Centenary News, February, 2014

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Centenary News FEBRUARY 2014 - ISSUE 212


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Kiwanis welcomes new members for the year

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After celebrating 25 years of service to the community last year, the Kiwanis Club of Brisbane enters 2014 with new direction. Under the guidance of Anita Lennox and her team, the club will be looking to continue supporting charities locally, nationally and internationally, and to continue with our support, the Board will be giving a priority throughout the year to increasing the club membership. In 2013, the club members raised about $45,000 supporting the needs of charities within our communities. There is an ever increasing requirement for assistance from service clubs such as Kiwanis and to maintain our support, the club must continue to increase its membership base. The club started the New Year with three new members, who were inducted last month by the President, pictured from left Anita Lennox, Reianna Vercoe, David Read and Kathy Dunne, whose first commitment to the community was helping out at the Kiwanis BBQ for the Salvation Army Christmas Carols at Peter Lightfoot Oval, Middle Park.

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