Centenary News, September 2013

Page 1

Centenary News

the greater


11,000 copies distributed to homes and businesses in Sumner Park, Mount Ommaney, Westlake, Riverhills, Jamboree Heights, Middle Park, Jindalee, Sinnamon Park, Seventeen Mile Rocks, Windemere and Edenbrooke.

Sore Feet • Sports Injuries

Babies and Kids market on again

Th e e ve r p opu la r St Catherine’s Church Babies • General Podiatry and Kids Market is on again. • Digital Gait Ladies Fellowship PresiAnalysis dent Laurel Procter said • Footwear the twice yearly event was • Lower Limb Pain being held at the Church in • Orthotic Therapy Macfarlane Street, Middle Qualified Podiatrists Unit 1/8 Commercial Drive Park on Saturday morning SPRINGFIELD 31 August from 8.00am Shop 15, 66 Curragundi Road until noon. JINDALEE “This fundraiser is perfect to help parents obtain items for their children at a reasonable price while also raising funds for local charities,” Laurel Executive members planning the market – left to right Laurel Procter said. Procter, Rev Tania Eichler, Rhonda Harper “A lot of the items are new and Louise Waterhouse. or near new, and this gives parents a chance to sell items they no longer need for their children. There will be cots, prams, toys, books and clothes on sale at the event.” St Catherine’s Rector Rev Tania Eichler praised the Ladies Fellowship for their efforts, and said people FEDERAL MEMBER FOR OXLEY interested in having a table to sell items at the Market Bernie Works For You should contact Louise Waterhouse on 3376 3461 or Laurel Procter on 3376 2593. Phone (07) 3879 6440 Ladies Fellowship Treasurer Rhonda Harper said funds raised this time would help St Mary’s Home, Toowong who Fax (07) 3879 6441 provide support and accommodation for women and children. Email bernie.ripoll.mp@aph.gov.au “They always need support and we are happy to help such a worthy cause,” Mrs Harper said. PO Box 4042 Forest Lake Qld 4078 Fellowship Secretary Louise Waterhouse said the www.bernieripoll.com.au mornings activities would be an enjoyable social occasion, with morning tea of pikelets, tea and coffee available. • Children

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OP E N SAT U R DAYS www.vhdental.com.au Your Local Independent Monthly Magazine - September 2013

Hello Readers As our world experiences unprecedented change stimulated by advances in technology, young people must be provided with the opportunity to develop the skills and disciplines they will need in the “creative economy” of the future. So far as we know at this point in time, these vital skills will involve a strong grounding in creative and critical thinking, perseverance, adaptability and the ability to collaborate and be part of successful teams. Developing a child’s potential to be successful in this new environment starts with their involvement in the Performing Arts where the ability to perform confidently is nurtured. The experience of learning in a collaborative environment through Music, Drama and Dance at both primary and secondary level, gives young people the opportunity to develop these skills through their engagement in a variety of performance groups and activities. Universities are now expanding opportunities for learning within courses in the creative industries by combining the performance disciplines with media, communication and business. At St John’s following this study and career pathway is a real and exciting possibility which includes the strong partnerships we have within the Queensland Arts industry.

As a culmination of their work in 2013, excellent performances by our leading Music ensembles, and Drama and Dance Troupes delighted the audience at our recent Showcase Concert, the first in our new College Auditorium. Many of these fine young performers will go on to the State Honours Ensemble Program in full, and to real theatre opportunities provided by the Harvest Rain Theatre Company and La Boîte. Whether our students choose a career in the Arts industry or use the their skills and disciplines to build a career in the new creative industries, they will be well served by the foundation they received in the St John’s Performing Arts Centre of Excellence. If you would like to see how your child’s education can be taken to the next level call 3372 0113 for your personalised tour of our primary and secondary schools and see our Arts students at work. Kind regards Suzanne Bain Head, St John’s Anglican College Kindy to Year 6 07 3372 0888 Years 7 to 12 07 3372 0111 www.stjohnsanglicancollege.com.au enquiries@sjac.qld.edu.au

The Performing Arts Centre of Excellence offers the students the opportunity to practice and perform in bands, choirs, ensembles, dance and drama excellence troupes and musical stage productions leading to performances at local, state and national events.


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Page 2 - September 2013 - The Centenary News

As part of the PACE program students experience firsthand the life and work of practising and performing artists through links with arts industry professionals and intensive workshops with commercial theatre groups, dance companies and state and national orchestras.

