January 2014 Edition

Page 1

The Publication for Cowboys and Kids


January 1, 2014, Vol. 19 Issue 1

FEB. 11TH • CWCATTLESALES.COM • Offering yearling Maine-Anjou Bulls. PB, 3/4 & 1/2. • Sired by industry leaders like Mercedes Benz, I-80, Irish Whiskey and Main Line. • All bulls are black & predominantly polled. • 20 head sell. These are PERFORMANCE type bulls!




40281 260th Street • Mitchell, SD 57301 Fax: 605-996-0721 • Toll Free: 888-502-7322 Steve Robinson, Owner Cory Thomsen, General Manager, 605-730-2397 Brent Meister, Herdsman, 402-380-4876 W: www.bpfcc.com • Visitors always welcome! PICTURES & VIDEOS AVAILABLE ONLINE AT BPFCC.COM

1/2 Simmental/MaineTainer Bull sire. Built Right dam. Anita Loan He Sells February 18th

• Offering yearling Simmental Bulls. PB & Percentage Simmental. • Sired by industry leaders like Built Right, Steel Force, Encore, High Regard and No Remorse. • 15 head sell. A stout set of bulls!

FEB. 25TH • CWCATTLESALES.COM • Offering yearling calving ease & club calf raising sires. • Sired by industry leaders like Mercedes Benz, Irish Whiskey, Monopoly and Main Line. • 10 head sell. Deep in quality! 3/4 Maine-Anjou Bull PB MAINE-ANJOU BULL sire. Main Line sire. Mercedes Benz (Sooner X Miss Purple) He Sells February 11th He Sells February 11th

2014 Monday 1:00 PM

26th annual bull sale Ogallala Livestock Ogallala Nebraska


Yerng Angs Bls

Connealy Final Product Connealy Right Answer SAV Pioneer Sitz Upward

Cnely Fn Prouc CED BW WW YW Milk +4 +.8 +65 +119 +39 Marb RE $F $B +.46 +.85 +61.88 +84.03

15848422 CED +12

SAV Piner 7301 Cnely Rig Awr 746


BW WW YW Milk Marb RE $F $B -.3 +67 +121 +39 +.56 +.09 +63.51 +66.39

Mates harvested to our Sale Bulls Consistently grade 67% CAB® 14963730 S Uwr 307R 99% Choice or Better CED BW WW YW Milk Marb RE $F $B 96% PREMIUM PAID +7

+2.5 +70 +133 +42 +.43 +.68 +78.38 +88.01

FREE Feed FREE Delivery TJ, Kristy, Tanner & Ty Martin First Breeding Season Guarantee 1361 Keystone Sarben N Rd • PO Box 260 Volume Discounts Keystone NE 69144 UPDATED Weights, Scrotal Measurements And Ultrasound Data Available Sale Day Office: 308-726-2855 Cell: 308-883-2333



Livestock Plus Inc. January 2014


CED BW WW YW Milk +6 +2.0 +60 +109 +35 Marb RE $F $B +.38 +.96 +51.35 +64.90





The Magazine for Cowboys and Kids

Mike Sorensen ~ Sales Cell: 641-745-7949 mike@livestockplusinc.com

Greetings, Can you believe it is National Western Stock Show time already? Where did 2013 go? Oh well, here we go 2014. Iowa Winter Beef Expo, Nebraska Cattlemen’s Classic, and a non-stop sale tour are on deck for the first 3 to 4 months of 2014. The food story is going to be an actual retest story just to make sure I was right the first time. Back in September of 2011, I landed in Monmouth, Illinois for Dwyer’s Foundation Female Sale. In Monmouth there is a steak house called Cerar’s Barnstormer Steakhouse. At that time, I was on a ribeye kick, but they insisted that the best steak and most flavorful was the filet mignon, a center cut char broiled filet mignon. That was a good decision. Now I am back to make sure these folks can duplicate or do better than the last steak. Under the same questioning, the new waitress came up with a different idea not far off the first visit but different, a roasted filet mignon. Their description printed in the menu: “Our signature


steak roasted with olive oil and our special steak seasoning served with a rosemary beef sauce reserved from its own juices and sautéed mushrooms.” Really a neat description, the only problem I had was the mushrooms. They assured me they could take care of the mushrooms and that they would not touch my steak. I would go into my description of mushrooms but my wife and daughters would delete it in our proof reading process. The roasted filet was deadly and I had a sweet potato casserole chaser along with the warm bread and honey butter. This would be my idea of a deadly meal, prepared perfectly and delivered with a smile. Dixie just happened to be with me on this trip and ready to eat. She wasn’t completely famished, so she elected to eat somewhat light. She ordered the crab cakes thinking that they would be light and a small portion. Well, that was wrong. There were 4 of them, the size of a half-pound hamburger patty. She was really full after eating one. Well, its “Big Mike” to the rescue. After eating my filet and not wanting to waste food (good excuse, right?), fluffy ol’ Mike decided to try a crab cake. That darn thing was awesome. I may order crab cakes next time trip to Monmouth. They were way better than I anticipated! This place is atmosphere deluxe, meal excellent, and after 5 adult beverages, deadly. It’s a 9+ steak house, “The Barnstormer.” I guess it’s off to another sale. I hope all of you have a very prosperous New Year, hope to see y’all down the road. As always, keep our military past and present and their families in your thoughts and prayers! God Bless

Livestock Plus Inc. January 2014

Randy Rasby ~ Sales Cell: 308-539-6195 O: 308-386-4857 rrasasoc@gpcom.net

Heidi Sorensen ~ Sales Cell: 661-900-6004 O: 641-343-7112 heidi@livestockplusinc.com

Austin Brandt ~ Sales 712-621-1829 austin@livestockplusinc.com

DESIGN OFFICE Linda Luppen Livestock Plus

1535 165th St. Garner, IA 50438

Ph.: 515-851-0304 Fax: 641-587-2263 linda@livestockplusinc.com Ad deadline is the 12th of the month. Livestock Plus is mailed the first of every month. Send or email all ad copy to the Design Office. Please call for specs. Livestock Plus is published January, February, March, April, May, June, August, September, October, November, December. Subscriptions are free. Direct subscription requests to Livestock Plus Inc., c/o Mary Allen, 8840 Deer Ridge Lane, Bloomington, MN 55438. Articles published in Live­stock Plus, Inc. are not nec­es­sar­i­ly the views or opin­ions of the pub­lish­er or staff. TERMS: All partnerships billed to one person. Due upon receipt.



Mohnen Long Distance 413

Act. BW 74 Act. WW 870 Adj. WW 851, ratio 100 CED +17 BW -1.2 WW +53 YW +88 MILK +27 MARB +.61 REA +.23

Mohnen Wolf Creek 543

Act. BW 71 Act. WW 870 Adj. WW 852, ratio 101 CED +10 BW +1.1 WW +58 YW +96 MILK +30 MARB +.16 REA +.49

Mohnen Final Answer 423

Act. BW 81 Act. WW 960 Adj. WW 931, ratio 110 CED +11 BW +.6 WW +59 YW +96 MILK +28 MARB +.46 REA +.28

Mohnen Cartwright 1463

Act. BW 85 Act. WW 975 Adj. WW 886, ratio 108 CED +6 BW +1.2 WW +63 YW +106 MILK +31 MARB +.63 REA +.57

Denver Bound! Sire: Mogck Bullseye

Mohnen Impressive 1093 (ET)

Denver Bound!

Act. BW 79 Act. WW 1000 Adj. WW 899 CED +11 BW +.4 WW+61 YW +113 MILK +29 MARB +.42 REA +.18

Mohnen Tuition A1763

Sire: Basin Excitement

½ SM ½ AN Dam: Mohnen Jilt Y1801 is a full sister to the $18,000 bull, Mohnen Hulk, owned by Rod Rhode and Genex BW 90# Act. WW. 1025# Sire: TNT Tuition

Mohnen Angus

Power of Genetics

Annual Bull Sale Friday • February 14, 2014 • 1pm At the Ranch • White Lake, SD

Offering: 30 Sim-Angus Bulls 125 Registered Angus Bulls Selling sons by: CCC Meritt • Excitement • S Chisum Final Answer Benfield Substance Brand Name Also selling: 30 Registered Heifers • 20 REgistered Cows For your free reference sale booklet, contact anyone in the office of the Sale Managers, TOM BURKE/KURT SCHAFF/JEREMY HAAG, AMERICAN ANGUS HALL OF FAME at the WORLD ANGUS HEADQUARTERS, Box 660, Smithville, MO 64089-0660. Phone (816) 532-0811. Fax (816) 532-0851. E-mail: angushall@earthlink.net • www.angushall.com


Raising Quality Cattle is not our job – it’s our life! Mohnen Angus

Steve & Kathy 25770 370th Ave. • White Lake, SD 57383 Home 605-249-2719

mohnen@midstatesd.net • www.mohnenangus.com Josh: 605-680-0125 • Steve: 605-680-3063 John: 605-680-2063 Auctioneer: Seth Weishaar • 605-210-1124 Regional Representative: Vern Frey • 701-721-0344

Livestock Plus Inc. January 2014



Selling February 18, 2014 • Burwell, Neb. Incredible Quality ... selected from a continual AI program since 1965. You won’t find a better set Guaranteed! Guaranteed Genetics to convert grass to pounds, because after all what we are really selling is grass. Add genetics that will more efficiently convert grass to pounds, ultimately adding more dollars to your bottom line than any other trait. Good ranchers ride good horses and have great hard working cows eating their grass. At Cedar Top Ranch we demand both. Pampered cattle simply don’t have the bred-in ability to do their most important function of converting grass to protein. Cedar Top cows do this better than any other program in the country. Hard working cows make hard working bulls.

175 Coming 2-year-old Bulls Sell

Pick from a great selection of 2-year-old Bulls – NOT Last Year’s Leftovers!

Range-Ready Bulls from these Sire Groups Sell

Balancer® • Angus • Red Angus • Complete Igenity DNA Testing • Semen Checked • You Buy...We Bid on Your Calves • Volume Discounts • 1st Season Guarantee • Free Delivery • Supreme Quality (Selected from one of the Nation's largest herds) • Forage Developed (to identify cattle that gain on grass) • Carcass Tested • Every Bull DNA Tenderness Tested!

Cedar Top Ranch

Scott & Raberta Starr 212 Starr Drive • Stapleton, NE 69163 308-587-2293 • 308-530-3900 (C) email: cedartopranch@gpcom.net


Livestock Plus Inc. January 2014



Up com ing Sale s & Eve nts


January 4 Bellar Cattle Co. Western Exposure 2014 - Dunlap, IA Western Exposure 2014 - Dunlap, IA WIllie Morris Cattle Royal Edge Sale - Muscatine, IA January 11- 14th NWSS Stock Show - Denver, CO January 12 Mile High Classic Red Angus Auction; NWSS - Denver, CO January 17 National Western Foundation Female Sale - Denver, CO January 18 American Chianina Assn Late Night Legacy Sale; NWSS - Denver, CO American Maine Anjou Assn. Bright Lights Sale; NWSS - Denver, CO Western Elite female Sale; NWSS - Denver, CO January 19 American Chianina Assn. Bull & Female Sale - Denver, CO January 20 American Chianina Assn Jr. Show “On the Hill” - Denver, CO American Saler Assn. Sale; NWSS - Denver, CO January 22 NWSS Commercial Female Show & Sale - Denver, CO January 23 NWSS Stock Dog Working Preview & Sale - Denver, CO National Lowline Sale; NWSS - Denver, CO January 24 Mill Bar Angus Production Sale - McCook, NE Went Blacks Annual Production Sale - West Point, NE January 25 Baldridge Bros. Bull Sale - North Platte, NE Double J Farms Private Treaty Simmental Sale - Garretson, SD Ferguson Angus Private Treaty Bull Sale and Open House New Sharon, IA Forster Farms Simmental Production Sale - Smithfield, NE ISU Tradition of Excellence Female & Private Treaty Bull Sale Ames, IA J & C Simmentals 19th Annual Bull Sale - West Point, NE Jauer Dependable Genetics 37th Annual Angus Bull & Female Sale - Hinton, IA Nichols Farms Private Treaty Bull Sales start - Bridgewater, IA Pryor Show Cattle Pryority 1 Sale - Dunlap, IA Thomson Angus Bull Sale - Kintyre, ND January 26 - Triangle J Ranch 24th Annual Bull Sale - Miller, NE January 27 Cardinal Cattle Co. Diamonds in the Mine Bull Sale Wyoming, IL & cwcattlesales.com Hoier Show Cattle Bred Heifer Sale - breedersworld.com Holmes Show Cattle Elite Bull Sale - breedersworld.com JEK Cattle Online Bull Sale - cwcattlesales.com Martin Ranch Annual Bull Sale - Ogallala, NE January 28 Ken Haas Angus 33rd Annual Bull Sale - LaGrange, WY

February February 1 Bartos Angus Annual Production Sale - Verdigre, NE Dakota Classic Sale - Sioux Falls, SD Fabius Creek Angus Mature Cow Herd Dispersal & Bull Sale Bloomfield, IA Horsley Brothers Eastern Exposure Sale - New Paris, OH Loonan Stock Farm Private Treaty Production Sale - Corning, IA Ohlrichs/Felt Farms Annual Bull Sale - Norfolk, NE Rayl Farms Open House - Bridgewater, IA Springer Simmental Value Based Genetics Sale - Decorah, IA Upstream Ranch Annual Hereford Production Sale - Taylor, NE


February 2 Trauernicht Simmentals Production Sale - Beatrice, NE February 3 Pruess & Thernes Cattle Co. Bull & Open Heifer Online Sale cwcattlesales.com Taubenheim Gelbvieh 24th Annual Production Sale - Amherst, NE Windmill Angus Ranch Annual Production Sale - Haigler, NE February 4 Hoover Angus Farm 86th Production Sale - Creston, IA February 6 - Ridder Hereford Ranch Annual Sale - Callaway, NE February 7 Black Hills Stock Show Maine Anjou & MaineTainer Show & Sale - Rapid City, SD McConnell Angus Bull Sale - Dix, NE February 8 Berger’s Herdmaster Sim-Angus Hybrid Bull Sale - North Platte, NE Bussmus Angus Bull Sale - Mitchell, SD Duff Cattle Co. Power Plus Female Sale - Hobart, OK Grass-Lunning Simmentals Bulls Eye Bonanza - LeRoy, MN February 9 - 16th IA Beef Expo - Des Moines, IA February 10 Carter Family Angus Bull Sale - Arthur, NE Fawcett’s Elm Creek Ranch Annual Sale - Ree Heights, SD IA Charolais Show & Sale; IBE - Des Moines, IA IA Simmental Assn. Mark of Genetic Excellence Sale; IBE Des Moines, IA February 11 Bushy Park Farm Online Bull Sale - cwcattlesales.com Werning Cattle Co. 33rd Annual Production Sale - Mitchell, SD February 12 12th - 13th IA Angus Assn. Show & Sale; IBE - Des Moines, IA IA Lowline Sale; IBE - Des Moines, IA IA Maine Anjou Assn. Parade & Sale; IBE - Des Moines, IA February 13 - Hart Simmentals Power Bull Sale - Frederick, SD February 14 Mohnen Angus Power of Genetics Bull Sale - White Lake, SD February 15 Martin Livestock Dual Threat Sale - Paris, IL Minert/Simonson Angus Ranch Bull Sale - Dunning, NE Overmiller Red Angus & Gelbvieh Production Sale - Smith Center, KS February 18 Bushy Park Farm Online Bull Sale - cwcattlesales.com Cedar Top Ranch Bull Sale - Burwell, NE Douglas Booth Annual Family Angus Bull Sale - Torrington, WY February 19 Ostrand Angus 13th Annual Production Sale - Sargent, NE February 20 - Krebs Ranch Bull Sale - Gordon, NE February 21 Hoffman Ranch Annual Bull Sale - Thedford, NE February 22 IL Simmental Assn. Mid-American Simm. Sale - Springfield, IL February 24 Reyes/Russell 23rd Annual Sale - Wheatland, WY February 25 Bushy Park Farm Online Bull Sale - cwcattlesales.com Haynes Cattle Co. 6th Annual Working Bull Angus Sale Ogallala. NE February 26 TC Ranch 40th Annual Produduction Sale - Franklin, NE February 27 Bear Mountain Angus Bull & Female Sale - Palisade, NE DeJong Ranch Annual Online Bull Sale

Livestock Plus Inc. January 2014

A Stock Show News Blog Updated Daily.

GOING LIVE JANUARY 10, 2014 www.sullivansupply.com


•Instant show reports & pictures covering all breeds of purebred cattle and junior shows. •In-depth reports from Denver, Fort Worth as well as other livestock shows in your area! •Daily industry news & updates. •Free sale & event advertising compliments of Sullivan Supply! •Information on all up-coming Stock Show Events!

Applications on-line January 1, 2014 at www.sullivansupply.com

Applications DUE March 15, 2014

For more information, contact The Pulse manager, Luke Bolin at 870.754.1160 or luke@sullivansupply.com

Winners will be announced on-line April 15, 2014


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1-800-475-5902 • Dunlap, Iowa • sales@sullivansupply.com 1-800-588-7096 • Hillsboro, Texas • sullivan@hillsboro.net 1-888-914-5972 • Lodi, California • lee@sullivansupply.com www.livestockplusinc.com



Livestock Plus Inc. January 2014



Annual Bull Sale

“Where you get more for your buck”

Connealy ConFidenCe 0100

Tuesday, February 18, 2014 Torrington Livestock Markets Torrington, WY 1:00 pm (MST)

BW -2.8

WW +48

YW +94

SC -.65

MILK +33

MARB +.68

RE $B +1.22 85.70

Connealy Final Solution

BW +.8

WW +62

YW +115

SC +1.75

MILK +29

Selling 90 Angus Yearling Bulls 10 SimAngus Yearling Bulls JF ameriCan Pride 0987X

MARB +.33

RE +.91

$B 87.16

MARB +.82

RE +.67

$B 94.32

BW +2.8

WW +77

YW MCE +119.7 +1.44

MM +23.4

MARB +.09

RE +.96


Connealy ConSenSuS 7229

BW +2.2

WW +64

YW +106

SC +.92

MILK +34

Call or email for a catalog! Doug & Carolyn 7618 Rd. 41 • Torrington, WY 82240 (307) 532-5830



Dudley & Jennifer 4156 Rd. 82 • Torrington, WY 82240 (307) 532-7179

Visit our website at www.boothfamilyangus.com Livestock Plus Inc. January 2014

3 55 Head Sell! 34th Annual

Thursday, February 20, 2014

12:30 p.m. MST • At the Ranch • Gordon, Nebraska Featuring the Best in Krebs Ranch Angus & SimAngus Genetics!


