EL VISTA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL The budget model is intended to frame an approach to spending the combined $131 million dollar bond measures passed by voters of the MCS elementary school District in 2018. This is only a “model” and not based on any specific design assumptions other than building area, type, and similar current project data. Figures are shown in cost per square foot for new construction, modernization, and demolition, as well as a unit cost per portable classroom, either relocated or removed. Site development costs were developed using rule-of-thumb data from projects of similar size and scope, and should be taken as an allowance. Because detailed design work has not been done, and detailed study of the existing site conditions was not a part of the scope of this plan, the team relied on information received from the site visits and from data received from MCS maintenance and operations staff. This model creates budgets against which the detailed design solutions can be measured. The assumed escalation is indicated; it should be noted that escalation is a significant influence on project budgets. In addition, the following assumptions were applied:
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Escalation: Costs continue to escalate, so schedule becomes an important determinant of the balance between desired scope and budget.
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A program contingency of 10% was applied to allow for unknown program needs, unforeseen conditions, and to acknowledge that at the master plan level, many details are unavailable and may change. Unforeseen Conditions: With any aging campus, “unknowns” such as significantly deteriorated buildings or utilities may create additional costs.
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With any large scale building project, the unforeseen conditions, change in program goals/expectations, escalation, and agency requirements can have a significant impact on budget. It is recommended that opinions of probably cost are undertaken at each phase of the project(s) to confirm that the program can be completed as envisioned.
FAIRVIEW ELEMENTARY SCHOOL The budget model is intended to frame an approach to spending the combined $131 million dollar bond measures passed by voters of the MCS elementary school District in 2018. This is only a “model” and not based on any specific design assumptions other than building area, type, and similar current project data. Figures are shown in cost per square foot for new construction, modernization, and demolition, as well as a unit cost per portable classroom, either relocated or removed. Site development costs were developed using rule-of-thumb data from projects of similar size and scope, and should be taken as an allowance. Because detailed design work has not been done, and detailed study of the existing site conditions was not a part of the scope of this plan, the team relied on information received from the site visits and from data received from MCS maintenance and operations staff. This model creates budgets against which the detailed design solutions can be measured. The assumed escalation is indicated; it should be noted that escalation is a significant influence on project budgets. In addition, the following assumptions were applied:
! " % $ $ ( -
% % & . . .
Escalation: Costs continue to escalate, so schedule becomes an important determinant of the balance between desired scope and budget. A program contingency of 10% was applied to allow for unknown program needs, unforeseen conditions, and to acknowledge that at the master plan level, many details are unavailable and may change. Unforeseen Conditions: With any aging campus, “unknowns” such as significantly deteriorated buildings or utilities may create additional costs.
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With any large scale building project, the unforeseen conditions, change in program goals/expectations, escalation, and agency requirements can have a significant impact on budget. It is recommended that opinions of probably cost are undertaken at each phase of the project(s) to confirm that the program can be completed as envisioned.
FRANKLIN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL The budget model is intended to frame an approach to spending the combined $131 million dollar bond measures passed by voters of the MCS elementary school District in 2018. This is only a “model” and not based on any specific design assumptions other than building area, type, and similar current project data. Figures are shown in cost per square foot for new construction, modernization, and demolition, as well as a unit cost per portable classroom, either relocated or removed. Site development costs were developed using rule-of-thumb data from projects of similar size and scope, and should be taken as an allowance. Because detailed design work has not been done, and detailed study of the existing site conditions was not a part of the scope of this plan, the team relied on information received from the site visits and from data received from MCS maintenance and operations staff. This model creates budgets against which the detailed design solutions can be measured. The assumed escalation is indicated; it should be noted that escalation is a significant influence on project budgets. In addition, the following assumptions were applied: •
Escalation: Costs continue to escalate, so schedule becomes an important determinant of the balance between desired scope and budget. A program contingency of 10% was applied to allow for unknown program needs, unforeseen conditions, and to acknowledge that at the master plan level, many details are unavailable and may change. Unforeseen Conditions: With any aging campus, “unknowns” such as significantly deteriorated buildings or utilities may create additional costs.
With any large scale building project, the unforeseen conditions, change in program goals/expectations, escalation, and agency requirements can have a significant impact on budget. It is recommended that opinions of probably cost are undertaken at each phase of the project(s) to confirm that the program can be completed as envisioned.
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JOHN C. FREMONT ELEMENTARY SCHOOL The budget model is intended to frame an approach to spending the combined $131 million dollar bond measures passed by voters of the MCS elementary school District in 2018. This is only a “model” and not based on any specific design assumptions other than building area, type, and similar current project data. Figures are shown in cost per square foot for new construction, modernization, and demolition, as well as a unit cost per portable classroom, either relocated or removed. Site development costs were developed using rule-of-thumb data from projects of similar size and scope, and should be taken as an allowance. Because detailed design work has not been done, and detailed study of the existing site conditions was not a part of the scope of this plan, the team relied on information received from the site visits and from data received from MCS maintenance and operations staff. This model creates budgets against which the detailed design solutions can be measured. The assumed escalation is indicated; it should be noted that escalation is a significant influence on project budgets. In addition, the following assumptions were applied: •
Escalation: Costs continue to escalate, so schedule becomes an important determinant of the balance between desired scope and budget. A program contingency of 10% was applied to allow for unknown program needs, unforeseen conditions, and to acknowledge that at the master plan level, many details are unavailable and may change. Unforeseen Conditions: With any aging campus, “unknowns” such as significantly deteriorated buildings or utilities may create additional costs.
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With any large scale building project, the unforeseen conditions, change in program goals/expectations, escalation, and agency requirements can have a significant impact on budget. It is recommended that opinions of probably cost are undertaken at each phase of the project(s) to confirm that the program can be completed as envisioned.
