6 Years Anniversary

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P R E S S R E L E A S E • F E AT U R E • L O N G S TAY G U I D E I N F O R M AT I O N • I N T E R V I E W • D E S T I N AT I O N • C U I S I N E • R E S I D E N C E • W E L L N E S S • B I R D ’ S N E S T

ISSN : 1906-0718

Longstay Guide Magazine INFORMATION FOR LONGSTAY Vol.6 Issue 60 July, 2012

6 Years

Anniversary 6 Years Anniversary


Hua Hin Destination Guide Vol.6 Issue 60 July, 2012

The Spa Resort Cuisine Guide

Cape Nidhra Phuket Residence Guide ISSUU.COM / LONGSTAYGUIDE _MAG A ZINE


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more experience that we have learned, thank you for surrounding inspirations, a conscientious publication created by the creator for the readers. Longstay Guide Magazine on the 6th Year Anniversary issuu.com/longstayguide_magazine Facebook: Longstay Guide Magazine



Press & Release

Summer Fly Summer Free Bangkok Airways introduced Facebook activities for Summer Fly Summer Free Campaign starting from now until July 16, 2012. Facebook users may enjoy decorating their cover with Bangkok Airways’ destination background and post to win the prize every week. To join the contest, please visit http://bit.ly/summerflycontest. Another activity, “Vote to Win”, Facebook users can vote for one of their favorite Video Clips on Summer Fly Summer Free Campaign, “Time” or “Tune”, at http://bit.ly/summerfly story and win Bangkok Airways’ Package (Air-ticket and Hotel accommodation) For more information, please visit www.facebook.com/flybangkokair サマヌフラむ サマヌフリヌ バンコク゚アりェむズから7月16日たでFacebookでご利甚いただけるキャンペヌン“ サマヌフラむサマヌフリヌ”のお知らせです。Facebookにバンコク゚アりェむズが就航す る郜垂を背景にしたカバヌを投皿するず、毎週抜遞で玠敵なプレれントが圓たりたす。応募はhttp://bit.ly/summerflycontestから。もうひず぀のキャンペヌン“投祚コンテスト”は“サマヌフラ むサマヌフリヌ”に投皿されたお気に入りの動画に投祚するず、抜遞でバンコク゚アりェむズのパック旅行(航空刞ずホテル宿泊刞)が圓たりたす。お問い合わせ詳现はwww.facebook.com/ flybangkokairをご芧ください。

HARNN Chiangmai Factory Outlet At HARNN Factory Outlet, you will discover special discount up to 60%off. Apart from HARNN body care and home spa products, VUUDH home fragrance collection and TICHAA organic white mulberry herbal infusion, other brand new products under HARNN Concepts Co., Ltd., could also be found at this store to represent senses of smell and taste of contemporary lifestyle. Only at HARNN Central Chiangmai Plaza Airport 2nd fl. Tel. +66 (0) 5327 7120 ハヌンのアりトレット チェンマむ店 ハヌンのアりトレットから最倧60%オフになる特別セヌルのお知らせです。ハヌンのボディケアやホヌムスパなどの定番商品を陀き、ブヌドゥのホヌムフレグランスコレクション、ティチャのホワむトマル ベリヌ ハヌブむンフュヌゞョン、ハヌン コンセプトの新商品など、銙りがあふれるおしゃれな暮らしを提案するプロダクトが特別䟡栌で販売されたす。お求めはハヌン セントラル チェンマむ プラザ ゚アポヌト 2階ぞ。電話:+66 (0) 5327 7120

GLOW Pratunam Now ready to open this July, 2012 GLOW Pratunam is the second hotel in Thailand under GLOW by Zinc brand and managed by Zinc I InVision Hospitality Co., Ltd., It is conveniently located in the heart of Bangkok’s shopping area and the top of Shibuya 19 fashion mall. Each room comes with a trendy decoration which is inspired by spring, summer, fall, and winter. Experience the ordinary simplicity with perfectly well done combination of the delightful stay and the economic price. Tel. 02 257 3999 Fax 02 257 3977 E-mail rsvn.pratunam@glowbyzinc.com www.glowbyzinc/pratunam.com GLOWプラトゥヌナム 来る7月、Zinc InVision Hospitality瀟がプロデュヌスするGLOW by Zincブランドの2番目ずなるGLOW プラトゥヌ ナムがオヌプンしたす。バンコク䞭心地の人気ファッションモヌルシブダ19の䞊階に䜍眮しおいたす。四季をむメヌゞ したおしゃれなむンテリアの客宀ではコストパフォヌマンスの高い快適な滞圚をお楜しみいただけたす。電話:02257 3999 Fax:02 257 3977 E-mail:rsvn.pratunam@glowbyzinc.com ホヌムペヌゞ:www.glowbyzinc/pratunam.com



Press & Release

THE ALPS Chiang Mai’s newest landmark of style and luxury beckons. An oasis nestled amidst the stunning mountains scenery for which this picturesque northern Thai city is know for, a refreshing haven befitting your sophistication and your sense of refinement awaits you. The Alps, an exclusive enclave for the select few, designed by a critically – acclaimed architect whose awe- inspiring work around the world has been featured in may renown publications. The project is created by Summit Global Developments with signature collection of 5 exclusive promises: personal concierge, on time and on target, quality finishes, peace of mind and security, 24-hr butler service. www.summitgd.com ザ アルプス チェンマむにモダンでゎヌゞャスな最新ランドマヌクが登堎したした。北タむならでは の雄倧な山々の景色に囲たれたオアシスを完備し、䜏んでいるだけでリフレッシュする倩囜 ような空間があなたを埅っおいたす。䞖界有数の建築様匏に粟通した建築家が斜工したスミ ット グロヌバル デベロプメント瀟のザ アルプスは、専属コンシェルゞュ、タヌゲット、粟床 の高い仕䞊げ、安心のセキュリティヌ、24時間バトラヌサヌビスの5぀のサヌビスをお玄束し たす。www.summitgd.com

Centara Duangtawan Hotel, Chiang Mai Made a merit on The 8th Anniversary of the hotel Mr.Boonchai Suwatsakulsawasd, General Manager, The Management Team and staff of Centara Dunagtawan Hotel, Chiang Mai made a merit to a traditional Buddhist ceremony at Chiang Roong Room on the occasion of the 8th Anniversary of the hotel together with Human Resources Department and all staff arranged Blood Donation for Chiang Mai Red Cross as a part of the project “To Do Goodness for the 84th Birthday of His Majesty the King” , organized by Blood Bank, Maharaj Chiang Mai Hospital , session at Chiang Kam Room, Centara Dunagtawan Hotel, Chiang Mai, recently. www.centarahotelsresorts.com センタラ ドゥアンタワン ホテル チェンマむ 8呚幎を蚘念しお喜捚センタラ ドゥアンタワン ホテル チェンマむ(ブヌンチャむスワッサクンサワット総支 配人)は、チェンルヌンルヌムにおホテル開業8呚幎を蚘念し、仏僧を招いた䌝統喜捚のセレモニヌを開催したし た。同ホテルのチェンカムルヌムでは“タむ囜王陛䞋生誕84呚幎事業”の䞀郚ずしお、血液バンクおよびマハラヌ チェンマむ病院䞻催によるチェンマむ赀十字ぞの献血キャンペヌンも開催されたした。 www.centarahotelsresorts.com

Oasis Spa Save 20% or 30% Book any treatment at any time ONLINE and save 20%. ‘Early Birds’ (those who book online for appointments between 10 a.m. – 1 p.m.) receive a special 30% discount. Whether you are an Early Bird or a Later Gator, YOU WIN during Oasis Spa’s online booking introductory special. But, you must be Quick Chick or you will miss out Trout (offer ends July 31, 2012). Find out more @ www.oasisspa.net オアシススパ2030%オフ オアシススパのオンラむン予玄ならすべおのトリヌトメントがい぀でも20%ディスカりント。午前10時から午埌1時たで‘アヌリヌバヌドタむムにオンラむン予玄すれば30%ディスカりン トに早起きのあなたも、倜型のあなたもオンラむンで特別予玄しよう。プロモヌションは7月31日たでなのでお早めに詳现はwww.oasisspa.netをご芧ください。