Sons of these popular Krebs Ranch herd sires sell!

Barstow Cash

Koupals B&B Identity

VAR Rocky

Pine Ridge Hammer

• • 308-360-1949 Eldon’s cell

• 308-360-1972 Ty’s cell • 308-360-3223 Jake’s cell www.livestockplusinc.com


January 25, 2014 Just a few of the exceptional offerings in this sale! All bulls sell with first breeding season guarantee. All are tested negative BVD and will be ultrasound for carcass traits.

80 Bulls, Selling with first season breeding guarantee

80 Bred Heifers 35 Fancy Open Heifers

FF Ms Beef Maker Z067 Red 3/4 blood by Beef Maker x PIE Lead Time, Bred to GW Paramount on 5-17-2013 EPD’s: CE 14, BW 0.2, WW 63, YW 85, MCE 11, MM 29, MWW 61, Marb 0.28, REA 0.68, API 133, TI 70

FF Ms Shooter Z1058 1/2 blood by TJ Sharp Shooter X Encore , Bred to SAV Final Answer on 6-18-2013. EPD’s: CE 8, BW 1.6, WW 55, YW 81, MCE 10, MM 21, MWW 48, Marb 0.49, REA 0.35, API 118, TI 65

FF Ms Beef Max Z746 PB by FF Pref Beef Max X Dream On, Bred to Connealy Final Product on 5-15-2013 EPD’s: CE 12, BW 1.6, WW 82, YW 116, MCE 13, MM 26, MWW 66, Marb 0.16, REA 0.81, API 134, TI 79


FF Ms CCC Beef A805 • April, 25 PB by Triple C Beef Maker X Triple C Magic Man. Full sister was top 20 at Junior Nationals last summer, shown by the Elder family of IA. EPD’s: CE 9, BW 1.7, WW 69, YW 104, MCE 8, MM 25, MWW 60, Marb 0.01, REA 0.66, API 103, TI 69

FF Ms Dominator A1005 • February 1/2 blood by Dominator x Comm. xbred cow EPD’s: CE 12, BW 0.9, WW 61, YW 88, MCE 11, MM 23, MWW 53, Marb 0.19, REA 0.65, API 119, TI 66

FF CCC Beef A941 1/2 blood by Triple C Beef Maker x TC Total EPD’s: CE 6, BW 1.4, WW 78, YW 124, MCE 6, MM 29, MWW 69, Marb 0.23, REA 0.75, API 102, TI 78

Livestock Plus Inc. January 2014

FF Jackhammer A376 • 1/2 Red by HXX Jackhammer x FF Bold Cat 2Z J980 EPD’s: CE 4, BW 3.1, WW 81, YW 122, MCE 5, MM 17, MWW 58, Marb 0.35, REA 0.21, API 102, TI 79

FF Final Product A951 • 1/2 blood by Connealy Final Product x FF Pref Beef Max EPD’s: CE 11, BW 0.1, WW 80, YW 127, MCE 12, MM 28, MWW 68, Marb 0.43, REA 0.55, API 137, TI 87


BW 94 WW 694

BW 74 WW 694

351A-New Edition Son - ½ Angus ½ Simm

816A-Final Answer Son CE – ¾ Angus ¼ Simm

BERGER’S HERDMASTER SIMM-ANGUS HYBRID BULL SALE Saturday, February 8, 2014 1:00 p.m. CST North Platte, NE

100 Black Angus X Simmental 60 Red Angus X Simmental 25 Calving Ease Bulls–Black & Red BW 96 WW 727

Tyrell Rousey - Herdsman 308-530-9279 tyrell45@hotmail.com

332A-Country Wide Son - ½ Simm ½ Angus

BW 75 WW 604

BW 89 WW 774

513A-Conquest Son CE – ¾ Red Angus ¼ Simm

B913A-Boxed Beef Son – ¾ Red Angus ¼ Simm

Loren & Peggy Berger 9339 E. Autogate Rd Stapleton, NE 69163 Lberger@nque.com 308-532-0939-H 308-520-3836-Cell

See more pictures at: www.bergersherdmasters.com www.livestockplusinc.com




TNT Top Gun R244 JF Milestone 999W MS Maxie Lou M112S KRIZ/SVF MILE HIGH PVF-BF26 Black Joker SVF NJC Ebony Antoinette P45 NJC Ebony Antoinette Co-owned with Kriz/Susnset View Farms, KY

For semen, contact: Vogler Semen Center Ashland, NE 402-944-2584 CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW STAY DOC CW YG MARB BF REA API TI 6.0 2.5 76 107.6 6.2 16.3 54.3 20.8 9.9 36.7 -0.23 -0.02 -0.033 0.81 111.3 68.2

SELLS Feb. 1, 20 14 at Ohlrichs & Felt Farms AN NUAL BULL SAL E in Norfolk, NE.

Volk Bull A300 • PB SM • ASA #2753288


Look for “Z” in Denver! Volk Bull Z318 • 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Harkers Bandito Uno x Connealy Thunder SOLD IN LAST YEARS SALE! Co-owned with Kucera Bros. in Deweese, NE Dean Volk

84184 545th Ave. • Battle Creek, NE 68715


volk.livestock@hotmail.com www.volklivestock.com


Livestock Plus Inc. January 2014



ANGUS MEANS BUSINESS. A reliable business partner is difficult to come by. At the American Angus Association®, a team of skilled Regional Managers can guide your operation toward success. Contact Matt Printz to locate Angus genetics, select marketing options tailored to your needs, and to access Association programs and services. Put the business breed to work for you.

Mathew Printz, Regional Manager 9865 85th Road Elm Creek, NE 68836-9767 308.856.0070 mprintz@angus.org Colorado Nebraska

3201 Frederick Ave. • St. Joseph, MO 64506 816.383.5100 • www.ANGUS.org To subscribe to the Angus Journal, call 816.383.5200. Watch The Angus Report on RFD-TV Monday mornings at 7:30 CST. © 2013-2014 American Angus Association

l e nc

! d le



Livestock Plus Inc. January 2014



Denver Bound! The Daddy of Them All! 14th Annual

American’s premier source of Elite Lowline genetics

National Lowline Thursday, January 23, 2014 • 1 PM National Western Stock Show - Denver, Co


20 bred heiters, exceptional quality and pedigree • 30+ open fancy show prospects Many purple ribbon winners • Herd bull prospects Elite, rare embryos • Semen

Expecting 70 Lots!

Selling show prospects

like these!

This Jackaroo daughter


This Fancy Halfblood

This Jackaroo daughter bred to Kessler

For catalogs or additional info contact:

John Reed, sale Manager 22



barj@tds.net or 320-346-2750

Livestock Plus Inc. January 2014

Western l


The The

westernelitefemales.com westernelitefemales.com westernelitefemales.com

T100 A half Charolias Madrid daughter who was a decorated Champion and is a T100 A half Charolias Madrid daughter proven Donor. Safe to Man Among Boys who was a decorated Champion and is a plus two embryo packages. proven Donor. Safe to Man Among Boys plus two embryo packages.

FemaleSale FemaleSale

Saturday, January 18th, 2013 Saturday, January 18th, 2013 During the National Western - In the Yards - 5:00 p.m. Saturday, January 18th, 2013 During the National Western - In the Yards - 5:00 p.m.

F the Country’s op From rom the ountry’s T T op P Producers, roducers, F romforC theC C ountry’s T op P lubCalf & Maternalroducers, Genetics! During the National Western - In the Yards - 5:00 p.m.

forC Club enetics! for lubC Calf alf & &M Maternal aternal G Genetics!

28R An awesome Irish Whiskey from the 28R AnPen. awesome Whiskey fromThe the Donor Safe toIrish Believe In Me… 28R AnPen. awesome Irish Whiskey fromThe the Donor Safe to Believe In Me… SKY IS THE LIMIT HERE!!. Donor Pen.LIMIT Safe to Believe In Me… The SKY IS THE HERE!!. SKY IS THE LIMIT HERE!!.

Bred Heifers • Herd BUiLdiNG YOUNG COWs • dONOr PrOsPeCTs Bred Heifers • Herd BUiLdiNG YOUNG COWs • dONOr PrOsPeCTs • sPeCiAL A.i.•&Herd HerdBUiLdiNG sire PrOsPeCTs • seLLiNG OVer 100 HeAd Bred Heifers YOUNG COWs • dONOr PrOsPeCTs • sPeCiAL A.i. & Herd sire PrOsPeCTs • seLLiNG OVer 100 HeAd • sPeCiAL A.i. & Herd sire PrOsPeCTs • seLLiNG OVer 100 HeAd


More sale with individuals and material. LEADING DONOR PROSPECTS SELL: More than than ever ever this this MANY sale is is packed packed with featured featured individuals and donor donor dam dam material. Several Several cows cows sell guaranteed to leading bred have off the sell AI AI guaranteed to Monopoly Monopoly and many leading bred heifers heifers have been been selected right off cows the More than ever this sale is packedand withmany featured individuals and donor dam selected material.right Several top of these successful herds. Several elite Charolais and Charolais cross females to be featured! top of guaranteed these successful herds. Several elite Charolais andheifers Charolais cross females to be featured! sell AI to Monopoly and many leading bred have been selected right off the

8080 A Massive Draft Pick Granddaughter 8080 A Massive Draft Pick Granddaughter that’s as stout as you can make them. A that’sAasMassive stout asDraft you can them. A 8080 Pickmake Granddaughter REAL POWER COW! REAL POWER COW! that’s as stout as you can make them. A REAL POWER COW!

top of these successful herds. Several elite Charolais and Charolais cross females to be featured!


32Z A Foundation x Meyer from the Elite bred heifers at B3. Maternal sister to 32Z A Foundation x Meyer from the Elite $13,500, high selling bred in 2012 Sale bred heifers at B3. Maternal sister to $13,500, high selling bred in 2012 Sale


An Incredible Monopoly Son out AnBauman’s IncredibleJosie Monopoly SonDenver out of who was of Bauman’s Josie who was Charolias Denver and Jr. National Champion An Incredible Monopoly Son out and Jr. National Champion Charolias that raised the 2012 Jr. was National of Bauman’s Josie who Denver that raised Female. the 2012Proven Jr. National Champion Genetics!! and Jr. National Champion Charolias Champion Female. Proven Genetics!! that raised the 2012 Jr. National Champion Female. Proven Genetics!!

Monopoly x Alias (7522). Here is a Monopoly x Alias (7522). Here is a big time Promotional Bull!! A truly big timecombination PromotionalofBull!! A truly unique Monopoly x Alias (7522).Power, Here is a unique combination ofQuality… Power, Balance, and big time Structure Promotional Bull!! A truly Balance, Structure and Quality… OuT OF A POWER COW. unique combination of Power, OuT OF A POWER COW. Balance, Structure and Quality… OuT OF A POWER COW.

Troubadour x Alias (7522). This Silver Troubadour x Alias (7522). ThisWith Silver Baldy is simply breath taking. Baldy is simply breath taking.supply With Troubadour in short Troubadour xSemen Alias (7522). This Silver Troubadour in shortOF supply this might beSemen THE CHANCE A Baldy is simply breath taking. With this might be THE CHANCE OF A LIFETIME!!! Troubadour Semen in short supply LIFETIME!!! this might be THE CHANCE OF A LIFETIME!!!

2051 The first of several outstanding Poi2051Arrow The first of several outstanding son daughters selling. Out of a PoiSteal son Arrow daughters selling. of a Steal Force x Chill dam. SafeOut to I 80 2051 The firstFactor of several outstanding PoiForce x Chill Factor dam. Safe to I 80 son Arrow daughters selling. Out of a Steal Force x Chill Factor dam. Safe to I 80

Sale CatalogOnline CatalogOnline at at Sale Sale CatalogOnline at

www.ccollinsinc.com For a hand mailed copy text your name and address to (516) 366-0734 www.ccollinsinc.com For a hand mailed copy text CATALOG your name COMPLETE and address to (516) 366-0734 www.ccollinsinc.com For a hand mailed AND vIDEOS OF ALL LOTS ONLINEcopy text COMPLETE CATALOG your name and address to (516) 366-0734 before 1st Extensive Coverage ANDJanuary vIDEOS OF -ALL LOTS ONLINE COMPLETE CATALOG Dave Duello (307) 220-3645 before January 1st -ALL Extensive Coverage AND vIDEOS LOTS ONLINE and theDave Partners ofOF the Western Elite Sale Duello (307) 220-3645 before January 1st Extensive Coverage westernelitefemales .comSale and www. the Partners of the Western Elite Dave Duello (307) 220-3645 www. westernelitefemales .com and the Partners of the Western Elite Sale www.livestockplusinc.com www.westernelitefemales.com

2064 The first of a dozen Troubadour Daughters Selling. They are bred to I 80 and 2064 The first of a dozen Troubadour Total Solution 2. Quality is deep Daughters Selling. They are bred!!!to I 80 and 2064 The first of a dozen Troubadour Total Solution 2. Quality is deep !!! Daughters Selling. They are bred to I 80 and Total Solution 2. Quality is deep !!!



Livestock Plus Inc. January 2014



Sharing the Passion

enver, Western in D at National s Expo! u f e ee se B e o om hi C and the O o xp E f ee B the Iowa

RUFF NECK shown with optional FINAL DRIVE package, aluminum wheels, plexiglas and spare.

We understand the passion show families pass on from generation to generation. For 75 years, we have shared that same passion through our commitment in providing lightweight aluminum trailers and truck bodies with stylish design, strong construction and solid resale value. PROUD SPONSOR


Blue Ball, PA: 800-292-4752 West Jeerson, OH: 800-752-0507 Logansport, IN: 888-758-3011 Story City, IA: 866-894-3297 Sioux Falls, SD: 877-667-0293

Livestock Plus Inc. January 2014

Call Eby today for more information or to find a dealer near you.





Livestock Plus Inc. January 2014

PCHFRK Power Sequoya 1349 (#1609483) PCHFRK Sequoya Mission 1853 x PAR Dude A384N

HSCC Ms Goodness 2A (#1604644) Lorenzen What’s Good x Lorenzen Lucky Charm 3817

PCHFRK Amy Alliance 1340 (#1602591) Brown Alliance X7795 x LSF RR Charismatic 8810U

Red Six Mile Cheta 702W (CAN #1514014) Embryos by MRLA New Era 87Y sell!

DFRA Tarmily N512 (#1066666) Flush sells!

Red FL Fayette 33M (CAN #1094837) Embryos by Six Mile Game FAce 164Y sell!

HSCC Swag 1A (#1604334) NCAR Cowboy Up 113Y x 4L Ram Canyon 62S

RL Makin Waves ET (#1596494) Makin Waves x New Trend 22

WR Mr Forbidden 2514 ET (#1551913) Red Fine Line Mulberry 26P x GT Cita 4060

Sale management by:

Jr. Red Angus Show: January 11, 2014 • 8 a.m. Pen Show: January 12, 2014 • 11 a.m. National RAAA Open Show on the Hill: January 13, 2014 • 8 a.m. View this catalog online at:


Sale sponsored by the Colorado Red Angus Association




Feed Efficiency in Heifers Thanks to John Maday, Managing Editor, Drovers CattleNetwork, Lenexa, KS for use of this article.

Bos taurus breed) at average of 202 days of age. After a backgrounding period, they placed the heifers in a drylot at average 280 days of age and 642 pounds, feeding them a 70 percent roughage ration for a 70-day growing period. During the growing period, the researchers measured individual feed consumption and performance, and selected for breeding 24 heifers with the lowest RFI, meaning they were the most efficient, and 24 of the least efficient heifers with the highest RFI. Of those, 20 low RFI and 22 high RFI heifers became pregnant and then were adapted to an all-roughage ration starting at 155 days of gestation. The researchers measured individual feed intake, weight gain, and body-condition scores during a 77-day post-breeding period. For measuring individual intake, they used individual GrowSafe bunks, which incorporate radio frequency ID readers and load cells to record how much feed each animal eats every time it visits the bunk. They found that on average, the high efficiency heifers weighed 44 pounds more than low-efficiency heifers at weaning. During the post-weaning growing trial, high efficiency heifers also ate 4.4 pounds or 19 percent less feed per day, had similar weight gains, had 23 percent higher gain per feed ratios and had slightly smaller ribeye areas at end of trial compared with the less-efficient heifers. During the post-breeding trial, the pregnant females that earlier had been identified as having lower RFI, or higher efficiency, ate 5.1 pounds or 17 percent less feed per day, spent 26 percent less time at the feeder, continued to have lower RFI, had 7 percent lower heart rates and similar initial and final body weight and body condition compared with the heifers initially determined to have lower efficiency. There was no significant difference in calving date between the two efficiency groups. Calves from first-calf low-RFI females were lighter at birth than calves from high-RFI females, but RFI classification did not affect birth weight of calves born to second-calf females. The researchers conclude their results indicate that heifers identified as having low postweaning RFI have greater efficiency of forage utilization as pregnant females, with minimal impacts on growth, body composition, calving date, and calf birth weight, compared to their high-RFI counterparts. Results of the research are reported in the Journal of Animal Science. Thanks to John Maday, Managing Editor, Drovers CattleNetwork, ClearCreek2 BC:Layout 1 6/29/12 3:30 PM Page 1 Lenexa, KS for use of this article. n

Contributed by Evan Rayl Research has shown considerable variation in feed efficiency between individual cattle, and heritability of feed efficiency suggests producers could reduce production costs through genetic selection. Measuring individual cattle for feed efficiency, however, particularly at multiple production stages, presents a challenge. Also, questions remain about the relationships between feed efficiency and other important traits such as those involved in reproduction. Researchers at Texas A&M University recently conducted a two-year trial to determine if residual feed intake (RFI) classification of beef heifers, measured after weaning, affected efficiency of forage utilization, body composition, feeding behavior, heart rate, and physical activity of those heifers during pregnancy. The researchers weaned 115 Bonsmara heifers (a tropically-adapted


Livestock Plus Inc. January 2014

Bull Pen Bid Off in theYards Denver Stock Show • January 18, 2014 After the Angus Pen Show

HF Prowler 43U

8133 - DUFF New Edition x OCC Anchor

GCC Gold Standard X615

493 - OCC Homer x OCC Emblazon

Boss Hoss 8132

401T - SAV 004 Predominant 4438 x Mia of Peak Dot 283M

Bulls of these matings and more, sell! Boss Family

bosscattle@hotmail.com www.bosscattle.com

Chappell, NE

308 641 3687




Livestock Plus Inc. January 2014



Bussmus Angus

Bussmus angus 34

Gary Cindy & Family • Mitchell, SD Herdsmen: Jon Bussmus: 605.770.6774 • 605.996.3265 Justin Bussmus: 605.770.9294 bussmus@santel.net

Livestock Plus Inc. January 2014

Justin Dikoff 605-290-0635 Auctioneer: Al Conover 641-227-3537




Net Worth 53U x HF Progress (Northern Improvement)

Dream On x Stevenson’s Estella 5818

Tag: 229

Plainview Lutton E102 x War Wagonhammer 3521

Tag: 914

I-80 Mainetainer

Tag: 9-16

Tag: 2-11

Maternal Sib to the 2009 NWSS Reserve Angus Female

Cattle are available to view anytime

Bob 309-883-1223 • Jim 309-854-3524 27804 Saxon Rd., Galva, IL 61434


Livestock Plus Inc. January 2014

To request a catalog contact the marketing manager at 419-862-0117 or online at primetimeagrimarketing.com

from the Sandhills of Nebraska...

