Livestock Plus Inc.

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The Publication for Cowboys and Kids

September 1, 2011, Vol. 17 Issue 8

Offering 40 tOp end dOnOr females, Bred females & Bred Heifers!! Offering 40 elite sHOw Heifers! maine, mainetainer, simmental’s, angus & CHi’s sell!

s281 - meyer 734 X angus - sells Bred to monopoly Offering several top donor Quality females like this on October 22nd!

make a familY weekend in mitCHell, sd!

514Y - Boomer X eva 33s pB maine show Heifer selling our best show Heifer prospects ever!

Judging COntest On fridaY, OCtOBer 21st. stOCk sHOw u fitting demOnstratiOn saturdaY, OCtOBer 22nd.

Bushy Park Farm - Steve Robinson, Owner 40281 260th Street • Mitchell, SD 57301 • Fax: 605-996-0721 Toll Free: 888-502-7322 • On-line at: Cory Thomsen, General Manager, 605-730-2397 Riley Laber, Show Barn Manager, 605-999-2560 Stephanie Steck, Marketing, 402-680-1254 ViSiTORS ALwAyS weLCOMe!

October 22nd | 3:00 pm | Mitchell, South Dakota

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