Lila De La Rosa - 4th Year Interior Design Resume 2021 - Virginia Tech

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L I L A D E L A R O S A linked in: /liladelarosa 571.318.3282

EXPERIENCE VIRTUAL DESIGN INTERN | VIRGINIA TECH Summer 2020 Blacksburg, VA Collaborated on schematic design and renderings for the Virginia Tech LLC Faculty Apartment. Designed a teleconferencing room, specified FF&E, calulated budgets. Mentored by 9 participating firms from across the country.


DESIGN ASSISTANT | STYLE INFUSION, LLC Summer 2018 Washington, DC Part of a select design team centered around interior decoration. Hand drafted floor plans and rendered spaces using SketchUp. Coordinated with 20+ design representatives and clients. Sourced art, furnishings, assisted in design installations of homes and offices.

VIRGINIA TECH Blacksburg, VA August 2017 - May 2021 B.S. in Interior Design In Major GPA - 3.69 / 4.0 Dean’s List Recipient

ANNUALS SALES REPRESENTATIVE | MERRIFIELD GARDEN CENTER Summer 2020 Fairfax, VA Assisted customers in selection of annuals based on the daylight they receive, landscaping needs, and aesthetic preference. Created personalized potted arrangements, using color theory and floral design to drive a concept.

SANTA REPARATA INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF ART Florence, Italy May - June 2019 Studied Italian art, architecture and art history. Practiced sketching architectural details and interiors.



INTERIOR DESIGN STUDENT ADVOCATE FOR VIRGINIA In collaboration with ASID Government + Public Affairs December 2020 Selected to speak on behalf of interior design to the Board for Professional and Occupational Regulation. Successfully voiced concern in state-wide hearing that “National Certification could serve as a substitute for State Regulation” among an esteemed panel of designers.

2021 ASID National Student Portfolio Competition SemiFinalist Selected by peers + faculty: 2021 INTEC Award for Outstanding Studio Contributions 4th Year Studio Contributions 2019 INTEC Awards for Student Participation + Studio Excellence

SKILLS Adobe Creative Cloud: Indesign, Photoshop, Illustrator Autodesk Revit SketchUp Hand Sketching Marker Rendering Construction Documents Floral Design

PRESIDENT | INTERIOR DESIGNERS FOR EDUCATION AND SUSTAINABILITY AT VIRGINIA TECH Fall 2017 - Spring 2021 Led a weekly lecture series over Zoom and organized virtual professional development events for 100+ students. Student representative to the Virginia Tech Interior Design Advisory Board. Interior Design Event Coordinator to the Public Events Committee led by the Director of the School of A+D.

STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE | ASID + IIDA VIRGINIA TECH CHAPTER Fall 2017 - Spring 2021 Planned and led networking and professional development events while bridging the gap between student members and professionals. ASID Student Chapter of the Year 2020. MEMBER | COLLEGE OF ARCHITECTURE + URBAN STUDIES STUDENT COALITION Fall 2020 - Spring 2021 Represented interior design in the formation of college-wide student coalition, working to diversify the student education, identify and implement strategies of equity within CAUS, encouraging interaction among disciplines. PARTICIPANT | WOMEN IN DESIGN Fall 2020 - Present Part of an interdisciplinary community focused on creating opportunities for networking, professional development, continuing education, and mentorship.

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Lila De La Rosa - 4th Year Interior Design Resume 2021 - Virginia Tech by Lila De La Rosa - Issuu