JOHN MUIR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL The budget model is intended to frame an approach to spending the combined $131 million dollar bond measures passed by voters of the MCS elementary school District in 2018. This is only a “model” and not based on any specific design assumptions other than building area, type, and similar current project data. Figures are shown in cost per square foot for new construction, modernization, and demolition, as well as a unit cost per portable classroom, either relocated or removed. Site development costs were developed using rule-of-thumb data from projects of similar size and scope, and should be taken as an allowance. Because detailed design work has not been done, and detailed study of the existing site conditions was not a part of the scope of this plan, the team relied on information received from the site visits and from data received from MCS maintenance and operations staff. This model creates budgets against which the detailed design solutions can be measured. The assumed escalation is indicated; it should be noted that escalation is a significant influence on project budgets. In addition, the following assumptions were applied:
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Escalation: Costs continue to escalate, so schedule becomes an important determinant of the balance between desired scope and budget. A program contingency of 10% was applied to allow for unknown program needs, unforeseen conditions, and to acknowledge that at the master plan level, many details are unavailable and may change. Unforeseen Conditions: With any aging campus, “unknowns” such as significantly deteriorated buildings or utilities may create additional costs.
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With any large scale building project, the unforeseen conditions, change in program goals/expectations, escalation, and agency requirements can have a significant impact on budget. It is recommended that opinions of probably cost are undertaken at each phase of the project(s) to confirm that the program can be completed as envisioned.
ORVILLE WRIGHT ELEMENTARY SCHOOL The budget model is intended to frame an approach to spending the combined $131 million dollar bond measures passed by voters of the MCS elementary school District in 2018. This is only a “model” and not based on any specific design assumptions other than building area, type, and similar current project data. Figures are shown in cost per square foot for new construction, modernization, and demolition, as well as a unit cost per portable classroom, either relocated or removed. Site development costs were developed using rule-of-thumb data from projects of similar size and scope, and should be taken as an allowance. Because detailed design work has not been done, and detailed study of the existing site conditions was not a part of the scope of this plan, the team relied on information received from the site visits and from data received from MCS maintenance and operations staff. This model creates budgets against which the detailed design solutions can be measured. The assumed escalation is indicated; it should be noted that escalation is a significant influence on project budgets. In addition, the following assumptions were applied: •
Escalation: Costs continue to escalate, so schedule becomes an important determinant of the balance between desired scope and budget.
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A program contingency of 10% was applied to allow for unknown program needs, unforeseen conditions, and to acknowledge that at the master plan level, many details are unavailable and may change. Unforeseen Conditions: With any aging campus, “unknowns” such as significantly deteriorated buildings or utilities may create additional costs.
With any large scale building project, the unforeseen conditions, change in program goals/expectations, escalation, and agency requirements can have a significant impact on budget. It is recommended that opinions of probably cost are undertaken at each phase of the project(s) to confirm that the program can be completed as envisioned.
SHACKELFORD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL The budget model is intended to frame an approach to spending the combined $131 million dollar bond measures passed by voters of the MCS elementary school District in 2018. This is only a “model” and not based on any specific design assumptions other than building area, type, and similar current project data. Figures are shown in cost per square foot for new construction, modernization, and demolition, as well as a unit cost per portable classroom, either relocated or removed. Site development costs were developed using rule-of-thumb data from projects of similar size and scope, and should be taken as an allowance. Because detailed design work has not been done, and detailed study of the existing site conditions was not a part of the scope of this plan, the team relied on information received from the site visits and from data received from MCS maintenance and operations staff. This model creates budgets against which the detailed design solutions can be measured. The assumed escalation is indicated; it should be noted that escalation is a significant influence on project budgets. In addition, the following assumptions were applied: •
Escalation: Costs continue to escalate, so schedule becomes an important determinant of the balance between desired scope and budget. A program contingency of 10% was applied to allow for unknown program needs, unforeseen conditions, and to acknowledge that at the master plan level, many details are unavailable and may change. Unforeseen Conditions: With any aging campus, “unknowns” such as significantly deteriorated buildings or utilities may create additional costs.
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With any large scale building project, the unforeseen conditions, change in program goals/expectations, escalation, and agency requirements can have a significant impact on budget. It is recommended that opinions of probably cost are undertaken at each phase of the project(s) to confirm that the program can be completed as envisioned.
TUOLUMNE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL The budget model is intended to frame an approach to spending the combined $131 million dollar bond measures passed by voters of the MCS elementary school District in 2018. This is only a “model” and not based on any specific design assumptions other than building area, type, and similar current project data. Figures are shown in cost per square foot for new construction, modernization, and demolition, as well as a unit cost per portable classroom, either relocated or removed. Site development costs were developed using rule-of-thumb data from projects of similar size and scope, and should be taken as an allowance. Because detailed design work has not been done, and detailed study of the existing site conditions was not a part of the scope of this plan, the team relied on information received from the site visits and from data received from MCS maintenance and operations staff. This model creates budgets against which the detailed design solutions can be measured. The assumed escalation is indicated; it should be noted that escalation is a significant influence on project budgets. In addition, the following assumptions were applied:
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Escalation: Costs continue to escalate, so schedule becomes an important determinant of the balance between desired scope and budget. A program contingency of 10% was applied to allow for unknown program needs, unforeseen conditions, and to acknowledge that at the master plan level, many details are unavailable and may change. Unforeseen Conditions: With any aging campus, “unknowns” such as significantly deteriorated buildings or utilities may create additional costs.
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With any large scale building project, the unforeseen conditions, change in program goals/expectations, escalation, and agency requirements can have a significant impact on budget. It is recommended that opinions of probably cost are undertaken at each phase of the project(s) to confirm that the program can be completed as envisioned.