Facts: A WHAT?!: 客房/别墅: 泳池/沙滩: Spa: 餐厅和酒吧: 健身房: 特色: 惊喜?!!:

70 yes on the beach yes Sandals Restaurant & Bar, Mojito’s Bar & Bounge, LaBaia Ristorante Italiano yes boat trips, motorbike excursions, trips to the hot springs, visits to pagodas and the Nha Trang Cathedral. Private dinner on the beach: for any couple, romance is easy at Mia. Laid out to offer you the utmost privacy and with luxury and comfort surrounding you. 70 沙滩畔泳池 有 sandals 餐吧,莫吉托酒吧,LaBaia意大利餐厅 有 乘船旅行,摩托车远足,温泉之行,参观宝塔和Nha Trang大教堂 沙滩上的私人晚餐:对任何一对夫妻而言,浪漫在米亚度假村而言是触手可及的。 在有良好私密性的沙滩上,让奢华舒适环绕您。

Tel: +84 (0) 2583 989 666

Fax: +84 (0) 2583 989 667 Bai Dong, Cam Hai Dong, Cam Lam, Khanh Hoa, Viet Nam

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Thailand, Phuket

泰國, 普吉岛

Aleenta Phuket

Phang Nga Resort & Spa 普吉岛艾琳塔酒店 Just 20 minutes north of Phuket International Airport, Aleenta Phuket Phang Nga Resort & Spa is a favorite. Located on the sunset side of the Andaman Sea and the private, mesmerizing Natai Beach, known as ‘The Hamptons of Phuket’, the resort is exceptional. With the concept of ‘outside living-in’, the resort delivers five-star experience in luxurious suites and villas with generous space (ranging in sizes from 80 square meters to 5,000 square meters for 2-4 bedroom beachfront villas), always favored by honeymooners, family travelers and those looking for a secluded escape to the sandy white beach along the coast of crystal-clear Andaman Sea. Dream away the day by the pool or try some of the many activities available at Aleenta from yoga, Tai Chi and Thai Boxing to cooking classes, Spa treatments and meditation. Or travel to nearby Blue Canyon Country Club or the picturesque Phang Nga Bay. Visit the nearby turtle sanctuary, or charter a boat and island hop, or go deep-sea fishing.


Best Of Class

普吉艾琳塔度假酒店距离普吉国际机场 北部仅20分钟车程,坐落于安达曼海岸的 日落方向,拥有迷人的纳泰海滩,被称为“ 普吉岛的汉普顿”。酒店因而也十分独特, 广受欢迎。 “户外生活”是度假村的理念,它可以为 您提供宽敞的五星级套房(2-4个卧室的滨 海别墅,房间面积80平米到5000平米不等) ,特别受到欢度蜜月的甜蜜爱人与家庭旅游 者的青睐。此外,这里还适合渴望被放逐的 旅客,他们可以在安达曼洁白纯净的海滩闲 适地徒走漫步。 您可以在梦幻般的艾琳塔度过有意义的 一天,如游泳、尝试瑜伽、泰籍、泰拳、烹 饪、SPA护理与冥想等各种活动。 此外,在蓝峡谷高尔夫球场或风景如画 的攀牙湾旅行也是不错的选择。 参观附近的海龟保护区,租船从一个岛 屿到另外一个岛屿游玩,或者去深海捕鱼。

Suites / Villas: 67 suites and villas Pools / Beach: beachfront pool / secluded Natai Beach Spa: world-class Ayurah Spa & Wellness Center Restaurants: The Edge (International), Natai Restaurant (Thai); romantic beach dining, private villa dining Fitness: well-equipped with professional trainer and recreational activities Fun Facts: Relax mind and body with Ayurah 3-, 5-, or 7- day package of wellness and retreats or private meditation/yogic session with the expert A WHAT?!: kids eat, play, stay for free! 客房: 游泳池/海滩: Spa : 餐厅: 健身中心: 趣闻: 惊喜?!:

67间、套房和别墅 无边游泳池/僻静洁白的纳泰海滩 世界级艾语拉水疗中心(Ayurah Wellness Center) The Edge(国际美食)、纳泰餐厅(泰国美食)、浪漫的沙滩烛光晚餐、私人别墅内用餐 设备齐全的健身中心,配有体重娱乐活动和专业教练 Ayurah3-5-7天短期疗养旅游或私人冥想/专家瑜伽课程带给您身心上的放松 孩子们可以免费吃、玩、住!

Tel: +66 (0) 25 148 112 33 Moo 5, Takua Thung, Khok Kloi, Phang Nga, Phuket, 82140 Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Thailand, Hua Hin, Prachuap Khirikhan

泰國, 华欣,巴蜀府

Aleenta Hua Hin Pranburi Resort & Spa 华欣奥莱塔-普拉布里spa度假村 Aleenta Hua Hin – Pranburi Resort & Spa is a pioneering and award-winning boutique luxury resort and spa with a concept that perfectly embodies an “Outside Living In” philosophy. Located outside of picturesque Hua Hin (a 2.5 hour drive south of Bangkok) and steps from the tranquil Pak Nam Pran Beach, Aleenta offers commanding and tranquil views of the stunning sunrise of the Gulf of Thailand. It features serenity and privacy. The resort features 24 unique residences (up to five bedrooms), most with a private pool. It is a wonderful choice for a romantic beach wedding, or an idyllic (and unforgettable) honeymoon. Also bring your family for a weekend get-away, reunion -- or a corportate retreat. The resort stands on the concept of “Ecological Living” with overall principles of sustainable development integrated into every detail, including its own eco-farm to produce ingredients for its kitchen.


Best Of Class

艾琳塔华欣班布里度假酒店名声斐然, 它是一家开拓性意义的度假村,完美地诠释 了“户外生活”的哲学理念。 度假村位于风景如画的华欣(距离曼谷南 部仅2.5小时的车程),距离宁静的帕南邦 海滩仅几步之遥。艾琳塔安逸且宁静,泰国 湾的日出景象更是让人惊叹不已。 酒店拥有24栋独立住宅(最多的包含5间卧 室),大多数住宅带有私人游泳池。 这里不仅适合举行浪漫的海滩婚礼还能 够体验难以忘怀的蜜月时光。此外,这里还 是家庭度假与团队旅行的理想目的地。 酒店以“生态生活”与“可持续展”为 总体原则,厨房中的原材料均以自有经济农 场产物为原材料。

Rooms / Suites / Villas: Pools / Beach: Spa: Restaurants: Fitness: Fun Facts: A WHAT?!:

24 residences a beachfront pool / tranquil Pak Nam Pran Beach AYURAH Spa (Sanskrit for longevity and healthy life) The Aleenta Restaurant (international and modern Thai) No cooking and dining at resort’s own eco-farm an amazing escape from busy city life: experience the harvest, embrace nature, savour the sunrise!

客房: 游泳池/海滩: Spa: 餐厅: 健身中心: 趣闻: 惊喜?!:

24间客房、套房、别墅 无边游泳池/安静的帕南邦海滩 艾语拉水疗中心(梵语意为“健康长寿”) 艾琳塔餐厅(国际与现代泰式美食) 不 在度假村独有的生态休闲农场烹饪与用餐 逃离纷繁的城市生活,体验收获的乐趣,享受大自然的味道,拥抱日出美景!

Tel: +66 (0) 25 148 112 183 Moo 4 Paknampran, Pranburi, Prachuabkhirikhan, 77220 Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Thailand, Phuket

泰國, 普吉岛

akyra Beach Club Phuket

普吉岛阿凯拉海滩俱乐部度假村 akyra Beach Club bestrides the soothing sands of Natai Beach in Phang Nga, 20 minutes north of the Phuket airport, offering a chic, sunny and enchanting venue “full of hip happenings and stylish surprises”.

普吉岛阿凯拉海滩俱乐部度假村位于距 离普吉岛机场以北20分钟车程的攀牙湾纳 塔海滩上,酒店造型时尚,设计风格别具一 格,环境优雅,在这里可以尽享阳光沙滩, 感受幸福感满满的假期。

Meander through tropical gardens and witness the 58 secluded suites and spacious villas, where floor-to-ceiling windows display breath-taking views: palm trees, white sandy beaches and blue skies. Unwind on your balcony or terrace, splash in the waves, or indulge in an adventurous surfing session.

度假村共有58间客房和别墅,处处热带花 园环绕,景色宜人,蓝天,白云,大海,棕 榈树,好一幅热带风光。在酒店阳台或者露 台上吹海风,看浪花拍岸,或者到海里冲 浪,都十分惬意。

Think cocktails served at poolside cabana, whilst the sun goes down and the music picks up. The resort’s integrated beach club, Club akyra is also an attractive waterfront venue that hosts exceptional various theme parties and delectable Beach BBQ on the weekend. Borrow a hotel bike to explore the coast – or plan a scuba diving trip replete with leopard sharks and ancient shipwrecks. Island hop to the legendary Phang Nga Bay or Phi Phi island. Dine overlooking the stunning beach (do not miss the weekend beach BBQ) or host a fabulous wedding. All done in style.


Best Of Class

在泳池边品尝鸡尾酒,享受日落美景和 动感音乐。此外,度假村中的满赋活力的阿 凯拉海滩俱乐部更是举办主题派对、享受海 边烧烤等活动的绝佳去处。 客人可以在酒店租一辆自行车,沿岸骑 行,或者参加潜水出海一日游,去看豹紋鯊 和古代沉船,与之亲密接触,感受海洋之 美。海岛行可以选择攀牙湾一日游,皮皮岛 一日游,去看绝美沙滩。如果您想,在这里 举办婚礼一定会是您毕生难忘的体验。

Rooms / Suites / Villas: Pools / Beach: Spa: Restaurant & Bar: Fitness: Fun Facts: A WHAT?!: 房间/套房/别墅: 泳池/沙滩: Spa: 餐厅/酒吧: 健身中心: 特色: 惊喜?!:

59 secluded suites and spacious villas; Deluxe Suite (46-50 sqm); Garden Villa (50-60 sqm ); Seaview Villa (53 sqm); Beachfront 2-BR Pool Villa (125 sqm) At the beachfront/ pristine Natai Beach Ayurah Spa Club akyra, Upper Deck, and Offside Sports Bar Fully-equipped fitness center Laze away by the beachfront and enjoy the exciting pool party vibes with live DJ. Savour delicious signature cocktails and fresh cold drinks until the sundown. Enjoy the Friday White Party with signature drinks and fire show at akyra Beach Bar from sunset until late. And don’t miss the important match of your favourite team at Offside Sports Bar. 59个私人套房和宽敞别墅,豪华套房(46-50平米),花园别墅(46-50平米),海景别 墅(53平米),沙滩畔双卧泳池别墅(125平米) 沙滩畔泳池,宁静的Natai沙滩 Ayurah Spa akyra俱乐部,Upper Deck餐厅,Offside Sports 酒吧 设施齐全的健身中心 享受沙滩上的慵懒时光以及泳池现场DJ带来的活力氛围,品尝美味的招牌鸡尾酒 和新鲜冰镇饮料迎接落日的到来。 在akyra海滩酒吧中品尝特色饮品、欣赏火舞秀,享受从夕阳到夜色的周五白色聚会。 别忘了Offside Sports关注你最爱的队伍的赛事 。

Tel: +66 (0) 25 148 112

Fax: +66 (0) 25 394 373 32/7 Moo 5, Natai beach, Kok Kloy, Takuatung, 82140 Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Thailand, Koh Samui

泰國, 苏梅岛

Royal Muang Samui Villas

苏梅岛皇家芒别墅酒店 Location, location, location…and lots of elegance.


This spacious resort and charming Samui town are a scant four kilometers from the airport. The beach sprawls out from the pool, excellent restaurants line the quaint Soi – and tropical weather adds the exclamation point.

这间宽敞的度假胜地和苏梅岛旖旎小镇 距离机场4公里。海滩从水池中绵延出来, 古巷中排列着一流的餐厅 – 为热带气候增 加了惊喜。

This family-owned and operated five-star resort is redolent of the architecture of Ayutthaya and Southern Thailand: breezes circulate through airy gardens and the open-air lobby, soft woods adorn the capacious suites, and gardens decorate the grounds. It’s luxurious, classy and offers handsome amenities, particularly a comforting, clever cave-themed spa. If you want extravagance, indulge in a one-BR, Ocean View pool villa. Talk about a sweet suite: a long pool overlooks the beach and Gulf; a kitchen lets you prepare a snack; a living room allows you to entertain quietly; and the view! It is gracious and welcoming. David Lihn


Best Of Class

这家家庭所有与五星级运营标准版的酒 店散发着浓郁的古大城和泰国南部气息。徐 徐微风拂过花园与开放式厅堂,空间充沛的 套房用软木进行装修,并修建花园让酒店更 加美丽。 这是一家经典豪华的酒店,拥有便利 的设施,更值得一提的是它以洞穴为主题的 水疗中心。 如果您渴望奢华,可以在一个三层楼的 海景泳池别墅单人房中纵情沉醉。接下来我 们将要说到一个甜蜜的套房,它拥有可以俯 瞰海滩与泰国湾的游泳池,一个自己小吃的 厨房的,一间待客的客厅,可以让您享受宁 静,以及迷人的风景! 难怪婚礼在这里这么流行,它是多么 浪漫,田园风情多么沁人心扉,让人流连忘 返。 这里多么雅致,所以格外受欢迎。


Suites / Villas: 79 – 64 Suites / 15 Pool Villas Pools / Beach: many / gorgeous white-powder sand Spa: Cave Rai Ra Spa – eclectic and holistic Restaurants 3 – Spice Zone Beach Restaurant, Ciccio Ristorante & Pizzeria, Samui Sailor Grill & Restaurant & Bars: Wine & Coffee Corner, Light House: Wine & Cocktail Bar Fitness: yes Fun Facts: space, privacy A WHAT?!: wonderful location, dining and beach 套房/别墅: 游泳池/海滩: S pa: 餐厅: 酒吧: 健身中心: 趣闻: 惊喜?!!:

79间:64间套房/15间泳池别墅 多/华丽的白沙 洞穴 RAI RA SPA – 折中与整体兼得 3个:香料区海滩餐厅,意大利餐厅Ciccio&比萨店,苏梅岛水手烧烤和餐厅 葡萄酒和咖啡角,灯楼:葡萄酒和鸡尾酒吧 有 空间,隐私 泰国最佳的豪华海滨度假胜地

Tel: +66 (0) 77 428 700 Fax: +66 (0) 77 417 470 89 Moo 5, Choeng Mon Beach Bophut, Koh Samui, Suratthani, 84320 Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Thailand, Krabi

泰國, 甲米

Layana Resort & Spa 利亚纳休闲水疗度假村 Koh Lanta, in southernmost Krabi Province, is a vacation haven with 40 kilometers of coastline; cascading, forested hills; multiple monkeys; and over 50 bird species.

兰塔岛位于甲米府最南端,拥有40公里 的海岸线,小瀑布,热带丛林山丘,可爱 的猴子和超过50种的鸟类,被誉为度假天 堂。

The Layana Resort & Spa, tucked away on the west coast of Koh Lanta on the white sand Phra-Ae Beach, showcases that exquisite shoreline and mountain backdrop, and offers sophisticated repose and luxurious privacy – as well as a manicured, gardened courtyard; two saltwater infinity pools; and spectacular sunsets.

利亚纳休闲水疗度假村位于兰塔岛的西 岸,Phra-Ae沙滩上,面朝精致美丽的海 岸,背倚郁郁葱葱的山峦,酒店景色秀丽宜 人,私密性极佳,让您在这里彻底放松身 心,酒店配有美丽的花园庭院;两个咸水无 限池;在这里您可以欣赏到无与伦比的日落 景色。



Ansgar Schlemmer is the new, hands-on GM of this cosseting retreat: “Ours is an adults-only resort with an incredible, private beach. We provide pampered indulgence,” he smiled. “Intimacy. It’s an ideal choice for romance!”

是我们新上任的酒店经理,如是说道: “我们的酒店只 利亚纳休闲水疗度假村共有57间宽敞的 现代泰式风格客房,套房,别墅,拥有齐全 的本地设备:鹅绒羽绒被、优雅的陶瓷砖、 华丽的丝绸和硬木家具、阳台,酒店拥有一 套大宅邸,总面积265平方米,配有2BR的 游泳池别墅,是兰塔岛最大的私人游泳池 (此外,酒店提供24小时管家服务)。

Layana features 57 plush, contemporary Thai-style guestrooms, suites and villas boasting well-appointed, indigenous accoutrements: goose down duvets, graceful terracotta tiles, sumptuous silk and hardwood furnishings, and balconies – and La Maison, a 265-sqm, 2BR pool villa with the largest private pool in Koh Lanta (and 24-hour butler service). David Lihn


Best Of Class


Suites / Villas: 79 – 64 Suites / 15 Pool Villas Pools / Beach: many / gorgeous white-powder sand Spa: Cave Rai Ra Spa – eclectic and holistic Restaurants 3 – Spice Zone Beach Restaurant, Ciccio Ristorante & Pizzeria, Samui Sailor Grill & Restaurant & Bars: Wine & Coffee Corner, Light House: Wine & Cocktail Bar Fitness: yes Fun Facts: space, privacy A WHAT?!: wonderful location, dining and beach 套房/别墅: 游泳池/海滩: spa: S pa: 餐厅: 酒吧: 健身中心: 趣闻: 惊喜?!!:

79间:64间套房/15间泳池别墅 多/华丽的白沙 洞穴 RAI RA SPA – 折中与整体兼得 3个:香料区海滩餐厅,意大利餐厅Ciccio&比萨店,苏梅岛水手烧烤和餐厅 葡萄酒和咖啡角,灯楼:葡萄酒和鸡尾酒吧 有 空间,隐私 泰国最佳的豪华海滨度假胜地

Tel: +66 (0) 75 607 100

Fax: +66 (0) 75 607 199 272 Moo 3 Saladan, Phra-Ae Beach, Koh Lanta, Krabi 81150, Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Thailand, Krabi

泰國, 甲米

Dusit Thani Krabi Beach Resort

甲米都喜天丽海滨度假酒店 Set in the exotic landscape of Krabi province and commanding a prime position on the magnificent shores of Klong Muong beach, the Dusit Thani tiptoes up to beautiful cliff formations, lush forests, mesmerizing waterfalls and caves.

