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Friday, January 4, 2008 QueQui QuintanaRoo Newspaper Positive mind

Everything that is coming to you, is coming in response to your vibrating signal It is my wish to help you recognize how it is that you are vibrating, because in every moment, everything that is coming to you is coming in response to your vibrational signals – each and every thing. The reason, for which the majority of people aren’t very consistent in matching the vibration of their own desires, is because the majority of people are very stubborn observers. The most important thing that I will tell you is that nothing and no one can deny you your wishes. Only YOU can deny your own wishes and desires by means of a contradicting vibration. In other words, nobody has ever kept you away from anything. Nobody is keeping you from being rich and famous. Nobody is keeping you from being well. Nobody but yourselves. And the reason that you do this is because you observe things that lead you to offer an outgoing vibrational signal that doesn’t match with the vibration of your very desire. Those who are predominantly observers, which includes most humans, flourish in good times, but suffer in rough times, because what you observe is reflected in your vibration. The Universe accepts that vibration as its point of attraction and pairs it with other things just like it, and then you have more things to observe that cause you to offer more of certain vibrational offering that the Universe accepts as its Point of Attraction and gives you more of the same. That’s how the good things get better and the bad things get worse. But when you learn to visualize instead of observing … things will change. A visualizer will grow in all circumstances – because a visionary is one who learns to allow energy to flow in response to his decision, and not let himself be drawn in the direction of the negative flow. It is my absolute promise that, if it is your wish, you will know without a doubt, how to let the energy flow in vibrational harmony with your own desire. Then, it will take you from two to three weeks of practice to get accustomed with it until you really are able to feel that you are channeling the energy. And when you are able to do that, then you will be the Deliberate Creators that you have come to be on this planet. The most important thing I can tell you is that no one can deny you your wishes. Only YOU can deny yourself your own wish by means of a contradicting vibration. In other words, nobody has kept you away from anything, ever. Say, “I will enter into this experience of contrasts, because from the contrast always comes forth the decision –and the decision is necessary before any Deliberate Creation may begin.” Can you feel the power of this decision? Have you ever experienced something that you didn’t like? There was something wrong in it, maybe a bit wrong, or maybe even very wrong. Have you ever come to a point in which you

came up with this line from a movie? “I am mad as hell and I can’t take it any more!” Have you ever come to a point in which you cannot take any more of what is happening? It is simply not fair … that’s a very powerful situation to be in. It won’t lead you to get what you want, but it is the beginning of the process, because when you reach that place, always inside that contrasting experience, an idea of what you do want bursts up and explodes with complete clarity. And then you can say, “I do not want that. What I want is this. I do not want that anymore. What I truly want is this.” And even when your words have a negative vibration, they are the beginning of a Deliberate Creation. Nevertheless, this is the most important part that I want you to hear, because it is the part in which things start to go wrong for almost everybody. In this place of decision, you know what you want, but are still in a very contradicting energy position, because your declaration of desires is coming from the living conscience of what you don’t want. So you are not in position to attract purely what you want. You are in the very beginning of your creation. Now is when your work begins and it normally takes from two to three weeks. Now that you know what you want, your job is to find thoughts, words and actions – but most of all sensations, feelings – that match with the decision that you just made. Abraham

What you are getting always matches with what you are asking for, and how you are vibrating always matches with what you are getting, without exceptions. They are always the same.

The beauty of this process Diksha=Oneness Blessing is a transfer of Divine energy which helps us to dis-identify from conflict and suffering, taking us to states of inner peace, joy, happiness and Oneness Diksha energy is universal & useful in all spiritual traditions. It enhances our ability to connect from the Heart with the Divine & with all of the people that we love. Many report that after receiving Diksha = Oneness Blessing they experience healing on all levels, as well as powerful and ongoing spiritual awakening. Most people are seeking harmony and joy. We have discovered that it is possible for everybody to live in that state of inner freedom, even permanently. Oneness Blessing initiates a process of awakening the Divine Presence within you; taking you towards Oneness, and enabling you to see the reality of what you are in every moment. Also healing your body, your relationships, and recognizing the divinity in the experience of the present moment…. Conscious awakening is the ability to see reality as it is, without the layers of interference and interpretation imposed by the mind. It is a simple neurobiological event, and can happen instantaneously. Conscious awakening is peeling off the layers of interpretation from any given event. To the enlightened person, life becomes very ordinary. You walk, and you are walking. You eat, and you are eating. Enlightenment is not about having extraordinary experiences so much as recognizing that each ordinary moment is extraordinary in itself. Before, there were a thousand interpretations in the mind for everything you experienced. Now, there is only the experience. In this Divine state you consciously experience your divine self and become one with God. This can be experienced as a great explosion of love or joy, which is much more profound than any worldly pleasure. When someone reaches this state of being, this connection with God, the

Divine, the Absolute, they will surely have achieved the ultimate that being on this earth can offer. You, your freedom and your liberation is what is most important to me. These are experiences from Mexico’s Armed Forces who have received Oneness Blessing:

For the very first time I feel liberated from my suffering and problems, and I now realize what it means to live ‘in the moment’. The bad things that we carry in our thoughts always generate problems, closing us off from the world and not allowing us to see the positive in all things. I am so grateful to you Alexis for the session that you gave us, as now I am able to see the reality that is life. Even more so, you guided us to the inner awareness that we have the power inside of ourselves to create what we want our lives to be, and to become that which we choose and to live that. The truth is that now, I feel an increased energy to live a more fulfilling life and a greater capacity to apply myself to my work. Thank you very much Alexis!

Well, in the therapy with Alexis, I felt that what she was saying was true even though in the beginning I couldn’t believe it. However, when we began the session, I started to feel deeply relaxed and in each chakra, I did actually see the things that she described! Most of all, by the end of the session, all of my body pains completely disappeared and I felt lighter. And today, I feel so much better. I am so grateful to her.

Miss Alexis, I felt very satisfied with your lecture that you gave us even though in the beginning I didn’t pay much attention because I wasn’t concentrating. However, when we began the fast breathing exercise, I suddenly felt everything going around in circles. After a few minutes, my feelings totally changed. When you touched my head I saw the color red and my shoulders became very relaxed. When I opened my eyes, I felt completely relieved of all of my stress and also felt much lighter. I appreciated your session very much, and you have all my respect.

Please feel free to write me at: alexislivinginoneness@yahoo.com Web:www.livinginoneness.com

Friday, January 11, 2008 QueQui QuintanaRoo Newspaper Positive mind

Resisting Change Even when life is not exactly as we want it to be; we tend to choose suffering some level of discomfort over risking a ‘change’ for something different! This is mostly due to the mind’s negativity and fear that the impending ‘change’ could end up being worse than our present suffering. The mind rarely considers a positive outcome. Oh how we don’t want ANYTHING to come and disturb us!! We are so unconsciously and habitually comfortable with the ‘familiar’ in our lives; even though we are NOT as happy as we wish to be, because we feel that it is better to stay with the “known” rather than have to change that for something “unknown”! We can see this habit clearly when we look back at all of the amazing new discoveries that have come about in the world; as we as a collective humanity have NEVER accepted any of them with open arms. WE have perceived them as an imposition on our ‘familiar’ reality no matter how innovative. Our first reaction is ‘no’! Why is that? The mind tells us that we have to live in this ‘closed state’ otherwise we can be hurt. It warns us to ‘protect’ ourselves. We complain about the present state of affairs in the world but yet when change is imposed on us we are even MORE disturbed. The “MIND” is such an interesting thing to observe as many times it prefers a familiar habit, habitat and even abusive situations which are so unconsciously comforting in some strange way rather then have to subject ourselves to an unfamiliar ‘new’ change that we fear will clearly disturb that comfort zone. The truth is that the mind is really addicted to suffering and it thrives on negativity. We must become conscious of how the Divine is always working in our favor. It works so hard to create the necessary situations to move the energy around each one of us; orchestrating ALL so perfectly so that we will actually end up where we truly need to be in each moment. Ever notice how amazingly well it organizes every step for us so that we end up exactly where we need to be for our next move in this chess game of life? In case you haven’t noticed, please take this opportunity right now to look back on your life for a moment ; noticing how each ‘change’ was clearly another step UP the ladder of growth for you. Especially bringing awareness to your most difficult situations and experiences, noticing that your perception at the time may have caused a strong resistance and a lack of acceptance of reality (mostly due to attachments) which may have caused you suffering. Also realizing that those very situations and life changes actually helped guide you to becoming the person that you are today. Some of us feel as though we barely survived many difficulties in our life, not realizing that we are now much more confident and self trusting because of them.

The fact that the Divine is actually orchestrating each one of our lives is quite a miraculous process. We can describe it as a chess board of sort in the Higher Dimension which is being 'played out' in this physical dimension (so unwillingly at times) by us human chess pieces. For those of us who are already aware of this, we know that this is NOT an easy task for the Divine. It takes such special care of each one of us; like a loving parent leading us by the hand and guiding us in our every step as it divinely knows what is best for us. But, what do we do in response?? We freak out! We panic and resist the ‘change’ in every situation; getting all identified with 'the mind' and its fears of not wanting anything to upset and disturb us from the "familiar". Oh my, how cruel ‘change’ can be, we think! Change is NOT cruel at all! It is actually the biggest gift of transformation for our lives. Our very resistance is our ONLY suffering and THAT is actually the only cruel part. So WE are responsible for our suffering as we do that to ourselves; all on our own. When we can learn to ‘let go’ and flow with what life gives us, we come to realize that when something is truly not serving us anymore, it is naturally replaced with something new. Ever notice how change is the ONLY consistent process in life. And what do we have to show for it? What is this Divine Golden Oscar that we receive in the end for following the Divine’s script so well?? Growth. And who is the one who benefits when it is all said and done? WE do; even though at times we can be the most unwilling and uncooperative human beings as we tend to get 'stuck' in identifying with the mind and 'miss' the gifts that are so generously provided in every moment. Not only are we not capable of seeing these generous gifts, but we also forget to express our gratitude to the Divine for all of its hard work and gracious organization of everything.

The beauty of this process Diksha=Oneness Blessing is a transfer of Divine energy which helps us to dis-identify from conflict and suffering, taking us to states of inner peace, joy, happiness and Oneness Diksha energy is universal & useful in all spiritual traditions. It enhances our ability to connect from the Heart with the Divine & with all of the people that we love. Many report that after receiving Diksha = Oneness Blessing they experience healing on all levels, as well as powerful and ongoing spiritual awakening. Most people are seeking harmony and joy. We have discovered that it is possible for everybody to live in that state of inner freedom, even permanently. Oneness Blessing initiates a process of awakening the Divine Presence within you;

taking you towards Oneness, and enabling you to see the reality of what you are in every moment. Also healing your body, your relationships, and recognizing the divinity in the experience of the present moment…. Conscious awakening is the ability to see reality as it is, without the layers of interference and interpretation imposed by the mind. It is a simple neurobiological event, and can happen instantaneously. Conscious awakening is peeling off the layers of interpretation from any given event. To the enlightened person, life becomes very ordinary. You walk, and you are walking. You eat, and you are eating. Enlightenment is not about having extraordinary experiences so much as recognizing that each ordinary moment is extraordinary in itself. Before, there were a thousand interpretations in the mind for everything you experienced. Now, there is only the experience. In this Divine state you consciously experience your divine self and become one with God. This can be experienced as a great explosion of love or joy, which is much more profound than any worldly pleasure. When someone reaches this state of being, this connection with God, the Divine, the Absolute, they will surely have achieved the ultimate that being on this earth can offer. You, your freedom and your liberation is what is most important to me. These are experiences from Mexico’s Armed Forces who have received Oneness Blessing:

The experience that I lived yesterday was very good, especially her advice about attracting good thoughts and not allowing ourselves to be dominated by the mind, but know that we can instead dominate our mind. In respect to the colors; I saw a lot of green but I didn’t feel any sensations. What I really liked as it relaxed me deeply, was the music. I felt a lot of tranquility and a lot of peace, in which my mind became so very clear and tranquil that I forgot all about my problems, especially those of my mundane life. I felt a deep rest throughout my entire body. I saw a lot of colors with my eyes closed and suddenly an overwhelming bright white light began shining, which lasted until the end of the exercise. Before having the experience with Miss Alexis, I didn’t know about the various ways to find internal peace. In this moment I feel very different with a deep tranquility that I didn’t have before. Well, it was an evening of relaxation and we received a much needed energy that the majority of my comrades were really lacking and needing very badly. I hope that with this information we can now relax in our free moments, making our days more peaceful.

Please feel free to write me at: alexislivinginoneness@yahoo.com Web:www.livinginoneness.com

Friday, January 18, 2008 QueQui QuintanaRoo Newspaper Positive mind

Trusting in the Divine Which reminds me of a special time in my life….. I was extremely comfortable living in the most gorgeous penthouse imaginable in PuertoVallarta, Mexico with all of the patio doors and windows facing the ocean. The flat was on the top floor of a cliff side building with huge glass doors to the terrace (just off the bedroom and living room) that were never closed during all those years. There was a Jacuzzi on the terrace next to the hammock which were the only things between me and the crashing waves. Each night sleeping to those waves; crashing against the rocks on the beach below... Mmmmm Heaven, pure heaven After enjoying ample time and sufficient rest for some years in that sacred space, I remember speaking with the Divine one day; explaining that if in fact it wished for me to ever MOVE from THAT place, IT would have to MOVE ME as I wasn't EVER going to choose to change that paradise for anything else. What could possibly be better or more comfortable than that? So I consciously handed THAT responsibility over to the Divine knowing that it most likely had other plans for me other then letting me rot in spoiled luxury in that penthouse flat And would you like to know what happened next?? Not even one month later I received a phone call from my landlord whom I rarely ever spoke to as he lived in the United States and I paid my monthly rent by mail like clockwork. He requested a meeting with me the following week as he was coming to town on business. During our meeting, he shared personal information with me that just 2 weeks earlier a wealthy Mexican couple contacted him by phone and offered him DOUBLE of what his penthouse was worth in cash just because they decided that they wanted to own it and live in luxury at all costs!! They offered him DOUBLE the amount of what it was worth on the real estate market!! In cash!! Could you imagine?? He admitted embarrassingly that he just couldn't turn down that generous offer and apologized to me knowing how much I enjoyed his home and the sacred space that we co- created. As I had made several fabulous structural improvements to the flat that I even paid for myself. He was so grateful that he informed the buyers that they would have to wait over 6 months before they could take occupancy so that Alexis would have sufficient time to comfortably grieve the loss of her ‘happy home’ and look for another wonderful place to live Wasn't THAT the sweetest thing that you have ever heard? He was taking care of me during my psychological loss of my ‘sacred space’ allowing me time to get used to the idea of change and also search for another place that could hopefully make me feel as comfortable.

I was so thrilled!!I really treasured those last months in that penthouse knowing that the Divine clearly decided that it was time for me to move on and had something else in store for me. Especially since it was crystal clear to me that ‘IT’ had decided that it was time for me to actually move my overly comfortable culo, I asked the Divine, “Ok, so where is it exactly that you wish for me to go next?” And when that Divine moment finally came, I was guided to visit Pune, India and ended up staying/living there for 3 whole years . It was the most silent meditative time in my blessed life and there were many magical moments with deep spiritual lessons and realizations that opened up new dimensions in my consciousness. I so love allowing the Divine to make the decisions. IT always knows best It actually ALWAYS does make the decisions as WE just THINK that we have something to do with it!! That lovely “ego” mind of ours that thinks it controls everything!! Ha ha ha. What a Divine playing field that the ego is playing in!! Never realizing even for an instant that the ‘joke is on us! It is ALL an illusion. With the ego being the biggest ‘BULLY’ always doing whatever it needs to do to ‘get its way’! Have you ever noticed how the mind/ego will do ‘whatever it takes’ to fulfill its desires? Manipulate, dominate, abuse, lie, cheat, steal, even hurting those that they claim they love and then rationalizing it all away to gain ‘this’ or ‘that’ monetarily or materially which it depends on to inflate its image and status even more; needing to prove that it really does exist. I’m sure that YOU know exactly what I’m speaking about as we ALL do it at one time or another. Why is that? Because we ALL have the same ‘MIND’. Can we accept that part of our human-ness? The truth is that we are actually inseparable from each other. We are one. We are ALL connected. It uses such a strenuous part of the mind and consumes a lot of life energy to create and sustain this illusion that makes you feel this separation from other people. It is the ‘grand illusion’ and yet so real to us. And so the journey to Oneness begins. An awareness of who you actually are. This very awareness opens your heart; allowing you to experience what relationship truly is. It can so easily become your experience, just by becoming aware of where you are now. The way to TRULY live is simply experiencing ‘what is’ in each moment. The Diksha=Oneness Blessing is a benediction and it is what helps us to see ourselves; becoming aware of ourselves, accepting ourselves and also accepting others. We are suffering because we do not feel connected as we have a very limited self / ego and we cannot seem to get out of this illusion. The Oneness Blessing=Diksha helps us to become one with the Universe and one with each other again. Guiding us to flow with life and trust that whatever is happening in the moment is just a mirror of our own consciousness and is part of a greater Divine Plan. It is very easy to see the ego in action. Whenever there is resistance, the ego is dominating the moment. It is offending, insulting, and can be quite obnoxious and overbearing. It divides and separates you from the other.

