Bond Implementation Plan

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B••• I•••!•!•"#"$•• P•#• Using this Bond Implementa•on Plan (BIP)

Condi•on Assessment Diagram

The BIP is organized by school site, and includes content that summarizes the three phases of planning for each school site. Each campus has been assessed, a program/scope was developed and an implementa%on plan was created.

The architecture and engineering team, prior to the bond implementa%on planning, assessed the condi%on of exis%ng buildings and site infrastructure. With key feedback from the District’s maintenance team, the most cri%cal deferred maintenance needs were captured. This process allowed for recommenda%ons that would be required to meet the needs of 21)* century learners and to allow the useful life of facili%es to be extended. Specific informa%on is included in the campus specific chapter, but some general thoughts are shared here.

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Inventory Diagram For each of the school sites, a summary of the current use of each space on campus was documented. This was useful in determining any excess capacity that may exist at the sites and also in determining program and facility equity across the District.

Building Type Diagram LVJUSD has a significant amount of portable and modular construc%on throughout. The building type diagram documents the four types of construc%on including permanent, prefabricated modular, "enhanced" portables and typical portables. "Enhanced" portables differen%ate themselves by having a permanent concrete walkway or ramp at the entrance. This is an important piece of informa%on in that portable buildings have a shorter lifespan than tradi%onal permanent construc%on. This informed recommenda%ons in the implementa%on plan, specifically, limi%ng the investment the District will make in renova%ng portable buildings. Undersized Classrooms For the high schools, the exis%ng classroom spaces were evaluated for size. Title 5 of the California Code of Regula%ons mandates a minimum classroom size of 960 square feet.

Site Underground U%lity infrastructure (such as power, water, and sewer) will need to be repaired and increased in capacity, for example. Mechanical units across the majority of the campuses need to be replaced, as well as providing air condi%oning to the gyms and mul%-purpose rooms. All campuses are in need of more shade structures, data infrastructure upgrades, and issues of accessibility must be rec%fied. Buildings The condi%on assessment diagram uses color coding to communicate the condi%on of the buildings at the %me of this Bond Implementa%on Plan: • Excellent Condi•on (green) – New buildings within the last 10 years. • Good Condi•on (yellow) – Generally these buildings have received a significant investment in renova%on (HVAC, roofing, etc.) within the last 15 to 20 years, but will require addi%onal interven%on to meet 21)* century learning goals and/or extend their useful life. • Fair Condi•on (orange) – These buildings are aging and have not received any significant renova%on within the last 20 years. They will need a significant renova%on to extend their useful life. • Poor Condi•on (red) – These buildings, shown in red, suggest that the magnitude of the required renova%on costs make replacement a strong considera%on. Typically, portable buildings that are older than 20 years fall into this category and/or facili%es that were constructed without appropriate approvals. • Not in Scope (grey) – Buildings shown in grey are not in the scope of this assessment, and are usually Extended Student Service buildings owned by the Livermore Area Recrea%on and Park District.

A typical modular classroom building at Rancho Elementary School.

This image depicts an enhanced ramped portable building at Rancho Elementary School.

A portable classroom building at Croce Elementary School.


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Site Specific Goals

Project List

The design team, in addi%on to mee%ng with iden%fied district stakeholders, met with each site’s administrator(s). Their priori%es had significant influence on the recommenda%ons.

For each site, a proposed project list has been created. In the case of the elementary schools, this is focused on infrastructure requirements. For the high schools, middle schools and K-8 campuses, the project list has a wider scope, as these schools have the greater iden%fied need. The list does recognize priori%es, understanding that budget influences may impact the quan%ty of work that may be expected at any site.

Bond Expecta!ons A typical classroom at Rancho Elementary School that falls into the category requiring moderate renova%ons.

Specific categories of projects were iden%fied in the language of the bond implementa%on plan. These expecta%ons were also incorporated into the recommenda%ons. However, it is important to recognize that those expecta%ons must align with available funds. Program and Capacity In order to meet the District’s projected capacity needs, it was important to determine a base program iden%fying classroom and core facility needs. That program varies by site, and helps to establish the need for classroom space. It was then possible to determine whether all exis%ng classroom facili%es were needed in the long term and make recommenda%ons for their replacement or removal.

Implementa!on Plan For the projects with significant interven%on, a phased implementa%on plan was provided for each site. This phasing plan not only defines the recommenda%ons, but also will contribute to development of a phased project schedule, recognizing the complica%ons of working on an exis%ng, occupied campus.

The original gym building at East Avenue Middle School, built in 1976. A typical building that would require significant renova%on, as many of its features are original and are not ADA compliant.

The original shop building at Livermore High School, built in 1956. This building should be replaced as it has not had any renova%ons in the last 40 years and the mezzanine classrooms are not accessible.

A sample model showcasing what the final implementa%on plan could achieve, in this case, the Granada High School Campus.


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