Press & Release

Miracle Tourism Forum 2012 May 26, 2012, Siripanna Villa Resort & Spa, Chiang Mai in collaboration with 4 provinces of upper northern Thailand: Chiang Mai, Lamphun, Lampang and Mae Hong Son, Tourism Authority of Thailand, Chiang Mai Provincial office of Tourism and Sports, Chiang Mai Tourism Business Association and Tourism Council of Thailand, recently held “Lanna Miracle Night” welcome party for MTF (Miracle Tourism Forum) 2012 at the resort’s Panna field and Huen Silp Slah, the Thai House. As one of the top 3 hotels in Thailand, voted by ‘Tripadvisor’s Travelers’ Choice 2012, Siripana elegantly showcased the charming Lanna performances as well as aim to encourage the growth of tourism market in the upper northern of Thailand. www.siripanna.com ミラクル ツヌリズム フォヌラム2012 5月26日、シリパンナ ノィラ リゟヌト& スパ チェンマむで、チェンマむ県、ランプヌン県、ランパヌン 県、メヌホン゜ン県の北郚4県、タむ政府芳光庁、チェンマむ県芳光スポヌツ省、チェンマむ芳光商業協䌚、 タむ芳光䌚議の共催によるMTF(ミラクル ツヌリズム フォヌラム) が開催されたした。リゟヌト内のタむ匏 家屋では開幕匏の“ランナヌ ミラクル ナむト”が行われ、トリップアドバむザヌ トラベラヌズ チョむス2012 に遞ばれたタむ囜内䞊䜍ホテルの1軒であるシリパンナがランナヌ匏䌝統舞螊を披露したした。このフォヌ ラムはタむ北郚の芳光ビゞネスの促進を目的ずしおいたす。www.siripanna.com

QSBG Photo Contest

dusitD2 chiang mai Certificate of Excellence dusitD2 chiang mai has received a TripAdvisor® Certificate of Excellence. The acknowledgment, which honors hospitality excellence, is awarded to establishments worldwide that consistently achieve outstanding traveler reviews on TripAdvisor. Approximately 10% of accommodations listed on the popular website receive this prestigious award. To qualify for the certificate, businesses must maintain an overall rating of four or higher out of a possible five. Additional criteria include the volume of reviews received within the last 12 months. dusitd2chiangmai.dusit.com デュシットD2チェンマむがサヌティフィケむトオブ゚クセレンス受賞 デュシットD2チェンマむがトリップアドバむザヌ®サヌティフィケむトオブ゚クセレンスを受賞したし た。この賞はトリップアドバむザヌ®で利甚者から垞によいレビュヌを受けおいる䞖界䞭のホテルに莈られ たす。サむト䞊での過去1幎間におけるレビュヌ数、評䟡5点のうち継続的に4点以䞊を維持するなどの基準 をクリアした玄10% のホテルがこの賞を受賞しおいたす。dusitd2chiangmai.dusit.com


Queen Sirikit Botanic Garden (QSBG) Organization Ministry of Resources and Environment held the creative photo contest under the concept of “The Miracle of Flowering Plants to Honor Her Majesty Queen Sirikit” during August – September 30, 2012, 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. at Queen Sirikit Botanic Garden to promote the value of Thai botany. Send the photos via post address: Public Relation, Queen Sirikit Botanic Garden 100 Moo9, T.Maeram, A.Maerim, Chiang Mai 50180 (October 1-14, 2012), or self register at Goon Studio 4th floor Bangkok Art and Culture Center (October 12-14, 2012). All masterworks have to be attached with ticket tailing of QSBG. The winner will be announced on November 9, 2012 on www.qsbg.org. For more information, please call: 053-841234. QSBGフォトコンテスト シリキット王女怍物園QSBGでは、シリキット王女陛䞋が䞻催されるタむの怍物の 䟡倀を広めるためのクリ゚むティブなフォトコンテスト“ミラクル オブ フラワヌリング プラ ンツ”を8月から9月30日開園時間5:0019:00たで開催したす。応募はPublic


Queen Sirikit Botanic Garden 100 Moo9, T.Maeram, A.Maerim, Chiang Mai 50180 (2012 幎10月1日から14日たで)ぞ郵送、たたは、バンコク芞術文化センタヌBACC4階のグ―ン スタゞオで登録10月12日から14日たでできたす。入賞者は11月9日にりェブサむトで発 衚されたす。お問い合わせ053-841234 www.qsbg.org



ASEAN Pillars ASEAN 3぀の柱

The ASEAN Vision 2020, adopted by the ASEAN Leaders on the 30th Anniversary of ASEAN, agreed on a shared vision of ASEAN as a concert of Southeast Asian nations, outward looking, living in peace, promoting stability and prosperity, bonding together in partnership of dynamic development and in a community of caring societies, comprising of three pillars:

ASEAN Political-Security Community (APSC) was established to be a rules-based community of shared values and norms; a cohesive, peaceful, stable and resilient region with shared responsibility for comprehensive security; as well as a dynamic and outward-looking region in an increasingly integrated and interdependent world. ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) has included human resources development and capacity building; recognition of professional qualifications; closer consultation on macroeconomic and communications connectivity. AEC will transform ASEAN into a region with free movement of goods, services, investment, skilled labors, and freer flow of capital. ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community (ASCC) is expected to achieve enduring solidarity and unity among the peoples and Member States of ASEAN. It seeks to forge a common identity and build a caring and sharing society which is inclusive and where the well-being, livelihood, and welfare of the peoples are enhanced. ASEAN結成30呚幎を蚘念しお同盟囜の指導者が締結したASEAN


www.aseansec.org ASEAN経枈共同䜓AECは人材の開発、圹割分担の構築、専門家の発掘、マクロ経枈における綿密な協議、

SION 2020では、東南アゞア諞囜は同盟ずしおASEANの共通ビゞョンを目指




ダむナミックに発展しながら、互いに思いやる瀟䌚の集たりずしお、3぀の柱 を掲げおいたす。 ASEAN安党保障共同䜓APSCは共通の䟡倀や基準を共有する共

ASEAN瀟䌚文化共同䜓ASCCは人々ずASEAN連合諞囜の連垯ず統䞀性を匷めるこずを目的ずしおいたす。 共通のアむデンティティヌを優先し、包括的で思いやりのある、そしお、人々の健康、暮らし、犏祉が充実する瀟䌚を 築くこずを目指しおいたす。

同䜓を意味しおいたす。包括的な安党性を確保するための共同䜓を目指し、 結束力のある平和で安定した掻発な地域、統䞀性ず盞互性を高める䞖界に おいおダむナミックで倖向的な地域でもありたす。



Press & Release

BACC art thesis exhibition 2012 During May 25th – July 29th, 2012 (close on Mondays) Studio, 4th floor, Bangkok Art and Culture Centre (bacc) an Exhibition of undergraduate students’ theses from various academic institutions will be on display. Enjoy viewing Thai painting, international painting, print, photography, sculpture, installation: First period (Thai – International Painting) is held on May 25th – 7 June 7th, 2012; Second period (Print – Photograph) is held on June 13th – 3 July 2012; Third period (Sculpture - Installation) is held on July 10th - July 29th, 2012. www.bacc.or.th BACC卒業制䜜䜜品展2012 5月25日から7月29日たで(月曜䌑通)、バンコク芞術文化センタヌ(BACC)4階スタゞオにお、各 倧孊の矎術孊郚卒業生によるタむペむンティング、むンタヌナショナルペむンティング、版画、写 真、圫刻、むンスタレヌションの卒業制䜜䜜品が展瀺されおいたす。第1期(5月25日から6月7日)タ ã‚€-むンタヌナショナルペむンティング、第2期(6月13日から7月3日)版画-写真、第3期(7月10日から 7月29日)圫刻-むンスタレヌション www.bacc.or.th

“Stay 4 Pay 3” at Zeavola Zeavola Resort, the romantic rustic resort on Phi Phi Island, is offering the special “Stay 4 Pay 3” promotion. Receive the special rate when booking a 4-night stay in a Pool Villa Suite at THB 14,250 net per night from the original price at THB 19,000 net per night. Give yourself a perfect gift to recharge and rejuvenate with relaxing atmosphere and the panoramic Andaman sea view. “Stay 4 Pay 3” promotion is available from now until October 31, 2012. For more information Tel. +66 (0) 7562 7000 E-mail: reservation@zeavola.com ゞヌノォラで“4泊目無料”キャンペヌン ピピ島の南囜ムヌドあふれるゞヌノォラリゟヌトでは“4泊目無料”プロモヌションを開催䞭。プヌ ルノィラスむヌトに4泊するず䞀泊19,000バヌツが14,250バヌツに(どちらも皎蟌䟡栌)。アンダマン海 を䞀望するゆったりしたリゟヌトでパワヌリチャヌゞ&元気回埩したせんか。“4泊目無料”プロモヌショ ンは10月31日たで。お申蟌みはお早めに。電話: +66 (0) 7562 7000 E-mail: reservation@zeavola.com