位于风光旖旎的甲米府的克隆芒沙滩 上,地理位置绝佳,在都喜天丽海滨度假酒 店您可以尽情领略壮美的崖壁景观,郁郁葱 葱的热带丛林,以及令人难忘的瀑布和崖洞 等自然美景。

The resort’s 240 guest rooms and suites (seven categories ranging from 42 to 150 sqm) are set among 40 lush, manicured acres with direct access to nearly two kilometers of exquisite white-sand beach.

都喜天丽酒店共有240间客房和套房(7 个房型,面积从42平米到150平米不等), 酒店总占地面积为40英亩,坐落在郁郁葱 葱的,绿意盎然的地方,连接着2公里的精 致白色沙滩。

“We have completed major renovations, which now showcase our wonderful contemporary interiors – a perfect balance of beach-inspired elegance and luxury,” says John Kendon, the new and enthusiastic GM.

“我们已经完成了主要的翻新工作,现在 我们的酒店无论是内饰装修还是外在都焕然 一新,优雅与奢华完美平衡融合。”我们酒 店充满激情与能量的新主管John Kendon如 是说。

“The refurbished fitness center, DFit, is the largest in Krabi and features a Muay Thai boxing ring, as well as renovated tennis and badminton courts.”

甲米都喜天丽海滨度假酒店拥有甲米最 大的设施最完备的酒店健身中心,并且配有 泰拳拳击场,同时有全新的网球场和羽毛球 场。

The Water Sports Centre offers snorkeling, kayaking, wind-surfing and sailing. A Kid’s Club will keep the family happy. Two inviting beachfront pools, three distinguished (also, refurbished) restaurants, four bars and a world-class spa all add to the polished luxury. David Lihn


Best Of Class

我们的水上运动中心为您提供丰富多彩 的水上运动,例如,浮潜,皮划艇,冲浪, 和航行。同时配有儿童俱乐部,可以帮你照 看孩子,让您和您的家庭在这里度过一段快 乐难忘的美好时光。 酒店设有2个风景秀丽的沙滩畔泳池,3 间各具特色的餐厅,4间酒吧和一个世界级 的Spa,给您带来极致奢华体验。 大卫.林

Rooms: Pools / Beach: Spa: Restaurants & Bars: Fitness: Fun Facts: A WHAT!

240 rooms; two categories of suites two / nearly 2k of secluded, white-sand on the Andaman Sea Mandara Spa Mangosteen’s (Pan-Asian, International); Limoncello (Italian); Malati (Thai and Indian) Martinis, Malati (beach), CocoVida (pool) DFiT Fitness Centre, fully-equipped, 24-hour fitness gorgeous landscape with direct access to 1.8km of exquisite beach a delightful, private beach escape, with over 40 acres of relaxing gardens

客房: 游泳池/海滩: Spa: 餐厅: 酒吧: 健身中心: 特色: 亮点:

240间 2个沙滩边泳池 曼达拉SPA 曼格斯丁国际佳肴餐厅,柠檬酒意大利风情餐厅,玛拉蒂泰国意大利风情餐厅 马提尼酒吧,玛拉蒂沙滩酒吧,玛拉蒂泳池畔酒吧,可可威达酒吧 设施齐备的24小时开放健身中心 绝美的风景,距离柯隆芒白沙滩仅1.8公里的距离 是您家庭出游,休闲度假,婚礼和度蜜月的绝佳选择

Tel: +66 (0) 75 628 000

Fax: +66 (0) 75 628 048, Instagram: dusitthanikrabi 155 Moo 2 Nong Thale, Muang Krabi, Krabi, 81180 Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


The St. Regis Bangkok

Grand Millennium Kuala Lumpur

Southeast Asia Best City Hotels


76 Best Of Class The Fullerton Bay Hotel

Mandarin Orcharo Singapore

Shangri-La Hotel

The & St. Regis Luxury Hotels Resorts in Bangkok Thailand 77

Singapore 新加坡

The Fullerton Bay Hotel 富丽敦海湾酒店


Best Of Class

The modern Fullerton Bay Hotel pays tribute to a bygone era.

现代摩登的富丽敦海湾酒店用其复古高贵 的气质向往昔致敬。

Infused with a sense of refinement and a style that is both contemporary and international, the 100-room waterfront jewel is a spectacular addition to Singapore’s vibrant heritage precinct.

其高贵复古的气质与现代化国际化的风格 完美融合,酒店共拥有100间客房,宛若水边 的珠宝般闪耀着其特有的光华,可谓是新加坡 充满活力的遗产区的壮观之作。

Kudos abound: rated Five Stars by Forbes Travel Guide Awards 2018 for the 6th consecutive year, and recognized as the Best Hotel in Singapore by DestinAsian’s Readers’ Choice Awards 2017 for the 3rd consecutive year and one of the Top 1 Percent of Hotels in Singapore by TripAdvisor Travellers’ Choice Awards 2017.

富丽敦海湾酒店凭借着自己的实力,获奖 无数:在2018年度,被福布斯旅游指南奖评 为五星级,连续6届蝉联此奖项,并且在2017 年度被亚洲旅行目的地读者的选择奖评为新加 坡最好的酒店,连续3年获此殊荣,此外,在 2017年度被TripAdvisor旅行者评为新加坡最 受欢迎的酒店之一。

The hotel is a stunning, jewel-like addition to the sparkling Marina Bay waterfront, with breathtaking architecture and dazzling interiors that combine modernity and heritage. Seated on prime waterfront location in the Central Business District and arts and cultural precinct, the exemplary and refined accommodation offers classic luxurious hospitality and exquisite service with rooms featuring 360-degree spectacular views of the Marina Bay and Singapore skyline.

富丽敦酒店就好似新加坡玛丽安海湾畔的 一颗闪耀的明珠,酒店不仅拥有绝美的建筑, 更有奢华精致的内部装置装修,完美结合现代 与传统。位于海湾畔商业中心绝佳的地理位 置,让您感受这里的艺术与文化气息。一流的 设施与服务,让您享受世界级的奢华体验,热 情周到的服务,让您宾至如归。在房间内您 就可以欣赏玛丽安海湾360度无死角的绝美景 观,感受新加坡的天际线。


100 rooms (deluxe room, premier room, bay view room, premier bay view room, theme suite, presidential suite ) Pools/Beach: 25-metre rooftop pool, jacuzzis Spa : yes Restaurants & Bars: the Clifford Pier, La Brasserie, lantern, The Landing Point Fitness: yes

客房/别墅: 泳池/沙滩: Spa: 餐厅/酒吧: 健身中心:

100间客房(豪华房,顶级房,海景房,顶级海景房,主题别墅,总统套房) 25米屋顶泳池,按摩浴池 酒店设有Spa the Clifford Pier克里夫码头餐厅, La Brasserie餐厅, lantern餐吧, The Landing Point着陆点餐吧 酒店设有健身中心

Tel: +65 6333 8388 80 Collyer Quay Singapore 049326

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Singapore 新加坡

Mandarin Orchard Singapore 新加坡文华大酒店 As an award-winning hotel in the heart of Singapore on Orchard Road, the Mandarin Orchard Singapore makes for an ideal base to explore the city’s enticing shopping and entertainment district. Located in the heart of the world-renowned shopping venue, Orchard Road, and walking distance of Somerset and Orchard MRT stations, the Mandarin is a pulsating few steps from a host of shopping options. Mandarin Orchard Singapore is an icon of world-class Asian hospitality in Singapore. The hotel’s 1,077 guestrooms and suites offer dazzling views of the city skyline (the top floors are breathtaking), complemented by bespoke amenities, versatile meeting facilities, and a vibrant lineup of restaurants that includes two Michelin-star Shisen Hanten by Chen Kentaro. Right on the doorstep of Mandarin Orchard Singapore is the high-end shopping destination, Mandarin Gallery, making for an all-encompassing retail and hospitality experience for guests of the hotel.


Best Of Class

久负盛名,获奖无数的文华大酒店位于 新加坡中心地带的乌节路。入住新加坡文化 大酒店将是您探寻新加坡城市精品购物以及 多元娱乐的理想住所。 位于享誉世界的购物大道的中心地带,步行 可到达索美塞地铁站和乌节路地铁站,文华 大酒店让您距离激情脉搏跳动的购物中心数 步之遥,尽享购物天堂的乐趣。 新加坡文华大酒店让您在新加坡体验世 界级的亚洲式热情周到的服务。酒店的 1077间客房和套房,让客人足不出户便可 以观赏城市天际线的迷人景观,顶层的景观 更是令人叹为观止,辅之以定制的便利设 施、多功能会议设施,各式美味餐厅,带给 您的味蕾悦享美食,其中包括Chen Kentaro 主营的Shisen Hanten米其林两星级餐厅。 在新加坡文华大酒店的门厅外便是世界 级的高端购物目的地,Mandarin画廊,让 您在这里感受到细致周到的服务,热情愉悦 的体验。

Room/Villas: Pools/Beach: Spa: Restaurants & Bars: Fitness: 客房/别墅: 泳池/沙滩: Spa: 餐厅/酒吧: 健身中心:

1,077 rooms outdoor swimming pool No Shisen Hanten by Chen Kentaro , Chatterbox , Triple Three, Bar on 5, Coffee & Crust fitness center, tennis courts 1077间客房 室外游泳池 没有 Chen Kentaro主营的Shisen Hanten米其林两星级餐厅,聊天盒子餐吧, 三角三餐吧,5酒吧,咖啡和甜品吧 健身中心,网球场

Tel: +65 6737 4411 333 Orchard Road, Singapore 238867

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Malaysia 马来西亚

Shangri-La Hotel Kuala Lumpur 吉隆坡香格里拉大酒店 Wake up snug in downy soft bedding, with a serene view of the beautiful gardens and Kuala Lumpur Tower, as Malaysia’s vibrant capital city bids you a fine morning. You feel relaxed and tranquil in the luxurious guestrooms at Shangri-La Hotel, Kuala Lumpur. Head out to the confluence of the ancient Gombak and Klang waterways. The trip rewards with access to the trendy mercantile and fashion centers in the city’s Golden Triangle. The hotel entices your return with an array of dishes at the Lemon Garden’s international buffet. You marvel at the fascinating juxtaposition between old and ultra-modern. The winding, meandering alleys of this city reveal hidden surprises. After a traditional Chinese dinner at Shangri-La’s renowned Shang Palace, you unwind at Arthur’s Bar and Grill. With one last look at the sparkling towers, you draw the curtains, and retreat behind lush covers to prepare for tomorrow’s adventures. Enjoy your enchanting dreams, with compliments from Shangri-La Hotel, Kuala Lumpur.


Best Of Class

伴着朝阳,在柔软舒适的床上醒来,窗 外是美丽的花园景色和马来西亚首都的地标 性建筑吉隆坡双子塔,给您带来美好清晨的 问候。在吉隆坡香格里拉大酒店奢华舒适的 客房里,您可以完全放松身心,惬意自在。 前往古老Gombak和Klang水道的交汇 处,这里是城市金三角时尚中心的汇集地。 在柠檬花园的国际自助餐厅,酒店将好 好款待您的胃,这里有各式餐食,让您感到 宾至如归。 在这里,您将惊叹于古老与现代完美融 合。这座城市蜿蜒曲折的小巷显露出隐藏的 惊喜。在香格里拉著名的Shang宫吃了一顿 传统的中餐后,你可以在亚瑟酒吧和烧烤吧 放松一下。 最后一次看到闪闪发光的塔楼,你拉开 窗帘,在郁郁葱葱的景色包围之中,为明天 的冒险做准备。 享受你迷人的梦想,并得到吉隆坡香格 里拉酒店的赞美。

Room/Villas: Pools/Beach: Spa: Restaurants & Bars: Fitness: 房间/别墅: 泳池/沙滩: Spa: 餐厅和酒吧: 健身房:

662 rooms Outdoor Swimming Pool & Children’s Pool Steam & Sauna Rooms, Jacuzzi & Hydropool, Massage Lafite, Lemon Garden, Lemon Garden 2Go, Shang Palace, Zipangu, Arthur’s Bar & Grill, Lobby Lounge, Poolside Terrace health club 662间 户外泳池和儿童泳池 汗蒸桑拿房,按摩浴缸和水疗院,按摩 Lafite餐厅,柠檬花园餐厅,柠檬花园2Go餐吧,Shang宫餐厅,Zipangu餐吧, 亚瑟酒吧烧烤吧,大厅餐吧,游泳池畔餐吧 健康俱乐部

Tel: +60 3 2032 2388 11 Jalan Sultan Ismail, Kuala Lumpur, 50250, Malaysia

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Malaysia 马来西亚

Grand Millennium Kuala Lumpur 吉隆坡千禧大酒店 Experience the dazzling luxury of Kuala Lumpur. Strategically located in the heart of Bukit Bintang (a 45-minute drive from the Kuala Lumpur International Airport), Grand Millennium Kuala Lumpur is an international five-star hotel nestled within the city’s fascinating Golden Triangle. Adjacent to the popular Pavilion Kuala Lumpur Shopping Mall and situated right across Starhill Gallery, Fahrenheit88, Bintang Walk as well as Lot 10 Shopping Complex, the hotel is home to 468 spacious guestrooms including 16 well-appointed suites that boast the city’s breathtaking skyline. A luxurious urban retreat, guests can relax and rejuvenate in a free-form outdoor resort-style swimming pool, state-of-the-art fitness center and enjoy holistic treatments at The Spa. To delight your palate, experience four distinguished culinary options featuring an eclectic menu of Asian, Continental, Cantonese and Japanese epicurean specialties. Grand Millennium Kuala Lumpur operates a no smoking policy throughout the hotel. Smoking is only permitted in designated areas.


Best Of Class

在吉隆坡千禧大酒店感受极致奢华体验。 酒店位于Bukit Bintang的中心地带(距 离吉隆坡国际机场有45分钟车程),吉隆 坡千禧大酒店是国际级的五星级大酒店,让 您领略金三角区迷人的城市风光。 酒店毗邻广受欢迎的吉隆坡购物中心, 坐落在华氏88华氏度星山画廊、宾堂步行 街和10号购物中心对面,拥有468间宽敞的 客房,其中包括16间设备齐全的套房,拥 有令人叹为观止的城市天际线。 一个豪华的城市度假胜地,客人可以在 户外度假式游泳池放松身心,远离纷扰,亦 或是在最先进的健身中心放松和恢复活力, 并在Spa水疗中心享受全方位的舒适理疗服 务。为了让您的味觉愉悦,在这儿,您可以 体验亚洲菜式、洲际菜式、广东菜和日本料 理四大特色美食,尽享美食美刻。 为了更好地为您服务,在此温馨提示 您,吉隆坡千禧大酒店实行全面禁烟政策, 您若需要吸烟,需要到指定区域。

Room/Villas: Pools/Beach: Spa: Restaurants & Bars: Fitness:

468 rooms and 16 suites yes The Spa Bistro 160, Lai Ching Yuen, The Mill Café, The Shisha Lounge, Hanaya yes

客房/别墅: 泳池/沙滩: Spa: 餐厅/酒吧:

468间客房,16间套房 配有 The Spa Bistro160餐厅,Lai Ching Yuen餐吧,The Mill咖啡馆,The Shisha酒肆, Hanaya餐吧 配有


Tel: +60 3 2117 4888 160 Jalan Bukit Bintang, Malaysia 55100

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Thailand, Bangkok

泰國, 曼谷

The St. Regis Bangkok 曼谷瑞吉酒店 Prestigiously located in Bangkok’s key commercial corridor and prime shopping precinct, Rajadamri Road, The St. Regis Bangkok offers unprecedented excellence in standards of hospitality, innovation, and refinement. In the tradition of the famed St. Regis name, every stay at The St. Regis Bangkok features the Signature St. Regis Butler Service, which provides personal attention to the needs of every guest. Those seeking an elevated epicurean experience can look forward to a wide range of excellent dining and lounging venues. Renowned for its lavish Sunday brunches, VIU restaurant masterfully plates resplendent international cuisine; Jojo boasts delectable, contemporary Italian cuisine with truly authentic flavors; and Decanter has an extensive wine cellar to impress the most discerning wine connoisseurs. The Elemis Spa is also bound to leave a lasting impression on its guests. Situated on the hotel’s 15th floor, the ultra-luxurious sanctuary offers a beguiling menu of body treatments and therapies, complemented by breathtaking views of the Bangkok skyline from each of its serene spa suites.


