Since 1995
The Publication for Cowboys and Kids
December 2018, Vol. 23 Issue 11
one of the most deCorated femaLes of aLL time
Loaded Up x Boots (Broker) Daughter of “BOOTS” , the only female to win the Triple Crown and Junior Nationals. Great cattle replicate themselves!
Find us on Instagram & Facebook
G Whiskey x OCC Missing Link
Whiskey x OCC Julian
Whiskey x OCC Machinist
800 head sell! December 14 &15, 2018.
Stillwater, OK
Bw ringing home the P ower w w . g r i s w o l d c a t t l e . c o m
Livestock Plus Inc.
December 2018
g riswold C attle C lassiC
Yardley Utah x Whiskey
The CLASSIC has became the sale to attend when purchasing quality genetics. Donor cows have walked out of our pens and into yours in programs across the NATION. No matter the sector of the industry we have the maternal genetics that are proven to work. This is the year you can’t afford to miss. . . . 800 head will walk through the sale ring in Stillwater, Oklahoma, December 14th & 15th. Make your tickets a day earlier, and get your rooms now, its Graduation weekend in Stillwater. From elite show heifers hand picked from our program to donors that have proved profitable time and again, and an awesome set of cows carrying the service of our hottest sires, we guarantee there will be something for everyone. Give us a call, book your tickets, and talk to Santa Clause because your wish list is just fixing to grow a whole lot longer. John Griswold: 405-780-3300 Greg Griswold: 405-780-0100 Josh Taylor: 918-605-5139 Craig Sand: 405-564-4319
Livestock Plus Inc.
December 2018
Livestock Plus Inc.
December 2018
Dvor Dvor ak ak
H H er r eeffoorrddss
g tt h e pprrooggrraamm S Sh haarriinng Female Female Sale Sale
ay DDee c cem 00 1 81 8 MM oo nndday m bbeerr 33, , 22 12:30 12:30 CST CST atat the the ranch ranch•• Located Located Northeast Northeastof of Pickstown, Pickstown, SD SD
Productive Productive
young young
cow cow s so o uu t tooff tthhee h he ar rtt o off oouu r rh e hredr d
Selling Selling 1 0 0 1b 0r 0 ebdr efde m f eamlae lse s 6 br 6 ebdr ehde ihfeei r f esr s 1 2 e 1l2i teel i h t ee ih f eeirf ec r aclv a lv e se s e m bermyo b r yo pac pac k ag k ag e se s f l ufslh ues s hes DVOR2025 2025 380 380 SENSATION DVOR SENSATION610D 610D Lot Lot1 0 1 099 — —R Re g g # # 4433668833 66 30 30
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Your Hereford Professional
Serving the Hereford breeders of the North Central Region Kansas, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota, and South Dakota
For Hereford information and questions regarding the American Hereford Association contact:
Levi Landers
48302 Springdale Road • Ord, NE 68862
Professional Livestock Auctioneer
Fresh Off the Farm
308-750-6119 Burwell,NE
Show Calf - Pig - Horse and Goat, too! Infant, Youth, Adult
Embroidery and
124 N. Wilson St. • Jefferson, IA
Livestock Plus Inc.
December 2018
Dustin Carter Auctioneer 712-898-9972
LHT MS Lock Down 76E SW/C Lock Down X LHT Ms Voltage 76C Bred to Hook’s Beacon 56B
LHT Ms Renown 75E SAV Renown 3439 X LHT Ms Black Bear 24X Bred to Koch Big Timber 685D
LHT Ms Cowboy Cut 37E • Bred to W/C Executive 187D CCR Cowboy Cut X LHT Ms Emblazon 304W
LHT Ms Loaded Up 123F W/C Loaded Up 1119Y x BWL Ginger 930Y
LHT Ms Order 140F • Fancy Open Show Prospect W/C Executive Order 8543B X LHT Ms Upper Class 175D
LHT Ms Order 143F W/C Executive Order 8543B X LHT Sweetheart 85D
Fancy Open Show Prospect
Fancy Open Show Prospect
LHT Ms Top Ten 214E LRS Top Ten 104A X LHT Ms BLizzy 01X Bred to W/C Lock Down
LHT Mr. Lock Down 61E W/C Lock Down X LHT Ms Final Answer 282B Herd Bull Prospect
Catalog online at • Bid online at 516 E Pine Road • Wymore, NE 68466 Loren 402-645-8306 or 402-230-0812 Scott 402-239-1272 Guest Consignors: State Line Simmental 402-239-0843 Chris Neuman 402-520-2962
Professional Sale Management: Val & Lori Eberspacher Office 507-532-6694 Val’s Cell 612-805-7405 • Download the EE smart phone app for current info!
Livestock Plus Inc.
December 2018
Leave a Legacy at the Iowa State Fairgrounds Help restore a century of memories by investing in an engraved brick at the Iowa State Fair. A brick is the perfect way to leave a permanent legacy while supporting the renovation and preservation of the historic Iowa State Fairgrounds. The bricks create walkways at several different locations, including: the 4-H Exhibit Building, Campgrounds, Agriculture Building, Livestock Show Pavilion and the Cattle Barn. Choose the inscription and location of your personalized brick for a $100 donation. Your contribution to the Iowa State Fair Blue Ribbon Foundation helps improve the Fairgrounds for future generations.
Iowa State Fair Blue Ribbon Foundation P.O. Box 57130 | Des Moines, IA 50317 515-262-3111 Ext. 371
Livestock Plus Inc.
December 2018
Engraved Bricks Make Great Gifts!