Personally Speaking

By Susannah Friis with Susannah Friis

I think you would all agree we have been enjoying exceptionally balmy weather of late and now that September is here, and the arrival of Spring is upon us, there is the change in the air, and not just because of the upcoming election! Traditionally, we look to the start of a new year for new beginnings and implementing changes in our lives, yet the start of a new season, particularly Spring when renewal and new life is so evident, is also a perfect time to see if modifications need to be made. Change is something that we often fight against. Even if we aren’t happy with the way things are, we are wary of things being different. We are more comfortable with the status quo because it’s familiar to us; it’s what we know. Setting about making changes involves a risk - it may not go as we thought it would, people may not do or say what we thought they would. The thing is, people and circumstances are beyond our control, and that is what makes us really baulk at big changes in our lives. The adage that ‘the only certain thing is that things will change’ couldn’t be truer, however much we dislike the notion. Even when we think we are standing still, resisting change, we are really fooling ourselves. The whole of life must change, renew and regenerate, otherwise, it ceases to be life. Without change, things die. And that’s true for us too. Our relationships, our careers, our personalities must all undergo change in order to survive. And we must learn to adapt and go with the flow too. We are constantly telling our youngest daughter that ‘Flo’ is spending the day with us when she wants to know every single detail of every single days events. “Just go with Flo!” we cry. “I hate Flo!” she cries in reply. Learning to go with the flow is an important part of successful living. Imagine if the plants and animals around us refused to submit to the changes of the seasons? If the blossoms refused to bloom simply because they didn’t want it to be Spring yet? Likewise, we need to submit ourselves to the ebb and flow of life. And Spring is the ideal time to throw off the shackles of this particularly wet winter and breath in the new life that’s on the winds of Spring. Won’t you join me in embracing all the joy and freshness of a new season by dusting off our routines and ruts and turning toward new things? What could you do that you’ve always wanted to do? What opportunities are awaiting you if you step outside your door and explore the new buds all around you? Isn’t it time to change? To renew and rejuvenate ourselves? Doesn’t it put a Spring (pun intended!) in your step to think of all the new and glorious possiblities ahead? It does for me!

Letters to the Editor and feedback are always welcome, email Susannah at editor@LNP.net.au or leave a comment on her blog at www.susannahfriis.com

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3201 1880  Fax 3463 0213 PO Box 923, Sumner Park 4074 or email us at: centenarynews@Lnp.net.au Editors: Graham & Susannah Friis editor@Lnp.net.au Articles: editor@Lnp.net.au Artwork: Susann Langdale artwork@Lnp.net.au Ph: 0447 273 565

Copies are also available from: • Y-West, Jamboree Hts • Park Village Newsagent • Curragundi Rd Newsagent


us and like us on facebook to stay up to date all through the month! LNP.net.au/centenary-news

Printed by: Beaudesert Times Pty Ltd

The Centenary News - September 2013 - Page 3

Advanced Beauty

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Page 4 - September 2013 - The Centenary News

Hello, my name is Thea Soons. If you are familiar with, or thinking about, cosmetic injectables then I encourage you to read on. As we know, nothing remains the same forever. A more accurate phase could not be applied to the beauty/cosmetic industry. In the last 18 years, I and the rest of Australia have seen some dramatic changes, and there are more to come! I am the owner and operator of Advanced Skin Care Clinic, in Jindalee, a n d h a v e k n o w n D r. Andrew Molloy, a wellknown cosmetic dentist from Kenmore, for 16 years. Our discussions over coffee one day resulted in us realising that, not only did our services compliment each other, but that we could offer a brand new approach to cosmetic enhancement. I have been a specialist in face and skin care for over 40 years, and Andrew has been a cosmetic dentist for 30 years. Andrew is a rare breed of dentist. Having undertaken training in the UK and with the Australian Academy of DentoFacial Aesthetics, he has the intricate knowledge and experience to know that “complete facial aesthetics” is more than just a wrinkle free face, or a great smile, or beautiful teeth. It’s about balance. We all know that ‘relaxants’ and ‘fillers’ are not new to the industry, however, the techniques and protocols now employed to maximise results and longevity are. By working together, we are able to offer people the opportunity to talk to a dentist in a totally different environment, in the peaceful surroundings of a skin clinic, which could completely eliminate dental phobia. Andrew and I are well aware that todays’ clients are well researched, well-read and savvy. And that they seek out professional high quality services from well-known professionals. They demand the best with long lasting results and this is what we specialise in. In all my 40 years as a skin specialist, I have never come across two skins that are exactly the same therefore they shouldn’t be treated as such, hence the introduction of our Prescriptive Speciality Treatment service, which addresses client’s problems and concerns on an individual basis. In the one treatment we now integrate a combination of therapies to ensure that at each stage, every client achieves their optimum result with maximum longevity. If, at the post-treatment consultation stage, it’s considered the ‘balance’ needs tweaking, then the tweaking is on us – such is our commitment to customer satisfaction. As for the results - if our clients are ecstatic, then we’re happy too.

