Centenary News NOVEMBER 2013 - ISSUE 208
11,000 copies distributed to homes and business in Sumner park, Mount Ommaney, Westlake, Riverhills, Jamboree Heights, Middle park, Jindalee, Sinnamon Park, Seventeen Mile Ricks, Windermere and Edenbrooke.
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Summer is a fun time of year for families, but it can also be a dangerous season for pets. As the warm weather approaches, RSPCA Qld are urging pet owners to keep their beloved furry friends in the shade with plenty of water. As the temperature soars the RSPCA hotline 1300 ANIMAL receives an alarming number of calls about pets left in the hot sun. RSPCA Qld Spokesman Michael Beatty says, “If a dog is tethered, they can become tangled and be unable to reach their water or appropriate shelter. “We recommend that there are at least two to three containers of water in case one gets knocked over.” Every year the RSPCA call centre receive hundreds of calls about pets (primarily dogs) left alone in hot cars. “People simply have to be aware of the dangers,” said Mr Beatty. “If it’s thirty degrees outside, the temperature inside a car can potentially rise to well over forty degrees in less than five minutes.” RSPCA Senior Veterinarian Anne Chester also emphasises the severity of the paralysis tick and importance in prevention. “There are several prevention methods including washes, collars, sprays, spot-ons and tablets. The paralysis tick can act very quickly and can cause severe impairment or worse. It’s a killer,” she warns. The RSPCA are encouraging pet owners to take a few simple measures to ensure the safety of their pets. Ice cubes in water bowls, freezing treats in Kong toys, paddle pools and not walking dogs in the middle of the day can make all the difference to their overall health and wellbeing. According to the RSPCA, if an animal is suffering from heat stress, immediately cooling them down is crucial. “It’s no good rushing them to the vet in a hot car because the chances are their temperature will continue to rise. Try to cool them down first,” said Mr Beatty.
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Your Local Independent Monthly Magazine
Hello Readers Science plays an increasingly important role in finding the answers to some of the big questions impacting the world today. A report by the Australian Academy of Science argues that Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) are the key to finding solutions to the global challenges we now face. It will be important that students graduating high school in Australia are choosing to study Science courses at university. This is particularly so, as the future prosperity of Australia is based on innovation and a skilled workforce. The study shows that there has been a significant decline in the proportion of high school students choosing Physics, Chemistry and Biology courses in Years 11 and 12 in the past couple of decades. The study also found that around two thirds of Year 10 students choosing no senior science made this decision principally because they could not picture themselves as scientists. At St John’s, Science subjects are very popular with our Year 11 and 12 students and many of our graduates choose to study high level Science courses at university. Science is a focus from early primary with students engaged in hands on Science programs utilising our new
A place for THE MIND Page 2 - November 2013 - The Centenary News
dedicated Primary Science Laboratory. In lower secondary students undertake programs which develop their interest and abilities in the Sciences with excellent facilities, equipment and resources to support their learning. They also have the opportunity to be involved in exciting and challenging extra-curricular programs including our highly successful Science and Engineering team made up of Year 9 and 10 students. All students in Years 7 to 10 are involved in projects and activities which require them to think scientifically and problem solve: construct and test ideas and develop explanations. In Years 11 and 12, a large proportion of our students choose to study one or more of the Science subjects with high achieving students also having the opportunity to undertake first year university science subjects through our partnership with the University of Queensland. If you would like to experience our Science excellence in action, please call 3372 0113 for your personalised tour. Kind regards Glenn Johnson Acting Head of College St John’s Anglican College Kindy to Year 6 07 3372 0888 Years 7 to 12 07 3372 0111 www.stjohnsanglicancollege.com.au enquiries@sjac.qld.edu.au
St John’s values high academic achievement and provides a stimulating learning environment where students are motivated to develop their potential.
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Personally Speaking
By Susannah Friis with Susannah Friis
Time is the coin of your life. It is the only coin you have, and only you can determine how it will be spent. Be careful lest you let other people spend it for you. ~ Carl Sandburg. Recently, our eldest child turned 23. Twenty. Three. Sometimes the passage of time reaches up and slaps you in the face, and this was one of those times! Graham and I sat and wondered where the time had gone, reminiscing about his childhood, feeling every inch the cliche, as we clucked our tongues about how it felt like only yesterday we were teaching him to ride a bike, urging him to eat his veggies and threatening him with loss of pocket money for not tidying up his room. I remember so well how I would roll my eyes, when he was just three or four years old, at those middle aged seniors who would gently admonish my complaining with words that it would all go by so fast. And now, here I am crying into my wine that he’s all grown up in the blink of an eye! Time is a slippery customer, isn’t it? Time can tick by in slow motion when we’re counting down to that long awaited holiday, only to speed up once it finally arrives. And the truth, as we know of course, is that it doesn’t change at all (yes, yes all you science-y folk, I know it does sometimes incrementally increase or decrease but it’s not like it’s noticeable!). It marches on, regardless of whether we want it to, or if we are ready to move with it. Yet, the maxim that instructs us to ‘make the most of it’ is somewhat vague and hard to pin down, don’t you think? What does it look like when we are ‘making the most of it’? How do we actively appreciate the moments as they go by? It’s not as if we can hold on to the moment any longer simply by appreciating it. For me, it’s all tied up with the other great ideal of living with no regrets. We feel we haven’t ‘made the most’ of a situation if we look back and wish we’d done it differently, wish we’d paid more attention or just enjoyed that moment. If we can look back on times in our life and know that we enjoyed it, that we were present in those moments ie that we ‘made the most’ of them, then we are unlikely to have regrets. And regrets are what make us feel like time has cheated us and moved too fast. It’s satisfying to look back on a time in your life and know that you squeezed every bit of fun and enjoyment out of it and truly savoured it. Knowing you ‘made the most of it’ certainly makes the passage of time a little easier to take. And as for us and our boy…well, who doesn’t have parenting regrets, especially with your first child? But, I think he turned out okay and if we failed to make the most of every second of his childhood, we’ll make up for it by making the most of watching him continue to grow into a man. As Carl Sandburg says in the quote, time is our coin. How are you spending yours?
