Livestock Plus, Inc

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The Publication for Cowboys and Kids • • January 1, 2013 • Vol. 19, Issue 1

us for three online sales spring! available viewing JoinJoin us Join forus three for three online online bullbull bull sales sales thisthis this spring! spring! allall bulls allbulls bulls areare are available available forfor for viewing viewing anytime anytime at at theatthe Farm theFarm Farm in mitchell, mitchell, sD.sD. bidding sD.bidding bidding available available at at anytime ininmitchell, available

February February 12th 12th ••online •online online atat February 12th •• offering • offering yearling yearling maine-anjou maine-anjou bulls. bulls. Pb,Pb, 3/4 Pb,3/4 3/4 & 1/2. 1/2. offering yearling maine-anjou bulls. &&1/2. •• sired • sired by by industry byindustry industry leaders leaders likelike mercedes likemercedes mercedes benz, benz, hard hard Drive, Drive, sired leaders benz, hard Drive, irishirish whiskey irish whiskey & Predator. Predator. whiskey & &Predator. •• all• bulls all bulls areare black areblack black & predominantly predominantly polled. polled. all bulls & &predominantly polled. • 25•head head sell. these sell. these are PerFormance PerFormance typetype bulls! bulls! • 2525 head sell. these arearePerFormance type bulls!

MAINE-ANJOU MAINE-ANJOU BULL MAINE-ANJOU BULL sire. mercedes benz sire. mercedes benz he he sells February 12th he sells February 12th

February February 19th19th • online • online at at 19th •simmental online at •February offering • offering yearling yearling simmental bulls.bulls. Pb &PbPercentage & Percentage simmental. simmental.

offering simmental Pbsteel & Percentage simmental. •• sired • sired by industry byyearling industry leaders leaders like Foreman, likebulls. Foreman, steel Force, Force, Dream Dream catcher, catcher, • sired leaders like Foreman, steel Force, Dream catcher, built right builtbyright &industry wizard. & wizard. built wizard. • 20• head 20 right head sell. a& sell. stout a stout set ofsetbulls! of bulls! • 20 head sell. a stout set of bulls!

February February 26th26th • online • online at at •February offering • offering yearling yearling calving easeease & club & club calf calf raising raising sires.sires. 26th •calving online at

SIMMENTAL SIMMENTAL BULL sire. sire.SIMMENTAL Foreman Foreman BULL he hesire. sells sellsForeman February 19th he sells February 19th

•• sired • sired by industry byyearling industry leaders leaders likeease hard like&hard Drive, mercedes mercedes benz, benz, sooner, sooner, offering calving clubDrive, calf raising sires. ali,sired irish ali, by whiskey, irishindustry whiskey, hollywood hollywood & black & black Diamond. Diamond. • leaders like hard Drive, mercedes benz, sooner, • 16• head 16irish head sell.whiskey, Deep sell. Deep inhollywood quality! in quality!& black Diamond. ali, • 16 head sell. Deep in quality!

BUShY BUShYpArk pArkFArM FArM 40281 40281 260th 260th street street •• mitchell, mitchell, sDsD 57301 57301 BUShY pArk FArM

Fax: Fax: 605-996-0721 605-996-0721 •• • tollmitchell, toll Free: Free: 888-502-7322 888-502-7322 40281 260th street sD 57301 Steve Steve robinson, robinson, Owner Owner Fax: 605-996-0721 • toll Free: 888-502-7322 Cory Cory Thomsen, Thomsen, General General Manager, Manager, 605-730-2397 605-730-2397 Steve robinson, Owner Trae Trae Simmons, Simmons, director director ofManager, of Sales, Sales, 765-438-2312 765-438-2312 Cory Thomsen, General 605-730-2397 Stephanie Stephanie Steck, Steck, Marketing, Marketing, 402-680-1254 402-680-1254 Trae Simmons, director of Sales, 765-438-2312 on-line on-line at: at: • •Visitors Visitors always always welcome! welcome! Stephanie Steck, Marketing, 402-680-1254 LOOk LOOk USat: US Up IN IN “ThE “ThE YArdS” YArdS” ATAT dENvEr! dENvEr! on-line • Visitors always welcome! LOOk US Up IN “ThE YArdS” AT dENvEr!

CLUB CALF BULL sire. sire.hollywood hollywood • • he he sells February 26th CLUB CALF BULL sire. hollywood • he sells February 26th


Ogallala Livestock Ogallala Nebraska Monday 1:00 pm


100 Yearling Angus Bulls

Sitz Upward Connealy Right Answer SAV Pioneer SAV Iron Mountain TC Aberdeen Connealy Impression

CED BW WW YW Milk +6 +2.4 +70 +134 +41 Marb RE $F $B +.35 +.76 +73.00 +79.09

CED BW +4 +3.4

WW YW Milk Marb RE $F $B +59 +108 +23 +.56 +.29 +46.59 +63.34

CED BW WW YW Milk +5 +1.9 +60 +111 +34 Marb RE $F $B +.34 +.75 +49.62 +65.33


Mates harvested to our Sale Bulls CED Consistently grade +11 67% CAB® 99% Choice or Better 96% PREMIUM PAID

BW -.4

WW YW Milk Marb RE $F $B +66 +120 +34 +.62 +.20 +57.54 +68.94

TJ, Kristy, Tanner & Ty Martin

1361 Keystone Sarben N Rd • PO Box 260 Keystone NE 69144 Office: 308-726-2855 Cell: 308-883-2333


Livestock Plus Inc.

January 2013



The Magazine for Cowboys and Kids

Mike Sorensen ~ Sales Cell: 641-745-7949

Greetings, Okay, here is my wish for the New Year… I would like one inch of rain, every other week for the next two months, and I want the rain on 45 degree days going no lower than 40 degrees. Then after the rains get straightened up then be nice the rest of the winter. Is anybody with me on this? We sure can’t complain about winter so far, but we just need to add moisture in a liquid form and allow it to sink and absorb into our dry soil. Dixie and I would like to thank our family, my Mom and Dad, Heidi, Tucker, Taylor, Bubba, Runt (Maria), and Indie, Mandi, Brian, and Izzy, and my sister Lori and her family. Dixie and I had the misfortune of both having surgery this past month. Just so that everybody is on the correct page, it was not serious. I had to fix problems from a previous surgery, and Dixie had her gallbladder removed. Everything went fine and we are doing great. I went in Tuesday got released Thursday and Dixie went in Thursday and got released Saturday night the same week. We had kind of a rough week. We are doing great now.


Livestock Plus Inc.

January 2013

Have I got food to write about, though. First off, my Mom made this deadly vegetable beef (steak) soup with a jello fluff to follow. Then, Heidi brought awesome meatballs and bacon wrapped meatloaf patties, this was some great meatloaf along with some ice cream from Casey’s. I think I’m in an ice cream withdrawal. Bubba and Runt (Maria) brought angel food cake, crab dip, homemade caramels and a deadly Greek pork chop with Greek potatoes. Mandi came down with the fixings to make her famous potato soup and also made a chicken and noodle soup that’s unreal. It was enough to feed a small army, but Dixie and I got around it just fine. Mandi also stayed with Dixie after surgery. Heidi and kids along with Bubba and Runt babysat me at home while I recovered. Special thanks to my son-in-law Brian, he has done my chores at the ranch more than I have. Brian, thanks a bunch. Also a special thanks to my sister Lori, she brought us some brownies and pumpkin bars. They didn’t last too long. I know I am probably forgetting some stuff, but just know that Dixie and I appreciate everything. Thank You!! Special thanks to my grandkids for their entertainment, and another special thanks to Pastor Broers for his visit. Well Santa Claus has been here, the New Year is upon us, National Western Stock Show is fast approaching, and Iowa Winter Beef Expo and Nebraska Cattlemen’s Classic is around the corner. Sale season is busting at the seams. It’s time to get those buying clothes on and hit the road. I look forward to seeing all of you down the road. Let’s all keep our service folks and their families in our thoughts and prayers. God Bless

Randy Rasby ~ Sales Cell: 308-539-6195 O: 308-386-4857

Heidi Sorensen ~ Sales Cell: 661-900-6004 O: 641-343-7112

Dustin Carter ~ Sales 712-898-9972

Austin Brandt ~ Sales 712-621-1829

DESIGN OFFICE Linda Luppen Livestock Plus

1535 165th St. Garner, IA 50438

Ph.: 515-851-0304 Fax: 641-587-2263 Ad deadline is the 12th of the month. Livestock Plus is mailed the first of every month. Send or email all ad copy to the Design Office. Please call for specs. Livestock Plus is published January, February, March, April, May, June, August, September, October, November, December. Subscriptions are free. Direct subscription requests to Livestock Plus Inc., c/o Mary Allen, 8840 Deer Ridge Lane, Bloomington, MN 55438. Articles published in Live­stock Plus, Inc. are not nec­es­sar­i­ly the views or opin­ions of the pub­lish­er or staff. TERMS: All partnerships billed to one person. upon 12/17/12Due 3:54 PM receipt.


“Focusing on Quality with Performance” GDAR Game Day 449

Annual Bull & Female Sale

February 28, 2013 120 Angus & Charolais Bulls 2-Year-Olds, Coming 2’s and Yearlings

Plus Proven Registered Cows & Bred Heifers and a select group of Commercial Females

Bear Mountain bulls are developed on a high roughage, non-starch diet

Vin-Mar O’Reilly Factor

• Many full, 3/4 & 1/2 brothers offered • Performance Tested • BVDpi Tested negative • 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed • Marketing assistance available

Bear Mtn Renegade 9045

V A R Rocky 80029

Pine Ridge Hammer S322

Great Bulls come from Great Cows

Connealy Stimulus

Bear Mtn Jamie 4101

Stevenson Enchantress 449J

Bear Mountain Angus Ranch Brian & Tiffany Stoller

Watch and Bid at


Livestock Plus Inc.

35789 US Hwy 6 • Palisade, NE 69040

(308) 285-3313 • Brian’s cell (308) 737-6213 January 2013

Sired by TJ SHARPER IMAGE 809U Homozygous Polled, Homozygous Black 1/2 Simmental x 1/2 Angus

Sired by CONNEALY STIMULUS 8419 Homozygous Polled, Homozygous Black 1/2 Simmental x 1/2 Angus

25 Sons Sell

Sired by S A V FINAL ANSWER 0035 Homozygous Black, Homozygous Polled 1/2 Simmental x 1/2 Angus

Sired by S A V FINAL ANSWER 0035 Homozygous Black, Homozygous Polled 1/2 Simmental x 1/2 Angus


TAUBENHEIM GELBVIEH 23rd Annual Production Sale

Monday, February 4, 2013 • 1 p.m. CST at The Ranch 23685 Sartoria Road • Amherst, NE

Pick Your New Herdsires From 100 Thick-Made Muscular Gelbvieh & Balancer Bulls with Growth, Balance and Great Carcass Merit 30 Open Females • 30 Bred Females Balancer Futurity

Gelbvieh Futurity

TAU Mr. In Focus 22Z

TAU Fine Tuned 30Z

Sire: MYTTY In Focus

Sire: TAU Tuned In 55T

Balancer 38% • Homo Black

Balancer 50% • Homo Black • Homo Polled

TAU Resolution 65Z Sire: RTRT Solution

Purebred 94%• Homo Black • Homo Polled


TAU Chart Topper 25Z


Sire: TAU Mr. Grid Topper 43T Balancer 50%


TAU Mr. Western Hauler 59Z Sire: EBY Western Hauler Balancer 50% • Homo Polled



Look for us in Denver!

Sire: TAU Tuned In 55T

Balancer 50% • Homo Black

Dale & Jeannette


TAU Mr Grid Topper 43T 78Z Sire: TAU Mr. Grid Topper 43T Balancer 50%

Mike, Renee, Justin, & Tanner 308.233.4704

Web site: 8

Livestock Plus Inc.

January 2013

2013 Jan_Feb Slagle Angus_Slagle 12/14/12 7:09 PM Page 1



SITZ UPWARD 307R - 17 Sons sell. Upward is a true performance sire with outstanding across the board EPD,s. The Upward sons have been in high demand from commercial bull customers for their power and extra pounds. These cattle have great length of body, performance, maternal and carcass traits. BW+2.4 WW+71 YW +137 MILK +43 MARB +.41 REA +.69

SA HIGH DEFINITION 560 - 13 Sons sell. HIGH DEFINITION is a true calving ease sire with the frame and length of body to also sire top performance. Sire by HA Image Maker, HIGH DEFINITION should also be an excellent female producer. This top young sire has an extreme EPD spred of -2.5 BW to +123 yearling weight. Will be on display sale day. BW-2.5 WW+72 YW +123 MILK +34 MARB +.30 REA +.54

CONNEALY IMPRESSION - 23 Sons sell. The calves by IMPRESSION are deep bodied and thick-made. Impression has an outstanding EPD profile with low birth, high maternal, carcass and performance numbers. Impression also ranked very high for feed efficiency, tenderness and total profit through the Angus Sire Alliance. BW+.8 WW+67 YW +125 MILK +34 MB +.44 REA +.70 $B+78.39

CONNEALY REFLECTION - 11 Sons sell. REFLECTION is a calving ease sire with a pedigree featuring many of the elite female sires of the angus breed-EXT, 878, 598 and Dateline. The Reflection sons are deep bodied, thick, easy fleshing cattle with balanced EPD’s. BW+.6 WW+57 YW +105 MILK +34 MB +.41 REA +.37 $B +68.39

Customer satisfaction is very important to us. Come take a walk through the cattle and let us know what best fits your operation. 100 % First Breeding Season Guarantee Volume Discount - Buy Sight Unseen - Free Board and Delivery on Bulls in Nebraska

TC ROMEO 917 - 26 sons sell. Romeo was the top selling bull in the 2010 TC sale. Posting a 1659 pound adj. 365 weight and a 17.6 inch Ribeye. Romeo packs this muscle and performance into a moderate frame and deep body. The calves by Romeo have consistently been some of our highest gaining on test and will be featured in this sale. BW+1.1 WW+62 YW +136 MILK +32 MB +.42 REA +.35 $B +70.07



1-888-527-7044 e-mail address: Web site: Auctioneer - Joe Goggins


Up com ing Sale s & Eve nts


January 5 - Willie Morris Cattle Royal Edge Sale - Muscatine, IA January 12 Bellar’s Beautiful Beef Babes Sale - Wisner, NE Guyer Cattle Co. “Chosen Few” Sale - Robinson, IL 12th - 27th National Western Stock Show - Denver, CO January 13 Mile High Classic Red Angus Auction @ NWSS - Denver, CO Sullivan Farms “Power in the Blood” Sale - Dunlap, IA January 18 National Western Angus Foundation Female Sale - Denver, CO January 19 AMAA Bright Lights Sale @ NWSS - Denver, CO Western Elite Female Sale @ NWSS - Denver, CO January 20 NWSS Pen of Prospect Calves Show & Sale - Denver, CO January 21 National Salers Sale @ NWSS - Denver, CO NWSS Pen of Prospect Calves Sale - Denver, CO January 22 - Ken Haas Angus Bull Sale - Scottsbluff, NE January 23 Fred & Mary Gruhn Complete Dispersal - Dunlap, IA NWSS Commercial Female Show & Sale - Denver, CO January 24 National Lowline Sale @ NWSS - Denver, CO NWSS Stock Dog Auction - Denver, CO January 25 Kelly Cattle Co. Elite Female Sale - Dallas Center, IA Mill Bar Angus Production Sale - McCook, NE January 26 Baldridge Bros. Bull Sale - North Platte, NE Clear Creek Stock Farm Production Sale - Sigourney, IA Double J Farms Priv. Treaty Simm. Bull Sale - Garretson, SD Ferguson Angus Farms Private Treaty Sale - New Sharon, IA Forster Farms Simmental Production Sale - Smithfield, NE Jauer Dependable Genetics Bull & Female Sale - Hinton, IA J & C Simmentals Bull Sale - West Point, NE JEK Cattle Private Treaty Sale - Melrose, IA Nichols Farms Private Treaty Bull Sale Starts - Bridgewater, IA Pryor Show Cattle Pryority One Sale - Dunlap, IA Rayl Angus Farms Open House - Bridgewater, IA Thompson Angus Bull Sale - Kintyre, NE January 27 McConahay Goodfellas Bull Sale - Corydon, IA Triangle J Ranch Annual Bull Sale - Miller, NE January 28 Cardinal Cattle Co. Online Sale - Holmes Show Cattle Online Bull Sale - Martin Ranch 25th Anniversary Sale - Ogallala, NE January 29 - Bob Jon Farm Online Bull Sale -

February February 1 Black Hills Stock Show Maine Show & Sale - Rapid City, SD Hook Farms Production Sale - Tracy, MN February 2 Bartos Angus Annual Production Sale - Verdigre, NE Dakota Classic Sale - Sioux Falls, SD Horsley Brothers Sale - New Paris, OH Loonan Stock Farm Priv. Treaty Production Sale - Corning, IA Ohlrichs / Felt Farms Annual Bull Sale Norfolk, NE Upstream Ranch Annual Bull Sale - Taylor, NE February 3 Trauernicht Simmentals Production Sale - Beatricce, NE


Livestock Plus Inc.

January 2013

February 4 Taubenheim Gelbvieh Annual Production Sale - Amherst, NE Windmill Angus Ranch Production Sale - Haigler, NE February 5 - Hoover Angus Farm Production Sale - Creston, IA February 6 - Bakenhus Cattle Co. Bull Sale - Dunlap, IA February 7 - Ridder Hereford Ranch Sale - Callaway, NE February 8 - Mohnen Angus Bull Sale - White Lake, SD February 9 Berger’s Herdmaster Bull Sale - North Platte, NE Bussmus Angus Production Sale - Mitchell, SD Grass-Lunning Bulls Eye Bonanza - LeRoy, MN KM Cattle Co. Online Top Cut Angus Bull Sale February 10 - 17th Iowa Beef Expo - Des Moines, IA February 11 Benda Ranch Bull & Bred Heifer Sale - Kimball, SD Carter Family Angus Bull Sale - Ogallala, NE Fawcett’s Elm Creek Ranch Production Sale - Ree Heights, SD IA Charolais Sale @ IBE - Des Moines, IA IA SImmental Assn Sale @ IBE - Des Moines, IA TK Angus Bull Sale - Gordon, NE February 12 BPF Online Maine-Anjou Bull Sale - Werning Cattle Co. Production Sale - Mitchell, SD February 13 13th - 14th IA Angus Show & Sale @ IBE - Des Moines, IA Sandpoint Cattle Co. Bull Sale - Chappell, NE February 14 IA Maine Anjou Assn. Parade & Sale @ IBE - Des Moines, IA February 15 Hoffman Herefords Annual Bull Sale - Thedford, NE February 16 Overmiller Red Angus & Gelbvieh Production Sale - Smith Center, KS February 18 18th - 24th Nebraska Cattlmen’s Classic - Kearney, NE February 19 BPF Online Simmental Bull Sale - Cedar Top Ranch Angus Bull Sale - Burwell, NE Douglas Booth Family Angus Bull Sale - Torrington, WY February 20 - Slagle Angus Ranchers Bull Sale - Sargent, NE February 21 - Whitestone-Krebs Bull Sale - Gordon, NE February 23 IL Simm. Assn. Mid America Simmental Sale - Springfield, IL February 25 - Reyes/Russell Annual Bull Sale - Wheatland, WY February 26 BPF Online Club Calf Bull Sale - Haynes Cattle Co. Annual Bull Sale - Ogallala, NE February 27 - TC Ranch Production Sale - Franklin, NE February 28 Bear Mtn. Angus Bull & Female Sale - Palisade, NE

March March 2 Green Valley Cattle Sire Sale & Dispersal - Atkinson, NE March 4 Nagel Cattle Co. - Springfield, SD Vision Angus Annual Sale - North Platte, NE March 5 - Jindra Angus Production Sale - Creighton, NE March 8 - Hueftle Cattle Co. Red Angus Bull Sale - Cozad, NE March 21 - Benoit Angus Ranch Production Sale - Esbon, KS March 22 - 24th - McCullough Fitting Clinic - Marengo, IA

Sullivan Sullivan Supply SupplyJan Jan13_Layout 13_Layout1 112/17/12 12/17/1210:01 10:01 PMPM Page Page 1 1

The TheBest BestJust JustGot GotBetter. Better.

The Best Just Got Better.