Kindy thrilled with new playground




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Thanks to generous grants from the State and Federal government, Jamboree Community Kindergarten has a new playground and the staff, parents and students couldn’t be happier. The Capital Works Grant has allowed Jamboree Community Kindergarten to fix the playground which was over 15 years old and in need of a makeover due to safety concerns. Jamboree Community Kindergarten Co-Director Sharon Pick said without the grants they would have been waiting a long time to carry out the repairs which have cost over $70,000. “Thanks to the grants, we have more than we ever could have hoped for,” Ms Pick said. “We removed the old wooden fort and replaced it with swings, climbing frames, bridges, a sensory garden, rock and digging patch, water pumps, stepping stones and much more,” she said. The new playground and gardens allow the children at Jamboree Community Kindergarten to develop their fine and gross motor skills as well as allow the children to use their imagination which has seen the new playground become everything from a zoo and fairy garden to a construction site. “Its hard to get the children to come inside ever since their new playground has been finished. They just love it.” Jamboree Community Kindergarten now has their committee working hard at their fundraising efforts to further develop their playground adding additional landscaping, seating and other features to further improve the playground for the students. “Now we have seen the improvement, it has set the wheels in motion. This is only the beginning and we cant wait to see what the future holds for the playground,” Ms Pick said. The Jamboree Community Kindergarten playground was officially opened by Tarnya Smith MP local State Member for Mount Ommaney and the Assistant Minister for Child Safety on Friday 12 July at 10.30 am at Jamboree Community Kindergarten 61 Beanland St, Jamboree Heights.

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The Centenary News - September 2013 - Page 5

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Feminism and the women’s liberation movement have achieved great changes for women in western countries. So why is it that many women still struggle with achieving the balanced life promised by our grandmothers? In fact, women in greater numbers are now seeking help to find their true path, to define their personal idea of what it means to be successful, and to find practical ways to balance the roles in their lives. And most of all, to gain acceptance by other women who make different choices. How do we cope with having so many choices available to us, and still wanting it all? An essential step is for women to find out who they are, and avoid the trap of defining themselves according to their roles - wife, mother, daughter, sister. Men tend to have a much clearer sense of identity, they know what they can and cannot do. Women who invest time in identifying their strengths, personality styles and preferences, life goals and ambitions, and burnout traps are better armed when it comes time to making big decisions such as whether or not to have children, timing for career changes, and the types of relationships they want.

Another set of skills found in successful women involves mindset. Mindset is underpinned by self-esteem, so women who can genuinely recognise and celebrate their successes, and develop an optimistic and positive mental focus, do better than those who worry about mistakes, image and failure. Positive mindset is helped by daily journaling about “what went well” each day, and reviewing how you contributed to this. Being open to learning strategies that work by watching other successful women, engaging in coaching with a mentor, reading and going to personal growth workshops are great ways to build a positive and outcomes-focused mindset. Avoiding burnout traps and short-circuiting self-sabotage habits are also essential for getting ahead and finding balance. Burnout is the result of taking on more than is humanly possible and convincing yourself that you “should” be able to accomplish the impossible. A weekly schedule based on a real assessment of how many waking hours you have each week is a start. Block off hours that have to be spent in survival tasks (getting food and eating, bathing and personal hygiene, travelling from one place to another). With the leftover hours, allocate specific blocks of time according to your personal priorities - physical and mental fitness activities, relationships, earning money, creative activities, and so on. Finally, write a letter to yourself (now) as an 80-year-old woman. What wisdom would you share, and what practical advice would you give yourself?

Locally developed app helps keep children safe Ahead of National Child Protection Week, 1-7 September, two Brisbane social workers have launched an app designed to highlight how to keep children safe. The IAssitSafety app walks children and parents through a step by step process of identifying adults who children can ask for help if feeling unsafe. The app was created by Centenary mum of three, Annaley Clarke and Beenleigh mum of five, Linda Smith. The two social workers, with over 40 years experience in the sector, have experienced firsthand the impact of abuse on children when they are not kept safe or allowed to voice their concerns. Based around the model of a hand, the five fingers represent five adults who the child views as safe. “The safe adults need to be people who the child sees regularly, people they can trust and people who will listen to the child,” developer Linda Smith said. After these adults are identified, IAssistSafety allows the child to easily access the five adult’s names at any time if they are scared, worried, sad or need help. The app also allows for the storage of photos and phone numbers for easy access and identification. “IAssistSafety is aimed at 3-12 year olds and can also be an invaluable tool for child care centres to keep a record of people who are safe to collect children as the photos assist with easy identification,” Mrs Smith said. With no other app like it currently available, IAssitSafety is an invaluable tool for all families. “All children deserve to be safe but we need to teach them who and how to tell us when they are not feeling safe and IAssistSafety allows children a voice to do this,” Mrs Smith said. The app is available in the Apple Store and Google Play Store or for more information visit www.matlecapps.com.



