Livestock Plus, Inc.

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The Publication for Cowboys and Kids

June/July 2012, Vol. 18 Issue 6

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g hhoowwccaassin S S200 Linotsg 200 Lots

Saturday, June 23rd Saturday, June 23rd 6 p.m., Elgin, Oklahoma 6• Donor p.m., Elgin, Oklahoma Cows

Bred Cows & Heifers • Fall Donor Cows HerdBred SiresCows & Heifers • Fall • Exclusive Herd SiresGenetic Packages & Opportunities • Exclusive Genetic Packages & us Opportunities Join June 23rd for a great offering of females and a few

8111 This purebred Angus herd sire by DCC New Look sells! 8111 This purebred Angus herd sire by DCC New Look sells!

G LOVER Cattle GLOVER Cattle Dustin & Jamie Glover, Tommy & Taylor 580-280-0188 Dustin & Jamie Glover, Tommy & Taylor 580-280-0188 Bruce & Terri Glover 580-351-8825 Bruce & Terri Glover 580-351-8825

select bulls targeted for club calf production.There is tremendous Join us June 23rd for a great offering of females and a few diversity in these genetics, including many successful Maine,Angus, select bulls targeted for club calf production.There is tremendous Hereford, Charolais, Shorthorn and club calf genetics.The sale will diversity in these genetics, including many successful Maine,Angus, be held at the Glover Sale Facility, just west of I-44, north of Hereford, Charolais, Shorthorn and club calf genetics.The sale will Lawton. For more information, contact us anytime or go to be held at the Glover Sale Facility, just west of I-44, north of or Lawton. For more information, contact us anytime or go to

1001 1001

0575 0575

962 962 or Also plan to attend the McLemore Farms Sale at Bradley, Oklahoma, the following day! Also plan to attend the McLemore Farms Sale at Bradley, Oklahoma, the following day!

Sale Guest: Tusa Show Cattle

Sale• 979-324-9326 Guest: Jacob Tusa

0686 0686

Tusa Show Cattle

Jacob Tusa • 979-324-9326

Kent McCune 817-602-8629 Kent McCune 817-602-8629

1016 Auctioneer: Steve Bonham 405-823-2972


Auctioneer: Steve Bonham 405-823-2972

1020 1020

Catalogs requests: email & online at or Even in you have received our catalog in the past, you may not be on our current list. Please call or email to receive a catalog.


Even in you have received our catalog in the past, you may not be on our current list. Please call or email to receive a catalog.


Catalogs requests: email & online at or


Livestock Plus Inc.

June / July 2012


Featherlite:Layout 1 4/17/12 8:24 AM Page 1

The Magazine for Cowboys and Kids

Mike Sorensen ~ Sales Cell: 641-745-7949

Greetings, Well, sale season is winding down. I have just a few sales left, and what a great sale season. Congrats to all the folks that had sales this year and we hope that we can work with you again next sale season. As usual, I am writing this last minute on the road, luckily, with a driver. I just left the Star Lake sale in Skiatook, Oklahoma. These folks understand hospitality. The day before their sale, they had a show for the junior kids that purchased cattle in last year’s sale. Then during the breaks between the show, the steak supper, and the embryo auction, the kids play ball in the show ring.

As my traveling partner Austin Brandt said, “field of dreams has nothing on this place.” You can see in the picture, the kids playing ball with cattle in the background. Star Lake built it, and they come. Jim and Randy Blin and your families, Montie Soules and crew, great job, cattle looked great, hospitality was awe-

some, and thanks for everything! It was Sunday afternoon and I was kinda hungry. I went searching in the freezer and came up with two pork chops that came from Rock River Butcher. Being a pinch lazy, I put my Traeger grill on smoke, threw on the pork chops along with Baldridge seasoning and came back an hour and a half later and pulled them off. Darn, I think that could be one of the best pieces of meat I have had for awhile! I don’t mean to pat myself on the back, but I think I done a heck of good job! Take a little Baldridge seasoning, an idiot proof grill, some darn good pork chops and even I can look like I know how to grill a pork chop. It was a good one and I hope I can repeat myself soon. Have a great summer, good luck at the shows, and travel safe. Thank a Veteran for your freedom. God Bless

Walridge Farms • Open Angus Heifers • Select group of cow/calf pairs • Angus Bulls performance tested & ready to go!


Livestock Plus Inc.

Walridge Cattle, Inc. Williamsburg, IA 52361 • Erle 319-668-2082 • Office 319-668-2026 • Mobile 319-430-0820

June / July 2012

Randy Rasby ~ Sales Cell: 308-539-6195 O: 308-386-4857

Heidi Sorensen ~ Sales Cell: 661-900-6004 O: 641-343-7112

Dustin Carter ~ Sales 712-898-9972

Austin Brandt ~ Sales 712-621-1829

DESIGN OFFICE Linda Luppen Livestock Plus

1535 165th St. Garner, IA 50438

Ph.: 515-851-0304 Fax: 641-587-2263 Ad deadline is the 12th of the month. Livestock Plus is mailed the first of every month. Send or email all ad copy to the Design Office. Please call for specs. Livestock Plus is published January, February, March, April, May, June, August, September, October, November, December. Subscriptions are free. Direct subscription requests to Livestock Plus Inc., c/o Mary Allen, 8840 Deer Ridge Lane, Bloomington, MN 55438. Articles published in Live­stock Plus, Inc. are not nec­es­sar­i­ly the views or opin­ions of the pub­lish­er or staff. TERMS: All partnerships billed to one person. Due upon receipt.


13 1. CARDINAL CATTLE COMPANY 9736 Modena Road • Wyoming, IL 12 J. Riley - Owner 10 Jeff Wisnefski – Manager • 815-274-3860 8 Oct. 7 - 3rd Annual Diamonds in the Mine Internet Sale 15 Bulls • Bred Heifers 7 Show Heifers • Show Steers 2 Sires represented: ANGUS: Pure Product, 4 Lut, CARD Final Drive, The Answer 3 CLUB: BoJo, Walks Alone, Believe in Me, Untouchable, I-80 1 Simm: WAGR Driver, Lock n Load, Chopper 6 Cattle available in all price ranges! 11


OLSON SHOW CATTLE 22236 Grange Road • Geneseo, IL 61254 Devin Olson 309-714-1509 Pictures and videos will be posted at the end of August! Private Treaty Bid Off Sale Sept. 11th Sires Represented: Bodacious, 9 Monopoly, Asset, I-80, 14 Heat Wave, Carpe Diem, Predator Give us a call any time...Visitors Always Welcome!


Ryan Cattle Co. 1117 305th St • New Windsor, IL 61465 Shane 309-371-7490 Dave 309-371-7493 Watch for the Online “Pedigrees for the Purple” Heifer Sale with Bob Jon Farm - NOV 21st Select Group of Bred Heifers FOR SALE Breeding Stock Available Year Round Popular A.I. Sires Used Most Calves out of TOP Simmental Donors in the Country! Visitors Welcome!


Bob Jon Farm 3181 50th Avenue • North Henderson, IL 61466 Terry Johnson “Moose” 309-337--8440 Drew Johnson 309-337-5700 Watch for the Online “Pedigrees for the Purple” Heifer Sale with Shane Ryan - NOV 21st Watch for Online Bull Sale in January Popular A.I. Sires Used



Livestock Plus Inc.

June / July 2012


GUYER CATTLE COMPANY 12251 E 625th Avenue • Robinson, IL 62454 Dave Guyer 618-546-5035 office • 812-243-1676 cell Cattle For Sale Year-Round! Show Heifers • Show Steers • Cows • Bred Heifers • Bulls


Line Show Cattle 41 160th Street • Seaton, IL 61476 Todd 309-337-8633 AJ 309-371-5655 Calves Available for Viewing Anytime! Popular AI SIres Used Visitors Welcome!


J Land CATTLE Johnson Family 2883 N 41st Road • Sheridan, IL 60551 Josh 815-252-7902 Sean 815-739-1013 Calves Sold Private Treaty Sires Represented: Heat Wave, Monopoly, Bodacious, Double Dip, Yellow Jacket, I-80, Chopper Call any time for viewing!


Humphrey Show Cattle 1556 Route 52 • Dixon, IL 61021 Rick 815-716-0193 JR 815-631-2896 Tyler 815-440-6289 Calves for Sale - Private Treaty Watch for details on Upcoming Internet Sale Maine Anjou • Crossbred • Herefords • Shorthorns Popular A.I. Sires Used Visitors Welcome Anytime!


TREE LANE FARMS 2351 US Hwy 24 • El Paso, IL 61738 Dale Schlipf 309-275-7364 Ryan Schlipf 309-275-7366 Annual Sale November 17th Visitors always welcome!

10. JBS ANGUS & SHORTHORN 14072 W Springdale Road • Forreston, IL 61030 Joel Brooks 815-541-5882 Sept 16th Bid Off Sale - Bids close at 5pm Shorthorn, Angus & Shorthorn Plus Steers and Heifers Also, Black Shorthorn Plus calves sired by Heat Wave and Ringer • 3 straight years ... Champion Angus Steer – IL Beef Expo • Champions in six states! No one can match our record for State Fair Breed Champions!