Best Of Class

曼谷瑞吉酒店地理位置优越,酒店位于 Rajadamri 路,是曼谷的主要商业区和购物 区。曼谷瑞吉酒店给您提供前所未有的热情 而且卓越精益求精的服务。 曼谷瑞吉酒店拥有着瑞吉酒店的传统, 每次入住的客人都拥有特色的瑞吉管家服 务,提供个性化的服务,满足每位客人的需 求。可以给那些寻求高级美食体验的客人提 供各种一流的餐饮和休闲场所,酒店以其丰 盛的周日早午餐而闻名,VIU餐厅有精心制 作的国际美食,JOJO餐厅以其意大利餐闻 名,为您供应正宗地道的意式美食,酒店设 有一个宽敞的Decanter品酒阁,美酒鉴赏家 们可在此品尝美酒。 艾丽美水疗中心也将给旅客留下深刻的 印象,水疗中心位于酒店的15楼,超豪华 的水疗中心给您提供让人陶醉的身体护理和 疗法,同时还有曼谷壮观的景色,让您在放 松身心的同时还可以欣赏美景。

Rooms / Suites: Pool : Spa: Restaurant & Bars: Fitness: Fun Facts: A WHAT?!: 房间/套房: 游泳池/海滩: 水疗: 餐厅/酒吧: 健身中心: 特色: 亮点? ! :

176 guest rooms, 51 suites, 4-Bedroom Residences and The Owner’s Penthouse Inviting outdoor pool overlooking the Royal Bangkok Sports Club’s golf course The first ELEMIS Spa in South East Asia and one of the only three ELEMIS Flag ship Spas worldwide VIU, Jojo, Decanter, The St. Regis Bar, The Drawing Room, The Lounge, Pool Bar, Zuma A glass-front Exercise Room fully fitted with TechnoGym® machines The Owner’s Penthouse, spanning across 800 square meters, is decorated throughout with memorabilia from The King And I, the famed Broadway musical set in Bangkok On alternative Sundays, catch horse races at The Royal Bangkok Sports Club from hotel’s terrace or one of its view rooms 176间客房,51间套房,4卧公寓和业主顶层公寓 室外游泳池可以俯瞰曼谷皇家体育俱乐部高尔夫球场 东南亚第一家艾丽美水疗中心是仅有的三家艾丽美全球水疗旗舰中心之一 VIU美景餐厅, Jojo餐厅,Decanter品酒阁,瑞吉酒吧,闲逸廊, 大堂吧,泳池酒吧,祖玛餐厅 健身房有玻璃镜,配有泰诺健®器械 业主顶层公寓占地800平方米,装饰元素来自曼谷着名百老汇音乐剧《国王与我》 在星期日,您可以在酒店露台或其中一间景观室观看曼谷皇家体育俱乐部的赛马比赛

Tel: +66 (0) 22 077 777 159 Rajadamri Road, Bangkok, 10330 Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand



Best Of Class

推荐泰国酒店 Recommended Hotels in Thailand Celes Beachfront Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand 89

Kept Bangsaray Pattaya

Panvimarn Koh Pha Ngan

Thailand Amazing Views Hotels & Resort 泰国神奇美景酒店&度假村


Best Of Class

Dusit Buncha 91 Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand

Koh Tao 涛岛

Dusit Buncha Resort, Koh Tao

涛岛杜斯特邦查度假村 Koh Tao sits on the western edge of the Gulf of Thailand, north of Koh Samui. The small island (eight square miles) is a casual snorkeling and diver’s paradise and is host to over 130 species of hard corals, and more than 223 types of reef fish. A variety of ferries travel (1-4 hours) from the mainland or neighboring islands. On the quiet northwestern edge of the island, the eco-conscious Dusit Buncha Resort Koh Tao climbs the rock cliff and overlooks the Gulf and Koh Nang Yuan. The luxurious architecture is blended in the natural beauty of the environment. The resort is the first on Koh Tao to use a solar cell system. The Pool Bar is built in between giant granite boulders, one of which has access to the sea for snorkeling. A stylish range of accommodations, beautiful seas, fantastic food, and panoramic Gulf views– with sunsets to match – add to the tranquility.


Best Of Class

涛岛位于泰国西部湾边缘苏梅岛北部。 小岛(8平方英里)是休闲浮潜和潜水者 的天堂,拥有130多种硬珊瑚和223多种 珊瑚鱼,有各种渡轮前往大陆或邻近岛屿 (1-4小时)。 杜斯特邦查度假村建造在小岛宁静的 的西北边缘,酒店的环保措施极好,您可 以在度假村里攀岩,或俯瞰海湾与南园 岛,建筑豪华时尚,与自然美景相辅相 成。该度假村还是涛岛上第一个采用太阳 能的度假村。 游泳池/酒吧建立在巨大的花岗岩之间, 可以直接前往大海浮潜。 时尚的住宿、美丽的大海、美味的食物、 全景海湾,再加上日落美景,更添安宁。

Rooms: Pools / Beach: Spa: Restaurant & Bar: Fitness: Fun Facts: A WHAT?!:

51 (9 categories) yes / a boulder into the sea No Sunset Restaurant / Pool Bar No snorkeling in front of resort views of of Koh Tao called “ Nang Yuan Terrace”

客房: 游泳池/海滩: Spa: 餐厅和酒吧: 健身中心: 趣闻: 惊喜?!:

51间客房与9大房型 有/巨石入海 不 日落餐厅/游泳池酒吧 不 度假村门前浮潜 涛岛美景被称为“Nang Yuan露台”

Tel: +66 (0) 77 457 099 - 100 Fax: +66 (0) 77 457 100 31 /3 Moo 1 T. Koh Tao , A, Koh Phangan, Surathani, 84360 Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Pattaya 芭提雅

Kept Bangsaray Pattaya 芭堤雅邦萨拉酒店 Kept Bangsaray has but one aim and one aim only-to provide discerning guests with the ultimate “get away from it all” destination seamlessly blending the highest standards of hospitality with a truly tranquil and cosseting environment. The resort’s design, décor and furnishings feature a nautical seafaring theme in delicate and subtle tones and materials, enticing all who stay to relax, rejuvenate and recharge in sublime comfort whilst enjoying Kept Bangsaray’s unrivalled beachfront location and discreet charm. Each and every opulent sea-facing room, suite and villa comes fully-equipped with a host of accoutrements for a memorable stay and the resort’s deluxe facilities include an all-day dining restaurant, open air beachfront bar, infinity swimming, little extras such as complimentary high-speed wi-fi and free bike hire.


Best Of Class

涛岛位于泰国西部湾边缘苏梅岛北部。 小岛(8平方英里)是休闲浮潜和潜水者 的天堂,拥有130多种硬珊瑚和223多种 珊瑚鱼,有各种渡轮前往大陆或邻近岛屿 (1-4小时)。 杜斯特邦查度假村建造在小岛宁静的 的西北边缘,酒店的环保措施极好,您可 以在度假村里攀岩,或俯瞰海湾与南园 岛,建筑豪华时尚,与自然美景相辅相 成。该度假村还是涛岛上第一个采用太阳 能的度假村。 游泳池/酒吧建立在巨大的花岗岩之间, 可以直接前往大海浮潜。 时尚的住宿、美丽的大海、美味的食物、 全景海湾,再加上日落美景,更添安宁。

Rooms / Villas: Pool: Spa: Restaurants & Bar: Fitness: Fun Facts:

26 rooms all rooms, suites and villas feature a spacious outdoor sea-facing terrace Infinity swimming pool no all-day dining restaurant and Beachfront bar no free bike rental, laundry service, tour and transportation arrangements, Boat trip, outsourced massage service, room service

房间 / 别墅: 泳池: Spa: 餐厅& 酒吧: 健身中心: 趣闻:

26间客房包括套房和别墅,均设有宽敞的户外海景露台 无边游泳池 不 全天开放餐厅和海滨酒吧 不 免费自行车租赁,洗衣服务,旅游和交通安排,乘船游览,外包按摩服务,客房服务

Tel: +66 (0) 33 048 330 4/2 Moo 5, Tambon Bangsaray, Sattahip, Chonburi, Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Chiang Mai


Panviman Chiang Mai Spa Resort

清迈帕威曼Spa度假酒店 Nestled high up in the hills, surrounded by tropical forests, flower gardens and orchards, in Mae-rim, north-west of Chiang Mai. The resort lodges a unique adventurous experience among the natural beauty of Northern Thailand. Distance from the city is 35 km. and will take about 45 minutes’ drive from Chiang Mai International Airport. While at the resort, guests will feel as though they have entered into a higher plan of existence. The Thai word “Panviman” means, in fact, “as if you are in heaven” The environments at Panviman are utterly natural and you will find yourself surrounded by evergreen and teak trees, flower and vegetables grown in the area, a farming community, and hill tribe villagers. What’s more, the resort is endowed with cool weather, a remote location and a relaxing atmosphere. Panviman is divided into two district areas a Lanna style spa are and an Ayutthaya style resort area. Panviman Spa … The Absolute Haven provide 8 Exclusive Private Rooms (for couple), 5 Single Private Rooms, Thai Massage Pavilion, Foot Massage Pavilion, Meditation Cave & Yogo, Steam, Sauna, Vichy Shower, Hydrotherapy. Imagine a place where you are encouraged to surrender to all your senses where the spirit and the body unite for personal renewal.


Best Of Class

清迈帕威曼Spa度假酒店坐落在清迈西 北部的湄林环边,四周环绕着热带森林、 花园和果园。这个美丽的自然风光以及冒 险体验点位于泰国北部,清迈帕威曼Spa 度假酒店距市区35公里,从酒店到清迈国 际机场机场开车大约需要45分钟。 当宾客身在度假胜地时,宾客们会觉得 他们已经进入了一个更高级的生存计划 中,在泰国语“帕威曼”的意思实际上是 指“仿佛你身处于在宇宙中”。 帕威曼的自然环境清新,在这里你会发 现自己身处于绿色植被以及常青柚木、花 卉和蔬菜的农耕地区,这里还住着本地部 落村民。除此之外,度假村还拥有凉爽的 天气,区位宁静、氛围轻松。清迈帕威曼 Spa度假酒店分为2个地区,拥有一个兰纳 风格的spa和一个大城府风格的度假区。 清迈帕威曼Spa度假酒店是一个绝对的 避风港,提供8个专属的私人房间(情 侣),5个单人间,泰国按摩馆,足部按 摩馆,冥想洞和瑜珈,蒸汽,桑拿,薇姿 淋浴,水疗。想象一个让你忠于所有的感 官的地方,你的身心将会得到最大的放 松。

Rooms / Villas: Pool: Spa: Restaurants & Bar: Fitness: Fun Facts: A WHAT?!: 房间/别墅: 泳池/沙滩: Spa: 餐厅/酒吧: 健身中心: 特色: 亮点:

Luxuriously decorated in contemporary Thai style with modern amenities and comfort. Large outdoor swimming pool, children pool and Jacuzzi with plenty of sunbed and umbrellas Famous Panviman Spa offers full spa treatment and Yoga Panorama restaurant open for breakfast, lunch and dinner; Spa Plus restaurant offers healthy cuisine and healthy drinks Open air gym, fully equipped with facilities Recreation facilities include punching bag, boxing gloves, archery, gold putting green etc…. Thai cooking class for guests is available. 酒店拥有豪华装饰,泰国风格装饰与现代设施让人感到更加舒适 大型户外游泳池,儿童游泳池,按摩浴缸以及大量的沙滩床和伞 著名的帕威曼Spa将会提供完整的SPA治疗和瑜伽 可以在帕诺拉马享用到早餐,午餐以及晚餐,超大spa餐厅将会提供健康的饮食以及 健康的饮料。 户外健身房,设施齐全 这里的娱乐设施有沙袋、拳击手套、射箭、绿色植被地区等 入住的客人可以参加泰式烹饪课

Tel: +66 (0) 5387 9540-5

Fax: +66 (0) 5387 9548 197/2 Moo 1, Pong Yeang, Mae Rim, Chiang Mai 50180, Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Koh Phangan


Panviman Resort Koh Phangan

帕威曼攀牙岛度假酒店 Koh Phangan is located in the middle of the gulf of Thailand. It is the famed venue for the “Full Moon Parties”. Nestled on the private peninsula overlooking Koh Phangan, an unspoiled island far from the hustle and cares of the modern world. Panviman or Paradise Alike is designed to be in harmony with its natural surroundings and is situated upon a steep Cliffside overlooking Thong Nai Pan Beach, a crescent moon-shaped beach and on one of the most beautiful beaches on the island. The accommodations insert themselves among the rocks and trees which are deployed seamlessly and harmoniously with nature.


Best Of Class

攀牙岛位于泰国湾的中部,是著名的 “满月聚会”举办地。 酒店坐落在俯瞰攀牙岛的私人半岛上, 这是一个未被破坏的岛屿,且远离现代世 界的喧嚣和忧虑。 帕威曼像天堂一样的设计,酒店的设 计与自然环境相协调,坐落在陡峭的悬崖 边上,俯瞰NAI Pan海滩,月牙形的海滩这 是岛上最美丽的海滩之一。 帕威曼攀牙岛度假酒店穿插在岩石和树 木之间,他们之间就这样和自然和谐相处 着。

Rooms / Villas: Pool / Beach: Spa: Restaurants: Bar: Fitness: Fun Facts: A WHAT?!: 房间/别墅: 泳池/沙滩: Spa: 餐厅/酒吧: 健身中心: 特色: 亮点:

all rooms and villas are spacious, fully-equipped with modern amenities large cascading swimming pool facing the sea, private beach with plenty of sunbed and umbrella seeview spa rooms with full spa treatment by our skilled therapists Three restaurants, serving international cuisine and seafood barbeque. all restaurants facing the sea Two bars, one by the beach another one by the swimming pool gym, fully equipped with facilities kayaking , diving available Thai Cooking class for guests is available

酒店的房间和别墅非常的宽敞舒适,酒店的房间还配备了现代化的设施 大型瀑布式游泳池面向大海,私人沙滩有充足的日光浴床和雨伞 可以看风景的spa房间,有充足的的治疗以及有治疗技师 拥有三家餐厅,餐厅供应国际美食和海鲜烧烤。并且所有的餐馆都面向大海,两个 酒吧,一个由海滩酒吧另一个是游泳池酒吧 空调健身房,所有的设备齐全 皮艇,潜水 客人可以参加泰式烹饪课程

Tel: +66 (0) 77 445 101-9

Fax: +66 (0) 77 445 100 22/1 Moo 5, Thong Nai Pai Noi Beach, Ban-tai, Koh Phangan, Suratthani, 84280 Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand




Riva Surya Bangkok 曼谷里瓦苏里亚酒店 Adding a Touch of Style and Charm to your Comfort Stay

为生活增添风格和魅力,给自己更多舒 适享受。

The Riva Surya hotel is within walking distance of the lively entertainment district of Khao San Road. This modern boutique hotel features 68 beautifully-designed rooms, elegant dining options, a riverside swimming pool and leisure facilities that cater for both business and leisure travelers.

曼谷里瓦苏里亚酒店位于曼谷热闹的娱 乐场所考山路,顾客可以步行到考山路,曼 谷里瓦苏里亚酒店这家现代化的精品酒店 拥有68个设计精美的客房,优雅的就餐选 择,以及一个滨江游泳池和各种休闲设施, 符合现代商务和休闲游客的需求。

Babble & Rum is Riva Surya’s market-inspired restaurant which offers breathtaking views of the river. It brings a contemporary and stylish dining experience to Bangkok’s riverside. Babble & Rum’s outdoor terrace, The Garden, is a warm and inviting dining area with sweeping views of the river.

100 Best Of Class

Babble & Rum是里瓦苏里亚让人眼 前一亮的餐厅,它的河边风景让住客能放松 身心,也营造了曼谷滨江现代而时尚的餐饮 体验。Babble & Rum的露天阳台和花园, 是一个温暖和温馨的就餐区,在此可以欣赏 到河边的景色。

Room / Suite: Pools / Beach: Spa: Restaurant: Fitness: Fun Fact: A What?:

房间/套房: 游泳池/海滩: Spa: 餐厅: 健身中心: 特色: 亮点?:

68 rooms Chao Phraya River No babble & rum restaurant No Riva Surya Bangkok offers an idyllic urban getaway in the heart of this cosmopolitan city. This modern boutique hotel in Bangkok Enjoy panoramic views of the Chao Phraya River or the old city from the comfort and luxury of our 68 carefully designed rooms. All rooms come with airy balconies and sublimely comfortable beds with 400-thread count bed linens. 68间客房 湄南河 不 babble & rum餐厅 不 曼谷里瓦苏里亚酒店像一个田园诗歌般的地方,这家现代化的精品酒店位于曼 谷市中心。 顾客可以在我们的68间精心设计的豪华房间欣赏到湄南河景色和城市的古老景点, 所有的房间通风良好而且有舒适大床。

Tel: +66 (0) 2 633 5000

Fax: +66 (0) 2 633 5050 23 Phra Arthit Road, Pranakorn, Bangkok, 10200 Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand




Riva Arun Bangkok 曼谷里瓦阿伦酒店 A Stylish Elegance amidst Timeless Heritage

102 Best Of Class


Riva Arun, is a modern, luxurious 25-room boutique hotel designed by renowned, New York architect and designer Stephen O’Dell. It opened its doors for discerning guests in August 2016. A city center connection via the Chao Phraya River by Chao Phraya Express Boat and Sky Train’s Saphan Taksin BTS station (from Tha Tien pier) puts downtown Bangkok within quick and easy reach. Popular attractions such as the nearby Wat Pho, Museum of Siam, Wat Arun, Grand Palace, Flower Market, Tha Tien, Fresh Market, and Tha Maharaj riverside community mall are just a few of the must see items.

曼谷里瓦阿伦酒店是一个现代化的设 计,酒店拥有豪华的25个房间,酒店是由 著名的纽约设计建筑师和设计师史蒂芬欧戴 尔设计的,酒店在2016年8月正式向客人 开放,湄南河与城市中心相连接,顾客可以 坐船到BTS Saphan Taksin站,Saphan Taksin 站到曼谷市中心非常便利。BTS Saphan Taksin站(从THAN TIN码头)到曼谷市中 心非常快速便捷。附近有很多热点旅游景 点,包括附近的卧佛寺、暹罗博物馆、黎明 寺、大皇宫、花卉市场、Tha Tien、生鲜市 场和Tha Maharaj中心, 这些都是区去曼谷必 看的景点。

All guest rooms are carefully designed with stylish furnishings and balconies, some overlooking the Chao Phraya River. The significant Premium Jacuzzi Suite is an elegantly designed 73-square meter area which provides a personal view of the Chao Phraya River with the stunning Wat Arun in the background, from a private balcony with outdoor Jacuzzi.

所有客房都精心设计了时尚的家具和阳 台,能让住客俯瞰湄南河美丽景色,高级按 摩浴缸套房的面积是73平方米,以湄南河 以及黎明寺为主题背景,顾客可以在阳台或 是室外高级按摩浴缸房享受这些美景。豪华 按摩浴缸套房优雅设计,拥有73平方米面 积, 提供了私人的湄南河景观, 黎明寺营造 出迷人背景,此外还有私人阳台和室外按摩 浴缸。

Above Riva, the iconic rooftop restaurant and bar offers views across three stunning scenes of Thai heritage Wat Arun, the Chao Phraya River and Wat Pho. The restaurant serves a superb twist of Thai cuisine dinner menu, a perfect infusion of local flavors, market-fresh ingredients and a variety of creative influences handpicked from around the globe. A la carte or continental breakfasts are also served at Above Riva.