Kleen Sheen the daily hair formula care formula for show cattleis that is naturally Kleen Sheen is theis daily hair care for show cattle that naturally healthyhealthy a fantastic conditioning for producing for for It isIta isfantastic conditioning sheensheen for producing healthyhealthy looking,looking, well wel TM TM managed “Ultra” Features the VITA managed hair hair withwith that that “Ultra” shine.shine. Features the VITA HAIRHAIR nourishing nourishing vitamin vitamin package package and and moisturizers moisturizers that boost that boost hair strength hair strength and create and create strongerstronger hair hai TM TM follicle follicle growth. growth. ReferRefer to thetobottom the bottom to learn to learn how VITA how VITA HAIRHAIR will your enrich will enrich hairyour hai is perfect for daily hair clipping care, clipping andday show day grooming. coat.coat. ThisThis lightlight sheensheen is perfect for daily hair care, and show grooming. • Naturally Healthy for Hair • Biodegradable • Naturally Healthy for Hair • Biodegradable • Purified: non-toxic, non-petroleum, non-abrasive • Purified: non-toxic, non-petroleum, non-abrasive

Finally, Finally, a hair a hair nourishing nourishing product product for cattle for cattle with with no no added added weight weight or the or flat, the flat, waxy waxy build build up up from from human human conditioners. conditioners.

Kle n She n is the daily hair care formula for show cat le that is natural y healthy for hair. It is a fantastic conditioning she n for producing healthy lo king, wel managed hair with that “Ultra” shine. Features the VITA HAIRTM nourishing vitamin package and moisturizers that boost hair strength and create stronger hair fol icle growth. Refer to the bot om to learn how VITA HAIRTM wil enrich your hair coat. This light she n is perfect for daily hair care, clipping and show day gro ming.

™™ VITA VITAHAIR HAIR is an is an advanced advanced nutrient nutrient package package that that infuses infuses the hair thewith hair proven with proven hair vitamins hair vitamins for ... for ...

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Biotin Biotinvitamin vitaminisisthethefirst firstvitamin vitamin thought thought of when of when considering considering HAIRHAIR GROWTH. GROWTH. The major The major benefitbenefit of Biotin of Biotin is its ability is its ability to strengthen to strengthen both theboth hair the follicle hairand follicle and the thehair hairshaft, shaft,where wherethethehair hairis produced, is produced, which which prevents prevents hairhair breakage breakage and dryness. and dryness. This isThis a scientifically is a scientifically provenproven crucialcrucial step in step the natural in the natural hair growing hair growing process. process. One Oneofofthe thechief chiefthings thingsthat thatslows slowshairhair growth growth is damaged is damaged Biotin Biotin enriched enriched hair has hairincreased has increased elasticity elasticity of the ofcortex the cortex which prevents which prevents breakage. breakage. This enables This enables healthy, healthy,FASTER FASTERHAIR HAIRGROWTH. GROWTH.Biotin Biotin alsoalso thickens thickens thethe actual actual hairhair cuticle cuticle providing providing a fuller a fuller appearance. appearance. Pro-Vitamin Pro-VitaminB-5 B-5is isconsidered considered thethe kingking of all of HAIR all HAIR CARECARE vitamins. vitamins. Pro-Vitamin Pro-Vitamin B-5 stimulates B-5 stimulates healthyhealthy scalp circulation scalp circulation which leads whichtoleads improved to improved hair health. hair health. ItItcoats coatsthe thehair hairand andseals sealsitsitssurface, surface, lubricating lubricating thethe hairhair shaftshaft making making the hair the shine. hair shine. It possesses It possesses superior superior long term longmoisturizing term moisturizing properties properties becausebecause of its unique of its unique ability abilitytotopenetrate penetrateand andnourish nourishthethe hairhair shaft. shaft. Vitamin VitaminEEisisananantioxidant antioxidantthat that stimulates stimulates circulation circulation to the to the skinskin and and supports supports capillary capillary growth. growth. The skin Theneeds skin needs to havetoproper have proper circulation circulation in order into order keep the to keep the hair hairfollicles folliclesalive aliveand andthriving. thriving.When When there there areare more more capillaries, capillaries, the circulation the circulation improves improves leading leading to increased to increased nutrientnutrient absorption absorption into theinto hairthe follicles, hair follicles, which which speeds speedshair hairgrowth. growth.


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BEFF Westbound 130Y s! G Hairietta 9145J - He sell WAGR Driver x 3-D x WA

Saturday evening, January 12 5:30 pm CST Wisner Auditorium - Wisner, Nebraska Dinner and refreshments served all evening! Featuring Our Largest & Highest-Potential Offering Ever! Bred Cows & Heifers - Bulls - Show Prospects Many Registered Maine, Chi, Shorthorn, & Shorthorn+

On Display Now at the Bellar HQ and Sale Day at the Heftie Sale Center just off US 275 in Wisner acy Plus BEF Donor 700S by Leg donors that will sell in this Just one of the proven s! best-ever slice of cowgot to go! y've We're out of room - The

Wisner, Nebraska Randy: 402/380-3710 Justin: 402/380-1652 Jeff Williams: 402/380-9049


Livestock Plus Inc.

January 2013

Request your catalog today and view video footage of every animal selling at To view the catalog and video clips visit or call the sale manager for more information at: Craig M. Reiter & Associates P.O. Box 85 • Elmore, Ohio USA 43416 419/862-0117, phone

Selling February 19, 2013 • Burwell, Neb. Incredible Quality ... selected from a continual AI program since 1965. You won’t find a better set Guaranteed! Guaranteed? You Bet! We are ranchers and cattlemen. You get the same service we expect ... anything goes wrong we replace them. Our only family income is from cattle ... they better be right and work for You! We run a large commercial herd and we know what works; forage developed ... these bulls will be business all season long. Buy Cedar Top Range Developed Bulls with CONFIDENCE!

225 Coming 2-year-old Bulls Sell

Pick from a great selection of 2-year-old Bulls – NOT Last Year’s Leftovers!

Balancer® • Angus • Red Angus

Range-Ready Bulls from these Sire Groups Sell

• Complete Igenity DNA Testing • Semen Checked • You Buy...We Bid on Your Calves • Volume Discounts • 1st Season Guarantee • Free Delivery • Supreme Quality (Selected from one of the Nation's largest herds) • Forage Developed (to identify cattle that gain on grass) • Carcass Tested • Every Bull DNA Tenderness Tested! Feedlot Closeout Data 308 Heifers 96.6 % Choice • 79.9 YG 1’s & 2’s

Sons Sons Sons Sons

Cedar Top Ranch

Scott & Raberta Starr 212 Starr Drive • Stapleton, NE 69163 (H): 308-587-2293 • (C): 308-530-3900 Eldon Starr: 1-800-535-6173 or Rich Johnson: 402-368-2209


“Where you get more for your buck”

Annual Bull Sale

Selling 100 Angus Bulls! DB True Value 987 of B/R

BW +1.3

WW +48

YW +93

SC +.38

MILK +26

WW +44

YW +90

SC +.28

MARB +.39

RE +.56

$B 63.94

WW +68

YW +115

SC +1.03

MILK +30

MARB +.29

RE +.78

WW +70

YW +134

SC +1.44

MILK +42

MARB +.35

RE +.76

$B 79.22

$B 54.47

MILK +24

BW +.3

WW +68

YW +119

SC +.50

MILK +28

MARB +.40

RE +.72

$B 68.57

MILK +33

MARB +.34

RE $B +.75 +65.33

SAV Pioneer 7301

MARB +.89

RE +.42

Call or email for a catalog! Doug & Carolyn 7618 Rd. 41 • Torrington, WY 82240 (307) 532-5830


BW +2.4

Connealy Final Product

Connealy Consensus 7229

BW +1.9

Torrington, WY Sitz Upward 307R

Connealy Thunder

BW -.6

Tuesday, February 19th, 2013

$B 83.95

BW +1.9

WW +60

YW +111

SC +1.03

Dudley & Jennifer 4156 Rd. 82 • Torrington, WY 82240 (307) 532-7179

Visit our website at

Livestock Plus Inc.

January 2013

550 Head Sell! 33rd Annual

Thursday, February 21, 2013

12:30 p.m. MST • At the Ranch • Gordon, Nebraska Featuring the Best in WK Angus & SimAngus Genetics! 200 Elite Angus Yearling Bulls from the top of the 2012 calf crop 30 of our best Sim x Angus Yearling Bulls

Every bull carries the predictable, trusted & proven performance genetics of Whitestone–Krebs sires!

20 Big, Stout 18-month-old Angus Bulls 300 Fancy Commercial Angus Open Replacement Heifers VAR Rocky

Koupals B&B Identity

Pine Ridge Hammer

SydGen Doc

Over the Limit

• •

308-360-1949 Eldon’s cell • 308-360-1972 Ty’s cell • 308-360-3223 Jake’s cell


January 26, 2013 Just a few of the exceptional offerings in this sale! • All bulls sell with first breeding season guarantee.

65 Bulls 55 Bred Heifers 30 Fancy Open Heifers

An outstanding performance-bred group of Purebred and Percentage cattle.

Y850 Red 3/4 blood bred heifer by Amigo x HXC Jackhammer (RA) ON 5-24-2012 EPD’s: 10, 2.3, 77, 106, 10, 12, 50, MB 0.13, REA 0.64, API 115.0, TI 72 Z080 Black 1/2 blood bull by GAR Predestined x Desperado EPD’s: 8, 2.9, 68, 110, 9, 28, 62, MB 0.72, REA 0.74, API 128.0, TI 77 Z146 Black 1/2 bull by TJ Sharper Image x FF Paradigm EPD’s: 9, 1.6, 88, 134, 7, 18, 62, MB 0.41, REA 0.36, API 122.0, TI 87

Z285 Black 1/2 blood heifer by NLC Upgrade x Reg PB AN cow EPD’s : 10, -0.4, 73, 113, 10, 23, 60, MB 0.26, REA 0.80, API 120.0, TI 78 Z506 Black 1/2 blood bull by NLC Upgrade x MIL BAR Dateline (AN cow) EPD’s: 13, -0.3, 63, 103, 11, 20, 52, MB 0.47, REA 0.79, API 138.0, TI 77 Z784 Black 1/2 blood bull by TC Aberdeen X HHSF Figure This EPD’s: 13, 0.9, 76, 118, 11, 32, 70, MB 0.33, REA 0.74, API 131.0, TI 78

Z959 Black 1/2 blood bull by GLS Combination x TC Explorer EPD’s: 9, 4.4, 72, 118, 3, 15, 51, MB 0.45, REA 0.55, API 107.0, TI 70

All are tested negative BVD and will be ultrasound for carcass traits.


Livestock Plus Inc.

Z1044 Black 3/4 heifer by NLC Uprgrade x GAR Predestined EPD’s: 9, 2.2, 84, 132, 12, 17, 59, MB 0.46, REA 1.00, API 131.0, TI 86

January 2013


660Z-CE-Bismarck Son 7/8 Angus 1/8 Simm

814Z-Final Answer Son ¾ Angus ¼ Simm

BERGER’S HERDMASTER SIMM-ANGUS HYBRID BULL SALE Saturday, February 9, 2013 1:00 p.m. CST North Platte, NE

70 Black Angus X Simmental 60 Red Angus X Simmental 25 Calving Ease Bulls–Black & Red Tyrell Rousey - Herdsman 308-530-9279

693Z-Amigo Son – ½ Simm ½ Red Angus

26Z-Traveler 6807 Son ½ Angus ½ Simm

528Z-Jack Hammer Son – ¾ Red Angus ¼ Simm

Loren & Peggy Berger 9339 E. Autogate Rd Stapleton, NE 69163 308-532-0939-H 308-520-3836-Cell

More pictures & video at:



Livestock Plus Inc.

January 2013

Denver Bound!

The Daddy of Them All! American’s premier source of Elite Lowline genetics 13th Annual

National Lowline Thursday, January 24, 2013 • 1 PM National Western Stock Show - Denver, Co


Selling: Fullblood, Purebred and Moderator-Bulls, Bred and Open Females, Embryos. Many show prospects

Consignors Include:

He Sells! She Sells! He Sells!

John Reed, Sale Manager

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Abby Effertz--ND Ausamerica Lowlines--MN Big Island Lowlines--AB CAN Cheyenne Outlaw--WY Crosley’s Lowline Angus--CO Deep Creek Lowline--WA Doll House Genetics--KA Double J Ranch--NM Fanning Cattle Co--IL Five Star Ranch--WI Gatewood Genetics--IA Grassline Cattle Co--MN Grassmaster Cattle--SD Heaven Sent Ranch--CO High Plains Lowline Angus--CO Idaho Lowline Cattle Co--ID Jake Reed--MN K Bar W Ranches--OK Lakeville Lowlines--MN Lazy G Lowlines--WA Little Black Angus Ranch--ND L R Cattle--CO Max Macdonell--CO Mellott Lowline Cattle--SD Muddy Creek Ranch--MT Riverwood Farms--OH Schmit Farms--ND Sunflower Ranch--CO Topline Lowlines--WA Univ. of Findlay--OH

For catalogs or additional info contact: or 320-346-2750



Livestock Plus Inc.

January 2013


Maine-Anjou Lights

Maine-Anjou Lights Denver, Colo. - Saturday, Jan. 19 - 3 p.m. MST

Denver, Colo. - Saturday, Jan. 19 - 3 p.m. MST





All selling in the 2013 Bright Lights Sale!! Last year’s Bright Lights sale heifers averaged $4,700 and bulls averaged $3,823! Dustin Layton, (405) 464-2455 - sale consultant Dave Steen, 515-201-3281 - commercial development director P.O. Box 1100 - Platte City, MO 64079 (P) 816.431.9950 - (F) 816.858.9951 - 22

Livestock Plus Inc.

January 2013


Nagel Cattle Co. presents... Nagel Cattle Co. presents... ROYALE! O ROYALE! IN AS C O SINProgram** ABreeding **The Ultimate HAND ForCYour

Ultimate HAND For Your Breeding Stop by pen 2520 in**The the yards at the NWSS to receive a poker chip. All Program** poker chips will be entered into Stop by pen 2520 in the yards at athedrawing NWSS toat receive a poker Jan. chip.19. All poker chips will be entered into noon Saturday, ** 5 -a10drawing strawsatofnoon yourSaturday, choice of Jan. NCC 19. bulls ** ** ** 5 -210- $500 strawssale of credits, your choice of NCC bulls March 4, 2013 ** ** ** 2 - $500other salewinners credits, -March 4, 2013etc.! ** Numerous hats, gloves,

Sold in last year’s sale!

Numerous other winners - hats, gloves, etc.!

Sold in last year’s sale!

NAGE Special D 23Y

Lot 1 - 2012 Sale Sold to Goeken Family, Utica, S.D. EPDs bw 0.5 ww 44.2 yw 88 m 19 m&g 41

NAGE Bank Roll 74Y

Lot 55 - 2012 Sale Sold to Scott & Carolyn McCormick, Grenfell, SK, Canada EPDs EPDs bw bw 0.6 0.6 ww ww 41.3 41.3 yw yw 84 84 m m 22.8 22.8 m&g m&g 43.4 43.4

Selling Selling in in this this year’s year’s sale! sale!

NAGE Suh 91Y

Lot 16 - 2012 Sale Sold to Gary Dvorcek, Springfield, S.D. EPDs EPDs bw bw 1.9 1.9 ww ww 45.2 45.2 yw yw 91.6 91.6 m m 20.2 20.2 m&g m&g 42.7 42.7

Planned Planned Matings Matings For For Eye Eye Appeal Appeal Built In Performance! Built In Performance!

31164 E.R.S. Rd. - Springfield, S.D.

31164 - Springfield, Blane -E.R.S. (605)Rd. 464-1187 cell S.D. Blane - (605) 464-1187 (605) 369-2628 home cell (605) home cell Landon369-2628 - (605) 464-1197 e-mail: Landon - (605) 464-1197 cell e-mail:

NAGE Ante Up 70Z

NAGE 70ZTrojan 183K GVC Suh Ante X NAGEUp Ms Blk NAGE Aces High 52Z EPDsSuh X NAGE Ms Blk Trojan 183K GVC GVC Suh Aces X NAGEHigh Forecast 208R NAGE 52Z bw 3.4 ww 42.9 yw 86.1 m 43.5 m&g 22.1 Maternal EPDs to NAGE208R Doppler 27X, $10,500 pick GVC Suh Xbrother NAGE Forecast Lead bull in our 2013 pen-of-three at NWSS. bw 3.4 ww 42.9 yw 86.1 m 43.5 m&g 22.1 of our 2011 sale toto the Kenny27X, Family, Schaller, Maternal brother NAGEKurt Doppler $10,500 pickIowa. ** SELLS MARCH 4, 2013 ** Lead bull in our 2013 pen-of-three at NWSS. **SELLS IN 2013 LIGHTS SALE, SATURDAY, JAN.Iowa. 19 ** of our 2011 saleBRIGHT to the Kurt Kenny Family, Schaller, ** SELLS MARCH 4, 2013 ** 24

Livestock Plus Inc.


January 2013



Livestock Plus Inc.

January 2013


BW +3.5 WW +54 YW +90 MILK +34 MARB +.33 RE +.40 $W +30.72 $B +62.43 ACT BW 94; ADJ 205 WT 923 ACT WT as of 8/23/12 • 954

Annual Bull Sale February 8, 2013 • 1 pm

125 Registered Angus Bulls 15 Sim-Angus Bulls

Videos upon request for the Denver Carload Bulls! Special Sale Highlights 1. Final Answer x Mohnen Jilt 1283 half sister to top selling bulls like Wolf Creek, Bingo, Crown Royal and Brushpopper 295. She sells bred to the $190,000 Mogck Bulls Eye.

#+SAV 004 Density 4336 [AMF-CAF-XF] +Mohnen Density 730 #Mohnen Jilt 910 [CAF] TC Aberdeen 759 [AMF-CAF-XF] Mohnen Jilt 539 #Mohnen Jilt 787

#SAV 8180 Traveler 004 [AMF-CAF-XF] SAV May 7238 [CAF] +Clearwater Paf Seville 1977 Mohnen Jilt 143 #CRA Bextor 872 5205 608 [AMF-CAF-XF] #+TC Blackbird 4034 [CAF] Mohnen Brushpopper 353 [AMF-CAF-XF] #+Mohnen Jilt 1655

Also sell in 30 regis g: tered bred co & 20 re ws gistered heifer c alves!

2. Also selling an outstanding Traveler 004 x SAV Abigale 6002 bred to the Accelerated Sire Bruns Uppercut 3. And a sweet Aberdeen X Right Time from the Embynete cow family.

Mohnen Erianna 2576 Sire: Right Time

4. Also an Awesome full sister to the ½ SimAngus bull Mohnen Hulk Y2181

Visit us anytime!

Mohnen Milestone Z3592

Birth Date: 1/22/2012 • ACT BW #113 ACT WT 8-23-12 #922 • WT 11-29-12 #1305 His full brother MOHNEN HULK Y2181 sold on our 2012 sale for $16,000 and is leased GENEX.

We are selling one of the Great up and coming Donors ever to walk the pastures of Mohnen Angus. She has sold two sons for a $9,500 average. Her production records speak for her self BW 3@92, WW 3@107, YW 3@107 and is due to calve 1-6-2013 to the calving ease Genex sire Basin Excitement.

Raising Quality Cattle is not our job... it’s our life!

Mohnen Angus

Steve & Kathy Mohnen 25770 370th Ave • White Lake, SD 57383 (605) 249-2719 • C: (605) 680-3063


Livestock Plus Inc.

Josh & Katie Mohnen 37025 258th St. • White Lake, SD 57383 (605) 249-22141 • C: (605) 680-0125

January 2013

John Mohnen C: (605) 680-2063

For your free reference sale booklet, contact anyone in the offices of the sale man­ag­ers, TOM BURKE, KURT SCHAFF and Jeremy Haag, AMERICAN ANGUS HALL OF FAME at the WORLD. AN­GUS HEAD­ QUAR­TERS, Box 660, Smithville, MO 64089-0660 Phone: 816-532-0811 • Fax 816-532-0851 E-mail: •




s” ll u B s es n si u B r te et B “ with the Potential to Impact the Breed

Selling In Our On-Line Top Cut Angus Bull Sale 2-9-13 Includes a set of flush brothers that are maternal brothers to Top Product, our Lot 16 bull that sells 1-16-13 in the NWSS Angus Bull Sale in Denver.