Bittner’s e v a D f o persal is D luding c e t in le p d r m e H Co s e Angu m lu P r e v il S r Bulls e k a M it f o Pr 2018 , 4 1 R D E C E M B E T) Friday
LL E S D A E H s, 300 wo-Year-Old 34 Coming-T s,
erd Bulls
28 ings, 2 H Bulls 30 Fall Yearl -Year-Olds 94 Angus Coming-Two 8 s, ld O ra e 9 Two-Y Old 27 Two-YBerear-d d Bulls 1 r s, o ir f a e P r lf e a H /C w 7 2 ture Co 9 Spring malesairs,782M0 aSpring Bred aHlleYifeearsrl,ing Heifers e F s u g n A 200 Fall Cow-Calf P r Calves, 36 F
(MS nter 1 1 : 0 0 A M lls Genetic Evaluation Ce Maker Bu llala or
ng Heife
Cows, 8 Spri
s of Semen 3,254 Unit
ga fit At the Pro 13 miles east ofonO on US Hwy 30 st of Paxt 6 miles we
PMB ULTIMATE ANSWER - Hi s pr oge ny se l l
T h e b e s T c o w e v e r b o r n a n d i d e n T i f i e d i n d av e b i T T n e r ’ s s i lv e r P l u m e h e r d s i n c e 1 9 7 5 w h e n h e f i r s T b e g a n b r e e d i n g a n g u s c aT T l e . h e r m a n y P r o g e n y a n d d e s c e n da n T s s e l l .
CED BW WW YW RADG DMI Milk SC DOC CW MB RE $W $F $G $B +9 -0.3 +66 +119 +0.33 +0.06 +17 +1.24 +16 +41 +0.32 +0.33 +58.27 +93.31 +26.93 +134.38
PMB TOTAL ANSWER - Hi s pr oge ny se l l
CED BW WW YW RADG DMI Milk SC DOC CW MB RE $W $F $G $B +11 -0.4 +61 +99 +0.29 -0.63 +22 +0.97 +22 +39 +0.35 +0.31 +61.58 +73.10 +25.30 +135.92
P r o f i T m a k e r b u l l s h a s d e v e l o P e d a n d m a r k e T e d n e a r ly 1 9, 0 0 0 b u l l s T o l e a d i n g c aT T l e m e n T h r o u g h o u T n o r T h america and beyond.
Dave Bittner - General Manager 1361 Hwy 30 East • Paxton, NE 69155 office (308) 284-8280 • home (308) 284-6893 • cell (308) 284-2225 Rob Robinson – Cow Herd and Test Manager cell (308) 289-2210 Shane Donason – Grow Safe Feed Intake Test Manager cell (308) 289-4498 For your free reference sale booklet, contact anyone in the office of the Sale Managers, TOM BURKE/KURT SCHAFF/JEREMY HAAG, AMERICAN ANGUS HALL OF FAME at the WORLD ANGUS HEADQUARTERS, Box 660, Smithville, MO 64089-0660. Phone (816) 532-0811. Fax (816) 532-0851. E-mail: Designed by Chrisman Cattle Services
South Central HAY GRINDING
There’s a new footwear brand in town Dryshod® Waterproof Footwear! Dryshod is a new line of hard-working, durable, super-comfortable 100% waterproof footwear.
Dryshod was developed to bring great waterproof footwear to hardworking farmers, hunters, gardeners, and outdoor enthusiasts everywehere. THE brand name that literally means “dry shoes.” Started by former Muck® Boot Company founder and owner Jim Donohue. Total focus of the new Dryshod team will be to create world-class footwear that will keep your feet warm, dry and protected in the harshest wet and cold conditions. For the best waterproof footwear, rely on Dryshod.
Thank you for your business! We appreciate all of our customers!
Kid’s Women’s Men’s
JASE Corporation Weldon, IA
Rick and Joy Jackson • 641 344 5939
John Nicholson
Zac Murrow
Travis Johnson Roy Schacherer
Livestock Plus Inc.
Corey Shadden Randy Jackson
December 2018
Embroidery and
124 N. Wilson St. • Jefferson, IA
Exceptional Genetics that perform through everyday challenges.