Letters to the Editor and feedback are always welcome, email Susannah at editor@LNP.net.au or leave a comment on her blog at www.susannahfriis.com
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3201 1880 Fax 3463 0213 PO Box 923, Sumner Park 4074 or email us at: centenarynews@Lnp.net.au Editors: Graham & Susannah Friis editor@Lnp.net.au Articles: editor@Lnp.net.au Artwork: Susann Langdale artwork@Lnp.net.au Ph: 0447 273 565
Copies are also available from: • Y-West, Jamboree Hts • Park Village Newsagent • Curragundi Rd Newsagent
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The Centenary News - November 2013 - Page 3
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Local residents to have their say on electricity
Mount Ommaney electorate residents and businesses are being encouraged to speak up on the future of the State’s electricity. Residents are now able to access and provide feedback on the Government’s 30-year Electricity Strategy discussion paper released as part of the current Six Month Action Plan. “Local residents, businesses and industry members now have the opportunity to give their views on the changes needed to address the immediate and long-term challenges for Queensland. This is a great state with great opportunity but we must make sure Mount Ommaney consumers play a part in this significant reform,” said Member for Mount Ommaney, Tarnya Smith. Minister for Energy and Water Supply Mark McArdle said the Government could not attempt to put in place a long-term strategy without input from Queenslanders. “The Newman Government is working hard to address the build-up of costs which are driving the unsustainable electricity price rises we have seen over the past few years,” Mr McArdle said. “Having a strong electricity supply system relies on government and industry working together to establish a common understanding of the issues facing the sector and negotiating a way forward on key issues.” The discussion paper is available at www.dews.qld.gov.au, with submissions closing on 6 December 2013.
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Page 4 - November 2013 - The Centenary News
I want to thank the electors of Oxley for giving me their support at the federal election. I love this community; it is where I grew up, where I live and where I am raising my family. It is truly an honour to receive your support. I want to take this opportunity to congratulate Tony Abbott and to wish the other candidates in Oxley well for the future. Since I was first elected in 1998 we have achieved much by working together. I want to assure you I will continue to be a strong advocate in Canberra for the vital infrastructure and services we need to continue to grow and prosper. My office has been, and will continue to be of assistance to my constituents by helping with issues such as Centrelink, Child Support, Superannuation, Taxation and Immigration. I am also actively involved in local charity work having started the Western Corridor Community Fund, aimed at helping families in need. If you have an issue or query that you think I would be about to assist you with, please feel free to give me a call on 3879 6440.
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Kiwanis beautifies children’s playground
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Camelot Park in the Centenary Suburbs is looking a little greener with help from the Kiwanis Club of Brisbane and some members of the local community who recently planted more than 100 trees, shrubs and grasses in a children’s playground. Last month, Kiwanis members and some Middle Park residents converged on the park looking like a team from the TV show, The Block, with all the necessary tools ready for a makeover. Camelot Park is a very popular area for the local children but was in need of a face lift to make it a more inviting place in which to play. Working in conjunction with Cr Matthew Bourke, the seeds were sown for Kiwanis to seek a grant from the Lord Mayor of Brisbane which provided the funds to purchase plants, fertilizer, enviro-soil, bark-chip, potting mix and the Kiwanis members about 35 hours of labour. Mr Lancaster, a member of Kiwanis said, “It was a rewarding community project, working with the Middle Park residents to beautify their park and hear how appreciative they are of the support Kiwanis gives to the local community.” Kiwanis members will continue to water and monitor the plants for six weeks until they are fully established.
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Come plant with us!
Wolston and Centenary Catchments Inc is inviting individuals, families, schools and local community groups to take part in a planting event to enhance the vegetation along a stretch of Mt Ommaney Creek at Naver Street parkland, in front of the Scout Den on Saturday 16th November, from 7.30am - 10.00am. Please send an email to comms@wacc.org.au to express your interest. WaCC is a community-based catchment group that drives the community’s involvement in appreciating, protecting and enhancing the environment within the Wolston and Centenary catchments. Members and volunteers meet monthly on the second Thursday of the month at Mt Ommaney Library, 6.30pm between February and November. The Centenary News - November 2013 - Page 5
Email your entry to win a copy of one of these great books! Most of you will know by now that I love reading and try to encourage it wherever I go. Although this end of the year is often busy and full of social engagements, that’s all the more reason to schedule some time out sitting by the pool or lying in the hammock. And this makes summer the perfect time to either catch up on titles you’ve missed over the year or try some new, up and coming authors. This month, I’m delighted to present to you our Dymocks Summer Reading Giveaway. We have just one copy of each book to give to lucky readers, so be quick! To enter, simply email your details including name, address and phone number and telling me which book you would like to info@Lnp.net.au. It’s that easy! Winners will be announced in the December edition.