KMSells RB Top Product 818-2818 at NWSS Angus Bull Sale as Lot 16

CED +9, BW -.2, WW+64 top 2%, YW + 111 top 4%, $W + 42.95 top 1%. Selling his maternal brother on the farm,

KM Obligation 259

CED+9, BW+2.3, WW +77 top1%, YW +128 top 1%, $W+ 42.63 top1%, $F +62.09 top 1%, $B +79.93 top 3% Also selling on the farm is KM Trustee, the top growth son of Trust. KM Trustee has the strength in calving-ease, growth, carcass and phenotypic traits like his maternal brother KM Broken Bow 002 whom we sold an interest to ABS Global. KM Broken Bow 002 is currently in the top 1% of current sires for $W, top 2% WW & CW, top 4% YW & $B and is still a +10 Calving Ease Direct sire: WOW.

KM Broken Bow 002 These “Better Business Bulls” are destined to make an impact on the advancement of the breed. Go to to learn more about our progressive program. Inquire early on these breeder and stud potential bulls, as a couple of these could be marketed early to accommodate certain circumstances.

30436 335th St. • Coon Rapids, IA, 50058 Kent Musfeldt 712-210-1170 • Kyle Musfeldt 712-210-6222 Home phone 712-684-2409 •


Livestock Plus Inc.

January 2013

Preventing Bull Accidents by Temple Grandin, Colorado State University

(NOTE: This is an article is a sample of writing by Temple back in 2006, discussing the handling of dairy bulls. The same applies to beef bulls but to a lesser extent, but that doesn’t mean not to be extremely careful around beef bulls, especially those past eight months of age. See comments about her work in my column, “a Little Bit about a Whole Lot of Things.” Evan Rayl) The most dangerous dairy bull is a bull that has not been properly socialized to his own kind. When a young bull calf becomes mature at age two, he needs to challenge the top bull in the herd. If the bull calf has been raised alone and has not had the opportunity to interact with other cattle, he thinks he is a person and he wants to exert his dominance over the “herd.” This can result in dangerous attacks on people. Ed Price at the University of California found that bull calves raised in groups were much less likely to attack people than bull calves raised in individual pens. Bull calves raised on a cow were the least likely to attack. When they are raised with their own kind, they know who they are and they are less likely to think that people are part of the herd. There is no such thing as a totally safe bull, but the risk of an attack can be reduced with proper management. When dairy calves are six to eight weeks old, they should be put in group pens. If there are no bull calves available for pen mates, a young bull should be raised with steer calves that are older and heavier. Any mature bull that charges a person, should be removed from a commercial dairy because he is too great a safety risk to the dairy personnel. To further reduce the danger, dairies that use bulls should consider raising bull calves on a nurse cow. Raising bull calves on a nurse cow will imprint them more strongly to their own kind and further reduce the tendency to attack. Never play butting games with calves. It is cute when they are young but very dangerous when they grow up. Never allow a bull calf to push his head up against you. Tell him to get back. If you want to pet the calf, stroke him under the chin, on the rear, or on the withers (shoulder). Stroke him anywhere except the forehead. Pressure on this area will encourage butting. The major causes of bull attacks are mistaken identity or improper behavior that has been learned. A bull will perform a broadside threat prior to attack. He will stand sideways so the person or other bull can see how big and powerful he is. Sometimes a person can make a bull back off by responding with the human variation of a broadside threat which for people is a frontal stance. Alternatively, the person may just back slowly away from the bull. NEVER RUN away and do not turn your back on him. In dairies where bulls run loose in the cow pens, managers should be trained to notice aggressive postures. The bull should just move away along with other cows when the milkers approach. A bull that does a broadside threat to milkers should be culled. Even if a bull calf is reared properly with other cattle, an adult bull is usually safer if he spends most of his adult life penned with other animals. Bulls that are penned alone for long periods of time may be more likely to attack people. However, steers and heifers can be safely penned alone. Understanding cow and bull behavior will help to reduce accidents. There is no way that cattle can be made perfectly safe, but the use of behavioral principles will reduce the risk. Attacks by bulls are the number one cause of fatalities which occur while handling livestock. Dairy bulls are often more dangerous than beef breeds. Castration of bull calves at an early age will greatly reduce aggressive behavior. n


This bred bred heifer heifer by by Red Red Brylor Brylor EXT EXT 83W 83W xx This Red McRae's McRae's Vision Vision 65T 65T sells! sells! Red

Embryos from from this this Citation Citation 138 138 xx Embryos LMAN King King Rob Rob 8621 8621 (Lana (Lana cow cow family) family) sell!! sell!! LMAN

A flush flush on on this this Bieber Bieber Make Make Mimi Mimi 7249 7249 xx A DFRA Target Target 524L 524L female female sells! sells! DFRA

A A flush flush on on this this Red Red Brylor Brylor Bodasius Bodasius 79K 79K xx Red Brylor New Trend 22 sells ! Red Brylor New Trend 22 sells !

Embryos Embryos by by C C Bar Bar Anticipation Anticipation 101W 101W xx this Red Fine Line Mulberry 26P daughter this Red Fine Line Mulberry 26P daughter sell! sell!

Three Three full full flushmate flushmate sisters sisters by by HXC Jackhammer 8800U X KW HXC Jackhammer 8800U X KW Ginger Ginger 6605 6605 sell! sell!

This March 2012 NBAR Hamley S913 x This March 2012 NBAR Hamley S913 x Messmer Julian 44N bull sells! Messmer Julian 44N bull sells!

Two semen packages on this $51,000 Agribition Two semen packages on this $51,000 Agribition sensation – Red Wrights 832S Iron Hide 42 sell! sensation – Red Wrights 832S Iron Hide 42 sell!

A flush on this TJS Berry Cherry 8801 x A flush on this TJS Berry Cherry 8801 x LCC Market Place 1270K female sells! LCC Market Place 1270K female sells!

Pen Show: January 13, 2013 • 11 a.m. Pen Show: January 13, 2013 • 11 a.m. National RAAA Open Show National RAAA Open14,Show on the Hill: January 2013 on the Hill: January 14, 2013

View this catalog online at: View this catalog online at:


Livestock Plus Inc.

January 2013

Sale management by: Sale management by:

Western ELITE The


8517 Powerful Hans daughter and donor dam from Duello. Lots of power and super cool. A big timer!


Saturday, January 19th, 2013 During the National Western - In the Yards

From theCountry’s Top Producers,

forClubCalf & Maternal Genetics!

8031 Another daughter of Hans (Hannibal x 734) that sells safe to Monopoly. Tremendous cow with leading donor potential.


R5 A big hipped, stout Alias x Chill Factor selling guaranteed to Monopoly. Producer of many high sellers. Donor!

MANY LEADING DONOR PROSPECTS SELL: More than ever this sale is packed with featured individuals and donor dam material. Several cows sell AI guaranteed to Monopoly and many leading bred heifers have been selected right off the top of these successful herds. Several elite Charolais and Charolais cross females to be featured!

9012 Half blood Simmental, daughter of SOS out of a 734 dam. Sells bred to Cerveza. Stout and powerful bodied.


Sale CatalogOnline at

047 Troubadour from Rob Miller, the outfit that generated two top selling Troubadours in 2012. This one’s great! For a hand mailed copy text your name and address to (516) 366-0734 VIDEO PREVIEWS AND COMPLETE CATALOG ONLINE DECEMBER 26TH

Dave Duello (307) 220-3645 and the Partners of the Western Elite Sale

0536 This heifer’s built for speed. She’s major donor candidate material and loaded with power, hair and substance.



Livestock Plus Inc.

January 2013


News Release

Collegiate and 4-H/FFA Judging Contest to be held at the 2013 Iowa Beef Expo

Des Moines, IA- The Iowa State Fairgrounds Livestock Pavilion will be the site for one of the largest judging contests in the Midwest. The judging contest is scheduled to hold registration from 7:30 A.M. – 8:30 A.M. with the Judging contest beginning at 9:00 A.M. sharp February 10, 2013 opening day for the 2013 Iowa Beef Expo. The contest is open to Junior and Senior Collegiate and 4-H/FFA, teams where they will have the opportunity to test their skills. This judging contest is unique in the aspect that contestants will only evaluate classes of beef cattle.


Livestock Plus Inc.

January 2013

Traditional judging contests include the evaluation of beef, swine, and sheep. We would like to take this opportunity to invite you to the 2013 Iowa Beef Expo Livestock Judging Contest. We hope that your judging season is off to a great start as the spring season begins to unfold. Again this year, in an effort to speed up the registration process, there will be an online registration form; they are located on the Iowa Beef Expo website. Pre-entry is required for participation in the contest. Contest registration is scheduled to begin at 7:30 A.M. in the Gammon Barn, located east of the Livestock Pavilion, with the contest beginning at 9:00 A.M. sharp. The Iowa Beef Expo judging contest will consist of approximately 10 classes of breeding, market and prospect cattle. Performance data and scenarios will be included with some of the classes. 3 sets of oral reasons will be given by the 4-H/FFA division. Teams will consist of 4 members and all scores count. No limit on the number of teams. Entry fees are $45 per 4-H/FFA teams and $15 per individual. The college teams will be divided into a senior and junior division, both divisions will give 6 sets of oral reasons. Teams will consist of 5 members and all scores count. No limit on the number of teams. Entry fees are $100 per College Team and $25 per individual. This includes a lunch at no additional charge. For More Information Contact: Iowa State University Iowa Beef Expo JonDeClerck Joe Sweeney Dept. Animal Science Iowa Beef Expo Intern 515-294-5910 641-373-4341 Contest Coordinator: Doug Steele 641-740-0121 For information regarding the Iowa Beef Expo contact: Mindy Campfield, Expo Director 515-966-0075 or visit www.iowabeef­ n




43rd Mark of Excellence

Simmental Sale Sponsored by IA Simmental Assn.

Monday, February 11, 2013 IA State Fairgrounds - Des Moines, IA

GA Top Fuel 161Y


Big Mac

JAG Step Forward 110Z

Cason’s Mr. Tate

THO Gold Rush 871Z

Long's Powerload Z13


RBS You’re Right

HL Roxie Y818

SS Val

TBSF Ebony’s Joy 9Y

Bred Mr. NLS Upgrade Silvia 16Z

Bred TJCS Optimus Prime Haines Cow 118Z

Bred SS Ebony’s Grandmaster

Bred Silveiras Style

Scott Moxy

Drake Command Lady Z28

Sale Staff

Greg Miller ............................. 608-778-8785 Jim Suver ............................... 402-690-7354 Marshall Ruble ........................515-231-3198 Jeremie Ruble ........................ 406-581-7940 Buddy Robertson ................... 580-747-7000 Chance Ujazdowski ................920-213-1969 Ed Creason, ASA ................... 573-823-5635 Phil Schooley ......................... 641-777-0478


Harold Williams 641-344-4786 Iowa Simmental Association

Watch PreSale Parade Feb. 10 at 1 P.M.


Jeniffer Gardner.indd 1

12/13/12 9:47 AM


Junior Steer & Heifer Show Entries Due February 1st NO LATE ENTRIES ACCEPTED Young people interested in showing in the Junior Steer & Heifer Show at the 2013 Iowa Beef Expo should note that entries must be postmarked NO LATER than February 1st. Again this year the IJBBA is accepting on-line entries via their website. No late entries will be accepted! The only cattle that will be allowed to enter after February 1st are heifers, which are purchased in one of the 2013 Iowa Beef Expo Sales held during the week. Iowa Junior Beef Breeds steer and heifer exhibitors will be competing for the title and prizes which will be presented to the exhibitors of the Top 5 Supreme Champion Market Animal and the Supreme Champion Breeding Heifer at the 2013 Iowa Beef Expo. The Iowa Junior Beef Breeds Steer & Heifer show will be held the final weekend of the Iowa Beef Expo, February 16-17, 2013. Only Iowa residents are eligible to show in the Junior Show.


Livestock Plus Inc.

January 2013

The Year-End Awards Program is scheduled to be held on Saturday, February 16th at 8:00 a.m. in the Livestock Pavilion. For more information about IJBBA please log onto Entries are due postmarked no later than February 1st and sent to: Jenny Studer, I.J.B.B.A. Advisor 3014 130th Street Creston, Iowa 50801 Phone: 319-530-3056 Iowa Beef Expo Junior Show Schedule The Iowa Junior Beef Breeds Association (IJBBA) has set the final schedule for events being held in conjunction with the Junior Steer & Heifer Show at the 2013 Iowa Beef Expo. Exhibitors are reminded that entries are due postmarked NO LATER than February 1st with no late entries being accepted. ARRIVAL TIMES: Because we will be checking in ALL junior cattle on Friday, February 15th, junior exhibitors may arrive late Thursday evening and go to the tie-outs until we can get cattle into the open class barn. We will get as many junior cattle into the barn Thursday evening as possible, however, No junior cattle will be allowed in the open class barn until the barn managers give the ok. The Open Class Barn will be closed to all IJBBA Exhibitors for sales and cleaning from 3:00 - 9:00 p.m. Many exhibitors will be allowed in the barn late Thursday evening, but because the Chianina Sale will be held on Thursday evening, counties assigned stalls in those aisles will not be allowed in the barn until Friday morning. Final stalling assignments will not be made available until Thursday, February 14th so please don’t call and ask for them until that time. CHECK-IN 8:00 AM to 12:30 PM on FRIDAY FEBRUARY 15th: ALL junior cattle, purebred and crossbreds will be checked in Friday, Feb 15th beginning at 8:00 A.M. in the Livestock Pavilion. Check-in will close at 12:30 P.M. All animals need to have health papers to exhibit. Purebred steers and heifers must bring their

Mikkeys_Oct 2012_Layout 1 12/14/12 10:24 PM Page 1

Quality Service for Superior Genetics Bovine embryo transfer services

Superovulation and collection Embryo freezing • Embryo transfers Donor boarding Vince Collison, DVM • Jane Collison, DVM Tim Collison, DVM 1010 N. Hancock Street •  Lake City, IA 51449

(712) 464-7407

registration papers with them at the time of check-in. Commercial heifers and all market animals will be weighed for class breaks. SHOWMASTER SHOWMANSHIP SHOWDOWN: Showmaster® Feeds is now sponsoring the Showmanship contest at the 2013 Iowa Beef Expo. The Showmaster® Showmanship Showdown will be held on Friday, February 15th at 3:30 pm. This is a no fit showmanship contest. Showmaster® will be offering $1000 in scholarships in each division with the Champions receiving a $600 scholarship and the Reserves receiving a $400 scholarship. Also every person that participates will receive a coupon for free Showmaster® Feed. Take advantage of this great opportunity and participate in the Showmaster® Showmanship Showdown this year! Classes will be broken into 13 and under for juniors and 14 and up for seniors, using your age as of January 1st. It is not necessary to show your animal, but you MUST BE exhibiting an animal in the 2013 Winter Expo Junior Show. Exhibitors and spectators can expect the following show order on February 16 – 17, 2013. IOWA BEEF EXPO 2013 JUNIOR SHOW ORDER: Saturday Feb. 16 8:00 A.M. Market Beef Ring 1 Year End Awards Angus, Charolais Chianina Gelbvieh Hereford Limousin Lowline Percentage Lowline Maine Anjou Miniature Hereford Red Angus Salers Shorthorn Plus Shorthorn Simmental South Devon Market Heifers

Saturday Feb. 16 8:00 A.M. Br. Heifers Ring 2 Year End Awards Horned Hereford Polled Hereford Shorthorn Plus Shorthorn Gelbvieh Balancer Gelbvieh Simbrah Foundation Simmental High % Simmental Charolais Composite Charolais Angus Chianina Salers South Devon Miniature Hereford Foundation Red Angus Red Angus Lim-Flex Limousin Lowline Percentage Lowline

Sunday Feb. 17 8:00 A.M. Market Beef Ring 1 Crossbred Steers Supreme Selection

Sunday Feb. 19 8:00 A.M. Br. Heifer Ring 2 Mainetainers High % Maine Anjou Commercial Supreme Selection For information regarding the Iowa Beef Expo contact: Mindy Campfield, Expo Director 515-966-0075 or visit our website at n


The Midwest's Largest and Most Prestigious Sale Offering!


Tuesday, Feb. 12, 2:30pm, Annual Meeting,



60 Spring Yearling bulls The cream of the crop from Iowa’s leading breeding programs. Each sells with individual performance, scrotal measurement, growth and carcass EPDs as reported on AHIR. 25 Mature Bulls Holiday Inn Downtown, Des Moines, IA Fall yearling and coming two year olds sell with complete Thursday, Feb 14, 10:30 am, Angus Sale, Iowa State Fairgrounds data, semen evaluation, and ready for heavy service. (starting w/ bulls) 43 Heifer Calves Iowa Angus Association The “Keepin’ Kind”. Outstanding herd replacements and Ron Skarda, President potential show heifers, many suitable for competition on Chris Miller, Vice President a national level. Remember to look up futurity eligible Tricia and Colby Holmes, Executive Secretaries heifers. Last years heifers took home $1000! Doug Schroeder, American Angus Association Dir. 7 Bred Heifers Livestock Press & Ringmen Heavy in calf and suitable for the most discriminating American Angus Association Angus entrepreneur. All bred to outstanding AI Sires! Wes Tiemann 816-244-4462 10 Embryo Lots Livestock Plus New DivisioN! Some of the best genetics that Iowa Mike Sorensen 641-745-7949 has to offer! Packages offered that will fit any cattlemen's Iowa Farmer Today/Midwest Marketer/Tri State Neighbor program. Tom Rooney 515-491-6025 Iowa State Fairgrounds, Wednesday, Feb. 13, 9:30am, Angus Show, Iowa State Fairgrounds (starting w/ females) Wednesday, Feb. 13, 6pm Social Hour, 7 pm Annual Banquet

Special Assignment Grant Conover - 515-419-1004

Internet Auction Service provided by: LiveAuctions.TV

BA Net Profit 101 was selected during the 2012 Expo and was extensively used as a herdsire this breeding season. Look for bulls like this

during the 2013 Expo!!!


Livestock Plus Inc.

January 2013


515-262-3111 OFFICE EXT: 301 OR 304 SALE RING EXT: 302 SETTLEMENT DESK: 307

CJ Ragin Rosa 35X was purchased during the 2012 expo and was shown successfully this summer Look for

females of this quality at the 2013 Expo!!

Maine-Anjou Parade & Sale Thursday, Feb. 14, 2013 :: 2:30 p.m. - Offering embryos by Predator, Special Delivery, I-80, Irish Whiskey and out of Nationally known donors as Daines Miss 42U (aka Black Betty), Radiant 12Y by HAA Sherriff and Majors Chardonnay! -

Black Betty


- Offering performance bulls sired by Real World, Ali, Gucci, Simplicity, Hairy Bear and more!


Irish Whiskey

Heifer Consignments...

Bull Consignments...

Sale Contact

Jim Opperman - 712.653.3032 NO TH & PHA CARRIERS ARE ALLOWED TO SELL


Cattle Chat

very patient and really taught me a lot. Clinics are another great way of learning and developing skills. As everyone knows that we travel all over the U.S.A. putting on clinics and are truly blessed to be able to share with others, the skills that God has blessed us with. This is something we don’t for granted and would like to thank everyone who has worked McCullough’s Jr. National Boot Camp take along side and hosted one of our clinics, and to everyone that has attended. We are very blessed to be able to work and have the The first semester is almost over and our kids are looking support of some great companies who stride to make great products forward, to school being out. If your family is like ours, they are that make everyone’s work easier. ready for summer to begin. While other children look forward to As we had mentioned a couple of months ago, we are hosting at sleeping in and spending the rest of the day playing video games, our ranch, for the first time, McCullough Fitting Clinic Jr. National kids that show cattle can’t wait to get up, rinse, and feed their cattle. Boot Camp. We are so excited to help Juniors prepare for their Jr. They love spending their time getting ready for the next show. The National breed shows. It will be held June 3-6th 2013 with the amount of time that they spend with their own cattle, doing their arrival day being the 2nd and going home the 6th evening or the 7th own work, will be rewarding and will pay off when they hit the ring. morning. We are planning to have a week packed full of learning It is seen in the harmony they have with the animal that they have and breaking down the events so that the youth can get more out been spending countless hours preparing. of the experience of the Jr. National events. Many of you who have Our Pastor at our church awhile back posed the question, if you attended our clinics know that we put God first and that it is so imwere to do something, anything willingly, without getting paid to do portant to us that we are going to emphasize that at this Boot Camp. it, what would it be? Ask the people in your family and see what We are very excited to have some great guest speakers coming their answers are? Whatever their answer is, that is what they are along as well. We feel that this event will help grow our youth, help passionate about. It is what they enjoy and what they would make them develop or discover their passions and make them take a look time for, if at all possible. God has instilled these interests in us, if at the bigger picture. We all need to put God first and be passionate we all had the same interests then everybody would do the same for Him first, then the rest will fall into place. thing. God has made us all different and I am glad that He gave There has been a lot of interest in this event but now it is time to me and my family the love for cattle. Whatever you are passionate get those forms filled out and turned in. You can download them about, you want to learn more about it and get better at it. from our website at and click on the link The big question for youth, that they will have to figure out, is where this Boot Camp is listed. If you have any questions feel free to what are they truly passionate about. In order for one to find their call, Chuck McCullough 641-344-5566, Karen McCullough 641true passion, you sometimes as parents have to be patient and we 344-5548. have to come out of our comfort zone. The breed Jr. National events are a great way of broadening a youth’s skills and opening their mind to a whole next level of competitions. Not to mention the connections that are being made and the friendships being formed with people all over the country. The 4-H program is another excellent program for the youth to explore so many different opportunities to develop and learn more about anything that interests them. Encourage them to explore different avenues. It may even challenge you to learn more about something. Challenge them to do their best and not pass the job off on someone else. Be supportive and help them to find what their passion is. I think the best way of doing this, is to find someone who is in the field of what interests them, and allow the youth to observe what makes that person successful at what they do. Encourage them to ask questions and assist where they can. I recall when I was a kid starting out in cattle, our vet in Canada or our neighbor, would come over to work on our cattle, or clip my calves. I have no doubt in my mind that they thought I was a very inquisitive kid. (LOL more like a pain). I was always right there. They were

Discover Your Passion


Livestock Plus Inc.