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Page 8 - September 2013 - The Centenary News

Centenary Suburbs Historical Society update

by Vice President Lynda Young

The 10th Rocks River Festival was held recently at the Rocks Riverside Park off Counihan Street. The Centenary Suburbs Historical Society erected a display on local history for the public to enjoy. The theme this year was the history of the land, in the Seventeen Miles Rocks area, on which the festival is held. We had information, maps and old photos displayed on the early settlement of the area. That display is now on view in the Mt. Ommaney Library for the next month. If you are enjoying the Rocks Riverside Park one day soon, why not take a short walk back along the river towards Windermere Estate to see the historic brass, dedicated to John Oxley’s schooner the Mermaid? Leave the park through the entrance and Cross Counihan Street to John Magee Park, by the river, and follow the concrete path over the Seventeen Mile Creek and you will see a seat on your left directly opposite the Seventeen Mile rocks. The section of the Brisbane river that you can see from the seat is called Mermaid Reach. Oxley and some of the Mermaid’s crew would have rowed past this spot in their whaleboat exploring up the river in 1823. Their schooner, the Mermaid was anchored at Bribie Island. The seat and plaque were unveiled on May 26 in 2012. At that ceremony the “ghost” of John Oxley made an appearance and gave a short speech referring to his exploration of the local area. Mal Lancaster, dressed as the explorer, looking very dapper in uniform and sporting a telescope under his arm. This is the second significant memorial erected by the Centenary Suburbs Historical Society to commemorate the arrival of John Oxley in our area. For further information on the history of your local area consult our website on www.cshsoc.org.au.

Centenary Quilters celebrate 30 years This is an important year for Centenary Quilters, not just 30 years, but 30 years of supporting the community and many worthwhile charities, the latest being the Motor Neurone Disease Association of Queensland, which they have supported for the last 13 years with their charity raffle quilt, successfully raising funds for the Association and research into motor neurone disease. With the support of the Brisbane City Council Seniors funding, Centenary Quilters recently hosted an afternoon tea at Wolston House for their foundation members and members in recognition of their years of membership and service to the community. Gwen Kucurs, foundation member and current member, was recognised for her 30 year commitment to Centenary Quilters. Quilts were displayed and the relaxing environment and tour of Wolston House made the day the success it was. This year’s quilt show at the Mt Ommaney library, September 3rd – 7th will showcase a variety of talents and quilts. With blankets of love and the summer challenge - lap quilts for a local nursing home - on display, the show will be well worth a visit. Centenary Quilters meet the first Monday of the month 7.30 – 9.30pm and the first Friday of the month 9.30am – 12.30pm. For information about Centenary Quilters and the quilt show please contact Glenys on 3376 7722.


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The Centenary News - September 2013 - Page 9

a message from the desk of

Tarnya SmithMP

State Member for Mt Ommaney

Currently with four news magazines, Local News Publications covers 30 suburbs south of the Brisbane CBD, allowing you to target the local area best suited to you and your business. If you’re looking to increase your local sales, then with a combined distribution of over 44,000 and potential readership of at least 100,000, these news magazines will provide you with a proven medium. Centenary News Circulation of approximately 11,000 homes and businesses in the suburbs of Sumner Park, Mt Ommaney, Westlake, Riverhills, Jamboree Heights, Jindalee, Middle Park, Sinnamon Park, Seventeen Mile Rocks, Windermere & Edenbrooke. The Lake News Circulation of approximately 11,000 homes and businesses in Forest Lake, Ellen Grove, Doolandella, Heathwood and Forestdale. The Local News Circulation of over 11,500 homes and businesses in the suburbs of Chelmer, Graceville, Tennyson, Sherwood, Corinda, Oxley, and now including sections of Indooroopilly. The Greater Springfield Times Circulation of 11,000 homes and businesses in the suburbs of Springfield Lakes, Springfield, Brookwater, Augustine Heights, Camira, Gailes, Bellbird Park and sections of Redbank Plains. With new homes being built every month, circulation continues to increase.


3201 1880

for more information or visit our website at www.Lnp.net.au

When we think of Seniors, we often start by reflecting on the people we love and admire in our own lives – our parents and grandparents, perhaps, depending on our age or family situation. If we’re lucky enough to be blessed with family members and friends in their senior years, we know how important they are, not only in the difference they make to our lives, but to the communities in which we live. These days, more than ever, more and more grandparents seem to be helping out with looking after the littlies. I know many families where Grandma, Grandad, Nan and Pop help out with after school care or simply by dropping off and picking up school aged children. This can relieve considerable time and stress for mum and dad and can be a great opportunity for children to spend time with their grandparents. It’s not a big leap from here to look at the much broader contribution that older people make in our community, through their roles as carers, volunteers, consumers, and indeed as workers, as more and more people work into their senior years. The value of volunteering in Australia is estimated at more than $200 billion (Source: Dr Lisel O’Dwyer, Senior Research Associate, School of Social Science, University of Adelaide 2012, quoted in www.necseniors.net.au), and when you consider that almost 3 million Australians over the age of 65 volunteered in 2010 (Australian Bureau of Statistics), it’s easy to see that our Seniors make a remarkable input into our economy and our quality of life. But the true value of Seniors lies in the wealth of their life experience, their wisdom and their knowledge, which enriches all our lives. That’s why Seniors Week is such an important occasion. It’s not an event just for Seniors themselves, but also for a caring community that appreciates and acknowledges these special people. And while we acknowledge that there are challenges that are faced by many older people and by our population as it ages, Seniors Week is a time when we celebrate our Seniors and acknowledge the unique role they play in shaping our communities, our families and our lives.