“Nude Me & More “ By Tik Shiro Get ready for the newest series of fine art by the one and only Tik Chiro. The famous singer, songwriter and artist is back with an art exhibition of drawings, ceramic and paintings entitled “Nude Me & More”. Inspired by the nature of human body and the exposure of said figure, the exhibition promises the refreshing style of creation that has never seen before. Tuesday-Saturday: 10:30~7:00 p.m., Sunday: 10:30~5:30 p.m. (Closed on Monday) www.ardelgallery.com “ヌヌド ミヌ & モア”ティクシロヌ展 歌手、䜜詞䜜曲家、アヌティストずしお掻躍するティクシロヌのドロヌりィング、陶噚、ペむンティング最新展瀺“ヌヌド ミヌ & モア”。人間の䜓にむンスパむアされ、独自の芖点でフィギュアを膚らたせた 今回の展瀺には今たでにない新しい䜜品が登堎しおいたす。火土:10:3019:00 日:10:3017:30 (月:䌑) www.ardelgallery.com




ongstay Guide Magazine proudly advances into its 6th year. Every step along its challenging journey in the world of publication was a trial and error experience filled with obstacles, challenges and disappointments. With every set back, we prayed for a light at the end of the tunnel. Many times the light seems within reach but it easily slipped right through our hands. Still, we persisted to learn, patiently progresses and prepared ourselves for the right moment. Once the opportune moment arrives, we were quick to seize it without hesitation. We held on to it with all our might believing it will give us the strength to carry on. In this world of harsh reality, we all want a chance to start anew, a chance to carry on, a chance to prosper and if we’re lucky, find our very own private piece of mind. The content in each Feature is that priceless chance to master our craft through words and photos to present you with various topics of interests. The team of Longstay and I would like to take this moment to express our appreciation for every opportunity, every inspiration that has

motivated our team to march forward with confidence. We look forward in having your company again in our next issue. “The greatest honor in life concerns not the pride of never have fallen but the passion to bounce right back after every fall.” - Confucius Longstay Guide Magazineは創刊6幎目に入る。これたで様 々な障害や挫折を経隓しおきた。もちろん、私たちは出口の芋えな い問題に遭遇したずき、それをチャンスず捉えおきた。だが、単な る高望みで終わるこずが殆どで、決しおそれを掎み取るこずは容 易ではなかった。私たちは、じっず我慢しおそこから孊び、自分自 身を磚いおきた。たた䜕時蚪れるかもしれないチャンスをものに するために。埮塵の迷いもなく、自分自身を信じお。 日垞でも、私 たちは皆チャンスを求めおいる。䜕かの切欠に、生き抜くために、 昇進のために、そしお幞せを぀かむために。今月号は、私たちが出 䌚うチャンスに焊点を圓お、文字ず写真で衚珟しおみた。 スタッフ䞀同、この堎を借りお、我々の安定した歩みを支えお くれた党おのチャンスず倢に感謝したい。では、たた。 “最高の栄誉ずは挫折を経隓しなかったこずではない。垞に立 ち䞊がり、問題に正面から察峙しおきたこずにある。” 孔子

Cuisine Guide: The Spa Resort is one of the most respected names of health destinations in Thailand. Nestled in a small upcountry community overlooking idyllic rice paddies, the magnificent 20 acre organic farm is just up the hill from the restaurant with spectacular 360 degree panoramic views of the rural countryside.



Destination Guide: The first thing that automatically comes to mind when people think about Hua Hin is some fun in the sun. Actually, there’s more to see and experience in Hua Hin than most people would expect. This is the place where you can be greeted by tourist attractions and great activities for the whole family to enjoy together.

PUBLISHER Oriental Route Co.,Ltd. MANAGING DIRECTOR Wimolsiri Sirithamkul Irada Chansangsri ADVISOR Tussanan Palaphol EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Thanaphon Borihanthanachot Kriangkrai Koochaiyanont

Vol.6 Issue 60 July, 2012 Cover: 6 Years Anniversary Photo by: Longstay Guide Magazine

MANAGING EDITOR Arpaporn Boonsung ENGLISH EDITOR Tavee Netisingha JAPANESE EDITOR Satoru Nilsakul Tsuda Koichi ART DIRECTOR Kriangkrai Koochaiyanont


Wellness Guide: A new paradigm to holistic wellness in a natural eco-environment, Six Senses Earth Spa at Hua Hin is unlike any other spas. It is made entirely from traditional natural materials forming circular domed buildings set over 1,386 square meters of water and landscaping.

PHOTOGRAPHER Prateep Duangkaew Nopha Aroonphan SALES & MARKETING DIRECTOR Wimolsiri Sirithamkul ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE Nipaporn Thaokumkaew

ORIENTAL ROUTE Co.,Ltd. 132 Centara Duangtawan Chiang Mai G Floor. Loykroh Rd., T.Changklan A.Muang, Chiang Mai , Thailand 50100 Tel / Fax : 053-819374 Chonburi Office 9/5 9/6 Chomphon Rd., A.Sriracha Chonburi, Thailand 20100 Tel : 081-9612185, 089-7559925 E-mail : longstayguide@yahoo.com issuu.com/longstayguide_magazine Texts and images contained within are strictly copyright of Oriental Ro u t e C o . , L t d .

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Distributions: Tourism Authority of Thailand, around in-house offices and information counter at Suvarnabhumi Airport. Don Muang Airport Electronic edition: issuu.com/thailandliving www.longstayatthailand.com www.tourismthailand.org




Longstay Guide Magazine 創刊6呚幎蚘念

6 Years Anniversary In 2006 Longstay Guide Magazine was established as a monthly bilingual magazine printed in dual language of English and Japanese. The purpose was to present our readers with the simplicity of Thai lifestyle in various aspects along with contentedly living and learning about the unique tradition and culture of Siam, the ‘Land of Smile’. The path hasn’t always been smooth sailing and the rocky road of publication was somewhat discouraging at times. Still, we marched on with sheer determination, gradually evolving and learning new things along the way to better adapt ourselves to this ever changing blue planet. 2006幎、英語ず日本語2ヶ囜語の月刊誌ずしお創刊したLongstay Guide Magazineは、タむの出来事を独自の芖 点で玹介したもので、タむの人々の幞せな生掻や玠朎な芞術、文化から孊びを埗るこずがコンセプトである。ただ、 出版業界で生き延びるこずは、そう簡単ではないし、楜しいこずばかりでもない。それでも私たちは、真摯に取り 組み、この蒌い地球の倉化に察応するため、倚くの孊びを繰り返しおきた。

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All the features present to our readers for the past 6 years were dynamic in their own rights. Though the process of acquiring the information for writing each feature was sometimes met with obstacles, we seem to manage to deliver just the right story with amazing pictures for the viewing pleasure of all our readers at the beginning of every month. The following lines will take you on a journey through the 6 features that were printed from the first 2 years of our publication. It was an introduction of our identity as Thais while displaying the true essence of Longstay. 6幎間に枡り発信し続けた蚘事は倚岐に枡る。たずえ困難に遭っおも 取材した内容ず写真を毎月初旬に読者の皆様に届けおきた。以䞋にLongstayの歩み 最初の2幎間で発信した6぀の蚘事を玹介したい。タむずは、Longstayずはを感じおもらえればず思う。

Here Comes The Rain Again
 私たちの雚季 The annual rains have been falling and will continue for a couple more months which make it an ideal time to put things in order. More time spent ‘at home’ in a warm, familiar environment certainly can soothe oneself. Water brings life and this time of year, its freshness envelops everything. The nation literally changes color with plants and flowers blooming, allowing the intrepid to liven up their homes. Not surprisingly, close relationship are often built and strengthened during the rainy reason. 毎幎、数ヶ月間にわたっお続く雚季は、私たちに様々なアむデアを想像 させおくれる。ほっこりず家で過ごす時間が増え、確実に䜏み慣れた環 境に意識が向く。 氎は呜をもたらし、この季節、党おを包みリフレッシュしおくれる。青々 ず生える朚々ず咲き乱れる花々で郷土は文字通り色を倉える。自分たち の䜏凊を果敢に掻気づける。絆はしばし雚季に生たれ、雚季に匷くなる のも頷ける。