When you are operating from the heart, from presence, the energy is soft and flowing. It considers and always includes the other. It is caring, compassionate and exudes an abundant loving energy. I love watching the effort that goes into creating our own 'nests' or cocoons in life and later when it’s Divine time to ‘move on’ from that nest, we sometimes hang on so tight; missing the gift of realizing that we have actually outgrown it a long time back. I am also feeling that my time living in Barcelona, Spain is soon coming to an end.. But I know that another nest is being divinely created for Alexis in another place in the world and she will soon be told where that is. And when it is time, she will receive a Divine Fax with her instructions!! I wish the same for all of you Divine Beings. That you too will learn to trust in the Divine and be very alert for the guidance that is always there for you. Also not forgetting to express gratefulness each day for the miracles that happen, mostly when we are not looking. As truly living in bliss creates a heart full of gratitude and endless love for ‘All That Is’ I just hope that if I managed to convey even 10% of this to you, I achieved something greater than anything I could have imagined. Enjoy the energy, the inspiration and most of all be conscious of your experience in every moment: being the witness to your own awakening and exploring the infinite universe that resides within you. I wish to send you off with a warm embrace to help open your wings; trusting life to guide you exactly where you need to be in each moment as you begin the rest of your blessed journey and don’t forget to laugh along the way as life is NOT serious....It’s a Divine Carnival Hugs from the corners of my Heart to all of yours and all of you Divine Light Beings that I have yet to meet personally. In deep love and gratitude to the Divine for their Grace and Miracles!Love & Light** Alexis

These are experiences from Mexico’s Armed Forces who have received Oneness Blessing: I felt something really impressive! It was so soft, light, and relaxing. I actually felt the peacefulness of my soul. It is something that I cannot explain, and something that I have never experienced before. It feels wonderful to feel love and a new sense of self respect for myself. It is a marvelous experience. My experience from the exercise was one of relaxation and the fact that all of my pains disappeared. I also felt as if my body relaxed so deeply that all that was left was my mind. That’s all I can say. Thank you so much for the therapy.

Friday, January 25, 2008 QueQui QuintanaRoo Newspaper Positive mind

Consciousness: The way out of pain

Don’t create more pain in the present Nobody’s life is entirely free of pain and sorrow. Isn’t it a question of learning to live with them rather than trying to avoid them? The greater part of human pain is unnecessary. unobserved mind runs your life.

It is self-created as long as the

The pain that you create now is always some form of non-acceptance, some form of unconscious resistance to what is. On the level of thought, the resistance is some form of judgment. On the emotional level, it is some form of negativity. The intensity of the pain depends on the degree of resistance to the present moment, and this in turn depends on how strongly you are identified with your mind. The mind always seeks to deny the Now and to escape from it. In other words, the more you are identified with your mind, the more you suffer. Or you may put it like this: the more you are able to honor and accept the Now, the more you are free of pain, of suffering—and free of the egoic mind. Why does the mind habitually deny or resist the Now? Because it cannot function and remain in control without time, which is past and future, so it perceives the timeless Now as threatening. Time and mind are in fact inseparable. Imagine the Earth devoid of human life, inhabited only by plants and animals. Would it still have a past and a future? Could we still speak of time in any meaningful way? The question “What time is it?” or “What’s the date today?” – if anybody were there to ask it – would be quite meaningless. The oak tree or the eagle would be bemused by such a question. “What time?” they would ask. “Well, of course, it’s now. The time is now. What else is there?” Yes, we need the mind as well as time to function in this world, but there comes a point where they take over our lives, and this is where dysfunction, pain, and sorrow set in. The mind, to ensure that it remains in control, seeks continuously to cover up the present moment with past and future, and so, as the vitality and infinite creative potential of Being, which is inseparable from the Now, becomes covered up by time, your true nature becomes obscured by the mind. An increasingly heavy burden of time has been accumulating in the human mind also holds a vast amount of residual pain from the past.

If you no longer want to create pain for yourself and others, if you no longer want to add to the residue of past pain that still lives on in you, then don’t create any more time, or at least no more than is necessary to deal with the practical aspects of your life. How to stop creating time? Realize deeply that the present moment is all you ever have. Make the Now the primary focus of your life. Whereas before you dwelt in time and paid brief visits to the Now, have your dwelling place in the Now and pay brief visits to past and future when required to deal with the practical aspects of your life situation. Always say “yes” to the present moment. What could be more futile, more insane, than to create inner resistance to something that already is? What could be more insane than to oppose life itself, which is now and always now? Surrender to what is. Say “yes” to life – and see how life suddenly starts working for you rather than against you.

The present moment is sometimes unacceptable, unpleasant, and awful. It is as it is. Observe how the mind labels it and how this labeling process, this continuous sitting in judgment, creates pain and unhappiness. By watching the mechanics of the mind, you step out of its resistance patters, and you can then allow the present moment to be.. This will give you a taste of the state of inner freedom from external conditions, the state of true inner peace. Then see what happens, and take action if necessary or possible. Accept – then act. Whatever the present moment contains, accept it as it you had chosen it. Always work with it, not against it. Make it your friend and ally, not your enemy. This will miraculously transform your whole life. Eckhart Tolle

To come to know that nothing is good, nothing is bad, is a turning point; it is a conversion. You start looking in; the outside reality loses meaning. The social reality is a fiction, a beautiful drama; you can participate in it, but then you don't take it seriously. It is just a role to be played; play it as beautifully, as efficiently, as possible. But don't take it seriously; it has nothing of the ultimate in it. Osho

The beauty of this process Diksha=Oneness Blessing is a transfer of Divine energy which helps us to dis-identify from conflict and suffering, taking us to states of inner peace, joy, happiness and Oneness Diksha energy is universal & useful in all spiritual traditions. It enhances our ability to connect from the Heart with the Divine & with all of the people that we love. Many report that after receiving Diksha = Oneness Blessing they experience healing on all levels, as well as powerful and ongoing spiritual awakening. Most people are seeking harmony and joy.

We have discovered that it is possible for everybody to live in that state of inner freedom, even permanently. Oneness Blessing initiates a process of awakening the Divine Presence within you; taking you towards Oneness, and enabling you to see the reality of what you are in every moment. Also healing your body, your relationships, and recognizing the divinity in the experience of the present moment…. Conscious awakening is the ability to see reality as it is, without the layers of interference and interpretation imposed by the mind. It is a simple neurobiological event, and can happen instantaneously. Conscious awakening is peeling off the layers of interpretation from any given event. To the enlightened person, life becomes very ordinary. You walk, and you are walking. You eat, and you are eating. Enlightenment is not about having extraordinary experiences so much as recognizing that each ordinary moment is extraordinary in itself. Before, there were a thousand interpretations in the mind for everything you experienced. Now, there is only the experience. In this Divine state you consciously experience your divine self and become one with God. This can be experienced as a great explosion of love or joy, which is much more profound than any worldly pleasure. When someone reaches this state of being, this connection with God, the Divine, the Absolute, they will surely have achieved the ultimate that being on this earth can offer. You, your freedom and your liberation is what is most important to me. These are experiences from Mexico’s Armed Forces who have received Oneness Blessing:

Dear Alexis, I really enjoyed everything in the session as it deeply relaxed me. I believe that to truly be well, it is first necessary to be conscious of what you have in your mind. This co-existence is necessary in a human being, in order to be in harmony with others, and especially to be at peace within yourself, your inner being. During the meditation I saw a purple light at the beginning, and later a white brilliant light, and after some minutes I could see another purple light. When I opened my eyes I felt deeply relaxed and much lighter but when I saw the white light, I felt that it wasn’t from this dimension. I feel much better now and would like to continue feeling this well being as it’s thanks to you and this gift that you have.

Please feel free to write me at: alexislivinginoneness@yahoo.com Web:www.livinginoneness.com

Friday, February 1, 2008 QueQui QuintanaRoo Newspaper Positive mind

Past pain: dissolving the pain-body As long as you are unable to access the power of the Now, every emotional pain that you experience leaves behind a residue of pain that lives on in you. It merges with the pain from the past, which was already there, and becomes lodged in your mind and body. This, of course, includes the pain you suffered as a child, caused by the unconsciousness of the world into which you were born. This accumulated pain is a negative energy field that occupies your body and mind. If you look on it as an invisible entity in its own right, you are getting quite close to the truth. It’s the emotional pain-body. It has two modes of being: dormant and active. A pain-body may be dormant 90 percent of the time; in a deeply unhappy person, though, it may be active up to 100 percent of the time. Some people live almost entirely through their pain-body, while others may experience it only in certain situations, such as intimate relationships, or situations linked with past loss or abandonment, physical or emotional hurt, and so on. Anything can trigger it, particularly if it resonates with a pain pattern from your past. When it is ready to awaken from its dormant stage, even a thought or an innocent remark made by someone close to you can activate it. Some pain-bodies are obnoxious but relatively harmless, for example life a child who won’t stop whining. Others are vicious and destructive monsters, true demons. Some are physically violent; many more are emotionally violent. Some will attack people around you or close to you, while others may attack you, their host. Thoughts and feelings you have about your life then become deeply negative and self-destructive. Illnesses and accidents are often created in this way. Some pain-bodies drive their hosts to suicide. When you thought you knew a person and then you are suddenly confronted with this alien, nasty creature for the first time, you are in for quite a shock. However, it’s more important to observe it in yourself than in someone else. Watch out for any sign of unhappiness in yourself, in whatever form – it may be the awakening pain-body. This can take the form of irritation, impatience, a somber mood, a desire, hurt, anger, rage, depression, a need to have some drama in your relationship, and so on. Catch it the moment it awakens from its dormant state. The pain-body wants to survive, just like every other entity in existence, and it can only survive if it gets you to unconsciously identify with it. It can then rise up, take you over, “become you,” and live through you. It needs to get its “food” through you. It will feed on any experience that resonates with its own kind of energy, anything that creates further pain in whatever form: anger, destructiveness, hatred, grief, emotional drama, violence, and even illness. So the pain-body, when it has taken you over, will create a situation in your life that reflects back its own energy frequency for it to feed on. Pain can only feed on pain. Pain cannot feed on joy. It finds it quite indigestible. Once the pain-body has taken you over, you want more pain. You become a victim or a perpetrator. You want to inflict pain, or you want to suffer pain, or both. There isn’t really much difference between the two. You are not conscious of this, of course, and will vehemently claim that you do not want pain. But look closely and you will find that your thinking and behavior are

designed to keep the pain going, for yourself and others. If you were truly conscious of it, the pattern would dissolve, for to want more pain is insanity, and nobody is consciously insane. The pain-body, which is the dark shadow cast by the ego, is actually afraid of the light of your consciousness. It is afraid of being found out. Its survival depends on your unconscious identification with it, as well as on your unconscious fear of facing the pain that lives in you. But if you don’t face it, if you don’t bring the light of your consciousness into the pain, you will be forced to relive it again and again. The pain-body may seem to your life a dangerous monster that you cannot bear to look at, but I assure you that it is an insubstantial phantom that cannot prevail against the power of your presence. Some spiritual teachings state that all pain is ultimately an illusion, and this is true. The question is: Is it true for you? A mere belief doesn’t make it true. Do you want to experience pain for the rest of your life and keep saying that it is an illusion? Does that free you from the pain? What we are concerned with here is how you can realize this truth – that is, make it real in your own experience. So the pain-body doesn’t want you to observe it directly and see it for what it is. The moment you observe it, feel its energy field within you, and take your attention into it, the identification is broken. A higher dimension of consciousness has come in. I call it presence. You are now the witness or the watcher of the pain-body. This means that it cannot use you anymore by pretending to be you, and it can no longer replenish itself through you. You have found your own innermost strength. You have accessed the power of Now. Eckhart Tolle

The man who knows, also knows that existence is one. Its expressions are millions but the spirit that expresses, is the same. It is one godliness with an infinite variety of creations.. -Osho

The beauty of this process Diksha=Oneness Blessing is a transfer of Divine energy which helps us to dis-identify from conflict and suffering, taking us to states of inner peace, joy, happiness and Oneness Diksha energy is universal & useful in all spiritual traditions. It enhances our ability to connect from the Heart with the Divine & with all of the people that we love. Many report that after receiving Diksha = Oneness Blessing they experience healing on all levels, as well as powerful and ongoing spiritual awakening. Most people are seeking harmony and joy. We have discovered that it is possible for everybody to live in that state of inner freedom, even permanently. Oneness Blessing initiates a process of awakening the Divine Presence within you; taking you towards Oneness, and enabling you to see the reality of what you are in every moment. Also healing your body, your relationships, and recognizing the divinity in the experience of the present moment…. Conscious awakening is the ability to see reality as it is, without the layers of interference and interpretation imposed by the mind. It is a simple neurobiological event, and can happen instantaneously. Conscious awakening is peeling off the layers of interpretation from any given event. To the enlightened person, life becomes very ordinary. You walk, and you are walking. You eat, and you

are eating. Enlightenment is not about having extraordinary experiences so much as recognizing that each ordinary moment is extraordinary in itself. Before, there were a thousand interpretations in the mind for everything you experienced. Now, there is only the experience. In this Divine state you consciously experience your divine self and become one with God. This can be experienced as a great explosion of love or joy, which is much more profound than any worldly pleasure. When someone reaches this state of being, this connection with God, the Divine, the Absolute, they will surely have achieved the ultimate that being on this earth can offer. You, your freedom and your liberation is what is most important to me. These are experiences from Mexico’s Armed Forces who have received Oneness Blessing:

My dear Alexis Please allow me to tell you that I was quite surprised with the manner that you express yourself; full of great magic & true feeling. I want you to know that I now feel much more open in my mind and with an improved attitude. I can testify that as of right now, I truly feel much better in my mind and soul. You are the best of them all. “EXCELLENT WORK”!!! CABO INF. GALDINO CRUZ HERNÁNDEZ.

Tonight I arrived very tired and stressed when entering the area where the conference was held by the young lady Alexis. During the relaxation exercise, not knowing exactly how to explain it, I felt my body enter into an intense state of relaxation and rest. When I closed my eyes, I started to observe different colors, and by the end of the exercise when exiting the area of the conference, I felt very different, deeply relaxed and with a new desire to move ahead with my life. SGTO.2/o. INF. VALENTIN HILARIO DE LEON.

Please feel free to write me at: alexislivinginoneness@yahoo.com Web:www.livinginoneness.com

Friday, February 8, 2008 QueQui QuintanaRoo Newspaper

Positive mind

Genuine responsibility for life We are responsible for our lives in all areas open to our choice; however, I find that we may operate self responsibly in one context and passively in another. For example, we may be self responsible financially but dependent emotionally. We may be proactive when working for ourselves but reactive and non-accountable when working for someone else. We may take responsibility for our physical health while taking none for the effects of our irrational behavior with our children or spouse. I suggest that we need to be self responsible in 10 categories: I am responsible for the level of consciousness I bring to all of my activities. When I'm working on a project, listening to a lecture, playing with my child, talking with my spouse, deliberating whether to have another drink, reading my performance review, wrestling with a personal problem, or driving my car, I am responsible for the level of consciousness I bring to the occasion. I am responsible for my choices, decisions, and actions. I am the cause of my choices, decisions, and actions. It is I who chooses, decides, and acts. If I do so knowing my responsibility, I am more likely to proceed wisely and appropriately than if I make myself oblivious of my role as source. If I accept responsibility, I am far more likely to choose, decide, and act in ways that will not later become causes of embarrassment, shame, or regret. I am responsible for the fulfillment of my desires. One cause of our frustration and unhappiness is our fantasy of a rescuer who will someday materialize to solve our problems and fulfill our wishes. This is why I emphasize that no one is coming. No one is coming to save me; no one is coming to make life right for me; no one is coming to solve my problems. If I don't do something, nothing is going to get better. The great advantage of fully accepting that is that it puts power back in our hands. We are through waiting and free to act. As long as I imagine that only someone else can save me, I disempower myself. In my avoidance of self responsibility, I condemn myself to passivity and helplessness. I am responsible for my beliefs and my values. The responsible individual strives to make beliefs and values conscious so that they can be critically scrutinized and so that he or she can be more in control. Much of the time we are merely reflecting what others believe and value. Or our ideas seem to be born out of our feelings and instincts. We are comfortable only with people whose feelings are like our own. I am responsible for how I prioritize my time. Our choices and decisions determine whether the disposition of our time and energy reflects our professed values or is incongruent with them. If we understand that how we prioritize time is our choice and responsibility, we are more likely to address and correct the contradictions than if we tell ourselves that we are somehow victims of circumstances.