R 102W North Star 35A Sire: FA 71S Britisher 102W BW WW BW WW YW M REA Mar 85 692 4.8 45 72 29 .180 .120

R 0141 North Star 19A Sire: C L1 Domino 0141 ET BW WW BW WW YW M REA Mar 85 745 4.1 57 92 35 .390 .090

R Starlette 353 Sire: YV 34W Majror Mark Lad 2Y BW WW BW WW YW M REA Mar 77 600 3.2 44 73 21 .160 .040

R 093U North Star 9A Sire: Bar JZ Striker 093U BW WW BW WW YW M REA Mar 74 704 1.4 44 70 19 .080 .040

Cattle that make you want to own them.

R Starlette 314 Sire: HH Advance 1193Y ET BW WW BW WW YW M REA Mar 64 546 0.6 37 55 22 .410 .040

R Starlette 303 Sire: C L1 Domino 955W BW WW BW WW YW M REA Mar 75 622 3.4 60 95 27 .340 .150

Join us on the bleachers, on Dish TV, Ch. 230 or over the internet.

Choose from 12 Sire Groups. Many heifer bulls, all are rated for calving ease. Yearlings include 2014 NWSS/Denver Carload. • All lots ranked for carcass. • Insurance provided, trucking credits. Contact us for your catalog and video. • Please pre-register to bid on Superior.



Champion Maine Bull

s Champion , e like thes sell!

Watch online at


Selling 8 bulls, 2 Bred Heifers, 6 open heifers! View pictures and videos at www.blackhillsstockshow.com

Champion Maine Female

For info. & catalog, contact: Audra & Jim Scheel: 605-545-1521 Lorie & Doyle DeJong 605-923-5398 BHSS office 605-355-3861

Consignors include: Depries Cattle Co. Rozeboom Family Livestock Par Five Cattle Co. Joel Lau Doyle & Lorie DeJong Gage & Tagg Weller Altena Show Cattle Weber Show Cattle Holt Bros. & Jake Krohmer Eastview Maines

115th American Royal Livestock Show October 22 – November 2, 2014

Supporting Youth & Education Since 1899 DNA DEADLINES Market steer DNA validation deadline, postmarked on or before May 1st, 2014 Market hog, lamb & goat DNA validation deadline, postmarked on or before August 1, 2014

Other Important Deadlines: Market steer ownership deadline, May 1st, 2014 Market hog, lamb & goat ownership deadline, August 1, 2014 Junior heifer ownership deadline, September 10, 2014 Entry deadline, September 10, 2014 American Royal presented by

Livestock Show presented by

Where the best are shown! AmericanRoyal.com 38

Livestock Plus Inc. January 2014




Livestock Plus Inc. January 2014

The Midwest's Largest and Most Prestigious Sale Offering!



Tuesday, February 11, 2:30 pm, Annual Meeting, Iowa State Fairgrounds,

Wednesday, February 12, 9:30 am, Angus Show, Iowa State Fairgrounds (starting w/ females) Wednesday, February 12, 6 pm Social Hour, 7 pm Annual Banquet

Holiday Inn Downtown, Des Moines, IA Thursday, February 13, 10:30 am, Angus Sale, Iowa State Fairgrounds (starting w/ bulls)

Iowa Angus Association

Ron Skarda, President Chris Miller, Vice President Tricia and Colby Holmes, Executive Secretaries Doug Schroeder, American Angus Association® Director

Livestock Press & Ringmen

SELLING 135 LOTS 60 Spring Yearling Bulls

The cream of the crop from Iowa’s leading breeding programs. Each sells with individual performance, scrotal measurement, growth and carcass EPDs as reported on AHIR® .

25 Mature Bulls

Fall yearling and coming two-year-olds sell with complete data, semen evaluation and ready for heavy service.

43 Heifer Calves

The “Keepin’ Kind”. Outstanding herd replacements and potential show heifers, many suitable for competition on a national level. Remember to look up futurity eligible heifers. Last year's heifers took home $1,000!

7 Bred Heifers

Heavy in calf and suitable for the most discriminating Angus entrepreneur. All bred to outstanding AI Sires!

American Angus Association® Wes Tiemann 816-244-4462

10 Embryo Lots

Livestock Plus Mike Sorensen 641-745-7949

Some of the best genetics that Iowa has to offer! Packages offered that will fit any cattleman's program.

Iowa Farmer Today/Midwest Marketer/Tri State Neighbor Tom Rooney 515-491-6025


Internet Auction Service provided by: LiveAuctions.TV

JAF Lookout 1259 was selected during the 2013 Expo and was extensively used as a herd sire this breeding season. Look for bulls like this during

the 2014 Expo!!!

SLL YCC Keymura Katy 1221 was purchased during the 2013 Expo and is currenty be used as a donor.

Look for females of this quality at the 2014 Expo!!




Livestock Plus Inc. January 2014

Iowa Simmental SimmentalExcellence MarkIowa of Genetic

44th 44th Mark of Genetic Excellence Monday, February 10th at 11:30 am Monday, February 10th at 11:30 am

Yardley High Regard W242 R & L Vermeer Farms LLC Yardley High Regard W242 R & L Vermeer Farms LLC

SVF/NJC Built Right N48 Specht Family Simmentals SVF/NJC Built Right N48 Specht Family Simmentals

Mr NLC Upgrade U8676 Fitzsimmons Simmental Mr NLC Upgrade U8676 Fitzsimmons Simmental

CLO LTS Conspiracy 72X Wellman Cattle CLO LTS Conspiracy 72X Wellman Cattle

Long’s Shear Pleasure Vogt Simmentals Long’s Shear Pleasure Vogt Simmentals

Long’s Shear Envy Long’s Simmentals Long’s Shear Envy Long’s Simmentals

AI bred to Grand Master Golden Acres Simmentals AI bred to Grand Master Golden Acres Simmentals

AI bred to TJSC Optimus Prime Heartland Simmentals AI bred to TJSC Optimus Prime Heartland Simmentals

AI bred to In Dew Time Specht Family Simmentals AI bred to In Dew Time Specht Family Simmentals

Ruby NFF Excalibur 002X R & L Vermeer Farms LLC Ruby NFF Excalibur 002X R & L Vermeer Farms LLC

Black Bodacious Reck Bros & Sons Simmentals Black Bodacious Reck Bros & Sons Simmentals

Welshs Dew It Right067T JS Simmental Welshs Dew It Right067T JS Simmental

(217) 433-0242 Catalog online at: www.larrymartinlivestock.com or call to request a hard copy

rmk designs & livestock marketing www.livestockplusinc.com

Iowa I owa Beef Beef Expo Expo 43

2014 2014

Iowa State Fairgrounds Des Moines, Iowa Larry Martin Cattle Sales Iowa State Fairgrounds (217) 433-0242 Catalog onlineMartin at: www.larrymartinlivestock.com Des Moines, Iowa Larry Cattle Sales rmk designs & livestock marketing or call to request a hard copy


Livestock Plus Inc. January 2014


Enhancing Beef Demand Must be Parade & Sale Industry’s Maine-Anjou Wednesday, Feb. 12, 2014 - Banquet, Annual Meeting at 6 p.m. in the Walnut Center, Priority & Fundraiser Auction Iowa State Fairgrounds by Evan Rayl

Thursday, Feb. 13, 2014 - Parade at 9 a.m. Sale at 2:30 p.m. The fortunes of all operators at every step of the beef industry chain **Sires represented: SLC Sooner 101M, Hall’s Legacy ultimately rests with consumer demand Plus, DCC Hard Drive and I-80!** for beef. A University of Nebraska Hard Drive Legacy Plus I-80 agribusiness specialist spoke about sustaining that demand, even amidst high retail beef prices, at the recent Beef Stocker Field Day at Kansas State University. Tom Field points out that maintaining the trust of beef consumers must continue to be a priority for the cattle industry…and that rests with good stewardship through the beef sector. We have to provide (the consumer) These bulls sell! a product that they can feel good about, that they know there was a person of integrity and experience who’s standing behind that product, and who gave great thought to the process that was used from production all the way to processing.” Field emphasized. The encouraging thing, says Field, is that despite the economic recession in recent years, consumer interest in purchasing beef has remained resilient These heifers sell! despite the fears of many inside the industry that consumers might switch to chicken. “What the Checkoff and related Sale Contact research communities found was that Jim Opperman - 712.653.3032 beef consumers stuck with the beef NO TH & PHA CARRIERS ARE ALLOWED TO SELL community. They might have traded down from a white-tablecloth premium muscle cut that they bought at the store preparation to stick with us because, when things get tough, out-ofand cooked at home. They might have traded down from a steak to home eating drops off a little bit and we have the potential to lose a burger or to a flat-iron steak, something maybe a little lower in that share if we are not prepared to help people use our product at price, but they stuck with us.” home.” Still, says Field, great challenges remain for the industry, in susFields says the beef industry must also figure out a way to connect taining retail beef demand. with the Millennial Generation to help them understand the value “The challenge for us now is how do we get the non-user and and benefit of consuming lean beef. n folks who don’t like to cook and don’t spend any time in food

Our Services: Donor Flushing Embryo Placement Embryo Freezing Fetal Aging Preg Checking Carcass Ultrasound A.I. Freeze Branding Donor/Recipient Housing



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Livestock Plus Inc. January 2014



B&B Equipment:Layout 1 9/19/12 10:28 AM Page 1

serving all facets of the livestock industry...

Dustin Carter H Auctioneer H


dustinkcarter@gmail.com 4424 E. Main St. • Vermillion, SD 57069




Tradition of Excellence Tradition of Excellence




Private Bull Treaty 12 pm

Private Bull Treaty Treaty 12 12 pm pm

Female Female Sale Sale 11 pm pm

Female Sale 1 pm Heifers Heifers on on site on site site to view before to view before sale before sale sale

Video Video Auction Auction broadcast broadcast online online by by LiveAuctions.tv LiveAuctions.tv Purebred Purebred Angus Angus Sired by by Pure Pure Product Product Sired

Please visit visit http://ans.iastate.edu http://ans.iastate.edu for for updates updates Please

3/4 3/4Simmental Simmental Sired Siredby byStatic Staticson son Sired by Static son

More info: info: Marshall Marshall Ruble Ruble 515-460-2384 515-460-2384 Ty Ty Sexton 319-461-0519 Molly Ty Sexton Sexton 319-461-0519 319-461-0519 Molly Molly O’Regan O’Regan 563-380-7133 563-380-7133 More O’Regan 563-380-7133


Livestock Plus Inc. January 2014



BULL SALE SALE Ponca Creek Black Eagle 106 • 20 Sons Sell Styles Upgrade J59 • 36 Sons Sell

SBaldridge Chisum 6175 • 64 Sons Waylon W34 •Sell 16 Sons Sell

Selling Selling 240 250 Registered RegisteredAngus AngusBulls Bulls BW BW +.9 -1.3

WW WW +62 +54

YW YW +120 +94

MILK MILK +22 +30

Marb Marb +.12 +.40

RE $B RE $B +.75 +69.43 +77.19 +.60

CB Touchdown Block Party 156 TC 772• •2514Sons SonsSell Sell

BW WW WW YW YW MILK MILK Marb Marb RE RE $B $B BW +3.1 +69 +80 +117 +131 +35 +25 +.24 +.90 +.92 +.57 +83.01 +87.02 +3.0

B/R New Day 454 • 16 Sons Sell

Baldridge Waylon W34 • 15 Sons Sell

Saturday, Saturday,

January January 25, 26, 2014 2013 At AtLincoln LincolnCo. Co.Fairgrounds Fairgrounds In InNorth NorthPlatte, Platte,Nebraska Nebraska

B/R New Day 454 • 11 Sons SellSell Woodhill Mainline • 20 Sons

BW WW YW MILK Marb RE $B +1.6 +55 +102 +31 +.57 +1.09 +81.45

BW WW WW YW YW MILK MILK Marb Marb RE $B BW RE $B +3.6 +59 +74 +104 +128 +25 +35 +.21 +.52 +1.01 +97.68 +.6 +.89 +63.26

Selling 190 165 coming 2-year-olds 2-year-olds and and 75 yearlings * 130+ 60 120+ bulls suitable suitable for for heifers. heifers Large groups of paternal brothers brothers by by proven AI sires, plus exciting exciting new new young young sire groups with outcross genetics genetics

Wintered & delivered free nationwide nationwide after March 15 * First breeding breeding season season guarantee * Satisfied customers customers are are the the foundation of our business business Bulls bred for growth with aa moderate moderate frame * Fleshing ability * Fertility Fertility & & scrotal size * Calving ease ** Disposition Disposition

Comprehensive performance performance data data ** Ultrasound & fertility tested tested ** AA wide wide selection in all price ranges ranges Backed by over 40 years in the the Angus Angus business and a reputation cow cow herd herd selected for fertility, soundness, soundness, fleshing ability, longevity and and good good udders

GG Diamond 943 • 25 Sons Sell BW WW YW MILK Marb RE

$B +3.5 +75 +126 +26 +1.15 +.86 +112.13 BW WW WW YW YW MILK MILKMarb MarbRE RE $B$B BW -.9 +55 +57 +101 +104 +32 +17 +.76 +.21+1.33 +.95+92.78 +70.70 +1.7

Hoover Dam • 14 Sons Sell

BW -1.6

S Chisum 6175 • 17 Sons Sell Baldridge Xpand x743 • 9 Sons Sell

WW YW MILK Marb RE $B +49 +94 +26 +1.26 +.65 +84.74

KCF Bennett Capstone • 29 Sons Sell BW WW YW MILK Marb RE $B +2.8 +69 +118 +36 +.04 +.65 +62.81

BW +0

WW YW MILK Marb RE $B +49 +95 +40 +.63 +1.12 +81.35

BW WW YW MILK Marb RE $B -1.8EPDs +55 as +105of +31 +.49 +.88 +87.04 11/26/2012

EPDs as of 11/15/2013

To Torequest requestyour yourfree freesale salebook bookcall: call:

TC BW Touchdown 772MILK • 14 Sons WW YW Marb Sell RE +1.8 +59



$B +.34 +.59 +62.48

SAV Bismarck 5682 • 14 Sons Sell

BW WW YW MILK Marb RE $B BW WW YW MILK Marb RE $B +1.0 +59 +105 +27 +.28 +.97 +75.12 +.2 +57 +99 +26 +.29 +.80 +62.66

Jud JudBaldridge Baldridge• •Jeff JeffBaldridge Baldridge 5329 5329Rodeo RodeoRd. Rd.• •North NorthPlatte, Platte,NE NE69101 69101 (308) (308)532-2100 532-2100main main Fax Fax(308) (308)532-8269 532-8269 www.baldridge.net www.baldridge.net Jud JudCell Cell(308) (308)520-2221 520-2221 Jeff JeffCell Cell(308) (308)530-0407 530-0407

For sale book & more information information call call (308) (308) 532-2100 532-2100 or orvisit visitour ourweb website siteat: at:www.baldridge.net www.baldridge.net


Livestock Plus Inc. January 2014

DLS Black Cherry

Purebred Open Steel Force x HPF Melody M011

High Voltage x Perfection

Goldmine x Sazerac

Yardley High Reward x Desa Rae

MR HOC Broker

July 1/2 Blood by Black Spark

May 1/2 Blood by Black Spark

Selling the right to flush this mother of many high sellers

3/4 Simmental • Open

Purebred Simmental

His Service Sells

Stout May Show Prospect



s Group of bull for sale !! at the farm

343 - 310th Ave. • Gilman, IA 50106 George (641) 236-3833 • Randy (641) 990-9911 nokotagenetics@aol.com

Quality Service for Superior Genetics Bovine embryo transfer services Superovulation and collection • Embryo freezing Embryo transfers • Donor boarding Vince Collison, DVM • Jane Collison, DVM • Tim Collison, DVM 1010 N. Hancock Street •  Lake City, IA 51449

(712) 464-7407


Subscribe online or by mail

Subscription Request

Address: _____________________________________

Please fill out and mail to:

City: _________________________________________ State: _____________ Zip: _____________________

8840 Deer Ridge Lane • Bloomington MN 55438 NEW

Address Change/Cor­rec­tion

Farm Name: __________________________________ Name: _______________________________________


Phone: _______________________________________ Interests:

Cattle Swine Equipment/Services


Breeds: ______________________________________ Breeds: ______________________________________

Livestock Plus Inc. January 2014



“Focusing on Quality with Performance” Annual Bull & Female Sale

February 27, 2014 120 Angus & Charolais Bulls 2-Year-Olds, Coming 2’s and Yearlings

Plus a Select Group of Proven Registered Cows & Bred Heifers 100 Commercial Bred Heifers

Bear Mountain bulls are developed on a high roughage, non-starch diet

Many full, 3/4 & 1/2 brothers offered • Performance Tested • BVDpi Tested negative 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed • Marketing assistance available

Bear Mtn Renegade 9045

V A R Rocky 80029

Connealy Consensus 7229

Vin-Mar O’Reilly Factor

Bear Mountain Angus Ranch Watch and Bid at

Brian & Tiffany Stoller

35789 US Hwy 6 • Palisade, NE 69040

(308) 285-3313 • Brian’s cell (308) 737-6213 bearmtnangus@msn.com www.bearmountainangus.com 54

Livestock Plus Inc. January 2014

Opportunity Awaits...