Dec. 14, 2018
Platte Valley Livestock • Gering, Nebraska Sires: Resource • Renown • Ten Speed • Payweight 1682 Ellingson Top Shelf • Big Sky Bowman Payweight 727 AAA# 19213671
Lot 1
CED: +5 BW: +1.7 WW: +68 YW: +116 M: +28 Marb. +.90 RE: +.31 $B 174.16
Bowman Ten Speed 710 AAA# 19213660
Lot 9
CED: +7 BW: +.7 WW: +74 YW: +130 M: +19 Marb. +.62 RE: +.75 $B 178.41
Bowman Top Shelf 730 AAA# 19213674
Lot 6
CED: +8 BW: +1.9 WW: +68 YW: +120 M: +25 Marb. +.35 RE: +.64 $B 155.11
Bowman Resource 760 AAA# 19213697
Lot 28
CED: -1 BW: +3.2 WW: +61 YW: +113 M: +23 Marb. +.10 RE: +.75 $B 136.77
Lyle Bowman • Pine Bluffs, WY • 307-287-6503 (c) • 307-246-3281 (h) To request a catalog, visit
Iowa Cattlemen’s Association board member, Bob Noble, and ICA’s Government and Regulatory Affairs Manager, JanLee Rowlett recently gave comments during a two-day public meeting on lab-grown fake meat. The first day of the joint USDA/FDA meeting in Washington, DC focused on regulations related to alternative proteins, while the second day was aimed at discussing labeling of such products. “We want to ensure that reasonable, science-based standards are the basis for the regulatory system of all meat food products, regardless of how they are produced,” said Noble in his comments. “The Iowa Cattlemen’s Association stands behind the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association’s call for USDA oversight of cell-cultured alternative protein products.” Noble, a cattle producer from Mitchell County, has a master’s degree in meat science from Oklahoma State University, and experience in the processing sector. The regulation of “fake meat” has emerged as a priority for the Iowa Cattlemen’s Association over the past few months, as technological advances have decreased the cost to produce labgrown products, and major meat processing companies such as Tyson and Cargill have invested in the development of these products. The Iowa Cattlemen’s Association
helped bring this issue to the forefront by introducing policy at NCBA related to alternative proteins. The association’s main goals are are two-fold: 1) protect consumers from misleading and confusing labels 2) maintain consumer confidence and protect the beef industry from disparaging claims by alternative protein companies such as “clean meat” which imply that beef raised by Iowa farm families is unsafe or dirty ICA supports the oversight of these products by the USDA rather than FDA due to FDA’s failure to enforce labeling rules for plant-based products claiming to be milk. Noble serves as the District 5 director for the Iowa Cattlemen’s Association and is a voting delegate for ICA at NCBA conventions. “Cattle producers in Iowa and across the country take their role in producing safe and nutritious beef for consumers very seriously. From the pasture, to the processor, to the plate, our industry has made investments and advancements at every stage of production to ensure the highest level of integrity of the beef we produce,” he said during his comments. On the second day, Rowlett provided her comments, saying, “Fair and accurate labeling of meat food products, no matter how they are produced, means the same labeling standards across the board. ‘Beef’ December 2018
Livestock Plus Inc.
December 2018
and other terms consumers associate with meat products made from livestock raised by farmers and ranchers should be used to describe only those products, not those produced through cell-cultured technology.” “These objectives can be achieved only under the primary jurisdiction of USDA’s FSIS, which will ensure a sound scientific basis of labeling and approval of these labels before products are offered on the market. We believe the pre-approval of these labels is absolutely critical to preserving the integrity of all meat offered for sale to American families,” she concluded. Other speakers during the two-day meeting included livestock and meat industry representatives as well as animal rights activists and companies who produce alternative proteins. “ICA is really proud to have a leader like Bob sharing the perspective of Iowa’s cattle producers at this national meeting,” said Rowlett. “There are still a lot of unanswered questions about alternative protein products, but we will continue to make sure that ICA members are represented in discussions surrounding the regulation and labeling of these products.” ICA’s other policy priorities, including international trade, the Electronic Logging Device mandate, and environmental regulations can be found at
Sandpoint Cattle Company Angus Herd 10 AM • Saturday • December
15, 2018
at Ogallala Livestock Auction Market, Ogallala, Nebraska NEARLY 400 HEAD SELL:
150 Spring Bred Cows 90 Spring Bred Heifers 50 Open Heifers 55 Coming One-Year-Old Bulls 40 Coming Two-Year-Old Bulls 10 Herd Sires Frozen Embryos and Semen
SANDPOINT BLACKBIRD 8809 One of the breed’s all-time top income-producing cows, produced at Sandpoint Cattle Company.
IDEAL 4465 OF 6807 4286 Featuring her clone.
15175 US Hwy 30 • Lodgepole, NE 69149
JOHN WIDDOWSON, PRESIDENT 308.390.5697 John’s Cell
MIKE CAVALLI, RANCH MANAGER 308.483.5100 Sandpoint Office 308.778.6144 Mike’s Cell
POW OF CONANGA 677 Featuring her descendants.
For your free reference sale booklet, contact anyone in the office of the Sale Managers, TOM BURKE/KURT SCHAFF/JEREMY HAAG, AMERICAN ANGUS HALL OF FAME at the WORLD ANGUS HEADQUARTERS, Box 660, Smithville, MO 64089-0660. Phone (816) 5320811. Fax (816) 532-0851. email: angushall@ •
Marketing Cattle and Influencing Policy There is a lot of work that goes into getting that calf crop to the sale barn, or the feedlot to the packer. Undoubtedly, the payoff comes when those cattle are sold, but it is the months or even years of work prior to that point that makes the payoff possible. Your association’s work is no MATT DEPPE different. When ICA ICA CEO is compelled by its members to work on a industry issue, there are many, relatively small, but equally important, actions taken on a daily basis to influence that topic in positive way. We’ve seen this recently with some of the Iowa Cattlemen’s Association priorities, defined by our members through their input. International trade, for example, is a topic that requires continuous attention, although the payoffs seem few and far between at times. Regulatory reform, like a permanent solution to the Electronic Logging Device mandate, and the repeal of WOTUS, can go on for years. But your association staff and leaders continue to work behind the scenes on these issues. Here’s a bit more concrete look at what that means. On any given day, you will find ICA staff working on policy priorities in these ways: 1. Communicating with ag staffers from government offices to find out where the elected officials stand on the topic and share the cattlemen’s point of view. 2. Attending meetings with other Iowa-based and national ag groups to come to a consensus and/or strategize.
Livestock Plus Inc.