I am responsible for my choice of companions. Naturally, many of us find it tempting to avoid this responsibility. The advantage is that then we do not have to take action. we can suffer, feel sorry for ourselves, and blame others. And we can fulfill a subconscious life script that tells us pain is our destiny. The disadvantage is that then we are stuck in our unhappiness, defeated and disempowered, all our power granted to others. Yet the power is there. The price is to recognize and own our choices. I am responsible for how I deal with people. Whatever I choose to say or do, I am the author of my behavior. I am responsible for how I speak and how I listen. I am responsible for the rationality or irrationality of my dealings with others. I am responsible for the respect or disrespect I bring to encounters, for the fairness or unfairness, the kindness or unkindness, the generosity or meanness. Whether I choose to speak to others' intelligence or to ponder to their vices, it is my choice. Whether I keep my promises or break them, it is my decision. I am responsible for what I do about my feelings and emotions. If we accept responsibility for the actions we take on the basis of our feelings, we will be less impulsive and more thoughtful about our behavior. But if we operate on the implicit premise that whatever impulse hits us must be followed, if we believe that feelings are to obeyed without judgment, then we become reckless drivers through our existence. I am responsible for my happiness. If I believe that my happiness is primarily in my own hands, I give myself enormous power. I am not waiting for events or other people to make me happy. I am not trapped by blame, alibis, or self pity. I am free to look at the options available in any situation and respond in the wisest way I can. If something is wrong, my response is not "Someone's got to do something!" but "What can I do? What possibilities exist? What needs to be done?" I am responsible for my life and well-being. In taking responsibility for our own existence, we implicitly recognize that other human beings are not our servants. They do not exist as means to our ends, just as we are not means to their ends. We are not entitled to demand that others work and live for our sake, just as we do not work and live for theirs. Morally and rationally, we are obliged to respect one another's right to self interest. People may choose to help one another- voluntarily. But one is not born with a "right" to the mind, work, and energy of others. Self responsible people do not imagine they were born holding a mortgage on the energy and assets of other people, although plenty of politicians and intellectuals tell them otherwise. Today the attitude of entitlement has reached epidemic proportions. The idea of living self responsibly has many applications, from carrying one's weight in a marriage to acknowledging authorship of one's actions.

The beauty of this process Diksha=Oneness Blessing is a transfer of Divine energy which helps us to dis-identify from conflict and suffering, taking us to states of inner peace, joy, happiness and Oneness Diksha energy is universal & useful in all spiritual traditions. It enhances our ability to connect from the Heart with the Divine & with all of the people that we love.

Many report that after receiving Diksha = Oneness Blessing they experience healing on all levels, as well as powerful and ongoing spiritual awakening. Most people are seeking harmony and joy. We have discovered that it is possible for everybody to live in that state of inner freedom, even permanently. Oneness Blessing initiates a process of awakening the Divine Presence within you; taking you towards Oneness, and enabling you to see the reality of what you are in every moment. Also healing your body, your relationships, and recognizing the divinity in the experience of the present moment…. Conscious awakening is the ability to see reality as it is, without the layers of interference and interpretation imposed by the mind. It is a simple neurobiological event, and can happen instantaneously. Conscious awakening is peeling off the layers of interpretation from any given event. To the enlightened person, life becomes very ordinary. You walk, and you are walking. You eat, and you are eating. Enlightenment is not about having extraordinary experiences so much as recognizing that each ordinary moment is extraordinary in itself. Before, there were a thousand interpretations in the mind for everything you experienced. Now, there is only the experience. In this Divine state you consciously experience your divine self and become one with God. This can be experienced as a great explosion of love or joy, which is much more profound than any worldly pleasure. When someone reaches this state of being, this connection with God, the Divine, the Absolute, they will surely have achieved the ultimate that being on this earth can offer. You, your freedom and your liberation is what is most important to me. These are experiences from Mexico’s Armed Forces who have received Oneness Blessing:

I felt very tired and stressed out when I entered the room for the lecture with the young lady, Alexis. When the relaxation session began, I immediately felt a deep relaxation and tranquility. I saw dazzling green and blue lights as if I was in another dimension, one of complete and total silence. By the end of the session, I was feeling a bit tired. Sgto.2/o. Inf. Paulino Pérez Maldonado Alexis, I want to share that I saw a green light with white sparkles, and from what you explained to us, I know that is very good. The truth is that before entering the room I felt really stressed, as I felt that the whole world was against me. Since the session, I don’t why or even how to explain it, but my whole way of seeing life with this new sense of tranquility and peace that I now have, is distinctly different. Thank you so much and please take care of yourself. I don’t know how to explain what I felt because I don’t know much on the subject, but what I felt was very pleasant. I am very grateful to you because I now feel an inner peace that I truthfully was missing & needed very badly. I wish to thank you and tell you with all sincerity to please take care of yourself.

Please feel free to write me at: alexislivinginoneness@yahoo.com Web:www.livinginoneness.com

Friday, February 15, 2008 QueQui QuintanaRoo Newspaper Positive mind

Mind is always manipulating and winning Anandagiriji tells a story of when the founders of the Oneness University sent him out of Golden City to share his vision with the world. Anandagiriji didn‟t want to go; he didn‟t want to leave Golden City, and especially Amma & Bhagavan. He was much too attached. They had become his parents. He finally did end up leaving Golden City, though very reluctantly and still with an attachment; calling Bhagavan from each airport. Bhagavan said that if there isn‟t any interest in the world for his vision, that he could come right back. Anandagiriji soon found that many people were actually interested in the vision. He also noticed that people everywhere kept asking him the same questions. How do you know that both your mind and your imagination aren’t taking you for a ride? Is what you are explaining, real? Anandagiriji thought, what does it matter? I was in a beautiful state. I was very happy inside and extremely comfortable with what I was. Why do you always have to be so sure that your mind is not taking you for a ride? You ALWAYS have to be so sure and because of it are always methodically planning everything so that you will know the outcome: it is called Control. You don‟t really need to worry about it, because if you don‟t make any effort you won‟t go anywhere. Sometimes only a bit of awareness is required to move forward. Having become aware, then you can make some application. Make effort, and maybe no effort is required. Don‟t be so worried about doing the right thing. It‟s all part of learning and growth. It‟s ok to make mistakes. You may make some mistakes, but chances are much less the second time as you cannot plan all the day. There isn‟t a “perfect way”. You will know it. It is necessary to have at least a vision in the spiritual world as you cannot plan that. There are no have to’s as in these two statements: „You must make friends with your emotions‟. „You have to love others‟. It is only a possibility.. Remember it as a option. Remember it, so that you don‟t fight with it.


Perhaps you remember, perhaps you have forgotten.......Tattered and dusty, frustrated and apathetic. Resolving to ally ourselves, to forge ahead in unity Seated in a thatched hut without walls, as the murmur of the wind envelops us, and the sweet songs of the birds, along with the graceful dancing of the butterflies en trance us. A friend comes close, showing fear, tenderness and vulnerability..... I welcome him. And we both choose our rebirth into the Light. Tranforming the sphere of chaos into harmony.

As Great Spirit leads. Learning that the impulse of All That Is, in Oneness, creates firm pillars. Obstinate and unpolished we continue to stumble along. Our aspirations supported by the Universe…Resuming our path. Ahhhhh ...... remembering how much we had laughed.......... how beautiful! We ascended, and from the lookout, a rainbow glistened as we gazed at the horizon Later descending… fatigue, confusion and laziness impose themselves upon us appeasing our determination. But still deep voices poke holes in the darkness. You knew…. we knew that our achievement was inevitable. Suddenly a golden splendor covers the planet Old structures dissipate. And this time, we embrace for always I love you so, as all is love, the rest is just illusion. The beauty of this process Diksha=Oneness Blessing is a transfer of Divine energy which helps us to dis-identify from conflict and suffering, taking us to states of inner peace, joy, happiness and Oneness Diksha energy is universal & useful in all spiritual traditions. It enhances our ability to connect from the Heart with the Divine & with all of the people that we love. Many report that after receiving Diksha = Oneness Blessing they experience healing on all levels, as well as powerful and ongoing spiritual awakening. Most people are seeking harmony and joy. We have discovered that it is possible for everybody to live in that state of inner freedom, even permanently. Oneness Blessing initiates a process of awakening the Divine Presence within you; taking you towards Oneness, and enabling you to see the reality of what you are in every moment. Also healing your body, your relationships, and recognizing the divinity in the experience of the present moment….Conscious awakening is the ability to see reality as it is, without the layers of interference and interpretation imposed by the mind. It is a simple neurobiological event, and can happen instantaneously. Conscious awakening is peeling off the layers of interpretation from any given event. To the enlightened person, life becomes very ordinary. You walk, and you are walking. You eat, and you are eating. Enlightenment is not about having extraordinary experiences so much as recognizing that each ordinary moment is extraordinary in itself. Before, there were a thousand interpretations in the mind for everything you experienced. Now, there is only the experience. In this Divine state you consciously experience your divine self and become one with God. This can be experienced as a great explosion of love or joy, which is much more profound than any worldly pleasure. When someone reaches this state of being, this connection with God, the Divine, the Absolute, they will surely have achieved the ultimate that being on this earth can offer. You, your freedom and your liberation is what is most important to me.

These are experiences from Mexico’s Armed Forces who have received Oneness Blessing: At the beginning, my mind resisted, and didn‟t want to accept anything! Then of course I had several strange experiences that I had never felt before in my life. It is true that the lips tremble. When the talk finished and the exercise began, I closed my eyes without imagining what was going to happen, and I saw several things. I saw a light that I was never able to clarify the color, just simply noticing that it was very far away. There are several things that are very difficult to explain in this very short time. Thank you for everything. Today I feel much less pressure, and more tranquility. I will visit your web site. I sincerely wish you the best Alexis. Soldier Enrique Martínez Cruz Before anything I want to thank you for this moment that you gave me. From today onwards, I will continue to reflect on the exercise that we did yesterday. I believe that it has actually awakened me a bit. When closing the eyes, you can truly feel the body as it begins to pull in the energy, but what I do not understand is what seeing the green color means. Thank you as I really appreciate your help in learning new things. Please feel free to write me at: alexislivinginoneness@yahoo.com Web:www.livinginoneness.com

Friday, February 22, 2008 QueQui QuintanaRoo Newspaper Positive mind

What to do about all of the poor people in the world? So it looks like we have a belief that a poor person cannot grow. It doesn‟t really matter if a person is poor, unhealthy, rich or even famous. We all have an equal opportunity to grow. That is why we began the 100 Village Project in India. Bhagavan doesn‟t know if we can change the economy and the politics etc.. But Bhagavan is sure and even promises to make them all happy. When we began the project, people said, “we don‟t want happiness; we want other things! Give us jobs, education, and nice homes.” We said, “THAT will come, but first you must work on your relationships!” Even the poor have their issues. The men drank so much alcohol that they verbally and physically abused their women. They were always hanging out on the streets not wanting to return home and it was a nightmare for their families. So we worked on their fears beginning with small groups and focused on working on their relationships. Then they came back to us and said, “YES, this is what we want. Not a car, a job, or an education. We want THIS!” We didn‟t even ask them to stop drinking alcohol but they became so fulfilled that they didn‟t need it anymore. Before, they had avoided their home completely and now it became a very interesting place and they wanted to be at home with their families. It didn‟t stop there as they also worked to share it with others. It began with just a few families and it soon grew to a weekly attendance of thousands. A few years later over 5000 families gathered to meet Bhagavan. They asked Bhagavan what they could do to help him and his vision. He told them, “Let‟s create a community to care for and love each other.” So still living in poverty they wanted only to share it with others, this love. We are the only one to limit ourselves. Like using the excuse that we don‟t have enough money to do whatever it is that we want to do. For us to grow we don‟t really need anything, but yes I understand how money can be helpful though. The nature of the planet is that there are no certainties. There is nothing like absolute justice. There is no such thing as freedom from problems. You can become sick, have problems and you can die. We don‟t have equal opportunities for everyone to become healthy or wealthy but we all do have equal opportunities to grow and serve whether we are rich or poor. Any person whether he is in prison or on Wall Street has this same opportunity. We will all flower as human beings. Whatever you have: obligations, duties, a good job, a family, and even a desire to serve others more. There is no perfect situation. Do whatever you can with what you have. Become aware of where you are and appreciate being there. We are sharing this with you because we want you to become aware of where you are. Remember that there is nothing wrong with exactly where you are. We are evolving: So stop challenging it and fighting it. Allow it to take its course. Don‟t evaluate it or fight with it; as that is when you will get stuck. Assumption is a lie. When Bhagavan was a small boy he said to his friend, “we assume too much” „This is bad and that is wrong‟. „Self-centeredness is bad and wrong‟.

So how can you get rid of self-centeredness? How do you do that, when you have a self? It is such a natural thing. Take a look inside; how big is your - self? Does it include your family? Does it include your neighborhood? How about your whole community? Understand and appreciate whatever it is that you are going through in this moment. What phase are you in right now? Love yourself for where you are first and then you will easily flower into the next phase. The beauty of this process Diksha=Oneness Blessing is a transfer of Divine energy which helps us to dis-identify from conflict and suffering, taking us to states of inner peace, joy, happiness and Oneness Diksha energy is universal & useful in all spiritual traditions. It enhances our ability to connect from the Heart with the Divine & with all of the people that we love. Many report that after receiving Diksha = Oneness Blessing they experience healing on all levels, as well as powerful and ongoing spiritual awakening. Most people are seeking harmony and joy. We have discovered that it is possible for everybody to live in that state of inner freedom, even permanently. Oneness Blessing initiates a process of awakening the Divine Presence within you; taking you towards Oneness, and enabling you to see the reality of what you are in every moment. Also healing your body, your relationships, and recognizing the divinity in the experience of the present moment….Conscious awakening is the ability to see reality as it is, without the layers of interference and interpretation imposed by the mind. It is a simple neurobiological event, and can happen instantaneously. Conscious awakening is peeling off the layers of interpretation from any given event. To the enlightened person, life becomes very ordinary. You walk, and you are walking. You eat, and you are eating. Enlightenment is not about having extraordinary experiences so much as recognizing that each ordinary moment is extraordinary in itself. Before, there were a thousand interpretations in the mind for everything you experienced. Now, there is only the experience. In this Divine state you consciously experience your divine self and become one with God. This can be experienced as a great explosion of love or joy, which is much more profound than any worldly pleasure. When someone reaches this state of being, this connection with God, the Divine, the Absolute, they will surely have achieved the ultimate that being on this earth can offer. You, your freedom and your liberation is what is most important to me.

These are experiences from Mexico’s Armed Forces who have received Oneness Blessing: Hello Miss Alexis, I really liked your talk very much which made me relax very deeply and feel a tranquility that I had never felt before. The following day when I woke up, I felt even more peaceful. It also made me think about my family long distance, which is why I would like to continue with these sessions. Thank you for giving me this tranquility. My experience of the session was rather unique as I felt a clearing of all my minds problems. I also felt very relaxed and I slept very well that night. I would like to practice this exercise more often. I‟ve included my e-mail address so that you may send me your suggestions of how to relax the sensitive parts of the body. That information will be good for my personal growth as well as also wanting to share it with my family. I‟ve never heard a lecture about energy until now. I felt a distinct energy that truly changed me as it felt like something was actually removed from my body which left me feeling calm and without any more discomfort. I now feel free of all the negative influence that I had experienced in my life. Now I feel very light and very well. Thank you Alexis!. Soldier Apolonio Perez Pasqual Please feel free to write me at: alexislivinginoneness@yahoo.com Web:www.livinginoneness.com

Friday, February 29, 2008 QueQui QuintanaRoo Newspaper Positive mind

Every football match has its commentator. It’s the same with the mind. Every football match has its commentator, have you ever heard the commentary? It is constantly going – even when there is nothing happening on the field, the commentary is still going on. It’s the same as the mind. So don’t fight with it. Just allow it. And what about the judging? If you are not judging; there is something wrong with you! Everyone judges. It is not you! It is just the mind. Poverty: Conditioned by religion and society Sometimes when we are comfortable and enjoying life, we feel guilty, causing suffering because others do not have the same because they are poor. I don’t know what to say about that. Your guilt it is not true. Your having is not the cause of another’s poverty. I cannot tell you something that will make you feel better and not have guilt. But I can tell you that the more unhappy that you are, the more unhappiness you will also cause to others. You cannot make a contribution to the world in that state. Only when you are joyful can you then bring happiness to another. Just smiling is contagious Sharing your happiness with others is a significant contribution. You may begin with your family and the people nearest to you. What is the world actually? You, and all of the people around you. Individual Transformation is Global Transformation You don’t need an agenda to change the world What can you do is help the people around you to feel better physically, emotionally, and spiritually? Begin there. Then you are directly and indirectly influencing and removing poverty in the world. Poverty is not only money. It is suffering. Lacking is poverty too. Most often what is hindering us from prospering is one’s own conditioning & beliefs like ‘money causes problems’, or ‘money is not good’. Become aware of your own conditioning and THAT is a good beginning! Every time a reaction is happening inside of you as a charge surfaces; it’s an opportunity for you to clear that charge. Get in touch with it in that moment. Don’t postpone. You may try using an image like a net; catching it, surrounding it. Feel it. Look at it. Embrace it. If you do not seize the opportunity in the moment that it surfaces, it may sink down deep inside again and stay there for a long time. And there is a possibility that it may not ever come up again. Meditation is looking into your emptiness, welcoming it, enjoying it, being one with it, with no desire to fill it? There is no need, because it is already full. It looks empty because you don´t have the right way of seeing it. You see it through the mind; that is the wrong way. If you put the mind aside and look into your emptiness, it has tremendous beauty, it is divine, it is overflowing with joy. Nothing else is needed. Osho

The beauty of this process

Diksha=Oneness Blessing is a transfer of Divine energy which helps us to dis-identify from conflict and suffering, taking us to states of inner peace, joy, happiness and Oneness Diksha energy is universal & useful in all spiritual traditions. It enhances our ability to connect from the Heart with the Divine & with all of the people that we love. Many report that after receiving Diksha = Oneness Blessing they experience healing on all levels, as well as powerful and ongoing spiritual awakening. Most people are seeking harmony and joy. We have discovered that it is possible for everybody to live in that state of inner freedom, even permanently. Oneness Blessing initiates a process of awakening the Divine Presence within you; taking you towards Oneness, and enabling you to see the reality of what you are in every moment. Also healing your body, your relationships, and recognizing the divinity in the experience of the present moment….Conscious awakening is the ability to see reality as it is, without the layers of interference and interpretation imposed by the mind. It is a simple neurobiological event, and can happen instantaneously. Conscious awakening is peeling off the layers of interpretation from any given event. To the enlightened person, life becomes very ordinary. You walk, and you are walking. You eat, and you are eating. Enlightenment is not about having extraordinary experiences so much as recognizing that each ordinary moment is extraordinary in itself. Before, there were a thousand interpretations in the mind for everything you experienced. Now, there is only the experience. In this Divine state you consciously experience your divine self and become one with God. This can be experienced as a great explosion of love or joy, which is much more profound than any worldly pleasure. When someone reaches this state of being, this connection with God, the Divine, the Absolute, they will surely have achieved the ultimate that being on this earth can offer. You, your freedom and your liberation is what is most important to me. These are experiences from Mexico’s Armed Forces who have received Oneness Blessing: I was really surprised that I could feel so much energy in my body, it’s definitely something different. I felt so much heat in each point (chakra) where we concentrated our energy, I particularly felt a lot in my navel, heart, throat, and in the top of my head. I also felt a tingling in my hands and chest and the truth is that I saw a very intense blue color along with many other colors such as yellow and purple. That was the first time in my life that I felt so deeply relaxed and I really wish that you could visit us more regularly, as this helps us to think twice before reacting and to do things with more enthusiasm, without getting lost in thinking about the past or future, and just being in the present moment. Thank you coming and giving us this tranquility. I sure hope that I will see you again someday in my battalion. LUIS ALBERTO MARES I felt peace and tranquility and without any stress during your talk, and when we began the chakra exercises I went very deep and saw many colors. When we grasped all of our hands together, I felt the vibration of the energy. When we completed all of the chakras I noticed the intensity and relaxation from my stress even more. It was a really good experience for me personally. Well, goodbye and thank you for this experience and especially for coming from so far away as Barcelona, Spain to share your gift with us. VICTOR MANUEL DE LA CONCHA DE JESUS My experience of the session was unique because I now feel extremely relaxed, and my mind was cleared of all of its problems and I slept very well that whole night. I hope that we will receive another session soon. Please feel free to write me at: alexislivinginoneness@yahoo.com Web:www.livinginoneness.com

Friday, March 7, 2008 QueQui QuintanaRoo Newspaper Positive mind

Understanding the story of the Human Self Part II How can I make my Mind into a ‘Beautiful Mind’?

The mind will never become the ‘beautiful mind’ that you wish for. The mind will always contradict, judge and evaluate, making you feel bad and it will never change from this behavior. It will never become a beautiful mind. The real question is how comfortable are you with this mind? Are you fighting and battling with it and trying to transform it into a beautiful mind? When you can be comfortable with it just as it is and acceptance happens; this is when you will find peace and joy and also will be able to help others. For humankind to be affected in a profound manner it is necessary for a certain percentage of people to be in this state to be able to affect humanity on the whole. This small percentage must all have a very clear shift into the 4th phase. These four different phases are: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Yourself You and your immediate environment Serving a larger cause End of all separation

Self is always expanding into and moving through one of these phases. Self has an identity with the Mind when all that there truly is, is Oneness. Oneness Level 1 - Identification with the Mind Oneness Level 2 - Still identified with job, role, relationship Oneness Level 3 - Still identified to an identity of family, community, or country. Oneness Level 4 - No more separation; no identity is left. Focus on your fears, hurts, relationships and all past charges. You cannot pursue Oneness: It is only through growth that you will eventually ‘flower into it’. Don’t make it your goal or seek Oneness as only disappointment will come. The more that you try to end/control the Self, the more that you will actually prolong its life. Accept and allow the self to express it-self. But not in slapping your boss! Become aware of it, get to know it with acceptance, and without being ashamed of it; allow it to reach its destination naturally without you TRYING to make it happen. Then you will move thru phase 1 – thru phase 2 - thru phase 3 and thru phase 4 naturally. So what is the point of all of this? Work on your relationships. With that flowering, all will be set right. All will fall into place as you all will become happier people.

Diksha-Oneness Blessing will also take you back to your natural state and as you arrive closer to that state, the happier and more caring you will naturally become. I will explain in more detail the various aspects of and stages that the self moves through in the next few articles. For example; The Self/Ego plays 6 different games; and the ego has 6 inherent needs.

The beauty of this process

Diksha=Oneness Blessing is a transfer of Divine energy which helps us to dis-identify from conflict and suffering, taking us to states of inner peace, joy, happiness and Oneness Diksha energy is universal & useful in all spiritual traditions. It enhances our ability to connect from the Heart with the Divine & with all of the people that we love. Many report that after receiving Diksha = Oneness Blessing they experience healing on all levels, as well as powerful and ongoing spiritual awakening. Most people are seeking harmony and joy. We have discovered that it is possible for everybody to live in that state of inner freedom, even permanently. Oneness Blessing initiates a process of awakening the Divine Presence within you; taking you towards Oneness, and enabling you to see the reality of what you are in every moment. Also healing your body, your relationships, and recognizing the divinity in the experience of the present moment….Conscious awakening is the ability to see reality as it is, without the layers of interference and interpretation imposed by the mind. It is a simple neurobiological event, and can happen instantaneously. Conscious awakening is peeling off the layers of interpretation from any given event. To the enlightened person, life becomes very ordinary. You walk, and you are walking. You eat, and you are eating. Enlightenment is not about having extraordinary experiences so much as recognizing that each ordinary moment is extraordinary in itself. Before, there were a thousand interpretations in the mind for everything you experienced. Now, there is only the experience. In this Divine state you consciously experience your divine self and become one with God. This can be experienced as a great explosion of love or joy, which is much more profound than any worldly pleasure. When someone reaches this state of being, this connection with God, the Divine, the Absolute, they will surely have achieved the ultimate that being on this earth can offer. You, your freedom and your liberation is what is most important to me. These are experiences from Mexico’s Justice Dept. who have received Oneness Blessing: It is an experience of deep tranquility and pure acceptance. Thank you for helping us to improve our lives, our way of being, and help improve the manner that we see life’s situations and experiences. It was a great opportunity that I hadn’t expected. I felt something very heavy that was trembling as it rose up into my throat, and I also felt something that was orange or black in color. Tears began falling as I thought of my children, father, brothers, nephews, and my husband whom I wish nothing bad to happen to so I asked God to please watch over them, taking care and also to please remove my mother’s knee pain. I had an experience of being very high in the sky naked and enveloped in fog mist or clouds and everything was very soft. And suddenly an angel with very large wings appeared and caressed and embraced me completely. Later coming down from that height I found myself floating just over the surface of a lake with crystal clear pristine water and soon after I became engulfed in the water and out of the blue stood up and began to dance! Wow!! Thank you Alexis. Please feel free to write me at: alexislivinginoneness@yahoo.com Web:www.livinginoneness.com

Friday, March 14, 2008 QueQui QuintanaRoo Newspaper Positive mind

Understanding the story of the Human Self Part II All experiences are through the Self and we experience it as a strong sense of existence: A sense of existence that separates us from all the rest. It has taken a long time for self to evolve to this position as Self is constantly growing and evolving. We can speak of the Self as 2 things. 1. Biological Self 2. Psychological Self Biological Self: When you are newly born into the world and you experience life – the reality is so different from what you are experiencing now. To an infant, there is no other; as there is absolutely no sense of separation. Whatever the child sees, hears and experiences is all part of him. It is not his perception as it is actually his direct experience. If he experiences a tree, he thinks that he is the tree. It is his world. He is one with everything. The child‟s experiences life „as it is‟. Then at about 2 years of age, the very sense of existence is born. The „Self‟ takes birth and it is very traumatic for the child. It is regrettable and can last the whole life. The child loses paradise in that moment. To feel that everything is suddenly separate from you is a harsh experience when the Self is born. You NOW experience a sense of continuity: a feeling that somebody is there. This is what you are experiencing now. Your experience is as if someone is there all the time like maybe for the last 40 or 50 years even. But what is the reality if you ask yourself? I was at home this morning and now I am here in this conference? But yet we feel a continuous sense of existence; I was there and now I am here. I will be there again later. This continuous sense of existence is causing a sense of separation in the world. So how does this Biological Self arise? It is caused by the parietal lobes in the brain. This is a contributing factor. Its emergence is caused by the increased speed of sensory coordination. The senses begin to coordinate at a very high speed. When it increases – you feel your existence. When it slows down- you don‟t feel this existence. Let me share an example to better explain this:

How many of you enjoy watching movies? It is similar to when we are watching a scene in a movie of say a race car going at a very fast speed. So let‟s say a sapphire blue Porsche is going at a high speed on an airport runaway as it is chasing a plane ready for takeoff. Like one of those James Bond 007 movies. The hero suddenly jumps out of the car and grabbing onto a wheel of the plane, manages to get inside. He eventually starts fighting all of the evil people in the plane who are trying to take over the world. He frees the president who had been kidnapped and after killing all of the bad guys in the plane they jump out of the plane together with a parachute and land in the sea when a boat arrives causing him to also fight the bad guys in the sea. You are experiencing this movie because the film is being projected at 24 frames of speed per second. All of this is happening in a continuous motion; the car, the plane and the fighting. If you projected it at only 3 frames per second what would you see then? You would see the car, the road, the road, the car, the hero, the plane, the wheel, the hero, the plane. You would only see moments and not continuous motion. When the senses are also moving at such a high speed, you feel a continuous self. When we slow it down you suddenly experience yourself as moments. This is the Biological Self which is the foundation for the Psychological Self. It has several aspects. Let‟s look at its four aspects: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Controller Thinker Becoming Ego

1. Controller Self There is an inherent need in all of us: a need to pursue pleasure and avoid all pain. We are always planning on how to avoid pain at all costs. In every relationship, situation and experience we are planning on how to avoid pain and find pleasure and happiness. This is the pursuit of pleasure and avoidance of pain. 2. Thinker Self Is there a thinker who is thinking? Is there somebody who is actually thinking? Have you ever seen him/her? It does feel as though someone is really there but did you ever see anyone thinking? Is there a container? There is experience and there are thoughts correct? Or is it just a „flow‟ of thoughts? Let‟s imagine for a moment that there is „somebody‟ thinking and undergoing this process; as if „someone‟ is actually there… If you were to receive a sudden powerful shock and thought then becomes absent, you will notice that YOU are also absent. When thought is present; YOU are also present. So when you are not there; thought is also not there. It is all a Great Illusion. As we tend to believe that there is actually a thinker around whom the thought is revolving. 3. Becoming Self This Self has a need for significance; a need to be somebody. We all want to be somebody in our house/in our work/in our community. We all have a need to become something. This need for significance is the Becoming Self.

4. Ego Self It plays 6 different games; the 6 needs of the ego are: 1. To Dominate 2. A Refusal to be Dominated 3. I‟m right 4. You are wrong 5. Make them feel guilty 6. Cover up: Which is explanation with justification; never admitting the truth. “I did it because I love him.” “I did it because… is a justification. You can see this in your relationships. What if you cannot dominate the other or you don‟t have the skills to make them wrong? What drives you to prove others wrong and to dominate others? Fear, fear of not being enough. Fear of losing. Simply Fear.

The beauty of this process

Diksha=Oneness Blessing is a transfer of Divine energy which helps us to dis-identify from conflict and suffering, taking us to states of inner peace, joy, happiness and Oneness Diksha energy is universal & useful in all spiritual traditions. It enhances our ability to connect from the Heart with the Divine & with all of the people that we love. Many report that after receiving Diksha = Oneness Blessing they experience healing on all levels, as well as powerful and ongoing spiritual awakening. Most people are seeking harmony and joy. We have discovered that it is possible for everybody to live in that state of inner freedom, even permanently. Oneness Blessing initiates a process of awakening the Divine Presence within you; taking you towards Oneness, and enabling you to see the reality of what you are in every moment. Also healing your body, your relationships, and recognizing the divinity in the experience of the present moment….Conscious awakening is the ability to see reality as it is, without the layers of interference and interpretation imposed by the mind. It is a simple neurobiological event, and can happen instantaneously. Conscious awakening is peeling off the layers of interpretation from any given event. To the enlightened person, life becomes very ordinary. You walk, and you are walking. You eat, and you are eating. Enlightenment is not about having extraordinary experiences so much as recognizing that each ordinary moment is extraordinary in itself. Before, there were a thousand interpretations in the mind for everything you experienced. Now, there is only the experience. In this Divine state you consciously experience your divine self and become one with God. This can be experienced as a great explosion of love or joy, which is much more profound than any worldly pleasure. When someone reaches this state of being, this connection with God, the Divine, the Absolute, they will surely have achieved the ultimate that being on this earth can offer. You, your freedom and your liberation is what is most important to me. These are experiences from people in Mexico who have received Oneness Blessing: In the moment that you touched me I suddenly felt an overwhelming urge to cry and I couldn‟t stop crying. I also felt a kind of trembling in my stomach and legs and sometimes it went throughout my whole body. I saw the colors green and violet as they were always present and sporadically saw yellow as well as the other colors of the chakras. Hello, my name is Bernice, I am 24 years old. I loved your session and I felt fabulous when we finished the special exercise. Thank you very much for everything and I wish you the best of luck in all of your sessions. Take care

Friday, March 22, 2008 QueQui QuintanaRoo Newspaper Positive mind

Understanding the story of the Human Self Part III Controller Self –Biological Self – Psychological Self – Natural Self It is called this because it all arises naturally and is not a mistake; it is the process of evolution. All of this is called the Natural Self – a natural occurrence. Why does it not naturally cease? As everything that is born, eventually dies. This {Self} is born and why does it remain there throughout the whole life? It is similar to when you are hungry; you must eventually find a way to feed yourself and satisfy that hunger urge. Denying yourself that need and causing the body to go without food will eventually cause you physical complications and eventually the body may die. The Self when it is fulfilled: when it becomes a Healthy Self, what happens to it? What is the future of a Healthy Self? A Fulfilled Self / a Healthy Self eventually will die. Death is its future. And the contrary; a Sick Self, stays around forever. Anything allowed to take its natural course; fulfilling its purpose eventually dies. Like a flower; it grows, blossoms then withers away if allowed its natural course. The more that you deny and fight with your Natural Self the more that it will persist as it desperately wants to survive. The problem all throughout the ages has been this constant effort to end the Self. We have been conditioned by our culture and religions to believe that we need to annihilate the Self or at least reach a submission of Self. Self has always been portrayed as evil and so unconsciously we all want to end the Self. We are constantly monitoring ourselves; are we being selfless or self centered? Being right, wrong, perfect and imperfect are all examples of that! No self is good and righteous! We have been programmed to fight the Self and to eventually be selfless. All the time there has been a subtle effort to end the Self. So what is the result of this? It continues, doing whatever it needs to do to survive, thus becoming even stronger and causing more pain and even more suffering! On the contrary, if you allow the Self to express itself and not deny it then you will eventually have a healthy Self that is capable of embracing life & enjoying the many things that you have. So if you allow the Self to live life with an awareness of all these things that we are learning today without fighting and denying it: it will be like a flower that eventually blossoms and withers away. You can never end the Self as that very desire is the very fuel for its continuation. That very effort and constant fight makes it desperate to survive.