Save with Jamie by Jamie Oliver
I haven’t met anyone who doesn’t love Jamie Oliver and all he stands for - great food which is fancy without being too tricky, health conscious without being ridiculous, and he likes to give others a hand up in life. Yep, he’s an all round good bloke. We’ve been tuning in to watch his latest TV offering, Save with Jamie and loving it, so when I was offered the book of the series to review, I jumped at it. Written in Jamie’s typical laid back manner, I literally sat down and read it cover to cover one afternoon, drooling over the recipes as I went, of course! As well as the 120 economical meals, the book provides tips on getting the most out of your freezer, how to organise your fridge and what should be in it, and of course, items no self respecting pantry would be without. A double page spread of shopping tips that will save you money completes the set before the recipes begin. Along with gorgeous photos, each recipe comes with an write up from Jamie and the ingredients and method set out in an easy to read and execute format. Save with Jamie is available at Dymocks for $49.99RRP, so why not see that outlay as an investment in saving money on the grocery bill with this thrifty cookbook!
The Cuckoo’s Calling by Robert Galbraith
I’m going to shock you all by telling you that I have never read JK Rowling’s Harry Potter series but it’s true! So when her latest offering of crime fiction came my way, I was a bit ho-hum about it. I’ll admit that the opening paragraphs didn’t grab me and I was a little under-whelmed given her writing credentials but on the whole, it’s a good crime story. Private investigator Cormoran Strike is a likeable character, putting us at ease by way of a limp and lessthan-Hollywood looks. A man in trouble, Strike grabs at the chance of making some decent money and thus begins his investigation into the death of international model Lula Landry. Rowling creates a character that leaves plenty of room for a sequel within a good story line, even if the writing is a little too laborious in parts. The Cuckoo’s Calling is available from Dymocks for $29.99RRP.
Burial Rites by Hannah Kent
I like to support fellow Aussie’s, so when the debut novel, Burial Rites, landed in my hands I was delighted to see that the author, Hannah Kent, is a 28 year old from Adelaide. While spending time in Iceland as a teenager, the author heard the tale of Agnes Magnusdottir and returned to Australia with a story brewing. Burial Rites is that story, and brings to life the true events surrounding the conviction of Agnes in 1829. Accused of murder, the story of Agnes unfolds as she works alongside a local family on their farm in the harsh and unforgiving landscape of Iceland in the 1800’s. With an execution date on the horizon, Agnes requests a young, inexperienced reverend, Toti, to give her Godly counsel during whatever time she has left. The reverend listens as the story of Agnes’ life is slowly revealed. Told with sensitivity and beautiful prose, Burial Rites is a masterful telling of life in the 1800’s in Iceland, of the society and the poignant real events of one woman. I loved this story. It will move you, cause you to question beliefs and will resonate with you long after the last page is turned. I thoroughly enjoyed reading and seeing life in the villages and farms in Iceland in years gone by, and gained, all over again, an appreciation of our modern way of life. This is an impressive debut novel from author Hannah Kent, and I’ll certainly be on the look out for her next novel. Burial Rites is available from Dymocks for $32.99RRP - perfect as a Christmas gift, or why not buy it for yourself!
brisbane city • carindale • chermside • indooroopilly • north lakes
Page 6 - November 2013 - The Centenary News
The Botanical Artists’ Society of Queensland (BASQ) is holding their annual exhibition, Floressence on Friday 15th November through to Sunday 17th November at the Mt. Coot-tha Botanic Gardens auditorium. Paintings of traditional and contemporary botanical art will be on sale along with beautiful cards, prints, calendars and bookmarks, which make ideal gifts. A member of BASQ will be demonstrating the detailed work involved in botanical art during the exhibition. Entry is only $3 for adults and $2 for concession. Morning and afternoon tea is available in the auditorium. Opening times will be 9am-4pm each of the three days. This year will mark the 10th anniversary of the formation of the society that currently has 200 financial members, and members are always on the look out for potential members interested in botanical art. An art group is currently run at St Catherine’s church, at Middle Park on a Friday at 9.30am where support in a range of art styles is offered, with three ladies now participating in formal lessons at Mt Coot-tha Botanic Gardens. If you would like more information on courses available or to view examples of the standard of work you will expect to see at Floressence visit the website, www. botanicalartqld.com.au.
Interested in writing?
A free workshop, Time 2 Write will be held on Sunday 17 November at Mt Ommaney library meeting room from 1.30pm to 5pm. Anyone with an interest in writing, from beginner writers to those still slogging away with re-writes and edits, is encouraged to attend. The workshop will show you how to: create time to write – suitable for even the busiest person; motivate yourself and remain on track; find relevant feedback for your work. A gold coin donation appreciated would be appreciated for the afternoon tea that will be provided. The Time 2 Write workshop will be presented by Gillian Lloyd and is an initiative of the NightWriters writing group. Please contact Gillian to register by calling 0421 569 324, sending an email to words2goinfo@gmail.com.au or register online at www.words2go.com.