Selling 80 Head


Yearling and Fall bulls

Cattle Co.

20th Performance Plus Bull Sale Monday, March 3, 2014 • 1 p.m. • 7-N Arena Springfield, SD NAGE Ante Up 70Z

GVC Suh X NAGE Ms Blk Trojan 183K Sold for $18,000 in 2013 bull sale to Beauprez Land & Cattle, Byers, CO

NAGE Driver 143Y

WAGR Driver X NAGE Ms Bulldozer 171U

Sold for $15,500 in 2012 bull sale. Co-owned with Todd & Jill Klockgether, Charter Oak, IA

ell! Bulls like these will s Angus

Maine-Anjou & MaineTainer


Schiefelbein Effective Bush’s Unbelivable JMG Upgrade 13X

Nage Doppler 27X Nage Bentley 230W AFR Banker 1W

W.C. Widetrack WAGR Driver 706T Yardley Utah

31164 E.R.S. Rd. - Springfield, SD Blane - c: (605) 464-1187 h: (605) 369-2628 Landon - c: (605) 464-1197 e-mail: nagelcattle@excite.com Sale Consultant: Kent Jaecke, Focus Marketing Group, (405) 408-2440

www.nagelcattle.com Check out our website for video and sale information Videos will be available February 15



TAUBENHEIM GELBVIEH 24th Annual Production Sale

Monday, February 3, 2014 • 1 p.m. CST at The Ranch 23685 Sartoria Road • Amherst, NE

Pick Your New Herdsires From 100 Thick-Made Muscular Gelbvieh & Balancer Bulls with Growth, Balance and Great Carcass Merit 30 Open Females • 30 Bred Females Balancer Futurity

TAU Jackie 42A Sire: TAU Final Countdown 59Y

Balancer 50% • Homo Black • Homo Polled

Gelbvieh Futurity

TAU Clemente 116A Sire: TAU Iron Man 250Y Balancer 50%

TAU Jumpman 23A ET Sire: HYEK Black Impact 3960N

Purebred 94%• Double Black • Homo Polled


TAU Honus 40A


Sire: TAU Mr. Grid Topper 43T

TAU DiMaggio 161A ET Sire: HYEK Black Impact 3960N

Balancer 50%

Purebred 94% • Homo Black • Homo Polled

NEW THIS YEAR! View our Sale Online! www.dvauction.com

TAU Loaded Gun 100A Sire: TAU Top Gun 292Y Balancer 50%

TAU Tauby 108A

Taubenheim Gelbvieh

Sire: Connealy Consensus 7229 Balancer 50%

Quality Beef Genetics Since 1980 308.826.4771 dtaubenheim@aol.com




Dale & Jeannette

23685 Sartoria Road-Amherst, NE 68812


Livestock Plus Inc. January 2014

Mike, Renee, Justin, & Tanner 308.233.4704 j_tauby5@hotmail.com



January 24, 2014 at 1:00 PM Tri-State Livestock Auction, McCook, NE

Mill Bar Zo6 7791

Mill Bar Consensus 7704

s e n su s aly Con ! Co n n e S s ell 3 5 S on He Sells!

He Sells! Sire: Mill Bar Went Stellar 6221 • MGS: Leachman Boom Time BW +1.6 • WW +70 • YW +116 • MILK +30 205 Day Wt. 767, WR 115

Sire: Connealy Consensus • MGS: VRD BW +1.9 • WW +64 • YW +110 • MILK +30 205 Day Wt. 756, WR 113

Mill Bar Pioneer 7799

Mill Bar Final Answer 7622

oneer SAV Pi s Sell ! 19 Son He Sells!

He Sells!

Sire: SAV Pioneer • MGS: Connealy Freight Train BW +2.4 •WW +57 • YW +101 • MILK +30 205 Day Wt. 774, WR 116

110 Power-Packed, Performance-Tested, Carcass Evaluated Bulls

Sire: SAV Final Answer • MGS: Danny Boy BW -.1 • WW +57 • YW +99 • MILK +25 205 Day Wt. 779, WR 114

99 % A sired I

• Big, stout, January and February yearlings.

200 Fancy, One-Iron Angus Replacement Heifers 90 Purebred Commercial Angus Cows


Livestock Plus Inc. January 2014

EPDs as of 12/04/2013

Featuring sons of: • Connealy Consensus – 35 sons sell! • Mill Bar Went Stellar – 8 sons sell! • SAV Pioneer – 19 sons sell! • SAV Final Answer – 17 sons sell! • Sitz Upward – 14 sons sell! • SAV Angus Valley – 14 sons sell!

Spring Calving Cows & Fall Pairs of Elite Angus Seedstock


Female Sale Female Female Sale Sale



Duff Juanada 071

Duff Amigo 815 x OCC Juanada 927K Maternal sister to Stimulus!

Duff Blackcap 651

Duff Merele 956

New Look 101 x OCC Lady Blackcap 753L Duff Basic Instinct 6501 x OCC Freestyle Powerful New Look Donor Dam! Tremendous & Look! Seedstock Spring Calving Cows & Fall Pairs ofQuality Elite Angus Spring SpringCalving CalvingCows Cows && Fall Fall Pairs Pairs of Elite of Elite Angus Angus Seedstock Seedstock

DUFF CATTLE COMPANY • (580) 726-3313 This will, without question, be one of the stoutest sets of 13990 North 2220 Road • Hobart, OK 73651 Angus and Angus Plus females to sell out of this program. Kirk Duff (580) 331-9235 kirk@powerpluscattle.com After a long drought and herd reduction, Duff Cattle Co. has returned with a powerful set of donor prospects right Todd Duff (580) 530-0454 todd@powerpluscattle.com Sale Management: Christy Collins (516) 366-0734 from the heart of the herd nucleus. Call today!

www.powerpluscattle.com Duff Juanada 071

Duff Blackcap 651 Duff Merele 956 Duff Blackcap Blackcap 651 Duff 651 Duff Merele 956 Duff Merele 956 Ask about theNew Look Buyback Program DCC Cattle. 101 x OCC Lady Blackcap 753Lon allDuff Basic Instinct 6501 x OCC Freestyle

Duff Juanada 071 Duff Juanada 071

Duff Amigo 815 x OCC Juanada 927K Duff Amigo Duff Amigo 815 815 x OCC x OCC Juanada Juanada 927K 927K Maternal sistersister to Stimulus! Stimulus! Maternal Maternal sister to to Stimulus!

New NewLook Look101 101 xx OCC OCC Lady Lady Blackcap Blackcap753L 753L Powerful Donor Dam! Powerful Powerful New New New Look Look Look Donor DonorDam! Dam!

This will, will, without question, bebe one ofofthe the stoutest sets of This This will, without without question, question, be one one of thestoutest stoutestsets sets of of Angus and Angus Plus females to sell out Angus Angus and and Angus Angus PlusPlus females females to to sell sell out outof ofofthis this thisprogram. program. program. AfterAfter a long long drought andand herd reduction, Duff Cattle Co. After a a long drought drought and herd herd reduction, reduction,Duff DuffCattle Cattle Co. Co. has returned has returned withwith a powerful a powerful setset of of donor donorprospects prospectsright right fromfrom the heart the heart of the of the herd herd nucleus. nucleus.Call Calltoday! today!

Duff Basic Instinct 6501 x OCC Freestyle Duff Basic Instinct 6501 x OCC Freestyle Tremendous Quality & Tremendous Quality & Look! Tremendous Quality & Look! Look!

DUFF CATTLE COMPANY • 726-3313 DUFF DUFFCATTLE CATTLE COMPANY COMPANY • (580) • (580) (580) 726-3313 726-3313 13990 North 2220 Road • 73651 13990 13990North North2220 2220 Road Road • Hobart, • Hobart, Hobart, OK OK OK 73651 73651 Kirk Duff Duff(580) (580)331-9235 331-9235 kirk@powerpluscattle.com Kirk Kirk kirk@powerpluscattle.com Todd Duff(580) (580)530-0454 530-0454 todd@powerpluscattle.com Todd Duff todd@powerpluscattle.com Sale Christy Collins (516) 366-0734 SaleManagement: Management: Christy Collins (516) 366-0734 www.powerpluscattle.com www.powerpluscattle.com

Ask about Ask aboutthe the Ask about the

BuybackProgram Programonon onallall all DCC Cattle. Buyback DCC Cattle. Buyback Program DCC Cattle.

Duff Merle 808

Duff Duff Merle 808 808 Duff New Edition 6108Merle x New Look 101 Duff New Duff Edition New Edition 61086108 x New x New LookLook 101101 Duff Merle - One thetheleading - Oneof - of One ofleading the808 leading Duff donor New Edition x Full New Look donor donor damsto6108 dams tosell; sell; to sell; Full to dams Full sibsib totosib 101 -Duff One Duff of theAmigo leading Amigo 815815 Duff Amigo 815 donor dams to sell; Full sib to Duff Amigo 815

(580)(580) 726-3313 726-3313 or www.ccollinsinc.com or www.ccollinsinc.com

Call Call today today for for a Sale Sale Book Book Call today for a Sale Book

(580) (580)726-3313 726-3313ororwww.ccollinsinc.com www.ccollinsinc.com



40athl Annu


+.2 +76 +121 +35



+1.1 +54 +86 +19


Wednesday 12:30 PM CST

FEBRUARY 26, 2014

1 1/2 miles east of Franklin & 1/4 mile south



+4.0 +67 +119 +31




-.4 +54 +104 +28


-.3 +67 +121 +39

BW +2.2; WW +56; YW +95; Milk +28; Marb +.18; RE +.13

TC Ranch has...

• 64 years of “Total Commitment” to the Angus Breed • 52 years performance records • A herd bull battery second to none • First-year breeding guarantee • Volume selection • Carcass and performance data • Free bull delivery



ith Coming to you wetics Time-Tested Gen





+.7 +58 +102 +36

250 HEAD

185 Yearling Bulls 25 Fall Yearling Bulls 40 Heifer Calves

Livestock Plus Inc. January 2014

Dru Uden 308/470-0740 (888) TC BULLS 1524 G Rd. • Franklin NE 68939 www.tcranch.com E-mail: tcranch@frontiernet.net

DeJong Ranch DeJong Ranch

46th Annual Bull Sale Online Auction • Thursday, Feb. 27, 2014 • Closing time 6 p.m. with extended bidding 46th Bull Sale Selling 60 Maine-Anjou and MaineTainers siredAnnual by GVC Newt, GVC Soldier, DJ Wake Up Call, DJ Xceed, Slam Dunk and others. Includes 8 eighteen month old time bulls. 6 p.m. with extended bidding Online Auction • Thursday, Feb. 27, 2014 • Closing

15 Angus bulls sired by Titan, Brilliance, Eagle Eye and Priority • 10 Simmental bulls sired by Lock N Load, Iron Horse and SOS Selling 60 Maine-Anjou and MaineTainers sired by GVC Newt, GVC Soldier, DJ Wake Up Call, DJ Xceed, Slam Dunk and others. Includes 8 eighteen month old bulls. 15 Angus bulls sired by Titan, Brilliance, Eagle Eye and Priority • 10 Simmental bulls sired by Lock N Load, Iron Horse and SOS

GVC Newt

GVC Suh X Special Delivery daughter Several sons sell!!

GVC Newt

GVC Suh X Special Delivery daughter Several sons sell!!

JSAR Titan

Rodman X Future Direction Several sons sell!! Both Angus and MaineTainer!

JSAR Titan

Rodman X Future Direction Several sons sell!! Both Angus and MaineTainer!

GVC Soldier

Eagle Eye X Special Delivery’s mother Several sons sell!!

GVC Soldier

Eagle Eye X Special Delivery’s mother Several sons sell!!

Lock N Load

DJ I Deliver - Last year’s high seller

Lock N Load

DJ I Deliver - Last year’s high seller

MaineTainer and Simmental sons sell!

I-80 X Special Delivery X Saugahatchee Selling a maternal brother by GVC Newt

I-80 X Special Delivery Xcreep Saugahatchee Bulls are raised in the White River breaks without and backed by Selling a maternal brother by GVC Newt generations of multi-trait selection from conception to consumption. Bulls are raised in the White River breaks without creep and backed by generations of our multi-trait selection frominformation, conception to consumption. Check out website for more pictures and videos as they become available Check outRanch our website for more DeJong • 31842 DeJong Rd. •information, Kennebec, SD pictures 57544 and videos as they become available Miles (605) 869-2329 - Kevin (605) 869-2362 - Wyatt (605) 842-5683 MaineTainer and Simmental sons sell!

DeJong Ranch • 31842 DeJong Rd. • Kennebec, SD 57544 www.dejongranch.com Miles (605) 869-2329 - Kevin (605) 869-2362 - Wyatt (605) 842-5683

www.dejongranch.com www.livestockplusinc.com



Quality Beef Well Worth Greater Input Written by Steve Suther, Director of Industry Information for Black Ink, offical publication for Certified Angus Beef Contributed by Evan Rayl

It’s time to prime your herd to produce Prime beef. That herd is a well of potential that can meet consumer demand for high-quality beef. Any intact male will provide some variety of calves, all worth more than ever. If they make it through the finishing phase, consumers will eat them all, even though the beef will cost more than ever. If they are disappointed, will they go back to that well? With the fewest cows in 60 years and the cattle cycle primed for rebuilding, a long-range view will ensure consumer demand. When today’s replacement heifers are in their prime, they must profitably produce not only more but the best beef. Say you can get $1,000 for a calf right now. Can somebody else make money on it in the months ahead? Can the beef industry make money on it in the months after that? With Choice boxed beef at $200 per hundredweight (/cwt) and Prime $30 or $40 higher, the buyer will pay more to make sure he or she won’t be disappointed. A few years ago, Prime beef made up less than 2 percent of the fed cattle supply, and there were $10/cwt premiums over Select. Most producers ignored that incentive, even when it shot up to $40/ cwt. Prime was a freak of nature, not a target for logical producers to think about. The supply of premium Choice brands stayed below 15 percent for decades, which led to dismissal. Why would I focus on 2 percent or 15 percent of my cattle when I could work on the other 98 percent or 85 percent? Go for more pounds and don’t chase quality, we were advised; any target so rarely hit will never be an important factor in the market. What’s true on average for commodity beef is reality, so don’t expect more from your herd. But wait a minute.


In the last 10 years, prime boxed-beef has often risen to more than $50/cwt above select, and grid premiums offer much of that to cattle producers. Variable-price grids often pay more than $5/cwt for carcasses that qualify for premium Choice brands, which you could think of as a consolation prize. Even when such premiums appeared, it was not uncommon to hear the reasoning that an extra $200 per head is not worth thinking about when you take it times the 2 percent likelihood in a typical herd. Those who ignored the premium targets may still be in business, but it’s a limiting view of the cattle business. It is too limiting when consumers are expected to pay so much more for any beef. Irish playwright George Bernard Shaw wrote in 1949 what the Kennedys famously quoted in the 1960s: Some men ask why. I dream things that never were and ask why not? Fortunately for the U.S. cattle business, a lot of producers asked, why not? Bringing selection pressure to bear on not only bulls but cows, based on records, progeny data, ultrasound — and lately DNA testing — hundreds of them moved up to 5 percent, then 10 percent, 20 percent and more than 30 percent Prime. Feature stories have shown us English-breed cattle that produce 75 percent prime and gain faster than industry average. Those cattle are worth at least $200 above average and their “consolation prizes” still beat the heck out of average. Such herds are owned by some of the most forward-thinking, profit-minded ranchers in the business. It’s logical that most producers don’t think about such premiums. They don’t sell finished cattle. There are many ways to prime the pump to deliver more quality and turn around a 60-year decline in numbers. Tag calves with an information link to each cow. Weigh cows and calves to chart efficiency; then get a benchmark reading on what comes after weaning. Use the steer futurities, help a neighbor complete a feedlot load, partner or negotiate with a feedlot that returns individual data. If you can’t tag calves now, be more selective of bulls and add to your herd with proven females. More and more of us need to think about those premiums, or there will continue to be fewer and fewer of us. Commodity beef will never compete with chicken, pork or fish on a price basis. That’s just biology. If we want consumers to pay $200 or more per year for beef over other proteins, we need to take another look at how to produce calves that are worth $200 more to everybody in the chain. n

Livestock Plus Inc. January 2014

indra JAngus Preserving the power of Scotch Cap genetics

14 t h A n n u A l P r o d u c t i o n S A l e Tuesday,

March 4

, 2014

1PM (CST) 0 Creighton Livestock Market 0 Creighton, Neb. 0 402-358-3449

Selling Approx. 125 Registered

Angus Bulls & 40 Registered Angus Heifers

Jindra Double Vision Bon View New Design 878 CONNEALY REFLECTION Happy Grill of Conanga 6260 Hoff Limited Edition S C 594 HOFF RACHEL 8312 405 Hoff Miss Expo S C 4223

BW 83 0 WW 971 0 YW 1695

BW -0.8 • WW +81 • YW +144 • Milk +27

Connealy Guinness Connealy Full Freight CONNEALY DUBLIN 8223 Black Rina of Conanga 69 EGL Target 1148 PANDA OF CONANGA 3609 Ponderra of Conanga 750

BW 82 0 Adj. WW 0 741 0 Adj. YW 1322 BW +1.0 • WW +50 • YW +102 • Milk +23

Largest Sire Groups by Jindra Double Vision 0 Connealy Guinness 0 Jindra Premium Blend Sitz Upward 0 Hoff Blockbuster 0 Jindra Testimonial 0 Jindra Time Prime

Call or stop by anytime!