Pulling the right strings, keeps the heritage alive. 光の糞を匕き、遺産を残す Have you ever wondered which art forms could lively depict the true essence of human nature as well as represent the uniqueness of so many diverse cultures around the world? Perhaps a few have found the answer in the ancient art form of puppetry. Some historians declared the existence of puppetry as far back as thousands of years ago. Thailand’s theatrical puppetry is no less famous than those already mentioned. For over 300 years, Thai traditional theatrical performances graced world history portraying the cultural heritage of the people of Siam. Written records kept in archives along with historical events told a tale of a radiant beginning and its continuation which flourished throughout the years. The Thai puppetry is a living proof that ancestors lead a peaceful life: a life without the threat of war and conflicts. How fortunate they were to have a chance to dedicate their valuable time to refine their arts and crafts for future generations to come. How blessed they will be to inherit the invaluable qualities passed on by noble mentors whom have continued to live through each homage we honor before every performance. With all these precious virtues, how could we miss something worth savoring as Thai puppetry? How could we miss this once in a life time chance for all of us to be proud of who we really are? 芞術の圢匏が真の人間性よりはむしろ䞖界䞭の倚様な文化の独自性の象城をいきいきず描写するものだずい うこずを考えたこずがあるだろうかひょっずしたら、叀代より続く操り人圢の圢䜓に、いく぀かの答えを芋出す こずができるかもしれない。操り人圢が䜕千幎も前から既に存圚しおいたず䞻匵する歎史家もいる。タむの䌝 統挔劇は、300幎以䞊の歎史がありタむの人々の文化遺産ずしお、䞖界の歎史に光をあおおきた。公文曞にもそ の起源や継続性にスポットが圓おられ、歎史的むベントずしお䜕幎にも枡り盛んに行われおいたず蚘録されお いる。 タむの人圢劇は、争いごずや衝突もなく平和な生掻を送っお来た先祖たちの生き写しである。来るべく未来の 䞖代のために、貎重な時間を矎術工芞を極めるこずに぀ぎ蟌めるほど幞せであった。毎回䞊挔の床に互いに 敬意を払いながら、時代を生き抜いおきた貎族階玚の助蚀者達によっお䌝えられ、はかりしれないクオリティヌ を維持しおこれたこずは、ずおも恵たれおいた。これだけ垌少䟡倀のがあり、十分に鑑賞する䟡倀のあるタむの 人圢劇を芋逃すわけには行かない。私たちが生きおいるこずを誇りに思える生涯䞀床のチャンスを決しお芋過 ごすわけには行かない。

 



The Royal Project, ロむダルプロゞェクト dating back to 4 decades ago, His Majesty King Bhumiphol regularly paid visits to Phuping Palace, the winter courtyard in Chiang Mai. From there, on an excursion to the neighboring Hmong village of Doi Pui, he noticed how tribal farmers had branches of a top peach variety attached to fully grown local peach trees by means of a grafting technique. Having seen first-hand that such a small fruit could create sufficient income for the growers, the highly active monarch came up with the idea of having this plant substitute the illegal cultivation of the notorious opium crops if this peach variety could be developed to yield larger fruit. Shortly after, The King established the world’s first agricultural project to supplant opium, The Royal Project. As a destination guide, we take you to the most memorable places that must be seen and experience with your own eyes. Each destination is unique in its own way and can only be seen at certain time of the year. The Tourism Authority of Thailand has put together a list of the most UNSEEN experiences for each month of the year that can be viewed either during the day time or night time. Come take the journey through each memorable event as each month passes by. 40幎前にさかのがる。プミポン囜王陛䞋は、毎幎冬定期的にチェンマむにあるプヌピン宮殿の庭 園を蚪れおいた。そこから、隣のドむプむにあるモン族の村を蚪ねたずき、山の民が立掟に育った 土着の桃に接朚の技術を䜿い、桃の栜培品皮を増やしおいたこずを知る。最初手がけた頃は、小 さな実しか成らなかったものが、十分な収入を生む換金䜜物に成長しおいた。囜の開発に献身的 な陛䞋は、もしこの桃がより生産性の高く、倧きな果実ずなれば、かの悪名高いアヘン栜培の代替 品になるず確信する。その埌たもなく、プミポン囜王陛䞋は、䞖界で初めおの蟲業生産物によるア ヘン撲滅をサポヌトするロむダルプロゞェクトを立ち䞊げた。 珟圚、ロむダルプロゞェクトは、畜産や逊殖の分野にも研究が広がっおいる。そしお38箇所あるプ ロゞェクトの関連斜蚭の倚くは、タむ北郚に集䞭しおおり、その豊かな自然から゚コツヌリズムの 拠点にもなっおいる。宿泊も可胜である。党おのタむ囜民がロむダルプロゞェクトを支揎し、その 業瞟を誇りにしおいる理由は、プロゞェクトが基本的に非営利で行われ、麻薬撲滅や森林砎壊枛 少効果的である他、倚くの山岳少数民族の生掻改善に貢献しおいるからである。“ロむダルプロゞ ェクト”は囜民にチャンスを䞎える“父の”、そしお“囜民の”プロゞェクトである。





Lanna Textiles History and Beauty intricately entwined into a precious culture ランナヌテキスタむル 歎史ず矎が織り蟌たれた貎重な文化 Man and nature go hand in hand when it comes to using natural resources to its best usage. We see puffy pure white cotton simply spun into white untainted threads or tiny silk worms miraculously transformed into an intricate masterpiece by using local wisdom handed down from generation to generation. Through time, weavers followed certain guidelines that would distinguish identities of clans and villages but also added their individual creativity. From simplicity to complex, the process eventually produced a reflection of the weaver’s faith, diligence, personal charms of an exquisite work of art. Each priceless historic textile holds a secret to a lost Lanna Kingdom. The arts and science of weaving transcended through countless generations preserving the diversity and uniqueness of each regional cultures through delicate patterns. Thus, local regional textiles reveal a heritage of past origins, migrations, social structures, cultures, beliefs and customs. 限りある倩然資源を有効に䜿い、人間ず自然は手を取り合っお生きおきた。䞖代を超えお受け継がれおきた䌝統技術 を䜿い、ふわっず膚らんだ玔癜のコットンが、いずも簡単に汚れなき癜い糞に玡がれおいく様子、たたは小さな蚕が耇 雑な折の傑䜜に奇跡的な倉化を遂げる過皋を芳た。時を重ね、織り子たちは、䞀族や各村々で違う明確なガむドラむ ンに埓いながらも、独自の創造性を倧事にしおきた。簡単なものから耇雑なものたで、芞術䜜品には結果的に織り子 たちの信念、䞍断の努力、人間的魅力が劂実に反映される。倀段の぀けられない歎史を䌝える織物たちには、倱われ たランナヌ王囜の秘密が隠されおいるかもしれない。 アヌトず織りの技術は、粟巧な織りのパタヌンに、各地の文化の倚様性、独自性を内包し、数え切れない䞖代を超えお 䌝えられおきた。だからこそ地域の織物には、民族の起源、移䜏、瀟䌚構造、文化、慣習、信仰など貎重な遺産が芋え 隠れしおいる。


Promising Auspiciousness, 犏音を祈る As another year has fallen upon us, people worldwide have great hopes for a healthy, happy and prosperous 2009. Despite the differences in race, language and culture around the globe, all societies seem to share similar aspirations. In Thailand, a New Year’s credence abounds. Optimism is paramount as is a thorough house cleaning. Man and nature go hand in hand when it comes to using natural resources to its best usage. We see puffy pure white cotton simply spun into white untainted threads or tiny silk worms miraculously transformed into an intricate masterpiece by using local wisdom handed down from generation to generation. Through time, weavers followed certain guidelines that would distinguish identities of clans and villages but also added their individual creativity. From simplicity to complex, the process eventually produced a reflection of the weaver’s faith, diligence, personal charms of an exquisite work of art. Each priceless historic textile holds a secret to a lost Lanna Kingdom. The arts and science of weaving transcended through countless generations preserving the diversity and uniqueness of each regional cultures through delicate patterns. Thus, local regional textiles reveal a heritage of past origins, migrations, social structures, cultures, beliefs and customs.

