The Virginia Gazette, February 5, 2011

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Valentine’s Pages, 14-16A



OF COUPONS ® Saturday, Feb. 5, 2011

Covering Williamsburg, James City & York since 1736


Retirement costs are under scrutiny Taxpayers have become more savvy to the generous employee benHidden efits paid in the public secpayroll tor. In the coming weeks the Gazette will probe the “hidden” costs that run into millions. Part 1, which begins on 8A, First of 5 parts focuses on the state’s overburdened and underfunded pension plan, the Virginia Retirement System.

James City growth 5th fastest in state Up 39% vs. 17% city and 16% York By Steve Vaughan According to U.S. Census figures released Thursday, James City County was the fifth fastest growing locality in Virginia over the past decade and the second fastest outside Northern Virginia. Despite the recession and the housing slowdown, the county population grew 39% during 2000-10, from 48,102 to 67,009. That trailed Loudoun at 84%, Prince William at 43%, King George at 40% and Stafford at 39.5%. “I think that shows James City County is a very attractive place to be,” said supervisor John McGlennon, noting that it has the highest growth rate in Hampton Roads. “On the other hand, that rate of growth is very difficult to sustain. At a time of continuing fiscal pressures, we find ourselves forced to provide more and more expensive services.” Williamsburg rose from 11,998 to 14,068, a 17% increase. City manager Jack Tuttle didn’t think his growth was held back by the county. “I think really it’s a matter of

available land,” he said. “James City County certainly has more than the city, or York County. And York County has some stricter measures in place to control growth than either James City County or the city.” York grew 16% from 56,297 residents to 65,464. Virginia added nearly a million people over the last 10 years, to 8 million, a 13% increase. Fully 7 in 10 Virginians now live in the “Golden Crescent” running from Northern Virginia through Richmond to Hampton Roads. Most of the growth statewide came among minorities. While the white population grew 7% over the decade, whites make up only 69% of Virginia’s population, compared to 72% ten years ago. Virginia’s African American population grew nearly 12%, but their share of the population is 19%, little changed from 2000. The Hispanic population grew nearly 92% and has virtually tripled in the last 20 years. The state’s Asian population grew by nearly 69%, constituting 5.5% of the population.

Colonial Williamsburg photos

Remembering Ronald Reagan This Sunday, Feb. 6, would have been the 100th birthday of President Ronald Reagan. He made three visits to Williamsburg during his presidency, most notably in 1983 for the G-7 Economic Summit held at Colonial Williamsburg. At right is Reagan with First Lady Nancy Reagan during that visit. Reagan’s first visit here was in 1981 for the Bicentennial of the Seige at Yorktown. During his last, in 1985, he visited with Colonial Williamsburg employees at the Capitol before unveiling a tax plan.

Devastating tale of teen bullying Dad warns parents of what to look for By Susan Robertson JAMES CITY — John Halligan of Vermont once had a child tell him he would rather take a punch than let a rumor spread about him. “I can show an adult my black eye and get a response,” the student explained innocently. “But it’s almost impossible for me to show them my bruised heart.” Halligan understood. His 13-year-old son, Ryan, was a victim of emotional bullying. The depression it caused led him to suicide. “As Ryan’s dad I totally underestimated the effects of emotional bullying,” Halligan told a crowd of near-

ly 100 parents Thursday night. He came to Warhill High to differentiate bullying from cyberbullying, to share his experience, and to tell parents what they can do. He spearheaded Vermont’s Bullying Prevention Act and has spoken at 500 schools. His son had been tormented in person and online since fifth grade. Ryan wanted to learn how to defend himself, so he took up what he termed the “Karate Kid Plan” to build selfconfidence. He eventually befriended one bully, but by seventh grade he turned on him and spread a rumor Continued on next page

OPEN UP ■ Ask your children what they do while online. ■ Join social networking for monitoring. ■ Prohibit secret passwords, but tell children not to share them with friends. ■ Discuss bullying and cyberbullying with kids before it happens. ■ Consider monitoring software. ■ Consider online time limits. ■ Consider not only age, but maturity level. ■ Don’t be afraid to share information with other parents about a bully, a victim or a child involved in sexting. – John Halligan

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