Aged care is no place for any young person. Yet right now, more than 7,500 young Australians with high care needs are living in aged care. 700,000 more are being cared for at home by family and friends, often with limited support. Why? If you, or a loved one, were to suffer an accident or illness that left you, or them, in need of full-time care, there are currently few alternatives for care and housing available. Youngcare works to change this by building more age appropriate housing; financially assisting through At Home Care Grants; and providing information and advice through the Youngcare Connect hotline. Every young person deserves a young life and you can help create change by visiting www.youngcare.com.au/donate
The Centenary News - November 2013 - Page 7
Centenary Suburbs Historical Society update
by Vice President Lynda Young
Capturing our local history in brass Did you know that the Centenary Bridge you may have to cross several times a day was opened in 1964? In February of that year, Jindalee, the first suburb in the Centenary Project, was officially gazetted. The name Jindalee means “bare hills” in the Aboriginal language. Opened by Sir Arthur Fadden, the bridge measured 769 feet in length, 34 feet in width and had a central clearance of 50 feet. There were only two lanes and it cost 318,000 pounds ($690,000) to build. The bridge was the first Brisbane river crossing to be built in Brisbane since 1940. The Centenary Bridge took a battering in the famous 1974 flood when the river rose to lap its top edge. The barge, the Koala, broke its moorings and became wedged against the bridge causing considerable damage. For two years traffic was down to one lane and controlled by lights. Imagine the chaos this would cause today! Again recently in the 2011 floods the amount of water released from the Wivenhoe Dam put stress on the bridge and access to traffic was stopped but no damage was sustained. How about locating the brass plaque underneath the bridge on the Jindalee side of the river? This can be accessed from the Pioneer Beltz Park. On your exploratory walks you will read that the four lane bridge was opened in 1987 by the Hon. Bill Hayden MP, the Hon. R.J.Hinze MLA and the Hon. Peter Morris MHR in 1987. The bridge has now become part of the Western Arterial Road that we know as the Centenary Highway. If you enjoy learning about the history of your local area visit the website of the Centenary Suburbs Historical Society at, www.cshsoc.org.au.
Tranquility combines with natural beauty and carefully manicured grounds at Brisbane’s Premium Cemetery and Crematorium
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ARBOR LAWN BURIAL SITES Located near the entrance at the high section of the grounds these sites provide a shaded resting place for your loved one and the opportunity to plant their favourite flowers in the garden that surrounds each tree. Centenary Memorial Gardens staff assist each family when the time comes to design the bronze plaque, we then arrange for the manufacture and placement of all memorial plaques. Arbor sites will cater for up to three placements and can also be used to place ashes after a cremation.
www.centenarymemorialgardens.com.au ~ email: info@centenarymemorialgardens.com.au Centenary Memorial Gardens is a fresh flowers only cemetery Page 8 - November 2013 - The Centenary News
Advanced Beauty
with Thea Soons Advanced Skin Care Clinic
If you recall, my first article was all about the huge changes within the beauty industry. Well, I’m going to tell you about how the financial side has changed. Instead of spreading the cost of several services over a series of months, clients now demand that more and more services be combined in the one treatment. The upside of combining services is that it increases the results and longevity of the treatments – and the downside? Well, today there isn’t one! The introduction of our weekly payment plan alleviates financial strain. Many of our clients prefer this method. It enables them to have the treatments and services when they want, and as often as they want. Our $25.00 weekly payment plan is our most popular. This enables a client to have an average of $5,000 worth of treatments and products. Now, who would have thought some 20 years ago, well not even 20, let’s say five years ago, payment plans would be introduced into the beauty industry? Me for one! Well, enough of finance, we’re coming into the party season, so let me tell you what this season’s party essentials are: What’s hot... • Feet! Smooth heels along with manicured and painted toes, • For both men and women, white teeth and perfect nails, • And for women, great lips. What’s NOT hot... • For both men and women, face and body hair! • And for women, un-exfoliated skin. This season’s look is all about enhancing; making the most of your natural, physical attributes and we’re experts in this field! From perfect feet, to the all American smile, our treatments ensure all our swans leave with extra beauty, extra grace and oodles of confidence. And yes, we’re coming to that time of the year again! If you’re not sure what to buy your loved one, how about one of our gift vouchers? You don’t even have to leave your seat. Give us a call and we will mail it out to you. Now, how easy is that?!
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The Centenary News - November 2013 - Page 9
Jindalee Lions Club update Lions Children of Courage Awards 2013 The four news magazines of Local News Publications covers 30 suburbs south of the Brisbane CBD, allowing you to target the local area best suited to you and your business. If you’re looking to increase your local sales, then with a combined distribution of over 44,000, and the potential readership of at least 100,000, these news magazines will provided you with a proven meduim. Centenary News
Circulation of approximately 11,000 homes and business in the suburbs of Mountt Ommaney, Westlake, Riverhills, Jamboree Heights, Middle Park, Jindalee, Sinnamon Park, Seventeen Mile Ricks, Windermere and Edenbrooke.
The Lake News
Circulation of approximately 11,000 homes and business in the suburbs of Forest Lake, Ellen Grove, Doolandella, Heathwood, Richlands and Forestdale.