たたこの䞀幎も良いこずがありたすようにず䞖界䞭の人々が健康や幞せ、繁栄を祈願する。䞖界 には様々な民族や蚀葉があり、文化が違うにもかかわらず、すべおの瀟䌚で犏音を祈る習慣があ るように思われる。タむでは正月は、そんな行事が沢山ある。培底的な家の掃陀では、楜芳䞻矩 は最高の匷みだ。鋭利なものを遠ざける行為は、厄介なものに耐えるこずずされおいる。呪いも たたタブヌである。仏教埒のタむ人にずっお、お寺はお正月の祝賀行事の䞭心地だ。朝早く、僧 䟶に斜しを行い、その埌、仏像に敬意を衚しお手を合わせ埳を積む行為は、幎の初めに行う倧倉 重芁な行為ずされおいる。タむ芞術の優雅さで珟圚倧倉泚目を぀めおいるバンコクの4぀のお寺 ず共に、タむの人々が䞀幎の間にこの眩いばかりの公共斜蚭をどのようにしお蚪れるのか玹介し たい。

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12 Glorious Months, 7 Solar Stars 9 Rays of Light TAT: Totally Amazing Thailand 壮麗な12の月、7぀の恒星、9぀の光線 TATトヌタリヌアメヌゞングタむランド There are many ways to find happiness. For some, it meant a good book, listening to some music perhaps and for others, it could be spending quality time with the family. Let’s take a break and journey into new frontiers with new things to see and experience. Imagine admiring the picturesque natural scenery, feeling the crisp breeze, light hazy fog, cool misty rain and warm ray of light during a brisk walk, marvel over sounds of thousands of butterfly wings fluttering all at once and emerald velvet forest decorated with blossoming multi-colored vibrant floral. It’s not a page from a fairy tale but these amazing wonders actually exist right here in Thailand. As a destination guide, we take you to the most memorable places that must be seen and experience with your own eyes. Each destination is unique in its own way and can only be seen at certain time of the year. The Tourism Authority of Thailand has put together a list of the most UNSEEN experiences for each month of the year that can be viewed either during the day time or night time. Come take the journey through each memorable event as each month passes by. 幞せを埗るには様々な方法がある。それが良い本に出䌚うこずである人もいれば、ひょ぀ずするず音楜を聎くこず、 たた、家族ず䟡倀ある時間を過ごすこずである人もいる。䞀息入れおただ知らぬ偏狭の地ぞ新しい芖野ず䜓隓を求 めお旅に出よう。早足で散歩する玠晎らしい自然の景勝地、そよ颚、光のもやがかかった霧、冷涌な霧雚、暖かい 陜光、数千もの蝶が䞀斉に矜を堎たづかせお出す驚きのサりンド、豊かな森、゚メラルド色のベルベットに圩られ る鮮やかな花々、うっずりする姿を想像しおみよう。おずぎ話のペヌゞではない、珟実にタむにあるシヌンであ る。 あなたを最高の思い出ずなる堎所ぞ案内するガむドずしおは、ぜひあなたの目で芋お䜓隓しお欲しい。各デステむネ ヌションはナニヌクで、䞀幎間にその時期にしか芳るこずのできない魅力を持っおいる。タむ政府芳光庁では、毎幎 月ごずに、ただ芋ぬ最高の経隓ず題し、倜ず昌に分け芳光地をリストアップしおいる。毎月玹介される蚘憶に残るむ ベントを䜓隓しに旅に出おみよう。







To 700 Years Stadium

To City Hall,Mae R - To The Spa Resort - To Queen Sirikit Bo To Consulate




Golf Club

To Doi Suthep / Doi Pui Hilltribe Village

Khuang Singh Market

T h e To u c h o f t h e N a t u r e

Chiangmai Zoo

Wat Ched Yod




Sririthon Rd

Flora House




Yod C

Soi Th


Post Office Counsulate Phu Come Hotel

Shopping Center








Tarin Hotel


Chiangmai Grand View Hotel


Thanin Market


Global Learning Co.,Ltd.


Chiang Mai Children's Hospital


d. we

Express Way

Soi 1

Recoment Place

Soi 2


Soi 3 Soi 5

Soi 4

Computer Center

Soi 6

Small Animal Hospital

Yesterday Soi 12

Soi 13

Soi 7 Soi 9 Soi 11

Soi 3 Soi 5

Soi 15

Soi 9

Sirimankalajarn Rd.


Chang P

Chiang Mai Ram


CMU Convention Centre

Suthep Rd.

Wat Phra Sing

Suan Dok Gate National Library

Wat Suandok

Tre Mo

Wat Pa Bong

Maharat Hospital

Tonpayom Market


an Rd


Rachamankla Hotel

Wat Ch

Rachamankha Rd.

Watanothai Payap School



Wat Umong

Jaeng Hua Rin


Samlan Rd.


Chang Puak Bus Station

Soi 11 Soi 13

Rd. CMU Art Museum


Computer Center

Pang Suan Kaew Hotel

Soi 7




p Rd

Chiangmai Orchid Hotel

Soi 1

Soi 17



ak 4


Amari Rincom Grand Hillside 5 Hotel

Think Park

Mercue Hotel



Chiangmai University

sad ise

Rail Way


Holiday Garden













St. Peter

Computer Center

Chiang Mai Dental Hospital

Suan Jaeng Buak Haad

Ku Huang

Wat Puak Hom

Fire Station

Driving Range Suanprung Gate Consulate of Chinese

Suan Prung Hospital

Condo Chiang Mai Privilege


Mahid Consulate of Japanese

Flower & Plant Market




ol Rd.



La i

Rd .

Serenity Place

Soi N







German Consulate (Located in Bann nai fan Village)

Old Chiang Mai Cultural Centre

an Mu

Driving Range Chiang Mai Immigration


P Sri

-Rimping Supermarket -Wine Connection -Daiso -CHIIDA SPA - S&P

Chiangmai International Airport

To Chiangmai Night Safari To The Master Piece















5 To Hang Dong, San Pa Tong, Chom Thong ,Hod,Doi Inthanon

To Handle Inter Freight Logistics To Nano Killer (at Kad Farang) (at Baan Tawai)





Rimping Supermarket



To Mae Joe University To Mae Jo Golf Club & Resort

t , Rawee Waree otanic Garden of Swedish

To Doi Saket To Chiangrai The Podology Center

To The Greenery Villa

Consulate of Indian

Wat Pa tan

Super Highway

Chiangmai-Phrao Rd.

Lanna Hospital


Kam Rd.

Fah Ham Rd.

Wang Sing ka m



Sri Phume

Consulate of America Prince Hotel








Consulate of Indian Wat Ket Karam Miss Chocolate Vieng Joom On Teahouse

North Wheel Rent A Car

Sompeth Market


oi R

ng M


ee Kings onument

Consulate of British

Wat Nong Pa Krang

The Gallery Good View Riverside

Rydges Warorot Market Amora Hotel The Small Hotel

Tha Ph

ae Rd


Irrigation Office

Nawarat Bridge

dusitD2 chiang mai Pornping

hedi Luang

116 Art Gallery Sanpakoi Market Shewe Wana

Tha Phae Gate Wat Pakoa

Fashion King

Love at First Bite

Loy Kroh Rd.

Wat Phrajao Meng Rai Jaeng Katam


Dr.Wong Hospital



aeng R


Iron Bridge

Panthip Plaza

Maninarakorn Ruampadh Hospital

To San Kampaeng To Baan Karnkanok 2

Rimping Supermarket S&P Red Kafe

Piccola Roma Palace Chiang Mai Plaza

Sridonchai Rd. @ TAWAN Plaza

Chiangmai Gate

Chiangmai Railway Station

Wat Sanpakoi

dusit Royal Princess

Nara Tour

d 1.

Tamarind Hotel A.U.A.

neon Rd.

Northern Industrial Centre


Yupharat School

w Na

Rimping Condominium on Ping River

Fire Station





Wat Chaisriphum

Mc Cormic Hospital

t Rd.

D.D Park Service Apartment

Dara Academy

Wat Chetuphon Prince Royal

Payap University Mae Khao Campus

Bumrung Ra

Muang Samut Market

Payap University Nawarat Campus

Rd .

Sin g g W

Ch aro en rat


Mua ng S am ut



Arcade Bus Station




a att




k na




AKA Spa Rattanakosin Bridge

wa igh

Rattanakosin Hotel

Rd. anakosin

Wat Chiangman

Consulate of Peru

H er Sup

Chiang Mai Stadium ( Sanamkila )




Wat Fa Ham

                

Phuak Gate


The Grand Napat








m ng

k isa


ang Phuak

Pattana Ch



The Steak House




jabhat University Chiangmai


Theppanya Hospital

Le Crystal Restaurant

r Eye Hospital


Consulate of France

Smith Residence

The Empress Hotel Italasia

Rd. mai-La mphun Rajavej Hospital

Wat Muang Sart Luang




roe Cha



n mphu


Nhong Hoi Market

To Sheik Istana Hotel

Montfort College

i-La ngma Chia



ol R

m ng

ng Rd






Gymkhana Golf Club


Buarawong Hotel Central Memorial Hospital




n La

Kavila Hospital


Health Care Mother Hospital


d. at R

Lanna Palace Hotel

Chang Klan Rd.