11. CAMPBELL CATTLE COMPANY 2706 30th Street • Little York, IL 61453 Scott Campbell 309-337-0662 Labor Day Internet Sale/Caldwell-Willoughby Sires Represented: Heat Wave, Monopoly, Walks Alone, One & Only Visitors always welcome! 12. SWANSON SHORTHORNS 5413 Razorville Rd • Bryon, IL 61010 Adam, Melissa, Wyatt & Alayna Swanson 815-378-1500 Sept. 15th – Internet Sale/Caldwell-Willoughby Sires Represented: Warhorse, Double Vision, Jakes Proud Jazz, Jazzman, Sin City, Damn Proud Cattle available for viewing anytime! 13. Connelll Stock Farm 6542 Hales Corner Road • Stillman Valley, IL 61084 Jeff 815-262-6860 Dea 815-222-2709 SH - Great selsection of heifers Lowline - Come see some unique 1/2 bloods Collecting a small but very select group of western calves will be home Labor Day. Private Treaty Every Day! 14. Ascent Angus Farms Chris & Mary Miller 23326 E CR 1960N • Oakland, IL 61943 217-276-2542 Calves For Sale Private Treaty *Home of Totally Different Sires Represented: SAV Pioneer, Connealy Consensus 7226, Onward Visitors Welcome! 15. Fleming Show Cattle Derek 815-739-2346 8227 Tower Road • Shabbona, IL 60550 Calves For Sale Private Treaty Crossbred • Hereford • Angus Sires Represented: Monopoly, I-80, Heat Wave Herefords-Purple Millsap, New Era, Purple Inferno Angus-BC Lookout, LUT Visitors Welcome Anytime!

To be listed on the map, call Heidi Sorensen at 661-900-6004



New BQA Videos Available for Cattle Producers, Educators by Evan Rayl

The beef checkoff’s Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) program recently released two educational videos geared toward cattle producers and quality assurance educators. The first of the two videos titled “BQA Cattle Handling Tips for Cow-Calf Producers,” was created to demonstrate how to handle different types of cattle (bulls, cows, heifers, calves and pairs) on cow-calf, stocker and seedstock operations. Experts Ron Gill, Curt Pate, John Maas and others take producers through different production settings and the changing cycle of a cattle operation to understand how the handler and the cattle react to these differing situations. The second of the video series titled “BQA Facilities Design,”was created to help farmers, ranchers and cattle feeders of any size operation better understand how to properly design facilities to best suit their needs. “The BQA program continually strives to help producers better their operations, whether it be with animal care, cattle handling or record keeping,” says Andy Salinas, cow-calf producer from Marion, Mich., and vice chairman of the industry’s producer edu-

cation committee. “These instructional videos are just another way to teach producers about best management practices to ensure beef quality and keep consumers putting beef on their dinner tables.” Both videos can be viewed at or on the National BQA YouTube channel. n


Monte W. Lowderman The Sound You Recognize “Building a Reputation 1 Sale at a Time”






Corral Panels

Off: (309) 833-5543 H: (309) 836-SELL(7355)


Livestock Plus Inc.

June / July 2012




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Choice Dates Available For Sales


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Livestock Plus Inc.

June / July 2012


Tested Proven Predictable

Brazos Grand Champions Steer Sired by George Shown By Colton Schuler Sold for $22,000 Brazos Grand Champions Steer Sired by George Brazos Champions Steer ShownGrand By Colton Schuler Sired by George Sold for $22,000 Shown By Colton Schuler Sold for $22,000

Dam - Hoodoo Ms George Z0116 Dam - Hoodoo Ms George Z0116 National Sale Selection National Sale SelectionofofSummt Summt Farms Farms Daughters have topped Daughters have toppedthe theNorthern Northern ExExposure Sale for posure Sale for$16,500 $16,500

O O D O O H O O D O O H E G R O GwasEGrand Champion George Charolais RGE Hoodoo Crook 7118 x Ms George Z0116 AICA # M697571


at the 2006 Bluff Show and Sale Hoodoo CrookRed 7118 x Ms George Z0116 AICA #outstanding M697571 length, George possess

Hoodoo Crook 7118 x Ms George Z0116 AICA # M697571 George was Grand Champion Charolais

square hipped, massive bone and foot at the 2006 Red Bluff Show and Sale George waswith Grand Champion Charolais extreme width George possess outstanding length, at the 2006 Red Bluff Show and Sale square hipped, massive bone and foot George possess outstanding length, Still at 8 yrs of age walks like a cat withmassive extremebone width square hipped, and foot Still atwith 8 yrsextreme of age width walks like a cat with tremdous athleticism Still atwith 8 yrs of age walks like a cat tremdous athleticism with tremdous athleticism Daughters are producers Daughte Daughters are outstanding outstanding producers Daughte Daughte Daughters are outstanding producers Semen $25 unit Semen $25 unit ForSemen Semen Contact Owners: For Contact Owners:

Dam - Hoodoo Ms George Z0116 National Sale Selection of Summt Bruna Farms Bruna Beef Umbaugh Charolais Stewart Semen $25 unit Farms BeefGenetics Genetics Umbaugh Charolais Stewart Farms Lance Bruna John Umbaugh Kent Stewart Bruna Johnhave Umbaugh Kent Stewart Daughters topped the Northern Ex- Lance Barnes, Ks Adair, Ia Franklin, Tx For Semen Contact Owners: Barnes, Ks Adair, Ia Franklin, Tx 785.313.3020 515.689.0390 979.777.7919 posure Sale for $16,500 785.313.3020 515.689.0390 979.777.7919


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27 25 9 26 10 21 16

1. RICHARD RUPP / TOM GILLESPIE / SKAHILL FARMS Richard Rupp 712-826-8448 1349 Adams/Montgomery Ave. • Corning, IA 50841 Tom Gillespie 712-785-3542 1080 260 Street • Nodaway, IA 50847 Birth Place of Priceless David Skahill 712-826-8338 3128 185 Street • Villisca, IA 50864 Full Sibs to the 2010 Champion Steer at Sioux Falls and Iowa Beef Expo! Calves For Sale Private Treaty Calves Sired by: Heat Wave, Sun Seeker, Monopoly, Hannibal, Wilson, Smilen Bob, Kojak, Total Improvement, Game Plan, Beat the Heat






VANDERHOLM CATTLE CO. Chris, Christie, Cara and Cody 2543 Montgomery - Page St. • Villisca, IA 50864 712-829-2315 Home 712-370-4115 Chris 402-616-5364 Cody Calves for Sale Private Treaty First Come, First Served Bred heifers & cows for sale this fall! Purple Ribbon dreams become reality with Vanderholm quality cattle! Stop by and take a look! Please call ahead. Calves Sired by: Fat Butt, Irish Whiskey, Wisdom, Lut, Wizard, Shamus and PB Angus Bull by Lut Farm located 5 miles south of Stanton - 1/2 mile east

To be listed on the map, call Heidi Sorensen at 661-900-6004 •


Livestock Plus Inc.

June / July 2012

3. HUNTER BROTHERS Chariton, Iowa Nick Hunter 641-203-1999 Chris Rosa 641-203-1686 Mike Hunter 641-203-1529 September Fall Pasture Sale – Calves sold all fall, private treaty Calves Sired by: Walks alone, Believe in Me, Monopoly, Carnac, One and only and several others consigned by many top producers! Visitors welcome, anytime! 4.

JUDD P THOMSON / TERRY J & CAROL J THOMSON 2156 Quail Ave • Arthur, IA 51431 Judd 712-369-0632 712-367-2483 H • 712-369-1726 C Calves Sold Private Treaty All bids must be in by 6 PM, Sept 16th Calves Sired by: Monopoly, Monopoly 2, Dirty Hairy 2, Tiger Woods, Carlos O’Kelly, Special Edition, One in a Million, Heat Wave Son Calves available to view anytime - Please call ahead!

5. Brandt Farms Kirk, Lynn, Austin and Weston 2561 Mulberry Avenue • Corning, IA 50841 712-621-1829 - Austin 712-621-1219 - Weston 712-621-3605 - Kirk Calves sire by: The Answer, Consensus 7229, SydGen DOC, HF Tiger, Halfblood, Dream On Call anytime to view calves! Hope to see everyone on September 23 at SWCC Ag Center for the 3rd Annual Power in the Pasture Production Sale 6. STEVE DOWNING FAMILY 1143 110th Street, Creston, IA 50801 641-345-2350 H 641-344-4111 C Call for details on this year’s prospects! Crossbred & Breed Calves Full Sibs to Iowa State Fair and NAILE Steers will be available! 2011 Champions: • Grand Champion Market Heifer-Iowa State Fair and many more... Some of our 2010 Champions: • Grand Champion Steer - Michigan Beef Expo • Res. Grand Champion Steer – Ohio State Fair • Grand Champion Steer – Kentucky State Fair Some of our 2009 Champions: • Gr. Ch. Prospect Steer - Cow Palace Jr. Gr. Ntls. • Supreme Heifer - Northern Exposure, KS • Gr. Ch. Market Steer - NAILE, Louisville, KY • Grand Champion Market Steer - Iowa State Fair • Grand Champion Market Steer - Ak-Sar-Ben

7. MAAS SHOW CATTLE Jeff & Betty Maas 2401 220th St • Williamsburg, IA 52361 319-530-4718 Handful of Awesome Hereford Prospects Calves Sired by: Eye Candy, I-80, Dirty Hairy, Monopoly, BoJo, Heat Wave, My Turn, Alias, Who Made Who, plus many more! Visitors welcome! Call for tours of local herds! 8.