The Local News Circulation of approximately 11,500 homes and business in the suburbs of Chelmer, Graceville, Tennyson, Sherwood, Corinda and sections of Indooroopilly. the greater
Springfield Times Circulation of approximately 11,000 homes and business in the suburbs of Springfield Lakes, Springfield, Brookwater, Augustine Heights, Camira and Gailes. www.LNP.net.au 3201 1880 intry@LNP.net.au Find us on Facebook
by Irene Dunning
The Jindalee Lions Club held their eighth Children of Courage Awards and this year they were a little different. One of our awards was sent to the Nowra Lions Club to present an award to Brittany Booth. Despite her own health issues, Brittany still found time to put forward a project to help other young children in Oncology Units at Hospitals by supplying colourful pillowcases for their personal use. We followed this project through with each child receiving a pillowcase which they can keep as their own. This year we made a home visit to two of our nominees, we also had a duet, a Child of Courage award and a Sibling award to her sister (pictured). We were fortunate to have Tarnya Smith MP assist with the presentation of a plaque and a pillowslip. Principal of Mount Ommaney College, Ric Day, was also present. During the afternoon we recognised our eight nominees. Tia (left), who received These children have successfully overcome additional barriers a Sibling Award and which they face every day. We believe that our award acts as sister Emelia (right) an encouragement for their future and helps them believe in who received a Child of themselves and increase their self-worth. Courage Award. It takes special people to cope with these special children and we recognised the parents and families who have that inbuilt courage to live their lives in a caring, positive way. We thank them for attending these awards and allowing us to become a part of their family, albeit, in a small way. For further information on these awards or the Lions Club, please contact Irene Dunning on 3372 9886 or 0407 880 756.
a message from the desk of
Tarnya SmithMP
State Member for Mt Ommaney
Have you thought about joining your local Chamber of Commerce?
The Centenary Chamber of Commerce has recently partnered with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Queensland to re-launch as the “CCIQ Centenary and Districts Chamber of Commerce”. The Chamber is a great way to meet other business owners and share some experiences with them. It can be very mutually encouraging to find out you are not alone ‘out there’. There are many advantages of being part of the Centenary & Districts Chamber of Commerce, including: • Support for local business owners by bringing other small business owners together. • Networking opportunities by meeting other like-minded people and setting up long term valuable business as a result of regularly being part of Chamber gatherings. • Referrals by members. As well as direct networking, there is a great opportunity to cross refer. • Access to Government agencies and local MP’s at Chamber functions. • Relevant speakers at Chamber functions who have expertise in matters which will be of value to you in running your business and making more profit. • Member expertise. There are some very successful business operators among our members. You can grab some great tips from a simple breakfast table conversation! • Industry advice. The Chamber can provide assistance with staffing, awards, insurance, disputes, litigation and taxation issues for local businesses. The Chamber meets on the first Wednesday of every month at the McLeod Golf Club from 7.30am for breakfast. To find out more visit: www.centenarychamber.com.au, or like their Facebook page at: www.facebook.com/pages/CCIQ-Centenary-Districts-Chamber-of-Commerce
Page 10 - November 2013 - The Centenary News
Coaching For Life
with Dr Kate Lemerle PhD MAPS Dr Kate Lemerle has over 25 years experience in the health industry and is a Coaching Psychologist with Chrysalis Wellness Services
Signature Strengths Imagine for a moment that you wake up one day to find that your life is perfect. Your relationships are running smoothly without conflict; you’re performing at your peak in your job; you have the ideal balance between work and play; you feel energetic and enthusiastic each day; people who know you acknowledge your skills, honesty and commitment; you’re excited about the future, confident about your direction, optimistic about your own personal growth. Does this seem too good to be true? Well, it’s possible, in fact it’s probable IF you apply one of the core constructs emerging from Positive Psychology – systematically using your “signature strengths” on a daily basis. The identification of signature strengths (also known as “core human strengths”) came about from a three-year study undertaken a few years ago. A team of researchers set about exploring whether there are universally recognised character traits. By investigating a vast collection of religious texts, cultural myths and legends, and social values promoted by communities worldwide, they were able to collate 24 core strengths recognised by all cultures around the world. They grouped these into six universal values – courage, humanity, justice, wisdom, temperance, and transcendence. Each value comprises a set of “strengths” or personal qualities that when learned and applied ensure that one is living according to that particular value. The more values we live by, the more we are leading a “good life”. For example, the value of humanity is demonstrated by use of the strengths - love (giving and receiving positive emotions to nurture close relationships), kindness (generosity, giving time to others, showing compassion and altruism), and social intelligence (awareness of others’ feelings and being at ease in social situations). Each of us will at times use all of the 24 character strengths, but differences can be found in our preferences, in the same way as we have personalitybased preferences. So for example, one person’s top character strength (the one that most drives them) might be love of learning, whereas another person’s top strength might be humour. The rank ordering of these character strengths gives us a personal profile which we call our “signature strengths”, the one’s that most define us individually. These are typically our top five strengths. The survey is available at the VIA Institute on Character www.viame.org/www/ By knowing our signature strengths, we can begin to shape our lives far more effectively. We can draw on the knowledge of our strengths to help us focus more clearly on our life priorities rather than pursuing the “shoulds”. And we can identify specific life goals that will require use of particular strengths, then focus on building these strengths so we get to our goals sooner. This is where a Life Coach can be especially helpful by giving us exercises that target the development of certain strengths.