Ad Design by Chrisman Cattle Services

Nick Jindra 0 82235 567 Ave. 0 Clarkson, NE 68629 402-920-3171 nickjindra@hotmail.com 0 www.jindraangus.com www.livestockplusinc.com


Bartos Angus SELLING:

80 Yearling Bulls

Annual Production Sale February 1, 2014 1pm at the Ranch

Sired by:

Mogck Sure Shot -- SAV Priority Connealy Consensus 7229 BAR Aberdeen 1929 SAV Iron Mountain MCATL Pilgrim 520-495

70 Bred Heifers Service Sires:

These two MCATL Pilgrim sons SELL!!

2U66-Mogck Sure Shot VDAR Really Windy Connealy Irish

**Visitors Welcome Anytime**

Brent & Jemi Frederick 51177 886 Rd Verdigre, NE 68783


e-mail: bartos_angus@yahoo.com Brent: (402)340-1039 Jemi: (402)394-5967


Livestock Plus Inc. January 2014


EL rs S

Bre e s The

eife H d

H Monday, February 13, 2014 at 1:00 PM Sharp! H Sale will be held at the farm 2 miles south of Frederick, SD

SELLINg 75 HERd BuLL PRoSPECTS Video Sale only!

Bulls will be penned on display at the farm prior to and also sale day.

Hart 248A• PB SM

Homo. Black Act BW: 74 Adj WW: 784 ASR Final Sort X0151 x BF L112 Trailblazer CE: 7.7 BW: 2.7 WW: 67 YW: 93 MCE: 7 MM: 23 MWW: 57 API: 116 TI: 63

Hart Genuine 038A • PB SM

Homo. Black Act BW: 78 Adj WW: 806 ES Ridgerider YW3 x Hart Black Label u009 CE: 13.2 BW: 0.7 WW: 53 YW: 83 MCE: 12 MM: 29 MWW: 56 API: 131 TI: 67

For more information and a sale catalog, contact:



Kerry, Mara, Justin, Travis & Jamie Hart 10904 387th Avenue Frederick, SD 57441 4hooves@nvc.net Phone 605-329-2587 Cell 605-252-2065 or 605-216-6469 605-252-0894

Hart 019A • PB SM

Homo. Black Act BW: 83 Adj WW: 733 AJE/PB Montecito 63W x New Trend Way Cool 6W CE: 8 BW:1.8 WW: 72 YW: 107 MCE: 6 MM: 21 MWW: 56 API: 97 TI: 67

Hart 118A • PB SM

PRoFESSIoNAL SALE MANAgEMENT: Val & Lori Eberspacher Office 507-532-6694 or Val’s Cell 612-805-7405 Kelly Schmidt 406-599-2395 sales@ebersale.com

Black Act BW: 90 Adj WW: 760 Hart The Factor 673Y x SVF Cracker Barrel L011 CE: 6.3 BW: 3.6 WW: 68, YW: 86 MCE:11 MM: 28 MWW: 62 API: 90 TI: 56

Hart 058A • PB SM

Homo. Black Act BW: 87 Adj WW: 782 AJE/PB Montecito 63W x RFS direct Force T19 CE: 8.7 BW:1.9 WW: 63 YW: 98 MCE: 7.5 MM: 20 MWW: 51 API: 102 TI: 63

Hart 198A • PB SM

Homo. Black Act BW: 85 Adj WW: 715 oBCC King Pin W42Y x SAS T101 Sweet Meat CE: 8 BW: 1.7 WW: 64 YW: 91 MCE: 10 MM: 23 MWW: 55 API: 109 TI: 65

View full sale line up at www.ebersale.com www.livestockplusinc.com


ONE Light Birth Weights: 90 per cent of our bulls are suitable for heifers. TWO Rapid Growth: The heaviest yearling bull ever raised here was 1661 pounds. The heaviest yearling bull ever used here was GC Weightlifter 823, who still holds the test station record at 1710 pounds from 20 years ago! THREE High Quality Carcasses: Customer had 38 of 41 fed cattle make CAB. Many customers regularly sell over 70% CAB finished cattle. We have used the high accuracy Stouffer Ultrasound System for 25 years. FOUR Feed Efficiency: Three bull crops averaged 4.25 pounds of feed per pound of gain (over 150 bulls). The two top bulls only needed 2.64 and 2.76 pounds of feed per pound of gain.

Five Convenience Traits: GOOD STRUCTURE VERY DOCILE FLESHING ABILITY GOOD FEET & LEGS CLEAN SHEATHS LONGEVITY DAUGHTERS WITH GOOD UDDERS AND “JUST RIGHT” MILKING ABILITY Six Show Ring Confirmation: The last bull shown was 2nd in class to the Grand Champion in Denver. The next to last heifer shown was 2nd in class to a $80,000 heifer in Denver The very last heifer ever shown won many Iowa Summer shows. She would have won more, but she was 10 years ahead of her time. The dam of Black Canyon. Dear Cattlemen: I have been breeding Registered Angus Cattle for 66 years. For a long time we have breeding for the six above traits that make you money. For example, we have been ultrasounding for carcass for 25 years. This is now our fourth year of measuring feed efficiency on an official test. We have now tested over 200 bulls. ~ Evan Rayl


Livestock Plus Inc. January 2014

Some of the Sires of Bulls Selling: RAF KCC Over Achiever 106 • RAF Black Canyon 713 • RAF American Gladiator 021 SydGen Mandate 6079 • Mogck Bullseye • WK Bobcat S A V Bismarck 5682 • S A V Birthstone 8258 • S A V Cobra 9281 Connealy Consensus 7229 • Connealy Impression • R 5 Rambo 1191

our bulls Look for on in motion n DVAuctio nth. o m is later th

2.76 pounds of feed per pound of gain!

Selling 8 Sons, 2 Flush Brothers, and 2 Half Brothers

Ideal for Heifer Projects. When he is used in mass breeding situations, all calves are born before due date!



Benoit Angus Ranch

25th Annual Production Sale Thursday, March 20, 2014 • 1:00 p.m. CDT At the Ranch on US Hwy. 36 - 10¾ miles west of Mankato, Kansas


YEARLING BULLS E&B Complete 312 Reg. #17616296 DOB: 1/30/2013 EPD’s: BW 2.3 / WW +58 / YW +98 / Milk +34 Adj WW 756 / WWR 107 / Dam’s WR 1/111 ET (ET Son) Marb 4.33 / RE +1.04 / $W +35.53 / $F 38.58 / $G 32.47 / $B 84.2 11/15/13 Wt. 1,112 / Sire: Summitcrest Complete / Dam: E&B Lady 1023 919

(Dam full sister to E&B Blueprint 691, ABS Bull)



E&B Consensus 321 Reg. #17616298 DOB: 2/3/13 EPDS: BW 1.4 / WW +56 / YW+99 / Milk +31 / SC +1.03 Marb +.91 / RE +372 / Adj WW 768 / WWR 109 / 11/15/13 Wt. 1,180 $W 35.00 / $F+40.75 / $G 44.31 / $B +100.73 / Dam’s WR 5/105 Sire: Connealy Consensus 7229 / Dam: E&B Lady New Frontier 654 / ET son Dam of high selling bull last year going to JMB Angus in Sharon Springs, KS


E&B Upward 3190 Reg. #17616291 DOB: 1/20/13 EPD’S: BW 1.6 / W +59 / YW +107 / Milk +35 Marb +.36 / RE +.48 / $W 30.55 / $F 49.29 / $G 21.33 / $B 82.09 11/15/2013 Wt. 1,208 / Adj WW 748 / WWR 106 / Dam’s WR -3/104 Sire: Sitz Upward 307R / MGS: E&B Blueprint 691

4 Top Weaning Weights 4 Not Creep Fed! 4 Free Delivery 4 Ultrasound Data 4 Complete Performance Data 4 1st Breeding Season Guarantee 4 Repeat Buyer Discount 4 Selling Top 150 Bulls out of 230!

E&B Final Answer 3126 Reg. #17616266 DOB: 1/31/13 EPD’S: BW +.1 / WW +55 / YW +102 / Milk +31 Adj WW 727 / WWR 103 / Marb +.63 / RE +.55 / Dam’s WR 3/114 11/15/13 Wt. 1,094 / $W 34.36 / $F +44.95 / $G 35.09 / $B 69.36 Sire: SAV Final Answer 0035 / MGS: GAR New Design 5050


E&B Windy 355 Reg. #17616225 DOB: 1/16/13 EPD’S: BW 3.9 / WW +71 / YW +114 / Milk +35 Marb +.31 / RE +.26 / Adj WW 881 / 11/15/13 Wt. 1,236 WWR 118 / $W 32.49 / $F 52.3 / $G 17.48 / $B 74.20 / Dam is 1st calf heifer Dam’s WR 1/118 / Sire: Apex Windy 078 / MGS: Sitz Upward 307R

Visitors always welcome! For information or sale book, call 1-888-870-BULL




Livestock Plus Inc. January 2014

E&B Dash 341 Reg. #17616221 DOB: 1/20/13 EPD’S: BW .6 / WW +57 / YW +92 / Milk +28 Marb +.54 / RE +.67 / Adj WW 771 / WWR 104 / 11/15/13 Wt. 1,052 $W 36.64 / $F 31.85 / $G 35.84 / $B 66.54 / Dam’s WR 104 1st calf heifer Sire: Sitz Dash 10277 / MGS: SAV Final Answer 0035

Benoit Angus

Everett & Bonnie Benoit • (785) 725-3231 621 Hwy. 36 • Esbon, Kansas 66941 Doug Benoit (785) 545-6806 Chad Benoit (785) 545-8095 E-mail: ebbenoit@ruraltel.net • www.benoitangus.com

Trauernicht Simmentals

ProducTion SalE 2014 39th Annual Sale held on Sunday, February 2nd at 12:00 Noon Sharp! Sale Location: Beatrice 77 Livestock, Beatrice, Nebraska

SELLING 75 PERFORMANCE TESTED BULLS • 44 years in the business! “Quality is bred on...not fed on.”


LHT JJ Flash 06A

EXAR Lutton 1831 x TC Franchise 36

1/2 SM 1/2 AN

LHT Mr Upward 09A

Sitz Upward 307R x CNS Dream On L186 EPDs: 11 1.6 69 115 9 29 64 * 7.9 Carcass: 41.3 -.14 .35 -.03 .71 122 73

5/8 SM 3/8 AN

LHT Mr Voltage 236A

SS/PRS high Voltage x FBF Time Out 767T EPDs: 13 0.0 59 87 6 21 50 * 8.3 Carcass: 21.3 -.22 .28 -.03 .71 120 67

LHT Mr I Mountain 62A

Carcass: 37.3 -.01 .67 -.018 .36 134 79

LHT Mr Confidence 22A

BF Mr Confidence x Duff Basic Instinct 6501 EPDs: 11 1.5 68 101 7 16 50 * 9.6 Carcass: 32.1 -.18 .24 -.02 .80 112 69

1/2 SM 1/2 AN

LHT Mr Bismark 52A

SAV Bismarck 5682 x GW Lucky Man 644N EPDs: 13 1.2 80 121 12 26 66 * 11.7 Carcass: 43.6 -.18 .28 -.046 .73 132 79

1/2 SM 1/2 AN SAV Iron Mountain 8066 x SV Northwest Figure • EPDs: 11 1.8 68 109 6 14 48 * 11.4

1/2 SM 1/2 AN

1/2 SM 1/2 AN

LHT Mr Net Worth 60A

SAV Net Worth 4200 x GW Twentyfour Seven 662L • EPDs: 9 2.0 66 114 9 27 60 * 10.7 Carcass: 41.4 .00 .35 .012 .60 114 69


3/4 SM 1/4 AN

SVF/NJC Mo Town x WLE Power Stroke

Flying B Cut Above x SC Mo Magic S47

JZ Mr Down Town 01A

EPDs: 9 1.6 58 84 11 15 44 20 12.6 Carcass: 22.5 -.29 .13 -.066 .66 117 63

515 E Pine Road, Wymore, NE 68466 Loren 402-645-8306 or 402-230-0812 Scott 402-239-1272 www.trauernichtsimmentals.com

Guest Breeder State Line Simmental 402-239-0843

Sale Day Phone 402-223-3571

LHT Mr Fatt Butt 56A

EPDs: 6 2.7 64 97 6 18 50 * 12.4 Carcass: 31.8 -.01 .18 -.048 .34 93 63

Sale Managers: Eberspacher Ent. Office 507-532-6694 • Cell 612-805-7405 Kelly Schmidt 406-599-2395 sales@ebersale.com Full offering online at www.ebersale.com

Performance Cattle with a Touch of Style! www.livestockplusinc.com


Fabius Creek Angus Mature Cow Dispersal and Bull Sale

Saturday • February 1, 2014 • Noon Bloomfield Livestock Market, Bloomfield, Iowa

Featuring 200 Head of Cattle!

100 Head of Spring Calving Cows • 50 Head of Fall Calving Cows with calves at side and bred back Including 5 Donors • 50 Two-Year-Old Service-Age Bulls: Fall Yearlings and Spring Yearlings

Sires Used:

SydGen CC&7

BW +1.1

WW +53

YW MILK Marb +106 +43 +.43

Hoover Dam

RE +.87

Fat -.044

$W $F $G $B +34.81 +50.98 +36.43 +92.62

Connealy Consensus

CED +4

BW +.8

WW YW MILK Marb RE +74 +120 +24 +.55 +.62

Fat $W $F $G $B +.028 +45.24 +58.59 +25.47 +91.45

CED +10

Sale Day Phone: Bloomfield Livestock (641) 664-2435


WW +50

YW MILK Marb RE Fat $W $F $G $B +95 +40 +.63 +1.12 -.032 +30.76 +38.70 +47.77 +81.23

SAV Harvestor 0338

CED BW -8 +6.6

Other Sires Used:

AAR Ten X, Mogck Bullseye, TC Total, SAV First Class, SAV Iron Mountain, SAV 707 Rito 9969 and WMR Timeless 458

BW +.1

WW YW MILK Marb RE +74 +145 +28 +.52 +.44

Fat $W $F $G $B +.073 +22.84 +93.40 +17.13 +84.33

Fabius Creek Angus

Dean & Nancy Hougland 29244 Ice Ave. • Bloomfield, IA 52537 Dean (641) 929-3208 • Cell (641) 208-9626 • Nancy Cell (641) 208-0434

Livestock Plus Inc. January 2014

At the Ranch • 42 miles southwest of Scottsbluff, NE • Lunch at 11:30 a.m. Ranch is located 1 mile west of LaGrange, WY

Featuring 150 Yearling Angus bulls • Volume Source of Heifer Bulls • All Bulls Born Unassisted • Wintering & Delivery Available KCH Verdict 25

Current EPDs Current EPDs

BW CED CED BW CED BW +11 +.8 Marb RE Marb Marb RE RE +1.33 +.52

WW YW Milk WW YW Milk Scrotal WW YW Milk Scrotal Scrotal +67 +133 +21 +1.78 $W $F $G $B CW $W $F $B $W $F $G $B +52 +29.94 +86.12 +108.82

Champion Angus Female at Wyoming State Fair

Reg. # 15848590

Shown by Kendall Haas Will be selling several half Brothers

Home raised and leased to New Zealand & Australia

Featuring Lot 1 Reg. # 17631624 Sire: A A R Ten X 7008 S A Dam’s Sire: Quaker Hill Objective 3J15 Current EPDSs:

Act BW 64




Adj 205

















+74.76 +113.84

Compare Compareour ourKCH KCHBulls Bullstotothe theNational NationalAngus AngusAverage Average KCH Avg KCH Avg National Avg

Act BW 205 205 Wt WW WW YW Milk CW Marb REA $F Act BW BWBW Wt Wt WW YW Milk CW Marb Act BWBW 205 YW Milk CW REA Marb $F REA $B$F

National Avg

75 75 78


+1.6 764 +55 +100 +24 +1.6 764 +55 +100 +1.8 656 +47 +83 +24





I+31 +24 +25


I+.67 I+31 +.46


I+.47 $45.86 $83.91 I+.67 I+.47 $45.86 +.42 $28.30 $69.56




$83.91 $28.30 $69.56

Ken Haas 33rd Angus Bull Sale KenJanuary Haas 33rd Angus Bull Sale 28, 2014 Ken &&Heather Additional Top Angus Sires: Ken HeatherHaas Haas 28,Wyoming 2014 1 Mile WestJanuary LaGrange, Phone 307-834-2356 Phone 307-834-2356Connealy Consensus 7229 • Connealy Answer 71 Phone 307-834-2356 1 Mile West LaGrange, Wyoming · 82221 4766 State Hwy 151 www.kenhaasangus.com Vin-Mar O’Reilly Factor • Soo Line Motive 9016 LaGrange,Wyoming Wyoming 82221 4766 State Hwy 151 ·LaGrange, Phone 307-834-2356

www.kenhaasangus.com www.kenhaasangus.com www.kenhaasangus.com



Nichols Farms

Private Treaty Bull Sales Starting— Lunch at Noon Sale starts at 1 PM

350 Bulls to pick from u





NIchoLS SX-1 hybrid —


NIchoLS DX-1 hybrid —


NIchoLS DSX-2 composite —

All the bulls are free of the genetic abnormalities, PHA, THA, AM, NH, MI, CA and DD by pedigree or DNA test Volume discounts Health & Death Warranty $100 off each bull if you pick them up Pick up your Bull(s) when You’re ready for them Good - $3000

Better - $3500 Best - $4000

Sale Bull Catalog and Directions


January 25, 2014 Bridgewater, Iowa

The Nichols family started with Angus in 1953, Simmentals in 1968, and South Devons in 2004. We’ve always been the leader in new technology— Performance testing (1956) - Certified Meat Sires (1961) - Expected progeny differences EPDs (1977) - Real time ultrasound (1989) - Carcass Merit DNA Validation (1998) and DNA genomic profiles (2005). Nichols Bulls remain the best investment in the beef business. They sire soggy heavy calves that top the market, gain in the feedlot, and grade in the packing house. Nichols Bulls also sire hard-working, docile, problem free daughters that thrive on fescue pastures. Our customers range from large ranches to family farmers to producers who work in town. We appreciate and service all of them. Join us at the farm for Opening Day of the bull-buying season. Have lunch and get first chance at our yearling bulls that will improve your herd and put money in your pocket. — Dave Nichols

2188 Clay Avenue Bridgewater, IA 50837


Livestock Plus Inc. January 2014


Call today for your FREE copy of the 2014 Beef Sire Directory!