Goddard Cattle Co. Randy & Dianse Goddard Stanton, Iowa Manager-Garrett Kalvig 319-504-9020 Cattle for Sale Online in the Fall Sale Dates-Sept 5th, Oct 16th, Nov 25th Calves Sired by: Curtain Call, Blindside, Next Generation, Monopoly, HeatWave, Splash, Talk the Talk, Shiver, Tinman, Ali, Mercedes Benz *Out of the TOP DONORS in the country!

9. RIECK & LENTS SHOW CATTLE Dave Rieck 641-340-5021 2306 Hi & Dry Road • Creston, IA 50801 Chad Rieck 641-202-2360 2271 Cherry Street Rd • Creston, IA 50801 Wayne Lents 641-344-9367 1313 Beachwood • Creston, IA 50801 OR Rieck & Lents Show Cattle on Facebook 100 A.I. Clubby and Sim/Angus Calves for Sale Now! NEW SALE DATE in conjunction with Mittag Show Cattle-September 16, 2012 Calves sired by: Heat Wave, Monopoly, Carnac, My Turn, Ree Heights, Eye Candy, Critical Mass, Long Time Coming, Ego Trip, Q Dog, Immortal, and Curtain Call. Simmy’s Sired by: DJ Salute, Chisholm, Pep’s Playboy, SOS and More! 10. BROWN FAMILY CLUB CALVES 2152 210TH St • Afton, IA 50830 Kenny 641-344-0718 641-347-5356 Many Champions over the years! 2011 Champion Feeder Calf - Final Drive, IA Visitors welcome anytime! 11. BUTLER & HAGEN Ross Butler 319-530-3810 Todd & Wendy Hagen • Homestead, IA 319-530-3810 • Directions: Holiday Inn, I-80 Exit #225, 3 miles north Calves Sired by: Lut, Answer, Monopoly 2, HB8-14 (New Herd Sire) Worth the trip just to see the cows! ...continued on next page...





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To be listed on the map, call Heidi Sorensen at 661-900-6004 12. TRAUSCH FARMS 55467 730th Street • Anita, IA 50020 Chris Wilson 641-745-0323 Ryan Goehring 262-689-5934 Brad Punt 712-790-6269 Raymond Gonnet 712-249-2009 Calves Sold Private Treaty Auction Sept 8 - 9th, 2012 Oct 19th Rocking J & Trausch Club Calf Sale Calves Sired by: Eye Candy, Fast Freddy, Tabasco, Master of Puppets, Muhammed, Carpe Diem, Cyrus, Salty Dog, Ego Trip, Naughty Pine, Hired Man Calves will be available for viewing any time after August 25th!


Livestock Plus Inc.

June / July 2012





13. MIKE SORENSEN FAMILY Greenfield, Iowa Mike 641-745-7949 Watch for a Private Treaty Sale! PB Hereford and Angus Breeding Stock Show Steers and Show Heifers Calves sired by: Hereford-Wide Angle, Golden Oaks, Outcross, About Time, 815, Mayhem Angus - LUT, The Answer, Joe 14. LOVRIEN SHOW CATTLE Ben, Jessica, Ainsley, Sydney & Emmett Lovrien 29116 130th Street • Clarksville, IA 50619 319-231-1334 cell 30 Minutes North of Waterloo! Darlee’s Shorthorn’s 308-750-4251 Calves For Sale Private Treaty Herefords • Angus • Crossbreds Calves Sired by: Red Rock, HeatWave, Monopoly, Believe in Me, Encore, Ace of Diamonds, About Time, LeRoy Brown, Chopping Wood Got a couple Herefords that are worth the trip!!

15. Hart Show Cattle Rod and Janean Hart 712-621-2441 c • 712-829-2441 h Jason and Katie Hart 712-621-4478 2735 200th Street • Stanton, IA 51573 Calves Sold Private Treaty Show Steers & Heifers Bred Heifers & Bulls Available Calves Sired by: AI Sires-Free n Easy, Hitman, Tinman, Talk the Talk, Alias, Hard Core, Blue Tool Natural Sires - Dream On Son, Dr. Hook Son, Strictly Business Son *Summer Home of Jigsaw and Lector 16. MAINE AIM RANCH – MCCULLOUGH CLUB CALVES Chuck & Karen, Erin, Cody, Madison & Drew 1250 King Road • Allerton, IA 50008 C: 641-344-5566 H: 641-873-6750 October - Online Sale at the Farm Visit our website at for updates and details on our Fitting Clinics Directions: Located 3 miles south of Junction Hwy 2 & 65 and ¼ mile west on King Road. 17. FRAKER SHOW CATTLE Devon 641-990-5541 Dennis 641-891-0859 3735 185th St. • Brooklyn, IA 52211 Just 5 minutes of I-80! Calves Sold Private Treaty September 16, 2012 Leading A.I. Sires Used! 18. STREAM CATTLE CO. Rod, Sue, Lisa & Sarah Stream 51590 St. Hwy 14 • Chariton, IA 50049 Home 641-774-8124 Sue 641-203-2648 Calves sired by: One and Only, Walks on Water, Walks Alone, Believe in Me, Mercedes Benz, Boardwalk, Darkhorse, The Umpire, John Wayne, Mancini, Brilliance and more. Breeds available: Angus, Hereford and Polled Hereford Show calves and bred cows will be offered this fall! Check for pictures and sale details, or email us at Visitors welcome anytime! 19. HOLLIDAY FARMS Doug 641-342-0959 2539 Henry A Wallace Rd • Greenfield, IA 50849 Cattle Available for viewing anytime! Show Steers & Heifers Available! Popular A.I. Sires Used! Right on the highway…no dust!

20. Dave & Darcy Groepper 33593 Quest Avenue • Kingley, IA 51028 712-870-0215 712-378-3078 home *Home of Thriller’s Dam and Granddam Calves For Sale Private Treaty First Come First Served Calves Sired by: Heat Wave, Monopoly, Yellow Jacket, Tiger Woods, Dream Catcher and many more popular A.I. Sires! Calves Available for Viewing Anytime! Please Call Ahead! 21. MOORE SHOW CATTLE Mark 515-490-8412 Phil 515-250-1956 1334 180th Street • Earlham, IA 50072 Calves For Sale Anytime! Calves Sired by: Believe n Me, Monopoly, One and Only, Doc, Total Solution, Lookout Visitors Welcome! 22. St. CLAIR Hay & Cattle Dick St. Clair 2164 N Avenue • Jefferson, IA 50129 515-386-2795 H 515-370-1261 C Calves & Bulls For Sale Private Treaty Hereford cattle for sale! Calves Sired by: Wide Angle, N Du Time, Springfield, Tank, Right Angle 23. Partridge CATTLE Company Jason Partridge 2922 Hwy 6 Trail • South Amana, IA 52334 720-980-8636 Check us out on Facebook! Sires: Heat Wave, Monopoly, Ali bred calves. Directions: I-80 exit 225 to 151 north to Hwy 6 west. The ranch is .8 mile on the south side of the road. 24. Studer Shorthorns 3014 130th Street • Creston, IA 50801 641-344-8035 Dale Cell 641-344-8487 Nate Cell Breeds: Shorthorn, Shorthorn Plus, Crossbred, Simmental, Foundation Simmental Many popular A.I Sires. Calves available for sale privately on the farm or October 6th at the Family Legacies Shorthorn Production Sale! Visitors welcome anytime!

...continued on next page...





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25. Schultz Cattle Co. 1808 Hi & Dry Road • Creston, IA 50801 Scott 641-202-0799 Kelly 641-202-0875 Nick 641-202-1094 Calves available for viewing & for sale anytime! Already bringing home the PURPLES with our feeder calves! Calves Sired by: Eye Candy, Monopoly, Salty Dog, Chasin’ Tail Give us a CALL! 26. B Good Livestock Co. Tim, Karen & Tyler Loudon 2068 Pole Road • Creston, IA 50801 641-782-7473 H 641-344-6347 C Calves For Sale Private Treaty Specializing in breed heifers and steers Shorthorns, Maine Anjou, Simmentals and Meat Goats


Livestock Plus Inc.

June / July 2012





27. N Bar E John Ernst 515-205-8711 2511 Oregon Ave • Bedford, IA 50833 Noll Ernst 816-205-0404 1188 310th Ave • Woodburn, IA 50275 Calves Available for Viewing Anytime Private Treaty Bulls • Heifers • Steers Calves Sired by: Angus- LeRoy, Wingman Crossbred: Untouchable, Icy Hot, Born Free and many more Visitors Welcome!

To be listed on the map, call Heidi Sorensen at 661-900-6004

Check out Goddard Cattle on and our NEW BLOG at


G Go od dd da ar rd d C C a at t t t ll e e C Co o ..

Next Generation Next Generation

Peaches N Cream Peaches N Cream

Talk the Talk Talk the Talk

Splash Splash

Bad Company Company Bad

Immortal Immortal

Unforgiven Unforgiven

Alias Alias

Tin Man

Ace of Diamonds

Simple Man

Black Powder

The The Hangover Hangover

Blindside Blindside

The The Gift Gift

Free Free N N Easy Easy

Jigsaw Jigsaw

Curtain Call Curtain Call

Guns N Roses Guns N Roses

Ricky Bobby Ricky Bobby

Shake N Bake Shake N Bake

Lector Lector

Hillbilly Deluxe Hillbilly Deluxe

Joe Blow Joe Blow


Livestock Plus Inc.