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3818 2639 www.chrysalis54.com.au The Centenary News - November 2013 - Page 11
Info Page Local Contacts Info Page Local Contact
Info Page Local Contacts Info Page Clubs & Groups
Bach Society of Qld
Elizabeth Hood 3273 1787 www.bachsocqld.org.au
Bushcare Groups:
Edenbrooke: Felicity 3375 3968 Horizon Drive: Chris 3279 6483 Jindalee: Noel & Claire 3376 1412 Westlake-Riverhills: Gary 0427 681 612 Wolston Creek: Julie 3715 6434
Centenary & District Environment Action Inc. (CDEA) Shealagh Walker 3376 1287 or Warner Dakin 3376 7724 www.cdea.org.au
Centenary Chamber of Commerce Beau Jones 0412 629 151 www.centenarychamber.com.au
Cent Community Connections www.ccconnect.asn.au
Centenary Drum Circle
Tribal Drumming centenarydrumcircle@hotmail.com
Centenary Evening VIEW Club Di 3202 9759
Centenary Flexible Support Services Cheryl 3376 3181
Mon & Wed frail aged, Tue & Thur young people with a disability
Centenary Genealogy Group Sue 3376 8156
Centenary Suburbs RSL Sub-Branch 3279 5024 Centenary Quilters Glenys 3376 7722
Chapel Hill Day VIEW Club Bev 3279 2819
Community Garden - Rocks Community Garden
Creative Chics Craft Club
Meets 3rd Sat at Centenary Hub Jane 0413 143 505
Cross Stitch Club
Chris 3217 0976
Girl Guides
Jamboree Heights Lisa Cole 0432 928 091 Jindalee Judi 3376 4100
Historical Society, Centenary Suburbs 3376 1615 (BH) Independent Speakers Club Pett 3378 2361
Inner Wheel Club of Bne West
Sue 3376 8990 www.innerwheelaustralia.org.au
Sport & Fitness
Posties: (Mums support group) AFL - Jindalee 3279 2470 Meet each Mon @ Mt Ommaney Archery, Centenary Archers Library 9.30am - 11.30am Phone 0413 724 714
Probus Clubs:
3288-9735-ah 0411 647 035-bh www.centenaryarchers.gil.com.au
Centenary Len Simpson 3376 6410 Western Districts - The Bulldogs Jindalee Neville 3376 1824 Laurie 0421 137 406 Mt Ommaney Bill 3378 3170 www.wests.baseball.com.au
Rotary Clubs:
Centenary Peter 3376 4200 Jindalee Margaret 3722 1017 Sumner Park Rob 3278 3455 Rocks Riverside Brad 0411 268 279
Scout Group, West Centenary Qld Scout Centre Ph: 3870 7000
Sinnamon Park Residents Assoc Trevor 3376 1432
Social Group - Weekenders
Basketball West Brisbane
Falcons 0450 105 252 westbrisbanebasketball@hotmail.com www.westbrisbane.basketball.net.au
Ngaire 3375 7268 a/h
Trefoil Guild - Centenary Janet 3376 1889
Toastmasters, Centenary
Centenary Physical Culture Club Tracey Scott 3376 7689 centenaryphysie@hotmail.com.au
Meals On Wheels Jindalee 3279 1974
Men’s Shed 100 Inc
Catholic Church
Jindalee & Darra 3375 1013
Centenary Baptist
Ph 3253 1300
Evangelical Presbyterian Church Darra Ph: 3122 1150
iSEE Church
17 Mile Rocks, 1300 775 501
Spanish/English 3278 8309
3162 1427
Seventh Day Adventist, F’Lake
Centenary Ellen 3376 9545
Good News Lutheran Middle Park 3373 4440 Cycling, Centenary Bikeways Group 0417 073 181 King James Bible 32792805 Hockey South West United Women’s Salvation Army
Ingrid 0423 770 284 www.centenary.toastmastersclubs.org Rhonda 0400 634 853 UFO Research Qld Inc www.swu.com.au Sheryl 3376 1780 www.uforq.asn.au
Centenary/Riverhills 3279 2850
Netball Club, Jindalee
Samoan Christian Fellowship, Centenary 3312 9067 St Catherine's Anglican Ministry
Michael 0401 567 279
0403 586 296 or graeme@vcfbw.org.au
Western Suburbs Carers Jacqui Williams 0414 759 063 Support Group Katrina 3376 0185 grazacind@optusnet.com.au Middle Park 3376 4052 Western Suburbs Poker Club Rowing Club, Centenary (Youth) Vineyard Christian Fellowship Matthew 0403 890 763 Simon 0414 711 331 Brisbane West Sumner Park www.westernsuburbspokerclub.com
Wolston & Centenary Catchments www.centenaryrowing.com.au info@wacc.org.au Rugby League: www.wacc.org.au
Health Alcoholics Anonymous
Ph 3255 9162 www.aa.org.au Afterlife Discussions 0431 856 556 www.bodylight.com.au/afterlife
Rugby Union:
3373 4555
Kenmore Centenary Rugby Club 3388 6954 or 0402 891 614
Sinnamon Park Ladies Badminton & Volleyball Social Asperger’s Services Australia West Group Michelle mbjl@bigpond.com Brisbane Region Support Group or text 0411 480 701 Jane 3278 3082
Aust. Breastfeeding Assoc Tammy 0417 548 856 cfl.aba@gmail.com
Rev Tania 0401 690 127
St Catherine’s United: Jim Robbins 0416 107 351
Swim Clubs:
Ph 3376 2083
Leanne 0411 700 206
Brisbane Multiple Birth Assoc, Westside
Centenary Meals on Wheels
Centenary State High School Good News Lutheran Primary Middle Park 3376 4211
Jamboree Heights Primary
3725 5666
Jindalee Primary 3725 5777 Middle Park Primary 3712 9888 Soccer Clubs: Centenary Stormers: Miraa House 3376 7966 Alan 0407 038 565 www.centenarystormers.org.au Mt Ommaney Special School
Australian Pituitary Foundation Tennis Junior Club, Jindalee
www.bmbawestside.com.au info@bmbawestside.com.au
Westside Church of Christ
Jamboree Hts 3279 1570
Centenary Football Club, Randy 3271 1530 www.centenaryjrl.leaguenet.com.au
