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the brand


The brand

the brand internal analyse
Treatwell is the largest hair and beauty booking website in Europe.They provide a self-care app and website that allows you to book appointments at different kinds of salons.
Treatwell did a research 1 amongst millennials: how often do they feel relaxed in a day? They were shocked by the outcome: And around six in 10 even say they ‘never’ truly relax, because they’re always checking their phone for emails and messages.
‘‘Relaxingishugelyimpor tant,butit’ssomethingwerelegate to the back burner of our lives. Thanks to mobile phones and everythingtheyallowus todo,itmeans thatoftenwhenwe are‘relaxing,’we are still‘switched-on’:it can often feel as if our lives are in constant motion. Neglecting our relaxation time can have a detrimental effect on us, but it can happen quiteslowly,you don’trealizeit’shappening.’’
Treatwellencourages its customer to treat themselves offline.