Livestock Plus Inc. August 2016

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Since 1995

The Publication for Cowboys and Kids

August 1, 2016, Vol. 21 Issue 6 8th Annual

RARE SEMEN & EMBRYO AUCTION Saturday • September 3, 2016 • 6:00 pm CST We will be giving away a heifer and steer to 2 lucky 4H or FFA members!

Dwyer’s 20th Annual

Foundation Female Sale Sunday • September 4, 2016 • 12:00 pm CST

1/2 Simmental bred heifer by HPF Domination x Gardens Prime Star. Sells safe in calf to Goldmine. Consigned by, Stephens Beef Cattle

Aubreys Ledare 7Z offering 100% interest in this PB Simmental female a maternal sister to WC Loaded Up & Secret Weapon. Sells safe to Coburn’s Primo. Consigned by, Aubrey’s Cattle Company

Reg. Angus Open Heifer First’n’Goal x Lutton Consigned by Ryan Cattle Company

Bob & Cathy Dwyer’s Farm located 3 miles west of Roseville, IL on Route 116 PB Simmental bred heifer by High Regard x Lilly. Sells safe in calf to Style. Consigned by, Stonewall Cattle Company

We accept Visa and Mastercard payments for all purchases!

(Please reference our ad on the inside back cover)

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