3. Communicating the intricacies of the topic to ICA board of directors, other staff members and members. 4. Researching current laws and regulations on a topic to determine producers’ options or areas of needed improvement. 5. Sharing ICA’s views through traditional and social media. 6. Communicating with regulatory agencies throughout the rulemaking process to protect cattle producers’ interests. (comments, public meetings, individual meetings or conversations) 7. Developing information (fact sheets, etc.) to help producers understand how a law or rule impacts them and what they can and cannot do. 8. Answering questions from individual producers who need more information about how a rule or law impacts their operation and what their options are. 9. Tracking/monitoring the latest developments as new laws are written or rule changes are made. 10. Working with producers to understand what their concerns are and what changes could help their operation. These things don’t happen for every topic every day, but JanLee Rowlett, our government relations manager, spends the bulk of her time making a difference for Iowa’s independent cattle producers in these ways, aided of course by other staff members and ICA’s leaders. ICA also employs a contract lobbyist, who assists with the influence portion of the work, and an attorney on retainer, who is available to answer producers’ legal questions, especially surrounding environmental regulations.
December 2018
No matter your sector of the industry, you understand that money is not made overnight, and neither can policy typically be changed in a tight timeframe. Instead, it takes consistent work, feeding cattle or checking water, and a belief that it will payoff in the end. Your association utilizes the same strategy - work towards important goals every day, get back up when you fall down, and keep going until the job is done.
The Iowa Cattlemen’s Association is proud to represent nearly 10,000 cattle producers and friends of the industry from across the state. Our mission is to grow Iowa’s beef industry through advocacy, leadership and education. As a producer member, you: • Support your local county cattlemen’s group • Have a voice at the state and national capitol • Provide input on producer topics & issues • Gain access to news/information about the beef industry • Receive educational materials to implement on your farm • Get to know other farmers and industry stakeholders If you are a past member of the association, you should have received a membership renewal form in the mail. If you would like to join for the first time, please sign up on our website ( or call the office at 515-296-2266.
December 2018
Iowa Cattle Industry Leadership Summit: Get in the know, give it a go! Prairie Meadows, Dec. 6 & 7 There are so many reasons to attend this year’s Leadership Summit. No matter what sector of the industry you’re a part of, or your level of engagement in the Iowa Cattlemen’s Association, there is something at the Leadership Summit for you! Socializing: It is going to be FUNNNNNN! Anything that involves talking about cows with other cattlemen, socializing, cussing, discussing ag policy and attending a trade show sounds like a good time to me. Did we mention the venue is at a casino? So bring your friends, meet up with old friends, or make new ones! Policy: Just like on the farm, we must balance business with pleasure. Members will be reviewing interim policy and ratifying policy for the year. This includes hot button policies like traceability, fake meat, WOTUS, etc. Whether you agree or disagree with our current policy, we want to hear from you. And if there is a topic you think we should be prioritizing, we want to hear about that, too. ALL members are welcome at the policy committee meetings, even if you’ve never taken part before. Traceability Panel:There will be a whole panel dedicated to talking about traceability. Grab the popcorn - this should be a good show! In all seriousness, this is an important industry topic and a good discussion will help everyone understand all sides of the issue. When the panel’s over, we’ll ask the important question: where does Iowa stand on this? Keynote: Bruce Vincent, Third Generation Logger. What does a logger know about raising cattle? Bruce knows the vast majority of America doesn’t know rural agriculture just like they don’t understand the logging business. Bruce is prepared to enlighten us with what we should
do about that. Trade Show: Make plans to visit with your industry reps that represent more than 50 businesses that lead the industry on providing producers with products or services. Trade show participants include animal health companies, educational organizations, cow/calf equipment dealers, building suppliers, and many, many more. You will be able to find products and answers for every problem on your cattle operation at the trade show, whether you’re a seedstock, cow/calf or feedlot producer. Foundation Dinner & Auction: Mary Greiman has a big night planned for everyone including dinner and an auction. If you believe in developing youth programs and continual development of Youth Beef Teams, this is the opportunity to grow those initiatives.
AGENDA December 6 - Day 1 10 a.m. Registration & Trade Show
11 a.m. Keynote: Bruce Vincent, 3rd Generation Logger 12 p.m. Lunch & Awards 1 p.m. Trade Show Break
1:30 p.m. Educational Panel: Traceability 2 p.m. Policy Committees Open to all ICA members
Business Issues Beef Products Cattle Production
County Leader Breakfast: Calling all county leaders! An exclusive breakfast to recognize the diligent work done by our county leaders will be held the second day. Our county board members are vital to our organization, and we want to say THANK YOU.
5:30 p.m. Iowa Cattlemen’s Foundation Dinner
ICA Annual Meeting: This is a no brainer; this is the annual meeting. If you’re a member we want to see you here to help ratify policy, take a look back at what we achieved in 2018 and the plans for 2019.
9 p.m. Social & Young Cattlemen’s Leadership Program Hospitality Suite
IBIC Annual Meeting: Learn how your IBIC staff are working to increase beef demand, educate consumers and use state and federal check-off dollars. Awards: The best of the best will be recognized at the Leadership Summit! From scholarship winners to Hall of Fame inductees, come and congratulate your fellow cattlemen and women!
4 p.m. Trade Show Break/Social
6:30 p.m. Foundation Awards 7 p.m. Foundation Auction
December 7 - Day 2 7:30 a.m. County Leader Breakfast 8:30 a.m. Trade Show & Breakfast 9:30 a.m. Iowa Beef Industry Council Annual Meeting 10:30 a.m. ICA Annual Meeting
redS on the rockS Volume VI Saturday, January 12, 2019 7:00 pm mSt During the National Western Stock Show
An Offering of The World’s Elite Red Angus Genetics NEW LOCATION
Double Tree North Stapleton The Red Angus HQ
For more information, phone 641-919-0196 or email Sale Managed by Licensed & Bonded with USDA Packers & Stockyards As Required by Federal Law
Find Us On
Toby Muller: 515.971.6913 Tyler Muller 712.579.1968
The Red Barn 1133 Delta Ave • Adair, IA 50002 Matt Fagan- (515) 291-1960 Runnels Repro Center 8746 Baseline Blvd • Jasper, MO 64755 Clay Runnels (417) 438-6207 Allie Runnels (417) 214-1200
OUR SERVICES: Donor Flushing Embryo Placement Embryo Freezing Fetal Aging Preg Checking Carcass Ultrasound A.I. Freeze Branding Donor/Recipient Housing
Livestock Plus Inc.