June / July 2012

Texhoma Texhoma

Top Cat Top Cat

Chisum Chisum

Ramblin Man Ramblin Man

Paintball Paintball

Meltdown Meltdown

Yuma Yuma

Shiver Shiver


Who’s Best

Blown Away

Deal Me In

IntroduCInG new addItIons for 2012

Limitless Limitless

Tremor Tremor

Limelight Limelight

The Creature The Creature

Fool Proof Fool Proof

Real Deal Real Deal

Randy & denise GoddaRd Randy & denise GoddaRd

Stanton, Iowa • Semen Orders: Garrett Kalvig, Manager: 319-504-9020 or Emily Goddard-Doty: 800-654-7127 Stanton, Iowa • Semen Garrett Kalvig, Manager: 319-504-9020 Goddard-Doty: 800-654-7127 • Orders: Blog: • FindorusEmily on Facebook! • Blog: • Find us on Facebook!


Cook Show Cattle:Layout 1 5/17/12 11:52 AM Page 1

We have all heard the comment, “it is only one persons opinion, another day, and another judge the outcome could be totally different.” This is so true. If we have decided to pay our entry fee, we are asking the judge their opinion of the product we have put before them. They can only judge these cattle on what they see and the numbers we present to them. After we wrote the previous article a few months ago, we fielded many calls from judges, all over the United States. We feel we should share their concerns, that they have both before and after they enter the ring. There is so much pressure put on a judge, especially when they are judging a major show at which there is a lot of money at stake. The Champion they choose, will be considered of greater quality than the rest of the competitors at the show. This is the problem that this situation presents, so many people have so much at stake, that they start worrying if they have the “political pull” that it will take to win the championship. Then the question is to what extent are they willing to go to put that animal in the winning circle. At our clinics we talk about honesty, hard work, ethics, and integrity. You have to have the confidence that you have produced or bought an animal that you believe will be a great producer in years to come. On the flip side, if it is a steer, it will finish out the most efficient way possible(feed-conversion) and in as short of time as possible(Rate-ofgain). With input costs rising, we need to evaluate our program and the cause and effect of cattle that don’t perform to the best of their ability. For more about this, feel free to reference back to our article that we wrote and was published in the Livestock Plus, “How Much Thought Do You Give To The Future Of The Cattle Industry?” You can now view it on We need to teach our younger generation that it is not all about the show ring, but it is important to teach them about the feedlot and the performance end of the industry as well. People that play these political cards, don’t realize that instead of getting ahead, they are actually hurting the whole industry. There would be a better turn out at the shows, if people felt they were getting a fair shake. Also, if these very qualified judges were able to judge that honest Bovine embryo transfer services animal and choose the ones that were the most sound, best performing, Superovulation and collection and had a show ring look, then the cattle industry would be built on great Embryo freezing • Embryo transfers quality cattle inside and outside the feedlot and show ring. Donor boarding We find this a problem that is especially dear to our hearts because we have been on both sides of this situation. You stand inside the ring Vince Collison, DVM • Jane Collison, DVM judging and questioning the age of the animal. You have to believe that Tim Collison, DVM everyone is presenting to you an animal that is really what they say it 1010 N. Hancock Street •  Lake City, IA 51449 is, then you have to assume that the animal is what they claim it is and (712) 464-7407 judge it that way. On the other side of the ring, you need to present your animal for what it is, take what you get and forget about the rest. Realize that there are others besides the judge that take notice of what you are presenting. The questions we pose to all judges out there are these: Is the animal something that you would be glad to have in your herd and would it be a top producing animal many years from now? Would you be proud to have a whole feed lot full of the exact animal that you have chosen to use, regardless of who it is out of or who owns it? The question we pose to all exhibitors is this: Is this animal that you have chosen, honestly representing the type of cattle that you feel will be an asset to the cattle industry, and move it forward? In conclusion, I guess, God knows the truth and HE is the final judge, Recently, we wrote an article about the qualifications of judges. It living by this will get you a lot further in the end. discussed how they influence and direct the cattle industry. This article started many discussions about the type of judge that is qualified to step We love to hear feed back and gather information to share with others, in the ring. Whether they have invested the time in the cattle industry if you would like to share your opinion with us you can email or call! and are qualified to give their opinion, on what type of animal it takes to If you have any questions feel free to call, produce high quality products. After visiting with what we feel are some Chuck McCullough 641-344-5566 very qualified judges and producers, we felt there is more that needed to Karen McCullough 641-344-5548 be discussed about this issue. We are going to look at this subject from the judges perspective. God Bless and have fun at the FAIRS!

Quality Service for Superior Genetics

Cattle Chat

Do You Give the Judge the Respect He or She Deserves?

Dustin Carter H Auctioneer H


Livestock Plus Inc.

June / July 2012

712-898-9972 4424 E. Main St. • Vermillion, SD 57069


June 1-3, 2012 Byers, CO


June 4-6, 2012

Imperial, NE|Chase Co. Fairgrounds Contact: Arlys Cupp or Kelsey Steinkraus Arlys: 308-882-6361 Kelsey: 308.882.1456 email:

June 9-10, 2012

2012 Iowa Grad Program Dunlap, IA - 8:00 a.m.

July 6-8, 2012

Jamesport, North Dakota Contact: Debra Hatlewick

511 2nd Ave SE/205 6th St SE Jamestown, ND 58401

P: 701.320.6293 email: Open to County only until March 1st.

July 13-15, 2012

Tribune, Kansas Trina: 620.376.8117 Kirby: 620. 376.8115


August 24-26, 2012

Franklin County Agriculture Center Contact: Cale Watkins 6570 GA Hwy. 145 Carnesville, GA 30521 P: 706-384-4525 ext. 1337 email: cwatkins@

If you don’t see a clinic booked in your area and think that this would be something you would be interested in hosting, contact Karen at

and we can give you all the information you need to set one up!



Livestock Plus Inc.

June / July 2012


Breeding Season By Toby Muller

Well, by the time this issue of Livestock Plus comes out we’ll be into the month of June already. Last year at this time I convinced myself that I was too busy to write a new article and just did a re-run. This year I’ve decided to demand more of myself. It seems I’ve gained a small group of readers that actually skim through my blurb occasionally. Don’t worry, I’m not getting a big head over this, I realize most of my repeat readers are “so-called” friends who just want to poke fun at me for either my primitive writing skills or my poor decision-making. That’s okay; I’ll take anyone who will listen. I’m not cool enough to be picky and it actually got me a surprise Easter egg basket last month. Speaking of surprises, I’d like to commend Governor Branstad on his latest appointments to the Iowa Board of Veterinary Medicine. Dr. Curt Youngs brings a PhD in reproductive physiology and is a professor at Iowa State University and Dr. Janet Spears is a large animal veterinarian from Oelwein, Iowa. They will bring a wealth of large animal knowledge to the board that has been somewhat slim in recent years. This board has the authority to interpret laws and provide rulemaking (make laws) as they see fit. In today’s changing livestock industry, we can’t afford to not have a voice. Animal agriculture is changing by leaps and bounds, we can’t control that but we can have a say in the way it changes. That starts with supporting organizations like your Iowa Cattlemen’s Association and Iowa Farm Bureau so they can help your voices be heard. Second, make sure to vote for legislators that share your views, not Commentary

Investment Guru Predicts Migration to Farming

by Brent Wesaler or Drover's Journal

High commodity prices and feeding a growing population makes investments in agriculture a safe bet, and one investment guru expects the trend to continue with more people seeking a career on the farm. Citing higher food prices and a high return on investment, investment guru Jim Rogers expects farming to once again be one of the great areas of the world economy. Rogers will be the keynote speaker at the Global AgInvesting conference, April 23-25 in New York. "The most promising payback in agriculture is to become a farmer," said Rogers. “Few are rushing out to buy a farm yet; but it will come." In an interview promoting the conference, Rogers identified the need for more food to feed the world and technology’s growing role in agriculture as reasons to invest in farming. He has been a source for investment advice and financial strategy for decades.


Livestock Plus Inc.

June / July 2012

just your part of the world. Since it is June now, we should talk about breeding season real quick. I won’t sugar coat it, if you haven’t made the proper preparations by now you’re probably too late but some of you are still able to reduce some post-breeding stress though. The perfect way to do this is to breed your cows out in the timber pasture that they will be at the rest of the summer. That creates a low stress environment because the cows don’t have to change their plane of nutrition while trying to incubate an embryo. This is important. Cows that come out of dry lots where they are being supplemented and go out to pasture after being bred are doing two things negatively: lowering their nutritional plane, and changing the “good bugs” in their guts from concentrate to forage. Again, if you can get your cows to pasture a few weeks before you’re ready to start breeding them or synchronizing them, that is best. If you can’t make this work, try to provide some dry matter to these cows out on pasture for a couple weeks as they get adjusted. The dry matter will hopefully make that change a little easier on their bodies. The other thing to remember if you take cows to pasture after you breed is to move them either sooner (right after AI or ET) or wait 30+ days. The worst time to move them is around 17 days (+- a few days) after they were in heat. This is when the embryo implants into the uterine wall and establishes a pregnancy, or progesterone drops and the cow comes into heat a few days later. Don’t even look at them funny at this time. Every operation does stuff a little different, but this is a couple of things that can benefit pregnancy rates for almost everyone. Have fun and God bless. - Toby n

AL CONOVER Auctioneer P.O. Box 9 Baxter, IA 50028

641-227-3537 While financial types have been in control, Rogers says history moves in cycles and control will shift back to those who produce real goods. "Someday it's going to be that America will be producing tens of thousands of agriculture graduates, as we did once upon a time, and there are not going to be many MBAs," said Rogers. "When the huge secular changes come, nobody can conceive of how high prices can go and will go and returns will go." Thanks to Brent Wesaler, Staff Writer at Drovers Journal Magazine, Lenexa, Kansas for this article. n

Mikkeys:Layout 1 3/16/12 2:19 PM Page 1

EBY Trailers:Layout 1 5/16/12 1:19 PM Page 1

See us at these upcoming shows: World Pork Expo - Des Moines, IA 6/6-6/8 Western Canadian Farm Progress Show - Regina, SK 6/20-6/22

Every EBY is individually custom-built on the • Complete line of gooseneck strongest frame and undercarriage in the industry. and bumper models Choose from our many custom sizes and options • Sales, parts and service (including stainless steel nose) to give your (all makes and models) valuable cargo the best in comfort and safety. • Financing available

Centrally located in Story City, Iowa I-35 at Exit 124 866.894.3297 | Also available through our authorized dealer network. Find the one nearest you!


