LPI September Edition

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The Publication for Cowboys and Kids


September 1, 2012, Vol. 18 Issue 8

OctOber27th 27th || 3:00 3:00pm pmcSt cSt || mitchell, mitchell, SOuth DakOta OctOber

530S 530S -- Total Total Package Package Daughter Daughter - Sells Sells Bred Bred To To Walk Walk The TheLine Line Offering Offering several several top topDonor DonorQuality Quality Females Females like like this this on onOctober October27th! 27th!

Offering Offering our our best best&&deepest deepestset! set!

OctOber 27th | 3:00 pm cSt | mitchell, SOuth DakOta

Built BuiltRight RightXX P11 P11 -- PB PB Simmental Simmental --many manypb pbSimmental’s Simmental’s like like her her sell sell Tank TankXXTCC TCCShelby Shelby- -PB PBHereford Hereford - maternal - maternalsibsibtoto2012 2012NWSS NWSSchampion champion - Offering - OfferingNational Nationalchampion championcaliber calibercattle cattle

bushy bushypark park Farm Farm

40281260th 260thStreet Street• •Mitchell, Mitchell,SD SD57301 57301 40281 Fax:605-996-0721 605-996-0721• •Toll TollFree: Free:888-502-7322 888-502-7322 Fax: Steverobinson, robinson,Owner Owner Steve corythomsen, thomsen,General Generalmanager, manager, 605-730-2397 605-730-2397 cory traeSimmons, Simmons,Director Directorof ofSales, Sales, 765-438-2312 765-438-2312 trae StephanieSteck, Steck,marketing, marketing, 402-680-1254 402-680-1254 Stephanie On-lineat: at:www.bpfcc.com www.bpfcc.com • • Visitors Visitorsalways always welcome! welcome! On-line

OctOber 27th | 3:00 pm cSt cSt || mitchell, mitchell,SOuth SOuthDakOta DakOta

Offering 20 Donor Females Females & & Bred Bred Cows Cows from the heart of our our herd. herd. In In addition addition to to 30 of our top end Bred Bred Heifers!! Heifers!! Offering 65 Elite Show Show Heifers! Heifers! Hereford, Hereford, Maine, MaineTainer, Simmental, Simmental, Angus Angus & Chi’s Sell! Pictures & video of the the offering offering online online at: at: www.bpfcc.com


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