Muller Embryo Transfer Facility 1231 Highway F24 • Earling, IA 51530 Tyler Muller (712) 579-1968
December 2018
By Lutton - PB Angus
Bred to TRAVELLER 004
By Momentum - 1/2 Angus
By MR CCF Vision - 1/2 Angus
By WR Journey 1X74 - PB Angus
By Bottom Line - 1/2 Angus
Bred to SAVAGE
By Blaze Of Glory - 1/2 Angus
Bred to SAVAGE
Also Selling Elite Show Heifer Prospects and Herd Bull Prospects!
14535 Walnut Ave | Mapleton, IA 51034
Livestock Plus Inc.
Al Bruhn Calvin Bruhn Dr. Jared Bruhn, DVM Kortney Brosamle Chris Beutler, Marketing
December 2018
712.880.2639 712.208.0058 712.880.9995 712.269.6435 402.380.8244
Selling 700 HEAD!
Including 250 Bred Heifers and 250 Bred Cows Featuring 100 Cows with December Heifer Calves at side by Margin, Savage and Profit!
By Broker - PB Simmental
Bred to PROFIT
By Vision - 3/4 Simmental
Bred to PROFIT
Bred to LEDGER
Bred to PROFIT
We take pride in our customer’s success!
Livestock Plus Inc.
December 2018
The Road Behind and Ahead for Fat and Feeder Cattle by Michael Seek, Fox Group at the Board of Trade
Ever heard the old saying ‘don’t sell me short!’? Well, that is what the Fat Cattle and Feeder Cattle markets have been saying loud and clear this last month of November that saw Crude oil markets crash out of the sky for one of the most dramatic moves in history. And yet on the 13th of November and the day Crude dropped a stunning 5 dollars per barrel the Feeder Cattle rallied 4 dollars off the lows of that day. Weak sale barn activity? Maybe, but apparently the futures in Chicago are doing their job well and showing that the future is brighter than feedlot managers realize. The same thing happened on the June Fat Cattle, albeit not as big of a rally off the bottom. You’ll see down below in several charts that beef is indeed what’s for dinner, just like Sam Elliot always says with his powerful voice over commercials. Hedging your Cattle in a global economy now demands that you integrate the US Dollar, the Chinese Yuan, Economic manufacturing date from the United State and China and Europe, sale barn activity and always changing basis’ due to all of the foregoing. If you wake up in the middle of the night and wonder about your Cattle and how you might better hedge one of your ranches’ most valuable assets then call Michelle White at 312-756-0931 and request a 90 day complimentary nightly and weekend Cattle Advisory that is delivered by email. Please have your email address ready when you call her. We provide Cattle hedging tutorials here at the Board of Trade and you can come in person on a Friday or Saturday morning or afternoon and educate yourself on the risk and rational of Cattle hedging in a global economy that packers probably understand better than most cattlemen. Look for a trade deal any day now near the G20 meeting that has President Trump and President Xi of China shaking hands and announcing a deal that lights up livestock markets and many other commodity markets. Take a look at the charts below and see why a picture is worth a thousand word. And remember, hedging livestock and feed costs with CBOT or CME instruments still has risk of loss and is not suitable for all livestock producers and investors who desire to hedge their livestock on the dirt. n
Livestock Plus Inc.
December 2018
Livestock Plus Inc.
December 2018
Livestock Plus Inc.
December 2018
Current FARMLAND Market
Iowa Land Guy
Stay up to date with the latest market trends in Iowa farmland.
David Whitaker • Broker/Auctioneer
Farmland prices for the month of October were back up. We are seeing more land being sold in this year as opposed to last year. Year to date, 66,327 acres were auctioned off. The market is staying very stable with local buying power variability. There are more farms coming to market daily.
Results from the 57 auctions this last month have the average for high quality ground at $8,428/acre and medium quality ground averaging $5,593/acre. Low quality ground is also trending steady at an average of $5,121/acre.
If you would like a No Cost farm valuation on your farm let us know, as we would provide one to you in an attempt to earn your business. Let us show you the data and potential marketability of your farmland. Remember the highest prices are always set at auction!
