Centenary News, December 2013

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Centenary News DECEMBER 2013 - ISSUE 209


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Mt Ommaney Dental All Aspects of Dentistry Children’s Dentistry Orthodontics Wisdom Teeth Root Canal Therapy Crown & Bridge Work Dentures Nitrous Oxide Sedation General Anaesthetics Advanced Facilities Gentle and Thorough

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11,000 copies distributed to homes and business in Sumner park, Mount Ommaney, Westlake, Riverhills, Jamboree Heights, Middle park, Jindalee, Sinnamon Park, Seventeen Mile Ricks, Windermere and Edenbrooke.

Vacation care for 3-5 year olds

Centenary Christian Kindergarten in Middle Park is looking forward to commencing a vibrant vacation care program at the centre during the January holidays in 2014. The program will run for three weeks, from Monday January 6 to Friday January 24. The vacation care program is aimed at children aged three to five years old that have not yet started prep. The program is open to anyone and you do not need to be enrolled at the Kindergarten to attend. Kindergarten President, Emma Duncan said the decision to run the vacation care program came from consultation between parents and the Kindergarten committee and follows on from the successful trial of before and after kindergarten care held at the Kindergarten last term. The program will be launched as a permanent addition to the Kindergarten’s sessional program in 2014. “With more and more families with two working parents, there was a need to offer the flexibility of before and after school care and the vacation care program was a natural addition Hsui-wei Chen (left), Centenary Christian to the program,” Emma said. “Our wonderful Kindergarten’s Before and After Care and staff are fully trained and have blue cards, Vacation Care Coordinator, Jenny Male CPR and first aid certificates. Our community (centre), CCK Director, and Molly Cheng Kindergarten environment offers so much to (right), Programs Assistant, with students our children and now we can also offer this to (L-R) Isabella Duncan, Henry Thompson, the wider community with vacation care.” Tommy Yuan and Zachary Holme. The fully air conditioned units and newly refurbished grounds ensure that the children are comfortable no matter what the weather and always have something new to discover. The centre will be open from 7am to 5.30pm for vacation care, allowing parents the opportunity to drop and shop, catch a movie or continue working over the holidays knowing that their children are well looked after. Numbers are limited and spaces are filling fast so be sure to contact the Kindergarten on 3279 3351 to book your child in.


• Pain Relief • Whitening • Crown & Bridge • Root Canal Therapy • Dentures

General & Cosmetic Dentistry

Shop 11, 62 Looranah Street Local Shopping Centre (Behind Public Pool) JINDALEE PH:

3376 2114

133 Government Road RICHLANDS - 3372 1738



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