Peaks Town

To Saraphi,Lamphun,Pa Sang,Li

To Baan Karnkanok 1,4 To Alpine Golf Resort

Nara Tour Head Office

To Lamphang






Executive Interview

We are constantly bombarded by environmental pollution, man-made contaminants that cause us to lose the balance of life’s existence. To handle life’s crises in this ever-changing world, it is essential that we take time to better care for ourselves through proper exercise, paying attention to our mental and physical health, eating a well-balanced diet, making time for meditation, and having regular spa visits to revitalize and restore our balance and ability. Oasis Spa CEO, Mr.Pakin Ploypicha


Mr.Pakin Ploypicha The Philosophy of Aesthetic

パキンプロむピチャヌ 矎の哲孊 Success in business today involves many factors. It requires the integration of creative originality, the latest technological innovations, and the establishment of an insightful personnel philosophy that builds a workforce that can be molded into an organization devoted to being the best in their industry. Oasis Spa is one such organization because we have worked hard to make progress utilizing the latest advances in science and technology. The decision to follow this course led to our being presented the ICT award, which is given to organizations that have successfully utilized the latest technology in developing innovative products. However, to establish a highly successful spa business, far more than technical expertise is required. There are other important elements necessary to reaching that ultimate goal. Join us as we continue our search for the answers with a man dedicated to the Art of Aesthetics, Oasis Spa CEO, Mr. Pakin Ploypicha who will explain the creation of their new product line, KIN Spa Products. One thing that makes KIN Spa Products attractive to many people is that the products are made with natural ingredients and can easily be used in the privacy of a person’s home. The conception of KIN Spa Products is conveyed through the story of a journey made by a charming maiden who travelled to three destinations to find beauty. The path first directed her to the land of culture where she discovered the collection of products called Secret Charms. These products stand out because of their aromatic flowery scent derived from Ylang Ylang, Frangipani, Jasmine, and Gardenia. The fragrance of flowers is combined with the rejuvenating ingredients of pure sparkling gold and golden silk cocoons. Continuing her journey, she arrives at the land of civilization which is filled with large cities and extraordinary luxury. Here she discovers the sweet scent of celebration and festivity. However, she also encountered many kinds of pollutants that are damaging to skin health and beauty unless cleansed with products of the Celebration line. This collection is based on the vital ingredient coconut charcoal. Accompanied by a modern lively scent, it helps detoxify and revitalize the skin. She further journeys to the expanse of the ocean where she discovers the Ocean Breeze collection. Its primary ingredients are extracted from the sea, such as seaweed and plankton, elements that are vital for a healthy glowing skin. The fresh scent will remind users of waves and surf that leave the body feeling energized and full of vitality. The product name, KIN stands for K – kiss your body by taking expert care of your skin; I – inspiration, the key to a healthy body and mind; N – natural, every drop is nature’s best. The unique identity of Oasis Spa does not lie solely in the quality of its massage experience, although that is vitally important. Oasis goes beyond delivering a great massage by making premium service our standard modus operandi for every client. Regardless which branch of Oasis Spa a person visits, they will find a relaxing

ambience in a lovely tranquil garden with exquisite service and uniquely effective massages. Our skillful therapists are specially trained in our own massage institution, Thai Oasis School. Within these walls, we develop and perfect innovative massage techniques in harmony with the human physiology utilizing the latest science and technology. The thing that differentiates Oasis Spa from all the others is our philosophy to move constantly forward by developing evermore effective treatments, and by creating an increasingly satisfying experience for our clients. Our corporate culture integrates ethics, enthusiasm, and expertise in performing skills that bring happiness and harmony to our customers. Furthermore, we are equipped with the latest Software Spa Management System to effectively execute every business function. The ultimate result is a staff that is proficient and totally dedicated to their profession. Further updates on KIN Products and the aesthetic of spa are available at www.oasisspa.net

持続可胜経営を実斜し、成長を目差すには、創造的なアむデア、最新の科孊技術、組織内の瀟員を意欲的に仕事 ぞ向かわせるマネヌゞメント哲孊など様々な芁玠が必芁ずなる。Oasis


䌁業の1぀で、科孊技術を駆䜿しお効果的な発展を遂げた団䜓や䌁業に莈られるICT awardを受賞しおいる。スパ事業 の発展には、単にデゞタル機噚を駆䜿するだけでなく様々な芁玠が求められる。今回は、その答えを求めお、矎容業界に 魅せられた若きOasis SpaのCEO、パキンプロむピチャヌ氏にお話を聞いた。 KIN Spa Productsは、お客様がご家庭でも䜿甚できるように開発した倩然成分のプロダクツです。3぀のデスティ ネヌションを旅する矎しい女性がコンセプトです。たずは文化の町を目差すcollection、シヌクレットチャヌム。ガヌデニ ア(くちなし)の銙りに金箔ず絹が有効成分のクリヌムです。次に、シワラむ(極楜シノァの䜏居)、豪華絢爛な銖郜を目差 すのですが、途䞭、様々な毒玠にさらされるため、吞着効果の高い炭を有効成分ずしたCelebrationを䜿甚したす。我々 は党おプロダクツで最新の銙りを䜿っおいたす。次は海です。珊瑚や海草、お肌の滋逊に有効なプランクトンなど海の 恵みが䞻芁成分のocean beach。海の銙りを䜿いリフレッッシュ効果も高いプロダクツです。KINの‘K’はkiss your body でボディスキンケアを意味し、‘I’はinspirationでよりよい生掻ず健康ぞの関心を高め、‘N’ はnatural で、最埌の䞀滎た で倩然成分に拘りたした。 Oasis Spaの特城は、高いマッサヌゞの技術だけでなく、きめ现かいサヌビスにありたす。お 客様はOasis Spaのどの支店でも矎しい庭園ずリラックスした雰囲気の䞭でサヌビスが受けられたす。マッサヌゞやスパ における独自の研究機関を持ち、生理孊の基瀎に沿った我々オリゞナルの斜術の開発、技術向䞊に務めおいたす。ここ に、おごるこずなく垞に自らを磚く努力を忘れない我々の特城がありたす。我々は、仕事に察しお積極的に取り組む姿 勢を育お、そこに幞せを芋出し、楜しく仕事に取り組むこずを䌁業理念ずしおいたす。曎に、業務を円滑䞔぀効率的に実 斜するためのツヌルも揃えおいたす。Software spa management systemは、党おのビゞネスの機胜を統括するもので す。これらの党おが、瀟員をスキルアップさせ、真摯に仕事ぞ向かわせたす。最新のKIN Productの動向、スパ情報に぀い おは、りェブで。www.oasisspa.net 今日、我々の呚蟺には倩然の又は人工的な有害物質が存圚し、生掻のバランスを壊 しおいたす。運動や心身の健康察策、健康的な食事、瞑想、スパなど我々は自身のケアに目を向けるべきです。生呜に ゚ネルギヌを補充し、心身をバランスを維持しお倉わり行く䞖界の倉化に察応するために。 Oasis Spa CEO, パキンプロむピチャヌ



Destination Guide

One Memorable Day

In Hua


n i H

The first thing that automatically comes to mind when people think about Hua Hin is some fun in the sun. Actually, there’s more to see and experience in Hua Hin than most people would expect. This is the place where you can be greeted by tourist attractions and great activities for the whole family to enjoy together.


ur vibrant morning is greeted by refreshing sea breeze as we lazily walk along the beach covered with fine sparkling white sand mixed with a touch of golden brown grains. The receding waves reveal tiny “Wind Crab” (Ghost Crab) holes turning the shoreline into amusing decorative patterns. Fishing boats big and small rush ashore returning with their fresh catch of the day. It’s a sight that reflects the traditional way of life for the fishermen of today and those of the past which has become an exceptionally rare practice these days. Our first stop is at “Wat Huay Mongkol” Huay Monkol Temple to pay our respect to “Luang Pu Tuad” (The biggest replica statue of the legendary great monk). We pray for his blessings and a safe journey for all of us. We continued on to visit the famous Hua Hin Train Station. This is one of the oldest railway stations in Thailand dated as far back as over 100 years ago. Its distinctive architectural beauty is priceless in both historical value and memorable imagery.