$9,236 $8,473 $8,456 $8,274 $8,238
$6,000 $5,000
$6,137 $6,121 $6,046 $6,087 $5,593 $5,496 $5,298 $5,121 $4,659 $4,263
$3,550 $3,264
$1,000 $0
NOV '17
JAN '18
$/ACRE $/CSR2 HIGH $9,637 $108 MED $6,323 $100 LOW $4,750 $106
$/ACRE $/CSR2 HIGH $8,438 $100 MED $6,417 $95 NA NA LOW
$/ACRE $/CSR2 HIGH $8,499 $100 MED $6,186 $97 NA LOW NA
$/ACRE $/CSR2 HIGH $8,452 $101 MED $6,351 $98 LOW $4,289 $105
$/ACRE $/CSR2 HIGH $8,769 $106 MED $6,170 $95 LOW $2,700 $62
$/ACRE $/CSR2 HIGH $9,772 $115 MED $6,963 $118 LOW $3,950 $88
$/ACRE $/CSR2 HIGH $8,788 $111 MED $4,991 $78 NA LOW NA
(CSR2 75+)
(CSR2 50-75)
(CSR2 50)
6 Month FarmLand Prices
Average Month-Over-Month State Trend ($/Acre) $10,000 $8,000 $6,000 $4,000 $2,000 $0
State Trends ($/Acre)
Whitaker Marketing Group •
Iowa Land Guy
SOUTH CENTRAL $/ACRE $/CSR2 HIGH $7,386 $89 MED $4,346 $68 LOW $3,267 $72
Total Sale Management Services: Auctioneering Advertising Marketing/ Catalog Creation Online Bidding Clerking & Cashiering
SOUTHEAST $/ACRE $/CSR2 HIGH $8,990 $111 MED $5,627 $89 LOW $4,067 $94
Ann Whitaker David Whitaker Sales Manager
Data provided by
515-460-0255 More details at:
Commit to Success
You are committed to your cattle, and Weaver Leather Livestock is committed to your success. Every day we strive to create innovative show supplies that help you solve problems. To give your cattle the best chance of growing healthy hair, we created a top-quality product at a price you can afford: ProHair100. Use it daily, and watch your calf’s hair grow faster than ever before, satisfaction guaranteed. 18-2035-LV-DAD
Livestock Plus Inc.
December 2018
Grow Hair
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Quality. Heritage. Innovation. Commitment. #morethanthebanner
Livestock Plus Inc.
December 2018
Upcoming Sales & Events
1 Holst Cattle Co. Female Sale - Carthage, IL Jewels of the Northland Simmental Sale - Clara City, MN Lonesome River Production Sale - Anselmo, NE 2 Earl Marshall Sellabration Angus Sale - Anita, IA Jon Schaben’s Club Calf Auction - Dunlap, IA MO Hereford Assn. Opporutniy Sale - Sedalia, MO 3 Dvorak Herefords Female Sale - Pickstown, SD TK Angus Production Sale - Valentine, NE 5 Goehring Herefords / Big Bend Ranch - Keosauqua, IA 7 Evans Cattle Co. Production Sale - Cozad, NE Go-pher the Purple Banquet - Hutchinson, MN Simon’s Cattle Co. Female Sale - Farley, IA 8 2XL Cattle Co. Complete Angus Dispersion - Russell, IA Bear Mtn. Angus Genetics Commercial Female Sale - Palisade, NE Broders Club Calves Complete Herd Dispersion - Yankton, SD Cardinal / Frankenrider Sale - Wyoming, IL First Class Female Sale - Dunlap, IA Go-pher the Purple Sale - Hutchinson, MN Hartman Cattle Co. Customer Appreciation Sale - Tecumseh, NE Sandeen Genetics Buildin’ A Brand Sale - Blakesburg, IA Triple D Genetics Complete Dispersal - Salina, KS Weber Farms Angus Spring Calving Unit Disperal - West Point, NE 9 Brandt Farms / Carter Angus Female Sale - Clarinda, IA Trauernicht Simmentals Female Sale - Beatrice, NE 10 Cross Diamond Cattle Co. Production Sale - Bertrand, NE Gateway Genetics Bred Heifer Online Sale - 14-15 Griswold Cattle Co. Bringing Home the Power Sale Stillwater, OK 14 Bowman Cattle Bull Sale - Gering, NE Silver Plume Ranch Dispersal / Profit Maker Bulls - Paxton, NE 15 Bar QH Simmentals Pride of the Prairie Sale - Chandlerville, IL Bula-Gieringer Farms Complete Disperal - Bloomington, WI Curtis Cattle Co. Sale - Creighton, NE Eblen & Sons Simmental Private Treaty Sale - Bridgewater, IA Sandpoint Cattle Co. Angus Dispersion - Ogallala, NE 28 Working Class Female Sale - Hubbard, IA
B&B Equipment:Layout 1 9/19/12 10:28 AM Page 1
5 Royal Classic Female Sale - Ames, IA 6 Western Exposure Sale - Dunlap, IA 12 Bruhn Cattle Incredible Female Sale - Dunlap, IA Reds on the Rocks @ National Western - Denver, CO
POweR ANGUS BULLS performance tested & ready to go!
Of the Reds Red Angus Sale
March 30, 2019 1:00 pm Lowderman Sale Facility Macomb, Illinois
• Erle 319-668-2082 • Office 319-668-2026 • Mobile 319-430-0820
Livestock Plus Inc.
December 2018
Call 641-919-0196 for more information!
Mason Allan Reserve Grand Champion Polled Heifer
Riley Tade 3rd Overall Market Goat
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B U F F A L O C O . F A I R G R O U N D S | K E A R N E Y, N E |
FEBRUARY 16-24, 2019
Make plans to attend...
the event for cattlemen of all ages.
Cattle Shows & Sales | Pen of 5 Heifer Sale Live Cattle Displays | Commercial Trade Show Junior Show | Livestock Judging Contest Working Dog Demonstration | Horse Sale Ranch Rodeo & Calcutta | Much More
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Follow the Classic
Livestock Plus Inc.
