The Publication for Cowboys and Kids
April 1, 2013, Vol. 19 Issue 4
thF thF thF phaF phaF
thF thF thF phaF phaF phaF Maternally Maternally yours --
sire. sire.I-80 I-80dam. dam.GrIzzly/Macho/SauGahatchee GrIzzly/Macho/SauGahatchee thfthfphaf phaf Maternally yours breed. breed. 1/4 1/4 SIM SIM&&GrIzzly/Macho/SauGahatchee 1/2 MaIne MaIne reg. reg.aMaa aMaa432979 432979dob. dob. 3.19.2012 3.19.2012 sire. I-80 dam. thf phaf bw. bw.6262lbs lbs SIM & 1/2 MaIne reg. aMaa 432979 dob. 3.19.2012 breed. 1/4
bw. 62 lbs heat Midnight Midnight heat -
sire. sire.Kadabra Kadabra dam. dam.- heat heatWave WaveGd Gdthc thcphac phac Midnight heat breed. breed.croSSbred croSSbred bw. 60 60lbs lbs
sire. Kadabra dam. heat Wave Gd thc phac little littlecroSSbred Big Bigtown townbw. - 60 lbs breed.
sire. sire.choppIn choppInWood Wood dam. dam.heat heatSeeKer SeeKerthc thcphaf phaf little Big towndob. - 4.02.2012 breed. breed.croSSbred croSSbred 4.02.2012bw. bw.8383lbslbs
sire. choppIn Wood dam. heat SeeKer thc phaf thunder thunder FroM FroM down down under underbw. - - 83 lbs breed. croSSbred dob. 4.02.2012
sire. sire.unStoppable unStoppable dam. dam. heat heatWave/char Wave/charthfthfphaf phaf thunder FroM down under breed. breed.croSSbred croSSbred dob. 2.2012 2.2012
sire. unStoppable Fast Fast &&Furious Furious dam. - heat Wave/char thf phaf breed. croSSbred dob. 2.2012 sire. sire.Monopoly Monopoly dam. arMaGeddon arMaGeddon thc thcphaf phaf breed. breed. croSSbred 4.14.2012bw. bw.8181lbslbs Fast &croSSbred Furious dob. - 4.14.2012
sire. Monopoly dam. arMaGeddon thc phaf breed. croSSbred dob. 4.14.2012 bw. 81 lbs