Jindalee Lions Club Update by Irene Dunning

The Jindalee Lions Club is different and does things differently. At our Annual Installation of the new Board night, we called on a Rotarian to effect the Installation. Rotarian President Eric Batten from the Rotary Club of Moreton Bay was welcomed to our club together with Lion Rita Jensen, who carried out the introduction of Eric. The new office bearers are Lion Glenda Haig as President, Lion Diana Heidecker at Secretary and Lion Jack Dunning as Treasurer and they, together with other office bearers, were installed. It was a very happy night and all who attended agreed it was a great night. We believe in doing things differently and interesting to our members.

Interest in photography club sought “Photography is a wonderful hobby. It is not only an interesting way to fill time but it helps you to express yourself. Through photography you can record all the interesting facts of life, particularly in your family. However if you want to take this one step further, it helps you become creative.” These are the ideas of Sandra Kolisch who is a long time experienced amateur photographer. She is a teacher,writer and judge in photography in the Camera Club scene. Sandra has exhibited in National and overseas exhibitions. Sandra also holds honours and would like to maintain her record. She believes that self interest Clubs and Associations assist any society to help folk join together to heighten their interest and assist the community. Sandra is currently a member of a Photography Club that is not local to the area and feels it would be an advantage to start such a club in this area. She is looking for people who may be interested in joining her in establishing a photography club within the Centenary suburbs. If you are interested in the formation of a Centenary Camera Club you can contact Sandra on 3715 5442 or send an email to sandrakol@bigpond.com.

Page 10 - September 2013 - The Centenary News

Centenary National Seniors SENIORS

by Lesley

So much happened during August: Firstly there was our General Meeting and Annual General Meeting where two of our committee retired and we thank them for their service to our Branch. Then three more members joined our incumbent committee and we welcome them as well as our returning Committee Members. General Meetings are held on the first Tuesday each month except for November when it becomes the second Tuesday because of the Melbourne Cup being held on the first Tuesday in November. General Meetings start with a delicious morning tea and are followed by either a guest speaker or an entertainer. Well, the Ekka has come and gone and hopefully the Westerly winds, also our Branch’s Senior Week project ‘Chicken Licken in the Park’ at the Rocks Riverside Park to which all local branches and seniors residing in the area were invited. This project was sponsored by COTA. Our Members enjoyed the recent coach trip to Mt Tambourine for a “Christmas in July” with shopping in the main street beforehand. The fudge was especially delicious! Our next coach trip will be to Glengallen Homestead (just outside Warwick). Members also enjoyed a trip back to a bygone era when we did an Explorer Trip to ‘Wolston House’ where we enjoyed a conducted tour around the house and learnt the history of the place, then followed it up with a beautiful lunch sitting at tables under the trees surrounded by kangaroos. Evening dinners are held on the second Wednesday each month, especially to cater for Members who are still working and are unable to attend daytime activities. We hold a ‘Steady Steps’ program (a gentle exercise program) at the Centenary Uniting Church Hall every Monday morning at 9am, also Zumba Gold programs for the more energetic at the same venue at 9.15am on the 1st, 3rd, 4th Wednesdays and 8.15am on the 2nd Wednesday each month. Members also play Mah Jong at the Mt Ommaney Library on the 1st and 2nd Thursdays each month at 10am. Then we have our ‘Book Club’ which meets on the 3rd Thursday each month at the Jindalee Bowls Club Library at 10am. This group is seeking more people to join with them – just turn up: you will be made very welcome. Just remember; Anyone 50 and over is welcome to attend our meetings and will be greeted at the door as a visitor for the first time, and if you like it, as we are sure you will, you can then join at the next month’s General Meeting. For further details please contact Marlene on 3279 1444.

Jamboree Heights Girl Guides host Spring Open Day

Residents are invited to the Jamboree Heights Girl Guides Spring Open Day to be held on 15 September. Come along and enjoy a taste of Spring with a beautiful afternoon tea, and pick up something to take home from the cake and craft stalls. Last year’s event was lots of fun and this year will be even better with games for the children being added to the program. Afternoon tea will be held in three sittings - 11.30am, 12.30pm, 1.30pm, and 2.30pm. Those wishing to participate in afternoon tea are advised to book as places cannot be guaranteed on the day. Send your booking or any other enquiries to jhguides@gmail.com. Get into the community spirit, come and enjoy a festive atmosphere and support Girl Guides.