December 2018
N E B R A S K A C AT T L E M E N ’ S C L A S S I C 2019 PRELIMINARY SCHEDULE SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 16 10 - 6 pm................Rustic Cowboy Mercantile 8:30 am ..................Classic Sale Horse Competition 10:30 am ................Sale Horse Spotlight NEW 1 pm .............Ranch Rodeo Calcutta (Ranch Rodeo follows) 7 pm .......................Classic Horse Sale 8:30 pm ..................Live Entertainment SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 17 9 am - Noon ..........Working Dog Demo 10 am - 6 pm .........Rustic Cowboy Mercantile 1 pm .......................Draft Horse Feed Team Races NEW 2 pm .............Weaver Leather Youth Demonstration MONDAY, FEBRUARY 18 8 am .......................All Cattle (Stalls Available) 10 am - 3 pm .........Career Fair TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 19 Cattlemen & Consumers Day at the Classic 8:30 am - 2 pm ......FCS/Prostart “Cookin’ at the Classic” Beef Culinary Contest 11 am - 2 pm .........Come & Get Your Commercial Deals (Only time to get 2019 Classic Cash)
12 pm .....................FREE Cattlemen’s Lunch (Commercial Trade Show) 5 pm .......................“Battle of the Breeds” (Show Ring) WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 20 Youth Education Tours, FFA Day 8 am .......................Hereford Show 9:30 am ..................Polled Hereford Show 10 am .....................Red Angus Show 1:30 pm ..................Hereford Sale 3 pm .......................Red Angus Sale 5 pm .......................Cattlemen’s Social / Ladies Night THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21 8:00 am ..................Angus Show 8:00 am ..................Simmental Show 10 am .....................Charolais Show 10 am .....................Limousin Show 10:30 am ................Gelbvieh Show 12:30 pm ................Angus Sale 1:30 pm ..................Simmental Sale 2:30 pm ..................Charolais Sale 3:30 pm ..................Limousin Sale 4 pm .......................Gelbvieh Sale 5 pm .......................Social at Platte Valley Auto & Alligare 6 pm .......................Royal Ice Sale Cattlemen’s Beef Supper (reservations req.) 7 pm .......................Live Entertainment
FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22 9 am .......................Shorthorn Show 10 am .....................Maine Anjou Show 11 am .....................Chianina Show 11:30 am ................AOB Show 1 pm .......................Shorthorn Sale 1:30 pm ..................Maine Anjou Sale 2 pm .......................Chianina Sale 2:30 pm ..................AOB Sale 4 pm .......................Replacement Heifer Pen of 5 Sale 5 pm .......................Sullivan Stock Show U 6 pm .......................Free Burger Bash (Juniors & their families) NEW 6:30 pm ........Aspiring Young Cattlemen Heifer Presentation Rancher Recognition 7 pm .......................Supreme Row Judging (Cattlemen Social Following) 8:30 pm ..................Whiskey Bent **Junior Check-In: Fri., 10 am-4 pm & Sat. 7 am-10 am. Juniors allowed in Ag Pavilion & outside stalls only on Fri. East Arena stalls posted by 6 am Sat., Feb. 23.
SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 23 Judging Contest (Exhibit Bldg. & Extension Bldg.) 7 am .......................Registration (Extension Bldg.) 7 - 8 am..................Junior Show Check-In (Stafford Arena) 8 am .......................Contest Begins 2 pm .......................Judging Contest - Official Placing 2:30 pm ..................Youth Division Awards (Judging Awards in Ext. Bldg.) Junior Show (East Arena stalls open 6 am) 7 - 10 am................Check-In 12 pm .....................Fancy Heifer Show Parade of Prospect Steers 12:30 pm ................Prospect Steer & Heifer Scholarships Award Presentations (Auction Block) 12:45 pm ................Fancy Heifer Sale (Steers to Follow) 2:30 pm ..................Showmanship Blow n Go* *2 rings for showmanship.
7 pm .......................Premiere Heifer Selection Format for youth buying heifers at the Classic (All heifers purchased at 2019 Classic Sales will compete in this class. Prizes for all youth.)
SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 24 Junior shows (2 rings) 8:30 am ..................Breeding Heifers 9 am .......................Market Heifers (Steers follow) SAT., FEB. 16 – SAT., FEB. 23 10 am - 6 pm .........Commercial Trade Show & Classic Marketplace WED., FEB. 20 - SAT., FEB. 23 10 am - 6 pm .........Live Cattle Displays
INDEX OF ADVERTISERS Blue Ribbon Foundation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Bowman Cattle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Brandt Angus / Carter Angus . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-11 Broders Club Calves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Bruhn Cattle Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Cross Diamond . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Curtis Cattle Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Dvorak Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Fox Group Market Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Griswold Cattle Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Herbster Angus Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5 Holiday Gift Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Hoop Beef . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 IA Land Guy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Iowa Beef Expo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34-35 Iowa Cattlemen Association . . . . . . . . 16, 18-19 Jindra Angus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Mikkey’s LC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Muir - Dry Shod . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Nebraska Cattlemens Classic . . . . . . . . . . . 38-39 Polydome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Pride of Prairie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Purina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Reds on the Rocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Royal Classic Sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Sandpoint Cattle Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Silver Plume Ranch / Profit Maker Bulls . . . . . . 13 South Central Hay Grinding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Sullivan Supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Trauernicht Simmental . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Ultra Ova . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 UPCOMING SALES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Weaver Leather . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32-33 Western Exposure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24-25 Working Class Female Sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
The Magazine for Cowboys and Kids
MIKE SORENSEN ~ SALES 641-745-7949
RANDY RASBY ~ SALES 308-539-6195
HEIDI ROHRIG ~ SALES 661-900-6004
CODY CRUM ~ SALES 217.248.7282
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Superovulation and collection Embryo freezing • Embryo transfer Donor boarding
124 N. Wilson St. • Jefferson, IA
(712) 464-7407 Vince Collison, DVM Jane Collison, DVM Tim Collison, DVM
AUSTIN BRANDT 712-621-1829
DESIGN OFFICE Linda Luppen Ph.: 515-851-0304 Fax: 641-587-2263 Ad Deadline is the 12th of the month. Livestock Plus is mailed the first of every month. Email all camera ready ads to Please email for specs.