在曼谷里瓦阿伦酒店酒店上的标志屋顶 餐厅,客人可以观光到令人惊叹的三个风景 点:黎明寺庙,卧佛寺和湄南河。这家餐厅 提供了极好的泰国美食晚餐菜单,完美的本 地风味,市场新鲜的食材以及来自世界各地 精心挑选的各种创意。这家餐厅的泰式菜完 美保留了泰式味道,餐厅用的都是新鲜的食 材,加入来自世界各地的各种创意,此外酒 店还提供欧式早餐。

Room / Suite: Pools / Beach: Spa: Restaurant: Fitness: Fun Fact: A What ?:

房间/套房: 游泳池/海滩: Spa: 餐厅: 健身中心: 特色: 亮点?!:

22 rooms and 3 suites Chao Phraya River No Above Riva, rooftop bar & restaurant No Riva Arun area are the most treasured historical sites such as Wat Pho, Wat Arun, Museum of Siam, and the Grand Palace Enjoy panoramic views of the Chao Phraya River or the old city outlook from guest rooms. Carefully designed with styled furnishings, our well-appointed rooms come with balconies and sublimely comfortable beds. Complimentary Wi-Fi are in all rooms.

22间客房和3间套房 湄南河 不 曼谷里瓦阿伦酒店拥有屋顶酒吧和屋顶餐厅 不 曼谷里瓦阿伦酒店离一些著名景点比较近,例如:卧佛寺,黎明寺,暹罗博物馆和大皇宫 住客可以在客房那里欣赏到湄南河美丽的全景,欣赏到城市的古老景色,酒店拥有精心 设计的风格家具,我们的客房配有阳台和舒适的床,所有房间都有免费Wi-Fi

Tel: +66 (0) 2 221 1188

Fax: +66 (0) 2 221 1190 392/25-28 Maharaj Road, Phraborom Maharajawang, Phranakorn, Bangkok, Thailand 10200

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Thailand Hotels and Resorts 泰国酒店和度假村

104 Best Of Class

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand Sibsan Luxury Rimping105

Bangkok 曼谷

Mövenpick Hotel

Sukhumvit 15 Bangkok 曼谷素坤逸15巷瑞享酒店 Perfectly situated near the heart of Bangkok’s best eating, drinking and shopping options, You’ll be centrally located and have access to all that makes the city famous. A modern Thai-inspired hotel, conveniently located in Sukhumvit Soi 15, with an “oasis in the middle of Bangkok” concept offering a variety of room types amidst a laidback, relaxing and resort-like atmosphere. A picturesque Bangkok rooftop view from the exclusive Rainforest Rooftop Bar, outdoor rooftop pool, a cosy courtyard and a unique two-storey waterfall with dining specialties at Lelawadee Restaurant. This is the venue for business and leisure stays, and sophisticated events. Mövenpick Hotel Sukhumvit 15 Bangkok sits down a quiet side street, just a short stroll away from all the action and the hotel is connected to the rest of the city via Terminal 21 mall, both the BTS Skytrain and MRT Subway, both of which have stations at the Asok Interchange hub, just a five-minute walk away. For those who don’t want to walk our hotel makes it even easier with a free round the clock Tuk Tuk shuttle service as well.

106 Best Of Class

完美坐落在泰国的中心地带,酒店位置处 于曼谷饮食及购物中心,您可以从这个中心 地带到达曼谷的各个著名地点。 您入住的酒店是素坤逸15巷中具有现代泰 式风格的一家酒店,在“曼谷中央绿洲”的 理念下推出了各种类型的房间。 屋顶酒吧、室外泳池呈现如画美景,舒适 庭院和双层瀑布氛围中还有别致的LelaveDe 餐厅。适合商务差旅、休闲度假和举办高端 活动。 曼谷素坤逸15巷瑞享酒店紧邻道路,距离 21航站商场以及轻轨站和地铁站的交汇处 Asok枢纽仅5分钟步行路程,我们酒店还为不 想步行的顾客提供摆渡车。

Rooms / Suites: Pool: Spa: Restaurants & Bars: Fitness: Fun Facts: A WHAT?!: 房间: 泳池: Spa: 餐厅& 酒吧: 健身房: 趣味: 惊喜?!:

363 Rooftop and outdoor No Lelawadee Restaurant (authentic Thai classic, Western, Mediterranean and Swiss dishes), Rainforest Rooftop Bar 7th floor located in Sukhumvit Soi 15, with an “oasis in the middle of Bangkok” and easy to access to Terminal 21 Mall, BTS skytrain and MRT subway, TukTuk shuttle service Daily complimentary Chocolate Hour 363 室外屋顶泳池。 不 Lelawadee 餐厅 (经典泰式,传统西式, 地中海地区和瑞士地区菜),热带雨林屋顶酒吧。 7楼。 酒店坐落在素坤逸15巷,被誉为“曼谷中央绿洲”,可方便到达21航站商场、地铁站和 轻轨站 , 嘟嘟车接送服务。 每天有巧克力免费时段。

Tel: +66 (0) 21 193 100 Fax: +66 (0) 21 193 119 bangkok/location 47 Sukhumvit Soi 15, Sukhumvit Road, Klongtoei Nuea, Wattana, 10110 Bangkok

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Hua Hin, Prachuap Khirikhan 华欣,巴蜀府

GUTI Resort by AKA 阿卡古提度假村 GUTI Resort by AKA translates Thailand’s traditional monastery experience into an exclusive villa getaway. Nestled in the hills of Hua Hin, the resort offers private villas, each one inspired by meditative Thai traditions and elegance. Thai architecture with infinity pools and garden terraces, the exclusive villas provide relaxing sanctuaries amidst tropical landscapes and panoramic view of Hua Hin. Hua Hin’s history as a retreat destination for Thailand’s monarchy affords the area with an air of nobility and tranquility, steeped in traditional Thai luxury. AWARDS THAILAND BOUTIQUE AWARDS 2016-2017; S Collection Design Mountain Award Finalist.

108 Best Of Class

阿卡古提度假村将泰国传统寺院体验转 化为独享别墅度假,度假村坐落在华欣的山 丘上,度假村提供私人别墅,每一个想法都 受到泰国传统冥想和优雅的启发. 酒店是以泰国建筑为基础,有无边游泳 池花园露台,独特的别墅在热带景观和华欣 的全景给您提供放松的庇护所,华欣作为历 史上泰国君主度假居住的圣地,自然也为这 个地区带来了高贵而宁静的气质,整个华欣 沉浸在传统的泰式奢华中。


Enjoy Hua Hin’s natural beauty from an exclusive luxury villa. Each villa of fers a private infinity pool, The rooftop gardens provide the ideal setting for a meditative retreat amidst Thailand’s serene countryside. Hua Hin’s history as an exclusive royal destination instills each private villa with a touch of luxury and elegance. Pools: 50 Meter lap pool Spa: Relax and Rejuvenate The Spa at AKA Resorts promises the ultimate in pampered luxury, offering a tempting menu of massage and health treatment designed to relax, rejuvenate and revitalize body and mind. Restaurant & Bars: Operating Hours - Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner Fitness: 9:00 am – 6 :00 pm at AKA Resorts 别墅: 泳池: Spa: 餐厅& 酒吧: 健身房:

您可以在豪华别墅中享受华欣的自然美景,每栋别墅均设有私人无边泳池,屋顶花 园是泰国宁静乡村中冥想静修的理想场所,华欣作为独家皇家度假胜地和居住地的历 史,为每个私人别墅注入泰式奢华和优雅。 50米游泳池 在阿卡度假村水疗中心您可以放松身心并恢复活力养精蓄锐,水疗中心承诺为您提供 极致奢华的享受,水疗中心提供诱人的按摩和健康护理单,放松您的身心 营业时间为早餐,午餐和晚餐 阿卡度假村营业时间为9:00 am – 6 :00 pm

Tel: +66 (0) 32 618 900

Fax: +66 (0) 32 618 999 152 Moo 7, Baan Nhong Hiang, Hin Lek Fai, Hua Hin, Prachuabkirikhan, 77110 Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Hua Hin, Prachuap Khirikhan 华欣,巴蜀府

AKA Resorts & Spa​ 阿卡水疗度假村 AKA Resorts & Spa offers luxury villas inspired by 阿卡水疗度假村的豪华别墅灵感来自于 Thailand’s meditative traditions. Tucked away in 泰国静修冥想的传统,度假村就像是藏在华 the hills of Hua Hin, 欣的山顶上一样。 The resort’s private villas showcase elegant design and modern amenities. Personal infinity pools and luxury spas provide guests with a private oasis amidst Thailand’s tropical landscape. Reflecting Hua Hin’s unique cultural heritage, AKA Resorts & Spa is a rejuvenating and luxurious retreat from the stresses of daily life.

110 Best Of Class

阿卡水疗度假村的私人别墅展示了优雅 的设计和现代化的设施,酒店个人无边泳池 和水疗中心为客人提供泰国热带景观中的私 人绿洲,也反映了华欣的独特的文化遗产, 阿卡水疗度假村是一个充满活力和豪华的度 假胜地,可以让您远离日常生活的压力。


Pools: Spa: Restaurant & Bars: Fitness: 别墅: 泳池: Spa: 餐厅 & 酒吧: 健身房:

Enjoy Hua Hin’s natural beauty from an exclusive luxury villa. Each villa offers a private infinity pool, The rooftop gardens provide the ideal setting for a meditative retreat amidst Thailand’s serene countryside. Hua Hin’s history as an exclusive royal destination instills each private villa with a touch of luxury and elegance. Outdoor swimming pool Relax and Rejuvenate The Spa at AKA Resort promises the ultimate in pam pered luxury, offering a tempting menu of massage and health treatment designed to relax, rejuvenate and revitalize body and mind. Operating Hours - Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner 9:00 am – 6 :00 pm 您可以在豪华别墅中享受华欣的自然美景,每栋别墅均设有私人无边泳池,度假村 屋顶花园是泰国宁静乡村中冥想静修的理想场所,华欣作为历史上皇家的度假和居住 圣地,这样的历史为每个私人别墅注入奢华和优雅 室外游泳池 在阿卡水疗度假村的水疗中心您可以放松身心恢复活力,水疗中心承诺给您提供极致 奢华的享受,水疗中心给您提供诱人的按摩和健康护理单,使您放松身心,恢复活力 和身心健康。 营业时间为早餐,午餐,晚餐 9:00 am – 6 :00 pm

Tel:+66 (0) 32 618 900

Fax: +66 (0) 32 618 999 152 Moo 7, Baan Nhong Hiang, Hin Lek Fai, Hua Hin, Prachuabkirikhan, 77110 Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Pattaya 芭提雅

Centara Grand Mirage Beach Resort Pattaya

芭提雅盛泰澜幻影海滩度假村 This five-star North Pattaya resort has two 19 storey towers connected by sky bridges, and features 555 rooms and suites all facing the ocean. Guests have direct access to the spacious 230-meter beach, with an extensive range of water activities.

这家芭堤雅北部的五星级度假村坐落在 沙滩上,酒店拥有两个19层的塔楼,中间 用天桥连接着。并设有面朝大海555间客房 和套房。客人可以直接前往230米长的宽敞 海滩,有各种各样的水上活动。

当代泰式风格装饰,10类房间可供选择: Sporting a contemporary jungle-style decor, the ten room options range from Deluxe (42 sqm) to Deluxe 豪华房(42平米)、豪华家庭、俱乐部幻影和 Family, Club Mirage and Suites – all with their own 套房–都有可以俯瞰花园和海洋的私人阳台/ private balcony overlooking the gardens and ocean. 露台。 俱乐部幻影提供独特的设施和服务,其 Club Mirage offers exclusive facilities and services including two private club lounges (one for families 中包括两个私人俱乐部休息室(一个家庭, and one for adult guests only) and Centara 另一个只限成人),并为您提供每日5顿免 signature service of five complimentary daily 费餐饮。 meal presentations. 儿童俱乐部(配有室内旅行大本营和游戏 室)、儿童游戏和会议区,帮助您维系家庭成 A kids club (with indoor camp safari and games rooms) and teenager games keep the family content. 员关系。 遗失的世界拥有自己的丛林、水上公园、游 The Lost World has its own jungle and water park 泳池、水滑梯和瀑布漂流河。 with swimming pools, water slides and a lazy river with waterfalls.

112 Best Of Class

Rooms / Suites: Pools / Beach: Spa: Restaurants & Bars:

555 within stunning 19-storey ocean facing outdoor swimming pool / extensive Spa Cenvaree in its own oceanfront village Flames (BBQ & Grill), Oasis (international breakfast & all day dining), Ginger & Lime (Asian cuisine : Thai, Japanese, Chinese and Vietnamese), Acqua (Italian cuisine), Coast Beach Club & Bistro (Coastal cuisine: tapas, grilled meats and seafood seared over charcoal) Fitness: yes Fun Facts: outdoor swimming pool with shade pavilion, lazy river, rock climbing tower, Dive Centre, daily beach activities, water sports centre, kids’ and teens’ club, billiards and table tennis A WHAT?!: The Lost World jungle water park with swimming pools, water slides, lazy river with waterfalls 客房/套房: 游泳池/海滩: Spa: 餐厅&酒吧: 健身中心: 趣闻: 惊喜?!:

19层楼共555间完美海景房 室外游泳池/广阔 海滨村Cenvaree温泉中心 火焰(海滨烧烤和碳烤)、 欧西(国际早餐&全天餐饮)、 姜和青柠(日本、泰国、中国和越 南美食)、阿夸(意大利美食)、海岸海滩俱乐部和小酒馆(沿海美食:小吃、烤肉和烤海鲜) 有 配有遮阳亭的室外游泳池、水上游览项目、攀岩塔、潜水中心、每日沙滩活动、水上运 动中心,儿童和青少年俱乐部、台球和乒乓球 失落世界拥有自己的丛林、水上公园、游泳池、水滑梯和瀑布漂流河

Tel: +66 (0) 38 301 234 Fax: +66 (0) 38 714 999 277 Moo 5, Naklua, Banglamung, Pattaya, Chonburi 20150 Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Pattaya 芭提雅

Dusit Thani Pattaya 芭提雅都喜天丽酒店 Dusit Thani Pattaya Luxury Beach Resort & MICE Venue with Gracious Thai Hospitality in Pattaya

芭提雅都喜天丽酒店,是一家豪华的海 滨度假酒店和会议优选之所,体现了泰式优 雅服务。

Dusit Thani Pattaya occupies the prized location within the international beach resort city of Pattaya. Combining the natural delights of sun, sea and sand with the fun and excitement of a metropolis, Pattaya City serves as an ideal venue for world-class conventions, seminars and meetings.

芭提雅都喜天丽酒店位于芭提雅国际沙 滩度假村的中心位置。完美融合了芭提雅的 阳光、大海、沙滩的乐趣,以及动感的城市 魅力,芭提雅成为了世界级会展、研讨会和 会议的理想场所。

The hotel is just a 1.5 hours drive from Bangkok, and is located on a long stretch of beach at the northern tip of Pattaya Bay. Set within a garden enclave, the luxury hotel offers easy access to the attractions of town as well as a serene escape of panoramic sea views. At the Dusit Thani Pattaya, a host of facilities await; luxurious accommodation, spacious suites with private balconies and sea views, some of the finest dining venues in Pattaya, and the choice of access to two beachfront. The Club Room and Club Grand Room with their blend of business-style fittings and facilities combined with first-rate benefits and legendary Thai service, provide the ultimate way to mix business with pleasure. A range of professional meeting facilities is on hand with the flexibility to accommodate small groups, medium-size seminars, or conventions of over 2,500 participants.

114 Best Of Class

酒店位于芭提雅湾北端 延伸段的海滩上, 离曼谷仅1.5小时车程。 拥有独立的花园以 及豪华的酒店设施,能让入住的客人更好的 更安静的欣赏到海滩全景,把海滩景色尽收 眼底。 芭提雅都喜天丽酒店拥有一系列完善的 酒店设施,豪华宽敞的客房拥有私人阳台以 及海滩景观,还拥有芭提雅有名的餐饮场 所,酒店客人还有权使用酒店前的两个海 滩,酒店拥有会所房间以及会所豪华房间, 会所房间还配套了齐全的商务配件和设施, 并且还提供一流的泰式服务,为入住的客人 的娱乐以及商务提供了更好的享受。 一系列的专业会议设施,让入住的客户 的商务活动更具有灵活性,酒店的专业设施 也适用于小团体会议,中型研讨会,或超过 2500名参与者的大型会议。

Rooms / Suites: Pools / Beach: Spa: Restaurant & Bars: Fitness: Fun Facts: A What?!:

457 rooms and suites within the prime beachfront location two outdoor salt-water swimming pools with swim-up bar on the upper-deck Devarana Spa, the luxurious & heaven for spa lovers Cascade Restaurant, The Peak Chinese Restaurant, The Bay International Skewers Restaurant, Dusit Gourmet, The Lobby Lounge, Available (DFiT Fitness Centre) Outdoors salt-water swimming pool with whirlpool at the lagoon pool, kids club with daily kids activities, fitness classes, 4-tennis courts with one court near the sea. Hotel lobby has the largest indoor Atrium in north Pattaya. The best oceanfront sunset view-point of north-pattaya at hotel’s ‘The Point’ next to Lagoon Pool near The Bay International Skewers Restaurant.

