Since 1995
The Publication for Cowboys and Kids
October 1, 2016, Vol. 21 Issue 8
21Y - Boomer X Smokin Joe/701P Sells bred to Style!
anguS Bred Sired BY inSight SellS Bred to w/C BullSeYe
maine Bred Cow Sired BY Chill FaCtor SellS Bred to middle man
Simmental Bred Cow Sired BY Steel ForCe Bred to lookout
Cant miSS Set oF Cattle Sell!
October 22 - 2016 Tradition of excellence Sale Final Drive From South Dakota - Mitchell, South Dakota all breeds show heifer sell, 50 top end bred heifers sell December 3 - 2016 Major Cow herd Reduction Sale - Dunlap, iowa 150 head sell, all breeds, proven donors and productive cows will be offered
BuShY Park Farm StYle mainetainer heiFer
88X Polled hereFord heiFer
40281 260th Street • Mitchell, SD 57301 Fax: 605-996-0721 • Steve Robinson, Owner Cory Thomsen, General Manager, 605-730-2397 Collin Langston, Show & Sale Cattle, 260-224-8379
On-line at: Visitors always welcome! 2016 Tradition of Excellence Sale - 10.22.16