In life it is necessary to have views; to communicate and take a position on things. Especially when your view/ opinion/ position, is the truth. All of your effort will then go into defending THAT idea. You can always see this in your relationships. Position + Ego – becomes the Position Self This Position - Ego Self is capable of learning if you can laugh at it and become aware of it. You can begin by watching and observing all of the plans it schemes up to make others feel guilty and dominate; playing its games and making others wrong. Then also watch this need for significance.. As it is also always there! With this knowledge and new awareness, watch it as it is always striving to become something. Then you can start living more and more in the present. You will also begin to experience things more. As you become aware of the Thinker Self, it will slowly wither away and you will begin to experience things as they really are. Then with consciousness also observing the Controller Self will also cause it to naturally begin to wither away. It is all guided by a Higher Intelligence. When the Biological Self finally withers away; THAT is the end of all separation. A healthy self is not mischievous as it does not cause trouble to others. You also never have any reason to fight with it as you are not ashamed of it. You allow it to take its natural course. That is how the Self grows and dies. This is the natural evolution of Self.

The beauty of this process Diksha=Oneness Blessing is a transfer of Divine energy which helps us to dis-identify from conflict and suffering, taking us to states of inner peace, joy, happiness and Oneness Diksha energy is universal & useful in all spiritual traditions. It enhances our ability to connect from the Heart with the Divine & with all of the people that we love. Many report that after receiving Diksha = Oneness Blessing they experience healing on all levels, as well as powerful and ongoing spiritual awakening. Most people are seeking harmony and joy. We have discovered that it is possible for everybody to live in that state of inner freedom, even permanently. Oneness Blessing initiates a process of awakening the Divine Presence within you; taking you towards Oneness, and enabling you to see the reality of what you are in every moment. Also healing your body, your relationships, and recognizing the divinity in the experience of the present moment‌.Conscious awakening is the ability to see reality as it is, without the layers of interference and interpretation imposed by the mind. It is a simple neurobiological event, and can happen instantaneously. Conscious awakening is peeling off the layers of interpretation from any given event. To the enlightened person, life becomes very ordinary. You walk, and you are walking. You eat, and you are eating. Enlightenment is not about having extraordinary experiences so much as recognizing that each ordinary moment is extraordinary in itself. Before, there were a thousand interpretations in the mind for everything you experienced. Now, there is only the experience. In this Divine state you consciously experience your divine self and become one with God. This can be experienced as a great explosion of love or joy, which is much more profound than any worldly pleasure. When someone reaches this state of being, this connection with God, the Divine, the Absolute, they will surely have achieved the ultimate that being on this earth can offer. You, your freedom and your liberation is what is most important to me.

These are experiences from Mexico’s Justice Dept. who have received Oneness Blessing:

I felt very relaxed and I could clearly feel the energy. I saw the color purple and also a very bright white light. I felt a lot of energy and saw many colors and the most interesting was when I saw a huge hand grasping a tiny baby’s hand. In the moment during the exercise when we reached the heart chakra, I felt Jesus physically behind me as he put his hand on my heart. I saw many colors such as blue, yellow, maroon and green. I also saw bright shining stars that covered the silhouette of a body. There were three distinct stars that were on the head. I also felt an intense heat and cramping in my hands and they began to sweat. I think I fell asleep five different times. Please feel free to write me at: alexislivinginoneness@yahoo.com Web:www.livinginoneness.com

Friday, March 28, 2008 QueQui QuintanaRoo Newspaper Positive mind

What is Karma and how is it relevant to our lives? Part I Let us first understand what Karma is and how is it relevant to our lives? Karma is the most widely used term in popular spirituality (with an exception of Semitic religions). Karma is believed to decide ones progress or failure both in the material as well as spiritual spheres, in terms of health, wealth and even the attainment of enlightenment. Karma is one of the cosmic or natural laws governing the universe. Though cosmic laws cannot be defined and can only be understood through application and observation, we will try to define it as much as possible. Karma literally means action, whether good or bad, right or wrong. When it comes to spirituality we define it as the fruit of our actions. What is karma and why are there laws of karma? Is it a mechanical process to enforce order in the world? What is the order that it seeks to establish? The intrinsic nature of all living phenomena is to give, to offer, to sacrifice itself for another cause. This is what we observe in nature. The nature of the universe is compassion. This natural compassion, maintains harmony in the universe. Compassion is the order of this universe. When any living being or living species have deviated from this order, the law is enforced to reestablish this order. Karma is a conspiracy to awaken ones heart. Karma is a living law and therefore its nature ought to be compassion. It is not a punisher but a teacher. It teaches through life experiences, although one needs to be perceptive to learn. It teaches a person to love, to be compassionate and vulnerable. When we have learned the lessons that karma intends to teach us; when our lives have fallen into this universal order of compassion, there is no need for the conspiracy anymore. Each time you think (perceive), speak and act, you are setting into motion the laws of karma. You are planting a seed. The kind of seed you have sown is the nature of the thought, word and action that you have set in motion; fear, hate, judgment, love, blessing, anger, joy etc. And every time you think and act similarly you are nourishing this seed. The seed eventually grows to be a huge tree, bearing tons of fruits. This is your reward or punishment, however one likes to perceive it. You are hated, judged, loved, and blessed many times over depending on what the seed contained when it was first sown. You reap what you sow many times over. We are the architects of our life. Unfortunately we are not perceptive enough to see the relationship between the thought and the deed, perhaps the time lapse between the two is sometimes too much for us to keep track of. From thought to deed, it may take a week, a month, a year, a decade or more. Constant review of our life will help us to see the connection. The speed of reciprocation depends upon the evolution of the individual. Sometime reaching the threshold could mean a life time or more. If we do not get answers to our questions even after examining our lives in the light of the cosmic principles, only the Theory of Reincarnation can explain the rest. The whole process of thought materializing into deed is a karmic cycle. Our life is a flow of karma. An awareness of these eternal laws gives us the power to alter the course of karma, but not in the midst of the karmic cycle. We have the power of wisdom and the choice of free will to

review and make changes in our life but not before the cycle comes to an end. A frog in midair cannot alter the course of its flight. Yet, on landing it can choose the direction of its next leap. However we have already seen that karma is not a judge but rather a teacher. Therefore even in the midst of a cycle if one can learn their lessons then the karmic cycle is altered. The lesson is learned through an intense awareness of one‟s thought patterns, which are creating such life situations. As one becomes aware, there is a sense of acute helplessness. In this state of helplessness, there is divine intervention and Grace alters the karmic cycle. This kind of liberation is possible only through Divine Grace and not through any kind of human effort. The other alternative to liberation is through creating Sat Karma, which we will be explaining now. Life is a process of learning and karma is the greatest teacher. But then a question arises. “Why is learning such a painful process?” The self, which has acquired such prominence in today's world and all the self centered activity born from it, goes against the order of compassion. Man has lost the faculty of feeling and this is a potential danger to the harmony of the world. Loss of feeling also means loss of responsibility. So nature is conspiring to break the self in order to create a compassionate world. The word compassion originates from the word passion and passion means "pain". Compassion means 'that which has risen from pain. We cause pain to others because we are unable to perceive this pain, and in this lack of „seeing‟ what we are causing to others, sometimes creates feelings of guilt later on. Feeling guilty does not make us responsible, it only causes more pain. A suffering man only causes suffering to others. When one is subjected to the same pain that he/she has caused others, there is every chance that one will not repeat the same mistake. You now know how it feels to have caused pain. You are going to think twice, you will empathize with others. You naturally become more compassionate and responsible. These are the ways of karma, by causing pain, it removes pain. Now that we have understood what karma is and why there is karma, let us see why, there is so much emphasis on creating Sat Karma. In Bhagavad- Gita Sri Krishna says, Do your actions without expecting the fruits of it. But others say, Think, speak and do only such actions that create good karma. Why is such importance being given to creating Sat Karma? Let’s read a story that illustrates the importance of creating Sat Karma. Once upon a time there lived a pundit in a village. One day he suddenly had an urge to attain God and hence he decided to renounce all his worldly possessions and go into the jungles to perform penance to attain God realization. As he prepares to leave, Goddess Sri Lakshmi appears in front of him and says that she is entering his life and from then on all luck will be in his favor. He tells the Goddess that he has nothing to gain from luck as he is renouncing the world. But then the Goddess insists that she has to intervene as it is destined to be so. The pundit agrees to this but makes a request that as she enters his life after telling him, the same way she must also let him know when she is departing. The goddess agrees to this. Now luck is with him. He continues on his journey. Half way through the jungle he meets the king‟s messengers who say that the king has sent for the pundit to be his new guru and advisor. The pundit is surprised at this turn of events. When he reaches the kingdom he is received with great honor by the King. The pundit is in doubt about the situation and desires to test out whether luck is really with him or not. So he thinks of dragging the King down from the throne. Thinking exactly this, he runs up and drags the king down from the throne. Everybody is stunned and angry. But as luck is favoring him, the dome above the throne suddenly cracks and falls exactly on top of the throne. Everybody

including the King is thrilled and thankful that he has just saved the Kings life. But the pundit is still not satisfied. That night he enters the King's chamber, where the King is fast asleep. He just lifts the bed and topples the King down. As the soldiers come to give him a lashing, they see a snake come out of the bed and he is again saved. Now the pundit is convinced about the luck favoring him and repents for all of his actions and is truly transformed. After a long period passes, one day he is sitting under a mango tree meditating. Goddess Lakshmi manifests before him, telling him that she has indeed come to bid him farewell; her time with him was over. He prostrates before her and thanks her, touching her feet. The King then comes and asks him for a teaching and specific prayer to do. To this the pundit responds, Go and perform this prayer and then return for my teaching. Saying so, he gives a mango as an offering. The King after saying the prayer eats the offering and dies. Unfortunately the mango had a poison of a snake, which had bitten it. Now the pundit is punished for what he had NOT done. What does one understand from this story? When you have good karma everything goes well. The moment good karma is exhausted, you suffer. So that means that we need to keep creating good karma. That means we need to think, speak and perform only such actions that give joy to others and not pain. Otherwise itâ€&#x;s like the bank balance being empty and suddenly coming into debt.

The beauty of this process Diksha=Oneness Blessing is a transfer of Divine energy which helps us to dis-identify from conflict and suffering, taking us to states of inner peace, joy, happiness and Oneness Diksha energy is universal & useful in all spiritual traditions. It enhances our ability to connect from the Heart with the Divine & with all of the people that we love. Many report that after receiving Diksha = Oneness Blessing they experience healing on all levels, as well as powerful and ongoing spiritual awakening. Most people are seeking harmony and joy. We have discovered that it is possible for everybody to live in that state of inner freedom, even permanently. Oneness Blessing initiates a process of awakening the Divine Presence within you; taking you towards Oneness, and enabling you to see the reality of what you are in every moment. Also healing your body, your relationships, and recognizing the divinity in the experience of the present moment‌.Conscious awakening is the ability to see reality as it is, without the layers of interference and interpretation imposed by the mind. It is a simple neurobiological event, and can happen instantaneously. Conscious awakening is peeling off the layers of interpretation from any given event. To the enlightened person, life becomes very ordinary. You walk, and you are walking. You eat, and you are eating. Enlightenment is not about having extraordinary experiences so much as recognizing that each ordinary moment is extraordinary in itself. Before, there were a thousand interpretations in the mind for everything you experienced. Now, there is only the experience. In this Divine state you consciously experience your divine self and become one with God. This can be experienced as a great explosion of love or joy, which is much more profound than any worldly pleasure. When someone reaches this state of being, this connection with God, the Divine, the Absolute, they will surely have achieved the ultimate that being on this earth can offer. You, your freedom and your liberation is what is most important to me.

These are experiences from Mexico’s Justice Dept. who have received Oneness Blessing:

First of all I want to thank you for the time that you took to teach us just a little of the great knowledge that you possess, I hope this will not be the last time. It really was a wonderful experience as I now have obtained both physical and emotional tranquility. I also received new energy and motivation to live the now and stop wasting time in trying to solve what it is not possible. I received a very positive energy not only throughout the chakras but it also filled my aura so please expect that I will be in contact with you very often. “Thank you Alexis� The truth is that I liked it very much. It was one more experience for me in this life and also the very first time that I have attended a session like this one. I think that it was excellent and that they should give more of these sessions in this justice office. Thank you Alexis I believe that this experience is really good to learn and experience new things and also to realize that is something else out there beyond us.