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! 40
Livestock Plus Inc.
December 2018
Delivered to 16,000 mailboxes nationwide with added circulation during Expos and State Fairs! Livestock Plus is published January, February, March, April, May, June, August, September, October, November, December. Subscriptions are free. Direct subscription requests to Livestock Plus Inc., c/o Mary Allen, 8840 Deer Ridge Lane, Bloomington, MN 55438. Articles published in LIVESTOCK PLUS, INC. are not necessar ily the views or opinions of the publisher or staff. TERMS: All partnerships billed to one per son. Due upon receipt.
tH 19 19 AAnnuAl nnuAl P PRoduCtion RoduCtion s sAle Ale
Preserving Preserving the power of the power of Scotch Cap genetics Scotch Cap genetics
R egisteRed A ngus B ulls 50 R egisteRed A ngus H eifeRs l ARgest ARgest 2019 s Ale Ale s iRe iRe g RouPs By g RouPs By Colonel Colonel Renown Renown Playbook Playbook Treasure Treasure Acclaim Acclaim Megahit Megahit Stout Stout Premium Premium Blend 1623 Blend 1623 Contender Contender Rectify Rectify Beckon Beckon Guinness Guinness
tH & EE & T WEDNESDAY T AA WEDNESDAY ! D ! ! D ! N W N O W E I O E I N T N C AT 2019 2019 O L A Att the the B Bull ull C Center enter neAr neAr C ClArkson lArkson,, ne ne
J indRA indRA A CClAim CClAim
J indRA indRA m egAHit egAHit
Owned with Macholan Angus 3rd Dimension x Impression BW BW 76 76 •• WW WW 852 852 •• YW YW 1577 1577 BW BW +0.5 +0.5 •• WW WW +80 +80 •• YW YW +162 +162 •• Milk Milk +25 +25 •• $B $B 217.90 217.90
J JindRA indRA P PRemium Remium B Blend lend 1623 1623
C C onneAly onneAly g g uinness uinness
Connealy Dublin x EGL Target Connealy Dublin Target BW 82 • WW 741x •EGL YW 1322 BW 82 • WW 741 • YW 1322 BW +1.7 • WW +61 • YW +110 • Milk +27 • $B 161.13 BW +1.7 • WW +61 • YW +110 • Milk +27 • $B 161.13
This year’s offering will feature progeny by offering the prolific of This year’s will dam feature Jindra her dam brilliant progenyAcclaim by theand prolific of cow Highlights also Jindrafamily. Acclaim and herwill brilliant include power packed will progeny cow family. Highlights also from dams of progeny Jindra includethe power packed Double Vision and Jindra 3rd from the dams of Jindra Dimension. Double Vision and Jindra 3rd Dimension.
Hoff Blockbuster x Hoff Heartland BW BW 84 84 •• WW WW 912 912 •• YW YW 1571 1571 BW BW +0.8 +0.8 •• WW WW +90 +90 •• YW YW +152 +152 •• Milk Milk +12 +12 •• $B $B 200.16 200.16
Jindra Blackout owned with Poss Angus, Koupal’ s B&B Angus, AltaPoss Genetics Jindra Blackout owned &with Angus, Koupal’ s B&B Angus, & Alta A big thAnks to All Genetics the greAt
Jindra Premium Blend x Hoff First Edition Jindra Premium Blend x Hoff BW 88 • WW 799 First Edition BW• YW 88 +155 • WW •799 BW +2.0 • WW +92 Milk +17 • $B 196.83 BW +2.0 • WW +92 • YW +155 • Milk +17 • $B 196.83
Jindra Stonewall owned with Nobmann Cattle Co.with Jindra Stonewall owned Nobmann Cattle Co. behind cAttlemen And friends
Jindra Grand Banks owned Slagle Angus Jindrawith Grand Banks owned with Slagle Angus our progrAm. W e Are very
A big thAnks theperformAnce greAt cAttlemen And friendscontinue behind our progrAm . WcAlf e Are very. excited About to the All extrA our customers to see in their crops excited Aboutpounds the extrA ourseAson customers to seeWeAned in theirAtcAlf pAyperformAnce the bills! lAst most continue of our bulls overcrops 800. those extrA pounds bills! itlAst seAson most of our WeAned At over 800 those extrA pounds And this yeAr pAy theythe ’ve done AgAin . Another greAt cropbulls of bulls Are developing ! if questions on. A them We Would be glAd to visitAre . developing! if pounds And this you yeArhAve theyAny ’ve done it AgAin nother greAt crop of bulls
you hAve Any questions on them We Would be glAd to visit.
Call or stop by anytime! • Nick Jindra • 2478 Rd 4 • Clarkson, NE 68629 Call 402-920-3171 or stop by anytime ! • Nick Jindra • 2478• Rd 4 • Clarkson, NE 68629 • 402-920-3171 • Ad Design by Chrisman Cattle Services • Ad Design by Chrisman Cattle Services
Livestock Plus Inc.
December 2018
Natural White
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Sullivan Supply Gift Certificates make great stocking stuffers!! Available in any dollar value. Sullivan’s
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The Ultimate Show Day Roto Brush
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8840 Deer Ridge Lane Bloomington, MN 55438
Age-Advantaged Bull Headquarters Be sure to join us for our
December 10, 2018Production Sale! 250+ Coming Two-Year-Old Red Angus Bulls 300+ Commercial Bred Heifers 45 Commercial Heifer Calves
Scott & Kim Ford
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Contact us today for more information and your catalog! View our auction and bid online at
Livestock Plus Inc.
December 2018