With the surge of the sun’s heat, it was time to find the perfect shading refuge at “Plern Wan” (the most famous retro village). There, you could have a blast from the Thai past with delicious cuisine, old fashion sweets, retro fashion and lose yourself as you reminisce of the golden days of your blissful youth. As the afternoon heat subsides, what seaside trip would be complete without a dip in the clear blue ocean? Take some time to chill and let the sea breeze cool you off at the famous “Kao Ta-Kieb” (Chopstick Mountain). Or better yet, take a lazy horseback ride to marvel at the scenic wonders nature has to offer. And if that doesn’t quite satisfy your viewing pleasure and you still have plenty of energy left, we recommend you to stop by the Cicada Market open on Friday-Sunday starting at 5 p.m. on. This eclectic treasure chest is filled with assorted creative goodies that will quickly take up all the space in your suitcase. If a feast for the stomach is what you’re craving for, try the Hua Hin all night food market where you can enjoy your ice cream cone, rich Indian pancake, mounds of sweets or the freshest catch from the sea accompanied with fresh fruits and top it all off with small trinkets and souvenirs for you to adore before resting your eyes by gazing upon the bright stars in the evening sky. ホアヒンずいえば、誰もが海蟺のリゟヌトを想い浮かべるだろう。でもホアヒンの芳光 地は䜕も海だけではない。他にも様々な魅力がある。 朝、ホアヒンの浜蟺、朮颚が心地いい。 癜いきめ现かな砂のビヌチを歩いおいた。颚が穏やかになり、足元には小さなカニたち の圫った寝床が無数に広がる。倧小の持船がちょうど垰枯するずころだった。今ではあたり芋 られなくなった昔ながらの生掻颚景だ。最初の目的地はワット・ホワむモンコン。いいこずが ありたすように、旅が無事に終わりたすようにず倧きな仙人の像に手を合わせる。続いお、ホ アヒン駅で蚘念撮圱、ここは建築100幎を超えるタむ囜内でも有数の歎史ある駅。駅のシン ボルはなんずいっおもタむ様匏の駅舎である。その歎史を芋事に䌝えおいる。 倪陜の日差しが匷くなっおきたので、日陰に入り“プルヌンワヌン”で昌食をずった。レト ロな雰囲気の䞭、郷土の料理ずデザヌトに舌錓を打ったあずは買い物を楜しんだ。ここはタむ の叀き良き生掻颚景を語り継いで欲しいず創られた歎史空間である。午埌、やはりホアヒンに 来お海ぞ行かないのはず、カオタキアップの䞘を目差した。ここには銬車にのっお浜蟺を散歩 したり、䞘からの玠晎らしい景色を眺めるサヌビスがある。倕方、ただ䜙力のある人はCicada Marketぞ行こう。毎週金土日の倕方5時から、ここはお排萜なアヌトずアむデアいっぱいの 商品が䞊ぶマヌケットずなる。財垃が空になるのも忘れお買い物に倢䞭になるかもしれない。 グルメにはホアヒン、トヌルン垂堎がお勧め。アむスクリヌムやロティなどのデザヌトから掻き のいいシヌフヌド、果物も矎味しい。玠敵なお土産を手に入れたら、宿に垰り、心地よい朮颚 の䞭、星の数を数えながら眠りに぀こう。



Cuisine Guide

Radiance Restaurant A Totally Distinctive Culinary Experience レストランラディ゚ンス 党く新しい料理の提案 The restaurant has received numerous awards including “50 Best Restaurants in the World” by Restaurant Magazine and “One of Thailand’s Best Restaurants” by Tattler Magazine – Thailand. The Radiance Restaurant specializes in vegetarian, vegan and raw foods. It uses fresh fruits and vegetables from both the local village as well as the resort’s very own organic farm
right on the premises! The menu also features a wide variety of delicious, colorful and healthy dishes.

The Spa Resort Chiang Mai 165 Moo4, Huaysai Mae Rim Chiang Mai 50180, Thailand Tel. +66 (0) 5392 0888 E-mail: info@thespachiangmai.com w w w . t h e s p a r e s o r t s . n e t



eatured at this restaurant is the new sensation of “Raw Food”. A totally distinctive culinary experience
gourmet raw food dishes will surprise you with their flavor, texture, and satisfying heartiness. Not to mention the obvious health benefits: Raw Pad Thai, Raw Pizza, Vegetable Lasagna, Just Like Cheesecake, Zen of Chocolate, Raw Apple Pie, Raw Chocolate Fruit Pie, every menu is created by fresh fruits and vegetables with cooking based on unprocessed heating to keep great nutritional value and “life force” of food. Besides the Raw Food Menu, The spa Resorts also offer weekly raw food preparation classes. Pick a few dishes from our menu, and our Radiance Raw Food Chefs will teach you the secrets of preparing these delicious, healthy dishes. Classes generally last for two hours and you can take the recipes with you so you can stay healthy back at home. The Spa Resort is one of the most respected names of health destinations in Thailand. Nestled in a small upcountry community overlooking idyllic rice paddies, the magnificent 20 acre organic farm is just up the hill from the restaurant with spectacular 360 degree panoramic views of the rural countryside. “50 Best Restaurants in the World Restaurant Magazine One of Thailand’s Best Restaurants Tattler Magazine Thailand Top 10 Nutritional Focused Resorts in Asia Asia Spa Magazine”

ラディ゚ンスはレストランマガゞン「䞖界のベストレストラン50」やタむ版タットラヌ「タむのベストレストラ ン」など数々の賞を受賞しおいたす。ベゞタリアン、ビヌガン、ロヌフヌドを特城に、地元の蟲村ずリゟヌト内のオヌ ガニックファヌムで栜培された新鮮なフルヌツず野菜を䜿った矎味しいメニュヌを豊富に取り揃えおいたす。 レストランの特城はロヌフヌド。味も食感も満足床も、党く新しいロヌフヌドは驚きの䜓隓でもあり、健康 的なこずは蚀うたでもありたせん。パッタむ、ピザ、ベゞタブルラザニア、チヌズケヌキ、チョコレヌト、アップルパむ、 チョコレヌトフルヌツパむ、どれもすべおロヌフヌドにこだわり、新鮮なフルヌツず野菜を栄逊玠ず食物の“゚ネルギ ヌ”を損なわないよう加熱せずに調理しおいたす。ロヌフヌドの食事のほか、スパリゟヌトでは毎週ロヌフヌド料理教 宀を開催しおいたす。メニュヌの䞭から遞んだ矎味しい健康料理の䜜り方をラディ゚ンスでロヌフヌドを料理する シェフが2時間のコヌスでしっかり教えたす。習ったレシピを自宅でも䜜っお健康な暮らしを続けおください。 スパリゟヌトはタむでも健康になれる堎所ずしお高く評䟡されおいたす。小高い䞘に䜍眮するレストランから は矎しい田園ず20゚ヌカヌのオヌガニックファヌム、そしお目の前に広がる䞘に囲たれた牧歌的なパノラマビュヌ を䞀望するこずができたす。



Wellness Guide

Six Senses Earth Spa at Hua Hin

A Wellness Phenomenon シックス センシズ アヌス スパ ホアヒン 自然を愛するりェルネススパ

A new paradigm to holistic wellness in a natural eco-environment, Six Senses Earth Spa at Hua Hin is unlike any other spas. It is made entirely from traditional natural materials forming circular domed buildings set over 1,386 square meters of water and landscaping. The earth domes are designed with openings low to the outside water allowing refreshing sea breezes and energy current to easily enter the buildings. Openings at the top of each building conveniently prvide natural ventilation. Open daily: 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Six Senses Hua Hin 9/22 Moo 5 Paknampran Beach, Pranburi, Prachuap Khirikhan 77220 Thailand Tel. +66 (0) 32 618 200 ext. 8480 or 8483 E-mail: reservations-huahin@sixsenses.com, E-mail: admin-huahin-spa@sixsenses.com www.sixsenses.com


In balance to these elements are philosophies of traditional medicine such as Ayurveda and ancient Chinese remedies. Many of the ingredients used in the treatments are grown right at the Six Senses.


our treatment rooms with private outdoor Jacuzzi, two steam rooms, relaxing area offering fresh juices, and a serene meditation cave to find the ultimate truth, pure happiness and clarity. Earth Spa offers a comprehensive menu of exclusive treatments that focus on Skin Food – a total assurance that nothing that could not be eaten shall be put onto the skin. In balance to these elements are philosophies of traditional medicine such as Ayurveda and ancient Chinese remedies. Many of the ingredients used in the treatments are grown right at the Six Senses. These natural ingredients include rice, coconut, avocado, papaya, lime, aloe vera, pandanus leaf, lemongrass, galangal, candlenut which are all freshly harvested. Your Earth Spa Journey is designed to strengthen the mind/ body connection through the carefully created spaces of this one-of-a-kind structure. Appealing to all the senses and utilizing the powerful elements of Earth, Air, Fire and Water, time will cease to have meaning and your body’s natural healing functions will be fully stimulated.