January 2013

April 26-28, 2013

Mexico, MO Contact: Melinda Bastin 573.523.6104 or 573.253.4913 email:

May 3-5, 2013

Harrison County Clinic Bethany, MO Contact: Andrea Milligan Andrea Cell: 660.425.5642 Teela: 660.868.0433 email:

May 25-26, 2013

Sarpy County Fairgrounds Springfield, NE Contact: Stacy Kersten Cell: 402.618.8918 (leave message) email:

May 27-29, 2013

Chase County Fairgrounds Imperial, NE Contact: Arlys Cupp or Kelsey Steinkraus Arlys: 308.882.6361 • Kelsey: 308.882.1456 Arlys email: Kelsey email:

June 3-7, 2013

March 22-24, 2013

Iowa County Fairgrounds Contact: Mary Veatch 4-H Youth Coordinator 319.642.5504 email:

April 5-7, 2013

Cole County 4-H - Cole County Extension 2436 Tanner Bridge Road Jefferson City, MO 65101 Contact: Diane Temmen 573.634.2824 ext. 300 email:

April 13-14, 2013

Adams County Fairgrounds Golden, IL Contact: Jake Patterson 217.440.8309 email:

April 20-21, 2013

McDonough Co. Fairgrounds Macomb, IL Contact: Jake Patterson 217.440.8309 email:

McCullough Jr. National Boot Camp MaineAim Ranch - Allerton, IA Contact: Karen McCullough 641.344.5548 (leave message) email: Special Clinic in preparation for all Junior National Breed Show Events. Ages 12-21.

June 10-12, 2013

Stutsman County 511 2nd Ave SE/205 6th St SE Jamestown, ND 58401 Contact: Debra Hatlewick 701.320.6293 email:

July 16-17, 2013

Circle, Montana Contact: Glen or Connie Idland 406.485.2292 or 406.974.2293 email:

If you don’t see a clinic booked in your area and this is something you would be interested in hosting, contact Karen at



N e b r as k a C at t l e m e n ’ s Classic Buffalo Co. Fairgrounds – Kearney, Nebraska

monday, Febr uar y 18 All Day 8-10 am 11 am

5 pm 7 pm

Commercial Exhibitors set-up Registration Ranch Sort, Team Penning, Speed Penning, Team Roping Ranch Sort, Team Penning will follow, followed by Speed Penning Open - Including Sale Horses Exhibitor’s Reception Team Roping Closed to sale entries only

tuesday, Febr uar y 19 8 am 9 am

9:30 am 10 am 12-1:30 pm 2 pm 5 pm 7 pm

wedne 9 am 10 am 10 am 11am 1:30 pm 2 pm 3 pm 5 pm

Horse Check-In All Hereford, Polled Hereford & Red Angus in barn Ranch Horse Competition (Part 1) Working Dog Check-In Working Dog Demonstrations Ranch Horse Competition (Part 2) Cattlemen’s Social Ranch Horse Sale

Friday, Febr uar y 22 9 am

10 am 10 am 11 am 1:30 pm 2 pm 3 pm 5 pm 5:30 pm 6:30 pm

Saturday, Febr uar y 23

7:30 am 8 am-12 pm 10 am 11 am 1 pm 2 pm 3 pm sday, Febr uar y 20 4 pm All Angus, Simmental & Charolais in barn Hereford Show (Ring 1) Red Angus Show (Ring 2) Polled Hereford Show (Ring 1) Hereford Sale Polled Hereford Sale Red Angus Sale Special Event TBA Cattlemen’s Prime Rib Sandwiches

7 pm

8 am

sponsored by Kuhn Knight of Lexington, NE

9 am

9 am 10 am 11 am 1:30 pm 2:30 pm 3:30 pm 5:30 pm 6 pm 6:30 pm NEW


All Limousin, Balancer/Gelbvieh, Shorthorn in the barn Angus Show (Ring 1) Simmental Show (Ring 2) Charolais Show (Ring 1) Angus Sale Simmental Sale Charolais Sale Fancy Pen of 3 Judging Royal Dinner - all cattlemen welcome Royal Ice Sale & Pen of 3 Heifer Sale Prospect Steer Sale

Livestock Plus Inc.

January 2013

Classic Judging Registration Junior Show Check-In Maine Anjou/MaineTainer Show (Ring 1) Chimaine/Chiangus Show (Ring 1) Maine Anjou/MaineTainer Sale Chimaine/Chiangus Sale Judging Contest Awards Junior Showmanship Blow-n-Go (We will stop showmanship at 6:30 pm & resume following Supreme Row Judging if needed.) Supreme Row Judging

Sunday, Febr uar y 24

Wine-n-Beef Tasting

t h u r s day, F e b r ua r y 2 1

All Maine Anjou & Chimaines/ Chiangus in barn Limousin Show (Ring 1) Shorthorn Show & Shorthorn Plus Show (Ring 2) Balancer/Gelbvieh Show (Ring 1) Limousin Sale Balancer/Gelbvieh Sale Shorthorn Sale Shorthorn Plus Sale Classic Burger Bash NEW Unique Cattlemen’s Auction Replacement Heifer Pen of 5 Sale

Junior Show – One Ring Market Heifers followed by Market Steers Selection of the Supreme Market Animal, Breeding Heifer Show to follow

Commercial & Live Cattle Displays

Mon Tues-Sat Sun (opt.)

Set-up by 12 pm 10 am-7 pm 9 am-4 pm This is a preliminary

schedule of events for the 2013 Classic.

For More Information 308.627.6385

aska aska

The event for cattlemen of all ages! February 18th - 24th, The event for cattlemen of2013 all ages! February 18th - 24th, 2013

Chimaine – Chiangus and the Commercial Man’s Replacement Heifer Sales.

Angus Sale Angus Sale

Gelbvieh-Balancer Sale Gelbvieh-Balancer Sale

These These Bulls Bulls all all sell sell at at the the Classic Classic Sales…plus many more!

Simmental Sale Simmental Sale

Hereford Sale Hereford Sale

All the Classic sales will feature a powerful set of coming two year old bulls and yearling bulls.

The The Classic Classic Sales Sales feature feature an an ELITE ELITE offering offering of of Bred Bred Heifers Heifers and and Fancy Show Heifer Prospects. Fancy Show Heifer Prospects.

Classic Classic Royal Royal Ice Ice Sale Sale Thursday, Feb. 21st

Feb.of 21st AThursday, Royal offering BEEF A Royal offering of CATTLE Genetics that BEEF you can’t CATTLE Genetics that you and can’t afford to miss ! Make sure affordlook to miss ! Make sure and at this offering. look at this offering.

A Donor Cow Supreme is featured in the Classic Simmental SheSupreme is a full sib Chopper. SheClassic sells safe A DonorSale. Cow is to featured in the to calf to GCC Standard. full sisterShe is pictured Simmental Sale.Gold She is a full sibHer to Chopper. sells safe here that sold for $15,000 for half interest. to calf to GCC Gold Standard. Her full sister is pictured

here that sold for $15,000 for half interest.

Buffalo County Fairgrounds | Kearney, Nebraska

Buffalo Countyinformation Fairgrounds | Kearney, Nebraska For additional , please call: 308-627-6385 For additional information, please call: 308-627-6385

Bulls Bulls - Bred - BredHeifers Heifers -- Fancy Fancy Show Show Heifer HeiferProspects Prospects- Embryo - Embryo Packages Packages

A TREMENDOUS offering at the Classic in the Hereford, Polled Hereford, A TREMENDOUS offering at the Classic in theFancy Hereford, Polled Hereford, Red Angus, Angus, Simmental, Charolais, Pen of 3 Heifers, Red Angus, Simmental, Charolais, Fancy Pen ofMaine 3 Heifers, Prospect Steers,Angus, Limousin, Gelbvieh-Balancer, Shorthorn, Anjou, Prospect Steers, Limousin, Gelbvieh-Balancer, Shorthorn, Maine Anjou, Chimaine – Chiangus and the Commercial Man’s Replacement Heifer Sales.




the ranch.

The event for cattlemen of all ages! February 18th - 24th, 2013

Here is a ranch raised mare that hasCompetition been Ranch Horse & Sale used in the pasture Feb. 19th Tuesday, Competition : 9:30 a.m. and the arena. She Cow Work begins at 2 p.m. Sale: 7 p.m. lovesBroke to work!Geldings and Mares. Several of these sale Selling 30 Ranch features are heading and heeling rope horses.

Monday, Feb 18th

NOON - Cattle Dog Demonstration & Dog Displays

The Classic will select a SUPREME CLASSIC HORSE with $1,000 presented.

Feedlot Sort and Speed Penning followed by a Jackpot Team Roping This stout Palomino is athletic. These events are open Gelding toStarted all cowboys heeling and

seems to be a natural.

Several breeders will be on hand for private treaty dog sales – including puppies This stout Dun Mare is perfect for anyone… rodeo to the ranch.

CLASSIC MARKET PLACE Here is a ranch raised mare that has been used in the pasture and the arena. She loves to work!

Monday, Feb 18th

Feedlot Sort and Speed Penning followed by a Jackpot Team Roping These events are open to all cowboys

NOON - Cattle Dog Demonstration & Dog Displays

Several breeders will be on hand for private treaty dog sales – including puppies

Features nearly 100 vendors ! The Classic Commercial CLASSIC MARKET PLACE Trade show offers a variety of types of displays that are Features nearly open 100 dailyvendors from 10! The a.m.Classic to 7 p.m.Commercial Trade show offers a variety of types of displays that are open daily from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.


Livestock Plus Inc.

January 2013


This powerful Charolais Bull of all ages! The event for cattlemen February 18th - 24th, 2013 sells at the Classic. Event ANebraska’s tremendous set of BREDFamily HEIFERS andWinter

that features Ranch Sort, Team Penning, Speed Penning, Ranch Horse Competition, Dog Trials, Dog Displays, Cattle Shows & Sales, Fancy Pen of 3 Heifer Sale, Prospect Steer Sale, Replacement Heifer Pen of 5 Sale, Live Cattle Displays, Commercial Trade Show, Livestock Judging Contest, Junior Show, FFA Day, Scholarship Programs and MUCH MORE !

FANCY OPEN HEIFERS will be offered at the CLASSIC SALES. Juniors take note of the

tremendous show heifer prospects that will be featured during the Classic Sales. These heifers sell plus many more throughout the week! HE SELLS!

A POWERFUL set of BULLS will be featured at the CLASSIC SALES. These BULLS and many more QUALITY Herd Sires are selling! This soggy, stout bull is out of the famous Simmental Donor SS Magnificent Dreams. He sells in the Classic Simmental Sale !

This powerful Charolais Bull sells at the Classic. A tremendous set of BRED HEIFERS and

FANCY OPEN HEIFERS will be offered at the CLASSIC SALES.

BuffaloJuniors CountytakeFairgrounds | Kearney, Nebraska note of the tremendous show heifer prospects that will be featured during the Classic Sales. These heifers sell plus many more throughout the week!

For additional information, please call: 308-627-6385

Buffalo County Fairgrounds | Kearney, Nebraska For additional information, please call: 308-627-6385

men Don’t Commercial Miss Cattlemen the Classic Don’t Miss the Sales Classic Sales ! !

Classic Simmental Sale !


Champion Maine Bull

s Champion , e like thes sell!

Watch online at

Selling 14 bulls, s! 10 Heesianfdevideros at

Champion Maine Heifer

Consignors include: Destiny Livestock, Doyle DeJong View pictur om Eastview Maines sstockshow.c www.blackhill Hansen Cattle Company Holt Brothers Howard, Brent Marico Ranch For info. & catalog, contact: Scheel & Muller Audra & Jim Scheel: 605-545-1521 Vogel, Larson & Larson Lorie & Doyle DeJong 605-923-5398 Weber Show Cattle BHSS office 605-355-3861 Weller, Tag & Gage

114th American Royal Livestock Show October 23 – November 3, 2013

Supporting Youth & Education Since 1899[ DNA DEADLINES Market steer DNA validation deadline, postmarked on or before May 1st, 2013 Market hog, lamb & goat DNA validation deadline, postmarked on or before August 1, 2013

Other Important Deadlines: Market steer ownership deadline, May 1st, 2013 Market hog, lamb & goat ownership deadline, August 1, 2013 Junior heifer ownership deadline, September 10, 2013 Entry deadline, September 10, 2013 American Royal presented by

Livestock Show presented by

Where the best are shown! 48

Livestock Plus Inc.

January 2013

HPF Melody M011

1/2 Blood by MR BFC Trademark Kolby

1/2 Blood by BC Lookout

1/2 Blood- Bred to Ruby’s Wide Open 909W

HPF Miss Independence P005 - Shockforce Daughter Sells

Purebred by JF Milestone

3/4 Blood - Trendsetter x In Dew Time

Silverstone Chyna Marie - Selling Embryos

Heifer pregnancy by Ruby NFF Excalibur

Purebred by Schockforce

from the WW Miss Pep 58H Cow Family


Gruhn Dispersal_Layout 1 12/13/12 10:15 AM Page 1


Land & Cattle Auction Co. Mike Williams Owner - Auctioneer

18130 Brush Creek Rd. Higginsville, MO 64037

ph: 660-584-5210 cell: 816-797-5450

Monte W. Lowderman The Sound You Recognize “Building a Reputation 1 Sale at a Time” Macomb, IL 61455

Off: (309) 833-5543 H: (309) 836-SELL(7355) Choice Dates Available For Fall Sales

AL CONOVER Auctioneer P.O. Box 9 Baxter, IA 50028



Livestock Plus Inc.

January 2013

GoodFellas Bids Close 7pm

The Bull Sale • January 27, 2013 • Corydon, IA

Mc Conahay Cattle Co. Sires include: Excalibur, Macho, Dream On Sons, OCC New Attraction, GCC Wizard, Salute, MCC Cupid

Murphy Cattle Co. 660-287-7727


2348 Hwy 2 • Corydon, IA 50060 Brad McConahay

20 Bulls 15 Simm-Angus Bred Heifers


All cattle are located at McConahay cattle in Corydon

Conducted by Caldwell-Willoughby

Sandy Show Cattle 641-203-2875

Horstman Cattle Co. 765-426-0426

Lukavsky Cattle Co. 641-344-1009


is the vast TransOva Genetics operation where a large number of embryo transfers and clones are produced for purebred cattle operations all over the U.S. Every place we went, producers were asked about the manure smell. Everyone said the smell of the manure was the smell of money, including farm wives. Sioux Center is the county seat with 6,500 people, with the county population 32,000 plus. The county has seven car dealerships and five hospitals, among other things. There is only one alcohol plant in the county, but four just outside the county. The county runs out of corn about planting time and imports corn until harvest time. They have a swine packing plant and an animal feed equipment manufacturing plant. I’ve never seen anyplace that begins to compare as far as livestock per square mile is concerned. He can compress the most words into the smallest ideas of any man I ever met. Earlier this fall (early October), Kevin Sothman, my Purina Salesman and I attended the National Angus Conference and Tour in Kansas, headquartered out of Wichita. Besides good speakers the first day, we visited ranches in the northeast part of the state, the second day (at one point we were half way back home) and in southwestern Kansas the third day. I was especially interested in a presentation by Dr. Daryl Strohbehn, Iowa State U. and Dr. Bob Weaber, Kansas State U. Their presentation was, “Feed Efficiency and Its Impact on Production Systems.” Most of the stops on the tour were at good performance herds: McCurry Bros., Sankey, Fink, Lyons, Historic Cottonwood Falls, Pratt Feeders, Gardiner, Giles, and Stuckey. I will prepare and some day my chance will come. Bud Williams, Independence, Kansas, inventor of the “Bud Box” for low stress cattle handling died from pancreatic cancer on November 25th. Bud was about 80 years old. He, along with Temple Grandin, revolutionized livestock handling by use of simple Commentary alleys and pens plus gentle handling. Bud was so good with gentle Eby.indd 1 12/16/12 3:49 PM handling, he could bring wild animals into catches in Africa. He taught classes with 50 students each on how to work cattle with gentle handling. Over a period of years he taught hundreds of students how to work cattle. Temple Grandin is 15 years younger, still working at Colorado by Evan Rayl State U. as an animal science instructor and lecturing all over the As we have just celebrated this past Christmas with the birthWorld about autism as well as gentle livestock handling. Temple day of our blessed Savior, we are left with a whole lot to think was born with autism and she didn’t learn to speak until she was about as we go forward to the New Year. For those farmers and four. She has a B.S. Degree from Franklin Pierce U., a M.S. from ranchers holding a large volume of cattle, the picture looks good Arizona State U., and a Doctorate degree from U. Of Illinois at if we don’t go over the fiscal cliff, but if those same cattlemen Champaign. She is considered one of “the 100 most influential who are hoping to leave their holdings to the next generation, people in the world.” It is said she has designed over half of all uncertainty about the estate laws are leaving them wondering if the livestock handling facilities in meat packing plants currently in they will actually be able to pass their land on to the next generaexistence. Temple says she is able to do this because “she thinks in tion. Usually, cattlemen consider winter to be a good time of the pictures.” She was the subject of a very popular movie titled with year. It depends on if they don‘t get too much or too little snow, her name in recent years about her life and work. can make it to Denver for the Stock Show, an information meeting or two, the State Beef Expo, or a few winter or spring cattle sales. If I were two-faced, would I be wearing this one? It appears, this year, there is more uncertainty about the future All of above quotes are from our very best President than usual. Abraham Lincoln, 16th President of the United States

A Little Bit About a Whole Lot of Things

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt. Recently, I was invited to go on a long one day bus trip to Sioux County, in northwest Iowa. This county is about 60 miles north of Sioux City, Iowa. Plus, this county has a vast number of livestock of about every kind except beef cows. One can not believe the amount of livestock in the county. There is a huge number of fat cattle in open lots and in confinements. There are lots of both farrow to finish and finishing hog operations. There are many chicken operations and even an egg breaking plant. There are a number of producers raising meat goats. Then there


Livestock Plus Inc.

January 2013

The Driftless Region Beef Conference will be held on January 31 & February 1, 2013 at the Grand River Conference Center and Grand Harbor Resort and Waterpark, Dubuque, Iowa. Subjects to be covered: beef cattle feed efficiency, market outlook, alternative feedstuffs and changing co-products, comparison of finishing housing systems, pro’s and con’s of crossbreeding, beef pasture management, winter cow feeding strategies, replacement female strategies, and marketing holstein steers. Speakers are experts in their subject areas. Sponsor and exhibitor displays and much more will be there as well. Program cost is $80 before January 23rd and $100 after. Lodging is $79 per night. See you there. n

Saturday, Saturday, FEBRUARY 22 FEBRUARY 1:00 p.m. EST 1:00 p.m. EST

Green Oak Farm Marketing Center Green Oak Farm Marketing New Paris, Ohio Center New Paris, Along I-70 & US 40 -Ohio 10 minutes Along I-70 US 40 - 10INminutes from&Richmond, from Richmond, IN

I-80 x The Answer x Bando 333 50% MaineTainer - BW 72 lbs

Quirk Superior Superior xx Plainview Plainview Lutton Lutton His dam was was Reserve His dam Reserve Champion Champion at at the the '09 '09 NWSS NWSS

HB Alternative x Bando 1024 x Grizz Chiangus Chiangus Bull Bull


SimAngus Bred Heifer Schroeder Avenger SimAngus Bredx Black HeiferJoker SellsAvenger bred to Journey Schroeder x Black Joker

Sells bred to Journey

Chimaine Bred Heifer JSAR Mr Doctor x HFR Hairy Chimaine Bred Heifer Sells to xJourney JSAR Mr bred Doctor HFR Hairy

Sells bred to Journey

Breeding the Cowman’s Kind BreedingSince the Cowman’s 1975 Kind

Since 1975

Quality That Wins Quality Thatthat Wins and Cow Power Lasts!

and Cow Power that Lasts!

