The Publication for Cowboys and Kids
October 1, 2013, Vol. 18 Issue 8
r&r r&r thOr thOr X X Pb Pb anGuS anGuS Sells bred to Cotton Sells bred to Cotton County County
WiSDOM X anGuS Sells bred to I-80
Our 2013 offering consists of the deepest, stoutest set of bred females we have ever offered. We dug down MOnOPOly X 701P Just a sample of the POWER in our heifer offering!
deep to offer you some of our very, very best matrons. Represented in this set are our top end donors, highreturn proven mother cows and our genetically powerful breds heifer. You will not want to miss this opportunity.
Multi-breeD ShOW heiFer heaDquarterS!
OctOber 26th • Mitchell, SOuth DakOta
buShy Park FarM
40281 40281 260th 260th Street Street • • Mitchell, Mitchell, SD SD 57301 57301 Fax: 605-996-0721 605-996-0721 • Fax: • Toll Toll Free: Free: 888-502-7322 888-502-7322 Steve Steve robinson, robinson, Owner Owner cory thomsen, thomsen, General General Manager, cory Manager, 605-730-2397 605-730-2397 trae trae Simmons, Simmons, Director Director of of Sales, Sales, 765-438-2312 765-438-2312 brent Meister, herdsman, 402.380.4876 brent Meister, herdsman, 402.380.4876
On-line On-line at: at: • • Visitors Visitors always always welcome! welcome!
Offering Offering 60 60 Donor Donor Females, Females, Bred Bred Cows Cows && Bred Bred Heifers Heifers sell! sell! Direct Direct from from the the heart heart of of our our herd. herd. Offering 50 50 Elite Elite Show Show Heifers! Heifers! Hereford, Hereford, Maine, Maine, MaineTainer, MaineTainer, Offering Simmental, Simmental, SimAngus SimAngus && Chi’s Chi’s Sell! Sell! Pictures Pictures & & video video of of the the offering offering online online at: at: