October 2012 Livestock Plus Inc.

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The Publication for Cowboys and Kids


October 1, 2012, Vol. 18 Issue 9

OctOber 27th | 3:00 pm cSt | mitchell, SOuth DakOta OctOber 27th | 3:00 pm cSt | mitchell, SOuth DakOta

DOnOrFemale Female DOnOr new level X 322h

new level X 322h Sellsbred bredtotounstoppable! unstoppable! Sells

OFFerinG Our Our beSt beSt & & DeepeSt DeepeSt Set! Set! OFFerinG

Offering20 20Donor DonorFemales Females&&bred bredcows cows Offering from the heart of our herd. in addition from the heart of our herd. in addition 30ofofour ourtop topend endbred bredheifers!! heifers!! toto30 Offering65 65elite eliteShow Showheifers! heifers!hereford, hereford, Offering maine,mainetainer, mainetainer,Simmental, Simmental, maine, Angus,&&Chi’s Chi’sSell! Sell! Angus, pictures&&video videoofofthe theoffering offeringonline onlineat:at: pictures www.bpfcc.com www.bpfcc.com traDitiOnOFOFeXcellence eXcellence Sale traDitiOn Sale

Sooner Sooner XX anita anita -- maine-anjou maine-anjou

hollywood hollywoodXX32S 32S- -maine-anjou maine-anjou

benz X 330X - mainetainer benz X 330X - mainetainer

amen X meyer - chianina amen X meyer - chianina

built right X p11 - pb Simmental built right X p11 - pb Simmental

macho X 414 - Foundation Simmental macho X 414 - Foundation Simmental

tank X tcc Shelby - pb hereford tank X tcc Shelby - pb hereford

Final Solution X Darla - pb Shorthorn

Final Solution X Darla - pb Shorthorn

make makeaaFamily FamilyweekenD weekenD in inmitchell, mitchell,SOuth SOuthDakOta! DakOta!

buShy park Farm buShy park 40281 260th Street • Mitchell, SDFarm 57301

260th Street •Free: Mitchell, SD 57301 Fax:40281 605-996-0721 • Toll 888-502-7322 Fax: 605-996-0721 • Toll Free: 888-502-7322 Steve robinson, Owner robinson, Owner cory thomsen,Steve General manager, 605-730-2397 cory Simmons, thomsen, Director Generalof manager, 605-730-2397 trae Sales, 765-438-2312 trae Simmons, Director of Sales, 765-438-2312 Stephanie Steck, marketing, 402-680-1254 Stephanie Steck, marketing, 402-680-1254 On-line at: www.bpfcc.com • Visitors always welcome! On-line at: www.bpfcc.com • Visitors always welcome!

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