房间/套房: 泳池/沙滩: Spa: 餐厅/酒吧: 健身中心: 特色:

457间客房和套房位于芭提雅的海滨位置 2个室外盐水游泳池以及酒吧 泰丽水疗是spa爱好者的奢华天堂 瀑布餐厅,山顶餐厅,海湾国际餐厅,大堂酒廊 DFiT 健身中心 室外盐水游泳池,儿童游泳池以及儿童俱乐部,儿童日常活动,健身课,4个网球场, 其中一个位于沙滩边。 酒店大厅北部有芭提雅最大的室内中庭。酒店拥有芭提雅北部首选的海滨日落景观点在 Lagoon游泳池附近,酒店还拥有著名的海湾国际餐厅。


Tel: +66 (0) 3842 5611 240/2 Pattaya Beach Road, Naklua, Banglamung, Pattaya, Chonburi 20150, Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Pattaya 芭提雅

Pattaya Modus

Beachfront Resort 芭堤雅默杜斯海滨度假村 A 5 Star beach resort with exclusive private setting on Wong Amat Beach features 130 elegant designed rooms are perfectly suitable for family, couples, leisure parties or small meetings. The calm sea is ideal for sunbathing, swimming and kayaking. The accommodation includes Superior Room, Deluxe Ocean View and Premium Pool Access where you can walk into swimming pool directly from your private balcony. Striking decoration of the resort combines industrial loft concepts with modern furnishing to create a unique and memorable experience. FACILITIES & SERVICES Guests are well taken care of with special attention from our staff. A children’s pool and three outdoor pools next to the beach are perfectly suitable for your trip to Pattya. Kids’ Club & E-Zone available for children and teenagers. Modus Spa is an oasis of calm offering various treatments where you will relax and rejuvenate.

芭堤雅默杜斯海滨度假村是一个5星级 海滩度假村,是旺亚玛特海滩最具独特最 私人的酒店,酒店拥有130个优雅设计的房 间,酒店房间适合家庭居住,也适合夫妻度 假、休闲派对或小型会议,酒店平静的海滩 是日光浴以及游泳和划艇的理想之地,酒店 有多种房型,包括高级客房,豪华海景房和 以及高级直入式游泳池房,这样您可以从您 的私人阳台上直接进入游泳池,度假酒店的 醒目装饰体现出了现代阁楼设计理念和现代 家居理念,为住客创造了独特而难忘的体 验, 设施和服务 所有入住酒店的客人都会受到我们的特 别关照。酒店有1个儿童泳池及3个接近海 边的户外泳池,非常适合那些来芭堤雅旅游 的人,儿童俱乐部和E-zone可供儿童和青少 年使用。MODUS SPA是Spa 界的绿洲,可 以提供各种各样的治疗,让您放松身心和恢 复活力。

DINING The resort has a choice of dining venues with beautiful settings Twilight, Modus Bistro and 餐厅 Breeze Beach Restaurant & Pool bar offer 住客可以选择酒店的黄昏观景点,Modus tantalising taste of Thai cuisine or a variety of 小酒馆和微风海滩餐厅和泳池酒吧给您提供 international dishes while sipping cocktails and 诱人的泰式美食或各种国际美食,同时您也 wine. 可以惬意地饮鸡尾酒和葡萄酒。

116 Best Of Class

Rooms / Suites:

Superior 60 Twin/ King Bed (31.20 sqm), Deluxe Ocean View 56 Twin/ King Bed (41.20 sqm), Premium Pool Access 14 Twin/ King Bed (41.20 sqm) Pools / Beach: 3 swimming pool and quiet beach Spa: No Restaurant & Bars: Twilight Bar opening hours 17:00 – 23:00 hrs, Ripple Pool Bar opening hours 11:00 – 20:00 hrs Fitness: Yes (06:30 – 20:00 hrs) Fun Facts: sunbath & Relax on the private beach, fun with 3 difference pool and complimentary sea kayaking. A What?!: Modus - Vintage -Industrial- Chic styles

房间/套房: 泳池/沙滩: Spa: 餐厅/酒吧: 健身中心: 特色: 亮点:

高级客房双人房60间/总统床位(面积31.20平方米),豪华海景双床56间 /总统床 (面积41.20平方米),直入式游泳池房双床14间/总统床(面积41.20平方米) 3个游泳池和安静的沙滩 不 暮色酒吧开放时间17:00 -23:00,荡漾池酒吧开放时间11:00 -20:00 开放(06:30 – 20:00hrs) 在私人海滩上享受日光浴以及放松身心,拥有3个不同的游泳池和拥有海上皮划艇。 款式-古董-风格别致

Tel: +66 (0) 33 007 888 Fax: +66 (0) 3300 7887 381 Moo 5 Soi Naklua 12 Pattaya - Naklua Rd Naklua Banglamung Chonburi 20150, Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Pattaya 芭提雅

The Symphony Suites Pattaya

芭堤雅交响乐套房酒店 The Symphony Suites Pattaya provides a unique, enjoyable and distinctive holiday experience at The Venetian Pattaya. This stylishly-themed resort brings the flavor of Venice to Thailand offering a relaxed and gracious ambience. Pause a while and stroll around the grounds taking in the model landmarks representing the classic sights of Venice; canals, the Rialto Bridge and the clock tower of San Marco Square. The expansive pool includes a lazy river and three relaxing Jacuzzi pavilions. For the little ones there is the kid’s fun pool arena where they can play together in the shallows. In the evening as the light fades, the feature lighting illuminates and the resort takes on a romantic, almost magical, atmosphere. This is the perfect time to enjoy a relaxed gondola trip around the resort’s canal like swimming pool, floating under bridges and taking in the scene.

118 Best Of Class

芭堤雅交响乐套房酒店在被称为威尼斯 的芭堤雅给客人提供独特、愉快和非凡的 度假体验,这个与众不同的度假胜地给 泰国带来了威尼斯一般的悠闲又优雅的气 息,入住我们酒店仿佛置身于威尼斯闲庭 信步,可以使您放松身心,就像来到了运 河、里亚托桥和圣马可广场钟塔,这里宽 阔的游泳池包括1条休闲河流和3个让住客 放松的按摩浴缸,我们酒店也有儿童娱乐 设施,孩子们可以在游泳池浅滩里一起玩 耍嬉戏。 晚上,随着光线渐暗,加上特色的灯光 照明,度假村呈现出浪漫、神奇的氛围。 这是游客在此享受轻松愉快气氛的最佳时 间,游客可以在游泳池中休息或在桥下划 船,享受这美丽景色。

Rooms / Suites: Pools / Beach: Spa: Restaurant & Bars Fitness: Fun Facts: A What?!:

173 Rooms the expansive pool includes a lazy river and a relaxing Jacuzzi pavilion no room dining service fitness center kids fun pool arena, Clubhouse, Sauna and steam rooms, Children’s playroom gondola ride in the morning and evening

房间 / 套间: 泳池/ 沙滩: Spa: 餐厅& 酒吧: 健身房: 特色: 亮点?!:

173个房间 这里宽阔的游泳池包括1条休闲河流和让住客放松的按摩浴缸 不 房间餐厅服务 健身房 儿童乐趣游泳池,会所,桑拿,蒸汽室,儿童游乐所 早晚敞蓬车

Tel: +66 (0) 38 190 298 Fax: +66 (0) 38 190 299 190/1 Moo 1, Na Jomtien Soi 4, Na Jomtien, Sattahip, Chonburi 20250 Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Pattaya 芭提雅

Pullman Pattaya Hotel G 伯尔曼芭提雅G酒店 You can dream or you can live your dreams at Pullman Pattaya Hotel G, a culmination of traditional Thai and cutting-edge designs suited for every lifestyle. Nestled away in a lush landscape with serene tropical gardens and private Beach Club. Pattaya discovery starts here at the newly renovated Pullman Pattaya Hotel G.

您可以在芭提雅铂尔曼G享受美梦,传 统泰式设计和尖端设计的,酒店能够适合各 种生活方式的人,芭提雅铂尔曼G度假酒店 坐落在郁郁葱葱的景观中,酒店拥有宁静的 热带花园和私人海滩俱乐部,从重新装修的 芭提雅铂尔曼G度假酒店将让您发现不一样 的芭提雅。

353 room categories including the refurbished 酒店拥有353间房间,其中包括经过翻 Executive Club Rooms with classy wooden 新的并且铺有典雅木地板的行政俱乐部客 flooring, comfortable furnishings and spectacular 房,酒店配有舒适的家具,住客还可以欣赏 sea views. 到壮观的海景。 酒店有凉爽而现代的全天候开放餐厅,餐厅 Cool yet contemporary all-day dining outlet fea- 设有开放式厨房”,提供当地美食和国际美 turing an “open kitchen” offering both local and 食。 international cuisine. 酒店拥有美丽的海景和独特的spa中心, With beautiful sea views and an exclusive spa 水疗中心提供令人振奋的Aisawan Spa理疗 complex, treatments at inspiring Aisawan Spa 服务,让您享受每一个放松又健康的梦。 fulfill every relaxing dream of well-being. 酒店拥有15个活动空间,拥有时尚的装 15 event spaces with stylish décor, state-of-the-art 饰和最先进的设备以及全面的团队支持,这 equipment and full support teams to tailor events 些让客人可以定制活动和会议,确保各项活 and meetings and ensure that they are a 动和会议取得圆满成功。 resounding success.

120 Best Of Class

Rooms / Suites: Pools / Beach: Spa: Restaurant & Bars: Fitness: Fun Facts: A What?!:

353 Rooms Three swimming pools are available. Two are situated adjacent to
the beach and The Beach Club Aisawan Spa The Beach Club (Main Restaurant), The Beach Club Bar (Beach Front), Pool Bar, Sunset Lounge G Club provides a new step aerobics & boxing room, a games room, fully-equipped gym table football private beach Breathtaking and panoramic sunset views

房间/ 套间: 泳池 / 沙滩: Spa: 餐厅& 酒吧: 健身房: 趣闻: 惊喜?!:

353 间房间 酒店设有3个游泳池. 其中两间毗邻海滩和海滩俱乐部 Aisawan Spa 海滩俱乐部(主餐厅),海滩俱乐部酒吧(海滨),泳池酒吧,落日酒吧 G 俱乐部提供全新的健美操和拳击室、游戏室,还有设备齐全的桌上足球 私人海滩风景和焦点 令人叹为观止的日落全景

Tel: +66 (0) 38 411 940-8 445/3 Moo 5 Wong Amart Beach Pattaya - Naklua Road Soi 16, Chonburi, 20150 Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Koh Samet 沙美岛

Le Vimarn Cottages & Spa 拉维曼别墅度假酒店 A Heavenly Thailand Hideaway. The tranquil palm 拉维曼别墅度假酒店是隐藏在泰国的一 fringed beach has a peaceful, private feel with 个世外桃源,被棕榈树环绕的海滩拥有宁静 some of the most breathtaking sunset views to be 的氛围,你可以在这里的任何一个地方都能 欣赏到泰国最令人惊叹的景色和一些令人惊 enjoyed anywhere in Thailand. 叹的落日美景。 Every element of the resort is designed for your ultimate relaxation, from the warm friendly team that welcomes you off the boat to the atmospheric fine dining restaurants and infinity pool that blends seamlessly with the glistening ocean.

拉维曼别墅度假酒店每一个具有特色的 元素设计都是为了给您视觉享受,让您能够 享受到真正的放松,我们拥有热情好客的服 务团队,从您下船的那一刻起我们的团队就 迎接您的入住,您可以享受到高大上的餐厅 以及海天衔接的无边游泳池,让您享受到极 The Balinese and Thai inspired thatched cottages 度愉悦的旅途。 perfectly compliment the tropical garden settings 巴厘岛风格和泰国风格的茅草小屋完美 for a restful stay. 地与热带花园环境融合而相得益彰,让您享 Le Vimarn Cottages and Spa is the discerning 受到宁静的住宿,对于想要寻找到没有被破 坏的最原始的最美丽的热带风格小岛的夫妻 choice for couples and families seeking an exclu以及家庭游旅客们来说,拉维曼别墅度假酒 sive getaway on Koh Samet one of Thailand’s most 店是最理想的最佳选择。 beautiful, unspoiled tropical islands.

122 Best Of Class

Rooms / Suites: Pools / Beach: Spa: Restaurant & Bars: Fitness: Fun Facts: A What?!:

31 infinity pool / Ao Prao Beach Dhivarin Spa All-day dining (Italian and Thai), pool bar yes Enlighten your body and mind with an ultimate pampering at Dhivarin Spa best of all is a quiet stroll along the shore at sunset

房间/ 套间: 泳池/ 沙滩: Spa: 餐厅 & 酒吧 : 健身房: 特色: 亮点?!:

31间 无边游泳池 / Ao Prao Beach Dhivarin Spa水疗馆 酒店餐厅全天开放(有意大利餐和泰国菜)以及泳池酒吧 有健身房 Dhivarin Spa为您提供终极呵护,让您的身心得到启发 住客可以在安静又浪漫的海边散步放松心情

Tel: +66 (0) 2 438 9771-2

Fax: +66 (0) 38 644 109 Ao Prao, Koh Samet : 40/11 Moo 4, Tumbol Phe, Amphur Mueng, Rayong, 21160 Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Koh Chang 象岛

The Chill Resort & Spa Koh Chang 象岛清凉Spa度假酒店 Welcome to your private getaway paradise. The Chill offers truly unique experience and privacy that redefines the definition of modern luxury resorts. From immersing in the tranquility of the beautiful white-sand beach to unwinding at the luxurious Chill Spa, from indulging at the five-star Thai fusion cuisine restaurant to relaxing in the beautiful tropical postmodern accommodations, The Chill is not just a destination for your vacation; it’s your private getaway paradise.

欢迎来到您的专属私人度假天堂,象 岛清凉spa度假酒店提供了真正独特的体验 和隐私,并且重新定义了现代豪华度假村 的定义。从令人心神向往的美丽白沙海滩 的宁静中到清凉spa度假酒店,清凉spa度 假酒店让您从一个泰国五星级菜式烹饪到 热带美丽的后现代热情的住宿,清凉spa 度假酒店的不仅仅只是你只为你的旅游而 生,而是成为您的私人度假天堂。

Accomodations The Chill Deluxe Room: 14 rooms (50 sqm.) The Chill Deluxe Rooms are located on the 2nd floor,providing specious 50 sq.m. of living space including terrace. Features 40” LED TV.

象岛清凉Spa度假酒店拥有豪华套间14 个,酒店豪华套间位于酒店二楼,豪华套 间每个房间50平米,拥有私人的阳台,以 及配有特色的40寸对的LED电视。

The Splas Pool Access Room: 14 rooms (50 sqm.) The Splash rooms are located on the ground floor with a cozy size of 50 sqm. Guests enjoy direct private access to swimming pool from the room. features 40” LED TV. The Sky Jacuzzi Suite: 7 Suites (100 sqm.) The Sky Jacuzzi suites are located on the 3nd floor with 100 sqm. of living space including a balcony. Guests can enjoy their own private Jacuzzi and the comfort of a large living room. Features 32” & 46” LED TVs and Home Theater system. The Pool Villa: 3 villas (190 sqm.) The Pool Villas are two-storey buildings, featuring 190 sqm. of living space. 1 villa is located on the beachfront and 2 villsa are close by the beach. Guests can enjoy their own private swimming pool and private access to the main swimming pool.

124 Best Of Class

泳池直入式套间:泳池直入式套间总共 14套,每一套都拥有舒适的50平米,套间 位于一楼,客人可直接从房间进入到私人的 游泳池,房间配有特色的40寸LED电视。 天空按摩浴缸套房:7套房,每套房 100平米,天空按摩浴缸套房位于第三层, 有100平方米的居住空间,包括阳台。客人 可以享受自己的私人按摩浴缸和舒适的大 客厅。配有特色32“46”LED电视和家庭 影院系统。 泳池别墅:3个别墅,每个别墅190平 米,泳池别墅是两层楼,有190平方米的居 住空间。1个别墅位于海滨,2个别墅靠近 海滩。客人可以享受自己的私人游泳池和 私人主游泳池。

Rooms / Villas:

The Chill Deluxe 14 Rooms , The Splash Pool Access 14 Rooms, The Sky Jacuzzi Suite 7 Rooms, The Pool Villa 3 Rooms Pool / Beach: There are 3 main swimming pools: Children Swimming Pool, Adult Swimming Pool and Beachfront Infinity Pool. Open daily from 7am - 7pm. Spa: Chill Spa offers five-star spa Restaurants & Bar: Chill Out Café Thai-Fusion Seafood Restaurant offers wolrd-class cuisine, bar, and spectacular beachfront & sunset view.Open daily from 7am-10pm. Fitness: No Fun Facts: Recreations & Activities Snorkeling, Hiking, Fishing, Elephant Trekking, Sea Kayak, Scuba Divingm, Squid Fishing, Tree Top Adventure, Para Sailing, A WHAT?!: There’s not always tomorrow, let’s Chill out today 房间/别墅: 泳池/沙滩: Spa: 餐厅/酒吧: 健身中心: 特色: 亮点:

豪华套间14间,泳池房间14间,天空按摩浴缸套房7间,泳池别墅3间, 有3个主游泳池: 儿童游泳池, 成人游泳池,海滨游泳池,每天7.00-19.00开放 象岛清凉Spa度假酒店提供五星级Spa服务 清凉Spa度假酒店的Café 拥有泰式世界级的传统海鲜烹饪,酒吧,以及壮观的海滨风景以及 日落风景,每天7.00-22.00 开放 不 浮潜,徒步旅行,骑大象,皮艇,深潜,钓鱼,树顶冒险,帆船等 不用等到明天,让我们现在就出发!

Tel: +66 (0) 39 552 555, +66 (0) 91 774 2555 Fax: +66 (0) 39 552 599 19/21 Moo4, Kai Bae Beach, Koh Chang,Trat, 23170, Thailand Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Koh Chang 象岛

The Emerald Cove Koh Chang

象岛阿玛瑞翡翠湾度假酒店 Discover the wild beauty and peaceful setting of Koh Chang, one of Thailand’s best-kept island secrets, at The Emerald Cove Koh Chang. This five-star Koh Chang resort is set on the secluded beach of Khlong Prao and offers 165 rooms and suites, all with view of either the sea to the West or the jungle-covered hills to the East. Listen to the symphony of rustling palm trees and the rolling waves across a long stretch of sand at the beach of The Emerald Cove Koh Chang and be captured by the island’s century-old mountains and crystal clear marine beauty of the Gulf of Thailand that will take your breath away. Whether you choose to stay close to the resort or venture outside, you will find the best resort experience and have a truly unforgettable vacation on the island at The Emerald Cove Koh Chang.

