The Greater Springfield Times, March 2018

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the greater

Springfield Times MARCH 2018 - ISSUE 251

Distributed free to homes and businesses in Augustine Heights, Brookwater, Camira, Springfield and Springfield Lakes

Make 2018 your year to get shaving! The Leukaemia Foundation’s World’s Greatest Shave is celebrating their 20th year in 2018. Will this be the year that you’ll be brave and shave? Full story on page 4.

Snow White Dental Care 'U +X\ -DPHV 9LHW 7UDQ %'6F

*(17/( &$5,1* 0%) +&) 0HPEHU &DUH . General Family Dentistry . Cosmetic Dentistry . Implants . Crowns & Bridgework . Gum Treatment . Wisdom Teeth Extractions & Root Canal Treatment

. Medicare Teen Dental Vouchers . Veteran Affairs . KU =220 :+,7(1,1* . 257+2'217,&6 (0(5*(1 (0(5*(1&,(6 1(: 3$7,(176 :(/&20( OPENING HOURS:

Mon, Tues, Wed, Fri & Sat: 8am to 7pm Thurs: 8am to 9pm Sunday by appointment 6KRS &QU 6SULQJ¿HOG 3DUNZD\ $VKE\ &ORVH 6

635,1*),(/' (behind the Cheesecake Shop)

3KRQH 3818


Greater Springfi eld’s FREE Independent Monthly Magazine

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