4 5 10


8 9 2 3 1


1. Riley Farms WEstern Missouri Tim, April, Grace, and Noah Riley 25801 E. 227th Street • Harrisonville, MO 64701 816-830-6886 Call to View! Sires: Monopoly, Heatwave, Irish Whiskey, Frank the Tank Also sell bred heifers and gomer bulls year round. 2. Riley Farms Central Missouri Matt, Julia, Jaden, and Bailey Riley 26131 N. Hwy O • Marshall, MO 65340 660-815-2890 Sires: Monopoly, Heatwave, Irish Whiskey, Frank the Tank We also sell bred heifers and gomer bulls year round.


Livestock Plus Inc.

June / July 2012

Featured BREEDER of the MONTH 3. DaFize Cattle Co. Mike & Edie Fizer Brandon, Stacey & Brody Fizer 18452 Dexter Rd. • Linneus, MO 64653 660-895-5603 • 210-268-5829 • Sires: Monopoly, Believe In Me, Walks Alone, Eye Candy Cattle avilable private treaty starting June 9th. Call to view calves.

Check out these great calves and many more like them at DaFize Cattle Co!

4. TA Ranch Adam Baker Rt 2 Box 112A • Downing Mo. 63536 660-216-6647 Website @ Sires: Bojo, Monopoly, Bodacious, Monopoly Money, Carnac, & Point Taken Call to view calves anytime! 5. Ottman & Ball Show Steers Ryan Ottman and Mark Ball 25648 Outer Road • Rock Port, MO 64482 660-744-4454 - Ryan 660-254-4478 - Mark Sires: Monopoly, Heatwave, Unstoppable, Believe in Me, Walks Alone and many others! Call to view calves anytime! Also, look for more information on our late October Private Treaty Sale! 6. Hillside Angus rAnch The Washam Family 44 Lawrence 2220 • Pierce City, MO 65723 417-489-5455 - Rick 417-489-5450 - Cody 417-489-5850 - Derek 417-489-4546 - Mary Jo Show Heifer prospects and Bulls by Champion bloodlines like RCC Preference 867 and HS Grace 8159 139 and many other breed leaders. Call to view cattle and visitors always welcome!

9. Will Alexander Show Cattle Will and Myron Alexander 23231 Hwy FF • Linneus, MO 64653 660-734-1427 - Will 660-375-7263 - Myron Sires: Eye Candy and Lautner’s Miami Call to view calves anytime! 10.

WARD Farms The Jeff Ward Family 26136 Iron Road • Browning, MO 64630 660-412-2590 - Jeff Sires: Boardwalk, Bojo, Not Afraid, Untouchable Call to view calves anytime! Give Austin a call so you can be included on the map and in the list! 712-621-1829 then your info to


Land & Cattle Auction Co. Mike Williams Owner - Auctioneer

18130 Brush Creek Rd. • Higginsville, MO 64037

Smith Water Tanks:Layout 1 5/15/12 2:04 •PM Page 1 ph: 660-584-5210 cell: 816-797-5450

7. Larrick Farms The Larrick Family 30902 Monroe Road 227 • Shelbina, MO 63468 573-406-8107 - Rick 660-651-6622 - Tim 573-588-7652 - Farm Sires: Smokin’ Joe, Mitten Man, Hairy, Amen, Burn Notice, HF Tiger and Soldier Boy Call to view calves anytime! Annual Top 50 Club Calf Sale November 25, 2012 @ 1:30 pm No calves will be sold prior to sale! 8.

Diamond B Club Calves Dean, Tracy, Brittni and Blair Buswell 16065 Iris Drive • Purdin, MO 64674 660-375-2765 - Cell 660-244-3301 - Home Sires: Monopoly, Unforgiven, Carnac, Bojo and The Gift Call anytime to view calves!



Livestock Plus Inc.

June / July 2012

Thomson:Layout 1 5/18/12 3:52 PM Page 1

ST. CLAIR:Layout 1 5/21/12 9:38 PM Page 1

BandB Equipment:Layout 1 5/21/12 9:42 PM Page 1

SUBSCRIPTION RE­QUEST Please fill out and mail to:

8840 Deer Ridge Lane • Bloomington MN 55438 NEW

Address Change/Cor­rec­tion

Farm Name: _________________________________ Name: _____________________________________ Address: ___________________________________ City: ______________________________________ State: _____________ Zip: ___________________ Phone: ____________________________________ Interests:

Cattle Swine Equipment/Services


Breeds: ____________________________________ Breeds: ____________________________________


10 7 15 14 To be listed, call Randy at 308-539-6195






WAGONHAMMER RANCHES Myron Benes 2504 St. Hwy 14, Box 548 • Albion, NE 68620 402-395-6962 H 402-395-2178 O • 402-649-2719 C Private Treaty Steers – Heifers – Bulls • Bred & Open Females Raising the WINNING kind!


KEITH STAFFORD 4614 Parklane Dr. • Kearney, NE 68847 308-233-2979 C • 308-236-5781 H Fall Bred Cows For Sale Private Treaty Bid off ends September 11, 2012 at Dark Steers - Heifers - Bulls Bred Females, Spring & Fall Cows & Heifers For Sale Sires: Heat Wave, Monopoly, Unstoppable, Talk of the Town, Believe in Me,


Christo Cattle co. 2661 State Hwy 14 • Albion, NE 68620 Greg Christo 402-920-2901 Randy Dodds 308-550-0583 George Christo 402-741-2952 Pasture Sale: Sept 17 - Cattle will be on display from Aug. 24 through Sept. 12, bids close at 5 pm. Sires: Monopoly, Amen, Walks Alone, Dr. Meyer, Lut, Heat Wave, Bojo Located 2 miles south of Albion, NE on Hwy 39. Call to view cattle anytime!


Livestock Plus Inc.

June / July 2012

9 4. 5.







Rasby Land & Cattle Randy & Janie Rasby Box 581 • Sutherland, NE 69165 308-386-4857 O or 308-539-6195 C Shane, Jessica, Story, Shaydyn, and Caydence Rasby 308-539-6197 Sires: Titanium, Solid Gold, Trifecta, Unstoppable, Yellow Jackets Directions: One mile south of Sutherland, I-80 interchange on Hwy. 25 RTK CATTLE Tom and Rhonda Kupke 308-234-5877 14110 Antelope Road • Kearney, NE 68847 Tom Cell 308-627-8843 Rhonda Cell 308-293-0700 Email: Calves for sale Private Treaty – Anytime!! Sires: Monopoly, Heat Wave, Trading Favors, I-80, Purple Kingsley, Rock Solid, Bad Habit, Ribeye 88X Directions: From Kearney north 6 miles on Hwy 10 to 145th Road, east on 145th 2 miles to Antelope Road and south ¼ mile on WSR.

6. J/D CATTLE CO. John Peterson 5494 I Road • Nebraska City, NE 68410 402-873-2224 Private Treaty Bids Close October 1, 2012 Sires: Monopoly, Curtain Call, Heat Wave, Yellow Jackets, Unstoppable


Triple J Show Cattle Johnnie Johnson 1340 County Rd E • Craig, NE 68019 H: 402-377-2355 C: 402-720-8797 Private Treaty Bid Off September 15-16, 2012 Steers - Heifers - Bulls Sires: Monopoly, Walks Alone, Heat Wave From North of Uehling on Hwy 77, go 3 1/4 miles east


RB Angus Kurtis Rasmussen 402-750-1770 Cody Rasmussen 402-640-2486 Online Bid Off Sale Sept. 17, 2012 Located 2 miles north of Albion on Hwy 14 Sires: Monopoly, Gambler, Indian Outlaw, Headliner, Bodacious, Choppin’ Wood, Show Business


Gilbertson Cattle Co. Stuart & Marci Gilbertson 3615 West 70th Street • Kearney NE. 68845 308-627-7251 Laurel Gilbertson- 308-870-1995 Pasture Sale - September 8, 2012 Sires: Heatwave, Monopoly, Curtain Call, Walks Alone,


Tejkl Show Cattle 56463 Highway 32 • Leigh, NE 68643 Loren, Jr. 402-841-2408 Loren, Sr. 402-640-9178 16th Annual Private Treaty Sale September 15, 2012 Bids in by dark. Crossbred and Shorthorn Steers and Heifers Cattle can be viewed any time. Call ahead.