The cattle are on display every day at the farm. Stop by or call today!

The cattle are on display every day at the farm. Stop by or call today!

27804 Saxon Road - Galva, IL 61434 Bob: 309.883.1223 - Jim: 309.854.3524 27804 Saxon Road563.272.1778 - Galva, IL 61434 Chad Horsley:

Bob: 309.883.1223 - Jim: 309.854.3524 Chad Horsley: 563.272.1778

HB Cattle . . . HB ... TheCattle Program The Program Makes the Makes the Difference!

Come and see why! Difference!

Come and see why!

For your FREE copy of the sale reference catalog log on to or contact the marketing agent at:

For your FREE copy of the sale reference catalog log on to or contact the85marketing at: P.O. Box - Elmore,agent OH 43416 419.862.0117 (office) P.O. Box 85 - Elmore, OH 43416 419.350.9159 (sale days) 419.862.0117 419.862.0119 (office) (fax) 419.350.9159 (sale days) 419.862.0119 (fax)






• Exciting new addition to the Accelerated Genetics lineup. • First calf crop was outstanding. • Final Solution has been used extensively in the Connealy and Cherry Knoll herds. • He has sired winners at Denver Stock Show and American Royal. • Sons were one of the high selling sire groups at the 2012 Connealy Angus Sale, NE.



10 -.5 .50 .73




59 113 .15 .62 .53 .35





.5 1.73 1 .54 .62 .38















9 .13

22 .20

57 .31

.4 -8.51 .22

44 .31

.32 .41

.82 .36

.010 .35

40 6





26.13 19.20





ApEx WINdY 078 014AN00366 Reg#: 16237970 Windy 702 x Mtn Front 004

• Windy 078 conbines calving ease with superior performance, fertility and a great disposition. • He puts it all together in a moderate frame, muscular package with an outcross pedigree. • Windy 078 comes from a strong maternal family. His dam has a weaning record of 115 on two calves. ExpECTEd prOgENY dIFFErENCES ANd $VALUES (INFO AS OF 11/30/2012) prOdUCTION Epd Acc






4 .63

2.4 .85

71 110 .12 .79 .59 .49





.5 1.50 26 .30 .71 .24










4 .26

35 .32

24 .31

.4 -20.86 28 .22 .27

.39 .38

-.5 .31

.036 .31

12 2







RiCK PiNKERMAN Regional Sales Manger 660-425-1090 JoN HERRiCK District Sales Mgr. Regional Beef Specialist 308-627-6431




44.24 43.55










ERiN HANRAHAN SoutHWESt iA & NoRtHWESt Mo District Sales Manger 515-494-8619 DANNY BECKMAN - EAStERN iA & il District Sales Manger 319-750-1174 GERAlD FEiKEMA - SD, NE, & NW iA District Sales Manger 605-695-1459


Livestock Plus Inc.

January 2013


Bussmus Angus

Herdsmen: Jon Bussmus: 605.770.6774 • 605.996.3265 Justin Bussmus: 605.770.9294

Gary, Cindy and Family Mitchell, SD Auctioneer: Al Conover 641-227-3537

Justin Dikoff 605-290-0635

At the Ranch, in a heated facility (I-90 Exit 325, 4 miles north, 1 east, 1/4 north)


Livestock Plus Inc.

January 2013


Matt Lowery Professional Livestock Auctioneer

308-750-6119 Burwell,NE

"Lut" Semen 3 packages of 3 units

Sell in Jan 18, 2013 The Foundation Angus Female Sale (never been out of the bull stud)

kPlus_Full Page:Layout 1 1/17/12 9:12 PM Page 1



Livestock Plus Inc.

January 2013

Fair View Eline 234Z (Daughter of Fair View ElineRider) 234Z Midnight (Daughter of Midnight Rider)

BCC BCC Midnight Midnight RideR RideR

SiRe: SiRe: Limestone Limestone Darkhorse Darkhorse U322 U322 daM: Lazy H Bar Forever Lady 720 (EXAR daM: Lazy H Bar Forever Lady 720 (EXAR Lutton Lutton 1831) 1831) PB Angus • AAA# 16829319 •1/28/2010 • BW: 72 lbs. • WW: 820 lbs. EPD’s BW: +2.9 :: WW: +45 :: YW: +88 :: MILK: +23

Lazy H Bar Lazy H Bar Forever Forever Lady Lady 720 720 (Dam of Midnight (Dam of Midnight Rider) Rider) “Midnight Rider” “Midnight Rider” Mature Picture

Exceptional phenotype-outstanding cow family. “Midnight Rider” is the ideal sire choice to produce superb Angus and Simm/Angus show cattle. If you are looking to add a little Angus influence to your club calf cows, be sure to give him a try. Tremendous power, muscle shape and style, in a low birth weight package. “Midnight “Midnight Rider’s” Rider’s” first first calf calf crop crop was was outstanding! outstanding! Use Use this this young young calving calving ease ease sire sire with with confidence! confidence! package.

Jim & Mona Pomerenke Jim & Mona Calumet, Iowa •Pomerenke 712.446.2398 Calumet, Iowa • 712.446.2398

Steve Pomerenke & Family SteveMinnesota Pomerenke• &507.525.0986 Family Fairmont, Fairmont, Minnesota • 507.525.0986

www.SteppingStonegenetiCS.CoM www.SteppingStonegenetiCS.CoM


Let him start your new year right! Selling 1/2 interest!

Dam: PB Shorthorn out of Sin City • Sire: I-80 DOB: April • Polled Bull BW: 55lbs Can be dual registered

MDF Farms

Tekamah, NE

Goat Milk Stuff_Layout 1 12/16/12 4:11 PM Page 1


Livestock Plus Inc.

January 2013

Kim Fleischman Cell (402) 307-0700 Matt Fleischman Cell (402) 307-0500


Super BULL Monday!!

ANGUS RANC L L I M D H WIN 39thAnnuAl Production SAle


February 4, 2013

1:00PM (MST) • At the ranch • Haigler, NE 2 Miles East on US Hwy 34

Raising big, stout two-year-old bulls for over 60 years!!



head sell!

Top new herd sire at Windmill Angus Ranch

Semen-$20 Cert.-$50 Discounts for volume orders


BW -.3 • WW +73 • YW +117 MARB +.20 • RE +.48 $B +63.40

50 60



BW +1 • WW +54 • YW +108 MARB +.49 • RE +.92 $B +78.75


Your one stop supplier of feed efficient, hard working, stout bulls for over sixty years!

Reg. two-yearold bulls Reg. fall bulls Reg. yearling bulls Reg. open heifers Open commercial heifers


Ad Design by Chrisman Cattle Services

Many top sons sell! TC Forthright • O’Neills Renovation • HA Image Maker 0415 • LCC New Standard MOGCK Whispering Wind 584 • SAF Connection • SydGen CC & 7 and more! Joan or Alex Peterson • 31820 Hwy 34 • Haigler, NE 69030 308-297-3368 • • 62

Livestock Plus Inc.

January 2013

Trauernicht Simmentals

ProducTion SalE 2013 38th Annual Sale held on Sunday, February 3rd at 12:00 Noon Sharp! Sale Location: Beatrice 77 Livestock, Beatrice, Nebraska

SELLING 65 PERFORMANCE TESTED BULLS • 43 years in the business! “Quality is bred on...not fed on.”

3/4 SM 1/4 AN

LHT Mr Cut Above 32Z

Flying B Cut Above x 3C Macho M450 BZ EPDs: 3 3.4 61 86 6 20 50 * 10.8 Carcass: 26.1 -.13 .20 -.06 .23 88 59


LHT Mr Steel Force 75Z

SVF Steel Force S701 x Remington Red Label HR EPDs: 8 2.2 61 86 7 18 48 17 10.3 Carcass: 23.9 -.21 .02 -.04 .63 100 59

1/2 SM 1/2 AN

LHT Mr Combination 64Z

GLS Combination R2 x O C C Legend 616L EPDs: 10 1.7 67 106 3 15 49 * 14.8 Carcass: 35.5 -.24 .30 -.04 .90 108 70

LHT Mr Brilliance 73Z

EPDs: 11 1.3 66 99 12 24 57 * 4.3 Carcass: 30.8 -.07 .17 -.03 .39 116 65

LHT Mr Dream On 303Z

CNS Dream On L186 x G&L Blackfoot 7160 EPDs: 7 3.2 56 76 12 20 48 19 5.4 Carcass: 19.9 -.26 .00 .09 -.06 .53 104 57

1/2 SM 1/2 AN

LHT Mr Bismark 103Z

SAV Bismarck 5682 x Triple C Invasion R47K EPDs: 12 0.1 53 84 11 31 57 * 5.9 Carcass: 20.4 -.24 .19 -.04 .67 113 60

1/2 SM 1/2 AN SAV Brilliance 8077 x SVF Cracker Barrel L011



LHT Mr Herbie 63Z

SVF Steel Force S701 x Remington Red Label HR EPDs: 8 2.2 61 86 7 18 48 17 10.3 Carcass: 23.9 -.21 .02 -.04 .63 100 59

1/2 SM 1/2 AN

LHT Mr Mo Majic 51Z

SC Mo Magic S47 x O C C Legend 616L EPDs: 8 2.2 72 113 2 16 * 16.4 Carcass: 40.6 -.11 .13 -.04 .56 91 68

515 E Pine Road, Wymore, NE 68466 Loren 402-645-8306 or 402-230-0812 Scott 402-645-8194 or 402-239-1272

Guest Breeder State Line Simmental 402-239-0843

Sale Day Phone 402-223-3571


LHT Mr S Force 35Z

Hooks Shear Force 38K x MRL Black Bear 79S EPDs: 14 1.3 67 97 14 24 57 21 15.8 Carcass: 29.1 -.30 .25 -.05 .88 133 71

Sale Managers: Eberspacher Ent. Office 507-532-6694 • Cell 612-805-7405 Kelly Schmidt 406-599-2395 Full offering online at

Performance Cattle with a Touch of Class!



Livestock Plus Inc.

January 2013


7x5 2c Lvsk Plus:7x5 2c Lvsk Plus


9:48 AM

Page 1



Tues. • February 26,2013 • 1 PM Ogallala Livestock Auction • Ogallala, Neb. 110 Registered Angus Bulls (Including 100 Yearlings & 10 Two-Year-Olds)

Buy ’em Your Way:

• 100% AI from industry leading sires • Bulls developed on native range, quarter-section pastures without creep feed • Majority are multi-generational calving ease bulls suitable for heifers • First breeding season guarantee and sight unseen purchases are guaranteed • Free delivery to surrounding states • All sell with complete health including trich testing • Ask about our “On Ranch Inspection” discounts that are in addition to volume and repeat buyer discounts! • Scanned carcass information available Feb. 1 at

Haynes Sterling 924 • 16505482 High selling bull in our 2010 sale. Semen available at Select Sires. Sons sell Feb. 26!

Sires Represented in Sale Offering:

Haynes Sterling • RB Barometer SAV Brilliance 8077 • Connealy Consensus 7229 Sitz Upward 307R • SAV Pioneer 7301 SAV Final Answer 0035 • Connealy Forward

For further information, contact:

Gale & Cynthia Haynes • Office: (970) 854-3310 • Cell: (970) 520-3374 • • 61284 CR 14 • Holyoke, CO 80734 Located 15 miles southeast of Holyoke, CO or 25 miles west of Imperial, NE • Check out our website at


Livestock Plus Inc.

January 2013

Hooks Yumi 70Y

Hooks Titus 31T x KS Bushy P246 1/2 SM • Bred to TJ Sharper Image

Hooks Yana 123Y

Hooks Final Analysis 7U x Hooks Tara 85T 5/8 SM • Bred to TJ Sharper Image

Hooks Union 68U

LBR Crockett R81 x Hooks Mika 141M PB • Bred to WS Beef King W107

Hooks Yahtzee 81Y

Hooks Yolanda 47Y

Hooks Titus 31T x Triple C Show & Tell 3/4 SM • Bred to TSN Final Answer Y990

Hooks Wonderful 33W

Hooks Shear Force 38K x ESJ4 PB • Bred to Hooks Infiniti 10U

Millbrae 20/20 8069 x Hooks Trixie 67T 1/2 SM • Bred to TJ Sharper Image

Hooks Shear Force 38K x Hooks Nicole 15N PB • Bred to Hooks Yukon 80Y

Hooks Zenith 75Z

Hooks Quest 86U x Hooks Willow 10W 3/4 SM • March Herd Bull Prospect

Hook Farms Tom Hook Family


11333 180th Street, Tracy, MN 56175 Phone 507-829-5283 Herdsman: Ed Schmidt 507-530-2635

Full sale offering and videos online at

Hooks Punky 5P

Hooks Zero Defect 42Z

WS Beef King x TSN Miss Future P813 3/4 SM • Feb. Herd Bull Prospect

Eberspacher Ent. Inc. Sale Managers: Val & Lori Eberspacher 507-532-6694 • 612-805-7405 Kelly Schmidt 406-599-2395


Hawkeye Breeders for LPI_Layout 1 12/12/12 3:28 PM Page 1

Tunned In Son - he & 10 brothers plus heifers sell.

5 sons by our past sale topper Wyatt Earp sell.

Choice of 3 flush mates that are maternal sibs to the Nat’l Sale Topper sell.


Livestock Plus Inc.

January 2013

February 11, 2013 At the ranch, Ree Heights, S.D.

eCr L18 eXTra DeeP 9279 “bOb”

43024518 — Calved: April 14, 2009 — Tattoo: RE 9279 DD EXCEL DESIGN 40 {SOD} GO EXCEL L18 {SOD,CHB}{DLF,HYF,IEF} 42159106 GO MS 124 ADVANCE 7005


CL 1 DOMINO 5131E {SOD}{DLF,IEF} OXH CHRISTI 0028 {DLF,IEF} 42074772 OXH LOLA 8328


CE 0.8; BW 2.1; WW 49; YW 71; MM 27; M&G 51; MCE 2.2; MCW 49; SC 0.8; FAT -0.006; REA 0.41; MARB -0.04; BMI$ 16; CEZ$ 15; BII$ 14; CHB$ 21


Four full brothers and two maternal brothers sell! eCr WHO MaKer 210 eT

P43314663 — Calved: April 9, 2012 — Tattoo: RE 210



CE -0.2; BW 3.8; WW 50; YW 79; MM 25; M&G 50; MCE 1.3; MCW 92; SC 1.1; FAT -0.012; REA 0.44; MARB 0.08; BMI$ 20; CEZ$ 15; BII$ 18; CHB$ 25

• Selling half interest, full possession at the Mile High Night Sale in Denver on January 18.

Selling 50 2-year-olds and 50 yearling bulls, 10 Angus Bulls, 5 registered bred heifers of donor quality and 275 commercial Hereford, Angus and F1 baldie bred heifers. Come visit us in the Yards and on the Hill in Denver.

Fawcett’s Elm Creek Ranch 21115 344th Ave. • Ree Heights, SD 57371 Keith, Cheryl, Matt, Erin and Kris 605-943-5664 • 605-870-0161 Cell

Robert and Marjean Daniel, Kari, Hollis and Ivy 605-870-6172

Call or e-mail to be added to our mailing list. •

January 2013 /

69 53









E Q U I P M E N T Corral Panels

• Seven bars all 1-1/4 inch square tube • Secure panel interlockingw/ upper attached pin • Mitered upper corners for added strength and safety • Length: 8’, 10’, 12’ • Height: 5’6”

1601 Central Ave. E PO Box 364 Clarion, IA 50525

TOLL FREE 877.889.4834

Walridge Farms • Open Angus Heifers • Select group of cow/calf pairs • Angus Bulls - performance tested & ready to go!

Dustin Carter H Auctioneer H

Something to Think About By Toby Muller

I got to have one of those “hard to have” conversations with Dawson and Hannah today. You might be thinking, “isn’t 6 and 9 a little young to be talking about the birds and bees?” My answer to this would of course be “no, I’m a reproduction guy; it’s never too early to talk about that stuff.” Unfortunately, my tough talk involved a much more difficult subject. I tried to explain to my kindergartener and third-grader why someone would force themselves into a school and shoot a bunch of kids. As I attempted to inform my kids without scaring them, I said, “It’s not something that’s likely to happen in Adair, Iowa.” That’s when Dawson said, “then why did it happen there?” What a great question. I would have liked to tell him that things like that don’t happen in the Midwest, but history has proven otherwise. We have had tragedies in Oklahoma City, Omaha and recently Denver. It turns out that there’s sick people everywhere and that probably won’t change anytime soon. As I’m writing this, I’ve already heard anti-gun legislation is in the works. This is where


Livestock Plus Inc.

January 2013

Walridge Cattle, Inc. Williamsburg, IA 52361 • Erle 319-668-2082 • Office 319-668-2026 • Mobile 319-430-0820

712-898-9972 4424 E. Main St. • Vermillion, SD 57069


I get even more confused. As we get a cold reminder of how fragile life is, I look for ways to better protect my family and this does include the use of firearms. When we go out, I exercise my right to carry a concealed weapon. Not sometimes, all the time. And if a band of thugs make their way to my house just a short mile off of I-80 the first thing I’d be looking for would be my so-called evil assault rifle/coyote gun. The reason? It can shoot lots of bullets quickly and accurately, which would give us the best chance of surviving. I know some people would call this a little over the top and would like to tighten gun laws in order to protect the public. I just hope the legislators that try to pass that bill make sure and tell the bad guys not to use them either. The second amendment wasn’t written to protect our right to hunt, it was written so that individuals could protect themselves against enemies-both foreign and domestic. After all, even if the government could take guns away from the sick and deranged, which they can’t, they’d just look on the internet to figure out how to build a fertilizer bomb or some other means of mass-destruction. Maybe we should ban the internet? Or fertilizer? Please continue to keep our recent victims in your prayers.n

P osition

yourself for



February 13, 2013

Find your next REGISTERED HERD SIRE at the SANDPOINT CATTLE CO. 12th Annual “Power of the Point” Performance Bull Sale 12:30 MST • Chappell, NE

130 Fall 18-Mo. Bulls • 70 Spring Yrlg. Bulls Selling sons of ALL BULLS IN THIS SALE HAVE BEEN PFIZER HD 50K TESTED!

Connealy Consensus 7229

The new HD 50K for Angus provides MVPs on 16 traits using more than 50,000 DNA markers, providing the most reliable genomic predictions today. • All bulls are performance and fertility tested • Carcass Merit ultrasound data • Free delivery to Nebraska and surrounding states, and any purchases over $6,000 nationwide. • Backed by a “Complete First Year Breeding Season Guarantee” • Volume and repeat customer discounts. • Extensive ET and AI program that offers many full and half brothers. • Genomic enhanced EPDs

Follow us on


Also: Sitz Upward • Connealy Reflection • Game Day Connealy Impression • Hoover Dam • SAV Pioneer SAV Iron Mountain • Summitcrest Complete • Rito 6EM3

JOHN WIDDOWSON, PRESIDENT 15175 US Hwy 30 • Lodgepole, NE 69149 308.483.5100 Office • 308.390.5697 John’s Cell Design by Chrisman Cattle Services



BW +.7 WW +56 +.7 YW BW +102 WW +56 Milk +45 YW +102 Milk +45

BW +1.1 WW BW +62+1.1 +62 YWWW +136 Milk YW +31+136 Milk +31


Wednesday Wednesday 12:30 12:30PM PMCST CST

1 1/2 miles east of Franklin & 1/4 mile south 1 1/2 miles east of Franklin & 1/4 mile south


BW BW +3.8+3.8 WWWW +70+70 YW YW +124 +124 MilkMilk +38+38



-.4; WW+66; +66;YW YW+120; +120;Milk Milk+33; +33;Marb Marb+.62; +.62;RE RE+.22 +.22 BWBW -.4; WW




VIN-MAR FOCUS IN 8847 72 Livestock Plus Inc.