Please feel free to write me at: alexislivinginoneness@yahoo.com Web:www.livinginoneness.com

Friday, April 4, 2008 QueQui QuintanaRoo Newspaper Positive mind

There is Family- Global- National- Karma Creating Sat Karma Part II Whether it is happiness or misery that you cause to others, it will come back to you. The earth too has its own consciousness and as our consciousness changes the earth will also respond differently. It responds at times with calamities, natural disasters and rare diseases. As we become more caring people the consciousness of the earth will also change. And even those calamities that we believe will actually happen in the future; can also be avoided. Karma literally means action, whether good or bad, right or wrong. When it comes to spirituality we define it as the fruit of our actions. What is karma and why are there laws of karma? Is it a mechanical process to enforce order in the world? What is the order that it seeks to establish? The intrinsic nature of all living phenomena is to give, to offer, to sacrifice itself for another cause. This is what we observe in nature. The nature of the universe is compassion. This natural compassion, maintains harmony in the universe. Compassion is the order of this universe. When any living being or living species have deviated from this order, the law is enforced to reestablish this order. Karma is a conspiracy to awaken ones heart. Karma is a living law and therefore its nature ought to be compassion. It is not a punisher but a teacher. It teaches through life experiences, although one needs to be perceptive to learn. It teaches a person to love, to be compassionate and vulnerable. When we have learned the lessons that karma intends to teach us; when our lives have fallen into this universal order of compassion, there is no need for the conspiracy anymore. Each time you think (perceive), speak and act, you are setting into motion the laws of karma. You are planting a seed. The kind of seed you have sown is the nature of the thought, word and action that you have set in motion; fear, hate, judgment, love, blessing, anger, joy etc. And every time you think and act similarly you are nourishing this seed. The seed eventually grows to be a huge tree, bearing tons of fruits. This is your reward or punishment, however one likes to perceive it. You are hated, judged, loved, and blessed many times over depending on what the seed contained when it was first sown. You reap, what you sow many times over. We are the architects of our life. Unfortunately we are not perceptive enough to see the relationship between the thought and the deed, perhaps the time lapse between the two is sometimes too much for us to keep track of. From thought to deed, it may take a week, a month, a year, a decade or more. Constant review of our life will help us to see the connection. The speed of reciprocation depends upon the evolution of the individual. Sometime reaching the threshold could mean a life time or more. If we do not get answers to our questions even after examining our lives in the light of the cosmic principles, only the Theory of Reincarnation can explain the rest. The whole process of thought materializing into deed is a karmic cycle. Our life is a flow of karma. An awareness of these eternal laws gives us the power to alter the course of karma, but not

in the midst of the karmic cycle. We have the power of wisdom and the choice of free will to review and make changes in our life but not before the cycle comes to an end. A frog in midair cannot alter the course of its flight. Yet, on landing it can choose the direction of its next leap. However we have already seen that karma is not a judge but rather a teacher. Therefore even in the midst of a cycle if one can learn their lessons then the karmic cycle is altered. The lesson is learned through an intense awareness of one’s thought patterns, which are creating such life situations. As one becomes aware, there is a sense of acute helplessness. In this state of helplessness, there is divine intervention and Grace alters the karmic cycle. This kind of liberation is possible only through Divine Grace and not through any kind of human effort. The other alternative to liberation is through creating Sat Karma, which we will be explaining now. Life is a process of learning and karma is the greatest teacher. But then a question arises "Why is learning such a painful process?" The self, which has acquired such prominence in today's world and all the self centered activity born from it, goes against the order of compassion. Man has lost the faculty of feeling and this is a potential danger to the harmony of the world. Loss of feeling also means loss of responsibility. So nature is conspiring to break the self in order to create a compassionate world. The word compassion originates from the word passion and passion means pain. Compassion means 'that which has risen from pain'. We cause pain to others because we are unable to perceive this pain, and in this lack of ‘seeing’ what we are causing to others, sometimes creates feelings of guilt later on. Feeling guilty does not make us responsible, it only causes more pain. A suffering man only causes suffering to others. When one is subjected to the same pain that he/she has caused others, there is every chance that one will not repeat the same mistake. You now know how it feels to have caused pain. You are going to think twice, you will empathize with others. You naturally become more compassionate and responsible. These are the ways of karma, by causing pain, it removes pain. Let us see why, there is so much emphasis on creating Sat Karma and how does one create it? There are 3 types of Karma - Physical, Psychological and Spiritual and there are 3 ways of creating Sat Karma. Physical Sat Karma is the Sat Karma that one earns through right words and actions. Many times consciously or unconsciously we tend to use words that hurt or cause pain to others. Right words are words that do not cause pain to others. Sometimes there may be a good intention but the words might be harsh. A good intention must be matched by the right words. Words must be sweet and must soothe the soul and create joy. Even a kind word at the right time can be of immense help to a depressed person. Right actions are basically actions that are sacred and do not hurt others. Psychological Sat Karma is the Sat Karma that one earns by right thought and emotions. Many times one tends to feel that I am not doing any harm to anybody, but within my mind I have the freedom to think as I want. The realm of thought is very powerful. Hence having right thought is very important. Here the question arises as many times one doesn't want to think negatively but is plagued by negative thoughts and emotions. What must one do then? Be intensely aware of the thoughts and emotions that are present, without attempting to pull or push the thoughts away. This dedication of observing in itself will help in creating Sat Karma. Spiritual Sat Karma is the Sat Karma created by helping yourself and others grow spiritually. Practicing spiritual techniques, praying for yourself and others, teaching others the path of

spirituality and helping them to grow spiritually, chanting the Moola mantra, all these are ways and means to earn spiritual Sat Karma. Our spiritual Sat Karma helps us to progress on the spiritual plane, opens the doors or Grace for us, and ultimately also leads us to enlightenment. Thus one must consciously strive to create Sat Karma. The *Moola Mantra* can help and is Universal as it doesn’t belong to any religion and can be heard with music when opening the website: www.livinginoneness.com And the complete definition of each word of the mantra is also explained in detail on the home page.

The beauty of this process Diksha=Oneness Blessing is a transfer of Divine energy which helps us to dis-identify from conflict and suffering, taking us to states of inner peace, joy, happiness and Oneness Diksha energy is universal & useful in all spiritual traditions. It enhances our ability to connect from the Heart with the Divine & with all of the people that we love. Many report that after receiving Diksha = Oneness Blessing they experience healing on all levels, as well as powerful and ongoing spiritual awakening. Most people are seeking harmony and joy. We have discovered that it is possible for everybody to live in that state of inner freedom, even permanently. Oneness Blessing initiates a process of awakening the Divine Presence within you; taking you towards Oneness, and enabling you to see the reality of what you are in every moment. Also healing your body, your relationships, and recognizing the divinity in the experience of the present moment….Conscious awakening is the ability to see reality as it is, without the layers of interference and interpretation imposed by the mind. It is a simple neurobiological event, and can happen instantaneously.

These are experiences from Mexico’s Justice Dept. who have received Oneness Blessing: Hello I’m Ana Sofia and I am pregnant in my 7.5 month of pregnancy and I felt that I was actually able to communicate with the energy of my baby! Thank you for this gift and for being a channel for the Divine and sharing yourself with all of the people. Through the Divine I now know that he will enter the world very well and naturally. I saw everything in the color blue which then turned into green. A young woman appeared and told me that she had been very happy. She was young but grew older as she came into view. She said that she was on the right path and hadn’t reached the end as it ended suddenly. It was if she was floating without any fear. Then people arrived who were to take me to the other side. Telling me to continue on the path where I will find a huge heavy boulder but to just jump over it. I know these people that I saw were friends of mine who had died as well as my grandparents. Please feel free to write me at: alexislivinginoneness@yahoo.com Web:www.livinginoneness.com

Friday, April 11, 2008 QueQui QuintanaRoo Newspaper Positive mind

Illusion of Self You do not exist. That is the truth. That sense of "I and you", the sense of separateness, is an illusion. It does not really exist. For example, as you are listening to me, you may see me but you are not hearing me, and when you hear me, you cannot see me. But that is happening so fast, that you have this illusion that you are seeing and hearing. The two senses have been coordinated, like in a movie; unless you have those 16 frames moving per second you will not see the hand movement, in the movie theatre. If the projector is slowed down it becomes only like a slide. Similarly, here the senses are coordinating at a particular speed whereby you are feeling that you are seeing and touching as though all these things are going on at the same time. It is this illusion that creates the sense of "Me" and "I". If this is slowed down, you all just vanish! So, now you are there. If God were to slow down your senses, if you would give Him permission, you would just disappear. You will go back home minus yourself! But you will still be very functional; you would in fact be very efficient. The sense of separateness would completely be gone. What remains there is ‘life’ or you may call it pure consciousness; the stuff from which this whole universe is made. What is there ultimately is consciousness and that has only to be experienced. How can you see yourself? There is no way to see consciousness, because you are that. Its true nature is Love. It is a causeless Love. What you call love is not truly love. You either beg for love, asking somebody to give you love, or if you give love it is because somebody is impressive or famous or great or wealthy or you have something to gain from them. You love your wife or husband because he or she means something to you. You possess them, you are attached to them. That is not the love we are talking about. This love is a causeless love. It is just there. This can happen only if the "I" the "self" disappears. It's a very simple thing - the senses have to be slowed down a little bit... and behold; You are not there! What is there is only life. You will feel that you are one with the universe, completely one. It is not a mystical experience. A mystical experience comes when the kundalini rises through the chakras, but when it comes down... the experience is lost. We are not talking about that. We are talking of a very robust state of 24 hours irreversible consciousness. You are completely gone. To attain this state you must qualify. The qualification is, you must set right your relationship. It takes only 7 minutes for you to receive that state where you perceive everything without the "Me" or the "I" . You can experience it. The other is not outside of you. Strangely the boundaries of the body cease. You no more can see it as your hand or your body, it’s gone. The whole thing has become your body; it is a part of you. It is then that you have this true love, because it is a part of you. There is no cause, and there is no question of the mind slipping into the past or worrying about the past or projecting into the future or thinking about the future. It lives in the moment. Every moment is life and you start really living. Right now, what is happening is, that you are merely existing. You live because you are afraid of dying. Otherwise you see no reason, why you should continue with your mediocre life. You get up in the morning, go to the toilet, brush your teeth, have your breakfast, pack up your lunch, go

to office or do some business, come back, have a quarrel with your wife/husband, have a fight with your child... again come back watch your TV... day in day out...this routine, mediocre , meaningless, purposeless. You create of course some meaning. You say "I'm doing some social work...helping man...." and all kinds of things because you have to invent these things. There is no meaning, because deep inside, there is only sorrow inside you. You don't know what to do with your lives. You are caught in this mechanical trap created by self, by the "Me". So, you have built-up various escape mechanisms and you continue with this kind of life and the only reason that you are not sick of it is because, I can probably say, that you are afraid of dying .... You haven’t had any true moments of ecstasy, bliss or joy. It is really what life is all about. You've certainly missed out on all that. I wonder how people continue to live, how many escape systems can they build! They have huge TV projector systems, computers, many lovers, sky diving... and what else....somehow you must manage your lives. You are managing your sorrow, you are escaping from your sorrow, doing all these things but fundamentally that pain is there inside; that ache, what’s all this ? What is the meaning of life? Where are we going? We are getting older, and seem to have achieved nothing and what is the purpose of all this....? That is the meaning of the word ‘Dukha'. There is no translation for it in English. We use the word ‘suffering', which is not the true meaning of the word ‘Dukha'. It is a very abstract and not clearly definable ache you have, the ache which Buddha had. He had everything in life yet that pain was there, that sense of "what's all this about". That is what we mean by the word ‘Dukha'. So, this has to go, that’s the reason for the Golden Age. But you must first feel that pain. That's the 1st qualification. If you don't feel the pain and respond with, "OK! I'm managing my suffering very well and I'm happy with it" then awakening is not for you. You can only be helped if it is really troubling you. The second thing is your relationships. That's the most important. Put your relationships in order. Then you are ready for receiving the Grace of Awakening. Only then you will know what true love is, what compassion is, and what it is to share your life with others, what all this talk of Oneness is. All the scriptures will start revealing themselves to you. Nobody needs to teach you. You are your own guru as you will see it all for yourself, very clearly. - Sri Bhagavan

EXPERIENCE Hello, the meditation that was given was extremely positive and very useful to me as it made me relax deeply and also motivated me to live life more positively.

Please feel free to write me at: alexislivinginoneness@yahoo.com Web:www.livinginoneness.com

Friday, April 18, 2008 QueQui QuintanaRoo Newspaper Positive mind

Message on Acceptance Life in itself is an empty canvas; it becomes whatsoever you paint on it. You can paint misery, you can paint bliss. This freedom is your glory. Osho What you can do is, first see what is there, what emotions and reactions are happening in each moment, because in reality; you do not know what is there; for throughout the years you have been running away from exactly that. As everywhere that you look you will find only, the self. And you will soon come to know that, as up until now there is only an indirect way of knowing, because when you actually look at it, and confront it, it may be painful. To look at your envious thoughts, your jealous thoughts, your fearful thoughts, your anxious thoughts, may not be such an enjoyable experience. That is precisely why all of this time you have been running away from it. That is the only problem that man has. So, because you are finally discovering that there is a better option now, just to look, to turn around, confront it, pay attention, then maybe you will finally decide, to say ok let me try. Initially it may be difficult, but then you will soon realize that it is very tempting. It is very nice to actually see, for as you begin to observe your darker side, your negative side, strangely you will stop condemning it, as you will know that it is true. And along with that also comes joy, and with that joy you will soon find that there is an absence of conflict. Not that your negative side has gone, not that you cease to be jealous, cease to be angry, cease to be fearful, no no no no, not any of those things. You are for the first time in your life able to say, yes I am this and I am not ashamed of it, as that is the only truth, I am being honest with myself. That is when you have taken the first step in spirituality and that is also the last step, as from there after; everything is automatic. No guru is required; no teaching is required, as it is all automatic. You think that there is something you can do to get there. There is nothing that you can do to get there. If you are a jealous person, you are not going to become non jealous. If you are fearful person, you are not going to become courageous like the lion. If you are a depressed person, you are not going to go into euphoria. You cannot change, try as you might, you cannot change. So what is the teaching here. The teaching says that you cannot change, and there is no need to change, because you have been designed like that, you are that, that is all that there is, that is the only teaching. Therefore you accept, Ah hah! I cannot change, what is there to do, there is nothing to do. There is nothing wrong in that, I have been designed like that, as you did not design yourself, God designed you like that, and he has some purpose in designing you. So there is complete acceptance, when you accept what is there, that is meditation, which is seeing reality as it is, that is all, so it is very simple, please do it, and Divine Grace will help you. Sri Bhagavan

People have judged you; you have accepted their idea without any scrutiny. And you are suffering from all kinds of people's judgments, and you are throwing those judgments on other people. And this game has become out of proportion. The whole humanity is suffering from it. If you want to get out of it, the first thing is: Don't judge yourself. Osho Experience It is a very beautiful experience. Due to the nature of our work there are many stressful moments and learning these techniques help us experience relaxation, meditation etc. During the exercise you feel an immense tranquility in which your mind goes completely blank. Thanks so much for the support that you gave us Alexis. Please feel free to write me at: alexislivinginoneness@yahoo.com Web:www.livinginoneness.com

Friday, April 25, 2008 QueQui QuintanaRoo Newspaper

Positive mind

The most destructive emotion is Guilt The most destructive emotion is NOT anger or fear; it is guilt. So if you are feeling guilty; you are causing maximum destruction to the planet. When you feel guilty, you are worthless (it’s a vicious circle). You are so unhappy, that you cannot relate to others. You are feeling unhappy and actually cause misery to others as well. You are not responsible for what you are experiencing. You are helpless. You are only a result of all of your X factors; memories, charges, and the past that you are carrying, as your conditioning is driving you to do what you are doing. With that awareness you won’t feel so guilty, maybe responsible; but not guilty. In our school some years ago: One student suddenly became very bad and mischievously began hurting others. Some began to distance themselves from this boy. We even complained to the Director Bhagavan about how he used to be a good boy, up until now in which his behavior had become unbearable. He became such a bad influence. So Bhagavan arranged a meeting with all of the students asking us, “So how many of you students do NOT have any negative thoughts? And where do you think that all of those negative thoughts are all going? Somebody must be taking them on. Where is that entire negativity going? Someone has to absorb it and will assume/play that role. In this school it could be a student or even a teacher. It is like someone is actually sacrificing their own happiness for your well-being.” With that new information, suddenly that boy became a hero to all of us. We finally understood what was happening and we began to bring him food each day, and even began to do his laundry for him. We were so grateful to him. Whenever we saw that boy from then on, we saw an extension of ourselves. The following year the person who assumed that role was our English teacher. He was so nice and then he suddenly became so cruel. We all became his friend and supported him through that phase because we were all aware of what was happening. "Suffering is the movement from the 'what is' to the 'what should be' " This constant 'becoming', marks when one tries to move from jealousy to non-jealousy, from bad to good, from foolish to intelligent, from imperfect to perfect, from profane to sacred is the struggle that has gone on the human mind for thousands of years. Sri Bhagavan says, "Embracing yourself as you are is the first step and the last step. You must be who you are. What you should be is not important. Whoever you are, you are unique. The universe has made you like that. God has made you like that. Why do you disturb His work? To surrender to God is to be yourself." To be yourself is to be enlightened. Sri Bhagavan

Oneness Experience initiates a process of awakening the Divine Presence within you; taking you towards Oneness and enabling you to see the reality of what you are in every moment. Also healing your body, your relationships, and recognizing the divinity in the experience of the present moment…. Conscious awakening is an ability to see reality as it is, without the layers of interference and interpretation imposed by the mind. Oneness Experience is a transfer of Divine energy which helps us to dis-identify from conflict and suffering, taking us to states of inner peace, joy, happiness and Oneness. These are experiences from Mexico’s Justice Dept. who have received Oneness Blessing: It was a very peaceful moment; in which I didn’t worry at all about my job or even my personal problems. It was a magnificent experience in a group as well as personally as you reach a state of inner peace and tranquility deep inside of yourself and your mind, which helps you to think, reflect and achieve a better view of the lives that we live and to see that nothing is difficult and a lot less impossible then we make it out to be. Hello and good afternoon. I really enjoyed the therapy very much. You transfer peace and a deep relaxing tranquility. I appreciate very much the time that you dedicated to us as it is a wonderful experience. Thank you I want to thank you for sharing your experience with us. The truth is that it was a very special experience that I felt. Personally, it made me reflect a lot on my life and I felt something that I have never ever felt before. Thank you for everything. I loved it as I arrived to the session very stressed and with an intense headache, I had just argued with my mother, and thanks to you now I feel much better; I saw somebody in a vision but I didn’t know who it was. I felt so much energy that it transported me to such a state that I didn’t want to leave it behind and return again to this dimension. It was a very unique and enjoyable experience; I felt heat in my cheeks and then it was as if an orange appeared directly in front of my eyes, and an intense bright light immediately followed. At the beginning of the exercise in the darkness, appeared three faces, which the one in the middle never did disappear and the eyes from the last face seemed as they were directly in front of mine observing me very deeply. When the instructor touched my head, I felt that her hand was very hot. Please feel free to write me at: alexislivinginoneness@yahoo.com Web:www.livinginoneness.com

