Since 1995
The Publication for Cowboys and Kids
August 1, 2015, Vol. 20 Issue 6
Dwyer’s 19 th Annual
Foundation Female Sale Sunday • September 6, 2015 12:00 pm CST
GXG Blackbird 1X offering 50% interest in this past Denver Champion and dam of high selling bull in last year’s sale. Consigned by Gehrke Farms & Lock Livestock
7th Annual
Rare Semen & Embryo Auction Saturday • September 5, 2015 6:00 pm CST
We will be giving away choice of a heifer or steer to TWO lucky 4H or FFA members!
Bob & Cathy Dwyer’s Farm located 3 miles west of Roseville, IL on Route 116 3 Year Old Fall bred Reg. Angus cow by Pioneer, sells AI bred to Sandeen’s Upper Class. Consigned by Bob & Cathy Dwyer
PB Simmental Fall born One Eyed Jack Son He sells along with full and maternal sibling embryos Consigned by Blue Chip Cattle & Doug Stahl
We accept Visa and Mastercard payments for all purchases!
(Please reference our ad on the inside back cover)
January ½ Simmental Open Heifer by Lutton Consigned by 4th Meridian Farms