Middle School Welcome to the early adolescence stage. This developmental age is particularly difficult, and children at
Every Child Has Access Resource Guide 8
this age require as much attention from adults as during elementary school years. Early adolescents experience physical and emotional changes, and some of them may show more interest in social interaction than their studies in school. There is peer pressure to engage in risky behaviors. At this age, it is common for them to become distant from their parents. It is critical for parents to remain supportive, continue to build a close relationship, and communicate effectively with their children. Additionally, parents should monitor students’ social media use. Adolescents have the tendency to spend too much time “plugged in.�
Keys for Success
lead 1. Keep a consistent schedule. Routines and structure to student success. 2. Get involved in organizations/activities that are educational and/or social nt is 3. Meet with a counselor to make sure the studefor high prepared for high school. Prepare the student lit expectations, some independence, and responsibi y. 4. Develop strong study habits Every Child Has Access 2019-20 Resource Guide