126 Best Of Class

在阿玛瑞翡翠湾度假酒店,你可以尽情探寻象 岛宁静而美丽的景色,野趣十足。酒店位于象岛 Khlong Prao沙滩,是一家五星级酒店,酒店共有 165间客房和套房,所有房间均有西面迷人海景 或东面热带丛林景色。 在象岛Emerald海湾细听棕榈随风吟唱的沙沙 声,看海浪拍打长长的沙滩,在岛上的古老山上 享受郁郁葱葱的美景,还有泰国湾清澈湛蓝的海 水,所有这一切好似时光静止,在这里享受属于 您的惬意好时光。 无论您是选择待在酒店安静放松,还是到户外 探险游玩,您都能体会到无与伦比的酒店度假体 验,让您的象岛Emerald海湾之旅留下美好难忘 的回忆。

Rooms/Suites: Pools/Beach: Spa: Restaurant & Bars: Fitness: Fun Facts: A What?!: 房间/套房: 游泳池/沙滩: Spa: 餐厅& 酒吧: 健身房: 趣闻: 惊喜?!:

165 rooms and suites with either views to the mountain or to the ocean stunning 50m beachfront swimming pool, outdoor jacuzzi pool and kid’s pool. Emerald Spa The Cove Terrace, Just Thai, Macao Club, Pool Bar, 24-hr in-room dining, Romantic Beach Dinner, Romantic Balcony Dinner Complimentary for in-house guest, open daily from 06.00-22.00hrs Free Thai boxing, morning yoga, beach volleyball, table tennis, water aerobic, kid’s playground. Direct access to the beach, beautiful beachfront wedding, olympic size swimming pool.

165 间/套房间和套房,拥有山景和海景。 绝佳的 50米海滨泳池, 还有户外按摩泳池和儿童泳池。 绿宝石Spa。 The Cove Terrace餐厅、Just Thai餐厅、Macao 俱乐部、泳池酒吧、24小时室内餐 厅、浪漫海边晚餐、浪漫天台晚餐。 设备齐全的室内健身房,,每天 06.00-22.00营业。. 免费泰拳、清晨瑜伽、沙滩排球、乒乓球、水上有氧运动、儿童乐园。 直通海滩,,享受美丽的海滩婚礼,奥利匹克标准泳池。

Tel: +66 (0) 39 552 000

Fax: +66 (0) 39 552 001 88/8 Moo 4, Klong Prao Beach, Koh Chang, Trat, 23170 Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Koh Samui 苏梅岛

Ammatara Pura Pool Villa

安玛塔拉普拉泳池别墅酒店 Ammatara Pura is situated 30 minutes southeast of the Samui airport, and footsteps from the entertainment of central Lamai. Conveniently situated on the quiet strip of Lamai Beach, enjoy outdoor water activities or the private relaxation of the villa and Jacuzzi.

安玛塔拉普拉泳池别墅酒店位于苏梅岛 机场东南方向,距离机场有30分钟车程, 距离拉迈海滩的娱乐中心仅有数步之遥。交 通便利,闹中取静,客人可以体验各式各样 的户外水上活动,也可以在酒店别墅,按摩 浴缸中休闲放松。

The impressive amalgamation of Northern and Southern Thai architecture highlights fine art. The resort is magnificently set in the style of a 1,200 year-old ancient Thai palace. All buildings are elegantly designed with an abundance of regal facilities and hospitality. The concept of “Raja Living” in the atmosphere of an ancient Thai palace featuring the “Ammata” restaurant, where you can dine on cuisine fit for royalty.

南北结合的泰式建筑风格让人耳目一 新,与自然浑然天成,宛如艺术品一般赏心 悦目。酒店以有1200年历史的古代泰国皇 宫为设计基础,所有的建筑华贵而不失优 雅,设施齐备,以热情开放的姿态迎接来自 世界各地的客人。酒店倡导“慢生活”的理 念,气氛轻松舒适。古代泰国皇宫样式的阿 曼塔餐厅,在这里您可以享受皇室般的美食 体验。

The resort features 18 spacious, luxurious pool villas all situated within a natural, authentic, northern Thai setting. Each secluded villa features a patio, balcony, swimming pool and a jacuzzi.

酒店共有18栋各具特色的带泳池豪华别 墅,配以泰北自然,奢华的装修风格。每栋 别墅都配有露台,阳台,泳池和按摩浴缸。

All Sea View Villas face East, allowing guests to wake up from a relaxing sleep to welcome the first rays of sunshine and stunning ocean scenery.

128 Best Of Class

所有的海景别墅都面朝东方,让客人在 舒适睡眠的同时可以轻松迎接清晨的第一缕 阳光,欣赏美丽的海上景致。

Pool Villas: Pools / Beach: Spa: Restaurant & Bar: Fitness: Fun Facts: A WHAT?!: 泳池别墅: 泳池/沙滩: Spa: 餐厅/酒吧: 健身中心: 特色: 亮点:

18 – 5 Garden View, 3 Beachside (60 sqm); 8 Sea View (80 square meters) and 2 two-BR Beachfront (160 square meters) 19 – main pool on beachfront comprehensive (for kids also!) Golden Bar, Ammata Star Trac machines; vigorous activities including table tennis, volleyball and early morning group jogging on beach. • Beach Volleyball • Watersports • Table Tennis • Library • Massage Excursions • Elephant Trekking • Snorkeling Excursions • Scuba Diving • Fishing • Thai Cultural Show • Local Market and Temples • A 5 star palatial getaway 18栋,其中5栋花园景观别墅,3栋沙滩别墅(60平米),8栋海景别墅 (80平米),2栋双卧沙滩别墅(160平米) 共19个泳池,主泳池在沙滩畔 各式SPA(儿童可用) 阿曼塔餐厅,金色酒吧 星级健身设备,提供乒乓球,排球,沙滩晨跑等各式活动 沙滩排球,水上运动,乒乓球,阅览室,按摩,骑大象,浮潜,水肺潜水,海 钓,泰国文化表演,拜访当地市场和寺庙 5星级奢华度假

Tel: +66 (0) 77 601 633 - 7

Fax: +66 (0) 77 601 638 128/75-76 Moo 3, Lamai Beach, Maret, KohSamui, Suratthani, 84310 Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand




The Pelican Residence and Suites Krabi 甲米鹈鹕套房酒店 The Pelican Residence and Suites Krabi originated from the natural habit of pelicans when they fly back home like a reunion of families. Likewise, The Pelican provides to every visitor the warm feeling of coming back home.

泰国甲米鹈鹕套房酒店,它的设计以 及构思来自于当地鹈鹕的自然属性。每一 次鹈鹕的归来都是为了和家人温馨重聚, 鹈鹕和自然景色的结合会给每一位游客带 来回家的温暖感觉。

All suites residence start from 81 to 190 sqm. with a separate living room, master bedroom, kitchenette and dining areas. Most of the units are private pool suites with a huge balcony, with panorama sea or pool views. The property is located 20 meters from the beach with elegance beach club – The Nest Beach Bar and Restaurant.

泰国甲米鹈鹕套房酒店所有套房有81 至190平方米空间,拥有独立的客厅、主 卧室、厨房和用餐区。鹈鹕套房酒店大部 分的客房都是拥有私人游泳池和巨大阳台 的套房,所有的套房酒店都有全景海景或 泳池景观。酒店距离海滩与优雅海滩俱乐 部以及巢海酒吧和餐厅只有20米的距离。

The Pelican Residence & Suites is a great choice for accommodation when visiting Krabi. The hotel is not too far from the city center, just 15 minutes by car, and it normally takes about 40 minutes to reach the airport. With its convenient location, the hotel offers easy access to the city’s must-see destinations.

无论你是游客还是商务旅行,甲米鹈 鹕套房酒店都是你在甲米最好的选择,因 为酒店离市中心不远,只需15分钟车程, 并且从酒店到达机场通常需要40分钟。酒 店离市中心很近而且路程简单,所以是旅 客的最佳选择。

Offering hotel guests superior services and a broad range of amenities, The Pelican Residence & Suites is committed to ensuring that your stay is as comfortable as possible. The hotel offers free Wi-Fi in all rooms and public areas, 24-hour security, 24-hour front desk, luggage storage.

130 Best Of Class

为了给入住的客人带来更舒适的环境, 甲米鹈鹕套房酒店给客人提供了优越的服务 和广泛的设施,酒店在所有房间和公共区 域提供免费Wi-Fi,24小时保安,24小时前 台,24小时行李寄存。

Rooms / Villas: Pool / Beach: Spa: Restaurants & Bar: Fitness: Fun Facts: A WHAT?!: 客房/套房: 泳池/沙滩: Spa: 餐厅和酒吧: 健身中心: 趣闻: 惊喜?!!:

58 Suites start from 81 to 194 square meters with a separate living room, master bedroom, kitchenette and dining areas. Expansive Swimming Pool & Kids Pool. The hotel is located 20 meters from the beach with elegance beach club. Thai Traditional or foot massage can arranged upon request. Globe is located at poolside and open all day, serving Thai & International cuisines. No The magnificent The Pelican Residence and Suite,Krabi are only 10 min utes by speed boat to some of the world’s top 10 most beautiful islands. The Pelican Residence and Suites, Krabi luxury resort, offers a perfect mix ture of modern luxury charm and spacious accommodations in Krabi.

58套81至194平方米的套间,拥有独立客厅、主卧室、厨房以及餐厅。 拥有游泳池以及儿童游泳池,酒店距离沙滩和沙滩酒吧只有20米的距离。 可按要求做泰式传统按摩以及足部按摩。 餐厅和酒吧全天开放,供应泰餐和西餐。 不 甲米鹈鹕套房酒店坐船去世界最美海岛之一只需要十分钟。 甲米鹈鹕套房酒店是宏伟又很有魔力的旅游圣地。

Tel: +66 (0) 75 817 000 Fax: +66(0)75 817 001 185 Moo 3 Klong Muang, Tub Kaak Rd.Nong Talay Krabi, 81110 Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Krabi 甲米

Nakamanda Resort & Spa 纳卡曼达SPA度假酒店 Nakamanda Resort & Spa is located on a beautiful private cove in the unspoiled Klong Muang region of Krabi, tucked within the island’s gorgeous landscapes, thick jungles and beautiful beaches. This tranquil and luxurious resort faces a tiny forested island with a backdrop of captivating mountains rising from the Andaman Sea. Twice-daily low tides reveal a sweeping sand bank stretching to the uninhabited island, allowing visitors to walk across to adventure. At high tide take pleasure in swimming and kayaking; as well as fishing trips, boating, rock-climbing and hiking. This exquisite five-star resort is embellished by graceful Asian antique sculptures and teak wood interiors, with individual villas set upon the hillside with treetop or ultra-private tropical garden views. The 39 romantic rooms and villas are available in five categories ranging from 56 to 315 sqm. The charming Naga Spa provides a sea view. The Kitchen Restaurant offers dining on the covered outdoor balcony, indoors, or the beachfront terrace – perfect for sunset cocktails.

132 Best Of Class

纳卡曼达SPA度假酒店位于甲米府Klong Muang区的一个私人海湾,尽享甲米迷人 山景,郁郁葱葱的热带丛林以及美丽沙滩。 酒店宁静而不失奢华,面朝大海,与诸多 小岛隔海相望,背倚安达曼海上雄奇壮丽的 山崖。 每日两次潮汐,浪花拍打海岸,在浓浓 原始气息的无人小岛,游人可以尽情漫步徜 徉在美丽的沙滩。涨潮的时候,可以游泳, 划皮划艇,此外还有出海海钓,划船,攀 岩,远足等各式趣味活动等着你来玩。 奢华五星级度假酒店采用亚洲传统设计 风格,全实木内饰,质朴又不失优雅舒适。 独栋别墅依山伴水,绿树环绕,尽享热带花 园美景。 39间客房,别墅分个种类,面积56至 315平米不等。 纳卡曼达度假酒店拥有迷人海景,私厨 餐厅为客人提供美味佳肴,客人可在户外, 房间内,或者阳台就餐。傍晚时分,在沙滩 边露台喝一杯鸡尾酒,欣赏海上日落,岂不 美哉。

Rooms / Villas: 39 – 34 Sala Villas (56 sqm), 1 Outdoor Hydropool Villa (90 sqm), 1 Hydro-pool Villa (110 sqm), 1 Jacuzzi Villa (148 sqm), 2 sumptuous Pool Villas (315 sqm). Pools / Beach: beachfront / yes Spa: Naga Spa Restaurant & Bar: The Kitchen Restaurant Fitness: Free use of The Fitness Center Fun Facts: at low tide walk to the tiny, captivating, forested, mountain island emerging from the Andaman Sea. A WHAT?!: A tranquil paradise located on a beautiful private cove 房间/别墅: 泳池/沙滩: Spa: 餐厅/酒吧: 健身中心: 特色: 亮点:

共39间,34间起居舒适别墅(56平米),1间室外水疗泳池别墅(90平米), 1间水疗泳池别墅(110平米),1间按摩浴缸别墅(148平米),1间豪华泳池别墅 (315平米) 沙滩畔泳池,私人沙滩 娜迦SPA 私厨餐厅 客人可免费使用健身中心 在退潮时,客人可步行登上安达曼海郁郁葱葱,绿树环绕,群山掩映的无人小岛 酒店坐落在绝美私人海湾,宛如身处度假天堂

Tel: +66 (0) 75 628 200 Fax: +66 (0) 75 644 390, 126 Moo.3 Klong Muang Beach, Tambol Nongtalay, Amphur Muang, Krabi, 81000 Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Krabi 甲米

Sofitel Krabi Phokeethra Golf & Spa Resort 甲米索菲特佛基拉度假村 Sofitel Krabi Phokeethra Golf & Spa Resort blends the dramatic beauty of Krabi – the Emerald of the Andaman Sea – with French colonial elegance – and adds exquisite design, L’Occitane spa treatments, limestone cliffs, ancient sea caves and beachfront golf to the alluring vacation experience.

甲米素菲特佛基拉高尔夫水疗度假村酒 店临近甲米岛绿宝石安达曼海,保留着法国 殖民时期留下的优雅气氛以及精致的酒店设 计,甲米素菲特佛基拉高尔夫水疗度假村酒 店有水疗有名的品牌是欧舒丹,石灰岩峭 壁、古海洞和海滨高尔夫都给住客带来不 一样的体验和印象。

The luxurious and well-appointed resort – enhanced with dark-paneled, natural teakwood floors, soaring arches and lofty high-vaulted ceilings – offers 276 rooms (with 23 suites), each with a private balcony overlooking either the expansive gardens or Andaman Sea. A 7,000 sqm swimming pool – the largest in Thailand – flows through the heart of the resort, making your stay more magnifique with our exclusive Club Millésime Privileges. The three restaurants serve Thai, Indian, Italian and international cuisines; or chill-out at Koh Poda swim-up pool bar.

是一个豪华和设备齐全的度假酒店,巧 妙的使用了深色镶以及然柚木地板增强酒店 艺术感以及美感,拥有高耸的拱门和高大的 拱形天花板,酒店提供276个房间和23个套 房,每一个房间以及套房都能让您俯瞰美丽 的安达曼海峡,拥有泰国最大面积7000平 方米的游泳池,硕大的游泳池就像是酒店的 心脏一样,此外让您入住时感觉美好,与我 们的高级俱乐部服务.这三家餐厅泰国菜、 印度菜、意大利菜和国际美食,当然还可以 在波达游泳池酒吧放松一下。

So SPA with L’Occitane invites guests to lavish their bodies with a unique menu of global rituals, ancient Thai traditions and French beauty therapies. Daily activities abound for adults, while youngsters can recreate and bounce at the colorful Kid’s Club. Enjoy cooking classes, water sports and outdoor tennis, Tai Chi and yoga. A fully-equipped fitness center offers an energetic respite from all of the pampering and luxury speedboats for islands hopping.

134 Best Of Class

So’SPA 与欧舒丹用品邀请客人们体验 他们独一无二的水疗方式,身心放松,使用 古代泰国传统和法国美容疗法,酒店还拥有 丰富多彩的成人活动和儿童以及年轻人也可 以参与的各种各样的俱乐部,住客可以参加 烹饪课程、水上运动、户外网球、太极拳以 及瑜伽等这些活动,酒店的健身房拥有各种 各样的健身设备,设施齐全,岛上的豪华快 艇为这里增添了许多活力。


253 rooms from 45-54 sqm, 16 suite rooms from 72-160 sqm, and 7 Opera Suites with Pool Access at 103 sqm. Pool/Beach: 7,000 m² outdoor, free-form swimming pool with separate kid and adult pool zones. Spa: So SPA with L’OCCITANE, offering 8 rooms for couples and 4 single rooms, each with private jacuzzi Restaurant & Bars: 3 restaurants, 2 bars and 1 ice cream shop Fitness: 24/7 Health Club with gym, aerobics studio, sauna & steam room Fun facts: only 7 minutes from resort to Hong Island and Hong Lagoon, where you can expe rience the white sandy beach and crystal clear blue sea A What?: 276 elegant colonial styled rooms with L’Occitane and Hermes toiletries, high-speed internet, and a private balcony overlooking the pool, gardens or Andaman Sea; as well as the largest swimming pool in Thailand at 7,000m², and private speedboat service. 客房/套房: 泳池: Spa: 餐厅和酒吧: 健身中心: 趣闻: 惊喜?:

253间45-54平米房间以及16间套房(72-160平方米),酒店歌剧套房7间,拥有103 平方米直入式游泳池。 泰国最大的游泳池,面积7000平方米,游泳池分为成人区和儿童区。 So’spa 与欧舒丹的品牌,提供8间双人房以及4间单人房,每个水疗房间拥有私人的按 摩浴缸。 3间餐厅2间酒吧以及一间冰淇淋店 24/7俱乐部健身房,健美操室,桑拿房,蒸汽室 甲米索菲特佛基拉度假村到洪岛与洪礁湖只有7分钟的时间,在那里你可以看到白色沙 滩和晶莹碧蓝的大海。 276间优雅风格的客房,配有欧舒丹和爱马仕洗浴用品,高速互联网以及客房可俯瞰游 泳池和花园以及安达曼海,拥有私人阳台、7,000平方米的泰国最大游泳池和私人快艇服务。

Tel:+66 (0) 75 627 800 Fax: +66 (0) 75 627 899 H6184-RE@SOFITEL.COM 200 Moo 3, Tambon Nongtalay, Amphur Muang Krabi, Krabi, 81180, Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Krabi 甲米

Villa 360 Resort & Spa 360别墅度假村 Villa 360 is the first beach resort in Phi Phi Island boasting panoramic sea-view villas overlooking the peaceful and dream-like Phi Phi Don.