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The Centenary News - September 2013 - Page 11

Info Page Local Contacts Info Page Local Contacts

Info Page Local Contacts Info Page Clubs & Groups

Bach Society of Qld

Elizabeth Hood 3273 1787 www.bachsocqld.org.au

Bushcare Groups:

Edenbrooke: Felicity 3375 3968 Horizon Drive: Chris 3279 6483 Jindalee: Noel & Claire 3376 1412 Westlake-Riverhills: Gary 0427 681 612 Wolston Creek: Julie 3715 6434

Centenary & District Environment Action Inc. (CDEA) Shealagh Walker 3376 1287 or Warner Dakin 3376 7724 www.cdea.org.au

Centenary Chamber of Commerce Beau Jones 0412 629 151 www.centenarychamber.com.au

Cent Community Connections www.ccconnect.asn.au

Centenary Drum Circle

Tribal Drumming centenarydrumcircle@hotmail.com

Centenary Evening VIEW Club Di 3202 9759

Centenary Flexible Support Services Cheryl 3376 3181

Mon & Wed frail aged, Tue & Thur young people with a disability

Centenary Genealogy Group Sue 3376 8156

Centenary Suburbs RSL Sub-Branch 3279 5024 Centenary Quilters

Sport & Fitness

Posties: (Mums support group) AFL - Jindalee 3279 2470 Meet each Mon @ Mt Ommaney Archery, Centenary Archers Library 9.30am - 11.30am Phone 0413 724 714

Probus Clubs:

3288-9735-ah 0411 647 035-bh www.centenaryarchers.gil.com.au


Centenary Len Simpson 3376 6410 Western Districts - The Bulldogs Jindalee Neville 3376 1824 Laurie 0421 137 406 Mt Ommaney Bill 3378 3170 www.wests.baseball.com.au

Rotary Clubs:

Centenary Peter 3376 4200 Jindalee Margaret 3722 1017 Sumner Park Rob 3278 3455 Rocks Riverside Brad 0411 268 279

Scout Group, West Centenary Qld Scout Centre Ph: 3870 7000

Sinnamon Park Residents Assoc Trevor 3376 1432

Social Group - Weekenders

Basketball West Brisbane

Falcons 0450 105 252 westbrisbanebasketball@hotmail.com www.westbrisbane.basketball.net.au

Ngaire 3375 7268 a/h

Trefoil Guild - Centenary Janet 3376 1889

Toastmasters, Centenary

Centenary Physical Culture Club Tracey Scott 3376 7689 centenaryphysie@hotmail.com.au

Bev 3279 2819

Community Garden - Rocks Community Garden


Creative Chics Craft Club

Meets 3rd Sat at Centenary Hub Jane 0413 143 505

Cross Stitch Club

Chris 3217 0976

Girl Guides

Jamboree Heights Lisa Cole 0432 928 091 Jindalee Judi 3376 4100

Historical Society, Centenary Suburbs 3376 1615 (BH) Independent Speakers Club Pett 3378 2361



Health Alcoholics Anonymous

Ph 3255 9162 www.aa.org.au Afterlife Discussions 0431 856 556 www.bodylight.com.au/afterlife Jane 3278 3082

Jamboree Residents Assoc Inc

1st & 3rd Tues 3715 6540

Lions Club, Jindalee

Irene 3372 9886 / 0407 880 756

Meals On Wheels Jindalee 3279 1974

Men’s Shed 100 Inc

Jindalee & Darra 3375 1013

Centenary Baptist

Ph 3253 1300

Evangelical Presbyterian Church Darra Ph: 3122 1150

iSEE Church

17 Mile Rocks, 1300 775 501

Cricket Club, Wolston Park

Spanish/English 3278 8309

3162 1427

Seventh Day Adventist, F’Lake

Centenary Ellen 3376 9545

Good News Lutheran Middle Park 3373 4440 Cycling, Centenary Bikeways Group 0417 073 181 King James Bible 32792805 Hockey South West United Women’s Salvation Army

Centenary/Riverhills 3279 2850

Netball Club, Jindalee

Samoan Christian Fellowship, Centenary 3312 9067 St Catherine's Anglican Ministry

Michael 0401 567 279

0403 586 296 or graeme@vcfbw.org.au

Tammy 0417 548 856 cfl.aba@gmail.com


Rugby Union:

3373 4555

Kenmore Centenary Rugby Club 3388 6954 or 0402 891 614

St Catherine’s United: Jim Robbins 0416 107 351

Swim Clubs:

1800 138 029

Jindalee 3376 1002

Ph 3376 2083

Leanne 0411 700 206

Brisbane Multiple Birth Assoc, Westside


Crohns & Colitis Assoc of Aust Jamboree Heights 0417 738 793 Australian Pituitary Foundation Tennis Junior Club, Jindalee

Centenary Meals on Wheels

Centenary State High School Good News Lutheran Primary Middle Park 3376 4211

Jamboree Heights Primary

3725 5666

Jindalee Primary 3725 5777 Middle Park Primary 3712 9888 Soccer Clubs: Centenary Stormers: Miraa House 3376 7966 Alan 0407 038 565 www.centenarystormers.org.au Mt Ommaney Special School

