Lead REsource MANAGE LEADS THE WAY YOU WANT Lead REsource is a sophisticated tool to manage leads immediately or, whenever a buyer is ready to act.
AUTOMATED AUTOMATED AUTOMATED Lead captured Lead captured onLead captured on on affiliate website affiliate website affiliate website
on Lead captured Lead captured onLead captured on affiliate website affiliate website affiliate website
YES YES YES AssignedAssigned lead to Assigned lead to lead to CRM assigns assigns lead CRM assigns leadCRMlead Is lead our Is lead listing? ourIs listing? lead our listing? listing agent/auto listing agent/auto listing agent/auto to office/eTeam to office/eTeam to office/eTeam membermember member NO NO NO accept accept accept Round-robin Round-robin autoRound-robin auto auto assignments assignments leadassignments to lead to lead to next eTeam nextagent eTeam next agent eTeam agent Lead accepted Lead accepted Lead accepted
Lead accepted Lead accepted Lead accepted
Full lead contact Full leadFull contact lead contact information information information revealed revealed revealed and and added andtoadded to added to agent’s contacts agent’s contacts agent’s contacts
Lead captured on on Lead captured onLead captured affiliate website affiliate website affiliate website YES YES YES Assigned lead to lead to Is lead ourIs listing? lead our Assigned listing? lead to Assigned Is lead our listing? listing agent/auto listing agent/auto listing agent/auto accept accept accept NO NO NO OR OR OR lead Hot lead intogoes intolead Hot leadHot goes intogoes Warm lead Warm goeslead goes Warm goes Agentand Group Agent and Group Agent Group CAMinto Group CAM Group intoand CAMinto Group follow/round robin androbin follow/round robinfollow/round and manual follows andmanual follows manual follows auto rules routing autorules routing rules auto routing CAM assignment CAM assignment CAM assignment
Full leadFull contact lead contact Full lead contact information information revealed information revealed revealed and added andtoadded and to added to agent’s contacts agent’s contacts agent’s contacts
lead contact Full lead contact Full leadFull contact information information revealed revealed information revealed andtoadded and to added to and added agent’s contacts agent’s contacts agent’s contacts
LEAD RESOURCE CRM: The Lead REsource CRM offers our affiliates and agents some of the deepest lead management, incubation and marketing capabilities available in the industry. It provides the affiliate with the capability to decide when and under what conditions leads will be sent to an agent as determined by a comprehensive set of leadrouting rules. Whether the lead is assigned immediately or incubated at the company level, Lead REsource ensures that agents and affiliates will stay informed about their potential clients’ online activity.
The CRM solution is built around the idea that not every client is ready to purchase immediately and by providing the agent with important information - properties a client is saving, where they have set up saved searches, how frequently the customer is logging in, and more the agent can tailor their marketing efforts to match the client’s readiness to engage with the agent. The system offers a fully customizable marketing tool that allows the agent to provide customers with personalized “Action Plans” that helps the agent stay in constant communication.
If the agent wants to set up a personal phone call with the customer, this is easily accomplished via the system’s calendaring capability and can even be done automatically with an “Action Plan.” Regardless of the agent or company’s methodology for incubating and marketing to prospects and customers, the Lead REsource system has the ability to satisfy everyone’s requirements.
Good to know.
©2015 BHH Affiliates, LLC. Real Estate Brokerage Services are offered through the network member franchisees of BHH Affiliates, LLC. Most franchisees are independently owned and operated. Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices and the Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices symbol are registered service marks of HomeServices of America, Inc.® Information not verified or guaranteed. If your property is currently listed with a broker, this is not intended as a solicitation. Equal Housing Opportunity.