360别墅度假村是皮皮岛的第一家海滩 度假酒店,拥有全景海景别墅,顾客可以俯 瞰宁静而梦幻般的皮皮岛。

Encompassing 33 large villas, the architectural concept and design of Villa 360 is based on its name ‘360’, highlighting the approach to sweeping views.

360别墅度假村拥有33栋大型别墅,其 建筑概念和设计以其“360”这个酒店名字 为基础设计,突出了一览无余的景观。

Villa 360 will bridge you to a profound connection and exploration of the paradise-like islands through our offers of exciting activities that will make the best out of your stay. Be mesmerized by the islands of Phi Phi which are blessed with the clearest water, breathtaking bays, amazing cliffs and rock formations and abundance of sea and forest creatures. The prominence and irresistible beauty of Phi Phi Islands places them as one of the world’s top vacation destinations and its growing popularity continues to draw the attention of adventurous travelers. See the wonders of the islands and fall in love with the serenity over and over again. Villa 360 Be Simple, Be Unique Be Relaxing, Be Adventurous Be Cozy, Be Explorable Villa 360 extraordinary view overlooking serene Phi Phi Beach and borderless sea. Travelling to the Villa 360 from the pier offers an experience of boat trip along with magnificent view. Continue exciting experience with the sea and the sand when getting off the boat. Be prepared to get along with the nature of the tide and have fun.

136 Best Of Class

360别墅度假村将会举行一系列的令人 振奋的活动,让您能够在住宿期间尽情近距 离享受和探索天堂般的岛屿,您会被皮皮岛 这些令人叹为观止的清澈海水迷住。此外还 有令人惊叹的海湾、悬崖、岩层以及丰富的 海洋生物和森林生物。 皮皮岛的出众之处和不可抗拒的美丽促 使它们成为世界顶级度假胜地之一,不断吸 引着冒险旅行者们的兴趣。游客们将可以在 此欣赏岛屿奇观,一遍又一遍地爱上宁静美 丽的岛屿。 360别墅度假村,是一处别致的放松、探 险、舒适又值得探索的胜地。 360别墅度假村让您可以在此眺望皮皮岛 美景和一望无际海洋。 从码头到360别墅度假村的旅程沿途充 满壮丽美景,下船后,大海和沙滩依旧能带 给你让人兴奋的体验,准备好一起融入潮汐 中享受快乐吧!

Rooms: Pools / Beach: Spa: Restaurant & Bar: Fitness: Fun Facts: A WHAT?!:

33 rooms infinity edge pool/ no beach No International Restaurant with stunning view No Scuba Diving, Snorkeling, Kayaking, Fishing, Jungle Walking Stunning Sunset Views

房间: 泳池 / 沙滩: Spa: Restaurant & Bar: 健身中心: 特色: 亮点?!:

33 间 无边游泳池及/ 没有沙滩 不 国际化餐厅以及美丽的风景 不 潜水、浮潜、划皮艇、钓鱼、丛林徒步 绝美的日落风景

Tel: +66 (0) 75 626 900-10

Fax: + 66 (0) 75 626 947 58 Moo 8 Ao-nang, Muang, Koh Phi Phi, Krabi, 81210 Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Phatthalung 博他伦府

Sri Pakpra Andacura Boutique Resort Phatthalung

博他仑帕塔普拉阿库拉精品度假村 Sri Pakpra Andacura Boutique Resort Phatthalung is simply amazing Andacura Premium 5-star boutique resort is located at Khuan Khanun, Phatthalung Province.

138 Best Of Class

博他仑帕塔普拉阿库拉精品度假村是一 个令人惊喜的五星级酒店,位于博他仑府 宽卡暧。

We are proud to say that this resort is one of the most amazing honeymoon hideaways in southern Thailand.We are VERY different! We offer nature pure! Bird Watching, Kayaking, Water Buffaloes, Monkey and even alms offerings to monks! Mouthwatering fresh seafood, excellent western ‘bistro style’ food.

我们可以很自豪地说,博他仑帕塔普拉 阿库拉精品度假村是泰国南部最令人惊异 的蜜月之地之一,我们度假村与众不同, 和大自然和谐相处,在我们酒店你可以享 受到和小鸟亲密接触,提供皮划艇以及观 看水牛和猴子,也会有僧侣布施,还有令 人垂涎的新鲜海鲜和卓越的bistro风格的西 方菜式。

Simply the best 2 restaurants at Khuan Khanun - Phatthalung.

-拥有博他仑府宽卡暧最简洁优质的 餐厅。

We have one of the most exciting and beautiful meeting rooms at Phatthalung catering for all your needs.

我们的博他仑帕塔普拉阿库拉精品度假 村提供最令人惊艳的优质会议室,其设备 可以满足您所有的需求。

We are also a excellent location for boutique wedding and engagement parties.

我们的博他仑帕塔普拉阿库拉精品度假 村可以承办订婚及结婚典礼。

Rooms / Pool / Villas: Massage: Restaurants & Bars: Fitness: Fun Facts: A WHAT?!:

37 rooms all Lake view 1 wellness Center View Yor Restaurant, Sri Pakpra Restaurant , 1 Bar in restaurant and 1Pool Bar 1 Fitness Free rental bicycle, Wedding ceremony, Wedding propose and Banquet, Swim ming pool, Tale Noi Tour 2 souvenir shops, 1 Meeting room 50 pax maximum

房间/泳池/别墅: Spa: 餐厅和酒吧: 健身房: 特色: 亮点?!:

37间全景湖边房间 一个健康中心 View Yo餐厅和帕塔普拉餐厅,餐厅有一间酒吧和泳池酒吧 1间健身房 免费租用自行车,婚礼、婚宴、宴会、游泳池、童话游 2个纪念品商店以及一个可以容纳50人的大型的会议厅

Tel: +66 (0)61-1499494

Reservation: +66 (0) 91 8255294 222 Moo 4, Tambol Panangtung, Khuan Khanun, Phatthalung, 93150 Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Phuket 普吉岛

SUNSURI PHUKET, Nai Harn Beach 普吉岛桑苏丽酒店,奈汉海滩 Discover the awe-inspiring natural beauty of Nai Harn beach, a hidden treasure of Phuket that boasts a dramatic coastline and one of the most spectacular beaches on the island. The stunning white-sand beach was named by TripAdvisor as one of the ‘Top 10 Beaches in Asia’. SUNSURI PHUKET is positioned just meters away from the shore in a heavenly spot offering impressive vistas of the Andaman Sea, a scenic lake, Buddhist monastery and forested hills beyond. A luxury hideaway where guests can rejuvenate in remarkably spacious surroundings, rekindle romance and feel at peace with nature, themselves and family. The contemporary Asian design is cutting edge and modern yet offers a warm ambiance that is exceptionally welcoming. Prepare to be indulged in stylish guestrooms, suites and pool villas with huge balconies and awesome views, coupled with a range of facilities and nature inspired activities that will impress all ages.

140 Best Of Class

探索普吉岛上的一個隐世的宝藏- 奈函 (奈汉)海滩。长长的海岸线配衬沿岸的自 然美景令人赞叹,是普吉岛上最独特的海 滩之一。水清沙幼的白色長滩被 TripAdvisor 誉为 “亚洲10大最佳海滩” 之一。 普吉岛桑苏丽酒店SUNSURI 坐落在被 公认的一片世外桃园之地, 距离岸边只是数 米路程, 面向令人印象深刻的安达曼海, 伴 着风景秀丽的湖泊, 佛寺,柔柔的青草地伴 著翠绿森林山丘,是一个世外桃源般的圣 地。讓客人于这片遼闊的大自然下心情放 鬆,重拾活力, 自在地享受恬静中又带点新 浪漫气息, 与大自然融合为一体一家。 柔和亚洲设计为主调配搭现代风格带 出和谐气息, 踏入时尚的客房, 包括套房和 泳池别墅等, 于宽敞大阳台欣赏醉人的景 色, 任何客人置身于全方位的大自然空间 里,都提升身心靈素質,更可尽情享受酒 店提供一系列的活动设施,感受到一個真 正休閒的假期

Rooms / Pool / Villas: Pools / Beach: Soothe Spa : Restaurants & Bars: Fitness: Fun Facts: A WHAT?!: 客房 / 泳池別墅 游泳池/沙滩: Sooth 水療中心: 餐廳及酒吧: 健身: 樂趣篇: 更多發掘:

150 – building rooms 45-55 sqm, Suite rooms 90 sqm and 22 Private Pool Villa with Jacuzzi (95-228 sqm) 5 Connecting Pools included Kids Pool, Water Slide and 4-meter high-jump plat form with 3 private treatment rooms featuring traditional Thai therapies 3 sumptuous dining outlets in 3 different locations, menus for every dining pleasure full-equipped fitness/gym with 24/7 access self-contained recreations and activities featuring relaxing, fun-filled kid’s club, bicycles, hospitality lounge and tailor-made excursions picturesque open view from every guestroom of Ocean / Lake / Pool / Buddhist/ Temple / windmill / greenery hill / sunset and sunrise 150间客房 - 每所房間設有寛敞開放式阳台(面积由45-55平方米),面積90平方米 的套房及22间設有私人游泳池的别墅(面积95-228平方米) 5个相連的游泳池(包括儿童池)附設滑水梯和4米高跳水台。 3间私人水疗室提供传统的泰式按摩幫助消除疲劳 3个不同特色的餐厅、3種不同氣氛和地點、提供各式佳肴 設备齐全的健身中心提供全天候24小時通用 自由配搭丰富的娱乐活动使人身心放松,充满繽紛趣味的儿童俱乐部,自行车遊、 酒店設有貴賓休息室以外也可以自选短程旅游观光 每間客房面對開揚的景色如画般呈現,包括海洋/湖泊/泳池/佛寺/风车/ 绿树和山丘/ 日落和日出景色。

Tel: +66 (0)76 336 400

Fax: +66 (0) 76 388 780 11/5 Moo1, Rawai, Muang, Phuket, 83130 Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Phuket 普吉岛

Cachet Resort Dewa Phuket

普吉岛德瓦凯世度假酒店 Cachet Resort Dewa Phuket is located a few steps from the stunning and tranquil Nai Yang beach, which is part of protected Sirinath National Park, on the northwest coast of Phuket island. At just an 8-minute drive away from Phuket International Airport, the resort allows guests the accessibility of a quick arrival and departure into Phuket, without the fuss of yet another long journey. It’s a boon for guests arriving in the middle of the night. Integrating a resort and holiday apartments, Cachet Resort Dewa Phuket features 28 Pool Villas, 56 new deluxe rooms, and 43 one- and two-bedroom apartments, making it the ideal destination for leisure travelers to this famous “Pearl of the Andaman.” With its well-known Thai hospitality and boutique style and design, Cachet Resort Dewa Phuket ensures all guests will have a wonderful holiday experience and a true Thai beach getaway.

142 Best Of Class

普吉岛德瓦凯世度假酒店坐落于普吉岛 西北海岸的奈阳海滩边,是斯里纳斯国家公 园的一部分。酒店距离普吉岛国际机场仅仅 8分钟的车程,为已经经历长途跋涉的您节 省时间,避免无尽的舟车劳顿。是半夜抵岛 客人的佳选。 普吉岛德瓦凯世度假酒店为您整合了旅 游度假所需的全部房型。28个泳池别墅是 整个酒店的特色,56间豪华客房和43套一 居室或两居室的家庭套房更是为来访普吉岛 这颗“安达曼之珠”的游客们提供了理想的 下榻之所。 普吉岛德瓦凯世度假酒店以其独特的泰 式精品酒店设计风格来确保所有的客人都有 一个美好的假期体验,享受真正的泰国海滩 假日。

Rooms / Suites: Pools / Beach: Spa: Restaurant & Bars: Fitness: Fun Facts: A What?!: 房间/套房: 泳池/沙滩: Spa: 餐厅/酒吧: 健身中心: 特色: 亮点:

Dewa Suite 25 rooms and Family Suites 18 rooms A large free-form pool is a part of Cachet Pool Club, offering an ideal relaxing dip in the hot afternoon sun guests can unwind in our peaceful treatment rooms, while a steam room and Jacuzzi provide the perfect options to soothe aching muscles. Aleta seafood bar & grill and Cachet pool club modern fitness room is fully equipped with the latest cardio-vascular equipment, machines and weights Kids Play Room offers a range of imaginative, supervised entertainment for children aged 3 - 14 our wedding service team will tailor the wedding of your dream by the beach and surrounded by pine trees in Sirinath National Park

25间德瓦套房以及18间家庭式套间。 大型游泳池是卡切特游泳池俱乐部的一部分,提供有创意的放松方式,可以享受 日光浴。 客人可以在我们安静平和的治疗室放松身心,也可以选择在蒸汽室和按摩浴缸缓解紧 张的神经和肌肉。 酒店有Aleta海鲜酒吧及烧烤和游泳池俱乐部。 酒店拥有现代化的健身室,健身房明亮,健身房配备了最新的可以测试心血管的 设备,有健身机器和重量锻炼机器。 我们酒店给3—14岁的儿童提供一系列富有想象力的娱乐节目。 我们的婚礼服务团队可以为您定制一个梦幻的海边婚礼,置身于斯里兰国家公园的 松木林中。

Tel: +66 (0) 37 23 00 65 Moo 1, Tambon Sakoo, Amphur Thalang, Phuket, 83110 Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Phuket 普吉岛

Dream Phuket Hotel & Spa

普吉岛瑞郡酒店水疗中心 Removed from the hustle and bustle of Phuket’s commercial destination, the resort is an oasis of style, luxury and comfort shrouded by lush green walls. Eco-friendly in design and showcasing ultra-modern amenities, Dream Phuket Hotel & Spa offers 172 guest rooms, suites and villas all featuring floor-to-ceiling window and spectacular views. At the heart of Dream is the stunning swimming pool with plenty of sun loungers and private cabanas to enjoy. Guests can cool off with iced cold beverages amidst friendly company at the swim-up pool bar. On-site venues entice with the promise of fantastic culinary and entertainment experiences, from our signature restaurant, Trilogy, serving up first-class gourmet dishes to Vu Rooftop Pool & Bar that is the perfect place to enjoy a Phuket sundowner in style. Unwind and relax with the Five Elements spa treatments at Sanctuary, sure to boost energy and nourish the body’s core essence. Located on the western side of Phuket Island, Dream Phuket Hotel & Spa is approximately 20 minutes away from Phuket International Airport and 5 minutes away from Dream Beach Club on Layan beachfront by car.

144 Best Of Class

远离普吉商业中心的喧嚣与繁忙,我们 的酒店座落在一片绿意盎然,郁郁葱葱的绿 洲之中,别具一格的设计风格,带给您舒适 奢华的度假享受。酒店处处体现环保型设 计,并配有多种现代设施。酒店共有172间 客房、套房和别墅供您选择,每间房均有落 地窗,让您在屋内便可享受绝美景观。 酒店中心是景致迷人的泳池,泳池边有 许多沙滩躺椅和私密小木屋供您放松休闲。 客人可以在泳池边酒吧点一杯冰爽的饮品, 感受清凉一夏的舒爽安逸。全身心感受我们 带给您的精彩绝伦的美食和娱乐体验,我们 的招牌餐厅Trilogy为客人提供一流的美味 佳肴,而在我们屋顶Vu天空吧则是您观赏 普吉岛日落美景,品日落美酒的绝佳去处。 在Sanctuary圣堂SPA水疗中心享受我们 五元素SPA,放松身心,让您神清气爽,精 华渗透,使肌肤健康透亮。在普吉岛君瑞酒 店水疗中心,我们邀您发现自己的另一面, 激发潜能,做更好的自己。 普吉岛瑞郡酒店水疗中心位于普吉岛西 边,距离普吉国际机场大约有20分钟车 程,距离拉扬海滩的瑞郡梦想沙滩俱乐部仅 有5分钟车程。

Rooms / Suites: Pools / Beach: Spa: Restaurant & Bars: Fitness: Fun Facts: A What?!:

172 rooms, suites, and villas 2 Pools – Main and Rooftop Five Elements spa treatments at Sanctuary Trilogy; Pool Bar; Vu Rooftop Pool & Bar, Indulge State-of-the-art cardiovascular and weight-training equipment Dream Beach Club and Level One - the ultimate beach club dedicated to creating a unique lifestyle experience. Located on Layan Beachfront Just 5 minute away from the hotel. Ultra-modern design and Eco-friendly hotel with large pool and roof top pool with spectacular views of Phuket landscape.

房间/套房: 泳池/沙滩: Spa: 餐厅/酒吧: 健身中心: 特色: 亮点:

172间客房,套房,别墅 2个泳池,主泳池和屋顶泳池 在Sanctuary 水疗中心有5个SPA水疗可选 Trilogy餐厅,泳池畔餐吧,屋顶Vu天空吧,indulge酒吧 配有专业艺术设计感极强的有氧运动和形体塑造设备 瑞郡梦想沙滩一级俱乐部是一个为创造个性生活方式体验的无限俱乐部, 位于拉扬海滩,距离酒店仅5分钟的路程。 酒店采用现代设计,处处体现环保理念。配有大型泳池,在屋顶泳池您可 以尽享普吉岛绝美景色。

Tel: +66 (0) 76 609 888 11/7 Moo 6, T. Cherngtalay, A. Thalang, Phuket 83110, Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Phuket 普吉岛

Nook Dee Boutique Resort By Andacura

安达库拉卡塔海滩诺迪精品度假酒店 The one and only design-boutique resort in Thailand, Nook Dee is located on Kata Beach, Phuket with a solid mission and concept in design and service.

安达库拉卡塔海滩诺迪精品度假酒店是泰国 唯一一家经过精心设计的酒店,安达库拉卡塔 海滩诺迪精品度假酒店位于普吉岛卡塔沙滩, 拥有自己坚定的使命感以及设计理念和服务。

Cozy, comfortable and cleverly designed, Nook Dee emphasized in making memories and experiences for all guests.

