Gtk social moments1 hashtag

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Social Moments #1 #HASHTAG Definition: A word or phrase preceded by a hash or pound sign (#), used to identify messages related to a specific topic.

Did you know? The concept of hashtags was

Used with:

created organically by Twitter users as a way The concept of the hashtag was created organically by Twitter users

to categorize messages.

as a way to categorize messages. Twitter recommends using no more Otherwise known as . . . Little digital filing

than two hashtags in a single tweet, although you’ll see many more

cabinets that catalogue and store all of the

than this used, despite how much it eats away at the 140-character

information surrounding a given keyword to

limit. On Twitter, the most popular hashtags often make up the Trending Topics.

which the hash sign (#) has been attached. You can include hashtags in your Facebook posts but note that What it’s good for . . . Using a hashtag turns

hashtags on Facebook aren’t nearly as important as they are on

a given word into a clickable link that helps

Twitter or Instagram.

people find posts about topics they’re most interested in. Hashtags are important to help those who may be interested in what Where it goes in your copy . . . Hashtags can

you’re posting easily find your photos. However, you are limited to 30

occur anywhere in a post – at the beginning,

hashtags per Instagram post (but please don’t use them all).

middle or end. What you can’t do . . . Numbers are allowed

On Pinterest, hashtags are only clickable and searchable in pin

in hashtags on Instagram, but not on Twitter or

descriptions. Note that clicking on a hashtag in a pin description will


not only bring you to a page with all pins that have used the hashtag but also to pins that have used a similar word or phrase.

Three Ways to Use Them: 1. Great news! #Homeprices are up this week! #RealEstate 2. I’ve got a great new listing with amazing views of the ocean. #ListingOnTheBluffs 3. Have you seen my new yard signs? #SpotTheSign #BHHSRealEstate

Good to know.


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