The Publication for Cowboys and Kids
Classic Griswold Cattle
November 1, 2013, Vol. 18 Issue 9
Irish Whiskey four year old daughter in her prime and safe in calf to Man Amongst Boys. She sells along with all her South Daokota Irish Whiskey sisters.
D ecember 20 & & 21 StillwaterOklahoma An epic event with 600 head, the ENTIRE SOUTH DAKOTA HERD, in a two day offering. There will be more Irish Whiskey daughters in one place than you have ever viewed before and we guarantee you’ve never seen this many donor candidates in one setting. These are the cows that made the Classic famous, this is “THE ONE” you don’t want to miss! To be placed on the Griswold mailing list call 405-372-3300 or email
w w w . g r i s w o l d c a t t l e . c o m