巧妙的设计给人带来舒适安心,安达库拉卡 塔海滩诺迪精品度假酒店强调为所有客人留下 深刻的印象。

The resort is home to 68 Sea View rooms and one Private Villa Suite to suite travellers in all palates and also The ‘Roy-Dee’ Restaurant is focusing on authentic home-cooking using the best of grannies recipes and secret tricks together with fresh organic ingredients and herbs.

安达库拉卡塔海滩诺迪精品度假酒店拥有 68个海景房和1个私人别墅套房,可以给所有 的旅行者提供各种美食,“Roy Dee”餐厅专 注于真正地道家常菜的家庭烹饪,使用最好的 传统及机密的配方烹饪出更美味的食物,餐厅 使用新鲜材料和草药来烹饪。

Sook-Dee Asian Wellness Center, ‘Simply Feel Good’ is the motto @ Sook-Dee wellness center. The focus is on anti-aging, natural beauty, herbs and of course Thai massages and beauty treatments. All this is presented in a very ‘boutique’ way with a fine-dining concept.

146 Best Of Class

苏克迪亚亚洲健康中心的宗旨是“简单就是 最好”,苏克迪亚亚洲健康中心专注于抗衰 老,自然美,草药,当然还有泰国按摩和美容 疗法。 所有的这些都是为了展现一个非常精品的 生活方式以及用餐理念。

Rooms / Villas: Spa: Restaurants & Bar: Fitness: Fun Facts:

77 rooms all sea view Sook Dee wellness Roy Dee Restaurant, Yadong Pool Bar and 360 degree sky bar Rang Dee fitness Friday night BBQ buffet, Wedding ceremony, Wedding propose , Talung Meeting room 50 pax max, infinity pool and Banquet

客房/套房: Spa: 餐厅和酒吧: 健身中心: 趣闻:

77间海景全景房 苏克迪亚健康中心 Roy Dee 餐厅,亚东泳池酒吧,和360米空中酒吧。 Rang Dee健身中心 周五夜晚的烧烤自助,婚礼,求婚仪式,塔龙会议室最多可容纳50人,无边泳 池和宴会。

Tel: +66 (0) 76 688 888

Fax: +66 (0) 76 688 818 216 / 9 Koktanod Road, T. Karon, A. Muang Phuket, Phuket, 83100, Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Phuket 普吉岛

MAI HOUSE Patong Hill 巴东山麦居酒店 Nestled high on the lush tropical hillside overlooking Patong Beach and the sparkling Andaman Sea, Phuket’s new MAI HOUSE Patong Hill stands out as an oasis of warmth and culture with stunning views and some of the island’s best sunsets. MAI HOUSE Patong Hill offers a sublime and elegant experience with Sino-Portugese-styled guestrooms intertwined with modern 5-star facilities. The unique resort accommodations, authentic architectural design and unobtrusive service provide travellers with remarkable experiences. Enjoy wholesome sharing platters and dynamite service at Kathu Mining Co., sip exotic libations at The Opium Den, touch the sun from Mai Sky open-air rooftop lounge and discover soul-stirring rejuvenation at Four Elements Spa. Outside, cascading pools meander gently through the resort, while a shallow bubble pool waits near Pirates Play House where tiny adventurers explore and parents unplug in order to reconnect with family. Discover a truly unique and personal journey at MAI HOUSE Patong Hill, where our house is your home.

148 Best Of Class

巴东山麦居酒店坐落在郁郁葱葱的热带 山坡上,可以在此领略帕顿海滩和闪闪发光 的安达-曼海,普吉崭新的巴东山麦居酒店 山充满温情和文化,山上绿洲的迷人景色搭 配着岛上的绝美日落美景。 巴东山麦居酒店的葡萄牙风格客房与现 代5星级酒店设施交织在一起,给人崇高和 典雅的入住体验。这就是巴东山麦居酒店的 独特的度假村住宿,地道的建筑设计和优质 而真诚的服务为旅客带来卓越体验,可以在 卡图明那里享受到符合卫生标准的美食和优 质独特的服务,还有异国情调和美酒。 从巴东山麦居酒店露天露台,仿佛可以 触摸到阳光,这里的4大元素spa让您的精神 充满活力,酒店外层的游泳池蜿蜒穿过度假 村。在冒泡水池的海盗游戏屋附近,在那里 的小冒险探索游戏中,进一步加深家人之间 的浓浓亲情。 用心去发现巴东山麦居酒店这个独特且 私人的旅游胜地,我们的酒店将给您宾至如 归的享受。

Rooms / Suites: Pools / Beach: Spa: Restaurant & Bars: Fitness: Fun Facts: A What?!: 房间/套房: 泳池/沙滩: Spa: 餐厅/酒吧: 健身中心: 特色: 亮点:

The exotic 79-room resort. Capturing the clean lines of modernity and the elegant style of a bygone era. Two outdoor swimming pools, and in every MAI Suite Room At Four Elements, Combining traditional Asian and Western techniques with the best products and naturally therapeutic ingredients. Kathu Mining Co. (Restaurant) , Opium Den (Relaxation and Refreshment Bar), MAI Sky (Open-Air Rooftop Lounge) 09:00am – 09:00pm, Air-conditioned gym with a variety of cardio equipment, weight machines and boxing bag Spectacular views and island adventure await! MAI HOUSE Patong Hill brings to life the exotic charm of Thai culture and hospitality through architecture, food and legendary service.. 巴东山麦居酒店拥有79间充满异国风情的房间,每间巴东山麦居酒店房间都体现了 现代的干净线条和复古的优雅风格 2个室外游泳池以及巴东山麦居酒店特别的套房 巴东山麦居酒店的4大元素spa spa结合了亚洲的传统和西方技术,并且使用最好的天 然无添加产品,有益于人体的健康 卡图餐厅以及休闲放松的Opium Den酒吧,巴东山麦居酒店露天屋顶休息室 09:00-21:00,空调健身房和各种有氧运动设备,重量机器和拳击袋 壮观的景色和岛屿探险等待着你 建筑风格拥异国风情和令人陶醉的泰式文化

Tel: +66 (0) 76 637 770 5/5 Phrabarami Road, Patong, Kathu, Phuket, 83150 Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Chiang Mai


Sukantara Cascade Resort & Spa 苏坎塔拉瀑布度假村及水疗中心 Nestled in the forest surrounded by the love of nature where birds and people share the same paradise. “Hotel with Best Location 2016” award by Lonely Planet. A mighty cascade waterfall flows through the resort. Observe freely peacocks, ducks and birds in their natural being an extraordinary experience. Wild-bird-watching with binoculars along local trails while hiking to nearby Tad-Mok-Natural waterfalls are even more exciting. Restaurant was listed as one of “Chiang Mai’s 50 Best Places to Dine”. Renowed for its northern style menu and special Kantoke dinners, you can enjoy a memorable Northern-Thai traditional dining experience by waterfalls. The resort is situated only 35 min. drive from Chiang Mai city and International airport. The area is best explored by hiking, visiting nerby Karen villages, Zipline, ATV and joining elephant tours but an equally good option is just chilling and enjoying a beautiful treatment at the resort’s Chiida Spa.

150 Best Of Class

酒店位置依山傍水,这里似乎是被大自然宠 爱着的人间天堂,人们在这里可以聆听到鸟儿愉 快的声音,这样不仅可以享受自然还可以放松身 心。因为这些自然植物,湄林苏坎塔拉酒店在 2016年获得了“最佳酒店位置奖”。 酒店所在的度假村有很壮观的瀑布流过,在这 里你可以欣赏到自由的孔雀和鸭子等各种鸟类在 大自然中自在生活,这是真是一件奇妙的事情! 可以双目望远镜观察野生鸟类,并且一边观 察一边徒步来到附近的塔德克瀑布,这样的行程 会让人更兴奋。这里的地点被列为50个清迈最佳 饮食地点之一,这里的盛誉来自于著名的泰北特 色菜式,以及特殊的塔德克晚餐,让您能体验到 著名的泰北传统瀑布和美味晚餐的结合。 最让人惊喜的是湄林苏坎塔拉瀑布度假村距 离清迈市区和清迈国际机场只有35分钟左右的路 程,湄林苏坎塔拉瀑布度假村也是徒步旅行和探 索附近的凯伦山庄的最佳选择,还可以玩森林飞 索以及沙滩车和骑大象等活动,来享受度假山庄 的奇达温泉也是一个不错的建议。

Rooms / Suites: Pools: Spa: Restarurant: Fitness: Fun Facts: A WHAT?!:

16 (Deluxe, Suite and Luxury Tent) infinity-edge Gold Award-Winning Chiida Spa Thai and international No trekking to Tad-Mok National Waterfall, zipline, elephant camp, ATV, monkey center, botanical garden, insect zoo and long-neck Karen romantic, candlelit dining by the waterfalls with Northern-Thai Lanna Kantoke

客房: 游泳池: Spa: 餐厅: 健身中心: 趣闻: 惊喜?!!:

16间客房(豪华套房和豪华帐篷) 无边际泳池 获金奖殊荣的Chiida温泉 泰国和国际美食 N/A 徒步到to Tad-国家瀑布、溜索、大象营地、沙滩车、猴子中心、植物园、动物园昆虫和 长颈族村 泰北国家瀑布兰纳帝王烛光晚餐

Tel: +66 (0) 81 881 1444 cascade resort & spa 12/2 M.8, T.Maeram, A.Maerim, Chiang Mai, 50180 Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Chiang Mai


Andacura Bamboori Boutique Resort Chiang Mai

清迈安达库拉班布里精品度假酒店 The lovely boutique resort is located just a short distance from the Airport and just minutes from famous Doi Suthep, Chiang Mai University and exciting Nimman Lifestyle Road. The resort offers scheduled free shuttle service to Nimman Lifestyle Road or travel by taxi, bus or bicycle etc. The newly-renovated and upgraded resort offers northern Thai design stylish rooms in an excellent quiet location and has been brilliantly designed to incorporate regional architecture and landscaping resulting in an extraordinary cultural offering.

152 Best Of Class

可爱的安达库拉班布里精品度假酒店坐 落在离机场很近的地方,离著名的素贴山、 清迈大学和令人兴奋的宁曼路生活街道只有 几分钟的距离。安达库拉班布里精品度假酒 提供免费班车服务到宁曼路,或您可以乘出 租车、公共汽车或自行车等旅行。 安达库拉班布里精品度假酒店升级了新 的装修,装修风格是根据泰国北部时代一些 本地化建筑而设计的,可以让您入住到一个 既时尚且又安静的环境中,精湛的酒店设计 融入了地域建筑和景观,带来不一样的文化 贡献。

Rooms / Suites: Pools: Restaurant & Bars: Fitness: Massage : Fun Facts: A What?!:

92 rooms all Mountain View Outdoor swimming pool Bamboori Restaurant, 1 Bar in restaurant and 1Pool Bar 1 Fitness 1 Massage Center Free rental bicycle, Wedding ceremony, Wedding propose and Banquet, Swimming pool Free shuttle service from hotel to Nimman and return.

客房/ 套房: 游泳池: 餐厅和酒吧: 健身中心: Spa: 趣闻: 惊喜?!:

92套山顶视野房间 室外泳池 班布里餐厅, 酒吧餐厅和泳池酒吧 1间 1个按摩中心 免费自行车租用,婚礼,求婚仪式,宴会,游泳池等 安达库拉班布里精品度假酒店到宁曼路免费行程服务

Tel: +66 (0) 52 282 850 , +66 (0) 53 277 772 142 Moo 10, Suthep Sub-district, Muang Chiang Mai, Chiang Mai 50200, Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Chiang Mai


Sibsan Resort & Spa

Maetaeng, Chiangmai 清迈玛特昂赛珊温泉度假酒店 SIB SAN MAE TAENG Where the Mae Taeng and the Mae Ta Man Rivers meet, you’ll find another Northern Kingdom Sib San Resort. About 1 hour from the city of Chiang Mai, this facility is located in a jungle valley of Mae Taeng. It boasts a five star experience, this one in a forest, mountain setting. You’ll enjoy Lana Style living in a choice of a private villa, complete with private pool, or a beautifull Lana styled suite. But the joy of our Mae Taeng retreat, is the activities, the highlight of which is the Elephant Sanctuary, which offers full or half-day adventures with these magnificent gentle giants. Children of all ages can spend an entire day, from bath time at the rivers edge, to a forest walk with a front row seat on your own elephant, to play time and just hanging out with these magnificent and extremely intelligent creatures. The Sanctuary is adjacent to our resort, so you can see them every morning for their morning wash at the rivers edge. To simply be in their presence is to be uplifted. A jungle canopy cable adventure is also available for the more active. Repel from tree to tree in a harness suspended from a tree top cable. It’s a WOW experience.

154 Best Of Class

赛珊玛特昂 当玛特昂河和湄泰曼河相遇,在赛珊马特昂 你就会发现这里就像北方一座王国一样存在着, 距离清迈市区只有一个小时的车程,他位于马特 昂的丛林山涧中,这是一个拥有五星级酒店经验 的酒店,还拥有森林以及山涧,客户可以在私人 别墅里享受到纳兰河风格住宿,酒店拥有完整的 私人游泳池以及美丽的兰纳河酒店风格套间,马 特昂河最大的乐趣以及亮点就是大象保护区, 这里可以提供一天或者半天的非常令人振奋的旅 程。各年龄段的孩子都可以在浴缸或者是河边度 过完美的一天,也可以骑着大象在树林里观赏风 景,可以到森林里游玩及观赏那些聪明可爱的动 物,避难所毗邻我们的度假胜地,所以你每天早 上都可以看到它们在河边洗澡,它们的身影就能 呈现眼前。 丛林的绳缆冒险也是活动之一,从树林的缆 绳上,一棵树接着一棵树的丛林冒险,这是一个 非常值得期待充满着惊喜的旅程。

Rooms / Suites: Pools : Spa: Restaurant & Bars: Fitness: Fun Facts: A What?!:

2 Sibsan pool villa suites, 15 Executive river view villas, 8 Deluxe pool view villas 7 Deluxe garden view villas, 24 Superior garden view villas, 8 Superior plus+ Out door swiming pool Kalapa Spa Sibsan Cuisine, Pool bar, Maetaeng river view cafe & wine bar fitted with TechnoGym® machines adventure tour, Elephant ridding, White water rafting, Zipline, Ox cart mountain & river view, near elephant camp, and adventure activities

房间/套房: 泳池/沙滩: Spa: 餐厅/酒吧: 健身中心: 特色: 亮点?!:

2间赛珊泳池别墅套房,15间行政河景别墅,8间豪华泳池别墅 7间豪华花园观景别墅,24间花园观景别墅,8间超大室外游泳池套房 Kalapa Spa 赛珊美食、泳池酒吧、马特昂河景咖啡厅及酒吧 健身房配有先进的设备 冒险之旅,大象之旅,清水漂流,铁索飞行,牛车 山水景观,接近大象营以及冒险营地

Tel: +66 (0) 81 980 9070 - 72 , +66 (0) 98 924 2249 168 Moo. 2, Tambon Keudchang, Amphur Maetaeng, Chiangmai 50150, Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


Chiang Mai


Sibsan Luxury Hotel Rimping, Chiangmai 清迈瑞平赛珊奢华酒店 SIB SAN CHIANG MAI Experience the ancient city of Chiang Mai at Sib San Luxury Hotel on the River Ping, a 5 star Lanna Style Luxury Hotel, in the heart of this invigorating city of Antiquity, Art and Culture. Surrounded by a moat, and the remnants of the original wall, explore Chiang Mai’s dozens of centuries old temples, markets and tree shaded lanes. A shoppers paradise for arts, antiques and hand crafts, Chiang Mai and surrounding towns is a joy to explore. After a day’s sightseeing, enjoy a rejuvenating massage at Sib San Spa, followed by a cooling swim in the pool. Dining at the hotel offers Northern Cuisine, distinct dishes of spice and exotic flavors and textures, as well as European style culinary creativity. Sib San Chiang Mai is a five star experience. We treat our guests like our family.

156 Best Of Class

清迈赛珊 清迈瑞平赛珊奢华酒店是一个五星级的兰纳 风格奢华酒店,游客可以在此体验古城清迈,就 位于古城、艺术和文化的中心地带。 四周是护城河和原始城墙的遗迹, 探索清迈数 百年的古老寺庙、市场和绿树成荫的小路。清迈 是一个艺术天堂、古董和手工艺品天堂,不仅如 此,清迈周围的城镇也是一个值得探索的最佳选 择。 经过一天的观光, 住客可以在赛珊水疗中心享 受使自己充满活力放松的按摩, 或在游泳池中享受 清凉。酒店餐厅提供北部餐饮,有多种聊香料和 异国美味,当然也有欧洲风味。 清迈瑞平赛珊奢华酒店是一个拥有五星级的 经验酒店,我们将待您如亲人。

Rooms / Suites: Pool: Spa: Restaurant & Bars: Fitness: Fun Facts: A What?!:

20 Deluxe, 4 Grand Deluxe, 4 Junior Suite, 2 Executive suite, 2 Luxury Suite Outdoor swimming pool Kalapa Spa Sibsan Royal Cuisine, Sip by the river Fitted with TechnoGym® machines Room service, Laundry service, Free shuttle bus to city. 15 minutes from airport

房间/套房: 游泳池/海滩: Spa: 餐厅/酒吧: 健身中心: 特色: 亮点? ! :

20 间超豪华套间, 4 间豪华套间, 4间 小套房, 2 间行政套房, 2间 豪华套房 室外游泳池 Kalapa spa Sibsan皇家美食,在河边啜饮 配套有先进的跑步机 客房服务,洗衣服务,到清迈市区有免费的巴士 距离清迈机场只有15分钟

Tel: +66 (0) 53 110 555, +66 (0) 92 924 4249 Fax: +66 (0) 53 110 898 211 Moo. 6 San Phi Suea, Mueang, Chiangmai 50300, Thailand

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


158 Best Of Class

Luxury Hotels & Resorts in Thailand


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