1-800-451-9275 | www.accelgen.com | info@accelgen.com

S A V THUNDERBIRD 9061 014AN00351 reg#:16396499 FiNAl ANswer x BismArck CE


A A R TEN X 7008 S A

014AN00377 reg#:15719841 iN FOcUs x ADAPTOR CE




WW 67

YW 136


014Ar02028 reg#:975924 JUliAN B571 x cHerOkee cNYN CE




WW 56

YW 92


014HH00108 reg#:43123163 ABOUT Time x BlAZer 1000 CE




WW 51

YW 88

CONNEALY FINAL SOLUTION 014AN00387 reg#:16447791 ANswer 71 x DANNY BOY CE




WW 63

YW 114


014Ar02047 reg#:1258898 ePic m115 x ePic k863 CE




WW 53

YW 88




WW 69

YW 121


014AN00370 reg#:16687592 PiONeer x TrAVeler 004 CE




WW 70

YW 111

KCF BENNETT 9126J S100 014HP01019 reg#:42681148 9126J x 3008





WW 42

YW 83


014sm03050 reg#:2341670 sHeAr FOrce x PerFecTOr 014cH05017 reg#:m708062 elemeNT x imPressiVe D040 CE




WW 70.6

YW 98.3





WW 28

YW 50

EPD (INFO AS OF 12/13/2013)


JON HERRICK Regional Beef Specialist Miller, NE 308.627.6431

KEENAN SWITZER Regional Beef Specialist Bucklin, MO 660.734.0510


ROBERT WHITACRE Regional Beef Specialist Winchester, VA 540.247.4282



Livestock Plus Inc. January 2014

Genetics Genetics & & Partnerships Partnerships for for Sustainable Sustainable Profitability Profitability

Second Annual

Bull Sale

Wednesday March 26, 2014 12 12 Miles Miles North North of of Eckley, Eckley, Colorado Colorado


✱ ✱

Sons and full brothers to Game Changer Full brothers and maternal sibs to Upgrade

GW Game Changer 823Y

GW Pacesetter 480W

MR NLC Upgrade U8676

Schiefelbein Schiefelbein Effective Effective 61 61

Sinclair Sinclair Grass Grass Master Master

Connealy Connealy Consensus Consensus 7229 7229

Selling: Selling:

✱ are Fall-born, 18 month-old Bulls ✱ 125 125 Angus Angus and and SimAngus SimAngus Bulls Bulls •• 80% 80% are Fall-born, 18 month-old Bulls ✱ 125 ✱ 125 ✱ 300 ✱ 300

• Develped for Ranchers • Develped for Ranchers Spring SimAngus Commercial and March calves at side. Spring SimAngus Commercial Pairs Pairs ••• February February and calves at side. Many sired byMarch Effective. • Many sired by Effective. Fall Calving Bred Heifers • Many AI’ed to Effective Fall Calving Bred Heifers • Many AI’ed to Effective Billy Hall • Phone: 918-244-0154 • Email: bkcattle@netzero.net Billy Hall • Phone: 918-244-0154 • Email: bkcattle@netzero.net Trevor Tuell • Phone: 970-630-4108 • Email: tuellcattle@hotmail.com Trevor Tuell • Phone: 970-630-4108 • Email: Roger Tuell • Phone: 970-630-3290 • Email: tuellcattle@hotmail.com rogertuell@hotmail.com Roger Tuell • Phone: 970-630-3290 • Email: rogertuell@hotmail.com

www.premiumsourcedcattle.com www.premiumsourcedcattle.com www.livestockplusinc.com


Matt Lowery Professional Livestock Auctioneer

308-750-6119 Burwell,NE

Phone: (402) 992-9997 Dean Volk Email: volk.livestock@hotmail.com 84184 545th Ave JUG livestock waterers:Layout 1 8/11/11 8:50 AM Page 1 Website: www.volklivestock.com Battle Creek, NE 68715

Dean Volk 84184 545th Ave Battle Creek, NE 68715

Phone: (402) 992-9997 Email: volk.livestock@hotmail.com Website: www.volklivestock.com

Phone: (402) 992-9997 Email: volk.livestock@hotmail.com Website: www.volklivestock.com

Dean Volk 84184 545th Ave Battle Creek, NE 68715

Phone: (402) 992-9997 Email: volk.livestock@hotmail.com Website: www.volklivestock.com

Dean Volk 84184 545th Ave Battle Creek, NE 68715


Land & Cattle Auction Co. Mike Williams Owner - Auctioneer

18130 Brush Creek Rd. Higginsville, MO 64037

ph: 660-584-5210 cell: 816-797-5450 Dean Volk 84184 545th Ave Battle Creek, NE 68715


Phone: (402) 992-9997 Email: volk.livestock@hotmail.com Website: www.volklivestock.com

Dean Volk 84184 545th Ave Battle Creek, NE 68715

Monte W. Lowderman

IHBA Announces New Hereford Genetics Sale As the demand for Hereford cattle continues to grow, the need for top quality genetics has never been greater. To provide an opportunity for breeders to market and acquire these top genetics, the Iowa Hereford Breeder’s Association is excited to host the first annual Iowa Select Genetics Sale in conjunction with the 2014 Iowa Beef Expo. The sale will be held at Prairie Meadows Events Center in Altoona, IA on Wednesday, February 12, the Phone: evening(402) before the live 992-9997 Dean Volk Hereford auction. begin volk.livestock@hotmail.com with a social hour at 5:00 84184 545th Ave The event willEmail: p.m. with hors NE d’oeuvres bar for Hereford breeders, conwww.volklivestock.com Battle Creek, 68715 and cashWebsite: signors and enthusiasts. At 6:00 attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions of Jack Ward, American Hereford Association COO and Director of Breed Improvement. The auction will begin at 7:00 p.m. and will feature breed-leading sires and proven and highlydecorated donors. Event sponsors include Kent Feeds, Nichols Cryo-Genetics, Livestock Plus Inc., Stepping Stone Genetics, and others. Representatives for these sponsors will be on hand to answer questions and provide information about their products and services. The sale catalog will be available at lowdermanauctionoptions. com. n


Phone: (402) 992-9997 Email: volk.livestock@hotmail.com Website: www.volklivestock.com

The Sound You Recognize “Building a Reputation 1 Sale at a Time” Macomb, IL 61455

Off: (309) 833-5543 H: (309) 836-SELL(7355) Choice Dates Available For Fall Sales


Dean Volk 84184 545th Ave Battle Creek, NE 68715

Phone: (402) 992-9997 Email: volk.livestock@hotmail.com Website: www.volklivestock.com

Auctioneer P.O. Box 9 Baxter, IA 50028


Livestock Plus Inc. January 2014

Dean Volk

Phone: (402) 992-9997

Dean Volk

Phone: (402) 992-9997

A507 1/2 Blood • Tank x Inevitabull

Online bidding available at www.lmaauctions.com

Sale Day Phone: 402-372-2493

A024 1/2 Blood • Tank x Ambush

Selling 140 Bulls 120 Black Yearlings; 15 Fall; 5 Yearlings • ASA Adjusted WW and YW, as well as latest EPDs • Fertility tested and BVD PI tested free • Buyers receive $100 to take bull(s) home sale day or day after. Other delivery options.


Other Sires Include: High Regard, SAV Brilliance, BC Lookout, High Voltage, Steel Force, Welsh’s Do It Right, HOC Broker, BWL Hardcore, Zoom Zoom, Duff New Edition, In Dew Time, TJ Sharper Image, JS Sure Bet.

PB • Zoom x Blackman

8A PB • In Dew Time x Magnetic Lady

Sale Consignors Sloup Simmentals Nick, Scott & Bill Sloup Seward, NE 402-643-4429

57A 3/4 Blood • STF Shocking Dream x Duff New Edition

Anderson Simmentals Jay & Phyllis Anderson St. Paul, NE 380-246-5361 Handsaker Simmentals Gary & Sue Handsaker Jared Meinhardt Nevada, IA 515-231-7042 BADJ Cattle Co Adam Stutsman Beaver Crossing, NE 402-641-2282

A833 1/2 Blood • Duff New Edition x Dream On (Perfection)

Katie Trail Nebraska City, NE 402-381-6769

Laaker Land & Cattle Company Brian Laaker Arlington, NE 402-720-4734 Zeis Simmentals Dave Zeis Valley NE 402.720.1967 CRR Simmentals Clint & Stacey Robinson Arlington NE 402.672.3556

Z042 Fall 1/2 Blood • High Regard x Basic Instinct

Alvie Bender Simmentals Alvie Bender Seward NE 402.643.2049 102 River Ridge Cattle Co. Roger Brummett & Roger Robison Bedford, IA 712-287-3529 or 913-710-2880

View catalog in full color: www.jandcsimmentals.com

Z050 1/2 Blood • BC Lookout x Sheriff Taylor

Bob, Jay and Clark Volk 20604 US HWY 30 Arlington, Nebraska 68002 Email: volkjk@aol.com • Fax: 402-478-4350


158Z Fall 3/4 Blood • BWL Hardcore x Maximus 391

Fall PB • High Voltage x Kiss Me Not



Haynes Cattle Co. 6tH annual

Buy ’em Your Way! • 100% AI from industry leading sires • Bulls developed slowly on native range, without creep feed—athletic and active!

anGus sale

Sires represented include Baldridge Waylon, Connealy Consensus 7229, Connealy Gold Rush (full brother to Connealy Earnan & the first sons to sell), Upward 307R, Final Answer, Haynes Prophet, Haynes Sterling, Haynes Predestined 805B, Leachman Resolution, RB Active Duty & Bismark.

tuesday • Feb. 25, 2014 • 1 PM

• Many heifer bulls in the offering & ALL ARE COWMAKERS!

Ogallala Livestock Auction • Ogallala, Neb.

sellInG 100 “Best yet” ReGIsteReD anGus Bulls

• First breeding season guarantee and sight unseen purchases are guaranteed • Free delivery to surrounding states • All bulls sell with complete health including trich testing • Ask about our “On Ranch Inspection” discounts that are in addition to volume and repeat buyer discounts!

Baldridge Waylon W34 Sons sell in our February sale.

• Scanned carcass information available Feb. 1 at www.HaynesCattleCo.com

For further information, contact:

Gale & Cynthia Haynes • Office: (970) 854-3310 • Cell: (970) 520-3374 • cowsrus@pctelcom.coop • 61284 CR 14 • Holyoke, CO 80734 Located 15 miles southeast of Holyoke, CO, or 25 miles west of Imperial, NE • Check out our website at www.HaynesCattleCo.com 7x5 2c-Livestock Plus.indd 1

12/11/13 3:09 PM

Double J Farms Simmental Cattle Established in 1974

60 Bulls for Sale by Private Treaty SATURDAY, JAN. 25, 2014 with bidding closing @ noon Complete information, pictures & videos available at doublejsimmentals.com

DJF A357

KRJ A380

PUREBRED BW: 95 / WW: 841 Crimson Tide X Red Label

1/2 BW: 82 / WW: 822 Brilliance X Club King

EPDs: 18 0 77 112 13 25 63 158 85

EPDs: 8 2 64 89 12 24 57 124 69

EPDs: 16 0 80 125 12 21 61 142 83

Black and Red Simmental, SimAngus and Angus SIRES: • Dream On • Tanker • Goldmine • Shear Force • Crimson Tide Axis • Upgrade • Chamberlian • Program • Brilliance • Final Answer


DJF A315

3/4 BW: 96 / WW: 833 Shear Force X Bismarck

Livestock Plus Inc. January 2014

Kipp Julson

48670 252nd St. • Garretson, SD 57030 (605) 594-2310 Cell (605) 351-9088 email: doublejfarms@alliancecom.net website: doublejsimmentals.com

2014 Carter Family Angus Bull Sale Monday, February , 2014


12:30 PM MST at Lightning Valley Ranch (5 miles east of Arthur, NE on Hwy 92) 11:00 AM MST Pre-Sale Brunch

Selling Bulls and Replacement Heifers

We breed and develop bulls for the commercial cattleman, blending science and technology, with cowboy values and ethics.

Sale will be broadcast at www.cattleinmotion.com

Visiontopline Royal Stockman BW 2.6 • WW 68 • YW 126 • Milk 21 Marb 0.41 • RE 0.68 • Fat -0.006


 Balanced EPD Profiles  Disposition is our Number 1 concern  Over 60% of our offering is suitable for use on first calf heifers  The program is backed by a cow herd proven to adapt to any environment Carter genetics are known for maternal excellence, balancing traits of growth, fertility, fleshing ability & carcass merit, in a sound, eye-appealing package.

CARTER FAMILY ANGUS at SAM CARTER Office/Home: 308-764-2220 Cell: 765-669-2762

Visiontopline Royal Stockman Kessler Frontman SAV Priority Lonestar Advantage Hoover Dam Connealy Consensus Flag Cross Country Silveiras Style SAV Iron Mountain

LIGHTNING VALLEY RANCH 502 E. Hwy 92 Arthur, NE 69121 cartersam@nebnet.net

www.carterfamilyangus.com www.livestockplusinc.com

Design by Chrisman Cattle 79Services

MINERT/SIMONSON ANGUS RANCH Performance Bull Sale Saturday, February 15, 2012 1PM CST At the ranch near Dunning, NE

Selling 140 Bulls

+20 - Commercial Angus Replacement Heifers

EPD’s as of 12/10/2013

January– February Yearling Angus Bulls Plus 1 - well-broke gelding

Featuring Sons of:

AAR High Five 8563 (40) ♦ Sitz Top Seed 539X (20) ♦ SAV Final Answer 0035 (15) SAV Pioneer 7301 (15) ♦ Connealy Industry 5634 (10) ♦ SAV Brand Name 9115 (10)

Simonson High Five 7053

MSAR High Five 9113

Simonson Pioneer 7393

1/31/13 – BW-74

BW –1.1 WW +66 YW +100 Milk +26 Sire: AAR High Five 8563 Dam Sire: Leachman Right Time

1/26/13 – BW-90 BW +1.8 WW +65 YW +99 Milk +28 Sire: AAR High Five 8563 Dam Sire: SAV Final Answer 0035

1/31/13 – BW-86 BW +2.4 WW +60 YW +99 Milk +29 Sire: SAV Pioneer 7301 Dam Sire: Leachman Right Time

MSAR High Five 9163

MSAR High Five 9463

MSAR Final Answer 8193

1/22/13 – BW-88 BW +1.4 WW +68 YW +99 Milk +28 Sire: AAR High Five 8563 Dam Sire: SAV Final Answer 0035

1/24/13 – BW-85 BW +1.6 WW +72 YW +105 Milk +28 Sire: AAR High Five 8563 Dam Sire: Connealy Freightliner

1/28/13 – BW-95 BW +2.5 WW +61 YW +94 Milk +24 Sire: SAV Final Answer 0035 Dam Sire: Connealy Front Page 0228

MSAR High Five 9093

MSAR Top Seed 8303

MSAR Upward 8383

1/25/13 – BW-88 BW +1.2 WW +65 YW +102 Milk +30 Sire: AAR High Five 8563 Dam Sire: SAV Final Answer 0035

Lowell & Carrol Minert P.O. Box 68 ~ Dunning, NE 68833 (308)538-2676 Cell: (308) 539-9010

J.W. & Cindy Simonson 83450 Hawley Flats Rd. ~ Dunning, NE 68833 (308)538-2548


1/21/13 – BW-80 BW +.4 WW +56 YW +99 Milk +33 Sire: Sitz Top Seed 539X Dam Sire: Sitz Alliance 6595

♦ Volume Discounts ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

First Breeding Season Guarantee Free Wintering Free Delivery within 300 miles Outstanding selection of calving ease and growth bulls weighing 1100-1400 lbs.

Livestock Plus Inc. January 2014

1/23/13 – BW-90 ET BW I+2.4 WW I+55 YW I+105 Milk I+33 Sire: Sitz Upward 307R Dam Sire: Rito 6I6 of 4B20 6807

DV Auction

Watch/Bid Online or bid by phone. Call for details: Tami McIntosh 308-870-3661 tmcintosh@dvauction.com Pre-Shot video during auction


View the Sale Book on our website after Feb. 1, 2014. View video of lots on our website after Feb. 10, 2014.



Private Treaty Bull Sale


Open House

Saturday January 25, 2014 New Sharon, Iowa

Farm location: 3 mi. south and 2 1/2 mi. east of New Sharon

55 Angus Bulls

Sired by: Angus Valley, Final Answer, CC & 7, and others. Big stout bulls with heavy 205 day weights • 38 Bulls over 750 lbs. • 17 Bulls over 800 lbs. • 9 Bulls over 850 lbs, • 1 Bull over 900 lbs 1607 Niland Ave. •  New Sharon, IA 50207

Call for a flyer with Wts & EPDs: Joe Ferguson Tom Ferguson 641-637-4071 H • 641-660-4244 C 641-637-2725 H • 641-660-5033 C Visitors are always welcome!


Livestock Plus Inc. January 2014

Bulls are sold on a first come, first serve basis. Come have dinner with us and wish Dad a Happy 92nd Birthday!

Martin Livestock’s Martin Livestock’s

Sale February

15 Paris, Illinois

Paris, Illinois

- 20 Bulls - 45 Heavy-Bred Heifers -- 15 Cows -Heavy-Bred Cows 15 Heavy-Bred Our first bull offering is exceptionally deep and exciting and this sale will willa saleplus and this and exciting deep exceptionallyand offering bull Our first heifers calving bred March late-February of our is best the feature a plus heifers bred calving March and of oursetlate-February feature the beststout service. AI of proven cows carrying

stout set of proven cows carrying AI service.