シックス センシズ アヌス スパ ホアヒンに、ナチュラル&゚コな環境で総合的なりェルネ スを目指す新しいスタむルのスパが誕生したした。このスパは、1386平米の氎に恵たれたラン ドスケヌプにタむに䌝わる自然な玠材を䜿い、䞞いドヌム型にデザむンされおいたす。このアヌ スドヌムは氎に浮かび、垞にフレッシュな空気ず゚ネルギヌが吹き蟌むようデザむンされおい たす。各ドヌムの倩井の穎を通じお垞に自然な換気が行われおいたす。 専甚アりトドアゞャグゞヌ付きトリヌトメントルヌム4棟、スチヌムルヌム2棟、フレッシ ュゞュヌスが甚意されたリラックススペヌスを完備。瞑想ドヌムに目を閉じお座れば、晎れ枡る ような心の充足が感じられるはず。アヌススパではスキンフヌドにこだわった特別トリヌトメン トの各皮メニュヌをご甚意しおいたす。食べられないものは䜓にも䜿わない、をモットヌにアヌ ナルノェヌダや挢方など䌝統医孊の理念を基本にしおいたす。米、ココナッツ、アボガド、パパ むダ、ラむム、アロ゚、パンダナスの葉、レモングラス、ガランガ、キャンドルナッツなど、トリヌ トメントに䜿甚する玠材の倚くはリゟヌト内で栜培されおいたす。 アヌススパの぀くりだすナニヌクな空間はマむンド&ボディに゚ネルギヌを䞎えるよう デザむンされおいたす。五感に働きかけ、゚ネルギヌを生み出す土、颚、火、氎の芁玠を最倧限 に掻甚するトリヌトメントで、䜓のもずの機胜が掻性化されるのを実感しおみたせんか。



Residence Guide

Cape Panwa Hotel, Phuket A Little Bit of Paradise ケヌプ パンワ ホテル プヌケット 小さなパラダむス This private sanctuary embodies tropical luxury in one of the world’s most desirable destinations. Tucked away in a quiet corner of southeast Phuket, the hotel is renowned for its excellent service, stylish rooms and exclusive beach. Blending superbly with the natural beauty of the area, the hotel is comprised of a fine selection tastefully decorated, sea facing suites and pool villas.


ll suites strike the perfect balance between state-of-the-art, modern, resort lifestyle, complete with Wi-Fi internet access, i-Pod speakers and large flat-screen digital TVs with DVD players. Each suite offers the guest generous amounts of space to unwind and relax in. A range of features include large sea-facing balconies overlooking a lush coconut grove and the ocean beyond, an outdoor whirlpool and daybed for two, large and modern bathroom and tastefully decorated living and sleeping spaces. The hotel’s Cape Suite and the Junior Suite present magnificent views over secluded beach and turquoise ocean as well as a smaller selection of Family Suites, Cape Signature Suites, and Panwa Lodge. Moreover, the aesthetic ambience can be felt in all ideally rooms while the hotel’s conference and meeting rooms are fully equipped with audio visual equipment and Cape Panwa’s experienced and dedicated banqueting staff working for you to ensure a successful event. A part of the Cape Collection, Thailand’s premier luxury chain of Hotels and Serviced Apartments, The beach at Cape Panwa is perfect for year round swimming. Phuket’s usual south western gust of winds blowing from May until October makes the seas on the west coast quite rough. On the contrary, the serenity of the east coast, especially at Cape Panwa, calmly shelters you from the hostile aquatic force of nature.


䞖界䞭の旅行者を魅了する南囜リゟヌトをそのたた実珟した、プヌケット南 東郚の静かな岬に䜍眮するこのホテルは最高のサヌビス、おしゃれな客宀、誰に も邪魔されないプラむベヌトビヌチが魅力です。オヌシャンノュヌノィラずプヌル ノィラはもずの自然をそのたた取り入れた味わいのあるデザむンに仕䞊がっおい たす。 党宀、無料Wi-Fi、iPodスピヌカヌ、フラットスクリヌンの倧型デゞタルテレ ビ、DVDプレヌダヌを完備し、おしゃれで快適なリゟヌトラむフを提䟛したす。ど の客宀も広々ずゆったりずく぀ろいでお過ごしいただけたす。各スむヌトルヌムには ココナッツの林が連なる壮倧な海岞線を䞀望するバルコニヌずスむミングプヌル、 デむベッド、宀内には機胜的なバスルヌム、萜ち着いたむンテリアでたずめた寝宀 を完備。ケヌプスむヌトおよびゞュニアスむヌト、同様にファミリヌスむヌト、ケヌプ シグネチャヌスむヌト、パンワロッゞからプラむベヌトビヌチずタヌコむズに茝く海 が䞀望できたす。矎しい客宀のほかにも、オヌディオ機噚を完備した䌚議宀もご 甚意しおいたす。ケヌプパンワのパヌティヌ経隓豊富なスタッフがむベントのお手 䌝いをするので安心です。 タむでも屈指のホテル&サヌビスアパヌトメントのひず぀であるケヌプコレク ションのザビヌチアットケヌプパンワヌはスむミングやビヌチを楜しむリゟヌト 滞圚を䞀幎䞭ご満喫いただけたす。5月から10月たでプヌケット南西郚の西海岞は 雚季のため荒れるこずがありたすが、ケヌプパンワが䜍眮する東海岞は穏やかで 倩候も比范的安定しおいるのでお勧めです。

Cape Panwa Hotel, Phuket 27, 27/2 Mu 8, Sakdidej Road, Cape Panwa, Phuket 83000, Thailand Tel. +66 (0) 7639 1123-5 E-mail: reservations@capepanwa.com www.capepanwa.com

Tucked away in a quiet corner of southeast Phuket, the hotel is renowned for its excellent service, stylish rooms and exclusive beach.



Bird’s Nest

Pitta moluccensis Blue-winged Pitta ミナミダむロチョり


he 20 cm. long plump-breasted bird with a well-built bill is adorned with vivid colors, longish legs, and petite tail. Upperparts is forest green with bright dodger blue wing coverts and blackish outer wings displaying big white wing-patches in flight; rump violet-blue; tail black with narrow slate blue band at the tip; head black with paler buff-chestnut band above eye; throat white; under parts buff, shading to crimson on belly and flanks; legs pinkish, feet and toes yellowish; bill black; eyes dark brown. Its natural habitat is subtropical and tropical moist lowland forests. It is found in a variety of habitats to an altitude of 800 m (2500 ft), including broadleaved forests, parks and gardens as well as mangroves though it avoids dense rainforest. Behavior: it migrates at night forming loose flocks as it takes to the sky. The Blue-Winged Pitta forages by flicking fallen leaves aside with its bill to expose prey, ranging from ants or snails to large crickets. It also digs in the soil for earthworms. Pitta can be found in Thailand at the right time of the year during (May-July). Bird’s Voice: The loud call as “taew-laew taew-laew”

党長センチ、鮮やかな色圩の地衚棲の鳥。日本に 分垃するダむロチョりFairy Pittaに近瞁で、矜装も䌌おい たす。䞭囜南西郚からむンドシナ半島に分垃し、むンドネシア のスマトラ島、ボルネオ島、ゞャワ島では冬鳥です。タむでは 䜎地から海抜メヌトルたでの垞緑広葉暹林や竹林、二 次林に生息し、暹冠により日光が遮られ䞋生えが発達しない 環境を奜みたす。雌雄同色です。

枡りの時には小さな矀れを぀くるが、通垞、単独たた はペアで生掻したす。地衚を芆う萜ち葉の䞭に朜む逌を探 すために地面を匕っ掻きたわり、隠れおいるミミズや節足動 物を捕食したす。雚季の初めの月から月に繁殖のためタ むぞ枡っお来お、笹などの葉ず小枝を組み合わせた球状の巣 を暹䞊や地衚など様々な堎所に䜜り、通垞‐個の卵を産 卵したす。鳎き声はフルヌトの音色のような“u”

Reference information: Bird Guide of Thailand by Dr.Boonsong Lekagul Bird Photographer: Mr.Supachai Sungkatat Na Ayutthaya, tujazz.multiply.com Bird Advisor: Mr.Kazuhiko Okabe, okkaazbue@yahoo.com


で、声目は高い調子ずなりたす。日䞭は䞋生えの䞭などに身 を隠しおいるが、倜明けのうす明るくなっおくる頃が、森の小 道に姿を珟すダむロチョりを芋る奜機です。

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