Kiwanis Club of Brisbane
Irene 3372 9886 / 0407 880 756
Cricket Club, Wolston Park
Cameron 3279 1300 centenary@tabletennisqld.org
Crohns & Colitis Assoc of Aust Jamboree Heights 0417 738 793 Jindalee 3376 1002 1800 138 029
Lions Club, Jindalee
Cr Matthew Bourke (Jamboree) 3407 7000 jamboree.ward@ecn.net.au matthewbourke.com.au
MetroWest Community Church
Centenary Recovery Group
1st & 3rd Tues 3715 6540
Brisbane City Council
Centenary Table Tennis Club
Jamboree Residents Assoc Inc
President Mr Wayne Williams 3279 0744 secretary@jra.org.au
Tarnya Smith MP (Mt Ommaney) 3279 5137 mt.ommaney@parliament.qld.gov.au
Brisbane Water Ski Club Jindalee Middle Park 33729901 Simon Reynolds 0405 655 786 Centenary Presbyterian Jamboree Heights 3305 0336 Bowls Clubs: Jindalee 3376 1240 jbcbar@hotmail.com Centenary Uniting 3279 2171 www.jindaleebowlsclub.org City Church@Jindalee Darra Cementco 3375 4307
Couples & Singles 35+ 3191 2105 Cent Canoe & Kayaking Club Mick 0402 643 465 Peter 0412 194 717 www.weekenders.freeforums.org
Society for Growing Australian Plants www.sgapqld.org.au St Vincent de Paul Socity Sumner Park 3279 1030 Sustainable Jamboree
State Member
Water Polo, Jindalee
Westside Triathlon Club
0403 197 721 westsidetriathlon@live.com
3717 6888
Local JP Contacts
Margaret Bruce 3376 4062 Fiona Burr 0421 222 154 Roy Case 3279 6332 Kee-Huat Chan 3376 6872 King Chiam 3376 7276 Dr Peter Ellis 0421 089 996 Susan Eyles 0405 465 050 Carol Harris 3376 8886 Jeff Haywood 3376 4470 Lucky Kossinna 0433 811 957 Tony Mortensen 3376 7862 Mala Nair 3279 4556 Stuart O’Donoghue 3376 5472 Mike Ridge 3376 6830 Grahame Tainton 3279 0185 Tony Trigg 0418 766 527
Ed 3376 1389 info@shed100.org.au Office 3279 1974 www.centenarymealsonwheels.com.au Government Representatives National Seniors Australia (Centenary) Elaine 3376 1986 TOUGHLOVE Parent Support Federal Member 3856 3211 www.toughlove.org.au Bernie Ripoll MLA (Oxley) NightWriters: (Writing Group) Meet 2nd & 4th Wednesday at Young Widows & Widowers Ph: 3879 6440 or Fax: 3879 6441 Mt Ommaney Library at 6pm Support Group of Brisbane ripoll.mp@aph.gov.au Gillian 0421 604 378 info@words2go.com Ellen 3376 9545 www.bernieripoll.com.au Groups & organisations listed are not for profit and run by volunteers. Page 12 - November 2013 - The Centenary News If your group would like their contact information listed please send your request to centenarynews@Lnp.net.au
Veterinary News
by Dr Scott Snellgrove BVSc (Qld)
Your low tech first-aid toolkit Sometimes when you’re away camping, travelling with pets, or just unable to access your normal vet outside opening hours, a simple home solution may just get you by until professional advice can be sought. Here are my top tips for what to put in that first aid kit. Electrolyte Sachet. Aside from mess, the main problem with diarrhoea is simple dehydration. Basic electrolyte solutions like Lectade, Dioraltye (or even Lucozade) contain glucose and body salts which allow the body to pull water back out of the gut into the body. An emergency substitute can be made by adding two pinches of salt, two pinches of glucose powder (sugar or honey if nothing else available) and a pinch of bicarb to a bowl of water. Tick Twister Hook. If you get the tick out early and cleanly, this may be the only treatment required. Apply a dab of Manuka honey to the site after removal of the tick to reduce swelling and draw out material and disinfect. If any signs of paralysis occur, seek vet advice sooner not later! Manuka. Manuka is antibacterial, antifungal, antiinflammatory, non toxic and provides an ideal moist wound healing environment. After cleaning the area with salty water it can be applied onto and even into wounds. Great for grazes, burns, cat fights, as a poultice to draw grit out of wounds, hot spots, insect stings, and even in infected ears. Honey is a ready standby source of energy for a collapsed, diabetic or heat stressed animal. Bad tasting medicines can also be mixed in and applied around the mouth where they will lick it off. Olive Oil. Warmed up, it’s useful for floating debris and foreign material like insects or grass seeds out of ears or eyes. Slippery Elm Powder. Mixed with water or added to food, it’s useful for constipation, colitis and gastric irritation. Available from health shops. Ginger And Turmeric. Ginger has useful antinausea and mild anti inflammatory and is especially useful for travel sickness. Give a few hours before travel via ginger jam, ginger lolly bears or mix the cooking spice with manuka honey then allow them to lick it off your fingers. Turmeric is a liver protectant, anti-inflammatory and strong antioxidant. A good preventative for dogs prone to arthritis, pancreatitis, hepatitis or dogs taking epilepsy medications which may affect the liver. Tea