Friday, May 2, 2008 QueQui QuintanaRoo Newspaper Positive mind

EMOTION: THE BODY’S REACTION TO YOUR MIND What about emotions? I get caught up in my emotions more than I do in my mind. Mind, in the way I use the word, is not just thought. It includes your emotions as well as all unconscious mental-emotional reactive patters. Emotion arises at the place where mind and body meet. It is the body’s reaction to your mind – or you might say, a reflection of your mind in the body. For example, an attack thought or a hostile thought will create a buildup of energy in the body that we call anger. The body is getting ready to fight. The thought that you are being threatened, physically or psychologically, causes the body to contract, and this is the physical side of what we call fear. Research has shown that strong emotions even cause changes in the biochemistry of the body. These biochemical changes represent the physical or material aspect of the emotion. Of course, you are not usually conscious of all your thought patterns, and it is often only through watching your emotions that you can bring them into awareness. The more you are identified with your thinking, your likes and dislikes, judgments and interpretations, which is to say the less present you are as the watching consciousness, the stronger the emotional energy charge will be, whether you are aware of it or not. If you cannot feel your emotions, if you are cut off from them you will eventually experience them on a purely physical level, as a physical problem or symptom. A great deal has been written about this in recent years, so we don’t need to go into it here. A strong unconscious emotional pattern may even manifest as an external event that appears to just happen to you. For example, I have observed that people who carry a lot of anger inside without being aware of it and without expressing it are more likely to be attacked, verbally or even physically, by other angry people, and often for no apparent reason. They have a strong emanation of anger that certain people pick up subliminally and that triggers their own latent anger. If you have difficulty feeling your emotions, start by focusing attention on the inner energy field of your body. Feel the body from within. This will also put you in touch with your emotions. We will explore this in more detail later. You say that an emotion is the mind’s reflection in the body. But sometimes there is a conflict between the two: the mid says “no” while the emotion says “yes” or the other way around. If you really want to know your mind, the body will always give you a truthful reflection, so look at the emotion, and or rather feel it in your body. If there is an apparent conflict between them, the thought will be the lie; the emotion will be the truth. Not the ultimate truth of who you are, but the relative truth of your state of mind at that time. Conflict between surface thoughts and unconscious mental processes is certainly common. You may not yet be able to bring your unconscious mind activity into awareness as thoughts, but it will always be reflected in the body as an emotion, and of this you can become aware. To watch an emotion in this way is basically the same as listening to or watching a thought, which I described earlier. The only difference is that, while a thought is in your head, an emotion has a strong physical component and so is primarily felt in the body. You can then allow the emotion to be there without being controlled by it. You no longer are the emotion; you are the watcher, the observing presence. If you practiced this, all that is unconscious in you will be brought into the light of consciousness. So observing our emotions is as important as observing our thoughts?

Yes. Make it a habit to ask yourself: What’s going on inside me at this moment? That question will point you in the right direction. But don’t analyze, just watch. Focus your attention within. Feel the energy of the emotion. If there is no emotion present, take your attention more deeply into the inner energy field of your body. It is the doorway into Being. An emotion usually represents an amplified and energized thought pattern, and because of its often overpowering energetic charge, it is not easy initially to stay present enough to be able to watch it. It wants to take you over, and it usually succeeds – unless there is enough presence in you. If you are pulled into unconscious identification with the emotion through lack of presence, which is normal, the emotion temporarily becomes “you”. Often a vicious circle builds up between your thinking and the emotion: they feed each other. The thought pattern creates a magnified reflection of itself in the form of an emotion, and the vibracional frequency of the emotion keeps feeding the original thought pattern. By dwelling mentally on the situation, event, or person that is the perceived cause of the emotion, the thought feeds energy to the emotion, which in turn energizes the thought pattern, and so on. Basically, all emotions are modifications of one primordial, undifferentiated emotion that has its origin in the loss of awareness of who you are beyond name and form. Because of its undifferentiated nature, it is hard to find a name that precisely describes this emotion. “Fear” comes close, but apart from a continuous sense of threat, it also includes deep sense of abandonment and incompleteness. It may be best to use a term that is as undifferentiated as that basic emotion and simply call it “pain.” One of the main tasks of the mind is to fight or remove that emotional pain, which is one of the reasons for its incessant activity, but all it can ever achieve is to cover it up temporarily. In fact, the harder the mind struggles to get rid of the pain, the greater the pain. The mind can never find the solution, nor can it afford to allow you to find the solution, because it is itself an intrinsic part of the “problem.” Imagine a chief of police trying to find an arsonist when the arsonist is the chief of police. You will not be free of that pain until you cease to derive your sense of self from identification with the mind, which is to say from ego. The mind is then toppled from its place of power and Being reveals itself as your true nature. Eckhart Tolle

Who is Alexis? Alexis is a Oneness Facilitator (transmitter of energy) called Oneness Experience which initiates a process of awakening the Divine Presence within you; taking you towards Oneness and enabling you to see the reality of what you are in every moment. Also healing your body, your relationships, and recognizing the divinity in the experience of the present moment…. Conscious awakening with an ability to see reality as it is, without the layers of interference and interpretation imposed by the mind. Oneness Experience is a transfer of Divine energy which helps us to dis-identify from conflict and suffering, taking us to states of inner peace, joy, happiness and Oneness.

Experiences My feeling was of peace, harmony, tranquility and a lot of serenity. This was a beautiful experience because I found myself connecting with my inner self. Thank you. Alexis: Thank you very much for the energy that I felt running all though me. I was able to disconnect from my problems releasing all of my stress and I felt deep peace and inner tranquility. There is no price for this unique experience. Victor Please feel free to write me at: alexislivinginoneness@yahoo.com Web:www.livinginoneness.com

Friday, May 9, 2008 QueQui QuintanaRoo Newspaper Positive mind THE TEN NON-COMMANDMENTS FOR THE 21ST CENTURY

THE FIRST: Freedom THE SECOND: Uniqueness of individuality THE THIRD: Love THE FOURTH: Meditation THE FIFTH: Non-seriousness THE SIXTH: Playfulness THE SEVENTH: Creativity THE EIGHTH: Sensitivity THE NINTH: Gratefulness TENTH: A feeling of the mysterious These ten non-commandments constitute my basic attitude towards reality, towards man’s freedom from all kinds of spiritual slavery. OSHO TEN ALTERNATIVE COMMANDMENTS 1. Obey no command unless it is a command from within. 2. Life itself is God as God is all that is. 3. Truth is within. Seek not elsewhere. 4. Love is prayer. 5. Emptiness is the doorway to Truth. Emptiness is the means, the destination, the attainment. 6. Life is… here and now 7. Live… fully awake.

8. Do not swim… float. 9. Die each moment so that you can grow anew each moment. 10. Search not: that which is IS. Stop for a moment…to notice. Who is Alexis? Alexis is a Oneness Facilitator (transmitter of energy) called Oneness Experience which initiates a process of awakening the Divine Presence within you; taking you towards Oneness and enabling you to see the reality of what you are in every moment. Also healing your body, your relationships, and recognizing the divinity in the experience of the present moment…. Conscious awakening with an ability to see reality as it is, without the layers of interference and interpretation imposed by the mind. Oneness Experience is a transfer of Divine energy which helps us to dis-identify from conflict and suffering, taking us to states of inner peace, joy, happiness and Oneness.

These are experiences from Mexico’s Armed Forces who have received Oneness Blessing: When the conference began, I felt a very nice, deep relaxation. There came a time that I felt so light that I didn’t even realize that 30 minutes had passed, as I lost all sense of time. I was left with such a deep tranquility that it removed all of the stress that I had brought with me.

It was a very nice experience and even during the difficult exercise, I was very relaxed. When we joined our hands together during the relaxation exercise I really felt how the energy was transmitted through the hands. At that moment my mind didn’t bother me at all, it was quiet. I think that after that experience I will never be the same person again because my energy has risen to the maximum elevation possible. My experience of Alexis’s therapy was that I was left with appreciating the following feelings: more optimism, more relaxed, more control, and a truly peaceful and restful sleep. I woke up with more energy and enthusiasm to do everything in a better way. Opinion: It’s comforting to know that our superiors worry about the state of mind of their personnel and care about the team spirit, which helps our momentum to successfully perform our missions. Lieutenant Lazaro Venegas In the session that we had yesterday, I felt in my interior, an immense sensation of peace and tranquility. I went so deep that I didn’t even notice how long the session lasted as the time passed so amazingly quickly. From the time that we entered the dining hall until the time that we left, it was the most incredible experience that I have ever had. That exercise with the chakras and all of that kind of thing are very good for all of us. That is all that I can say about the session up until now. Please feel free to write me at: alexislivinginoneness@yahoo.com Web:www.livinginoneness.com

Friday, May 16, 2008 QueQui QuintanaRoo Newspaper Positive mind What about positive emotions such as love and joy? They are inseparable from your natural state of inner connectedness with Being. Glimpses of love and joy or brief moments of deep peace are possible whenever a gap occurs in the stream of thought. For most people, such gaps happen rarely and only accidentally, in moments when the mind is rendered “speechless,” sometimes triggered by great beauty, extreme physical exertion, or even great danger. Suddenly, there is inner stillness. And within that stillness there is a subtle but intense joy, there is love, there is peace. Usually, such moments are short-lived, as the mind quickly resumes its noise-making activity that we call thinking. Love, joy, and peace cannot flourish until you have freed yourself from mind dominance. But they are not what I would call emotions. They lie beyond the emotions, on a much deeper level. So you need to become fully conscious of your emotions and be able to feel them before you can feel that which lies beyond them. Emotion literally means “disturbance.” The word comes from the Latin word emovere, meaning “to disturb.” Love, joy and peace are deep states of Being, or rather three aspects of the state of inner connectedness with Being. As such, they have no opposite. This is because they arise from beyond the mind. Emotions, on the other hand, being part of the dualistic mind, are subject to the law of opposites. This simply means that you cannot have good without bad. So in the unenlightened, mind-identified condition, what is sometimes wrongly called joy is the usually short-lived pleasure side of the continuously alternating pain/pleasure cycle. Pleasure is always derived from something outside you, whereas joy arises from within. The very thing that gives you pleasure today will give you pain tomorrow, or it will leave you, so it absence will give you pain. And what is often referred to as love may be pleasurable and exciting for a while, but it is an addictive clinging, an extremely needy condition that can turn into its opposite at the flick of a switch. Many “love” relationships, after the initial euphoria has passed, actually oscillate between “love” and hate, attraction and attack. Real love doesn’t make you suffer. How could it? It doesn’t suddenly turn into hate, nor does real joy turn into pain. As I said, even before you are enlightened – before you have freed yourself from your mind – you may get glimpses of true joy, true love, or of a deep inner peace, still but vibrantly alive. These are aspects of your true nature, which is usually obscured by the mind. Even within a “normal” addictive relationship, there can be moments when the presence of something more genuine, something incorruptible, can be felt. But they will only be glimpses, soon to be covered up again through mind interference. It may then seem that you had something very precious and lost it, or your mind may convince you that it was all an illusion anyway. The truth is that it wasn’t an illusion, and you cannot lose it. It is part of your natural state, which can be obscured but can never be destroyed by the mind. Even when the sky is heavily overcast, the sun hasn’t disappeared. It’s still there on the other side of the clouds. The Buddha says that pain or suffering arises from thought desire or craving and that to be free of pain we need to cut the bonds of desire.

All cravings are the mind seeking salvation or fulfillment in external things and in the future as a substitute for the joy of Being. As long as I am my mind, I am those cravings, those needs, wants attachments, and aversions, and apart from them there is no “I” except as a mere possibility, an unfulfilled potential, a seed that has not yet sprouted. In that state, even my desire to become free or enlightened is just another craving for fulfillment or completion in the future. So don’t seek to become free of desire or “achieve” enlightenment. Become present. Be there as the observer of the mind. Instead of quoting the Buddha, be the Buddha, be “the awakened one,” which is what the word Buddha means. Humans have been in the grip of pain for eons, ever since they fell from the state of grace, entered the realm of time and mind, and lost awareness of Being. At that point, they started to perceive themselves as meaningless fragments in an alien universe, unconnected to the Source and to each other. Pain is inevitable as long as you are identified with your mind, which is to say as long as you are unconscious, spiritually speaking. I am talking here primarily of emotional pain, which is also the main cause of physical pain and physical disease. Resentment, hatred, self-pity, guilt, anger, depression, jealousy, and so on, even the slightest irritation, are all forms of pain. An every pleasure or emotional high contains within itself the seed of pain: its inseparable opposite, which will manifest in time. Anybody who has ever taken drugs to get “high” will know that the high eventually turns into a low, that the pleasure turns into some form of pain. Many people also know from their own experience how easily and quickly an intimate relationship can turn from a source of pleasure to a source of pain. Seen from a higher perspective, both the negative and the positive polarities are faces of the same coin, are both part of the underlying pain that is inseparable from the mindidentified egoic state of consciousness. There are two levels to your pain: the pain that you create now, and the pain from the past that still lives on in your mind and body. Ceasing to create pain in the present and dissolving past pain –is what I talked about in January 25th’s article. By Eckhart Tolle You may view it at this link: http://www.livinginoneness.com/january_25,_2008.htm

Experience It was emotionally moving, comforting and is something very beautiful. I saw the white light several times. Also a white light but extremely bright and luminous, it was something divine because afterwards I felt very good.

Please feel free to write me at: alexislivinginoneness@yahoo.com Web:www.livinginoneness.com

Friday, May 23, 2008 QueQui QuintanaRoo Newspaper Positive mind

You use the word Being. Can you explain what exactly you mean by that? Being is the eternal, ever-present One Life beyond the myriad forms of life that are subject to birth and death. However, Being is not only beyond but also deep within every form as its innermost invisible and indestructible essence. This means that it is accessible to you now as your own deepest self, your true nature. But don’t seek to grasp it with your mind. Don’t try to understand it. You can know it only when the mind is still. When you are present, when your attention is fully and intensely in the Now, Being can be felt, but it can never be understood mentally. To regain awareness of Being and to abide in that state of “feeling-realization” is enlightenment. When you say Being, are you talking about God? If you are, then why don’t you say it? The word God has become empty of meaning through thousands of years of misuse. I use it sometimes, but I do so sparingly. By misuse, I mean that people who have never even glimpsed the realm of the sacred, the infinite vastness behind that word, use it with great conviction, as if they knew what they are talking about. Or they argue against it, as if they knew what it is that they are denying. This misuse gives rise to absurd beliefs, assertions, and egoic delusions, such as “My or our God is the only true God, and your God is false,” or Nietzsche’s famous statement “God is dead.” The word God has become a closed concept. The moment the word is uttered, a mental image is created, no longer, perhaps, of an old man with a white beard, but still a mental representation of someone or something outside you, and, yes, almost inevitable a male someone or something. Neither God nor Being nor any other word can define or explain the ineffable reality behind the word, so the only important question is whether the word is a help or a hindrance in enabling you to experience. That toward which it points. Does it point beyond itself to that transcendental reality, or does it lend itself too easily to becoming no more than an idea in your head that you believe in, a mental idol? The word Being explains nothing, but nor does God. Being, however, has the advantage that it is an open concept. It does not reduce the infinite invisible to a finite entity. It is impossible to form a mental image of it. Nobody can claim exclusive possession of Being. It is your very essence, and it is immediately accessible to you as the feeling of your own presence, the realization I am that is prior to I am this or I am that. So it is only a small step from the word Being to the experience of being. By Eckhart Tolle Every person on the planet has a relationship with God, whether we are aware of that fact or not. Some will find holy _expression in a tree, in the sound of the rain falling, in the innocence of a child.