BW BW -.6 -.6 WWWW +44+44 YW +90 YW +90 Milk +30 Milk +30

BW -.5 BWWW -.5 +53 WW YW +53+102 +26 YWMilk +102 Milk +26

BW -.6 WW +67 BW YW -.6 +121 WWMilk +67+29 YW +121 Milk +29

TCRanch Ranchhas... has... TC

ithh w u o y o t g in m t i o ou ewnetics ome-inTegsttoedyG CC Timime-Tested Genetics T

Selling Selling 250 HEAD

250 HEAD

185 Yearling Bulls 25 Fall Yearling Bulls 185 Yearling Bulls 40 Heifer calves 25 Fall Yearling Bulls 40 Heifer calves

January 2013

• 63 years of “Total Commitment” to • 63 years of “Total Commitment” to the Angus Breed the Angus Breed • 51 years performance records • 51 years performance records • A herd bull battery second to none • A herd bull battery second to none • First-year breeding guarantee • First-year breeding guarantee • Volume selection • Volume selection • Carcass and performance data • Carcass and performance data • Free bull delivery • Free bull delivery

Dru Uden 308/470-0740 Dru Uden (888)308/470-0740 TC BULLS 1524 G Rd. • Franklin NE 68939 (888) TC BULLS 1524 G Rd. • Franklin NE 68939 E-mail: E-mail:



Livestock Plus Inc.

January 2013

Reyes/ Russell

22nd AnnuAl sAle

y Mon da

February 25, 2013 1:00 p.m. At the Ranch in Wheatland

Selling 200 Coming 2 Angus Bulls & 12 Yearling Angus Bulls


BULLS RAISED & DEVELOPED IN A REALISTIC RANGE ENVIRONMENT. READY TO GO TO WORK FOR YOU. Your source for high altitude bulls ~ PAP tested at 8,000’

Reference Sires Include

HARB Icon 019

Cole Creek Black Cedar 66V

MR Halter 1347 Sale will be broadcast (MST) on

HARB Windy 758 JH

Leachman Right Time 338-5605



98 Olson Rd • Wheatland, WY 82201 307-322-4848 • 307-331-1568(cell)

21419 WCR 13 • Johnstown, CO 80534 970-587-2534 • 970-371-7819 (cell)

Juan Reyes

Keith Russell

Jennifer Reyes-Burr

5104 Hwy 34 • Wheatland, WY 82201 307-322-1530 • 307-331-1530 (cell)




Livestock Plus Inc.

January 2013

indra JAngus

13th AnnuAl Production SAle Preserving the power of Scotch Cap genetics


March 5

, 2013

1PM (CST) • Creighton Livestock Market • Creighton, Neb. • 402-358-3449



registered angus bulls •


registered angus heifers

Jindra Double Vision

S S Incentive 9J17 AAA# 16508278 His progeny sell!

AAA#16748826 His progeny sell!

BW 1.7 • WW 54 YW 104 • Milk 34

BW -2.1 • WW 82 YW 128 • Milk 26

Connealy Reflection x Limited Edition Objective T510 x Basin Franchise Additional Sire Groups by

Summitcrest Complete 4U75 • Jindra Premium Cut • Jindra Time Prime Jindra Hoff Tender Taste • Jindra Big League • Hoff Insignia Jindra Stature

Jindra Inclusive

AAA# 17365832 1/20/2012 BW 77 • WW 882 BW .7 • WW 60 YW 104 • Milk 23

AAA# 17366183 1/12/2012 BW 86 • WW 853 BW 3.7 • WW 60 YW 106 • Milk 28

Time Prime x Limited Edition

Incentive 9J17 x Hoff Blockbuster

Jindra Beckon

Jindra 3rd Dimension

AAA# 17365831 1/17/2012 BW 68 • WW 842 BW .4 • WW 65 YW 114 • Milk 32

AAA# 17365830 1/15/2012 BW 78 • WW 874 BW 0 • WW 73 YW 116 • Milk 23

Hoff Insignia x Head of The Class

Double Vision x Hoff First Edition

Call or stop by anytime! Nick Jindra • 82235 567 Ave. • Clarkson, NE 68629 402-920-3171 • • Design by Chrisman Cattle Services 77

Double J Farms Simmental Cattle Established in 1974

60 Bulls for Sale by Private Treaty SATURDAY, JAN. 26, 2013 with bidding closing @ 12:00 Complete information, pictures & videos available at

Double J Mr Z242

PUREBRED BW: 105 / WW: 890 Chamberlain X Dream On EPDs: 8 6 98 144 9 14 64 7, 63, -.14 .12 -.05 .78 107 79

Double J Mr Z243

PUREBRED BW: 98 / WW: 889 Chamberlain X Liberty EPDs: 5 5 97 151 7 15 64 10 67 -.09 .23 -.05 .73 103 83

Black and Red Simmental, SimAngus and Angus AI Sired by Chamberlain, Upgrade, Tanker, Shear Force, Dream On, Efficient, Final Product.

auer Dependable Genetics


Double J Mr Z254

PUREBRED BW: 80 / WW: 783 Upgrade X Goldmine

EPDs: 10 0 81 116 11 17 58 21 10 38 -.36 .12 -.09 .92 129 77

Kipp Julson

48670 252nd St. • Garretson, SD 57030 (605) 594-2310 • Cell (605) 351-9088 email: website:

Selling 200 Head of Maternally Efficient Angus Genetics: EliteSpring Bred Cows Spring Bred Comm. Cows Fall Bred Cows w/Calves Spring Bred Comm. Heifers Mature Herd Bulls Coming Two Year Old Bulls

36th Annual Angus Bull & Female Sale Jan. 26, 2013 1:00 p.m. At the Ranch Hinton, Iowa 78

Livestock Plus Inc.

Jauer Dependable Genetics 31059 Juniper Ave. Hinton, IA 51024 January 2013

• Roger ph. (712) 947-4357 • Kurt ph. (712) 947-4338 • Doug email -

Mick Cox Mick Cox

0 0 4 0 0 4 S ngguuss Seellll!! a n a

Performance-Tested Performance-Tested CarcassEvaluated Evaluated Carcass ProduCTionSalE SalE ProduCTion

The sale will will bebe some someofofthe thevery verybest besttotosell sellininone oneevent eventininnebraska nebraskathis thisyear. year. Theangus angusgenetics genetics inin this this sale January25, 25,2013 2013at at1:00 1:00PM PM January Tri-StateLivestock LivestockAuction, Auction,McCook, McCook,NE NE Tri-State

Mill Bar upward upward 7210 7210 Mill Bar

MillBar Barupward upward7315 7315 Mill

rd SSititzzuuppwwaSardellll! !


HeSells! Sells! He

He HeSells! Sells! Sire: Sitz Sitz Upward Upward • MGS: SAV Pioneer Sire: Pioneer BW +1.9 +1.9 WW WW +67 +67 BW

YW +121

Sire: Sire:Sitz SitzUpward Upward• •MGS: MGS:SAV SAV8180 8180004 004 BW +126 +36 BW+3.5 +3.5 WW WW+72 +72 YW YW +126 Milk Milk +36

Milk Milk +36 +36

205 205Day DayWt. Wt.845 845• •WR WR127 127

205 Day Day Wt. 857 • WR 117 205

Mill Bar Consensus Consensus 7238 7238

Mill MillBar BarConsensus Consensus7242 7242

sensus CCoonnnneaealylyCCoonneselln!sus S 0 Sons ell!

220 Sons S

He Sells! He Sells!

He Sells! He Sells!

Sire: Connealy Consensus 7229 • MGS: SAV Final Answer Sire: Connealy Consensus 7229 • MGS: SAV Final Answer BW +.5 WW +69 YW +114 Milk +26

Sire: Connealy Consensus 7229 • MGS: SAV Final Answer Sire: Connealy Consensus 7229 • MGS: SAV Final Answer BW +.8 WW +65 YW +111 Milk +28

205 Day Wt. 854 • WR 116 205 Day Wt. 854 • WR 116

205 Day Wt. 836 • WR 114 205 Day Wt. 836 • WR 114

BW +.5

WW +69

YW +114

Milk +26

140 Power-Packed, Performance-Tested, 140 Power-Packed, Performance-Tested, Carcass Evaluated Bulls Carcass Evaluated • Big, stout, January andBulls February yearlings. • Big, stout, January and February yearlings.

BW +.8

98% of 98er this off %inofg is thA isIoff erdin sire . g is AI sired.

150 Fancy, one-iron angus replacement Heifers 150 Fancy, one-iron angus replacement Heifers 80 Purebred Commercial angus Cows 80 Purebred Commercial angus Cows

WW +65

YW +111

Milk +28

Featuring Sons of: of:sell! • Featuring Sitz Upward -Sons 40 sons

Sitz Upward - 40 sons- 20 sell! • •Connealy Consensus sons sell! Connealy Consensus - 20 sons sell! • •SAV Pioneer20 sons sell! SAV Pioneer20 sons • •Vermillion X Factor - 15sell! sons sell! • Vermillion X Factor 15 sons • SAV Iron Mountain - 7 sons sell!sell! • SAV Iron Mountain 7 sons • SAV First Class - 12 sons sell! sell! SAV707 First Class - 12 sons • •SAV Rito 9969 - 10 sonssell! sell! • SAV 707 Rito 9969 - 10 sons sell!

Mick & Marlene Cox 73786 Ave. 356 • Hayes Center, NE 69032 • FrEE delivery! Mick & Marlene Cox (308) Ave. 286-3416 73786 356 • Hayes Center, NE 69032 View our sale book online at: (308) 286-3416 View our sale book online at: Auctioneer: Joe Goggins Auctioneer: Joe Goggins

FrEEFeed delivery! ••FREE Until April 1st! • FREE Feed Until AprilGUARANTEE! 1st! • First Breeding Season FirstSale: Breeding SeasonBuyers! GUARANTEE! ••2012 74% Repeat • 2012 Sale: 74% Repeat Buyers!


Nichols Farms

Private Treaty Bull Sales Starting— Lunch at Noon Sale starts at 1 PM

300 Bulls to Pick From u





NIchoLS SX-1 hybrid —


NIchoLS DX-1 hybrid —


NIchoLS DSX-2 composite — Volume discounts Health & Death Warranty

$100 off each bull if you pick them up Pick up your Bull(s) when You’re ready for them Good - $2750

Better - $3250

Best - $3750

Nichols Bulls are in these A.I. Studs

January 26, 2013 Bridgewater, Iowa

The Nichols family started with purebred Angus in 1953 and added Simmentals in 1968. We’ve always been the leader in new technology— Performance testing (1956) - Certified Meat Sires (1961) - Expected progeny differences EPDs (1977) - Real time ultrasound dave nichols (1989) - Carcass Merit DNA Validation (1998) and DNA genomic profiles (2005). Nichols Bulls remain the best investment in the beef business. They sire soggy heavy calves that top the market, gain in the feedlot, and grade in the packing house. Nichols Bulls also sire hard-working, docile, problem free daughters that thrive on fescue pastures. Our customers range from large ranches to family farmers to producers who work in town. We appreciate and service all of them. Join us at the farm for Opening Day of the bullbuying season. Have lunch and get first chance at our yearling bulls that will improve your herd and put money in your pocket.

The Investment that Pays Year after Year GIVE US A CALL ANY TIME 641-369-2829 • Ross Cell: 641-745-5241

Sale Bull Catalog and Directions


Livestock Plus Inc.

January 2013

2188 Clay Avenue Bridgewater, Iowa 50837


BULL SALE Baldridge Waylon W34 • 16 Sons Sell

Styles Upgrade J59 • 36 Sons Sell

Selling 250 Registered Angus Bulls BW -1.3

BW WW YW MILK Marb RE $B +3.1 +80 +131 +25 +.90 +.57 +87.02

WW YW MILK Marb RE $B +54 +94 +30 +.40 +.60 +69.43

B/R New Day 454 • 16 Sons Sell

TC Touchdown 772 • 14 Sons Sell


January 26, 2013 At Lincoln Co. Fairgrounds In North Platte, Nebraska Woodhill Mainline • 20 Sons Sell

BW WW YW MILK Marb RE $B +1.6 +55 +102 +31 +.57 +1.09 +81.45

BW +.6

GG Diamond 943 • 25 Sons Sell

WW YW MILK Marb RE $B +59 +104 +25 +.21 +.89 +63.26

BW -.9

Selling 190 coming 2-year-olds and 60 yearlings * 120+ bulls suitable for heifers Large groups of paternal brothers by proven AI sires, plus exciting new young sire groups with outcross genetics

WW YW MILK Marb RE $B +57 +104 +17 +.21 +.95 +70.70

S Chisum 6175 • 17 Sons Sell

BW -1.6

WW YW MILK Marb RE $B +49 +94 +26 +1.26 +.65 +84.74

KCF Bennett Capstone • 29 Sons Sell Wintered & delivered free nationwide after March 15 * First breeding season guarantee * Satisfied customers are the foundation of our business

BW WW YW MILK Marb RE $B +2.8 +69 +118 +36 +.04 +.65 +62.81

EPDs as of 11/26/2012

Bulls bred for growth with a moderate frame * Fleshing ability * Fertility & scrotal size * Calving ease * Disposition

To request your free sale book call: BW WW YW MILK Marb RE $B +1.8 +59 +95 +28 +.34 +.59 +62.48

Comprehensive performance data * Ultrasound & fertility tested * A wide selection in all price ranges Backed by over 40 years in the Angus business and a reputation cow herd selected for fertility, soundness, fleshing ability, longevity and good udders

SAV Bismarck 5682 • 14 Sons Sell

BW +.2

WW YW MILK Marb RE $B +57 +99 +26 +.29 +.80 +62.66

Jud Baldridge • Jeff Baldridge 5329 Rodeo Rd. • North Platte, NE 69101 (308) 532-2100 main Fax (308) 532-8269 Jud Cell (308) 520-2221 Jeff Cell (308) 530-0407

For sale book & more information call (308) 532-2100 or visit our web site at:


Livestock Plus Inc.

January 2013

March 2 - On the ranch at 1 pm March 2 - On the ranch at 1 pm Selling 120 Green Valley Bulls & 80 Females YEARLING ANDValley 18-MONTH BULLS Selling 120 Green BullsOLD & 80 Females PLUS EVERY FALL-BRED FEMALE YEARLING AND 18-MONTH OLD BULLS 3 YEARS & OLDERFEMALE PLUS EVERY FALL-BRED 3 YEARS & OLDER

Selling 120 Easy-Calving, Good-Doing, Ranch-Raised Angus & Maine Sires Backed by Generations of Documented Performance Selling 120 Easy-Calving, Good-Doing, Ranch-Raised Angus & Maine Sires Backed by Generations of Documented Performance

GVC Suh Suh 01W 01W by by GVC GVC Statesman Statesman 4R 4R GVC The top bull of our 2009 crop and a leader in the breed The top bull of our 2009 crop and a leader in the breed His sons and service sell!

His sons and service sell!

GVC Settler GVC Settler 004X 004X by by SAV SAV Pioneer Pioneer The top seller of our 2011 sale The top seller of our 2011 sale His sons and service sell!

His sons and service sell!

GVC GVC Twitter Twitter Y18 Y18 by by GVC GVC Special Special Delivery Delivery 42S 42S The top seller of our 2012 sale The top seller of our 2012 sale His service sells!

His service sells!

Also Also Selling Selling 80 80 Black, Black, Polled, Polled, Results-Oriented Results-Oriented Green Green Valley Valley Angus Angus & & Maine Maine Females Females

The The Complete Complete Dispersal Dispersal of of Every Every Fall-Calving Fall-Calving Female Female 3 3 Years Years & & Older Older

Including the dams of previous high-sellers and several of our most productive cow families. Every female has been proven in production, Including theacclimated dams of previous and several of our mostproduction productive -cow families. Every female has been in production, to ranchhigh-sellers work, and is ready for heavy-duty Young and productive cows bred to proven the best! acclimated to ranch work, and is Boys, readyGVC for heavy-duty production - Young and productive cows bred to thePilgrim, best! HF Prowler Service sires include Unstoppable, Man Among Suh, GVC Twitter, SAV Priority, SAV Pioneer, GVC Settler, Musgrave

Service sires include Unstoppable, Man Among Boys, GVC Suh, GVC Twitter, SAV Priority, SAV Pioneer, GVC Settler, Musgrave Pilgrim, HF Prowler Extensive AI Service with Accurate Ultrasound Information

Extensive AI Service with Accurate Ultrasound Information

See Several of the Bulls in the Denver Yards & SeeStop Several of the Bulls in the Denver Yards & By Anytime to See The Cow Herd!

Stop By Anytime to See The Cow Herd!

DENNIS GARWOOD FAMILY 46974 866 Road • Atkinson, NE 68713

(402) 925-2970 - (402) 340-4788 DENNIS GARWOOD FAMILY

Marketing Agent: Craig Reiter, (419) 862-0117 46974 866 Road • Atkinson, NE 68713

(402) 925-2970 - (402) 340-4788 Marketing Agent: Craig Reiter, (419) 862-0117


BW WW Milk YW $B


Livestock Plus Inc.

January 2013

+.4 +58 +36 +106 +80.67

Hoover Angus Farm is home to these nationally recognized sires and more: Hoover Dam [AMF-CAF-M1F-NHF] Reg. No. 16124994

BW +0

WW +49

MILK +38

YW +95

Marb +.65

RE +1.07

$B +75.78

#+SAF Connection [AMF-CAF-XF] #+SVF Gdar 216 LTD SydGen CC&7 [AMF-CAF-NHF] +SAF Royal Queen 5084 [CAF] SydGen Forever Lady 4087 [AMF] SydGen 1407 Corona 2016 [AMC-CAF-XF] +SAF Forever Lady 8292 #TC Gridiron 258 [AMF-CAF-XF] #+GAR Grid Maker [AMF-CAF-XF] #Erica of Ellston C124 #TC Blackbird 7049 Erica of Ellston V65 #SA Neutron 377 [AMF-CAF-XF] Shottish V047

Hoover Dam has established a high-quality reputation as the sales leader at ORIgen and the breed’s 10th top sire for registrations in 2012. He uniquely combines calvingease, muscle, eye-appeal, gentle disposition and carcass quality. A testament to his fertility, Hoover Dam has been producing 1200 units per week at ORIgen.

SydGen CC&7 [AMF-CAF-NHF] Reg. No. 15330743

BW +1.0

WW +54

MILK +47

YW +108

#+SVF Gdar 216 LTD #+SAF Connection [AMF-CAF-XF] +SAF Royal Queen 5084 [CAF]

Marb +.49

RE +.92

$B +78.75

#Traveler 124 GDAR +GDAR Forever Lady 718 #Bon View Bando 598 [CAC-AMF] SAF Royal Queen 9022

SydGen 1407 Corona 2016 [AMC-CAF-XF] #Bon View New Design 1407 [AMF-CAF-XF] SydGen Forever Lady 4087 [AMF] VNAR Perfection 142F 180K [AMC-NHF] +SAF Forever Lady 8292 #+SAF Neutron [AMF-CAF-XF] +SAF Forever Lady 5138

The breed’s 4th top sire for registrations in 2012, CC&7 is the original and longeststanding Docility breed leader. More than 6,000 progeny through AHIR® showcase his strengths for calving ease, growth, docility, muscle, and superior $Beef. 132 CC&7 sons sold at Hoover Angus have averaged $6284!

Basin Excitement [AMF-CAF-M1F-NHF] Reg. No. 16047404

BW -.1

WW +66

MILK +24

YW +129

Marb +.52

RE +.47

$B +68.88

#Gardens Expedition [AMF-CAF-XF] #N Bar Emulation EXT [AMF-CAF-XF] +Basin Expedition R156 [AMF-CAF-XF] Green Garden Gina 2268 S2 Basin Primrose Lady 5287 #Basin Ambush 3905 [AMF-CAF-XF] Basin Primrose Lady 296E

Excitement sons topped the Hoover Angus bull sale last year, averaging $8977! He is a true “spread” bull, whose progeny are easily marketable because they are calving-ease cattle without sacrificing growth and muscle.

#Vermilion Payweight J847 [AMF-CAF-XF] #Vermilion Dateline 7078 [AMF-CAF-XF] Basin Lady S532 AK Vermilion Lass 7969 Basin Lady 306E Basin Max 806C Basin Lady 183C

Hoover Emperor Reg. No. 16924687

BW -.1

WW +61

MILK +44

YW +113

Marb +.55

RE +.44

$B +71.28

#+SAF Connection [AMF-CAF-XF] #+SVF Gdar 216 LTD SydGen CC&7 [AMF-CAF-NHF] +SAF Royal Queen 5084 [CAF] SydGen Forever Lady 4087 [AMF] SydGen 1407 Corona 2016 [AMC-CAF-XF] +SAF Forever Lady 8292 TC Friction 5130 [AMF-CAF-NHF] TC Friction 3275 Blkcp Empress Ellston G403 TC Barbara 3022 #Blkcp Empress Ellston D515 [CAF] #TC Gridiron 258 [AMF-CAF-XF] Blkcp Empress Ellston A648

The favorite herd sire of many international visitors to Hoover Angus this past summer! Emperor will improve dispositions and udder quality while maintaining frame size and an excellent EPD package. He is an outcross to many of today’s popular Angus genetics.