Rev Tania 0401 690 127

www.bmbawestside.com.au info@bmbawestside.com.au

Westside Church of Christ

Jamboree Hts 3279 1570

Centenary Football Club, Randy 3271 1530 www.centenaryjrl.leaguenet.com.au

Sinnamon Park Ladies Badminton & Volleyball Social Asperger’s Services Australia West Group Michelle mbjl@bigpond.com Brisbane Region Support Group or text 0411 480 701

Centenary Recovery Group

Kiwanis Club of Brisbane

Churches Catholic Church

MetroWest Community Church

Cameron 3279 1300 centenary@tabletennisqld.org

Wolston & Centenary Catchments www.centenaryrowing.com.au info@wacc.org.au Rugby League:

Aust. Breastfeeding Assoc

President Mr Wayne Williams 3279 0744 secretary@jra.org.au

Cr Matthew Bourke (Jamboree) 3407 7000 jamboree.ward@ecn.net.au matthewbourke.com.au

Western Suburbs Carers Jacqui Williams 0414 759 063 Support Group Katrina 3376 0185 grazacind@optusnet.com.au Middle Park 3376 4052 Western Suburbs Poker Club Rowing Club, Centenary (Youth) Vineyard Christian Fellowship Matthew 0403 890 763 Simon 0414 711 331 Brisbane West Sumner Park

Inner Wheel Club of Bne West

Sue 3376 8990 www.innerwheelaustralia.org.au

Brisbane City Council

Centenary Table Tennis Club

Ingrid 0423 770 284 www.centenary.toastmastersclubs.org Rhonda 0400 634 853 UFO Research Qld Inc www.swu.com.au Yvonne 3715 8980 Lesley 3379 2777 Sheryl 3376 1780 www.uforq.asn.au

Chapel Hill Day VIEW Club

Tarnya Smith MP (Mt Ommaney) 3279 5137 mt.ommaney@parliament.qld.gov.au

Brisbane Water Ski Club Jindalee Middle Park 33729901 Simon Reynolds 0405 655 786 Centenary Presbyterian Jamboree Heights 3305 0336 Bowls Clubs: Jindalee 3376 1240 jbcbar@hotmail.com Centenary Uniting 3279 2171 www.jindaleebowlsclub.org City Church@Jindalee Darra Cementco 3375 4307

Couples & Singles 35+ 3191 2105 Cent Canoe & Kayaking Club Mick 0402 643 465 Peter 0412 194 717 www.weekenders.freeforums.org

Society for Growing Australian Plants www.sgapqld.org.au St Vincent de Paul Socity Sumner Park 3279 1030 Sustainable Jamboree

State Member

Water Polo, Jindalee

Westside Triathlon Club

0403 197 721 westsidetriathlon@live.com

3717 6888

Local JP Contacts

Margaret Bruce 3376 4062 Fiona Burr 0421 222 154 Roy Case 3279 6332 Kee-Huat Chan 3376 6872 King Chiam 3376 7276 Dr Peter Ellis 0421 089 996 Susan Eyles 0405 465 050 Carol Harris 3376 8886 Jeff Haywood 3376 4470 Lucky Kossinna 0433 811 957 Tony Mortensen 3376 7862 Mala Nair 3279 4556 Stuart O’Donoghue 3376 5472 Mike Ridge 3376 6830 Grahame Tainton 3279 0185 Tony Trigg 0418 766 527

Ed 3376 1389 info@shed100.org.au Office 3279 1974 www.centenarymealsonwheels.com.au Government Representatives National Seniors Australia (Centenary) Elaine 3376 1986 TOUGHLOVE Parent Support Federal Member 3856 3211 www.toughlove.org.au Bernie Ripoll MLA (Oxley) NightWriters: (Writing Group) Meet 2nd & 4th Wednesday at Young Widows & Widowers Ph: 3879 6440 or Fax: 3879 6441 Mt Ommaney Library at 6pm Support Group of Brisbane ripoll.mp@aph.gov.au Gillian 0421 604 378 info@words2go.com Ellen 3376 9545 www.bernieripoll.com.au Groups & organisations listed are not for profit and run by volunteers. Page 12 - September 2013 - The Centenary News If your group would like their contact information listed please send your request to centenarynews@Lnp.net.au


Veterinary News

by Dr Scott Snellgrove BVSc (Qld)

Apologies to Claire Micklethwaite from Centenary Vet for the incorrect byline on her article in last month’s edition. An early start to tick season was written by Claire, not Scott Snellgrove, as the byline indicated. ~ Ed.