No–one has to be told how to appreciate a sunset for they know it’s a living example of God’s work. We innately see and feel the beauty and that is how it is in our relationship with God. God is all there is and there are countless expressions of God energy to be found wherever we go. We need to feel the connection, really feel and know we are all part of the same thing. When we feel that, we stop seeing the separation and start to feel unity with everything. Oneness Blessing is a very powerful tool that can help us to experience the joy of that connection with everything that is, also known as Christ Consciousness. Everything in the universe is energy, water, earth, plants, animals, humans, air, sun, moon, planets, stars, computers, gold as well as our five senses, etc… everything, absolutely everything. We all are energy and share the energy each moment with everyone and everything around us. It is in our nature to share this energy, in order for us to receive new energy we must transmit our energy to others. Human beings have the same function as the veins in our bodies. Just as the heart pumps blood and it is carried to the rest of the body through the veins, in this same way we function as human beings; we are containers of energy provided by the creator, and it is our function to share this with others, whether it be material or immaterial. Due to various circumstances in our lives at times it may be difficult to share our energy as different events may cause us to experience a lack of energy at times. People like Alexis, who appear enlightened; living in a constant state of peace, tranquility and joy, help the rest of us by healing and recuperating our lost and diminished energy. Through physical touch or other methods that she uses to transmit energy she helps people recuperate a state of peace and tranquility, also recuperating creativity, as well as joy and the value of life which every human being possesses, since it’s our natural state.

INTRODUCTION: Alexis is a Oneness Facilitator (transmitter of energy) called Oneness

Experience which initiates a process of awakening the Divine Presence within you; taking you towards Oneness and enabling you to see the reality of what you are in every moment. Also healing your body, your relationships, and recognizing the divinity in the experience of the present moment….Conscious awakening with an ability to see reality as it is, without the layers of interference and interpretation imposed by the mind. Oneness Experience is a transfer of Divine energy which helps us to dis-identify from conflict and suffering, taking us to states of inner peace, joy, happiness and Oneness.

Experiences from Mexican State Police Officers who have received Diksha = Oneness Blessing: I felt that there was energy running all through my body and it gave me an inner peace and I saw a very white light and an image. I was delighted to feel so much peace and tranquility. It was a very relaxing experience and puts us in touch with ourselves, our internal self. I know it will help me to grow. Thank you. Elizabeth. These techniques make you reflect and find peace within yourself. With the exercise you can see colors: purple, blue, green, yellow and red.

Please feel free to write me at: alexislivinginoneness@yahoo.com Web:www.livinginoneness.com

Friday, May 30, 2008 QueQui QuintanaRoo Newspaper Positive mind

The Origen of Fear You mentioned fear as being part of our basic underlying emotional pain. How does fear arise, and why is there so much of it in people’s lives? And isn’t a certain amount of fear just healthy self-protection? If I didn’t have a fear of fire, I might put my hand in it and get burned. The reason why you don’t put your hand in the fire is not because of fear, it’s because you know that you’ll get burned. You don’t need fear to avoid unnecessary danger – just a minimum of intelligence and common sense. For such practical matters, it is useful to apply the lessons learned in the past. Now if someone threatened you with fire or with physical violence, you might experience something like fear. This is an instinctive shrinking back from danger, but not the psychological condition of fear that we are talking about here. The psychological condition of fear is divorced from any concrete and true immediate danger. It comes in many forms: unease, worry, anxiety, nervousness, tension, dread phobia, and so on. This kind of psychological fear is always of something that might happen, not of something that is happening now. You are in the here and now, while your mind is in the future. This creates an anxiety gap. And if you are identified with your mind and have lost touch with the power and simplicity of the Now, that anxiety gap will be your constant companion. You can always cope with the present moment, but you cannot cope with something that is only a mind projection – you cannot cope with the future. Moreover, as long as you are identified with your mind, the ego runs your life, as I pointed out earlier. Because of its phantom nature, and despite elaborate defense mechanisms, the ego is very vulnerable and insecure, and it sees itself as constantly under threat. This, is by the way, is the case even if the ego is outwardly very confident. Now remember that an emotion is the body’s reaction to your mind. What message is the body receiving continuously from the ego, the false, mind-made self? Danger, I am under threat. And what is the emotion generated by this continuous message? Fear, of course. Fear seems to have many causes. Fear of loss, fear of failure, fear of being hurt, and so on, but ultimately all fear is the ego’s fear of death, of annihilation. To the ego, death is always just around the corner. In this mind-identified state, fear of death affects every aspect of your life. For example, even such a seemingly trivial and “normal” thing as the compulsive need to be right in an argument and make the other person wrong – defending the mental position with which you have identified – is due to the fear of death. If you identify with a mental position, then if you are wrong, your mind-based sense of self is seriously threatened with annihilation. So you as the ego cannot afford to be wrong.

To be wrong is to die. Wars have been fought over this, and countless relationships have broken down. Once you have dis-identified from your mind, whether you are right or wrong makes no difference to your sense of self at all, so the forcefully compulsive and deeply unconscious need to be right, which is a form of violence, will no longer be there. You can state clearly and firmly how you feel or what you think, but there will be no aggressiveness or defensiveness about it. Your sense of self is then derived from a deeper and truer place within yourself, not from the mind. Watch out for any kind of defensiveness within yourself. What are you defending? An illusory identity, an image in your mind, a fictitious entity. By making this pattern conscious, by witnessing it, you dis- identify from it. In the light of your consciousness, the unconscious pattern will then quickly dissolve. This is the end of all arguments and power games, which are so corrosive to relationships. Power over others is weakness disguised as strength. True power is within, and it is available to you now. So anyone who is identified with their mind and, therefore, disconnected from their true power, their deeper self rooted in Being, will have fear as their constant companion. The number of people who have gone beyond mind is as yet extremely small, so you can assume that virtually everyone you meet or know lives in a state of fear. Only the intensity of it varies. It fluctuates between anxiety and dread at one end of the scale and a vague unease and distant sense of threat at the other. Most people become conscious of it only when it takes on one of its more acute forms.

An experience from a soldier in the Mexican Army who has received Oneness Blessing:

In my experience I observed white and red lights, images, and I felt hot and cold at the same time. After the exercise, I felt deep peace and tranquility. I now feel different inside, more quiet and without stress. SLD. ENRIQUE ANTONIO GARCIA CHILPA

Please feel free to write me at: alexislivinginoneness@yahoo.com Web:www.livinginoneness.com

Friday, June 6, 2008 QueQui QuintanaRoo Newspaper

Positive mind

What does YOUR personal idea of transformation look like? It will end up being your biggest obstacle. Your very idea of it; your own concept. One time I visited a couple at their home during a weekend course. They were a very nice couple. They shared with me that they had decided that they would never hurt each other again. They felt like they had a breakthrough in their relationship. And so I returned some months later to their home and observed this couple; always behaving so nice and kind to each other. I also noticed that the house was void of energy. There was no anger, no quarrels and no fights; only kind words - that was love to them. But that is not what relationship is all about. A good relationship is not where you don‟t quarrel at all. It‟s not „floating in love‟. Transformation is when you can be yourself, totally. If you fight, you do so openly expressing your feelings. And then the following day you relate again without reaction and carrying over hurt from that quarrel. You relate to the partner and the children without charges. THAT is a healthy relationship. It is NOT monitoring and controlling your emotions. As in: This morning I had an angry moment. Two days ago I didn‟t feel love for my husband. Today I don‟t feel love for my children. Analyzing yourself; that „I‟m not transformed‟, or „my heart is not open‟ and „I‟m not in the same state as the saints and sages are experiencing‟. These are all ideas! The mind is always comparing „ourselves‟ to „them‟ as in Buddha. We remain stuck always looking for „the end‟ and craving for that state of everlasting love, everlasting joy, peace and oneness. Obsession drains energy, causing discomfort and pain, and then you unconsciously cause the same for others. It is only a concept that we are yearning for: to be in that state ALWAYS. It is impossible! We can be in an altered state for some time: hours, days or weeks. Then the intensity varies and changes. We cannot be there always or we would physically die. How do you best measure growth? The wise perceive it in many ways. There is no ultimate way to define if something is true, absolutely true, or not true. On the last day of a Level 1 Course we asked the group, “Is anyone here not feeling good?” One man responded, “I don‟t feel good.” “Please explain the reason to us.” we requested. The man said, “My toilet is flooded, I am frustrated, and I cannot experience my frustration! I cannot enjoy my frustration!” So, how many of you actually ENJOY your frustration? When I‟m angry I don‟t enjoy, I am angry! Can you see your silly ideas of transformation? You must enjoy your frustration? Craziness! What is YOUR measurement of transformation? The amount of Oneness that you are feeling? How many hours in a day that you are feeling thoughtless? How loving that you are feeling?

It is really about how comfortable you are with yourself, with your thoughts, with your emotions and life itself. If you are not comfortable and at ease with yourself; you will certainly not be comfortable with others. If you are not at ease with yourself, you cannot be at ease with others and with the world around you. You will have your moments of indifferences, anger, frustration and disappointment. And how comfortable are you with all of those moments? Can you accept them? Embrace whatever is there? Can you become friends with it? Or are you fighting it? So how does growth happen? You must first have a passion for it. Passion means having a vision. It is true that this feeling /that passion can come as an act of Grace but you can also be the catalyst to take a step in that direction. If you really want to grow; you must serve, you must give, in contribution. All of us have the opportunity to serve. We all have a gift unique to each one of us. Some are artists, musicians, doctors or teachers. Some people are waiting patiently and explaining that they are waiting for their heart to guide them. It is good to take a step. Embrace something. Don‟t always wait. Take a jump – Take Action - Expression with Intent and you will see: God will respond We need to take the first step. Don‟t wait for it to happen. When you stop growing, complaining happens – everything becomes wrong and bad. All that you love: you begin to complain about it And when you are growing, you want to contribute; actually looking and searching for what YOU can do. And you are also happy with what you have; you feel gratefulness for what is there. So what is growth? It is something that translates in your relationships It is becoming free of the charges that you carry. This is why it is so important to set right your relationships. Then your journey will continue.

Testimonials A very good morning to you as I wish to share what happened during Miss Alexis‟s session. I felt such a depth of peace in my body that all of my annoyances and pains completely disappeared. I slept so deeply relaxed that I woke up with a new inspiration to do my work. The music and her words were like a stimulant for my body. That is everything that I can say, thank you. Sgt.2/o. Inf. Anatolio Martínez González.

I saw a bright green color during the meditation and ever since then I have felt much more relaxed. I was suffering from a pain in my waist and now it is completely gone. Apolonio Please feel free to write me at: alexislivinginoneness@yahoo.com Web:www.livinginoneness.com

Friday, June 13, 2008 QueQui QuintanaRoo Newspaper

Positive Mind

Growth, Application, Contribution It helps to focus on: -Growth. -Application (meditation for example) -Contribution 1, 2, 3 Intent + Effort + Divine Grace Through giving, you will receive even more in return. After doing the 2nd level process in GC India, John only feels like lying on the couch, he is in a no action phase. Why is that? There are phases that „not doing anything‟ can actually help you to move forward. Those are times that rest is needed and doing something can be a hindrance. On this journey, there are times, moments when you may lose all drive. There are times when you may become very dispassionate, indifferent and it may be difficult to relate to anybody. But these are short phases. These are transitions, as a shift is happening. There is no need to analyze, just let it be. Rest might be needed; not only for the physical body, but also for the emotional body and the spiritual body may need rest too. If you are feeling really stuck, then it may help to dance and move your energy. To practice Sadhanas is not an absolute must. Only do them if you really enjoy them. If you don‟t enjoy them, it can be counter-productive. You can practice focusing and or reflection. Golden City has provided and designed some special sadhanas that can be helpful for your growth. Or if there is a practice that you are presently doing and enjoying, do that. Human life is our lives. We go through several phases throughout many lifetimes which is actually a huge process of growth and learning. We experience many different phases: a phase when we are self-centered, a phase where we become responsible, a phase when we are generous, another when we are full of virtue, and then another phase when we have transcended all of this. One year in particular, when we were studying at Jeevashram School which included students from the 3rd -10th grade, along with the founders, Amma & Bhagavan, we had quite a learning experience. Have you ever observed in little children; how they tend to really exaggerate? Sometimes they even overdo it and tell complete lies. An example being: how one night a star fell down from the sky and a child says that he caught it and has managed to even keep it in his house. One child

with very wealthy parents even boasted that a special master came to him personally. Everyone in the school soon became very frustrated with him. He would tell stories that he could fly, and how he flew to the sun, and he even touched the sun. This kid claimed that he had pictures of that journey in his house. Other children were so upset that they finally went to Bhagavan to ask what they could possibly do with this child who is always lying. Bhagavan responded with, “So he lies, so what?” We learned something; yeah, so what??. We had a system in the school where all would come together in a designated area in a circle with Sri Bhagavan present and we would all resolve the issue together. Everyone would have to think and contribute to resolving the problem. So one day we gathered about this little boy who was always lying as he had many complaints from all the children. So Bhagavan asked all of us about how many of us had exaggerated, or boasted in our lives when we were little? Bhagavan explained how the entire evolution of life is recaptured in the duration of a human lifetime. These millions of years are compressed into one 70 – 80 year life span. From when you begin crawling, and playing in the sand, and throwing things at others, going around with a big stick like the cavemen did, or suddenly feeling violent for no reason. Or even acting out against your siblings chasing them or fighting with them, or beating-up someone; a stranger on the street. We think something is wrong with us. Then he explained that there is another phase when the heart is flowering along with the brain; a dreaming and fantasizing phase. Bhagavan says there is nothing wrong with exaggerating and lying explaining that if a child is not doing it, we can actually be concerned. And more importantly if you stop him from doing this you will interrupt his process, and then they won‟t go through it later. You actually may interfere in his process. With our new awareness; this child‟s behavior stopped disturbing us as we instead began to look forward to hearing his tales and we began going to him for the entertainment value. We loved it! He told such creative and amazing stories. Phases: Children Students Young adults All we care about is ourselves. Everything revolves around ourselves. It is natural as we are all designed like that. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Yourself Yourself - Immediate Environment An inclination to serve a cause much bigger than your family. End of all separation

There is nothing unnatural about any of it. There is nothing wrong in it. If you live through these phases without being condemned by others or you yourself do not judge yourself creating feelings of guilt, or being „bad‟, you will then easily flower into the next phase.

But we tend to be really judgmental about ourselves and we analyze ourselves getting stuck there and we don‟t move on to the next phase. If we do survive it, we flower into the next phase which is about: 2. No longer just your-self. It is you and your immediate environment. Your boundaries expand. The self is no longer limited to yourself as it expands to involve your immediate environment: friends and family. During this phase you become responsible. You no longer think about yourself. It is YOU plus your immediate environment: family, spouse, work, colleagues. You want to share your happiness, pain, beliefs and views with others. It is no longer limited to your-self anymore. 3. Once you live through this phase you are fulfilled in this relationship. When in these relationships you are able to be yourself with no hurt no pain. You have connection with everyone around and your relationships are set right, you flower into next phase. Boundaries expand even further. Your-self still expands. You are inclined to serve a cause much bigger than you and your family. Living for yourself or living for your family doesn‟t have a meaning. There is a cause much bigger than that and you begin to serve that bigger cause. It can be a new company that you give employment to many. It can actually be anything that benefits a larger group of people. 4. End of all separation: No more of YOU serving the other. You actually become the other. Oneness. This happens naturally. If we can become aware of where we are in which phase of evolution that we are in: 1, 2, 3. Even just becoming aware of where you are would help you to move forward. You can be in 2 with glimpses of 3 or in 3 with a glimpse of 4. Sometimes you can get obsessed with these glimpses of 4 and you don‟t grow any further. This is why it is so important to set right your relationships. Then your journey will continue.

Testimonials When you feel this level of peace inside of yourself it makes you reflect on the good things in your life and the bad ones. And when she touched my head I felt a chill run thru my entire body all the way down to my toes, and she was vibrating. Thank you so much. The only thing that I can say about my experience is that I saw an abundance of green and purple images. Then I felt extremely relaxed. That is all. CABO INF. JORGE LUIS GARCIA HERNÁNDEZ.

Please feel free to write me at: alexislivinginoneness@yahoo.com Web:www.livinginoneness.com

Harmony courses and self-improvement

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