Tree Oil or Cream. Use the oil sparingly as the concentrate is like turpentine and can be irritating or even toxic in large amounts. A diluted drop however is great for penetrating into the cuticle around nail bed infections or as a foot bath for yeast dermatitis. Apply to the backs of dogs ears as an antiseptic insect repellent for fly bite. Scissors, Bandages, Dressings. Use scissors to remove hair knots and trim around wounds or areas of moist dermatitis. A folded square of kitchen roll towel with a dab of manuka makes a handy stick-on wound dressing. Paw paw ointment can be used instead for a non stick wound option. Bucket. Before we had proper Elizabethan collars, we used to cut the base out of an old plastic bucket, punch six holes then tie it onto the collar using shoe laces. For cats or small dogs, a larger yogurt container can be used. Remember to smooth any sharp edges. Remember these are temporary first aid measures so, while they will not harm, professional advice should always be sought as soon as possible.
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Jindalee Probus Club The next monthly meeting of the Probus Club of Jindalee will be on Tuesday 12th November. Meetings are held at the Jindalee Golf Club following morning tea at 10 am. Guest speakers for November will be Errol and Julie Marsh and their topic will be bee keeping. This promises to be an interesting and unusual topic, something we are all looking forward to. Outings and interest group activities continue to be popular with members, proving that in Probus there is something for everybody. If you would like to attend or require more information ring Neville on 3376 1824. Sumner Park Rotary Club Meets every Wednesday evening at McLeod Country Golf Club, Gertrude McLeod Crescent, Mt Ommaney at 5.30pm (light refreshments available). For more information about the club phone Fin Lawson on 3376 5241. Jindalee Rotary Club Meets every Tuesday night at McLeod Country Golf Club, Gertrude McLeod Crescent, Mt Ommaney for a 6.30pm dinner. For more information phone Secretary Lindsay Elwood on 3279 2011. Rotary Club of Brisbane Centenary The Rotary Club of Brisbane Centenary meets every Wednesday morning at Solitude Solutions, 5 Wills Court Mt Ommaney. The meeting commences at 6.45am and finishes at 7.45am with a continental breakfast on offer. Prospective members and guests are invited to arrive at 6.30am for fellowship and introductions. Please contact Ben Phillips on 0438 673 715 if you would like to go along. Probus Club of Centenary Suburbs The club meets at the Jindalee Bowls Club on the fourth Tuesday of each month with morning tea at 10 am. A guest speaker delivers a presentation on an interesting topic and a light lunch is then served. Members also enjoy a monthly outing and special interest group activities. Visitors and guests are always welcome. Anyone who may be interested should contact the secretary Len on 3376 6410 or the membership officer Jenny on 3376 5871 for further details. Chapel Hill VIEW Club The Chapel Hill View Club meets over lunch on the first Tuesday of the month at the Mt Ommaney Hotel and Apartments. The final luncheon meeting for this year is the very festive Christmas party on Tuesday the 3rd of December at 10.45am for 11.30am. Members enjoy a delicious two course luncheon plus an interesting guest speaker at most meetings. Other activities include a monthly bridge group, choir, annual birthday celebrations, Christmas party, gift wrapping, fashion parade and a Melbourne Cup party in November. Members invite you to join them to help in raising funds for their special Learning for Life project. So wear your sparkle and be of best voice and good cheer. For further information regarding VIEW Club or to book for the Christmas Party luncheon, please phone Bev on 3279 2819 by 6pm the Friday prior to the meeting. The luncheon cost is $32.00. New members and guests are most welcome. Centenary Evening VIEW Club Centenary Evening VIEW Club members will be in holiday spirits when they meet on Monday, 11 November, to celebrate the 19th birthday of their club. The theme for the night is musical theatre. The guest speaker for the night is Glen Schafer, a young Brisbane playwright, singer and actor, who will speak about his experiences on and behind stage. The Committee members have had fun dreaming up ways to make it a memorable night. The cost of the dinner is $35 and women of all ages, as well as members from other clubs, are invited to attend. Bookings are essential and may be made by ringing Di on 3202 9759 or Julianne on 3376 1824 by Thursday, 7 November. Members meet at the Mount Ommaney Hotel/Apartments and guests should arrive between 6.30pm and 7pm. The Centenary News - November 2013 - Page 15
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