Cruciate disease in dogs

Just like humans, dogs have a pair of stabilizing cruciate ligaments which crossover inside the knee and, just like humans, they are frequently ruptured. For many years it was just assumed these were athletic/ accidental type injuries (similar to our football/skiing type sports injuries) so treatments focused on trying to repair or replace the ligament using grafts or synthetic implants. Most of these repairs however eventually failed in time. Sometimes, the joint thickening eventually offered some stability and protected the internal cartilages but often with less mobility. Eventually it was realised the process and mechanics for dogs knees were not the same as humans. Most dog ligaments were already degenerating long before they failed, even in young dogs, so were accidents waiting to happen. Dogs do not walk straight up and down, so their knee functions at an angle rather than a pillar. When the ligament ruptures, the thigh bone slides down the back of the sloping lower bone and often damages the meniscal cups of cartilage, leading to pain and advanced arthritis. New techniques focus on essentially bypassing the ligament - making it unnecessary by adjusting the bone angles inside the joint. This can be achieved via a number of high tech techniques with various merits. Until recently, these type of procedures were reserved for larger dogs but we are now able to offer a similar streamlined procedure to smaller dogs with much better results and return to function than using fibres. Our preference for the larger dogs is the “TTO” and for smaller breeds the new “TTA –Rapid”. Amazingly, this TTA Rapid implant is a Titanium foam cage created on a the latest 3D printer! A video clip of this is loaded on our Facebook page. We are also able to offer this in-house, cost effectively without specialist referral. Finally, all dogs with ligament and cartilage injuries, whether repaired surgically or not will still benefit from a treatment course with Pentosan which helps block the cartilage degrading enyzmes that result in further arthritic changes. Hopefully you will never ‘kneed’ it!

New ‘knit and natter’ group up and running A new group has been formed in the Centenary suburbs and residents interested in knitting or crocheting are encouraged to attend. The group, called ‘Knit and Natter’ supports a charity called ‘Knitting for Brisbane’s Needy’ and will meet once a month at Centenary Baptist Church, corner Riverhills Road and Horizon Drive. The meetings will be held every third Wednesday of the month from 10am - noon, with morning tea provided. Anyone interested in joining the group can contact Inga on 0437 833 454 or contact send her an email Inga71@live.com.

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Jindalee Probus Club The September monthly meeting of the Probus Club of Jindalee will be on Tuesday 10th, following morning tea at 10 am. Meetings are held at the Jindalee Golf Club and conclude with a presentation by an interesting guest speaker. September’s speaker will be Jim Lergessner and the topic will be Baby Boomers in Brisbane. If you wish to attend or require more information, please ring Neville 3376 1824. Sumner Park Rotary Club Meets every Wednesday evening at McLeod Country Golf Club, Gertrude McLeod Crescent, Mt Ommaney at 5.30pm (light refreshments available). For more information about the club phone Fin Lawson on 3376 5241. Jindalee Rotary Club Meets every Tuesday night at McLeod Country Golf Club, Gertrude McLeod Crescent, Mt Ommaney for a 6.30pm dinner. For more information phone Secretary Lindsay Elwood on 3279 2011. Rotary Club of Brisbane Centenary The Rotary Club of Brisbane Centenary meets every Wednesday morning at Solitude Solutions, 5 Wills Court Mt Ommaney. The meeting commences at 6.45am and finishes at 7.45am with a continental breakfast on offer. Prospective members and guests are invited to arrive at 6.30am for fellowship and introductions. Please contact Ben Phillips on 0438 673 715 if you would like to go along. Probus Club of Centenary Suburbs The club meets at the Jindalee Bowls Club on the fourth Tuesday of each month with morning tea at 10 am. A guest speaker delivers a presentation on an interesting topic and a light lunch is then served. Members also enjoy a monthly outing and special interest group activities. Visitors and guests are always welcome. Anyone who may be interested should contact the secretary Len on 3376 6410 or the membership officer Jenny on 3376 5871 for further details. Chapel Hill VIEW Club Chapel Hill View Club meets on the first Tuesday of the month at Mt Ommaney Hotel and Apartments. The September meeting is Tuesday the 3rd at 10.45am for 11.30am. Come along to the September lunch meeting where you will have the chance to win the monthly raffle, or find a good book on the book table or pick up a treasure from the bring and buy trading table, whilst supporting the ‘Learning For Life’ program for disadvantaged children. Other activities include outings, bus trips and a friendly group of ladies who meet each month to play bridge. For further information about VIEW Club or to book for the September meeting and luncheon please telephone Bev on 3279 2819 by 6pm the Friday prior to the meeting. Luncheon cost is $32.00 and guests are always most welcome. Centenary Evening VIEW Club Are you interested in finding out how arts funding works in Queensland? Do you value the various festivals that make life in Brisbane entertaining? Perhaps you even have a secret desire to be a writer and need some financial support. Then you can’t afford to miss the September meeting of the Centenary Evening VIEW Club. You may be surprised by the range of activities that come under the arts “umbrella”. The guest speaker will be Jenny Galligan who is Executive Director of Arts Policy and Programs at Arts Queensland. This body plays a key role in enriching the lives of all Queenslanders through its support of diverse arts and cultural activities. This dinner meeting of the Centenary Evening VIEW Club (a friendship club for women) will take place on 9 September, 6:30pm for 7:00pm, at the Mount Ommaney Hotel/Apartments. Bookings must be made before midday on Thursday 5 September, by ringing Di on 3202 9759 or Helen on 3279 4416. The Centenary News - September 2013 - Page 15

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