On Display Now - Stop In or Call for Details

On Display Now - Stop In or Call for Details

Watch for catalog and videos of every animal at martindreamgirls.com!

Watch for catalog and videos of every animal at martindreamgirls.com!

Thank You to All of Recent Buyers at

Thank You to All of Recent Buyers at

DREAM GIRLS 2013! DREAM GIRLS 2013! The Jimmy & Mandy Martin Family PO Box 164 - Bargersville, IN 46106 317/431-0618 The Jimmy & Mandy Martin Family CB Boland: 217/808-0683 Lehnert: 931/224-3565 POBugar Box 164 - Bargersville, IN 46106 martinlivestock@aol.com 317/431-0618 www.martinlivestockin.com CB Boland: 217/808-0683

Bugar Lehnert: 931/224-3565

To request a catalog or DVD of the sale offering martinlivestock@aol.com contact the auction manager at 419.862.0117 www.martinlivestockin.com or visit primetimeagrimarketing.com

To request a catalog or DVD of the sale offering contact the auction manager at 419.862.0117 or visit primetimeagrimarketing.com



Super BULL Monday!! L ANGUS RAN L I M D CH N I th W


AnnuAl Production SAle Monday,

February 3, 2014

1:00 PM (MST) • At the ranch • Haigler, NE 2 Miles East on US Hwy 34 TC FORTHRIGHT 9284 Top new herd sire at Windmill Angus Ranch



head sell! 30

Reg. two-yearold bulls


Reg. fall bulls


Reg. yearling bulls


Reg. open heifers BW +.2 • WW +76 • YW +121 MARB +.13 • RE +.48 • $B +69.88

Semen-$20 Cert.-$50 Discounts for volume orders

Ad Design by Chrisman Cattle Services

BW +.8 • WW +65 • YW +119 MARB +.29 • RE +.70 • $B +70.46

Raising big, stout two-year-old bulls for over 60 years!!


Open commercial heifers

Many top sons sell! TC Forthright • O’Neills Renovation • HA Image Maker 0415 Connealy Impression • BM Max T56 • Wilson Total Value 722 Connealy Final Product • O’Neills Lucky Boy and more! Joan or Alex Peterson • 31820 Hwy 34 • Haigler, NE 69030 308-297-3368 • www.Windmillangus.com • Windmillbulls@bwtelcom.net 84

Livestock Plus Inc. January 2014



Walridge Farms

Walridge Cattle, Inc. Williamsburg, IA 52361 • Erle 319-668-2082 • Office 319-668-2026 • Mobile 319-430-0820

• Open Angus Heifers • Select group of cow/calf pairs • Angus Bulls - performance tested & ready to go!

tion. My favorite story about Pat is about the time he was selling the Leachman Sale at Bozeman. The bull in the ring was Leachman Right Time and two of the west’s most prominent breeders had gone together to buy the bull. The price kept getting higher and the two couldn’t figure out who the other bider was. Well, the bull sold for $160,000 and they still didn’t know who the other person bidding on the bull was. It was Pat, who was bidding for his own operation. By the way, the bull turned out to be a marvelous investment. At the conclusion of his Saddle and Sirloin induction, Pat sang, “God Bless America.” The best thing about the future is that it comes only one day at a time.


A Little Bit About a Whole Lot of Things by Evan Rayl

Four years ago I wrote in Livestock Plus about a young man from North Dakota, who at the age of eleven, was by far the most talented cattleman I had ever run across, for this age. Now, I see another report about this same young man in the Cattle Business Weekly, out of Phillips, South Dakota. His name was Stetson Ellingson, who is now 15 years old. Back then, I remember heading down a gravel road at 6:30 in the morning, following an older blue pickup and wondering if anyone was steering the pickup because we couldn’t see anyone in the cab. Moments later the blue pickup turned into the yard where we were going and when it stopped, we stopped behind it. Out hopped a young boy and girl. Turns out they were brother and sister, Stetson and Sierra Ellingson, who told us they were going to give us the tour that day. Since there were four of us in our little group, Stetson asked two of us to get in the back of their pickup with him, while the other two of us got in the cab with Sierra, who told us how to drive to each pasture, while one of us drove. When we found the cattle in the first pasture, Stetson told us about each cow, things like how old she was, what the cows pedigree was, what her calf was by, and what the cow’s calf sold for in their sale last year. By 9:30, we had been to three pastures to see cattle and thanked them both for the tour and headed for the next tour stop. Stetson is following in the foot steps of his father, Chad Ellingson and his uncle, Kelly Schaff, Angus breeders at St. Anthony, North Dakota. They are prime examples of the direction a young cowboy should head. Stetson, keep up the good work and continue to be a good example for your younger brother and sisters. The things I want to know are in books: my best friend is the man who’ll get me a book I ain’t read. Congratulations to Pat Goggins, Billings, Montana who I often refer to as “the grandfather of the Western cattle industry.” This past year, Pat’s Vermillion Ranch won the Certified Angus Beef Seedstock Commitment to Excellence Award. Add this award to the Saddle and Sirloin Club Award he won back in 2011, both of which he strongly deserved. Pat started out as a fieldman and later became a self-taught auctioneer. Later he purchased the Western Livestock Reporter, three Montana auction markets and then followed with Vermilion Ranch, Diamond Ring Ranch, and Pryor Creek Ranch. The Goggins Family is in the auction business, the video business and the newspaper business. Pat and his family believe in family, cattle, and competi-


With the current low cattle numbers and the high prices for feeders, anyone in the cow business could be in the drivers seat. For the most part, the registered female selling season has ended with some commercial females selling into February. Now the bull selling season is just about to start. Some registered bull sales will likely record the highest levels ever, but in some areas where feed is still in short supply, sellers will be disappointed. I could continue to guess what is going to happen, but most likely I would be wrong. Anyway, I hope sellers are happy with their sales and buyers are pleased with the purchases they make. Public opinion, though often formed upon a wrong basis, yet generally has a strong underlying sense of justice. Some of you will remember me writing about looking for an old ear corn cutter. I later mentioned, one of my readers, Brian Shults from Toulan, Illinois found one on a farm sale over in Illinois. Brian went to the sale and bought it for me and took it to his farm. I planned to go over and pick it up, but Brian and and his wife said they would bring it over to me, if I would tour them around our area, which I was glad to do. Right now, the ear corn cutter is at a machine shop locally. I just got word last night, it was completed, so I am picking it up tomorrow. Top-notch machinest, Jim Fox of Fox Welding Shop, Greenfield, Iowa has done a wonderful restoration on it. I am anxious to show it to visitors here at the farm. Now all I need is a bushel basket and a few ears of ccrn. Whenever I hear anyone arguing for slavery, I feel a strong impulse to see it tried on him personally. No doubt, you’ve noticed the increasing number of heifer calf online sales this fall. Most of them are small in numbers with a real high sale average. This new merchandising tool is certainly taking advantage of youngsters wanting to show an outstanding heifer. The quality at the winter and summer heifer shows this year will only get stronger with all this additional interest. I’ve said for years that showing heifers beats running motorcycles by a country mile. Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power. -All quotes by Abraham Lincoln In much of cattle country, we have just been through two years of short pasture and high priced winter feed. Getting cows and heifers to produce a heavy calf and breed back early has been difficult. However, shorting your cowherd on energy and protein is a big mistake. With feeder calf prices so high, the return from keeping cows in shape is more important than it has ever been. Getting a high percentage of your cows bred and getting them to wean a heavy calf is the ticket to profit. People who own cows are in the drivers seat. Keep your cows in condition score 5.5 to 6 to take advantage of the profitable years just ahead. n

Livestock Plus Inc. January 2014

R eyes / R ussell 23Rd AnnuAl sAle

Mon day

February 24, 2014 1:00 p.m. At the Ranch in Wheatland

Selling 200 Coming 2-Year-Old Angus Bulls & 12 Yearling Angus Bulls







Sale will be broadcast (MST) on


MR ANGUS – Juan Reyes 98 Olson Rd • Wheatland, WY 82201 307-322-4848 • 307-331-1568(cell) joreyes@woming.com

KMR ANGUS – Keith Russell 21419 WCR 13 • Johnstown, CO 80534 970-587-2534 • 970-371-7819 (cell) mrangus@aol.com

Jennifer Reyes-Burr

5104 Hwy 34 • Wheatland, WY 82201 • 307-322-1530 307-331-1530 (cell) • mrangusranch@gmail.com

WWW.MRANGUSRANCH.COM www.livestockplusinc.com


Selling 190 Head!

105 Bulls 80 Yearlings 30 Falls 85 Females 50 Spring Bred Heifers 25 Fall Bred Heifers 10 Open Heifers - Show Prospects


Hoover Bullseye M140

Hoover Dam M151

EPDs as of 11-21-2013

Hoover Excitement M7 from the same cow family as Hoover Dam!


+.8 +60 +112 +27 +77.04

Hoover Excitement L407

Ranks in the top 2-5% of the breed for WW, YW, Docility and Ribeye EPD!

+.9 +58 +96 +29 +73.36

Correct, thick, stout and weaned at 838 pounds! Above the top 1% for $W!


Hoover CC&7 M37


Erica of Ellston L160

+1.2 +52 +92 +35 +76.95

Three-quarter brother to Hoover Dam with a Pathfinder速 dam!


+2.0 +65 +114 +31 +82.58

Black Beauty of Ellston M62

Stylish show heifer prospect by the $192,000 Mogck Bullseye!

John & Barb Kiburz (641) 772-4439 Tingley, IA David, Joy & Landi Mc Farland (641) 772-4479 Ellston, IA

Livestock Plus Inc. January 2014

+1.3 +49 +98 +36 +75.15

Donor prospect and full sister to Hoover Dam sells in her entirety!

86 Years of Quality Angus Cattle! www.hooverangus.com 88

+1.8 +66 +125 +32 +87.20

Pathfinder速 CC&7 dam records 4-113 wean ratio and is

+.6 +72 +124 +35 +94.45

Only 18 non-parent bulls in the breed can exceed his combination of high $W and $B!



Hoover Angus Farm is home to these nationally recognized sires and more: Hoover Dam [AMF-CAF-DDF-M1F-NHF]

The breed’s 5th top sire for registrations in 2013, BW WW YW Doc MILK Marb RE $B Hoover Dam has established +0 +49 +95 +22 +40 +.63 +1.12 +81.35 a high-quality reputation for his unique combination #+SAF Connection [AMF-CAF-XF] #+SVF Gdar 216 LTD of calving-ease, muscle, #SydGen CC&7 [AMF-CAF-NHF] +SAF Royal Queen 5084 [CAF] SydGen Forever Lady 4087 [AMF] #SydGen 1407 Corona 2016 [AMC-CAF-XF] docility, structural correctness and carcass quality. With +SAF Forever Lady 8292 more than 450 daughters in #TC Gridiron 258 [AMF-CAF-XF] #+GAR Grid Maker [AMF-CAF-XF] production through AHIR®, #Erica of Ellston C124 #TC Blackbird 7049 his best quality may be his Erica of Ellston V65 #SA Neutron 377 [AMF-CAF-XF] beautiful uddered daughters! Reg. No. 16124994

Shottish V047

Mogck Bullseye [AMF-CAF-DDF-M1F-NHF]

$192,000 sensation that will add a third dimension to BW WW YW Doc MILK Marb RE $B two-dimensional cattle! A +1.9 +72 +122 +33 +36 +.53 +.72 +88.04 breed leader for substance, muscle and bone! More than #Mytty In Focus [AMF-CAF-XF] #SAF Focus of ER [AMF-CAF-XF] 250 progeny from his first MOGCK Sure Shot [AMF-CAF-XF] Mytty Countess 906 crop have boosted Bullseye’s Mogck Black Lass 2065 SAV Pay Day 3261 WW EPD above the top Mogck Black Lass C2502 1% of the breed! His first #KCF Bennett Coalition SCC [AMF-CAF-XF] #Sitz Alliance 6595 [AMF-CAF-XF] progeny will highlight the Mogck Mary 1255 [CAF] #Pleasant Pill of Conanga [CAF] February 4, 2014, Hoover Mogck Mary C 1757 #Marcys 95 734 6 Angus Production Sale. Reg. No. 17102085

Mogck Mary C 1234

Basin Excitement [AMF-CAF-DDF-M1F-NHF] Reg. No. 16047404

BW -.4

WW +67

YW +131

Doc +23

#Gardens Expedition [AMF-CAF-XF] +Basin Expedition R156 [AMF-CAF-XF] Basin Primrose Lady 5287

MILK +23

Marb +.49

RE +.56

The epitome of curvebending genetics without

$B sacrificing soundness, muscle, +79.28 and eye-appeal! His EPDs

#N Bar Emulation EXT [AMF-CAF-XF] Green Garden Gina 2268 S2 #Basin Ambush 3905 [AMF-CAF-XF] Basin Primrose Lady 296E

#Vermilion Payweight J847 [AMF-CAF-XF] #Vermilion Dateline 7078 [AMF-CAF-XF] Basin Lady S532 AK Vermilion Lass 7969 Basin Lady 306E Basin Max 806C Basin Lady 183C

Hoover Emperor [AMF-CAF-DDF-NHF] Reg. No. 16924687

BW +1.8

WW +73

YW +123

Doc +29

MILK +43

Marb +.67

RE +.31

Growth, growth, growth! Emperor’s heifers were the

$B No. 1 ratioing sire group at +77.95 Hoover Angus in 2013! He

#+SAF Connection [AMF-CAF-XF] #+SVF Gdar 216 LTD #SydGen CC&7 [AMF-CAF-XF] +SAF Royal Queen 5084 [CAF] SydGen Forever Lady 4087 [AMF] #SydGen 1407 Corona 2016 [AMC-CAF-XF] +SAF Forever Lady 8292 #TC Friction 5130 [AMF-CAF-XF] TC Friction 3275 [DDF] Blkcp Empress Ellston G403 TC Barbara 3022 #Blkcp Empress Ellston D515 [CAF] #TC Gridiron 258 [AMF-CAF-XF] Blkcp Empress Ellston A648

Connealy Counselor [AMF-CAF-D2F-DDF-NHF] Reg. No. +16761497

BW +0

WW +61

YW +110

Doc +13

continue to improve as he sees higher usage. Sons averaged $8,977 in the 2012 Hoover sale and are highly marketable. Excitement sons have been used in many different environments and have held up with success.

will improve dispositions and udder quality while maintaining frame size. An outcross to many of today’s popular genetics and backed by 13 generations of Empress Ellston cows at Hoover Angus. Only three non-carrier sires in the nation can exceed

Marb RE $B Counselor’s Ribeye EPD! +.43 +1.40 +88.98 He exemplifies multi-trait #GAR Retail Product [AMF-CAF-XF] #GAR Precision 1680 [AMC-NHC]

Connealy Mentor 7374 [AMF-CAF-XF] #Executa of Conanga 939

MILK +31

+GAR Ext 4927 #Jauer 353 Traveler 589 27 #Exec of Conanga 6940

#Connealy Lead On [AMF-CAF-XF] #Connealy Leadtime [AMF-CAF-XF] Jaze of Conanga 234 Eligence Plus of Conanga Jaycee of Conanga 233 #Rockn D Ambush 1531 [AMF-CAF-XF] #Joy of Conanga 6230

Hoover Inspiration [AMF-CAF-DDF-NHF] Reg. No. +17306288

BW +1.5

WW +60

YW +104

Doc +27

MILK +36

Marb +.44

RE +.95

EPDs as of 11-21-2013


The next “Great One” from the Hoover program! Moderate

$B framed, extremely thick, big+88.38 topped, wide based, deep-ribbed,

#+SAF Connection [AMF-CAF-XF] #+SVF Gdar 216 LTD #SydGen CC&7 [AMF-CAF-XF] +SAF Royal Queen 5084 [CAF] SydGen Forever Lady 4087 [AMF] #SydGen 1407 Corona 2016 [AMC-CAF-XF] +SAF Forever Lady 8292 #TC Gridiron 258 [AMF-CAF-XF] #+GAR Grid Maker [AMF-CAF-XF] #Lady Ida of Ellston C164 #TC Blackbird 7049 #GG Ida 9183 #TC Stockman 365 [DDF-M1F] GG Ida 436

excellence and stands out for calving-ease, growth and carcass quality. He is emerging as a no-holes, bigspread bull. Progeny have tremendous length, sound structure and sons are bigscrotaled and tight-sheathed.

correct made and easy going classify this bull and make him a true “Inspiration” for the Angus breed. Among non-parent bulls with Inspiration’s accuracy, NO positive scrotal bull can beat his combination of Docility, $W, $B, and RADG EPDs.



auer Dependable Genetics

Selling 200 Head of Maternally Efficient Genetics:

 Spring Bred Cows  Spring Bred Purebred Hfrs.  Fall Bred Pairs  Spring Bred Comm. Hfrs.  Mature Herd Bulls  Coming Two Year Old Bulls

37th Annual Angus Bull & Female Sale Jan. 25, 2014 1:00 p.m. At the Ranch Hinton, Iowa

www.jauerangus.com 90

Jauer Dependable Genetics • Roger (712) 947-4357 31059 Juniper Ave. • Kurt (712) 947-4338 Hinton, IA 51024 • Doug - doug@jauerangus.com

Livestock Plus Inc. January 2014

GLS AShLey A11

Mr NLC Upgrade U8676 x GLS Miss Answer X54 January SimAngus™ Heifer

GLS mr Lookout A75

BC Lookout 7024 x Triple C For Sure N255 February SimAngus™ Herd Bull Prospect

GLS red ASSASSin A88

GLS New Direction X184 x GLS Tammy X147 February Purebred Herd Bull Prospect

GLS Abby A20

SP The Answer 813 x GLS Josie Y104 January SimAngus™ Heifer

GLS roSco A130

GLS Amy A55

Mr NLC Upgrade U8676 x GLS Miss Answer X54 January SimAngus™ Heifer

GLS mr Sure Shot A92

Mr NLC Upgrade U8676 x GLS Josie W133 March SimAngus™ Herd Bull Prospect

GLS/JS Sure Shot Y18 x GLS Star Y125 February SimAngus™ Herd Bull Prospect

GLS miSS nW Z183

GLS miSS PAce Z131

OBCC Networth 31PU x GLS/GFT 89 Bred to GLS New Direction X184

Hooks Pacesetter 8P x 780R Bred to GLS New Direction X184

View full sale offering online at www.ebersale.com BoB & Becky Grass 507-324-5107

Bob’s Cell 507-438-9007 glsimmentals@gmail.com John 507-440-9095 Sale location: 77247 125th Street LeRoy, MN 55951

View/Bid liVe on the internet!

os View at Videin e! or log onto onl www.ebersale.com

For more information or a sale catalog, contact sale management! Sale Managers, Val & Lori Eberspacher Office 507-532-6694 • Cell 612-805-7405 Kelly Schmidt 406-599-2395 Fax 507-532-9457 • sales@ebersale.com



Final Day January 27th, 2014 on

Cattle Viewing & Open House: January 26th at the Farm in Herman, NE and at Petersen’s Bar 75 in Herman, NE

30+ Bred Heifers SimAngus, MaineAngus & Club Calf Influenced Females AI Sires: I-80, Jesse James, The Ringer, Brilliance Watch for more info on Bull and Open Heifer Sale to follow on breedersworld.com


Buck Hoier 402-533-0732; 402-456-7599 Jeff Hoier 402-533-3919 hoiershowcattle@Hotmail.com www.hoiershowcattle.com


Livestock Plus Inc. January 2014

A LEADING OUTFIT FOR CHAMPION PRODUCING GENETICS & TOP SELLERS Broadcast Live on Superior For more info: 800.431.4452




SELLING: 80 AI SERVICED YOUNG COWS & DONOR DAMS & 40 SPRING BRED HEIFERS Selling AI serviced to the industries leading sires, including Heat Wave, Monopoly, Man Among Boys & I-80

The Went Black’s program is one of the most respected in the country and one that has generated many top sellers and major champions. Join us on January 24th for this one of a kind event featuring the best from this program. A powerful set of black and Charolais composite females will sell. 110 Alias Son x Sim Maine

897 Amen x Double Stuff

916 Monopoly x Charolais PB

1121 Irish Whiskey x Angus

426 Irish Whiskey x Angus

229 Paddy O Malley x Angus

111 Yellow Jacket x Sim Maine

007 Irish Whiskey x Angus

2025 Irish Whiskey grandaughter

SALE CATALOG REQUEST www.ccollinsinc.com Catalogs & Videos Available Jan 5th Request One Today!