Connealy Counselor [AMF-CAF-D2F-NHF] Reg. No. +16761497

BW -.9

WW +55

MILK +26

YW +101

Marb +.58

RE +1.07

$B +84.08

#GAR Retail Product [AMF-CAF-XF] Connealy Mentor 7374 [AMF-CAF-NHF] #Executa of Conanga 939

#GAR Precision 1680 [AMC-NHC] +GAR Ext 4927 #Jauer 353 Traveler 589 27 #Exec of Conanga 6940

#Connealy Lead On [AMF-CAF-XF] Jaze of Conanga 234 Jaycee of Conanga 233

#Connealy Leadtime [AMF-CAF-XF] Eligence Plus of Conanga #Rockn D Ambush 1531 [AMF-CAF-XF] #Joy of Conanga 6230

Mogck Bullseye [AMF-CAF-M1F-NHF] Reg. No. 17102085

BW +.6

WW +65

MILK +32

YW +111

#Mytty In Focus [AMF-CAF-XF] MOGCK Sure Shot [AMF-CAF-XF] Mogck Black Lass 2065

Marb +.56

RE +.33

$B +67.77

#SAF Focus of ER [AMF-CAF-XF] Mytty Countess 906 SAV Pay Day 3261 Mogck Black Lass C2502

#KCF Bennett Coalition SCC [AMF-CAF-XF] #Sitz Alliance 6595 [AMF-CAF-XF] Mogck Mary 1255 [CAF] #Pleasant Pill of Conanga [CAF] Mogck Mary C 1757 #Marcys 95 734 6 Mogck Mary C 1234

Poised to be the next great herd sire at Hoover Angus, Counselor’s Ribeye EPD and $Beef topple the top 1% of the breed! Progeny from his first calf crop sell February 5, 2013, and have potential to be the top-selling sire group.

$192,000 sensation used by prominent breeders across the country as a yearling! Tired of looking at 2-dimensional cattle? Bullseye is the answer! He offers substance and muscle that is extremely rare in the breed. Combine that with his favorable 50K and Igenity calving-ease scores, and he becomes very intriguing!

EPDs as of 11-26-12


4 Complete AHIR Records Connealy Final Product 4 Fertility Tested Connealy Stimules 8419 24 Annual Production Sale 4 Carcass Ultrasound 24 March Annual21, Production Sale Connealp.m. y Right Answer 746 Thursday, 2013 • 1:00 CDT Thursday, March 21, 2013 • 1:00 p.m. CDT Data Sitz Dash 150BULLS BULLS 4 FirstSELLING Breeding Season 150 SELLING Selling Selling approximately: approximately:   • 150 Registered Angus Fall and Spring Bulls Visitors   Guarantee • 150 Registered Angus Fall and Spring Bulls    • 2012 Top Supreme Heifers • 2012 Top Supreme Heifers 4 Repeat Buyer Discounts always welcome! Selling 20 bulls!

Benoit Angus Ranch Benoit Angus Ranch th th

At the Ranch on US Hwy. 36 - 10¾ miles west of Mankato, Kansas At the Ranch on US Hwy. 36 - 10¾ miles west of Mankato, Kansas


Sitz Upward 307R

Upward 307R Reg.Sitz #14963730 DOB: 3/12/05 #14963730 DOB: 3/12/05 BW +2.4Reg. WW +70 YW +134 Milk +42 BW +2.4 WW +70 YWFat +134 Milk +42 Marb +.35 RE +.76 -.005 +.35 RE Fat $B -.005 $W +48.61 Marb $F +73.00 $G+.76 +24.18 +79.22 $W +48.61Selling $F +73.00 $G +24.18 $B +79.22 14 bulls! Selling 14 bulls!

H GDAR Al iance 0203 H

Reg. #16640664 Selling 12 bulls with adj. weaning weight of 108 FIRST  FIRST

S AS V Answer A Final V Final Answer0035 0035

Reg.Reg. #13592905 DOB: 2/22/00 #13592905 DOB: 2/22/00 +104 Milk +26 BW BW –1.0–1.0 WWWW +60+60 YWYW +104 Milk +26 Marb +.42 +.043 Marb +.52+.52 RERE +.42 FatFat +.043 $W +55.62 $F +41.58 +28.18 +60.16 $W +55.62 $F +41.58 $G$G +28.18 $B$B +60.16 Selling bulls! Selling 20 20 bulls!

Very proud of this  GDAR Alliance 0203   GDAR Alliance 0203  herd bull and calves! SONSSELL! SELL! SONS



Reg. #16640664 Reg. #16640664 Selling 12 bulls with Selling 12 bulls with adj. weaning weight of 108 adj. weaning weight of 108 Very proud of this Very of calves! this herdproud bull and

herd bull and calves!


Livestock Plus Inc.


Also Selling Herd Bulls Also Selling Herd Bulls from these Top Sires: from these Top Sires: E&B New Design 3133 E&B New Design 3133 E&B 5096 Midland 8164 E&B 5096 Midland 8164 Sinclair Just In Time 4RT19 Sinclair Just In Time 4RT19 Chisum 0383 SS Chisum 0383 E&B Genetics By Design E&B Genetics By Design 609609 LaGrand in Focus 8021 LaGrand in Focus 8021

For information or sale book, call 1-888-870-BULL E&B 090 E&B Heureka Heureka 090

Benoit Angus

Reg. DOB:1/08/10 1/08/10 Reg. #16766320 #16766320 DOB: BW +53 YW YW +99 +99 Milk Milk+29 +29 BW+2.3 +2.3 WW WW +53 Marb RE +.60 +.60 Fat Fat+.035 +.035 Marb +.69 +.69 RE $W $G +34.39 +34.39 $B $B+74.87 +74.87 $W+34.37 +34.37 $F $F +39.01 +39.01 $G Selling sonswith with Selling 77 sons adjusted weightof of106! 106! adjusted weaning weaning weight Sold our 2011 2011sale saleto to Sold in our Lienemann Cattle Cattle Company, Lienemann Company,Princeton, Princeton,NE. NE.

Andfrom from these Sires: And these AIAI Sires: HA Image Maker 0415 HA Image Maker 0415 SAV Pioneer SAV Pioneer E&B 1680 Precision 1023 E&B 1680 Precision 1023 Summitcrest Complete Summitcrest Complete E&B Blueprint 691691 E&B Blueprint Sitz Wisdom Sitz Wisdom Connealy Final Product Connealy Final Product Connealy Stimules 8419 Connealy Stimules 8419 Connealy Right Answer 746746 Connealy Right Answer Sitz Dash Sitz Dash

Everett & Bonnie Benoit 621 Hwy. 36, Esbon, KS 66941 (785) 725-3231 • (785) 545-6248 - Everett cell Doug Benoit (785) 725-always 6211Visitors • (785)welcome! 545-6806 cell t (785)call 725-31-888-870-BULL 005 • (785) 545-8095 cell For information or Chad saleBenoi book, Benoit Angus E-mail: ebbenoi 4 Free Free delivery delivery 4 4 Complete Complete AHIR 4 AHIR Records Records 4 Fertility Fertility Tested 4 Tested 4 Carcass Carcass Ultrasound Ultrasound 4 Data Data 4 First Breeding Season 4 First Breeding Season Guarantee Guarantee 4 Repeat Repeat Buyer Buyer Discounts 4 Discounts


Visitors always welcome!

For information or sale book, call 1-888-870-BULL

January 2013

Benoit Angus

Everett & Bonnie Benoit Everett Bonnie 621 Hwy.& 36, Esbon,Benoit KS 66941 621 Hwy. 36, Esbon, KS 66941- Everett cell (785) 725-3231 • (785) 545-6248 (785)Benoit 725-3231 (785) 545-6248 Everett cell Doug (785)• 725-6211 • (785)-545-6806 cell DougBenoit Benoit(785) (785) 725-6211 • (785) 545-6806 Chad 725-3005 • (785) 545-8095 cellcell Chad Benoit (785) 725-3005 • (785) 545-8095 cell E-mail: E-mail:


February 2, 2013 Saturday, 1 p.m. • At the Ranch 51026-886 Rd. • Verdigre, Neb. 68783



Yearling Angus Bulls

Bred Angus Heifers



Sitz Jackson • SAV Pioneer Connealy Forward GVC Settler • WK Recoil BAR Upward • Net Worth Sons Sitz Dimension • WK Gold

Mytty In Focus • Sure Shot S Focus 2U66 • Frontman GVC Settler • SAV Priority Pure Product

(Little Helper – Payton)

MANAGERS: BRENT & JEMI FREDERICK (402) 668-2655 Brent: (402) 340-1039 Jemi: (402) 394-5967 51026 – 886 Rd. • Verdigre, NE 68783 e-mail:


ClearCreekStockFarm_Layout 1 12/18/12 11:32 AM Page 1 TATTOO Y121 Y132 Y180 Y182 Y184 Y185 Y191 Y194 Z203 Z204 Z210 Z211 Z217 Z221


D.O.B.: 1/20/11

ADJ BW: 75
































































EPDs: CE: 15.6 BW: -1.1 WW: 65.9 YW: 98.7 MCE: 13.4 MM: 22.3 MWW: 55.2 STAY: x

CW: 26.9 YG: -0.09 MARB: 0.39 BFAT: 0.00 REA: 0.51 API: 146.2 TI: 73.6

EPDs: CE: 5.3 BW: 3.2 WW: 71.9 YW: 99.3 MCE: 8.7 MM: 17.3 MWW: 53.2 STAY: 16.3 CW: 33.1 YG: -0.24 MARB: 0.02 BFAT: -0.07 REA: 0.51 API: 98.3 TI: 63.7 EPDs: CE: 6.3 BW: 1.7 WW: 57.8 YW: 82.2 MCE: 8.4 MM: 20.3 MWW: 49.2 STAY: 17.9 CW: 12.6 YG: -0.24 MARB: 0.15 BFAT: -0.08 REA: 0.31 API: 108

TI: 61

EPDs: CE: 14

TI: 70

BW: 1.1

WW: 66.7 YW: 101.1 MCE: 13.4 MM: 19.3 MWW: 52.6 STAY: 17.7 CW: 23

YG: -0.4

MARB: 0.15 BFAT: -0.09 REA: 0.79 API: 124

EPDs: CE: 0.4 BW: 6.6 WW: 81

YW: 116.5 MCE: 4.6 MM: 19.1 MWW: 59.6 STAY: 12.5 CW: 39.7 YG: -0.14 MARB: -0.09 BFAT: -0.07 REA: 0.39 API: 76

TI: 61

EPDs: CE: 5.7 BW: 3

WW: 78

YW: 112.2 MCE: 7.2 MM: 13.7 MWW: 52.7 STAY: 18.9 CW: 31.8 YG: -0.2 MARB: -0.07 BFAT: -0.06 REA: 0.51 API: 102

TI: 65

EPDs: CE: 6.1 BW: 3.3

WW: 60

YW: 89.4 MCE: 7.9 MM: 20.4 MWW: 50.4 STAY: 17.5 CW: 19.4 YG: -0.19 MARB: 0.07 BFAT: -0.04 REA: 0.51 API: 101

TI: 58

EPDs: CE: 7.3 BW: 4.5 WW: 72.2 YW: 100.5 MCE: 13.5 MM: 20.6 MWW: 56.7 STAY: 17.6 CW: 27.1 YG: -0.19 MARB: 0.14 BFAT: -0.04 REA: 0.64 API: 107

TI: 66

EPDs: CE: 4.7 BW: 4.6 WW: 69.7 YW: 97

TI: 63

12/26/11 12/29/11 12/30/11 1/3/12


MCE: 11.2 MM: 19.3 MWW: 54.1 STAY: 19.2 CW: 25.3 YG: -0.07 MARB: 0.16 BFAT: -0.02 REA: 0.34 API: 107

EPDs: CE: 4.9 BW: 4.8 WW: 64.5 YW: 93.7 MCE: 6.8 MM: 21.7 MWW: 54 EPDs: CE: 7.1 BW: 1.8

YG: -0.23 MARB: 0.05 BFAT: -0.07 REA: 0.47 API: 101

TI: 59

WW: 64.9 YW: 86.7 MCE: 14.6 MM: 20.2 MWW: 52.7 STAY: 17.4 CW: 14.9 YG: -0.19 MARB: 0.15 BFAT: -0.02 REA: 0.58 API: 109

STAY: 19.5 CW: 24

TI: 65

EPDs: CE: 3.2 BW: 3.5 WW: 53.4 YW: 74.5 MCE: 5.1 MM: 21.3 MWW: 48 STAY: 18.9

CW: 10.7 YG: -0.2 MARB: 0.11 BFAT: -0.07 REA: 0.21 API: 98

TI: 54

EPDs: CE: 9

BW: 3.3 WW: 71.2 YW: 104.3 MCE: 10.3 MM: 18.7 MWW: 54.3 STAY: x

CW: 27.9 YG: -0.23 MARB: 0.08 BFAT: -0.06 REA: 0.55 API: 108

TI: 65

EPDs: CE: 8

BW: 1.9 WW: 67.6 YW: 99.1 MCE: 8.5 MM: 23.3 MWW: 57.1 STAY: x

CW: 22.8 YG: -0.25 MARB: -0.04 BFAT: -0.06 REA: 0.56 API: 98

TI: 63

Livestock Plus Inc.

January 2013

Steel Force — 17 Sons

Sale Day Phone: 402-372-2493

Welsh’s Dew It Right — 15 Sons

Selling 135 Bulls 110 Black Yearlings; 15 Fall; 5 Red; 3 Older (one 4-year & two 3-year); 2 Angus

Hoc Broker — 5 ET Sons

• Performance Tested WW & YW • Fertility, BVD PI Tested • ASA Latest EPDs & Delivery Options • Buyers receive $100 to take bull(s) home sale day or day after.

Other Sires Include:

BWL Hardcore — 10 Sons

OCC Ultra Wide; Final Answer; Sheriff Taylor; Freedom; Excalibur; Ruby’s Throwdown; Plainview Lutton; Hearthstone Tuscan.

Sale Consignors Sloup Simmentals Nick, Scott & Bill Sloup Seward, NE 402-643-4429

J&C/Puett Zoom Zoom — 27 Sons

Anderson Simmentals Jay & Phyllis Anderson St. Paul, NE 380-246-5361 Handsaker Simmentals Gary & Sue Handsaker Jared Meinhardt Nevada, IA 515-382-6678 BADJ Cattle Co Adam Stutsman Beaver Crossing, NE 402-641-2282

3C Macho — 8 Sons

Laaker Land & Cattle Company Brian Laaker Arlington, NE 402-720-4734 Zeis Simmentals Dave Zeis Valley NE 402.720.1967

Duff New Edition — 7 Sons

CRR Simmentals Clint & Stacey Robinson Arlington NE 402.672.3556 Alvie Bender Simmentals Alvie Bender Seward NE 402.643.2049

View catalog in full color:

In Dew Time — 13 Sons

Bob, Jay and Clark Volk 20604 US HWY 30 Arlington, Nebraska 68002 Email: • Fax: 402-478-4350

TJ Sharper Image — 7 Sons

JS Sure Bet — 5 Sons


Keep ‘em BLACK Angus

2013 Carter Family Angus Bull Sale Monday, February , 2013


12:30 PM at Figure Four Event Center (17 miles north of Ogallala, NE)

Selling Bulls and Replacement Quality Yearling Heifers Major sire groups available:

Sitz Upward 307R • SAV Pioneer Flag Cross Country • Hoover Dam SAV Rito 9969 • SAV First Class

Visiontopline Royal Stockman BW 3.1 • WW 79 • YW 137 • Milk 23 Marb 0.28 • RE 0.64 • Fat -0.010

If you sell your calves by the pound, you want to keep them Angus . . If you need bulls backed by an elite cow herd known for maternal strengths . . If you want bulls sound with longevity . . If you are seeking bulls that sire uniform sets of calves with that extra look . . . . CONSIDER A CARTER FAMILY ANGUS BULL! Bulls have been raised and developed at our Lightning Valley Ranch (5 miles east on Hwy 92 of Arthur, NE)

Stop by and view the bulls ... Register to win a custom 100X JAMES MARSHALL HAT CARTER FAMILY ANGUS’ COMMITTMENT TO YOU • All bulls performance evaluated since birth. Only the Best of the Best will sell • All bulls have genome-enhanced EPDs • All bulls will pass a full fertility exam by Tim Knott, DVM • All bulls are guaranteed for soundness and disposition for the first breeding season • Sight unseen purchase guarantee (call for more information)


CARTER FAMILY ANGUS 11777 Hwy 385 Julesburg, CO 80737

Design by Chrisman Cattle Services


Livestock Plus Inc.

LIGHTNING VALLEY RANCH 502 E. Hwy 92 Arthur, NE 69121

SAM CARTER 765-669-2762 • January 2013



TEMPLE’S TOP ANIMAL HANDLING TIPS by Temple Grandin, Colorado State University

Animal behaviorist and Colorado State University professor Temple Grandin has built a career on sensing how livestock react when being handled. Here’s her quick list of do’s and don’ts for you and your crew when you are rounding up the herd: Do calm down. Temple advocates that her number one rule around livestock is to remain quiet. She reports that research has shown loud voices and yelling scares animals more than clanging gates and chains. Along with that, cattle that become agitated have been shown to have lower weight gains and marbling scores – because they end up putting energy into recovering instead of into performance. Grandin says, “Animals are sensory thinkers. They have great memories, but they don’t store words. They store sounds and pictures.” Thus, she suggests when handling livestock, crews need to get away from language and make it a quiet and calm experience for the cattle. Along with this she advocates low stress handling practices like fenceline weaning, which allows cattle to get on feed faster because they’ve experienced minimal stress. Do make first experiences pleasant. Temple advocates that an important livestock handling principle is to make animals’ first experiences with a new place, piece of equipment or person a favorable one. “They don’t forget,” she say, and adds, “An initial experience that is averse can create a permanent fear memory in that animal.” Temple explains that new things are both scary and attractive to an animal. The experience is scary if it is forced or suddenly introduced. But the experience can be made attractive, if the animal is allowed to investigate it on its own. Therefore, she suggests introducing new steps gradually. For instance a guy on a horse and a guy on the ground are two different things to an animal. So if cattle are used to seeing a horse and rider, slowly introduce them to a person walking through the herd on the ground, and vice versa. Don’t introduce that person on the ground the very day you try to move the animals. Likewise, show animals should be habituated to flags, strange people, noise, etc before they go to an event. Don’t keep animals penned alone. “One of the most dangerous animals is the lone animal,” says Temple. Being alone is highly stressful, so bring some other animals in with it, she suggests. Don’t select for temperament only. Temple cautions that single trait selection is never a good idea. As an example, she says if “Animal Handling” continued on page 94


Livestock Plus Inc.

January 2013

HartstackTrucking:Layout 1 5/16/12 1:57 PM Page 1

Failing to prepare is preparing to fail. - Wayne Gretzky


1:00 p.m.

