LivestockPlus Inc.

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The Publication for Cowboys and Kids

2009 NILE Dam n Rambo 851 & in W 3 L E IL 08 N

November 1, 2011, Vol. 17 Issue 10

- L3Winn R

ambo 851


nn Rambo 851 “Wonka”

2010 CO State Fair - L3 Wi

2011 Fort Worth - L3Winn Rambo 851

“BIG DAY” Sale November 17, 2011 1:00 pm • at the Ranch


L3 Winn Rambo 851 “Wonka” as he looks today!

88 Bulls • 55 Females


35 Reputation Black Angus heifers bred Hereford David and Heather David (307) 267-4491 Heather (307) 267-4640

He was just named the 2011 Hereford Show Bull of the Year for the Northwest Region!

Yes, we are pleased when showring success comes our way. That is not, however, what makes our program the strongest. Wonka makes friends with his powerful progeny! They demonstrate his breed leading growth/ carcass data as well as his awesome eye appeal. Several sons & daughters will be selling!!

P.O. Box 66 • Kaycee, WY 82639 • 10 miles south of I-25

Hereford Cattle since 1902

Mark and Cathy (307) 738-2443 Mark’s Cell (307) 267-3229

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