Daake Show CATTLE Mitch Daake 15510 Green Hill Road • Kearney, NE 68845 308-293-0368 Private Treaty Sale September 6, 2012 Sires: Heat Wave, Monopoly, Smilin’ Bob, Curtain Call, Predator, Walks Alone, Believe in Me. Directions: From I-80: Kearney exit, 9 miles north on Hwy 10 to 145th Rd. 3 miles west, 1/2 mile north on Greenhill Road. Pasture on the left.


DM Cattle / Hubbard Cattle Co. Dave Meier 308-233-4797 Harold Hubbard 308-746-1381 Pasture Sale - Cattle will be on display from September 5th through September 26th Bids close at 7:00 pm Sires: Unforgiven, Thriller, Monopoly, Point Taken, Lut, Answer, Tiger Woods, Uncle Cracker Directions: 1 mile South of I-80 Elm Creek exit 257 14. Dostal Show Cattle 57479 823 RD • Howells, NE 68641 Keith 402-750-8219 C • 402-986-1169 H Kurt 402-750-0906 C Mandy 402-750-1548 C Calves for Sale Private Treaty Heifers-Steers-Bulls Sires: Monoply, Heat Wave, Thiller, Jakes Proud Jazz, Hard Core, Open Bar Directions- 3 miles west of Howells on Highway 15, turn north 3 miles to 823 RD, turn left 3/4 mile east. 15.

Gary & Sue Johnson 1890 County Road C • Craig, NE 68019 H: 402-377-2774 C: 402-870-1043 Sires: Monopoly, Walks Alone, I-80 Directions: 1 1/2 miles south of Uehling and 6 miles east

12. Hellbusch Cattle Co. Scott & Miranda Hellbusch 402-920-2543 45031 190th Ave • Creston, NE 68631 Email: website: Private Treaty Sale ends September 17, 2012 Sires: Heat Wave, Monopoly, Yellow Jackets, Walks Alone, Monopoly II Located just 5 miles off Highway 81 and 2.5 miles off Highway 91 Creston NE. Sale located 2 miles south of Creston NE on 190th Ave. Visitors welcome anytime!


Tanya Shultz 515-402-3902


Improving Efficiency Starts with Understanding the Measures by Bob Seaber, Cow Calf Extension Specialist at Kansas State U.

For commercial beef producers, the implementation of technologies and breeding systems that increase the quality and volume of production and/or reduce input costs is essential to profitability. Efficiency is a term that refers to the proportion of outputs to inputs and is a frequently mentioned goal of beef producers. There are many different ‘efficiencies’ that affect beef production, especially at the cow-calf level. Some of these efficiencies are observed at the individual animal level and some observed at the system or herd level. The various efficiencies can be categorized into measures of biological or economic efficiency. Improvement in individual animal efficiency, especially during the post-weaning growing or finishing phases, may or may not improve efficiency at the herd or system level, and may have an undesirable correlated response in traits of cows. So, why is improvement in feed efficiency important and why does the beef industry focus on it? During the growing and finishing phase of production, a one percent improvement in feed efficiency has the same economic impact as a three percent increase in rate of gain. Assuming 27 million cattle are fed per year and that 34 percent of cattle in the feedlot are calves and 66 percent are yearlings, the beef industry could save over a billion dollars annually by reducing daily feed intake by just 2 pounds per growing animal. Different Measures of Efficiency There are a variety of measures of efficiency discussed and utilized in beef production. Some may or may not be important to cow-calf producers. For improvements in ‘efficiency’ to positively impact profitability of a cow-calf producer, the efficiency improvement must be realized prior to the marketing endpoint of progeny. In the following sections a variety of ‘efficiency’ measures are discussed including their applicability and limitations for improvement in efficiency of the cow herd. These measures or their component traits have been shown to be heritable, so selection for improvement is possible but anticipated to be slow, requiring a decade or more to move the population a meaningful distance. Feed Efficiency or Feed Conversion Ratio: Many cow-calf producers and, certainly cattle feeders, are familiar with the term feed efficiency (FE; live weight gain per unit of feed consumed) or its reciprocal, feed conversion ratio (FCR; F:G or pounds of feed per pound of live gain). Both of these measures are most commonly associated with animals during the growing or finishing phases. Both measures are suitable for managerial use during feeding but are poor selection tools.


Livestock Plus Inc.

June / July 2012

Their utility is limited in selection due to two issues. First, the measures are ratios of inputs and outputs, so improvement in the ratio can be achieved by changing the numerator, the denominator or both. Therefore breeders don’t have control over which parameter in the ratio changes due to selection. Selection tools like an index that consider each input and output separately are more effective. Second, FCR or FE is strongly related to average daily gain (ADG) and composition of gain. Leaner biological types and larger, faster growing animals tend to have better FE and FCR. Selection based on FE or FCR results in larger, later maturing and leaner cows. This type of cow tends to have higher maintenance energy requirements. Residual Feed Intake: Recently, residual feed intake (RFI; Koch et al. 1963) has been reintroduced as an efficiency measure for beef production. It is computed as the difference between actual average daily feed intake (AFI) and the predicted daily dry-matter intake based on the animal’s gain and maintenance requirements for its body weight. The actual calculation results in an RFI value that is not correlated with phenotypic ADG and body weight (an advantage over FCR or FE). However, research shows underlying genetic correlations between RFI with FI, ADG and BW as well as measures of composition. Computing RFI on the genetic scale as an index of EPDs assures a selection tool with fewer antagonisms. RFI can and does identify efficient animals that also have slow growth and low feed intake making these candidates undesirable for selection and use in the commercial beef industry. Some research suggests that selection for RFI produces slightly larger and leaner cows over time and cows that have older ages at first calving. In general, selection for favorable (negative) RFI results in animals with equivalent performance, but achieves that output with less feed consumed. Residual Average Daily Gain: A concept closely related to RFI is residual average daily gain (RADG) which was proposed at the same time as RFI as a potential tool for selection for improved feed efficiency. This term is defined as the difference between actual weight gain and the gain predicted based on dry matter intake, maintenance of body weight and fat cover. In the calculation, differences in ADG are controlled/adjusted for differences in AFI and body weight. Like RFI, RADG, is a transformation of the data and can be computed based on either the live measurements alone (phenotypic) or by information from both the individual and relative data (genetic). While RADG is indicative of differences in efficiency of feed utilization for growing animals, it may have limited utility for prediction of differences in maintenance efficiency of cows. RADG should not be used alone in selection for feed efficiency. Data reveals that some animals with favorable RADG have sub-par feed intake and consequently undesirable ADG. Average Daily Feed Intake: Also known as AFI. AFI is a gross measure of nutrient input. While it cannot be used alone as a predictor of feed efficiency, it provides a useful data input for computation of a selection index. Feed intake represents an economically relevant measure of cost that can be associated with a variety of output or endpoint measures. AFI could be measured on animals during different phases of production and used to capture input:output (efficiency) information. A selection index for AFI or an AFI EPD can be reliably produced analyzing performance records for a variety of growth traits. An AFI EPD produced without actual feed records but based on genetic associations between growth and intake can account for nearly 75% of the variation in observed feed intake. These measures of efficiency are most commonly discussed when considering data that measure individual intake of growing animals in a feedlot setting. Cow/calf producers that retain an interest or ownership of calves through harvest may be considering them as options to improve profitability of the finishing phase of production. Since growth is not a desired output of the cow, other measures of cow efficiency are needed that account for reproduction, maintenance and milk production. Thanks to Bob Weaber, cow calf extension specialist, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas for use of this fine article.n



Livestock Plus Inc.

June / July 2012


Rachael Carlson - Plattsburg, MO Possesses the ambition and drive to become a leader. A first class young lady that is a model for the junior livestock industry. Good things happen to good people ... for a reason. Sponsored with Mid-Missouri Feed

Frederich ‘Cuatro’ Schauer IV Beeville, TX 2012 Fort Worth Grand Champion Steer, who is a leader in and out of the show ring. Deeply involved in FFA, 4-H, academics and church. Cuatro is proof you can achieve anything you set your mind to.

Sarah Ayer - Calhoun, KY Entrepreneur. Developing her own livestock photography business. Champion steer at AK-SAR-BEN, Nebraska State Fair. Jennie is a tremendous quality person with communication skills to succeed. Received the honor of Sullivan’s Best Presented Scholarship Application.

Jennie Johnson - Craig, NE

Officer and leader in 4-H, FFA and community service. A third generation Hereford breeder, Cameron is committed to beef production and presently operates his own fitting service.

Cameron Curry - McAlester, OK

Skilled cattleman beyond his years. Ty makes his own decisions with his cattle operation. Bar none, one of the most talented young fitters in the land.

Ty Webster - Runnells, IA

A fourth generation cattleman dedicated not only in the show ring, but in his community as well. Has high goals for a career in beef E.T. production.

Brazos Williams - Clarendon, TX

Extremely involved in his community and school, this champion strives to make a career in a breed association and to continually build his own herd. His involvement in and out of the ring shows his kind spirit to help others. Sponsored with Five Star Show Supply

Luke Bolin - Prairie Grove, AR

Zach Bartenslager - Lewisburg, WV

A well rounded, accomplished champion who is a dedicated leader, judge and FFA representative. She is a humble winner in her community, school and the show ring.

Brittany Blum - Howe, TX

Lauren Grimes - Hillsboro, OH

Bailey Core - Pleasantville, IA

Logan Davis - Newcastle, OK

Shelby Rogers - Hamilton, TX

Jonathan Heaton - Toulon, IL

Autumn Robison - Markle, IN

A natural born leader who has the dedication, passion and talent for showing. Repeat Grand Champions in Tulsa and Oklahoma State Fairs.