At the Ranch · 42 Miles Southwest of Scottsbluff, NE · Lunch at 11:30 a.m. Ranch is located 1 mile west of LaGrange, Wyoming

Featuring 127 Angus Bulls 100 Yearling · 25 Fall Yearling 2 Two-Year-Olds

· Volume Source of Heifer Bulls · All Bulls Born Unassisted · Wintering & Delivery Available

Current EPDs

CED +10 Marb +1.18

BW +1.8 RE +.56

WW +68 $W 28.65

YW +131 $F 70.18

Milk +26 $G 31.47

Scrotal +1.32 $B 83.14

Reg #15848590

Home raised and leased to New Zealand & Australia

Lot 1 Reg #17262699 Sire: Connealy Consensus 7229 Dam's Sire: B/R Ambush 28 Current EPDs

Reserve Champion Bull at Wyoming State Fair Shown by Kendall Haas

Act BW 76 Marb +.80

BW +1.4 RE +.58

Adj 205 918 $W 35.66

Compare our KCH Bulls to the National Angus Average

Act BW BW 205 Wt WW KCH Avg 75 1.4 769 53 National Avg 79 1.8 611 48

YW 98 87

Milk 23 23

Marb RE .56 .46 .39 .34

Ken & Heather Haas Phone 307-834-2356 4766 State Hwy 151 · LaGrange, Wyoming 82221

$B 68.51 58.45

WW +72 $F 53.56

YW +119 $G 39.02

Milk +23 $B 85.40

Additional Top Angus Sires:

KCH Mixer 2166 Conneally Consensus SydGen Copyright 9080 Coleman Regis 904 SSR Total Power 4018 B/R Ambush 28 93

343 - 310th Ave. • Gilman, IA 50106 George (641) 236-3833 • Randy (641) 990-9911 B&B 1 9/19/12 10:28 AM Page 1

“Animal Handling” continued from page 92 you select only for calm cattle, you’ll likely get cows who aren’t good mothers in caring for their calf. That said, wild animals don’t habituate,but just get more scared and probably need to be culled, says Temple. So seek some middle ground in selecting for disposition. Do move animals at a walk or trot. Getting animals too excited and moving too fast can again negate health and performance. Don’t use a hot shot. A flag can drive cattle effectively, says Temple. Don’t fill the crowd pen too full. When working animals through a chute. Temple suggests filling the crowd pen only half full and leaving the tub gate on the first notch. “Don’t squish them in there. Animals have to be able to move freely and see where they are going,” she says. To get a firsthand experience, she also suggests walking through the crowd pen and chute yourself when it’s empty and pretend you are the animal. See what details you notice at their eye level. “They’ve got to be able to see the entrance, so sometimes switching the side you work from in the pen makes a difference,” she suggests. Also note any items on the ground –such as a pipe or board in the alley- that cattle may balk at. Either remove it, or cover it dirt so they don’t notice it. If the


Livestock Plus Inc.

January 2013

open sides along the alley or chute bother them, consider covering those with plywood as well. (Thanks to Kindra Gordon and Beef Magazine for the use of this article that further demonstrates Temple Grandin’s ideas about gentle livestock handling. Temple is a very prolific writer and speaker and people around the World follow her suggestions. See more ideas from Temple in another article and my column in this publication. Evan Rayl) n

GLS Tammy Z1

SP The Answer 813 x GLS T29 January SimAngus™ Heifer

GLS mr. UpGrade Z3

GLS Tammy Z8

SP The Answer 813 x GLS T29 January SimAngus™ Heifer

GLS miSS Nd Z109

GLS miSS Tammy Z37 SP The Answer 813 x GLS T29 January SimAngus™ Heifer

GLS miSS UpGrade Z4

Mr. NLC Upgrade U8676 x GLS Miss BTE W149 January Purebred Herd Bull Prospect

GLS New Direction X184 x GLS Miss PS X116 February Purebred Heifer

Mr. NLC Upgrade U8676 x GLS/GF Precious W48 January Purebred Heifer

GLS mr. aNSwer Z18

GLS miSS mo BeTTer 21y

GLS miSS aLLiaNce y192

SP The Answer 813 x SSE Josie January SimAngus™ Herd Bull Prospect

SVF/NJC Mo Better M217 x GLS 16 1/2 SM • Bred to LBR Mr. X861

4WA Alliance 72 x GLS T165 1/2 SM • Bred to Hooks Final Analysis 7U

View full sale offering online at BoB & Becky Grass 507-324-5107

Bob’s Cell 507-438-9007 John 507-440-9095 Sale location: 77247 125th Street LeRoy, MN 55951

View/Bid liVe on the internet!

os View at Videin e! or log onto l n o

For more information or a sale catalog, contact sale management! Sale Managers, Val & Lori Eberspacher Office 507-532-6694 • Cell 612-805-7405 Kelly Schmidt 406-599-2395 Fax 507-532-9457 • 95

Featuring 30 Bulls

Sired by: OCC Legend, Rodman, Irish Whiskey, Cerveza, Dubai, Paddy O'Malley, Hard Drive, Suh, Fatt Butt, Walks Alone, and Amen

For Catalog Contact:

Bakenhus Cattle Co. Ward Bakenhus 21223 310th St • Columbus, NE 68601 Home:402-563-3473 • Cell: 402-910-1397 Sales Representative: John Sachau • 712-267-2200

Private Treaty Bull Sale


Open House

Saturday January 26, 2013 New Sharon, Iowa

Farm location: 3 mi. south and 2 1/2 mi. east of New Sharon

50 Angus Bulls

• Performance data on every bull • Stacked pedigrees • All bulls fertility tested

• Registering Cattle since 1951 • More than 30 years on AHIR • Volume buyers discount available

Big stout bulls sired by: SAV First Class, SAV Camaro, SynGen Mandate, Fergs Right Way 815, Fergs Traveler 4226, Fergs Objective 653 and others. 1607 Niland Ave. •  New Sharon, IA 50207

Call for a flyer with Wts & EPDs: Joe Ferguson Tom Ferguson 641-637-4071 H • 641-660-4244 C 641-637-2725 H • 641-660-5033 C


Visitors are always welcome!

Livestock Plus Inc.

January 2013

Bulls are sold on a first come, first serve basis. Come have dinner with us and wish Dad a Happy 91st Birthday!

Meyer Angus Meyer 734 x Angus

Friction FrictionxxReimann Reimann Donor Donor 210 210by bySlick Slick50 50


Leachman Heavenly x Red Angus Leachman Heavenly x Red Angus

Total Solution x OCC Legend Total Solution x OCC Legend


Sunseeker x Maine x Angus Sunseeker x Maine x Angus

Whiskey Butt Business Irish Irish Whiskey x Nuttxn’Nutt Buttn’Business


Selling Selling 165165 Head Head in in TheThe BigBig Opportunity Opportunity Event Event of The of The Season! Season!

Dunlap, Dunlap, Iowa Iowa

Saturday Saturday afternoon afternoon - 5 p.m. - 5 CST p.m. CST

JANUARY JANUARY 26,26, 2013 2013

Woodbine,Iowa Iowa -- 712/647-8898 712/647-8898 SH SH OO WWCCAT ATTTLLEE Woodbine,


Adam, Adam,Melanie, Melanie, Wyatt, Wyatt, Layne, Layne, Brody, Brody,Jax, Jax, && Katy Katy Pryor Pryor

Creston, Creston, Nebraska Nebraska 402/285-0245 402/285-0245 402/920-1497 402/920-1497 Judd Judd Went, Went, 402/276-7431 402/276-7431

Ryan Ryan & Jan & Jan Went Went

P.O. Box P.O. 85 Box - Elmore, 85 - Elmore, Ohio USA Ohio 43416 USA 43416 419/862-0117, 419/862-0117, phone phone

For your ForFREE yourcopy FREEofcopy the sale of the reference sale reference catalog log catalog on tolog on to or contact or contact the marketing the marketing agent at: agent at:

Stop Stopinintotosee see the the cattle today today or orrequest requestaacatalog catalogatat 419.862.0117! 419.862.0117!

IrishIrish Whiskey x Pryor Donor 728 Whiskey x Pryor Donor 728 by HB Pryority by HB Pryority

IrishIrish Whiskey Whiskey sonson x Angus x Angus

Quality Quality & Opportunity & Opportunity Beyond Beyond Compare. Compare.


Benda Ranch

•Annual Bull & Bred Heifer Sale•

Monday • February 11, 2013 @ 1:00 PM • Kimball Livestock Exchange, Kimball, SD Selling 55 Simmental & SimAngus Bulls and 25 Bred Heifers

JBS Mr. Force 407Z ASA# 2658022 Shear Force x MT • Purebred • WW Ratio- 119 EPDs: 13 2 69 97 9 30 65

JBS Mr. HF Answer 067Z ASA# 2657986 Hart Final Answer x WS Independence 3/8 SM • WW Ratio- 117 EPDs: 13 2 71 105 10 19 55

JBS Miss Trademark 943Y ASA# 2602943 • Trademark x Magnitude 3/4 SM • WW Ratio- 94 EPDs: 7 3 62 85 3 15 46 Bred to Hart Final Answer

Bulls had no creep feed. • Will have ultrasound data in January Benda Ranch Simmentals

26106 366th Ave. • Kimball, SD 57355 • Home: 605-778-6703 •Jim’s Cell: 605-730-6703 •Jay’s Cell: 605-730-0215


Livestock Plus Inc.

January 2013

The 8th Annual

Dakota Classic



Selling over 140 HEAD of bred heifers and young mature cows with many donor prospects - All from these powerful herds - Also, a few elite opens will sell.

! n a g e b ll a it e r e h w to Come back

736 - RSVP x Emblazon

108 - Adrenaline X Homer

132 - Hot Sauce X Gladiator

Big Time, Ranch Raised, Club Calf Producing Females in Volume... EXTENSIVE SALE CATALOG & VIDEO PREVIEWS ONLINE JANUARY 22nd at


Rob Vanhove (605) 482-8465 HOME; (605) 480-0909 CELL

Sale BooksMailed on Request Only

Request a “hand mailed” copy of the book by texting the words Dakota Classic and your mailing information to (516) 366-0734. ccollinsinc SALE MANAGEMENT: Christy Collins, Inc. Frederick, OK


index of advertisers

Accelerated Genetics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 American Maine Anjou Assn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 American Royal Stock Show . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Bakenhus Cattle Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 Baldridge Bros. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 Bartos Angus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 Bear Mtn. Angus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Bellar Cattle Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Benda Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 Benoit Angus Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 Berger’s Herdmaster Bull Sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Black Hills Stock Show . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Blind Badger Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Blue Chip Cattle Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Bob Jon Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 Breeder’s World Online Sales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Bushy Park Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Front Cover Bussmus Angus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Cardinal Cattle Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106-107 Carter Angus Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31, 88 Carter Family Angus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Cattle Chat/McCullough Fittin Clinics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42-43 Cedar Top Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Clear Creek Stock Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 Dakota Classic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 Double J Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Douglas Booth Family Angus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 EBY Trailers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Fawcett’s Elm Creek Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Ferguson Angus Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 Forster Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Goat Milk Stuff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Grass-Lunning Simmentals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 Green Valley Cattle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 Gruhn, Fred & Mary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Hawkeye Breeders Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 Haynes Cattle Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Hoffman Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 Holmes Show Cattle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Hook Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Hoop Beef Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Hoover Angus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84-85 Horsley Bros. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Hueftle Cattle Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 IA Angus Assn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 IA Beef Expo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 IA Charolais Sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 IA Maine Anjou Assn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 IA Simmental Assn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 IL Simmental Assn. Mid America Simmental Sale . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 J & C Simmentals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89

- Subscription Request Please fill out and mail to:

Jauer Dependable Genetics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 JEK Cattle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 Jindra Angus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 Kelly Cattle Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 Ken Haas Angus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 KM Cattle Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Long’s Simmental . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20, 36 Loonan Stock Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Martin Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 McConahay Cattle Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 MDF Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Midnight Rider . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Mikkey’s LC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Mile High Classic Red Angus Sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Mill Bar Angus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 Mohnen Angus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Nagel Cattle Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 National Western Salers Sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 National Western Lowline Sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 National Western Stock Show . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Nebraska Cattlemen’s Classic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44-47 Nichols Cryo-Genetics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 Nichols Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .80 Ohlrichs / Felt Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 Overmiller Red Angus& Gelbvieh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 Playboy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Pryor Show Cattle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 Rayl Angus Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64-65 Reye/Russell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Ridder Hereford Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 Sandpoint Cattle Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Schroeder Angus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Slagle Angus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Sullivan Supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Taubenheim Gelbvieh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 TC Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Thompson Angus Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 TK Angus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 Tour of Duty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Trauernicht Simmentals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Trausch Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Triangle J Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Ultra Ova . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 upcoming sales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Uproar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Upstream Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Back Cover Vision Angus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 Werning Cattle Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Western Elite Female Sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Whitestone-Krebs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Windmill Angus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

Address: __________________________________________ City: ______________________________________________ State: _____________

8840 Deer Ridge Lane • Bloomington, MN 55438 NEW

Address Change/Cor­rec­tion

Farm Name: ______________________________________ Name: __________________________________________

Zip: _______________________

Phone: ____________________________________________ Interests:

Cattle Swine Equipment/Services


Breeds: __________________________________________ Breeds: __________________________________________


Livestock Plus Inc.

January 2013



Merlin&Delores, 5 943Hwy.275,Norfolk,NE home:402. 87.248 orcel: w w.showste 402.369.1059 WeproudlyfedPurinaMilsGrand4-TFyer &PurinaMilsReci vingChow

Saturday, Saturday, February February 2, 2, 2013



atat1:00 1:00 p.m. p.m. OHL OHLRanch, Ranch,Norfolk, Norfolk, Nebraska Nebraska

Pictures Picturesand andvideos

Maine-Anjou, Maine-Anjou,ChiMaine, ChiMaine,ChiAngus, ChiAngus, Angus Angus&&Simmental SimmentalInfluence InfluenceBulls Bulls



For For a free catalog, contact contact ...

James, James,402.369.0513 402.369.0513 Merlin Merlin&&Delores, Delores, home: home:402.287.2488 402.287.2488 or or cell: cell: 402.369.1059 402.369.1059


Selling SellingApproximately Approximately 6060Calving CalvingEase Ease& & Performance PerformanceBulls Bulls

HLRICHS HLRICHS Wayne Wayne&&Barb BarbOhlrichs Ohlrichs

cell: cell:402.649.5804 402.649.5804• •cell: cell:402.649.6911 402.649.6911 home: home:402.371.0695 402.371.0695 55943 55943Hwy. Hwy.275, 275,Norfolk, Norfolk,NE NE

We Weproudly proudlyfeed feedPurina PurinaMills MillsGrand Grand 4-T-Fyer 4-T-Fyer &&Purina PurinaMills MillsRecieving RecievingChow Chow TM





Brilliance x Yukon x Merger

Smooth Move x 2-878 x Rito 0100

Connealy Capitalist x 004 x Stockman 365

Net Worth x 878 x Gridmaker

Lut x 1024 x Rito 0100

I-80 x Black Bear

Classic x Pay Day x War Extra


Livestock Plus Inc.

January 2013

Rocky x 878 x Balance

More photoS AnD VIDeoS At: or on facebook at ben kelly cattle





Lot Lot




January 25th 3:00pm • At The Farm 24403 250th Street Dallas Center, IA 50063

Ben, Denise, Jack, & Sean •K•e•l•l•y• 24403 250th St. Dallas Center, Iowa 50063 cell: 515.208.2389

15th AnnuAl

Marty Van Vliet: 641.780.0631 Summer Mapes: 641.780.0184

cattle company

Dave Mente: 201.259.4729 Stacy Mente: 507.227.5117

elite Female Sale


Another great year at the Iowa Cattlemen’s Convention and just great people! I was visiting with my good friend, Mindy Campfield, about the upcoming Iowa Beef Expo when she told me one of the funniest stories about her son, Rowdy, and husband, Rob. Rob and Rowdy were out riding the four-wheeler checking crops and saw some “reindeer” in the corn. So I guess Rowdy proceeded to yell, “Hey you, reindeer, get out of my dad’s corn!” That being said, when they went to see Santa recently, instead of telling Santa what he wanted for Christmas, Rowdy pointed his finger at Santa and says “Hey! You need to keep your reindeer outta my dad’s corn!” Just made me laugh! I wanted to start this article with a funny story because in the light of the recent tragedy in Connecticut. I have been very overwhelmed with the need to hold those people most dear to me a little closer. In fact, Taylor informed me that I was “hugging too hard” the first couple nights after we learned of the loss. I don’t know about all of you, but I know I have been trying to slow down and enjoy the little moments and have a little extra patience with the kids. We have had many “talks” about heaven and Taylor piped up and said, “It’s okay Momma I would wait for you with Cali and Helen.” Cali is our cat that passed away this year and Helen was my great aunt. She just seems so completely at ease with the thought of going to heaven if anything bad were to happen. May God bless you and your family in this new year and maybe give your loved ones an extra squeeze! Please continue to keep our military and all of the families that have lost loved ones in your prayers! Psalm 34:18 The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. Heidi Sorensen • 661-900-6004

hoto P e r u t Fea

Quinn laughing at the other lil lamb! Her parents are Angie and Nick Schmidt. Photo submitted by grandparents Mary and Jerry Sorensen.


Livestock Plus Inc.

January 2013

Tyler Muir:Layout 1 9/19/12 11:56 AM Page 1

ClearCreek2 BC:Layout 1 6/29/12 3:30 PM Page 1

At At the the FArm FArm in in melrose, melrose, iowA, iowA, January January 26 26 •• Bids Bids close close At At 5 5 Pm Pm

herd Bull Bull Prospects Prospects Go to 15 herd Selling: select show 10 select show heifers for heifers for more more information, information, pictures, pictures, and and videos! videos! monopoly xx who who made made who who Bull Bull monopoly

Foreman Foundation Baldy simmy heifer

Bodacious x who made who Bull

we we have have an an outstanding outstanding group group of of cattle! cattle! Sires represented include monopoly, Sires represented include monopoly, Bodacious, mercedes mercedes Benz, Benz, sooner, sooner, Foreman, Foreman, Bodacious, excalibur, and star Power. the bull offering excalibur, and star Power. the bull offering includes includes both both show show steer steer sires sires and and maternal maternal bred bulls for producing top females. bred bulls for producing top females. the the show show heifer heifer prospects prospects will will compete compete and we have a great set of cow and we have a great set of cow prospects. prospects. we we invite invite you you to to take take aa look, look, you you will will not not be be disappointed. disappointed.

Joe Joe and and Kris Kris Knowles Knowles 5417 225th 5417 225th st. st. •• melrose, melrose, iA iA 52569 52569 home: 641-726-3206 home: 641-726-3206 Joe’s Joe’s cell: cell: 641-344-4781 641-344-4781 Kris’ Kris’ cell: cell: 641-344-2954 641-344-2954 online online at at




% Simmental

rce rce Whizzard x Steel Fo Whizzard x Steel Fo

% Simmental



Steel Force x Bushs Ambition/E161 Steel Force x Bushs Ambition/E161 Chi I-80 x Point TakenI-80 x Point Taken ChiAngus


Carnac x 1024/Chi Carnac x 1024/Chi

The Situation x SAV The Predominate/Eagle Situation x SAV Predominate/Eagle Scout Scout

View videos online View videos at: online at: 106

Livestock Plus Inc.

January 2013



Lut x Doctor/Balance

Angus Lut x 1024/E161


Lut x Fullback Son


Pure Product x Remedy/Boyd On Target CARDINAL CATTLE COMPANY J. Riley - Owner Jeff Wisnefski - Manager 9736 Modena Road Wyoming, Illinois c: 815.274.3860 • 309.479.2004 Doug Vogel: 765.561.3397 Lut x 1|2/Balance

Sale Consultants Mike Sorensen 641.745.7949 Jerryd Ehrnthaller 309.883.1630 Tim Heckman 309.255.0199

While in the area plan to view Bob Jon Farms Online Bull Sale! January 29th


Presorted Standard U.S. Postage

8840 Deer Ridge Lane Bloomington, MN 55438


Livestock Plus Inc.

Upstream Ranch Annual Production Sale Saturday • Feb. 2, 2013

Take advantage of heterois to maximize profit with Upstream Ranch Hereford Bulls.

1:00 p.m. CST • at the ranch

Selling -230 Bull including 100 coming 2 yr olds 125 fall yearlings & 5 bull calves Also - 50 Heifers including 35 bred heifers & 15 heifer calves

UPS Navarro 1086 • 03.30.11 • Sire: UPS Navarro BW 4.8 WW 45 YW 76 Milk 28 M&G 51 REA .18 MARB .25

UPS Spartan 1231 • 4.13.11 • DS Spartan BW .8 WW 51 YW 75 Milk 21 M&G 46 REA 0.38 MARB 0.28

UPS Domino 1544 • 9.11.11 • Sire: UPS Domino 5216 BW 3.4 WW 55 YW 90 Milk 30 M&G 58 REA 0.29 MARB 0.2

UPS Helton 1874 • 9.15.11 • Sire: CRR Helton 980 BW 5.1 WW 52 YW 85 Milk 24 M&G 50 REA 0.41 MARB 0.12

Sale will be broadcast on RFD TV by Superior Productions UPS Sensation 2276 • 4.9.12 • Sire: Churchill Sensation 028X BW 1.0 WW 58 YW 95 Milk 21 M&G 50 REA 0.78 MARB 0.14

Brent and Robin Meeks • 308-942-3195 cell: 308-214-0719 45060 Upstream Rd • Taylor, NE 68879 •


Livestock Plus Inc.

January 2013

• First breeding season guarantee. • Free delivery or $100/head trucking discount. • Fertility, performance, and carcass tested. • Range developed, sound and not overconditioned

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