Livestock Plus, Inc January 2016

Page 1

Since 1995

The Publication for Cowboys and Kids

I80 - PB MaIne-anjou Bull He sells - 2/16 - CW Cattle sales

January 1, 2016, Vol. 21 Issue 1

CataPult - Polled HereFord Bull He sells - 2/23 - loWderMan auCtIons

BuIlt rIgHt - PB sIMMental Bull He sells - 2/18 - CW Cattle sales

BusHy Park FarM

40281 260th Street • Mitchell, SD 57301 Fax: 605-996-0721 • Steve Robinson, Owner Cory Thomsen, General Manager, 605-730-2397 Samantha Messmer, Assistant Manager, 317-979-3348 On-line at: Visitors always welcome! Visit our pen in The Yards at the 2016 NWSS.

BuIlt rIgHt - 3/4 sIMMental Bull He sells - 2/25 - CW Cattle sales

MaIne-anjou Bull onlIne sale February 16 – CW Cattle Sales

HereFord onlIne Bull sale February 23 - Lowderman Auctions

sIMMental onlIne Bull sale February 18 - CW Cattle Sales

HyBrId advantage onlIne Bull sale February 25 - CW Cattle Sales

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