Emma Vickland - Longmont, CO

Family values and outstanding sportsmanship are the Heaton’s family rule that developed Jonathan’s success. National Champion Heifers and National Champion Judging awards followed.

Charles Boyd - Mayslick, KY

Current president of the Indiana Junior Beef Cattlemen’s Assoc. Past AJSA board member. A natural born leader that excels in and out of the ring.

Positive attitude, dedication and love for Herefords make her a real champion in all aspects of life. A NJJHA director and heavily involved leader.

Jake Bloomberg - Berwick, IL

This is the profile of a true champion in and out of the ring. National Champion cattle and National Champion Livestock 4-H Judging Teams yet a humble, respectful sportsman. Sponsored with Bauman Show Supply

Sponsored with Sinnamon Show Supply

High individual in the National 4H Livestock judging contest, three time Supreme Champion Female at the Illinois State Fair. 4.0 GPA. A national competitor in the ring and in livestock judging.

Multiple NJAS Champion Bred and Owned Bulls and Females. Fifth generation purebred breeder, Charles’ true grasp of beef production for his age is unmatched. Sponsored with Blue Grass Show Supply

National Champion competitor in every arena. Poised, involved leader, 4.0 GPA. Success happens here. Dedication and commitment is a way of life.

Congratulations 2012 Winners

Responsibilities on her family farm have shaped Sarah’s work ethic and character. Her Kentucky State Fair Grand and American Royal Reserve Steer demonstrate her commitment and passion for this industry. Sponsored with Blue Grass Show Supply

An Asset Worth Investing In!

20, $1,000 Scholarships - 1,087 applicants from 44 states! With the quality of applications that we receive each year for this distinguished scholarship, it gives us great confidence and faith in the future of livestock production. Best wishes and congratulations to all 1,087 applicants. John and Dede Sullivan, Sullivan Supply, Inc.; Dan Sullivan, Sullivan Supply South, Inc.; And our entire staff and dealers

Kelli Retallick - Glen Haven, WI

Multiple State Fair Champion Steers, champion quiz bowl team, high livestock judging individual, yet with all of Zach’s success his best feats are his caring and giving spirit. Sponsored with Scottsdale Supply

Historic Angus family yet Lauren blazes her own trail. Louisville Percentage Simmental Champion, many Angus champions and 2012 National Junior Angus Show Committee chairman. Busy & bright. Sponsored with Highland Enterprises, Provico, Ohio Valley and White Show Supply

Check for a listing of our Gold and Silver Star honorees.

Sullivan Supply is committed to supporting the next generation of America’s agriculture through the distinguished Sullivan Supply/Stock Show U Youth Scholarship program. We have been honored to gift $70,000 in scholarships to deserving individuals over the past three years. Congratulations to all of this years 1,087 determined applicants representing 44 states. A special thank you to the scholarship selection committee of industry leaders (non-Sullivan Supply employees or family members) who volunteered their time for our mission.

Possibly the most qualified application submitted out of 1,087 from 44 states. The model for commitment and accomplishments. ‘Step up’ is Kelli’s middle name. Sponsored with Kegley Show Supply

June / July 2012

Livestock Plus Inc.



index of advertisers Answer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 B & B Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Blue Ribbon Foundation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Cattle Chat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Champions Choice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Clear Creek Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Creature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Eby Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Eby Trailers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Eckloff Strolberg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 G & K Seeds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Glover Cattle Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Goddard Cattle Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-19 Hawkeye Breeders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 HooDoo George . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Hoop Beef Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 IA Show Cattle Producers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-16 IL Show Cattle Producers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-7 McCullough Fitting Clinics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Mikkeys LC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 MO Show Cattle Producers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26-27 Natural Solutions GluCloat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 NE Show Cattle Producers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30-31 Purina Honor Show Chow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 R & B Feeds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-23 Rayl Angus Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 St. Clair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Stafford Cattle Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Sullivan Supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36-37, 39 Thomson Club Calves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Totally Different . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Trausch Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1, 34-35 Ultra Ova . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 HartstackTrucking:Layout 1 5/16/12 1:57 PM Page 1 upcoming sales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

Upcoming Sales & Events June

June 1st - 3rd McCullough Fitting Clinic - Byers, CO June 2 Black Herefords Cream of the Crop Female Sale - Crawford, OK June 4th-6th McCullough Fitting Clinic - Imperial, NE June 8 8th-10th MN Jr. Livestock Show - Preston, MN June 9 9th-10th McCullough Fitting Clinic - Dunlap, IA June 23 0 Glover Cattle Summer Showcase - Elgin, OK


July 6 6th - 8th McCullough Fitting Clinic - Jamestown, ND July 13 13th - 15th McCullough Fitting Clinic - Tribune, KS July 14 BRF Corn Dog Kickoff Benefit for ISF - Des Moines, IA July 20 20th - 28th North Dakota State Fair - Minot, ND July 25 25th - August 5 Ohio State Fair - Columbus, OH July 27 27th - August 4 Montana State Fair - Great Falls, MT


August 2 2nd - 12th Wisconsin State Fair - West Allis, WI August 3 3rd - 19th Indiana State Fair - Indianapolis, IN August 9 9th - 19th Illinois State Fair - Springfield, IL 9th - 19th Iowa State Fair - Des Moines, IA 9th - 19th Missouri State Fair - Sedalia, MO August 11 11th - 18th Wyoming State Fair - Douglas, WY August 23 23rd - Sept. 3 Minnesota State Fair - St. Paul, NE August 24 24th - 26th McCullough Fitting Clinic - Carnesville, GA 24th - Sept. 3 Colorado State Fair - Pueblo, CO 24th - Sept. 3 Nebraska State Fair - Grand Island, NE August 30 30th - Sept. 3 South Dakota State Fair - Huron, SD


September 7 7th - 16th Kansas State Fair - Hutchinson, KS September 13 13th - 23rd Oklahoma State Fair - Oklahoma City, OK


Livestock Plus Inc.

June / July 2012

Sullivan’s Sullivan’s


™ ™

Livestock Livestock Fan Fan

•• Nothing Nothing matches matches the the Turbo Turbo for for RPMs, RPMs, CFMs CFMs and and Air Air Velocity. Velocity.

The The Turbo Turbo pushes pushes the the air air at at 5560 5560 feet feet per per minute. minute. This This isis 22% 22% faster faster and and harder harder than than other other fans. fans. To To achieve this, the custom engineered Turbo motor achieve this, the custom engineered Turbo motor rotates rotates at at 1740 1740 RPMs, RPMs, faster faster than than any any other other competicompetitive livestock fan. tive livestock fan.

•• The The Dominant Dominant Motor Motor Quality Quality ... ... How? How?

The The sealed sealed ball ball bearing bearing Nidec Nidec -- Emerson Emerson 1/2 1/2 HP HP rated rated motor motor features features aa 10% 10% longer longer stator stator and and rotor rotor than than standard standard 1/2 1/2 HP HP motors. motors. This This interior interior assembly assembly isis called called ‘stack.’ ‘stack.’ The The more more length length creates creates more more horse horse power. power. ItIt borders borders the the edge edge of of what what would would be be considered a 5/8 HP motor, if there was such a category (which there is not). This longer ‘stack’ enables the motor to run faster and considered a 5/8 HP motor, if there was such a category (which there is not). This longer ‘stack’ enables the motor to run faster and handle handle the the load load put put on on this this motor motor from from the the high high pitched pitched blade. blade. In In turn, turn, itit keeps keeps the the motor motor running running 11% 11% cooler cooler as as compared compared to to competitors 1/2 HP motors. Hence, the reason for the Turbo’s very few warranties. All while only drawing 4 AMPs of electricity, competitors 1/2 HP motors. Hence, the reason for the Turbo’s very few warranties. All while only drawing 4 AMPs of electricity, equaling equaling aa super super efficient efficient fan! fan!

•• The The Problem-Free Problem-Free Guard! Guard!

Constructed Constructed of of 77 guage guage and and 11 11 guage guage steel steel wire wire that that isis formed formed into into aa continuous continuous one-piece one-piece loop loop formation. formation. This This one-piece one-piece loop loop creates added crush proof strength because of the elimination of welded butt joints that can break. creates added crush proof strength because of the elimination of welded butt joints that can break. No No other other fan fan guard guard withstands withstands the the rigors rigors of of the the show show road road like like the the Turbo. Turbo. Guard Guard complies complies with with OSHA OSHA regulations. regulations. Front of guard opens so you can easily clean the blades to keep your Front of guard opens so you can easily clean the blades to keep your More More Air Air ... ... Less Less Trouble. Trouble. fan fan running running at at its its peak peak performance. performance. Specially SULLIVAN SUPPLY, INC. Specially coated coated in in black black color color for for aa cleaner cleaner appearance. appearance.

Stock Stock Show Show Family Family Owned Owned and Operated since and Operated since 1989. 1989.

SULLIVAN SUPPLY, INC. 1-800-475-5902 • Dunlap, Iowa • 1-800-475-5902 • Dunlap, Iowa • SULLIVAN SULLIVAN SUPPLY SUPPLY SOUTH SOUTH

1-800-588-7096 • Hillsboro, Texas • 1-800-588-7096 • Hillsboro, Texas •


1-888-914-5972 • Lodi, California • 1-888-914-5972 • Lodi, California •


Is everyone ready for summer? I am way excited to have Tucker home all summer, however, I am just wondering how my wallet will handle the grocery bill! The other weekend we went out for lunch after church and he ate two cheeseburger sliders with fries. Then, a couple hours later we went to a graduation party where he ate two brisket sandwiches, two large brownies, at least three cookies and I lost count after 8 strawberries dipped in the chocolate fountain! A couple more hours had passed and as we were headed home, Tucker pipes up and says, “We haven’t eaten that evening meal yet, where are we going?” Are you kidding? So we stopped and grabbed a cheeseburger Happy Meal. He let me off a little by telling me I didn’t have to purchase an extra sandwich like I normally have to because the Happy Meal is like an appetizer!!! I guess I have it easy with Taylor, her go to meal is ALWAYS mac-n-cheese! My big excitement this last month was having a birthday and Mother’s Day on the same day this year! Mandi, my sister, Maria, my sister-in-law, Nicole Rathbun, and Kyrstee Jameson thought it would be super funny to decorate my house in black streamers, balloons and caution tape because they know how much I hate getting older (and NO I am not 40 yet). The kids thought it was the greatest thing EVER…I personally would have much rather seen a little pink thrown in, too! We had a great evening! I have to say my friends are very, very thoughtful and made sure to separate my two holidays. Saturday, before Mother’s Day, we went grocery shopping. Tuck had been begging to make me breakfast in bed. Not loving the idea of him and a toaster yet, we opted for some powdered sugar donuts. He was so excited that he proceeded to wake Taylor a little before 6 a.m. Sunday morning. It made me laugh because she yelled at him and laid back down (definitely my daughter). He went ahead and got everything ready, which was juice and donuts, and then woke me at 6:12 a.m. As many of you know and are probably laughing right now, I am so NOT a morning person. As one of my fellow sales reps so delicately pointed out, I don’t “do” 6 a.m., ever! Tuck’s heart was in the right place so I talked them both into just cuddling with Mom and shutting their eyes for a just a little longer, and next time we don’t wake the person, we wait until they wake for a super awesome breakfast in bed! It meant the world to me, though. As always, my family gets Sorensen Girls! together for Mother’s Day and Front: Taylor, Mom (aka Yaya) holding this year we got some new Indie, Isabelle pics! I am very blessed to have Back: Heidi, Maria, Mandi such wonderful people in my life! Please travel safe and remember to thank a veteran! Heidi Sorensen 661-900-6004


Livestock Plus Inc.

June / July 2012

Dewey Nibe, D.V.M. Ryan Howard, D.V.M. 1976 684th Ave. Embryo Flushing Albia, Iowa 52531 Transfer of Fresh or Frozen Embryos  Reproductive Consultation 641-932-3455 Including Synchronization Programs Toll Free: 888-932-3455  Bovine Donor Housing and Care, Including Cow/Calf Pairs  Embryo Freezing  Recipient Herd Availability  Emergency Services ClearCreek2:Layout 1 5/15/12 3:47 PM Page 1  Complete Herd Work  


P Feature Greely with her new boots while enjoying the “bling-bling” belts. Parents are Dena & Justin Crouch. Photo submitted by Greely’s Aunt Michelle Gillespie.



Livestock Plus Inc.

June / July 2012

GLUCoat is easily the most economical, simplest, and most customer satisfied product compared to ANY fat supplement on the market.

• GLUCoat is not a fat product. Too much fat in the diet slows the rumen down. • GLUCoat is a sugar product. The unique blend of sugars keep the rumen working longer and faster than just a single source of glucose such as cane molasses. This can increase appetite and palatability. It has been shown to dramatically enhance fat cover, increase feed efficiency and average daily gain. • GLUCoat also has the Cellarator technology as it contains the active ingredient Cell-rate, which aids in the process of cellular replication, supports the animals immune system, helps animals get through stressful periods and aids in muscle and fat development. • GLUCoat has a refined flavored fish oil that contains the highest levels of Omega 3 Fatty Acids and naturally accruing Vitamin E which helps maintain a brighter healthier skin and hair. • GLUCoat can also increase glucose levels which is stored in the body as fat, giving livestock that bloomier, fuller, softer look while maintaining that harder muscle shape that is demanded in the show ring today. • GLUCoat is molasses based and sweet to the taste, they love it! • GLUCoat is the next level or generation to a fat source or supplement. You will never use a fat product again! Your calf, sheep, or goat will feel better, act better and their eating habits will change. For ordering these product, visit our website,, for a dealer locator or go to our National Distributors -



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8840 Deer Ridge Lane Bloomington, MN 55438


Livestock Plus Inc.

PrivatE PrivatEtrEaty trEatyBid Bid SalE

Wednesday, Wednesday,September September55• •Bids Bidsclose close at 6 p.m.

Your YourI-80 I-80One OneStop StopClub ClubCalf CalfShop! Shop!

Spring & Fall Born Born Steers, Heifers, Bulls Bulls

With Withover over600 600 head head of calves of calves to view to view (mostly (mostly embryo embryo and and AIAIcalves) calves)in inallall price price ranges, ranges, we we invite invite youyou to visit to visit thesethese two twolocations locations(within (within 15 15 miles miles of each of each otherother and and I-80)I-80) and and make makethisthisyour your I-80 I-80 “one “one stop” stop” clubclub calfcalf shop!shop!

Kearney Kearney

Call for directions directions to Call tothe theEckloff Eckloffviewing viewing site and the theStrolberg Strolbergviewing viewingsite. site. Grand Champion Champion Steer, Grand Steer,2011 2011Missouri MissouriState StateFair Fair Congratulations Bailey Congratulations Baileydent! dent!Raised Raisedbybyus!us!

Spring Springcalf calfphotos photoswill willbebeavailable availableforforviewing viewing at at strolbergeckloff.comor or approximately mid-August. mid-August.We Wewould wouldlike liketotoexpress expressourour sincere sincere appreciation appreciation toto our buyers inin the thepast pastyear, year,and andwewelook lookforward forwardtotoseeing seeing youyou again again in the in the fall!fall!

Grand Grand Champion Champion Steer, Steer, 20102010 OhioOhio AGR,AGR, reserveGrand GrandChampion ChampionSteer, Steer,2011 2011San San reserve 2011 2011 National National Western Western Prospect Prospect Show, Show, andand 20112011 Angelo AngeloStock StockShow Show Purdue Purdue AGR.AGR. Congratulations Congratulations Emma Emma vickland! vickland! Congratulations CongratulationsCuatro CuatroSchauer! Schauer! RaisedRaised by us!by us! Raisedbybyusus& &Mid MidContinent ContinentFarms! Farms! Raised

Champion Steer, 20102010 Ak-Sar-Ben Grand Champion ChampionSteer, Steer,2011 2011Maine-Anjou Maine-AnjouJr.Jr. Grand Grand Champion Steer, Ak-Sar-Ben Cody Burke! Raised by us!by us! National; reserve reserveChampion ChampionSteer, Steer,2011 2011ChiChi Congratulations Congratulations Cody Burke! Raised Jr. National; National;Congratulations Congratulationshunter hunterWeber! Weber! Raised by by usus&&Rick RickFrye! Frye!

Grand Grand Champion Champion Steer, Steer, 2009 2009 Nebraska NebraskaAGR AGR Champion ChampionCharolais CharolaisComposite, Composite, 2012IA Beef BeefExpo, Expo,2012 2012Tipton, Tipton,2012 2012 Grand GrandChampion Champion heifer, heifer, 20112011 Purple Purple Ribbon Ribbon Run;Run; Grand Grand and and Kansas Kansas BeefBeef Expo; Expo; reserve reserve Champion, Champion, Cyclone CycloneClassic, Classic,2012 2012AGR AGRSpring SpringShow, 2012 Habeger HabegerMemorial, Memorial,Grinnell, Grinnell, Champion Champion heifer, heifer, 2011 2011 Tipton, Tipton, Iowa;Iowa; Grand Grand Champion Champion 20102010 NWSS NWSS Prospect Prospect Show Show andand Purdue PurdueAGR. AGR. 2012 2012OKOKBeef BeefExpo; Expo;Grand GrandChampion, Champion, 2012 Grinnell; Grinnell;reserve reserveChampion, Champion, heifer, heifer,2011 2011 Centerville, Centerville, Iowa; Iowa; reserve reserve Champion Champion heifer, heifer, Congratulations Congratulations Emma Emma vickland! vickland! Raised Raisedbybyus!us! 2012 2012Habeger HabegerMemorial; Memorial;5th 5thoverall, 2012 Tipton, Tipton,2012 2012OK OKBeef BeefExpo; Expo; 2011 2011Grinnel, Grinnel, Iowa. Iowa. Congratulations CongratulationsKiley KileyElder! Elder!Purchased from Mid MidContinent ContinentFarms Farms• Sold • Soldbybyus!us!Congratulations Congratulations Kiley Kiley Elder! Elder! SoldSold by us! by us!

Ward&&Christyne ChristyneEckloff Eckloff Ward PhonE: PhonE: 308-832-0517 308-832-0517 • CEll: • CEll: 308-830-0834 308-830-0834 ChadChad Marsh, Marsh, Herdsman: Herdsman: 308-440-8851 308-440-8851


Livestock Plus Inc.

Dave && Cheryl CherylStrolberg Strolberg PhonE: PhonE:308-263-3531 308-263-3531• •CEll: CEll:308-991-1589 308-991-1589 Jeff Jeff Livingston, Livingston,Herdsman: Herdsman:308-999-0036 308-999-0036

Visitors Visitors Always Always June / July 2012 Welcome!

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