The Lake News No.235
10,800 copies distributed in Forest Lake, Ellen Grove, Doolandella, Heathwood, Pallara and Forestdale.
Carols promise to be bigger and better Forest Lake Property Sales & Property Management
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The Forest Lake C om mu n it y Ca r ols w i l l return bigger and better than ever this Christmas, thanks to a $15,000 grant from the Heritage Bank Forest Lake Community Branch. The grant will enable organisers to investigate the possibility of moving the event to a new venue that can cater for bigger crowds. Up to 5,000 people are expected at the Heritage Bank Forest Lake Community Carols this year, which will require a larger venue with plenty of room for people to spread out a nd enjoy
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Heritage Bank Manager, Melanie Graham presents a cheque for $15,000 to Rev Russell Reynoldson (left), and Katrina Spencer (right). the event. Organising committee spokesperson Reverend Russell Reynoldson said the event has simply outgrown its current home at the Lake Stage. “We’re very happy that so many people want to come and be part of the carols,” he said. “The grant from Heritage will enable us to hire the stage, audio equipment, lighting and generators we need to move to a larger location and cater for all the people who want to come along. “This will be a great event and we are delighted that Heritage Forest Lake have thrown their support behind it.” The Heritage Bank Forest Lake Community Carols will take place on Sunday, 8 December.
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