Ryan, Jan and Judd - 16746 385th St Creston, NE 68631 (402) 920-1497 Ryan’s cell (402) 276-7431 Judd’s Cell Sale Management: Christy Collins (516) 366-0734



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Livestock Plus Inc. January 2014

CL1 Domino 860u

CL1 Domino 2109

Annual Sale

Monday• • February 10, 2014 • 1 pm at the ranch , south of Ree Heights, SD

21115 244th Ave. • Ree Heights, SD 57271

Selling Horned, Polled, and Dehorned Bulls 50 Yearlings from February and March calving cows 50 Coming 2 year olds from April and May calving cows 2 year olds have not been publicly offered prior to this sale!

DHD Turbo HH 1103

15 Angus Bulls • 15 Registered bred heifers 150 Commercial Hereford Bred Heifers; AI’d and sorted into calving intervals 20 Yearling Registered Heifers 100 Commercial yearling herefords and F1 heifers Other sires include Bob, Redeem, Wyarno and other maternal L1 bulls

DKF RO Cash Flow 0245et

TH 60W 719T Victor 43Y

Check out ECR 4202 Dakota Lad 9022

www.fawcettselmcreekranch.com for pictures and videos closer to sale date!

Producing sound, functional cattle that work in the real world without sacrificing maternal greatness. Fawcett’s Elm Creek Ranch

HH Advance 2029

Robert Fawcett Keith, Cheryl, Matt, Erin & Kristin Daniel, Kari, Hollis & Ivy 605-870-0181 C · 605-943-5664 H X 605-870-6172 kcfawcett@hotmail.com danfawcett869@hotmail.com Please call or eamil to be added to our mailing list!



lack Blaze IV 3C Macho x B

T! vailable on 5 A y n e g ro P d Flushes an

DMCC Secret Weapon

DMCC Secret Sister


Ebonys Trademark x Black Blaze II 5T

Ebonys Trademark x Black Blaze II 5T

Ebonys Trademark x Black Blaze II 5T

Blaze Lyla 9Z

DMCC Gabby 2A

Blazes Spirit 2Y

Pays to Dream x Black Blaze II 5T

Grandmaster x Black Blaze II 5T

In Dew Time x Black Blaze II 5T

Mark & Matt Mueller 1757 300th Street • Hiawatha, Kansas 66434




www.diamondmcattle.com 96

Livestock Plus Inc. January 2014

la Blaze IV 3C Macho x B ck

3U! Available on y n e g ro P d n Flushes a

W/C Loaded Up 1119Y

DMCC Annabelle 3A

DMCC Abigail 4A

Lock-N-Load x Black Blaze III 3U

Lock-N-Load x Black Blaze III 3U

Lock-N-Load x Black Blaze III 3U

Mark & Matt Mueller 1757 300th Street • Hiawatha, Kansas 66434




www.diamondmcattle.com www.livestockplusinc.com


Connealy Earnan #16969555

Active Duty #166718300

A.I. Sires include:

WMR Timeless 458 S Chisum 6175 HF Tiger 5T Connealy 044 062 FF Dempsey

Get more for your bull buying dollar!!! Check out our website for a full list of our bulls at thompsonangus.com 17662593 17636538 17662613

671 419 651

Active Duty Connealy Earnan Connealy Earnan

78 76 82

819 804 858

80 replacement heifers 98

Livestock Plus Inc. January 2014

1.2 1.5 3.6

70 68 70

128 111 118

34 29 27

1490 1475 1530

Berent (Pete) Thompson 5323 26th Ave. SE • Kintyre, NE 58549

The The 9th 9thAnnual Annual

D Dakota akota C Classic lassic





LLaargrgesest t er! EEvevnent t EEvevr!

Selling over 230 young mature cows and Selling over 230 young mature cows and bred rightfrom fromthe theheart heartofofthese these powerful bred heifers heifers right powerful herds in the largest offering ever to be held. herds in the largest offering ever to be held.

265 265 Powerline x Alias Powerline x Alias

014 Signal 014Stimulus Stimulus xx Smoke Smoke Signal

800 RSVP x Strictly Business 800 RSVP x Strictly Business

Whiskey x Meyer X071X071 IrishIrish Whiskey SonSon x Meyer

266Adrenaline Adrenaline xx Mossy Mossy Oak 266 Oak

882 Blazer x Cornerstone Angus 882 Blazer x Cornerstone Angus

ome back back to to where CCome where itit all allbegan! began! Big Time, Ranch Raised,

Big Time, Ranch Raised, Club Calf Producing Females ininVolume... Club Calf Producing Females Volume... This will be largest offering ever in the Dakota Classic. Many donors and great This will bematernal largest offering ever will in the Classic. donors great foundation bred females sell.Dakota It will be worth Many the trip! There and are easy foundation maternal will sell. will be15 worth the from trip! There are easy flights from DFW to bred Siouxfemales Falls. The sale siteIt is only minutes the airport. flights from DFW to Sioux Falls. The sale site is only 15 minutes from the airport.


Rob Vanhove 482-8465 (605) 480-0909 CELL FOR (605) MORE SALEHOME; INFORMATION: Rob Vanhove 482-8465 (605) 480-0909 CELL Request a “hand(605) mailed” copy of the HOME; book visiting www.ccollinsinc.com

For more info: (800) 431-4452

Bid & Watch on Dish 230

For more info: (800) 431-4452

Bid & Watch on Dish 230

or text your mailing address to (516) 366-0734. Request a “hand mailed” copy of the book visiting www.ccollinsinc.com SALE MANAGEMENT: Christy Collins, Inc. (516) 366-0734 Voice Text or text your mailing address to (516) 366-0734. SALE MANAGEMENT: Collins, & Inc.VIDEO (516) 366-0734 Voice Text EXTENSIVE SALEChristy CATALOG PREVIEWS


ONLINE JANUARY 22nd at www.ccollinsinc.com www.livestockplusinc.com


index of advertisers Accelerated Genetics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 American Maine Anjou Assn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 American Royal Livestock Show . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 American Salers Assn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Answer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Baldridge Bros. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Bartos Angus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Bear Mtn Angus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Benoit Angus Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 Berger’s Herdmaster Bulls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Black Hills Stock Show . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Blind Badger Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Blue Chip Cattle Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Boss Cattle Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Breeders World Online Sales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 Bushy Park Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Front Cover Bussmus Angus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Cannon-Deutsch Charolais . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Cardinal Cattle Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106-107 Carter Family Angus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 Cedar Top Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Dakota Classic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 DeJong Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Diamond M Cattle Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96-97 Double J Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Douglas Booth Family Angus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Duff Cattle Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Eby Trailers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Fabius Creek Angus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 Fawcett’s Elm Creek Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 Ferguson Angus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 Forster Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Grass-Lunning Simmentals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 Hart Simmentals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Harvester . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Hawkeye Breeders Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Haynes Cattle Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Herbster Angus Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-13 Hoffman Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Hoier Cattle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 Holmes Show Cattle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Hoop Beef Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 Hoover Angus Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88-89 Horsley Bros . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Hueftle Cattle Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 IA Angus Assn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 IA Beef Expo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 IA Charolais Assn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 IA Lowline Assn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 IA Maine Anjou Assn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20, 45 IA Simmental Assn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 IL Simmental Assn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Immucell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 ISU Tradition of Excellence Sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 J & C Simmentals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 Jauer Dependable Genetics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 JEK Cattle Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 Jindra Angus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

Ken Haas Angus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Krebs Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Long’s Simmentals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Loonan Stock Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Martin Livestock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 Martin Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 McConnell Angus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 Mikkey’s LC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Mile High Classic Red Angus Auction . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Mill Bar Angus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Minert/Simonson Angus Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Mohnen Angus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Nagel Cattle Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 National Lowline Assn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 NE Cattleman’s Classic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32-33 Nichols Cryo-Genetics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 Nichols Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Ohlrichs/Felt Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Ostrand Angus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Overmiller Red Angus & Gelbvieh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Premium Sourced Cattle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Printz, Matt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Pruess Cattle / Thernes Cattle Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 Pryor Show Cattle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102-103 Pursuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 R & B Feeds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Rayl Angus Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66-67 Reyes / Russell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 Ridder Hereford Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Springer Simmental . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Steel Curtain - Sisco Bros. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Sullivan Supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Taubenheim Gelbvieh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 TC Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Thompson Angus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 Trauernicht Simmentals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Triangle J Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Upcoming Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Upstream Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Back Cover Vision Angus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Volk Livestock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Went Blacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 Werning Cattle Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Western Elite Female Sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Windmill Angus Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84

100 Livestock Plus Inc. January 2014




SALE JANUARY 25, 2014 Saturday evening - 5:30 p.m. CST

Dunlap, Iowa

Along US 30 in Club Calf Heaven

Selling 70 P1 Bulls and Females

An Amazing Lineup from the Heart of the Herd

Tag 050 - Maximus x Angus - Safe to Monopoly

Tag 184 - Firewater x Angus - Safe to Hollywood

Sweet Tart - Hawkeye x Tycoon Safe to Delivery Man

Tag 228 - BC Classic x Grizzly - Safe to Delivery Man

102 Livestock Plus Inc. January 2014

Pryor_Layout 1 12/17/13 10:22 AM Page 2

Tag 249 - Jameson x Meyer 734 Safe to I-80

Tag 063 - Grizzly x Angus Safe to Hollywood

Tag 210 - Total Solution x Legend Safe to Delivery Man

Tag 203 - I-80 x Meyer 734 - Safe to RSVP

Tag 507X Hawkeye x Hollywood x Irish Whiskey The maternal brother to I Deliver - THF/PHAF

Tag 651 - Nutt N Butt Business x Angus Safe to Heat Wave

Tag 845 - PB Charolais - Safe to Hollywood

Tag 206 - Irish Whiskey x Priority Safe to Delivery Man

Tag 914 - Carney Man x Angus Safe to Hollywood

Tag Z372 - 75% Simmental by Excalibur Safe to Delivery Man

Stop in to see the cattle or request a catalog at 419.862.0117 Preview videos after January 17 at pryorshowcattle.com

PRYOR Quality & Opportunity Beyond Compare.


Adam, Melanie, Wyatt, Layne, Brody, Jax, and Katy Woodbine, Iowa - 712/647-8898


To request your FREE copy of the auction catalog contact the auction manager at419.862.0117 or visit primetimeagrimarketing.com/CatalogRequest.php


How is everyone’s New Year Resolutions? Whatever mine will be, I’m pretty sure that by the time this is read I will have cheated! I do hope everyone is having a very blessed new year! Well, the kids got to attend the Iowa Cattlemen’s Convention with me again this year. They always love chatting with everyone and getting spoiled just a little. While enjoying lunch the second day, the kids sat with some of my friends until I could join them, and when I did they were across the table so all I could do was give them “the look” as Tucker calls it. Mindy Campfield thought it would be a great idea to give Taylor her cell phone to play a game for entertainment while there was a speaker. Turns out they forgot to mute the volume on the lovely farm game so while Norm finished his speech we also heard a nice and loud animal sound. Oh my, it is torture not sitting beside your kids!!! I prefer them to be within grabbing distance! Thank you to Mindy, Jennifer Carrico, Beth McDermott, and Austin Brandt for taking them in for lunch, even though it was a tick embarrassing! Later in the day, I found myself chatting with my good friends, Brent Henningson and Nicole Rathbun. We were discussing one of the stories on the news that day about a little kindergarten boy kissing a little girl on the cheek and he got suspended from school. While Brent, Nicole and I talked, I noticed Tucker had stopped coloring and was really “thinking”

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about something. Pretty soon he pipes up and asked how many days you’d get suspended from school. Now, understand that Tuck has missed darn near the limit of school days for taking a trip with his grandparents. Thus, I’ve been very conscious of him missing any more days at school. Anyway, Brent gives him the standard responsible, good parent response about getting suspended and then Tucker responded back with, “Yeah but I could go to more cattle shows, with mom, if I got suspended.” Lets just say we all had to turn around, mainly because Brent busted out laughing! As always please keep our military in your prayers and travel safe to all the upcoming shows and sales! Heidi Sorensen661-900-6004 Kiefer Trailers_Layout 1 7/6/13 8:36 AMwait Page 1 perfect moment. Don’t for the heidi@livestockplusinc.com Take the moment and make it perfect.

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Shnurman Sire Service_Layout 1 12/15/13 8:58 PM Page 1


P Feature

Weslynn_Layout 1 9/17/13 6:24 PM Page 1

Grady enjoying Louisville! Photo submitted by parents Amy and Scott Grass.

104 Livestock Plus Inc. January 2014



Lot 1 - Tag 8614 - MaineTainer Irish Whiskey x LLW Tea 37W by Steel Force

Lot 2 - Tag 52-8 - MaineTainer Irish Whiskey x LLW Tea 37W by Steel Force

Lot 3 - Tag 6788 - MaineTainer Irish Whiskey x LLW Tea 37W by Steel Force

Lot 14 - Tag 03 - Angus Pure Product x HCA Remedy

Lot 7 - Tag 91-3 - MaineTainer/Chi I-80 x Chiangus

JANUARY 27 On the farm near WYOMING, ILLINOIS Online auction hosted by cwcattlesales.com

Selling 18 Exceptional Bulls

Angus - Simmental - MaineTainer The Very Best of the Crop!

106 Livestock Plus Inc. January 2014

Lot 10 - Tag 103 - Angus

Lot 6 - Tag 150 - MaineTainer

Lot 13 - Tag 0353 - Angus

Lot 17 - Tag 0586 % Simmental/Chi

Lot 15 - Tag 0603 - Angus

Lot 8 - Tag 643 - Angus

Lot 5 - Tag 954 - MaineTainer/Chi

Lot 16 - Tag 1387 - Simmental

Lot 9 - Tag 9406 - Angus

Pure Product x Lut

I-80 x WAGR Driver

Pure Product x Lut

Pure Product x The Answer

Lut x Bando 1024

Chopper x Chiangus

Dubai x Chiangus

High Regard x Upgrade x Dream On x Black Jade

9736 MODENA ROAD WYOMING, ILLINOIS J. Riley, Owner Jeff Wisnefski, Manager (815)274-3860 www.cardinalcattlecompany.com


Pure Product x Lut

Preview the bulls anytime and watch for videos and more photos at cardinalcattlecompany.com


Presorted Standard U.S. Postage

8840 Deer Ridge Lane Bloomington, MN 55438


Livestock Plus Inc.

UPS Navarro

BW 4.4 WW 49 YW 92 Milk 29 M&G 53 REA 0.62 MARB 0.35

Upstream Ranch Annual Production Sale Saturday • Feb. 1, 2014

1:00 p.m. CST • at the ranch

Selling - 270 Horned & Polled


Churchill Sensation

Hereford Bulls 150 coming 2 year olds & 120 fall yearlings

BW -2.4 WW 56 YW 80 Milk 37 M&G 65 REA 0.55 MARB 0.26

UPS Domino 9525 UPS Domino BW .6 WW9525 66

BW YW .6 95 WW Milk66 24 YW 95 M&G 57 Milk REA 24 0.39 M&GMARB 57 REA 0.140.39 MARB 0.14

Also - 35 heifers including 30 bred heifers & 5 heifer calves

Brent and Robin Meeks • 308-942-3195 cell: 308-214-0719 45060 Upstream Rd • Taylor, NE 68879

www.upstreamcattle.com • upstreamranch@gmail.com

• First breeding season guarantee.

Sale will be broadcast by Superior Productions

• Free delivery or $100/head trucking discount. • Fertility, performance, and carcass tested. • Range developed, sound and not overconditioned

UPS Domino 5216 BW 1.5 WW 45 YW 68 Milk 31 M&G 53 REA .5 MARB .19

Upstream Herefords...cattle bred and developed in the Nebraska Sandhills since 1955 for the commercial cattle industry. 108 Livestock Plus Inc. January 2014

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