Since 1995
The Publication for Cowboys and Kids
September 1, 2015, Vol. 20 Issue 7
SilverasSilveras Style XStyle Monopoly X Monopoly High ChiHigh heifer Chi heifer
BelieveBelieve In Me -InSteer Me - Steer
Irish Whiskey Irish Whiskey X 6807X 6807 MaineTainer MaineTainer Heifer Heifer I80 X 725T I80 X 725T PB Maine-Anjou PB Maine-Anjou Heifer Heifer
SilverasSilveras Style XStyle Monopoly X Monopoly High ChiHigh heifer Chi heifer
Who Maker Who Maker X ChloeX Chloe Hereford Hereford Heifer Heifer
sEPTEmBEr sEPTEmBEr 22 -22 BPF- BPF annual annual PasTurE PasTurE salEsalE
Online Online with CWwith Cattle CWSale Cattle• Sale • • Cattle• Located Cattle Located in Mitchell, in Mitchell, SD SD 18 Top18Quality Top Quality steerssteers • 7 head • 7 head of Eliteofshow Elite show heifers heifers
OCTOBEr OCTOBEr 24 -24 BPF- BPF TradiTiOn TradiTiOn OF ExCEllEnCE OF ExCEllEnCE salEsalE At the Bushy At the Park BushyFarm Park•Farm Mitchell, South Dakota South Dakota • Mitchell, 50 show 50 show heifers heifers - Maine-Anjou, - Maine-Anjou, MaineTainer, MaineTainer, Hereford, Hereford, High Simmental, High Simmental, Percentage Percentage Simmental, Simmental, ShorthornPlus ShorthornPlus and more. and Many more.breeds Many breeds represented! represented! 50 head 50 head of Bred of Cattle Bred Cattle - Bred Heifers, - Bred Heifers, DonorsDonors and Bred andCows. Bred Cows. 4 Outstanding 4 Outstanding Bulls -Bulls Maine-Anjou, - Maine-Anjou, Simmental, Simmental, Hereford Hereford & Chi. & Chi. These cattle Thesecan cattle take canyour takeprogram your program to the next to thelevel. next level.
Bushy Bushy Park Park Farm Farm
4028140281 260th Street 260th •Street Mitchell, • Mitchell, SD 57301 SD 57301 • Fax:•605-996-0721 Fax: 605-996-0721 Steve Robinson, Steve Robinson, Owner Owner • Cory•Thomsen, Cory Thomsen, GeneralGeneral Manager, Manager, 605-730-2397 605-730-2397 Samantha Samantha Messmer, Messmer, Assistant Assistant Manager, Manager, 317-979-3348 317-979-3348 On-lineOn-line at: at: VisitorsVisitors alwaysalways welcome! welcome! 2015 2015 Tradition Tradition of Excellence of Excellence Sale -Sale 10.24.15 - 10.24.15